
独立写作Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better for older people to take risks and explore new things than younger people.综合写作水手死于铅中毒,有些人认为是罐头食品的原因。
2.当时的其他船员也都会食用这种罐头,假如真的因为罐头不可能只有这一例中毒案件3. 他们有一个净化水的系统,所有用水都是干净的,所以不可能是食物导致的。
听力反驳:1. 虽然放的时间很短,但确实那些食物是inside of cans2. 水手身体没有经过test而且light poisoning很难被识别出来3. 通过净化器的水不能用于drinking和cooking,而海水对人身体不好,所以净化器没有用。


托福独立写作真题(科技类话题)20 年后车辆会比较少:06.10.08Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In twenty years there will be fewer cars in use than there are today.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.20 年后的学生不使用纸本书籍:07.08.04Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In 20 years from now on, students will not use printed books any more.Give specific examples and reasons to support your position.替代能源:06.10.29、08.02.24Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Renewable sources of energy (sun, wind, water) will soon replace fossil fuels such as gas, oil, and coal.Give specific examples and reasons to support your position.提高能源价格才能达到节约能源的效果:07.08.11Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The best way for governments to control energy conservation is to increase the prices of gasoline and electricity.Give specific examples and reasons to support your position.花更少的时间在做饭跟准备食物:07.11.24Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People will spend less time on cooking food in 20 years.Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.科技与创造力:08.05.03、08.05.04Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Technology has made children less creative than they were in the past.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.科学家须对发现的负面影响负责:08. 11.08Do you agree or disagree with the statement?Scientists should be responsible for the negative impacts of their discoveries.Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.科技类话题范文独立写作题目:It is a waste of time to spend funds on space travel or space exploration.独立写作范文:Nowadays, an increasing number of citizens are discussing the recent launch of ShenZhou carrier rocket. While there aresome people who claim that this kind of launch is a waste of money or time because it could not bring any benefits for citizens, I hold a different opinion. From my perspective, space exploration is necessary.Admittedly, space travel or space exploration would waste a large sum of money. By spending much money on doing research regarding outer space life, government loses their focus on civil life where many people are suffering from starvation, air pollution and epidemics. Under this circumstance, there is no doubt that people would complain about government’s aloft behaviors. However,if viewing from a different angle, space exploration is a long time investment. Never should we expect the journey would bring immediate economic returns to the country. In this case, space travel and space exploration is quite helpful for the country.To begin with, space exploration might bring benefits for us to search for new energy resource. That is to say, other planets may be rich in certain kinds of resources that are in great shortage on the earth. According to the report released after the exploration to the Mars, the officials from NASA confirms that Mars contains a great volume of natural gas and iron. Moreover, engineers have also noticed that these resources on the planet are able to explore, and if they could solve the problem of long time transportation, these resources could be used on the earth. Consequently, the use of natural gas will not consume burning of petroleum and make our planet a better place to live in.In addition, space exploration aims to improve level of technology. In other words, it is the development of advanced technology that makes it possible to explore the outer space. It is usually the case that without the technology of launchingsatellite into the space, it is impossible for people to conduct research. As a result, scientists have to improved their knowledge in related areas so that they could guarantee the launch of these rockets, as well as satellites. Meanwhile, to ensure astronauts’ safety in the outer space, scientists have to repeated work on their suits in order to keep astronauts away from radioactivity. Also, to fill with enough oxygen, scientists have to run encapsulation tests again and again. Only if these equipment are guaranteed can astronauts be safely working in the outer space.To sum up, the seemly useless space exploration would cost a large sum of money; however, this space activity could still bring benefits in both new energy searching and technology improvement.托福写作28分备考经验1、有效句式何谓有效?就是地道地、有效率地、简洁地表达出意思。

托福写作科技类官方范文分析多看一些别人的优秀范文,学习别人遣词造句的方法和写作思维可以提高我们自己的写作水平,下面小编给大家托福写作科技类官方范文分析,望喜欢!ETS官方托福作文满分范文:科技改变世界1These are several viewpoints on the implications of technological change and advancement and such schools of thought which considerably vary have their respective validity. Technological change has its advantages and disadvantages. For one, it is true that it partly solves problems and makes life better. At the same time, technological changes may likely create new problems thereby threatening or damaging quality of life. In the developing economies, for instance,technological advantages has both its merits and demerits. The introduction and seeming acceptability and usefulness of computers have somehow helped increase the efficiency of several firms. It is not only in the industrial sector that technological change proven to be very effective. In the agricultural sector, for example, the introduction of new technologies in increasing production has been very effective in expanding agricultural produce. These are just a fewexamples to illustrate the advantages of technological advancement.On the other hand, countries should be more careful on their choice of technology since it must be noted that while certain types of technology are adaptable to developed economies the same type of technology may not fit the environment of developing countries due to differing economic,social, cultural, and political factors. For example, infrastructure improvements such as a construction of irrigation dam in the mountains of thePhilippines where several natives reside may likely be resisted by the population due to cultural factors. They may prefer not to have such improvements in view of traditional values. Another example is the pollution impact of some technological improvements particularly in the industrial sectors.The choice and adaptability of new technology should therefore be carefully studied. The short, medium, and long term impact of such technology is very important particularly for developing economies. The benefits should always be greater than the costs.I am inclined to support both positions because both views have their own validity. However, I am more convinced that technological advancement is beneficial to countries so long as they are aware of the disadvantages of such technology.ETS官方托福作文满分范文:科技改变世界2Nowadays,we are in an age of technological revolutions. Many conveniences have been brought to us by technology and science. I agree with the statement that technology has made the world abetter place to live. The reasons and examples are chiefly as follows:The developments of compudters and internet have improved our life styles dramatically. Computers have changed our traditional ways of reading and writing, which bring us great convenience. The combanation of computers and internet has made our living quite different from before. Elecotronic mail is a useful example: computer users can communicate with one another across the globe. Electronic mail is particularly beneficial for language students. Learners can enjoy language exchange with native speakers through electronic mail.Another good example is the invention of automobiles.Actually automobiles have been an integral part of every industrial economy. Many people use an automobile to get to work, many others - trademan, salesman, taxi drivers, police men - use automobiles as part of their work. On a larger scale, car production is possibly the most important element of national industrial performance. All in all, it is incrediable to imagine a mordern world will be like without anutomobiles.Likewise, international jet transport has had some revolutioanry effects on our lifestyles.Beacause the high speed and relatively low costs of this type of travel, it has changed the way people look at the world. Today the world is much smaller than it was in the past.Adimittedly, technological advances also caused so unpleasant effects such as pollution of automobile exhaust fumes, and noise of transport vechiels. But as people have realized those problems and are trying to find ways to solve them, on the whole, I believe thatn thechnology has made the world a better place to live.ETS官方托福作文满分范文:科技改变世界3Standing at the turn of the new century, we observe the twentieth century as a great advance in technology. With those advances, human lives have changed dramatically. In some ways, life is worse, but mostly, it is better. So personaly speaking, I am, and probably will always be, one of those who agree with the idea that technology has made the world a better place to live.First of all, technology has brought with it a more comfortable life. Not only do we use aircondition and heating system during the summer and winter, but also do we take many changes in food preparation methods to make so delicious food. Due to the development of architecture and so on, livingconditions are greatly improved nowadays.Besides, the world is now more convenient to live. We can travel around by aeroplane and railway network. We can talk to each other faraway by telephone. Several score years ago, it was even daydreaming that we could today obtain information as well as commodities via Internet. The last but not the least, through the process of technology improvement, people begin to realize the fact that only reconciling with the nature can we keep a continuous development. That is why we today pay so much attention to environmental protection. Many factories have achieved economic growth without pollution under certain new technology. These cities are beginning to be very beautiful places to live in.Instances of the same sort can be multiplied indefinitely. When taking into account all these merits we may safely arrive at the conclusion that advantages of technology outweigh any disadvantage it may bring to our lives. Though I must admit that people sometimes invent some things that threaten the lives of themselves, no one can ignore the additional convenience and satisfaction offered by technology, and just with such experience the human being forge ahead swiftly to the future.ETS官方托福作文满分范文:科技改变世界4With the development of technology, there have been a lot of changes to our life. Admittedly, some of these changes are bad, causing many environmental and social problems. However, most of these changes contribute to making our life more convenient, more comfortable and more wonderful.First of all, due to the improvement of technology, people can enjoy more convenience than ever. For example, it only takes travelers or businessmen several hours to go to othercountries by jet plane, which makes the world seem to be much smaller. With the help of Internet, people at different corners of the world can communicate with significantly high speed and low cost. It is technology that has cleared away the barriers that once prevented people from leading a convenient life.Secondly, technology has made our life as comfortable as we can imagine. Sitting in air- conditioned rooms, people do not have to suffer the extremely cold or hot weather any more. Whatever vegetable or fruit we want to eat, we can always find it in a supermarket without worrying about the season. We can also go to work in a place far away from our homes by using automobiles or public transportation tools.In addition, technology provides us many choices to spend our spare time. Listening to music by using an MD, MP3 or walkman, surfing the internet or watching digital movies, all of these entertainments make our life wonderful. In conclusion, although technology has brought about some problems, such as air pollution caused by increasing automobiles, ethnic problems caused by cloning human beings, the benefits of technology far outweigh its bad influences. So it is safe to say that technology has made the world a better place to live.ETS官方托福作文满分范文:科技改变世界5Whether technology has made the world a better place to live is a prevalent topic undergoing serioius debate. After pondering it from several aspects, I totally agree it is true that technology has made the world a better place to live. This I support with the following reasons As we know, firstly technology can help people to live a longer life. A small example can give some light to this point. At the stone age, our ancestors’ averag e age is about 25. Due to the developmentof medical technology, now people’s average age is two or three times of that time. Another reason why I prefer to this choice lies in the fact that technology ameliorate the environment in which people living in. for example, thousand of yeas ago people lived in caves, which are cold in winter and hot in summer. With using Architectural technology, people build up houses, skyscrapers. Living in them, people enjoy the comfortable lives without worrying about the whether it is hot,cold or rainy outside.Finally I want to mention that technology has bring our lives more and more convenience. For instance, many people like music, classic music or pop music. At the beginning, people must go to the theater whenever he wanted to hear a song..Today, by using great technologies, walkman and discman are supplied for the music fans. Then they can enjoy their favorite songs anywhere andanytime.From what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that technology has made the world a better place to live.。

为大家整理了2021年3月27日托福写作考试参考答案,来看一下吧!综合写作:阅读——英国cottage生产由家庭小作坊模式转变到工厂的3个原因:1. new technology:新机器的出现,新机械只有工厂能用。
2. property right:法律保护,物质产权。
3. factory can reduce transportation cost 运输费减少降低成本,工厂生产不用那么多运输费。
听力——反对1. 新机器组装简单,新技术在转变前就已经使用机器,如蒸汽机,不一定只有在工厂才能使用。
2. 加强私有资产保护其他地方也加强了私有资产保护,如荷兰。
3. 总费用不一定减少。
独立写作:Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child(5-10 years old)?1. being helpful。
2. Being honest。
3. Being well organized。
选择观点:being helpful。
剑桥雅思真题5 小作文范文

剑桥雅思真题5 小作文范文In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the impact of technology on people's social lives. Some argue that technology has brought people closer together, while others believe it has led to increased social isolation. In this essay, I will explore both perspectives and provide my own opinion on this issue.On the one hand, technology has undoubtedly made it easier for people to stay connected with each other. With the rise of social media platforms and messaging apps, it has become effortless to communicate with friends and family, regardless of geographical distance. This has allowed people to maintain relationships that would have otherwise been difficult to sustain. Additionally, technology has enabled the creation of online communities and support groups, providing a sense of belonging for individuals who may feel isolated in their offline lives.On the other hand, there is a growing concern that technology has led to increased social isolation. With the prevalence of smartphones and other digital devices, many people find themselves constantly immersed in virtual interactions, often at the expense of real-life connections. This has led to a decline in face-to-face communication and a lack of meaningful social interactions. Furthermore, the rise of social media has been associated with feelings of loneliness and low self-esteem, as people compare their lives to the curated and often unrealistic portrayals of others online.In my opinion, while technology has undoubtedly facilitated connections in some ways, it has also contributed to increased social isolation in many cases. It is essential to strike a balance between the benefits of technology and the need for genuine human connections. While it is convenient to communicate with others through digital means, it is equally important to prioritize in-personinteractions and cultivate meaningful relationships offline.Moreover, it is crucial for individuals to be mindful of their technology usage and its impact on their social lives. Setting boundaries and taking regular breaks from digital devices can help foster a healthier balance between online and offline interactions. Additionally, seeking out opportunities for face-to-face communication and engaging in activities that promote social connections can help mitigate the negative effects of technology on social isolation.In conclusion, the impact of technology on people's social lives is a complex and multifaceted issue. While it has undoubtedly facilitated connections in some ways, it has also contributed to increased social isolation in many cases. It is essential for individuals to be mindful of their technology usage and prioritize genuine human connections to foster a healthy and fulfilling social life.。

新托福综合写作真题完整解析分享托福综合写作原文:Throughout the Greek islands, archaeologists have found over 200 plate-sized ceramic disks dating to about 2000 to 3000 B.C.E. The disks are typically decorated on one side, while the other side is undecorated and has a raised edge that creates a shallow basin. They usually also have short handles. Archaeologists are still unclear about what the objects were used for. Three theories about their function have been proposed.Pans for Cooking FoodSome archaeologists believe that the objects were used for cooking food. These archaeologists believe that food was placed on the undecorated side and that the raised edge on that side prevented the food from falling out of the pan. The handle would have made it easier and safer to remove the pan from a cooking fire or oven.DrumsOther archaeologists believe that the objects were drums for making sounds. These archaeologists point out that animal skins could have been stretched over the side with the raised edge, creating an air chamber that would have amplified sound when the animal skin was struck. According to this theory, the person doing the drumming would hold the drum by the handle with one hand and strike the skin with the other hand.MirrorsYet other archaeologists believe that the objects were a kind of ancient mirror. Although the objects are not made of a reflective material, they could have been used to create a reflection by pouring a liquid, such as olive oil, into the shallow basin with the raised edge. Supporters of this theory point out that the decorations found on the ceramic disks are similar to decorations found on hand-held metal mirrors made in ancient Greece.Directions: You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.阅读:出土了一种用陶土做的disk,一面有花纹,一面没花纹。


雅思16tes4作文The topic of technology and its impact on society is a complex andmultifaceted issue that has garnered significant attention in recent years. As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented rate, it has becomeincreasingly intertwined with various aspects of our daily lives, from communication and entertainment to education and work. This has led to a widerange of perspectives and opinions surrounding the topic, with some lauding the benefits of technological advancements while others express concerns about its drawbacks. In this essay, I will delve into the historical background and development of technology, analyze different perspectives, provide case studiesand examples, offer a critical evaluation, and conclude with future implications and recommendations related to the title.The historical background of technology can be traced back to the early developments of tools and machines by ancient civilizations. From the invention of the wheel to the discovery of electricity, human history has been marked by significant technological advancements that have revolutionized the way we live, work, and interact with one another. The Industrial Revolution, for example, brought about unprecedented changes in manufacturing and transportation, pavingthe way for the modern technological era. As technology continued to evolve, the20th century saw the advent of computers, the internet, and mobile devices,further shaping the way we communicate and access information.From a positive perspective, technology has undoubtedly brought about numerous benefits to society. It has facilitated global communication and collaboration, allowing people from different parts of the world to connect and share ideas. It has also revolutionized industries such as healthcare, transportation, and finance, leading to increased efficiency and improved quality of life. In education, technology has opened up new avenues for learning and skill development, making knowledge more accessible and personalized. Additionally, technological advancements have led to the development of innovative solutions for environmental and social challenges, offering hope for a sustainable future.However, alongside these benefits, there are also concerns about the impact of technology on society. One of the most pressing issues is the potential for technology to exacerbate inequality, both in terms of access to resources and opportunities. The digital divide, for example, refers to the gap between those who have access to technology and those who do not, which can further perpetuate social and economic disparities. Furthermore, the pervasive use of technology has raised concerns about privacy and data security, as well as the potential for addiction and mental health issues related to excessive screen time. The rise of automation and artificial intelligence also poses challenges to the future of work, with potential implications for job displacement and economic stability.To illustrate these points, let us consider the case study of social media and its impact on society. While social media platforms have enabled people to connect and share information on a global scale, they have also been associated withissues such as cyberbullying, misinformation, and the erosion of privacy. The Cambridge Analytica scandal, for instance, revealed how personal data frommillions of Facebook users was harvested without their consent for political purposes, raising serious ethical and regulatory concerns. Additionally, the addictive nature of social media has been linked to negative effects on mental health, particularly among young people who are constantly exposed to curated and often unrealistic portrayals of others' lives.In evaluating the topic of technology and its impact on society, it is important to recognize that there are no easy answers or one-size-fits-all solutions. While technology has the potential to bring about significant positive change, it also presents complex challenges that require careful consideration and ethical decision-making. As we look towards the future, it is essential toprioritize the responsible and inclusive development of technology, ensuring thatit serves the collective good and addresses the needs of diverse communities. This may involve implementing policies and regulations that safeguard privacy and promote digital literacy, as well as fostering a culture of ethical innovation and collaboration.In conclusion, the relationship between technology and society is a dynamic and evolving one that encompasses a wide range of perspectives and considerations. While technology has undoubtedly brought about significant benefits, it also raises important ethical, social, and economic questions that require thoughtful engagement and dialogue. By critically evaluating the impact of technology and considering its future implications, we can work towards harnessing its potential for positive change while mitigating its potential drawbacks. Ultimately, the responsible integration of technology into society requires a holistic and inclusive approach that prioritizes the well-being and empowerment of all individuals.。

综合写作探测火星,飞船在赤道着陆好还是极地着陆更好?阅读:1.赤道温度适宜,极地太冷2.赤道的自转速度可以作为动力能源利于发射3.赤道的阳光可以看清surface听力反驳:1.重要的不是温度而是温度变化,出道的温度变化大对器材有害2.极地可以用当地的冰融化的水是fuel3.阳光太足有害眼睛,极地可以做ice shell保护独立写作与2017年11月4日的题目相似!High school teachers (teachers of students ages 14-18)spend most of class time lecturing (speaking)while the students listen and take notes. Other high school teachers spend most of class time on discussion and projects that students are highly involved in and exchange their ideas. Which of these two approaches do you think is more effective for student learning and why?立场:discussion and projects- students involved in and exchange ideas好1-知识理解深刻:经过分享和讨论会主动去思考知识点,14-18岁的高中生融入自己的理解,这样对知识的理解更加深刻,但是老师一直只灌输成年人的理论知识让学生更加匪夷所思;2-增加学习兴趣:在课上学生可以自由讨论,对于14-16岁的学生来说,轻松的上课氛围,在一个自由的氛围中会非常有兴趣和别人分享意见;但是一味听老师讲会让这些teenagers感到很无趣;3-加强课堂效率:14-16岁的孩子更愿意和同龄人讨论,这样老师更加能看出上课学生们是否真正理解知识点,而光老师是讲解无法知道学生的接受情况;。

30分作文赏析:1) Does modern technology help students learn more information and learn it more quickly?Marvelous as it looks at first sight, modern technology does not help students learn information at a greater speed and with higher efficiency in most cases; or it could work towards the oppositedirection which led students to lose their initiative to learn and explore.First of all, one property of modern technology is latently harmful to any learning mind – it distracts. One thing we feel about when we are searching for information online is that the internet, as an outstanding example of modern technology and even regarded as the innovator of education, provides us with not only relevant results to make use of, but also external links to click. More than once I turned on my computer to check school library for resources, but ended up watching Youtube videos. In this case, computer as a representative of modern technology plays a negative role in learning information. We do acquire more information with the convenient tool, yet most of them are irrelevant and in the end procrastinating would lower our learning.Also, students would easily become disoriented in the huge sea of information. Although modern technology could equip us with easy access to information, the huge amount of resources would actually leave us discombobulated. Therefore, it is only we possess information more quickly rather than we learn it more quickly. An illustrating example is my experience with a HK digital library which stores almost all thebooks I desire. At first I enjoyed downloading them from the database, however, one month later I ended up with hundreds of books stored in my hardware yet none of them finished or ever clicked.Furthermore, modern technology gives students an illusion that information and real knowledge is easy to learn – just by clicking mouse or watching videos. But in fact this forms only the first step towards useful information and effective learning, as learning of any kind requires full concentration and interactive thinking, which are almost absent in the pocess of populare-learning experience.To summarize, modern technology does not help students learn more information and learn it more quickly, though it does make access to information and resources much more easily. The popular e-learning still lacks the concentration, depth, and interaction that are the hallmark of traditional ways of educating and learning.2)我们生活的时代比父辈们年轻时生活的时代更好还是更坏?It seems that people always have a desire to compare: am I prettier than others? Are we living in a better age? Or, as the question goes, is our life easier and more enjoyable than it was several decades ago? I would say no, as I have witnessed the struggle and paradox of our generation.First of all, we are now living in an age of revolution with no previous human experience that could be referred to. Living in such a fast-changing world would not be easy and comfortable at all; witheverything keeps changing, everyone has to move fast in order to catch up with the majority. However, people were much more stable and care-free when our grandparents were children; they did not have to learn a second language in order to get a better job, or read a lot in order to get informed. Yet in our age, these are supposed to be theresponsibility of young people.Another discomfort of our age is that we are experiencing interpersonal alienation. With the development of communication technology, people in fact become alienated with friends and relatives since they could be so easilyaccessed via phone or email. Too often we feel that few of our friends are true friends, without the traditional feeling of mutual affection which could only be created by longtime apart. But several decades ago, people treasured their friends and maintained relatively close interpersonal relations, which is much more enjoyable than the estrangements we are experiencing.The last factor that has made our age so uncomfortable is the abusive use of technology. Although it brings much convenience, it essentially changes human – we are no longer the master of tools, but instead the slaves of devices. We rush to metro station in order to catch an early train, sit in front of radioactive computers all day long in order to get our work done, and stay in air-conditioned rooms all summer without experiencing the natural changes outside thick cement walls. Several decades ago, people could still live closer to nature and make rational use of modern technology, which to me is the essence of human living experience.However, the comparison between different times is itself ridiculous. The criteria could not be easily determined, and opinions are highly personal. Anyway, we have a longer life span, more advanced medical facilities, and easier traffic than our grandparent when they were children, and we shouldtreasure the present experience. Imagination of the past might only be nostalgia – if I ask my grandparents the same question, they might as well say that our life is much better than the past generations. Who knows? As long as the world is still peaceful, life at any time would not become too difficult to handle.3) Most advertisements make products much better than they really are.I strongly agree to the statement that most advertisements makes the products presented much better than they really are, and points below supports my idea.An essential reason concerns the nature of advertising –advertisers, in most cases, would only make products seem better than they really are, not the other way around. Since the ultimate aim of advertising is to persuade people into buying something, and people would natually be attracted by something that is desirable rather than repellent, advertisements are certainly made to display a moreattractive image of products. Therefore, customers would first be graviated towards the virtual product that is somewhat dishonestly pictured by advertisers, then desire to own it, and eventually purchase it. In this way, the desire of consumers is satisfied, the purpose of production achieved, and the advertising process completed.But the norm that a “good” product is advertised as a “better” one is often challenged or even reversed – that is, unscrupulous businessmen make use of advertising to sell inferior products, which raises a moral question. For example, my mother was once attracted by a commercial of a encyclopedia which was claimed to be the one and only complete version of several ancient Chinese documents. She rushed to the shop and bought this “limited version” at a eye-popping price, and regarded it as one of the most precious things in our house. However, a few months later she found the same version was sold in bulk at another shop at an unbelievably low price, which annoyed her for quite a long time. We can learn from the experience that we should not always trust the advertisements that are apparently exaggerating products, and keep alert in the swarm of television commercials.However, the notion that “advertisement always make us disappointed” sometimes re sults from consumers’ unrealistic expectation of products. Advertising easily makes people to imagine “perfect” products which are not realistic at all, but consumers would rather keep this unreasonable hope. Then they would be inevitably disappointed by the actual products which cannot be so perfect, and attribute the cause to advertising. But it is actually the unrealistic expectation that eclipses any product, because a perfect image isabsolutely subjective and could not even be realized. For example, I once signed up for a group tour toLantaoIslandinHong Kong, being attracted by the beautiful landscape pictures posted in the advertisements. But later on in the journey I was disappointed because actual scenery was never as attractive as what I had expected to see.Therefore, an unrealistic expectation is to be avoided in making any buying decision.In conclusion, advertisements do make products seem much better than they really are, as a result of commercial propaganda and our unrealistic hope imposed on products. A better solution would be that both consumers and sellers keep a more realistic point of view, and avoid unreasonable selling or buying behavior.4) Does technology make children less creative than in the past?Are our kids becoming lazier and less creative, less imaginable than before as a consequence of highly advanced technology? My answer is no, and just the opposite, technology has apparently assisted our kids to become more creative.First and foremost, technology has provided children with easy access to scientific and liberal art resources which is their best source of inspiration. For example, children could now easily gain access to academic databases through iPad screen, read classical works on Kindle, or watch historic documents on Internet. These great works are essentially helpful to arousing their curiosity and prepares them with key knowledge necessary for any creation. However, these wonderful equipments and facilities are never as handy in the past, when kids could only reach limited resources in public libraries or schools. In this sense, technology has provided the possibility for children to be more creative.Second, technology has equipped children with professional apparatus which could finally realize their imagination. This takes formparticularly as computer softwares and applications, such as Photoshop for creative graphic design, Overture for easily composing a piece of music, 3DMax for building up a virtual world, etc.. All the software were never as handy as they are at present, and this would absolutely provides our children an effective tool for realizing their creativity.Third, technology itself is a market place where creative ideas are economically encouraged. Steve Jobs earned millions of dollars a yearfor his unparallel creation, and Mark Zuckberg gained his reputation for the genius social network. Therefore, technology has provided children the internal motive to develop their creativity.However, it is undeniable that technology might make children become lazier and be comfortable with what is already available because everything are so convenient nowadays and there seems to be no way to improve them. Children lost in pc games or blindly pursuing every single piece of tech apparatus is a relevant example. Thus, it is always necessary to keep children’s mind active in the marvelous world of technology.In a nutshell, I still regard children as becoming increasingly creative in technology development, although it might bring minor side effect. As along as we keep a balanced mood on children enjoying thefruit of technology, they are sure to contribute more to innovation than in the past.5)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The teachers should be paid according to how well the students perform.Teachers should in part be responsible of the students’ school performance, yet I disagree to the statement that the teachers should be paid according to the students’ performance on several grounds.The statement itself underlies a serious mistake – the verypurpose of teaching and schooling, and education on a bigger scale, is better performance of all students. Common sense informs me that education, and teachers’ responsibility in particular, should be intended to buildi ng up students’ confidence in exploring and discovering unknown respects as well as specific skills required to accomplish that. Such standard is often broad and abstract in contrastto the narrowness and rigidity of the criterion –students’ performance.I f teachers’ salary is determined by the students’ performance, this hint would destroy the long-term function of schooling and education since the system is short-sightedly targeted at improving students’ performance.Another thing to be worried about the statement is that, ifactually carried out, both teachers and students would be cast into the irrational pursuit for performance thus results in serious problems. For example, a teacher evaluated in this way is immediately forced to make the decision: to push her class toward the best performance or at least better than the worst-performingclass, and show preference to students who perform well. Such measures might be incentives for a better grade, but the teacher and the students would lose their original motivation in schooling as performance becomes the one and only purpose. Also, consequent competition among students would place heavy pressure on every student,and the ones who do not perform well would be neglected by the teacher and fall into upset. Considering all the disastrous effect such measure could incur, it is obvious that teachers should not be paid on the basis of students’ performance.A more realistic and rational criterion to value teachers’ work (and therefore decide their salary) should include factors such as comprehensive developments of students, teachers’ own capacity to cultivate and educate, and parents’ feedback. Yet my disagreement does not suggest that students’ performance should be abandoned but rather included along with other indispensa ble factors in evaluating teachers’ work, since school report is still among most parents’ top concerns and students have to use it as anchor when applying for further studies. Also, it is reasonable that teachers who can enhance students’ performance shou ld be paid better, as the measure would moderately motivate teachers to work hard.In a nutshell, I object to the idea that the teachers should be paid on the basis of the students’ performance, but should instead be evaluated on a medley of comprehensive quatatives which agrees with the purpose of education and schooling as well as encourages their effort toward more satisfying learning experience.。
英语考试作文-托福写作task2科技类 Technology makes people’s life simpler than before.

英语考试作文托福写作task2科技类 Technology makes people’s life simpler than before.托福写作task2科技类是托福独立写作的一大热门考察话题,也是很多考生感到难以下笔的一类话题,下面我们就结合一道托福写作task2真题,给大家从便利性、功能性和生产力这三个角度拓展一下科技类话题的托福独立写作思路,大家可以在借鉴经验的基础上,做好练习总结,以后遇到托福写作task2科技类话题的时候自然能够迎刃而解,轻松应对。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Technology makes people’s life simpler than before.技术日新月异,我们现在对技术的依赖已经超越历史上的任何时候。
这道题目的重点是对“simple life”进行界定。
Function 1: Convenience毋庸置疑(undoubtedly),技术让人生活更加便利(convenient)和高效(efficient)了。
Sample sentences:1. Undoubtedly, technology makes people’s lives highly convenient and efficient, for instance, we can get anywhere within several hours.2. However, technology brings about some troublesome for us as well, because we need to learn new technologies quickly and continually.Function 2: Facilitate技术使人们生活更轻松的另一表现在于它可以辅助生活和工作的方方面面,比如教育,医疗和商业。

2019 年 8 月 10 日托福考试真题解析作为托福改版后的首场大陆考试,上周六的这场考试可以说是新版本的风向标了,很多考生都觉得难哭了。
2019 年 8 月 10 日托福考试写作真题回顾一、2019年8月10日托福考试综合写作阅读:The Everglades的生态系统面临着三个严重的问题。
阅读:The Everglades这个地区生态系统的三个问题1.外来物种入侵(the spread of invasive animals)2.水资源减少引起干枯(drying)3.high levels of mercury 对物种造成损害听力:解决阅读提出的三个问题1.限制农民使用造成入侵animals大规模生长的肥料(肥料给invasive animals提供了nutrients)。
2.减少造成水量减少的water channels(以前这个地区经常有洪水,water channels是为了用来排水)。
参考范文:The lectur e raises three solutions to the Everglades’ ecosystem problems in the reading passage.First, the reading points out that the Everglades is faced with the spread of invasive animals. Nevertheless, the listening addresses this concern by offering a solution, which is to restrict farmers to use fertilizers. This is because fertilizers provide invasive species with nutrients, and are seemed to be the culprit of making them spread on a large scale. Hence, keeping the usage of fertilizers on a tight rein makes sense.Second, while the reading contends that the decline in water resource and the subsequent drying issue is quite alarming in the Everglades, the lecture claims that it can be tackled by decreasing the number of water channels, which were used to drain flood water because the flood damage was serious. However, considering less water in this region now, these water channels should be reduced.Third, despite the concern from the reading that high levels of mercury pose threats to species in this area, the lecture argues that we can use coal with lower levels of mercury to deal with this problem.二、2019年8月10日托福考试独立写作(重复2017年10月29日真题)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: A university should offer students a public speaking course and require all students to take this course to graduate. Give specific examples and details to support your answer.话题分类:教育类解题思路:利弊类题目,将自己的观点写清楚、写完整、写地道即可参考范文:It is my conviction that a public speaking course ought to be set as a must-have one for all university students before they graduate.At first glance, requiring every student facing his/her graduation to attend this course will increase their burden. It does not take a leap of the imagination to see how busy students who will graduate soon are. They have a lot to cope with, ranging from their academic tasks, like writing papers, to their preparation for a job, such as working as an intern. In this case, an additional course perhaps will be the last straw, considering that taking this course may be time-consuming and distracting for students at this turning point. In other words, they have to devoteextra time and energy to learning public speaking, which explains why some may blame this course for students’ excessive pressure.A closer look, however, suggests that attending the public speaking course effectively paves the way for students’ future career. Today, it is not uncommon that in the work place, many people’s career is be deviled by lacking skills ofeffectively expressing themselves, which adversely affects their work performance and dents their confidence. Worse still, for the same reason, some may even have difficulty in seeking employment. It justifies why the public speaking course is a boon to students, and why it is never premature to arm college students for job interviews or securing a place in the intense competition. Apparently, in the public speaking course, students can master tactics of making their voice heard; meanwhile, timid ones have opportunities to challenge themselves by speaking in public, which may encourage them to break through their reserve. To illustrate, I used to be a coward when it comes to giving my opinion, let alone a public speech. However, this is no longer the case since I attended a public speaking course in my college life, which did quell my fear of expressing myself in front of many people, thus making me self-assured and further enabling me to perform outstandingly in the job interview. Moreover, what we have learned in this course will continue to work when we expect to climb up to the top of our profession. This is because someone adept at delivering a speech publicly may attract more attention and gain more opportunities. Therefore, if the university makes the public speaking coursecompulsory, it will contribute to students’ competitive edge in the cut-throat competition.Conclusively, the importance of public speaking cannot be overstated, and requiring all to take the public speaking course before their graduation from college is advisable.2019 年 8 月 10 日托福考试口语真题回顾去掉了之前的Task1和Task5,现在的Task1直接就是是否同意的二选一题目。

【第13期】雅思大作文8分范文中英对照及关键语句汇总本期Topic1.Advances in technology, including automation and artificial intelligence, are changing the job market. To what extent do you believe that these technological changes will lead to job displacement, and what strategies can be employed to ensure a smooth transition for the workforce?技术的进步,包括自动化和人工智能,正在改变就业市场。
你认为这些技术变革在多大程度上将导致失业,可以采取哪些策略来确保劳动力顺利过渡?2.Music and the arts are important for a well-rounded education, but they are often underfunded in schools. To what extent do you agree that the inclusion of music and arts education should be a priority in the curriculum, and what benefits can such education bring to students?音乐和艺术对于全面教育至关重要,但它们在学校中往往缺乏资金支持。
你认为将音乐和艺术教育纳入课程应该是一项优先事项,在多大程度上应该是如此,这样的教育可以为学生带来哪些益处?3.The prevalence of technology and the constant use of smartphones have raised concerns about social isolation. To what extent do you agree that technology has contributed to people becoming more socially disconnected, and what steps can individuals take to foster more meaningful human interactions?科技的普及和不断使用智能手机引发了有关社会隔离的担忧。

1. 第一篇文章2024年托福考试写作真题的第一篇文章是关于人工智能对社会和工作的影响。
2. 第二篇文章托福考试写作2024年真题的第二篇文章是关于学生是否应该兼职工作的问题。
3. 第三篇文章托福考试写作2024年真题的第三篇文章是关于环保问题的。
4. 第四篇文章托福考试写作2024年真题的第四篇文章是关于城市化对农村地区的影响。

【题目一】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should spend more time interacting with nature. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.这个题目是要求对“人们应该花更多时间与大自然互动”这一论点发表观点,并给出理由和例子来支持自己的论述。
【题目二】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to have a small number of close friends than a large number of casual acquaintances. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.这个题目是要求对“拥有少数亲密朋友比拥有大量的泛泛之交更好”这一说法发表观点,并给出理由和例子来支持自己的论述。

托福科技类作文In today's world, technology is like that super clingy friend that's always around. It has invaded every nook and cranny of our lives, and boy, has it changed things!Let's start with the good stuff. Take smartphones, for example. They're like a mini universe in our pockets. With just a few taps, we can connect with people from all over the world. I remember when I was a kid, writing letters to my pen pal took ages. Now, I can send an instant message and get a reply within seconds. It's like having a magic communication device. And don't even get me started on all the apps. There are apps for learning new languages, for getting fit, for ordering food you name it. It's like having a personal assistant that never sleeps.Another great thing about technology is in the field of medicine. Doctors can now perform surgeries with the help of high tech robots. It's like something out of a science fiction movie. These robots can be more precise than human hands, which means less pain and faster recovery for patients. And with the development of telemedicine, people in remote areas can get medical advice from top notch doctors without having to travel long distances.However, technology also has its downsides. Social media, for instance, can be a real pain in the you know what. People are so obsessed withgetting likes and followers that they forget to live in the real world.It's like a popularity contest where everyone is trying to show off their best selves, even if it's not really who they are. And let's not forget about the privacy issues. Every time we use an app or a website, there's a chance that our personal information is being collected and sold to who knows who.Then there's the whole deal with automation in the workplace. Whileit's great that machines can do repetitive tasks faster and more efficiently, it also means that a lot of people are losing their jobs. It's like technology is this big, hungry monster that's gobbling up jobs left and right.In conclusion, technology is like a double edged sword. It has brought us a world of convenience and amazing possibilities, but it also has some serious drawbacks. We need to be smart about how we use it. We should embrace the good parts and find ways to deal with the bad parts. Because whether we like it or not, technology is here to stay, and it's going to keep evolving. So, let's make the best of it!。
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托福写作真题解析及范文:Can new technologies
help students?
下面是培臻教育小编为大家整理的一篇关于托福写作真题解析及范文:Can new technologies help students?的文章,供大家参考,下面是详细内容。
Topic:Can new technologies help students?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
不能完全同意,要表明It is largely true that (把statement换个句子结构写进来)。
How technologies help students learn more information? (互联网;电子书籍)
How technologies help students learn more quickly? (电子字典;电子文本的搜索功能)
But sometimes technologies handicap learning. (电子游戏)
Technology can help a lazy student nearly nothing.
“With the help of technology students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly.”I agree with this statement. Technology has helped a student cross national boundaries, open up new view sand increase the speed at which he imbibes information.(吸收信息)
New technology in the form of Internet has helped breach the limitations of a country's frontiers. A student sitting in a small town of India can access the latest course material released by MIT on his topic of interest. He can gain access to the latest info that his happening in physics and thus improve his existing warehouse of knowledge. He can browse through the previous papers in physics and dwell deeper and deeper in his specialized study. And how long does this all take? A click of a mouse. Compare this with searching through the mazes of his small hometown library, only to find some outdated articles and consuming a great part of his daily activity.
Technology has helped open up many new avenues that previously were considered impossible. Take for example the simple LCD projectors. They give a visual feel of the subject that the student is studying helping him to learn not only quickly but also effectively. Or for that matter of videoconferencing.(电视会议)A student can ask questions and clear his lingering doubts(清除他的怀疑)when he interacts with a professor considered as the authority in his field.
An overlooked aspect of technology is the transportation. With rapid advances in transportation, a student in Japan does not think twice before signing up for a program in the US. Would this have been possible 100 years back? Certainly not.
In concluding I would like to say that technology has played a major role not only in increasing the speed at which students learn but also in bringing a radical change in the way they learn it.