



What is American food?At first you might think the answer is easy as pie.Tomanypeople,American food means hamburgers,hot dogs,fried chicken and pizza.If you have a sweet tooth,you might even think of apple pie or chocolate chip cookies.It's true that Americans do eat those things.
You are what you eat.
Hope you enjoy!!
Thank you for your attention!!
Popular among Americans
A rank of 10 most popular Chinese food in America (十大招牌在美国)
Strong flavored
Traditional tastes are changed
美国人用餐的戒条主要有以下六 条:

Starbucks coffee provide a unique
quality to customer. In some level, it‘s a culture represent, to create a harmonious 和谐的[hɑr’moniəs] environment to customers, and establish mutual trust (相互信任) relationship for each other.


美国式饮食不讲究精细,追求快捷方便,也不奢华,比较大众化。一日 三餐都比较随便。
早餐以面包、牛奶、鸡蛋、果汁、麦片、咖啡、香肠等为主。午餐一般 在工作地点用快餐(快餐是典型的美国饮食文化,十分普及),一般有 三明治、水果、咖啡、汉堡包、热狗等。晚餐是正餐,比较丰盛,有一 二道菜,如牛排、猪排、烤肉、炸鸡等,配面包、黄油、青菜、水果、 点心等。也有不少人上餐馆用晚餐。美国餐馆很多,一般供应自助餐、 快餐、特餐(固定份饭)、全餐等各种形式的餐饮,价格一般比较低廉, 也可点菜,点菜价格最高。早餐一般在8时左右,午餐一般在12时-14 时,晚餐一般在18时左右。他们在临睡前有吃点心的习惯,成人以水果、 糖果为主,孩子则食用牛奶和小甜饼。
20世纪末,随着美国文明的发展与经济的逐步富裕,加上资讯与交通的 发达,美国人对吃的要求也逐渐提高,特别是从1965年开始美国放宽了 移民政策,各层次各行业的人士从世界各地大批地涌入,这些庞大的新 移民对于美国社会及文化结构产生了巨大的冲击。新移民带来的烹饪方 式及菜肴特色如同燎原的星星之火,使得美国家庭和餐馆的餐桌上出现 了丰富而多元化的食物。
Franks:在美国的街头,你经常会碰到一些Street vendors(街头小贩)高嚷 着“Franks”,这时候你可千万别以为他们在寻找名叫Frank的人,Franks在这 里是“热狗”的意思。这些小贩就正在Selling Hot dogs(卖热狗)。
到餐厅点荷包蛋的讲法是 sunny side up, 因为荷包蛋看起来是不是很样一个小 学生画的太阳?
美国人在吃饭的时候是刀叉并用,而且他们的用餐方式也是很有讲究的。因此, 在应邀与美国朋友一起吃饭时,应特别注意他们的用餐习惯。一般情况下, 餐桌上摆放有一副餐刀和两副餐叉,外边的餐叉供你吃色拉,里边的餐叉用于吃主 食和其他点心食品,餐刀用来切肉食。如果你两手并用,应左手握叉,右手握刀, 而且一次握刀时间不能太长。


这是俗称肯德基在世界。它是由哈兰德·桑德斯在1930 作为一个单一的出口。今天它已在世界各地的存在。 肯德基是更好地了解其炸鸡和它拥有一个食谱是非常
机密。Байду номын сангаас
Pizza Hut was founded in 1958 by brothers Dan and Frank Carney in their hometown of Wichita, Kansas.
Americanfastfoodcultu re
如今,“麦当劳”这一品牌已被世界各地的人们所熟 知
Nowadays," McDonald's " brand around the world
have been known
1948年,美国人理查德和莫里斯.麦克 唐纳夫妇,在位于加利福尼亚州圣贝纳迪 诺路边开办了第一家麦当劳餐厅。In
Started as a drive-in restaurant in the U.S., it has its outlets spread across all the continents. The founding fathers were Dick and Mac McDonalds. It sells food items ranging from hamburgers, milk, coffee, soft drinks, French fries and milkshakes.
1948, Americans Richard and Maurice. Macdonald couples, in San Bernardino road located in the state of California opened the first McDonald's restaurant.

American food美国食物及餐桌礼仪PPT精选文档

American food美国食物及餐桌礼仪PPT精选文档
• Other names:potato wedge or wedge potato
Mashed Potatoes
• It's very common in homes or resteraunts. • Americans like pouring gravy to the top of
mashed potatoed. And in a degree, gravy determines the quality of the dish.
• We can say that it is a kind of cake, but it is more thinnish and firm.
• Brownie is always very sweet and a good choice of breakfast.
Baked Potatoes
• Bake the whole potato and then cover its top with sour cream, cheddar cheese, bacon bits choped broccolic or butter.
• If you want nothing on it, tell the server:"I want it plain."
• This kind of cake is so sweet that some love it but others don't.
Donut (Doughnut)
• There variou kinds of American donut. And American indeed love donut.


6. Dr. Pepper 5.9% 7. Sprite雪碧 5.6% 8. Fanta芬达 1.8% 9. Diet Mountain Dew无糖私酿威士忌 1.6%
10. Diet Dr. Pepper 1.6%
What do Americans eat for dessert?
Baskin Robbins Cold Stone Dairy Queen
Coffee Yogurt Milk Juice
– Orange
And, some people do skip breakfast
What do most Americans eat for
People do not go home for lunch (no naptime)
Eat a nice meal with family (depends on the family) Go out to eat—order your own dish Order in pizza
Burgers Meat Loaf Macaroni and Cheese意大利面 Mashed Potatoes马铃薯泥 Fresh Green Salad Spaghetti意大利面条 May be boxed or frozen—quick and
Seafood Chain
Barbecue烤肉 meat with sweet and rich barbecue sauce, cole油菜 slaw卷心菜色拉,
and potato salad
Soup, Salad, Sandwiches, and bakery面包房
Preferences: 35% of coffee drinkers prefer black coffee 65% prefer to add sugar and/or cream



Geographical Position
San Francisco Boston York
Fast Food
Junk food
All naturalFra bibliotekEating Custom and Practice
American style
The knife is held in the right hand and the fork in the left. Holding food to the plate with the fork tines-down, a single bite-sized piece is cut with the knife. Never cut more than one piece at a time. The knife is then placed on the right edge of the plate and the fork transferred to the right hand, with the left hand falling to the lap. The cut piece is then speared using the fork and eaten. This seems ludicrous(滑稽可笑),but it is considered good manners.

American culture is a good illustration of the saying "you are what you eat." Americans represent a wide range of backgrounds and ways of thinking. The variety of foods enjoyed in the U.S. reflects the diversity of personal tastes. The food may be international or regional. Sometimes it's fast, and sometimes it's not so fast. It might be junk food, or maybe it's natural food. In any case, the style is all-American.

英文介绍美国饮食 快餐 文化

英文介绍美国饮食 快餐 文化

Ice Cream Sundae
Coke small, medium, large, super size McCafe Orange juice
美国人在日常生活中讲究实际,他们没有欧洲人的那种繁文缛节。 来的客人多美国人一般都以家庭式自助餐形式招待客人。吃自助
餐也一定的顺序:先冷盘,再熟食,最后是甜点、水果。爱吃什么你 就尽管在大盘内取什么,不必拘泥,吃饱为止。但不要浪费。
Soft Drinks 软饮料
Server :
May I help you? / What can I get for you today? With cheese? For here or to go ? What’s kind of drinks?......Cream or sugar? Anything else?
Don’t think it’s a train! Sandwich!
How to order in Subway?
• 你可以自选产品、自选面包、自选尺寸、 自选配料、自选肉类和蔬菜、自选调味酱 和套餐.
• 一般进入subway店之后,店员会先会问你,which bread today? 种类有:white, wheat, honey oat, Parmesan Oregano 和Italian Herbs & Cheese
• 2. Tomato (蕃茄)
• 3. Cucumber (小黄瓜)
• 4. Black olivers (黑橄榄)
• 5. Red Onions (红洋葱)
• 6. Pickle (酸黄瓜)
• 7. Jalapeno (墨西哥绿辣椒)
• 8. Banana Peppers (黄辣椒) • 四、关于酱料


culture formation always have certain history accumulation. general history culture sometimes create one kind of dietary culture.
History and Development of American dietary culture
American dietary culture mixes liberalism, individualism, perfectionism and together that caters to modern people’s spiritual pursuit.
American dietary culture
1 History and Development of American dietary culture
2 The Representative of American Food
3 American Table Manners
4 The difference of dietary culture between China and America
The typical American dietary culture does not devote particular care to refinement, but pursue quickness and convenience. meanwhile, Americans are concerned with the quality of food but not quantity .



Don’t think it’s a train! Sandwich!
Let’s order McDonalds’ !
McDonald‘s Corporation is the world’s largest chain of hamburger. McDonald's primarily sells hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken products, french fries, breakfast items, soft drinks, shakes, and desserts.
Fast food!
Fast Food 快餐食品
• You receive what you order more or less immediately
and take it on a tray(托盘) to a table, picking up thing like straws(吸管), pepper, salt, ketchup (蕃茄酱),pickles(泡菜)and napkins(餐巾纸 ) on the way.If you can’t see any knives and forks , this means you are supposed to eat with your hands.If you can’t see any straws, that’s because they are hiding in the straw dispenser(分配器) that you have to fiddle(拨弄) with the bottom of it to get a straw(one at a time)to emerge.When you’ve finished, you yourself throw away everything except the tray.



• Napkins are placed in the lap. At more formal occasions diners will wait to place their napkins on their laps until the host places his or her napkin on his or her lap. • At more formal occasions all diners should be served at the same time and will wait until the hostess or host lifts a fork or spoon before beginning.
American Table Manners
Before dining
• Before sitting down to a formal meal, gentlemen stand behind their chairs until the women are seated. • A prayer or 'blessing' may be customary in some households, and the guests may join in or be respectfully silent.
• You should consider how much is on the serving dish and not take more than a proportional amount so that everyone may have some.
• If you do not care for any of the dish, pass it to the next person without comment.



The origin of knife and fork
It can date back to the European ancient nomadic life habits .they lived with taking knifes on the saddle . They often cut down the meat and began to eat . Around the 15th century , European people started to use the double pointed fork. The way sending meat to mouth isn’t elegant ,so they change knifes into forks to fork food ,and thus fork became the strict tableware .
two important elements of Chinese food culture Color\smell\taste\shape\tableware five flavors eight cuisines China
The way expressing personal view
Western table manners
1. Identify knife and fork
An authentic western tableware include: butter knife, bread dish, starter knife and fork, main course knife and fork, a spoon drinking soup ,fork and spoon for dessert, red wine glass, white wine glass.



In some big cities such as San Francisco, Las Vegas, will be fireworks.

At midnight, the national church bells rang, and the band played the retro song "Auld Lang Syne."
3 American table manners
The feature of America food culture
American food is not particular about detail
The pursuit of fast and convenient
It is relative popular and three meals a day are very casual
1 The feature of American food culture
2 The habits of three meals a day
3 American table manners
The habits of three meals a day
------bread、milk、 eggs、fruit juice、 coffee、and sauage
You must arrive on time and not be late.
3 American Festival
tThe most famous is the large-scare reciprocal of times squares in New York,which is packed with thousands of young people every year.


Thanksgiving turkey,it's hard to find a typically "American"food.The United States is a land of immigrants.So Americans eat food from many different countries.When people move to America,they bring their cooking styles with them.That's why you can find almost every kind of ethnic food in America.In some cases,Americans have adopted foods from other countries as favorites.Americans love Italian pizza,Mexican tacos and Chinese egg rolls.But the American version doesn't taste quite like除了感恩节火鸡,这是很难 找到一个典型的“美国”的食品。美国是 一个土地immigrants.So美国人吃的食物来 自许多不同的国家,当人们移居美国,他 们也将自己的烹调带了进来,为什么你几 乎可以看到所有不同民族的食物在 America.In某些情况下,美国人都采用来 自其他国家的食物视为最爱喜爱意大利的 披萨,墨西哥的玉米饼和中国的春卷,但 是这些东西的美国版味道却不很喜欢原来

A phenomenon of the American eating pattern is the nationwide popularity of fast food restaurant chains. Their standardized , technically produced products are reasonably priced, instantly available, and taste the same whether purchased in New York City or Los Angeles. McDonald's is the largest of these chains. It offers a selection of hamburgers, French fries, milk shakes (ice cream combined with milk), and "cokes". These foods are high in fats, sugar, and salt, therefore they are called junk food . Often, they are the major meal of the day of many young and working people. Other popular chains specialize in fried chicken or fish, pizzas, steaks , and pancakes.美国的饮食习惯的一个现象是快餐 连锁餐厅在全国范围内普及。其标准化,技术生 产的产品价格合理,即刻可用,味道相同的,无 论在纽约市或洛杉矶购买。麦当劳这些链是最大 的。它提供了一个选择的汉堡,薯条,奶昔(加 上牛奶冰淇淋),和“焦炭”。这些食物都是高 脂肪,糖和盐,因此,他们被称为垃圾食品。通 常情况下,他们是许多年轻人和工作的人的一天 的主要餐。其他受欢迎的连锁专门炸鸡肉或鱼,



Beef Stew in a Bread Bowl
泰森食品公司成立于1935年,总部位于美国阿肯色州。 它是世界上鸡肉,牛肉和猪肉营销公司。公司提供的产 品和服务贯穿美国和90多个国家。泰森雇佣了十一万 零五千名团队成员,分布在位于美国和世界各地的超 过400家工厂和办公区域。
Grilled Eggplant(烤茄子) serves 2-4 Grilling is not a technique reserved for meat. It's great for
vegetables, too. Be sure not to peel an eggplant before grilling because the skin will help hold the pieces together. If they stick to the grill, try using a bit more oil.
While dining
As is the traditional manner, the food may be

passed around or served by a host or servant. If passed, you should pass on the serving dish to the next person in the same direction as the other dishes are being passed. If you are having difficulty getting food onto your fork, use a small piece of bread or your knife to assist. Never use your fingers or thumb. 按传统的就餐方式,食物可能由主人或佣人传递。 如果传递过去,你应该把菜盘传送给下一个人,沿着 跟其他菜肴同一个方向传递。 如果你用叉子取得食物有困难,用一小块面包或者你 的刀来协助。不要使用你的手指或拇指。
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Wendy's was the first national chain to openly challenge McDonald's in the burgers and fries
Arby’s has its own special hamburgers ,it’s worth having a try! But it is a little
Big Mac
Grilled Chicken Burger McCrispy Chicken Burger Double Cheese Burger
Filet-O-Fish Egg McMuffin
Ice Cream Sundae
Fast food!
Fast Food 快餐食品
• You receive what you order more or less immediately
and take it on a tray(托盘) to a table, picking up thing like straws(吸管), pepper, salt, ketchup (蕃茄酱),pickles(泡菜)and napkins(餐巾纸 ) on the way.If you can’t see any knives and forks , this means you are supposed to eat with your hands.If you can’t see any straws, that’s because they are hiding in the straw dispenser(分配 器) that you have to fiddle(拨弄) with the bottom of it to get a straw(one at a time)to emerge.When you’ve finished, you yourself throw away everything except the tray.TipsS Nhomakorabearver :
May I help you? / What can I get for you today? With cheese? For here or to go ? What’s kind of drinks?......Cream or sugar? Anything else?
Don’t think it’s a train! Sandwich!
Let’s order
McDonalds’ !
McDonald‘s Corporation is the world’s largest chain of hamburger. McDonald's primarily sells hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken products, french fries, breakfast items, soft drinks, shakes, and desserts.