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There are many things believed to make a woman more attractive in a man's eyes –but a curved spine isn't usually thought to be one of them.


However, researchers claim men are particularly attracted to a women with a back that curves exactly 45 d egrees above the top of her bottom.


The findings provide a new explanation as to why voluptuous celebrities such as Kim Kardashian and Jennif er Lopez are considered to be so attractive, with extra mass around the buttocks enhancing the curvature c the spine.


Such an angle would have given a woman an advantage while pregnant in early hunter-gatherer societies and so has evolved as beingseen as attractive around the world, they claim.


However, the researchers also found that a physical curvature of the spine - known as vertebral wedging - was seen as more attractive than extra buttock mass.


Dr David Lewis, a psychologist at Bilkent University in Turkey, said: 'It's an independent and previously undiscovered standard of attractiveness.

来自土耳其比尔肯大学的心理学家David Lewis说:"这是一个独立的、先前没被发现的吸引力标准。"

'(The curve) would have enabled ancestral women toshift their centre of mass back over their hips during pregnancy, a time during which there is a dramatic forward shift of their centre of mass.


This benefit is critical: without being able to do this, women would experience a dramatic increase in h ip torque (pressure)subjecting them to risk of muscular fatigue and injury.


'Consequently, ancestral women who possessed this degree of lumbar curvature would have been able to forage longer into pregnancy and would have been able to carry out multiple pregnancies with a reduced risk of spinal injury.'


Dr Lewis said that this trait would have becomesexually attractive to men due to the evolutionary advantage it gave.

David Lewis说,由于具备了进化上的优势,这个特征对于男人来说具备了性吸引力。

Without such a curve, the pressure on a woman's hips during pregnancy increases by nearly 800 per cent, rendering her largelyimmobile and increasing the risk of health problems.


A 45-degree angle was optimal because it would have aided movement, yet would not have been so great so as to expose women to the back pain and risk of slipped discs that can come with excessive spinal curvature.

