



自然科学公共选修课程——科学基础天文学导论 (278)物理学思想史与自然哲学 (280)等离子体科学和应用 (282)太空之旅 (284)创新与发明 (286)中国古代冶铸技术 (287)电影中的科学理念探讨 (289)思维能力与工程制图 (290)激光与现代生活概论 (293)营养化学 (295)美容化学 (297)《天文学导论》课程教学大纲一、课程名称天文学导论Introduction to Astronomy二、课程编码1405961三、学时与学分32/2四、先修课程无五、课程教学目标本课程为非天文专业的理工科或文科学生普及天文学知识而开设。





六、适用学科专业全校各专业七、基本教学内容与学时安排Chapter 1 The universe at different scales (宇宙的不同尺度) (1学时)Chapter 2 The earth and the sky (地球和天空) (2学时)Chapter 3 Lunar phases, tides and eclipses (月相, 潮汐和蚀) (2学时)Chapter 4 The origin of modern astronomy (现代天文学的起源) (2学时)Chapter 5 Theory of motion and gravitation (运动理论和引力) (2学时)Chapter 6 Relativity (相对论) (2学时)Chapter 7 The solar system (太阳系) (2学时)Chapter 8 Measuring stars (测量恒星) (2学时)Chapter 9 The sun (太阳) (2学时)Chapter 10 The formation of stars (恒星的形成) (2学时)Chapter 11 Stellar evolution (恒星的演化) (2学时)Chapter 12 The deaths of stars (恒星的死亡) (2学时)Chapter 13 Neutron stars (中子星) (2学时)Chapter 14 Black holes (黑洞) (2学时)Chapter 15 Galaxies (星系) (1学时)Chapter 16 Cosmology (宇宙学) (1学时)附录A Electromagnetic radiation (电磁辐射) (0.5学时)附录B Atoms (原子) (0.5学时)复习(2学时)八、教材及参考书根据原版教材的简写版本编写,学生采用该教材的影印本278原版教材: Astronomy—The Solar System and BeyondAuthor: Michael A. Seeds (Joseph R. Grundy Observatory, Franklin and Marshall College) Press: Wadsworth Publishing Company (1998)天文爱好者杂志电影资料: 天文百科大全(York Films of England)第一集: 太阳系的诞生; 太阳, 水星, 金星, 地球, 月球;第二集: 银河系, 哈勃太空望远镜, 星系, 类星体, 大爆炸宇宙学, 黑洞, 暗物质;第三集: 观星史, 食与极光, 小行星, 宇宙辐射, 生命的探索第四集: 人造卫星, 太空先驱, 太空生活, 太空探测, 太空站;第五集: 火星, 木星, 土星, 天王星与海王星, 冥王星与彗星.电影资料: 美国《太空探索》系列第一集: 阿波罗登月计划;第二集: 人类太空探索的历史;第三集: 探索太阳系第四集: 走进宇航员世界;第五集: 美国太空发展四十年;第六集: 神秘火星的过去,现在和未来九、考核方式书面考试, 开卷, 英文试题(问答题), 可以用中文或者英文答题279《物理学思想史与自然哲学》课程教学大纲一、课程名称物理学思想史与自然哲学History of Physics Thoughts & Nature Phyilosophy二、课程编码1405991三、学时与学分24/1.5四、先修课程无五、课程教学目标(一)使学生从物理学史的角度来了解人类人探索自然的历程;(二)使学生了解哲学对科学发展怎样起着高屋建瓴的作用;(三)通过对物理学史上重要理论提出背景的讲解,告诉学生伟大的科学家们是怎样从平凡的现象中发现突破口,而做出重要的发现,使学生们从中受到启发,学会用新的、敏感的眼光去看待周围的事物,做一个科学上的有心人。



天文算法译著—许剑伟和他的译友第 1章注释与提示第 2章关于精度第 3章插值第 4章曲线拟合第 5章迭代第 6章排序第 7章儒略日第 8章复活节日期第 9章力学时和世界时第10章地球形状第11章恒星时与格林尼治时间第12章坐标变换第13章视差角第14章升、中天、降第15章大气折射第16章角度差第17章行星会合第18章在一条直线上的天体第19章包含三个天体的最小圆第20章岁差第21章章动及黄赤交角第22章恒星视差第23章轨道要素在不同坐标中的转换第24章太阳位置计算第25章太阳的直角坐标第26章分点和至点第27章时差第28章日面计算第29章开普勒方程第30章行星轨道要素第31章行星位置第32章椭圆运动第33章抛物线运动第34章准抛物线第35章一些行星现象的计算第36章冥王星第37章行星的近点和远点第38章经过交点第39章视差修正第40章行星圆面被照亮的比例及星等第41章火星物理表面星历计算(未译) 第42章木星物理表面星历计算(未译) 第43章木星的卫星位置(未译)第44章土星环(未译)第45章月球位置第46章月面的亮区第47章月相第48章月亮的近地点的远地点第49章月亮的升降交点第50章月亮的最大赤纬第51章月面计算第52章日月食第53章日月行星的视半径第54章恒星的星等第55章双星第56章日晷的计算备注译者说明原著《天文算法》天文算法天文算法 (1)前言 (1)第一章注释与提示 (1)第二章关于精度 (7)第三章插值 (16)第四章曲线拟合 (29)第五章迭代 (40)第六章排序 (47)第七章儒略日 (51)第八章复活节日期 (58)第九章力学时和世界时 (61)第十章地球形状 (65)第十一章恒星时与格林尼治时间 (70)第十二章坐标变换 (75)第十三章视差角 (80)第十四章天体的升、中天、降 (83)第十五章大气折射 (87)第十六章角度差 (89)第十七章行星会合 (97)第十八章在一条直线上的天体 (99)第十九章包含三个天体的最小圆 (101)第二十章岁差 (104)第二十一章章动及黄赤交角 (112)第二十二章恒星视差 (116)第二十三章轨道要素在不同坐标中的转换 (125)第二十四章太阳位置计算 (129)第二十五章太阳的直角坐标 (137)第二十六章分点和至点 (143)第二十七章时差 (148)第二十八章日面计算 (153)第二十九章开普勒方程 (157)第三十章行星的轨道要素 (172)第三十一章行星位置 (175)第三十二章椭圆运动 (178)第三十三章抛物线运动 (193)第三十四章准抛物线 (197)第三十五章一些行星现象的计算 (201)第三十六章冥王星 (211)第三十七章行星的近点和远点 (215)第三十八章经过交点 (221)第三十九章视差修正 (224)第四十章行星圆面被照亮的比例及星等 (230)第四十一章火星物理表面星历计算(未译) (234)第四十二章木星物理表面星历计算(未译) (234)第四十三章木星的卫星位置(未译) (234)第四十四章土星环(未译) (234)第四十五章月球位置 (235)第四十六章月面被照亮部分 (243)第四十七章月相 (246)第四十八章月亮的近地点和远地点 (252)第四十九章月亮的升降交点 (259)第五十章月亮的最大赤纬 (261)第五十一章月面计算 (265)第五十二章日月食 (273)第五十三章日月行星的视半径 (284)第五十四章恒星的星等 (286)第五十五章双星 (289)后记 (1)前言十分诚恳地感谢许剑伟和他的译友!在此我作一个拱手。



Mathematical Astronomy1.A brief history of cosmologyFour thousand years ago the Babylonians were skilled astronomers who were able to predict the apparent motions of the moon and the stars and the planets and the Sun upon the sky, and could even predict eclipses. But it was the Ancient Greeks who were the first to build a cosmological model within which to interpret these motions. In the fourth century BC, they developed the idea that the stars were fixed on a celestial sphere which rotated about the spherical Earth every 24 hours, and the planets, the Sun and the Moon, moved in the ether between the Earth and the stars. This model was further developed in the following centuries, culminating in the second century AD with Ptolemy's great system. Perfect motion should be in circles, so the stars and planets, being heavenly objects, moved in circles. However, to account for the complicated motion of the planets, which appear to periodically loop back upon themselves, epicycles had to be introduced so that the planets moved in circles upon circles about the fixed Earth.Despite its complicated structure, Ptolemy produced a model so successful at reproducing the apparent motion of the planets that when, in the sixteenth century, Copernicus proposed a heliocentric system, he could not match the accuracy of Ptolemy's Earth-centred system. Copernicus constructed a model where the Earth rotated and, together with the other planets, moved in a circular orbit about the Sun. But the observational evidence of the time favoured the Ptolemaic system!There were other practical reasons why many astronomers of the time rejected the Copernican notion that the Earth orbited the Sun. Tycho Brahe was the greatest astronomer of his the sixteenth century. He realised that if the Earth was moving about the Sun, then the relative positions of the stars should change as viewed from different parts of the Earth's orbit. But there was no evidence of this shift, called parallax. Either the Earth was fixed, or else the stars would have to be fantastically far away.It was only with the aid of the newly-invented telescope in the early seventeenth century that Galileo could deal a fatal blow to the notion that the Earth was at the centre of the Universe. He discovered moons orbiting the planet Jupiter. And if moons could orbit another planet, why could not the planets orbit the Sun?At the same time, Tycho Brahe's assistant Kepler discovered the key to building a heliocentric model. The planets moved in ellipses, not perfect circles, about the Sun. Newton later showed that elliptical motion could be explained by his inverse-square law for the gravitational force.But the absence of any observable parallax in the apparent positions of the stars as the Earth rotated the Sun, then implied that the stars must be at a huge distance from the Sun. The cosmos seemed to be a vast sea of stars. With the aid of his telescope, Galileo could resolve thousands of new stars which were invisible to the naked eye. Newton concluded that the Universe must be an infinite and eternal sea of stars, each much like our own Sun.It was not until in the nineteenth century that the astronomer and mathematicianBessel finally measured the distance to the stars by parallax. The nearest star (other than the Sun) turned out to be about 25 million, million miles away! (By contrast the Sun is a mere 93 million miles away from the Earth.)Most of the stars we can see are contained in the Milky Way - the bright band of stars that stretches across our night sky. Kant and others proposed that our Milky Way was in fact a lens shaped "island universe'' or galaxy, and that beyond our own Milky Way must be other galaxies.As well as stars and planets, astronomers had noted fuzzy patches of light on the night sky, which they called nebulae. Some astronomers thought these could be distant galaxies. It was only in the 1920's that the American astronomer Hubble established that some of these nebulae were indeed distant galaxies comparable in size to our own Milky Way.Hubble also made the remarkable discovery that these galaxies seemed to be moving away from us, with a speed proportional to their distance from us. It was soon realised that this had a very natural explanation in terms of Einstein's recently discovered General Theory of Relativity: our Universe is expanding!In fact, Einstein might have predicted that the Universe is expanding after he first proposed his theory in 1915. Matter tends to fall together under gravity so it was impossible to have a static universe. However, Einstein realised he could introduce a arbitrary constant into his mathematical equations, which could balance the gravitational force and keep the galaxies apart. This became known as the cosmological constant. After it was discovered that the Universe wa s actually expanding, Einstein declared that introducing the cosmological constant was the greatest blunder of his life!The Russian mathematician and meteorologist Friedmann had realised in 1917 that Einstein equations could describe an expanding universe. This solution implied that the Universe had been born at one moment, about ten thousand million years ago in the past and the galaxies were still travelling away from us after that initial burst. All the matter, indeed the Universe itself, was created at just one instant. The British astronomer Fred Hoyle dismissively called it the "Big Bang'', and the name stuck. There was a rival model, called the Steady State theory - advocated by Bondi, Gold and Hoyle - developed to explain the expansion of the Universe. This required the continuous creation of matter to produce new galaxies as the universe expanded, ensuring that the Universe could be expanding, but still unchanging in time.For many years it seemed a purely academic point, whether the universe was eternal and unchanging, or had only existed for a finite length of time. But a decisive blow was dealt to the Steady State model when in 1965 Penzias and Wilson discovered a cosmic microwave background radiation. This was interpreted as the faint afterglo w of the intense radiation of a Hot Big Bang, which had been predicted by Alpher and Hermann back in 1949.Following on from earlier work by Gamow, Alpher and Herman in the 1940's, theorists calculated the relative abundances of the elements hydrogen and helium that might be produced in a Hot Big Bang and found it was in good agreement with the observations. When the abundance of other light elements was calculated these toowere consistent with the values observed.Since the 1970's almost all cosmologists have come to accept the Hot Big Bang model and have begun asking more specific, but still fundamental, questions about our Universe. How did the galaxies and clusters of galaxies that we observe today form out of the primordial expansion. What is most of the matter in the Universe made of? How do we know that there are not black holes or some kind of dark matter out there which does not shine like stars? General relativity tells us that matter curves space-time, so what shape is the Universe? Is there a cosmological constant after all? We are only beginning to find answers to some of these questions. The cosmic microwave background radiation plays a key role as it gives us a picture of the universe as it was only a hundred thousand years after the Big Bang. It turns out to be so remarkably uniform, that it was only in 1992 that NASA's Cosmic Background Explorer satellite detected the first anisotropies in this background radiation. There are slight fluctuations in the temperature of the radiation, about one part in a hundred thousand, which may be the seeds from which galaxies formed.Since the early 1980's there has been an explosion of interest in the physics of the early universe. New technology and satellite experiments, such as the Hubble Space Telescope, have brought us an ever improving picture of our Universe, inspiring theorists to produce ever more daring models, drawing upon the latest ideas in relativity and particle physics.2.Greek astronomyToday the study of astronomy requires a deep understanding of mathematics and physics. It is important to realise that Greek astronomy (we are interested in the topic during the 1000 years between 700 BC and 300 AD) did not involve physics. Indeed, as Pannekoek points out in [7], a Greek astronomer aimed only to describe the heavens while a Greek physicist sought out physical truth. Mathematics provided the means of description, so astronomy during the 1000 years that interest us in this article was one of the branches of mathematics.The Greeks began to think of philosophy from the time of Thales in about 600 BC. Thales himself, although famed for his prediction of an eclipse, probably had little knowledge of astronomy, yet he brought back from Egypt knowledge of mathematics into the Greek world and possibly also some knowledge of Babylonian astronomy. It is reasonable to begin by looking at what 'astronomy' was in Greece around this time. However we begin by looking further back than this to around 700 BC.Basically at this time astronomy was all to do with time keeping. It is natural that astronomical events such as the day would make a natural period of time and likewise the periodic phases of the moon make the next natural time span. Indeed these provided the basic methods of time keeping around the period of 700 BC yet, of course, another important period of time, the year, was not easy to determine in terms of months. Y et a knowledge of the approximate length of the year was vital for food production and so schemes had to be devised. Farmers at this time would base their planting strategies on the rising and setting of the constellations, that is the times when certain constellations would first become visible before sunrise or were last visible after sunset.Hesiad, one of the earliest Greek poets, often called the "father of Greek didactic poetry" wrote around 700 BC. Two of his complete epics have survived, the one relevant to us here is Works and Days describing peasant life. In this work Hesiad writes that (see [5], also [1] and [7]):-... when the Pleiades rise it is time to use the sickle, but the plough when they are setting; 40 days they stay away from heaven; when Arcturus ascends from the sea and, rising in the evening, remain visible for the entire night, the grapes must be pruned; but when Orion and Sirius come in the middle of heaven and the rosy fingered Eos sees Arcturus, the grapes must be picked; when the Pleiades, the Hyades, and Orion are setting, then mind the plough; when the Pleiades, fleeing Orion, plunge into the dark sea, storms may be expected; 50 days after the sun's turning is the right time for man to navigate; when Orion appears, Demeter's gift has to be brought to the well-smoothed threshing floor.For many hundreds of years astronomers would write works on such rising and setting of constellations indicating that the type of advice given by Hesiad continued to be used.An early time scale based on 12 months of 30 days did not work well since the moon rapidly gets out of phase with a 30 day month. So by 600 BC this had bee n replaced by a year of 6 'full' months of 30 days and 6 'empty' months of 29 days. This improvement in keeping the moon in phase with the month had the unfortunate effect of taking the year even further out of phase with the period of the recurring seasons. About the same time as Thales was making the first steps in philosophy, Solon, a statesman in Athens who became known as one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece, introduced an improved calendar.Solon's calendar was based on a two yearly cycle. There were 13 months of 30 days and 12 months of 29 days in each period of two years so this gave a year of about 369 days and a month of 291/2days. However, the Greeks relied mainly on the moon as their time-keeper and frequent adjustments to the calendar were necessary to keep it in phase with the moon and the seasons. Astronomy was clearly a subject of major practical importance in sorting out the mess of these calendars and so observations began to be made to enable better schemes to be devised.Pythagoras, around 500 BC, made a number of important advances in astronomy. He recognised that the earth was a sphere, probably more because he believed that a sphere was the most perfect shape than for genuine scientific reasons. He also recognised that the orbit of the Moon was inclined to the equator of the Earth and he was one of the first to realise that V enus as an evening star was the same planet as V enus as a morning star. There is a pleasing appeal to observational evidence in these discoveries, but Pythagoras had a philosophy based on mathematical 'perfection' which tended to work against a proper scientific approach. On the other side there is an important idea in the Pythagorean philosophy which had a lasting impact, namely the idea that all complex phenomena must reduce to simple ones. One should not underestimate the importance of this idea which has proved so powerful throughout the development of science, being a fundamental driving force to the great scientists such as Newton and particularly Einstein.Around 450 BC Oenopides is said to have discovered the ecliptic made an angle of 24° with the equator, which was accepted in Greece until refined by Eratosthenes in around 250 BC. Some scholars accept that he discovered that the ecliptic was at an angle but doubt that he measured the angle. Whether he learnt of the 12 signs of the zodiac from scholars in Mesopotamia or whether his discoveries were independent Greek discoveries is unknown. Oenopides is also credited with suggesting a calendar involving a 59 year cycle with 730 months. Other schemes proposed were 8 year cycles, with extra months in three of the eight years and there is evidence that this scheme was adopted.About the same time as Oenopides proposed his 59 year cycle, Philolaus who was a Pythagorean, also proposed a 59 year cycle based on 729 months. This seemed to owe more to the numerology of the Pythagoreans than to astronomy since 729 is 272, 27 being the Pythagorean number for the moon, while it is also 93, 9 being the Pythagorean number associated with the earth. Philolaus is also famed as the first person who we know to propose that the earth moves. He did not have it orbiting the sun, however, but rather all the heavenly bodies went in circles round a central fire which one could never see since there was a counter earth between the earth and the fire. This model, certainly not suggested by any observational evidence, is more likely to have been proposed so that there were 10 heavenly bodies, for 10 was the most perfect of all numbers to the Pythagoreans.Meton, in 432 BC, introduced a calendar based on a 19 year cycle but again this is similar to one devised in Mesopotamia some years earlier. Meton worked in Athens with another astronomer Euctemon, and they made a series of observations of the solstices (the points at which the sun is at greatest distance from the equator) in order to determine the length of the tropical year. Again we do not know if the 19 year cycle was an independent discovery or whether Greek advances were still based on earlier advances in Mesopotamia. Meton's calendar never seems to have been adopted in practice but his observations proved extremely useful to later Greek astronomers such as Hipparchus and Ptolemy.That Meton was famous and widely known is seen from the play Birds written by Aristopenes in about 414 BC. Two characters are speaking, one is Meton [see D Barrett (trs.), Aristophanes, Birds (London, 1978)]:-Meton: I propose to survey the air for you: it will have to be marked out in acres. Peisthetaerus: Good lord, who do you think you are?Meton: Who am I? Why Meton. THE Meton. Famous throughout the Hellenic world - you must have heard of my hydraulic clock at Colonus?Meton and Euctemon are associated with another important astronomical invention of the time, namely a parapegma. A parapegma was a stone tablet with movable pegs and an inscription to indicate the approximate correspondence between, for example, the rising of a particular star and the civil date. Because the calendar had to be changed regularly to keep the civil calendar in phase with the astronomical one, the parapegma had movable pegs which could be adjusted as necessary. A parapegma soon also contained meteorological forecasts associated with the risings and settings of the stars and not only were stone parapegma constructed but also ones on papyri.Meton and Euctemon are usually acknowledged as the inventors of parapegmata and certainly many later astronomers compiled the data nessary for their construction. There is evidence for other observational work being undertaken around this time, for Vitruvius claims that Democritus of Abdera, famed for his atomic theory, devised a star catalogue. We have no knowledge of the form this catalogue took but Democritus may well have described the major constellations in some way.The beginning of the 4th century BC was the time that Plato began his teachings and his writing was to have a major influence of Greek thought. As far as astronomy is concerned Plato had a negative effect, for although he mentions the topic many times, no dialogue is devoted to astronomy. Worse still, Plato did not believe in astronomy as a practical subject, and condemned as lowering the spirit the actual observation of the heavenly bodies. Plato only believed in astronomy to the extent that it encouraged the study of mathematics and suggested beautiful geometrical theories.Perhaps we should digress for a moment to think about how the ideas of philosophy which were being developed by Plato and others affected the development of astronomy. Neugebauer [6] feels that philosophy had a detrimental affect:-I see no need for considering Greek philosophy as an early stage in the development of science ... One need only read the gibberish of Proclus's introduction to his huge commentary on Book I of Euclid's Elements to get a vivid picture of what would have become of science in the hands of philosophers. The real "Greek miracle" is the fact that a scientific methodology was developed, and survived, in spite of a widely admired dogmatic philosophy.Although there is some truth in what Neugebauer writes here, I [EFR] feel that he has overstated his case. It is true that philosophers came up with ideas about the universe which were not based on what we would call today the scientific method. However, the very fact that theories were proposed which could be shown to be false by making observations, must have provided a climate where the scientific approach could show its strength. Also the fact the philosophy taught that one should question all things, even "obvious" truths, was highly beneficial. Another important philosophical idea which had important consequences from the time of Pythagoras, and was emphasised by Plato, was that complex phenomena must be consequences of basic simple phenomena. As Theon of Smyrna expressed it, writing in the first century AD:-The changing aspects of the revolution of the planets is because, being fixed in their own circles or in their own shperes whose movements they follow, they are carried across the zodiac, just as Pythagoras had first understood it, by a regulated simple and equal revolution but which results by combination in a movement that appears variable and unequal.This led Theon to write:-It is natural and necessary that all the heavenly bodies have a uniform and regular movement.Perhaps the most telling argument against the above claim by Neugebauer is that our present idea of space-time, as developed from Einstein's theory of relativity, was suggested more by the basic philosophy of simplicity than by experimental evidence. The advances made not long after the time of Plato by Eudoxus, incorporating theidea of basic simplicity as expressed in Pythagorean and Platonic philosophy, were made by an outstanding mathematician and astronomer. In fact Eudoxus marks the beginning of a new phase in Greek astronomy and must figure as one of a small number of remarkable innovators in astronomical thought. Eudoxus was the first to propose a model whereby the apparently complex motions of the heavenly bodies did indeed result from simple circular motion. He built an observatory on Cnidus and from there he observed the star Canopus. The star Canopus played an important role in early astronomy, for it is seen to set and rise in Cnidus yet one does no have to go much further north from there before it can never be seen. The observations made at Eudoxus's observatory in Cnidus, as well as those made at an observatory near Heliopolis, formed the basis of a book concerning the rising and setting of the constellations. Eudoxus, another who followed Pythagorean doctrines, proposed a beautiful mathematical theory of concentric spheres to describe the motion of the heavenly bodies. It is clear that Eudoxus thought of this as a mathematical theory, and did not believe in the spheres as physical objects.Although a beautiful mathematical theory, Eudoxus's model would not have stood the test of the simplest of observational data. Callippus, who was a pupil of Polemarchus himself a pupil of Eudoxus, refined this system as presented by Eudoxus. The reason that we have so much information about the spheres of Eudoxus and Callippus is that Aristotle accepted the theory, not not as a mathematical model as originally proposed, but rather as spheres which have physical reality. He discussed the interactions of one sphere on another, but there is no way that he could have had enough understanding of physics to get anywhere near describing the effects of such an interaction. Although in many areas Aristotle advocated a modern scientific approach and he collected data in a scientific way, this was unfortunately not the case in astronomy. As Berry writes [2]:- There are also in Aristotle's writings a number of astronomical speculations, founded on no solid evidence and of little value ... his original contributions are not comparable with his contributions to the mental and moral sciences, but are inferior in value to his work in other natural sciences ...As Berry goes on to say, this was very unfortunate for astronomy since the influence of the writings of Aristotle had an authority for many centuries which meant that astronomers had a harder battle than they might otherwise have had in getting the truth accepted.The next development which was absolutely necessary for progress in astronomy took place in geometry. Spherical geometry was developed by a number of mathematicians with an important text being written by Autolycus in Athens around 330 BC. Some claim that Autolycus based his work on spherical geometry On the Moving Sphere on an earlier work by Eudoxus. Whether or not this is the case there is no doubt that Autolycus was strongly influenced by the views of Eudoxus on astronomy. Like so many astronomers, Autolycus wrote a work On Risings and Settings which is a book on observational astronomy.After Autolycus the main place for major developments in astronomy seemed to move to Alexandria. There Euclid worked and wrote on geometry in general but also making an important contribution to spherical geometry. Euclid also wrotePhaenomena which is an elementary introduction to mathematical astronomy and gives results on the times stars in certain positions will rise and set.Aristarchus, Timocharis and Aristyllus were three astronomers who all worked at Alexandria and their lives certainly overlapped. Aristyllus was a pupil of Timocharis and in Maeyama [23] analyses 18 of their observations and shows that Timocharis observed around 290 BC while Aristyllus observed a generation later around 260 BC. He also reports an astounding accuracy of 5' for Aristyllus' observations. Maeyama writes [23]:- The order of accuracy is an essential measure for the development of natural sciences. accuracy is in fact more than the mere operation of measuring. Accuracy increases only by virtue of active measuring. There cannot exist a high order of observational accuracy which is not connected with a high order of observations. Hence my assumption is that there must have been abundant accurate observations of the fixed stars made at least at the epochs 300 BC - 250 BC in Alexandria. They must have disappeared in the fires which frequently raged there. Maeyama also points out that this is the period when the coordinate systems for giving stellar positions originated. Both the equatorial and the ecliptic systems appear at this time. But why were these observations being made? This is a difficult question to answer for on the face of it there seems little point in the astronomers of Alexandria striving for observational accuracy at this time. In [34] van der Waerden makes an interesting suggestion related to the other important astronomer who worked in Alexandria around this time, namely Aristarchus.We know that Aristarchus measured the ratio of the distances to the moon and to the sun and, although his methods could never yield accurate results, they did show that the sun was much further from the earth than was the moon. His results also showed that the sun was much larger than the earth, although again his measurements were very inaccurate. Some historians believe that this knowledge that the sun was the largest of the three bodies, earth, moon and sun, led him to propose his heliocentric theory. Certainly it is for this theory, as reported by Archimedes, that Aristarchus has achieved fame. His sun-centred universe found little favour with the Greeks, however, who continued to develop more and more sophisticated models based on an earth centred universe.Now Goldstein and Bowen in [16] attempt to answer the question of why Timocharis and Aristyllus made their accurate observations. These authors do not find a clear purpose for the observations, such as the marking of a globe. However van der Waerden in [34] suggests that the observations were made to determine the constants in the heliocentric theory of Aristarchus. Although this theory has strong attractions, and makes one want to believe in it, all the evidence suggests that Timocharis certainly began his observations some time before Aristarchus proposed his heliocentric universe.Goldstein and Bowen in [16] make other interesting suggestions. They believe that the observations of Timocharis and Aristyllus recorded the distance from the pole, and the distances between stars. They argued that the observations were made by means of an instrument similar to Heron's dioptra. These are interesting observations since the work of Timocharis and Aristyllus strongly influenced the most important of all of theGreek astronomers, namely Hipparchus, who made his major contribution about 100 years later. During these 100 years, however, there were a number of advances. Archimedes measured the apparent diameter of the sun and also is said to have designed a planetarium. Eratosthenes made important measurements of the size of the earth, accurately measured the angle of the ecliptic and improved the calendar. Apollonius used his geometric skills to mathematically develop the epicycle theory which would reach its full importance in the work of Ptolemy.The contributions of Hipparchus are the most important of all the ancient astronomers and it is fair to say that he made the most important contribution before that of Copernicus in the early sixteenth century. As Berry writes in [2]:- An immense advance in astronomy was made by Hipparchus, whom all competent critics have agreed to rank far above any other astronomers of the ancient world, and who must stand side by side with the greatest astronomers of all time.It is Hipparchus's approach to science that ranks him far above other ancient astronomers. His approach, based on data from accurate observations, is essentially modern in that he collected his data and then formed his theories to fit the observed facts. Most telling regarding his understanding of the scientific method is the fact that he proposed a theory of the motion of the sun and the moon yet he was not prepared to propose such a theory for the planets. He realised that his data was not sufficiently good or sufficiently plentiful to allow him to base a theory on it. However, he made observations to help his successors to develop such a theory. Delambre, in his famous work on the history of astronomy, writes:- When we consider all that Hipparchus invented or perfected, and reflect upon the number of his works and the mass of calculations which they imply, we must regard him as one of the most astonishing men of antiquity, and as the greatest of all in the sciences which are not purely speculative, and which require a combination of geometrical knowledge with a knowledge of phenomena, to be observed only by diligent attention and refined instruments. Although a great innovator, Hipparchus gained important understanding from the Babylonians. As Jones writes in [21]:- For Hipparchus, the availability of the Babylonian predictive methods was a boon.We will not describe the contributions of Hipparchus and Ptolemy in detail in this article since these are given fully in their biographies in our archive. Suffice to end this article with a quotation from [6]:- Alexandria in the second century AD saw the publication of Ptolemy's remarkable works, the 'Almagest' and the 'Handy Tables', the 'Geography', the 'Tetrabiblos', the 'Optics', the 'Harmonics', treatises on logic, on sundials, on stereographic projection, all masterfully written, products of one of the greatest scientific minds of all times. The eminence of these works, in particular the 'Almagest', had been evident already to Ptolemy's contemporaries. this caused an almost total obliteration of the prehistory of the Ptolemaic astronomy.Ptolemy had no successor. What is extant from the later Roman times is rather sad.....3.Mathematical discovery of planetsThe first planet to be discovered was Uranus by William and Caroline Herschel on 13 March 1781. It was discovered by the fact that it showed a disk when viewed through even a fairly low powered telescope. The only other planets which have been。







1. 星星星星是由氢气和其他元素通过核聚变反应产生能量的大型气体球体。


2. 行星行星是围绕太阳或其他恒星运行的天体。



3. 卫星卫星是围绕行星或其他天体运行的较小的天体。



4. 恒星恒星是天空中明亮的点状物体,它们通过核聚变反应产生强烈的光和热。


5. 星系星系是由恒星、气体、尘埃和其他物质组成的巨大结构。


6. 星云星云是由气体和尘埃组成的大型云状结构。




1. 太阳太阳是太阳系的中心星体,它是一个巨大的恒星,占据太阳系中大部分的质量。


2. 行星太阳系中有八个行星,按照距离太阳的远近可以分为内行星和外行星。



3. 卫星太阳系中的行星都有自己的卫星。



4. 小行星小行星是太阳系中未成为行星的天体。




天文学教程一、天文学基础1. 天文学的定义:天文学是研究宇宙中天体的学科,包括恒星、行星、星系、星云、星团、星系团等。


2. 天文学的重要性:天文学对人类文明的发展有着深远的影响。


3. 天文学的历史:从天文学发展的历程来看,可以划分为古代天文学、近代天文学和现代天文学三个阶段。




二、天体与天体系统1. 恒星:恒星是宇宙中最基本的天体之一,它们通过核聚变产生能量和光。



2. 太阳系:太阳系是一个由太阳和围绕其旋转的行星、卫星、小行星、彗星等天体组成的天体系统。



3. 银河系:银河系是一个由数千亿颗恒星组成的巨大星系,它呈旋涡状结构,中心有一个巨大的黑洞。


4. 星系:宇宙中存在大量的星系,它们形态各异,大小不一。



5. 星系团和超星系团:星系团是由数十个到数千个星系组成的巨大天体系统。



三、天文观测与仪器1. 肉眼观测:在古代,人们主要通过肉眼观测来认识天体。



























简明天文学教程第二版第十二章答案 余明主编

简明天文学教程第二版第十二章答案 余明主编

第十二章宇宙学1. 什么是宇宙?天文学的宇宙与哲学的宇宙有何区别?⑴对于宇宙的理解有天文学和哲学的概念。







2. 西方宇宙论的研究经历了哪些时期?20世纪以前的西方宇宙论可分四个发展时期。











3. 我国的宇宙论研究的发展过程怎样?中国是世界上古老文明的发源地之一,在天文学方面有着灿烂的历史,在天象记载、天文仪器制作和宇宙理论方面都留下了珍贵的记录。













1. 恒星:恒星是宇宙中的光源,它们通过核聚变反应产生能量。


2. 行星:行星是围绕恒星运行的天体,它们不发光,依靠恒星的光来反射出自己的光。


3. 卫星:卫星是围绕行星或其他天体旋转的天体,例如月球是地球的卫星,木卫二是木星的卫星。

4. 彗星:彗星是由冰和岩石组成的天体,它们绕太阳运行,并在靠近太阳的时候释放出尾巴。













2.天体物理学基础2.1 恒星的生命周期恒星是宇宙中最基本也是最引人入胜的天体之一。













2.2 行星科学随着系外行星的不断发现,行星科学已成为天文学中最活跃的研究领域之一。





























































Chapter 10-12英语词汇记忆法

Chapter 10-12英语词汇记忆法

Chapter 10utopia n 乌托邦(u 无+top地方+ia,乌托邦是现实中没有的)utopia[16] Utopia means etymologically …noplace‟. It was coined by the English statesman and scholar Sir Thomas More from Greek ou …not‟ and tópos …place‟ (source of English topic). He used it as the name of an imaginary island whose inhabitants had organized their society along the lines of what he regarded as a theoretically ideal commonwealth, which he described in his book Utopia 1516. The word was first used as a more general term for an …ideal place‟ in the early 17th century.raucousadj 沙哑的(声音粗重,低沉的)【记】读:我咳嗽-沙哑的【反】melodious(adj 音调优美的)recourse n 依赖,求助(re回+course=跑回来=求助)cur(r),curs, cours=run, 表示”跑,发生”current n 流动的,n.潮流(currr+cnt=跑的=流动的)currency n 流传,流通的货币(跑来跑去的钱=流通货币)curriculum v 课程(表)(curr+iculum表名词=学员跑来跑去的[依据]=课表)concur a 同时发生(con共同+cur=共同跑=同时发生)concurrent v 同时的,共同的(concur+rent=同时的)incur n 招惹,蒙受(in进入+curs=跑进来=招惹}incursion a 侵入,袭击(in进入+curs+ive)incursive v 侵略的,入侵的(in+curs+ive)occur n 发生,出现(oc反复+cur=反复跑=[反复]发生)occurrence v 出现,产生(occur+r+ence)recur a 再发生,重现(re再次+cur=再次跑来)recurrent a 一再发生的(recur+r+ent)cursory a 草率的(curs+ory=跑过去=草率的)cursive v (字)草写的(curs+ive=象跑=样写=草写)excurse n 远足,旅游(ex出+curse=跑出去=远足)excursion a 远足,游览(excurse+ion)excursive n 离题的,散漫的(ex+curs+ive=[思想]跑出去,里离题的)precursor n 先驱,先兆(pre+curs+or=先跑者=先驱)course n 路程,课程concourse n 汇合,合流(con共同+course=共同跑=汇合)courser n 跑者,猎犬(course+er=跑的人或物)intercourse n 交流,性交(inter在…..之间+course=在二者之间跑=交流)recourse n 依赖,求助(re回+course=跑回来=求助)scour v 搜索,巡视(scour=course)succour n 救助,救援(suc下面+course=跑下去救助)courier n 信使(cour+ier=跑的人=信使)coarse a 粗糙的(coarse=course跑过去=粗糙的)bureaucrat n 官僚(bureau+crat)cracy=rule,表示”统治或政体”,crat=ruler,表示”统治者”democracy n 民主(政治)(demo人民+cracy)democrat n 民主主义者(demo人民+crat)autocracy n 专制(auto自己+cracy)autocrat n 独裁者(auto自己+crat)bureaucracy n 官僚政治(bureau政府机构+cracy)bureaucrat n 官僚(bureau+crat)plutocracy n 财阀统治(pluto财富+cracy)plutocrat n 财阀,富豪(pluto财富+crat)theocracy n 神权统治(theo神+cracy)monocracy n 独裁统治(mono一个人+cracy)mobocracy n 暴民统治(mob暴民+o+cracy)mobocract n 暴民首领(mob暴民+o+crat)reiteratev 重申(再次或重复说或者做)【记】re反复,iterate(v 反复说)源于:literate(n 学者;adj 有文化的)autonomy n 自治,独立(auto 自己+ nomy 系统,统治= 自己统治)nom(y)=a field of knowledge, 表示”某一领域的知识”astronomy n 天文学(astro 星星+ nomy= 研究星星的学科)agronomy n 农学(agro 地+ nomy)agronomist n 农学家( agro+ nom+ ist)autonomy n 自治,独立(auto 自己+ nomy 系统,统治= 自己统治)economy n 经济(学)( eco环境,经济+ nomy,参考:ecology 生态学)antinomy n 自相矛盾(anti 反+ nomy 理论= 相反理论=自相矛盾)auto-=self, self movingautobiographyautocracyautocratautographautomaticautomationautomobileautonomymandate v 命令,要求(mand+ate)mand=order,表示”命令”mandate v 命令,要求(mand+ate)demand v 苛求(de一再+mand=一再令人做=苛求)countermand v 撤消(命令)(counter反+mand=反命令=撤消命令)command v 命令,指挥(com一起+mand=命令大案一起做=指挥)ostracize流放;放(古希腊人投瓦片表示放入出境)[ostrac=tile(瓦片)]贝壳放逐,排斥tantamount a 同等的,相等的(tant相等+a+mount数量)mount=ascend,表示”登上”mount n 山丘v. 登上mounted a 骑马的(mount+ed)mountain n 山(mount+ain)mountainous a 多山的,巨大的(mountain山+ous)dismount v 下车,下马(dis下+mount登上=从马上下来)surmount v 克服(困难等)(sur超过+mount=登上[山顶],超越困难) insurmountable a 难克服的(in不+surmount克服+able=不能克服的)remount v 重新登上(re再+mount=再次登上)paramount a 最高的,首要的(para类似+mount=类似高山=最高的)mountebank n 江湖骗子(mounte+bank(即bench)=登上长椅[卖假药]=江湖骗子) tantamount a 同等的,相等的(tant相等+a+mount数量)tenacious a 固执的(ten拿住,参考:tenable防守得住的)参见chapter 9 tenetliability[ˏlaiә'biliti]n.责任, 义务, 倾向, 债务, 负债, 与assets相对【根】lig=to bind(绑)clandestineadj. 秘密的(secret ;surreptitious)【同】secret, covert, furtive, stealthy, surreptitiouscongruentadj 全等的(将图形重合时完全相等的);(与with连用)一致的【记】con共同,gru=gree同意,一致-一致的,全等的【参】congruous(adj 一致的;符合的;适合的)contingency a 偶然,意外事故(con+ting+ency=两件事接触=两车相撞=意外事故) taet,tag,tig,ting = touch表示”接触”tactual a 触觉的(tact+ual)tactility a 触觉(tact+ility)intact a 未触动的,完整的(in没有+tact)tact n 机智,圆滑(和人接触的能力)tactics n 战术,策略(tact+ics学问=接触(别人)的学问=策略)contact n 接触,联系(con共同+tact=共同接触)contagion a 传染,感染(con共同+tag+ion=共同接触到=传染)contagious a 传染的(con+tag+ious)contiguous a 邻近的,接近的(con共同+tig+uous互相接触=毗邻的) contingent a 依条件而定的(con共同+ting+ent=(根据)大家接触到的情况而定) contingency a 偶然,意外事故(con+ting+ency=两件事接触=两车相撞=意外事故) tangible a 能触知的(tang+ible能接触的)intangidle a 不能触知的(in不+tangible)indigenous a 土产的,土著的(indi内部+gen+ous=内部产生=土产的)gen,gener,genit=birth,produce,表示”出生,产生”generate v 产生,发电(genner+ate =产生[电]等)generation n 产生,一代((generate+ion)generator n 发电机,生殖者(generate+or=产生[电]的东西=发电机) regenerate v 再生,重生(re再+generate)general a 普通的n.总论(gener+al=出生[一般]=普通的)generalization n 一般化(general+ization)generous a 慷慨的,丰富的(gener+ous=[不断]产生=丰富的,慷慨的) generosity n 慷慨(gener+osity多的状态=多产生=慷慨)degenerate v 堕落,衰退(de坏+gener+ate=往坏产生=堕落)degenerative a 退化的,变坏的(degenerate+ive)genesis n 起源,创始(gen+esis名词后缀,原指《圣经》中的创世纪)genetic a 基因的,遗传学的(gen+etic=来自gene基因)genus n 种类,类属(gen+us=生出来就出现[不同]=种类)generic a “科属的(gen+eric,来自genus种类)”genuine a 真正的,纯正的(genu+ine=产生=来源清楚=真正的)ingenuous a 天真的,老实的(in内+genu+ous产生自内心=天真的)genius n 天才(geni+us=生出[就有]=天才)ingenious a 聪明的, 有创造力的( in内+geni+ous自内心产生=聪明的) eugenics n 优生学(eu好+gen+ics=产生好的=优生学)pathogeny n 病原学(patho病+geny=产生病=病原学)congenial a 意气相投的(con共同+gen+ial=产生共同[兴趣]=情投意合的) congenital a 天生的,与生俱来的(con共同+gen+ital=与生俱来=天生的) primogenitor n 始祖,祖先(primo最初+genit+or=最初产生的人=祖先) progeny n 子孙,后代(pro向前+geny=向前产生=生命向前=子孙)genial a 和蔼的,愉快的(gen+ial=产生[感情]的=和蔼的)indigenous a 土产的,土著的(indi内部+gen+ous=内部产生=土产的) heterogeneous a 不同的(hetero异+gen+eous=产生不同的)homogeneous a 同种的(homo同+gen+eous=产生相同的)genre n 类型,流派(通常指文学等类型)genteel a 高雅的,有礼貌的(gent+eel=出身好的=高雅的,gentle”温柔的”变体) engender v 产生(en使+gender产生=使产生)superfluous多余的(super+flu流+ous=流出太多)super-①表示”超级,超过,过度”supersized超大型的(super+sized有范围的)supersonic超音速的(super+sonic声音的)supernatural超自然的(super+natural自然的)superfluous多余的(super+flu流+ous=流出太多)supercilious目中无人的(super+cili眉毛+ous=在眉毛上看人=目中无人) supersensitive过度敏感的(super+sensitive敏感的)supercharge负载过重(super+chrage收费,负担=负担过重)②表示”在…上面”supervise临视(super+vise看=在上面看=临视)superstructure上层建筑(super+structure结构)superimpose放…上面,强加(super+impose放上去=在上面放=强加) superficial肤浅的(super+fic做+ial=在表面上做)superintend监督(super+intend关心=在上面关心=监督)supersede淘汰,取代(super+sede坐=坐上去=淘汰(以前的东西))superstition迷信(super+stit站+ion=站在人(理智)之上的东西=迷信)flu=flow,表示”流动”fluid n 流体,液体a. 流动的(flu+id)fluidity n 流动性(fluid+ity)flush v 奔流,冲洗(flu+sh表动词=流动=冲洗=,参考:dash猛冲)flux n 流动,变迁(flu+x,注意:flex弯曲,flax亚麻)fluency n 流利,流畅(flu+ency=流的状态)affluent a 流入的,富裕的(af一再+flu+ent =一再流入=富裕的)affluence n 富裕,财富(af+flu+ence)confluent a 汇流的,合流的(con共同+flu+ent =流到一起=汇流的) confluence n 汇流(con+flu+ence)effluent a 流出的n. 流出物(ef出+flu+ent =流出物)effluence n 流出(ef+flu+ence)effluvial a 恶臭的(ef出+fluv [=flu]指流出不好的东西+ial=流污水=恶臭的) effluvium n 恶臭,臭气(ef+fluv+ium)influence n 影响(in进入+flu+ence=流入=影响)influenze n 流行感冒(in进入+flu+enze病=流行病=感冒)influx n 涌入,汇集(in进入+flux=注入=涌入)refluent a 倒流的(re回+flu+ent _=流回去)superfluous a 过剩的,多余的(super超过+flu+ous=超过了还流=过剩的) superfluity n 过剩,太多(super+flu+ity)mellifluous a流畅的,甜美的(melli甜+flu+=声音甜美流出)prolific a 多产的,多育的(pro多+lific生命的=带来很多生命的的)pro- 参见Chapter 5 proliferate①表示”向前,在前”②表示”很多…”③表示”赞同,亲…”exonerate v 免除,无罪释放(ex出+oner+ate=从负担中摆脱出来=无罪释放) oner=load,表示”负担”onerous a 繁重的,费力的exonerate v 免除,无罪释放(ex出+oner+ate=从负担中摆脱出来=无罪释放) onus n 负担,责任(on[=oner]+us表示名词,如:nodus难点)egocentric a 自我中心的(ego+centric中心的)ego=l.表示”我,自己”egoism n 利己主义egoist n 利己主义者egocentric a 自我中心的(ego+centric中心的)agomania n n.极端利己主义(ago+mania狂热病)reinstate重新恢复职位(re+in+state国家,权力=重新进入权力)instatevt. 任命(to set or establish in a rank or office)【记】in(进入)+state(政府)进入政府任职→任命【同】inaugurate, induct, install, investChapter 12fid=trust,faith,表示”相信,信念”fidelity n 坚贞,忠心(fid+elity表示性质=相信的性质=坚贞)fiduciary a 信用的n. 被信托者(fid+uciary…的=相信的=信托的)confide v 吐露,信托(con全部+fide=全部相信=吐露[真情])confidant n 知心朋友(cinfide吐露+ant人=可以吐露真情的人)confidence n 自信,信任(con+fid+ence)confident a 自信的(con+fid+ent)confidential a秘密的,机密的(confident+ial=相信的人才知道=机密的) diffident a 自卑的,胆怯的(dif不+fid+ent=不自信)perfidy n 不忠实,背叛(per假+fidy=假相信=不忠诚)perfidious a 背信弃义的(perfidy+ous)infidel n 没信仰的人,异教徒(in不+fid+el=不信[宗教]的人)affidavit n 口供书,宣誓书(af一再+fid+avit表名词=一再发誓相信=宣誓书) rect=stright, right, 表示”正,直”correct a 正确的(cor全部+rect=全部很正=正确的)correctitude n 行为端正( correct+itude状态)rectify v 改正(rect+ify…化=使…正直=改正[错误])rectitude n 正直,正确(rect+itude)rectangle n 矩形(rect+angle角=[四个角]都是直角=矩形)erect a 竖直a. 直立的(e 出+rect =直出来=竖直)erection n 直立,竖立(erect+ion)a-①加在单词或词根前面,表示”不,无,非”acentric 无中心的(a+centric中心的)asocial 不好社交的(a+social好社交的)amoral 非道德性的(a+moral道德的,注意:immoral不道德的) apolitical. 不关政治的(a+political政治的)anemia 反常的(a+nomal正常的+ous)②加在单词前,表示”在…,…的”asleep 睡着的(a+sleep睡觉)aside 在边上(a+side旁边)ahead 在前地(a+head头)alive 活的(a+live活)awash .泛滥的(a+wash冲洗)analgesic n 止痛药(an无+alg痛+esic药物=无痛药物=止痛药)prim= first, chief, 表示”第一,主要的”primacy n 主要地位,重要性(prim+acy)primary a 最初的,根本的(prim+ary)primitive a 原始的(prim+itive)prime a 最初的,基本的primer n 初级读本(prim+er=第一本书)primeval a 早期的,远古的(prim+ev时代+al=最早的时代=远古的) primogenitor n 始祖,祖先(primo+genit产生+or=最早产生的人=祖先)ver=true,表示”真实”verracious a 诚实可靠的(ver+acious多…..的=真实很多=可靠的) veracity n 真实,可靠(ver+acity)verity n 真实,可靠(ver=vacity)verify v 核实,证实(ver+ify=使真实=核实)verifiable a 可证实的(verify+able)verisimilar a 逼真的(ver+i+similar一样=和真实的一样=逼真的)verdict n 裁决(ver+dict说一说真话=裁决)sym-,syn-表示”共同,相同”sympathy同情(sym+pathy感情)symphony交响乐(sym+phony声音)symmetry对称(sym+metry测量=两边测量一样=对称)symbiosis共生(sym+bio生命+sis=共同生命)symposium专题讨论会(sym+pos放+ium=放在一起(讨论)=专题讨论) synchronous同时发生的(syn+chron时间+ous=共同时间的)synonym同义词(syn+onym名字=名字相同=同义词)synthesis合成(syn+thesis放=放在一起=合成)synopsis摘要,概要(syn+ops选择+is=共同选出=摘要)syndrome综合症状(syn+drome跑=跑到一起=综合症)nov=new,表示”新的”novel a 新奇的n. 小说(nov+el)novelty n 新奇事情(novel+ty)nova n 新星(now+a表示物体=新天体)novation n 更替,更新(now+ation)novice n 新手(now+ice表示人)innovate v 革新,改革(in进入+nov+ate)innovation n (制度等)革新(innovate+ion)renovate v 翻新(re重新+nov+ate=重新翻新)renovation n 翻新,修理(renovate+ion)pan-表示”广泛的”pan-american 泛美的pandemic 大范围流行的(pan+dem人民+in=人民广泛(染病)=广为流行的) panorama 全景,概观(pan+orama视力=视力所及=全景)panegyric颂词,颂扬(pan+egyr聚集+ic=聚集一堂=颂扬(国王))pansophic 全知的(pan+soph智慧=ic=智慧广=都知道)biblio=book,表示”书”bibliography n 书目提要(biblio+araphy学科=书的学科=书目提要) bibliophile n 藏书家(biblio+phile爱=爱书的人)bible n 圣经biblophobla n 憎恶书籍(biblio+phob恨+ia病=恨书的病)。



1 pc 3.26 ly
1.2 A quick tour of the cosmos
To understand the universe, we must understand the relative scales of planets, stars, galaxies and the universe as a whole. We will journey from a campus scene to the limits of the cosmos in 12 steps. In each step we will widen our view by a factor of 100. That is, each successive picture will show a region of the universe that is 100 times wider than the preceding picture.
THE UNITED NATIONS DECLARES 2009 THE INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF ASTRONOMY 联合国宣布 2009年为国际天文年! 纪念伽利略400年前 首次使用望远镜观测太空。
The Solar System and Beyond
Michael A. Seeds Joseph R. Grundy Observatory Franklin and Marshall College
Fig. 1-4 Field of view enlarged 100 times from the previous image (NASA). This step in our journey shows our entire planet. The earth is 12,756 km in diameter and rotates on its axis once a day.

《天文算法》 许剑伟译

《天文算法》 许剑伟译

天文算法译著—许剑伟和他的译友第 1章注释与提示第 2章关于精度第 3章插值第 4章曲线拟合第 5章迭代第 6章排序第 7章儒略日第 8章复活节日期第 9章力学时和世界时第10章地球形状第11章恒星时与格林尼治时间第12章坐标变换第13章视差角第14章升、中天、降第15章大气折射第16章角度差第17章行星会合第18章在一条直线上的天体第19章包含三个天体的最小圆第20章岁差第21章章动及黄赤交角第22章恒星视差第23章轨道要素在不同坐标中的转换第24章太阳位置计算第25章太阳的直角坐标第26章分点和至点第27章时差第28章日面计算第29章开普勒方程第30章行星轨道要素第31章行星位置第32章椭圆运动第33章抛物线运动第34章准抛物线第35章一些行星现象的计算第36章冥王星第37章行星的近点和远点第38章经过交点第39章视差修正第40章行星圆面被照亮的比例及星等第41章火星物理表面星历计算(未译) 第42章木星物理表面星历计算(未译) 第43章木星的卫星位置(未译)第44章土星环(未译)第45章月球位置第46章月面的亮区第47章月相第48章月亮的近地点的远地点第49章月亮的升降交点第50章月亮的最大赤纬第51章月面计算第52章日月食第53章日月行星的视半径第54章恒星的星等第55章双星第56章日晷的计算备注译者说明原著《天文算法》天文算法天文算法 (1)前言 (1)第一章注释与提示 (1)第二章关于精度 (7)第三章插值 (16)第四章曲线拟合 (29)第五章迭代 (40)第六章排序 (47)第七章儒略日 (51)第八章复活节日期 (58)第九章力学时和世界时 (61)第十章地球形状 (65)第十一章恒星时与格林尼治时间 (70)第十二章坐标变换 (75)第十三章视差角 (80)第十四章天体的升、中天、降 (83)第十五章大气折射 (87)第十六章角度差 (89)第十七章行星会合 (97)第十八章在一条直线上的天体 (99)第十九章包含三个天体的最小圆 (101)第二十章岁差 (104)第二十一章章动及黄赤交角 (112)第二十二章恒星视差 (116)第二十三章轨道要素在不同坐标中的转换 (125)第二十四章太阳位置计算 (129)第二十五章太阳的直角坐标 (137)第二十六章分点和至点 (143)第二十七章时差 (148)第二十八章日面计算 (153)第二十九章开普勒方程 (157)第三十章行星的轨道要素 (172)第三十一章行星位置 (175)第三十二章椭圆运动 (178)第三十三章抛物线运动 (193)第三十四章准抛物线 (197)第三十五章一些行星现象的计算 (201)第三十六章冥王星 (211)第三十七章行星的近点和远点 (215)第三十八章经过交点 (221)第三十九章视差修正 (224)第四十章行星圆面被照亮的比例及星等 (230)第四十一章火星物理表面星历计算(未译) (234)第四十二章木星物理表面星历计算(未译) (234)第四十三章木星的卫星位置(未译) (234)第四十四章土星环(未译) (234)第四十五章月球位置 (235)第四十六章月面被照亮部分 (243)第四十七章月相 (246)第四十八章月亮的近地点和远地点 (252)第四十九章月亮的升降交点 (259)第五十章月亮的最大赤纬 (261)第五十一章月面计算 (265)第五十二章日月食 (273)第五十三章日月行星的视半径 (284)第五十四章恒星的星等 (286)第五十五章双星 (289)后记 (1)前言十分诚恳地感谢许剑伟和他的译友!在此我作一个拱手。




行星越接近太阳则运行速度越快近日点,运动最快远日点,运动最慢●开普勒第三定律:(轨道周期)行星公转周期的平方和其到太阳的平均距离的立方成正比(公转周期)2 = (常数) x (平均距离)3第二讲天体的视运动●月相与食无关天体的视运动月全食时月亮变为黄铜色或血红色,这是由于地球大气中的尘埃颗粒折射阳光中的红光并到达月球所致●内行星:水星,金星外行星:火星、木星、土星、天王星和海王星●头顶的星空取决于你在地球表面上的位置和当地时间●北京时间正午12点(东经120度)时,北京地方时(东经116.5度)即太阳时为11点46分,所以此时北京的太阳在子午线以东约3.5度,再过约14分钟北京“真”正午●南北天极:不变的参考点北天极:北极星南天极:南十字座●天赤道:不变的参考点所有恒星沿与天赤道平行的路径由东向西运动(圆弧轨迹在地球两极,天赤道=地平线●天顶、地平线和子午线:本地参考系天顶和子午线的位置不随观测者的地平线移动相对于星星来讲,天顶和子午线的位置在变天体的运行(圆弧)轨迹与地平面的夹角为:90 度-观测者所在地理位置的纬度(=天赤道与地面夹角)●在北极:所有星星沿与地平面平行的圆轨迹运行,从不下落赤道上:所有星垂直于地平面升起和下落“可见所有星”●太阳在天球上的视运动轨迹称为黄道●太阳日=24小时:太阳连续两次到达子午线的时间恒星日=23小时56分:恒星连续两次到达子午线的时间恒星日是地球真实的自转周期,不随其绕太阳公转而变化,均为23小时56分●月球回到原处(相对于恒星)的周期约为27.323 天,此为恒星周期●两个天体之间的距离常用它们与观测者之间的夹角表示,即角距●北京:东经116度22分;北纬39度58分本初子午线:格林尼治天文台●把地球的经度、纬度投影到天球上便成为天球的赤道坐标系赤纬:从天赤道开始至两极Dec [–90,90] 度赤经:用小时、分和秒的时间单位来表示,并由西向东由0增加到24小时赤经的计算起点为春分点,在天赤道上由西向东分为24小时地球“24小时”自转一周360度赤经1小时对应地球自转15度对于赤经相差1小时的两颗恒星,例如,RA2-RA1= +1小时:恒星1比恒星2早1小时通过你的子午线(上中天)如果不是拱极星,恒星1比恒星2早1小时从东方升起●某地某时刻的恒星时等于此时此刻位于子午线上的恒星的赤经(天球上与子午线重合的赤经)赤经小于地方恒星时的恒星位于子午线以西赤经大于地方恒星时的恒星位于子午线以东●一颗恒星的时角τ、赤经α和当地的恒星时θ之间的关系为τ= θ?ατ< 0, 在子午线以东(α>θ)τ> 0, 在子午线以西(α<θ)第三讲辐射与天文望远镜●黑体谱:连续谱的形状只与物体(恒星)的表面温度有关其峰值波长(颜色)由其表面温度决定温度降低,黑体谱的峰值向长波方向移动冷物体产生长波(低频)辐射热物体产生短波(高频)辐射●辐射的平方反比定律:强度x 距离2 = 常数(恒星辐射能力)●关于天文望远镜的常见误解(wrong) 放大作用:大型望远镜把天体放得更大(Right) 聚光作用:使(暗弱)天体的图像更亮更清晰(wrong) 望远镜究竟可以看到多远的天体?只要一个物体足够亮,无论多远都可以看到(right) 望远镜可以看到多暗的天体?或望远镜可以看到几等星?只要一个物体足够暗,无论多近都看●光学望远镜的类型:折射式望远镜反射式望远镜第四讲太阳系(1) 行星●行星是一个具有如下性质的天体:(a)位于围绕太阳的轨道上,(b)有足够大的质量来克服固体应力以达到流体静力平衡的形状(近于球形),以及(c)已经清空了其轨道附近的区域。



ρp = Mp · ρJ MJ
= 0.69 ×
2.1 × 105 1.42 × 105
= 0.21
第五章 望远镜的基本原理
1. 暗7个星等需要的放大倍数为:
A = 2.5127 = 631
由A = (D/d)2,其中D为望远镜的口径,d为人眼在夜间瞳孔的直径,
F ∗A ∆mc2
1300 × 1 4.6 × 10−29 × (3 × 108)2
3.14 × 1014
Nν = 2Npp = 6.28 × 1014
在 北 纬620处 , 中 午 太 阳 照 射 的 角 度 与 地 面 的 法 线 方 向 的 夹 角 为θ = 620 − 23.50 = 38.50, 因此,照射到A = 1m2上的中微子数目为:
rperi = a(1 − e) = 3.844 × 108 × (1 − 0.056) = 3.629 × 108m
rap = a(1 + e) = 3.844 × 108 × (1 + 0.056) = 4.059 × 108m (26)
d =
= 1.39 × 109 = 0.927 × 10−2
































































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Mmin = 0.08 Msun
At masses below 0.08 Msun, stellar progenitors do not get hot enough to ignite thermonuclear
Brown Dwarfs
Brown Dwarfs
Hard to find because they are very faint and cool; emit mostly in the infrared.
III. Evidence of Evolution: Star Clusters A. Observing Star Clusters B. The Evolution of Star Clusters
IV. Evidence of Evolution: Variable Stars A. Cepheid and RR Lyrae Variable Stars B. Pulsating Stars C. Period Changes in Variable Stars
Development of Carbon-Oxygen
Helium ignition in the core
Red giant
Expansion to red giant
Main Sequence
Fusion Into Heavier Elements
Fusion into heavier elements than C, O requires very high temperatures; occurs only in very massive stars (more than 8 solar
4 H → He He
H-burning shell keeps dumping He
onto the core.
He-core gets denser and hotter until the next stage of nuclear burning can begin in
the core:
He fusion through the
“Triple-Alpha Process”
4He + 4He 8Be + g
8Be + 4He 12C + g
Red Giant Evolution (5 solar-mass star)
Helium in the core exhausted;
development of He-burning shell
Stellar Models
The structure and evolution of a star is determined by the laws of
• Hydrostatic equilibrium • Energy transport • Conservation of mass • Conservation of energy
Degenerate Matter
Matter in the He core has no energy source left.
Not enough thermal pressure to resist and
balance gravity
Matter assumes a new state, called
star Red Giant
Expansion onto the Giant Branch
Expansion and surface cooling during the phase of an inactive He core and a H- burning shell
Sun will expand beyond Earth’s orbit!
Fusion stops at formation of C,O core.
fusing H to He.
Finite supply of H => finite life time
Evolution on the Main Sequence (2)
A star’s life time T ~ energy reservoir / luminosity
Energy reservoir ~ M
Many have been detected in star forming regions like the Orion Nebula.
Evolution on the Main Sequence (1)
Zero-Age Main Sequence (ZAMS)
Main-Sequence stars live by
Mmax ~ 100 solar masses
a) More massive clouds fragment into b) Very massive stars lose smaller pieces during star formation. mass in strong stellar winds
• How can astronomers study the inside of stars?
This chapter is about how stars live. The next two chapters are about how stars die and the strange objects they leave behind.
C burning: 6.99 s
11 12 1
Hale Waihona Puke 384765
H He He C, O
C Ne, Na, Mg, O Ne O, Mg
Ne burning: 6 ms
The Life “Clock” of a Massive Star (3)
H He He C, O
A star’s mass (and chemical composition) completely determines its properties.
That’s why stars initially all line up along the main sequence.
Maximum Masses of Main-Sequence Stars
• What happens as a star uses up its hydrogen?
• What happens when a star exhausts its hydrogen?
• What evidence do astronomers have that stars really do evolve?
Summary of Post Main-Sequence Evolution of Stars
Fusion proceeds; formation of Fe core.
Evolution of
4 - 8 Msun stars is still
M>8 Msun
H burning continues in a shell around the core.
He Core + H-burning shell produce more energy than needed for pressure support
Expansion and cooling of the outer layers of the
Chapter 12 Stellar Evolution
Stars form from the interstellar medium and reach stability fusing hydrogen in their cores. This chapter is about the long, stable middle age of stars on the main sequence and their old age as they swell to become giant stars. Here you will answer three essential questions:
Example: Eta Carinae: Binary system of a 60 Msun and 70 Msun star Dramatic mass loss; major eruption in 1843 created double lobes
Minimum Mass of Main-Sequence Stars
Guidepost (continued)
Stars evolve over billions of years because of changes deep inside. That raises an interesting question about how scientists can understand such processes:
I. Main-Sequence Stars A. Stellar Models B. Why is there a Main Sequence? C. The Upper End of the Main Sequence D. The Lower End of the Main Sequence E. The Life of a Main-Sequence Star F. The Life Expectancies of Stars
Luminosity L ~ M3.5
T ~ M/L ~ 1/M2.5
Massive stars have short lives!