英语语法练习题 完整版1

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Part I Choose the best answer to complete each blank. Please write down your answer in the answer sheet. (1’)

1I’ve decided to take a bus there. Anyway, twenty miles ____ like a long walk to me.



C.seem to

D.seems to

2Darts ____ essentially a free and easy game; three darts ____ thrown at each turn.

A.is; are

B.are; is

C.is; is

D.are; are

3____ Himalayas ____ a magnificent variety of plant and animal life.

A.The; have

B./; has

C.The; has

D./; have

4The goods ____ been moved away from the godown and the sweepings of the godown ____ been disposed of.

A.has; has

B.has; have

C.have; has

D.have; have

5The remains of a Roman settlement ____ found beneath the brewery.



C.either A or B

D.neither A nor B

6Domestic cattle ____ found everywhere on the farm. Besides cattle, other poultry ____ also raised here.

A.is; is

B.are; are

C.is; are

D.are; is

7 A panel of distinguished people ____ to judge this competition. It is meeting tomorrow.

A.has been chosen

B.have been chosen

C.was chosen

D.were chosen

8Every man and every woman ____ entitled to education.





9The manager with some workers ____ still working during the holidays and they came up with a perfect plan.



C.has been

D.have been

10The beautiful ____ not always the same as the good.





11In the afternoon I did some baby-sittings, for ____ looking after children.

A.it is a fun

B.it is fun

C.it is not a fun

D.it is no fun

12The ____ of the hedges ____ usually burnt.

A.clipping; was

B.clipping; were

C.clippings; was

D.clippings; were

13Some ____ were seen loafing in the street.


B.few youth

C.more youth


14The soup tastes of ____.


B.an onion

C.the onion

D.onion 15____ is broken.

A.The leg of the table

B.The table’s leg

C. A leg of the table’s

D.The tables’ leg

16____ friend of ____ called this morning.

A.The; my colleague’s

B.A; a colleague’s

C./; a colleague’s

D.Some; my colleague’s

17This ____ news is somewhat more hopeful than the last two ____.

A.week’s; week’s

B.week; week’s

C.weeks’; weeks’

D.week’s; weeks’

18Do they have ____ air-conditioners for cooling the rooms in summer?

A. a great deal of

B. a bit of


D.many a

19____ friends usually speak highly of him.

A.His many

B.His some

C.Many his

D.Some his 20____ girls were in the classrooms.

A.All five other

B.Other all

C.All the more

D.All the other five

21Have you finished ____ Chapter One of ____ book that we are reading in our class this month?

A./; /

B.the; the

C./; the

D.the; /

22____ healthy society can tolerate ____ criticism.

A.The; many a

B./; a lot of

C.A; many

D.A; a lot of

23We have some new goods ____.

A.at the hand

B.on hand

C.on the hand

D.at hand
