制作人:冯李华 学号:103201008
卡卡是我最喜欢的足球球星,他是令无数球 卡卡是我 迷疯狂和崇拜的足球天才,相信,通过我的 介绍,更多人们会爱上这个新一届的球王
里卡尔多· 伊泽克森· 多斯· 桑托 斯· 莱特(Ricardo Izecson Dos Santos Leite) 简称:卡卡(Kaka) 国籍:巴西 位置:中场 身高:185cm 体重:73kg 球衣号码:22 出生地:巴西利亚 生日:1982年4月22日 现效力俱乐部:AC米兰 曾效力俱乐部:圣保罗
伙情 在 但 的卡是 伤卡完 病与美 光皇的 顾马事 了还情 这处总 个于是 俊蜜会 俏月有 的期很 小之多 时的 ,曲 无折 ,
在国际比赛的重头戏……世界杯中,卡 卡亦发挥欠佳,甚至被无端陷害染红!
这些也都使卡卡的个人形象和品格 收到了那些“伪球迷”们的严重质 疑甚至诋毁……
28岁,卡卡还年轻!他一直 微笑,他一直自信!我们有 理由相信:只要迈过了现在 这个坎,曾经那个追风少年, 一定会在伯纳乌的场地上缔 造属于自己的辉煌!!!
卡卡是巴西圣保罗队近年来培 养出的优秀中场球员,早在巴 西,不到20岁的他就成为队中 的球星,但是真正将卡卡培育 成为世界一流球星的却是AC米 兰。
在当时的 米兰,卡卡 是当仁不让 的核心,亦 是主帅安切 洛蒂最为信 赖的人。在 球队危急时 刻挺身而出 已经成了卡 卡的专利
同样在巴西 国家队,卡 卡也取代队 友小罗,成 为桑巴军团 的核心球员
喜者领进 ,航球 依舵依 然手然 在,在 伪这继 球个续 迷桑, 们巴卡 带世卡 来界, 这里红 一的黑 个最军 个佳团 惊舞的
但是更无疑问, 未来更是属于 卡卡的,卡卡 的明天一定会 更加辉煌和美 好
kaka 英文介绍
Personal Life
Kaká married his childhood sweetheart Caroline Celico on 23 December 2005 at a Rebirth in Christ church in São Paulo. The couple have two children: son Luca Celico Leite (born 10 June 2008) and daughter Isabella (born 23 April 2011).
• Kaká began his career with São Paulo at the age of eight. • In 2003 he joined Milan for a fee of €8.5 million. While at Milan, Kaká won the Football Golden Globes and FIFA World Player of the Year awards in 2007. After his success with Milan, Kaká joined Real Madrid for a transfer fee of €65 million.At the time, this was the second highest transfer fee , ever, behind only the €75 million fee for Zinedine Zidane. After four seasons in Spain, he returned to Milan in 2013. He has been a Brazilian international player since 2002, and was selected for their victorious World Cup squad that year, as well as two more editions of the tournament.
巴塞罗那 西班牙
谢 谢观看
卫或中前卫,右脚长传和定位球技术尤为突出,在职业生涯中都以此 贡献了大量助攻和进球。
韦恩·鲁尼(Wayne Rooney)1985年10月24日出生于英 格兰利物浦市克罗克斯泰思,英格兰足球运动员,场上位 置司职前锋,目前效力于英超的曼联足球俱乐部。鲁尼被 认为是同时代最出色的英格兰球员,在俱乐部和国家队都 是核心,不仅能攻城拔寨,还能穿针引线盘活中前场,是 一个活动范围大、技术全面且非常无私的球员
Super star
身高:182cm 体重:75kg 出生日期:1982年4月22日 出生地点:巴西利亚 场上位置:前卫 效力球队:AC米兰
里卡多·伊泽克森·多斯·桑托斯·雷特(葡萄牙文:Ricardo Izecson dos S-a)nt,os昵Le称ite卡,卡读(音葡IP萄A牙:文/xi:'kaKʁadkuá)ˌiz,ɛ'k是sõ一d名us效ɐ̃t力us于lɛ西itʃi甲/ ,劲1旅98皇2年家4马月德22里日的 巴西职业足球员,司职攻击型中场(attacking midfielder)。卡卡持有巴西以 及意大利的双重国籍,他是2007年欧洲金球奖及世界足球先生的得主,被认 为是当今世界足坛最为杰出的进攻型球员之一,亦被美国时代杂志选为2008 年度100名最具影响力的人物之一。
克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多(Cristiano Ronaldo, 中文简称C·罗纳尔多或C罗),是一名葡萄牙 足球运动员,司职边锋同时也可兼任中锋,现效 力于西甲豪门皇家马德里队,同时身兼葡萄牙 国家队的队长。他带球速度极快,善于突破和 射门,拥有强悍的身体素质,技术非常全面, 是当今世界足坛最杰出的球星之一C罗18岁加 入英超曼联,6年来为曼联赢得众多主要赛事 荣誉,也获得不少个人荣誉,其中在2007-08 年赛季个人攻入42球,帮助曼联获得欧冠冠军 和卫冕英超冠军,因此荣膺欧洲金球奖和世界 足球先生,是首位在英超诞生的世界足球先生。
中文名:里卡多·伊泽克森·多斯·桑托斯·雷特外文名:Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite别名:卡卡,加卡(粤语译名)国籍:巴西/意大利出生地:巴西利亚出生日期:1982年4月22日身高:186cm体重:77kg运动项目:足球所属运动队:巴西国家队专业特点:带球突破主要奖项:2009年联合会杯冠军2007年国际足联世界足球先生2007年欧洲金球奖2007年欧洲冠军杯冠军重要事件:2009年从AC米兰转会皇家马德里2003年从巴西圣保罗转会AC米兰妻子:卡罗琳·塞里科(Caroline)儿子:卢卡(Luca)女儿:伊莎贝拉(Isabella)国家队球衣号:10号俱乐部球衣号:8号仰:“我属于耶稣”卡卡庆祝进球的动作是双手指向天空,这个动作颇有深意。
卡卡相信,是耶稣的力量让他康复,并且有了今天的成就,每次进球后他双手指天感谢耶稣的恩赐,04年随AC米兰称雄意甲后,他穿着一件特意准备的庆祝短衫,上写“I BELONG TO JESUS”(我属于耶稣)。
关于世界杯球星 中英文介绍PPT课件
曼联锋线尖刀韦恩.鲁尼是全英格 兰最具实力的球员,也是全球最 顶尖的足坛巨星之一。鲁尼在17 岁就出人头地,成为英格兰国脚, 此后便一直是万众瞩目的焦点。 鲁尼带球时身体优势明显, 威力惊人,他传接球的能力、 远射的功夫和甘于为球队整体服 务的无私精神,在国际足坛举世 无双,其对足球的狂热更是无可 指摘。鲁尼是英伦足球腾飞的最 大希望,只要他状态上佳,英格 兰必定不可阻挡!
h the national team is still a debt he
owes to the fans. To repay that debt, he will h
ave to forget about the shadow of Mar.adona.
He needs to be Messi.
His real name is Ricardo Izecso n dos Santos Leite, but he is kn own to the world by his catchy nickname: Kaka. This handsom
A muchvaunted prodigy when sn apped up by Manchester United f rom Sporting Lisbon in 2003, Cri stiano Ronaldo is now perhaps, a part from David Beckham, the be stknown soccer player in the pla net. After winning all there was t o win with the RedDevils, Ronald o earned his dream move to Real Madrid in the summerof 2009 for a world record fee of£80m. Fast and tricky, Ronaldo possesses a thunderous dipping; swerving s hot and is one of the most dangr ous setpiece exponents in the ga me. It is time for Ronaldo to truly live up to his star billing on the w orld stage.
巴西卡卡的个人简历2011-04-10谁能给我发下巴西卡卡的个人简历谁能给我发下卡卡的个人简历全名:里卡尔多・伊泽森・桑托斯・莱特・卡卡(Ricardo Izecson Santos Leite Kaka)呢称:卡卡(Kaka)国籍:巴西位置:中场生日:1982年4月22日身高:184cm身体的重量:73kg现效力俱乐部:AC米兰曾效力俱乐部:巴西圣保罗里卡多・伊泽克森・多斯・桑托斯・雷特(葡萄牙文:Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite)1982年4月22日生,昵称卡卡(葡萄牙文:Kaká),是一名效力于西甲劲旅皇家马德里的巴西职业足球员,司职进犯型中场(attacking midfielder)。
全名:里卡尔多・伊泽森・桑托斯・莱特・卡卡(Ricardo Izecson Santos Leite Kaka)呢称:卡卡(Kaka)国籍:巴西位置:中场生日:1982年4月22日身高:184cm身体的重量:73kg现效力俱乐部:AC米兰曾效力俱乐部:巴西圣保罗家庭状况:父亲:鲍斯高・伊泽森・柏莱拉・莱特工程师母亲:西蒙妮・科里斯蒂娜・桑托斯・莱特教师弟弟:罗德里格・伊泽森・桑托斯・莱特学生未婚妻:卡罗尔学生个人爱好:爱好:网球、保龄球、看录影带、听福音、打电子游戏喜欢的音乐:福音音乐喜欢的福音乐团:Resgate和Renascer Praise喜欢的歌手:Aline Barros喜欢的音乐专辑:Renascer Praise的第六张专辑《答应》喜欢的女演员:Regina Duarte喜欢的DVD:只有Renascer Praise的喜欢的电影:《绿颜色奇迹》、《怒海潜将》喜欢的电视节目:电影,诸如"朋友"那样的电视剧,还有体育节目,特别是举世电视台的"体育奇观"喜欢的书:《圣经》喜欢的颜色:白色喜欢的饮料:水和凤梨汁喜欢的食物:母亲招牌烩饭和腓吉达喜欢的服装风格:运动休闲喜欢的品牌:阿玛尼喜欢的香水:CK和Hugo Boss喜欢的鞋:没有特别喜欢的我的妻子将会是:充满灵感的女孩挚爱的城市:巴西利亚,我出生的处所车:奥迪标致女人:费尔南达・莉玛标致汉子:我白天喜欢:踢球晚上喜欢:出外品尝各式的晚餐休闲时候会和家人时常做的工作:去教堂,给朋友捐助运动以外的文娱:剧院和电影院是很好的选择烂漫的还是密意:密意偶像:只有耶稣宠物:Ranny,我的一只卷毛狗职业典范:拉易、济科、塞纳敬佩的人:善于沟通的人高兴的事:踢球贫苦的事:近视恋家:巴西利亚的家征服:成为出色的职业球员幻灭:没有结果为u-20的冠军希望某一天:在圣保罗退役胡想:买一栋屋子,和我的妻子、两个孩子住在一路,还有许多狗。
Ronaldo, King of the WorldBiographyRonaldo Luiz Nazario de Lima1 was born on 22 September 1976 in a poor suburb of Rio de Janeiro2. Like most of his childhood friends, Ronaldo began his soccer career playing barefoot in the streets of his neighborhood. At the age of 14, he joined S o Cristov o3 soccer club and only two years later became the star of Cruzeiro Belo Horizonte4 scoring a total of 58 goals in 60 matches and earning himself a reputation for his explosive5 pace and outstanding finishing skills. His goal-scoring record and unusual agility6 led him to be included in the Brazilian World Cup winning team the following year. After the World Cup, many top European football clubs were trying to sign him. Many people, including Brazilian football legend Pelé7, referred to him as the most promising8 footballer of his generation.Since his transfer to Dutch team PSV Eindhoven9, Ronaldo s biography10 is one of success after success. Two Copa América s11, a UEFA12 Cup, a Dutch Cup, a Spanish League Cup, and two awards as best player in the world, all in the space of two years, are some of Ronaldo s impressive13 achievements. On arrival to Inter-Milan in 1997, Ronaldo became the idol14 of the local fans who refer to him as "il Fenomeno15."Since the 98 World Cup he has suffered two serious knee injuries that have severely limited his appearances. Just when people began to wonder whether Ronaldo would be able to continue with his football career, he proved to the world that he still could play. In the World Cup held in Korea and Japan, the magical striker16 won the Golden Shoe award and tied Pele s Brazilian record for career World Cup goals with 12. He helped Brazil capture17 its fifth World Cup championship on June 30 with a 2-0 win over Germany. It was the third time that Ronaldo has ever played in the World Cup.我的体育偶像:世界球王--罗纳尔多罗纳尔多1976年9月22日出生在里约热内卢的贫困郊区。
足球传奇:卡卡In the world of football, there are few players who have captivated the hearts of fans across the globe like Kaká. A Brazilian footballer, he has achieved numerous accolades and has become a household name in the sport. His journey to the top is an inspiring tale of hard work, dedication, and pure talent.Born in 1982 in São Paulo, Brazil, Kaká showed his promise at a young age. He joined the famous São Paulo Football Club at just 18 years old and quickly made a name for himself with his exceptional skills and intelligent play. His performances caught the eye of European scouts, and soon enough, he was on his way to Italy to join the legendary AC Milan.At Milan, Kaká's star truly shone bright. He became a key player in the team's midfield, known for his exceptional passing ability, dribbling skills, and deadly shooting. His performances on the pitch were breathtaking, and he quickly became a fan favorite. His hard work and dedication paid off, as he helped Milan win numerous titles, including the Champions League and the SerieBut Kaká's fame did not stop there. In 2007, he joined the prestigious Real Madrid, where he once again showcased his talents. His move to Spain brought even more recognition, and he was soon named one of the best players in the world. His speed, agility, and vision on the field made him a force to be reckoned with, and he helped Real Madrid win multiple titles, including the La Liga and the Copa del Rey.Despite his fame and success, Kaká has always remained humble and grounded. He is known for his kindness and charitable work, often using his platform to help those in need. His story is not just about football; it's about perseverance, hard work, and making a difference in the world.Kaká's influence in t he sport is immeasurable. He has inspired generations of young players with his skills and dedication to the game. His legacy will forever be remembered in the history of football, and he will always be remembered as one of the greatest players of his time.卡卡,这位足球传奇人物,以其非凡的才华和令人瞩目的成就,赢得了全球球迷的心。
关于卡卡的英文演讲稿Good morning everyone,Today, I am here to talk about Kaka, one of the greatest footballers of our time. Kaka, whose full name is Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite, was born on April 22, 1982, in Brasília, Brazil. He is widely known for his exceptional skills, humble personality, and remarkable achievements on and off the field.Kaka began his professional football career at a young age. He joined Sao Paulo FC's youth academy and quickly rose through the ranks to become a key player for the club. His outstanding performances caught the attention of European clubs, and in 2003, he signed with AC Milan.At AC Milan, Kaka's talent flourished. He possessed incredible speed, agility, and exceptional playmaking abilities. His silky dribbling skills and accurate passing made him a nightmare for defenders. Kaka was a complete attacking midfielder, capable of scoring goals with ease.During his time at AC Milan, Kaka achieved numerous successes. He won the UEFA Champions League title in 2007 and was named the UEFA Champions League Best Midfielder for two consecutive years. Kaka alsowon the FIFA World Player of the Year award in 2007, becoming the first player other than Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo to win the prestigious award since 2005.Beyond his on-field success, Kaka is admired for his humble and generous nature. He is known for his strong faith and often credits God for his achievements. Kaka actively participates in charity work, supporting various causes such as fighting poverty and promoting education. He is a role model for aspiring young footballers around the world.Unfortunately, injuries plagued Kaka's career, and he struggled to rediscover his best form in the later years. However, his dedication and resilience were evident as he continued to fight back and perform at the highest level.In 2013, Kaka returned to AC Milan after a brief stint with Real Madrid. Although his second spell at the club wasn't as successful as the first, he continued to inspire his teammates with his work ethic and professionalism.In 2014, Kaka made a new beginning by signing with Orlando City SC inMajor League Soccer (MLS). He brought his immense experience to the franchise and played a crucial role in promoting football in the United States. His impact on and off the field was highly appreciated by fans and fellow players.To sum up, Kaka is a true legend of the beautiful game. His talent, achievements, and character make him an inspiration for all football lovers. He has left a lasting legacy in the footballing world and continues to be revered as one of the greatest players of his generation. Thank you.Note: Though the information provided is accurate, Kaka retired from professional football in 2017.。
我的足球狂热朋友One of my closest friends, Mark, is a passionate football fanatic. He lives and breathes the game, from the early morning practices to the late-night matches on TV. Mark's enthusiasm for football is contagious, and he always manages to inspire me to join him in our weekly games.Mark's dedication to the sport is admirable. He trains relentlessly, rain or shine, and his hard work has paid off with numerous awards and accolades. On the field, he's a natural leader, guiding his team with strategic plays and encouraging them to perform their best.Off the field, Mark is just as engaged with football. He's an avid follower of the latest news and rumors in the football world, and he never misses a chance to discuss them with his friends. His knowledge of the game is impressive, and he often shares insights that make us all appreciate the sport even more.Mark's enthusiasm for football has rubbed off on me, and now I find myself looking forward to our weekly games as much as he does. His passion and dedication haveinspired me to take up the sport more seriously, and I'm grateful to have such a passionate friend.In conclusion, Mark is not just a football fanatic;he's a true ambassador for the sport. His enthusiasm, dedication, and knowledge make him a role model for anyone who loves the game. I'm proud to call him my friend andlook forward to sharing more football moments with him inthe future.**我的足球狂热朋友**我亲密的朋友之一,马克,是一位充满激情的足球狂热者。
Do you know that now in the soccer field, there are three most famous soccer players in fans’minds: They are Messi, C Ronaldo, and yes, Kaka’.Today I am gonna introduce my favorite soccer player——Kaka. And he is the reason why I like football.Kaka is only a nick name, and his real name is somehow hard to remember: Ricardo Izecson dos santos Leite.Kaka was born in Brasilia on April.22nd 1982. He comes from a middle-class family so he was well-educated, and he often got good grades when he was young. However, because of his football dream, he gave up his study and became a professional soccer player in São Paulo. He first became famous because he scored 2 goals in a very important game in Brazil, and in 2003, he joined one of the greatest football club——AC Milan, and began his legend.He soon caught everyone’s eyes in this fashion city not only for his perfect skills and performances on the soccer field, but also his charming face and good reputation. As a football player, he kicked a great number of fabulous goals and became more and more valuable. As a husband, a father and a son, he was loyal to his family and his God. And that’s why he became a celebrity of one of the most famous luxurious brands Armani.In 2007, he helped AC Milan win the Champions League; hisperformance deserved a word to describe: phenomenon.And various awards came towards him. He became FIFA World Player of the year, got the Golden Ball Award and so on. In that year, he got all of the honors a football player could have. He finally became a real superstar.However, in 2009, he was forced to join Real Madrid and was in his poor condition. Because of his injuries, he didn’t do well in the latest 4 seasons. Fans doubted him, the coach only wanted him to be a substitute (which means only stay on the bench). But he never thought of giving up. He never complained, but only practices over and over and over again. His Chinese fans, such as me, also never stopped encouraging him, and finally made him understand our love never disappeared. He said last week,” Chinese fans are my best doctors and assistant coaches; it is they who helped me recover from the depression.”As a reward, he eventually come off the bench and does well recently. We can see that he is approaching his best condition and trying not to let his fans down. If it was his skills, modest and kind that won our respect, now there is another reason to add: His never giving up, never losing hope. He once said:”I never lose my dream, because only the dream can be achieved.”Let’s wish Kaka a better future and a big smile every day. On your way to success, we’ll always be your companions.。
Sao Paulo, Brazil, Kaka is in train a team of outstanding midfielder, 2003 transfer AC Milan. A good sense of technology, with an ultra-personal-catching ability and speed and accurate passing ability and long. Competition, he always kept his teammates, but also by virtue of the Serie A and the European Champions League acute panic several key events of long scoring four times to act as a "Savior" role in the team and gain a firm main position.
His wife ,Caroline
His son ,Luca
In 2an club Sao Paulo, soon became the star effected. 2002 World Cup, Brazil's Kaka become one, but he did not in seven games by even one minute of the season.
Some information about Kaká.
Born in 1982 in Brasí , lia Kakáis a football player,a pious Christian and now plays for AC Milan. He has a family with much happiness.
kaka 英文介绍
Style of play
• Kaká has been described as a quick, composed, balanced, highly skilful and creative team player. He possesses excellent ball positioning, and is capable of beating defenders in one on one situations as well as creating space for team mates. He possesses a great shot from any distance, superb vision and fantastic passing and dribbling ability. Having performed predominantly as a playmaking attacking midfielder throughout his career, as well as other attacking positions, he is known for being capable of both scoring, creating and assisting goals, and is also an accurate penalty-kick taker.
• Kaká began his career with São Paulo at the age of eight. • In 2003 he joined Milan for a fee of €8.5 million. While at Milan, Kaká won the Football Golden Globes and FIFA World Player of the Year awards in 2007. After his success with Milan, Kaká joined Real Madrid for a transfer fee of €65 million.At the time, this was the second highest transfer fee , ever, behind only the €75 million fee for Zinedine Zidane. After four seasons in Spain, he returned to Milan in 2013. He has been a Brazilian international player since 2002, and was selected for their victorious World Cup squad that year, as well as two more editions of the tournament.
下面是店铺为你整理的巴西著名足球运动员卡卡介绍,希望对你有用!巴西著名足球运动员卡卡简介里卡多·伊泽克森·多斯·桑托斯·雷特(Ricardo Izecson Dos Santos Leite),出生于1982年4月22日,巴西著名足球运动员,前巴西国家队的核心人物,司职进攻性中场(前腰),简称“卡卡”。
关于世界杯球星 中英文介绍
Lionel Messi: on the road里奥.梅西:下一站球王Lionel Messi is the heir apparent to the throne left vacant by Diego Maradona. His outstanding ball control at high speeds is just about unmatched in the world football. Messi is the undisputed idol of Barcelona. His great challenge will be to earn the respect of the Argentine fans with a formidable showing at the World Cup. A good performance with the national team is still a debt he owes to the fans. To repay that debt, he will have to forget about the shadow of Maradona. He needs to be Messi.里奥.梅西被认为是“球王”马拉多纳的指定接班人。
要做到这点,他必须走出马拉多纳的阴影,做回自己,做回里奥.梅西!C.Ronaldo: to be crownedC罗:君临天下待加冕A much-vaunted prodigy when snapped up by Manchester United from Sporting Lisbon in 2003, Cristiano Ronaldo is now perhaps, apart from David Beckham, the best-known soccer player in the planet. After winning all there was to win with the Red Devils, Ronaldo earned his dream move to Real Madrid in the summer of 2009 for a world record fee of£80m. Fast and tricky, Ronaldo possesses a thunderous dipping; swerving shot and is one of the most dangerous set-piece exponents in the game. It is time for Ronaldo to truly live up to his star billing on the world stage. 2003年,当克里斯蒂亚诺.罗纳尔多(C罗)被曼联从里斯本竞技买走时,他还只是一个口碑不错的足坛神童。
卡卡(Kaká),全名里卡多·伊泽克松·多斯·桑托斯·莱特 [126](Ricardo Izecson Dos Santos Leite),1982年4月22日出生于巴西联邦区伽马,拥有巴西、意大利双重国籍,前巴西职业足球运动员,球员时代场上司职前腰、影子前锋。
[1] 2017年12月17日,卡卡宣布退役。