





















HikVision HED1PR3 HED3PR3 全面光电视摄头 IP 快速安装手册说明书

HikVision HED1PR3 HED3PR3 全面光电视摄头 IP 快速安装手册说明书

Telecamera IP sferica True giorno/notte per interni/esterni HED1PR3/HED3PR3Guida rapida all'installazioneDocumento 800-21476— Rev A — 11/2015Grazie per avere acquistato una telecamera HED1PR3/HED3PR3. Seguire le istruzioni della presente guida per installare e accedere alla telecamera. Per istruzioni sulla configurazione della telecamera, fare riferimento allaPerformance Series IP Cameras User Guide sul CD del software e della documentazione in dotazione con la telecamera. Per ulteriore assistenza, contattare il numero indicato di seguito.Precauzioni e avvertenzeAVVERTENZA Per garantire la conformità agli standard sulla sicurezza elettrica,questo prodotto è destinato all'uso con un adattatore di alimentazione da elenco contrassegnato da "Fonte di alimentazione limitata", "LPS", sull'unità, con tensionenominale di 12 V CC, minimo 0,33A, Tma=60°C o da Power over Ethernet (PoE) fornito dalla strumentazione informatica da elenco conforme allo standard IEEE 802.3af PoE.La connessione Ethernet non è destinata a reti esposte (al di fuori dell'impianto). Non collegare contemporaneamente due fonti di alimentazione alla telecamera.ATTENZIONERadiazione invisibile LED (850 nm). Evitare l'esposizione al fascio.Dichiarazioni legaliInformazioni per l'utente : Questa apparecchiatura è stata sottoposta a collaudo ed è risultataconforme ai limiti disposti per un dispositivo digitale di classe B, ai sensi della Parte 15 delle Norme FCC. Questi limiti sono definiti per fornire una ragionevole protezione da interferenze dannose in ambiente residenziale. Questa apparecchiatura genera, utilizza e può irradiare energia di radiofrequenza e, se non installata e utilizzata in conformità con il manuale di istruzioni, puòprovocare interferenze dannose alle radiocomunicazioni. Non viene garantito che le interferenze non si verifichino in un'installazione particolare.Se questa apparecchiatura provoca interferenze dannose alla ricezione radiofonica o televisiva che possono essere determinate dall'accensione o dallo spegnimento dell'apparecchiatura, si consiglia all'utente di provare a correggere l'interferenza, adottando una o più delle seguenti misure: • Riorientare o riposizionare l'antenna ricevente.• Aumentare la distanza tra l'apparecchiatura e il ricevitore.• Collegare l'apparecchiatura a una presa in un circuito diverso da quello a cui è collegato il ricevitore.• Rivolgersi al rivenditore o a un tecnico radiotelevisivo esperto per assistenza.Nota Le variazioni o le modifiche non espressamente approvate dalla parte responsabile dellaconformità potrebbero rendere nulla la facoltà dell'utente di utilizzare l'apparecchiatura.Questo apparato digitale di classe B è conforme alla norma canadese ICES-003.Importanti misure di sicurezza• Leggere e conservare queste istruzioni.•Non puntare a lungo la telecamera verso una fonte luminosa intensa per non danneggiarla. Non utilizzare l'unità al di sotto o vicino a fonti di luce instabili, che potrebbero causare sfarfallii, né in prossimità di oggetti riflettenti o lampade fluorescenti. • Non toccare l'obiettivo della telecamera.• Non lasciare cadere la telecamera e non sottoporla a urti.• Non utilizzare detergenti aggressivi o abrasivi per la pulizia della telecamera.•Non utilizzare né conservare l'unità in ambienti estremamente umidi, polverosi, caldi o freddi, dove la temperatura non rientra nell'intervallo consigliato (da -20°C a +60°C).Nota Non alimentare la telecamera prima di avere ultimato l'installazione.Nota Verificare che la superficie di installazione sia in grado di supportare un peso di almeno trevolte superiore a quello della telecamera.Documento 800-21476– Rev A – 11/20151Prima di iniziarePrima di iniziare, controllare di avere ricevuto tutti i componenti elencati di seguito. In caso di parti mancanti o danneggiate, contattare immediatamente il rivenditore.Telecamera IP sferica True giorno/notte per interni/esterni HED1PR3/HED3PR3Montaggio della telecamera1. Inserire i cavi nella base della telecamera.2. Allineare i fori sulla base della telecamera ai tasselli in plastica.3.Inserire le tre viti autofilettanti nei fori, passando attraverso la base della telecamera, nei tasselli, quindi serrare per garantire il corretto posizionamento della telecamera. • Telecamera• CD della documentazione• Guida rapida all'installazioneStrumentazione richiesta:• Cacciavite Phillips• Viti autofilettanti (×3) • Tasselli in plastica (×3) • Mascherina di montaggioInstallazione e regolazione della telecamera sferica1. Collegare il cavo Ethernet alla porta RJ-45 sulla telecamera sferica.2. Se l'altra estremità del cavo Ethernet NON è collegata a uno switch PoE (Power-over-Ethernet) o NVR, collegare il connettore della telecamera a una fonte di alimentazione a 12 V CC.3.Ricollegare la calotta alla base, quindi spostare il corpo della telecamera sferica nella posizione desiderata.ATTENZIONEL'installazione e la manutenzione devono essere eseguite solo datecnici qualificati ed esperti per garantire la conformità con tutti i regolamenti locali e mantenere la validità della garanzia.Installazione dell'anello decorativoSoffitto o aUna volta ottenuto il campo visivo desiderato con il visualizzatore Web o il display NVR della telecamera, installare l'anello decorativo.1. Allineare le tre alette sull'anello decorativo alle fessure sulla base della telecamera.2. Ruotare l'anello decorativo in senso orario finché non scatta in posizione.Accesso alla telecameraÈ possibile configurare direttamente con NVR le telecamere collegate a una porta PoE del display NVR Honeywell integrato.Per accedere alla telecamera con un PC, installare lo Strumento di configurazione Honeywell dal CD del software e della documentazione, individuare la telecamera e aprire il browser Web con loStrumento di configurazione Honeywell. Il nome utente predefinito è admin (distingue tra maiuscole e minuscole) e la password predefinita è 1234.Rimozione della telecamera sferica dalla baseRuotare l'anello decorativo in senso orario ed estrarlo dalla base della telecamera, quindi separare la copertura del pressacavo dalla base della telecamera. Mettere da parte il corpo della telecamera sferica.Preparazione della superficie di montaggio2. Praticare tre (3) fori nella superficie di montaggio per i tasselli. Inserire i tasselli.3.Praticare un foro di dimensioni adeguate e fare passare i cavi attraverso la superficie di montaggio./security/it +39 (0) 2 4888 051 (solo Italia)https:///ss/techsupp/index.htmlDocumento 800-21476 – Rev A – 11/2015© 2015 Honeywell International Inc. Tutti i diritti riservati. La riproduzione anche parziale della presente pubblicazione non è consentita con alcun mezzo senza previa autorizzazione scritta di Honeywell. Le informazioni contenute in questa pubblicazione sonoconsiderate accurate da ogni punto di vista. Tuttavia, Honeywell non si assume alcuna responsabilità per nessuna conseguenza risultante dall'uso delle stesse. Le informazioni contenute in questa pubblicazione sono soggette a modifica senza preavviso. Possono essere emesse revisioni o nuove edizioni di questa pubblicazione per incorporare tali modifiche.3 4 •Trapano dotato di punte di dimensioni corrette per la foratura preliminare6。

海康威视网络摄像机用户手册 WORD格式(说明书)

海康威视网络摄像机用户手册 WORD格式(说明书)







警告:1.请使用满足SELV(安全超低电压)要求的电源,并按照IEC60950-1符合Limited Power Source(有限电源)的额定电压为12V直流或24V交流电源(根据具体型号而定)供应。
















本手册适用于以下型号的的网络摄像机:枪型Ⅰ:DS-2CD852MF-E、DS-2CD862MF-E枪型Ⅱ:DS-2CD886BF-E、DS-2CD886MF-E、DS-2CD877BF、DS-2CD876BF、DS-2CD876MF枪型Ⅲ:DS-2CD883F-E(W)、DS-2CD855F-E、DS-2CD854F-E(W)、DS-2CD854FWD-E(W)、DS-2CD853F-E(W)、DS-2CD864FWD-E(W)、DS-2CD864F-E(W)、iDS-2CD864FWD-E/F、iDS-2CD864FWD-E/B、DS-2CD863PF(NF)-E(W)、iDS-2CD893PF(NF)-E、DS-2CD893PF(NF)-E (W)、DS-2CD893PFWD(NFWD)-E(W)、DS-2CD833F-E(W) 半球型Ⅰ:DS-2CD752MF-E半球型Ⅱ:DS-2CD752MF-FB(H)、DS-2CD752MF-IFB(H)、DS-2CD762MF-FB(H)、DS-2CD762MF-IFB(H)半球型Ⅲ:DS-2CD783F-E(I) (Z)、DS-2CD764FWD-E(I)(Z)、DS-2CD764F-E(I)(Z)、DS-2CD755F-E(I)(Z)、DS-2CD754F-E(I)(Z)、DS-2CD754FWD-E(I) (Z)、DS-2CD753F-E(I) (Z)、DS-2CD763PF(NF)-E(I)(Z)、DS-2CD793PF(NF)-E(I)(Z)、DS-2CD793PFWD(NFWD)-E(I)(Z)、DS-2CD733F-E(I)(Z)半球型IV:DS-2CD7233F-E(I)Z(H)(S)、DS-2CD7253F-E(I)Z(H)(S)、DS-2CD7254F-E(I)Z(H)(S)、DS-2CD7254FWD-E(I)Z(H)(S)、DS-2CD7255F-E(I)Z(H)(S)、DS-2CD7263PF(NF)-E(I)Z(H)(S)、DS-2CD7264FWD-E(I)Z(H)(S)、DS-2CD7264F-E(I)Z(H)(S)、DS-2CD7283F-E(I)Z(H)(S)、DS-2CD7293PF(NF)-E(I)Z(H)(S)、DS-2CD7293PFWD(NFWD)-E(I)Z(H)(S)半球型Ⅴ:DS-2CD2112-(I)、DS-2CD2132-(I)筒型Ⅰ:DS-2CD8283F- E(I)(Z)(S)、DS-2CD8264FWD-E(I)(Z)(S)、DS-2CD8264F-E(I)(Z)(S)、DS-2CD8254F- E(I)(Z)(S)、DS-2CD8254FWD- E(I)(Z)(S)、DS-2CD8255F- E(I)(Z)(S)、DS-2CD8253F-E(I)(Z)(S)、DS-2CD8233F-E(I)(Z)(S) 筒型Ⅱ:DS-2CD864-EI3、DS-2CD855-EI3筒型Ⅲ:DS-2CD2012-I、DS-2CD2032-I筒型IV:DS-2CD2212-I、DS-2CD2232-I卡片型Ⅰ:DS-2CD8153F-E (I) (W)、DS-2CD8133F-E (I) (W)卡片型Ⅱ:DS-2CD8433F-E(I)、DS-2CD8464F-E(I)迷你半球型:DS-2CD7164-E、DS-2CD7153-E、DS-2CD7133-E海螺型:DS-2CD2312-I、DS-2CD2332-I本手册可能包含技术上不准确的地方、或与产品功能及操作不相符的地方、或印刷错误。



网络摄像机(Network Camera)用户使用手册版本1.0非常感谢您购买我公司的产品,如果您有什么疑问或需要请随时联系我们.本手册可能包含技术上不准确的地方、或与产品功能及操作不相符的地方、或印刷错误。


目录第一章:产品简介 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21。

1主要功能及特点 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 1。

2主要应用 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2第二章安装------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32.1注意事项----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32。

2面板及说明 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 2。

Hikvision 手机视频录像机快速上手指南及安装指南说明书

Hikvision 手机视频录像机快速上手指南及安装指南说明书

Mobile Video RecorderQuick Start GuideLegal Information©2022 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.About this ManualThe Manual includes instructions for using and managing the Product. Pictures, charts, images and all other information hereinafter are for description and explanation only. The information contained in the Manual is subject to change, without notice, due to firmware updates or other reasons. Please find the latest version of this Manual at the Hikvision website (https:///).Please use this Manual with the guidance and assistance of professionals trained in supporting the Product.Trademarksand other Hikvision’s trademarks and logos are the properties of Hikvision in various jurisdicti ons. Other trademarks and logos mentioned are the properties of their respective owners.DisclaimerTO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THIS MANUAL AND THE PRODUCT DESCRIBED, WITH ITS HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE, ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND “WITH ALL FAULTS AND ERRORS”. HIKVISION MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE USE OF THE PRODUCT BY YOU IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. IN NO EVENT WILL HIKVISION BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, INCLUDING, AMONG OTHERS, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF DATA, CORRUPTION OF SYSTEMS, OR LOSS OF DOCUMENTATION, WHETHER BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE, IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE PRODUCT, EVEN IF HIKVISION HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR LOSS.YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE NATURE OF THE INTERNET PROVIDES FOR INHERENT SECURITY RISKS, AND HIKVISION SHALL NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR ABNORMAL OPERATION, PRIVACY LEAKAGE OR OTHER DAMAGES RESULTING FROM CYBER-ATTACK, HACKER ATTACK, VIRUS INFECTION, OR OTHER INTERNET SECURITY RISKS; HOWEVER, HIKVISION WILL PROVIDE TIMELY TECHNICAL SUPPORT IF REQUIRED.YOU AGREE TO USE THIS PRODUCT IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT YOUR USE CONFORMS TO THE APPLICABLE LAW. ESPECIALLY, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE, FOR USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT INFRINGE ON THE RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, RIGHTS OF PUBLICITY, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, OR DATA PROTECTION AND OTHER PRIVACY RIGHTS. YOU SHALL NOT USE THIS PRODUCT FOR ANY PROHIBITED END-USES, INCLUDING THE DEVELOPMENT OR PRODUCTION OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, THE DEVELOPMENT OR PRODUCTION OF CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS, ANY ACTIVITIES IN THE CONTEXT RELATED TO ANY NUCLEAR EXPLOSIVE OR UNSAFE NUCLEAR FUEL-CYCLE, OR IN SUPPORT OF HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES.IN THE EVENT OF ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN THIS MANUAL AND THE APPLICABLE LAW, THE LATTER PREVAILS.Regulatory InformationFCC InformationPlease take attention that changes or modification not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.FCC ComplianceThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.FCC ConditionsThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1.This device may not cause harmful interference.2.This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may causeundesired operation.EU Conformity StatementThis product and - if applicable - the supplied accessories too are marked with "CE" andcomply therefore with the applicable harmonized European standards listed under the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU, the LVD Directive 2014/35/EU, the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU, RE Directive 2014/53/EU.2012/19/EU (WEEE directive): Products marked with this symbol cannot be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. For proper recycling, return this product to your local supplier upon the purchase of equivalent new equipment, or dispose of it at designated collection points. For more information see: 2006/66/EC (battery directive): This product contains a battery that cannot be disposedof as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. See the product documentation for specific battery information. The battery is marked with this symbol, which may include lettering to indicate cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), or mercury (Hg). For proper recycling, return the battery to your supplier or to a designated collection point. For more information see: Industry Canada ICES-003 ComplianceThis device meets the CAN ICES-3 (A)/NMB-3(A) standards requirements.Symbol ConventionsTABLE OF CONTENTSChapter 1 Panel Introduction (1)Front Panel (1)Rear Panel (2)Chapter 2 Installation and Connections (4)Environment (4)Install HDD (4)Install SIM Card (8)Install SD Card (9)Install Antenna (10)Chapter 3 Device Wiring (12)Power Cord Wiring (12)3.1.1 Shutdown Delay (12)3.1.2 Scheduled Shutdown (13)Alarm Input/Output Connection (14)3.2.1 Alarm Input Connection (14)3.2.2 Alarm Output Connection (14)Sensor-in Wiring (15)Power-on (15)Chapter 1 Panel Introduction Front PanelFront PanelNo. Name Description1 Dummy HDD Two HDDs can be installed.2 Network interface 10M/100M/1000M RJ45 Ethernet interface.3 USB 3.0 USB 3.0 interface.4 PWR indicator●Solid green: Device is powered on.●Solid red: Device is standby.RDY indicator ●Solid green: Device starts up normally. REC indicator●Recording indicator.●Solid green: Device is recording normally. GNSS indicator●Unlit: Positioning module is abnormal.●Solid green: Device is positioning.●Flashing green: Positioning succeeded. ANT indicator●Unlit: Dialing module is abnormal.●Solid green: Device is dialing.●Flashing green: Dialing up succeeded. ALM indicator Red: Alarm occurs.Rear PanelRear Panel5IR receiver IR receiver for remote control. 6Dummy HDD lock Lock/unlock the dummy HDD. 7 SD card slot Slot for SD card.No. NameDescription 1RS-485 interface RS-485 interface for connecting devices like speed dome. 2RS-232 interface RS232-1 is for debugging. 3RS-232 interface RS232-2 is for connecting external devices. 4EXT.DEV RS-485 communication interface, two-way audio interface, and CVBS video output 5VGA VGA video output interface 6 USB interface USB interface of 5-pin aviation plug.Chapter 2 Installation and ConnectionsEnvironmentTo ensure the device can ventilate well, find a position with enough space. Recommended installation space is shown in Figure 2-1.Recommended Installation SpaceInstall HDDBefore You Start:Prepare the tools and components for installation:●Factory recommended 2.5-inch HDD.●Antistatic gloves.●Key to dummy HDD (delivered with device).●Cross screwdriver.●Screws (delivered with device).ToolsPurpose:Perform the following steps to install the HDD on the device. Figures in following steps are only for reference.Wear antistatic gloves.Insert the key and turn counterclockwise to unlock dummy HDD.Unfasten the two screws of dummy HDD and pull dummy HDD out of device.Dummy HDDUnfasten ScrewsPull Dummy HDD outUse cross screwdriver to loosen the two screws and remove them, and then take the dummy HDD apart.Place the first HDD into the dummy HDD, with the PCB facing down.Place HDDPush the HDD along the direction shown in Figure 2-6 to connect HDD with socket of dummyHDD.Push HDDUse four sunk screws to fix HDD with dummy HDD.Fix HDDRepeat step 4 to 6 to install the secondary HDD in the other socket of dummy HDD.Install the Other HDDReassemble the dummy HDD.Reassemble Dummy HDDPlug the dummy HDD back to the device and then tighten the screws clockwise.Turn the key clockwise to lock dummy HDD.Install SIM CardPurpose:Pluggable 4G/5G wireless communication module is designed for the device and you should install the SIM card to realize the wireless communication function.Before You StartPrepare the tools and components for installation:●SIM card●WrenchPhillips ScrewdriverWear antistatic gloves.Use wrench to unfasten and remove the two screws fixing the 4G/5G and Wi-Fi module.Unfasten ScrewsPull out the 4G/5G and Wi-Fi module. Press the yellow button on the 4G/5G slot and then pull the SIM card tray out.Place the SIM card on SIM card tray with the metal side facing upwards.Insert the SIM card tray back to SIM card slot.Install the 4G/5G module back to the device and tighten the set screw.Install SD CardBefore You StartPrepare the tools and components for installation:● Key to dummy HDD (delivered with device)● SD cardToolsWear antistatic gloves.Insert the key and turn counterclockwise to unlock dummy HDD.Unfasten the two screws of dummy HDD and pull dummy HDD out of device.Unfasten ScrewsDummy HDDUnfasten ScrewsOpen the cover of SD card slot.Insert SD card into SD card slot with gold contacts facing down till you hear a click.Plug the dummy HDD back to the device, close the cover of SD card slot, and then tighten the screws clockwise.Turn the key clockwise to lock dummy HDD.Install AntennaThis section is only applicable to the device supporting 4G/5G and Wi-Fi.Connect antennas to corresponding antenna interfaces.Antenna InterfaceInterface Corresponding AntennaM-ANT/Main 4G/5G antennaAUX Aux Wi-Fi antennaWIFI/Main Wi-Fi antennaGNSS/Positioning antennaPlace antenna vertically with its signal receiving end facing upward.If the cable is too long, you can roll them up to prevent signal receiving from being affected.Install 4G/5G antenna in car windshield, seat backrest, or other non-metallic objects. Keep away from metal objects for at least 50 cm.Vertically install positioning antenna on the automobile roof with no shelter.Install Positioning Antenna on Automobile RoofFollow the instructions below in case that you need to install positioning antenna inside your automobile.1)Install antenna on platform under the front windshield.Install Positioning Antenna Inside Automobile2)Fix antenna with neutral silica gel.3)When adjusting the antenna position, ensure that at least 4 satellites have a signalstrength above 35 dB. You can go to Configuration > Vehicle > Position Settings > Location Status to view positioning signal status.Chapter 3 Device WiringPower Cord WiringIn order to ensure the safety of your automobile and device, a fuse is required for wiring of automobile power and device power.Do not connect the power cord to the device before all the cables are connected.Purpose:The device starts up when your automobile ignites and shuts down after automobile is off. Automobile ignition startup and shutdown are realized by automobile positive pole ignition switch (providing high level signal when the switch closes). The wire connection of the device varies with the automobile ignition models.Ignition switch is connected to the positive pole of +12/24 VDC of automobile batteries. Make sure that the connection is correct, and then perform the following steps:Connect the DC IN + of the device to the positive pole of automobile batteries, jumping over the switch of normal automobile power.Connect the DC IN - of the device to the negative pole of automobile batteries.Connect the ACC of the device to the automobile ignition switch.Place the fuse into the fuse holder.What to do next: For detailed time settings of time-delay shutdown, see the Chapter “Configure Delayed Shutdown” in user manual.Install Fuse for Two Types of Power SupplyACC DC IN +-Automobile Ignition SwitchDeviceAutomobileBattery Automobile Power System Wiring of DevicePoint of Connection Positive PoleNegative PoleAutomobile Power SwitchShutdown Delay● Please contact the automobile manufacturer for the connection information of ignitionswitch.● The automobile ignition switch, also called car key, controls the startup and shutdown ofyour automobile . Most of automobiles adopt positive pole ignition switch currently.● The normal automobile power refers to the main power of the automobile power supplysystem. After the automobile is off, the normal automobile power still provides direct-current source for the other devices inside and generally a main switch is used to turnon/off it.Connect the DC IN + and KEY + of the device to the positive pole of automobile batteries. Connect the DC IN - and KEY - of the device to the negative pole of automobile batteries. Place the fuse into the fuse holder.What to do next: For detailed time settings of time-delay shutdown, see the Chapter “Enable Scheduled Startup/Shutdown” in user manual.Install Fuse for Power SupplyACC DC IN+-DeviceAutomobileBattery Automobile Power SwitchAutomobile Power System Wiring of DevicePoint of Connection Negative PolePositive PoleScheduled Shutdown Alarm Input/Output ConnectionThe device adopts the high/low-level electrical signals triggering (high level: 6 to 36 VDC; low level: 0 to 5 VDC) to realize alarm input. And in order to avoid error report caused by voltage fluctuation, no alarm will be triggered by voltage ranging of 5 to 6 VDC.Alarm 1IO Alarm 2Alarm 3Alarm 4121516Alarm Input Connection Follow the figure bellow to wire alarm output.n and n# are a pair of alarm output. You can connect them with a relay alarm device. When the voltage of connected alarm device exceeds the valid alarm output range, you need to connect a relay to protect alarm output.RelayOutput nn#Load GND Power Output JQC-3FG Relay (10 A/250 VAC)~ 220 VAC NeutralLive Relay Output n#n Alarm Powered by Direct Current Alarm Powered by Alternating CurrentAlarm Output Connection Sensor-in WiringConnect the delivered extension cable to I/O interface.Connect the automobile braking, reversing, left-turn, and right-turn signals to sensor-in interface.IOBrakingReversing121516Left-turn Right-turnSensor-in Wiring Power-onThe indicator types vary with different models. Here the most comprehensive indicators are introduced.Connect the device to power supply after all the installations above are finished. You can view the indicators to get knowledge of the device status. For details, see descriptions in Table 1-1UD 16。


持P—Iris的机型如果使用了相应镜头,还可以选择支持的P-Iris镜头选项,例如“Tamron 2。8-8mm F1.2(M13VP288—IR)”,如



海康威视⽹络摄像机⽤户⼿册格式说明书完整版海康威视⽹络摄像机⽤户⼿册格式说明书HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】⽹络摄像机操作⼿册V2.0.0杭州海康威视数字技术股份有限公司技术热线:400-700-59982011-3安全须知此内容的⽬的是确保⽤户正确使⽤本产品,以避免危险或财产损失。






警告:1.请使⽤满⾜SELV(安全超低电压)要求的电源,并按照IEC60950-1符合Limited Power Source(有限电源)的额定电压为12V直流或24V交流电源(根据具体型号⽽定)供应。











Hikvision 移动网络摄像头安装指南说明书

Hikvision 移动网络摄像头安装指南说明书

·Mobile Network CameraInstallation GuideLegal Information©2022 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.About this ManualThe Manual includes instructions for using and managing the Product. Pictures, charts, images and all other information hereinafter are for description and explanation only. The information contained in the Manual is subject to change, without notice, due to firmware updates or other reasons. Please find the latest version of this Manual at the Hikvision website (https:///).Please use this Manual with the guidance and assistance of professionals trained in supporting the Product.Trademarksand other Hikvision’s trademarks and logos are the properties of Hikvision in various jurisdictions. Other trademarks and logos mentioned are the properties of their respective owners.DisclaimerTO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THIS MANUAL AND THE PRODUCT DESCRIBED, WITH ITS HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE, ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND “WITH ALL FAULTS AND ERRORS”. HIKVISION MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE USE OF THE PRODUCT BY YOU IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. IN NO EVENT WILL HIKVISION BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, INCLUDING, AMONG OTHERS, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF DATA, CORRUPTION OF SYSTEMS, OR LOSS OF DOCUMENTATION, WHETHER BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE, IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE PRODUCT, EVEN IF HIKVISION HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR LOSS.YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE NATURE OF THE INTERNET PROVIDES FOR INHERENT SECURITY RISKS, AND HIKVISION SHALL NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR ABNORMAL OPERATION, PRIVACY LEAKAGE OR OTHER DAMAGES RESULTING FROM CYBER-ATTACK, HACKER ATTACK, VIRUS INFECTION, OR OTHER INTERNET SECURITY RISKS; HOWEVER, HIKVISION WILL PROVIDE TIMELY TECHNICAL SUPPORT IF REQUIRED.YOU AGREE TO USE THIS PRODUCT IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT YOUR USE CONFORMS TO THE APPLICABLE LAW. ESPECIALLY, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE, FOR USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT INFRINGE ON THE RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, RIGHTS OF PUBLICITY, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, OR DATA PROTECTION AND OTHER PRIVACY RIGHTS. YOU SHALL NOT USE THIS PRODUCT FOR ANY PROHIBITED END-USES, INCLUDING THE DEVELOPMENT OR PRODUCTION OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, THE DEVELOPMENT OR PRODUCTION OF CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS, ANY ACTIVITIES IN THE CONTEXT RELATED TO ANY NUCLEAR EXPLOSIVE OR UNSAFE NUCLEAR FUEL-CYCLE, OR IN SUPPORT OF HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES.IN THE EVENT OF ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN THIS MANUAL AND THE APPLICABLE LAW, THE LATTER PREVAILS.Regulatory InformationFCC InformationPlease take attention that changes or modification not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.FCC ComplianceThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.FCC ConditionsThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1.This device may not cause harmful interference.2.This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may causeundesired operation.EU Conformity StatementThis product and - if applicable - the supplied accessories too are marked with "CE" andcomply therefore with the applicable harmonized European standards listed under the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU, the LVD Directive 2014/35/EU, the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU.2012/19/EU (WEEE directive): Products marked with this symbol cannot be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. For proper recycling, return this product to your local supplier upon the purchase of equivalent new equipment, or dispose of it at designated collection points. For more information see: 2006/66/EC (battery directive): This product contains a battery that cannot be disposedof as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. See the product documentation for specific battery information. The battery is marked with this symbol, which may include lettering to indicate cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), or mercury (Hg). For proper recycling, return the battery to your supplier or to a designated collection point. For more information see: Industry Canada ICES-003 ComplianceThis device meets the CAN ICES-3 (A)/NMB-3(A) standards requirements.Applicable ModelsSymbol ConventionsSafety Instructions●Proper configuration of all passwords and other security settings is the responsibility of theinstaller and/or end-user.●In the use of the product, you must be in strict compliance with the electrical safety Inputvoltage should meet limited power source or PS2 requirements regulations of the nation and region. Please refer to technical specifications for detailed information.●Input voltage should meet limited power source or PS2 requirements according to theIEC60950-1 or IEC 62368-1 standard. Please refer to technical specifications for detailedinformation.●Do not connect several devices to one power adapter as adapter overload may cause over-heating or a fire hazard.●Please make sure that the plug is firmly connected to the power socket.●If smoke, odor or noise rise from the device, turn off the power at once and unplug the powercable, and then please contact the service center.TABLE OF CONTENTSChapter 1 Packing List and Cable Description (1)Packing List (1)Cable Description (3)Chapter 2 Installation (4)Installation Requirements (4)2.1.1 Installation Position Requirements (4)2.1.2 Installation Surface Requirements (4)2.1.3 Water Proof Requirements (4)Vertical Installation (4)2.2.1 Vertical Installation Method 1 (4)2.2.2 Vertical Installation Method 2 (7)Horizontal Installation (11)Chapter 3 Angle Adjustment (15)Adjust With Wrench (15)Adjust the Body of the Camera (16)Chapter 1 Packing List and Cable DescriptionBefore You BeginBefore unboxing, check if the package is intact. Refer to the list to make sure that all the assembly parts are included. The 3 types of packing lists of the mobile network camera is shown below.Packing ListThere are 3 type of cable available, differing on their support for power, alarm and internet interface. Please choose according to your actual need.Packing List of Type I CameraNoPicture Name Number 1Camera 12Wrench 13ST4.8×25 Screws 1 4QSG 1 5Tape 3 6Water Proof Suit(Only Available forRJ45 Cable)1Packing List of Type II CameraNoPicture Name Number 1Camera 12Wrench 13ST4.8×25 Screws 1 4QSG15Tape 3NoPicture Name Number 1Camera 12Wrench 13ST4.8×25 Screws 14QSG 1 5Tape 3Cable DescriptionThere are 3 types of cables for the network camera, as shown in the following figures. Please refer to the relevant instructions according to the physical equipment.Rj45 Cable4 Core Cable6 Core Cable ● Power Interface: the camera supports 9V-36V power supply. Please connect the positive and negative poles of the power supply correctly.● Internet Interface: network signal output.● Alarm Interface: support alarm input and output.Chapter 2 InstallationInstallation RequirementsBefore you beginPuncture a hole on the body of the vehicle for the cable of the camera to go through. Match the sheet metal fixed support with the hole when installing the camera.The camera can be installed both horizontally and vertically, though the later is preferred. Typically, horizontal installation is recommended for the police vehicle, and the vertical installation is recommended for school bus and ambulance.To install the camera vertically, two requirements should be met for the best capture performance and the ease of installation:●The height of installation should be between 1-1.6 m●The surface of installation should be vertical to the ground.When both requirements can be met, refer to 2.2.1 Vertical Installation Method 1. If not and camera is to be installed on a tilted surface, refer to 2.2.2 Vertical Installation Method 2. On the tilted surface, the camera requires further calibration of its angle.For the stability of the camera, two further requirements of the material of the surface of the installation should be met:●When the camera is installed on the sheet metal, its thickness should be more than 1.2 mm. Ifthe thickness is bellow this number, it is recommended to strengthen the sheet metal with a reinforcing plate.●When the camera is installed on a plastic surface, it is recommended to strengthen the surfacewith a reinforcing plate.The throwing line of the camera should not be exposed outside of the vehicle. It is recommended to get the cable connection part water-proof treatment.Vertical InstallationSince the installation process of cameras with differing cables are the same, we take one type to illustrate the installation process.Use the hexagon wrench in the package to unfasten the two the screws at the back of the camera.Unfasten the ScrewsTake off the sheet metal from the camera, and the rubber seal of the cable from the sheet metal.Take Off the Sheet Metal and Rubber SealVertically place the sheet metal fixed support on the place where the camera is to be installed, and then fix it with the screw.Fix the Sheet Metal Fixed SupportGuide the cable through the cable hole, seal the hole with the rubber seal, and install the camera back to the sheet metal fixed support.Reinstall the Camera to the Fixed SupportTighten the two screw on the back of the camera.Tighten the ScrewsLoose the screw on the two sides of the camera with the hexagon wrench, adjust the angle of the camera for the best vision and tighten the two fixation screw to avoid wobble.Adjust the Angle of the CameraUse the hexagon wrench in the package to unfasten the two the screws at the back of the camera.Unfasten the ScrewsTake off the sheet metal from the camera, and the rubber seal of the cable from the sheet metal.Take Off the Sheet Metal and Rubber SealVertically place the sheet metal fixed support on the place where the camera is to be installed, but do not tighten the screw to the end.Fix the Sheet Metal Fixed SupportGuide the cable through the cable hole, seal the hole with the rubber seal.Reinstall the Camera to the Fixed SupportInstall the camera back to the sheet metal fixed support, adjust and record the angle of the camera for best vision. For details, see Chapter 3 Angle Adjustment.Adjust the Angle of the CameraTighten the two screw on the back of the camera.Tighten the ScrewsAgain guide the cable through the cable hole, seal the hole with the rubber seal.Organize the CableRe-install the camera back to the sheet metal fixed support, adjust the angle of inclination of the camera to the angle recorded, and tighten the two fixation screw to avoid wobble.Reinstall the CameraHorizontal InstallationUse the hexagon wrench in the package to unfasten the two the screws at the back of the camera.Unfasten the ScrewsTake off the sheet metal from the camera, and the rubber seal of the cable from the sheet metal.Take Off the Sheet Metal and Rubber SealHorizontally place the metal sheet on the position of installation and then fasten the screws.Guide the cable through the cable hole, seal the hole with the rubber seal, and install the camera back to the sheet metal fixed support.Install the Camera to the Fixed SupportTighten the two screw on the back of the camera.Tighten the ScrewsLoose the screw on the two sides of the camera, adjust the angle of the camera for the best vision, and tighten the two fixation screw to avoid wobble.Adjust the Angle of the CameraChapter 3 Angle AdjustmentAdjust With WrenchThe angle of the camera can be adjusted in 2 ways: adjust with the wrench and adjust the angle that it is installed on the surface of the vehicle. If the installation surface is vertical to the ground, then no need for adjusting the body of the camera.Loose the screw on the two sides of the camera with the hexagon wrench.Adjust the Angle With the WrenchAdjust the angle of the camera for the best vision. The range is 80°and the scales differ by 10°. After the adjustment, tighten the two fixation screw to avoid wobble.Range And ScaleAdjust the Body of the CameraWhen installed on a tilted surface, loosen the two screws at the back of the camera and adjust the body of the camera before adjusting the camera itself.Loosen the ScrewsThe metal sheet can be opened up to 30° and both sides are supported.Range of the Inclination AngleAdjust the vertical vision by the moving the camera around the screw in the metal sheet.Adjust the Vertical VisionUD30023B 0。









警告:1.请使用满足SELV(安全超低电压)要求的电源,并按照IEC60950-1符合Limited Power Source(有限电源)的额定电压为12V直流或24V交流电源(根据具体型号而定)供应。













海康威视网络摄像机连接、使用方法1、网络相机型号:DS-2CD5047EFWD2、下载SADP软件:首先,登陆海康威视官网 然后依次选择服务与支持→下载→ Hikvision Tools(含SADP、录像容量计算等工具)→设备网络搜索软件(SADP)/cn/download_more_393.html。













Pneumatics Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulics Process Control Sealing & Shielding Key Products Accumulators Cartridge valves Electrohydraulic actuators Human machine interfaces Hybrid drives Hydraulic cylindersHydraulic motors & pumps Hydraulic systems Hydraulic valves & controls Hydrostatic steering Integrated hydraulic circuits Power take-offs Power units Key Markets Aerospace Conveyor & material handling Factory automation Life science & medical Machine tools Packaging machinery T ransportation & automotive Key Products Air preparation Brass fittings & valves Manifolds Pneumatic accessories Pneumatic actuators & grippers Pneumatic valves & controls Quick disconnects Rotary actuators Rubber & thermoplastic hose & couplings Structural extrusions Thermoplastic tubing & fittings Vacuum generators,cups & sensors Key Markets Aerial lift Agriculture Bulk chemical handling Construction machinery Food & beverage Fuel & gas delivery Industrial machinery Life sciences Marine Mining Mobile Oil & gas Renewable energy T ransportation Key Products Check valves Connectors for low pressure fluid conveyance Deep sea umbilicals Diagnostic equipment Hose couplings Industrial hose Mooring systems &power cables PTFE hose & tubing Quick couplings Rubber & thermoplastic hose T ube fittings & adapters Key Markets Aerial lift Agriculture Alternative energy Construction machinery Forestry Industrial machinery Machine tools Marine Material handling Mining Oil & gas Power generation Refuse vehicles Renewable energy T ruck hydraulics T urf equipmentKey Markets Alternative fuels Biopharmaceuticals Chemical & refining Food & beverage Marine & shipbuilding Medical & dental Microelectronics Nuclear Power Offshore oil exploration Oil & gas Pharmaceuticals Power generation Pulp & paper Steel Water/wastewater Key Products Analytical Instruments Analytical sample conditioning products & systems Chemical injection fittings & valves Fluoropolymer chemical delivery fittings,valves & pumps High purity gas delivery fittings,valves,regulators & digital flow controllers Industrial mass flow meters/controllers Permanent no-weld tube fittings Precision industrial regulators Key Markets Aerospace Chemical processing Consumer Fluid power General industrial Information technology Life sciences Microelectronics Military Oil & gas Power generation Renewable energy T elecommunications T ransportation Key Products Dynamic seals Elastomeric o-rings Electro-medical instrument design & assembly EMI shielding Extruded & precision-cut,fabricated elastomeric seals High temperature metal seals Homogeneous & inserted elastomeric shapes Medical device fabrication & assembly Metal & plastic retainedAerospace Key Markets Aftermarket services Commercial transports Engines General & business aviation Helicopters Launch vehicles Military aircraft Missiles Power generation Regional transports Unmanned aerial vehicles Key Products Control systems & actuation products Engine systems & components Fluid conveyance systems & components Fluid metering, delivery & atomization devices Fuel systems & components Fuel tank inserting systems Hydraulic systems & components Thermal management Wheels & brakes Electromechanical Key Markets Aerospace Factory automation Life science & medical Machine tools Packaging machinery Paper machinery Plastics machinery & converting Primary metals Semiconductor & electronics T extile Wire & cable Key Products AC/DC drives & systems Electric actuators, gantry robots & slides Electrohydrostatic actuation systems Electromechanical actuation systems Human machine interface Linear motors Stepper motors,servo motors,drives & controlsStructural extrusions Parker’s Motion & Control TechnologiesAt Parker, we’re guidedby a relentless drive tohelp our customersbecome moreproductive and achievehigher levels ofprofitability byengineering thebest systems for theirrequirements. It meanslooking at customerapplications frommany angles to findnew ways to createvalue. What ever themotion and controltechnology need,Parker has theexperience, breadthof product and global reach to consistentlydeliver. No companyknows more about motionand control technologythan Parker. For further infocall 1 800 C-Parker(180****7537)Climate Control Key Markets Agriculture Air conditioning Construction Machinery Food & beverage Industrial machinery Life sciences Oil & gas Precision cooling Process Refrigeration T ransportation Key Products Accumulators Advanced actuators Co controls Electronic controllers Filter driers Hand shut-off valves Heat exchangers Hose & fittings Pressure regulating valves Refrigerant distributors Safety relief valves Smart pumps Solenoid valves Thermostatic expansion valves Filtration Key Markets Aerospace Food & beverage Industrial plant & equipment Life sciences Marine Mobile equipment Oil & gas Power generation & renewable energy Process T ransportation Water Purification Key Products Analytical gas generators Compressed air filters & dryers Engine air, coollant, fuel & oil filtration system Fluid condition monitoring systems Hydraulic & lubrication filters Hydrogen,nitrogen & zero air generators Instrumentation filters Membrane & fiber filters Micro filtration Sterile air filtration Water desalination & purification filters & systemsViking LiteDirectional control valves The Viking Lite valve range is robust, versatile and combines high performance with compact installation dimensions. Large flow capacity, short change-over times and low change-over pressure are important characteristics of this valve range.Designed to operate with pressures up to 10 bar intemperatures -10C to + 50C.Zinc plated Viking Lite ...cover screwsrobust, versatile high performance with long service lifeViking Lite rangeP2LAZ, G1/8 - Cv = 0,6P2LBZ, G1/4 - Cv = 1,5P2LCZ, G3/8 - Cv = 2,5Solenoid operatedWear compensating systemThe Viking Lite valve range is robust, versatile and combines high performance with compact installation dimensions. The choice of G1/8, G14 or G3/8 port sizes provide large flow capacity, short change-over times. Low change-over pressure is also an important characteristic of this valve range.Viking Lite valves are fitted with dynamic bi-directional spool seals suitable for pressures up to 10 bar, inO O ambient temperatures -10C to + 50C. Under pressure radial expansion of the seal occurs to maintain sealing contact with the valve bore.This sealing method reduces friction gives lower pilotpressures, providing fast response and less wear. Valves do not require lubrication in operation but they can also be installed in systems that are lubricated.IP65 and RoHSPort sizes & port types (BSP , NPT , 1/8, 1/4, 3/8)Directional control valvesSolenoid operated directional control valvesInternal supply to solenoid valve(s) via port 1.5/2 valves, internal air, standard temperature3/2 valves, internal air, standard temperature(bar) actua./return 5/3 valves, internal air, standard temperatureSymb ol Size ActuationMinChangeover Weight Order code Order code Operating time (ms) Kg Without coil With 24V DC Pressure at 6 bar @20C (22mm coil)Symb olSizeActuationReturnMinChangeover Weight Order code Order code Operating time (ms) Kg Without coil With 24V DC Pressure at 6 bar @20C (22mm coil)(bar) actua./returnSymb ol Size ActuationReturnMinChangeover Weight Order code Order codeOperating time (ms) Kg Without coil With 24V DC Pressure at 6 bar @20C (22mm coil)(bar) actua./return Viking LiteMPS-V32N-PGMPS-V32N-PCCatalog 0802-5FeaturesMounting Bracket MPS-ACCK1 Included withSensors.Pressure SensorsMPS-322-Color Panel MountMPS-32RedFeaturesVacuum Pressure...............0to -30inHg Positive Pressure.................0to 145PSI2 NPNor PNP Open CollectorTransistor Output, 30VDC, 125mA Optional Analog Output, 4 to 20mA Optional Analog Output, 1 to5VDCMode(mmHg, -bar, -kPa, inHg)(kgf/cm 2,PSI,bar,kPa)MillisecondsOrdering Information,SpecificationsPressure SensorsMPS-322-Color Panel Mount SpecificationsPressure RangeVacuum(V)Positive(P)Units of Measure Display Resolution (with unit-switching function)bar:kPa:mmHg:inHg:0.0010.110.1bar:MPa:kgf/cm 2:PSI:0.010.0010.011ProofPressure-101 to 0kPa0 to 1MPaMediaAir & Non-Corrosive Gases PressurePort (N) 1/8" NPSF OperatingTemperature 32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C)StorageTemperature 14 to140°F (-10 to60°C)Humidity35 to 85% RHElectrical Connection (C) 4-Pin, M8 Connector, (G) Grommet Open LeadPowerSupply12 to 24VDC +10% or less, Ripple(Vp-p) 10% orless Display 3 + 1/2 Digit, 2 Color, 7-SegmentLED DisplayRefresh.1 to3.0 Seconds, Variable (Factoryset at0.1)Control Output NPN (Sinking), PNP (Sourcing),OpenCollector, max 125mA, 2Output Switch OutputOutput Signal, NPN or PNP , NormallyOpen orClosed,LEDIndicatorOutput Modes Hysteresis or WindowComparator Response Time2ms or less,(Variable 32, 128, 1024ms)Repeatability± 0.2% of F .S.± 1digit or less± 03% of F .S. ± 1 digit or lessAnalogOutputVoltageOutput 1 to 5VDC (1 + 0.04V , 5 + 0.04V); Outout Impedance 1kΩ; Linearity 0.5% of F .S.;Response Time 2ms or lessCurrent Output4 to 20mA; Linearity ±0.5% of F .S. or less; Maximum Load Impedance 300Ωwith Power Supply Voltage of 12V; 600Ω with Power Supply Voltage of 12V;Minimum Load Impedance50ΩThermal Error32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C) 25°C (77°C) + 2% of F .S. or less at range of 32 to 122°F (0 to50°C)GeneralProtection IP50, CE Marked, EMC-EN61000-6-2: 2001CurrentConsumption <80mA Vibration Resistance 10to 150Hz,Double Amplitude 1.5mm,XYZ,2hrs.Shock Resistance 10G,XYZMaterialHousing:ABS (gray),Pressure Port:Zinc Die-cast,Diaphragm:Silicone Mass1.7oz.(45g)(Not including cable)MPS-32Ordering NumbersPressure RangePort SizeOutputCircuit Electrical ConnectorPartNumber 0to -30inHg1/8 NPSF*PNPSourcing4 Pin,M8MPS-V32N-PC 2M LeadWire MPS-V32N-PG NPN Sinking4Pin, M8MPS-V32N-NC 2MLead Wire MPS-V32N-NG 0to 145PSI1/8NPSF*PNPSourcing4 Pin, M8MPS-P32N-PC 2M Lead Wire MPS-P32N-PG NPNSinking4Pin, M8MPS-P32N-NC 2MLeadWire MPS-P32N-NG PNP Sourcing with4-20ma4 Pin,M8MPS-P32N-PCI*Mounting BracketIncluded(Bold Items are Most Popular)Products for Automotive IndustryNBH/PBH/LE2 - Introduction• N BH allows for increased power similar to that achieved using hydraulics • Convert air pressure to high oil pressure using a booster• Patent Pending• High output from 0.15 4.5tons• Adjust air pressure using air regulator• Accurate force using oil pressure• Typical flow – manual ~ pneumatic ~ hydraulic or electric• NBH – Uses direct air pressure – high output and speed, uses consitent air pressure, used for short stroke.• PBH – Uses an accumulator – for long strokeHigh Power SystemsPneumerlock Clamping Element• P ressure booster combined with clamp cylindersenables high output of 1.5 to 44.1kN.• E ither direct-pressure or preload-pressureboosters can be selected to provide a wide range ofmotions of actuator from short to long.SpecificationOutput oil pressure : 10.8~17.5 MPaOperating air pressure: 0.2~1 MPaOutput oil capacity : 77~304 cm3Direct Pressure Type BoosterNBH seriesDirect pressure type booster configurationSuitable for operations requiring highoutput throughout the stroke.SpecificationPre-Pressure Type Booster PBH, PBE SeriesExample of circuit for referenceSuitable for operations requiring highoutput throughout the stroke.Locating pin cylinderRigid mounting blocks and tight rod tolerance give the accurate position of locating pins on welding jigs.Wide variety of actuator shapes on customer’srequests.Pin clamp cylinderLocating pins are equipped to cylinders.Both vertical and horizontal shape with many different diameters/ shapes of locating pins oncustomer’s requests. Clamp UnclampVertical typeHorizontal typeJig lifting cylinderRigid lift cylinder which gives theaccurate clamping positions to the clamp units.On lift & carry conveyance or multi product lines, usuallyinstalled on the base welding machines.10F-1/2Flat shape cylinder with thin width bodies 20mm for bore 25mm 25mm for bore 32mm 39mm for bore 50mmNon rotating with oval pistonSpecificationPressure: 0.1 to 1MPa O Temperature: -10 to +60 C Bore: 25/ 32/ 50mm Standard stroke: 50-200mm 10F-1 5-50mm 10F-2FlangeDescription Type Order code P1C-4NMBFlangeMF1/MF2Water retract actuator (WRA-series)Note: For reliable operation of WRA, air pressure has to exceed water pressure, pressure difference recommended 1 barFoot bracketDescription Type Order code P1C-4NMFFoot bracketMS1Water retract actuator (WRA-series)Water retract actuator designed to reduce water pressure during automatic tip change operation• Based on standard components, utilizing Parker P1P global actuator series, VikingLite valve technology, sealing, hose and fitting technologies • Reduces downtime• Protection of expensive weld equipment, automatic tip changer • Easy installation, easily integrated into existing water system • Corrosive protection against cooling water medium • Cost effective design• Optimized design to fit car manufacturer specifications,new program or retooling programWater retract actuator (Order code)Pneumatic Actuator Air Motor- TAM4 : Compact, economical air motor with grease mounted system <Specifications>Nominal output : 9.81-19.6 kNOperating pressure range : 0.15-0.7MPaRadial Piston Type Air MotorTAM4 seriesPneumatic ActuatorHigh-Power System- All in one construction combining pressure booster and clamp cylinder - Compact, Lightweight design<Specifications>Port size : G1/8, G1/4Operating air pressure range : 0.15-0.9MPa at air pressure as 0.6 MPaClamping Element LE2 seriesPneumatic Actuator High-Power System- Space-saving pneumatic press- 1/10 The volume of conventional presses<Specifications>Rated pressure : 0.5MPaMaximum output : 73.5-228W Torque : 0.64-2.91 NmPneumatic Toggle PressTPH series。



网络摄像机(Network Camera)用户使用手册版本1.0非常感谢您购买我公司的产品,如果您有什么疑问或需要请随时联系我们.本手册可能包含技术上不准确的地方、或与产品功能及操作不相符的地方、或印刷错误。


目录第一章:产品简介 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21。

1主要功能及特点 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 1。

2主要应用 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2第二章安装------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32.1注意事项----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32。

2面板及说明 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 2。



海康威视网络硬盘录像机设备操作手册部分机型有不符合时,请予以实际机型功能为主1. 遥控器说明(部分机型没有)序号中文名称作用1 电源开启/关闭设备2 设备启用/停止使用遥控器3 数字键同前面板数字键4 编辑同前面板【编辑/光圈+】键5 输入法同前面板【输入法/焦距+】键6 录像同前面板【录像/预置点】键7 放像同前面板【放像】键8 系统信息同前面板【变倍+】键9 主口/辅口同前面板【主口/辅口】键,用于切换主辅口输出10 主菜单同前面板【主菜单/雨刷】键11 多画面同前面板【多画面/焦距-】键12 方向键、确认同前面板方向键及确认键13 云镜同前面板【云台控制/光圈-】键14 退出同前面板【退出】键15 保留16 F1 同前面板【F1】键17 镜头控制调整光圈、焦距、变倍18 F2 同前面板【F2】键在使用遥控器时,请把遥控器的红外发射端对准硬盘录像机的红外接收口,然后在遥控器上按【设备】键,接着输入要操作的那台硬盘录像机的设备号(默认的设备号为“88”,可在“本地设置”进行修改),再按遥控器上的【确认】键。






2. 输入法规则说明在菜单操作界面中,如进入编辑框(如“图像设置”内“名称”的编辑框)的编辑状态,则屏幕下方会出现如图所示的状态,按前面板的【数字键】可以在编辑框内输入数字。



































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Network Video RecorderQuick Start GuideTABLE OF CONTENTSChapter1 Panels Description (8)1.1 Front Panel (8)1.2 Rear Panel (9)NVR-100H-D and NVR-100MH-D Series (9)NVR-100H-D/P and NVR-100MH-D/P Series (10)Chapter 2 Installation and Connections (11)2.1 NVR Installation (11)2.2 Hard Disk Installation (11)2.3 HDD Storage Calculation Chart (13)Chapter 3 Menu Operation (14)3.1 Startup and Shutdown (14)3.2 Activate Your Device (14)3.3 Set the Unlock Pattern for Login (15)3.4 User Login (16)3.5 Network Settings (16)3.6 Add IP Cameras (17)3.7 Live View (18)3.8 Recording Settings (18)3.9 Playback (19)Chapter 4 Accessing by Web Browser (21)Quick Start GuideCOPYRIGHT ©2019 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Any and all information, including, among others, wordings, pictures, graphs are the properties of Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. or its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to be “Hikvision”). This user manual (hereinafter referred to be “the Manual”) cannot be reproduced, changed, translated, or distributed, partially or wholly, by any means, without the prior written permission of Hikvision. Unless otherwise stipulated, Hikvision does not make any warranties, guarantees or representations, express or implied, regarding to the Manual.About this ManualThis Manual is applicable to Network Video Recorder (NVR).The Manual includes instructions for using and managing the product. Pictures, charts, images and all other information hereinafter are for description and explanation only. The information contained in the Manual is subject to change, without notice, due to firmware updates or other reasons. Please find the latest version in the company website (/en/).Please use this user manual under the guidance of professionals.Trademarks Acknowledgementand other Hikvision’s trademarks and logos are the properties of Hikvision in various jurisdictions. Other trademarks and logos mentioned below are the properties of their respective owners.The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logoare trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. in the United States and other countries.Legal DisclaimerTO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE PRODUCT DESCRIBED, WITH ITS HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE, IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITH ALL FAULTS AND ERRORS, AND HIKVISION MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY. IN NO EVENT WILL HIKVISION, ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, OR AGENTS BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, INCLUDING, AMONG OTHERS, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF DATA OR DOCUMENTATION, IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT, EVEN IF HIKVISION HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.REGARDING TO THE PRODUCT WITH INTERNET ACCESS, THE USE OF PRODUCT SHALL BE WHOLLY AT YOUR OWN RISKS. HIKVISION SHALL NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITES FOR ABNORMAL OPERATION, PRIVACY LEAKAGE OR OTHER DAMAGES RESULTING FROM CYBER ATTACK, HACKER ATTACK, VIRUS INSPECTION, OR OTHER INTERNET SECURITY RISKS; HOWEVER, HIKVISION WILL PROVIDE TIMELY TECHNICAL SUPPORT IF REQUIRED.SURVEILLANCE LAWS VARY BY JURISDICTION. PLEASE CHECK ALL RELEVANT LAWS IN YOUR JURISDICTION BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT IN ORDER TO ENSURE THAT YOUR USE CONFORMSTHE APPLICABLE LAW. HIKVISION SHALL NOT BE LIABLE IN THE EVENT THAT THIS PRODUCT IS USED WITH ILLEGITIMATE PURPOSES.IN THE EVENT OF ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN THIS MANUAL AND THE APPLICABLE LAW, THE LATER PREVAILS.Regulatory InformationFCC InformationPlease take attention that changes or modification not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.FCC compliance: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.FCC ConditionsThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference.2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.EU Conformity StatementThis product and - if applicable - the supplied accessories too are marked with "CE" and comply therefore with the applicable harmonized European standards listed under the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU, the LVD Directive 2014/35/EU, the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU.2012/19/EU (WEEE directive): Products marked with this symbol cannot be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. For proper recycling, return this product to your local supplier upon the purchase of equivalent new equipment, or dispose of it at designated collection points. For more information see: 2006/66/EC (battery directive): This product contains a battery that cannot be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. See the product documentation for specific battery information. The battery is marked with this symbol, which may include lettering to indicate cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), or mercury (Hg). For proper recycling, return the battery to your supplier or to a designated collection point. For more information see: Industry Canada ICES-003 ComplianceThis device meets the CAN ICES-3 (A)/NMB-3(A) standards requirements.Applicable ModelsThis manual is applicable to the models listed in the following table.Series ModelNVR-100H-D NVR-104H-D NVR-108H-DNVR-100H-D/P NVR-104H-D/4P NVR-108H-D/8PNVR-100MH-D NVR-104MH-D NVR-108MH-DNVR-100MH-D/P NVR-104MH-D/4P NVR-108MH-D/8PSymbol ConventionsThe symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.Symbol DescriptionProvides additional information to emphasize or supplementimportant points of the main text.Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not avoided,could result in equipment damage, data loss, performancedegradation, or unexpected results.Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk, which if not avoided, willresult in death or serious injury.Safety Instructions●Proper configuration of all passwords and other security settings is the responsibility of theinstaller and/or end-user.●In the use of the product, you must be in strict compliance with the electrical safetyregulations of the nation and region. Please refer to technical specifications for detailedinformation.●Input voltage should meet both the SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) and the Limited PowerSource with 100~240 VAC, 48 VDC or 12 VDC according to the IEC60950-1 standard. Please refer to technical specifications for detailed information.●Do not connect several devices to one power adapter as adapter overload may causeover-heating or a fire hazard.●Please make sure that the plug is firmly connected to the power socket.●If smoke, odor or noise rise from the device, turn off the power at once and unplug the powercable, and then please contact the service center.●If the POE ports of device do not comply with Limited Power Source, the additional equipmentconnected to POE ports shall have fire enclosure.●The USB interface of the /P devices can be connected with the mouse and U-flash disk storagedevice only.Preventive and Cautionary TipsBefore connecting and operating your device, please be advised of the following tips:●Ensure unit is installed in a well-ventilated, dust-free environment.●Unit is designed for indoor use only.●Keep all liquids away from the device.●Ensure environmental conditions meet factory specifications.●Ensure unit is properly secured to a rack or shelf. Major shocks or jolts to the unit as a result ofdropping it may cause damage to the sensitive electronics within the unit.●Use the device in conjunction with an UPS if possible.●Power down the unit before connecting and disconnecting accessories and peripherals.● A factory recommended HDD should be used for this device.●Improper use or replacement of the battery may result in hazard of explosion. Replace withthe same or equivalent type only. Dispose of used batteries according to the instructionsprovided by the battery manufacturer.Power Supply InstructionsUse only power supplies listed in the user instructions.NVR Models Standard Power Supply Models ManufacturerNVR-104H-D NVR-108H-D NVR-104MH-D NVR-108MH-D EuropeanMSA-C1500IC12.0-18P-DE MOSO Power Supply Technology Co., LtdADS-26FSG-12 12018EPG Shenzhen HONOR Electronic Co., LtdKL-AD3060VA Xiamen Keli Electronics Co., LtdKPD-018-VI Channel Well Technology Co., Ltd BritishADS-25FSG-12 12018GPB Shenzhen HONOR Electronic Co., LtdMSA-C1500IC12.0-18P-GB MOSO Power Supply Technology Co., LtdADS-26FSG-12 12018EPB Shenzhen HONOR Electronic Co., LtdNVR-104H-D/4PNVR-108H-D/8P NVR-104MH-D/4P NVR-108MH-D/8P UniversalMSP-Z1360IC48.0-65W MOSO Power Supply Technology Co., LtdMSA-Z1040IS48.0-65W-Q MOSO Power Supply Technology Co., LtdMSA-Z1360IS48.0-65W-QMOSO Power Supply Technology Co., Ltd●The power supplies list above is for EU countries only.●The power supplies list is subject to change without prior notice.Chapter1 Panels Description 1.1 Front PanelFigure 1-1NVR-100H-D (/P) SeriesFigure 1-2NVR-100MH-D (/P) SeriesTable 1-1Description of Front Panel No. Icon Description1 Indicator turns red when NVR is powered up.2 Indicator lights in red when data is being read from or written to HDD.3 Indicator blinks blue when network connection is functioning properly.1.2 Rear PanelNVR-100H-D and NVR-100MH-D SeriesFigure 1-3NVR-100H-D Rear PanelFigure 1-4NVR-100MH-D Rear PanelNo. Item Description1 Power Supply 12 VDC power supply.2 VGA Interface DB9 connector for VGA output. Display local videooutput and menu.3 HDMI Interface HDMI video output connector.4 USB Interface Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports for additional devicessuch as USB mouse and USB Hard Disk Drive (HDD).5 LAN Network Interface 10/100 Mbps self-adaptive Ethernet interface.6 Ground Ground (needs to be connected when NVR starts up).NVR-100H-D/P and NVR-100MH-D/P SeriesFigure 1-5NVR-100H-D/P Rear PanelFigure 1-6NVR-100MH-D/P Rear PanelTable 1-3Description of Rear Panel No. Item Description1 Power Supply 12 VDC power supply.2 VGA Interface DB9 connector for VGA output. Display local videooutput and menu.3 HDMI Interface HDMI video output connector.4 USB Interface Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports for additional devicessuch as USB mouse and USB Hard Disk Drive (HDD).5 LAN Network Interface 10/100 Mbps self-adaptive Ethernet interface.6 Ground Ground (needs to be connected when NVR starts up).7 Network Interfaces withPoE functionNetwork interfaces for the cameras and to providepower over Ethernet.4 interfaces for /4P models and 8 interfaces for /8Pmodels.Chapter 2 Installation and Connections2.1 NVR InstallationDuring installation of the NVR:●Use brackets for rack mounting.●Ensure ample room for audio and video cables.●When routing cables, ensure that the bend radius of the cables are no less than five times thanits diameter.●Connect the alarm cable.●Allow at least 2cm (≈0.75-inch) of space between racks mounted devices.●Ensure the NVR is grounded.●Environmental temperature should be within the range of -10 to +55º C, +14 to +131º F.●Environmental humidity should be within the range of 10% to 90%.2.2 Hard Disk InstallationBefore you start:Disconnect the power from the NVR before installing a hard disk drive (HDD). A factory recommended HDD should be used for this installation.Tools Required: Screwdriver.Step 1Remove the cover from the device by unfastening the screws on the bottom.Figure 2-1Remove the CoverStep 2Place the HDD on the bottom of the device and then fasten the screws on the bottom to fix the HDD.Figure 2-2Fix the HDDStep 3Connect one end of the data cable to the motherboard of NVR and the other end to the HDD.Step 4Connect the power cable to the HDD.Figure 2-3Connect CablesStep 5Re-install the cover of the NVR and fasten screws.2.3 HDD Storage Calculation ChartThe following chart shows an estimation of storage space used based on recording at one channel for an hour at a fixed bit rate.Bit Rate Storage Used96K42M128K56M160K70M192K84M224K98M256K112M320K140M384K168M448K196M512K225M640K281M768K337M896K393M1024K450M1280K562M1536K675M1792K787M2048K900M4096K 1.8G8192K 3.6G16384K 7.2GPlease note that supplied values for storage space used is just for reference. The storage values in the chart are estimated by formulas and may have some deviation from actual value.Chapter 3 Menu Operation3.1 Startup and ShutdownProper startup and shutdown procedures are crucial to expanding the life of the NVR.To start your NVR:Step 1Check the power supply is plugged into an electrical outlet. It is HIGHLY recommended that an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) be used in conjunction with the device. The Powerbutton) on the front panel should be red, indicating the device is receiving the power.Step 2Press the power switch on the panel. The Power LED should turn blue. The unit will begin to start.After the device starts up, the wizard will guide you through the initial settings, including modifying password, date and time settings, network settings, HDD initializing, and recording.To shut down the NVR:Step 1Go to Menu > Shutdown.Figure 3-1ShutdownStep 2Select Shutdown.Step 3Click Yes.3.2 Activate Your DevicePurpose:For the first-time access, you need to activate the device by setting an admin password. No operation is allowed before activation. You can also activate the device via Web Browser, SADP or client software.Step 1Input the same password in Create New Password and Confirm New Password.Step 2(Optional) Use customized password to activate and add network camera(s) connected to the device.1)Uncheck Use Channel Default Password.2)Enter a password in IP Camera Activation.Figure 3-2Set Admin PasswordSTRONG PASSWORD RECOMMENDED–We highly recommend you create a strong password of your own choosing (Using a minimum of 8 characters, including at least three of the following categories: upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.) in order to increase the security of your product. And we recommend you reset your password regularly, especially in the high security system, resetting the password monthly or weekly can better protect your product.Step 3Click OK.3.3 Set the Unlock Pattern for LoginAdmin can use the unlock pattern for device login.For devices with PoE function, you can draw the device unlock pattern after activation. For other devices, the unlock pattern interface will show after the first-time login.Step 1Use the mouse to draw a pattern among the 9 dots on the screen. Release the mouse when the pattern is done.Figure 3-3Draw the Pattern●Connect at least 4 dots to draw the pattern.●Each dot can be connected for once only.Step 2Draw the same pattern again to confirm it. When the two patterns match, the pattern is configured successfully.3.4 User LoginPurpose:If NVR has logged out, you must login the device before operating the menu and other functions. Step 1Select the User Name in the dropdown list.Figure 3-4LoginStep 2Input Password.Step 3Click OK.In the Login dialog box, if you enter the wrong password 7 times, the current user account will be locked for 60 seconds.3.5 Network SettingsPurpose:Network settings must be properly configured before you operate NVR over network.Step 1Enter the general network settings interface.Menu > Configuration > Network > GeneralFigure 3-5Network SettingsStep 2Configure the following settings: NIC Type, IPv4 Address, IPv4 Gateway, MTU and DNS Server.Step 3If the DHCP server is available, you can check the checkbox of DHCP to automatically obtain an IP address and other network settings from that server.Step 4Click Apply.3.6 Add IP CamerasPurpose:Before you can get live video or record the video files, you should add the network cameras to the connection list of the device.Before you start:Ensure the network connection is valid and correct, and the IP camera to add has already been activated. Please refer to the User Manual for activating the inactive IP camera.You can select one of the following three options to add the IP camera.OPTION 1:Step 1Click to select an idle window in the live view mode.Step 2Click in the center of the window to pop up the Add IP Camera interface.Figure 3-6Add IP CameraStep 3Select the detected IP camera and click Add to add it directly, and you can click Search to refresh the online IP camera manually.Or you can choose to custom add the IP camera by editing the parameters in thecorresponding text field and then click Add to add it.3.7 Live ViewIcons are provided on screen in Live View mode to indicate camera status. These icons include: Live View IconsIn the live view mode, there are icons at the upper-right corner of the screen for each channel, showing the status of the record and alarm in the channel for quick reference.Alarm (video loss, tampering, motion detection, VCA or sensor alarm)Record (manual record, continuous record, motion detection, VCA or alarm triggered record)Alarm and RecordEvent/Exception (event and exception information, appears at the lower-left corner of the screen.)3.8 Recording SettingsBefore you start:Make sure that the disk has already been installed. If not, please install a disk and initialize it. You may refer to the user manual for detailed information.Purpose:Two kinds of record types are introduced in the following section, including Instant Record andAll-day Record. And for other record types, you may refer to the user manual for detailed information.After rebooting all the manual records enabled are canceled.Step 1On the live view window, right lick the window and move the cursor to the Start Recording option, and select Continuous Record or Motion Detection Record on your demand.Figure 3-7Start Recording from Right-click MenuStep 2Click Yes in the pop-up Attention message box to confirm the settings. All the channels will start to record in the selected mode.3.9 PlaybackThe recorded video files on the hard disk can be played back in the following modes: instant playback, all-day playback for the specified channel, and playback bynormal/event/smart/tag/sub-periods/external file search.Step 1Enter playback interface.Click Menu > Playback or from the right-click menuStep 2Check the checkbox of channel(s) in the channel list and then double-click to select a date on the calendar.Step 3You can use the toolbar in the bottom part of Playback interface to control playing progress.Figure 3-8 Playback InterfaceStep 4 Select the channel(s) to or execute simultaneous playback of multiple channels.Chapter 4 Accessing by Web BrowserYou shall acknowledge that the use of the product with Internet access might be under network security risks. For avoidance of any network attacks and information leakage, please strengthen your own protection. If the product does not work properly, please contact with your dealer or the nearest service center.Purpose:You can get access to the device via web browser. You may use one of the following listed web browsers: Internet Explorer 6.0, Internet Explorer 7.0, Internet Explorer 8.0, Internet Explorer 9.0, Internet Explorer 10.0, Internet Explorer 11.0, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. The supported resolutions include 1024*768 and above.Step 1Open web browser, input the IP address of the device and then press Enter.Step 2Login to the device.If the device has not been activated, you need to activate the device first before login.Figure 4-1Set Admin Password1)Set the password for the admin user account.2)Click OK.STRONG PASSWORD RECOMMENDED–We highly recommend you create a strong password of your own choosing (using a minimum of 8 characters, including upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and special characters) in order to increase the security of your product. And we recommend you reset your password regularly, especially in the high security system, resetting the password monthly or weekly can better protect your product.If the device is already activated, enter the user name and password in the login interface, and click Login.Figure 4-2LoginStep 3Install the plug-in before viewing the live video and managing the camera. Please follow the installation prompts to install the plug-in.You may have to close the web browser to finish the installation of the plug-in.After login, you can perform the operation and configuration of the device, including the live view, playback, log search, configuration, etc.03041041090702。



网络摄像机操作手册V2.0.0 杭州海康威视数字技术股份有限公司技术热线:400-700-59982011-3安全须知此内容的目的是确保用户正确使用本产品,以避免危险或财产损失。



























警告:1.请使用满足SELV(安全超低电压)要求的电源,并按照IEC60950-1符合Limited Power Source(有限电源)的额定电压为12V直流或24V交流电源(根据具体型号而定)供应。















海康威视网络摄像机用户手册格式说明书HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】网络摄像机操作手册V2.0.0杭州海康威视数字技术股份有限公司技术热线:400-700-59982011-3安全须知此内容的目的是确保用户正确使用本产品,以避免危险或财产损失。






警告:1.请使用满足SELV(安全超低电压)要求的电源,并按照IEC60950-1符合Limited Power Source(有限电源)的额定电压为12V直流或24V交流电源(根据具体型号而定)供应。











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