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审批 时间 Appr oval
主办单位 Organizer
联系电话 Contact
1、企业名称 预先核准 1. Docs for name approval application of foreign 3、全体投资人的资格证明复印件 3. Photocopies of qualification invested certificates of all investors; enterprises 4、其他有关文件、证件 4. other relevant documents, certificates 1、 请示(1份,区外经贸主管部门加具意见)1. Request Sheet (1 copy, ) 2 、 合 同 、 章 程 ( 2 份 )2. Original contracts andarticles of association;(2 copies) 3 、 申 请 表 ( 1 份 ) 3. Application sheet of the certificae of approval 4、可行性研究报告(1份)4. Feasibility Study Report (1 copy) 5、董事会名单、董事身份证明及董事授权委派书(各1份) 2、申请批准 证书 Docs of application of the certificae of approval 6、外方投资者的公证及认证资料(如投资者是境外组织机构, 需一并公证投资者授权代表人)/外国个人投资者有效入境签证 的护照复印件(1份) Foreign Investor's notization certificate (1 7 、投资者银行资信证明( 1 份) 7. Certification of bank credit 7 days provided by the foreign investors (1 copy) 8、公司名称预核准登记通知书复印件(1份,由工商局核发) Copies of the notice of pre-approval of enterprise name (1 copy) 9、外商投资企业法律文件送达授权委托书(1份,初审时请提 交 正 本 ) 9. "Power of Attorney in Respect of Service of Legal Document" signed by the foreign investors (authorizer) and the legal documents recipient on the territory of china(authorizee). 10、 中方投资者营业执照及银行资信证明复印件(1份,仅限 于 合 资 、 合 作 项 目 ) 10. Sino Investor's business liscense and Certificate of Bank credit 11 、 审 批 机 关 要 求 的 其 他 材 料 11. other relevant documents, certificates 1、《外商投资企业设立登记申请书》1. "Registration Application Form for Setting up of Foreign-invested Companies' 2、指定代表或者共同委托代理人的证明 The certificate of appointed representative or jointly entrusted agent by all the shareholders 3、审批机关的批准文件(批复和批准证书副本1) 3.The approval document issued by the approval authority (one duplicate of official reply and approval certificate) 4、公司章程 4. Original articles of association 5 、《外商投资企业名称预先核准通知书》 5. Copies of the notice of pre-approval of enterprise name
流程 Procedure
所需源自文库料 Requried Docs
1、《外商投资企业名称预先核准申请书》 1. The "foreigninvested enterprise name pre-approval application" signed by all investors 2、指定代表或者共同委托代理人的证明 2. "Power of Attorney in Respect of Service of Legal Document" signed by the foreign investors (authorizer) and the legal documents recipient on the territory of china(authorizee).
4、申请组织 机构代码证 Apply Certificate of Organization Code
市质监局 Quality Supervision Bureau
2、工商营业执照或其他核准执业证件原件及复印件 2. Business Liscense original/photocopy 3、组织机构统一代码证书副本原件及复印件 3. Orginization Code Duplate copy 4、 法定代表人(负责人)居民身份证、护照或其他证明身份 的合法证件原件及其复印件 4. Copies of his identity documents (ID, passport etc) of legal representative 5、房屋产权证、土地使用证等证件的复印件 5. Copies of certificates of Real estate ownership, land uses 6、有关合同、章程、协议书复印件 6. Copies of contracts and articles of assosiation 7、注册地址及生产、经营地址证明(产权证、租赁协议)原 件及其复印件;如为自有房产,请提供产权证或买卖契约等合 法的产权证明原件及其复印件;如为租赁的场所,请提供租赁 协议原件及其复印件,出租人为自然人的还须提供产权证明的 复印件;如生产、经营地址与注册地址不一致,分别提供相应 证明 7. Certificate of premise use(for self-own estate, the copies of property right certificate shall be submitted together with the 5、申请税务 original for verification; for rental case, the rental contract which is 登记 Apply signed with a rental period of at least one year as well as the copies of the leasee's property right certificate shall be produced. In case Tax Registration such copies cannot be provided, the copies of other certificates which could prove the proprietorship of the estates can be used instead) 8、 外商投资企业还需提供商务部门批复设立证书原件及复印 件 Foreign Investor need to provide the original certificate of 申请地税设立所需文件 Documents for application of local taxation 1、《税务登记表》一式二份 'Tax Registration Form' (2 copies)
市工商局 Adminstration of Industry and Commerce (AIC)
对外贸易经济 合作局 Trade Promotion Bureau
6 、 投 资 者 的 主 体 资 格 证 明 或 自 然 人 身 份 证 明 6. copies of qualifications of all investors (the legitimate business setting up certificate or personal identity, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan investors, their subject qualifications or identity of natural persons should be provided together with the local notary notarized document ) 3、注册登 记,申请营业 执照 Business Registration, Apply Business Liscence 7、董事、监事和经理的任职文件及身份证明复印件 7. Assignment documents of directors, supervisors, and managers as well as copies of their identity documents 8 、 法 定 代 表 人 任 职 文 件 和 身 份 证 明 复 印 件 8. Assignment documents of legal representative as well as copies of his identity documents 9 、 依 法 设 立 的 验 资 机 构 出 具 的 验 资 证 明 9. Investment verification certificates issued by a legally established investment verification authority 10、股东首次出资是非货币财产的,提交已办理财产权转移手 续的证明文件 10. Where a shareholder has made his/her capital contribution with nom-currency properties for the first time, documents proving the completion of property transfer procedures shall be submitted. 11、住所(经营场所)合法使用证明 11. The certificate of using the new domicile 12 、 创 立 大 会 的 会 议 记 录 12. The minutes of the inaugural assembly 13 、 前 置 审 批 文 件 或 证 件 11. Pre-approval document or certificate 14 、 外 商 投 资 企 业 法 律 文 件 送 达 授 权 委托 书 14. "Power of Attorney in Respect of Service of Legal Document" signed by the foreign investors (authorizer) and the legal documents recipient on the territory of china(authorizee). 15、其他有关文件 15. other relevant documents, certificates 申请单位可通过“山东省组织机构代码数字证书服务平台” (http://www.daima.sd.cn/)提出申请,审核通过后,可以选择 邮政双向寄递或自行到我分中心代码办证窗口办理,并提交以 下资料: 1、填写《组织机构代码基本信息登记表》并在表格规定位置 加盖公章;Fill the 'Orginization Code Basic Information Registration Form' then seal it 2、单位成立的批准文件(营业执照、登记证等)原件及A4格 式复印件;The original approval certificate of establishment (Business liscense, certificate of registration etc) and A4 size 3、法定代表人身份证明文件(中国大陆为公民身份证、港澳 同胞为港澳通行证、台湾同胞为台胞证、外国人为护照)的原 件及复印件;3. Copies of his identity documents (ID, passport etc) of legal representative 4、经办人身份证原件及复印件; 4. Original Identity card of operator 5、单位公章。 6. Company official Seal 申请国税设立所需文件 Documents for application of state taxation 1、《税务登记表(适用单位纳税人)》1份 1. 'Tax Registration Form' (1 copy) 一般自 受理之 日起7 市工商局 Adminstration of Industry and Commerce (AIC)