Business Etiquette


商务英语听说 Unit 10 Business Etiquette

商务英语听说   Unit 10 Business Etiquette

following question:
• What does business etiquette mainly include? • Put down some of the key words in the following blanks:
• 1.knowing how to act in an interview, • to introduce clients to your peers at work, understanding the pecking order in the company • 3.and knowing how to defer to your manager or boss at work or in social events.
Task Two
• Directions: Listen to the following business etiquette quizzes
and tick the right answer:
Question 1 You encounter someone you’ve met before, but you can’t remember his or her name. What should you do? • A. Turn around and leave and hope he or she didn’t see you. • B. Walk up to him or her and say, “Hi, what’s-your-name!” • C. Walk up to him or her, use a generic greeting such as “Good morning” and just ignore the whole name issue. • D. Walk up to him or her, use a generic greeting and admit that you don’t remember the name.

Business Etiquette西方礼仪文化PPT

Business Etiquette西方礼仪文化PPT

In formal business contacts,how can we dress?
business personnel workplace dress 6 avoid 1 too bright
Dress too bright-coloured refers to a business personnel in a formal dress is too bright-coloured color, such as clothes, too trival and novel design,
4 too perspective
In social situations, often in clairvoyant outfit is allowed, but the business contacts in formal dress too perspective will lose in the respect of others, have I grovel to each other.
7. Learn About The Country's Body Language.
Gestures have various meanings in different places. In Yugoslavia turning the head from side to side means yes;in Japan, looking someone in the eye is considered judgmental or hostile;and in Ghana, thumbs up is a rude gesture. To avoid giving offense, keep your hands quiet.

Business Etiquette

Business Etiquette

v. ~ betweee or show (two things) to be different; show sth to be different (from sth else) 看出或指出(两者)不同; 辨别; 区别; 区分
v. ~ sb/sth (from sth/doing sth)
prevent the progress of sb/sth; obstruct or
delay sb/sth 阻碍﹑ 妨碍某人[某事物]的进展; 阻挠
e.g. hinder sb (from working) 妨碍某人(工作) hinder sb in his work 阻挠某人的工作
Production was hindered by lack of materials. 由於缺乏原料, 生产陷於停顿.
Chapter 8 Business Etiquette
peer n. a person who is the same age or who has the same social status as you
1. disrespectful, discourteous or abrasive 2. courteous and thoughtful 3. differentiate by position or standing 4. linger over
Chapter 8 Business Etiquette
adj. (of a person or thing) formal and dull; prim; staid (指人或事物)一本正经的, 古板的, 拘 谨的



BUSINESSETIQUETTE职业礼仪规范标准Байду номын сангаас要求
Good manners are always important in all contacts in life, but they must spring from real kindness of spirit or they will not ring true.
职 业 礼 仪 规 范标准和要求
Which Company Gives You a Deepest Impression. . .
令你印象最深的公司. . .
Main Topics 研讨话题
a Professional Presence 职业化仪表
a Greetings and Meetings 会见礼仪
a At Business Meetings 商 务会 议
a Telephone Manners 电话礼仪
a Everyday Office Etiquette 办公室礼仪
Professional Presence
Makes your appearance work for you
a Your Appearance Sends Message to Others 外表会传递有关你的信息
a Letting Your Body Language Speak Well of You 显示你优点的身体语言
a To learn the relevant skills of how to behave yourself more professionally and efficiently in the business arena. 学习相关的技巧使自己在商务场合中更职业化 工作更有效



商务礼仪 Business etiquetteThere are some general rules for introductions:1. A man is always introduced to a woman.2. A young person is always introduced to an older person.3. A less important is always introduced to a more important person.相互介绍认识有如下基本原则:1. 男人通常会介绍给女人。

2. 年轻人介绍给年龄大的人3. 地位不太高的人介绍给地位高一些的人When a client is coming for business purpose, the host should stand up and receive the guest, offer a chair and a cup of coffee, he shouldn’t sit down until the guest takes a seat. When the guest rises to leave, the host should go with him as far as the door of the office or the elevator. The executive doesn’t rise for his secretary or coworkers in the office.如果客户是为商务目的而来,主人要起身接待客人,给他让一个座位并且倒上一杯咖啡,在客人落座之前主人不能坐下。



A handshake can create a feeling of immediate friendliness of instant irritation between two strangers. The proper handshake is brief, but there should befirmness and warmth in the clasp. It should always be accompnied by a direct look into the eyes of the person your shake your hand with.握手可以使本来陌生的两个人马上建立起友谊。



商务礼仪的英语是"business etiquette"。














business etiquette josie

business etiquette josie

I’m transferring a call from Mr. Smith to you. He needs an updated on his account. 我转一位史密斯先生的电话过来,他想了解一下他最近的账户情况。
• • •
Who is on the line? 谁打来的?
Why are you transferring the call? 为何事? Always talk about the caller in respectful term
Everyday office etiquette –You should avoid doing that
How we send message to others?
Business Dress Code
Women 女士
Business Formal 商务正装
Business Casual 商务休闲
Smart Casual 时尚休闲
Don’t 切忌
Representative Identifies Self to Call When Answering Your Own Telephone
“Mary Mao” “HR Department”
Words are Clearly Articulated
Message Taken are Complete & Accurate

Date/Time _______________ For ____________________ Caller’s Name ___________ (Would you mind to spell for me)

商务英语听说 Unit 10 Business Etiquette

商务英语听说   Unit 10 Business Etiquette

Question 2 I have become a client of yours and we have a meeting scheduled so you can show me what your company can do for me. When you’re speaking to me, what should you refer to me as? • A. Ms. Ward • B. Susan Ward • C. Susan • D. Susie, Baby
4. ( C ) • This is the standard North American comfort zone for communication. If you are standing closer to the person than three feet, you will be invading his or her personal space. If you stand further away from him or her than this, you will be perceived as standoffish or end up yelling at the person you want to converse with. • Remember that the communication comfort zone differs in different cultures. Before trying to do business in a different country, you should find out what the communication comfort zone is there - and whatever other customs there are that could affect doing business.


Main Topics 研讨话题
Professional Presence 职业化仪表
Greetings and Meetings 会见礼仪
At Business Meetings 商 务会 议
Telephone Manners 电话礼仪
Everyday Office E来自iquette 办公室礼仪礼仪人人知道却不能时时做到。
Good Etiquette Equals Good Business
It improves the quality of life in the workplace
It contributes to optimum[ˈɔptiməm] employee morale [məˈrɑ:l]
你 有 不 同 意 见 时, 冷 静 地 有 依 据 地 表 达 你 的 意 见 – Focus on the meeting objectives 围 绕 会 议 主 题
Attending Meetings
When Guests Arrive 有 客 人 到 达 时
• Stand up and properly greet the person when necessary
Use both hands to send or receive business card
用 双 手 递、 接 名 片
Let the words face the other person
Read the words when receiving business card



商务礼仪美语BusinessEtiquetteLesson 001 - Introduction on etiquette礼节美语001讲Ann. 陈豪刚从大学毕业就在北京的一家美国公司找到了一份工作。


所以他就去请教公司里的美籍华人Mary 。

(Office ambience)C:Excuse me, Mary, 请问通知上这个词是什么意思呀?E-t-i-q-u-e-t-t-e。

M:Oh, etiquette, 原来是法文,意思是礼节。

C: 噢,原来是要我去参加礼节训练班。



C:我们来公司工作,又不是来社交,为什么要讲礼节呀?M:Etiquette is very important to business。


C:具体地说,这儿说的etiquette指些什么呢?M:Etiquette is a set of rules that allow us to interact with others in a civilized manner。


M:具体地说就是treating other people with courtesy and respect and making them feel comfortable with you.C:嗯,(若有所思地) 对人要有礼貌,要尊敬别人,还要让人觉得和你在一起很自如。

这没问题,I'm always polite and courteous to others。

M:但是,训练班讲的是西方礼节- western etiquette,和中国的礼节还不完全一样,因为两国有文化差异。



➢Professional image not only establishes working ability, also, your look, attitude and body language. All of them can help you to build a perfect professional image.
Elegant sitting
The requirements of walking
Walk with your head held high. Straighten your chest. Relaxed and straight arms. Walk small steps. Women should walk in a straight line cross-step and do not shake your body.
Lady's grooming standards
Light makeup To keep a fresh look Do not use exaggerated lipstick, mascara, Eye liner, etc. Keep the Eyebrow.
Men's grooming standards - hairstyle hairdo
Men's hair should not cover the front of his eyebrows, side of the hair should not cover their ears; Do not leave the hair to thick or have to long sideburns. Back hair should not be longer than the upper collar suit.



Lady's grooming standards - clothing
Western-style dress——dress length must up the knees of one punch,elders,cold weather can be knees, Buy a set of monochrome dress or long skirt with appropriate plain colored to the serious and formal occasions; Socks - requirement not reveal the sox, good elasticity, no flower skirt usually wear incarnadine silk socks, cold can also be transparent color match with skirt wear brunet socks, Accessories - Up to no more than 3 pieces, with the clothing, physical appearance, environmental harmony, and, accessories must match.
Professional image
➢Show a professional image; ➢Good use of attractive appearance; ➢Your image can speak; ➢Professional image not only establish by working ability, also, your makeup look, attitude and body language, all of them can help you to build a perfect professional image.

Business Etiquettes

Business Etiquettes
商务拜访等),但基本来讲是人与 人的交往,所以我们把商务礼仪 界定为商务人员交往的艺术。人 们对礼仪有不同的解释。有人说 是一种道德修养。有人说是一种 礼仪是一种形式美,有人讲礼仪 是一种风俗习惯。礼出于俗,俗 化为礼。商务礼仪的操作性,即 在商务交往中应该怎么做,不应 该怎么做。
* 第三、有助于维护公司形象。在商务交往中个人代
* Oceanwide * Representative/represent/representation
1、adj. 典型的,有代表性的;代议制的 n. 代表;典型;众议员 2、vt. 代表;表现;描绘;回忆;再赠送 vi. 代表;提出异议 3、n. 代表;表现;表示法;陈述
The ultimate solution, therefore, is to narrow the
development gap.
* 商务礼仪的3A原则,是商务礼仪的立足资本,是美国学者布
吉尼教授提出来的。3A原则实际上是强调在商务交往中处理 人际关系最重要的需要注意的问题。 * 第一原则接受(Accept)对方。告诉我们在商务交往中不能 只见到物而忘掉人。强调人的重要性,要注意人际关系的处 理,不然就会影响商务交往的效果。3A原则是讲对交往对象 尊重的三大途径。第一接受对方,宽一待人,不要难为对方, 让对方难看,客人永进是对的。比如在交谈时有“三不准”: 不要打断别人;不要轻易的补充对方;不要随意更正对方, 因为亊物的答案有时不止一个。一般而言,不是原则性的话, 要尽量接受对方。 * 第事原则重视(Attention)对方。欣赏对方。要看到对方 的优点,不要专找对方的缺点,更不能当众指正。重视对方 的技巧:一是在人际交往中要善于使用尊称,称行政职务, 技术职称,凡尊称;事是记住对方,比如接过名片要看,记 不住时,千万不可张冠李戴。 * 第三原则赞美(Admire)对方。对交往对象应该给予的一 种赞美和肯定,懂得欣赏别人的人实际上是在欣赏自己。赞 美对方也有技巧:一是实亊求是,不能太夸张,事是适应对 方,要夸到点子上。

Business EtiquettePPT教学课件

Business EtiquettePPT教学课件
• Don't make value judgments on people's importance in
the workplace. Talk to the maintenance staff members and to the people who perform many of the administrative support functions. These people deserve your respect!
• Stand straight, make eye contact,
turn towards people when they are speaking, and genuinely smile at people.
• Follow your office dress code,
• Self-assess: Think about how you treat your
supervisor(s), peers, and subordinates. Would the differences in the relationships, if seen by others, cast you in an unfavorable light? If so, find where the imbalance exists, and start the process of reworking the relationship dynamic.
• What you share with others about your personal

商务礼仪常识Business Etiquette

商务礼仪常识Business Etiquette

商务礼仪常识Business Etiquette礼仪是在人际交往中,以一定的、约定俗成的程序、方式来表现的律己、敬人的过程。





























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Business EtiquetteAs the rapid development of world economy ,business interactions are becoming more and more frequent. China’s continuous in the construction of the socialist market economy promotes the great interpersonal contact. In order to adapt to the development of society, it is necessary for us to promote ourselves. When conducting business abroad or in your own country with someone of another culture, the knowledge of certain rules of social and business etiquette is of great importance. Learning business etiquette and applying business etiquette has become a general trend. If you master business etiquette well, you will hold more opportunity in the business interactions.Business etiquette, can be defined as behavior norms that should be abided by business people in their activities. How to acquire business etiquette? How to acquire business etiquette? We can do from four different aspects below.The first is introductions and greetings. A good introduction and greeting can make a successful starting. You will leave a good impression to your cooperator.The procedure for making introductions differs from culture to culture. So, learning different culture and customs is necessary. If you meet an American, people of all ages prefer to use first names instead of titles and last names. When your American friends don’t use your last name or title, that doesn’t mean any lack of respect. Using first names usually shows friendliness. But in business communication with Japanese, you are advised to use their titles instead of their first names.As to making greetings, proper greetings can make you appear polite and sociable in intercultural business communication. Some easy way is to say “Hello.” “Good morning.” Usually, nonverbal greetings can be seen in communication. It includes shaking hands, kissing and bowing, but don’t kissing someone you don’t know well. They might recoil in surprise. Both of you will feel embarrassment.Second, handshaking and exchanging business cards also have business etiquette. The good time to shake hands will be: when you are introduced to others and when you say goodbye to others, when the visitor comes into your room or office, when you go to meet you client, when you go to attend the receptions or parties and when you take leave. When you shake with someone, your handshake should be relaxed but firm and you should look at the other person in your eyes, smile, and say “I’m very pleased to meet you.” If the person you are meeting seems to back off, don’t force a handshake. Presenting a card with two hands conveys respect and an application of the importance of the ritual in most Asian cultures. It is best to hold the card by the two upper corners when making the presentation. Likewise, you should receive a business card with both hands, once you have it in hand; take time to read it, not merely a glance but a deliberate study.The third is dressing and dining. Dressing properly means the respect to others. People communicate through what they wear, their hairstyles, and the polish of their shoes and even the look of their fingernails. Clothes may not make the man or the woman, but the reality is that how you look goes a long way toward leaving a great first impression. A well-fitted dark suit, usually blue, grey, or black, is appropriate for almost all formal business situations and most social occasions, including evenings out at restaurants or the theater. When you are having dinner together; the way you behave at a meal will leave an impression on people:If you arrive before most guests and are seated, rise when introduced to guests, both male and female, for the first time.In most cultures it is rude to arrive empty-handed. Although lavish gifts are usually not expected, flowers for the hostess are the best bet.Eat what is on your plate and praise the host or the hostess. In most cultures leaving food uneaten is rude and considered a poor reflection on the host or hostess.In most Asian cultures it is appropriate to leave one’s shoes at the door. Follow the lead of your host but never insist on keeping shoes on. Be sure you wear a clean pair of socks without holes.It is polite to wait for the eldest or most senior person to start eating before you do while eating with Koreans at their home. At table, never stick your chopsticks or spoon straight up and down in your bowl (this is down at memorial service foe the dead); instead, leave them on the table. Having a good dining way with people can help you build a friendly relationship and make you gentle.The forth is punctuality. If you have made a appointment with your client, you should be punctual especially with Americans. Americans tend to place more emphasis on punctuality than people in many other places do. They value the time very much and do things as they have scheduled. If you are late, they will feel you are not sincere and don’t respect them. So keep punctuality is very important. When reservations have been made, it is very important to at the agreed time.a little or we will make discriminations unwittingly. In the US, men take off their hats to show respect. This shows good manners. But in some cultures, people will seldom do so. In Chinese, There are some points to stress. Different countries have different superstitions and know them who also believe that good or bad luck is associated with certain numbers, feel that four is the most negative number because it sounds like the word ”death.” Hotel in Hong Kong and Taiwan often have no fourth floor, and some Asian airports have no Gate Four. So when communicates with Chinese, it is best to avoid the number” four”.As an old saying,”You might be a bore if you talk about your own interest at great length while your listeners do not have the least taste for it.”Good business etiquette is a necessary quality in the business communication. It can promote the friendly relationship between people of different countries. Having business etiquette will help you do well in the business activities.。
