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Abstract ............................................................. I

摘要................................................................ II

1 Introduction (1)

1.1 Significance and Aim of the Paper (1)

1.2 Organization of the Paper (1)

2 Literature Review (2)

2.1 The Definition of Consumption Conception (2)

2.2 Related Researches Abroad and at Home (2)

3 The Comparison of Chinese and American Consumption Conception (3)

3.1 Conservatism and Adventurism (3)

3.2 Future Consumption and Excessive Consumption (4)

3.3 Frugality and Enjoyment (5)

3.4 Practicability and Form (5)

3.5 Collectivity and Individuality (6)

4 The Influences of Chinese and American Cultures on Consumption Conception (6)

4.1 The Influences of Geography on Consumption Conception (7)

4.2 The Influences of Social Development on Consumption Conception (7)

4.3 The Influences of Values on Consumption Conception (8)

4.4 The Influences of Traditional Family Education on Consumption Conception (9)

4.5 The Influences of Entertainments on Consumption Conception (10)

5 Some Inspirations for Establishing a Correct Concept of Consumption 10

5.1 Living within Our Means and Moderate Consumption (10)

5.2 Avoiding Blind Obedience and Rational Consumption (10)

5.3 Protecting the Environment and Green Consumption (11)

6 Conclusion (12)

References (13)

1 Introduction

We create cultures which also create ourselves. Each nation creates different cultures in their different ways; in turn, different cultures also create various nations. Culture is the complex whole that includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by humans as members of society. It includes almost everything that influences an individual’s thought processes and behaviors (Hawkins, Best, Coney, 2003:42). As we all know, different countries have different cultures, which influence human life in various aspects. Due to the different cultural background, there exist big differences in customers’ behaviors or consumption concepts, so it is impossible to dissociate consumption conception from culture. This paper is to make a study on the differences of Chinese-American consumption conceptions from the perspective of culture.

1.1 Significance and Aim of the Paper

Consumption, as a means for humans to meet individual needs, is determined by consumers’ subjective factors in certain societies, but generally branded with the cultural imprint. Under the background of globalization, great changes have taken place in people’s consumption with the development of the market economy. The levels of consumption also have different degrees of increase with the improvement of material and cultural life. With the cultural communication between China and America, a growing number of foreign cultures have been introduced to each country, and people’s consumption conceptions have been affected in this environment. There exist big differences in customers’ behaviors or consumption conceptions because of the different cultural background. The evolution of consumption conceptions is in line with times and reflects the different national cultures. In other words, different cultures produce different consumption concepts. Both of Chinese and American consumption concepts have their own advantages and disadvantages. The paper focuses on the different consumption concepts between China and America, and the influences of culture on the consumption concept, which makes people further realize the different consumption concepts in different cultural background and treat their own culture and consumption concepts correctly and rationally. We should break our prejudices against others’ consu mption concepts, understand and respect people’s consumption concepts under different cultural background. This study mainly analyzes the different consumption concepts from the perspective of culture, which helps us to understand the differences deeply and establish a
