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1、本文开发了一种XX装置,可大大提高YY系统的稳定性与抗干扰能力。This paper developed a device of XX,which could greatly enhance the stability and anti-jamming ability of YY system




It can be seen from the experimental results that when XX increases,YYwill also increase and (however,)ZZ shows a decreasing tendency ,As for the slight fluctuation of WW, the author thanks(accordiing to author’s opinion)it may be caused by…(result from…) If the solution concentration or current density could be controlled stable,this phenomenon may acquire alleviation even elimination ,on this problem XX et al have explained in a scientific report about.


大大优于进口同类产品,填补了我国在该领域的空白,也为进一步开发高性能高压电器(high-voltage apparatus)打下了良好的基础。

The experiments results show that various parameters of this device can meet the national standard of…and its weathe reesistance is much better than the improted same products. which filled in the blank of…in our country and lay a solid foundation for making further improvement on the exploitation of high-voltage apparatus


We use two-phased flow theory to analyze the motion velocity and concentration distribution of the impurity particles inside the micro-channels and hence provided a theoretical basis for the study on the anti-clogging of new type emitters.

二、重点词汇1. 知识经济knowledge economy ;有史以来since the beginning history;科学技术知识knowledge of science and technology;管理与行为科学Management and behavioral science;工业经济industrial economy;农业经济agricultural economy;描述和理解Describe and understand;知识和信息的扩散和应用diffusion, and application of knowledge and information;无形资产intangible assets.知识型劳动者knowledge labouer;核心生产要素essential production element;信息化Informatization;网络化networking;虚拟化virtualization;全球化globalization ;组织特征organizing feature ;紧密合作close cooperation;伙伴关系partnership;并行关系parallel relation;网络结构network structure,;生产特征production characteristics;产品特征product feature;智能化个性化特色化intelligentialization,personalization,Characteristic;产业结构industrial structure;高技术产业high-tech industry;服务业service industry ;主导地位leading position;

2. 因特网技术internet technology;充分发挥give full play to;企业产品enterprise product ;共享share;制造资源Manufacturing Resource ;设备equipment ;利用率utilization ratio;举措measures;专业技术人员Technical Personnel;加快…速度accelerate the speed of Product Development;缩短新产品上市周期shorten the new product manufacturing period;初期投资风险the initial investment risk;树立…概念establish the concept of ;现代信息手段Modern Information Methods;

Especially,it help enterprises establish the concept of using modern information methods-the technology of internet and rapid prototyping to raise the ability of new product development.

3. 粗放型extensive ;经济发展模式economic development model;消耗consume;不可再生的irrecoverable ;宝贵资源valuable resources;工业废料industrial waste ;人类生活环境human living environment;严重后果Serious Consequences ;破坏了自然界的生态平衡break the ecological balance of nature ;直接威胁着人类的生存threat the survival of human beings directly ;可持续发展战略sustainable development strategy ;高技术high technology;环保environmental protection ;统筹考虑take … into account as a whole ;可持续制造技术Sustainable production technology;发展机会development opportunity ;和谐的自然环境Harmonious natural environment ;工业经济时代Industrial economy era ;知识经济时代knowledge economy era;步入step into ;长期战略方针;long-term strategic principle ;

4. 计算机辅助工程CAE(computer aided engineering);自动化技术automation technology ;机械工程Mechanical Engineering;广泛应用widely used/extensive application ;绘制技术图纸Protract technology drawing ;设计分析与性能仿真design analysis and performance simulation;机床machine tool ;机械工程师mechanical engineer;

设计计算机的结构design the structure of the computer;在过去几十年里In the past few decades;计算与信息技术Computing and Information Technology;机械工程mechanical engineering;实施方式enforcement mode;计算机辅助设计CAD 分析软件;Analysis Software;信息数据库Information Database;计算机控制computer control ;原型样机prototyping equipment;工业领域industrial fields;完全替代completely instead of;依靠纸张的设计depend on the design of the paper ;分析手段analysis methods;


