
出来 。
例如 ,原 版 《 甄 煨传 》 中最 让人 印象 深 刻 的 就是 各 位 “ 娘娘” 们特 有 的位分 和 封 号 ,如 “ 皇后 ,皇 贵妃 ,贵 妃 ,妃 ,嫔 ,贵 人 , 常在 ,答 应 ,官女子 ” 等 ,这种 位分 和封 号 的区分 反 映 出我 国古 代 尊卑 有别 ,君 臣之分 的 等级制 度 。
3 .2 背景知识中 ,演员蒋 欣所 塑造 的 “ 华妃娘 娘 ” 心狠 手 辣 ,独断专 行 ,杀伐 决 断 的形 象 可 谓 是 深 入 人 心 ,在 原 版 《 甄 娘 传》 第 二集 中 ,夏常 在因 与甄擐 、沈 眉庄 、安 陵容 等人 不 和 而被 华
对理 解华妃 心 狠手辣 的性 格特点 产 生 了不小 的障碍 ,从 而造 成 了 这 段 剧情 的不 可译 性 。 4 结语
然而 在美 版 《 甄嫒 传 》 中 ,我们不 难发 现 虽然 已经尽 量 避免 了 大量不 可译 现 象 ,但 是仍 旧在 剧 中有 着大 量 的 “ 甄嫒 体 ” 的 台词 并 不 符合 功 能性 翻译 学派 的 目的性翻 译理论 的基 本原 则 。
厚 ,五尺 长的木 板 鞭 打女 性 臀 部 以下 部 位 ,只 打到 血 肉 模 糊 为止 , 远远 看去 一片鲜 血 淋 漓 ,故 名 日 “ 一 丈红 ” 。 这种 古 代 刑罚 在 美 版 《 甄娠传 》 中被翻译 成 “ S c a r l e t R e d ” ,无 法将 此 刑罚 的残忍 和 血腥 传达 给 目的语 观众 ,加上原 版 《 甄 嫒传 》 中并 没有 画 面对 该刑 罚 进 行展示 ,所 以 目的语 观众更 是无 法体 会 到这 种酷 刑 的残 忍 所 在 ,也

生态翻译学视域下美版《甄缳传》的字幕翻译作者:袁春波来源:《黑龙江工业学院学报(综合版)》 2017年第5期摘要:运用生态翻译学中的语言维、文化维和交际维的三维转换的翻译方法,可以分析电视剧《甄嬛传》字幕翻译中的成功和不足之处。

语 啻 的 选 择
i 瓣
r变 辩性
r 谮 雷使 用 者
谗宙 _ _ {协确撬
l 心理樾, W -
三特{ 蔓 l I 腔 馊
f 交 谬域鞭臆 l 槠 l 交墩 界
L 物 瑷世 器
r 谮境 燕舔的珊璁
四缝黢 l 动态 } 瞬艘
L 踬 睫 的 意 识 凸 鼹
顺应这一概念最早 由比利时语言学家 、国际语用学会秘书长V e r s c h u e r e n 在
A d a pt a t i o n - 文 中 提 出 。之 后 ,V e r s c h u e r e n 在 幽 f
去 理解 和 诠 释 语 用 学 。 l 1
a a T h e o r y o f[ i n g u z ' s t i c
回答 “ 是哪些顺应 的相关成分促成 了并 ( 或者)受影响于所做的选择 ”¨ 5 ] 。 它包含 了交际过程中所有可能的元素。 “ 语境 ”
就 是 语 言 交 际 的 环 境 , 用 来 指 与 话 语相 互 顺 应 的一 切 因素 或 者 影 响 话 语 处 理 的 一 切 因 素 ,包 括交 际语 境 和 语 言 语 境 。 _ 6 交 际 语 境 与 语 言 选 择 相 关 联 。 总体 来 说 ,它 包 括 语 言 使 用 者 的 心理 世 界 、社 交 世 界 和 物 理 世 界 。 心 理世 界主 要 指 语 言 使 用 者
的个性 、信仰 、欲望、动机等情感和认知方面的 因素 。社交世界指的是社交场合和文化等社会因素。语言使用者在使用语
言 时必 须 符 合 一 定 的 社 会 规 范 和准 则 。物 理 世 界 指 交 际 过 程 中 的 时 间 和 空 间 的指 称 关 系 。交 际 语 境顺 应 与语 用 综 观 论 关 系 如 图1 所 示 。语 言 的顺 应 要 依 赖语 境 ,故 语 境 关 系顺 应 是 语 言顺 应 的重 要 环 节 。 _ 7

01 一、引言
02 二、背景介绍
三、功能翻译理论概 述
四、《甄嬛传》海外 版翻译解析
05 五、案例分析
06 参考内容
《甄嬛传》作为中国电视剧的经典之作,其高质量的剧本、精良的制作以及 出色的演员表现使其在国内赢得了广大观众的喜爱。随后,该剧走向国际市场, 成为了中国电视剧的代表作之一。在《甄嬛传》的海外版翻译中,功能翻译理论 的应用显得尤为重要。本次演示将从功能翻译理论的角度出发,对《甄嬛传》海 外版翻译进行深入解析。
2、翻译标准:功能翻译理论强调翻译的标准是“合适和充分”,即译者在翻 译过程中需要选择合适的翻译策略和方法,以便为目标语观众提供充分的信息和 认知。在《甄嬛传》海外版翻译中,译者采用了直译、意译、音译等多种方法, 确保了海外观众对剧情和人物的理解。
3、翻译方法:根据功能翻译理论,译者在翻译过程中采用了以下几种方法: a.归化翻译:为了更好地满足海外观众的审美需求和接受度,译者对部分台词进 行了归化翻译,例如将中国传统的诗词、成语等进行了符合目标语观众表达习惯 的翻译。 b.直译:对于一些具有中国特色的表达方式,译者采用了直译的方法, 以保留其原始含义和文化色彩。
在字幕翻译中,保持语境和语义的准确性是非常重要的。在美版《甄嬛传》 中,翻译者通过保留原文中的关键词和短语,尽可能地保持了原文的语境和语义。 例如,在剧中出现的称谓和地名等专有名词,都进行了保留和翻译,使得外国观 众能够更好地理解和接受剧情。


寻慧 / 从目的论看 乱世佳人 中的字幕翻译
( 斯嘉丽 ) 梅兰妮哈 密尔顿 , 那个 假正经 , 谁 要听 她的秘 密! 这是一段发生在斯 嘉丽和斯图之间的对 话 , 原 文中出现 了 goody一 goody 一词 , 该 词在 字 典 中 的翻 译 为 伪 善的 人 , 但央视版选 择了 假 正经 这一 词 , 使中 国的 观众 更容 易接受一些。 ( 二 ) 概括法 由于字幕 翻译中的时空限制 , 对于 在源语言中 的词汇或 用法方面存在 的文化信息 , 译者没有办 法在一个相 对较短的 时间 里 , 用 很少的 语言表 示出来 , 因 此 , 在 这种情 况下 , 就可 以采用概括的 方法 , 即将总结出的那些 术语所具有 的共同性 质放入翻译中 来。 ( 3) SCARLETT: W hy don t you say it , you cow ard? Y ou re afra id to m arry m e . Y ou d ra ther live w ith that silly little foo l w ho can t open her m ou th ex cept to say yes houseful of m ealy- m outhed brats just like he r ! 斯嘉丽 : 你这个 胆小鬼 , 不 敢娶 我 。 你宁 可娶 那个 听话 的傻瓜 , 然后生群傻孩子 。 这是斯嘉丽在对阿 什利告白被拒绝后的 一段对话 , 这时 的斯嘉丽情绪 愤怒 , 语速加快 , 画面转换很快 , 观众 没有时间 处理 所有的 字幕 信息 , 因此 将 open her m ou th except to say yes that silly little foo l who can t no , ( 那个除了 是 不 no , and ra ise a


华妃是后宫中很厉害的角色,后台强硬,实力不容小觑,可以和皇后相匹敌,美版《甄嬛传》中对华妃的英译是Consort Hua,Consort英文意思是(统治者的)配偶,中国古代实行的是一夫多妻制,要说配偶指的应该也是皇后,华妃的华字和她本名无关,是四妃首位的代表,Consort Hua 并不能向外国友人传递这个信息,但是在英文单词里我们也无法找到一个完全对等的词来达到中文里“华妃”这个词的效果。

美国版电视剧《甄嬛传》字幕翻译文化因素处理评析黄林云 刘继华宁波大学科学技术学院摘要:随着全球化的发展,国内的很多优秀影视作品在不断地向外传播。

1.目的论视角下美版《甄嬛传》的字幕英译探析 [J], 杨娇
2.接受美学视角下美版《甄嬛传》字幕中文化负载词的英译研究 [J], 朱陈军;曹培;王庭婷
3.影视剧字幕翻译及跨文化传播r——以美版《甄嬛传》为例 [J], 刘晓辉;张亮
——以美版《甄嬛传》为例 [J], 卢丹阳
5.纽马克翻译理论视角下美版《甄嬛传》的字幕翻译浅析 [J], 周甜甜

文化翻译视角下《甄嬛传》字幕中文化负载词的英译研究外国语言学及应用语言学硕士研究生:胡芳琛 指导老师:祖云鹏摘要跨文化交际日益频繁,影视在促进文化传播的过程中发挥越来越重要的作用。
异化要求译者不去打扰作者和源语, 在目的语中保留源语文本中的文化特质。
关键词:美版《甄嬛传》 文化翻译 文化负载词 翻译策略I IA Study on English Translation of Culture-Loaded Words andExpressions in Subtitles of Empresses in the Palace Fromthe Perspective of Cultural TranslationAbstractMA Candidate: Hu Fangchen Advisor: Zu YunpengCross-cultural communication has become more and more frequent, and audiovisual works have played an increasing role in spreading culture. Some excellent Chinese films and TV serials have been introduced into other countries and nations, which boost the spread of Chinese culture. When the Chinese TV serials Empresses in the Palace was first on show to the public in 2011, audience rating had increased continually and this play had been played on different provincial TVs. In 2015, Empresses in the Palace was introduced into America and it had been on show to the American audience. Translation is inseparable from language and culture. The combination of language and culture has formed unique culture-loaded words and expressions. There are a large number of culture-loaded words and expressions in Empresses in the Palace, which reflect China’s unique culture, and those words and expressions are quite different in target linguistic culture.Since “cultural turn” in translation studies, cultural translation is a great breakthrough to the traditional idea that translation is a transfer process between two languages. It emphasizes the importance of cultural factors in translation. In the process of translation, on the one hand, translators should consider the features and the constraints of audiovisual subtitle, on the other hand, translators need to take the cultural differences between two languages into consideration.Audiovisual translation is different from literary translation, it is restricted by time, space and other factors, so translation strategies also need to applied flexibly. This paperIwill take cultural translation as its theoretical framework, and Chinese-English subtitles of American version Empresses in the Palace as the corpus. It will study the translation methods of culture-loaded words and expressions in American version Empresses in the Palace under the guidance of translation strategies. There are two translation strategies used while dealing with culture-loaded words and expressions—foreignization strategy and domestication strategy. The domestication strategy is to localize source language, to make target language or target audience as the center, it adopts the way of expression that the target audience are familiar with to convey the content of the original text. The foreignization strategy requires translators not to disturb the author and source language by maintaining the cultural characteristics of source text in target language. Through research, although source language and target language do not have the same culture-loaded word, they do have the same or similar cultural connotation, translator may adopt idiomatic translation. Source language and target language do not have the same culture-loaded word, maintaining those culture-loaded words and expressions in target language may bring misunderstanding to target readers, translators can adopt paraphrase to decrease cultural conflict. Understanding the translation of culture-loaded words and expressions in Empresses in the Palace, it will shed light on the translation of culture-loaded words and expressions in other audiovisual works.Key words: American version of Empresses in the Palace, cultural translation, culture-loaded word and expression, translation strategyI IContents摘要 (I)Abstract (I)Introduction (1)Chapter One Literature Review (5)1.1Studies on Subtitle Translation (5)1.1.1 Domestic Studies on Subtitle Translation (5)1.1.2 Overseas Studies on Subtitle Translation (7)1.1Studies on English Translation of Culture-Loaded Words and Expressions (9)1.3 A Brief Introduction to Subtitle (11)1.3.1 Types of Subtitle (11)1.3.2 Features of Subtitle (12)1.3.3 Constraints of Subtitle in Translation (13)1.4 An Introduction of Empresses in the Palace and Its American Version (14)1.4.1 A Brief Introduction of Chinese TV Serials Empresses in the Palace (15)1.4.2 A Brief Introduction of American Translation Empresses in the Palace (16)Chapter Two Theoretical Framework (18)2.1 Language, Culture and Translation (18)2.2 Cultural Translation (20)2.3 Domestication and Foreignization (22)Chapter Three Categories of Culture-Loaded Words and Expressions in Empresses in the Palace (24)3.1 Definition of Culture-Loaded Words (24)3.2 Classification of Culture-Loaded Words and Expressions in Empresses in the Palace (25)3.2.1 Ecological Culture-Loaded Words and Expressions (25)3.2.2 Material Culture-Loaded Words and Expressions (27)3.2.3 Social Culture-Loaded Words and Expressions (30)3.2.4 Religious Culture-Loaded Words and Expressions (32)3.2.5 Linguistic Culture-Loaded Words and Expressions (34)Chapter Four Strategies and Methods Used in the Translation of Culture-Loaded Words and Expressions From the Perspective of Cultural Translation (37)4.1 Foreignization Strategy Used in Empresses in the Palace (38)4.1.1 Transliteration (38)4.1.2 Word-for-Word Translation (40)4.2 Domestication Strategy Used in Empresses in the Palace (41)4.2.1 Paraphrase (42)4.2.2 Idiomatic Translation (45)4.2.2 Imitation (48)Conclusion (50)Bibliography (53)Acknowledgements (57)IntroductionAt present, high technology has developed rapidly all around the world, cross-cultural communication has become more frequent. In the past, People achieved cross-cultural communication by reading foreign literary works. However, audiovisual works have played an important role in knowing foreign culture and customs.Research BackgroundWith the further expansion of cross-cultural communication and the rapid development of China, the phenomenon of translating foreign audiovisual works into Chinese has decreased, some excellent China’s films and TV serials have been introduced into other foreign countries, and they are on show to the public. Translation studies have concentrated on the translation of literary works, researches on audiovisual translation are relatively new. Compared with the translation of literary works, audiovisual translation has its own characteristics. Instantaneity, colloquialism and popularity have put new requirements in audiovisual translation, which will bring great difficulties to translators.Because of differences in language, customs and so on, when it comes to the same thing, people of different nations may have different understandings, which will bring difficulties or obstacles in understanding and evaluating foreign audiovisual works. Audiovisual works are a part of a nation’s culture, and the combination of language and culture has formed unique culture-loaded words and expressions. Those culture-loaded works will bring misunderstanding to the foreign audience easily. Although people have difficult in understanding culture-loaded words and expressions, they are still eager for knowing foreign culture and customs through audiovisual works. It is a big challenge for translators to maintain those culture-loaded words and expressions in target language.1When the phenomenon “cultural turn” happened in translation studies, the position of culture has been recognized in translation. Susan·Bassnett has put forward that culture should be regarded as the basic unit of translation and translation is regarded as a kind of communicative activity. Translation theorists believe that translation is cultural communication between different countries and nations, it is not a single process of linguistic transfer. People have paid attention to the cultural factors in translation.Research Questions and the Significance of the StudyAmerican version Empresses in the Palace is done by first-class American audiovisual team. To meet American audience, it has adopted the method of flashback and taken elder Zhen Huan’s memories as a clue. About 3420 minutes of the original Empresses in the Palace is cut into 540 minutes of American version, and it is only one sixth of the original version. In less than three episodes, Zhen Huan has defeated Consort Hua. The rich personal characters and complex personal relations have lost in American version Empresses in the Palace. However, for the integrity of plot and content, cultural words and expressions of original version have been maintained in American version.This paper studies the translation of culture-loaded words and expressions in subtitle of Empresses in the Palace from the perspective of cultural translation, the author mainly pay attention to following two questions:1. Under the guidance of cultural translation, in order to make target text has the same effect in target language, what kinds of strategies and methods should be chosen?2. Subtitle translation has its special constraints, which are mainly in time and space, how do those two factors affect the translation of culture-loaded words and expressions?With the rapid improvement of China’s comprehensive national strength, the introduction of Chinese culture into other countries has become an urgent task. The role of audiovisual works in cross-cultural communication has been recognized. An excellent audiovisual work wants to been widely accepted in other countries andnations, translation is particularly important. Language, culture and translation are closely related, in order to make Chinese audiovisual works are widely accepted in target culture, it is far from enough to translate only from the perspective of language, there are great cultural differences between languages. Understanding the role of cultural factors and the appropriate strategies and methods used in the process of translation, it will shed light on the translation of culture-loaded words and expressions in other audiovisual works. It is the significance of this paper.Methodology of the ResearchThis paper mainly adopts the descriptive method. Before start writing this paper, the writer first downloads American version Empresses in the Palace and writes down Chinese and English subtitles through watching. According to Nida’s cultural categories, the writer classifies culture-loaded words and expressions. Then through the comparison between the original version and the American version, the writer summarizes concrete translation methods of culture-loaded words and expressions.Structure of the PaperThere are six parts in this paper. In the part of introduction, the writer first points out research background, research questions, and the significance of this study and research methodology of this paper.The first is the literature review. This chapter gives an overview of subtitle translation at home and abroad. Then the writer describes subtitle in detail. In the end, the writer introduces original version and American translation of Empresses in the Palace.The second chapter is the theoretical framework, the writer first introduces the relations between language, culture and translation and makes a summary. Then the writer introduces Susan·Bassnett’s cultural translation in detail. In the end, the author describes two translation strategies.The third chapter is about culture-loaded words and expressions in Empresses in the Palace. The writer first introduces the definition of culture-loaded words, then the writer classifies culture-loaded words and expressions in Empresses in the Palace andattaches tables.The fourth chapter is research part. The writer introduces some concrete translation methods under the guidance of domestication strategy and foreignization strategy. Then the author presents some detailed cases. The translation methods used in this thesis: word-for-word translation, transliteration, paraphrase, idiomatic translation and imitation.The last part is conclusion. The writer concludes the main findings and points out limitations of this study.Chapter OneLiterature ReviewWith the rapid development of technology and globalization, more and more technical and political texts as well as popular literature are available to normal audience. However, before that, religious and less literary works were the source texts of translation. After the reform and opening-up, a large number of foreign multimedia products are introduced into China, especially foreign films and TV serials. The strategies and methods of audiovisual translation need theoretical guidance. Therefore, lots of scholars have paid attention to audiovisual translation.1.1Studies on Subtitle TranslationAudiovisual works play an important role in cross-cultural communication. Lots of scholars and translation theorists have paid attention to audiovisual translation. Subtitle translation is a part of audiovisual translation.1.1.1 Domestic Studies on Subtitle TranslationIn the early stage of Chinese audiovisual works, it was impossible for Chinese audiences to watch the original foreign films, the majority of them were dubbed films. People paid less attention to audiovisual subtitles. In the 21th century, the chances for Chinese audiences to watch foreign audiovisual works have increased, the English skills of Chinese people also improve. So more and more Chinese audiences prefer a kind of watching mode with the original sound and subtitles. Meanwhile, the studies on audiovisual subtitles develop gradually.Because the research on subtitle translation is slow in China, this field is still in the primary stage. The experts in this field are relatively few, the published academicarticles are limited, the research scope is quite scattered. At present, people and teams engaging in subtitle translation can be classified into three kinds: professional agencies, network subtitle groups and scholars.The professional agencies engaging in subtitle translation are Changchun Film Studio, Shanghai Dubbing Studio, August First Film Studio, Beijing Film Studio and other institutions of various provincial television stations. China has a quota system in introducing foreign films, and dozens of films are introduced into China through legal channel. Those introduced foreign films are distributed to professional agencies, each studio only get a dozen foreign films, the lack of quantity leads to the lack of translators’ experience in subtitle translation, it is hard for subtitle translation to reach a higher theoretical level.The origin of subtitle groups develops rapidly with the popularity of internet in China. Domestic studios have quite strict restrictions on the introduction of foreign audiovisual works, the speed of introduction is slow and the number of introduction is limited. In order to appreciate more and more popular audiovisual works, social audiovisual work lovers form subtitle groups spontaneously. The number of network subtitle groups is numerous. The number of workers in a big subtitle group is three or four hundred. A big subtitle group can be divided into the sources of audiovisual works, translation, proofreading, time axis, compression and other departments. The emerging of network subtitle groups meet the needs of Chinese network users for simultaneous viewing of foreign films and TV serials. Network subtitle translators are regarded as “the communicators of cultures” or “network translators”. However, because of their enthusiasm and interest, the workers in subtitle groups engage in subtitle translation. In order to release subtitles quickly, they pursue the speed in translation, rather than the quality, omission and mistranslation are often seen in their translation. They have little interest in the research on subtitle translation theory. Moreover, restricted by copyright, subtitle groups can’t get a legal status.Although audiovisual translation study is slow in China, there are a lot of famous professors and experts in this field. Professor Zhang Chunbai, a pioneer in the study ofaudiovisual translation. In this article, he has summarized the characteristics and features of audiovisual works briefly. In the process of audiovisual translation, he thinks that translators should adopt the method of free translation. Professor Zhang Chunbai focuses on dubbing. As an experienced subtitle translator, Professor Qian Shaochang points that there are five characteristics between audiovisual language and literary language, which are no note, comprehensiveness, instantaneousness, popularity and hearing feature. He emphasizes three principles—fidelity, fluency and elegance, which are commonly accepted in audiovisual translation, and fluency is the most important. In the part of conclusion, he calls on the translation academy to pay attention to audiovisual translation. Professor Li Yunxing has put forward the constrain factors of time and space in the study of audiovisual translation. He proposes the primary requirement for subtitle translation, under the constraints of time and space, translators should provide the most relevant information through the most effective way. Ma Zhengqi has put forward five guiding principles in audiovisual translation, they are personal characterization, colloquialism, emotion, popularization and the sharp of mouth. There are other scholars who introduce the development of audiovisual translation. Dong Haiya has summarized the western scholars’ research on audiovisual translation.1.1.2 Overseas Studies on Subtitle TranslationOn the first of January, 1929, American film The Jazz Singer was on show in Paris, and French subtitles were added at the bottom of screen. On the seventeenth of August, Italian film The Singing Fool was on show in Copenhagen, Danish subtitles were added in this film. Although the level of subtitle translation in those two films was not good. However, as a form of audiovisual translation, interlingual subtitle began its development.Western scholars began the research on subtitles quite early. However, the early study focused on the description of subtitles, it didn’t summarize the characteristics of subtitle translation, and it could not provide some theoretical guidance from the technique angle.Cay Dollerup studied subtitle translation and pointed out some mistakes while translating subtitle of a television program from English to Danish. However, his research is not systematic and sufficient, which needs further study and detailed analysis. Titford’s article “Subtitle: Constrained Translation” was a brief and short one, which had made an important impact on audiovisual translation. In this article, the author proposed some constraints in subtitle translation.In the 1990s, the study on audiovisual translation had golden age. A breakthrough had been made in subtitle translation theory, the research in subtitle translation involved the concrete characteristics, techniques, principles, standards and other aspects of subtitle translation. In the year of 1992, Ivarsson, a Swedish subtitle translator, had published Subtitling for the Media: A Handbook of an Art, this book dealt with subtitles from the perspective of technology. Many subtitle translation strategies and skills were added to meet the development of digital technology.Finland scholar Gottlieb is a leader in the field of audiovisual translation, he discuss subtitle translation in detail from the angle of linguistics. He has made great achievements in idiom translation, transformation of translation modes, strategies and techniques in subtitle translation and other aspects.In recent years, the academic conferences on audiovisual translations have become more and more frequent, and the academic focus is still on subtitle translation. In 1987, the first dubbing and subtitle conference was held in Stockholm by European Broadcasting Union. In 2004, an international symposium whose theme was “linguistic conversion on screen”was hosted in London. In 2005, an international meeting whose theme was “Between Text and Image: the Latest Research in Audiovisual Translation” was held in Bologna, Italy. Those academic conferences have increased the exchange of relevant theories and practice experiences on subtitle translation between various countries, which greatly promotes the further research on subtitle translation.Meanwhile, some relevant academic agencies and institutions have developed rapidly. International Federation of Translators paid attention to the academic status of subtitle translation. In the early of 1987, International Federation of Translators hadestablished Audiovisual Translation Committee, to discuss and study translation question relating to media. In 1995, European Association for Studies in Screen Translations was established, it has become the most influential academic organization in the field of audiovisual translation in Europe. Since its establishment, this association has exerted far-reaching influences on subtitle translation in Europe.Generally speaking, subtitle translation develops rapidly in Europe, and it has formed a certain scale and system. However, compared with the rapid development of audiovisual works, the research on subtitle translation is relatively slow, the depth of this research can’t meet audiences’ interest. The research on subtitle translation still has a long way to go.1.2 Studies on English Translation of Culture-Loaded Words and ExpressionsIn 1998, Chen Xirong discusses the translation of culture-loaded words from the perspective of context theory for the first time. When translating culture-loaded words, he opposes that translator uses target context to replace source context and he points out that pursuing differences between source language and target language is the main point of the translation of culture-loaded words. Moreover, he puts forward three forms-literal translation, intertextual addition and extratextual annotation to maintain source cultural characteristics. After that, more and more scholars and experts pay attention to the English translation of culture-loaded words in translation and interpretation, and they put forward various translation principles and appropriate translation techniques (Chen Xirong: 1998).With the rapid development of Chinese, adopting foreignization strategy in the translation of Chinese culture-loaded words, it will help spread Chinese culture. In their article, Li Yong and Zhao Rulan has put forward four translation methods–transliteration, literal translation, literal translation plus annotation and conversion. Adopting foreignization strategy in English translation, those Chineseculture-loaded words definitely become Chinses English words. Taking Chinese culture as the goal, translators understand Chinese culture-loaded words correctly and express them accurately, it will spread Chinese culture well, to avoid cultural hegemony in translation (Li Yong and Zhao Rulan: 2010).On the basis of Chinese culture-loaded words interpreted in the press conference, Song Hua studies the translation methods of Chinese culture-loaded words from the perspective of Skopos theory, and describes five concrete translation methods–literal translation, literal translation plus annotation, transliteration plus annotation, idiomatic translation and free translation. The author points out that the choice of translation strategies is decided by translation purpose (Song Hua: 2013).Wu Wenyan thinks that the translation of culture-loaded words is the key to the successful translation of international publicity texts. From her own translation practice, the author takes some representative examples to discuss the questions in the English translation of Chinese culture-loaded words. Taking the purpose of international publicity translation and the linguistic differences between Chinese and English, the author thinks translators should take target language as the goal. Therefore, she puts forward three principles in the translation of Chinese culture-loaded words: remaining the original cultural information in target language; conforming to the expressive patterns of target language; closing to the target readers’ ways of thinking. On the basis of those three translation principles and the differences between Chinese and English, the translation methods need to be applied flexibly, like transliteration plus annotation, literal translation plus annotation and free translation (Wu Wenyan:2014).When translating Chinese culture-loaded words into English, some scholars have put forward some concrete translation methods, like literal translation, free translation, literal translation plus annotation and so on. From the obvious studies on the translation of Chinese culture-loaded words, we may clear see that adding annotations is a common method. However, adding annotations is not appropriate in subtitle translation, the author will discuss this question in this paper.1.3 A Brief Introduction to SubtitleIn Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, “subtitle means: “Words that translate what is said in a film/movie into a different language and appear on the screen at the bottom. Subtitles are also used, especially on television, to help deaf people” (2009:2016).Subtitle is the translated written word, and it is usually displayed at the bottom of the screen. In the book Dictionary of Translation Studies, the definition of subtitle is: “subtitle was a process of providing synchronized captions for films and television dialogue” (Mark Shuttleworth and Moira Cowie: 1997).Henrik Gottlieb has played an important role in audiovisual translation. He thought that audiovisual translation was a unique form of translation. In his thesis “Subtitle–A New University Discipline”, he defined: “Subtitle is a written, additive, immediate, synchronous and poly-media translation” (Gottlieb: 162).From those definitions, we may clearly see that subtitle is an explanatory supplement tagged at the bottom of the screen, and its purpose is to supply information, which is not understood through dialogues. Subtitle has played a more important role in cultural communication. When viewers are watching foreign films and TV serials, they can see their own native written language, which will help them overcome understanding barriers.1.3.1 Types of SubtitleWe can divide subtitle into different categories from various viewpoints. From the perspective of linguistics, there are intralingual subtitle and interlingual subtitle. Intralingual subtitle means subtitles and sound language, they belong to same country, but sound language may appear in the form of a dialect. For example, China’s Cantonese, Fujian dialect and dialects of other provinces, but subtitles are standard Mandarin, which can be understood by audience all over the country. The main purpose of intralingual subtitle is that intralingual subtitle will do a favor to people who have hearing problems to watch domestic programs. Intralingual subtitle is vertical, for it has。



从功能翻译理论探索影视作品的字幕翻译技巧——《后宫·甄嬛传》美版电视剧字幕为例作者:王予阳来源:《海外文摘·学术版》 2020年第9期王予阳(惠州经济职业技术学院,广东惠州 516003)摘要:翻译是将一种语言转换为另一种语言的艺术,需要大量的技巧来实现其目的,影视剧的字幕翻译则是一种特殊的翻译方式。
关键词:字幕翻译;美国版本电视剧;甄嬛传;功能翻译理论中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-2177(2020)09-0035-020引言伴随着中外跨文化交流的日益密切,中国大量影视出口到国外,国产电视剧已成为海外人士了解我国本土文化的重要渠道之一,并且国产电视剧在海外国家播放可视为国家软实力提高的标志。
功能翻译理论最早可以追溯到20世纪70年代,它是以目的论(skopos theory)为核心。

Analysis on the Subtitle Translation of Empresses in the Palace in Light of Skopos Theory 作者: 林瑞榕
作者机构: 福建体育职业技术学院公共基础课教育部,福建福州350003
出版物刊名: 武夷学院学报
页码: 50-54页
年卷期: 2016年 第7期
主题词:�甄嬛传》 字幕翻译 功能主义翻译目的论 翻译策略

Lawrence Venuti uses the term domestication in his work The Translator’s Invisibility:A History of Translation. Domestication is: “adopts a transparent, fluent style to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for TL readers as accustomed to fluent translations that invisibly inscribe foreign texts with TL values and provide readers with the narcissistic experience to recognizing their own culture” (Venuti, 1995: 15). The term is based on the German theologian and philosopher Friedrich Schleiermacher’s academic speech On the Different Methods of Translation delivered at the Germany Royal Academy of Sciences in 1813. Venuti pointed that domesticating method is as far as possible not to disturb the reader, and let the author to understand readers. That is to say, in the target language or the reader oriented way to express and convey the original content. Another important scholar of the domestication school is Peter

1.功能对等理论视角下中国影视剧字幕英译问题探究——以美版《甄嬛传》为例[J], 安慧;张白桦
2.接受美学视角下美版《甄嬛传》字幕中文化负载词的英译研究 [J], 朱陈军;曹培;王庭婷
3.交际语境顺应视角下美版《甄嬛传》的字幕翻译 [J], 张琨;成汹涌
4.浅析中西方文化差异对字幕英译的影响——以美版《甄嬛传》为例 [J], 杨文睿;王伟;张静;
5.纽马克翻译理论视角下美版《甄嬛传》的字幕翻译浅析 [J], 周甜甜
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功能主义翻译目的论是(Skopos Theory)是德国功能派翻译理论的一个重要分支。
德国翻译理论家汉斯·弗米尔(Hans Vermeer)把希腊语skopos(目的)与“功能主义”相结合从而产生“功能主义翻译目的论”这一概念。
阶段一:德国翻译理论家凯瑟琳娜·赖斯(KatharinaReiss)提出了文本类型理论(Text Typology),即重内容、重形式、重感染和视听媒介这四种类型文本以及相应的翻译策略和翻译批评的标准。