



1.The work that presented,for the first time in English literature, a comprehensive realisticpicture of the medieval English society and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life is Geoffrey Chaucer`s The Canterbury Tales.2.Geoffrey Chaucer is regarded as the father of English poetry.3.The verse from of heroic couplet(英雄双韵体)was introduced into English poetry andemployed in the poem with true ease and charm for the first time in the history of English literature by Geoffrey Chaucer.4.The Canterbury Tales presents a whole gallery of vivid characters,the team ofpilgrims,people from all walks of life , including 31members altogether.5.Generally,Renaissance(文艺复兴) refers to the intellectual movement during the periodbetween 14th ad mid-17th centuries,its essence was humanism(人文主义),6.English Renaissance Period was an age of poetry and drama.7.William Shakespeare`s writing is widely regarded as one of the three main sources of theEnglish literature,while the other two are Greek and Roman myths (古希腊罗马神话)and the Bible(圣经).8.William Shakespeare leaves a great body of literary works to the world,including 37plays,154 sonnets and 2 narrative poems.9.In reading Shakespeare, you must have come across the line “To be or not to be-that isthe question”by Hamlet in Hamlet.10.“So long as men can breathe,or eyes can see,/So long lives this ,and this gives life tothee.”(Shakespeare,”Sonnet 18”)The work “this”refers to poetry.11.S hakespeare`s four great tragedies include Hamlet,King Lear,Othello,and Macbeth,usually considered as some of the finest works in the English language.12.I n Romeo and Juliet,Shakespeare`s humanism is evidently seen in his praise of humanlove and in his defiance of feudal discord(无视封建纷争).13.A sonnet is a poem of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter(五步抑扬格),with rhymesarranged according to a certain definite patterns.14.F rancis Bacon(弗兰西斯培根)`s works,”Some books are to be tasted ,others to beswallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested;that is ,some books are to be read in parts; others are to be read ,but not curiously ;and some few to be read wholly,and with diligence and attention,”describes the importance of reading and different ways to deal with different books as well.15.T he Glorious Revolution in 1688 meant the supremacy of Parliament,the beginning ofmodem England and the triumph of the principle of political liberty.16.M etaphysical poetry refers to the works of the 17th-century writers who wrote under theinfluence of John Donne,with the general theme of carpe diem.17.J ohn Donne in his poem “The Flea”claim that killing the lover ,the flea and thuscommitting sacrilege constitute “three sins”.18.E pic is a long verse narrative on a serious subject,told in a formal and elevated style, andcentered on a heroic or quasi-divine figure on whose actions depends the fate of a tribe, nation or the human race.19.E nlighteners believed that freedom,democracy,and reason are the primary values ofsociety.20.I n Robinson Crusoe,Defoe traces the growth of Robinson from a naive &simple youth intoa mature &hardened man, tempered by numerous trials in his 28 years of living on anisolated island.21.I n Robinson Crusoe,the hero Crusoe teaches a slave named Friday to speak English andbelieved in God and eat like a civilized man.22.T he revolutionary enthusiasm of the bourgeois revolution and the bitter hatred for thedespotic ruler are best shown in the works of John Milton.23.G ulliver`s Travels written by Jonathan Swift is one of the most effective and devastatingcriticism and satires of all aspects of the English and European life of the time.24.A ccording to Swift,Gulliver made voyages to Lilliput,Brobdingnag,Laputa(拉普塔岛会飞的岛),the Country of the Houyhnhnms(慧姻国,格列弗游记中的一个国家),etc.25.T he 18th century witnessed that in England there appeared two political parties,theWhig`s and the Tories,which were satired(讽刺的)by Swift in His Gulliver`s Travels.26.J onathan Swift defines a good style as “proper words in proper places”.27.J onathan Swift in his “A Modest Proposal”exposes a fact that the English are devouringthe Irish.28.O ne of the characteristics of neoclassicism(新古典主义的)is that reason rather thanemotion, and from rather than content are emphasized.(强调)29.P aradise Lost is actually a story taken from the Old Testament.30.R omanticism emphasized individual values and aspirations above those of society with itskeynote intensity and watchword imagination..31.R omanticism as a main literary trend prevailed in England during the period of1798-1832,beginning with the publication of Lyrical Ballads in 1798,ending with Walter Scott`s death in 1832.32.W illiam Wordsworth,Samuel Taylor Coleridge,and Robert Southey were known as “LakePoets”because they lived and knew one another in the district of the great lakes in Northwestern England.33.W illiam Wordsworth was a major English Romantic poet who,with Samuel T aylorColeridge,helped to launch the Romantic Age in English literature with their joint publication Lyrical Ballads (17980).34.A s a worshipper(崇拜者)of nature,William Wordsworth`s famous poems include “IWandered Lonely as a Cloud ”,“Tintern Abbey”,and ‘The Solitary Reaper’.35.W illiam Wordsworth defines a good poetry as the spontaneous overflow of powerfulfeelings.36.I n ‘I wandered lonely as a cloud ’,the poet says ‘my with pleasure fills,/And dances withthe daffodils. ’37.B yron`s influence was manifested by many authors and artists of the Romantic movementduring the 19th century and beyond. An example of Byronic hero is Heath cliff from Emily Bronte`s Wuthering Heights.(呼啸山庄)38.P ercy Bysshe Shelley (雪莱)in his poems called on the people to overthrow the rule oftyranny and injustice and prophesied a happy and free life for mankind.39.P ercy Bysshe Shelley,through the speaker in his ‘Ode to the West Wind’,imagineshimself to be a leaf ,a cloud and a wave under the influence of the west wind .40.F rankenstein, by Mary Shelley,was supposed to be the first science fiction in the world.41.B yron and Shelley are usually considered as the Second Generation of the RomanticMovement.42.I n the poem, “Ode to a Nightingale”, Keats identifies himself with the ideal beauty andhope that the song of the bird will help him to escape from the world of suffering,where “to think is to be full of sorrow”,into the world of eternal happiness.43.T he prose writing of the romantic period was represented by Charles Lamb,WilliamHazlitt,and Thomas de Quincey.(德昆西)44.J ohn Keats wrote such immortal odes as “Ode to a Nightingale”, “Ode to Autumn ”and ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’.45.S helley wrote an elegy “Adonis ”lamenting the early death of his fellow-poet JohnKeats .46.‘Beauty is truth ,truth beauty”is from Keats` ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’.47.T he dominant theme of John Keats` poems is that the world of nature is beautiful ,therealm of art and poetry is wonderful, but the human society is full of miseries.48.R obert Burns collected, edited ,restored ,and imitated traditional Scottish songs, or wroteverses of his own too traditional tune . Thus , he rescued and preserved the literary heritage.49.R obert Burns often wrote with light-hearted humor and in Scottish dialect.50.“Auld Lang Syne ”(友谊地久天长),originally a Scottish folksong(民谣)edited and collectby Robert Burns, was incorporated into the classic Hollywood movie Waterloo Bridge in 1940.51.J ane Austen`s novels include Northanger Abbey (诺桑觉寺),Sense and Sensibility ,Prideand Prejudice,Mansfield Park ,Emma and Persuasion.52.J ane Austen,although living and writing in the “age of poetry”,was an novelist instead.53.P ride and Prejudice is about the love and marriage story of five daughters in one family.54.J ane Austen wrote six novels all through her life,55.J ane Austen `s novels are mainly about love and marriage, mainly focusing on everydaycountry life of the upper middle class, and successful in the employment of irony.56.D ances figure prominently in Jane Austen`s novels.Whether performed in publicassembly rooms or in private,dances offered social opportunities for young people to mix and mingle and converse in an acceptable fashion.57.A usten sets all of her novels during the Regency Period when the new landed gentry whocame into money through commercial enterprise and ascended from the middle class.58.P ride and Prejudice portrays life in the genteel rural society of the day , and tells of theinitial misunderstandings and later mutual enlightenment between Elizabeth and the haughty Darcy.59.A usten,employing irony, begins her most famous novel Pride and Prejudice with thissentence “it is a truth universally acknowledged,that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.”60.I n the 19th century English literature,a new literary trend ,critical realism,appeared,andflourished in the forties and early fifties.61.J ane Austen`s writing,drawing vivid and realistic pictures of everyday life of the countrysociety in her novels, was consider to be “a fine engraving made upon a little piece ofivory”.62.C hronologically, the Victorian Period refers to 1831-1901.63.A lthough writing from different points of view and with different techniques,writers in theVictorian Period shared one thing in common, that is ,they were all concerned about the fate of the common people .64.P ip,Estella,Havisham,Magwitch,and Joe Gargery (前均为远大前程里的人物名称)are namesof characters from the novel Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.65.“Do you think ,because I am poor ,obscure,plain , and little, I an soulless andheartless?...And if God had gifted me with some beauty , and much wealth,I should have made it as hard as for you to leave me , as it is now for me to leave you.”The passage is taken from Jane Eyre,66.E nglish critical realism found its expression chiefly in the form of novel.67.O ne of the greatest English critical realist novelist was Charles Dickens,who criticized thebourgeois civilization and showed the misery of the common people.68.D avid Copperfield is often regarded as the semi-autobiography of the author CharlesDickens,in which the early life of the hero is largely based on the author’s early life. 69.I n the novel Oliver Twist.Dickens gives a truthful presentation of the sufferance of thepoor ,and makes a complete exposure of the terrible conditions in the English workhouse of the time and the brutality and corruption of the oppresoors(压迫者暴君)under the mask of philanthropy.70.C harles Dickens begins his famous novel A Tale of Two Cities this way ; “it was the best oftimes.It was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom,it was the age of foolishness. It was”the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us , we had nothing before us , we were all going direct to Heaven,we were all going direct the other way…”71.H ardy is one of the representatives of English critical realism at the turn of the 19thcentury.72.A s to Tess of the D `Urbervilles: Tess was a pure woman ;Tess was a victim of economicoppression and social injustice ;the author`s pessimistic and naturalistic view of life is fully expressed in it.73.A lec,Clare,Angel,all are characters appearing in the novel Tess of the D`Urbervilles.(小说《苔丝》)74.E mily Bronte wrote only one novel entitled Wuthering Heights.75.B ronte Sisters were all talented writers, they all died young and all went to charity school.76.J ane Eyre is one of the most popular and important novels of the Victorian age. It is notedfor its sharp criticism of the existing society, especially the bourgeois system of education.77.T homas Hardy was once an architect,born in Dorsetshire,(多塞特郡)a county in the southof England , and his principle works are the Wessex novels.78.N ovels of character and Environment are also called Wessex novels,taking the southwestcounties of England for their setting, which include The Return of the Native,The Mayor of Casterbridge,(《卡斯特桥市长》)Tess of the D`Urbervilles, and Jude the Obscure.79.T ess Durbeyfield(苔丝德贝菲尔人物名称)in Tess of the D`Urbervilles is the daughter ofa poor villager.80.O ne of the chief representative figures of the School of Aestheticism is Oscar Wilde.81.M ost of Hardy`s novels are set in Wessex,the fictional primitive and crude region which isreally the home place he both loves and hates.82.J ames Joyce`s representative works are Dubliners,(都柏林人)A Portrait of the Artist as aYoung Man,Ulysses and Finnegans Wake.(《芬根尼的守灵夜》)83.J ames Joyce, Virginia Woolf and William Faulkner all belong to the school of the Stream ofConsciousness.84.W ashington Irving is the first American writer to earn an international reputation, andregarded as an early famous Romantic writer in American Literary history.85.I rving was best known for his famous short stories such as “Rip Van Winkle”and “TheLegend of Sleepy Hollow”.86.T he finest example of Hawthorne`s symbolism is reflected in his The Scarlet Letter.87.N athaniel Hawthorne depicts the prison as a symbol for puritanical severity of law andthe rigorous enforcement of law and the impossibility to break free of it , while the rosebush to symbolize the passionate wilderness in the form of Hester Prynne.(海丽斯白兰《红字》女主人公)88.A s a leading spokesman of the Imagist Movement ,Ezra Pound wrote a famousone-image poem “In a Station of the Metro ”,which has been regarded as a classic specimen of Imagist poetry.(意象派诗歌)89.P ostmodernism can be described as a set of critical,strategic and rhetorical practicesemploying concepts such as difference,repetition,simulacrum,and hyper reality to destabilize other concepts such as presence,identity ,historical progress,and epistemic (认识的)certainty.90.P ostmodernism upholds the belief that there is no absolute truth and the way in whichdifferent people perceive the world is subjective.91.R epresentative writers of postmodernism are Derrida,Foucault,Kristiva,Lacan,etc.92.E xamples of intertextuality(互文-写作手法)can be found in Ulysses retelling Homer`sOdyssey(奥赛德),The Dead Fathers Club retelling Hamlet,A Thousand Acres retelling King Lear,and Wide Sargasso Sea retelling Jane Eyre.93.P rincipal characters in Bellow`s fiction have heroic potential,and many times they stand incontrast to the negative forces of society .Often these characters are Jewish and have a sense of alienation or otherness.94.D eath of a Salesman tells us a story about an American tragedy,but the tragedy rooted inthe American Dream.95.P ynchon`s novels are broad in scope and use scientific theories ,historical facts,and detailsof popular culture with great accuracy.96.T here is only scene,in Waiting for Godot,throughout both acts:two men are waiting on acountry road by a tree.97.I n1993,T oni Morrison , “Who in novels characterized by visionary force and poetic importgives life to an essential aspect of American reality”,was awarded the Novel Prize in literature.98.E normously important in shaping the artistic contributions of the Harlem Renaissance ofthe 1920s,Langston Hughes(兰斯顿人名)is the most popular and versatile of the black writers.99.“Poor Rip was at last reduced almost to despair :and his only alternative,to escape fromthe labor of the farm and the clamor of his wife,was to take gun in hand ,and stroll away into the wood ”This sentence vividly describes the characteristics of Rip Van Winkle,especially unwilling to engage himself in labor as well as slow response to what happened around .100.“To wage by force or guile eternal war./Irreconcilable to out grand Foe ”,here the Foe refers to God.。

外国文学(欧美卷) 重点含答案

外国文学(欧美卷) 重点含答案





















格和艺术手法 4. 亨利·詹姆斯代表作的主题结构、艺术手法、语言风格和社会会意义 5. 艾米丽·地金森的《我听到苍蝇的嗡嗡声当我去世时 》创作思想、艺术特色及其代表作的社
会意义、语言风格和艺术手法 6. 西奥多·德莱塞的《嘉莉妹妹》创作思想、艺术特色及其代表作的主题结构、艺术手法和人
1. 美国现代时期文学特征 2. 庞德的主要作品及其内容 3. 罗伯特·弗洛斯特的代表作及其主题结构和艺术特色 4. 菲兹杰拉德《了不起的盖茨比》的主题意义及其象征手法 5. 海明威的主要作品及其内容:《老人与海》、《永别了武
第二章 现代主义时期
The Modern Period
1. 美国浪漫主义时期的文学特点 2. 华盛顿·欧文的文学作品 3. 霍桑代表作《小伙子布朗》中的寓言与象征 4. 惠特曼的创作思想及其代表作的主题结构、人物刻画和社会意义——《白鲸》
1. 现实主义和自然主义的概念 2. 文学特点及现实主义者的倾向 3. 马克·吐温的《哈克贝利费恩历险记》创作思想、艺术特色及其代表作的社会意义、语言风
3. 华兹华斯的主要作品及内容 4. 拜伦《致希腊》的主题并用英语
1. 华兹华斯的诗歌特点 2. 英文解释华兹华斯《我如行云独自游》中的句子
5. 雪莱《西风颂》的主题并用英语 解释其中句子
1. 维多利亚时期的文学特点 2. 狄更斯的主要作品及内容——critical realist
3. 哈代的代表作及写作特点 4. 夏洛特·布朗特的《简·爱》中简·爱的人物分析
器》、《丧钟为谁而鸣》等 6. 福克纳的主要作品及其内容
1.<<贝尔武夫>>简介及在英国文学史上的意义。 Beowulf《贝奥武夫》:第一部最古老、最长的较完整的文学作品 2.乔叟及其代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》对英国文学做出的贡献。 The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》小说集,描写了各行各业中的人物形象












3、 17 世纪文学这一时期的玄学派诗歌和清教徒文学是重点。



4、 18 世纪文学启蒙运动时期的英国文学注重现实和理性。



5、 19 世纪浪漫主义文学浪漫主义时期的诗人如威廉·华兹华斯、塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治、拜伦、雪莱和济慈的作品都需要认真研读。



6、 19 世纪现实主义文学查尔斯·狄更斯的作品在这一时期占据重要地位,如《雾都孤儿》《大卫·科波菲尔》《双城记》等,要理解其对社会现实的批判和对人性的关怀。



二十世纪欧美文学各章重点第一章重点问题1.表现主义的艺术特征ν2.卡夫卡的主要作品3.《变形记》的内容、艺术特点ν4.《饥饿艺术家》、《地洞》的内容ν5.《城堡》的朦胧性所代来的多解性6.卡夫卡小说的特征ν7.对卡夫卡的主要评价ν8.为什么说卡夫卡是现代主义的奠基第二章重点问题1.意识流小说产生的哲学和心理学背景ν2.意识流的三层含义3.意识流小说的特征及主要表现手法ν4.对意识流小说定义的争论ν5.意识流小说代表作家作品6.福克纳的主要作品(《我弥留之际》等)、创作特点(评价)ν7.《喧哗与骚动》的内容、班吉叙事的意义8.乔伊斯的生平和创作简况9.《尤利西斯》的内容、在结构上与《奥德赛》的对应关系,对《尤利西斯》的评价第三章重点问题1.存在主义文学的主题和艺术特点2.萨特主要作品的内容ν3..“处境剧”(“处境小说”)的含义ν4.《恶心》所表现的存在主义观点5.加缪主要作品的内容ν6.《局外人》、《鼠疫》所表现的存在主义观点ν7.零度写作的含义第四章重点问题1.新小说的革命性、19世纪现实主义小说的特征2.娜塔丽•萨洛特的主要作品,“潜对话”的内涵3.米歇尔•布托尔的主要作品4.克洛德•西蒙的主要作品5. 罗伯—格里耶的主要作品,《嫉妒》的内容、题目的双关含义、艺术特点第五章重点问题1.拉美魔幻现实主义的艺术特征2.关于拉美魔幻现实主义的争论3.拉美魔幻现实主义的代表作家作品4.马尔克斯的主要作品5.《百年孤独》的内容、孤独主题6.《百年孤独》的所反映的魔幻现实主义艺术特点7.《百年孤独》的叙事特点。



Realism1、It aims at the interpretation of actualities of any aspect of life, free from subjective prejudice, idealism, or romantic color.2、Major features:(Familiar aspects of contemporary and everyday life are represented in a)straightforward or matter-of-fact manner;Characters from all social levels社会阶层; Open ending; Focus on commonness of the lives of the common people;objectivity客观; it presents moral visions.American realistic authors1、Bret Harte:the first American writer of local color .2、William Dean Howells: the arbiter of American realism /holds that truth is the highest beauty.3、Henry James insisted that art must be related to life.4、Henry James / Mark Twain: the greatest of American realists.5、Samuel Langhorne Clemens:American writer and humorist, whose best work is characterized by broad, often irreverent humor or biting social satire.(无礼的幽默和尖锐的社会讽刺)Twain's writing is also known for realism of place and language, memorable characters, and hatred of hypocrisy and oppression(憎恨虚伪和压迫).6、Mark Twain's work during the 1890s and the 1900s is marked by growing pessimism and bitterness(不断增长的悲观和痛苦)Major works: The Gilded Age镀金时代(第一部长篇小说): A Tale of To-day (1873); The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson (1894);The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876);The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884)《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》Travel fiction: The Innocents Abroad (or The New Pilgrim’s Progress)(1869) 《傻子国外旅行记》;Roughing It (1873) 艰难生涯;Life on the Mississippi (1883) 密西西比河上的生活,combines an autobiographical account(结合了自传)7、Historical Romance: The Prince and the Pauper(1882)(王子与贫儿), A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court(在亚瑟王朝廷中的康涅狄格州美国人), It isa parable of colonialization(这是一个殖民化的寓言).8、The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County (1865) 《卡拉维拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》充满夸张和喜剧的边疆生活。



导论:西方文学的发展历史一、西方文学的两大源头——古希腊神话艺术和古希伯来文学1、古希腊神话艺术的突然崛起(公元前7世纪——前6世纪)那个时代的:孔子、释迦牟尼、苏格拉底+ 《圣经》——三大伟人+ 1部经书,撑起了世界文明的大厦。











一.What is the theme of Beowulf?这首诗主题介绍了如何原始人工资在聪明和强大的领导之下的自然世界的敌对势力的英勇斗争的生动写照。


Thematically the poem presents a vivid picture of how the primitive people wage heroic struggles against the hostile forces of the natural world under a wise and mighty leader.The poem is an example of the mingling of nature myths and heroic legends.二.莎士比亚(1)四个悲剧。




3.每一位英雄有他的弱点的性质;老国王李尔不愿意完全放弃他的权力;麦克白的权欲挑起他的抱负和他会导致无休止的罪行1.Shakespeare’s four greatest tragedies are: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth.2.Each portrays some noble hero, who faces the injustice of human life and is caught in a difficult situation and whose fate is closely connected with the fate of the whole nation.3. Each hero has his weakness of nature; the old king Lear who is unwilling to totally give up his power; and Macbeth’s lust for power stirs up his ambition and leads him to incessant crimes三.试论莎士比亚的艺术的创作。

外国文学史欧美卷 复习资料

外国文学史欧美卷 复习资料

( 一) 着重于表现作家的主观理想,抒发强烈的个人感情。


浪漫主义作家多重主观、轻客观, 个人生活中的成败得失、心得体悟, 是他们创作的重要主题之一。

《维特》是部半自传体的小说, 记述了歌德青年时代一段刻骨铭心的恋情《少年维特之烦恼》绝大部分内容都是维特以日记的形式用第一人称向读者述说自己的遭遇和情怀,因此具有日记体所表现的生活的真实感和情感的真挚性。

歌德借维特这个人物, 阐述着自己对社会人生的认识, 抒发着刻骨铭心的爱情苦痛。

在第二篇中,虽然歌德借用了友人耶鲁撒冷为爱殉情的故事, 但维特的许多思想、情绪, 仍带有歌德强烈的个人色彩。

《少年维特之烦恼》绝大部分内容都是维特以( 二)感情与理智的直接对抗喜欢用夸张、对比的手法,追求强烈的艺术效果。


在《维特》中, 歌德塑造了两位性格迥异的男主人公: 维特和阿尔伯特。

维特率真、感性、冲动, 不论爱憎, 都分外鲜明、强烈, 这正是狂飙突进时期德国青年的典型形象; 阿尔伯特却理智、冷静, 不论爱憎, 都不走极端, 分寸得当, 这种形象, 恰得启蒙时代理性精神之要旨。

维特与阿尔伯特同样深爱着聪慧娴淑的好女孩绿蒂, 他们是朋友, 又是情敌, 这样的关系, 也似乎颇能隐喻启蒙主义与浪漫主义的关系。

( 三) 将大自然和资本主义文明相对立,着力描写自然景物,歌颂大自然。


远离工业文明的浸染, 充满原始色彩的雄伟诡异、纯朴宁静的大自然, 是浪漫主义作家的益友良师, 可以平复创痛,启迪心智, 丰富哲思, 激发灵感。

这样的思想, 在《维特》中, 也可见端倪。

维特致友人的信文, 充满了对自然的讴歌。

比如, 刚一进入瓦尔海姆, 维特就被那里纯美的景致深深吸引: “一棵棵树, 一排排树篱, 都是花团锦簇, 我愿变成一只金甲虫, 在这芬芳的海洋中浮游, 觅取全部养料。



英美文学考试复习点重点整理1.现实主义、批判现实主义(代表人物、作品,以及每部作品讲了什么故事)P276—比如《匹克威克外传》主要讲什么?P281 《双城记》主要讲什么?P298 《大卫科波菲尔》主要讲什么?P2922.其中自传体形式的作品有哪些?3.傲慢与偏见的第一个名字:first impression(Pride and prejudice现)4.三姐妹指的是?5.19世纪有名小说名利场副标题:“A Novel Without a Hero”作者:William Makepeace Thackeray P3036.18th浪漫主义作家、代表作P211 反对什么,反抗什么思想?7.Pop代表作有哪些?P134 剪发记?8.玄学诗派有哪些人物组成?Leading Feature? P1169.乌托邦is written in form of ?P3310.Universal Wicks大学才子是谁?P5011.中世纪文学流行的是? 主题特征骑马精神P8?12.最著名作家:乔叟P1913.对于三次征服的概念(1)罗马征服P1 (2)英国人征服P2(3)诺曼征服P514.人民大宪章什么时候出现?时间:1837年1.John MiltonHe was born in London in 1608. He is a master of the blank verse, and a great stylist. And he is famous for his grand style.But his style is never exactly natural. He devoted almost twenty years of his best life to the fight for political, religious and personal liberty as a writer. His famous works are Paradise lost, Paradise Regained, and Samson Agonistes.2.RomanceRomance was the most prevailing kind of literature of theupper class in feudal England in the Medieval Ages. It is a long composition in verse or in prose which describes the life and chivalric adventures of a noble hero. The central character of romances is the knight, a man of noble birth skilled in the use of weapon. The theme of loyalty to king and lord was repeatedly emphasized in romances.3.the EnlightenmentIt is the philosophical and artistic movement growing out of the Renaissance and continuing until the nineteenth century. It was an optimistic belief that humanity could improve itself by applying logic and reasons to all things. Typically, these enlightenment writers would use satire to ridicule what they felt illogical errors in government, socialcustom, and religious belief.4.NeoclassicismThe neoclassical movement began in the mid-18th century and brought about a revival of interest in the old classical work. The neoclassicists held that forms of literature were to be modeled after the classical works of the ancient Greek and Roman writers. They believed that the artistic ideals should be order, logic, restrained emotion and accuracy, and that literature should be in judged in terms of its service to humanity./doc/0d16361832.html,ke poetsAlso called Lake School, it is a name applied to a group of poets in the 19th century, including Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Southey. They had lived in the Lake District in the northwest of England and shared a community of literary and social outlook in their works.6.MetaphysicalAbout the beginning of the 17th century appeared a schoolof poets called “Metaphysical”, including Donne, Herbert, Marvell, Vaughan, and Crashaw. The work of the metaphysical poets are characterized their wit, imaginative picturing, compressions, often cryptic expression and by generally speaking, by mysticism in content and fantasticality in form.7.Heroic coupletsA heroic couplet is a traditional form for English poetry, commonly used for epic and narrative poetry; it refers to poems constructed from a sequence of rhyming pairs of iambic pentameter lines. The rhyme is always masculine. The use of the heroic couplet was first pioneered by Chaucer in The legend of Good Women and The Canterbury Tales.8.BalladsBallad was the most important department of English folk literature. A ballad is a story told in song, usually in 4-line stanzas, with the second and fourth lines rhymed. They are anonymous narrative poems bearing the characteristics of folklore and designed for singing or oral recitation in various English and Scottish dialects. Ballad is mainly the literature of the common people and one is able to understand the outlook of the English common people in feudal society through the ballads. The subjects of ballad are various in kind, as the struggle of young lovers against their feudal—minded families, the conflict between love and wealth, the cruelty of jealousy, the criticism of the civil war, and the matters of class struggle. Usually a ballad deals with a single episode and the beginning is often abrupt, without any introduction to the characters and background information.回答问题1.撒旦为什么选择伊甸园作为复仇之地2.写一个关于傲慢与偏见的小结(作者、人物角色、情节、后果)和主题评价Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen, first published in 1813.翻译题1.P103①Throw open all doors; let the re be light ; let every man think and bring his thoughts to the light;dread not any diversities of opinion.②Truth is compared in Scripture to a streaming fountain; if her waters flow not in a perpetual progression, they sicken into a muddy pool of conformity.③Where there is much desire to learn, there of necessity will be much arguing, much writing, many opinions; for opinion in good men is but knowledge in the marking.2.P193It was marked by a strong protest against the bondage of Classicism, by a recognition of the claims of passion and emotion, and by a renewedinterest in medieval literature.。












2.代表及其作品:(意大利)♦马里诺《阿多尼斯》(西班牙)♦贡戈拉《莱尔马公爵颂》、《波吕斐摩斯和加拉特亚的寓言》、《孤独》“夸饰主义"/ “贡戈拉主义”:比喻新奇,形象奇特,典故冷僻,词汇夸张,句式对偶。











)7.8.9.埃斯库罗斯《普罗米修斯》是怎样运用神话题材来反应现实、表现作家的思想倾向的?索福克勒斯《俄狄浦斯王》的思想内容和结构艺术从《美狄亚》可以看出欧里庇得斯对希腊悲剧的发展有什么新贡献?10.希腊的“新喜剧”与“旧喜剧”有什么不同?各自的代表作家是谁? 11.柏拉图、亚里士多德的主要文学观点是什么?12.维吉尔《埃涅阿斯纪》的思想内容、人物形象和艺术特征。












一、The Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066)1、这个时期的文学作品分类:pagan(异教徒) Christian(基督徒)2、代表作:The Song of Beowulf (national epic民族史诗)metaphor alliteration。

3、Angles, Saxons and Jutes.二、The Anglo-Norman period (1066-1350)1、The Roman Conquest: In 1066, the Duke of Normandy William led the Norman army to invade England. The result of this war was William became the king of England. After the conquest, feudal system was established in English society. Chivalry was introduced by the Normans into England. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight头韵2、传奇ramances:描写骑士的冒险精神和典雅爱情文学。

seek adventures , fighting for his lord in battle,humility,honor,sacrifice,brave,honesty,love with women三、Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400)(反封建、反教会、追求个性自由)1、the father of English poetry 英国诗歌之父2、purely English(the London dialect伦敦方言)3、heroic couplet英雄双韵体4、Writing style: wisdom, humor, humanity.5、代表作:The Canterbury Tales (英国文学史的开端)内容:The pilgrims are people from various parts of England, representatives of various walks of life and social groups.特点:Each of the narrators tells his tale in a peculiar manner, thus revealing his own views and character. The story was endowed with what medieval romancelacked-interest of character as well as incident.观点:He believes in the right of man to earthly happiness. He is anxious to see man freed from superstitions and a blind belief in fate.主要故事: ①The Knight’s Tale ②The Pardoner’s Tale ③The Merchant’s Tale④The Wife of Bath四、The Renaissance (16世纪)1、背景:14-17century,a period of the breaking of feudal relations and the establishing the foundations of capitalism. New monarchy. It is a revival of classical arts and sciences.2、主要文学成就:Poetry: Wyatt: first to introduce the sonnet into English literature.Sidney Spenser: the poet’s poet.Drama: Marlowe: blank verse(无韵诗) the principal vehicle of expression in drama. . William Shakespeare(1564-1616)Novels:John Lyly Thomas Loge Thomas NasheEssays /prose: Francis Bacon(1561-1626)、Thomas More(1478-1535)3 works of shakespeare:37palys ,tow narrative poems and 154sonnetsFirst period (1590-1600):comdies: <As You Like It>皆大欢喜; <Twelfth Night>第十二夜; <A Midsummer Night’S Dream>仲夏夜之梦; <Merchant Of Venice>威尼斯商人Second period(1601—1608):tragedies<Hamlet>哈姆莱特; <Othello>奥赛罗; <King Lear>李尔王; <Macbeth>麦克白Third period(1609—1612)historiesLyric poem:Three quatrain and one couplet, ababcdcdefefggSonnet 18:Theme:The poet writes beautifully on the conventional theme that his poetry will bring eternity to the one he loves and eulogizes.Sonnet 29:Theme:①The poet complains of his own miseries and dissatisfaction in life and then becomes happy upon the thought of the one he loves. ②Here Shakespeare is supposed to reveal his own thoughts and feelings, especially in the first octet.The character of Hamlet:①Hamlet was a humanist, a man who is from medieval prejudices and superstitions.②Starting from his humanist love of man, he turns to those around him with the same eagerness.③His intellectual genius is outstanding.④Hamlet’s melancholy is not the negative, hair-splitting and fruitless kind. It is rather the result of his penetrating habit of mind.五、The Period of Revolution and Restoration (17C)1、文学特点concerned with the tremendous social upheavals, influence by puritan. 光荣革命意义the supremacy of parliament, beginning of modern England,final triumph of the political liberty2、代表人物:①John Donne“metaphysical poets玄学A. Metaphysical poetry is characterized by: verbal wit, irregular rhythms, ingenious structure and strange images or “conceits奇喻”.a kind of metaphor that makes a comparison between two different things.B. A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning意象:compasses、golden beaten(金箔)union of body and soul,physically and spiritually②John MiltonThe indomitable Puritan sprit finds its noblest expression in him.诗歌:Paradise Lost失乐园freedom knowledge oppose to monarchy Paradise Regained复乐园戏剧:Samson Agonistes力士参孙Shorter poems: L‘Allegro Il Penseroso ;Lycidas ComusPrincipal pamphlets: Areopagitica: attacks the censorship of the press and appeals for the freedom of the pressEikonoklaste: justifies the execution of Charles IDefense for the English People: a defense of the Commonwealth and Revolution Sonnet: On His Deceased Wife(唯一的爱情诗) On His Blindness③John Bunyan(1628-1688)班扬:The Pilgrim’s Progress④John Dryden(1631-1700):critic、poet、playwright六、The Age of Enlightenment (18世纪)1、文学特点:The main literary stream of the 18th century was realism. The 18th century was an age of prose. Novel writing made a big advance in this century. In thisstage,staire was much used in writing.2. classicism(neoclassicism), (pre-romanticism), (modern novel and sentimentalism)3.emphsis on reason,order ,balance and harmony.4、文学名人及作品:①classicism/neoclassicism Richard Steele:The Spectator Addison Pope johnson②pre-romanticismWilliam Blake:Song of Innocence. London、The Tiger、The Chimney Sweeper均节选自Song of Experience经验之歌Poetical Sketches 诗的素描The Book of Thel 塞尔书The Marriage of Heaven and HellRobert Burns(1759-1796):用苏格兰方言书写, ,著有Poems Chiefly in Scottish Dialect苏格兰方言诗集 <A Red, Red Rose> My Heart’s in the n Highlands> <The Tree Of Liberty>③modern novelA. realistic novelDaniel Defoe、Henry Fielding、Jonathan SwiftB. sentimentalismLaurence Sterne: Sentimental Journey Tristram ShandyThomas Gray :Elegy, Written in a Country Churchyard墓园挽歌5、Daniel Defoe①英国小说之父②Robinson Crusoe全名:The life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson CrusoeThe writers of the Enlightenment attached great importance to the molding of character and to education through the influence of varied environment.The character of Robinson Crusoe is representative of the English bourgeoisie at the earlier stages of its development. He is most practical and exact, always religious and at the same time mindful of his own profit.③Captain Singleton Colonel Jack Moll Flanders A Journal of the Plague Year Roxana6、Henry Fielding: comic Epic 喜剧史诗The History of Tom Jones, a foundling主要人物:Tom Jones: frank, kind, disinterested, sterlingSophia Western: brave and admirableBlifil: sly, perfidiousJoseph Andrews the journal of a Voyage to Lisbon Amelia7、Jonathan Swift(irony反讽)A Tale of a Tub 桶The battle of the Books 书之战The Drapier’s Letter 信A Modest Proposal建议Gulliver’s Travels格列佛四部分A Voyage to Lilliput/ Brobdingnag/ Laputa/ Houyhnhnms七、1.The romantic period(1798-1832):beginning of with the publication of Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads,ending with Walter Scott’s death.2.Theme:sensibllity,love of nature,interest of past,mysticism,individualism,exoticpicture,strong-willed heroes,sometimes the romantics resort to symbolism.And symbols are objects used to represent abstract ideas and concepts.3.emphaize on emotion4.historical backgrounds:It was greatly influenced by the industrial revolution and the french revolution.5.romantuc writersThe first generation romantic writersBurns Blake----------pre-romantisWordsworth Coleridge--------negtiveThe second generation romantic writersByron Shelley and Keats-----active romanticsHistorical novelist-----Walter Scott6.WordsworthA..style:simplicity and purity of language and love of natureB.poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.①<Lyrical Ballads>抒情歌谣集(with Samuel Taylor Coleridge)<I Wondered Lonely As A Cloud> / Daffodils/ The DaffodilsTheme: 1. Nature embodies human beings in their diverse circumstance. It is nature that gives him “strength and knowledge full of peace”2. It is bliss to recall the beauty of nature in poet mind while he is in solitude.Comment: The poet is very cheerful with recalling the beautiful sights. In the poem on the beauty of nature, the reader is presented a vivid picture of lively and lovely daffodils(水仙) and poet’s philosophical ideas and mystical thoughts.②Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey丁登寺杂咏③Ode: Intimations of Immortality 不朽颂④The Solitary Reaper孤独的割麦女⑤Lucy Poems 露西⑥<The Prelude>序曲The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 老水手之歌The Excursion 漫游7.Lord ByronA.Byron’s language is moody and vicid,and he covers vast ares,both geographically and moyionally.B.Byronic hero:dark romancesC.works①<Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage>恰尔德•哈罗德尔游记②<Don Juan>唐•璜③<Cain>该隐诗歌:<She Walks In Beauty>8.ShelleyA.the mask of anarchy 暴政的化的装游行B.the finest lyric poets in the English languageC.works<The Necessity of Atheism>无神论的必要性<Queen Mab>麦布女王<Revolt of Islam>伊斯兰的反叛<Prometheus Unbound>解放了的普罗米修斯Theme: the drama celebraies man’s victory over tyranny and oppression <The Cenci>钦契 <A Defence of Poetry>诗辩<Ode to the West Wind>西风颂To a Skylark>致云雀9.ScottA. a historical novelistB.worksIvanhoe 艾凡赫waverly 威弗利the lady of the lake 湖畔湖人Rob Roy罗布.罗衣10.Jane Austen作品:① <Sense and Sensibility>理智与感情②<Pride and Prejudic> 傲慢与偏见③<Mansfield Park>曼斯菲尔德庄园④<Emma>爱玛⑤<Persuasion>劝导⑥<Northanger Abbey>诺桑觉寺。



作者作品搭配Geoffrey Chaucer杰佛里.乔叟1.The Canterbury Tales <坎特伯雷故事集>2.The Book of the Duchess<公爵夫人之书>3.Troilus and Criseyde <特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达>4.The Legend of Good Women <贞洁妇女的传说>5.The House of Fame <名誉之屋>6.The Parliament of Fowls 《百鸟议会》7.Romance of the Rose 《玫瑰传奇》William Shakespeare威廉.莎士比亚1. A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream 仲夏夜之梦2.The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人3.As You Like It 皆大欢喜4.Twelfth Night 第十二夜5.Hamlet 哈姆雷特6.Othello 奥赛罗7.King Lear 李尔王8.Macbeth 麦克白9.Venus and Adonis 维纳斯和阿多尼斯10.The Rape of Lucrece 鲁克丽丝受辱记Francis Bacon弗兰西斯.培根1.Advancement of Learning 学术的进展2.Novum Organum 新工具3.The New Atlantic 新大西洋岛4.Essays 随笔Daniel Defoe 丹尼尔.笛福1.Robinson Crusoe 鲁宾逊漂流记2.Caption Singleton 辛格顿船长3.Moll Flanders 莫尔.佛兰德斯4. A Journal of the Plague Year 大疫年日记William Blake威廉.布莱克1.The Chimney Sweeper 扫烟囱的孩子2.Song of Innocence 天真之歌3.Song of Experience 经验之歌4.Poetical Sketches 素描诗集5.The French Revolution 法国革命6.The Marriage of Heaven Hell 天堂与地狱的婚姻7.America:A Prophecy 美国ton 弥尔顿Robert Burns罗伯特.彭斯1. A Red, Red Rose 一朵红红的玫瑰2.Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect 苏格兰方言诗集3.The Tree of Liberty 自由树4.Scots Wha Hae 苏格兰人5.The Two Dogs 两只狗6.Holy Willie’s Prayer 威利长老的祈祷7.My Heart’s in the highlands 我的心呀在高原8.John Anderson, My Jo 约翰.安徒生9. A Man’s a Man for All That 不管那些William Wordsworth 威廉.华兹华斯1.She Dwelt Among the Untroddrn Ways 《LucyPoems》露茜组诗2.The Solitary Reaper 刈麦女3.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 我好似一朵流云独自漫游4.Lyrical Ballads 抒情歌谣集5.An Evening Walk 黄昏漫步6.The Excurison 远足7.The Prelude 序曲George Gordon Byron 乔治.戈登.拜伦1.She Walks in Beauty2.Oriental Tales 东方叙事诗3.Don Juan 唐璜4.Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage 恰尔德.哈罗德游记5.The Prisoner of Chillon 锡雍的囚徒6.Manfred 曼弗雷德7.Cain 该隐8.The Vision of Judgment 审判的幻境9.The Age of Bronze 青铜世纪Edgar Allan Poe 埃德加.爱伦.坡1.To Helen 致海伦2.The Raven 乌鸦3.Annabel Lee 安娜贝尔.李4.The Bells 钟声5.The Fall of the House of Usher 厄舍古宅的倒塌Walt Whitman 瓦尔特.惠特曼O Caption!My Caption!A,船长!我的船长!Emily Dickinson埃米莉.狄更生1.I Died for Beauty 为美而死2.Success 成功3.I’m Nobody 我是小人物Jane Austen简.奥斯丁1.Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见2.Sense and Sensibility 理智与情感3.Mansfield Park 曼斯菲尔德公园4.Emma 爱玛5.Northanger Abbey 诺森觉寺6.Persuasion 劝导Charlotte Bronte 夏洛蒂.勃朗特1.Jane Eyre 简.爱2.Shirley 雪莉3.The Professor 教授4.Villette 维莱特Washington Irving华盛顿.欧文1.Rip Van Winkle 瑞普.凡.温克尔2.The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 睡谷传奇3. A History of New YorkNathaniel Hawthorne 纳撒尼尔.霍桑1.The Scarlet Letter 红字2.Mosses from an Old Manse 古宅青苔3.The House of the Seven Gables 七个尖角阁的房子4.The Marble Faun 大理石雕像5.The Blithedale Romance 福谷传奇William Butler Yeats威廉.巴特勒.叶芝1.The Second Coming 第二次圣临2.The Lake Isle of Innisfree 茵尼斯弗利岛3.When You Are Old 当你老了4.Sailing to Byzantium 驶向拜占庭5.The Winding Stair 盘旋的楼梯William Faulkner 威廉.福克纳1. A Rose For Emily 献给埃米莉的玫瑰2.The Sound and the Fury 喧嚣与骚动3.As I Lay Dying 在我弥留之际4.Light in August 八月之光5.Absalom,Absalom!押沙龙,押沙龙诗歌翻译和赏析一、Sonnet 18 William Shakespeare 威廉.莎士比亚Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate.Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And summer's lease hath all too short a date. Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,And often is his gold complexion dimmed;And every fair from fair sometime declines,By chance or nature's changing course untrimmed;But thy eternal summer shall not fade,Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st.So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.译文我怎么能够将你比作夏天?你比夏天更美丽温婉。



英美文学选读要点总结精心整理(只考26位作家)[英国』Chapter1 The Renaissance period(14世纪至十七世纪中叶)文艺复兴1. Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.人文主义是文艺复兴的核心。

2. the Greek and Roman civilization was based on such a conception that man is the measure of all things.人文主义作为文艺复兴的起源是因为古希腊罗马文明的基础是以“人”为中心,人是万物之灵。

3. Renaissance humanists found in then classics a justification to exalt human nature and came to see that human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfection, and that the world they inhabited was theirs not to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy.人文主义者们却从古代文化遗产中找到充足的论据,来赞美人性,并开始注意到人类是崇高的生命,人可以不断发展完善自己,而且世界是属于他们的,供他们怀疑,探索以及享受。

4. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English humanists.托马斯.摩尔,克利斯朵夫.马洛和威廉.莎士比亚是英国人文主义的代表。



欧美文学名篇选读试题材料学生----------------------------精品word文档值得下载值得拥有----------------------------------------------欧美文学名篇选读试题Ⅰ.Multiple Choice1.Romance,which uses narrative verse or prose to tell stories of ___ adventures or other heroic deeds, is a popular literary form in the medieval period.A.ChristianB.knightlyC.GreekD.primitive2.Among the great Middle English poets, Geoffrey Chaucer is known for his production of ___.A.Piers PlowmanB.Sir Gawain and the Green KnightC.Confessio AmantisD.The Canterbury Tales3.Which of the following historical events does not directly help to stimulate the rising of the Renaisssance Movement?A.The rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman culture.B.The new discoveries in geography and astrology.C.The Glorious revolution.D.The religious reformation and the economic expansion.4.Which of the following statements best illustrates the theme of Shakespeare's Sonnet 18?A.The speaker eulogizes the power of Nature.B.The speaker satirizes human vanity.C.The speaker praises the power of artistic creation.D.The speaker meditates on man's salvation.5.Generally speaking, the Old English poetry that has survived can be divided into two groups: the religious group and the secular group. The poetry of the religious groups is mainly on themes.A.romanticB.sentimentalC.sadD.biblical6.“Bassanio:Antonio,I am marr ied to a wifeWhich is as dear to me as life itself;But life itself, My wife, and all the world.Are not with me esteem'd above thy life;I would lose all, ay, sacrifice them all,Here to the devil, to deliver you.Portia:Your wife would give you little thanks for that,If she were by to hear you make the offer.”The above is a quotation taken from Shakespeare's comedy The Merchant of Venice.The quoted part can be regarded as a good example to illustrate ____.A.dramatic ironyB.personificationC.allegoryD.symbolism7 A typical example of Old English poety, is regarded as the national epic if theAnglo-Saxons.A.The Canterbury TalesB.ExodusC.BeowulfD.The Legend of Good Women----------------------------精品word文档值得下载值得拥有----------------------------------------------8.Of all the 18th century novelists Henry Fielding was the first to set out, both in theory and practice, to write specifically a “___in prose,”the first to give the modern novel its structure and style.A.tragic epic/doc/172284830.html,ic epicC.romanceD.lyric epic9.“Paradise Lost” is actua lly a story taken fromA.the RenaissanceB.the Old TestamentC.Greek MythologyD.the Metal morphoses10.Francis Bacon is best known for his which greatly influenced the developmentof this literary form.A.essaysB.poemsC.worksD.plays11.The phrase “to urge people to abide by Ch ristian doctrines and to seek salvation through constant struggles with their own weaknesses and all kinds of social evils” may well sum up the implied meaning of ___.A.Gulliver's TravelsB.BeowulfC.Sonnet 18D. The pilgrim's Progress12.William Wordsworth, a romantic poet, advocated all the following EXCEPT ___.A.the use of everyday language spoken by the common peopleB.the expression of the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelingsC.the use of humble and rustic life as subject matterD.the use of elegant wording and inflated figures of speech13. is known as “the poet’s poet”.A.ShakespeareB.MarloweC.SpenserD.Donne14.“If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind!” is an epigrammatic line by __.A.J.KeatsB.W.BlakeC.W.WordsworthD.P.B.Shelley15. is the essence of the Renaissance.A.PoetryB.DramaC.HumanismD.Reason16. Shakespeare’s greatest four tragedies are .A.Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and MacbethB.Romeo and Juliet,Cymbeline,Percles and Julius CaesarC.Antony and Cleopatra,King John, Measure for Measure, and Richard IIID.Troilus and Cressida,Coriolanus,As You Like It and love’s Labour’s Lost/doc/172284830.html,ton’s literary ac hievements can be divided into three groups: the early poetic works, the middle and the last great poems.A.romancesB.dramasC.prose pamphletsD.ballads18.Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy which permeated with spirit.A.pessimisticB.optimisticC.despairingD.cheerful18.The most significant idea of the Renaissance is .A.humanismB.realismC.naturlismD.skepticism19.Samuel Johnson distinguished himself as the author of .A.“The Vanity of Human Wishes”B.Lives of the PoetsC.Prince of AbyssiniaD.A Dictionary of the English Language20. made Thomas Gray the leader of “the Graveyard School”A.“Ode on the Death of a Favourite cat”B.“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”C.“Ode on the Death of a Favourite cat”D.“Hymn to Adversity”21.The author of “Sonnet 29”is .A.WordsworthB.AustenC.ByronD.Shakespeare22.Of the following poets, which is not regarded as “Lake Poets”?A.Samuel Taylor ColeridgeB.Robert SoutheyC.Willian WordsworthD.George Gordon Byron23.The Romantic Age began with the publication of The Lyrical Ballads which waswritten by .A.Willian WordsworthB.Samuel JohnsonC.Samuel Taylor ColeridgeD.Wordsworth and Coleridge24. has been regarded by some a s “Father of English Novel”.A.Washington IrvingB.ShelleyC.Henry FieldingD.Alexander Pope25.Which is the most delightful work of Jane Austen's.A.“Sense and Sensibility”B. “Pride and Prejudice”C. “Mansfield Park”D. “Emma”26.The Romantic writers would focus on all the following issues EXCEPT the ___ in the American literary histrory.A.individual feelingsB.idea of survival of the fittestC.strong imaginationD.return to nature27.Emily Dickinson wrote many short poems on various aspects of life. Which of the following is NOT a usual subject of her poetic expression?A.Religion and immortality.B.Life and death.C.Love and marriage.D.War and peace.28. The source of western literature is .A. Egypt B China C India D Ancient Greek and Roman Empire29. The Epics written by Homer are .A. King Lear and the Art of Poetry B Metamorphosis and Illiad C Illiad andOdyssey D Odyssey and King Lear30. In Illiad, which war is indirectly caused by the quarrel among the treegoddesses?A. Sparta warB. Priam war C Phrygia War D. Amazon war31. Oedipus the king was written by .A SophoclesB HomerC VigilD Horace32. The monster killed by Oedipus in Oedipus the king isA. CadmusB. Ismensus C Sphinx D Delphi33. what does not usually contain in Ballad?A dialogueB humorC everyday life D. the story of a hero34. “Get up and bar the door” is aA a poemB a proseC a lyricD a ballad35 “The eyes that drew from me” was written byA.HomerB. Edmund Spenser C Petrarch D Shakespeare36. One of the works that does not belong to Shakespeare isA. Richard IIIB. Richard IIC The taming of the ShrewD Henry IV37. One of the works that does not belong to Shakespeare isA. The TempestB. King Lear C Macbeth D Don Quixote38. One of the works that does not belong to Shakespeare isA. The two gentleman of VeronaB. Love’s labor’s lostC. Remeo and JulietD The Excursion39. One of the works that does not belong to Shakespeare isA The Merchant of VeniceB As you like itC Elisabeth the secondD Twelfth Night40. One of the works that does not belong to Shakespeare isA the school of scandalsB OthelloC The Merry Wives of Windsor D. Henry IV41. “to be or not to be” soliloquy is chosen from of Hamlet.A Scene I, Act IIIB Scene II, Act IIIC Scene II, Act ID Scene I, Act II42. Sonnet 29 was written forA a black ladyB a black manC a young manD a young lady43. Sonnet 29 was written forA a black ladyB a black manC a young manD a young lady44. Don ne’s poetry is famous forA exaggerationB simileC ConceitD personification45. One of the works that belongs to Milton isA Paradise lostB OthelloC The Merry Wives of Windsor D. Henry IV46.In Gulliver’s travels, the host travel in countries.A 1B 2C 3D 447. the suggestion that the government should sell children for money comes fromA ShakespeareB SwiftC DonneD Gray48. Compared with the Bible, the image of Satan in Paradise Lost is moreA evilB humorC braveD optimistic49. heroic couplet was first created byA. Chaucer B Shakespeare C Donne D Burns50. Each stanza of Ode to the west wind contains lines.A. 1 B 2 C 3 D 4Part two memorize author’s names and their works from Chapter I to Chapter VI in ContentsPart TwoMarch the author with the works then choose the letters to fill in the appropriate blank of the answersheet.Part ThreeGive brief answers to the following questions.1. Tell the four periods of Shakespear’s dramatic carrer.2. Accoding to the neoclassicists,what are the standards for literature during the neoclassical period?3. Why did Robinson Crusoe become so successful when itwas published?4. When is the Romantic Period in English Literature History.5. Define Epic6. Define Heroic couplets7. Retell Homer’s Illiad8. Retell Homer’s Odyssey9. Retell Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe10.Retell Swift’s Jonathan Swift11. Define Romanticism12. Define metaphysic poets13. Define novel14 Define soliloquy15 Define balladPart IV translationFrancesco Petrarch P29Shakespeare P33-35John Donne P44Daniel Defoe P59,P61P77 文化大观园一段论求知莎士比亚的所有诗歌中文翻译。



1、The Colonial Period(1607-1765)American Puritanism ( in the early 17th century through the end of the 18th)北美第一位女诗人Anne Bradstreet(宗教气息,夫妻恩爱)Edward Taylor 都受英国玄学派影响(metaphysical)2、The Enlightenment and Revolution PeriodBenjamin Franklin:Poor Richard's Almanac The Autobiography---“美国梦”的根源3、American Romanticism(end of 18th to the civil war)American writers emphasis upon the imaginative and emotional qualities of literature.早期浪漫主义Washington Irving father of American Literature <The Sketch Book>短篇小说James Fenimore Cooper 历史,冒险,边疆小说《The Leather-stocking Tales>文明发展对大自然的摧残与破坏William Cullen Bryant 美国第一个浪漫主义诗人《To a Waterfowl><The Yellow Violet>美国山水,讴歌大自然,歌颂美国生活现实Edgar Allan Poe ---(48 poems,70 short stories)He greatly influenced the devotees of “Art for art’s sake.”He was father of psychoanalytic criticism , and the detective story.Ralph Waldo Emerson---The chief spokesman of New England TranscendentalismAmerican Transcendentalism (also known as “American Renaissance”) It is the high tide of American romanticism Transcendentalists spoke for the cultural rejuvenation and against the materialism of American society. 《Nature》---the Bible of Transcendentalism by Emerson 《Self-Reliance》表达他的超验主义观点Henry David Thoreau------ Waldenhe regarded nature as a symbol of spirit.Thoreau was very critical of modern civilization.小说家:Hawthorne-赞成超验He is a master of symbolism The Scarlet Letter《红字》Melville 怀疑,悲观,sailing experiences Moby Dick百科全书式性质/海洋作品/动物史诗诗人Longfellow《I Shot an Arrow...》《A Psalm of Life》第一首被完整地介绍到中国的美国诗歌Whitman (Free Verse---without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme )《Leaves of Grass》《One's Self I Sing》《O Captain! My Captain!》songDickinson inner life of the individual ---died for beauty4、The Age of RealismJames upper reaches of American society. <一位女士的肖像》inner world of manHowells, concerned himself chiefly with middle class life.<The Rise of Silas Lapman>Twain the lower strata of society. humor and local colorism<Life on the Mississippi> <The Adventures of Tom Sawyer> <The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn >American Naturalism 自然主义(新型现实)Stephen Crane;《Maggie: A Girl of the Streets》《The Red Badge of Courage》pessimisticTheodore Dreiser;Sister Carrie;Jennie Gerhardt;An American Tragedy(Trilogy of Desire)O.Henry (William Sydney Porter):The Gift of the Magi;The Cop and the anthemJack London:The Call of the Wild;Martin Eden5、The Modern Period The 1920s-1930s ( the second renaissance of American literature)The Roaring Twenties ,The Jazz Age ,“lost”(Gertrude Stein) and “waste land”(T.S.Eliot)现代主义小说家F. Scott Fitzgerald:《The Great Gatsby》被视为美国文学“爵士时代”的象征,以美国梦American Dream为主线。



美国⽂学选读知识点整理1.Benjamin Franklin(1706~1790)Poor Richard’s AlmanacThe Autobiography2.Edgar Allan Poe(1809~1849)Tamerlane and Other PoemsMurders in the Rue MorguePoemsThe Purloined LetterThe Raven and other PoemsThe Gold BugTales of the Grotesque and ArabesqueThe Philosophy of CompositionTalesThe Poetic PrincipleThe Fall of the House of UsesAl AraafThe Red Masque of the Red Death LigeiaThe Black CatThe Cask of AmontilladoAnnabel LeeSonnet--To ScienceTo Helen3.Ralph Waldo Emerson(1803~1882) NatureSelf-RelianceThe American ScholarThe Divinity School AddressEssays:First SeriesEssays:Second SeriesRepresentative menEnglish TraitsThe Conduct of LifePoemsMay-Day and Other PiecesNathaniel Hawthorne(1804~1864)FanshaweTwice-told TalesMosses from an Old ManseScarlet LetterThe House of the Seven GablesThe Blithedale RomanceThe Marble Faun4.Herman Melville(1819~1891)TypeeOmooMardiRedburnWhite JacketMoby DickThe Confidence ManBattle PiecesClarelTimoleonBilly Budd5.Henry David Thoreau(1817~1862)On the Duty of Civil DisobedienceA Week on the Concord and Merrimack RiverWalden6.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(1807~11882) V oices of the Night Ballads and Other PoemsEvangelineThe Song of HiawathaI shot an ArrowA Psalm of Life7.Walt Whitman(1819~1892)Leaves of GrassOne’s Self I SingO Captain!My Captain8.Emily Dickinson(1830~1886)To Make a PrairieSuccess Is Counted SweetestI’m Nobody!9.Mark Twain (1835~1910)The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras CountryThe Innocents AbroadThe Gilded AgeThe Adventures of Tom SawyerLife on the MississippiThe Adventures of Hucklebeerry finnA Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg10.Henry James(1843~1916)A Passionate PilgrimRoderick HudsonThe Novels and Tales of Henry JamesThe AmericanDaisy MillerThe Portrait of a LadyThe BostoniansThe Princess of CasamassimaThe Spoils of PoyntonThe Turn of the ScrewThe Awkward AgeThe Wings of the DoveThe AmbassadorsThe Golden BowlThe Art of FictionThe American SceneThe Jolly Corner11.Stephen Crane(1871~1900)Maggie:A Girl of the StreetsThe Red Badge of CourageThe Open BoatThe Bride Comes to Y ellow SkyThe Blue Hotel12.Willa Cather(1873~1947)Miss Jewett13.Sherwood Anderson(176~1941) Windy McPherson’s Son Winesburg,OhioMarching MenPoor WhiteThe triumph of the Egg and Other StoriesHorses and MenMany MarriagesDark LaughterBeyond DesireDeath in the Woods and Other Stories14.Katherine Anne Porter(1890~1980) The Flowering Judas Pale Horse,Pale RiderThe Leaning TowerThe Old OrderOld MortalityA Ship of FoolsThe Jilting of Granny Weatherall15.F.Scott Fitzgerald(1896~1940)This Side of ParadiseThe Beautiful and the DamnedFlappers and PhilosophersTales of the Jazz AgeThe Great GatsbyTender is the NightThe Crack-Up16.William Faulkner(1897~1962)The Marble FaunSoldier’s PayThe Sound and the FuryMosquitoesAs I Lay DyingLight in AugustAbsalom,AbsalomThe HamletSartorisThe TownThe MansionBarn Burning17.Ernest Hemingway(1899~1961)In Our TimeThe Sun Also RisesA Farewell to ArmsFor Whom the Bell TollsThe Old Man and the SeaA Clean,Well-Lighted Place18.Ezra Pound(1885~1972)ExultationsPersonaeCathayCantosDes ImagistesIn a Station of the Metro19.Wallace Stevens(1879~1955)The Necessary AngelAnecdote of the Jar20.William Carlos Williams(1883~1963) Collected Later Poems Collected Early PoemsPatersonThe Red WheelbarrowSpring and All21.Robert Frost(1874~1963)A Boy’s WillNorth of BostonNew HamphshireCollected PoemsA Further RangeA Witness TreeFire and IceStopping by Woods on a Snowy EveningThe Road Not Taken22.Langston Hughes(1902~1967)The Weary BluesFine Clothes to the JewThe Dream Keeper and Other PoemsShakespeare in HarlemDreamsMe and the MuleBorder Line23.Archibald MacLeish(1892~1982)The Happy MarriageThe Poet of EarthConquistadorCollected PoemsJ.B.Ars Poetica24.Eugene Glastone O’Neill(1888~1953) Bound East for Cardiff In The ZoneThe Long V oyage HomeThe Moon of the CaribeesEmperor JonesThe Hairy ApeThe Great God BrownStrange InterludeDesire Under the ElmsMourning Becomes ElectraThe Iceman ComethA Touch of the PoetLong Day’s Journey Into NightThe Moon for the MisbegottenHughieMore Stately Mansions25.Eiwyn Brooks White(1899~1985)Talk of the TownIs Sex NecessaryElements of StyleStuart LittleCharlotte’s WebQuo V adimus or The Case for the Bicycle One Man’s MeatThe Points of My CompassLetters of E.B,whiteEssays of E.B,whitePoems and Sketches of E.B.White Writings from The New Y orkerOnce More to the Lake 26.Tennessee Williams(1911~1983) The Glass MenagerieA Streetcar Named DesireCat On a Hot Tin RoofSummer and SmokeThe Rose TattooCamino RealOrpheus DescendingSuddenly Last SummerThe Sweet Bird of Y outhThe Night of the Lguana27.Ralph Waldo Ellison(1914~1994) Invisible ManShadow and ActGoing to the Territory28.Robert Lowell(1917~1977)Lord Weary’s CastleLife StudiesThe DolphinSkunk Hour29.Elizabeth Bishop(1911~1979) North and SouthCollected PoemsGeography IIIIn the Waiting Room30.Theodore Roethke(1908~1963)The Waking PoemsThe Collected PoemsOn the Poet and His Craft:Selected Prose 31.Allen Ginsberg(1926~1997)HowlA Supermarket in California32.Sylvia Plath(1932~1963)The ColossusArielWinter TreesThe Bell JarLetters HomePoint Shirley33.Robert Hayden (1913~1980)Frederick Douglass34.Robert Bly(1926~)The Light Around the BodyThe SixtiesDriving Through Minnesota During the Hanoi Bombing 35.Maya Angelou(1928~)Still I Rise36.Arthur Miller(1915~2005) All My Sonse Death of a SalesmanThe CrucibleA View from the BridgeAfter the FallThe Archbishop’s CellingThe Misfits37.Saul Bellow(1915~2005) Dangling manThe VictimThe Adventures of Augie MarchHenderson the Rain KingHerzogSeize the DayMr.Sammler’s PlanetHumbolt’s GiftThe Dean’s DecemberMore Die of HeartbreakThe TheftThe ActualRavelsteinMosby’s Memories and Other StoriesThe Last AnalysisLooking for Mr.Green38.Joseph Heller(1923~1999) We Bombed in New Haven Something HappenedGood as GoldGod KnowsCatch-2239.Toni Morrison(1931~)The Bluest EyeSulaSong of SolomonTar BabyBelovedJazzParadiseLoveA MercyRecitatif40.Louise Erdrich(1954~)Love MedicineThe Beet QueenTracksThe Crown of ColumbusThe Bingo PalaceTales of Burning LoveThe Antelope WifeThe Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse The Master Butchers Singing Club Four SoulsThe Painted DrumThe Plague of DovesShadow TagLulu’s Boys。



名词解释:迷惘的一代(海明威): 一战后出现于美国的一个作家群。







冰山原则四要素: 简洁的文字,鲜明的形象,丰富的情感,深刻的思想。





表现主义文学(卡夫卡203、236); 表现主义是二十世纪初至三十年代盛行于西方世界的一种文艺思潮。







学习目标1. The Romantic Period (1798-1832)浪漫主义2. The Victorian Period(1836-1901)维多利亚时期3. The Romantic Period in American Literature浪漫主义时期The Romantic Period (1798-1832)浪漫主义The Romantic period is an age of poetry.浪漫主义时代也是诗歌的时代。

The Romantic Period (1798-1832)浪漫主义浪漫主义代表诗人布莱克William Blake,华兹华斯Wordsworth Wordsworth,科勒律治Coleridge,拜伦Byron,雪莱Percy Bysshe Shelley及济慈John KeatsThe Romantic Period (1798-1832)浪漫主义William Blake威廉.布莱克Songs of Innocence 《天真之歌》Songs of Experience《经验之歌》The Romantic Period (1798-1832)浪漫主义William BlakeMarriage of Heaven and Hell《天堂与地狱的结合》It plays the double role both as a satire and a revolutionary prophecy.布莱克的《天堂与地狱的结合》一诗标志着他创作上的成熟,并担负了讽喻与革命预言的两重角色。

The Romantic Period (1798-1832)浪漫主义William Wordsworth威廉.华兹华斯:Wordsworth defines the poet as a“man speaking to men,”and poetry as“the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, which originates in emotion recollected in tranquility.”华兹华斯认为诗人是对着广大人民讲话的人,而诗歌是强烈情感的自发流露,发乎情,止乎静。

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作者作品搭配Geoffrey Chaucer杰佛里.乔叟1.The Canterbury Tales <坎特伯雷故事集>2.The Book of the Duchess<公爵夫人之书>3.Troilus and Criseyde <特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达>4.The Legend of Good Women <贞洁妇女的传说>5.The House of Fame <名誉之屋>6.The Parliament of Fowls 《百鸟议会》7.Romance of the Rose 《玫瑰传奇》William Shakespeare威廉.莎士比亚1. A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream 仲夏夜之梦2.The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人3.As You Like It 皆大欢喜4.Twelfth Night 第十二夜5.Hamlet 哈姆雷特6.Othello 奥赛罗7.King Lear 李尔王8.Macbeth 麦克白9.Venus and Adonis 维纳斯和阿多尼斯10.The Rape of Lucrece 鲁克丽丝受辱记Francis Bacon弗兰西斯.培根1.Advancement of Learning 学术的进展2.Novum Organum 新工具3.The New Atlantic 新大西洋岛4.Essays 随笔Daniel Defoe 丹尼尔.笛福1.Robinson Crusoe 鲁宾逊漂流记2.Caption Singleton 辛格顿船长3.Moll Flanders 莫尔.佛兰德斯4. A Journal of the Plague Year 大疫年日记William Blake威廉.布莱克1.The Chimney Sweeper 扫烟囱的孩子2.Song of Innocence 天真之歌3.Song of Experience 经验之歌4.Poetical Sketches 素描诗集5.The French Revolution 法国革命6.The Marriage of Heaven Hell 天堂与地狱的婚姻7.America:A Prophecy 美国ton 弥尔顿Robert Burns罗伯特.彭斯1. A Red, Red Rose 一朵红红的玫瑰2.Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect 苏格兰方言诗集3.The Tree of Liberty 自由树4.Scots Wha Hae 苏格兰人5.The Two Dogs 两只狗6.Holy Willie’s Prayer 威利长老的祈祷7.My Heart’s in the highlands 我的心呀在高原8.John Anderson, My Jo 约翰.安徒生9. A Man’s a Man for All That 不管那些William Wordsworth 威廉.华兹华斯1.She Dwelt Among the Untroddrn Ways 《LucyPoems》露茜组诗2.The Solitary Reaper 刈麦女3.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 我好似一朵流云独自漫游4.Lyrical Ballads 抒情歌谣集5.An Evening Walk 黄昏漫步6.The Excurison 远足7.The Prelude 序曲George Gordon Byron 乔治.戈登.拜伦1.She Walks in Beauty2.Oriental Tales 东方叙事诗3.Don Juan 唐璜4.Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage 恰尔德.哈罗德游记5.The Prisoner of Chillon 锡雍的囚徒6.Manfred 曼弗雷德7.Cain 该隐8.The Vision of Judgment 审判的幻境9.The Age of Bronze 青铜世纪Edgar Allan Poe 埃德加.爱伦.坡1.To Helen 致海伦2.The Raven 乌鸦3.Annabel Lee 安娜贝尔.李4.The Bells 钟声5.The Fall of the House of Usher 厄舍古宅的倒塌Walt Whitman 瓦尔特.惠特曼O Caption!My Caption!A,船长!我的船长!Emily Dickinson埃米莉.狄更生1.I Died for Beauty 为美而死2.Success 成功3.I’m Nobody 我是小人物Jane Austen简.奥斯丁1.Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见2.Sense and Sensibility 理智与情感3.Mansfield Park 曼斯菲尔德公园4.Emma 爱玛5.Northanger Abbey 诺森觉寺6.Persuasion 劝导Charlotte Bronte 夏洛蒂.勃朗特1.Jane Eyre 简.爱2.Shirley 雪莉3.The Professor 教授4.Villette 维莱特Washington Irving华盛顿.欧文1.Rip Van Winkle 瑞普.凡.温克尔2.The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 睡谷传奇3. A History of New YorkNathaniel Hawthorne 纳撒尼尔.霍桑1.The Scarlet Letter 红字2.Mosses from an Old Manse 古宅青苔3.The House of the Seven Gables 七个尖角阁的房子4.The Marble Faun 大理石雕像5.The Blithedale Romance 福谷传奇William Butler Yeats威廉.巴特勒.叶芝1.The Second Coming 第二次圣临2.The Lake Isle of Innisfree 茵尼斯弗利岛3.When You Are Old 当你老了4.Sailing to Byzantium 驶向拜占庭5.The Winding Stair 盘旋的楼梯William Faulkner 威廉.福克纳1. A Rose For Emily 献给埃米莉的玫瑰2.The Sound and the Fury 喧嚣与骚动3.As I Lay Dying 在我弥留之际4.Light in August 八月之光5.Absalom,Absalom!押沙龙,押沙龙诗歌翻译和赏析一、Sonnet 18 William Shakespeare 威廉.莎士比亚Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate.Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And summer's lease hath all too short a date. Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,And often is his gold complexion dimmed;And every fair from fair sometime declines,By chance or nature's changing course untrimmed;But thy eternal summer shall not fade,Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st.So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.译文我怎么能够将你比作夏天?你比夏天更美丽温婉。





1.Discuss S …s use of the “summer‟s day”. Why does he choose this image?答:The poet compares his friend to summer, and then by describing the instability of summer to show his friend’s immortality. His purpose is to tell us that the power of beauty comes from man. The poet is praising the spirit of Renaissance—Humanism.2.What are the theme and the rhetorical devices of this sonnet?答:The friendship between good friends and the eternity of their friendship. Rhetorical questioning, simile personification and parallelism.二、The Chimney Sweeper William Blake 威廉.布莱克A little black thing among the snow:风雪里一个满身乌黑的小东西Crying weep, weep, in notes of woe!“号呀,号”在那里哭哭啼啼!Where are thy father & mother? say?“你的爹娘上哪儿去了,你讲讲?”They are both gone up to the church to pray.“他们呀都去祷告了,上了教堂。

Because I was happy upon the heath,“因为我原先在野地里欢欢喜喜,And smil'd among the winters snow:我在冬天的雪地里也总是笑嘻嘻,They clothed me in the clothes of death,他们就把我拿晦气的黑衣裳一罩,And taught me to sing the notes of woe.他们还叫我唱起了悲伤的曲调。
