
计算题题型一:计算普通债券的久期和凸性久期的概念公式:t Nt W t D ∑=⨯=1其中,W t 是现金流时间的权重,是第t 期现金流的现值占债券价格的比重。
久期的简化公式:yy c y c T y y y D T +-+-++-+=]1)1[()()1(1 其中,c 表示每期票面利率,y 表示每期到期收益率,T 表示距到期日的期数。
凸性的计算公式:t Nt W t ty C ⨯++=∑=122)()1(1其中,y 表示每期到期收益率;W t 是现金流时间的权重,是第t 期现金流的现值占债券价格的比重。
每期现金流:42%8100=⨯=C 实际折现率:%52%10=即,D=5.4351/2=2.7176利用简化公式:4349.5%5]1%)51[(%4%)5%4(6%)51(%5%516=+-+⨯-⨯++-+=D (半年) 即,2.7175(年)36.7694/(1.05)2=33.3509 ;以年为单位的凸性:C=33.3509/(2)2=8.3377利用凸性和久期的概念,计算当收益率变动1个基点(0.01%)时,该债券价格的波动①利用修正久期的意义:y D P P ∆⨯-=∆*/5881.2%517175.2*=+=D (年)当收益率上升一个基点,从10%提高到10.01%时,%0259.0%01.05881.2/-=⨯-≈∆P P ;当收益率下降一个基点,从10%下降到9.99%时,%0259.0%)01.0(5881.2/=-⨯-≈∆P P 。
②凸性与价格波动的关系:()2*21/y C y D P P ∆∙∙+∆∙-=∆当收益率上升一个基点,从10%提高到10.01%时,%0259.0%)01.0(3377.821%01.05881.2/2-=⨯⨯+⨯-≈∆P P ;当收益率下降一个基点,从10%下降到9.99%时,%0676.0%)01.0(3377.821%)01.0(5881.2/2=⨯⨯+-⨯-≈∆P P又因为,债券价格对于收益率的降低比对收益率的上升更加敏感,所以凸性的估计结果与真实价格波动更为接近。
固定收益证券 习题答案

9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18.5 19 19.5 20
9.2188% 9.2700% 9.3194% 9.3672% 9.4132% 9.4575% 9.5000% 9.5408% 9.5799% 9.6172% 9.6528% 9.6866% 9.7188% 9.7491% 9.7778% 9.8047% 9.8299% 9.8533% 9.8750% 9.8950% 9.9132% 9.9297% 9.9444%
折现因子 1 0.9619 0.9245 0.8880 0.8523 0.8175 0.7836 0.7506 0.7186 0.6876 0.6575 0.6285 0.6004 0.5733 0.5472 0.5220 0.4978 0.4745 0.4522 0.4308 0.4102
现金流量 0 0 80 0 80 0 80 0 80 0 80 0 80 0 80 0 80 0 80 0 80
9、当期的平价到期收益曲线 1 如下:
平价收益率是指证券价格等于面值时的到期收益率 3
到期日 1 2 3 4 5
平价收益率 10% 15% 20% 23% 25%
假设平价到期收益率的单位 为年,按年复利计息。 利用上面提供的信息,计算以下债券在零期的价格,该债券获得的现金流如下: C1 =10元, C2 = 10元, C3 = 110元,其中Ct是在第t期获得的现金收入。
r3 = 21.56%
10 10 110 + + = 77.84 2 1.1 (1.1539) (1.2156) 3

当远期利率低于即期利率时,即期利率会随着期限的增加而下降; 3、当即期利率严格上升时,平价利率接近但低于相同到期日的即期利率 , 当即期利率严格下降时,平价利率接近但高于相同到期日的即期利率 。 4、假定利率的期限结构在6个月期限内保持不变,如果息票率低于过去的6个月 对应的远期利率,则现值随着到期日的临近而增加;反之,如果息票率高于过 去的6个月对应的远期利率,则现值随着到期日的临近而降低。总之随着到期日 的临近债券的价格会接近于面值。
投资者购买一种8年期的平价出售的债券,票面 利率12%,每半年付息一次,下一次付息在半年 后,投资者5年后将会把债券卖出,他预期5年中 利息的再投资利率为每年8%,5年后的3年期债 券的到期收益率为10%,求总的收益率。
现金流支出 3年期附息债券1 2年期附息债券2
第1年底 1000 50 100 200
第2年底 1000 50 300
第3年底 1000 500
为了满足保德信保险公司未来三年的现金流支出的需要,你决 定利用附息债券1、附息债券2以及零息债券实施多期现金流匹 配策略。请问,目前你需要投资于上述三种债券的投资数量各 是多少?
D y 1 / 2 C (y )2
-5.1743 *( - 0.005%) 1 / 2 * 33.3509 * (-0.005%)2
❖ 结果说明,此只债券,当收益率上升一个基点时,相应的价格会大致向下 波动百分之零点三五九五;当收益率下降一个基点时,相应的价格会大致 上升百分之零点三五九七五。

固定收益证券试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 固定收益证券的主要风险不包括以下哪一项?A. 利率风险B. 信用风险C. 流动性风险D. 汇率风险答案:D2. 以下哪个不是固定收益证券的特点?A. 收益固定B. 投资期限长C. 风险较低D. 价格波动大答案:D3. 债券的票面利率与市场利率的关系是:A. 总是相等的B. 总是不等的C. 有时相等,有时不等D. 以上都不对答案:C4. 如果市场利率上升,而债券的票面利率保持不变,那么债券的:A. 价格上升B. 价格下降C. 价格不变D. 与市场利率无关答案:B5. 以下哪个不是固定收益证券的种类?A. 政府债券B. 企业债券C. 股票D. 金融债券答案:C6. 债券的到期收益率是指:A. 债券的票面利率B. 债券的当前市场价格C. 投资者持有到期的年化收益率D. 债券的发行价格答案:C7. 以下哪个因素不会影响固定收益证券的收益率?A. 发行主体的信用等级B. 债券的期限C. 市场利率水平D. 投资者的风险偏好答案:D8. 债券的久期是指:A. 债券的到期时间B. 债券的加权平均到期时间C. 债券的票面金额D. 债券的发行时间答案:B9. 以下哪个不是影响债券价格的因素?A. 债券的票面利率B. 债券的信用等级C. 债券的发行量D. 市场利率的变化答案:C10. 以下哪个是固定收益证券投资的主要目的?A. 资本增值B. 获得稳定的现金流C. 参与公司决策D. 投机取利答案:B二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 固定收益证券的收益来源主要包括哪些?(ACD)A. 利息收入B. 股票升值C. 资本利得D. 再投资收益12. 以下哪些因素会影响固定收益证券的信用风险?(ABD)A. 发行主体的财务状况B. 经济环境的变化C. 投资者的个人偏好D. 法律和政策环境13. 固定收益证券的流动性通常与以下哪些因素有关?(ACD)A. 债券的发行量B. 债券的票面利率C. 市场交易的活跃度D. 债券的到期时间14. 以下哪些措施可以降低固定收益证券的投资风险?(ABD)A. 分散投资B. 选择信用等级较高的债券C. 增加投资金额D. 关注市场利率变动15. 固定收益证券的久期与以下哪些因素有关?(ABC)A. 债券的现金流时间B. 每笔现金流的金额C. 每笔现金流的现值D. 债券的票面利率三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)16. 固定收益证券的风险总是低于股票。


计算题题型一:计算普通债券的久期和凸性久期的概念公式:t Nt W t D ∑=⨯=1其中,W t 是现金流时间的权重,是第t 期现金流的现值占债券价格的比重。
久期的简化公式:yy c y c T y y y D T +-+-++-+=]1)1[()()1(1 其中,c 表示每期票面利率,y 表示每期到期收益率,T 表示距到期日的期数。
凸性的计算公式:t Nt W t ty C ⨯++=∑=122)()1(1其中,y 表示每期到期收益率;W t 是现金流时间的权重,是第t 期现金流的现值占债券价格的比重。
每期现金流:42%8100=⨯=C 实际折现率:%52%10=即,D=5.4351/2=2.7176利用简化公式:4349.5%5]1%)51[(%4%)5%4(6%)51(%5%516=+-+⨯-⨯++-+=D (半年) 即,2.7175(年)36.7694/(1.05)2=33.3509 ;以年为单位的凸性:C=33.3509/(2)2=8.3377利用凸性和久期的概念,计算当收益率变动1个基点(0.01%)时,该债券价格的波动①利用修正久期的意义:y D P P ∆⨯-=∆*/5881.2%517175.2*=+=D (年)当收益率上升一个基点,从10%提高到10.01%时,%0259.0%01.05881.2/-=⨯-≈∆P P ;当收益率下降一个基点,从10%下降到9.99%时,%0259.0%)01.0(5881.2/=-⨯-≈∆P P 。
②凸性与价格波动的关系:()2*21/y C y D P P ∆∙∙+∆∙-=∆当收益率上升一个基点,从10%提高到10.01%时,%0259.0%)01.0(3377.821%01.05881.2/2-=⨯⨯+⨯-≈∆P P ;当收益率下降一个基点,从10%下降到9.99%时,%0676.0%)01.0(3377.821%)01.0(5881.2/2=⨯⨯+-⨯-≈∆P P又因为,债券价格对于收益率的降低比对收益率的上升更加敏感,所以凸性的估计结果与真实价格波动更为接近。

固定收益证券期末试题一、选择题1. 固定收益证券的主要特点是()。
A. 收益固定B. 风险较低C. 流动性较好D. 所有以上选项2. 下列关于债券的陈述,哪一项是正确的?A. 债券的市场价格与利率呈正相关B. 债券的市场价格与利率呈负相关C. 债券的信用评级越高,其收益率越高D. 债券的到期时间越长,其价格对利率的敏感度越低3. 债券的到期收益率(YTM)是指()。
A. 债券的当前市场价格B. 债券的持有期回报率C. 债券的内部收益率D. 如果持有债券直到到期所能获得的年化收益率4. 债券的信用风险可以通过以下哪种方式降低?A. 购买高信用评级的债券B. 增加债券投资的多样性C. 购买债券期权D. 所有以上选项5. 以下哪种类型的债券通常具有最高的信用风险?A. 国债B. 地方政府债券C. 公司债D. 可转换债券二、简答题1. 请简述固定收益证券的定义及其主要类型。
2. 描述债券的久期以及它如何帮助投资者管理利率风险。
3. 解释债券信用评级的基本原理,并举例说明不同信用评级对投资者的意义。
三、计算题1. 假设你购买了一张面值为1000元,年票面利率为5%,剩余期限为10年的债券,当前市场价格为950元。
2. 假设你持有一张面值为1000元,票面利率为6%,剩余期限为5年的债券,你预计在2年后将其出售。
四、论述题1. 论述固定收益证券在投资组合管理中的作用及其对投资组合风险和收益的影响。
2. 分析当前经济环境下,投资者应如何选择合适的固定收益证券策略来优化其投资组合。
3. 讨论利率变动对固定收益证券市场的影响,以及投资者可以采取哪些策略来应对这些变动。

固定收益证券的复习计算题IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】F i x e d-i n c o m e t r e a s u r yPpt31、公式:Practice QuestionSuppose currently, 1-year spot rate is 1% and marketexpects that 1-year spot rate next year would be 2%and 1-year spot rate in 2 years would be 3%. Compute today’s 2-year spot rate and 3-year spot rate.(已做答案)2、Current YieldCompute the current yield for a 7% 8-year bond whose price is$. How about the current yield if price is $100, $106,respectively?3、CaseConsider a 7% 8-year bond paying coupon semiannually which is sold for $. The present value using various discount rate is:A. What is the YTM for this bond?B. How much is the total dollar return on this bond?C. How much is the total dollar return if you put the same amount of dollars into a deposit account with the same annual yield?4、Forward Rates注:6-month bill spot rate is 3%是年化利率(3%要除以2)1-year bill spot rate is %是年化利率(%要除以2)Ppt41、Fixed‐Coupon BondsPractice QuestionA. What is the value of a 4-year 10% coupon bond that pays interest semiannually assuming that the annual discount rate is 8% What is the value of a similar 10% coupon bond with an infinite maturity (无期限)B. What is the value of a 5-year zero-coupon bond with a maturity value of $100 discounted at an 8% interest rate?C. Compute the value par $100 of par value of a 4-year 10% coupon bond, assuming the payments are annual and the discount rate for each year is %, %, % and %, respectively.Infinite maturityPv=($100*10%/2)/(8%/2)(半年付息)Present Value PropertiesPractice QuestionA. Suppose the discount rate for the 4-year 10% coupon bond with a par value of $100 is 8%. Compute its present value.B. One year later, suppose that the discount rate appropriate for a 3-year 10% coupon bond increases from 8% to 9%. Redo your calculation in part A and decompose theprice change attributable to moving to maturity and to the increase in the discount rate.(期限与贴现率变化)3、Pricing a Bond between Coupon PaymentsPractice QuestionSuppose that there are five semiannual coupon payments remaining for a 10% coupon bond. Also assume the following:①Annual discount rate is 8%② 78 days between the settlement date and the next coupon payment date③182 days in the coupon periodCompute the full price of this coupon bond. What is the clean price of this bond?4、Valuation ApproachCaseA. Consider a 8% 10-year Treasury coupon bond. What is its fair value if traditional approach isused, given yield for the 10-year on-the-run Treasury issue is 8%B. What is the fair value of above Treasury coupon bond if arbitrage-free approach is used, given the following annual spot rates?C. Which approach is more accurate(准确)C、Arbitrage-Free Approach is more accuratePpt52、ConvexityConsider a 9% 20-year bond selling at $ to yield 6%. For a 20 bp change in yield, itsprice would either increase to $ or decrease to $.A. Compute the convexity for this bond.B. What is the convexity adjustment for a change in yield of 200 bps?C. If we know that the duration for this bond is , what should the total estimated percentage price change be for a 200 bp increase in the yieldHow about a 200 bp decrease in the yield?Ppt61、Measuring Yield Curve RiskCase : Panel AConsider the following two $100 portfolios composed of 2-year, 16-year, and 30-year issues, all of which are zero-coupon bonds:For simplicity, assume there are only three key rates—2years, 16 years and 30 years. Calculate the portfolio’s key rate durations at these three points and itseffective duration.Case : Panel BConsider the following three scenarios:Scenario 1: All spot rates shift down 10 basis points.Scenario 2: The 2-year key rate shifts up 10 basis points an the30-year rate shifts down 10 basis points.Scenario 3: The 2-year key rate shifts down 10 basis points andthe 30-year rate shifts up 10 basis points.How would the portfolio value change in each scenario?Ppt7Consider a % option-free bond with 4 years remaining to maturity. If the appropriate binomial interest rate tree is shown as below, calculate the fair price of this bond.Ppt81、Valuing Callable and Putable BondsCase : Valuing a callable bond with singlecall priceConsider a % callable bond with 4 years remaining to maturity, callable in one year at $100. Assume the yield volatility is 10% and the appropriate binomial interest rate tree is same as Case . Calculate the fair price ofthis callable bond.2、Case : Valuing a callable bond with call scheduleConsider a % callable bond with 4 years remaining tomaturity, callable in one year at a call schedule as below:Assume the yield volatility is 10% and the appropriate binomial interest rate tree is same as Case . Calculate the fair price of this callable bond.3、Case : Valuing a putable bond Consider a % putable bond with 4 years remaining to maturity, putable in one year at $100. Assume the yield volatility is 10% and the appropriate binomial interest rate tree is sameas Case . Calculate the fair price of this putable bond.Convertible BondsCase :Suppose that the straight value of a % ADC convertible bond is $ per$1,000 of par value and its market price is $1,065. The market price per share of common stock is $33 and the conversion ratio is shares per$1,000 of parvalue. Also assume that the common stock dividend is $ per share.公式:Minimum Value: the greater of its conversion price and its straight value.Conversion Price = Market price of common stock ×Conversion ratioStraight Value/Investment Value: present value of the bond’s cash flows discounted at the required return on a comparable option-free issue.Market Conversion Price/Conversion ParityPrick= Market price of convertible security ÷Conversion ratioMarket Conversion Premium Per Share= Market conversion price – Market price of common stockMarket Conversion Premium Ratio= Market conversion premium per share ÷Market price of common stockPremium over straight value= (Market price of convertible bond/Straight value) – 1The higher this ratio, the greater downside risk and theless attractive the convertible bond.Premium Payback Period= Market conversion premium per share ÷Favorable income differential per share Favorable Income Differential Per Share= [Coupon interest – (Conversion ratio × Common stock dividend per share)] ÷Conversion ratioA. What is the minimum value of this convertible bondB. Calculate its market conversion price, market conversion premium per share and market conversion premium ratio.C. What is its premium payback periodD. Calculate its premium over straight value.Market price of common stock=$33,conversion ratio =Straight Value=$ ,market price of conversible bond = $1,065common stock dividend = $Coupon rate=%A、Conversion Price = Market price of common stock ×Conversion ratio=$33*=$the minimum value of this convertible bond=max{$,$}=$B、Market Conversion Price/Conversion ParityPrick= Market price of convertible security ÷Conversion ratio=$1065/=$Market Conversion Premium Per Share= Market conversion price – Market price of common stock= $ -$33= $Market Conversion Premium Ratio= Market conversion premium per share ÷Market price of common stock= $$33=%C、Premium Payback Period= Market conversion premium per share ÷Favorable income differential per shareFavorable Income Differential Per Share= [Coupon interest – (Conversion ratio × Common stock dividend per share)] ÷Conversion ratioCoupon interest from bond = %×$1,000 =$Favorable income differential per share = ($ –×$ ÷ = $Premium payback period = $$ = yearsD、Premium over straight value= (Market price of convertible bond/Straight value) – 1=$1,065/$ – 1 =%Ppt10No-Arbitrage Principle:no riskless profits gained from holding a combination of a forward contract position as well as positions in other assets.FP = Price that would not permit profitable riskless arbitrage in frictionless markets, that is:CaseConsider a 3-month forward contrac t on a zero-coupon bond with a face value of $1,000 that is currently quoted at $500, and assume a risk-free annual interest rate of 6%. Determine the price of the forward contract underthe no-arbitrage principle.Solutions.CaseSuppose the forward contract described in case is actually trading at $510, which is greater than the noarbitrage price. Demonstrate how an arbitrageur can obtain riskless arbitrage profit from this overpriced forward contrac t and how much the arbitrage profit would be.CaseIf the forward contract described in case is actually trading at $502, which is smaller than the no-arbitrage price. Demonstrate how an arbitrageur can obtain riskless arbitrage profit from this underpriced forward contract and how much the arbitrage profit would be. Case :interest) that has just paid a coupon and will make another coupon payment in 182 days. The annual risk-free rate is 6%.Solutions. Remember that T-bonds make semiannual coupon payments, so CaseSolutions.The semiannual coupon on a single, $1,000 face-value7% bond is $35. A bondholder will receive one payment years from now years left to expiration of futures) and one payment 1 year from now yearsuntil expiration). Thus,Ppt11Payoffs and ProfitsCaseConsider a European bond call option with an exercise price of $900. The call premium for this option is $50. At expiration, if the spot price for the underlying bond is $1,000, what is the call option’s payoff as well as its gain/loss Is this option in the money, out of money, or at the money Will you exercise this option How about your answers if the spot price at expiration is $920, and $880, respectivelySolutions.A. If the spot price at expiration is $1,000, the payoff to the call option ismax{0, $1,000 - $900}=$100. So, the call is in the money and it will be exercised with a gain of $50.B. If the spot price at expiration is $920, the payoff to the call option ismax{0, $920 - $900}=$20. So, the call is in the money and it will be exercised with a loss of $30. (why)C. If the spot price is $880 at expiration, the payoff to the call option is max{0, $880 - $900}=0. So, the call is out of money and it will not be exercise. The loss occurred would be $50.CaseConsider a European bond put option with an exercise price of $950. The put premium for this option is $50. At expiration, if the spot price for the underlying bond is $1,000, what is the put option’s payoff as well as itsgain/loss Is this option in the money, out of money, or at the money Will you exercise this option How about your answers if the spot price at expiration is$920, and $880, respectivelySolutions.A. If the spot price at expiration is $1,000, the payoff to the put option ismax{0, $950 - $1,000}=0. So, the put is out of money and it will not be exercised. The loss occurred would be $50.B. If the spot price at expiration is $920, the payoff to the put option is max{0, $950 - $920}=$30. So, the put is in the money and it will be exercised with a loss of $20. (why?)C. If the spot price is $880 at expiration, the payoff to the call option is max{0, $950 - $880}=$70. So, the put is in the money and it will not be exercise with a gain of $20.。
固定收益证券 复习题

)1.目前我国最安全和最具流动性的投资品种是( B )A.金融债B.国债C.企业债D.公司债2.债券的期限越长,其利率风险( A )。
债券的价格是1000元,每次付息是( B )。
元元元元4.下列哪种情况,零波动利差为零?( A )A.如果收益率曲线为平B.对零息债券来说C.对正在流通的财政债券来说D.对任何债券来说5.在投资人想出售有价证券获取现金时,证券不能立即出售的风险被称为( C )。
A.违约风险B.购买力风险C.变现力风险D.再投资风险6.如果采用指数化策略,以下哪一项不是限制投资经理复制债券基准指数的能力的因素?( B )A.某种债券发行渠道的限制B.无法及时追踪基准指数数据C.成分指数中的某些债券缺乏流动性D.投资经理与指数提供商对债券价格的分歧7.如果采用指数化策略,以下哪一项不是限制投资经理复制债券基准指数的能力的因素?( B )A.某种债券发行渠道的限制B.无法及时追踪基准指数数据C.成分指数中的某些债券缺乏流动性D.投资经理与指数提供商对债券价格的分歧8.投资于国库券时可以不必考虑的风险是( A )A.违约风险B.利率风险C.购买力风险D.期限风险9.某人希望在5年末取得本利和20000元,则在年利率为2%,单利计息的方式下,此人现在应当存入银行( B )元。
10.固定收益市场上,有时也将( A )称为深度折扣债券。
A.零息债券B.步高债券C.递延债券D.浮动利率债券11.贴现率升高时,债券价值( A )A.降低B.升高C.不变D.与贴现率无关12.以下有三种债券投资组合,它们分别对一笔7年到期的负债免疫。

二0、假设有一个债券,面值一00元,期限三年, 票面利率五%,每年付息一次,市场利率四%,试 计算其凸度.
二一、有一债券面值是一00元,初始到期收益 率为八%,修正久期是七.九五年,凸度是八四. 六0,债券价格是八四.九二七八元.当收益率下 降一00个基点时,试计算用修正久期预测的债 券价格和考虑凸度调整后的债券价格.
一八、试计算面值为一00元,到期收益率为五 %,期限为五年的贴现债券的久期和修正久期.
一九、有一债券,面值一00元,期限二0年,息票 利率八%,每年付息一次,到期收益率八%,价格 是一00元.当市场利率上升一0个基点时,市场 价格是九九.0二五四元;当市场利率下降一0 个基点时,市场价格是一00.九八九二元.求该 债券的有效久期.
一五、假设有三个不同期限债券,它们的数据 见下表,其中第一个为零息债券,后两个是附息
年期的即期收益率. 三个不同期限债券的数据
期限[年] 一 二 三
面值[元] 一00 一00 一00
0 五.四二 六.七八
市场价格[元] 九五.六0 一0二.三八 一0五.五六
二三、假设货币市场期限为三个月、六个月和九 个月的债券的实际季度收益率分别为0.七五%、 一.五%和二%,再假设该市场上存在期限为三个月 和九个月的两种贴现国债,面值都是一00元.如果 投资者的投资期限是三个月,并假定收益率曲线在 未来三个月里不会变化.请问该投资者应选择哪一 种债券投资?
《固定收益证券》课程练习题 及答案
一、某投资者在上海证券交易所市场上 以六%的年收益率申报买进二00手R00 三,请计算成交后的购回价[小数点后保留 三位].
二、设一家公司从员工工作第一年末开始,每 年给员工三000元福利存入一个银行账户,连 续存四年,三年期存款年复利率为六.五%,二年 期存款年复利率为五%,一年期存款年复利率 为三%,那么这个年金终值是多少?

《固定收益证券》综合测试题(一)一、单项选择题1.固定收益产品所面临的最大风险是(B )。
收益曲线风险D.流动性风险2.世界上最早买卖股票的市场出现在( A )A.荷兰B.英国C.印度D。
日本3.下列哪种情况,零波动利差为零?( A )A.如果收益率曲线为平B。
债券的价格是1000元,每次付息是( B )。
150元5.现值,又称( B ),是指货币资金现值的价值。
本金C.本利和D.现金6.投资人不能迅速或以合理价格出售公司债券,所面临的风险为( B )。
期限性风险7.下列投资中,风险最小的是(A ).A。
投资开发项目8.固定收益债券的名义收益率等于(A )加上通货膨胀率。
当期收益率D.票面收益率9.零息票的结构没有(B ),而且对通胀风险提供了最好的保护。
信用风险D.价格波动风险10.下列哪一项不是房地产抵押市场上的主要参与者(D )A。
抵押贷款服务商D.抵押贷款交易商11.如果采用指数化策略,以下哪一项不是限制投资经理复制债券基准指数的能力的因素?( B)A.某种债券发行渠道的限制B.无法及时追踪基准指数数据C。
投资经理与指数提供商对债券价格的分歧12.利率期货合约最早出现于20世纪70年代初的(A )A。

PA+C = 454.54 + 404.54 = 959.08
PB+C = 204.54 + 404.54 = 609.08
1 平价收益率是指证券价格等于面值时的到期收益率 3
15 1.1
115 (1 + r2 )2
r2 = 15.39% 相似,从平价到期收益率曲线得到
20 + 1.1
20 (1.1539)2
120 (1 + r3 )3
r3 = 21.56% 债券的价值为
550 (1 + r0,2 )2
r0,2 = 135%
B 债券:
225 (1 + r0,1 )1
r0,1 = 125%
B 债券:
450 (1 + r0,1 )1
r0,1 = 350%
550 (1 + 10%)2
= 454.54
225 (1 + 10%)
债券价格下降 2.72 元 2、 假定某债券面值为 100 元,期限为 3 年,票面利率为年 6%,一年支付两次利息。请计 算债券本息累积到第 3 年年底的总价值(再投资收益率为半年 3%)。
[ ] = 3 (1 + 3%)5 + (1 + 3%)4 + (1 + 3%)3 + (1 + 3%)2 + (1 + 3%)1 + (1 + 3%)0 + 100

《固定收益证券》综合测试题六一、单项选择题(每题2分,共计20分)1.假定到期收益率曲线是水平的,都是 5%。
一个债券票面利率为 6%,每年支付一次利息,期限 3年。
A.2.32B. 2.72C. 3.02D. 3.222. 某一8年期债券,第1~3年息票利率为6.5%,第4~5年为7%,第6 ~7年为7.5%,第8年升为8%就属于()A. 多级步高债券B. 递延债券C.区间债券D.棘轮债券3.在纯预期理论的条件下,先下降后上升的的收益率曲线表示:()A.对短期债券的需求下降,对长期债券的需求上升B.短期利率在未来被认为可能下降C. 对短期债券的需求上升,对长期债券的需求下降D.投资者有特殊的偏好4. 5年期债券的息票率为10%,当前到期收益率为8%,该债券的价格会()A.等于面值B.高于面值C.低于面值D.无法确定5.下面的风险衡量方法中,对含权债券利率风险的衡量最合适的是()。
A.麦考利久期B.有效久期C.修正久期D.凸度6. 债券组合管理采用的指数策略非常困难是()A.主要指数中包含的债券种类太多,很难按适当比例购买B.许多债券交易量很小,所以很难以一个公平的市场价格买到C.投资经理需要大量的管理工作A、B和C7. 债券的期限越长,其利率风险()。
A.越大B.越小C.与期限无关D.无法确定8. 一个投资者按 85 元的价格购买了面值为 100元的两年期零息债券。
投资者预计这两年的通货膨胀率将分别为 4%和 5%。
A.3.8B.5.1C.2.5D.4.29. On-the-run债券与off-the-run债券存在不同,On-the-run债券()A.比off-the-run债券期限更短B.比off-the-run债券期限更长C.为公开交易,off-the-run债券则不然D. 是同类债券中最新发行的10. 一位投资经理说:“对债券组合进行单期免疫,仅需要满足以下两个条件:资产的久期和债务的久期相等;资产的现值与负债的现值相等。

精心整理计算题题型一:计算普通债券的久期和凸性久期的概念公式:t Nt W t D ∑=⨯=1付息在半年后,如果到期收益率(折现率)为10%,计算它的久期和凸性。
每期现金流:42%8100=⨯=C 实际折现率:%52%10= 息票债券久期、凸性的计算利用凸性和久期的概念,计算当收益率变动1个基点(0.01%)时,该债券价格的波动利用修正久期的意义:y D P P ∆⨯-=∆*/5881.2%517175.2*=+=D (年)当收益率上升一个基点,从10%提高到10.01%时,%0259.0%01.05881.2/-=⨯-≈∆P P ;当收益率下降一个基点,从10%下降到9.99%时,题型二:计算提前卖出的债券的总收益率首先,利息+利息的利息=⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-+⨯111)1(r r C n ;r 1为每期再投资利率;然后,有债券的期末价值=利息+利息的利息+投资期末的债券价格;所以,6年后的期末价值=901.55+1035.46=1937.01元 总收益=1937.01-905.53=1031.48元半年期总收益率=%54.6153.90501.193712=-总收益率=(1+6.54%)2-1=13.51%题型三:或有免疫策略(求安全边际)例三:银行有100万存款,5年到期,最低回报率为8%;现有购买一个票面利率为8%,按年付息,3年到期的债券,且到期收益率为10%;求1年后的安全边际。
例五:现有一美国公司债券,息票利率为8%,30年到期,适当收益率为6%,求债券现在的价值?解:因为该债券面值为1000美元,每半年付息一次,所以:60601%)31(1000%)31(40+++=∑=n n P =⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+-⨯-%3%)31(14060+60%)31(1000+=1276.76元 例六:现有一美国公司债券,息票利率为8%,30年到期,假设现在的售价为676.77美元,求债券到期收益率?解:例八:一种美国公司债券,票面利率是10%,2008年4月1日到期。

固定收益证券计算题计算题题型一:计算普通债券的久期和凸性久期的概念公式:t Nt W t D ∑=⨯=1其中,W t 是现金流时间的权重,是第t 期现金流的现值占债券价格的比重。
久期的简化公式:yy c y c T y y y D T +-+-++-+=]1)1[()()1(1 其中,c 表示每期票面利率,y 表示每期到期收益率,T 表示距到期日的期数。
凸性的计算公式:t N t W t t y C ⨯++=∑=122)()1(1其中,y 表示每期到期收益率;W t 是现金流时间的权重,是第t 期现金流的现值占债券价格的比重。
即,D=5.4351/2=2.7176利用简化公式:4349.5%5]1%)51[(%4%)5%4(6%)51(%5%516=+-+⨯-⨯++-+=D (半年) 即,2.7175(年)36.7694/(1.05)2=33.3509 ;以年为单位的凸性:C=33.3509/(2)2=8.3377利用凸性和久期的概念,计算当收益率变动1个基点(0.01%)时,该债券价格的波动①利用修正久期的意义:y D P P ∆⨯-=∆*/5881.2%517175.2*=+=D (年)当收益率上升一个基点,从10%提高到10.01%时,%0259.0%01.05881.2/-=⨯-≈∆P P ;当收益率下降一个基点,从10%下降到9.99%时,%0259.0%)01.0(5881.2/=-⨯-≈∆P P 。
②凸性与价格波动的关系:()2*21/y C y D P P ∆••+∆•-=∆当收益率上升一个基点,从10%提高到10.01%时,%0259.0%)01.0(3377.821%01.05881.2/2-=⨯⨯+⨯-≈∆P P ;当收益率下降一个基点,从10%下降到9.99%时,%0676.0%)01.0(3377.821%)01.0(5881.2/2=⨯⨯+-⨯-≈∆P P又因为,债券价格对于收益率的降低比对收益率的上升更加敏感,所以凸性的估计结果与真实价格波动更为接近。

A 太大B 太小C 可能太大也可能太小D 无法确定2. 目前我国最安全和最具流动性的投资品种是()A 金融债B 国债C 企业债D 公司债3. 债券到期收益率计算的原理是()。
A.到期收益率是购买债券后一直持有到期的内含报酬率B.到期收益率是能使债券每年利息收入的现值等于债券买入价格的折现率C.到期收益率是债券利息收益率与资本利得收益率之和D.到期收益率的计算要以债券每年末计算并支付利息、到期一次还本为前提4. 5年期债券的息票率为8%,当前到期收益率为10%,该债券的价格为()。
A 等于面值B高于面值C 低于面值D 无法确定5. 5年期,8%的票面利率,半年支付。
A.30元B.40元C.50元D.150元6. 投资人不能迅速或以合理价格出售公司债券,所面临的风险为()。
A.购买力风险B.流动性风险C.违约风险D.期限性风险7. 以下有三种债券投资组合,它们分别对一笔7年到期的负债免疫。
他的看法正确吗?不对,B组合比A组合的再投资风险小不对,C组合比A组合的再投资风险小不对,B组合比C组合的再投资风险大不对,C组合比B组合的再投资风险大用下面的数据完成8、9题一年期利率为 5.5%,一年以后的一年期远期利率为7.63%,两年后的一年期远期利率为12.18%,三年后的一年期远期利率为15.5%。

答案:金融风险是以货币信用经营为特征的风险,它不同于普通意义上的风险,具有以下特征:客观性. 社会性.扩散性. 隐蔽性2.分析欧洲债券比外国债券更受市场投资者欢迎的原因。


投资学作业第四部分固定收益证券1. 两种债券有相同的到期期限和息票率。
一种以105卖出,可赎回;另一种以11 0 卖出,不可赎回。
问哪一种债券有较高的到期收益率?为什么?2. 假定有一种债券,息票率为10%,到期收益率为8%,如果债券的到期收益率不变,则一年以后债券的价格会如何变化?为什么?3.假定投资者有一年的投资期限,想在三种债券间进行选择。
(1)如果这三种债券都有8%的到期收益率,那么它们的价格各应是多少?(2)如果投资者预期在下年年初时,它们的到期收益率为8%,则那时的价格又各为多少?4.一种债券的当期收益为9%,到期收益率为1 0%。
(2)债券的息票率是高于还是低于9%?5.一种30年期的债券,息票率8%,半年付息一次,五年后可按1 100元提前赎回。
此债券现在以到期收益率7%售出(每半年3. 5%)。
(1)到赎回时的收益率是多少?(2)如果赎回价格仅为1 050美元,则到赎回时的收益率是多少?(3)如果提前赎回价格仍为1 100美元,但是是两年而不是五年后就可赎回,则到赎回时的收益率是多少?6.一债券有提前赎回条款是:(1)很有吸引力的,因为可以立即得到本金加上溢价,从而获得高收益。
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Fixed-income treasuryPpt31、公式:Practice Question 3.1Suppose currently, 1-year spot rate is 1% and marketexpects that 1-year spot rate next year wouldbe 2%and 1-year spot rate in 2 years would be 3%. Compute today ’s 2-year spot rate and 3-year spot rate.(已做答案)2、Current YieldCompute the current yield for a 7% 8-year bond whose price is$94.17. How aboutthe current yield if price is $100, $106,respectively?3Case 3.1Consider a 7% 8-year bond paying coupon semiannually which is sold for $94.17. Thepresent value using various discount rate is:A. What is the YTM for this bond?B. How much is the total dollar return on this bond?C. How much is the total dollar return if you put the same amount of dollars into a depositaccount with the same annual yield?4、 Forward Rates注: 6-month bill spot rate is 3% 是年化利率( 3%要除以 2)1-year bill spot rate is 3.3% 是年化利率( 3.3%要除以 2)Ppt41、 Fixed ‐ Coupon BondsPractice Question 4.2A. What is the value of a 4-year 10% coupon bond that pays interest semiannually assuming thatthe annual discount rate is 8%? What is the value of a similar 10% coupon bond with an infinite maturity (无期限) ?B. What is the value of a 5-year zero-coupon bond with a maturity value of $100 discounted at an8% interest rate?C. Compute the value par $100 of par value of a 4-year 10% coupon bond, assuming the paymentsare annual and the discount rate for each year is 6.8%, 7.2%, 7.6% and 8.0%, respectively.Infinite maturityPv=($100*10%/2)/(8%/2)(半年付息)Present Value PropertiesPractice Question 4.4A. Suppose the discount rate for the 4-year 10% coupon bond with a par value of $100 is 8%. Compute its present value.B. One year later, suppose that the discount rate appropriate for a 3-year 10%coupon bond increases from 8% to 9%. Redo your calculation in part A and decompose the price change attributable to moving to maturity and to the increase in the discount rate .(期限与贴现率变化)3、 Pricing a Bond between Coupon PaymentsPractice Question 4.6Suppose that there are five semiannual coupon payments remaining for a 10% coupon bond.Also assume the following:①Annual discount rate is 8%②78 days between the settlement date and the next coupon payment date③182 days in the coupon periodCompute the full price of this coupon bond. What is the clean price of this bond?4、 Valuation ApproachCase 4.1A. Consider a 8% 10-year Treasury coupon bond. What is its fair value if traditional approach is used, given yield for the 10-year on-the-run Treasury issue is 8%?B. What is the fair value of above Treasury coupon bond if arbitrage-free approach is used,given the following annual spot rates?C. Which approach is more accurate (准确) ?C、Arbitrage-Free Approach is more accuratePpt52、 ConvexityConsider a 9% 20-year bond selling at $134.6722 to yield 6%. For a 20 bp changein yield, its price would either increase to $137.5888 or decrease to $131.8439.pute the convexity for this bond.B.What is the convexity adjustment for a change in yield of 200 bps?C. If we know that the duration for this bond is 10.66, what should the total estimated percentage price change be for a 200 bp increase in the yield? How about a 200 bp decrease in the yield?Ppt61、 Measuring Yield Curve RiskCase 6.1: Panel AConsider the following two $100 portfolios composed of2-year , 16-year , and 30-year issues, all of which are zero-coupon bonds:For simplicity, assume there are only three key rates — 2years , 16 years and 30 years . Calculate the portfolio ’ s key rate durations at these three points and its effective duration.Case 6.1: Panel BConsider the following three scenarios:Scenario 1: All spot rates shift down 10 basis points.Scenario 2: The 2-year key rate shifts up 10 basis points anthe 30-year rate shifts down 10 basis points.Scenario 3: The 2-year key rate shifts down 10 basis pointsand the 30-year rate shifts up 10 basis points.How would the portfolio value change in each scenario?Ppt7Consider a 6.5% option-free bond with 4 years remaining to maturity. If the appropriate binomial interest rate tree is shown as below, calculate the fair price ofthis bond.Ppt81、Valuing Callable and Putable BondsCase 8.1 : Valuing a callable bond with singlecall priceConsider a 6.5% callable bond with 4 years remaining to maturity,callable in one year at $100. Assumethe yield volatility is 10%and the appropriate binomial interest rate tree is same as Case 6.4. Calculate the fair price of this callable bond.2、Case 8.2 : Valuing a callable bond with call scheduleConsider a 6.5% callable bond with 4 years remaining tomaturity, callable in one year at a call schedule as below:Assumethe yield volatility is 10%and the appropriate binomial interest rate tree is same as Case 6.4. Calculate the fair price of thiscallable bond.3、Case 8.3 : Valuing a putable bond Consider a 6.5% putable bond with 4years remaining to maturity, putable in one year at $100. Assumethe yield volatilityis 10%and the appropriate binomial interest rate tree is same as Case 6.4. Calculate the fair price of this putable bond.Va pppp lue of aCapppppppConvertible BondsCase 9.1 :Suppose that the straight value of a 5.75% ADCconvertible bond is $981.9 per $1,000 of par value and its market price is $1,065. The market price per share of commonstock is $33 and the conversion ratio is 25.32 sharesper $1,000 of parvalue. Also assume that the common stock dividend is $0.90per share. ption公式:Minimum Value: the greater of its conversion price and its straight value.Conversion Price= Market price of common stock ×Conversion ratioStraight Value/Investment Value: present value of the bond’ scash flowsdiscounted at the required return on a comparable option-free issue.Market Conversion Price/Conversion ParityPrick= Market price of convertible security ÷Conversion ratioMarket Conversion Premium Per Share= Market conversion price –Market price of common stockMarket Conversion Premium Ratio= Market conversion premium per share ÷ Market price of common stockPremium over straight value=(Market price of convertible bond/Straight value)–1The higher this ratio, the greater downside risk andthe less attractive the convertible bond.Premium Payback Period= Market conversion premium per share ÷ Favorable income differential pershareFavorable Income Differential Per Share= [Coupon interest –(Conversion ratio Common× stock dividend per share)]÷Conversion ratioA. What is the minimum value of this convertible bond?perB. Calculate its market conversion price , market conversion premiumshare and market conversion premium ratio.C. What is its premium payback period?D. Calculate its premium over straight value. ppMarket price of common stock=$33,conversion ratio = 25.32Straight Value=$981.9,market price of conversible bond = $1,065common stock dividend = $0.90Coupon rate=5.75%A、Conversion Price= Market price of common stock×Conversion ratio=$33*25.32=$835.56the minimum value of this convertible bond=max{$835.56, $981.9}=$981.9B、Market Conversion Price/Conversion ParityPrick= Market price of convertible security ÷Conversion ratio=$1065/25.32=$42.06Market Conversion Premium Per Share=Market conversion price –Market price of common stock=$42.06 -$33=$9.06Market Conversion Premium Ratio=Market conversion premium per share ÷ Market price of common stock=$9.06/$33=27.5%C、Premium Payback Period= Market conversion premium per share ÷ Favorable income differential pershareFavorable Income Differential Per Share= [Coupon interest –(Conversion ratio Common× stock dividend per share)]÷Conversion ratioCoupon interest from bond = 5.75%× $1,000 =$57.50Favorable income differential per share = ($57.50–25.32× $0.90) ÷ 25.32 =$1.37 Premium payback period = $9.06/$1.37 = 6.6 yearsD、Premium over straight value=(Market price of convertible bond/Straight value)–1=$1,065/$981.5 –1 =8.5%Ppt10No-Arbitrage Principle:no riskless profits gained from holding a combination of a forward contract position as well as positions in other assets.FP = Price that would not permit profitable riskless arbitrage in frictionless markets, that is:Case 10.1Consider a 3-month forward contrac t on a zero-coupon bond with a face value of $1,000 that is currently quoted at $500, and assume a risk-free annual interest rate of 6%. Determine the price of the forward contract under the no-arbitrage principle.Solutions.Case 10.2Suppose the forward contract described in case 10.1 is actually trading at $510, which is greater than the noarbitrage price. Demonstrate how an arbitrageur can obtain riskless arbitrage profit from this overpriced forward contrac t and how much the arbitrage profit would be.Case 10.3If the forward contract described in case 10.1 is actually trading at $502, which is smaller thanthe no-arbitrage price. Demonstrate how an arbitrageur can obtain riskless arbitrage profit fromthis underpriced forward contract and how much the arbitrage profit would be.Case 10.4 :Calculate the price of a 250-day forward contract on a 7% U.S.Treasurybond with a spot price of $1,050 (including accrued interest) that hasjust paid a coupon and will make another coupon payment in 182 days.The annual risk-free rate is 6%.Solutions.Remember that T-bonds make semiannual coupon payments, soCase 10.6Solutions.The semiannual coupon on a single, $1,000 face-value7% bond is $35. Abondholder will receive one payment 0.5 years from now (0.7 yearsleft to expiration of futures) and one payment 1 year from now (0.2years until expiration). Thus,Ppt11Payoffs and ProfitsCase 11.1Consider a European bond call option with an exercise price of $900. The call premium for this option is $50. At expiration, if the spot price for the underlying bondis $1,000, what is the call option’s payoff as well as its gain/loss? Is this option in the money, out of money, or at the money? Will you exercise this option? How aboutyour answers if the spot price at expiration is $920, and $880, respectively? Solutions.A. If the spot price at expiration is $1,000, the payoff to the call optionis max{0, $1,000 - $900}=$100. So, the call is in the money and it willbe exercised with a gain of $50.B. If the spot price at expiration is $920, the payoff to the call option ismax{0, $920 - $900}=$20. So, the call is in the money and it will beexercised with a loss of $30. (why?)C. If the spot price is $880 at expiration, the payoff to the call option ismax{0, $880 - $900}=0. So, the call is out of money and it will not beexercise. The loss occurred would be $50.Case 11.2Consider a European bond put option with an exercise price of $950. Theput premium for this option is $50. At expiration, if the spot price for the underlying bond is $1,000, what is the put option’s payoff as well as its gain/loss? Is this option in the money, out of money, or at the money? Will you exercise this option? How about your answers if the spot priceat expiration is $920, and $880, respectively?Solutions.A. If the spot price at expiration is $1,000, the payoff to the put option ismax{0, $950 - $1,000}=0. So, the put is out of money and it will not be exercised. The loss occurred would be $50.B. If the spot price at expiration is $920, the payoff to the put option ismax{0, $950 - $920}=$30. So, the put is in the money and it will be exercised with a loss of $20. (why?)C. If the spot price is $880 at expiration, the payoff to the call option ismax{0, $950 - $880}=$70. So, the put is in the money and it will not be exercise with a gain of $20.。