
馆认证。香港、澳门和台湾地区投 notarized by a notary public in the investor's country and
资者的主体资格证明或自然人身份 certified by Chinese Embassy / Consulates-General .Hong Kong,
Project Approval
报批章程、合 同 Contract and Article for Approval
区发展和改革局 District Development and Reform Bureau 项目申请报告及附件 Project Application Report and Accessories
5, assignment documents of legal representative, directors,
8、董事会成员名单(需签名原件) supervisors, and managers as well as copies of their identity
9、外国投资者(授权人)与境内 documents
3、外国投资者的主体资格证明或 investors
自然人身份证明(需经所在国家公 3. The subject qualifications of the foreign investors or
certificate of identity of natural persons (required to be
District Bureau of Industry and Commerce
1, "Registration Application Form for Setting up of Foreign-invested Companies," 2, Copy of Certificate of Approval for Foreign-invested Enterprise 3. Approval for Setting up Foreign-Invested Enterprise from Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau of Wuhou District 4, Original contracts and articles 5, "Notice of pre-approval of company name" 6, The subject qualifications of the foreign investors or certificate of identity of natural persons (required to be notarized by a notary public in the investor's country and certified by Chinese Embassy / Consulates-General . Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan investors, their subject qualifications or identity of natural persons should be provided together with the notarial document from local notary.) 7, Assignment documents of directors, supervisors, and managers as well as copies of their identity documents 8, Assignment documents of legal representative as well as copies of his identity documents 9, certificate of premise use(for self-own estate, the copies of property right certificate shall be submitted together with the original for verification; for rental case, the rental contract which is signed with a rental period of at least one year as well as the copies of the leasee's property right certificate shall be produced. In case such copies cannot be provided, the copies of other certificates which could prove the proprietorship of the estates can be used instead) 10, "Power of Attorney in Respect of Service of Legal Document" signed by the foreign investors (authorizer) and the legal documents recipient on the territory of china(authorizee)..



PROCEDURES FOR OPENING A FOREIGN-INVESTED LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANYASTEP 1: In establishing a limited liability company, the name pre-approval shall be applied for with the company registration authority by the representative appointed by all the shareholders or by the agent entrusted jointly by all the shareholders.To apply for name pre-approval, the following documents shall besubmitted:(1) application for name pre-approval signed by all the shareholdersof the limited liability company or by all the promoters of the companylimited by shares;(2) legal person qualification certificates of the shareholders or ofthe promoters or identity certificates of natural persons; and(3) other documents required to be submitted by the companyregistration authority.STEP 2: To apply for the approval documents from the examination and approval authority,such as Ministries of Commerce*.STEP 3: To apply for establishing a limited liability company, the followingdocuments should be submitted to the company registration authority:(1) application for registration of establishment signed by thechairman of the board of directors of the company;(2) certificate of appointed representative or jointly entrusted agentby all the shareholders;(3) the company’s articles of association;(4) investment verification certificates issued by a legallyauthorized investment verification authority;(5) legal person qualification certificates of the shareholders oridentity certificates of natural persons;(6) documents indicating the names and residence of the company’s directors, supervisors and managers, and the certificates relating totheir appointments, elections or engagements;(7) documents of tenure of office and identity certificate of the company’s legal representative;(8) the Notification of the Company’s Name Pre-Approval; and(9) domicile certificate of the company.Where any law or administrative regulations require that the establishment of a limited liability company be subject to examination and approval, the approval documents concerned shall also be submitted.。

The easiest thing to do is to make simple things complicated, and the most difficult thing to do is to makecomplicated things simple.精品模板助您成功(页眉可删)外商投资企业设立流程是怎样的1、申领设立外商投资企业的批准证书.2办理工商注册登记.3办理组织机构代码手续. 4、办理用地手续。

Firstly, foreign investors need to choose a suitable Chinese partner.2.然后,双方需要签订合作协议并确定各自的投资比例和责任。
Then, both parties need to sign a cooperation agreement and determine their respective investment ratios and responsibilities.3.接着,外国投资者需要向中国政府相关部门提交申请,获得批准设立合资企业的许可证。
Next, foreign investors need to submit an application to the relevant Chinese government departments to obtain approval for establishing a joint venture.4.再者,外国投资者需要在中国工商局注册他们的合资企业并获得营业执照。
Furthermore, foreign investors need to register their joint venture with the Chinese Administration for Industry and Commerce and obtain a business license.5.之后,外国投资者需要向税务部门注册并获得税务登记证。
Afterwards, foreign investors need to register with the tax authorities and obtain a tax registration certificate.6.另外,外国投资者还需要在当地人力资源和社会保障局注册并办理员工的社会保险和公积金。

TheseArticlesofAssociationof【】(Beijing)Co.,Ltd.(hereinaft ercalledthe“Company”)areincorporatedby【】GroupCo.,Ltd.inacco rdancewiththe"LawsofthePeople'sRepublicofChinaonWhollyForeign-OwnedEnterprises"andthe“CompanyLawofthePeople'sRepublicofChin a”,andotherpertinentrulesandregulationsofthePeople'sRepublicof China(hereinaftercalled“PRC”).Article1公司名称:【】(北京)有限公司ThenameoftheCompanyinChineseis【】(北京)有限公司andinEngl ishis【】(Beijing)Co.,Ltd..第二条Article2公司注册地址:【】C座902室ThelegaladdressoftheCompanyisRoom902TowerC,【】.第三条Article3股东名称:【】集团公司ThenameoftheCompany'sShareholder(hereinaftercalledthe"Shar eholder")is【】GroupCo.,Ltd..股东国别:丹麦ThenationalityoftheShareholderisDenmark.股东法定地址:【】Sonderhoj14,DK-8260VibyJThelegaladdressoftheShareholderisSonderhoj14,DK-8260VibyJ,【】.股东法定代表:【】第四条ThelegalrepresentativefortheShareholderis【】.Article4公司的组织形式为有限责任公司。

苏州工业园区企业设立一站服务指南Guide of One-stop Service for Incorporation如何申请办理营业执照HOW TO APPLY FOR BL IN SIP(独资/WF0E)SIPACONE-STOP SERVICE 2007-5 版苏州工业园区企业设立一站服务程序及所需文件(外商独资企业)Documents needed for the establishment of a WOFE in SIP.第一阶段: 项目初审,交至经发局Phase I : Project pre-approval on the application documents , submitted to Economy and Trade Development Bureau(ETDB)01.关于设立外商独资企业的申请报告01. Application form for the setting up of the WOFE第二阶段:名称核准,交至工商局Phase II: name pre-approval, submitted to Industry and Commerce Administration Bureau (ICAB)01. 项目初审意见01. Project pre-approvall02. 外商投资企业名称预先核准申请书02. Name pre-approval application for setting up a WOFE03. 名称预先核准事宜委托书03. Letter of consignment for the name pre-approval04. 申请名称预先核准相关事项 pre-approval application related form05. 合法开业证明原件或复印件公证件05.Incorporation Certificate original or notarized letter of the copy of IC06. 境内法律文书送达接收人登记表06. Registration form of legal documents receiver within China第三阶段:环保初审,交至环保局Phase III:Environmental Impact Pre-approval, submitted to Environmental Protection Bureau01.建设项目环境影响自检表01. Self Examination on the Impact to the Environment第四阶段:公司文件审核/颁发批准证书交至经济贸易发展局Phase IV: issuing of the letter of Certificate, submitted to ETDB01.名称核准书01. Name pre-approval02.项目申请报告02. Project application03.苏州工业园区环境影响自检表03. Self Examination on the Impact to the Environment04.环保预审意见04. Environmental protection bureau pre-approval05.租约(附出租方的产权证明)或建设项目选址意见书或土地合同05. Lease contract (with the real estate certificate of the property) or site selection report orland transfer contract06.可行性研究报告06. Feasibility study07.章程、合同07. Articles of Association, contract08.董事会成员名单及任命文件(注明法定代表人)08. Letter of appointment of the board members (please designate the legalrepresentative)09.正、副总经理名单及聘任文件(注明法定代表人)09. Letter of appointment of the General Manager or the Deputy General Manager (pleasenotify if the GM is the legal representative)10.董事会成员和正副总经理的身份证或护照复印件10. Copy of the ID or passport of the board members, GM and DGM11.中方领导成员履历表及身份证复印件11. CV and ID copy of the Chinese high level management members12.授权委托书(非法定代表人签署文件)12. Letter of attorney (if the documents are not signed by the legal representative)13.多个外方合资时出具合资协议书,(在此情况下,公司章程须注明最高权力机构为股东会)13. Letter of resolution if the investor is a multiple party JV(please note that under thiscircumstance , the AOA should make it clear that the shareholder board is the highest power body)14. 合法开业证明原件或复印件公证件14. Incorporation Certificate original or notarized letter of the copy of IC15. 资信证明15. Bank’s reference letter16. 其它需报送的材料16. Others17.监事任命表17.Supervisor appointment format18.境外投资者(非自然人)主体资格审核申报表18. Declaration Form of Qualification Approval of Foreign Investors第五阶段:公司注册登记/核发经营执照,交至工商局Phase V: issuing of business license, submitted to ICAB01.名称核准书 pre-approval02.苏州工业园区环境影响自检表02.Self Examination on the Impact to the Environment03.环保预审意见03.Environmental protection bureau pre-approval04.租约原件(附出租方的产权证明)或建设项目选址意见书或土地合同原件04.Lease contract original (with the real estate certificate of the property) or site selection report or land transfer contract original05.章程、合同05.Articles of Association, contract06.董事会成员名单及任命文件(注明法定代表人)06.Letter of appointment of the board members (please designate the legal representative)07.正、副总经理名单及聘任文件(注明法定代表人)07.Letter of appointment of the General Manager or the Deputy General Manager (please notify if the GM is the legal representative)08.董事会成员和正副总经理的身份证或护照复印件08.Copy of the ID or passport of the board members, GM and DGM09.授权委托书(非法定代表人签署文件)09.Letter of attorney (if the documents are not signed by the legal representative)10. 多个外方合资时出具合资协议书(在此情况下,公司章程须注明最高权力机构为股东会)10. Letter of resolution if the investor is a multiple party JV(please note that under thiscircumstance, the AOA should make it clear that the shareholder board is the highest power body)11.外商投资企业设立登记申请书11. Application for Establishment and Registration of Foreign Invested Enterprise12. 指定代表或者委托代理人的证明12.Certification of appointed representative or authorized agent13.申请登记事项13. Application Form of Company Registration14. 法定代表人登记表14.Registration Form of Legal Representative15.法定代表人审查意见15.Remarks on the Legal Representative16.法定代表人履历16. Resume of the Legal Representative17. 批复(或备案表)及项目批准证书15. Letter of certificate18. 其它需报送的材料(涉及前置审批的)18. Others (Related pre-application).19.监事任命表19.Supervisor appointment format20.境外投资者(非自然人)主体资格审核申报表20. Declaration Form of Qualification Approval of Foreign Investors公司注册收费FEES FOR BUSINESS LICENSE出资期限SCHEDULE FOR PAID-UP/REGISTERED CAPITAL最低注册资金要求MINIMUM REGISTERED CAPITAL REQUIREMENT关于申请设立外商独资Application for Establishing a WFOE“”的申请报告(Name of the proposed WFOE)Economic and Trade Development Bureau of SIPAC :国公司拟在苏州工业园区设立(Original Country) (Name of parent company) hereby apply for establishment of a外商独资企业“”。

1. 确定公司类型和注册地点
2. 筹备注册材料
3. 银行开户
4. 注册公司名称
5. 公司章程撰写和公证
6. 公司注册申请
7. 支付注册费用
8. 完成注册程序并领取营业执照

外商注册公司流程 英文

外商注册公司流程英文英文回答:Step 1: Determine the Type of Company.The first step in the process of registering a foreign company in China is to determine the type of company that you want to establish. There are several different types of companies that foreign investors can choose from, including:Wholly foreign-owned enterprises (WFOEs)。
Joint ventures.Representative offices.Each type of company has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to carefully consider which type of company is right for your business.Step 2: Choose a Company Name.Once you have determined the type of company that you want to establish, you will need to choose a company name. The company name must be unique and must not be already in use by another company in China. You can search for available company names on the website of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC).Step 3: Prepare the Necessary Documents.To register a foreign company in China, you will need to prepare the following documents:A business license application form.A copy of the company's articles of incorporation.A copy of the company's bylaws.A list of the company's shareholders and directors.A financial statement.A tax registration certificate.All of these documents must be translated into Chinese and notarized.Step 4: Submit the Application.Once you have prepared all of the necessary documents, you will need to submit them to the SAIC. The SAIC will review your application and make a decision within 30 days.Step 5: Obtain a Business License.If your application is approved, the SAIC will issue you a business license. The business license will allow you to operate your business in China.Step 6: Register with the Tax Authorities.Once you have obtained a business license, you willneed to register with the tax authorities. The tax authorities will issue you a tax registration certificate. The tax registration certificate will allow you to pay taxes in China.Step 7: Open a Bank Account.Once you have registered with the tax authorities, you will need to open a bank account in China. The bank account will allow you to receive and make payments in China.中文回答:步骤 1,确定公司类型。

[ NEWS! ] RMB 100,000 ~ RMB 500,000 is minimum registered capital for Consulting WFOE, Service WFOE, Hi-Tech WFOE registration in Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou, Shenzhen and rest cities of China. Information provided below will guide you to:∙Introduction of wholly foreign owned enterprise (WFOE)∙Documents Required & Registration Procedures of WFOE∙Fee for WOFE Registration (Based in Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou, Hong Kong)∙Part time accounting service after WFOE incorporated in China Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise (WFOE) Introduction to WFOEThe Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise (WFOE) is a Limited liability company wholly owned by the foreign investor(s). In China, WFOEs were originally conceived for encouraged manufacturing activities that were either export orientated or introduced advanced technology. However, with China's entry into the WTO, these conditions were gradually abolished and the WFOE is increasingly being used for service providers such as a variety of consulting and management services, software development and trading as well.The registered capital of a Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise (WFOE) should be subscribed and contributed solely by foreign investor(s). A WFOE does not include branches established in China by foreign enterprises and other foreign economic organizations. The Chinese Laws on WFOE do not have a clear definition of the term of "branches". The term of "branches" should include both the branch companies engaged in operational activities and representative offices, which are generally not engaged in direct business activities. Therefore, branches and representative offices set up by foreign enterprises are not WFOE.Different types of WFOEFollowing are different types of WFOE. Commonly,1.If the WFOE only be allowed to manufacture here. we can say it'smanufacture WFOE.2.If the WFOE is allowed to do Consultancy & Service, we call themConsultancy Service WFOE.3.If the WFOE is allowed to do Trading, Wholesale, Retail or Franchisein China, we call them Trading WFOE or FICE (Foreign-InvestedCommercial Enterprise), you can check "FICE Registration" on the right menu for more information and details about FICE.Advantages of WFOEThe advantages of establishing a WFOE, compared with other types of enterprises, include, but not limited to:1.Independence and freedom to implement the worldwide strategies ofits parent company without having to consider the involvement of the Chinese partner;2.Ability to formally carry out business rather than just functionas a representative office and being able to issue invoices to their customers in RMB and receive revenues in RMB;3.Capability of converting RMB profits to US dollars for remittanceto its parent company outside of China;4.Protection of intellectual know-how and technology;5.No requirement for Import / Export license for its own products;6.Full control of human resources7.Greater efficiency in operations, management and futuredevelopment.Business scopeOne of the most important issues in WFOE application is business scope. Business scope needs to be defined and the WFOE can only conduct business within its approved business scope, which ultimately appears on the business license. Any amendments to the business scope require further application and approval. Inevitably, there is a negotiation with the approval authorities to approve as broad a business scope as is permitted. Generally business scope includes investment consulting, international economic consulting, trade information consulting, marketing and promotion consulting, corporate management consulting, technology consulting, manufacturing, etc. With China's entry into WTO, more and more business is open to WFOE especially in Trading, Wholesale and Retail business.Registered and paid up capitalRegistered Capital: USD$140,000 is a decent investment capital for all types of WFOE, with USD$ 140,000 investment it's easy to get approved. Initial Paid-up would be 20% of the registered capital, the balance should be remitted within 2 years. According China company law, RMB 100,000 ~ RMB 500,000 is minimum investment capital for Consulting WFOE, Service WFOE, Hi-Tech WFOE registration.Registered capital is the amount that it's required to run the business until it can break even - the 'registered capital' is a guideline only. If you do looking for a minimum registered capital, for instance RMB 30,000 (which is impossible to establish a WFOE in China) this means you will run out of money pretty soon, which leads to increased costs in reapplying for permission to increase capital, additional licensing fees and renewals of business licenses and so on. The WFOE needs funding via it's registered capital until it's about to support itself from it's own cash flow.However the amount of registered capital is dependent upon factors like Scope of Business and Location. In reality local authorities will review the feasibility study report (and check the lease contract) approve the investment on a case-by-case basis; reduced registered capital could be negotiated in some cases.The minimum registered capital guides for various industries according to our practice in China, for instance Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen are given below: (Updated: Jun 23, 2009:, Pudong District authority in Shanghai announced in a meeting with PTC that they are stopping to approve the registered capital less than RMB 300,000 in Pudong District; Some other districts of Shanghai already refused to approve registered capital below RMB 300,000 since the begin of 2009, while there were no official announcment from those districts. In Beijing, local authorities are still OK with RMB 100,000 registered capital)Consulting WFOE RMB 100,000 ~ RMB 500,000Service WFOE RMB 100,000 ~ RMB 500,000Hi-Tech WFOE RMB 100,000 ~ RMB 500,000Trading WFOE / FICE RMB 500,000 ~ RMB 1 millionFood & Beverage WFOE RMB 500,000 ~ RMB 1 millionManufacturing WFOE RMB 1 million or USD 140,000GENERAL TAX INFORMATIONSince Jan. 2008, China's new corporate tax rates begins range from15% to 25%, the rate depends on the places where the company is registered andthe industry that a company engaged. Please check the latest Corporate Income Tax Law of China. ( 193KB: Corporate Income Tax Law of China ) All enterprises are required to report to the Tax Administration Department monthly, quarterly, annually. Path To China provides part time accountant service for our clients, you are welcome to contact us for more information.ANNUAL AUDIT REPORTAny limited companies in China should summit annual audit report to the relevant authorities. The annual cost is about RMB 6,000. Any company will be subject be to a fine if the Annual Audit Report is not submitted in a timely manner.PROFIT REPATRIATIONChina Government allows Foreign Invested Enterprises remit their profits out of the country and such remittances do not require the prior approval of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE). Dividends cannot be distributed and repatriated to oversea if the losses of previous years have not been covered while dividends not distributed in previous years may be distributed together with those of the current year. Repatriating the Registered Capital to home countries is forbidden during the term of business operation.TERMS AND TERMINATIONIn China, terms of 15 to 30 years are typical for a manufacturing WFOE (although some may have a longer term). It is also possible to obtain extensions of the WFOE's duration. For projects in which the amount of investment is large, or the construction period is long and the return on investment low, projects producing sophisticated products using advanced or key technology provided by the foreign partner, or for projects producing internationally competitive products, the term of WFOE may be extended to 50 years. With special approval from the State Council, the term may be even longer than 50 years.The WFOE may be terminated under certain conditions. For example, the inability of the WFOE to operate due to heavy losses, or in the occurrence of an event of force majeure, etc.。


外资有限公司设立登记范文英文版Establishment Registration of Foreign-funded Limited Liability CompanyIn accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, a foreign-funded limited liability company (LLC) is required to be registered with the competent authority before it can legally operate within the territory of China. The following is a standard registration application for the establishment of a foreign-funded LLC:1. Application for Name Pre-approvalThe first step in the registration process is to apply for name pre-approval from the local Administration for Industry and Commerce (AIC). The proposed name of the foreign-funded LLC must comply with China's Company Name Regulations and should not be similar to any existing company name.2. Preparation of Required DocumentsOnce the name pre-approval is granted, the applicant must prepare the following documents for registration:- Articles of Association: This document outlines the company's internal management structure, decision-making process, and rights and obligations of shareholders.- Feasibility Study Report: This report provides an analysis of the feasibility and viability of the proposed business operation.- Legal Representative Appointment Letter: This letter appoints an individual to act as the legal representative of the company.- Shareholder Agreement: This agreement specifies the rights and responsibilities of each shareholder.- Proof of Investment: This document proves the capital contribution of each shareholder.- Lease Agreement: This agreement confirms the company's registered address.3. Submission of Registration DocumentsThe completed registration documents must be submitted to the AIC for review and approval. The AIC will verify the authenticity and accuracy of the documents before granting the registration.4. Capital InjectionUpon approval of the registration, the shareholders must inject the registered capital into the company's bank account. The capital injection must be completed within the specified time frame.5. Tax RegistrationAfter the capital injection is completed, the company must register with the local tax authority to obtain a tax registration certificate.6. Business License IssuanceOnce all the necessary registrations are completed, the AIC will issue a business license to the foreign-funded LLC. The business license is the legal basis for the company to conduct business activities within China.It is important to note that the registration process may vary depending on the location of the LLC and the specific industry in which it operates. It is advisable for applicants to seek professional legal advice to ensure compliance with the relevant regulations and laws.In conclusion, the establishment registration of aforeign-funded limited liability company in China is a complex process that requires careful preparation and attention to detail.By following the steps outlined above and seeking professional guidance, foreign investors can successfully register their LLC and begin operations in China.。


1、拟任法定代表人签署的《外商投资的公司设立登记申请书》; (要求明确代理人办理登记的委托有效期限)2、审批机关的批准文件(批复和批准证书副本1)(原件); 申请人应自收到批准证书之日起90日内到登记机关办理登记手续;但以中外合作、外商合资、外商独资形式设立公司的,申请人应自收到批准证书之日起30日内到登记机关办理登记手续;募集方式设立的股份公开发行股票的,还应提交国务院证券监视管理机构的核准文件原件或有效复印件。
3、公司章程(原件); 公司章程需投资各方法定代表人或其授权人签字、盖章的原件,投资者为自然人的由本人签字。
)4、《名称预先核准通知书》(原件); 《名称预先核准通知书》应在有效期内,且内容与拟设立公司申请的相关事项吻合。
5、投资者的主体资格证明或自然人身份证明; 中方投资者应提交由本单位加盖公章的营业执照/事业单位法人登记证书/社会团体法人登记证/民办非企业单位证书复印件作为主体资格证明;外国投资者的主体资格证明或身份证明应经其本国主管机关公证后送我国驻该国使(领)馆认证。
6、董事、监事和经理的任职文件及身份证明复印件;7、法定代表人任职文件和身份证明复印件;8、依法设立的验资机构出具的验资证明(原件); 适用于股份和金融、证券、保险类公司及基金管理公司等在设立时依法应当一次性缴付全部出资的,以及设立时缴付全部或局部公司资本的其他类型。
9、股东首次出资是非货币财产的,提交已办理财产权转移手续的证明文件;10、住所使用证明; 自有房产提交产权证复印件,并提交原件核对;租赁房屋提交租赁协议原件及出租方的产权证复印件,以上不能提供产权证复印件的,提交能够证明产权归属的其他房屋产权使用证明复印件。

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审批 时间 Appr oval
主办单位 Organizer
联系电话 Contact
1、企业名称 预先核准 1. Docs for name approval application of foreign 3、全体投资人的资格证明复印件 3. Photocopies of qualification invested certificates of all investors; enterprises 4、其他有关文件、证件 4. other relevant documents, certificates 1、 请示(1份,区外经贸主管部门加具意见)1. Request Sheet (1 copy, ) 2 、 合 同 、 章 程 ( 2 份 )2. Original contracts andarticles of association;(2 copies) 3 、 申 请 表 ( 1 份 ) 3. Application sheet of the certificae of approval 4、可行性研究报告(1份)4. Feasibility Study Report (1 copy) 5、董事会名单、董事身份证明及董事授权委派书(各1份) 2、申请批准 证书 Docs of application of the certificae of approval 6、外方投资者的公证及认证资料(如投资者是境外组织机构, 需一并公证投资者授权代表人)/外国个人投资者有效入境签证 的护照复印件(1份) Foreign Investor's notization certificate (1 7 、投资者银行资信证明( 1 份) 7. Certification of bank credit 7 days provided by the foreign investors (1 copy) 8、公司名称预核准登记通知书复印件(1份,由工商局核发) Copies of the notice of pre-approval of enterprise name (1 copy) 9、外商投资企业法律文件送达授权委托书(1份,初审时请提 交 正 本 ) 9. "Power of Attorney in Respect of Service of Legal Document" signed by the foreign investors (authorizer) and the legal documents recipient on the territory of china(authorizee). 10、 中方投资者营业执照及银行资信证明复印件(1份,仅限 于 合 资 、 合 作 项 目 ) 10. Sino Investor's business liscense and Certificate of Bank credit 11 、 审 批 机 关 要 求 的 其 他 材 料 11. other relevant documents, certificates 1、《外商投资企业设立登记申请书》1. "Registration Application Form for Setting up of Foreign-invested Companies' 2、指定代表或者共同委托代理人的证明 The certificate of appointed representative or jointly entrusted agent by all the shareholders 3、审批机关的批准文件(批复和批准证书副本1) 3.The approval document issued by the approval authority (one duplicate of official reply and approval certificate) 4、公司章程 4. Original articles of association 5 、《外商投资企业名称预先核准通知书》 5. Copies of the notice of pre-approval of enterprise name
市工商局 Adminstration of Industry and Commerce (AIC)
对外贸易经济 合作局 Trade Promotion Bureau
6 、 投 资 者 的 主 体 资 格 证 明 或 自 然 人 身 份 证 明 6. copies of qualifications of all investors (the legitimate business setting up certificate or personal identity, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan investors, their subject qualifications or identity of natural persons should be provided together with the local notary notarized document ) 3、注册登 记,申请营业 执照 Business Registration, Apply Business Liscence 7、董事、监事和经理的任职文件及身份证明复印件 7. Assignment documents of directors, supervisors, and managers as well as copies of their identity documents 8 、 法 定 代 表 人 任 职 文 件 和 身 份 证 明 复 印 件 8. Assignment documents of legal representative as well as copies of his identity documents 9 、 依 法 设 立 的 验 资 机 构 出 具 的 验 资 证 明 9. Investment verification certificates issued by a legally established investment verification authority 10、股东首次出资是非货币财产的,提交已办理财产权转移手 续的证明文件 10. Where a shareholder has made his/her capital contribution with nom-currency properties for the first time, documents proving the completion of property transfer procedures shall be submitted. 11、住所(经营场所)合法使用证明 11. The certificate of using the new domicile 12 、 创 立 大 会 的 会 议 记 录 12. The minutes of the inaugural assembБайду номын сангаасy 13 、 前 置 审 批 文 件 或 证 件 11. Pre-approval document or certificate 14 、 外 商 投 资 企 业 法 律 文 件 送 达 授 权 委托 书 14. "Power of Attorney in Respect of Service of Legal Document" signed by the foreign investors (authorizer) and the legal documents recipient on the territory of china(authorizee). 15、其他有关文件 15. other relevant documents, certificates 申请单位可通过“山东省组织机构代码数字证书服务平台” (/)提出申请,审核通过后,可以选择 邮政双向寄递或自行到我分中心代码办证窗口办理,并提交以 下资料: 1、填写《组织机构代码基本信息登记表》并在表格规定位置 加盖公章;Fill the 'Orginization Code Basic Information Registration Form' then seal it 2、单位成立的批准文件(营业执照、登记证等)原件及A4格 式复印件;The original approval certificate of establishment (Business liscense, certificate of registration etc) and A4 size 3、法定代表人身份证明文件(中国大陆为公民身份证、港澳 同胞为港澳通行证、台湾同胞为台胞证、外国人为护照)的原 件及复印件;3. Copies of his identity documents (ID, passport etc) of legal representative 4、经办人身份证原件及复印件; 4. Original Identity card of operator 5、单位公章。 6. Company official Seal 申请国税设立所需文件 Documents for application of state taxation 1、《税务登记表(适用单位纳税人)》1份 1. 'Tax Registration Form' (1 copy) 一般自 受理之 日起7 市工商局 Adminstration of Industry and Commerce (AIC)
流程 Procedure
所需材料 Requried Docs
1、《外商投资企业名称预先核准申请书》 1. The "foreigninvested enterprise name pre-approval application" signed by all investors 2、指定代表或者共同委托代理人的证明 2. "Power of Attorney in Respect of Service of Legal Document" signed by the foreign investors (authorizer) and the legal documents recipient on the territory of china(authorizee).