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II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空

11. What time _____ he usually ______ (go) to bed

12. Scott ____ (work) very long hours.

13. The food in the boxes ______ (be) very delicious.

14. His pare nts usually _____ (get) up at five.

10. What about ______ (liste n) to the music.

15. Tom isn't good at _______ (speak) Japa nese.

16. His sister ________ (want, joi n) the music club.

17. They are busy _______ (have) lun ch.

18. Jack, ______ (put) on your rain coat.

19. It ' s time _______ (go) home now.


()'s the time -- on e-thirty.

A. Its 's is 're ()likes the radio(收音机)。

liste n to C. liste ns to liste n ()only have shower.

A. some

()sister home at 5:00 every day.

A. gets to to () can watch Beiiing Opera TV.

A. in


A. take a shower a shower the shower and B

( ) do you usually go to bed

--At six.

A. What time time and C

( ) Min usually gets up _______ .

A. at six thirty thirty six six

thirty thirty six

( ) often does ______ homework at 6:00.

( ) our school, school _____ at 7:30.

( ) write and tell us _____ y our morning.

()12. Tony usually eats breakfast _______ 7: 00 am ______ Saturdays.

A. at; at

B. on; on

C. on; at

D. at; on

13. —What time__ you get up on weeke nds —He usually gets up exercis

e at 8:00. A. does B. do C. is D. are

14. Bob is very fat because he _____ exercises.

A. always

B. sometimes

C. usually

D. n ever

15. Scott to school from Mon day to Friday.

A. usually walk

B. walk usually

C. usually walks

D. w alks usually

16. Either Jim or Tom _______ at a radio stati on.

A. work

B. works

C. to work

D. worki ng

17. I have ______ homework to do in the eve ning.

A. ma ny

B. lot of

C. lots of

D. much of apples tastes __________ . A.

good B. well C. funny D. i ntere


19. I stay at school from Mon day ______ Friday.

A. to

B. in

C. on

D. for

20. Mary knows the ice-cream is not good _______ her, but it tastes g

ood. A. with B. to C. for D at

( )21. Is it __________ boring job No, it is ________ interest

ing work.

A. a, an

B. an, a

C.x ,

a D. a, x

()22. What time the child his homework

A. does, does

B. does, do

C. do, does

D. do, do

()23. We a shower schedule(计戈U) and I am the one to

a shower.

A. take, take

B. make, make

C. take,

make D. make, take

()24. Do you think the news very in terest ing

A. are

B. is

C. s ound

D. look

()25. What time your teacher supper

A. does, has

B. does, have

C. do,

has D. do, have

( )26. —Wha's the time ——It '


three -thirty. A. of B. around C. at D. i


( )27. Please write and tell me your school day.

A. about

B. for

C. with

( )28. We often do homework at

home A. we B.

us C. our D. the

( )29. Please come here. D on' t go now. A. to;


B. /; to home


/ ;home D. to; to home

( )30. I ____________ at ten o ' clock in the . have breakfast B.

get up C. go to bed D. have lunch
