
Anything is possible. “一切皆有可能” (李宁服饰) Give me a chance, and you’ll have a big surprise. “给我一个机会,还你一个惊喜” (嘉 亨印务) Only fine medicinal herbs Make fine herbal medicines. 中药材广告:“药材好,药才好。” Your everyday life is very busy, Our Long Card can make it easy. 建设银行龙卡的广告:“衣食住行,有 龙则灵。”
Fቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱNCTION(广告的功能)
1. Information (提供信息) 2. Persuasion (争取顾客) 3. Maintenance of Demand (保持需求) 4. Creating Mass Markets (扩大市场) 5. Quality (确保质量)
Features of slogans(广告口 号)and catch-phrases (广告语句)
Advertising Media (广告手段)
1. Press Advertising 报刊广告 2. Television and radio Advertising 电视和无线电 广告 3. Outdoor and Transport Advertising 露天广告和交通广告 4. Window and Point-of-Sale Display 橱窗和销售 点陈列广告 5. Exhibition and Trade Fairs 展览会和商品交易 会 6. Direct Mail Advertising 直接邮件广告 7. Cinema 电影广告

广告商标(Trade Mark)的翻译
Dragon 龙
在中国,“龙”曾是封建君主和皇帝的象征。龙在中国人心目 中是吉祥和富贵的象征,“望子成龙”“龙凤吉祥”“龙马精 神”等吉祥词语随处可见,因此汉语里有不少以此命名的商品, 例如:香烟“龙凤吉祥”,“华龙”方便面等。
1. information 2. eye-catching 3. raise the desire to purchase.
“广告是将各种高度精炼的信息,采用艺 术手法,通过各种媒介传播给大众,以 加强或改变人们的观念,最终导致人们 行为的事物和活动。 ”
广告手段 (Advertising Media)
西子香皂—原译文:“Shitze” Toilet Soap (shits 泻肚 子)。译成:West Lake Toilet Soap,可以让人联想到美 丽的西湖,可以带来商业效益。
嘉龙牌食用油—Imperial Dragon, “dragon” 用了 “Imperial” 衬托,可让人联想到遥远的皇宫,神秘的 古国,同样具有异国情调。
我国《辞海》对广告的定义是:广告是向公众介绍商 品,报道服务内容和文娱节目的一种宣传方式。
Advertising is a way of bringing information to the public for the purpose of selling a product, a service, an idea, or an event.
up? 想过吗?为什么西装裤广告里的男人总是站着? Let the New York Times find you. Go for the sun and fun.

finest food, most attractive surroundings and a friendly disposition(餐馆广告) Incredible sale: beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, top quality, latest styles for garments.(服装广告)
Frequent Use of Compounds 复合词多
satin-soft, good-buy, high-quality, up-to-the-minute, undreamed-of, lemon-fragrant.
More Use of Adjectives
International marketing promotions and ads ------Practicing lesson
Promotion tools
Advertising Personal selling Public relations
Direct marketing
Sales promotion
Frequent Use of Quotations
Language differences
Economic differences Sociocultural differences Legal/regulatory differences Competitive differences
Source: Hollensen, Global marketing, 4e, 2008.
Culture, language
• Literacy level, verbal/non verbal language, etc. • Symbols, colors, numbers, etc.
Frequent Use of Compounds 复合词多
satin-soft, good-buy, high-quality, up-to-the-minute, undreamed-of, lemon-fragrant.
More Use of Adjectives
International marketing promotions and ads ------Practicing lesson
Promotion tools
Advertising Personal selling Public relations
Direct marketing
Sales promotion
Frequent Use of Quotations
Language differences
Economic differences Sociocultural differences Legal/regulatory differences Competitive differences
Source: Hollensen, Global marketing, 4e, 2008.
Culture, language
• Literacy level, verbal/non verbal language, etc. • Symbols, colors, numbers, etc.

sunkissed holiday. • 两人共度一个阳光灿烂的假日,一切费用
• What could be delisher than fisher? • 还有什么比钓鱼更有味?
3)Abbreviations and compound words in order to save space
budget, too. • 做工,精巧细致;式样,娇媚自然;价格,低廉宜人。 • For the first time, there’s a remarkable gel that can give your hair
any look you want—sleeker, fuller, straighter, curlier, more natural, even wet—without a drop of alcohol or oil. • 一种前所未有,不同寻常的发乳问世了。它可以使您的头发随心所 愿——更光滑、更丰茂,更平直、更卷曲、更自然、甚至保持湿度— —却不含一滴酒精或油脂。
• 向您推荐《健康》杂志,说健康,说锻炼,说 形象,说精力,说展望。
• The Olympic challenge is ours, and so is the human challenge. Samsung is forging ahead in electronics, and the race into a new age is about to begin.
• Famous world-wide gourmet cuisine. Excellent daily specials and mouth watering desserts.
• What could be delisher than fisher? • 还有什么比钓鱼更有味?
3)Abbreviations and compound words in order to save space
budget, too. • 做工,精巧细致;式样,娇媚自然;价格,低廉宜人。 • For the first time, there’s a remarkable gel that can give your hair
any look you want—sleeker, fuller, straighter, curlier, more natural, even wet—without a drop of alcohol or oil. • 一种前所未有,不同寻常的发乳问世了。它可以使您的头发随心所 愿——更光滑、更丰茂,更平直、更卷曲、更自然、甚至保持湿度— —却不含一滴酒精或油脂。
• 向您推荐《健康》杂志,说健康,说锻炼,说 形象,说精力,说展望。
• The Olympic challenge is ours, and so is the human challenge. Samsung is forging ahead in electronics, and the race into a new age is about to begin.
• Famous world-wide gourmet cuisine. Excellent daily specials and mouth watering desserts.

Exercises and Keys
• It is gives me hair a • 它带给我一流的头发 top-quality look.
• Just do it
• 想做就做吧
You and northwest, business at its best
您与西北同行, 最佳水平
novel design设计新颖
形容词+名词 +介词短语
a wide selection of colors and designs 花色繁多
形容词+and+形容词cheap and fine 价廉物美
形容词+介词+名词 elegant in smell 香气高雅
Safe, Easy, Quick, and with fun!
使用安全,操作简单, 高效快捷, 乐在其中! If you leave “Managing Money” alone, Money will manage to leave you alone
的形式,风格,有要产生与之相同的效果, 达到音,意,韵的和谐统一. 3.简洁,优美 4.符合接受语的文化传统和语言表达习惯.
1.准确传递广告中的信息 You’ll go nuts for the nuts you get in Nux.
纳克斯坚果让你爱不释口。 intelligence everywhere.
动词+宾语+宾 补动词+副词+形容 词+名词
Exercises and Keys
• It is gives me hair a • 它带给我一流的头发 top-quality look.
• Just do it
• 想做就做吧
You and northwest, business at its best
您与西北同行, 最佳水平
novel design设计新颖
形容词+名词 +介词短语
a wide selection of colors and designs 花色繁多
形容词+and+形容词cheap and fine 价廉物美
形容词+介词+名词 elegant in smell 香气高雅
Safe, Easy, Quick, and with fun!
使用安全,操作简单, 高效快捷, 乐在其中! If you leave “Managing Money” alone, Money will manage to leave you alone
的形式,风格,有要产生与之相同的效果, 达到音,意,韵的和谐统一. 3.简洁,优美 4.符合接受语的文化传统和语言表达习惯.
1.准确传递广告中的信息 You’ll go nuts for the nuts you get in Nux.
纳克斯坚果让你爱不释口。 intelligence everywhere.
动词+宾语+宾 补动词+副词+形容 词+名词

Google logo…
Slovenia Turkey
Standardized products all over the world
Standardized promotion all over the world
Apple: Reasons for standardization
Main media types
Television Radio Newspapers Magazines Cinema Outdoor
Source: Hollensen, Global marketing, 4e, 2019.
The major international advertising decisions
Advertising is a way of bringing information to the public for the purpose of selling a product, a service, an idea, and an ad should be 1. informative 2. eye-catching 3. raise the desire to purchase.
• Restrictions (object, arrangement)
Media conditions
• Media infrastructure
• Media habits
• Media costs
Gillette For Women Venus
Why use an identical global message for Greece, Germany, and the U.S.?
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
More Power, More quiet. And it’s more fuel efficient. More Info. Call 001-800-466-8888 • Mercury
• 质高,力强,省油,音静。 • 好东西就是好东西。 • 令您爽心舒适的豪华马科斯轿车 • 新型的马科斯轿车与老的式样相同,但是
合租启事 欲寻一位不抽烟的研究生或教授共租 一套两卧室住房,月租275美元。位置 在圣保罗校园附近。交通方便,可乘校 车。有意者,请与约翰联系。 联系电话:4-6239或636-4549(晚间)
翻译此类广告,应弄清文中的缩略词、 独词句和省略句的实际含义,应了解有 关地区的习俗与背景,并参照汉语同类 广告的表达习惯。
广告英语是现代英语中一 种重要的应用文体,可分 为书面语体和口语语体两 种。
翻译英语广告,应首先了解广告英 语的用词、句法结构与修辞特点,并 根据这些特点理解原文,组织译文, 尽可能使译文在内容与风格上与原文 保持一致。
1. 言简意明,句式简洁 I trust the facts! its for a lifetime! Drink a Pinta Milka Day! Become a Woman with OLAY! Communication Unlimited Making a big world smaller! the choice is yours, the honor is ours!Βιβλιοθήκη 3. 大量使用褒扬溢美之词
广告,特别是情感诉求类广告,都大 量使用表示“独一无二”、“完美无缺” 等概念的词语,堆砌描绘性形容词、副词 的比较级和最高级。此类广告语言生动, 文笔从容,具有很强的感召力。翻译时, 应选用生动活泼的汉语词句组织译文,以 保持原文的语气和风格。
• TOO MUCH A GOOD THING IS A GOOD THING • The Incredibly Comfortable • GRAND MARQUIS • It’s like the old Grand-Marquis-only more so,
品质更好,马力更强,噪音小,更省油。 • 欲知详情吗?请拨001-800-466-8888 • 墨丘利公司制造
广告英语在辞格的运用方面颇为 讲究和大胆,常用对句、对偶、比 喻、双关和排比等修辞手法。翻译 时,应根据广告的内容和汉语的修 辞特点,选用适当的汉语表达方法, 使译文在传出原文全部信息的基础 上,充分体现原文风格和表现形式, 再现原文风貌。
未来就在眼前。我们即将步入一个令人 神往的崭新世纪。让纽约理工学院满足你 们对大学教育的一切要求!大学教育最终 会使你们在自己选择的事业上出人头地。 该院的学费一般人都可以承受,此外还有 慷慨的经济资助或奖学金,再加上各种体 育培训方案和50多个专业,定会使你们走 上成功之路。
New York Institute of Technology
Invites You to Your Future
And that future is now. We’re in the countdown to a new and exciting century. Let NYIT respond to all your needs for a college education that culminates in the career of your choice. With affordable tuition plus generous financial aid/scholarship packages, sports programs, and over 50 majors, NYIT can put you on the road to success.
根据上下文的意思,可识别该广告中 的缩略语:
现代英语广告通常使用“大众化口 语体”撰写,语句通顺、流畅。这主 要表现在大量实用口语词、俚语和人 称代词,尤其是第二人称代词,以增 加语言的可读性和亲切感。翻译时, 应注意选用节奏性强、条理切适的汉 语词句组织译文,力求使其在语气上 与原文保持一致。
3. 对偶
Moisture, It keeps a flower fresh and beautiful all day. Moisture Wear Powder, It keeps your skin fresh and beautiful all day.
1. 模拟生造词语 When your taste grows up, Winston out-tastes
them all. 当你的鉴赏能力提高以后,你会发现温斯顿牌
2. 对句 (1)Small deposit, Big return. (银行广告) 小额存款, 巨额收益。 (2)Street smart, Country casual. (汽车广告) 城市大街上行驶潇洒, 乡间小道上奔驰自如。
Old Product, New Design.
为了节省篇幅,降低费用,英语广告中大量 使用缩略词和简短通俗的各式动词,多 用省略句、祈使句、破折句和独词句, 不用或少用冗长的复合句。例如: Roommates Wanted Grad/Prof share very nice 2bdrm house nr St Paul cmpus. U bus. Nsmkr $275. Call John 4-6239 or 636-4549 ev
• 质高,力强,省油,音静。 • 好东西就是好东西。 • 令您爽心舒适的豪华马科斯轿车 • 新型的马科斯轿车与老的式样相同,但是
合租启事 欲寻一位不抽烟的研究生或教授共租 一套两卧室住房,月租275美元。位置 在圣保罗校园附近。交通方便,可乘校 车。有意者,请与约翰联系。 联系电话:4-6239或636-4549(晚间)
翻译此类广告,应弄清文中的缩略词、 独词句和省略句的实际含义,应了解有 关地区的习俗与背景,并参照汉语同类 广告的表达习惯。
广告英语是现代英语中一 种重要的应用文体,可分 为书面语体和口语语体两 种。
翻译英语广告,应首先了解广告英 语的用词、句法结构与修辞特点,并 根据这些特点理解原文,组织译文, 尽可能使译文在内容与风格上与原文 保持一致。
1. 言简意明,句式简洁 I trust the facts! its for a lifetime! Drink a Pinta Milka Day! Become a Woman with OLAY! Communication Unlimited Making a big world smaller! the choice is yours, the honor is ours!Βιβλιοθήκη 3. 大量使用褒扬溢美之词
广告,特别是情感诉求类广告,都大 量使用表示“独一无二”、“完美无缺” 等概念的词语,堆砌描绘性形容词、副词 的比较级和最高级。此类广告语言生动, 文笔从容,具有很强的感召力。翻译时, 应选用生动活泼的汉语词句组织译文,以 保持原文的语气和风格。
• TOO MUCH A GOOD THING IS A GOOD THING • The Incredibly Comfortable • GRAND MARQUIS • It’s like the old Grand-Marquis-only more so,
品质更好,马力更强,噪音小,更省油。 • 欲知详情吗?请拨001-800-466-8888 • 墨丘利公司制造
广告英语在辞格的运用方面颇为 讲究和大胆,常用对句、对偶、比 喻、双关和排比等修辞手法。翻译 时,应根据广告的内容和汉语的修 辞特点,选用适当的汉语表达方法, 使译文在传出原文全部信息的基础 上,充分体现原文风格和表现形式, 再现原文风貌。
未来就在眼前。我们即将步入一个令人 神往的崭新世纪。让纽约理工学院满足你 们对大学教育的一切要求!大学教育最终 会使你们在自己选择的事业上出人头地。 该院的学费一般人都可以承受,此外还有 慷慨的经济资助或奖学金,再加上各种体 育培训方案和50多个专业,定会使你们走 上成功之路。
New York Institute of Technology
Invites You to Your Future
And that future is now. We’re in the countdown to a new and exciting century. Let NYIT respond to all your needs for a college education that culminates in the career of your choice. With affordable tuition plus generous financial aid/scholarship packages, sports programs, and over 50 majors, NYIT can put you on the road to success.
根据上下文的意思,可识别该广告中 的缩略语:
现代英语广告通常使用“大众化口 语体”撰写,语句通顺、流畅。这主 要表现在大量实用口语词、俚语和人 称代词,尤其是第二人称代词,以增 加语言的可读性和亲切感。翻译时, 应注意选用节奏性强、条理切适的汉 语词句组织译文,力求使其在语气上 与原文保持一致。
3. 对偶
Moisture, It keeps a flower fresh and beautiful all day. Moisture Wear Powder, It keeps your skin fresh and beautiful all day.
1. 模拟生造词语 When your taste grows up, Winston out-tastes
them all. 当你的鉴赏能力提高以后,你会发现温斯顿牌
2. 对句 (1)Small deposit, Big return. (银行广告) 小额存款, 巨额收益。 (2)Street smart, Country casual. (汽车广告) 城市大街上行驶潇洒, 乡间小道上奔驰自如。
Old Product, New Design.
为了节省篇幅,降低费用,英语广告中大量 使用缩略词和简短通俗的各式动词,多 用省略句、祈使句、破折句和独词句, 不用或少用冗长的复合句。例如: Roommates Wanted Grad/Prof share very nice 2bdrm house nr St Paul cmpus. U bus. Nsmkr $275. Call John 4-6239 or 636-4549 ev