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Topic Study on selection methods

Major Human Resource

Class Class 2

Name 王玥

Number 20102331062


Study on selection methods

Abstract:In recruiting and hiring human resource module has a pivotal position.

Hired in the first screening of candidates is the major problem. How to filter candidates? What method to filter out candidates with the times? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method? These are major issues to explore in this article.

Keywords:Recruitment principles Traditional screening methods Screening methods for innovation

Recruitment principles

(1)open all avenues for people of talent, multiple channels (2) uni-system of personnel recruitment, employment by the personnel department, subdivisions for uniform implementation. Subdivisions can be used by itself, and the enterprise record. (3) highlight origin, system, law school diversity talent sources. (4) the enterprise employees have the priority of a job competition. Based on the discovery, use and cultivation of talents in enterprise employees, hiring first inward. (5) when determining employment criteria, not just "like the high degree beg foreign study", dominated by suitable talents. (6) in order to facilitate focused pre-job training and reduce hiring costs, recruitment should not be isolated, and should be carried out in bulk. (7) our departmental staff on the characteristics, structures are complementary. (8)the implementation of the Government's vocational qualifications certificate system.

Clearly the minimum job requirements

In today's labour market, apart from the high-end jobs, many posts are basically in a State of oversupply in many job seekers among companies need to recruit the most suitable people, stress, and most suitable officers for businesses and jobs, and are not necessarily the best. Therefore, enterprises must be as detailed as possible to describe job responsibilities and qualifications, also, it must be clearly stated minimum job requirements, or may receive a lot of resumes that do not meet the recruitment requirements at all.

In an enterprise, due to the nature of the work required, internal unwritten rules in recruitment is education at least Bachelor degree, but a publishing job advertisements has not put this section on job qualifications, and received a large number of College and high school education staff resumes, so in the big screen increases the workload, is not the best use of time.

Phone screening

Some companies resume by telephone to inform job seekers to interview after the screening, on the phone, that is, time and place for interview, and so on. "The call" as a business and job seekers for the first time "intimate encounter" enterprises should take advantage of it. Now, many job who in posted resumes of when may fundamental on no consider clearly, also no carefully see Enterprise of related introduced, just hold with, received interview notification again carefully considerations of ideas, such of job who in next recruitment hired of process in the, may due to prior no understanding clearly related information and on not gathered, not only waste has each other of time and energy, and also effects enterprise of recruitment progress. Therefore, companies should conduct a preliminary screening of telephone communication, consensus on relevant issues, this will achieve a multiplier effect.

Application of psychological tests

Personality there is a close relationship between business success and personality tests on the career single greatest contribution is to detect abnormal behavior, emotional instability, thus reducing the negative impact on enterprise development of this group. Choosing the right personality tests are particularly important in the recruitment.

Personality matches the professional studies are still in the trial stage, in the selection of personnel should therefore focus on the evaluation of a person's overall quality is excellent has a positive personality traits.

An important purpose of personnel selection is to anticipate future work performance of candidates.

Traditional screening methods

Traditional screening methods include interviews, tests, personal information, generally recommended tests and study your notes, and so on. These methods are widely used in the enterprise, and be accepted by the company in the long-term practice and recognition, described below.

1、detection, application forms, recommendation is the enterprise primary filter in the filtering process, focusing on investigation the applicant's background and work and learning experiences. Fill in the application form is to apply a method of writing to introduce ourselves, in this form, companies want to obtain much of the information provided by applicants in the past, including educational background, employment history, job preferences and personal information. Featured quiz enterprises by way of telephone inquiries and written recommendation and personal interviews from more than one side to know applicant behaved in the past, as a
