雅思大作文:奥运会举办利弊(含5篇)第一篇:雅思大作文:奥运会举办利弊雅思大作文范文:奥运会举办利弊Task:Holding Olympic Games has positive effects.Others believe it is too money-consuming and the government should spend that money on other areas.举办奥运会有积极的影响。
参考范文:As the NO.1 sports competition worldwide, Olympic Games has been held consistently in different areas in the past.Many people believe this sports tradition should remain, because of its positive influences on the host country.However, others hold anopposite view that a large amount of money spent on it is unwise.Personally, I am in favor of the former view, and my reasons will be explored as below.The first reason of supporting Olympic Games is that it provides opportunities for the modernization of social infrastructure a host city, which can leave a lasting heritage for the whole community.For example, 2008 Beijing Olympic Games stimulated the update of transportation system, such as the doubled number of highways, higher extension of subways and accommodation of airports, as well as an integration of between land and air traffic.Therefore, contributions to this city this great sporting event made include a smooth operation of internal market, a reliable and efficient mobility of persons and goods, and an increased cohesion of north China, socially and territorially.Secondly, Olympic Games also plays a role of economic catalyst for local society.For one thing, during the process of the game, the inflow of tens of thousands of athletes, coaches, officers, journalists and audience would drastically boost domestic economy, such as the consumption of hotels, restaurants, commodities and souvenirs.For another, many sporting venues which are in operation after the event is over can be city icons and ideal attractions for tourists.Expectedly, with a consistent thriving of tourism, many kinds of industries and new job vacancies can be activated.However, demerits of Olympic Games should not be overlooked, and the first concern is so-called white elephant phenomenon of construction.That is to say, without long-term planning or practicality, many venues which were built only for sports with little local interest, have now no use, or are crumbling.For example, In Greek today, the expensive and once-gleaming Olympic legacy has been a set of decayingstructures.Swimming pools are given over to frogs, beach volleyball and softball arenas are all literally falling apart, baseball fields have been overtaken by weeds, dirt and trash is collection in the hallway and corners.In other words, the investment of billions of dollars into these debris is unacceptable and ironical for Greeks who are now being trapped in the economic crisis.In conclusion, I believe its advantages overweigh the disadvantages.Although some sports facilities might not be used fully, the overall improvement of urban infrastructure and economic prosperity sparked by Olympic Games holding are more meaningful and valuable, to a large extent.(433 words) 雅思大作文范文:奥运会举办利弊》》》点击查看:雅思评分标准,知己知彼才能提分~第二篇:北京举办奥运会北京举办奥运会第29届奥林匹克运动会在2008年8月8日至24日在中国北京举行,这是中华民族的骄傲,这是中国改革开放的雄壮赞歌!全世界204个国家和地区的代表团,两万多名运动员、教练员和官员参加了北京奥运会。
There is no doubt that sports play a vital role in our lives. Some individuals believe that various sport competitions held may cause certain concerns, while others opine that such events are essential. This essay shall discuss both views with examples.On the one hand, organising sporting events such as Olympics, may involve a huge investment, as the infrastructure of the city, where such events are being held may need to be appropriate for the participants and audience. This is because, many athletics across the globe participate in such renowned events. As a result, to give such them an experience worth-while, investment is likely to be required. To cite an example, the Indian Government had spent around 10 crore for conducting the Olympics in New Delhi, which is the capital of India. In short, sport events conducted may involve huge budgets from the government’s.On the other hand, many would support the fact that sports competitions play an essential role in bring nations together. This is because, participation happens among different demographics of the society. To illustrate, IPL cricket matches, consist of players from different parts of the world, though having one aim of wining the match as a team. As a consequence, all differences are set a side and great bonds are formed. In other words, sport competitions help develop bonds among nations.To conclude, many believe that, sport competitions may involve a large amount of money, for maintaining infrastructure. However, others support the fact that such events bring countries together to create bonds of friendship.。
奥运会的利弊 英语作文
奥运会的利弊英语作文The Pros and Cons of the Olympic Games。
The Olympic Games are a global event that brings together athletes from all over the world to compete in various sports. While the Games have many positive aspects, there are also some negative aspects to consider. In this essay, we will explore the pros and cons of the Olympic Games.One of the main benefits of the Olympic Games is that they promote international cooperation and understanding. The Games bring together people from different countries and cultures, and provide an opportunity for them to interact and learn from each other. This can help to break down barriers and promote peace and understanding between nations.Another benefit of the Olympic Games is that they provide a platform for athletes to showcase their talentsand abilities. The Games give athletes the opportunity to compete at the highest level and to represent their countries on the world stage. This can be a source of pride for both the athletes and their countries, and can inspire others to pursue their own athletic dreams.The Olympic Games also have the potential to bring economic benefits to the host city and country. The Games can attract tourists and visitors from around the world, and can provide a boost to the local economy. In addition, the construction of new facilities and infrastructure for the Games can create jobs and stimulate economic growth.However, there are also some drawbacks to the Olympic Games. One of the main criticisms of the Games is the high cost of hosting them. The construction of new facilities and infrastructure, as well as the security measures required for the Games, can be extremely expensive. This can place a heavy financial burden on the host city and country, and can divert resources away from other important needs.Another downside of the Olympic Games is the potential for corruption and exploitation. The bidding process forthe Games can be rife with corruption, and the construction of facilities can sometimes involve the exploitation of workers and the destruction of the environment. In addition, the Games can lead to the displacement of local residents and the gentrification of neighborhoods.In conclusion, the Olympic Games have both positive and negative aspects. While they promote international cooperation and provide a platform for athletes to showcase their talents, they can also be extremely costly and have negative social and environmental impacts. It is important for host cities and countries to carefully consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of hosting the Games, andto work to mitigate any negative impacts. Ultimately, the Olympic Games have the potential to bring people together and inspire the world, but it is important to carefully consider the costs and consequences.。
雅思大作文范文:奥运会举办利弊Task:Holdin g Olympi c Gameshas positi ve effect s. Others believ e it is too money-consum ing and the govern mentshould spendthat moneyon otherareas.举办奥运会有积极的影响。
思路解析:好处:1. 能促进主办地的设施现代化。
2. 绝佳的机会来展示和传播主办国的文化,消除文化差异带来的误解,这增加了国家间的尊敬和信任。
3. 点燃大众运动热情,通过促进运动改善大众体质。
4. 奥运会刺激了经济。
坏处:1. 太烧钱,巨大的开销甚至会占用原本属于社会福利的税收,这降低了当地人的生活质量。
2. 很多场馆的用途过于单一和专业,奥运会之后它们不得不长期闲置,甚至被抛弃。
3. 安保工作一直是一大头疼事儿,举例,1972年的德国慕尼黑惨剧历历在目。
参考范文:As the NO.1 sports compet ition worldw ide, Olympi c Gameshas been held consis tentl y in differ ent areasin the past. Many people believ e this sports tradit ion should remain, becaus e of its positi ve influe nceson the host countr y. Howeve r, others hold an opposi te view that a largeamount of moneyspenton it is unwise. Person ally,I am in favorof the former view, and my reason s will be explor ed as below.The firstreason of suppor tingOlympi c Gamesis that it provid es opport uniti es for the modern izati on of social infras truct ure a host city, whichcan leavea lastin g herita ge for the wholecommun ity. For exampl e, 2008 Beijin g Olympi c Gamesstimul atedthe update of transp ortat ion system, such as the double d number of highwa ys, higher extens ion of subway s and accomm odati on of airpor ts, as well as an integr ation of betwee n land and air traffi c. Theref ore, contri butio ns to this city this greatsporti ng eventmade includ e a smooth operat ion of intern al market, a reliab le and effici ent mobili ty of person s and goods, and an increa sed cohesi on of northChina, social ly and territ orial ly.Second ly, Olympi c Gamesalso playsa role of econom ic cataly st for localsociet y. For one thing, during the proces s of the game, the inflow of tens of thousa nds of athlet es, coache s, office rs, journa lists and audien ce woulddrasti cally boostdomest ic econom y, such as the consum ption of hotels, restau rants, commod ities and souven irs. For anothe r, many sporti ng venuesand idealattrac tions for touris ts. whichare in operat ion afterthe eventis over can be city iconsExpect edly,with a consis tentthrivi ng of touris m, many kindsof indust riesand new job vacanc ies can be activa ted.Howeve r, demeri ts of Olympi c Gamesshould not be overlo oked,and the firstconcer n is so-called whiteelepha nt phenom enonof constr uctio n. That is to say, withou t long-term planni ng or practi calit y, many venues whichwere builtonly for sports with little localintere st, have now no use, or are crumbl ing. For exampl e, In Greektoday, the expens ive and once-gleami ng Olympi c legacy has been a set of decayi ng struct ures. Swimmi ng poolsare givenover to frogs, beachvolley balland softba ll arenas are all litera lly fallin g apart, baseba ll fields have been overta ken by weeds, dirt and trashis collec tionin the hallwa y and corner s. In otherwords, the invest mentof billio ns of dollar s into thesedebris is unacce ptabl e and ironic al for Greeks who are now beingtrappe d in the econom ic crisis.In conclu sion, I believ e its advant agesoverwe igh the disadv antag es. Althou gh some sports facili tiesmightnot be used fully,the overal l improv ement of urbaninfras truct ure and econom ic prospe ritysparke d by Olympi c Gamesholdin g are more meanin gfuland valuab le, to a largeextent.(433 words)雅思大作文范文:奥运会举办利弊》》》点击查看:雅思评分标准,知己知彼才能提分~。
奥运会是亏钱还是赚钱的英文作文The Olympics: A Financial Disadvantage or Advantage?The Olympic Games are one of the most prestigious and celebrated events in the world, bringing together athletes from all corners of the globe to compete in various sports. However, the financial implications of hosting the Olympics have long been a topic of debate. Some argue that hosting the Olympics can lead to significant economic benefits, while others believe that the costs far outweigh the rewards.Proponents of hosting the Olympics argue that the event can bring substantial economic benefits to the host city and country. These benefits include increased tourism, infrastructure improvements, job creation, and a boost to the local economy. For example, the 2008 Beijing Olympics generated billions of dollars in revenue for the Chinese economy, and the 2012 London Olympics helped to revitalize parts of the city that were previously neglected.On the other hand, critics argue that hosting the Olympics is often a financial burden for the host city and country. The costs of building the necessary infrastructure, such as stadiums, transportation systems, and accommodations, can beastronomical. In addition, the costs of security, marketing, and maintaining the facilities after the Games are over can also add up. For example, the 2016 Rio Olympics left Brazil with a hefty bill and little to show for it in terms of long-term benefits.In conclusion, whether the Olympics are a financial disadvantage or advantage largely depends on how well the host city and country manage the event. With careful planning, effective investment, and a clear strategy for leveraging the economic opportunities, hosting the Olympics can indeed be a profitable venture. However, without proper planning and oversight, the Olympics can easily become a financial burden that far outweighs any potential benefits. It is important for host cities and countries to carefully consider the costs and benefits of hosting the Olympics before committing to the event.。
举行奥运会对举办国的好处英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Benefits of Hosting the OlympicsHosting the Olympic Games is a tremendous honor for any country. It brings with it a multitude of benefits, both tangible and intangible, that can have a lasting impact on the host nation. From economic growth to national pride, the advantages of hosting the Olympics are numerous.One of the most obvious benefits of hosting the Olympics is the economic impact it has on the host country. The influx of tourists during the games can provide a significant boost to the local economy, as visitors spend money on hotels, restaurants, transportation, and souvenirs. Additionally, hosting the Olympics can lead to infrastructure improvements that can benefit the country for years to come. New stadiums, roads, and public transportation systems are often built in preparation for the games, leaving a lasting legacy of improved infrastructure.Another advantage of hosting the Olympics is the attention and exposure it brings to the host country. The games arewatched by millions of people around the world, providing a platform for the host nation to showcase its culture, history, and achievements. This increased visibility can boost tourism in the long term, as viewers are inspired to visit the host country after seeing it on their television screens.Hosting the Olympics can also have a positive impact on the host nation's national pride and sense of unity. The games bring people together from across the country to support their athletes, creating a sense of camaraderie and solidarity. This sense of togetherness can extend beyond the games themselves, promoting a greater sense of national identity and pride.Furthermore, hosting the Olympics can encourage participation in sports and physical activity, leading to improved health and well-being in the host country. The games inspire people of all ages to get active and try new sports, promoting a culture of fitness and wellness that can have long-lasting benefits for the population.In conclusion, the benefits of hosting the Olympics are numerous and far-reaching. From economic growth to national pride, the Olympics can have a lasting impact on the host country. By seizing the opportunity to host the games, nations can reap the rewards of increased tourism, improvedinfrastructure, and a greater sense of unity and pride. Hosting the Olympics is a privilege that can bring immense benefits to a country, both during the games themselves and for years to come.篇2The Benefits of Hosting the OlympicsOver the years, hosting the Olympic Games has become a prestigious and highly sought-after opportunity for countries around the world. The event brings together thousands of athletes from different nations to compete in a variety of sports. While the costs associated with hosting the Olympics are often high, the benefits to the host country can be significant. In this essay, we will explore some of the advantages of holding the Olympic Games.First and foremost, hosting the Olympics can provide a boost to a country's economy. The influx of athletes, spectators, and media personnel can stimulate the local economy by creating jobs and driving tourism. Hotels, restaurants, and transportation services all see an increase in business during the Games. In addition, the construction of new venues andinfrastructure upgrades can provide a long-lasting economic impact by creating new opportunities for trade and investment.Furthermore, hosting the Olympics can help to showcase a country on the world stage. The Games are watched by millions of people around the globe, and they offer the host nation an opportunity to promote its culture, history, and achievements. This can help to improve the country's international reputation and attract visitors and investors in the future. In addition, the Games can promote unity and understanding among different nations, as athletes from around the world come together to compete in a spirit of sportsmanship and cooperation.Another benefit of hosting the Olympics is the legacy it can leave behind. The construction of new sports facilities, transportation networks, and other infrastructure improvements can benefit the host country long after the Games are over. These facilities can be used to promote sports and recreation, improve the quality of life for local residents, and attract future sporting events and competitions. In addition, hosting the Olympics can inspire a new generation of athletes and fans, who may be motivated to pursue their own sporting dreams.Despite these benefits, hosting the Olympics also comes with challenges and risks. The costs of hosting the Games can besubstantial, and there is always the possibility of cost overruns and financial difficulties. In addition, there are concerns about the impact of the Games on the environment, as well as potential security issues. It is important for host countries to carefully plan and manage the event to ensure that the benefits outweigh the risks.In conclusion, hosting the Olympic Games can provide a range of benefits to the host country, including economic stimulus, international exposure, and a lasting legacy. While there are challenges and risks associated with hosting the Games, with proper planning and management, the rewards can be significant. The Olympics offer a unique opportunity for countries to showcase their strengths and bring people together in the spirit of competition and friendship.篇3The Benefits of Hosting the Olympic GamesThe Olympic Games is arguably one of the biggest, most prestigious sporting events in the world. It brings athletes from different countries together to compete in various sports and promote international friendship and understanding. For the countries that have the honor of hosting the Olympic Games,there are numerous benefits that come with this privilege. In this essay, we will discuss the advantages of hosting the Olympics and how it can positively impact the host country.First and foremost, hosting the Olympic Games can bring a significant boost to the economy of the host country. The influx of tourists, athletes, officials, and media personnel can lead to a surge in tourism, which in turn can generate millions of dollars in revenue. The host country can also benefit from increased spending in hotels, restaurants, transportation, and other services. Moreover, hosting the Olympics can create thousands of jobs in various sectors, such as construction, hospitality, and tourism, which can help reduce unemployment rates and stimulate economic growth.Secondly, hosting the Olympic Games can improve the infrastructure and facilities of the host city. In order to accommodate the athletes, officials, and spectators, the host country needs to invest in building or upgrading sports venues, Olympic villages, transportation systems, and other infrastructure. These improvements can have long-lasting benefits for the host city, as it can attract more visitors, businesses, and investment in the future. The legacy of the Olympic Games can leave behind world-class facilities that canbe used for hosting other sporting events, cultural activities, and community programs.Furthermore, hosting the Olympic Games can enhance the international reputation and prestige of the host country. By successfully organizing and hosting such a large-scale event, the host country can showcase its culture, heritage, and hospitality to the world. The Olympics can be a platform for the host country to promote tourism, trade, and diplomacy on a global scale. It can also improve the country's image and soft power, which can have a positive impact on its relations with other countries and organizations.In addition, hosting the Olympic Games can inspire and motivate the people of the host country. The Olympic Games can create a sense of national pride, unity, and solidarity among the citizens, as they cheer for their athletes and celebrate their country's achievements. The Games can also promote sports participation and healthy lifestyles, as people are inspired to pursue their athletic dreams and goals. The legacy of the Olympics can leave a lasting impact on the youth, as they are encouraged to pursue excellence, teamwork, and sportsmanship in their lives.In conclusion, hosting the Olympic Games can bring a wide range of benefits to the host country, including economic, social, cultural, and recreational advantages. The Olympics can boost the economy, improve infrastructure, enhance international reputation, and inspire the people of the host country. While hosting such a mega-event may come with challenges and costs, the long-term benefits can far outweigh the risks. The Olympic Games can be a golden opportunity for the host country to shine on the world stage and leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.。
雅思写作题目解析:国家举办体育比赛的利弊【政府类】:T h e O l y m p i c G a m e o r t h e W o r l d C u p f o o t b a l l g a m e i s a m a j o r i n t e r n a t i o n a ls p o r t i n g e v e n t a n d t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o h o s t t h i s e v e n t i s k e e n l y c o n t e s t e d b ym a n y c o u n t i e s.I n y o u r o p i n i o n,w h a t a r e t h e m a j o r b e n e f i t s a n d d r a w b a c k s o fh o s t i n g a n i n t e r n a t i o n a l s p o r t i n g e v e n t s u c h a s t h e O l y m p i c G a m e s?奥林匹克运动会或者世界杯足球场是重要的国际体育比赛,很多国家都在争取主办国的机会,你认为举办国际性体育比赛的利弊有哪些?【相关提问】:S o m e c o u n t r i e s a c h i e v e i n t e r n a t i o n a l s u c c e s s b y b u i l d i n g s p e c i a l i z e df a c i l i t i e s t o t r a i n t o p a t h l e t e s i n s t e a d o fp r o v i d i n g s p o r t s f a c i l i t i e s t h a te v e r y o n e c a n u s e. D o y o u t h i n k i t i s a p o s i t i v e o r n e g a t i v ed e v e l o p m e n t?有人认为训练专业的体育运动员比提供人人可以使用的体育设施更能帮助国家取得成功,你认为这个观点是积极的还是消极的?(年7月10日雅思写作)【文章布局】:首段:背景介绍 +争议焦点 +作家立场二段:利好的展开:一定要有对于论据的细节拓展三段:弊端的展开:一定要有对于论据的细节拓展尾段:再次亮明观点 +(对弊端提出解决建议)【作家立场】:对于主办国而言,举办国际性体育的利大于弊。
Pros ConsHosting stimulates regeneration. The IOC is enthusiastic about bids that will leave a lasting impact and have looked favourably on cities that locate their Olympic Villages and stadia in deprived areas in need of regeneration. The 1992 Barcelona Olympics were used as a means to completely overhaul the port and coast of the city creating an artificial beach and waterside cultural area that became a lasting tourist attraction. Along with cleaning up areas and new stadia, Olympic Villages release between 5,000 and 20,000 new homes which governments can chose to hand over as low-cost housing (as is proposed for London 2012). Whilst these projects could be completed without the Olympics, the need to provide an overall package (transport, accommodation, stadia, greenery etc.) for a set deadline means that there is far more incentive to get the projects done. An example of this in London is the plan for a new £15bn underground rail system called ‘Crossrail’, first proposed over 20 years ago but only now being developed because of the attention surrounding the London 2012 bid. The fact that international scrutiny will follow the building program means that it is far more likely to be completed to a high standard (consider the detailed coverage of the preparations for Athens 2004). Hosting is very expensive. In recent times the Olympics have never made a direct profit. The bidding process alone for 2012 will cost each bidding city around £20m and whichever is selected will expect to pay at least £6.5bn (Paris). With increased security fears Athens spent $1.5bn on security out of a total of $12bn on the 2004 games. The burden of this cost falls on government (and therefore the taxpayer), companies and individuals. Both Paris and London’s local governments have put aside around £2.4bn which will mean £20 per year extra in tax for every household in the cities. Big projects are notoriously hard to budget for (so much so that London is estimating the total cost may go up by up to 50%) and residents in Los Angeles have only just stopped paying for the over-budget 1984 Olympics through their local taxes. If cities want to regenerate or improve their infrastructure then they should use this money directly on those projects rather than wasting it on subsidising a sporting event.Hosting creates a 'feelgood factor’. It is hard to put a price on the buzz that surrounds international sporting events. Think of Paris during the World Football Cup in 1998 or Sydney during the 2002 Olympics. Even sporting success abroad can unite a nation (for example the England Rugby Union Team’s victory in the 2003 Rugby World Cup in Australia). Governments are aware of the huge potential for boosting national pride and national unity. The Paris 2012 bid has used awell-known footballer, Zinedine Zidane, who is the son of an immigrant to stress how hosting the Olympics would bring Parisians of all backgrounds together. It is partly because of this ‘feelgood factor’ that so many people want their city to host the Olympics (97% of Parisians and 87% of Londoners want the 2012 Olympics). There is no guarantee that a city will experience a 'feelgood factor'. In Athens many of the events had empty seats as the Greek team failed to do well enough to capture the local imagination. Where tournaments and games have successfully created a ‘buzz' it has been because the host nation has done well (England reached thesemi-final of Euro 96, France won the World Cup in 1998). The fact that this ‘feelgood factor’ can be had even if the team is winning on the other side of the world means that there is no need to host the Olympics in order to get it.In any case, any Olympic excitement will be shortlived compared to the years of disruption and congestion which a host city will suffer in therun-up to the games, due to the massive building work and security worries which are now necessary.Hosting creates an economic boost. Whilst none of the Olympics of recent times have made an immediate profit, the cost of the regeneration and improved infrastructure means that this is not a big problem as long as the losses are not huge. The Olympics showcases the host nation to the world Hosting does not leave a beneficial legacy. The demands of the Olympics are very particular, an 80,000 all-seater stadium, pools, horse tracks, beach volleyball etc. Many of these stadia will never be used again after the end of the games. Even in Australia, which has a very strong sportingand most hosts have seen a boost in tourism in the years after the Olympics (Australia estimates it gained £2bn extra tourist revenue in the four years after Sydney 2000). During the games between 60,000 (Paris 2012 estimate) and 135,000 (New York 2012 estimate) jobs are created providing skills and training to local people. ethic, underused stadia in Sydney are costing the taxpayer $32m a year in maintenance. In the long term, the money spent on these stadia would be much better off used to build affordable homes and transport infrastructure which is designed with local residents in mind rather than with the intention of impressing IOC members. As far as tourism goes, Greece may even have lost out economically in 2002-03 as potential visitors stayed away, frightened off by stories of disruptive building works, security worries and fears ofover-crowding.The bidding process is now open and trustworthy. Whilst the 1998 Salt Lake City scandal did reveal huge levels of endemic corruption, IOC president Jacques Rogge has taken significant steps to stamp it out. Cities can now be confident that the best bid will win and that they should not be put of bidding to host because they fear they will lose simply for not being corrupt enough. The bidding process itself is heavily political and so it is very possible that a good city will spend £20m on a bid only to lose to a weaker candidate. The way the IOC works with each member deciding which city they wish to vote for means that personal relationships and international tension can count for more than the quality of the bid. For example, American foreign policy is thought to be disadvantaging New York in the 2012 bidding process. Given that the Olympics are ‘rotated’ between continents, if a city fails to be selected it will be 12 years before it has another chance.Hosting has an impact on the whole nation. The Olympics involves hundreds of events and sports and so provides an opportunity for the whole nation to feel like they have taken part. Training camps are often located outside the host city, as are events such as rowing, sailing, canoeing and shooting, so that the rest of the country benefits too. The lasting impact of this will be a generation of young people who are excited about sport. Given rising levels of childhood obesity and declining amounts of sport in schools, this can only be a good thing. Hosing only affects one city. In large countries like the United States or China, the benefits of the Olympics are almost entirely focused on the host city. Even in smaller countries, the benefits of a football match played outside the host city or a training camp are negligible. Capital cities are often chosen (after failed bids from Birmingham in 1992 and Manchester in 1996 and 2000 the IOC told the United Kingdom that only a bid from London was likely to win), which concentrates growth and development where it is least needed.The Olympics are a showcase. Hosting the Olympics can be a way of making a strong political point because of the intense media scrutiny that accompanies the games. During the Cold War both Moscow 1980 and Los Angeles 1984 were used by the USSR and USA to show their economic strength. Seoul in 1988 used the games to demonstrate South Korea's economic and political maturity. The Beijing Olympics in 2008 are seen by many as evidence of China’s acceptance into the global community and a way for her to showcase her economic growth and acceptance of the West. For New York, the 2012 bid is a way of showing that the post-9/11 healing process has been completed and that the city is ‘open for business’ despite the terrorist attacks. The bidding process takes too long. Bidding officially takes only two years (unless a city fails to make the shortlist), but most cities spend nearly a decade working on their bids. Obviously the bidding process costs money but it also ties up the land needed for any future Olympic Village or stadia from being developed until the bid outcome is known, as well as diverting government funds away from other sporting events and activities.。
关于奥运会的作文8篇英文英文:1. What do you think is the significance of the Olympic Games?The Olympic Games are significant in many ways. Firstly, they bring people from all over the world together in aspirit of friendly competition. This promotes cultural exchange and understanding between different nations. Secondly, the Games provide a platform for athletes to showcase their skills and talents, inspiring others to pursue their dreams. Finally, the Games have the power to unite entire countries and bring a sense of national prideto the people.中文:我认为奥运会的意义在于很多方面。
2. What is your favorite Olympic sport and why?My favorite Olympic sport is gymnastics. I lovewatching the incredible strength, grace, and flexibility of the athletes as they perform their routines. The precision and skill required to execute the moves is truly impressive.I also appreciate the artistry and creativity involved in creating the routines, with music and choreography addingto the overall performance.中文:我的最爱奥运会运动是体操。
举办运动会的利与弊 高中英语作文
举办运动会的利与弊高中英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Advantages and Disadvantages of Hosting Sports DayIntroductionHosting a sports day is a common tradition in many schools, where students come together to participate in various athletic events and competitions. While this event is a source of excitement and enjoyment for many, it also brings with it a set of advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered. In this essay, we will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of hosting a sports day in high schools.Advantages1. Promotes Physical Fitness: Hosting a sports day encourages students to participate in physical activities and engage in sports, which helps to improve their overall fitness levels and health.2. Fosters Team Spirit: Sports day provides an opportunity for students to work together as a team, support each other, and collaborate to achieve common goals.3. Builds Confidence: Participating in sports and winning competitions can boost students' self-confidence andself-esteem, helping them to believe in their abilities and potential.4. Encourages Healthy Competition: Sports day teaches students the value of healthy competition, fair play, and good sportsmanship, instilling values that are important both on and off the field.5. Enhances Social Skills: Interacting with peers, coaches, and spectators during sports day can improve students' communication skills, teamwork, and interpersonal relationships.Disadvantages1. Excessive Pressure: Some students may feel overwhelmed by the pressure to perform well in sports day events, leading to stress, anxiety, and performance anxiety.2. Injuries: Engaging in intense physical activities and competitions during sports day can increase the risk of injuries, accidents, and strains.3. Exclusion: Students who are not athletically inclined or interested in sports may feel left out or marginalized during sports day events, affecting their self-esteem and sense of belonging.4. Time Consuming: Organizing and preparing for sports day requires time, effort, and resources, which can be a burden for teachers, staff, and students.5. Emphasis on Winning: The focus on winning and competition during sports day events may overshadow the importance of participation, sportsmanship, and personal growth.ConclusionIn conclusion, hosting a sports day in high schools has both advantages and disadvantages that need to be carefully considered. While sports day can promote physical fitness, teamwork, confidence, and social skills, it can also lead to pressure, injuries, exclusion, time constraints, and a focus on winning. Therefore, it is essential to strike a balance between the benefits and drawbacks of sports day events to ensure that they are enjoyable, inclusive, and beneficial for all students.篇2Advantages and Disadvantages of Hosting Sports DaySports day is an event that is organized by schools, colleges, and universities all around the world. It is a day where students participate in various sports activities and competitions, showcasing their skills and talents. While hosting a sports day has numerous advantages, there are also some disadvantages that need to be considered.One of the major advantages of hosting a sports day is that it promotes physical fitness and healthy competition among students. By participating in sports activities, students can improve their physical health, develop teamwork skills, and enhance their overall well-being. Sports day also provides an opportunity for students to showcase their talents and abilities in different sports, which can boost their self-confidence andself-esteem.Moreover, hosting a sports day can foster a sense of unity and camaraderie among students. It brings together students from different backgrounds and grades, creating a sense of community and belonging. Students can form friendships and bonds with their peers through participating in sports activities together, which can enhance their social skills and communication abilities.Additionally, sports day can help inculcate important values such as discipline, dedication, and perseverance among students. In order to excel in sports competitions, students need to practice regularly, follow rules and regulations, and exhibit sportsmanship. These values are crucial for their personal and academic growth, and can be beneficial in various aspects of their lives.On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of hosting a sports day that need to be considered. One of the main drawbacks is the cost involved in organizing the event. Schools need to allocate funds for equipment, facilities, prizes, and other expenses related to sports day, which can be a financial burden for some institutions.Furthermore, hosting a sports day can lead to a competition-centric environment, where winning becomes the sole focus. This can create pressure and stress among students, leading to negative consequences such as anxiety, lowself-esteem, and burnout. It is important for schools to emphasize the importance of participation and sportsmanship, rather than solely focusing on winning.In conclusion, hosting a sports day has both advantages and disadvantages. While it promotes physical fitness, teamwork, andunity among students, it can also be costly and lead to a competitive environment. It is essential for schools to strike a balance between encouraging participation and fostering healthy competition, in order to ensure that sports day is a positive and enriching experience for all students involved.篇3Title: The Pros and Cons of Holding Sports DayIntroductionRunning sports day in high school is a tradition that has been around for decades. It is an event that brings together students, teachers, and parents to celebrate unity and sportsmanship. However, like any other event, there are both advantages and disadvantages to holding sports day.Pros:1. Promotes physical fitnessOne of the main benefits of holding sports day is that it promotes physical fitness among students. With the rise of technology and sedentary lifestyles, many students do not get enough physical activity. Sports day encourages students toparticipate in various sports activities, thus improving their overall health and well-being.2. Fosters teamwork and sportsmanshipSports day provides a platform for students to work together as a team. Whether competing in relay races or tug of war, students learn the importance of teamwork, cooperation, and sportsmanship. This helps in building strong bonds among classmates and promotes a sense of unity within the school.3. Boosts confidence and self-esteemParticipating in sports activities and competing against peers can boost students' confidence and self-esteem. Winning a race or scoring a goal can give students a sense of accomplishment and pride. This, in turn, motivates them to work harder and strive for success in other areas of their lives.4. Improves mental healthEngaging in physical activities has been shown to improve mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Sports day serves as a break from the academic routine and allows students to relax and have fun. It provides a chance for students to release pent-up energy and emotions, leading to improved mental well-being.Cons:1. Exclusion of non-athletic studentsOne of the drawbacks of sports day is that it can exclude students who are not athletic or interested in sports. These students may feel left out or marginalized, which can negatively impact their self-esteem and confidence. It is important for schools to ensure that sports day events are inclusive and cater to the interests of all students.2. Risk of injuriesParticipating in sports activities comes with the risk of injuries. Students may suffer from sprains, strains, or more serious injuries while playing sports during sports day. Schools need to take precautions and ensure proper supervision to minimize the risk of injuries during the event.3. Academic disruptionSports day often requires students to take time away from their academic studies to participate in the event. While physical activity is important, it is essential to strike a balance between sports and academics. Schools should schedule sports day events in a way that minimizes disruption to students' academic progress.ConclusionIn conclusion, holding sports day in high school has its share of pros and cons. While it promotes physical fitness, teamwork, and confidence among students, it can also lead to exclusion, injuries, and academic disruption. It is essential for schools to carefully plan and organize sports day events to ensure that they are inclusive, safe, and beneficial for all students. By addressing the challenges and maximizing the benefits, sports day can be a successful and enjoyable event for everyone involved.。
Bidding for and hosting the Olympics successfully is, perhaps, the ultimate glory for a city. However, before transforming the dream into reality, the benefits and drawbacks of bidding for the Olympics should be weighed carefully.申办和举办奥运会的成功或许是对一个城市最终的荣耀。
Disadvantage:First of all, the environmental impacts, including the increasing exhaust fumes of cars, more pressure on water resources, huge amount of wasted leaflets and other materials used for public activities, are most probably neglected. In order to broaden the streets, some trees may have to be cut. Near the construction site, the tiny dust may linger in the air for a long time. Reduction of farmland may be caused by the need of setting up new sports centre or accommodation facilities. These environmental consequences can be especially serious in a resource-limited and densely-populated city in a third-world country.首先,对环境的影响,包括汽车废气增加,更多的水资源的压力,传单和浪费公共活动的其他材料,投入大量最有可能被忽视。
冬奥会的利弊英语作文The Pros and Cons of the Winter Olympics。
The Winter Olympics is a major international sporting event that brings together athletes from all over the world to compete in a variety of winter sports. While the event is widely celebrated and brings a sense of unity and competition, there are also several drawbacks that come with hosting the Winter Olympics. In this essay, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of the Winter Olympics.One of the main advantages of the Winter Olympics is the sense of unity and camaraderie it brings to the world. The event provides an opportunity for athletes from different countries to come together and compete in aspirit of friendly competition. This can help to promote understanding and goodwill between nations, and can serve as a platform for diplomacy and peace.Additionally, the Winter Olympics can bring significant economic benefits to the host city and country. The event attracts a large number of tourists and visitors, which can boost the local economy and create jobs. It also provides an opportunity for the host city to showcase its culture, history, and attractions to a global audience, which can have long-lasting benefits for tourism and international relations.Furthermore, the Winter Olympics can inspire young people to get involved in sports and physical activity. The event can serve as a source of motivation and inspiration for aspiring athletes, and can encourage people to lead healthier and more active lifestyles. This can have a positive impact on public health and well-being, and can help to combat issues such as obesity and sedentary lifestyles.However, despite these advantages, there are also several drawbacks to hosting the Winter Olympics. One of the main concerns is the cost of hosting the event. The construction of Olympic facilities and infrastructure canbe extremely expensive, and the burden of these costs often falls on the host city and country. In some cases, the financial burden can be so great that it leads to long-term economic problems for the host city.Additionally, hosting the Winter Olympics can have negative environmental impacts. The construction of Olympic facilities can lead to deforestation, habitat destruction, and increased pollution. Furthermore, the event can result in a significant increase in carbon emissions due to the large number of spectators, athletes, and officials traveling to the host city. This can contribute to climate change and have long-term consequences for the environment.Furthermore, the Winter Olympics can also have social and cultural drawbacks. The event can lead to the displacement of local communities and the gentrification of neighborhoods, which can have negative effects on the lives of residents. Additionally, the influx of tourists and visitors can lead to overcrowding, increased traffic, and a strain on local resources and infrastructure.In conclusion, while the Winter Olympics brings many advantages, such as promoting unity, boosting the economy, and inspiring young people, it also comes with several drawbacks, including the high cost of hosting the event, negative environmental impacts, and social and cultural issues. As such, it is important for host cities and countries to carefully consider the pros and cons of hosting the Winter Olympics before committing to such an undertaking.。
冬奥会的利弊英语作文高中The Winter Olympics, a prestigious international sporting event, brings with it a plethora of opportunities and challenges. As a high school student, I have observed various aspects of hosting such a grand event and would like to share my perspective on its pros and cons.Pros:1. Economic Boost: The influx of tourists and media duringthe Winter Olympics can significantly boost the local economy. Businesses in the hospitality, tourism, and retail sectors often see a surge in revenue, which can lead to job creation and economic growth.2. Infrastructure Development: Hosting the Olympics oftenleads to the construction of new sports facilities, transportation systems, and other infrastructure. These improvements can benefit the local community long after the games are over.3. Cultural Exchange: The Winter Olympics attract athletesand spectators from around the world, fostering a richcultural exchange. It's an opportunity for high schoolstudents like us to learn about different cultures and make friends from various countries.4. National Pride: The event can instill a sense of national pride and unity. When athletes perform well, it reflectspositively on the country's image and can inspire young people to pursue sports and other fields.Cons:1. High Costs: The cost of hosting the Winter Olympics can be astronomical. The financial burden often falls on taxpayers, and there is a risk that the expenses may outweigh the benefits, especially if the infrastructure built is underutilized post-event.2. Environmental Impact: The construction of new facilities and the increased traffic can have a negative impact on the environment. Efforts must be made to minimize the ecological footprint of the games.3. Temporary Nature of Benefits: While the economic benefits during the event can be substantial, they are often short-lived. The long-term economic impact on the host city or country is not always positive.4. Security Concerns: Large-scale events like the Winter Olympics require significant security measures to ensure the safety of participants and spectators. This can be a strain on local law enforcement and may lead to infringements oncivil liberties.In conclusion, the Winter Olympics can be a double-edged sword for host cities and countries. While they offer the chance for economic growth, national pride, and cultural exchange, they also come with financial, environmental, and security challenges. It is crucial for organizers to weighthese factors carefully and plan accordingly to ensure that the games leave a positive, lasting legacy.。
办奥运会的好处英语作文The Advantages of Hosting the Olympic Games。
The Olympic Games is the biggest international sports event in the world. It has been held every four years since the first modern Olympic Games in Athens, Greece in 1896. Nowadays, many countries compete to host the Olympic Games because of the benefits it brings. In this essay, I will discuss some of the advantages of hosting the Olympic Games.Firstly, hosting the Olympic Games can boost acountry's economy. The Olympic Games attracts millions of tourists from all over the world, which can create a huge demand for accommodation, food, transportation, and other services. This can create a lot of job opportunities forthe local people and also increase the revenue of the host country. For example, when China hosted the Olympic Gamesin Beijing in 2008, the country's tourism industry received a huge boost, and the revenue from tourism increased by 20%.Secondly, hosting the Olympic Games can improve a country's infrastructure. In order to host the Olympic Games, the host country needs to build or upgrade many facilities such as stadiums, arenas, swimming pools, and transportation systems. This can improve the country's infrastructure and make it more attractive to investors and tourists. For example, when South Korea hosted the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang in 2018, the country built a high-speed railway that connected the city to Seoul, which improved the transportation system in the region.Thirdly, hosting the Olympic Games can promote a country's culture and image. The Olympic Games is a global event that attracts the attention of people from all over the world. This provides the host country with an opportunity to showcase its culture, history, andtraditions to the world. This can help to promote the country's image and increase its soft power. For example, when Brazil hosted the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016, the country showcased its vibrant culture and beautiful landscapes, which helped to promote Brazil as a tourist destination.In conclusion, hosting the Olympic Games has many advantages, including boosting the economy, improving infrastructure, and promoting a country's culture and image. However, hosting the Olympic Games also requires a lot of investment and preparation, and there are also some risks and challenges involved. Therefore, the decision to hostthe Olympic Games should be carefully considered and evaluated.。
举办奥运会的利弊英语1. Encourages Investment in Transport and Infrastructure.Major sporting events usually requireupgrades to transport and communication links. This investment leaves a lasting legacy for the whole economy. Better transport links reduce congestion and help to improve efficiency for local business. It can help increase the productive capacity of the economy (shifting aggregate supply to the right). For example, for the London Olympics in 2012 we have seen new rail links created in East London, and improvements to existing underground and overground train services (London Olympic rail networks)2. Influx of Foreign Visitors.A major sporting event like the Olympics canattract 10,000s of people for the duration of the games. These foreign tourists bring a boost to the local economy. In particular the local tourist trade, shops / hotels will benefit from the surge in visitor numbers.However, it is worth noting that these visitor numbers tend to be temporary. The major sporting event only lasts for a few weeks; potentially there could be many empty hotel beds in the future. On the other handpeople argue a major sporting event can lead to a long term growth in visitor numbers.e.g.Chinafelt the Beijing Olympics created a feeling that China could be a popular tourist destination. Barcelona saw higher visitor numbers continue after the Barcelona Olympics of 1992.3. Job CreationTypically, major sporting eventsrequire investment in building stadium and hotels. This creates jobs for the local economy for up to 4 years before the event.These extra jobs help create a positive multiplier effect amongst the local economy.It is hoped that the London Olympics will help regenerate the east end of London.Some argue this temporary job boost can prove more permanent, if the economic regeneration continues after the games.4. Higher Economic GrowthIt is estimated that the ‘Olympics Effect’ leads to a boost in economic growth due to the higher investment and foreign visitors. This leads to higher tax revenues for the governmentCosts of Events like the Olympics1. ExpenseThe cost ofhosting a major sporting eventhas increased significantly in recent years. It includes,not only, all the investment but also the heightened security.It is hard to meet these costs through sponsorship and ticket sales alone. Therefore, it can lead to higher taxes for the local population.2. Will the infrastructure be used in the future?The Olympics requires a lot of investment, which maynot necessarily be used in the future. Many custom built sporting events may not be used in the future.3. Disruption during the eventIt is feared that during the Olympics there will bea disruption to local businessesnot effected.For example increased security features make it more difficult to continue normal business.。
篇一:Economic Benefits of the Olympics1. Encourages Investment in Transport and Infrastructure.Major sporting events usually require upgrades to transport and communication links. This investment leaves a lasting legacy for the whole economy. Better transport links reduce congestion and help to improve efficiency for local business. It can help increase the productive capacity of the economy (shifting aggregate supply to the right). For example, for the London Olympics in 2012 we have seen new rail links created in East London, and improvements to existing underground and overground train services (London Olympic rail networks)2. Influx of Foreign Visitors.A major sporting event like the Olympics can attract 10,000s of people for the duration of the games. These foreign tourists bring a boost to the local economy. In particular the local tourist trade, shops / hotels will benefit from the surge in visitor numbers. However, it is worth noting that these visitor numbers tend to be temporary. The major sporting event only lasts for a few weeks; potentially there could be many empty hotel beds in the future. On the other hand people argue a major sporting event can lead to a long term growth in visitor numbers. e.g. China felt the Beijing Olympics created a feeling that China could be a popular tourist destination. Barcelona saw higher visitor numbers continue after the Barcelona Olympics of 1992.3. Job CreationTypically, major sporting events require investment in building stadium and hotels. This creates jobs for the local economy for up to 4 years before the event. These extra jobs help create a positive multiplier effect amongst the local economy. It is hoped that the London Olympics will help regenerate the east end of London. Some argue this temporary job boost can prove more permanent, if the economic regeneration continues after the games.4. Higher Economic GrowthIt is estimated that the ‘Olympics Effect’ leads to a boost in economic growth due to the higher investment and foreign visitors. This leads to higher tax revenues for the government篇二:Costs of Events like the Olympics1. ExpenseThe cost of hosting a major sporting event has increased significantly in recent years. It includes, not only, all the investment but also the heightened security. It is hard to meet these costs through sponsorship and ticket sales alone. Therefore, it can lead to higher taxes for the local population.2. Will the infrastructure be used in the future?The Olympics requires a lot of investment, which may not necessarily be used in the future. Many custom built sporting events may not be used in the future.3. Disruption during the eventIt is feared that during the Olympics there will be a disruption to local businesses not effected. For example increased security features make it more difficult to continue normal business.。
奥运好处英语作文The Benefits of the Olympics。
The Olympics, often touted as the greatest sporting event on Earth, bring together athletes from all corners of the globe to compete in a spirit of camaraderie and excellence. While the games themselves are a spectacle to behold, the benefits they bring extend far beyond the sporting arena. In this essay, we will explore the numerous advantages that hosting or participating in the Olympicscan offer to a city, a country, and the world at large.Economic Boost。
One of the most immediate benefits of hosting the Olympics is the economic boost it provides to the host city and country. The influx of tourists, athletes, and media personnel results in increased spending on accommodation, food, transportation, and entertainment. This surge in economic activity creates jobs, stimulates local businesses,and can lead to long-term infrastructure improvements.Infrastructure Development。
【导语】为了让⼤家更好的准备雅思考试,⽆忧考整理了“雅思写作题⽬解析:国家举办体育⽐赛的利弊”供考⽣参考,请关注⽆忧考! 【政府类】: The Olympic Game or the World Cup football game is a major internationalsporting event and the opportunity to host this event is keenly contested bymany counties. In your opinion, what are the major benefits and drawbacks ofhosting an international sporting event such as the Olympic Games?奥林匹克运动会或者世界杯⾜球场是重要的国际体育⽐赛,很多国家都在争取主办国的机会,你认为举办国际性体育⽐赛的利弊有哪些? 【相关提问】: Some countries achieve international success by building specializedfacilities to train top athletes instead of providing sports facilities thateveryone can use. Do you think it is a positive or negativedevelopment?有⼈认为训练专业的体育运动员⽐提供⼈⼈可以使⽤的体育设施更能帮助国家取得成功,你认为这个观点是积极的还是消极的?(2014年7⽉10⽇雅思写作) 【⽂章布局】: ⾸段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家⽴场 ⼆段:利好的展开:⼀定要有对于论据的细节拓展 三段:弊端的展开:⼀定要有对于论据的细节拓展 尾段:再次亮明观点 + (对弊端提出解决建议) 【作家⽴场】:对于主办国⽽⾔,举办国际性体育的利⼤于弊。
篇一:举办奥运会的好处It is known that the Olympic Games 2008 will be held in Beijing. All of the Chinese people feel proud of this event. It will affect the whole nation in many ways.First, this event will attract more foreign capital into China. Many foreign investment institutions and individuals are looking forward to this opportunity, hoping that they will make a profit investing ill China. Take Sydney for example, the Olympics 2000 brings about 4 billion dollar's worth of profit to the Gross National Product. China, as a nation with great potentialities, ought to earn more. Second, with large numbers of tourists coming to this event, Chinese tourism and service industry will have an opportunity of blooming. To meet the need of foreign guests. China will have to put strength on basic construction and public projects such as traffic facilities and buildings, which, of course, will improve the living conditions of Chinese people.Therefore, China should take this opportunity to display the fruits of the modernization construction, letting the world know about modem China, making friends with the outside world. In this sense, the benefit of the Olympics 2008 is ever-lasting.篇二:奥运会的好处The hosting of the Olympic Games promotes Beijing's urban infrastructure construction, improves the urban transportation system, and improves the city’s environment-protect facilities, strengthens the urban civilization ,and enhances the friendshipof Chinese people and all peoples of the world.This have played a catalytic role in Beijing and China's economic development, also demonstrates to the world of the profound Chinese culture, which inform the world of the harmonious development of increasingly powerful China.。
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Task:Holding Olympic Games has positive effects. Others believe it is too money-consuming and the government should spend that money on other areas.
1. 能促进主办地的设施现代化。
2. 绝佳的机会来展示和传播主办国的文化,消除文化差异带来的误解,这增加了国家间的尊敬和信任。
3. 点燃大众运动热情,通过促进运动改善大众体质。
4. 奥运会刺激了经济。
1. 太烧钱,巨大的开销甚至会占用原本属于社会福利的税收,这降低了当地人的生活质量。
2. 很多场馆的用途过于单一和专业,奥运会之后它们不得不长期闲置,甚至被抛弃。
3. 安保工作一直是一大头疼事儿,举例,1972年的德国慕尼黑惨剧历历在目。
As the NO.1 sports competition worldwide, Olympic Games has been held consistently in different areas in the past. Many people believe this sports tradition should remain, because of its positive influences on the host country. However, others hold an opposite view that a large amount of money spent on it is unwise. Personally, I am in favor of the former view, and my reasons will be explored as below.
The first reason of supporting Olympic Games is that it provides opportunities for the modernization of social infrastructure a host city, which can leave a lasting heritage for the whole community. For example, 2008 Beijing Olympic Games stimulated the update of transportation system, such as the doubled number of highways, higher extension of subways and accommodation of airports, as well as an integration of between land and air traffic. Therefore, contributions to this city this great sporting event made include a smooth operation of internal market, a reliable and efficient mobility of persons and goods, and an increased cohesion of north China, socially and territorially.
Secondly, Olympic Games also plays a role of economic catalyst for local society. For one thing, during the process of the game, the inflow of tens of thousands of athletes, coaches, officers, journalists and audience would drastically boost domestic economy, such as the consumption of hotels, restaurants, commodities and souvenirs. For another, many sporting venues which are in operation after the event is over can be city icons and ideal attractions for tourists. Expectedly, with a consistent thriving of tourism, many kinds of industries and new job vacancies can be activated.
However, demerits of Olympic Games should not be overlooked, and the first concern is so-called white elephant phenomenon of construction. That is to say, without long-term planning or practicality, many venues which were built only for sports with little local interest, have now no use, or are crumbling. For example, In Greek today, the expensive and once-gleaming Olympic legacy has been a set of decaying structures. Swimming pools are given over to frogs, beach volleyball and softball arenas are all literally falling apart, baseball fields have been overtaken by weeds, dirt and trash is collection in the hallway and corners. In other words, the investment of billions of dollars into these debris is unacceptable and ironical for Greeks who are now being trapped in the economic crisis.
In conclusion, I believe its advantages overweigh the disadvantages. Although some sports facilities might not be used fully, the overall improvement of urban infrastructure and economic prosperity sparked by Olympic Games holding are more meaningful and valuable, to a large extent.
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