机密。Байду номын сангаас
Pizza Hut was founded in 1958 by brothers Dan and Frank Carney in their hometown of Wichita, Kansas.
Americanfastfoodcultu re
如今,“麦当劳”这一品牌已被世界各地的人们所熟 知
Nowadays," McDonald's " brand around the world
have been known
1948年,美国人理查德和莫里斯.麦克 唐纳夫妇,在位于加利福尼亚州圣贝纳迪 诺路边开办了第一家麦当劳餐厅。In
Started as a drive-in restaurant in the U.S., it has its outlets spread across all the continents. The founding fathers were Dick and Mac McDonalds. It sells food items ranging from hamburgers, milk, coffee, soft drinks, French fries and milkshakes.
1948, Americans Richard and Maurice. Macdonald couples, in San Bernardino road located in the state of California opened the first McDonald's restaurant.
Super Bowl超级碗
Байду номын сангаасhank You!
• 1966–1967: Packers' early success • The Green Bay Packers won the first two Super Bowls, defeating the Kansas City Chiefs and the Oakland Raiders.(January 15, 1967) • 1968–1980 AFL/AFC dominance • In Super Bowl III, the New York Jets won the game and it helped solidify the AFL as a legitimate contender(法定的冠军争夺者) with the NFL. the 1970s were dominated by the AFC .
Super Bowl
• 1.Definition • 2. History • 3.Influence • 4.Links with our text
• The Super Bowl is an annual American football game that determines the champion of the National Football League(NFL).The contest is held in January in an American city that is chosen three to four years beforehand ,usually in warm-weather or domed sites on Sunday.
Action Figures
Collectible action figures of popular WWE superstars that allow fans to recreate their favorite matches.
Unique memorabilia like signed posters and championship replica belts for die-hard WWE enthusiasts.
Impact of WWE on Entertainment Industry
WWE has revolutionized the entertainment industry with its unique blend of sports and storytelling.
Future of WWE
WrestleMania is WWE's flagship pay-per-view event featuring
A summer extravaganza showcasing
marquee matches and
top WWE superstars in highly
unforgettable moments.
2 History
WWE, formerly known as WWF, was founded in 1980 by Vince McMahon and has since grown into a global phenomenon.
3 WWE Today
With its unique combination of athleticism and storytelling, WWE continues to captivate audiences worldwide.
American Football
1 、达阵( touchdown ), 6 分。当球员持 球跑进对方端区,或在对方端区内接到传 球。 2 、射门( field ), 3 分。把球踢过球门横 杆之上及两条门柱之间。 3、安防(safety,俗称“自杀球”),2分。 当进攻一方被迫后退至己方的端区,然后 被擒抱或掉球时,防守一方得2分。
虽然美式橄榄球源于英式橄榄球,而且两种运动同时被誉为 “世界上最野蛮的运动”,但英式橄榄球的“野蛮”程度和美 国人比起来,简直就是“菜鸟”级别的。 在体育界,英式橄榄球被称为“君子玩的野蛮运动”,而美式 橄榄球被贬为“野蛮人玩的野蛮运动”。 主要区别有: 1.服装:因为美式橄榄球动作太多粗野,运动员为了防止受伤 从头武装到脚,裹成一个“铁包肉”。英式相对“温柔”的多, 他们穿平常的队衣,嘴里塞个牙套而已。 2.队员人数:美式11人,7个前锋,4个后卫。英式15人,8个 前锋,7个后卫。
gridiron['对抗的接触 性体育运动。由于比赛中常见的暴 力冲撞,球员必须要穿戴盔甲一般 的护具。这些护具主要包括带有笼 式面罩的头盔和护肩、护胸连为一 体的上身护甲,此外根据联赛等级 还会包括护齿、手套以及遮盖肘部、 腰部、臀胯部、裆部、大腿、膝部 的护垫等等。 根据统计,护具的使用可以将各种 重伤的概率减少一半以上。尽管如 此,美式橄榄球的激烈本质仍然使 得受伤难以避免。其中因为肢体撞 击的钝力引起的脑震荡尤为普遍, 每年都会有数万名球员因此受伤。 但令人意想不到的是,齐全的防护 装备却导致了比赛中暴力行径的激 增。
All-American Football 美式橄榄球
超级碗(Super Bowl)是国家美式足球联盟(National Football League,
The development process of WWE
With the rise of television media, WWE has gradually become a well-known brand. It continuously expands its
influence by hosting large-scale events, signing contracts with celebrity
Introduction to WWE Stars
Introduction to Legendary Figures
• Summary: This section introduces the legacy figures of WWE, including their impact on the writing industry and their unique skills and personalities
The talents, skills, and The journals of these
potential of young
rising stars, including
writers like Tomaso
their training, early
Ciampa, Tatiana
matches, and
WWE's special events and events
The most common event in the WWE, WrestleMania is held once a year and
features many matches and events
---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------介绍NBA的英语PPT(解说稿)I dont remember when did I watch the first NBA games, but I know it was before the year of 2019. I have watched NBA games for nearly 10 years. During the 10 years, I witnessed basketball legend Jordan appeared again and retired in the association, I witnessed Yao entering the association and becoming a super star, I witnessed some super star like Francis, Ao nier, Kidd on the decline with age. I witnessed the freshmen like James, Wade becoming more and more mature and now they are the mainstay of this association. NBAs history goes back 60 years. In 1949, Brown united the two basketball organizations NBL and BAA, there were only 8 teams in the association. With 60 years development, nowadays, nba become the most successful leagues in the world. Only the most excellent basketball players are adequate to play in NBA, like Chinese basketball player Wang Zhizhi and Ba teer, they were the absolute main force in our 国家队, but when they entered NBA, they had to sit on the bench in most of the time. And I think the most attractive place of NBA is its high-level. And since Mrs shen has mentioned, as we interpret students, we should put ourselves from an unprofessional area into a professional area, so I prepared1 / 7these basketball terms. Here I want to explain this: there are 2 different kinds of guard, one is shooting guard and the other is point guard. We may easily be confused about the point guard is not 得分后卫, but 组织后卫, and 得分后卫 English is shooting guard. at present, there are 30 teams in NBA. And they are divided two parts, the east and the west. Some of the teams we are very familiar with like 湖人,火箭。
超级碗一般在每年1月最后一个或2月第一个星期天举行,那一天称为超级碗星期天(Super Bowl Sunday)。
超级碗是比赛的名称,其奖杯名称为文斯·隆巴迪杯(Vince Lombardi Trophy)。
三商业价值超级碗的正式名称为:美式橄榄球(NFL)冠军总决赛,超级碗是其英文“Super Bowl”的意译。
美国春晚超级碗落下帷幕“美国春晚”超级碗落下帷幕HOUSTON -- In the most exciting fourth-quarter rally in Super Bowl history, the New England Patriots showed their remarkable resolve to do something no team has ever done before in coming back from a 28-3 deficit.休斯顿现场报道--新英格兰爱国者队一度以3-28的比分落后,而在超级碗历史上最惊心动魄的第四节,爱国者队实现了任何队伍都无法做到的惊天大逆转。
They were down 19 in the fourth quarter.第四节时爱国者队还落后19分。
In rising up in such fashion to win 34-28 in overtime, quarterback Tom Brady wrote the most dramatic chapter in his future Hall of Fame career, earning MVP honors to set up a highly anticipated Monday morning date with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.爱国者队奋起直追,在加时赛中以34-28的比分实现逆转。
This was a script that not even Hollywood could have come up with for believability, especially when considering the greatest Super Bowl comeback had previously been 10 points.相信即便是好莱坞的编剧也写不出这样的剧本,尤其是考虑到此前超级碗历史上最大的逆转分差也不过10分的情况。
• Napkins are placed in the lap. At more formal occasions diners will wait to place their napkins on their laps until the host places his or her napkin on his or her lap. • At more formal occasions all diners should be served at the same time and will wait until the hostess or host lifts a fork or spoon before beginning.
American Table Manners
Before dining
• Before sitting down to a formal meal, gentlemen stand behind their chairs until the women are seated. • A prayer or 'blessing' may be customary in some households, and the guests may join in or be respectfully silent.
• You should consider how much is on the serving dish and not take more than a proportional amount so that everyone may have some.
• If you do not care for any of the dish, pass it to the next person without comment.
American sports
NBA是国家篮球协会(National Basketball Association)的缩写。它的前身是成立于1946年6 月6日全美篮协会(Basketball Association of America),缩写为BAA。BAA是十一家冰球馆和 体育馆的老板发起成立的,其目的是为了让各体育 馆在冰球比赛以外的时间中不至于闲置。 1948年, 随着“国家篮球联盟”(NBL-National Basketball League)四支球队的加入,BAA球队总 数增加到12支。 1949年:BAA与NBL合并,名称 改为“国家篮球协会”(NBA-National Basketball Association)。
- 1920 - 32 -16 -超级碗(super bowl)
国家和地区 -美国
国家冰球联盟(National Hockey League,NHL)
成立年份 -1917 国家和地区 -美国 .加拿大 球队数量 -30
常规赛场次 -82
Four leagues of American
National Major National National
Football League Hockey Basketball
League Baseball League Association
Super Bowl MLB The world series NHL The Stanley Cup NBA NBA Finals
美国文化课件5. sports and early jazz
1. Still be the great American game, even though many other countries are deeply involved with the game, can be watched in a more relaxed and lazy way 2. The largest baseball stadium is the home field of the California Angels (加州天使队), Anaheim Stadium(阿 纳海姆体育场) 3. leagues: two major ones:全国联盟 全国联盟the National League、 全国联盟 、 美国联盟the American League,A third one:黑人联盟 美国联盟 , 黑人联盟 the Negro League,attended by African in the game after World War II. 1)打破 打破 肤色限制the demolition of the color barrier, starting 肤色限制 with the hiring of the superb athlete, AfricanAmerican Jackie Robinson (杰克 鲁宾逊 by Brooklyn 杰克·鲁宾逊 杰克 鲁宾逊), Dodgers(布鲁克林 道奇队 布鲁克林·道奇队 布鲁克林 道奇队)manager Branch Rickey (布里奇 里基 2) Improved transportation led to the 布里奇·里基 布里奇 里基) wider distribution of teams 5. Seasons Regular season: the beginning of April — October; the World Series between the leading teams in their respective leagues--in the latter of October. The best 4 out of 7 games determines the annual World’s (sic) Champions and marks the end of the baseball season.
situated close to Virginia(弗吉尼亚 州) and Maryland(马里兰 州) and is one of
America's most beautiful cities, full of monuments(纪念碑), memorials, impressive architecture(建筑), large
public parks and is the home of the
president of U.S..
• Throughout the year, Washington DC has many
exciting festivals, parades and sporting events,
and one of Washington's most famous sports team are the Washington Redskins(华盛顿印第 安人队), who play American football(美式足球, 即橄榄球) and have won the prestigious(享有声 望的, 声望很高的) Superbowl(“超级碗”,美国 橄榄球冠军赛) t此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!
• Washington DC has many world-famous tourist attractions and major landmarks and these include the White House -- completed in 1800 and home to every US president except George Washington, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI(美国)联邦调查局) offices -- situated(位于) in Downtown Washington(华盛顿市中心), using state-of-the-art(艺术级的) crime-solving technology.
新闻英语—超级碗星期天:美国大众的民间盛事Each year,on a Sunday at the end of January or beginning of February,tens of millions of Americans declare their own unofficial holiday.Gathered in groups large and small,nearly half of all U.S.households participate vicariously in a televised spectacle that has far outgrown its origins as a sporting event.千百万美国民众宣称每年1月底或2月初的这个星期天为自己的自发节日。
The Super Bowl,which determines the championship of American football,is most of all a shared experience,when Americans disproportionately choose to spend this day in the company of friends.超级碗(Super Bowl)是美式足球的冠军赛,大家一起观看比赛最重要,因此美国人大都选择与朋友共度这一天。
Neither the hugely popular Major League Baseball World Series nor the National Basketball Association championship commands so intense a grip on the nation’s attention.Possibly this is because the Super Bowl is a single game,a winner-take-all contest.Add in the entertainments that have sprung up around the game and Super Bowl Sunday becomes an event even for those who are not football fans.无论是广受欢迎的大联盟棒球世界系列赛(Major League Baseball World Series),还是全国篮球协会(National Basketball Association)冠军赛都不能如此紧紧地抓住全国人民的注意力。
The super bowl
AT the beginning,my topic is the American footballAnd when I began to prepare the presentation., I found the super bowl is interesting enough to be chose as my topic instead of just a part,and I believe the introduction of superbowl can help us understand the spiritsof American sports . because the super bowl is a symbol of American sports culture What’s super bowl?The Super Bowl is the annual championship game of the National Football League (NFL), the highest level of professional football in the United States, culminating a season that begins in the late summer of the previous calendar year. Super Bowl first was played on January 15, 1967, following the 1966 regular season.Like NBA , the NFL including two group. One is AFC ,the other iS NFC and the game is played between thetwo conference‘s champions to determine the NFL's league champion.Best quarterback in NFLHOW POPULAR IS IT?The day on which the Super Bowl is played, now considered an unofficial American national holiday by some americans, is called"Super Bowl Sunday".and it is also called as American spring festival gala.Some data about SUPER BOWLWhy is it so popular?I THINK 3 FEATURES of SUPER BOWL CAN EXPLAIN .FISRT,IT’S A CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL OF AMERICAN FOOTBALL.AND American football as a whole is the most popular sport in the United States; professional football and college football are the most popular forms of the game. The National Football League, the most popular American football league, has the highest average attendance of any sports league in the world;in American society,Baseball is still called the national pastime, but football is by far the more popular sport,I think this can Explain part of the reason.ANOTHER REASONThe television broadcast of the Super Bowl features many high-profile television commercials we all knows.mostly ,advertisement is boring, but super bowl half-time advertisements are really a enjoyment because of their high qualitylike a film, unpredictability, humor, and use of special effects..Super Bowlcommercials have become a cultural phenomenonof their own alongside the game itself; many viewers only watch the game to see the commercials. Because of the high viewership, commercial airtime during the Super Bowl broadcast is the most expensive of the year, leading to companies regularly trying their best to develop more impressing advertisements for this broadcast. As a result, watching and discussing the broadcast's commercials has become a significant aspect of the event.A number of major brands, including Budweiser, Coca-Cola, Doritos, GoDaddy and Master Lock, have been well known for making repeated appearances during the Super Bowl.The prominence of airing a commercial during the Super Bowl has also carried an increasingly high price: by Super Bowl 49th in 2015,reached around $4.5 million for 30seconds. The cost of advertising during the Super Bowl has reached a point that some companies may not be able to recoup their costs from the resulting revenue.since 1990S, in an effort to promote superbowl’s influence, commercial sponsors presented the halftime show; the halftime show has returned to featuring popular contemporary musicians, with the typical format featuring a single headline artist collaborating with asmall number of guest acts. such as Michael Jackson ,Madonna. beonce, lady gaga and so on.The NFL does not pay the halftime show performers an appearance fee, though it covers all expenses for the performers and their entourage of stagehands, family, and friends.the halftime performers regularly experience significant spikes in weekly album sales and paid digital downloads due to the exposure.。
Super Bowl
Super Bowl
I (1967) · II (1968) · III (1969) · IV (1970) · V (1971) · VI (1972) · VII (1973) · VIII (1974) · IX (1975) · X (1976) · XI (1977) · XII (1978) · XIII (1979) · XIV (1980) · XV (1981) · XVI (1982) · XVII (1983) · XVIII (1984) · XIX (1985) · XX (1986) · XXI (1987) · XXII (1988) · XXIII (1989) · XXIV (1990) · XXV (1991) · XXVI (1992) · XXVII (1993) · XXVIII (1994) · XXIX (1995) · XXX (1996) · XXXI (1997) · XXXII (1998) · XXXIII (1999) · XXXIV (2000) · XXXV (2001) · XXXVI (2002) · XXXVII (2003) · XXXVIII (2004) · XXXIX (2005) · XL (2006) · XLI (2007) · XLII (2008) · XLIII (2009) · XLIV (2010) · XLV (2011) · XLVI (2012) · XLVII (2013) · XLVIII (2014) ·
List of all Super Bowl Halftime Show Performers
XXXV Date: 2001 Location: Raymond James Stadium (Tampa, Florida) Performer(s): Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, Aerosmith, 'N Sync, Britney Spears,小甜甜布兰妮 Mary J. Blige, Nelly
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This powerpoint put you on the golden path to success
Just for today I will exercise my soul in three ways. I will do somebody a good turn and not get found out: If anybody knows of it, it will not count. I will do at least two things I don‘t want to do—just for exercise. I will not
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• •
Then she took flight (literally) at the end of the pre-recorded sequence. The singer, clad in a sparkling silver bodysuit and knee high boots, then appeared to leap from the edge the retractable roof onto the stage with the help of some sturdy wires -- and the performance was nonstop from there。
And his wife , the Supermodel of the world---Gisele Bundchen(吉赛尔· 邦辰)Remember the model who had a solo show on the opening ceremony of Rio Olympic Games? That ' s her.
Several weeks ago , we whole Chinese celebrated the Spring Festival.And several days ago , American held the “American Spring Festival Gala. Evening“(美国春晚) -----The Super Bowl.
Tom belongs to the New England Patriots.On the field, the New England Patriots
made the greatest ever comeback in Super Bowl history to beat the Atlanta Falcons 34-28 in overtime.
OK,NOW hark back to the subject.
• THIS year‘ super bowl is
• New England Patriots英格兰爱国者队 VS • Atlanta Falcons亚特兰大猎鹰队
This is the result:
The last part of Today ’ Duty Report.I want to introduce a famous star player---TOM BREDT(汤姆· 布拉迪)
Their victory on Sunday added another chapter to the Patriots legacy as Brady engineered a jaw-dropping comeback from a 28-3 third quarter deficit to steal the title and deny Atlanta a maiden Super Bowl.
The impressive fightback was engineered by New England's quarter back, Tom Brady, who won his fifth championship at the age of 39.
Since 2002 that Patriots have five Super Bowl wins in seven trips to the championship game.
SuperBowl is NFL(National football league.)It always is hosted on the last Sunday in January.The day is . called “Super Bowl Sunday.”
• What the most exciting is not the game it self, instead, the halftime show(中场表演)is the really charming performance. • Because during the halftime show ,many super star will give their showstopper(精彩表演).
.For exmaple:your Michael Jackson。
• .
Hale Waihona Puke Madonna• 。
This year,they have invited the top notch(大腕)----Lady Gaga
• 。
From the outset, Lady Gaga served notice this was no ordinary halftime show - she began her performance from the lip of the stadium roof, an army of 300 drones forming a twinkling American flag in the sky.