
This is my hometown Quwo.
Shanxi ’s history
There is a old saying that Five thousand years civilization at shanxi. Shanxi has a long history, the humanities ceremony, with rich historical and cultural heritage. She is known as "the Chinese ancient cultural museum" , also known as "the cradle of Chinese civilization”.
• 世界遗产委员会的评价:云冈石窟代表公元5世纪 至6世纪时中国杰出的佛教石窟艺术。它是中国佛 教艺术第一个巅峰时期的经典杰作。
Mount Wutai
Wutai mountain
Mount Wutai
Mount Wutai is famous as a Buddhist holy and it is one of the four most famous buddhist mountains in China. Besides, it’s a beautiful summer resort. Every day there are a lot of people go to Mount Wutai to worship for their parents, children and themselves. 五台山是一个著名的佛教圣地,是中国四个最著名的佛教 山之一。此外,它是一个美丽的避暑胜地。 每天都有很多人去五台山为父母,孩子和自己的祈祷。
山西文化 - 英文ppt

Cat ears(猫耳朵)
Press small pasta with a finger into the shape like cat ear,cooked in boiling water,matched with a variety of halogen, toppings, or fried. this pasta shape like cat ear ,so named "cat ears".
难 老 泉
周 柏
(8) “民族之魂”——黄河壶口 Hukou Waterfalls of the Yellow River
The Hukou Waterfalls of the Yellow River is the only Yellow Waterfall on earth.
the article of pasta
Shan Xi exhibits its extremity of Jin's of kind heartedness and beauty
the location the history of Shanxi the sights of Shanxi the article of pasta
Nvwa Patches up the Sky
Fu Xi painted divinatory symbols
Hou Yi shooting the sun
Jing Wei fills the sea
Shanxi is one of the birth places of Chinese civilizations with a long history and traditional culture.

The Origins of Jin Merchant
1 Pre-Qin Times: There are several commercial activities in the south of Jin. 2 Qin-Han Times:Some cities become important commodity distribution market such as Pingyao, Taiyuan, Fenyang. 3 The Tang Dynasty: Taiyuan become a famous business city. But shanxi merchant in this period has not a certain organization and the prominent position. 4 The Song Dynasty: Jin Merchant become the backbone of the business in China. 5 From the Ming Dynasty to Qing Dynasty:A further development of Jin merchants forces.明代全国较大的商 业城市有33个,山西就有太原、平阳、蒲州(永济)三处。 山西商人资本积累相当可观: “平阳、泽、潞富豪甲天下, 非数十万不称富”。
merchants active that many ancient literature have the records. It has a famous reputation at Ming Dynasty. At the early Qing Dynasty, the original capital of Jin merchant capital forms gradually, at the middle of Qing Dynasty, the career of Jin merchants reach a summit, and establish the earliest Chinese “bank”.

Menmian (焖面)
Youmian 莜面
Chaobulanzi 炒不烂子
一根面 longevity noodles
拉面 ramen hand-pulled noodles
To making good noodle is a skill that grows with practice.
Baked Flour Sculpture
Colored Flour Sculpture
Hundreds of years ago,while making food,people had tried to make it beautiful, as well as delicious. They made the steamed bread or other kinds of cake into different shapes. And these cakes and breads are the so-called "flour sculpture" today. There are mainly three types of flour sculptures in Shanxi, namely Baked Flour Sculpture, Colored Flour Sculpture, and White Flour Sculpture.
剔 尖 儿
揪 片 儿
Special in Taiyuan
Shanxi province is not only the world's earliest and largest agricultural area of origin, but also the birthplace of pasta culture. Counting from time to verify that there are about 280 kinds of pasta catagories in 2,000 years of history
Menmian (焖面)
Youmian 莜面
Chaobulanzi 炒不烂子
一根面 longevity noodles
拉面 ramen hand-pulled noodles
To making good noodle is a skill that grows with practice.
Baked Flour Sculpture
Colored Flour Sculpture
Hundreds of years ago,while making food,people had tried to make it beautiful, as well as delicious. They made the steamed bread or other kinds of cake into different shapes. And these cakes and breads are the so-called "flour sculpture" today. There are mainly three types of flour sculptures in Shanxi, namely Baked Flour Sculpture, Colored Flour Sculpture, and White Flour Sculpture.
剔 尖 儿
揪 片 儿
Special in Taiyuan
Shanxi province is not only the world's earliest and largest agricultural area of origin, but also the birthplace of pasta culture. Counting from time to verify that there are about 280 kinds of pasta catagories in 2,000 years of history

Dynasty and Empress Consort Wu (武后) in later
times, was the only woman
in the history of China to
assume the title of Empress
Regnant (Huangdi).
Diao Chan, one of the four beauties in ancient China,was born in xinzhou city ,shanxi province.She is although not on
• Architects consider it to be one of the finest remaining examples of imposing private residences in northern China. It has been converted into a museum and has many period furnishings.
not only for its location on a sheer(陡峭的) precipice(悬崖) but also because it includes Buddhist, Taoist, and Confucian elements. The structure is kept in place with oak (橡木) crossbeams (横梁)fitted into holes and chiseled(凿刻) into the cliffs. The main supportive structure was hidden inside the bedrock(岩床).
times, was the only woman
in the history of China to
assume the title of Empress
Regnant (Huangdi).
Diao Chan, one of the four beauties in ancient China,was born in xinzhou city ,shanxi province.She is although not on
• Architects consider it to be one of the finest remaining examples of imposing private residences in northern China. It has been converted into a museum and has many period furnishings.
not only for its location on a sheer(陡峭的) precipice(悬崖) but also because it includes Buddhist, Taoist, and Confucian elements. The structure is kept in place with oak (橡木) crossbeams (横梁)fitted into holes and chiseled(凿刻) into the cliffs. The main supportive structure was hidden inside the bedrock(岩床).

Eating Here
Байду номын сангаас
Rebuilding New Shanxi
Recently, the Sixth Central China EXPO was successful holded in Taiyuan.
Exhibition hall
thank you for watching
welcome to shanxi
Cock's heart ^O^
just like cock's heart both in the shape and role she act.
coalminer’s living actuality is terrible. Coal bosses push up profits by cutting corners on safety and benefits for miners. Horrific deaths of miners are ubiquitous.
Loess Plateau( 黄土高原)
History and Culture
Shanxi is called Sanjin , because of it’s long history . As we all know , many emperors settled in Shanxi and regarded her as capital, such as Yao, Shun, Yu, Xia dynasty ,tang dynasty and so on. Shanxi has a long history, with rich historical and cultural heritages. It is known as "the Chinese ancient cultural museum" , also known as "the cradle of Chinese civilization”.

Yungang Grottoes['ɡrɔtəu] 云冈石窟
Mount Wutai 五台山
Taihang Grand Canyon['kænjən] 太行山大峡谷
China serves some of the best flour-based foods in the world; and Shanxi ranks first in China in preparing “flour foods”. Shanxi Province has a recorded history dating back more than 2,000 years of making wheat-flour food, due to bumper['bʌmpə] 丰盛的,丰富的 wheat harvests resulting partly from rich experience in cultivation. Shanxi province boasts nearly 1,000 kinds of flour foods, made with a wide variety of materials. In Shanxi, flour serves as a staple food, snack and even art.
焖面 豆角焖面最好吃,山 西人夏天的最爱! 焖面(山西人说吃面 不叫吃面,叫“跌” 面,从这个字也能 看出山西人对 面食的热爱)再啃上 一瓣蒜,天上人间!
• 本名“拌子”,山 西方言也称“拨烂 子、“古雷”。 • 做法:将土豆去皮 洗净切丝,拌入面 粉,搅拌均匀后上 笼蒸熟。春末槐花 开时也可以用槐花 做。
This is my homet own

Baked Flour Sculpture
Colored Flour Sculpture
Hundreds of years ago,while making food,people had tried to make it beautiful, as well as delicious. They made the steamed bread or other kinds of cake into different shapes. And these cakes and breads are the socalled "flour sculpture" today. There are mainly three types of flour sculptures in Shanxi, namely Baked Flour Sculpture, Colored Flour Sculpture, and White Flour Sculpture.
剔 尖 儿
揪 片 儿
Special in Taiyuan
Shanxi province is not only the world's earliest and largest agricultural area of origin, but also the birthplace of pasta culture. Counting from time to verify that there are about 280 kinds of pasta catagories in 2,000 years of history
On the left is the staple food of our normal-ordinary steamed bread

On the left is the staple food of our normal--ordinary steamed bread
On the right is very good-looking ,named colorful steamed bread(五彩馒头).
ZaMian steamed bread is a very nutritious food,which is made of corn .
Special in Taiyuan
Shanxi province is not only the world's earliest and largest agricultural area of origin, but also the birthplace of pasta culture. Counting from time to verify that there are about 280 kinds of pasta catagories in 2,000 years of history
Shanxi's travel industry representatives said that integrate traditional food in shanxi had attracted many tourists from everywhere in the world.
Sliced noodles particular stress the speed and shape. Chef stands before the pot to cut noodles, one hand holding the noodles, the other hand holding the knife to cut from the top down. Good cook can cut about two hundred times per minute. The length of each side leaves are exactly six inches.

秦朝时期山西成为秦朝 的重要粮仓
唐朝时期山西成为唐朝 的军事重镇
元朝时期山西成为元朝 的军事重镇
清朝时期山西成为清朝 的军事重镇
山西的文化和旅 游资源
平遥古城:世 界文化遗产保 存完好的古城
云冈石窟:世 界文化遗产中 国最大的石窟
五台山:世界 文化遗产中国 四大佛教名山
山西的英语教育 现状和未来发展
英语教育普及程度:山西的英语教育普及程度较高大部分学校都开设了 英语课程。
英语教育质量:山西的英语教育质量参差不齐部分学校英语教育质量较 高部分学校英语教育质量有待提高。
英语教育师资力量:山西的英语教育师资力量相对薄弱部分学校英语教 师数量不足部分学校英语教师教学水平有待提高。
英语教育投入:山西的英语教育投入相对较少部分学校英语教育投入不 足部分学校英语教育投入有待提高。
教育资源不均衡:城乡之间、地区之间 教育资源存在较大差距
教师队伍素质参差不齐:部分教师英语 水平不高教学方法陈旧
学生英语学习兴趣不高:缺乏有效的激 励机制学生学习动力不足
考试评价体系不合理:过于注重应试技 巧忽视实际应用能力的培养
隋唐时期山西成为经济 和文化中心
近代以来山西经历了多次 战争和变革逐渐成为现代
战国时期赵国成为战国 七雄之一
汉朝时期山西成为丝绸 之路的重要通道
宋朝时期山西成为宋朝 的边防重镇
明朝时期山西成为明朝 的边防重镇
民国时期山西成为抗日 战争的重要战场
春秋时期晋国成为春秋 五霸之一

As the name suggests, it is from cutting with scissors, like whitebait (鲱鱼) in the river.
Cat ears(猫耳朵)
Press small pasta with a finger into the shape like cat ear, cooked in boiling water,matched with a variety of halogen(卤), toppings, or fried.
Ramen can be steamed, boiled, baked and fried. Each of them have a flavor. But the technique of Ramen is very difficult.
Scissors pasta(剪刀面)
Film pulling(揪片)
Roll a dough into thin slices, push the piece into the button size, thrown into the pot, dough pieces float means cooked.
There are some different types of Cooked Wheaten Food i
焖面 炒 饼 丝
Shanxi aged vinegar is a traditional product of place in Shanxi Province, which belongs to one of the four famous vinegar.
Cat ears(猫耳朵)
Press small pasta with a finger into the shape like cat ear, cooked in boiling water,matched with a variety of halogen(卤), toppings, or fried.
Ramen can be steamed, boiled, baked and fried. Each of them have a flavor. But the technique of Ramen is very difficult.
Scissors pasta(剪刀面)
Film pulling(揪片)
Roll a dough into thin slices, push the piece into the button size, thrown into the pot, dough pieces float means cooked.
There are some different types of Cooked Wheaten Food i
焖面 炒 饼 丝
Shanxi aged vinegar is a traditional product of place in Shanxi Province, which belongs to one of the four famous vinegar.

Rebuilding New Shanxi
Recently, the Sixth Central China EXPO was successful holded in Taiyuan.
Music foun音t乐ai喷n泉
Exhibition hallห้องสมุดไป่ตู้展馆)
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Shanxi has a long history, with rich historical and cultural heritages. It is known as "the Chinese ancient cultural museum" , also known as "the cradle of
The Yingxian Wooden Tower
乔家大院 壶口瀑布
Royal Prime Minister's palace
Guandi Temple
绵 山
Similar to much of the northern China citys, Shanxi is more interested in wheat based staple foods. And this wheat culture is most noticeable in the preference for many different styles of noodles.
Chinese civilization”.
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Shanxi Province, referred to Jin, the provincial capital is Taiyuan. The industrial base of Shanxi is strong and industrial advantages prominent, rich in mineral resources, including coal, aluminum. Of course, coal is the most important
旺 火
Wanghuo means “ Honghonghuohuo ” and “wangqichongtian”
Shanxi has much natural landscape and humanistic landscape. Well, Datong Yungang Grottoes(大同云冈石窟), the Ancient City of Ping Yao (平遥古城)and Mount Wutai(五台山) had been listed as world cultural heritages. Next , let us go into Shanxi’s scenery! Follow me!
Dragon head(龙抬头) According to legend, the second day of lunar February is a day that everything come back to life ,we called this day “dragon head”. In shanxi, people are used to cut hair on this day. Haishijie(寒食节 ) The day before the qingming festival, jinzhong area of people, every family no fire, this day eating cold food , in order to remember Jiezitui .Locals called this day “HanShiJie ".
What’s more ,I think Shanxi was famous for Traders and shanxi exchange(晋商和山西票号).There were many ancient buildings witnessed of Shanxi economy thriving.
The Ancient City of Ping Yao
Video introduction
Байду номын сангаас
Yungang Grottoes
Yungang Grottoes
• The world heritage committee ’s evaluation: Yungang Grottoes represents the 5th century A.D. to the 6th century outstanding Chinese buddhist grotto art. It is the first Chinese buddhist art masterpieces of classical peak.
Courtyard of Family Chang
YingXian Wood Tower(应县木塔)
Shanxi’S food : noodleS
Shanxi’s noodles with a long history . According to check, there are above 280 kind of noodles. They are not only tasty, but also have many special meanings. For example, a person who has birthday will eat “ Yigenmian ” , also called “longevity (长寿) noodle”, which made up by a piece of noodle. It means longevity.
Some other foods
Fen is famous of China's ancient history, produced in Shanxi Province Xinghuacun Fenyang City
.The picture shows people are praying for others
Hukou waterfalls(壶口瀑布)
The Hanging Temple(悬空寺)
Mianshan Mountain (绵山)
Courtyard of Family Wang
The basic situation of Shanxi
Shanxi ’s history
There is a old saying that Five thousand years civilization at shanxi. Shanxi has a long history, the humanities ceremony, with rich historical and cultural heritage. She is known as "the Chinese ancient cultural museum" , also known as "the cradle of Chinese civilization”. Do you know, “NvWaBuTian" legend both happened in Shanxi. Historically, many emperors treated shanxi as capitals. Such as Yao, Shun, Yu ,Xia dynasty and so on.
Mount Wutai
Mount Wutai is famous as a Buddhist holy and it is one of the four most famous buddhist mountains in China. Besides, it’s a beautiful summer resort. Every day there are a lot of people go to Mount Wutai to pray for their parents, children and themselves.
Finally, I want to say, my hometown is not as developed as Shanghai , also her scenery can’t compare with Hainan’ s. But I just like her peaceful and slow-rhythm lifestyle, it make me feel comfortable and free. I love my hometown! If you go there, you will love this primitive and colorful place. Welcome to Shanxi!
Shanxi Province, referred to Jin, the provincial capital is Taiyuan. The industrial base of Shanxi is strong and industrial advantages prominent, rich in mineral resources, including coal, aluminum. Of course, coal is the most important
旺 火
Wanghuo means “ Honghonghuohuo ” and “wangqichongtian”
Shanxi has much natural landscape and humanistic landscape. Well, Datong Yungang Grottoes(大同云冈石窟), the Ancient City of Ping Yao (平遥古城)and Mount Wutai(五台山) had been listed as world cultural heritages. Next , let us go into Shanxi’s scenery! Follow me!
Dragon head(龙抬头) According to legend, the second day of lunar February is a day that everything come back to life ,we called this day “dragon head”. In shanxi, people are used to cut hair on this day. Haishijie(寒食节 ) The day before the qingming festival, jinzhong area of people, every family no fire, this day eating cold food , in order to remember Jiezitui .Locals called this day “HanShiJie ".
What’s more ,I think Shanxi was famous for Traders and shanxi exchange(晋商和山西票号).There were many ancient buildings witnessed of Shanxi economy thriving.
The Ancient City of Ping Yao
Video introduction
Байду номын сангаас
Yungang Grottoes
Yungang Grottoes
• The world heritage committee ’s evaluation: Yungang Grottoes represents the 5th century A.D. to the 6th century outstanding Chinese buddhist grotto art. It is the first Chinese buddhist art masterpieces of classical peak.
Courtyard of Family Chang
YingXian Wood Tower(应县木塔)
Shanxi’S food : noodleS
Shanxi’s noodles with a long history . According to check, there are above 280 kind of noodles. They are not only tasty, but also have many special meanings. For example, a person who has birthday will eat “ Yigenmian ” , also called “longevity (长寿) noodle”, which made up by a piece of noodle. It means longevity.
Some other foods
Fen is famous of China's ancient history, produced in Shanxi Province Xinghuacun Fenyang City
.The picture shows people are praying for others
Hukou waterfalls(壶口瀑布)
The Hanging Temple(悬空寺)
Mianshan Mountain (绵山)
Courtyard of Family Wang
The basic situation of Shanxi
Shanxi ’s history
There is a old saying that Five thousand years civilization at shanxi. Shanxi has a long history, the humanities ceremony, with rich historical and cultural heritage. She is known as "the Chinese ancient cultural museum" , also known as "the cradle of Chinese civilization”. Do you know, “NvWaBuTian" legend both happened in Shanxi. Historically, many emperors treated shanxi as capitals. Such as Yao, Shun, Yu ,Xia dynasty and so on.
Mount Wutai
Mount Wutai is famous as a Buddhist holy and it is one of the four most famous buddhist mountains in China. Besides, it’s a beautiful summer resort. Every day there are a lot of people go to Mount Wutai to pray for their parents, children and themselves.
Finally, I want to say, my hometown is not as developed as Shanghai , also her scenery can’t compare with Hainan’ s. But I just like her peaceful and slow-rhythm lifestyle, it make me feel comfortable and free. I love my hometown! If you go there, you will love this primitive and colorful place. Welcome to Shanxi!