Parker PCO2系列气缸保护器用户指南说明书

aerospaceclimate control electromechanical filtrationfluid & gas handling hydraulics pneumatics process control sealing & shielding1Safety Information (1)1.1Markings and Symbols (1)2Description (2)2.1Stages of Purification (2)2.2Technical Specification (2)2.2.1Pressure Correction Factors (2)2.3Weights and Dimensions (3)2.4Receiving and Inspecting the Equipment (4)2.4.1Storage (4)2.4.2Unpacking (4)2.4.3Overview of the Equipment (5)3Installation & Commissioning (6)3.1Recommended system layout (6)3.2Locating the Equipment (7)3.2.1Space Requirements (7)3.3Mechanical Installation (7)3.3.1General Requirements (7)3.3.2Securing the Unit (7)4Operating the Equipment (8)4.1Starting the Equipment (8)5Servicing (9)5.1Cleaning (9)5.2Service Intervals (9)5.3Preventative Maintenance Kits (10)5.4Maintenance Procedures (11)5.4.1Cartridge Replacement Procedure (PCO2-400 Models Only) (11)5.4.2OIL-X Element Change Procedure (13)5.4.3Cartridge Replacement Procedure (PCO2-800 to PCO2-4800 Models) (14)5.4.4IP50 Element Change Procedure (16)6Troubleshooting (17)1 Safety InformationDo not operate this equipment until the safety information and instructions in this user guide have been read and understood by all personnel concerned.USER RESPONSIBILITYFAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorised distributors provide product or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise.The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the system and components and assuring that all performance, endurance, maintenance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The user must analyse all aspects of the application, follow applicable industry standards, and follow the information concerning the product in the current product catalogue and in any other materials provided from Parker or its subsidiaries or authorised distributors.To the extent that Parker or its subsidiaries or authorised distributors provide component or system options based upon data or specifications provided by the user, the user is responsible for determining that such data and specifications are suitable and sufficient for all applications and reasonably foreseeable uses of the components or systems.Only competent personnel trained, qualified, and approved by Parker Hannifin should perform installation, commissioning, service and repair procedures.With the exception of oxygen, any gas can cause asphyxiation in high enough concentrations. Always ensure that the unit is operated in a well ventilated area and all of the vent ports on the rear of the unit are kept clear and free from blockages.Use of the equipment in a manner not specified within this user guide may result in an unplanned release of pressure, which may cause serious personal injury or damage.When handling, installing or operating this equipment, personnel must employ safe engineering practices and observe all related regulations, health & safety procedures, and legal requirements for safety.Ensure that the equipment is depressurised prior to carrying out any of the scheduled maintenance instructions specified within this user guide. Parker Hannifin can not anticipate every possible circumstance which may represent a potential hazard. The warnings in this manual cover the most known potential hazards, but by definition can not be all-inclusive. If the user employs an operating procedure, item of equipment or a method of working which is not specifically recommended by Parker Hannifin the user must ensure that the equipment will not be damaged or become hazardous to persons or property.Most accidents that occur during the operation and maintenance of machinery are the result of failure to observe basic safety rules and procedures. Accidents can be avoided by recognising that any machinery is potentially hazardous.Should you require an extended warranty, tailored service contracts or training on this equipment, or any other equipment within the Parker Hannifin range, please contact your local Parker Hannifin office.Details of your nearest Parker Hannifin sales office can be found at /gsfeRetain this user guide for future reference.Related Documents:• Preventative Maintenance Guide 176070002• 12 Month Service Instructions 1760700031.1 Markings and SymbolsThe following markings and international symbols are used on the equipment or within this manual:2 DescriptionThe Parker domnick hunter PCO2 systems offer a comprehensive solution to preserve and guarantee the quality of gaseous carbon dioxide used in sparkling beverage bottling.Operating as a Quality Incident Protection system against potential carbon dioxide impurities, the system guarantees the gas quality so itremains within industry and company guidelines, preventing detrimental consequences to the finished end beverage, producers reputation and their bottom-line.PCO2 is the beverage industry preferred choice and is installed in over 150 countries worldwide.2.1 Stages of Purification* Optional - Sterilising Grade: consult Parker for operational use.2.2 Technical SpecificationThis specification is valid when the equipment is located, installed, operated, and maintained as specified within this user guide.Stated flow rates are at 24.1 bar g (350 psi g).*Systems are installed in duplex / parallel to double the flow rate.All systems are supplied as NPT with stainless steel adapters 'NPT to BSP' as standard.PCO2 CO 2 systems are for gaseous CO 2 only.For flows at other pressures, apply the correction factors shown below.2.2.1 Pressure Correction FactorsStage 10.01 micron particle filtrationRemoval of non-volatile organic residue (NVOR) and other contaminants down to 0.01 ppmStage 2Removal of water vapour and partial removal of hydrocarbonsStage 3Primary removal of aromatic hydrocarbons (Benzene, Toulene etc and Acetaldehyde)Stage 4Removal of sulphur compounds (COS, H2S, DMS etc)Stage 50.01 micron particle filtrationStage 6*Point of use VBACE sterile gas membrane. Hi Flow Tetpor II ParameterUnitsPCO2400PCO2800PCO21600PCO22400PCO23200PCO24000PCO24800PCO23200(Duplex)*PCO24000(Duplex)*PCO24800(Duplex)*Technical DataMinimum Operating Pressure bar g (psi g) 3.0(43.5) 3.0(43.5) 3.0(43.5) 3.0(43.5) 3.0(43.5) 3.0(43.5) 3.0(43.5) 3.0(43.5) 3.0(43.5) 3.0(43.5)Maximum Operating Pressure bar g (psi g)20.7(300)24.1(350)24.1(350)24.1(350)24.1(350)24.1(350)24.1(350)24.1(350)24.1(350)24.1(350)Minimum Operating Temperature ºC (ºF)-20(-4)-20(-4)-20(-4)-20(-4)-20(-4)-20(-4)-20(-4)-20(-4)-20(-4)-20(-4)Maximum Operating Temperature ºC (ºF)40(104)40(104)40(104)40(104)40(104)40(104)40(104)40(104)40(104)40(104)Inlet CO 2 Quality ISBT beverage grade CO 2FlowrateKg / hr 1813637261089145118142177290336284354Lb / hr40080016002400320040004800640080009600Port Connections CO 2 Inlet in 1” NPT 1-1/2" NPT CO 2 Outletin1” NPT1-1/2" NPTInlet Pressurebar g 345678*********psi g44587387102116130145160174189Correction Factor Pressurebar g 1415161718192021222324psi g203218232247261275290304319333350Correction Factor0.710.760.800.850.900.95111112.3 Weights and Dimensions*Clearance required for the removal and servicing of the cartridges.Model Height (H)Width (W)Depth (D)(a)(b)(c)Clearance*Weight mm ins mm ins mm ins mm ins mm ins mm ins mm ins kg Ibs PCO2-400103540.7556422.2035013.78189.57.534013.430011.8168026.875165PCO2-800106141.7763224.8845017.72215.58.534013.440015.7568026.884185PCO2-1600106141.7780131.5445017.72215.58.550920.0440015.7568026.8128282PCO2-2400106141.7797038.1945017.72215.58.567826.7040015.7568026.8172379PCO2-3200106141.77113944.8445017.72215.58.584733.3540015.7568026.8217478PCO2-4000106141.77130851.5045017.72215.58.5101640.040015.7568026.8260573PCO2-4800106141.77147758.1545017.72215.58.5118546.740015.7568026.8304670(b)(b)PCO2-400PCO2-800 to PCO2-48002.4 Receiving and Inspecting the EquipmentOn receipt of the equipment carefully inspect the packaging for damage. If the packaging is damaged inform the delivery company immediately and contact your local Parker Hannifin office.2.4.1 StorageIf the equipment is to be stored prior to installation, do not remove it from the packaging. Ensure that it is stored in an upright position as indicated by the arrows on the packaging.Do not attempt to lift the equipment by yourself. It is recommended that the equipment be carried by a minimum of two persons ortransported on a pallet truck.Note. The storage area should be secure and the environmental conditions should fall within those specified in the technical specification.If the equipment is stored in an area where the environmental conditions fall outside of those specified, it is essential that it be moved to its final location (installation site) and left to stabilise prior to unpacking. Failure to do this could cause condensing humidity and potential failure of the equipment.2.4.2 UnpackingRemove the lid and all four sides of the packing crate. Carefully move the unit to its final location using a forklift truck or pallet truck. Once in it’s final location, remove the unit from the pallet via the 4x bolts.Note: Suitable slings and an overhead crane maybe required depending on the product size.2.4.3 Overview of the EquipmentKey:Item Description1System Inlet2System Outlet3AA020P OIL-X Filter (PCO2-400 Models only) IP50-AA-0465GPCO2 Filter4Manual Filter Drain5Manifold Lifting Handle6Manifold Hinge (PCO2-800 to PCO2-4800 Models) 7Desiccant Cartridge8PCO2 Column9Pressure Gauge10Lifting Eye Bolt7 8PCO2-400PCO2-800 to PCO2-4800 73 Installation & Commissioning3.1 Recommended system layoutOnly competent personnel trained, qualified, and approved by Parker Hannifin should perform commissioning and service procedures.1Liquid CO2 storage tank 2Vaporiser3Stainless steel piping4Pre filtration - Stage One 5PCO2 Unit6Post filtration - Stage five 7Isolation valves8Sterile Filter (Optional)54678 2313.2 Locating the Equipment3.2.1 Space RequirementsThe equipment should be mounted on a flat surface capable of supporting its own weight plus the weight of all ancillary parts. The minimum footprint requirements are specified below, however there must be adequate space around the equipment to allow airflow and access for maintenance purposes and lifting equipment. A minimum spacing of approximately 500mm (20 ins) is recommended around all sides of the unit and 750mm (30 ins) above it.Do Not position the equipment so that it is difficult to operate.3.3 Mechanical Installation3.3.1 General RequirementsEnsure that all piping materials are suitably rated for the application, clean and debris free. The diameter of the pipes must be sufficient to allow unrestricted inlet air supply to the equipment.Apply approximately 8 - 12 turns of P .T.F.E tape to the high quality stainless steel piping.Fit the piping along with the relevant pre and post filtration onto the inlet and outlet. Isolation valves must be installed before the inlet filtration and after the outlet filtration.When routing pipes ensure that they are adequately supported to prevent damage or leaks in the system.All components used within the system must be rated to at least the maximum operating pressure of the equipment. It is recommended that the system is protected with suitably rated pressure relief valves.3.3.2 Securing the UnitMounting holes are provided in the feet of the unit. Once the unit has been positioned in its final location ensure that it is securely fixed in place.500mm (20ins)(20ins)500mm(20ins)4 Operating the Equipment4.1 Starting the EquipmentNote: On start-Up it is normal for the outlet temperature to increase for a limited period of time.1 Open the inlet valve slowly to gradually pressurise the PCO2 unit.2 Open the outlet valve slowly to re-pressurise the downstream piping.Do not open the inlet or outlet valves rapidly or subject the PCO2 unit to excessive pressure differential as damage may occur.5 Servicing5.1 CleaningClean the equipment with a damp cloth only. If required you may use a mild detergent, however do not use abrasives or solvents as they may damage the warning labels on the equipment.5.2 Service IntervalsParker recommend that the adsorbent cartridges and filter elements are exchanged within the recommended 12-month period or before the recorded cumulative mass of the unit has been exceeded or after a quality incident has occurred, whichever comes first. Please refer to the below table for the maximum mass flow of each model.Service12 M o n t h s24 M o n t h s36 M o n t h s48 M o n t h s60 M o n t h s72 M o n t h sAPCO2 Model Number Max Operating Pressure Bar/PSI Flow kg/hr @ Max OperatingPressureMax Mass over 12 Months:kgFlow lb/hr@ Max OperatingPressureMax Mass over 12 Months:IbMax Mass over 12 Months: Tonne (Metric Ton)PCO2-40020 Barg / 300 PSIG 181158121640034944001581PCO2-80024 Barg / 350 PSIG 363317116880069888003170PCO2-160024 Barg / 350 PSIG 72663423361600139776006340PCO2-240024 Barg / 350 PSIG 108995135042400209664009510PCO2-320024 Barg / 350 PSIG 14511267593632002795520012680PCO2-400024 Barg / 350 PSIG 18141584710440003494400015850PCO2-480024 Barg / 350 PSIG 21771901827248004193280019020PCO2-3200 (Duplex)24 Barg / 350 PSIG 29032536060864005591040025361PCO2-4000 (Duplex)24 Barg / 350 PSIG 36283169420880006988800031701PCO2-4800 (Duplex)24 Barg / 350 PSIG435438036544960083865600380415.3 Preventative Maintenance KitsRequired every 8000Hrs (12 months)PCO2-400PCO2-800 to PCO2-4800AAAModelPM Kit NumberKit ContentsOrder QuantityPCO2 400MK-PCO2-4001x Desiccant cartridges 2x Outlet block o-rings 2x P020AA Filter element 2x Filter bowl o-rings 1PCO2 800MK-PCO2-8002x Desiccant cartridges 2x Outlet block o-rings 2x IP50-AA Filter element 2x Filter bowl o-rings 1PCO2 1600MK-PCO2-16004x Desiccant cartridges 2x Outlet block o-rings 2x IP50-AA Filter element 2x Filter bowl o-rings 1PCO2 2400MK-PCO2-24006x Desiccant cartridges 2x Outlet block o-rings 2x IP50-AA Filter element 2x Filter bowl o-rings 1PCO2 3200MK-PCO2-32008x Desiccant cartridges 2x Outlet block o-rings 2x IP50-AA Filter element 2x Filter bowl o-rings 1PCO2 4000MK-PCO2-400010x Desiccant cartridges 2x Outlet block o-rings 2x IP50-AA Filter element 2x Filter bowl o-rings 1PCO2 4800MK-PCO2-480012x Desiccant cartridges 2x Outlet block o-rings 2x IP50-AA Filter element 2x Filter bowl o-rings 1PCO2 3200 (Duplex)MK-PCO2-640016x Desiccant cartridges 4x Outlet block o-rings 4x IP50-AA Filter element 4x Filter bowl o-rings 1PCO2 4000 (Duplex)MK-PCO2-800020x Desiccant cartridges 4x Outlet block o-rings 4x IP50-AA Filter element 4x Filter bowl o-rings 1PCO2 4800 (Duplex)MK-PCO2-960024x Desiccant cartridges 4x Outlet block o-rings 4x IP50-AA Filter element 4x Filter bowl o-rings1With OIL-X IP50 filter elements (PCO2-800 to PCO2-4800)With OIL-X filter elements (PCO2-400 Models only)5.4 Maintenance Procedures5.4.1 Cartridge Replacement Procedure (PCO2-400 Models Only)Ensure that the system is fully depressurised before carrying out the below maintenance procedures.A Remove the M12 nuts from one side of the manifold.B Using the handle, carefully lift and remove the manifold from the unit and store in a safe place.Ensure that the inlet and outlet piping is adequately supported before removing the manifold from the unit.C Remove the old desiccant cartridges and dispose in accordance with local regulations.D Remove the o-ring from the outlet manifold block and replace with the one provided within the 12 month Preventative Maintenance kits.Note: Apply a light coating of Molykote III grease to the o-rings.E Insert the replacement desiccant cartridges into the columns.F Refit the manifold and secure the M12 nuts in sequence, starting with the centre nuts and working outwards. The nuts should be secured intwo stages. Stage 1: 27Nm (20 ft.lb) and Stage 2: 40Nm (30 ft.lb).A5.4.2 OIL-X Element Change ProcedureA Ensure that the filters are fully depressurised by opening the manual drain.B Unscrew the filter bowl and remove the used element.C Replace the o-ring located on the filter bowl with the new one provided within the 12month Preventative Maintenance kits.D Insert the new element into the filter bowl ensuring that the lugs are correctly seated inthe grooves.E Refit the filter bowl to the head ensuring that the threads are fully engaged and thelocking details are aligned.F Close the manual drain and re-pressurise the system.We recommend the use of gloves when touching contaminated elements.Ensure to lubricate the o-ring and threads with Molykote III grease.Item Description Item Description1Filter head4Filter bowl o-ring2Filter bowl5Manual Drain3Element5.4.3 Cartridge Replacement Procedure (PCO2-800 to PCO2-4800 Models)The top manifold has been split into two sections in order to simplify the removal of the desiccant cartridges.Ensure that the system is fully depressurised before carrying out the below maintenance procedures.A Remove the M12 nuts from one side of the manifold.B Using the handles, carefully lift the manifold until the M8 hex bolt has travelled to the top of the manifold hinge. Gently pull the manifoldtowards yourself until it has locked into position.C Carefully rotate the manifold 180o as shown. Once opened, place an M10 locking bolt through the holes in the two halves of the hinges toprevent the manifold falling onto the operator during service.Take care not to trap fingers/hands on the handles when rotating the manifold.D Remove the old desiccant cartridges and dispose in accordance with local regulations.Note: The cartridges should only be lifted using the handles and directly upwards to prevent clashing with the hinged manifold.E Remove the o-ring from the outlet manifold block and replace with the one provided within the 12 month Preventative Maintenance kits.Note: Apply a light coating of Molykote III grease to the o-rings.F Insert the replacement desiccant cartridges into the columns.Refit the manifold and secure the M12 nuts in sequence, starting with the centre nuts and working outwards. The nuts should be secured in two stages. Stage 1: 27Nm (20 ft.lb) and Stage 2: 40Nm (30 ft.lb).Replace the desiccant cartridges on the opposite side following the same procedure as above.5.4.4 IP50 Element Change ProcedureA Ensure that the filters are fully depressurised by opening the 1/4” BSPT ball valves.B Unscrew the filter bowl and then the used element from the tie rod.C Replace the o-ring located on the filter bowl with the new one provided within the 12month Preventative Maintenance kits.D Fit the new element onto the tie rod and tighten.E Refit the filter bowl to the head ensuring that the threads are fully engaged.F Close the 1/4” BSPT ball valves and re-pressurise the system.We recommend the use of gloves when touching contaminated elements.Ensure to lubricate the o-ring and threads with Molykote III grease.Item Description Item Description1Filter head4Element2Filter bowl5Filter bowl o-ring3Tie rod61/4” BSPT ball valve6 TroubleshootingProblem Indication Possible Cause Action RequiredPoor dewpoint Condensed water downstream ofthe system Bulk water carried over into thePCO2 unitCheck pre-filtration elements anddrainsOverflow of the PCO2 unitCompare flow through the PCO2unit to rated flowCheck for modifications to thecompressed air systemInlet pressure too low Check functioning of thecompressorInlet temperature too highCheck functioning of thecompressorCheck ventilation around the dryer Contaminated desiccantLocate and eliminate source ofcontamination and replace thedesiccantHigh pressure drop through filter / system package Pressure gauges fitted tocompressor / trainBlocked filters Replace any blocked filtersOverflow of the PCO2 unit Eliminate conditions leading toover flowOutlet air flow stops Indicated downstream pressuredrops to zero Compressor failure Investigate problem with the compressor and correctEU /-EC Type-examination Certificate:COV0912556/1Notified body for PED:Notified Body for ATEX:----B + DPED Assessment Route:29 April 2019Steven RohanDate:Signature:Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Limited GSFEDeclaration Number:00308Authorised Representative29.4.19--Lloyd's Register Verification 71 Fenchurch Street,London, EC3M 4BS-Standards used----Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Limited GSFEDukesway,Team Valley Trading Estate,Gateshead, Tyne & Wear,NE11 0PZ, UK PCO2 Carbon Dioxide Quality Incident Protection SystemGenerally in accordance with ASME VIII Div 1:2017and AS1210:2010PED----ENDeclaration of Conformity-Division Engineering Manager,This declaration of conformity issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.DeclarationDirectives2014/68/EU -------PEDPCO2-400, PCO2-800, PCO2-1600, PCO2-2400, PCO2-3200, PCO2-4000, PCO2-4800Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Limited Gas Separation and Filtration Division EMEA Dukesway, Team Valley Trading Est Gateshead, Tyne and Wear England NE11 0PZTel: +44 (0) 191 402 9000Fax: +44 (0) 191 482 /gsfe© Parker Hannifin Corporation. All rights reserved.Catalogue: 176********/20 Rev: AEurope, Mi dd le East, AfricaAE – Unite d Arab Emirates, DubaiTel: +971 4 8127100********************AT – Austria, Wiener Neustadt Tel: +43 (0)2622 23501-0*************************AT – Eastern Europe, Wiener NeustadtTel: +43 (0)2622 23501 900****************************AZ – Azerbaijan, Baku Tel: +994 50 2233 458****************************BE/LU – Bel g ium, Nivelles Tel: +32 (0)67 280 900*************************BY – Belarus, Minsk Tel: +375 17 209 9399*************************CH – Switzerlan d , Etoy Tel: +41 (0)21 821 87 00*****************************CZ – Czech Republic, Klecany Tel: +420 284 083 111*******************************DE – Germany, Kaarst Tel: +49 (0)2131 4016 0*************************DK – Denmark, Ballerup Tel: +45 43 56 04 00*************************ES – Spain, Madrid Tel: +34 902 330 001***********************FI – Finlan d , Vantaa Tel: +358 (0)20 753 2500parker.fi ****************FR – France, Contamine s/Arve Tel: +33 (0)4 50 25 80 25************************GR – Greece, Athens Tel: +30 210 933 6450************************HU – Hun g ary, Budapest Tel: +36 1 220 4155*************************IE – Irelan d , Dublin Tel: +353 (0)1 466 6370*************************IT – Italy, Corsico (MI)Tel: +39 02 45 19 21***********************KZ – Kazakhstan, Almaty Tel: +7 7272 505 800****************************NL – The Netherlan d s, Oldenzaal Tel: +31 (0)541 585 000********************NO – Norway, Asker Tel: +47 66 75 34 00************************PL – Polan d , Warsaw Tel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00************************PT – Portu g al, Leca da Palmeira Tel: +351 22 999 7360**************************RO – Romania, Bucharest Tel: +40 21 252 1382*************************RU – Russia, Moscow Tel: +7 495 645-2156************************SE – Swe d en, Spånga Tel: +46 (0)8 59 79 50 00************************SK – Slovakia, Banská Bystrica Tel: +421 484 162 252**************************SL – Slovenia, Novo Mesto Tel: +386 7 337 6650**************************TR – Turkey, Istanbul Tel: +90 216 4997081************************UA – Ukraine, Kiev Tel +380 44 494 2731*************************UK – Unite d Kin gd om, Warwick Tel: +44 (0)1926 317 878********************ZA – South Africa, Kempton Park Tel: +27 (0)11 961 0700*****************************North AmericaCA – Cana d a, Milton, Ontario Tel: +1 905 693 3000US – USA, Cleveland Tel: +1 216 896 3000Asia Pacifi cAU – Australia, Castle Hill Tel: +61 (0)2-9634 7777CN – China, Shanghai Tel: +86 21 2899 5000HK – Hon g Kon g Tel: +852 2428 8008IN – In d ia, MumbaiTel: +91 22 6513 7081-85JP – Japan, Tokyo Tel: +81 (0)3 6408 3901KR – South Korea, Seoul Tel: +82 2 559 0400MY – Malaysia, Shah Alam Tel: +60 3 7849 0800NZ – New Zealan d , Mt Wellington Tel: +64 9 574 1744SG – Sin g apore Tel: +65 6887 6300TH – Thailan d , Bangkok Tel: +662 186 7000-99TW – Taiwan, Taipei Tel: +886 2 2298 8987South AmericaAR – Ar g entina, Buenos Aires Tel: +54 3327 44 4129BR – Brazil, Sao Jose dos Campos Tel: +55 800 727 5374 CL – Chile, Santiago Tel: +56 2 623 1216MX – Mexico, Apodaca Tel: +52 81 8156 6000Parker WorldwideEuropean Pro d uct Information Centre Free phone: 00 800 27 27 5374(from AT, BE, CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, IE, IL, IS, IT, LU, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RU, SE, SK, UK, ZA)。

航空航天仪器仪表机电过滤流体与气体处理液压气动过程控制密封与屏蔽2Parker Hannifin Corporation Pneumatic Division - EuropePHCPNE0005P1A 气缸特点气缸 液压缸 电动缸负载安全 *** *** *负载大小 *** *** *速度变化 *** *** *速度 *** ** **可靠性 *** *** ***坚固 *** *** *安装成本 *** * **维修成本*** ** *潮湿环境下的安全性 *** *** *爆炸环境下的安全性 *** *** *电气装置的安全风险 *** *** *抗漏油的风险 *** * ***清洁卫生 *** ** *尺寸标准化 *** *** *使用寿命*** *** *需要液压系统配合 *** * ***重量 ** ** **采购价格 *** ** *功率密度 ** *** *产生噪音 ** *** **推力尺寸比 ** *** *定位 * *** ***能量消耗 * ** ***保养周期 * ** ***需要压缩机 * *** **** = 好,**=中等,***=优秀3Parker Hannifin Corporation Pneumatic Division - EuropePHCPNE0005P1A 气缸内容 页码ISO 气缸系列,P1A ........................................................................................4-5气缸作用力 .........................................................................................................6主要参数.............................................................................................................7工作介质,空气质量 ..........................................................................................7材料参数.............................................................................................................8缓冲性能.............................................................................................................8尺寸 ....................................................................................................................9选择合适的管路..........................................................................................10-11订购代码...........................................................................................................12标准行程...........................................................................................................12P1A 单作用气缸订购指南..................................................................................13P1A 双作用气缸订购指南............................................................................14-15P1A 气缸导杆 ..............................................................................................16-18气缸附件.....................................................................................................19-22传感器 ........................................................................................................23-26带一个插头的电缆 ............................................................................................27电缆连接的公接头 .. (27)4Parker Hannifin Corporation Pneumatic Division - EuropePHCPNE0005P1A 气缸双作用和单作用气缸P1A 系列气缸的设计使其适用广泛的应用场合。

型号有:PVP016, PVP023, PVP033, PVP041, PVP048,PVP060, PVP076, PVP100, PVP140等。
派克柱塞泵PV系列:PV016, PV020, PV023, PV032, PV040, PV046, PV063, PV080, PV092, PV140, PV180, PV270等。
Parker Hannifin 电子传感器和 Reed 传感器产品介绍说明书

Electronic SensorsContents - /pneu/actuators Catalog 0900P-7Parker PneumaticElectronic and Reed Sensors Product Overview L2Technical Data L3DimensionsL4Connection Type and Diagram L5Ordering Information L6Continuous Position Sensors Product Overview L7Techncal Data L8DimensionsL9Connection Type and Diagram L9Ordering Information L9AccessoriesMounting and Brackets L10Connectors and CablesL11Pneumatic Sensor for Tie Rod Cylinders Product Overview L12Techncal Data L12DimensionsL12Product OverviewThe P8S Series magnetic cylinder sensor enables quick, precise and contactless sensing of the piston’s position in cylinders. It is easy to mount, can be used in numerous applications and offers an outstanding price-performance ratio.Product OverviewAs the term magnetic switch suggests, these are operated by magnetic fields; another description widely used is magnetic “SENSOR”. As our eyes sense change of light, our ears sense the change of sound, magnetic sensors / switches sense the change of magnetic flux in pneumatic and hydraulic cylinders. When magnetic sensors sense a magnetic field it will give a switching signal, through a control circuit, allowing sensing or control operation to be achieved.Because of the characteristics of magnetic sensors they can sense a change of magnetic field relative to the position of the magnet, such as in a pneumatic or hydraulic cylinder, whereby the magnet is attached to a moving piston and thus the position of the moving part (ie Piston) can be detected. The magnet is mounted on the piston of the cylinder and thus moves with the piston.The magnetic sensor (switch) is fixed either directly to the cylinder or with an additional mounting bracket. When the piston (magnet) moves to the position under a magnetic sensor, the switch will operate due to the change of the magnetic field and give a switching signal.Thus the position of the piston can be identified and a resulting signal generated to continue the sequence of a circuit.Magnetic sensors available can be classified into two different groups, they are sensors with contacts which are called mechanically operated or reed sensors and the other type is sensors without contacts and are called solid state type or electronic.Parker P8S Series sensors are suitable for use with a large range of actuators. They can either be inserted directly into the cylinder tube extrusion or mounted using additional brackets. For direct mounting the sensor is positioned within the cylinder sensor groove, offering mechanical protection, then securely clamped into position by a simple turn of a screw. For other cylinder versions there are a number of optional sensors brackets that clamp to the cylinder and offer other mounting positions.For easy installation there are several cable lengths available with either M8 connector or flying lead. The electronic sensors are “Solid State”, i.e. they have no moving parts. They are provided with short-circuit protection and transient protection as standard. The built-in electronics make the sensors suitable for applications with high on and off switching frequency where long service life is required.Please note that for low temperature applications sensors are normally specified for full performance down to -30°C only. High temperature cylinders do not have a magnetic piston and therefore cannot be used with sensors.P8S Electronic and Reed SensorsDimensions, mm (inch)PNP, NPN Output 10 to 30 V DC Reed Output 5 to 230 V AC/DCScrew 1/4 turnConnection Type and DiagramPNP NONPN NO NPN NCReed NO 3-wirePin assignment, M8 with knurled nut bn: brown bk: black bu: blue Q: load M: Mass L+: PowerPNP NCReed NO 2-wireReed NC 2-wire+ -Q NAMUR NO ATEX 1G, 1DPNP NO ATEX 3G, 3DFlying leads4 (out)3 (-)1 (+)bnbubkConnectionsSquare body design, insert straight in T-slot, screw 1/4 turnNote:-30 to +80 °C (PUR cable) I -30 to + 70 °C (PVC cable) I -25 to +80 °C (NAMUR 1GD I -20 to +50 °C (ATEX 3GD) All sensors come with an adapter for S-dovetail Parker type OSP grooves. * with an aluminium adapterOrdering InformationMany applications require more than just end of stroke sensing of an actuator, but traditional methods of continuous sensing are expensive to implement. Parker’s CPS (Continuous Position Sensor) enables quick, precise and contactless continuous position sensing of a magnetic piston.CPS sensors continuously supply data via analog outputs or IO-Link. Analog position sensors have a voltage output of 0 V ... 10 V as well as a current output of 4 mA ... 20 mA. CPS enables flexible machine concepts, making it possible to solve tasks in areas such as quality monitoring and process control in conjunction with pneumatic cylinders. This continuous transfer of position data upgrades the functionality of the pneumatic cylinders by making them more intelligent, and as a result, more versatile. CPS settings can be adjusted during or after installation using a teach button or using IO-Link.CPS can be mounted directly in standard T -slots without the need for additional accessories. Mounting on other cylinder types, (round, tie rod) is possible with adapters.• Continuous position sensing• IO-Link communication with M12 connector • No modification to the actuator • Analog version with M8 connector• 5 sizes with sensing ranges from 32 mm to 256 mm • IP67 design suitable for any industrial application • Yellow teach button for easy set-upTechnical specification:1 ms sampling rate0.03% full scale resolution 0.06% full scale repeatability 0.3 mm Linearity errorHow it works:The CPS product detects the position of an actuator via the magnet on the piston. The sensor settings can easily be adjusted during installation using the yellow teach button or during operation over the IO-Link communication. This upgrades the functionality of the pneumatic actuator by making it more intelligent and versatile in support of the Industry 4.0 initiative.How it connects:Analog version has a M8 connector and a voltage output of 0-10V as well as a current output of 4-20mA. IO-Link version has a M12 connector and transmits position via 2 bytes of process input data and also allows for parameter control of measuring range and locking of the teach button.It can be controlled by Class A or Class B IO-Link Masters.Without Adapter:Direct drop-in T -slotT-slot dimensions [mm ± 0.1]1) Pivot sensor into the slot2) Teach the CPS unit the desired measuring range 3) Tighten set screws5.554.806.803.40How it installs:The Parker CPS requires the use of a magnetic piston. The product will ft T -slot cylinders without any additional mounting hardware.Product OverviewP8S Continuous Position Sensors1) ± 1 mm 2)Reverse-polarity protected, operation in short-circuit protected network: max. 8 A. 3) Without load 4)Power output, at 24 V 5)Voltage output6) FSR: Full Scale Range;max. measuring range. 7)At 25°C, linearity error (maximum deviation)depending on response curve and minimal deviation function. 8)At 25°C, repeatability magnet movement in one direction. 9)Only in standard mode, not in IO-Link mode. 10)The analogue measured value can deviateunder transient conditions.Installation: Drop in, fixed by allen key 1.5 mm Measuring range:32 to 256 mm depending on type 1)Housing length:45 to 269 mm depending on type Output Function: Analog | IO-Link Analog output (voltage):0 to 10 V | -Analog output (current): 4 to 20 mA | -Teach-in:YesEnclosure rating:IP 67 (according to EN 60529)Supply Voltage: 2)15 to 30 V DCPower consumption: 3)<= 22 mA (analog) | <= 25 ma (IO-Link)Max load resistance: 4)<= 500 ΩMin load resistance: 5)<= 2 kΩProtection class:III Time delay before availability: 1.5 sRequired magnetic field sensitivity: 3 mT / 2 mT (analog) | 3 mT (IO-Link)Resolution: 6)0.03% full scale range (max >=0.05 mm)Linearity error: 7) 0.3 mmRepeat accuracy: 8)0.06% full scale range (>= 0.1 mm)Sampling rate: 9)1 msIndication LED color: Yellow (analog)Reserve polarity protection:Yes (analog)Short circuit protection:Yes (analog)Ambient operating temperature range:-20 to +70 °C (PUR cable)Shock and vibration resistance:30 g 11 ms / 10 … 55 Hz, 1 mm EMC: 10)According to EN 60947-5-2International standard:CE | C UL US | CCC (not applicable) | RoHs | IO-Link UL file No:On requestHousing material:Plastic polyamid PA12Screw material: Stainless steel Cable material:PUR (Polyurethane)Conductor cross-section:0.08 mm²Connector:M12 (IO-Link) or M8 (analog)TechnicalDimensions, mm (inch)Connection Type and DiagramPart NumberL1L2 *L3Analog IO-Link 453240P8SAGACHA P8SAGHMHA 776472P8SAGACHB P8SAGHMHB 141128136P8SAGACHD P8SAGHMHD 205192200P8SAGACHF P8SAGHMHF269256264P8SAGACHHP8SAGHMHH*L2 equal to the measuring range.OutputMeasuring Length ConfigurationOptionPart Number Weight [g]For Product SeriesAnalog32 mm Teach ButtonP8SAGACHA 16With T -slot groove *64 mmP8SAGACHB 26128 mm P8SAGACHD 46192 mm P8SAGACHF 66256 mm P8SAGACHH 86IO-Link32 mm Teach Button or IO-Link parameter P8SAGHMHA 20With T -slot groove *64 mmP8SAGHMHB 30128 mm P8SAGHMHD 50192 mm P8SAGHMHF 70256 mmP8SAGHMHH90* Required magnetic field sensitivity: 3mT / -2 mT (Analog) / 3mT (IO-Link) Note:PUR cable with M12 (IO-Link) or M8 (Analog) male connector knurled nut, 4-pin, 0,3 meter length. Please consult for measuring range 96, 160 & 224 mm.Ordering Information, Drop-in T-slotNote:PUR cable with M12 (IO-Link) or M8 (Analog) male connector knurled nut, 4-pin, 0,3 meter length. Please consult for measuring range 96, 160 & 224 mm.IO Link version PUR 0.3 meter length with M12 male connector knurled nut, 4-pin PUR 0.3 meter length with M8 male connector knurled nut, 4-pinbrn wht blk bluAnalog versionbrn blk whtbluDimensions, Ordering InformationFor Products SeriesPart Number Weight [g]Tie rods, 4MA, P1F , P1D, PTR, 2MNR P8S-TMAOX 65Tie rods, P1F-T Ø 32-100P8S-TMA0710Tie rods, P1F-T Ø 125-320P8S-TMA0832T -Slot OSP Ø 108872FIL 3T -Slot 2002 Series Ø 168865FIL 4T -Slot 2002/P120 Series Ø 25-808866FIL 5Round cylinder Ø10-25P8S-TMC0127Round cylinder Ø 32-63P8S-TMC0229Round cylinder Ø 80-125P8S-TMC0332S-Dovetail OSP , pack of 10P8S-TMA0910Ambient temperature -30 to +80 °CP8S-TMC01, 02 & 03Part number D [mm]P8S-TMC018 to 25Clamping ring in nickel silver, screw in stainless steel, sensor mounting zinc diecastP8S-TMC0232 to 63P8S-TMC0380 to 130All mountings can be moved on the cylinder body before screwing in place and then putting sensors in the slots.P8S-TMAOX(Zinc diecast, zinc plated screws.)Ø min. 5 (.2);1 Sensoradapter with T-slot 2 Fixing for cable < Ø 3.2 mm (0.126 inch)3 Cylinderadapter 3 Mounting screws M5Dimensions, mm (inch)Mountings and Brackets① Sensor adapter with T -Slot ② Fixing for cable < Ø 3.2 mm (0.126 inch)③ Cylinder adapter ④ Mounting screws M5Tie Rod Bracket Assembly is necessary for Global and Mini-Global Sensor installation on all tie rod construction cylinders. This includes all Intermediate Trunnion mounts (Style DD or MT4); and all 6"-8" bore Sensors and bracket assemblies must be ordered separately.Part number P8S-TMAOX fits 1-1/2" to 8" bores and32-200mm bores for Global SensorsP8S-TMAOXTie Rod Bracket AssemblyCatalog 0900P-7AccessoriesElectronic SensorsMountings and Brackets(Revised 05-06-21)Cable connectors for producting your own connecting cables.The conncectors can be quickly attached to the cable without special tools. Only the outer sheath of the cable is removed. The connectors are available for M8 screw connector and meet protection class IP65.Male Connectors for Connecting CablesOpertaing current per contact:max. 4 AConnection cross section:0.25... 0.5 mm² (conductor diameter min 0.1 mm)Protection class:IP65 and IP67 when plugged and screwed down (EN 60529)Temperature range:- 25... + 85°CDescriptionPart Number Weight [g]For Product Series Cable flex PVC 3 meter with 8mm snap-in connector / flying leads 912634434170P8S Sensors with M8Cable flex PVC 10 meter with 8mm snap-in connector / flying leads 9126344342210P8S Sensors with M8Cable PUR 3 meter with 8mm snap-in female connector / flying leads 912634434570P8S Sensors with M8Cable flex PUR 10 meter with 8mm snap-in connector / flying leads 9126344346210P8S Sensors with M8Cable PVC 5 meter with M8 screw female connector / flying leads KC3104120P8S Sensors with knurled M8*Note: not applicable for P8S CPS Sensors as no cable availableCables to extend cable sensor lengths with M8*Connector Weight [kg] Part numberM8 screw connector P8CS0803J M12 screw connector0.022P8CS1204JCatalog 0900P-7AccessoriesElectronic SensorsMale Connectors and Cables(Revised 06-19-21)Pneumatic Sensor for Tie-Rods CylindersAn ideal solution where a direct pneumatic signal is wanted from a cylinder sensor to a pneumatic control system, for example. This could be a machine or device in which only compressed air is available, and an electricity supply to normal cylinder sensors would involve serious problems or considerable expense.Function:Non-contacting sensing of a pneumatic cylinder, triggering an output signal (conn. 2) from the integrated 3/2 NC valve, which is activated by a magnetic field or iron core and has a return spring.If more than one sensor is used with a cylinder there must be a distance of at least 20 mm between sensors to prevent them influencing each other.To avoid interference, there must be a minimum spacing of 15 mm to steel details.The outlet (conn. 3) must not be blocked or restricted as this can impair the function of the sensor.The sensor is fastened to the cylinder using the special sensor fixing.Technical data:Working pressure: min 2 to max 6 bar Temperature: -15 to +60 °CAir quality: 3.4.3 to ISO 8573-1 (must be oil free)Function: 3/2 NC valve Flow:40 Nl per minuteConnection: for plastic pipe with 2,5-3 mm internal diameterActivation distance: for magnet: min 9 mm Activation distance: for Fe: approx. 2 mm Repetition accuracy: +/- 0.2 mmCylinder velocity:max 1 m/s (depends on magnetic field, interference from steel in environment, signal length requirement from control system….)Distance between sensors: min 20 mmDistance from sensor to steel details: min 15 mmFixing: with sensor fixing or with an M4 thread in caseSensing:non-contacting (also through awall of non-magnetic material)Cylinder fixing -Tie-Rod Cylinders Ø 32 to 100 mmDimensions (mm)iron coreCatalog 0900P-7TechnicalElectronic Sensors Pneumatic SensorsDescription Weight (kg)Part Number Pneumatic sensor0.02P8S-A34X Cylinder fixing bore Ø32to Ø125 mm0.01P8S-AMA1。

Parker派克气缸派克P1D标准气缸全新的,革新的P1D气缸是派克汉尼汾公司推出的一种能经受得住未来考验的一代ISO/VDMA 气缸。
我们在10年前就通过了ISO9001 QA标准的质量认证。

神威气动 文档标题:派克origa无杆气缸一、派克origa无杆气缸的介绍:引导活塞在缸内进行直线往复运动的圆筒形金属机件。

液压注意 – 用户方责任 错误或不当地选择或使用本样本或有关资料阐述的产品,可能会导致人生伤亡及财产损失! 本样本以及其它由派克汉尼汾公司及其子公司、销售公司与授权分销商所提供的资料,仅供用户专业技术人员在对产品和系统的选型进行深入调查考证时参考。
目录目录页次概述 1 订货代号 2 技术参数 4 变量控制器 5 控制选项 “C”, 压力限定(恒压)变量控制器 5 控制选项 “L”, 负载传感及压力限定变量控制器 6 控制选项 “AM”, 带遥控口的标准型先导式压力限定变量控制器 7 控制选项 “AN”, 带ISO 4401 NG06先导阀安装界面的先导式压力限定变量控制器 8 控制选项 “AE”及“AF”, 带电磁比例调节的先导式压力限定变量控制器 9 控制选项 “AMT”, “ALT”及“LOT”, 带最高压力限定的扭矩限定(恒功率)变量控制器 10 P1性能特性 11典型流量特性 11 典型总效率特性 13 典型轴输入功率特性 15 典型噪声特性 18 典型轴承寿命 20 PD性能特性 22典型流量特性 22 典型总效率特性 24 典型轴输入功率特性 26 典型噪声特性 29 典型轴承寿命 31 安装尺寸 33 P1/PD 018 33 P1/PD 028 36 P1/PD 045 40 P1/PD 060 44 P1/PD 075 49 P1/PD 100 54 P1/PD 140 59 变量控制器安装尺寸 65 可提供的扩展的液压产品 75派克汉尼汾备记派克汉尼汾概述简介, 优点派克汉尼汾简介 • 开式回路用轴向柱塞式变量液压泵 • 中压,连续工作压力280 bar • 高驱动转速型,适用于行走机械; 低噪声型,适用于工业应用 • 静音及高效的控制效能 优点 • 总结构尺寸紧凑 • 低噪声• 流量脉动小,进一步降低噪声• 采用弹性密封,不使用密封垫,从而避免外泄漏的产生• 总效率高,功耗小,减小发热• 采用带无泄漏调节装的简单变量控制器 • 符合SAE 及ISO 标准的安装法兰及油口 • 采用圆锥滚柱轴承,使用寿命长 • 全功率后驱动能力• 后部或侧面油口配置可选• 泄油口的配置对水平安装及驱动轴向上垂直安装均适用• 带有最大及最小排量调节选项 • 具有壳体至吸口单向阀选项,可延长轴封寿命 • 使用、维修方便 脉动容腔技术下列图表所示为侧向油口配置P1/PD 18, 28及45泵采用 “脉动容腔” 技术的效果,脉动容腔可降低泵出口处的压力脉动幅值40-60%,这样,无需增加成本来加装噪声缓冲元件,便可大大降低液压系统的整体噪声,P1系列 PD 系列出口压力p / bar平均压力脉动 / b a rP1 045出口压力脉动2600 rpm 无脉动容腔2600 rpm 带脉动容腔订货代号18 ml, 28 ml, 45ml派克汉尼汾P 类型 01 驱动轴 转向R 5密封材料E 油口配置0 壳体-吸口 单向阀 0 排量调节 018 排量 S 安装法兰 及油口 S 轴封 M 应用范围A 设计系列0 通轴驱动选项 C0控制选项0附加控制选项 00油漆 00修改代号系列 P D * 仅适用于045排量, “S”型安装法兰及油口00 标准型, 无修改M2 按要求修改 代号修改代号 * 适用于028及045排量 ** 仅适用于045排量 代号设计系列 A 现行设计系列5 氟碳橡胶 (FPM) 代号密封材料 A 82-2 SAE A M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 3/8” 101-2 SAE B M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” 101-2SAE B M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”B ISO M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”,3/8”ISO M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”代号 018排量 028排量 045排量 安装法兰及油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装法兰螺纹油口法兰 油口辅助 油口 S 82-2 SAE A SAE 16/12 SAE 4/6 101-2 SAE B SAE 20/12 SAE 4/8 101-2SAE B SAE 24/16Ø38/2561系列SAE 4/10M ISO M33x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M16x1.5 ISO M42x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M22x1.5 ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25M12x1.5M22x1.5代号 018驱动轴 028驱动轴 045驱动轴 01 SAE A 11T 花键SAE B-B 15T 花键 SAE B-B 15T 花键02 SAE 19-1平键Ø0.75” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” 08— SAE B 13T 花键 SAE B 13T 花键 04 ISO/DIN 平键, Ø20ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25 06 SAE A 9T 花键— — PD 工业液压用 代号 系列P1 行走机械用 代号 排量 018 18 ml/rev (1.10 in 3/rev) 028 28 ml/rev (1.71 in 3/rev) 045 45 ml/rev (2.75 in 3/rev) 代号 类型 P 开式回路用变量柱塞泵 U*通用 代号应用范围 S 工业液压 (PD) M 行走机械 (P1) R 顺时针 (右转)L 逆时针 (左转)代号 转向 代号 轴封 S 单唇轴封 * 并不具有控制功能,仅在运输时予以防护,详情见第7页的控制说明。

用于各种物流运输设备, 如叉车、升降平台等。
用于拖拉机、收割机等 农业机械中,以提高设 备的作业效率和性能。
还可应用于船舶、港口、 能源等其他领域中,满
可分为法兰安装液压缸和耳轴安装 液压缸。
可分为短行程液压缸和长行程液压 缸。
可分为单作用液压缸和双作用液压 缸。
可能是由于电源故障、控制系统 故障等原因引起的。排除方法包 括检查电源连接、检查控制系统 等。
定期检查 保持清洁 定期更换密封件 定期维护与保养
建议定期对液压缸进行检查,包括工作状态、运行参数以及相 关控制系统的状态等,以便及时发现并解决潜在问题。
保持液压缸内部的清洁,避免杂质的进入,以延长其使用寿命 。
定期检查液压缸的密封件, 如发现磨损严重或老化,应 及时更换。
检查液压缸是否有泄漏、 异响或异常振动。
检查活塞杆是否有弯曲、 磨损或划痕。
检查各连接部位是否紧 固,无松动现象。
检查工作油液的清洁度 和油位,确保油液质量 良好且油位适中。
定期清洗液压缸内部,清除残 留的杂质和污垢。
在完成安装后,进行系统调试和测试,确 保液压缸正常工作。
确保工作区域清洁,防止杂质和污染物进入 液压系统。

在 Parker-ORIGA 无杆气缸的基础 上,在全球范围内新研发而成新型 无尘室气缸,获得 IPA 认证,遵照 DIN EN ISO 14644-1标准。
Байду номын сангаас
无尘室气缸将Parker-ORIGA无杆气 缸的槽密封系统与真空吸尘系统结合 在一起,有效去除运动部件所产生的 磨损物和污染物,这是通过内外钢带 之间产生部分真空来实现的。为了能 实现真空,所需的抽吸流量约为 4 平 方米/小时。
名称 端盖支架 中间支撑 适配器 T型适配器 适配器连接 接近开关 导线护套
欲得到更多信息,请参阅页码 P77 P78 P90 P91 P92 P95~97,P99~102,P103~105 P98
Parker Pneumatic Valve产品说明书

Material specificationsBody Polyamide reinforced fiberglass End plates Aluminum Fasteners Zinc plated steel Manifolds AluminumSpoolBrass and nitrile rubber Spool enclosureBrassMost popular.For technical information see CDThis plug-in valve solution simplifies wiring with the use of 25 pin connectors or fieldbus systems.Ports• M7 on manifolds• 3/8 Inch on end platesMounting • ManifoldSolenoids• 24 VDC, 1.0 wattCertification / approval • IP65 rated• EMC / CE Mark: According to EN 61 000-6-2Manifolds can be configured for either internal or external pilot in the field. Side ported manifolds are configured for internal pilot when the M7 plug is located in the Px port on the front of the right hand end plate. Moving this plug to the inside of the right hand end plate and replacing it with a fitting allows an external pilot to be used.Bottom ported manifolds are configured for internal pilot when the M7 plug is located in the Px port on the bottom of the right hand end plate. Moving this plug to the inside of the right hand end plate and replacing it with a fitting allows an external pilot to be used.External PilotPx Internal PilotPx Internal PilotExternal Pilot3-positioncenter exhaustA traditional 5/3 center exhaust valve is now replaced by a double 3/2 NC+NC valve module. Both cylinder chambers piston are free to move.Dual 3/2 valves replace 3-position valves for better performance3-positionpressure center A traditional 5/3 pressure center valve is nowreplaced by a double 3/2 NO+NO valve module. The function is identical.Pilot configurationPlug-in valve manifolds Part numbers Side port Bottom port Single solenoid outputs onlyPSM21JAPPSM22JAP Double or single solenoid outputsPSM21MAPPSM22MAPIsys Micro ValvesSymbolTypeCv Operator Part numberInternal Pilot End Plate KitsElectrical option Porting Side port Bottom portSimple Manifold Assemblies** Requires fitting “P”.BOLD OPTIONS ARE MOST POPULAR.N 7D 1516Valve Position A - Character 9Fitting Position A - Character 10Valve Position C - Character 13Fitting Position C - Character 14Valve Position B - Character 11Fitting Position B - Character 12Valve Position D - Character 15Fitting Position D - Character 16ACDACDBBIncludes a valve manifold with 4 valves and fittings installed. End Plates must be ordered separately.1. List Add-A-Fold Assembly call out. This automatically includes the end plate kit assembly.2. List Simple Manifold Assemblies. List left to right, LOOkING AT ThE CyLINDER PORTS on the manifold.Maximum Number of Solenoids(Maximum Energized Simultaneously)25-pinD-sub Moduflex Isysnet*Turck16Outputs32Outputs 24VDC24 (24)16 (16)32 (32)16 (16)32 (32) * Maximum of 32 solenoids per manifold. With Bus Extension functionality,4 manifolds with up to 32 solenoids each can be connected on the same network.Add-A-Fold Assembly Model NumberHow To Order Plug-in Add-A-Fold AssembliesNote:BSPP fittings can only be used with BSPP Manifolds.NPT fittings can only be used with NPT Manifolds.Sandwich RegulatorFlow Controls2-position and Dual 3/2 valves, and 0.17 for 3-position APB valves.Note: The sandwich regulator passes full pilot pressure from the manifold,allowing the regulated pressure to adjusted down to 5 PSI without affecting valve functionality.25-pin, D-Sub ManifoldsComponent LevelItem Qty Description Part number 01125-pin, D-sub, end plate PSML25AP0224Single solenoid valveHMEVX2049A 036Manifold, side ported, single address PSM21JAP 04501/4" Tube fittings (in box quantity)PS56792505103/8" Tube fittings (in box quantity)PS5683380613/8" Exhaust muffler P6M-PAB30711/8" Exhaust mufflerP6M-PAB1Add-A-FoldManifold is factory assembled and tested for pneumatic leaks and electrical continuity.Item Qty Description Part number 01124 valve Add-A-Fold with end platesAAHMD5249M0M 0264 valve simple manifold slices #1-6PSM31JAPE7E7E7E725-pin, D-Sub Cable (Female)DescriptionLengthPart number25-pin, D-sub cable, IP20 3 meters P8LMH25M3A 25-pin, D-sub cable, IP209 meters SCD259D 25-pin, D-sub cable, IP65 3 meters SCD253W 25-pin, D-sub cable, IP659 meters SCD259WE24 Single Solenoid ValvesManifold Slice #1Manifold Slice #2Manifold Slice #3Manifold Slice #5Manifold Slice #4Manifold Slice #6MufflersFittings – Must be ordered in multiples of 10ThreadTube O.D.Part numberPSM0001 –All ports open. Common pressure for front and rear mon exhausts.Standard gasket included with each manifold and end plate.Back Row OpenCommon Front Row OpenPSM0001PSM0001PSM0002 –Rear manifold blocked for separate pressure mon exhausts.Flip gasket to block front of manifold.Back Row Blocked Common Front Row OpenPSM0002PSM0002Intermediate* Qty. (2) PSM0002 Gaskets are required.Remainder are PSM0001 Gaskets (Not shown)Internal Pilot Pressure from P1 InletPSM0003 –Rear manifold blocked for separate pressure supply.Exhaust blocked also.Flip gasket to block front of manifold.If used with bottom ported end plates, second exhaust must be piped from the side of the right end plate.Back Row Blocked Common Front Row OpenIntermediatePSM0003PSM0003PSM0002PSM0002* Qty. (1) PSM0003 and Qty. (1) PSM0002 Gaskets are required.Remainder are PSM0001 Gaskets (Not shown)Internal Pilot Pressure from P1 Inlet PSM0004 –All galleys blocked.Two pressure zones and two exhaust zones.If used with bottom ported end plates, second exhaust must be piped from the side of the right end plate.PressurePressureExhaustExhaustBack Row Blocked Common Front Row BlockedIntermediate * Qty. (1) PSM0004 Gasket is required.Remainder are PSM0001 Gaskets (Not shown)PSM0004PSM0001PSM0004PSM0001Internal Pilot Pressure from P2 InletMultiple Pressure ZonesReplacement ScrewsManifold to Manifold Gaskets*Valve Labels*Replacement Solenoid Kit Replacement Override Caps Replacement Regulator GaugeReplacement Protective CoverReplacement Gaskets and Valve ScrewsReplacement PlugsDescription Part numberDimensionsA 4.88 (124.0)B 4.41 (112.0)C 2.95 (75.0)D 1.65 (42.0)E 1.22 (31.0)F 1.02 (26.0)G 0.71 (18.0)H 0.49 (12.5)J 2.28 (58.0)K 3.44 (87.5)M 0.24 (6.1)N 0.21 (5.2)P 0.41 (10.5)per ManifoldBottom PortedDetail25-pin, D-Sub with Isys Micro Valves, Bottom Ported25-pin, D-Sub with Isys Micro Valves, Side PortedInches (mm)Inches (mm)per ManifoldSide Portedn = Number of manifoldsn = Number of manifoldsDimensionsA 4.88 (124.0)B 4.41 (112.0)C 2.95 (75.0)D 1.65 (42.0)E 1.22 (31.0)F 1.02 (26.0)G 0.71 (18.0)H 0.49 (12.5)J 2.28 (58.0)K 3.44 (87.5)L 1.69 (43.0)M 0.24 (6.1)N 0.21 (5.3)P 0.62 (15.8)Q 1.03 (26.3)R 1.45 (36.8)S 0.64 (16.40)T 1.14 (29.0)U 3.73 (94.9)V 4.23 (107.4)Isysnet with Isys Micro Valves, Bottom PortedDimensionsA 5.67 (144.0)A 14.88 (124.0)B 4.41 (112.0)B 15.24 (133.0)B 24.02 (102.0)C 2.95 (75.0)D 1.65 (42.0)E 0.91 (23.0)G 0.71 (18.0)H 0.49 (12.5)J 2.72 (69.0)K 7.32 (186.0)M 0.24 (6.1)N 2.83 (72.0)Q 1.81 (46.0)R 4.72 (120.0)S 2.01 (51.0)T 2.01 (51.0)DimensionsA 5.67 (144.0)A 14.88 (124.0)B 4.41 (112.0)B 15.24 (133.0)B 24.02 (102.0)C 2.95 (75.0)D 1.65 (42.0)E 0.91 (23.0)G 0.71 (18.0)H 0.49 (12.5)J 2.72 (69.0)K 7.32 (186.0)L 1.69 (43.0)M 0.24 (6.1)N 2.83 (72.0)Q 1.81 (46.0)R 4.72 (120.0)S 2.01 (51.0)T 2.01 (51.0)U 4.41(112)per ManifoldInches (mm)Inches (mm)n = Number of Manifolds m = Number of Modulesn = Number of Manifolds m = Number of ModulesModuflex with Isys Micro Valves, Bottom Ported0.25 (6.4) per Manifold0.25 (6.4) DimensionsA 4.88 (124.0)B 4.41 (112.0)C 2.95 (75.0)D 1.65 (42.0)E 1.22 (31.0)F 1.02 (26.0)G 0.71 (18.0)H 0.49 (12.5)J 2.28 (58.0)K 6.10 (155.0)L 1.69 (43.0)M 0.24 (6.1)N 2.40 (61.0)P 2.36 (60.0)Q 2.07 (52.55)Inches (mm)Inches (mm)n = Number of manifoldsn = Number of manifoldsDimensionsA 4.88 (124.0)B 4.41 (112.0)C 2.95 (75.0)D 1.65 (42.0)E 1.22 (31.0)F 1.28 (32.5)G 0.71 (18.0)H 0.49 (12.5)J 2.28 (58.0)K 6.10 (155.0)M 0.24 (6.1)N 2.40 (61.0)P 2.36 (60.0)Q 2.07 (52.55)Catalog PDN1000-2US Parker PneumaticParker Hannifin Corporation Pneumatic Division Richland, Michigan /pneumaticsD123Valve Products Isys Micro Series Dimensions Turck with Isys Micro Valves, Side PortedDimensions A 7.48 (190)B 5.51 (140)C 5.71 (145)D 0.20 (5)F 1.28 (32.5)G 3.79 (96.5)H 5.06 (128.5)J 2.53 (64.5)K 1.26 (32)L 2.54 (64)M See note 1N 2.28 (58)P 1.65 (42)Q .19 (4.9)R 4.41 (112)S 4.88 (124)Note 1: M =J+L+n 2xk, where n 2 = Number of Turck input / output modules Inches (mm)。

1.Range of Application and Assembly1-1 Applied RangeThe specifications provided here apply to the JT160G-P8Y1 @K Hermetic Scroll Compressor. 1-2 Range of AssemblyNote: The pressure units in these specifications refer to the gauge pressure, unless stated otherwise2.Main Specifications2-1 Ratings3.Quality Specifications3-1 Appearance and Dimensions·The entire surface of the compressor has been coated with black paint (dipping and quick-dry painting).(coating membrane thickness is 15μm, at least)·Outer dimensions are shown on the attached diagrams of the exterior.3-2 Leak Test and Pneumatic Resistance TestThe leak and pneumatic resistance tests of the compressor are conducted under the following conditions.3-3 Compressor CharacteristicsNote 1. The characteristics tests of the compressor are conducted under one of the following conditions.2.The refrigerating capacity and COP fluctuation within a range above 95%.The input and Current fluctuation within a range between 95% and 105%.3.The sound pressure value is measured for the position one meter in front of the compressor ata height half , in use Daikin’s genuine rubber mounting.4.The vibration value is measured at the compressor legs attached, in use Daikin's genuine rubbermounting.pressor Operating Range4-1 Operating RangeRefer to page 10 for the Compressor Operating Range.4-2 Precautions1)Don’t drive under air condition, otherwise may cause the comp ressor explosion.2)Temperature·Discharge port temperature:130︒C Max.·Discharge gas temperature range :120︒C Max.·Oil temperature:120︒C Max.·Motor winding temperature:125︒C Max. (Average temperature based up on resistancemeasure of motor coil)3)Power Supply·Maximum voltage fluctuation:±10% of rated voltage·Phase imbalance:±2.5%·Maximum frequency fluctuation:±2% of rated frequency4)Refrigerant Systems·Allowable refrigerant charge :2.4 kgLiquid compression and liquid impact :NoThe compressor may be filled with an excessive refrigerant charge, provided that circuit design is conducted with an appropriate device, such as an accumulator, is employed so that the compression mechanism will be free of excessive refrigerant. Please estimate liquid or impart by unwonted sound of thecompressor.·Be sure to keep the discharge port temperature upon condensing temperature.·Oil concentration in oil sump during operation: 35wt% Min.·The compressor must be filled with refrigerant through the liquid pipe.·If the part of terminal immerse in the liquid of residual compressor oil and refrigerant ,insulation resistance of the compressor will fall.Therefore ,please design the refrigerant pipeline so that liquid height of residual compressor oil and refrigerant lower than the termina·Design the refrigerant pipeline so that the oil in pipeline return to compressor rapidly.·Counter pressure (i.e. Suction pressure – discharge pressure) at pn:1.47MPa Max.·Maximum operating times:12 per hour Max.Make sure that the shortest operation period is two minutes or more. Be sure to wait for at least three minutes to start the compressor after turning it off.·Mounting Angle:±10°Max.·Be sure to employ a crankcase heater. The recommendable output is 33 W.·Liquid height of residual compressor oil during operation should be maintained in the compressor external bottom at, at least, 27mm.5)The control of the residue inside the refrigerating system·Allowable water content:150ppm max. (in liquid refrigerant)·Allowable air infiltration amount:500ppm max. (charged oil weight ratio)·Allowable chlorine amount:25ppm max. (charged oil weight ratio)·Ester oil infiltration:6000ppm max.(charged oil weight ratio)Although oil remaining in air conditioner system is recommended to be at 6000ppm below, capillary jam test should be done. If not, our company are not responsible for the breakdown such as capillary jam etc, we kindly hope you comprehend and support.The accumulator and receptor must be cleaned, without press oil and rust-proof containing metals soap etc.Please apply the pipe and function parts ( Such as four way valve and other parts)in which residue is controlled.( The residue means oil and solid remains)5.Protection DevicesWhen the compressor is installed in an air-conditioner system, it must be installed with the following protection devices.5-1 Discharge Pipe ThermostatAttach a discharge pipe thermostat within 30 cm of the discharge pipe in order to prevent the temperature of the exhaust gas of the compressor from rising excessively due to overloading or gas supply interruption. The thermostat must be set at temperature less than the maximum stipulated in 4.2.2). (reference value:120±0.5 C).5-2 Low Pressure SwitchAttach a low-pressure switch operating at a low pressure of 0.02±0.02MPa in order to prevent the compressor from damage that may be caused by excessively low-pressure pumping.5-3 Reverse-Phase ProtectorThe rotation of the compressor in the reverse direction is prohibited because the compressor may bedamaged if rotated in the reverse direction. Attach a reverse-phase protector that detects the phase inversion of the compressor without operating the compressor.5-4 Internal Motor Protector (that had already been installed in the compressor)·Manufacturer:UBUKATA INDUSTRIES CO., LTDNINGBO UBUKATA MERYCON ELECTRIC CO.,LTD·Model:UP18WA163-55G·Temperature Characteristics:Open Temperature 180︒C±5︒C:Close Temperature ·Electrical Characteristics:Power supply Voltage:Power supply Frequency 70︒C±10︒C 380V~415V / 50/60Hz:Trip performance Specified In Page 11/18:Maximum Electrical Capacity 75A(380V)5-5 Over-current RelayOver-current relay shall be installed in order to prevent compressors from accident that may be caused by over-current especially locked-current of compressor motor.5-6 High Pressure SwitchIn order to interrupt the operation of the compressor in the case of extraordinary pressure rises, attach a high-pressure switch that operates at the pressure values provided as leak test pressure values in 3-2. (Reference value:4.07~4.17MPa).5-7 Terminal ProtectorIn order to prevent earthing terminal,Please use the following residual current operated protective devices (ELB) or use equal protection.•Induced current : 100mA Max•Action current : 0.1sec MaxPlease make sure earthing.6.Deadening6-1 Notes on using deadening:1)The hot-proof temperature of deadening and otherwise entwining compressor must be upon 170︒C.2)Acid and alkali may be dissolved from the deadening, which will dissolve the compressor coating. Please observe the following item:•Deadening can not absorb water and wet compressor.•The ion melting tolerance of the deadening blankets is as follows:a)Free ammonia [Alkali] less than 250ppm.b)Chloride ion [acid] less than 20mg/L.In addition, please using following methods to confirm the ion liquation:•Standard Test Method for chloride ion:Cut the sample into 150mm x 150mm, add 1000ml distilled water, implementing ultrasonic melt for three hours at room temperature. Using 5 C filter paper (JIS P 3801 regulations) suction filtering, as testing samples, using Ion Chromatography measure.•Ammonia Test:Subdivide the 2g sample to 5mm, add 100ml distilled water, do the extraction operation for two hours at atemperature of 40±2℃, Using 5 C filter paper (JIS P 3801 regulations) suction filtering, as testing samples, using Indigo Phenol Blue Absorption Photometry measure.6-2. OtherwiseThe hot-proof temperature of scarfskin of power supply cable contacted with compressor must be upon the temperature of contacting position.7.Performance CurvesReference to the accessional datum.The model in accessional datum is representative of Similar product, and maybe different from which described with this specifications8.Safety StandardCompressor Comply with the following standards:1)Household and similar electrical appliances-safety General requirements.(GB4706.1)2)Household and similar electrical appliances particular requirements for motor-compressors.(GB4706.17)9.Origins and FactoryXi’an Daikin Qing’an Compressor Co., Ltd. (IN CHINA)·Refer to 10-7 on the following page for the possible compressor operating range.·Possible operating range is divided into four areas (areas 1~4). The attendant conditions for each differ.·Operate the compressor upon sufficient confirmation of the following attendant conditions, particularly for areas 2, 3 and 4.10-1 Area 1Observe the precautions in 4-2.10-2 Area 2Specifically confirm the following from the precautions in 4-2:·Discharge port temperature:130℃Max.·Motor coil temperature:125℃Max.(Average temperature based up on resistancemeasure of motor coil)·Oil temperature:120℃Max.·Oil concentration:35wt% Min.10-3 Area 3Specifically confirm the following:·Oil concentration:35 wt% Min.·Liquid compression:No liquid compression10-4 Area 4Specifically confirm the following:·Continuous operating time:10 minutes max.·Oil concentration:35wt% Min.·Liquid compression:No liquid compression·Discharge port temperature:130℃Max.·Motor coil temperature:125℃Max.(Average temperature based up onresistance measure of motor coil)10-5 StartWhen starting the compressor ,The following items must be complied with:·Complying with the following conditiont:Start time [sec]△P(t):pressure difference changing With time[MPa]10-6 Pressure difference when continuous runningWhen compressor is continuously running(includes condition change),the pressure difference must comply with the following items:·Pressure difference is over 0.2 MPa. If the pressure difference can not be provided,continuous running time of the compressor is not permitted over 10min.,and the pressure difference must be more than0.04MPa .·When four-way valve switching happens under the condition of defrosting start and end,etc., the pressure difference must be more than 0.04MPa within 20 seconds.Evaporating Temperature(℃)C o n d e n s i n g T e m p e r a t u r e (℃)Area1Area2Area4Area3Area1 Area2NameplateThe nameplate on the compressor will appear as follows.<Guide>・MODEL A : Model Name・POWER SOURCE・PHASE B : Rated VoltageV C,E :Rated voltageHz D,F:Rated frequency・REF.G :Refrigerant type・REF.OIL H :Refrigerant oil name・MFG.NO.I :Manufacturing numberJ :Manufacturing Date・DP.AP H K :Design pressure(high-pressure side)L M :Design pressure(low-pressure side) ・SP P :Strength test pressureR :Model code・PHASE ARRANGEMENT :Terminal position indicationWhile install the compressor, Setting position of protection devices must be attention.Protection Devices:Low Pressure SwitchHigh Pressure SwitchDischarge Pipe ThermostatNotice: The setting position must possibly close to the compressor.Reverse-Phase Protector<3:Dimension Diagram><4:Circuit Diagram><5:Parts Table>Crankcase Heater·Install crankcase heater along weld mark upper as follow fig.·Please don't let Crankcase heater cover the weld mark.(May result in insulation resistance fall.)·Heater Specification1.Output:33W ±7%2.Voltage :200V %20%10+- or 240V %10%20+-3.Insulating performance (after put it in water for 24h)*Withstand voltage: AC1500V for 1 min. and the insulator no broke through.*Insulation Resistance :100M Ω Min. (Test with DC 500V gauge for 1 min)·CautionEven if the compressor does not work, also supply power to heater.SpringTerminal Box Cover Shell BodyCrankcas RubberCasing BottomWeld markLeadLocalizerSpringTerminalEarthing TerminalWhen earth with compressor earthing terminal, please operate as follow fig.Earthing Terminal (Delivery under the M6 bolt and Terminal box is installed )Tighten torque:4.45N ·m ±10 %Detailed fig. of Earthing TerminalCompressor Terminal BoxCompressor。
Parker Pneumatic产品选择指南说明书

Parker Hannifin Corporation Pneumatic Division Richland, Michigan/pneumaticsB341Parker Pneumatic1 Flying leads are2 meters in length 2 Flying Leads are 1.5 meters in length3 Flying leads are 1 meter in lengthBore size 3m flying 10m flying 8mm quickconnect 12mm quick Sensor Bracket Selection GuideNote: See page B354 for Weld Immune Sensors.* See page B355 for cord sets.Parker Hannifin Corporation Pneumatic Division Richland, Michigan/pneumaticsB346Parker PneumaticP8S Drop-in SensorsP8S Right Angle Solid State SensorsP8S Right Angle Reed Sensors213Wiring PNP sensors NPN sensorsWiring connectionWiring connectionPin Wire Function1Brown Operating voltage (+VDC)2Black Output signal (N.O.)3Blue-VDCPin Wire Function1Brown Operating voltage (+V)3Black Not used2BlueOutput signal (-V or Ground)SpecificationsType2-wire reed Output function Normally openOutput voltage 10 - 110* VAC, 10 - 30 VDC Continuous current ≤ 100 mA Response sensitivity 30 Gauss min.Switching frequency 400 Hz Voltage drop ≤ 3 VRipple≤ 10% of operating voltage Time delay (24v)Approx. 20 ms Hysteresis ≤ 1.0 mm Repeatability ≤ 0.2 mmEMCEN 60 947-5-2Reverse polarity protection Yes Enclosure ratingIP 67Shock and vibration stress 30g, 11ms, 10 to 55 Hz, 1 mm Ambient temperature range -25°C to +75°C (-13°F to 167°F)Housing material PA 12, black Connector cable PVCConnectorPUR cable w/8 mm connector* 8Mm connector rated for 50 vac max.SpecificationsTypeElectronic Output function Normally open Switching output PNP/NPN Operating voltage 10 - 30VDC Continuous current ≤ 150 mAResponse sensitivity 30 Gauss min.Switching frequency 5kHz Power consumption 15 mA Voltage drop ≤ 2 VDCRipple≤ 10% of operating voltage Delay time (24v)Approx. 20 ms Time delay before availability ≤ 2 ms Hysteresis ≤ 1.5 mm Repeatability ≤ 0.2 mmEMCEN 60 947-5-2Short-circuit protectionYes Power-up pulse suppression Yes Reverse polarity protection YesEnclosure ratingIP 67 DIN 40050Shock and vibration stress 30g, 11ms, 10 to 55 Hz, 1 mm Ambient temperature range -25°C to +75°C (-13°F to 167°F)Housing material PA 12, black Connector cablePVCConnector PUR cable w/8 mm connector.13Solid State Reed。
Parker派克样本PVP Series Piston Pumps

Piston PumpsCatalog HY28-2662-CD/US Revised June, 2012Quick Reference Data ChartDisplacement Pump Delivery† Approx. Noise Levels dB(A)Input Power AtOperating PressurePumpcc/rev @ 21 bar (300 PSI)@ Full Flow 1800 RPM (1200 RPM)1800 RPM, Max.Speed (RPM)bar (PSI)Model(In3/rev)in LPM (GPM)34 bar69 bar138 bar207 bar248 bar Displacement &(Maximum)Continuous 1200 RPM1800 RPM(500 PSI)(1000 PSI)(2000 PSI)(3000 PSI)(3600 PSI)248 bar (3600 PSI)(Maximum)PVP1616(.98)19.7(5.2)29.5(7.8)53 (47)55 (50)59 (54)62 (56)65 (59)13.1 kw (17.5 hp)3000248 (3600) PVP2323(1.4)28.0(7.4)42.0(11.1)61 (57)64 (59)67 (63)69 (65)70 (65)19.7 kw (26.5 hp)3000248 (3600) PVP3333(2.0)39.4(10.4)59.0(15.6)64 (59)66 (59)68 (62)70 (64)71 (65)27.2 kw (36.5 hp)3000248 (3600) PVP4141(2.5)49.2(13.0)73.8(19.5)68 (60)70 (61)73 (65)74 (67)75 (69)33.2 kw (44.5 hp)2800248 (3600) PVP4848(2.9)57.6(15.2)86.4(22.8)69 (60)71 (62)73 (65)75 (68)76 (69)40.3 kw (54.0 hp)2400248 (3600)†Measured in an anechoic chamber to DIN 45635, measuring error + 2 dB(A).Fluid used: petroleum oil to ISO VG 46; temperature = 50°C (122°F).Since many variables such as mounting, tank style, plant layout, etc., effect noise levels, it cannot be assumed thatthe above readings will be equal to those in the field. The above values are for guidance in selecting the proper pump.Features•High Strength Cast-Iron Housing •Fast Response Times•Two Piece Housing For Ease of Service •Metric Pilot, Shaft and Ports Available •Replaceable Bronze Clad Port Plate •Thru-Shaft Capability •Low Noise Levels•Replaceable Piston Slipper PlateControls•Pressure Compensation •Load Sensing•Horsepower Limiting•Horsepower and Load Sensing •Remote Pressure Compensation •Adjustable Maximum Volume Stop •Hi/Lo Torque (Power) Limiting (PVP 41/48, 60/76, 100/140 Only)•Low Pressure StandbySERVO COMPENSA TORPUMP CASE BIAS PLA TE BARREL PLA TE BEARING SEALGeneral DescriptionAll control is achieved by the proper positioning of the swash plate. This is achieved by a servo piston acting on one end of the swash plate working against the combined effect of the off-setting forces of the pistons and centering spring on the other end. The control spool acts as a metering valve which varies the pressure behind the servo piston.As shown in Figure 1, the amount of flow produced by the Parker Piston Pump is dependent upon the length of stroke of the pumping pistons. This length of stroke, in turn, is determined by the position of the swash plate. Maximum flow is achieved at an angle of 15-17degrees. The rotating barrel, driven by the prime mover, moves the pistons in a circular path and the piston slippers are supported hydrostatically against the face of the swash plate. When the swash plate is in a vertical position, perpendicular to the centerline of the piston barrel, there is no piston stroke and consequently no fluid displacement. When the swash plate is positioned at an angle, the pistons are forced in and out of the barrel and fluid displacement takes place. The greater the angle of the swash plate, the greater the piston stroke.Control OptionsBARRELPressure Compensated Control (OMIT)The swash plate angle controls the output flow of the pump. Swash plate angle is generated by the hydraulic force of the pumping pistons and the mechanical force of the swash plate bias spring. Control of the pump’s outlet flow is obtained by over-riding the force of the pumping pistons and bias spring with the hydraulic force of the servo piston by means of internal porting. Pressure is connected from the outlet port to the servo piston via a compensator spool.The compensator spool is held against the spring guide by the outlet pressure. When the outlet pressure reaches the setting of the compensator control, the compensator spool moves, allowing outlet pressure oil to be metered into the servo piston. This metered oil provides adequate force to power the servo piston and override swash plate forces. The outlet pressure causes the servo piston to move which reduces the angle of the swash plate and thereby reduces the pump’s output flow. When flow is again demanded by the system, the outlet pressure will momentarily fall allowing the compensator spool to move. This movement closes off the outlet pressure to the servo piston and vents the servo piston to case. The result of this venting allows the swash plate forces to move the swash plate angle to maximum displacement, thus responding to the demand for additional flow. Note that the compensator spring chamber is vented to the pump case via a hole internal to the compensator spool.PORTRemote Pressure Control (M)The pump swash plate actuation is identical to the standard pressure compensator but can be controlled via a remote pressure control.Remote control of the pump output pressure can be achieved by controlling the pressure at port A, Figure 3 on the compensator. Flow is metered through the orifice in the spool from outlet pressure into the spring chamber. The spring chamber pressure is limited by an external relief connected to port A. The controlled pressure at port A is sensed at the differential spring chamber. The compensator spool will move to the right when the pump outlet pressure reaches a force equal to the differential spring setting plus the controlled port pressure setting. When the spool moves to the right, outlet pressure oil is metered to the servo piston and the pump swash plate angle is controlled accordingly. With this option the pump outlet pressure can be controlled and varied from a remote location.This control also incorporates a pressure limiting feature preset at the factory. When the pressure in the differential spring chamber reaches the maximum relief setting, the dart unseats allowing the spring chamber to vent to the pump case and limits the maximum pressure attainable.Control OptionsCatalog HY28-2662-CD/USFlow Control (Load Sensing) (A)Figure 4 shows a PVP pump with flow control. The control is identical to the remote pressure compensation control except for an integral orifice, a solid compensator spool and adjustable differential pressure control. Port A is connected downstream of an orifice (variable or fixed) to sense the actual working pressure required. This pressure plus the differential spring force act on the right side of the compensatorspool and will urge the spool to the left until output pressure acting on the left side of the spool balances the forces. As the load increases, output pressure will increase and maintain a constant differential pressure across the orifice and thus a constant flow.Maximum pressure is limited by the internal dart setting.This setting is adjustable up to the maximum preset at the factory.Variable Volume Piston PumpsSeries PVPControl OptionsPORTCatalog HY28-2662-CD/USPressure & Power Control (H)This control option is a T orque Limiting Control, but for constant speed applications it is generally referred to as a Horsepower Control. This control works in conjunction with the Remote Pressure Compensator,control option “M”. A second pressure control device called a horsepower control block, is assembled to the main pump housing. The HP block is plumbed to one of the ports on the remote compensator via steel tubing.The control dart in the HP block and the maximum pressure compensator dart in the remote compensator are connected in parallel. What makes the control dart in the HP block different from any other external relief valve is the pressure setting is mechanically linked to the pump swashplate angle.The cracking pressure of the HP dart is generally lower than the cracking pressure of the remote compensator differential spring cavity is lowered allowing the compensator spool to meter system pressure in the servo piston. As the servo piston extends, it rotates the swashplate and in turn rotates the HP cam. As the cam rotates it increases the force on the HP dart control spring. As the system pressure is allowed to increase,the pump gradually reduces its stroke (flow). When the system pressure reaches the setting of the maximum pressure dart the normal action of the remote compensator takes over. If the HP control is set low enough, the pump may reach zero stroke before the system pressure ever gets a chance to open the maximum compensator dart. This should be considered when making low power settings on systems requiring high working pressures.Variable Volume Piston Pumps Series PVPControl OptionsCatalog HY28-2662-CD/USPressure, Power & Flow Control (C)Refer to the previous section(s) on Flow Control and Power Control. This is another case where multiple controls can be combined in parallel. Since the Power Control is just a special version of Remote Pressure Control, it can be combined with the Flow Control (Load Sense) option. The main point to remember here is that the pressure drop which is required to begin and maintain compensation comes from an external device (such as a proportional valve). This sensed pressure drop will control flow until one of the limits of the other controls has been exceeded. The pump will always respond to the lowest control setting for any given pressure. In addition to Load Sensing, Power Control,and on-pump Pressure Control, Remote Pressure Control can also be included in this parallel device package. There is a remote port on the compensator body and one on the HP Control body, either of which may be used for remote pressure control. The important concept to remember in load sense circuits is that each pressure control device in and connected to the compensator must be protected from saturation. For this reason, use only the uppermost port on the compensator for connection of the load sense line and insure that an appropriate orifice is installed. All control options using a load sense compensator spool are supplied with this orifice.Variable Volume Piston Pumps Series PVPControl OptionsCatalog HY28-2662-CD/USHi/Lo Power Control (HLM)(Available with PVP41 and PVP48 Only)The graph shown below represents the flow-pressure characteristics of a Hi-Lo control for PVP pumps. There are up to four separate adjustments that must be made with the pump controls to get a particular setting, all of which influence the shape of the curve. To get the proper settings, it is very important that all pertinent information is supplied with each Hi-Lo pump ordered.As you can see from the graph below, there are two peak power points. Our intention is to have the same magnitude of power required for both peaks. Of course many combination of settings are possible but specification of the settings becomes very difficult. To make factory settings, we need to know the required flow (applicable if pump has a maximum volume stop), the shaft speed , the required Power limit , and the compensation pressure . Based on these requirements, we will adjust the low pressure set point and the reduced flow set point of the Hi-Lo control to best match the requested parameters called out on the order.Important note: As with power controls, not all combinations of flow, power, pressure, etc. are possible.pressure or in a de-stroked condition can have a much lower overall efficiency than expected. The other thing to keep in mind is that the pump will require the peak power at only two points. All other operating pressures will require less than maximum power and therefore the pump will deliver less hydraulic power in the appropriate ratio based on the actual pump efficiency at those conditions.System PressureO u t l e t F l o wTypical Hi-Lo ControlFlow/Pressure CharacteristicsVariable Volume Piston Pumps Series PVPControl OptionsPVP SERIESPRESSURE & POWER COMPENSATORCONTROL OPTION "HLM"Performance InformationSeries PVP16 Pressure Compensated,Variable Volume, Piston PumpFeatures•High Strength Cast-Iron Housing for Reliability and Quiet Operation•Optional Inlet/Outlet Locations for Ease of Installation•Replaceable Bronze Port Plate •Replaceable Piston Slipper Plate•Thru-Shaft Capability SAE A Pilots Offered •Low Noise Levels - Promote More Comfortable Operating Environment •Fast Response Times•Metric Pilot Shaft and Ports AvailableControls•Pressure Compensation•Remote Pressure Compensation •Load Sensing•Torque (Power) Limiting•Adjustable Maximum Volume Stop •Low Pressure StandbySchematic Symbol(Basic Pump)Quick Reference Data ChartDisplacementPump Delivery † Approx. Noise Levels dB(A)Input Power At Pump cc/rev @ 21 bar (300 PSI)@ Full Flow 1800 RPM (1200 RPM)1800 RPM, Max.Model (In 3/rev)in LPM (GPM)34 bar 69 bar 138 bar 207 bar 248 bar Displacement &1200 RPM 1800 RPM (500 PSI)(1000 PSI)(2000 PSI)(3000 PSI)(3600 PSI)248 bar (3600 PSI)PVP1616.4 (1.0)19.7 (5.2)29.5 (7.8)53 (47)55 (50)59 (54)62 (56)65 (59)13.1 kw (17.5 hp)†Measured in an anechoic chamber to DIN 45635, measuring error + 2 dB(A).Fluid used: petroleum oil to ISO VG 46; temperature = 50°C (122°F).Since many variables such as mounting, tank style, plant layout, etc., effect noise levels, it cannot be assumed that the above readings will be equal to those in the field. The above values are for guidance in selecting the proper pump.SpecificationsPressure Ratings Outlet Port:248 bar (3600 PSI) Continuous (P1)310 bar (4500 PSI) Peak (P3)Inlet Port:1.72 bar (25 PSI) Maximum.17 bar (5 In. Hg.) Vacuum Minimum @ 1800 RPM (See inlet chart for other speeds)Speed Ratings:600 to 3000 RPMOperating Temperature Range:– 40°C to 71°C(– 40°F to 160°F)Housing Material:Cast-Iron Filtration:Maintain SAE Class 4,Mounting:SAE “A” or Metric 2-Bolt Flange MountInstallation Data:See page 42 of this catalog for specific recommendations pertaining to system cleanliness, fluids, start-up, inlet conditions, shaft alignment, drain line restrictions and other important factors relative to the proper installation and use of these pumps.*Available with CW rotation only.NOTE: The efficiencies and data in the graph are nominal values and good only for pumps running at 1800 RPM and stroked to maximum. To calculate approximate horsepower for the other conditions, use the following formula:Actual GPM is directly proportional to drive speed and maximum volume setting. Flow loss, however, is a function of pressure only.HP = Q x (PSI) + (CHp)1714[ ]WHERE:Q =Actual Output Flow in GPM PSI =Pressure At Pump OutletCHp =Input Horsepower @ Full Compensation @ 1800RPM(from graph read at operating pressure)45678910100908070F l o wE f f i c i e n c y - %P o w e rPVP16 @ 1200 RPM021315.118.922.726.530.334.137.907.63.811.400Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000Pressure LPM KW 4567891010090807060F l o wE f f i c i e n c y - %P o w e rPVP16 @ 1800 RPM021315.118.922.726.530.334.137.907.63.811.400Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000PressureLPM KW12.015.0O u t l e t F l o w @ M a x . D i s p l a c e m e n tFlow vs. Speed010002000300050015002500Shaft Speed - RPM6. LPM PVP16Inlet Characteristics at Full Displacement(Graph only valid at sea level)10001500500200025003000Shaft Speed - RPMV a c u u mI n l e t P r e s s u r e 6.414.282.14PSI bar 005.1710.3415.5120.68barPower ControlFull Flo w TorquePSI 1000200030004000PressureF l o wT o r q u e012.424.837.049.561.9011022033044055074.3660In-LbsN·mFull Flo w TorquePSI 1000200030004000PressureF l o wT o r q u e09.·m T i m e (m i l l i s e c )PVP16 @ 1200 RPM00Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000Pressure 100125150200T i m e (m i l l i s e c )PVP16 @ 1800 RPM50257500Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000PressurePVP16Compensated Power@ 1800 RPM00Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000Pressure2.02.53.0P o w e r01. PVP16Approximate Case Drain Flow@ 1800 RPM 00Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000Pressure .4.5.6F l o w0. Response TimesRear Ported Pump Dimensions* Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**).NOTE:Illustration shows Righthand (CW) rotation pump. Lefthand (CCW)pumps will have inlet and outlet ports reversed with compensator on outlet side.STRAIGHT THREAD O-RING PORT (9/16-18 UNF-2B)(INCLUDED IN “5” OPTION ONL Y)ADJ. MAX. VOLUME STOP (1.6 CC/REV/TURN)“OPTION 2”Front ViewPilot DimensionsPilot A C D Option OMIT N/A 32.00173.23(1.26)(6.82)538.1028.44144.53(1.50)(1.12)(6.44)FLAADJ. MAX.VOLUME STOP(1.6 CC/REV/TURN)“OPTION 2”Rear View Front ViewSide Ported – Options 2 & 4 Dimensions* Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**).NOTE:Illustration shows Righthand (CW) rotation pump. Lefthand (CCW) pumps will have inlet and outlet ports reversed with compensator on outlet side.Port Size Type and LocationOption A Inlet and Outlet Ports Drain Port 148.843/4" SAE 4-Bolt FlangeSAE-6 Straight Thread 2(5.86)3/8-16 Thread(9/16-18UNC)Std PSI Series (Code 61)4152.40SAE-16 Straight Thread SAE-6 Straight Thread(6.00)(1-5/16-12UN-2B)(9/16-18UNC)Dimensional DataPilot DimensionsShaft A B C D Option Omit 82.55/82.50 6.1053.09ø 3/8"B, C ø (3.250/3.248)(.24)(2.09)K80.00/79.957.2455.63ø 10mmø(3.149/3.147)(.285)(2.19)Side Ported – Options 8 & 9 Dimensions* Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**).NOTE:Illustration shows Righthand (CW) rotation pump.ADJ. MAX.VOLUME STOP (1.6 CC/REV/TURN)“OPTION 2”Side ViewThru-Shaft Pump Dimensions* Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**).NOTES:1.Righthand (CW) rotation pump shown above.Counterclockwise (CCW) pump will have inlet and outlet ports reversed with the compensator over the outlet port.2.Splined shaft (option “B”) not recommended withThru-Shaft pumps.3.The maximum torque transmitting capacity for rearmounting of pumps is limited by the allowable torque of the input shaft.4.Options 6A4 and 9A4 Design Series 12 have a gasket.All other options incorporate an o-ring seal and have an o-ring groove.Port Size Type and LocationOption A Inlet and Outlet Ports Drain Port 148.843/4" SAE 4-Bolt FlangeSAE-6 Straight Thread2(5.86)3/8-16 Thread(9/16-18UNC)Std PSI Series (Code 61)4152.40SAE-16 Straight Thread SAE-6 Straight Thread(6.00)(1-5/16-12UN-2B)(9/16-18UNC)148.843/4" SAE 4-Bolt FlangeISO 6149-68(5.86)M10 ThreadM16 x 1.50Std PSI Series (Code 61)148.843/4" SAE 4-Bolt Flange9(5.86)M10 Thread3/8" - BSPPStd PSI Series (Code 61)Dimensions – Thru Shaft OptionsVARIATIONH GFE DC 6A453.19 (2.09)82.58/82.60 (3.251/3.252)N/A 3/8–16UNC–2B 9 T ooth 16/32 Pitch207.26 (8.16)9A453.19 (2.09)82.58/82.60 (3.251/3.252)N/AM10 x 1.509 T ooth 16/32 Pitch207.26 (8.16)Remote Compensator Control Pump Dimensions* Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**).NOTES:1.Righthand (CW) rotation pump shown below. Lefthand (CCW) pumps will have compensator on opposite side.2.When controlling pump compensator pressure with remote relief valve, remote relief valve must be capable of passing 1.89 LPM (.5 GPM).3.Remote compensator option “M”, “ME” & “A” available on pumps with any port location.PUMPSISO 6149-4“9” OPTION1/4"TEDC L Side View Front ViewDimensional DataDimensional DataPower (Torque) Control Pump Dimensions* Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**).NOTES:1.Righthand (CW) rotation rear ported pump shown. Counterclockwise (CCW)pumps will have inlet and outlet ports reversed with compensator and powerblock on outlet side.2.Power control shown on rear ported pump. Also available on side ported or thru-shaft option pumps.Side View Front ViewPerformance InformationSeries PVP 23/33 Pressure Compensated, Variable Volume, Piston PumpsFeatures•High Strength Cast-Iron Housing for Reliability and Quiet Operation•Optional Inlet/Outlet Locations for Ease of Installation•Replaceable Bronze Port Plate •Replaceable Piston Slipper Plate•Thru-Shaft Capability SAE A andB Pilots Offered•Low Noise Levels•Fast Response Times•Metric Pilot Shaft and Ports AvailableControls•Pressure Compensation •Remote Pressure Compensation •Load Sensing•Torque (Power) Limiting •Adjustable Maximum Volume Stop •Low Pressure StandbySchematic Symbol(Basic Pump)SpecificationsPressure RatingsOutlet Port:248 bar (3600 PSI) Continuous (P1)310 bar (4500 PSI) Peak (P3)Inlet Port: 1.72 bar (25 PSI) Maximum.17 bar (5 In. Hg.) Vacuum Minimum@ 1800 RPM (See inlet chart forother speeds)Speed Ratings:600 to 3000 RPMOperating T emperature Range:–40°C to 71°C(–40°F to 160°F) Housing Material: Cast-IronFiltration:Maintain SAE Class 4,ISO 16/13,ISO 18/15 MaximumMounting:SAE “B” or Metric 2-BoltFlange MountInstallation Data:See page 42 of this catalog for specific recommendations pertaining to system cleanliness, fluids, start-up, inlet conditions, shaft alignment, drain line restrictions and other important factors relative to the proper installation and use ofthese pumps. Quick Reference Data ChartDisplacement Pump Delivery† Approx. Noise Levels dB(A)Input Power AtPumpcc/rev @ 21 bar (300 PSI)@ Full Flow 1800 RPM (1200 RPM)1800 RPM, Max.Model(In3/rev)in LPM (GPM)34 bar69 bar138 bar207 bar248 bar Displacement & 1200 RPM1800 RPM(500 PSI)(1000 PSI)(2000 PSI)(3000 PSI)(3600 PSI)248 bar (3600 PSI)PVP2323.0 (1.4)28.0 (7.4)42.0 (11.1)61 (57)64 (59)67 (63)69 (65)70 (65)19.7 kw (26.5 hp) PVP3333.0 (2.0)39.4 (10.4)59.0 (15.6)64 (59)66 (59)68 (62)70 (64)71 (65)27.2 kw (36.5 hp)†Measured in an anechoic chamber to DIN 45635, measuring error + 2 dB(A).Fluid used: petroleum oil to ISO VG 46; temperature = 50°C (122°F).Since many variables such as mounting, tank style, plant layout, etc., effect noise levels, it cannot be assumed thatthe above readings will be equal to those in the field. The above values are for guidance in selecting the proper pump.81012141618201009080706050F l o wE f f i c i e n c y - %P o w e rPVP23 @ 1800 RPM042630.337.945.453.060.668.275.7015.17.622.700Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000PressureLPM KW HP = Q x (PSI) + (CHp)[ ]NOTE: The efficiencies and data in the graph are good only for pumps running at 1800 RPM and stroked to maximum. To calculate approximate horsepower for the other conditions,use the following formula:Actual GPM is directly proportional to drive speed and maximum volume setting. Flow loss, however, is a function of pressure only.WHERE:Q =Actual Output Flow in GPM PSI =Pressure At Pump OutletCHp =Input Horsepower @ Full Compensation @ 1800RPM (from graph read at operating pressure)81012141618201009080706050F l o wE f f i c i e n c y - %P o w e rPVP33 @ 1800 RPM042630.337.945.453.060.668.275.7015.17.622.700Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000PressureLPM 06.011.917.923.929.808. KWFlow vs. Speed10002000300050015002500Shaft Speed - RPM16.028.0Ou t l e t F l o w @ M a x . D i s p l a c e m e n t08. LPM PVP 23/33Inlet Characteristics at Full Displacement(Graph only valid at sea level)10001500500200025003000Shaft Speed - RPMV a c u u mI n l e t P r e s s u r e 6.414.282.14PSI bar 005.1710.3415.5120.68barPVP23 @ 1800 RPM00Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000Pressure81012F l o wT o r q u e42630.337.945.4015.17.622.7019.739.459.178.898.40175350525700875118.11050GPM LPM In-Lbs N·m Power ControlPVP33 @ 1800 RPM00Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000Pressure81016F l o wT o r q u e42630.337.960.61453.01245.415.17.622.7019.739.459.178.898.40175350525700875157.51400137.81225118.11050GPM LPM In-Lbs N·mResponse Times80100120T i m e (m i l l i s e c )PVP 23/33 @ 1200 RPM40206000Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000Pressure 80100120T i m e (m i l l i s e c )PVP 23/33 @ 1800 RPM40206000Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000PressurePVP 23/33Approximate Case Drain Flow@ 1800 RPM00Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000.4.5.6F l o w. PVP 23/33Compensated Power@ 1800 RPM00Bar PSI 6910001382000207300027540002.02.53.0P o w e r01. KWRear Ported Pump Dimensions* Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**).NOTES:1.Righthand (CW) rotation pump shown. Lefthand (CCW) pumps have inlet and outlet ports reversed.2.Pump shown with standard pressure compensator (control option “omit”)..)Side Ported – Options 2 & 3 Dimensions* Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**).NOTES:1.Righthand (CW) rotation pump shown. Lefthand (CCW) pumps have inletand outlet ports reversed.2.Pump shown with standard pressure compensator (control option “omit”).Port LocationOption A Inlet and Outlet Port148.841-1/4" SAE 4-Bolt Flange 2(3.10)7/16-14 Threads StandardPressure Series (Code 61) 3152.40SAE-20 Straight Thread(3.22)(1-5/8-12UN-2B)Side Ported – Options 8 & 9 Dimensions* Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**).NOTES:1.Righthand (CW) rotation pump shown.2.Pump shown with standard pressure compensator (control option “omit”).Pilot DimensionsShaft A B C D Option Omit 101.60/101.559.4072.90ø 12.70B, C, D (4.000/3.998)(.37)(2.87)(.50)K100.00/99.959.1469.85ø 12mm(3.937/3.935)(.36)(2.75)Top View Side View Rear ViewThru-Shaft Pump Dimensions* Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**).NOTES:1.Righthand (CW) rotation side ported pump shown.Lefthand (CCW) pump will have inlet and outletports reversed.2.Install coupler on shaft of rear pump to dimensionshown then lock down coupler using set screws.3.Options, 6A2, 6A4, 9A4 and 9A5 Design Series 20have a gasket seal, all other thru-shaft optionsincorporate an o-ring seal and have ano-ring groove.4.Maximum torque transmitting capacity 209 N•m(1850 in-lbs).Thru-Shaft OptionsGFEDCBAno i t a i r aV6A4238.51 (9.39)82.58/82.60 (3.251/3.252)53.19 (2.09)3/8-16UNC-2B9 Tooth 16/32 Pitch31.75 (1.25)N/A 6A5238.51 (9.39)82.58/82.60 (3.251/3.252)53.19 (2.09)3/8-16UNC-2B11 Tooth 16/32 Pitch31.75 (1.25)N/A 6B3252.48 (9.94)101.63/101.65 (4.001/4.002)73.03 (2.88)1/2-13UNC-2B13 Tooth 16/32 Pitch41.15 (1.62)N/A 6B4252.48 (9.94)101.63/101.65 (4.001/4.002)73.03 (2.88)1/2-13UNC-2B15 Tooth 16/32 Pitch45.97 (1.81)N/A 9A4238.51 (9.39)82.58/82.60 (3.251/3.252)53.19 (2.09)M10 x 1.509 Tooth 16/32 Pitch31.75 (1.25)N/A 9A5238.51 (9.39)82.58/82.60 (3.251/3.252)53.19 (2.09)M10 x 1.5011 Tooth 16/32 Pitch31.75 (1.25)N/A 9B3252.48 (9.94)101.63/101.65 (4.001/4.00)73.03 (2.88)M12 x 1.7513 Tooth 16/32 Pitch41.15 (1.62)N/A 9B4252.48 (9.94)101.63/101.65 (4.001/4.00)73.03 (2.88)M12 x 1.7515 Tooth 16/32 Pitch45.97 (1.81)N/A。

parker派克OD型OD型活塞杆密封圈由PTFE防尘环和O型圈组成.特别适用于控制油缸,伺服系统,机床,快速响应油缸以及建筑机械,它与双唇防尘圈配合使用可达到最优密封特性.标准材质:防尘环Polon 052,改性PTFE+40%青铜.O型圈:N0674,邵氏70的NBR橡胶.若有特殊要求(压力,温度,速度等),parker也可以提供相应的解决方案.工作条件:工作压力:≤400bar 工作温度-30~+100℃(主要取决于所选用的O型圈之材质),表面速度:≤4m/S.尺寸范围OD 0400 052 0017 1 D沟槽尺寸O型圈尺寸d*D*L 线径*内径parker产品代码4*8.9*2.2 6.07*1.78 OD 0040 052 00171 A5*9.9*2.2 6.07*1.78 OD 0050 052 00171 A7*11.9*2.2 9.25*1.78 OD 0070 052 00171 A8*15.3*3.2 10.77*2.62 OD 0080 052 00171 B10*17.3*3.2 12.37*2.62 OD 0100 052 00171 B12*19.3*3.2 15.54*2.62 OD 0120 052 00171 B14*21.3*3.2 17.12*2.62 OD 0140 052 00171 B15*22.3*3.2 18.72*2.62 OD 0150 052 00171 B16*23.3*3.2 18.72*2.62 OD 0160 052 00171 B18*25.3*3.2 20.29*2.62 OD 0180 052 00171 B20*30.7*4.2 24.99*3.53 OD 0200 052 00171 D22*32.7*4.2 26.57*3.53 OD 0220 052 00171 D24*34.7*4.2 28.17*3.53 OD 0240 052 00171 D25*35.7*4.2 29.32*3.53 OD 0250 052 00171 D26*36.7*4.2 31.34*3.53 OD 0260 052 00171 D28*38.7*4.2 32.92*3.53 OD 0280 052 00171 D30*40.7*4.2 34.52*3.53 OD 0300 052 00171 D32*42.7*4.2 36.09*3.53 OD 0320 052 00171 D35*45.7*4.2 37.69*3.53 OD 0350 052 00171 D36*46.7*4.2 40.87*3.53 OD 0360 052 00171 D37*47.7*4.2 40.87*3.53 OD 0370 052 00171 D38*53.1*6.3 43.82*3.53 OD 0380 052 00171 D40*55.1*6.3 46.99*5.33 OD 0400 052 00171 D42*57.1*6.3 46.99*5.33 OD 0420 052 00171 D45*60.1*6.3 50.17*5.33 OD 0450 052 00171 D48*63.1*6.3 53.34*5.33 OD 0480 052 00171 D50*65.1*6.3 56.52*5.33 OD 0500 052 00171 D52*67.1*6.3 56.52*5.33 OD 0520 052 00171 D55*70.1*6.3 59.69*5.33 OD 0550 052 00171 D58*73.1*6.3 62.87*5.33 OD 0580 052 00171 D60*75.1*6.3 66.04*5.33 OD 0600 052 00171 D63*78.1*6.3 69.22*5.33 OD 0630 052 00171 D70*85.1*6.3 75.57*5.33 OD 0700 052 00171 D75*90.1*6.3 81.92*5.33 OD 0750 052 00171 D80*95.1*6.3 85.09*5.33 OD 0800 052 00171 D85*100.1*6.3 91.44*5.33 OD 0850 052 00171 D 90*105.1*6.3 94.62*5.33 OD 0900 052 00171 D 95*110.1*6.3 100.97*5.33 OD 0950 052 00171 D 100*115.1*6.3 104.14*5.33 OD 1000 052 00171 D 110*125.1*6.3 116.84*5.33 OD 1100 052 00171 D 120*135.1*6.3 126.37*5.33 OD 1200 052 00171 D 125*140.1*6.3 129.54*5.33 OD 1250 052 00171 D 130*145.1*6.3 135.89*5.33 OD 1300 052 00171 D 140*155.1*6.3 145.42*5.33 OD 1400 052 00171 D 150*165.1*6.3 151.77*5.33 OD 1500 052 00171 D 155*170.1*6.3 158.12*5.33 OD 1550 052 00171 D 160*175.1*6.3 164.47*5.33 OD 1600 052 00171 D 170*185.1*6.3 177.17*5.33 OD 1700 052 00171 D 175*190.1*6.3 177.17*5.33 OD 1750 052 00171 D 180*195.1*6.3 183.52*5.33 OD 1800 052 00171 D 185*200.1*6.3 189.87*5.33 OD 1850 052 00171 D 190*205.1*6.3 196.22*5.33 OD 1900 052 00171 D 195*210.1*6.3 196.22*5.33 OD 1950 052 00171 D 200*220.5*8.1 202.57*6.99 OD 2000 052 00171 E 210*230.5*8.1 215.27*6.99 OD 2100 052 00171 E 220*240.5*8.1 227.97*6.99 OD 2200 052 00171 E 225*245.5*8.1 227.97*6.99 OD 2250 052 00171 E 230*250.5*8.1 240.67*6.99 OD 2300 052 00171 E 240*260.5*8.1 240.67*6.99 OD 2400 052 00171 E 250*270.5*8.1 253.37*6.99 OD 2500 052 00171 E 260*284*8.1 266.07*6.99 OD 2600 052 00171 F 270*294*8.1 278.77*6.99 OD 2700 052 00171 F 280*304*8.1 291.47*6.99 OD 2800 052 00171 F 290*314*8.1 304.17*6.99 OD 2900 052 00171 F 300*324*8.1 304.17*6.99 OD 3000 052 00171 F 310*334*8.1 316.87*6.99 OD 3100 052 00171 F 320*344*8.1 329.57*6.99 OD 3200 052 00171 F 330*354*8.1 342.27*6.99 OD 3300 052 00171 F 340*364*8.1 354.97*6.99 OD 3400 052 00171 F 350*374*8.1 354.97*6.99 OD 3500 052 00171 F 360*384*8.1 367.67*6.99 OD 3600 052 00171 F 370*394*8.1 380.37*6.99 OD 3700 052 00171 F 380*404*8.1 393.07*6.99 OD 3800 052 00171 F 390*414*8.1 405.26*6.99 OD 3900 052 00171 F 400*424*8.1 405.26*6.99 OD 4000 052 00171 F420*444*8.1 430.66*6.99 OD 4200 052 00171 F 430*454*8.1 443.36*6.99 OD 4300 052 00171 F 440*464*8.1 443.36*6.99 OD 4400 052 00171 F 450*474*8.1 456.06*6.99 OD 4500 052 00171 F 460*484*8.1 468.76*6.99 OD 4600 052 00171 F 470*494*8.1 481.46*6.99 OD 4700 052 00171 F 480*504*8.1 494.16*6.99 OD 4800 052 00171 F 490*514*8.1 506.86*6.99 OD 4900 052 00171 F 500*524*8.1 506.86*6.99 OD 5000 052 00171 F。
Parker Hannifin 微型金属气缸系列的BL系列产品跨过去指南说明书

VAL-SIF-113Discontinued “BL ” Series, Cross-Reference to MicroKing Series ISSUED:April, 2000Pneumatic Division North AmericaRichland, Michigan 49083Discontinued “BL ” Series,Cross-Reference toMicroKing SeriesBL Series MicroKing SeriesBL Valve will be discontinued December 31, 2000General Notes:Parker “BL ” Valve is the same as the Schrader Bellows “CS” Valve.BL Stacking Valves 3-Way - “BL1AS” and “BL1BS” - are crossed over to MicroKing Inline Valves - “MKH” - and should use IEM Bar Manifold “PSMKNXN##NP”BL Manifold Valves 3-Way - “BL1A1”, “BL1AV”, “BL1B1”, and “BL1BV” - are crossed over to MicroKing Subbase Valves - “MKVV” and “MKWV” - and should use 5-Port Subbase Bar Manifold “PSFKN1N##NP”BL Manifold Valves 2-Way - “BL1C1”, “BL1CV”, “BL1D1”, and “BL1DV” - are crossed over to MicroKing Inline Valves - “MKH” - and should use IEM Bar Manifold “PSMKNXN##NP” with Valve Port #1 (NO) or Valve Port #3(NC) plugged with 1/8" pipe plug BL Inline Universal Valve - “BLHM” - are crossed over to MicroKing Inline Valve - “MKH”.Notes:j BL Valve is Lighted. Use PS2946***P Lighted Connector for MicroKingk BL Valve is 1/4" Ported. MicroKing is 1/8" Ported, look at the 1/4" tube port option.l BL Valve is a 2-Way NC Function. Insert 1/8" Pipe Plug in Port #3 of Inline MicroKing before mounting on IEM Manifoldm BL Valve is a 2-Way NO Function. Insert 1/8" Pipe Plug in Port #1 of Inline MicroKing before mounting on IEM ManifoldnBL Valve ‘49’ Voltage Code is 24VDC and 24VAC. MicroKing uses ‘49’ for 24VDC and ‘42’ for 24VAC -check with customer before interchanging.BL SeriesA No OverrideB Flush, Non-LockingC Flush, LockingD Extended, Non-LockingE Extended, LockingF No Override / LightsG Flush, Non-Locking / Lights H Flush, Locking / LightsJ Extended, Non-Locking / Lights KExtended, Locking / LightsMicroKingB....B....C....B....C....B....B....C....B....C....Overrides Model Number ComparisonB =Non-Locking Flush C=LockingFlushCodeVoltageMicroKingBL Series4224VAC 5.4VA 6.5W 4512VDC 4.8W 8.0W 4712VDC 4.3W —4824VDC 4.9W —4924VDC 4.9W 7.2W 53120VAC 5.4VA 6.7W 57240VAC6.0VA7.8WWattage Comparison0 Cu. In.12 Cu. In.Test Chamber Test Chamber FillExhaustFillExhaustMicroKing .023.021.383.463BL Series.021.026.307.507Response Time ComparisonBL SeriesA3-Pin 30mm Square –ISO 4400 DIN 43650A (Male Only)B 3-Pin 22mm Rectangular –T ype B Industrial (Male Only)C 3-Pin Brad Harrison - Mini D 5-Pin Brad Harrison - Mini G Grommet - 18" LeadsH 1/2" NPT Conduit - 18" Leads J 1/2" NPT Conduit -w/ Wiring Box - 18" Leads K Same as H w/ Ground Wire L Same as J w/ Ground Wire M Common Conduit - 18" Leads Q Grommet - 72" LeadsR 1/2" NPT Conduit - 72" Leads S1/2" NPT Conduit -w/ Wiring Box - 72" Leads T Same as R w/ Ground Wire U Same as S w/ Ground Wire VCommon Conduit - 72" LeadsMicroKing5....5....5....5....G....G....G....G....G....G....G....G....G....G....G....G....Enclosures Model Number Comparison5 =15mm3-Pin DIN 43650CG =24"Flying Leads12VDCSeriesSizeInlineStackingManifoldMicroKing 1/8".19—.15BL Series 1/8".15.16.16BL Series1/4".18.17—Cv ComparisonBL1A111NBB4900A MKVVNB549A n BL1A113NAG5300A MKVVNBG53ABL1A113NBB4500A MKVVNB545ABL1A113NBB4900A MKVVNB549A n BL1A113NBB5300A MKVVNB553ABL1A113NBG4500A MKVVNBG45ABL1A113NBG4900A MKVVNBG49A n BL1A113NBG5300A MKVVNBG53ABL1A113NBH5300A MKVVNBG53ABL1A113NBM4500A MKVVNBG45ABL1A113NBM4900A MKVVNBG49A n BL1A113NBM5300A MKVVNBG53ABL1A113NBQ5300A MKVVNBG53ABL1A113NBV4900A MKVVNBG49A n BL1A113NBV5300A MKVVNBG53ABL1A113NCB4900A MKVVNC549A n BL1A113NCB5300A MKVVNC553ABL1A113NCG4900A MKVVNCG49A n BL1A113NCG5300A MKVVNCG53ABL1A113NDB4500A MKVVNB545ABL1A113NDG4900A MKVVNBG49A n BL1A113NDM4900A MKVVNBG49A n BL1A113NEB4900A MKVVNC549A n BL1A113NEB5300A MKVVNC553ABL1A113NEG4500A MKVVNCG45ABL1A113NEG4900A MKVVNCG49A n BL1A113NEG5300A MKVVNCG53ABL1A113NEG5700A MKVVNCG57ABL1A113NEV4900A MKVVNCG49A n BL1A113NGB4900A MKVVNB549A j n BL1A113NGB5300A MKVVNB553A jBL1A113NGG5300A MKVVNBG53A jBL1A113NGH5300A MKVVNBG53A jBL1A113NHB4900A MKVVNC549A j n BL1A113NHB5300A MKVVNC553A jBL1A113NHM5300A MKVVNCG53A jBL1A113NJB4900A MKVVNB549A j n BL1A113NJB5300A MKVVNB553A jBL1A113NJM5300A MKVVNBG53A jBL1A113NKB5300A MKVVNC553A jBL1A113NKG5300A MKVVNCG53A jBL1A213NBB5300A MKVVNB553A BL1A213NCB5300A MKVVNC553ABL1AS11NBA4900A MKH5NB549A n BL1AS13NAA5300A MKH0NB553ABL1AS13NAB4900A MKH0NB549A n BL1AS13NAB5300A MKH0NB553ABL1AS13NAV4900A MKH0NBG49A n BL1AS13NBA4900A MKH0NB549A n BL1AS13NBA5300A MKH0NB553ABL1AS13NBB4500A MKH0NB545ABL1AS13NBB4900A MKH0NB549A n BL1AS13NBB5300A MKH0NB553ABL1AS13NBC5300A MKH0NB553ABL1AS13NBG4500A MKH0NBG45ABL1AS13NBG4900A MKH0NBG49A n BL1AS13NBG4902A MKH0NBG49A n BL1AS13NBG5300A MKH0NBG53ABL1AS13NBG5700A MKH0NBG57ABL1AS13NBH5300A MKH0NBG53ABL1AS13NBM4500A MKH0NBG45ABL1AS13NBM5300A MKH0NBG53ABL1AS13NBQ4500A MKH0NBG45ABL1AS13NCB5300A MKH0NC553ABL1AS13NEB5300A MKH0NC553ABL1AS13NEG5700A MKH0NCG57ABL1AS13NEQ5300A MKH0NCG53ABL1AS13NGB5300A MKH0NB553A jBL1AS13NGG5300A MKH0NBG53A jBL1AS13NGH4900A MKH0NBG49A j n BL1AS13NGJ5300A MKH0NBG53A jBL1AS13NHB4900A MKH0NC549A j n BL1AS13NHM5300A MKH0NCG53A jBL1AS13NJB4900A MKH0NB549A j n BL1AS13NJQ5300A MKH0NBG53A jBL1AS13NKA5300A MKH0NC553A jBL1AS23NAA5300A MKH0NB553A kBL1AS23NAB4500A MKH0NB545A kBL1AS23NAB4900A MKH0NB549A k n BL1AS23NAL5300A MKH0NBG53A kBL1AS23NBA4900A MKH0NB549A k n BL1AS23NBA5300A MKH0NB553A kBL1AS23NBB4900A MKH0NB549A k n BL1AS23NBB5300A MKH0NB553A kBL1AS23NBB5700A MKH0NB557A kBL1AS23NBG4500A MKH0NBG45A kBL1AS23NBG4900A MKH0NBG49A k n BL1AS23NBG5300A MKH0NBG53A kBL1AS23NBG5700A MKH0NBG57A kBL1AS23NBH4500A MKH0NBG45A kBL1AS23NBH4900A MKH0NBG49A k n BL1AS23NBH5300A MKH0NBG53A kBL1AS23NBL4900A MKH0NBG49A k n BL1AS23NBM4500A MKH0NBG45A kBL1AS23NBM4900A MKH0NBG49A k n BL1AS23NBM5300A MKH0NBG53A kBL1AS23NGB4900A MKH0NB549A j k n BL1AS23NGB5300A MKH0NB553A j kBL1AS23NGG5300A MKH0NBG53A j kBL1AS23NGM4900A MKH0NBG49A j k n BL1AS23NGM5300A MKH0NBG53A j kBL1AS23NGV4900A MKH0NBG49A j k n BL1AS23NGV5300A MKH0NBG53A j kBL1AS23NHB4900A MKH0NC549A j k n BL1AS23NJG5300A MKH0NBG53A j kBL1AS23NKG5300A MKH0NCG53A j kBL1AT13NCG5300A MKH0NCG53ABL1AT13NEG5700A MKH0NCG57ABL1AT23NBA5300A MKH0NB553A kBL1AT23NBH5300A MKH0NBG53A kBL1AT23NBM5300A MKH0NBG53A kBL1AVXXNAG4900A MKVVNBG49A n BL1AVXXNBA4900A MKVVNB549A n BL1AVXXNBB4900A MKVVNB549A n BL1AVXXNBB5300A MKVVNB553ABL1AVXXNBB5700A MKVVNB557ABL1AVXXNBG4500A MKVVNBG45ABL1AVXXNBG4900A MKVVNBG49A n BL1AVXXNBG5300A MKVVNBG53ABL1AVXXNDB5300A MKVVNB553ABL1AVXXNDG4500A MKVVNBG45ABL1AVXXNEB4900A MKVVNC549A n BL1AVXXNGG5300A MKVVNBG53A jBL1AVXXNHB4900A MKVVNC549A j n BL1AVXXNHG5300A MKVVNCG53A jBL1AVXXNJG4500A MKVVNBG45A j BL1AVXXNKB5300A MKVVNC553A jBL1AVXXNKG5300A MKVVNCG53A jBL1B113NBB4900A MKWVNB549A n BL1B113NBB5300A MKWVNB553ABL1B113NBG4500A MKWVNBG45ABL1B113NBG4900A MKWVNBG49A n BL1B113NBG5300A MKWVNBG53ABL1B113NBM5300A MKWVNBG53ABL1B113NEB4900A MKWVNC549A n BL1B113NGG5300A MKWVNBG53A jBL1B113NHM5300A MKWVNCG53A jBL1B113NJV5300A MKWVNBG53A jBL1B113NKB5300A MKWVNC553A jBL1B213NBG4900A MKWVNBG49A n BL1BS13NBB4900A MKH0NB549A n BL1BS13NBB4902A MKH0NB549A n BL1BS13NBG4500A MKH0NBG45ABL1BS13NBH4900A 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MKH0NB553ABL1HM13NAB4900A MKH0NB549A n BL1HM13NAG4500A MKH0NBG45ABL1HM13NAG4900A MKH0NBG49A n BL1HM13NAG5300A MKH0NBG53ABL1HM13NAH5300A MKH0NBG53ABL1HM13NAK5300A MKH0NBG53ABL1HM13NAQ5300A MKH0NBG53ABL1HM13NBA4900A MKH0NB549A n BL1HM13NBA5300A MKH0NB553ABL1HM13NBA5700A MKH0NB557ABL1HM13NBB4500A MKH0NB545ABL1HM13NBB4900A MKH0NB549A n BL1HM13NBB5300A MKH0NB553ABL1HM13NBB5700A MKH0NB557ABL1HM13NBC5300A MKH0NB553ABL1HM13NBG4500A MKH0NBG45ABL1HM13NBG4900A MKH0NBG49A n BL1HM13NBG5300A MKH0NBG53ABL1HM13NBG5700A MKH0NBG57ABL1HM13NBH4500A MKH0NBG45ABL1HM13NBH4900A MKH0NBG49A n BL1HM13NBH5300A MKH0NBG53ABL1HM13NBH5700A MKH0NBG57ABL1HM13NBJ4500A MKH0NBG45ABL1HM13NBJ4900A MKH0NBG49A n BL1HM13NBJ5300A MKH0NBG53ABL1HM13NBK5300A MKH0NBG53ABL1HM13NBL5300A MKH0NBG53ABL1HM13NBQ4900A MKH0NBG49A n BL1HM13NBR5300A MKH0NBG53ABL1HM13NBT5300A MKH0NBG53ABL1HM13NBT5700A MKH0NBG57A BL1HM13NCA5300A MKH0NC553ABL1HM13NCB4900A MKH0NC549A n BL1HM13NCB5300A MKH0NC553ABL1HM13NCC5300A MKH0NC553ABL1HM13NCG5300A 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M89P .O. Box 901Richland, MI 49083 USA Customer/T echnical ServiceTel:(616) 629-5575Fax:(800) 648-5480Fax:(800) 426-3259Model Number Index (BOLD OPTIONS ARE STANDARD)Mounting Enclosure/Basic Style & Port Pilot Override/Lead Voltage/Engineering。

BConforms to ISO 6020/2 (1991)For working pressures up to 210 barMetric Hydraulic Cylinders Series HMIVital Technologies for Motion and ControlParker Series HMIMetric Hydraulic CylindersAs the world leader in the design and manufacture of tie-rod cylinders, Parker Cylinder Division introduces the Parker Series HMI metric hydraulic cylinder. Parker’s HMI Series cylinders are designed to meet the requirements of ISO 6020/2 (1991), 160 Bar Compact Series. HMI Series cylinders may be used for working pressures up to 210 Bar.Parker HMI Series cylinders are the true world standard, available all over the globe from Parker’s worldwide manufacturing facilities. Whether you or yourmachine are in Europe, Asia,South America, Canada, Mexico, or the United States, you can rely on the engineering expertise, manufacturing experi-ence, and commitment to quality that you’ve come to expect from the Parker Cylinder Division.BFeatures, Specifications and MountingsParker Series HMIMetric Hydraulic CylindersSeries HMI Standard Features and Specifications• ISO 6020/2 mounting interchangeable • 12 standard mounting styles • Up to 3 rod sizes per bore• Wide range of mounting accessories• Up to 3 male and 3 female rod end threads per bore • Bore sizes – 25mm to 200mm• Strokes – available in any practical stroke length• Working pressure up to 210 bar • Piston rods – 12mm to 140mm • Single and Double rod designs • Cushions available at either end • Temperature Range – -20°C to 150°C depending on seal type• Seal types to suit a wide variety of operating environmentsAvailable Mountings and Where To Find ThemIn line with our policy of continuing product improvement, specifications in this catalog are subject to change.1Piston RodGland seal life is maximized by manufacturing piston rods from precision ground, high tensile carbon alloy steel, hard chrome plated and polished to 0.2µm max. Piston rods are induction case hardened to Rockwell C54 minimum before chrome plating, resulting in a dent-resistant surface.2Parker’s ‘Jewel’ GlandContinuous lubrication, and therefore longer gland life, are provided by the long bearing surface inboard of the primaryseal. The Jewel gland, complete with rod seals, can easily be removed without dismantling the cylinder, so servicing is quicker – and therefore more economical.3Rod SealsThe TS-2000 primary seal has a series of sealing edges which take over successively as pressure increases,providing efficient sealing under all operating conditions.On the return stroke the serrations act as a check valve,allow-ing the oil adhering to the rod to pass back into theDesign Features and Benefits1342568977 & 8Parker Series HMIMetric Hydraulic Cylinderscylinder.The double lip wiperseal acts as a secondary seal, trapping excess lubricating film in the chamber between the wiper and lip seals. Its outer lip prevents the ingress of dirt into the cylinder, extending the life of gland and seals.The TS-2000 is manufactured from an enhanced poly-urethane, giving efficient retention of pressurized fluid and long service life.4Cylinder BodyStrict quality control standards and precision manufacture ensure that all tubes meet rigid standards of straightness,roundness and surface finish. The steel tubing is surface finished to minimize internal friction and prolong seal life.5Cylinder Body SealsTo make sure that the cylinder body remains leaktight, even under pressure shock conditions, Parker utilizes pressure-energized body seals.6One-Piece PistonSide loading is resisted by the wide bearing surfaces of the pistons. A long thread engagement secures the piston to the piston rod and, as an added safety feature, pistons are secured by an anaerobic adhesive.7CushioningProgressive deceleration is available by using profiled cushions at the head and cap – see Section C for details.The head end cushion is self aligning, while the polished cap end spear is an integral part of the piston rod.8Floating Cushion Bushings and SleevesCloser tolerances – and therefore more effectivecushioning – are permitted by the use of a floating cushion sleeve at the head end of the cylinder, and a floatingcushion bushing at the cap end. A slotted cushion sleeve at the head end and the floating bronze cushion bushing in the cap, provide minimum fluid restriction at the start of the return stroke. This allows full pressure to be applied over the entire area of the piston, providing full power and fast cycle times.BDesign Features and Benefits9Cushion AdjustmentNeedle valves are provided at both ends of the cylinder for precise cushion adjustment. 63 mm bores and smaller contain cartridge cushion assembly shown below.Gland DrainsThe accumulation of fluid behind the gland wiperseal of long stroke cylinders, or cylinders with constant back pressure,can be relieved by specifying the option of a gland drain.A port between the wiperseal and primary seal allows fluid to be piped back to a reservoir. By fitting a transparent tube between the port and the reservoir, fluid loss from concealed or inaccessible cylinders can be monitored to provide an early indication of the need for gland servicing. Gland drainsare described in greater detail in Section C of this catalog.Parker Series HMIMetric Hydraulic CylindersAir BleedsAvailable as an option at both ends, the air bleeds arerecessed into the head and cap.Piston SealsParker’s B style piston is a single seal design whichincorporates two wear strips. This design provides smooth operation, long bearing life, and high load carrying capacity.Servo CylindersServo cylinders permit fine control of acceleration, velocity and position in applications where very low friction and an absence of stick-slip are required. They may be used in conjunction with integral or external transducers. Servo cylinders combine low friction piston and gland seals with specially selected tubes and rods. For low-friction appli-cations – consult factory.Seal ClassesTo accommodate the many types of fluids and the varying temperature ranges used in industry, Parker offers a range of rod gland, piston and body seals. These are described indetail in Section C of this catalog.Mounting StylesISO Cylinder Mounting Stylesand Where to Find ThemThe standard range of Parker Series HMI cylinders com-prises 12 ISO mounting styles, to suit the majority of applica-tions. General guidance for the selection of ISO cylinders is given below, with dimensional information about each mounting style shown on the following pages. Application-specific mounting information is shown in the mounting information section, Section C of this catalog.Extended Tie RodsCylinders with TB, TC and TD mountings are suitable for straight line force transfer applications, and are particularly useful where space is limited. For compression (push) appli-cations, cap end tie rod mountings are most appropriate; where the major load places the piston rod in tension (pull applications), head end mounting styles should be specified. Cylinders with tie rods extended at both ends may be attached to the machine member from either end, allowing the free end of the cylinder to support a bracket or switch. Flange Mounted CylindersThese cylinders are also suitable for use on straight line force transfer applications. Two flange mounting styles are available, offering either a head flange (JJ) or a cap flange (HH). Selection of the correct flange mounting style depends on whether the major force applied to the load will result in compression (push) or tension (pull) stresses on the piston rod. For compression-type applications, the cap mounting style is most appropriate; where the major load places the piston rod in tension, a head mounting should be specified. Foot Mounted CylindersStyle C, foot mounted cylinders do not absorb forces on their centerline. As a result, the application of force by the cylinder produces a moment which attempts to rotate the cylinder about its mounting bolts. It is important, therefore, that the cylinder should be firmly secured to the mounting surface and that the load should be effectively guided to avoid side loads being applied to rod gland and piston bearings. A thrust key modification may be specified to provide positive cylinder location.Pivot MountingsCylinders with pivot mountings, which absorb forces on their centerlines, should be used where the machine member to be moved travels in a curved path. Pivot mountings may be used for tension (pull) or compression (push) applications. Cylinders using a fixed clevis, styles BB and B, may be used if the curved path of the piston rod travel is in a single plane; for applications where the piston rod will travel in a path on either side of the true plane of motion, a spherical bearing mounting SB is recommended.Trunnion Mounted CylindersThese cylinders, styles D, DB and DD, are designed to absorb force on their centerlines. They are suitable for tension (pull) or compression (push) applications, and may be used where the machine member to be moved travels in a curved path in a single plane. Trunnion pins are designed for shear loads only and should be subjected to minimum bending stresses.TBHH Style CISO Style MS2CBBDB Parker Series HMIMetric Hydraulic CylindersBAll dimensions are in millimeters unless otherwise stated.Piston Rod End Dataand ThreadsParker Thread Style 9– Short Stroke Cylinders Style 9 (female) rod endsshould not be used on 160mm or 200mm bore cylinders with a stroke of 50mm or less.Parker Thread Styles 4 & 7The smallest diameter rod endthread for each bore size isdesignated Style 4 when sup-plied with a No.1 rod. When the same rod end thread issupplied with a No. 2 or No. 3rod, it is designated Style 7.25 & 32mm Bore Cylinders5mm extra height applies to port face at head end only.Parker Thread Styles 4 & 7– All Except JJ Mount Parker Thread Style 9 –All Except JJ MountParker Thread Styles 4 & 7– JJ MountParker Thread Style 9 –JJ MountParker Series HMIMetric Hydraulic CylindersAABBDDEEEF FTG J KB TG WF WH Y + StrokeBSP/G inchesPJZJ 4019M5x0.84011/410104025428.3251550531144724M6x14511/410104025533.2352560561285935M8x1633/810104538 6.541.7352562731537446M12x1.25751/2161645381052.3412567741599146M12x1.25901/2161645381064.34832718016811759M16x1.51153/4202050451382.75131779319013759M16x1.51303/4222250451396.957358210120317881M22x1.516512222585818125.957358611723221992M27x220512525585822154.9573286130245269115M30x22451-1/42525767624190.2573298165299Extended Tie Rod MountingsAll dimensions are in millimeters unless otherwise stated.1Head depth increased by 5mm to accommodate port on 25mm and 32mm bore cylinders – see page 111Dimensions – TB, TC & TD See also Rod End Dimensions, page 111Parker Series HMIMetric Hydraulic Cylinders25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200Bore φBFlange and Side Lugs Mountings1Head depth increased by 5mm to accommodate port on 25mm and 32mm bore cylinders, except Style JJ in port positons 2 and 4 – see page 111Dimensions – JJ, HH & C See also Rod End Dimensions, page 111All dimensions are in millimeters unless otherwise stated.Parker Series HMIMetric Hydraulic CylindersPivot MountingsHead depth increased by 5mm to accommodate port on 25mm and 32mm bore cylinders – see page 111*Parker Style SB is also known as Style SBd under Parker’s European model code systemAll dimensions are in millimeters unless otherwise stated.Dimensions – B, BB & SB See also Rod End Dimensions, page 111Parker Series HMIMetric Hydraulic Cylinders25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200Bore φBAll dimensions are in millimeters unless otherwise stated.1Head depth increased by 5mm to accommodate port on 25mm and 32mm bore cylinders – see page 1112Dimensions to be specified by customerDimensions – D, DB & DD See also Rod End Dimensions, page 111Trunnion MountingsParker Series HMIMetric Hydraulic Cylinders25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200Bore φBore Rod Add StrokeAdd 2x StrokeφNo.MM φLV PJ SV ZM 25112104538815421832114108568817822240118125731051952281225023612574992073281286324512780932233361368025614493110246345145100270151101107265356156125290175117131289370170160211018813013030239019020021402421601723563110Double Rod CylindersAll dimensions are in millimeters unless otherwise stated.Mounting Styles and CodesDouble rod cylinders are denoted by a ‘K’ in the ISO cylinder model code.DimensionsTo obtain dimensional information for double rod cylinders,first select the desired mounting style by referring to the corresponding single rod model. Dimensions for theappropriate single rod model should be supplemented by those from the table opposite to provide a full set of dimensions.Minimum Stroke Length – Style 9 Rod EndWhere a style 9 (female) piston rod end is required on a double rod cylinder with a stroke of 80mm or less, and a bore of 80mm or above, please consult the factory.CushioningDouble rod cylinders can be supplied with cushions at either or both ends. Cushioning requirements should be specified by inserting a ‘C’ in the ordering code. See cushioning section, Section C of this catalog.Parker Series HMIMetric Hydraulic CylindersDouble Rod CylindersFor double rod cylinders, specify rod number and rod end symbols for both piston rods. A typical model number for a double rod cylinder would be:100KJJ HMI RE14M14M 125M1144BThread Rod Eye Pivot Nominal Weight KK Clevis Bracket Pin Force kNkg M10x1.2514344714480814347780.3M12x1.2514344814480914347812.50.6M14x1.5143449144810143479200.8M16x1.514345014481114348032 2.2M20x1.514345114481214348050 2.7M27x214345214481314348180 5.9M33x21434531448141434821259.4M42x214345414481514348320017.8M48x214345514481614348432026.8M64x314345614481714348550039.0AccessoriesAccessory SelectionAccessories for the rod end of a cylinder are selected by reference to the rod end thread, while the same acces-sories, when used at the cap end, are selected by cylinder bore size. See tables of part numbers below,and on the following pages.The rod clevises, plain rod eyes and spherical bearings fitted as accessories to the rod end have the same pin diameters as those used at the cylinder cap ends of the corresponding mounting styles – B, BB and SB – when fitted with the No.1 rod, or the No. 2 or No. 3 rods with Style 7 rod end.Rod and Cap End AccessoriesAccessories for the HMI ISO cylinder include:Rod End –rod clevis, eye bracket and pivot pin–plain rod eye, clevis bracket and pivot pin –rod eye with spherical bearing Cap End –eye bracket for style BB mounting–clevis bracket for style B mounting–pivot pin for eye bracket and clevis bracketAll dimensions are in millimeters unless otherwise stated.Parker Series HMIMetric Hydraulic CylindersRod Clevis, Eye Bracket and Pivot PinBore Clevis BracketNominal ForceWeight φkN kg 2514364680.43214364712.50.84014364820 1.05014364932 2.56314364950 2.58014365080 5.01001436511259.012514365220020.016014365332031.020014365450041.0Part AW CA CB CD CK EM ERKKLE WeightNo.H9h13kg1434571432189101212M10x1.25130.0814345816362211121617M12x1.25190.15143459183820 12.5142017M14x1.5190.22143460225430 17.5203029M16x1.5320.514346128603020203029M20x1.532 1.114346236754025284034M27x239 1.514346345995035365050M33x254 2.5143464561136550456053M42x257 4.2143465631269056567059M48x26311.81434668516811070708078M64x38317.0AccessoriesPlain Rod Eye, Clevis Bracket and Pivot PinPlain Rod Eye/Knuckle DimensionsClevis Bracket DimensionsClevis Bracket – For Style BPlain Rod Eye/KnucklePivot Pin for Clevis Bracket and PlainRod Eye – DimensionsAll dimensions are in millimeters unless otherwise stated.Parker Series HMIMetric Hydraulic CylindersThread Plain Clevis Nominal WeightKK Rod Eye Bracket Pivot Pin Force kN kg M10x1.2514345714364614347780.5M12x1.2514345814364714347812.5 1.0M14x1.514345914364814347920 1.3M16x1.514346014364914348032 3.2M20x1.514346114364914348050 3.8M27x214346214365014348180 6.9M33x214346314365114348212512.5M42x214346414365214348320026.0M48x214346514365314348432047.0M64x314346614365414348550064.0Part CK CM CW FLMRHB LE RC TBUR UH No.H9A16maxmin143646101262312 5.51318473560143647121682917 6.61924574570143648142010291791930685585143649203015482913.5324510280125143650284020593417.53960135100170143651365025795017.554751671302001436524560308753265790183150230143653567035103593063105242180300143654708040132783382120300200360Part EKEL WeightNo.f8kg14347710290.0214347812370.0514347914450.0814348020660.214348128870.414348236107 1.014348345129 1.814348456149 4.214348570169 6.0BBore Mounting Bracket Nominal ForceWeight φand Pivot Pin kN kg 2514553080.63214553112.5 1.34014553220 2.150******** 3.26314553450 6.5801455358012.010014553612523.012514553720037.016014553832079.0200145539500140.0Cap Mounting Bracket and Pivot PinAccessoriesRod Eye with Spherical Bearing,Mounting Bracket and Pivot PinRod Eye with Spherical Bearing DimensionsRod Eye with Spherical BearingAll spherical bearings should be re-packed with grease when servicing. In unusual or severe working conditions, consult the factory regarding the suitability of the bearing chosen.Parker Series HMIMetric Hydraulic CylindersAll dimensions are in millimeters unless otherwise stated.Thread Rod Eye with Mounting Bracket Nominal Weight KK Spherical Bearing and Pivot Pin Force kN kgM10x1.2514525414553080.2M12x1.2514525514553112.50.3M14x1.5145256145532200.4M16x1.5145257145533320.7M20x1.514525814553450 1.3M27x214525914553580 2.3M33x2145260145536125 4.4M42x21452611455372008.4M48x214526214553832015.6M64x314526314553950028.0Part A max AX min EF CH CNEN EU FU KK LF N max MA max P No.max min Nm 14525440152042 12-0.008 10-.012813M10x1.25161710M6145255451722.548 16-0.008 14-.0121113M12x1.25202110M6145256551927.558 20-0.012 16-.0121317M14x1.5252525M8145257622332.568 25-0.012 20-.0121717M16x1.5303025M814525880294085 30-0.012 22-.0121919M20x1.5353645M10145259903750105 40-0.012 28-.0122323M27x2454545M101452601054662.5130 50-0.012 35-.0123030M33x2585580M121452611345780150 60-0.015 44-.0153838M42x26868160M1614526215664102.5185 80-0.015 55-.0154747M48x29290310M2014526319086120240100-0.02070-.0205757M64x3116110530M24Mounting Bracket and Pivot Pin Dimensions - For Style SBPart CFCGCOCP FMFOGLHB KCLG LJ LO RESR TAUJ UK No.K7/h6+0.1, +0.3N9js11js14js130, +0.30js13max js13145530121010304016469 3.328295655124075601455311614164050186111 4.337387470165595801455322016165055206414 4.3394080852058120901455332520256065227816 5.448499810025701401101455343022257085249718 5.4626312011530901601351455354028368010024123228.472731481354012019017014553650353610012535155308.4909219017050145240215145537604450120150351873911.410811022520060185270260145538805550160190352554511.4140142295240802603203401455391007063200210352854812.4150152335300100300400400Mounting Bracket and Pivot PinModel NumbersHow to Order ISO CylindersData Required On All Cylinder OrdersWhen ordering Series HMI cylinders, be sure to specify each of the following requirements:(NOTE: – Duplicate cylinders can be ordered by giving the SERIAL NUMBER from the nameplate of the original cylinder. Factory records supply a quick, positive identification.)a)Bore Sizeb)Mounting StyleSpecify your choice of mounting style – as shown and dimensioned in this catalog. If double rod is required, specify “with double rod.”c)Series Designation (“HMI”)d)Length of Strokee)Piston Rod DiameterCall out rod diameter or rod code number. In Series HMI cylinders, standard rod diameters (Code No. 1) will be furnished if not otherwise specified, unless length of stroke makes the application questionable.f)Piston Rod End Thread StyleCall out thread style number or specify dimensions.Thread style number 4 will be furnished if not otherwise specified.ADDITIONAL DATA is required on orders for cylinders with special modifications.For further information, consult factory.g)Cushions (if required)Specify “Cushion-head end,” “Cushion-cap end” or “Cushion-both ends” as required. If cylinder is to have a double rod and only one cushion isrequired, be sure to specify clearly which end of the cylinder is to be cushioned.h)PistonParker B style pistons are standard. Fluorocarbon also available.i)PortsBSP (ISO 228) are standard.j)Fluid MediumSeries HMI hydraulic cylinders are equipped with seals for use with hydraulic oil. If other than hydraulic oil will be used, consult factory.Service PolicyOn cylinders returned to the factory for repairs, it is standard policy for the Cylinder Division to make such part replace-ments as will put the cylinder in as good as new condition.Should the condition of the returned cylinder be such that expenses for repair would exceed the costs of a new one,you will be notified.Address all correspondence to Service Department at your nearest regional plant listed in the pages of this catalog.Certified DimensionsParker Cylinder Division guarantees that all cylindersordered from this catalog will be built to dimensions shown.All dimensions are certified to be correct, and thus it is not necessary to request certified drawings.Parker Series HMIMetric Hydraulic CylindersBModel NumbersSeries HMI Model Numbers – How to Develop and “Decode” ThemParker Series HMI cylinders can be completely and accuratelydescribed by a model number consisting of coded symbols. To develop a model number, select only those symbols that represent the cylinder required, and place them in the sequence indicated below.Parker Series HMIMetric Hydraulic Cylinders*Mounting Style SB is also known as Parker Style SBd in Parker’s European model code system. ‡Specify XI dimension.Note: Page numbers with a letter prefix, ie: C77, are located in section C of this catalog.。
Parker Calzoni高速低转速小和大排量径直勺动力机械MRT-MRTE-MRTF低转速大排量

CalzoniMR-MRE Low Speed High Torque Small Displacement Radial Piston MotorsMRT -MRTE-MRTF Low Speed High Torque Large Displace -ment Radial Piston MotorsMRD-MRDE, MRV-MRVE Low Speed High Torque Variable Displacement Radial Piston MotorsThe outstanding performance of this robust product is the result of our original, patented design. Used widely in the injectionmolding, mining, off shore drilling, oil field, and marine markets, the Parker Calzoni motor is produced in sizes from 32cc up to 23034cc per revolution. Theefficiency ofour design allows fora smaller installed product for the same displacement vs. our competitors. Since there are no internal connecting rods, we have greatly reduced frictional drag as well as most thrust loading. By creating a static balance on the shaft we have extended the expected lifetime as well.Performance DataMotors (Mobile & Industrial)Performance DataMR-MRE Low Speed High Torque Small Displacement Radial Piston MotorsMotors (Mobile & Industrial)Benefits/Features• 5-piston design• Wide range of displacements • Starting torque from 90-95% theoretical• Total efficiency up to 96%• Resistance to thermal shocks ΔT = 176°F• Speed feedback accessories optionalMotors (Mobile & Industrial)MR-MRE Low Speed High Torque Small Displacement Radial Piston MotorsCode Motor SeriesMR Standard3626 PSI (250�0 BAR) Max� Continuous MREExpanded3026 PSI (208�6 BAR) Max� ContinuousSize & DisplacementMotor SeriesSpecial(Entered by Factory)Connection FlangeSealsShaft–Speed Sensor OptionCode RotationNStandard Rotation (CW: Inlet in A; CCW: Inlet in B)SReversed Rotation (CW: Inlet in B; CCW: Inlet in A) Code Connection FlangeN1NoneC1Standard DENISON Calzoni S1Standard SAE Metric T1Standard SAE UNCG1SAE 6000 PSI (413�7 BAR) Metric L1SAE 6000 PSI (413�7 BAR) UNCCode SealsN1NBR Mineral OilF1NBR, 218 PSI (15�0 BAR) Shaft Seal V1FluorocarbonU1No Shaft Seal (for Brake)Size & DisplacementCode Displacement in 3 (cm 3)MR MRE33A 1�96 (32�1)x —57A 3�44 (56�4)x —73B 4�43 (72�6)x —93B 5�65 (92�6)x —110B 6�65 (109�0)x —125C 7�61 (124�7)x —160C 9�75 (159�8)x —190C 11�69 (191�6)x —200D 12�16 (199�3)x —250D 15�31 (250�9)x —300D 18�56 (304�5)x—330D 20�28 (332�3)—x350E 21�33 (349�5)x —450E 27�56 (451�6)x—500E 30�38 (497�8)—x600F 37�10 (608�0)x —700F 43�09 (706�1)x—800F 49�08 (804�3)—x1100G 68�7 (1126)x—1400G 83�6 (1370)—x1600H 97�5 (1598)x —1800H 110�4 (1809)x—2100H 127�6 (2091)—x2400I 139�9 (2292)x —2800I 170�4 (2792)x—2100I 189�4 (3104)—x3600L 221�9 (3636)x —4500L 274�8 (4503)x—5400L 329�6 (5401)—x6500M 394�2 (6460)x —7000M 408�7 (6697)x—8200M502�0 (8226)xCode Speed Sensor OptionN1None Q1Encoder Drive C1Mechanized Tachometer Drive T1Tachometer DriveM1Incremental Elcis Encoder, Uni-directional*B1Incremental Elcis Encoder, Bi-directional** 500 pulse/rev Code ShaftN1Spline Ex DIN 5463D1Spline DIN 5480F1Female Spline DIN 5480P1Shaft with Key B1Spline B�S� 3550MotorsMR/MRE Model Ordering CodeRotationPerformance Data10-Piston Design14-Piston DesignBenefits/Features• Hydraulically balanced 10 and 14-piston twin row design • Wide range of displacements • Starting torque from 91% theoretical• Total efficiency up to 96%• Speed feedback accessories optionalMotors (Mobile & Industrial)MRT-MRTE-MRTF Low Speed High Torque Large Displacement Radial Piston MotorsDimensions, inch (mm)Motors (Mobile & Industrial)MRT-MRTE-MRTF Low Speed High Torque Large Displacement Radial Piston MotorsCode Motor SeriesMRT Standard 3626 PSI (250�0 BAR) Max� Continuous MRTE MRTFExpanded3026 PSI (208�6 BAR) Max� ContinuousSize & DisplacementMotor SeriesConnection FlangeSealsShaft–Speed Sensor OptionCode RotationNStandard Rotation (CW: Inlet in A; CCW: Inlet in B)SReversed Rotation (CW: Inlet in B; CCW: Inlet in A)—Code Connection FlangeS1Standard SAE MetricG1SAE 6000 PSI (413�7 BAR) MetricM1SAE 6000 PSI (413�7 BAR) Metric Special TimingCode SealsN1NBR Mineral OilF1NBR, 218 PSI (15�0 BAR) Shaft Seal V1FluorocarbonU1No Shaft Seal (for Brake)Size & DisplacementCode Displacement in 3 (cm 3) MRT MRTEMRTF7100P 433�3 (7103)x——7800P 476�5 (7808)——x8500P 529�8 (8518)—x—9000P 549�5 (9005)x——9800P 604�4 (9904)——x10800P 659�2 (10802)—x—14000Q 854�9 (14009)x——15500Q 832�3 (15278)——x16500Q 1009�5 (16543)—x—17000Q 1022�7 (16759)x——18000Q 1100�0 (18026)——x19500Q 1190�5 (19509)x——20000Q 1207�5 (19787)—x—21500Q 1298�0 (21270)——x23000Q 1405�6 (23034)—x—Code Speed Sensor OptionN1None Q1Encoder DriveC1Mechanized Tachometer Drive T1Tachometer DriveM1Incremental Elcis Encoder, Uni-directional*B1Incremental Elcis Encoder, Bi-directional** 500 pulse/rev Code ShaftD1Spline DIN 5480F1Female Spline DIN 5480MotorsMRT -MRTE-MRTF Model Ordering CodeRotationSpecial(Entered by Factory)Performance Data• 5-piston design• Displacement ratios of 1:2 or 1:3• Starting torque from 90-95% theoretical• Total efficiency up to 96%• Resistance to thermal shocks ΔT = 176°F• Speed feedback accessories optionalMRV450Motors (Mobile & Industrial)MRD-MRDE, MRV-MRVE Low Speed High Torque Variable Displacement Radial Piston MotorsMotors (Mobile & Industrial)MRD-MRDE, MRV-MRVE Low Speed High Torque VariableDisplacement Radial Piston Motors* MRD and MRVDimensions, inch (mm)Code Motor SeriesMRD Dual, Standard3626 PSI (250�0 BAR) Max� Continuous MRDE Dual, Expanded3026 PSI (208�6 BAR) Max� Continuous MRV Variable, Standard3626 PSI (250�0 BAR) Max� Continuous MRVEVariable, Expanded3026 PSI (208�6 BAR) Max� ContinuousConnection FlangeSealsShaftSpeed Sensor OptionCode RotationNStandard Rotation (CW: Inlet in A; CCW: Inlet in B)SReversed Rotation (CW: Inlet in B; CCW: Inlet in A)Code Connection FlangeN1None C1Standard Denison Calzoni S1Standard SAE Metric T1Standard SAE UNCG1SAE 6000 PSI (413�7 BAR) Metric L1SAE 6000 PSI (413�7 BAR) UNCCodeSealsN1NBR Mineral OilF1NBR, 218 PSI (15�0 BAR) Shaft Seal V1FluorocarbonU1No Shaft Seal (for Brake)Size & DisplacementCode Displacement in 3/rev (cc/rev)MRD MRDEMRVMRVE300 D 15018�56 / 9�28(304�1 / 152�1)x———330 D 16520�28 / 10�14(332�4 / 166�2)—x——450 E 13327�56 / 8�12(451�6 / 133)——x—450 E 22527�56 / 13�78(451�6 / 225�8)x———500 E 25030�38 / 15�19(497�9 / 248�9)—x——700 F 23543�14 / 14�38(706�9 / 235�6)x—x—800 F 27049�08 / 16�36(804�2 / 268�1)—x—x1100 G 37568�70 / 22�90(1125�8 / 375�3)xx—1400 G 45083�57 / 27�86(1369�5 / 456�5)—x —x1800 H 600110�43 / 36�81(1809�6 / 603�2)x—x—2100 H 700127�61 / 42�54(2091�2 / 697�1)—x—x2800 I 930170�38 / 56�79(2792�0 / 930�7)x—x—3100 I 1035189�40 / 63�14(3103�7 / 1034�6)—x—x4500 L 1500274�77 / 91�59(4502�7 / 1500�9)x—x—5400 L 1800329�60 / 109�87(5401�2 / 1800�4)—x—x7000 M 2300425�15 / 141�72(6967 / 2322�4)x—x—8200 M 2750501�98 / 167�33(8226 / 2742�1)—x—xCode Speed Sensor OptionN1None Q1Encoder DriveC1Mechanized Tachometer Drive T1Tachometer DriveM1Incremental Elcis Encoder, Uni-directional*B1Incremental Elcis Encoder, Bi-directional**500 pulse/rev Code ShaftN1Spline Ex DIN 5463D1Spline DIN 5480F1Female Spline DIN 5480P1Shaft with Key B1Spline B�S� 3550MotorsMRD-MRDE, MRV-MRVE Model Ordering CodeRotationSize & DisplacementMotor Series–Special(Entered by Factory)—800.696.6165。
Parker 高压气动机说明书

Catalog 0978Parker PneumaticSRG/SRGM SeriesStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders SRG/SRGM Series• 304 stainless steel cylinder body, non repairable construction • 303 Stainless steel heads and caps• 303 Stainless steel piston rod standard on all bore sizes • Urethane rod wiper standard• Available with bumpers and magnetic pistons • Double acting models only• Available with Nose, Foot and Pivot Mounts • Corrosion resistant, reinforced plastic pivot bushingOrdering information* Requires an S designation in model number.Undersized rod end threadsFor non-standard rod dimensions, or undersized rod end threads, put a “3” in model number and describe the rod using the letters shown in the drawing. Specify CC, LE and A dimensions.LE is measured in retracted position.Full diameter rod end threadsNon-Standard RodsFor sensors see page 39-42.Parker PneumaticMounting Style DNose mount, double actingKM D Bore size Std. stroke (in)Max. stroke (in)SS rod std A AA B C CC D 3/4"1/2, 1, 2, 2-1/2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 1012✔0.500.860.624–0.250–1-1/16"1/2, 1, 1-1/2, 2, 2-1/2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 1212✔0.50 1.120.6240.120.3120.251-1/2"1/2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 1212✔0.75 1.560.7490.250.4370.382"–12✔0.88 2.08 1.3740.380.6250.502-1/2"–12✔0.882.621.5000.380.6251/2Bore size E EEJ KKKM Q V W WH Y ZJSRG SRGM 3/4"0.621/8 NPTF 0.191/4-28 UNF 5/8-180.810.090.500.97– 2.97 2.971-1/16"0.881/8 NPTF 0.195/16-24 UNF 5/8-18–0.090.62– 1.19 3.25 3.411-1/2"0.881/8 NPTF 0.257/16-20 UNF 3/4-16–0.090.88– 1.50 3.69 3.942" 1.251/4 NPTF 0.311/2-20 UNF 1-1/4-12–0.12 1.19– 1.84 4.69 4.972-1/2"1.751/4 NPTF0.311/2-20 UNF1-3/8-12–0.131.19–1.844.694.69Bore sizes 1-1/16" 1-1/2" 2" *2-1/2" *Bore sizes3/4"* No mounting nutsMounting Style DMounting nuts sold seperately for all series SRGParker PneumaticBore sizes 1-1/16" 1-1/2" 2" *2-1/2" *Bore sizes 3/4"* No mounting nutsMounting Style DXPPivot & nose mount, double acting, no pivot pinD Bore size KKKM L LB PP V W XJ Y Z ZJ SRG SRGM SRG SRGM 3/4"1/4-28 UNF 5/8-180.34 2.910.620.090.50 3.75 3.750.970.251 4.03 4.031-1/16"5/16-24 UNF 5/8-180.34–0.620.090.62 3.84– 1.190.251 4.12 4.281-1/2"7/16-20 UNF 3/4-160.50–0.810.090.88 4.38 4.63 1.500.376 4.75 5.002"1/2-20 UNF 1-1/4-120.56– 1.030.12 1.19 5.62 5.91–0.376 6.06 6.342-1/2"1/2-20 UNF 1-3/8-120.56– 1.030.13 1.19 5.625.62 1.840.3766.066.06Bore size Std. stroke (in)Max. stroke (in)SS rod std A AA B CC D E EE 3/4"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 1032✔0.500.860.6240.250–0.381/8 NPTF 1-1/16"1/2, 1, 1-1/2, 2, 2-1/2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 32✔0.50 1.120.6240.3120.250.381/8 NPTF 1-1/2"–32✔0.75 1.560.7490.4370.380.621/8 NPTF 2"–32✔0.88 2.08 1.3740.6250.500.751/4 NPTF 2-1/2"–32✔0.882.621.5000.6251/20.751/4 NPTFMounting Style DXPMounting nuts sold seperately for all series SRGParker PneumaticAssembly includes pin and (2) retainer rings and (1) jam nut.Assembly includes pin and(2) retainer rings.BoreBore Piston Rod ClevisPivot Bracket AssemblyFoot BracketsMounting NutBoreBore AccessoriesParker PneumaticPNP Solid State SensorBore size 3m flying 10m flying 8mm quick 8mm quick connect 12mm quick Sensor Bracket NPN Solid State SensorBore size 3m flying 10m flying 8mm quick 8mm quick connect 12mm quick Sensor Bracket 1. Flying leads are 2 meters in length 2. Flying leads are 1.5 meters in length 3. Flying leads are 1 meter in length 4.Flying leads are 5 meter in lengthSelection GuideElectronic Sensor Selection GuideParker Pneumatic12 mm connector3Pin Wire Function1Brown Operating voltage (+VDC)4Black Output signal (N.O.)2*White Not used 3Blue-VDCFlying lead or 8 mm connector (shown)413Pin Wire Function1Brown Operating voltage (+VDC)4Black Output signal (N.O.)3Blue-VDCWiring connectionDimensionsPNPNPN* Pin 2 not present.Wiring PNP sensorNPN sensorPNP sensor Drop-in Solid State SensorsSpecificationsSwitch classification Standard PNP or NPNATEX certified PNPTypeElectronic Output function Normally openSensor output PNP/NPN PNP Operating voltage 10 - 30VDC 180 - 30VDC Continuous current 100 mA max.70 mA max.Response sensitivity 28 Gauss min.Switching frequency 1 KHz Power consumption 10 mA max.Voltage drop 2.5 VDC max.Ripple 10% of operating voltageHysteresis 1.5 mm max.Repeatability 0.1 mm max.EMCEN 60 947-5-2Short-circuit protection Yes Power-up pulse suppression Yes Reverse polarity protection Yes Enclosure ratingIP 68Shock and vibration stress 30g, 11 ms, 10 to 55 Hz, 1 mm Operating temperature range -25°C to +75°C (-13°F to 167°F)-20°C to +45°C (-4°F to 113°F)Housing material PA 12, blackConnector cable PVCConnector PUR —Approval for ATEX—3D/3GP8S Global Drop-In Solid State SensorsParker Pneumatic(Required for proper operation 24VDC)Put diode parallel to load (CR) following polarity as shown.D: current rating according to the load.Typical Example – 100 volt, 1 amp diode CR: Relay coil (under 0.5W coil rating)(Recommended for longer life 120 VAC)Put a resistor and capacitor in parallel with the load (CR). Select the resistor and capacitor according to the load.Typical Example:CR: Relay coil (under 2W coil rating) R: Resistor 1 KΩ - 5 KΩ, 1/4 W C: Capacitor 0.1 ΩF , 600 VCaution– Use an ampmeter to test reed sensor current. Testing devices such as incandescent light bulbs may subject the reed sensor to high in-rush loads.– NOTE: When checking an unpowered reed sensor for continuity with a digital ohmmeter the resistance reading will change from infinity to a very large resistance (2 M ohm) when the sensor is activated. This is due to the presence of a diode in the reed sensor.– Anti-magnetic shielding is recommended for reed sensors exposed to high external RF or magnetic fields.– The magnetic field strength of the piston magnet is designed to operate with our sensors. Other manufacturers’ sensors may not operate correctly in conjunction with these magnets.– Use relay coils for reed sensor contact protection.– The operation of some 120 VAC PLC’s (especially some older Allen-Bradley PLC’s) can overload the reed sensor. The sensor may fail to release after the piston magnet has passed. This problem may be corrected by the placement of a 700 to 1K OHM resistor between the sensor and the PLC input terminal. Consult the manufacturer of the PLC for appropriate circuit.– Sensors with long wire leads (greater than 15 feet) can cause capacitance build-up and sticking will result. Attach a resistor in series with the reed sensor (the resistor should be installed as close as possible to the sensor). The resistor should be selected such that R (ohms) >E/0.3.!+–CRCircuit for switching contact protection (for inductive loads, e.g. solenoids, relays)DimensionsDrop-in Reed SensorsWiring connectionSpecificationsType2-Wire Reed Output function Normally openOperating voltage 10 - 120 VAC*, 10 - 30 VDC Switching power 6 W/VA Continuous current 100 mA max.Response sensitivity 30 Gauss min.Switching frequency 400 Hz Voltage drop 2.5 V max.Ripple 10% of operating voltage Hysteresis 1.5 mm max.Repeatability 0.2 mm max.EmcEN 60 947-5-2Reverse polarity protection Yes Enclosure ratingIP 68Shock and vibration stress 30g, 11 ms, 10 to 55 Hz, 1 mm Operating temperature range -25°C to 75°C (-13°F to 167°F)Housing material PA 12, Black Connector cable PVCConnectorPUR cable with 8 or 12 mm connector* 8mm connector rated for 50 vac max.413Flying Lead or 8 mm ConnectorPin Wire Function1Brown Operating voltage (+V)4Black Not used3Blue Output signal (-V or ground)12 mm Connector3Pin Wire Function1Brown Operating voltage (+V)2*White Not used3Blue Output signal (-V or ground)4Black Not used* Pin 2 not present.+CR–P8S Global Drop-In Reed SensorsCatalog 0978Parker PneumaticRound body bracket assembly part numbersSensors and brackets must be ordered separately.50(15)P8S-TMA0Z Sensor Mounting Brackets P8S Drop-in Sensors。

神威气动 文档标题:parker气缸parker气缸的介绍:引导活塞在缸内进行直线往复运动的圆筒形金属机件。

申请公布号:CN 110055802 A发明人:约瑟夫·克拉塞尔 马库斯·迈尔 路德维希·卡瑟夫斯基 鲁珀特·施密特霍费尔申请人:安德里特斯公开股份有限公司扬克缸通常具有非常大的直径。
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万星耀科技(深圳)有限公司成立于2009年3月,是世界500强企业Parker Hannifin的国内重要分销商,主要代理Parker 的液压元件、液压成套、流体连接件、密封件以及过滤设备等自动化和过程控制产品,且拥有丰富的液压系统测试、调试和加工能力。
P1D-T系列缸径从Ø32到Ø125mm是拉杆结构符合ISO 15552 / VDMA标准的气动直线气缸。
腐蚀的缸筒和内置的可供位置检测的带磁环的活塞,在标准温度范围为-20°C 到+ 80°C,这个系列的拉杆气缸可用于广泛的应用场合。
为满足这些要求,符合ISO 15552标准的P1D-T系列气缸,提供了高温和低温应用的方案。
使用经过验证的性能领先的密封技术,工程技术方案可保证产品在恶劣条件下优越的性能,确保产品在温度低到-40°C和高到+ 150°C 的条件下运行可靠,使用寿命长。
采用坚固耐腐蚀的金属缸筒拉杆结构,聚四氟乙烯涂层钢支撑环和可选金属刮尘圈的P1D-T系列,缸径尺寸可以从32至125mm,并可提供符合 ISO标准的全系列安装附件
• 国际标准 : 符合 ISO 15552, ISO 6431, VDMA 24562 和 AFNOR安装尺寸标准.
• 缸径尺寸: Ø32, Ø40, Ø50, Ø63, Ø80, Ø100 和Ø125 mm
• 行程长度 : 10到 2800mm
• 版本 : 双作用/双作用双出杆/3和4位/串联
• 缓冲 : 可调气缓冲
• 位置检测 :使用传感器安装支架可以很简便的把传感器安装在气缸行程范围内的任何位置。
可选电子式或舌簧片式传感器,电缆长度可选,还可选8 mm 夹子,M12 插头或直接出线连接。
• 安装 : 大范围的阳极氧化铝气缸安装附件可提供相同的整体耐腐蚀性• 安装位置 : 任意位置
工作温度 :
• 标准温度: -20°C到+80°C
• 低温: -40°C到+80°C
• 高温:-10°C到+150°C
• 低压液压油版本: -20°C到+80°C
•金属刮尘圈版本: -30°C到+80°C
油缸类型:Non-Guided、Guided、Through Rod、Extended Piston Rod、3 and 4 Position、Tandem
油缸动作:Double Acting
延长的冲程推力(牛顿):483 to 7363 (at 6 bar)
收回冲程推力(N):415 to 6881 (at 6 bar)
缓冲类型:Pneumatic Adjustable
-40 TO +80 (LOW)
-20 TO +80 (STANDARD)
-10 TO +150 (HIGH)
-40 TO +176 (LOW)
-4 TO +176 (STANDARD)
+14 TO +302 (HIGH)
装配选择:YES - ISO 15552
证书:ISO 15552