

Prosonic M FMU44 HART 超声波物位变送器简明操作指南说明书

Prosonic M FMU44 HART 超声波物位变送器简明操作指南说明书

Products Solutions Services简明操作指南Prosonic M FMU44HART超声波物位变送器本文档为《简明操作指南》;不得替代设备随箱包装中的《操作手册》。

设备的详细信息请参考《操作手册》和其他文档资料:所有设备型号均可通过下列方式查询:•网址:/deviceviewer•智能手机/平板电脑:Endress+Hauser Operations AppKA01426F/28/ZH/01.22-00715771612022-04-04配套文档资料Prosonic M FMU44 HART 1 配套文档资料2 文档信息2.1 图标2.1.1 安全图标危险状况警示图标。




2Endress+HauserProsonic M FMU44 HART 基本安全指南Endress+Hauser 3危险状况警示图标。




2.1.2电气图标 接地连接接地夹已经通过接地系统可靠接地。



连接电缆耐温能力的最小值2.1.3特定信息图标和图中的图标 允许允许的操作、过程或动作。



1.、2.、3.操作步骤 执行结果1、2、3 ... 部件号3基本安全指南3.1人员要求操作人员必须符合下列要求,例如设备调试和维护人员:‣经培训的专业人员必须具有执行特定功能和任务的资质。





到货验收和产品标识Prosonic M FMU44 HART4Endress+Hauser3.2 指定用途一体式测量设备,用于连续、非接触式物位测量。



E,H压力变送器选型手册篇一:关于E+H产品选型方法与型号说明重要内容,请看第2页1、登录德国E+H(全称:Endress+Hauser,中文:恩德斯豪斯)网站 /2、点击“Asia”(亚洲)3、点击“China”(中国)4、点击“产品”5、选择你需要了解或购买的产品,如我需要了解订货号10H1H-UF0A1AG4A5AA与10H1H-1F0A1AG4A4AA的区别,则按照以下“流量——电磁流量计——Promag H——Promag 10H——产品比较(同一系列不一样型号的信息)或者产品选型(同一型号不同订货号的信息)”,详细请看下面的截图。


详解如下:第1个符号表示传感器过程连接“U”代表焊接螺纹接套 DIN11850, 316L/1.4404“1”代表Tri-Clamp, 316L/1.4404关于Tri-Clamp:即TC快速接头(Tri-clamps)常用于啤酒、乳业、饮料、制药等领域接头,材质一般为不锈钢,同时Tri-Clamp 也是Alfa-Laval 集团Tri-Clover 有限公司的注册商标,也称卫生级接头,卫生级管道在食品、医药等生产中洁净要求高的场合广泛采用,生产工艺要求无死角连接,且易清洗,一般情况下压力都不高,也就是俗称的“卡箍”连接,常用的TC接头有焊接端头(2个),垫圈和快装卡箍四个零件组成.市场上很容易买到。

TC接头详细规格可以参考DIN 32676-2001 饮食业、化工业和医药业用配件.不锈钢管夹具接头.焊接式,德国的标准,看看接头和卡箍的图片,连接好后的样子标准中给出了。

、第2个符号表示连接密封圈“F”代表防腐形式, EPDM关于EPDM:即三元乙丙橡胶,其主要的特性就是具有优越的耐氧化、抗臭氧和抗侵蚀的能力,且在所有橡胶当中,EPDM具有最低的比重,它能吸收大量的填料和油而影响特性不大。



cerabar S压力变送器操作手册5.操作 .............................................................................................................................返修仪表 ..................................................................................................................索引1、安全手册设计用途Cerabar S 是一种测量压力和液位的压力变送器。






请特别注意铭牌上的技术数据.操作安全性1.3.1 危险区如果仪表安装在爆炸危险区,那么仪表规格必须遵守国家和当地的规范。



安全惯例和图标的注释为了突出手册中的安全相关性或可选择的操作程序,使用了下面的惯例和图2、认证仪表设计2.1.1 铭牌图1:Cerabar S 的铭牌1、定货号2、船级认证的GL符号(可选)3、压力仪表指示ID号4、ATEX认证的ID号5、序列号6、MWP(最大工作压力)7、符号:注意:请特别注意TI资料上的数据8、正常工作范围9、接液材质10、最小/最大范围11、信号类型(输出信号)12、供电电源13、防护等级用在危险区的仪表带一个额外的铭牌图2:用在危险区的仪表额外的铭牌1、EC类型检测认证号2、保护类型例:II 1/2G EEx ia IIC T4/T63、电信号数据4、安全手册号例:XA235-P5、安全手册索引例:A6、仪表生产日期注意:铭牌上标示的最大工作压力值的参考温度为20摄氏度,过程连接为ANSI法兰连接。



主动测量·检测用控制仪PULCOM V4功能设定说明书株式会社东京工程目录第一章概要------------------------------------------------------------------1-1概要------------------------------------------------------------------1-2画面构成------------------------------------------------------------1-3设定条件一览表---------------------------------------------------1-5 第二章设定条件的变更----------------------------------------------------2-1设定条件变更项目-------------------------------------------------2-2基本功能设定条件的变更----------------------------------------2-3扩展功能设定条件的变更----------------------------------------2-5概要PULCOM V4对于各种功能的有/无以及设定值的变更,用键操作就可以简单的进行,举一个例子,由于安装机床的振动,显示数据经常闪动。




画面构成基板(BCD/二进制)100记忆110记忆信号输出●LED 检查●LCD检查●薄膜键检查●表头检查●零位D/A检查●放大倍率检查旋转开关:G1. G2在各种扩展功能或选择功能有效时才显示。

江苏斯菲尔电气 电测量变送器 说明书

江苏斯菲尔电气 电测量变送器 说明书

电测量变送器用户手册江 苏 斯 菲 尔 电 气 股 份 有 限 公 司 JIANGSU SFERE ELECTRIC CO., LTD一. 概述BS 系列电量变送器是一种将被测电量参数(如电压、电流、功率、频率、功率因数等信号)转换成直流电流、直流电压并隔离输出模拟信号或数字信号的装置。

产品符合国标GB/T 13850-1998。

二.命名意义JD194-BS 口口口(-口)辅助代号T–升级产品N–无源G–高隔离Y– S –数字变送R–真有效值(注)辅助代号()–单路2–双路3–三路4–四路6–六路7–7B0外形功能代码I –电流U–电压P –有功功率Q –无功功率F–频率H –功率因数D –功率因数角度P/Q –有功/无功功率组合 Z –综合输入方式4–AC 5–DC国家注册型号(替代原变送器简称BS)三相四线空注:真有效值电压电流变送器用于测量电网中波形畸变较严重的电压或电流信号,也可测量方波、三角波等非正弦波形。

三.电量变送器通用技术条件引用标准及规则:GB/T 13850 – 1998 准确度等级:0.5级 工作温度:- 10 ~ 55℃ 相对湿度:≤93%贮藏条件:温度 - 40℃ ~ +70℃, 相对湿度20 ~ 99%, 无凝露 平均无故障时间:≥30000h 四.产品分类1. 无源电流、电压变送器功能: 能测量电流、电压信号,隔离变送输出模拟信号,工作电源取自信号输出端(DC12V、24V 均可)。

规格:JD194 – BS4I – N (原型号 BS4I – N) 无源交流电流变送器(包括二线或三线) JD194 – BS4U – N (原型号BS4U – N) 无源交流电压变送器(包括二线或三线) 技术规格:表1静态功耗 <50mW 绝缘强度 AC 2kV/1min 响应时间300ms● 安装方式:可固定安装在35mm的标准DIN 导轨上。

● 外形尺寸:● 接线方式 1) 二线制接线方法2. 温度变送器● 功能:能测量温度信号,输入类型可选。






符合API 670要求的通用加速度计。

设计用于各种机器类型,具有0.5至10 kHz(+/-3dB)的宽频率响应、50g范围和13 kHz的安装共振。



Metrix SA6350高温加速度计适用于高达325C的温度。





三、产品特点提供5 Hz至10 kHz的频率响应,具有25 kHz的安装谐振,并提供与振动监测系统、电子开关和4-20mA信号调节器兼容的行业标准100 mV/g低阻抗输出。


Metrix 5485C高温速度传感器适用于高达375°C的温度。


Metrix 5485C是大多数GE重型工业燃气轮机的标准设备,包括Frame 3、Frame 5、Frame 6、Frame 7和Frame 9。



技术参数光学参数95%能量时,CF=近焦,SF=标准焦距最小焦距时的最小光点尺寸最小的光点尺寸直径=最小焦距/最小的D:S 一般参数电气参数仪器特点Marathon FA红外测温仪技术参数:1、温度测量范围: 250℃到 3000℃482°F to 5432°F2、光学分辨率最高可达 100:13、特别适用于现场安装空间狭小的安装条件4、精度高,测量值的± %5、更快速响应时间 10 毫秒,可选到10秒6、提供模拟量和数字量输出技术参数Marathon FA 红外测温仪介绍雷泰马拉松 FA 系列红外测温仪使用光纤技术可克服测量过程中各种极端的环境条件;FA 系列红外测温仪由电子盒和光纤探头、光缆组成,探测器和信号处理部分集成在一电子盒中,此电子盒可远距离放置,光纤探头和光缆可安装在强电磁场中的环境中,并且可耐的最高环温达200℃;雷泰马拉松FA 系列光纤测温仪的测温范围为250℃到3000℃482°F to 5432°F ,FA 光纤探头由耐用光缆将光学探头连接到电路盒上,电路盒包括:探测器、电子线路、内置用户接口、LED 显示及连接电缆的接线端子;FA1 和FA2 系列尤其适用于目标不能接近的、恶劣的工业环境,安装空间狭小的现场测温应用;雷泰 FA 系列单色光纤式测温仪的固定焦距的光学探头包括一个小的不锈钢圆柱形外壳和透镜,其可承受的环境温度高达200℃ ,并且符合NEMA-4的标准;雷泰 FA 系列的光纤探头可装一空气吹扫器以防止透镜被污染,光缆由金属套保护,并由VITON 保护套所密封,以防止水和油的流入,这种装配可使光缆以很小的半径弯曲以便其方便地穿过狭小的空间;雷泰 FA 系列单色光纤式测温仪还提供可在PC 上使用的WINDOWS下的马拉松软件,以实现远程进行参数设置、数据读取、数据的图形显示及RS485的多点网络配置;雷泰 FA 系列单色光纤式测温仪主要应用于以下行业:1、冶金及金属加工、热处理2、玻璃加工3、半导体加工等仪器特点Marathon FR红外测温仪技术参数:1、测温范围: 500°C 到2500°C 932°Fto 4532°F2、光学分辨率最高可达 60:13、使用光纤技术克服测量过程中的各种极端环境条件4、独特的"脏镜头"报警功能5、光缆可在现场更换,无需用黑体标定;马拉松FR1光纤双色测温仪测温范围为500~2500°C;这种测温仪可测量处于十分恶劣的工业环境中的目标,包括难以接近的,处于高温的以及靠近强磁场的目标;小巧焦距可选的光学头,由柔软可变形的光纤将其连接到安装在远处的电子盒上;Marathon FR红外测温仪特点:1、光缆可现场更换2、光缆组装系统可承受200°C 392°F高温,密封等级NEMA-43、粗糙的光缆可防水或油4、小于38mm 英寸的光缆弯曲半径5、高光学分辨率>60:1可测小目标6、单色或双色工作方式可选独有性能7、可聚焦的光学头8、快速响应时间可达10毫秒9、双向RS-485通讯可组成多头网络10、一个多点网络支达持多32个马拉松传感头11、同时模拟和数字输出并带用户报警设定12、独有的不洁窗口报警功能13、马拉松软件可遥控设置和监测14、现场标定和传感头诊断软件技术参数测量参数光学参数90%能量时,CF=近焦,SF=标准焦距可选激光瞄准电气参数产品详情雷泰MM在线式红外测温仪1、高光学分辨率,最高可达70:12、实时背景环境温度补偿、3、简单易用的操作界面4、光学和激光或视频瞄准方式5、坚固的不锈钢外壳6、模拟量和数字同步输出7、现场标定软件8、Windows操作系统下的datatemp多探头操作软件可以显示和分析测量到的数据9、传感头可以很容易的设置为标准单头运行模式,所有的MARATHOR MM系列探头又具有易于对准目标的光学瞄准和激光瞄准方式,MARATHON MM 还具有可选的视频瞄准方式;MARATHON系列测温仪包括双向485串口通讯能在工厂现场的单个探头或多探头测量网络与中控室的计算机之间进行通讯,这使得能对探头进行远程设置,监视,标定与维护,特别适合将探头安装在不易接近目标的位置;技术参数① 2ML型精度为±读数的%+2℃下②精度在环温23℃±5℃73°F± 9°F③在聚焦点处的光学系数电气性能概述环境参数概述更宽的测温范围:1、-40°C 到3000°C-40°F到5432°F2、光学分辨率最高可达 300:13、提供精确可变焦镜头4、可选择彩色视频瞄准模式5、配备光学瞄准和激光瞄准模式6、坚固的不锈钢外壳7、简单易用的操作界面8、实时视频监控和记录功能9、集单镜头反光式取景器TTL和视频或激光瞄准等多种观察方式于一身新型 Marathon MM 系列平台,温度测量范围为 -40℃ ~ 3000℃-40℉ ~ 5432℉,由 6 种红外线IR温度传感器组成,每一种传感器都可以测量一定范围的波长,并分别可以测量低温-40℃~800℃/-40℉~1472℉、中温250℃~1100℃/482℉~2012℉,或者高温300℃~3000℃/572℉~3273℉等温度范围的物体; 所有传感器均采用相同的安装硬件和雷泰RaytekDataTemp Multidrop 软件,安装、组态和数据采集方便、准确,用途广泛:1、钢铁和金属加工锻造和热处理2、新MM3M特别适用于低发射率的物体如铜、铝的金属加工3、玻璃热弯、成型、回火、退火,以及密封4、纸加工行业油墨干燥/固化和成型5、塑料加工和热力塑型;以及半导体加工等6、为满足多种行业的需求并扩大产品的应用范围,雷泰提供有六种 MM 传感器:型号温度范围光谱响应响应时间95% 响应LT-40°C - 800°C-40°F - 1472°F8 - 14 μm120 ms G5L250°C - 1650°C482°F - 3002°F5 μm60 ms450°C - 2250°CG5H5 μm60 ms232°F - 1322°F250°C - 1100°Cμm120 ms MT482°F - 2012°F100°C - 600°Cμm 2 ms 3ML212°F - 1112°F300°C - 1100°C2MLμm 2 ms572°F - 2012°F350°C - 2250°Cμm 2 ms 2MH852°F - 4082°F450°C - 1740°C1ML1 μm2 ms842°F - 2732°F650°C - 3000°C1 μm2 ms1MH1202°F - 5432°F特点:1、IP65 密封标准,可以防止安装、设置和使用过程中的污染和损伤2、标准模拟量、数字量和分布式继电器输出,可以同时传输数据、报警触发和控制信号3、内置 RS485 接口,可以以多分支multi-drop连接方式连接多达 32 个传感器4、使用雷泰软件,通过一台 PC,即可以进行远程监控、传感器控制,以及数据采集5、实时视频监控和记录功能6、更宽的温度测量范围: -40 ~ 3000℃/-40 ~ 5432℉7、集单镜头反光式取景器TTL和视频或激光瞄准等多种观察方式于一身8、高达 300:1 的高分辨率光学系统9、不锈钢外壳10、操作界面简单易用产品详情仪器特点XR系列为工业生产过程的工业控制提供持续的温度监测,秉承雷泰产品坚固、耐用的风格,其一体化的产品设计将可以帮助你在更多的应用环境下进行温度测量;雷泰XR系列特别适用较小目标或是使用较长瞄准管的温度测量,此外,直观的内置用户操作界面大大减少了产品设置时间,并且增加了强大的现场问题处理能力;雷泰XR系列使用最通用的安装配件和软件,极大降低了设备安装和调整的成本,可被安装在任何已经存在或运行的系统中,为生产过程提供持续的温度监测,从而精确控制温度变化,帮助客户降低能源损耗;性能亮点:1、提供多种温度的测量范围2、内置电子操作面板3、提供数字和模拟量输出4、高光学分辨率5、符合NEMA-4密封标准技术参数可选附件产品描述:雷泰 XR 系列为工业生产过程的工艺控制提供持续的温度监测;XR 系列秉承雷泰产品坚固、耐用的风格,符合 NEMA-4 密封标准,其一体化的产品设计将可以帮助您在更多的应用环境下进行温度测量;雷泰XR 系列提供多种温度的测量范围,高光学分辨率, RS485数字输出,简单易于使用的电子操作面板可以帮助您解决工业生产中所遇到的测温难点;具备激光瞄准方式可选和高光学分辨率的雷泰 XR 系列特别适用于较小目标或是使用较长的瞄准管的温度测量;此外,直观的用户操作界面大大减少了产品设置时间并且增加了强大的问题处理能力;雷泰XR 系列使用最通用的安装配件和软件,极大降低了设备安装和调整的成本;此外,雷泰XR 系列可提供模拟量输出,这种方式使 XR 系列可被安装在任何已经存在或运行的系统中;雷泰 XR 系列为生产过程提供持续的温度监测,从而精确控制温度变化,帮助客户降低能源消耗;响应波长光学分辨率型号温度范围-40°C到600°CLT 低温型8到14 μm33:1-40°F to 1112°F-40°C到600°CLTHSF 低温型8到14 μm50:1-40°F to 1112°F250°C到1200°CMT 中温型μm30:1482°F to 2190°F250°C到1650°Cμm33:1 G5 玻璃专用型482°F to 3002°F10°C到360 °CP7 塑料专用型μm30:150°F to 680 °F产品详情仪器特点TX/SX系列集成式传感头提供精确的温度测量从适于多变的过程控制应用,通过双通道的数字通道;1、简单的双线安装2、坚实耐用的传感头符合IP65NEMA4标准3、款温度范围:-18~2000度4、在单一多头网络上安装可多达15个传感头5、Windows下软件以远程探头设置和监测6、通过透镜或激光瞄准7、4-20mA和数字同时输出8、信号处理9、焦距多种可选10、玻璃和塑料的特殊型号TX系列红外测温仪集高性能的非接触温度测量和标准二线技术于一体;用户可选择基本型或智能型;LT:印刷、造纸、层压、干燥/加工、食品、纺织、制药MT:冶金、窑炉、平板玻璃、耐火材料、加热炉HT:感应加热、加热炉、金属冶炼G5:玻璃表面测量如回火、退火、热成型、封接、弯曲等P7:氟塑料、特氟龙、丙烯酸、尼龙、聚乙烯、聚氯乙烯薄膜和复合材料的生产技术参数可选附件1、瞄准镜2、空气吹扫器3、NIST/DKD标定证书4、空气/冷却套可选5、直角反射镜6、热保护套7、℃/℉适用于基本型8、本证安全型表示订货时必须说明Thermalert TX红外线温度传感头现有两种配置可选:1. TX基本型传感头单探头使用时提供优良性能.2. TX智能型传感头, 具有远程寻址功能,可以方便安装在多点网络上如监测玻璃和塑料的工艺生产线;TX系列智能型传感头在简单的二线回路上采用HART通讯协议进行通讯;输出信号同时包括工业标准的4-20mA和数字信号;Thermalert TX一般性能指标:1、简单的二线安装2、温度范围宽,从-18° 到2000°C -0° to 3600°F3、对于TX智能型传感头可同时有4-20 mA和数字输出4、耐用的传感头符合NEMA-4 IP 65标准5、先进的信号处理6、点对点或者多点安装最多安装15个传感头7、Windows操作系统软件,可进行远程设置和显示8、多种焦距范围可选9、有玻璃和塑料的专用型号10、DataTemp TX软件专门为PC机上的运行而编写的DataTemp TX软件大大简化了Thermalert TX的操作;DataTemp TX软件允许你设定温度和输出范围、发射率、报警点,而且在实时图形显示上,可以从一个点或者多个传感头监测温度数据;你可以记录和保存这些数据并导入总分析表和数据库程序;程序还有下拉菜单、友好用户界面,外加在线提示信息和帮助;产品详情仪器特点雷泰在线红外测温仪中国一级代理提供Raytek MI3 红外测温仪报价咨询,欢迎选购;Raytek MI3是一款功能强大的分体式红外线温度测量系统,具有微型传感头和独立的通讯电子盒;该传感器体积小巧,几乎可安装于任何地方,其性能却远远优于大型系统;Raytek MI3是一款功能强大的分体式红外线温度测量系统,具有微型传感头和独立的通讯电子盒;该传感器体积小巧,几乎可安装于任何地方,其性能却远远优于大型系统;同时具有坚固的金属铸造电子盒外壳,创新的DIN安装的多通道连接盒或低廉的OEM配置供选择;MI3提供其它昂贵的传感器所不具备的大量高级信号处理功能;为OEM设计的MI3可以直接和主机控制器进行数字通信而无需另外的通信盒;创新的8个传感头设计,可独立寻址,降低红外测温成本,简化测温设置和方案实施的故障率,并且测量点成本更为低廉;MI3 也可实现在封装测试中实现USB和RS485数字通信;技术参数应用:工业OEM;印刷,纸业,纺织,锻造, 干燥和固化;沥青和建筑材料;制塑,热成形,制模,焊接,密封;固化烘箱和工业干燥箱;食品加工,制药业;设备检测与保养;导线和开关检测 ;电气技电气技术指标MI3COMM电气技术指标MI3MCOMM感应头技术指标产品详情仪器特点雷泰GP红外测温仪产品特点:1、温度范围是从-18 到538°C 0 到1000°F2、最新GPS激光瞄准头3、耐用的1/8 DIN 数字显示表,4位数字大窗口4、监视器和传感器功能设置位于前面板5、具有许多只有在大系统上才有的数据处理能力6、发射率和环温参数可调7、全球统一的110-220 V交流电源8、用户设置的4-20 mA或者热电偶输出J, K, E, N, R, S, T9、可调的双设置点和死区报警输出10、根据不同应用,可接多种探头11、标准或近焦距可选12、冷却和空气吹扫附件13现场可更换探头技术参数测量参数电参数探头参数产品详情仪器特点raytek 在线红外测温仪中国一级代理提供raytek cm在线红外测温仪报价咨询,欢迎选购;雷泰新一代CM 高性能迷你型红外测温仪, 专为工业设备用户的多种应用需求选择. CM红外测温仪温度范围广、精度高、体积小、多种输出模式、性价比高,是系统集成商、设备配套Raytek CM红外线测温仪特点:OEM用户的最佳选择1、测温范围: -20 ~ 500 ℃ -4 to 932°F2、光学分辨率: 13:13、响应时间:150 毫秒4、机身为不锈刚外壳,密封等级: NEMA-4X, IP655、输出:0-5 V 输出, J 型或K型输出, RS232, 报警输出6、LED 探头故障自检功能7、RS232 数字通讯,可远程控制、设置探头参数8、信号处理可调9、WINDOWS 下DataTemp 多探头专用温度监控软件10、多种附件可选:空气吹扫器及镜头保护附件技术参数性能描述:雷泰新一代CM 高性能迷你型红外测温仪, 专为工业设备用户的多种应用需求选择. CM红外测温仪温度范围广、精度高、体积小、多种输出模式、性价比高,是系统集成商、设备配套商的最佳选择;C M探头自带J型或K型热偶输出,可以很容易地替代设备中已使用的传统热偶, 此外,CM还提供0-5伏的输出方式;CM 新一代迷你型红外测温仪采用不锈钢机身,仪器的密封等级达到“IP 65 NEMA-4 ”,使得CM探头在即使没有水冷套的情况下,依然可以在最高70°C 160°F 的环境温度下正常工作;CM新一代红外测温仪是目前市场上同类产品中,功能最强大的一款小尺寸产品; CM 的RS232 数字通讯接口、专用的WINDOWS下操作软件为操作者远程设置参数、探头远程监控可同时监控多个探头提供极大的方便; 此外,CM 还内置LED 故障指示灯,当探头在非常状态下时,该指示灯会提示不同灯光信号提示,用户可根据操作手册的上面的灯光指示对应的状态来实时了解仪器的工作状态;电参数物理性能产品详情仪器特点雷泰MID系列红外测温仪由很小的传感头和电路盒组成,电路盒内置LCD温度显示和设置按键,具有多种信号处理功能和输出方式,还具有环温补偿、报警、传感头可换等特点;技术参数美国RAYTEK MID系列在线式产品介绍:雷泰MID系列红外测温仪由很小的传感头和电路盒组成,电路盒内置LCD温度显示和设置按键,具有多种信号处理功能和输出方式,还具有环温补偿、报警、传感头可换等特点;主要应用:OEM、塑料、造纸、印刷、铁路、烟草、食品加工及包装机械等;美国雷泰RAYTEK MID系列在线式红外测温仪主要特性1、输出:4~20mA,0~20mA,0~5V 三种标准信号 J 或 K 型热偶,10mV/℃传感头环温信号,2、RS232/RS485可选3、光谱响应:LT/G5/MTP:8~14μm/5μm/~4μm4、响应时间:150ms5、重复性:±1% 或±1 ℃,取最大值6、发射率可调:~,步长7、尺寸:传感头:28 x 14mm;8、电路盒:80 x 60 x 25mm9、重量:传感头带1m 电缆50g;电路盒270g10、美国雷泰RAYTEK MID系列在线式红外测温仪技术参数:。



CSA Parameters
Voc Ioc Ca La Po = 5.36V = 3.61mA = 512uF = 1000uH = 19.4mW
(安装在2区) Baseefa 06ATEX0113X Ex nA IIC T4 (–40° C Ta +85° C) 特殊条件下的安全使用: 根据Metrix接线图9689进行现场接线。 当设备被使用的时候要按照保护类型: Ex nA IIC T4 (–40° C Ta +85° C), 这个设备必须被安装在外壳里,这个外壳要能承受7焦耳的强度冲击(在-40度 非金属),并且要提供至少IP54入口保护等级。 变送器仅仅作为元件被认证,并且必须被安装在合适的外壳内接受本地授权。 从安全区域到变送器的现场接线必须有本地电气代码的确认。变送器提供非易燃回路到探头和延长电 缆,因此不需要进一步的电气保护。 除非知道当前区域是非危险区否则不要使用动态信号BNC接头。 变送器不能承受绝缘子测试所需要的EN50020:2002 6.4.12 条款。安装变送器的时候这个必要加以考 虑。 1类2区危险区域(非易燃性),按照表格2接线图9688安装。
1108231 Rev J
Page 7
Signal may be grounded at one point or left ungrounded
Receiver 1 Transmitter 1
+ Receiver 2
Transmitter 2
+ Power Supply

依照下一页的尺寸连接现场接线(相当于16 增加1V。 请看图表 1。
图表 1

Metrix Vibration ST5484E 振动传感器数据手册说明书

Metrix Vibration ST5484E 振动传感器数据手册说明书

ST5484E Seismic Velocity 4-20 mA TransmitterDatasheet2-Pin MIL Connector(Option D=4)The ST5484E is a self-contained seismic velocity transmitter that incorporates a piezoelectric accelerometer, signal integrator, RMS peak detector, and a 4-20 mA signal conditioner into a single package. It can be mounted directly on a machine case or bearing housing without intervening signal conditioning equipment. The amplitude of the integrated acceleration (velocity) signal is con -verted to a proportional 4-20 mA signal compatible with industrial process control instrumentation such as PLCs, DCSs, and SCADA systems that can provide trending and/or alarming capabilities for a simplified vibration monitoring strategy.When the flying lead or terminal block connector options are chosen, the transmitter does not need a separate environmental housing and can directly accept conduit. To reduce installed cost, it can be used with barriers for intrinsically safe installations, or wired directly to explosion-proof conduit fittings for explosion- proof installations.Need A Local Display?When continuous, local indication of vibra -tion levels is required at the transmitter, the Metrix ST5491E provides these capabilities.Its sensing and transmitter elements are similar to the ST5484E, but it includes a convenient 2½ digit LCD display in an integral conduit elbow and is rated for use in temperatures from -10o C to +70o C. Refer to Metrix datasheet 1004598 for ordering information and de -tailed specifications.A vibration transmitter may be appropriate in applications where a stand-alone monitoring system may not be warranted.The ST5484E handles general-purpose vibration measurements on a wide range of rotating and reciprocating machinery with ro -tative speeds between 120- and 6,000-rpm. Seismic measure -ments are suitable for machines with rolling-element bearings because shaft vibration in such machines is usually transmitted directly through the bearing to the bearing housing without sub -stantial damping or attenuation. Seismic transducers can also measure vibration that does not originate at the shaft, such as bearing-related wear and defects, footing/foundation problems, piping resonances that are coupled to the machine, etc.Why Measure Velocity?Acceleration and displacement levels are heavily influenced by the frequencies at which the vibration is occurring, while velocity levels are much less influenced. Thus, although acceleration,velocity, and displacement measurements are inter-related math -ematically, seismic velocity measurements tend to be more con -sistent over a wide range of frequencies than either displacement or acceleration. Consequently, broadband (sometimes called “overall” or “unfiltered”) velocity measurements are appropriate for monitoring many machines as a reliable indicator of damag -ing vibratory energy, with the notable exception of machines with fluid-film bearings, which are usually better addressed by shaft-observing proximity probes.Casing displacement is not a practical measurement to make directly and is typically just an integrated seismic velocity mea -surement. As such, the primary decision when selecting a seis -mic sensor will usually be whether to measure casing velocity or casing acceleration. As noted above, casing velocity will often be more appropriate because it tends to be a more reliable indicator of damaging vibratory energy over a broad frequency spectrum for low- to medium-speed machinery.Flying Leads(Option D=0, 1, 5, or 6) (2-wire shown; 4-wire also available)2-Pin Terminal Block(Option D=2)4-Pin Terminal Block(Option D=3)1180OVERVIEWAPPLICATIONSNote: Units sold with an explosion proof rating will in -clude a conduit elbow:8200-000 IEC for ATEX/IECEx/INMETRO/KOSHA/EAC8200-000 for CSAExplosion Proof Versionswith Option D≠4ST5484E Seismic Velocity 4-20 mA TransmitterDatasheetNOTE: For machines with fluid-film bearings, shaft- observing proximity probes will provide more effective vibration measurements than seismic transducers due to the rotor dynamics of the machine and the attenuation of vibratory energy through a fluid-film boundary. Accord -ingly, Metrix recommends and provides proximity probes and associated 4-20 mA transmitters or monitoring systems for such applications.For machines with rolling element bearings and running above 6,000 rpm, and/or where impulsive casing vibration occurs, acceleration may be a better measurement. In such situations, it is recommended that you consult witha Metrix sales professional who can review your application and assist with selection of the proper transducer type and associated transmitter or monitoring system.• RFI/EMI Immunity – Enhanced circuit design and installa -tion techniques aggressively filter out noise from common sources such as handheld radios•Excellent Moisture Resistance – The 2-pin MIL connec -tor version is hermetically sealed to provide an IP67-rated enclosure. Flying lead and terminal block versions are fully potted and rated to IP66 when installed with optional IEC conduit elbow• Hazardous Area Approvals – North American (CSA), Brazil -ian (INMETRO), and European (ATEX & IEC) approvals avail -able•Dynamic Signal Availability – 2-wire versions provide a 4-20 mA velocity- proportional signal for easy connection to PLCs, DCSs, and other plant control systems. Optional 4-wire ver -sions 1 also provide the raw acceleration signal (100 mV/g) for use with vibration data collectors and analyzers • Variety of Connection Options – Flying leads, terminal block, and MIL-type connectors available• Conduit-Ready 2 – Terminal block and flying lead options have conduit threads on top of sensor. No special housings are required for connection of conduit•Rugged, Industrial Design – Robust construction offers out -standing durability; built-in base and housing strain protec -tion helps ensure that over-torqueing sensor-to- machine and sensor-to-conduit connections won’t damage internals or body•High- and Low-Pass Filter Options – The ST5484E can be ordered with a wide variety of low- and high-pass filter options to precisely tailor the band over which vibration is measured•Polarity-Independent Wiring – Metrix patented IPT® tech -nology allows loop power to be connected without regard to voltage polarity, reducing field wiring errors and ensuring that the raw acceleration output 1 is not phase inverted • Multiple Mounting Options – Integral and removablemounting stud options available in both metric and English thread sizes; flat base mounting adapters are also available • Loop-Powered – Runs on nominal 24 V DC power supplied by the 4-20 mA current loop•Wide Supply Voltage Range – Accepts loop power voltages from 11 to 29.6 V DC (intrinsically safe) or 30.0 V DC (explosion proof & non-incendive)• RMS Amplitude Detection – Measures Root Mean Square (RMS) vibration amplitude. Options available for True RMS or scaled RMS (RMS x √2) for “derived peak”•Numerous Full Scale Ranges – The full scale ranges provid -ed in option AAA reflect frequently-ordered ranges; how -ever, many others (too numerous to list) are also available. Consult factory for applications requiring other full scale rangesNotes:1. Dynamic raw acceleration signal available with 4-wire versions only(ordering options D= 1 and D=3).2. Metrix recommends flexible (rather than solid) conduit when pos -sible. Solid conduit can introduce preload forces on the sensor andalter of the vibration response of the sensor.All specifications are at +25°C (+77°F) and +24 V DC supply voltage unless otherwise noted.FEATURESSPECIFICATIONSST5484E Seismic Velocity 4-20 mA TransmitterDatasheetST5484E Seismic Velocity 4-20 mA TransmitterDatasheetA A AB BCD -ST5484E- - -FE ORDERING INFORMATIONST5484E Seismic Velocity 4-20 mA TransmitterDatasheetNOTES:1. Smaller-diameter mounting studs are not able to withstand sus -tained ambient vibration levels above2.0 in/sec. Consult Table 2 for allowable combinations of A and B options.2. The ST5484E uses an RMS amplitude detection circuit. Full scaleranges in peak units use scaled RMS (i.e., RMS x √2). The “derived peak” measurements will equal true peak only under the special case of a pure sinusoid, not complex vibration signals.3. Hazardous Area Certifications are not compatible with all connec -tion types. Consult Table 3 for allowable combinations of C & D options.4. Some approvals require intrinsic safety barriers, others requireExplosion-Proof wiring practices. Refer to Table 4.5. Refer to the Accessories section of this document. Units sold withan explosion proof rating will include an 8200-000 IEC or 8200-000 explosion proof elbow that will be affixed at the factory.6. High- and Low-Pass filter corners for standard filters must beseparated by at least one octave (low-pass frequency must be at least twice the high-pass frequency). All combinations are allowed except E = 6 and F = 4, 5, or 6. Custom filters with closer separa -tion and/or different roll-offs may be available in some instances.Consult the factory if custom filters are required.Conduit elbows are used with flying leads and terminal block versions of the ST5484E transmitter. They are not compatible with MIL-connector versions of the transmitter. A variety of available configurations accommodate English and metric conduit thread sizes, hazardous area approvals, materials of construction, and IP ratings. Note that not all configurations are available with hazardous area approvals or IP ratings. Consult the ordering information below. For ST5484E’s that need an explosion proof (Ex d) rating, that are utiliz -ing flying leads, Option D=0, 1, 5, & 6, will have an attached 8200 conduit elbow and must be used with a certified junction box or other certified connection location. For ST5484E’s that need an explosion proof (Ex d) rating, utilizing integral terminal block, Option D=2 & 3, no junction box is necessary. Table 4 in the datasheet relates what hazardous area (Option C) is allowed per ST5484E Connection (Op -tion D). ST5484E sold with an explosion proof rating (Ex d) will include a 8200 explosion proof elbow and will be affixed at the factory.Copper-free aluminum elbows (all models except AAA=005)Elbow made from 6061-T6 aluminium which is considered a marine grade aluminium and powder coated in epoxy.Stainless steel elbows (models AAA=005)A A A -B 8200- NOTES:1. CSA approved through manufacturer (not Metrix) for the following areas:Class I, Div. 1 (Grps C & D) Class II, Div. 1 (Grps E, F & G) Class III2. B=IEC is only available for AAA=001, 003, and 008 at this time3. ATEX approved through manufacturer (not Metrix), (B=IEC)ITS09ATEX16417UEx II2G, Ex d IIC CML 16ATEX1325X Ex II2GD, Ex db IIB Gb, Ex tb IIIC Db IP65 minimum 4. IECEx approved through manufacturer (not Metrix)IECExITS09.0024UEx d IIC IECEx QPS 16.0012X Ex db IIB Gb, Ex tb IIIC IP665. Elbow 8200-AAA-IEC is required for ST5484E installations meetingATEX/IECEx/INMETRO/KOSHA/EAC Ex d (flameproof) hazardous area certificationsUL approved through manufacturer (not Metrix) for the following areas: Class I; Div. 1 (Grps. B, C, D)Class II; Div. 1 (Grps. E, F, G)NOTE: Dielectric grease must be applied on the rubber boot connector to prevent moisture ingression.NOTE: Dielectric grease must be applied on the rubber boot connectorST5484E Seismic Velocity 4-20 mA TransmitterDatasheet7084-001Flange Mount AdapterAdapts ½” NPT mounting stud on ST5484E to 3-hole flat-base pattern. Hole pattern is three equally spaced 0.26” diameter holes on 1.5” diameter circle. Adapter is 2” diameter x 0.75” thick. Material: 303 stainless steel 7084-002Flange Mount AdapterSame as 7084-001 except center hole adapts ¼” NPT stud on the 5484E.7084-005Flange Mount AdapterSame as 7084-001 except center hole adapts ⅜ x 24 UNF stud on the 5484E.8253-002½” NPT to ¼” NPT Reducer BushingAdapts ¼” NPT stud on ST5484E (B=0) to ½” NPT mounting hole.Material: 303 stainless steel93818-004Cable Grip Strain Relief FittingUsed primarily with 8978 cable assemblies where cable enters junction box. ¾” NPT male thread to cable grip. Fits cable diameters from 0.156” to 0.25”. Complete with sealing ring and locknut. Hot dip / mechanically galvanized fin -ish. Suitable for NEMA 4 junction boxes.93818-018Cable Grip Strain Relief FittingSimilar to 93818-004, but fits larger cable diameters from 0.4”to 0.5”, such as customer-supplied cables used with terminal block versions of ST5484E (D = 2 or 3).OUTLINE DIAGRAMSFigure 1: Outline dimensions of the ST5484E (all versions except MIL-Style Connector). Dimensions in mm [inches]. Optional* 8200-001 conduit elbow shown installed.* NOTE: 8200-000-IEC elbow is mandatory for ATEX/IECEx/INMETRO/KOSHA/EAC Ex d (flameproof) approved installations. The 8200-000 elbow is mandatory for CSA Ex d (flameproof) approved installations.Figure 2: Outline dimensions of theST5484E-XXX-XX4-XX (MIL-Style Connec -tor). Dimensions in mm [inches].ST5484E Seismic Velocity 4-20 mA TransmitterDatasheetWIRING CONNECTIONS+ AND – SYMBOLSARE NOT ON LABELFigure 3: Typical installation for a single ST5484E seismic vibration transmitter.Figure 4: Typical installation for multiple ST5484E seismic vibration transmitters.ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATIONTrademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.Data and specifications subject to change without notice.© 2014 Metrix Instrument Co., L.P .。

E H压力变送器选型软件资料

E H压力变送器选型软件资料



振动变送器ST5484E 4-20 mA振动速度变送器ATEX二线制变送器ST5484E型变送器是多数工业设备振动检测的理想产品。





注:1.IPT®(无极性端子l) Metrix Instrument Co.的注册商标技术规格产品特性•环路供电,无极性无极性(IPT®)1.连接防止接线错误•可提供不同的安装螺栓•可提供架空引线,滑槽端子及MIL接头•最稳定的检测电路•温度冲击保护•宽频响•可选高/低通滤波器•嵌入式机座&壳体张力保护•可选动态信号应用•鼓风机•离心分离机•压缩机•发动机•风扇•发电机重量&尺寸89[3.5]51[2.0]130[5.1]97[3.8]可选弯管&减压型8200-001 or-0021” NPT接头3/4”NPT电气接口二线制接线1” NPT(11 1/2螺纹接口S/IN.)•电动机•泵•涡轮•涡轮增压机64[2.5]感应轴33 [1.3]平面参见“选型指南B”38[1.5]重量: 0.7 kg (1.5 lbs.)2.14振动监测&保护121= 1 ips (25 mm/s), pk 122= 0.5 ips (12.7 mm/s), pk 123= 2.0 ips (50 mm/s), pk 124= 5.0 ips (125, mm/s), pk 126= 0.8 ips (20.3 mm/s), pk 132= 3.0 ips (75 mm/s), pk 151= 1 ips (25 mm/s), rms 152= 0.5 ips (12.7 mm/s), rms 153= 2.0 ips (50 mm/s), rms 0=无滤波 (2 Hz),标准1= 5 Hz 2= 10 Hz 3= 20 Hz 4= 50 Hz 5= 100 Hz6= 200 Hz0=整体 ¼” NPT 1=整体 ½” NPT 2= 3/8- 24 UNF X ½”4= M8 X 1-125= M10 X 1.25-126= 1/4- 20 UNC0=无滤波(1500 Hz),标准1= 500 Hz 2= 1000 Hz 3= 2000 Hz1安全区域&CSA/NRTL/C (适用所有连接)2=CSA/NRTL/C for Class I, Div 1, Grps B-D & Class II,Div 1, Grps E-G (只适用于架空引线)3=ATEX, EEx ia IIC T4本安 (用于接线端子或2-钉MS 接头)4CSA,本安, Class I, Div 1,=Grps A, B, C & D振动变送器ST5484E 4-20 mA 振动速度变送器ST5484E-XXX-X14-XX 2-钉 MIL 接头.ST5484E-XXX -X32-XX 2钉接线端子.选型指南ST5484E-XXX-X33-XX 动态信号端子提供分析用100mV/g 信号ST5484E-XXX-X20-XX 2-24”架空引线.ST5484E-XXX-X21-XX 4-24”架空引线.ABCDEFST5484E ---A满量程范围D接头0= 4-20 mA:架空引线 (C = 1 or 2)1= 4-20 mA 动态信号:架空引线(C = 1 or 2)2= 4-20 mA: 2-钉接线端子 (C = 1, 3 or 4)3= 4-20 mA 动态信号l: 4-钉接线端子(C = 1, 3 or 4)4= 4-20 mA: 2-钉 MIL 接头 (C = 1, 3 or 4)注:对于真实的 RMS 速度标定,在代码上加30 .如:-121变为-151.E高通滤波器B安装螺栓F低通滤波器C 危险等级=Class I, Div 2, Grps A, B, C & D螺栓适配器螺栓套管8253-0021/4” NPT - 1/2” NPT 8841-0843/8- 24 UNF - 1/2- 20 UNF 8841-099M8- M10 x 1.25附件见 2.32振动监测 &保护2.15。

ST5484E 2-线制壳体震动变送器安装手册说明书

ST5484E 2-线制壳体震动变送器安装手册说明书

ST5484E 2-线制壳体震动变送器安装手册1.概述ST5484E地震式震动变送器将一个震动传感器和信号调节器集成在一个独立的壳体里面来接收机械震动等级且传递一个成比例的4-20mA信号到PLCs, DCSs,监视器和计算机。


架空引线2-针接线端子1180 4-针接线端子2-针航空插头此变送器没有动线圈部分,并且全部密封在一个不锈钢壳体里面。



关于规格说明,订货信息和外部尺寸图,请参考Metrix 数据表1004457 。



两种基本的变送器安装类型针对不同的机械表面;NPT (国家管螺纹)和机械螺纹(UNF和Metric)。





该工具可与带有磁性底座的便携式钻头一起使用,DOC# M9162 • REV AB (April 2019)注意: 使用高速扭矩螺丝刀可能会损坏接线端子但必须小心,使螺纹孔和螺纹孔与加工表面垂直。


如需更详细的埋头孔说明,请与Metrix 联系。

如果安装一个标准的1/4英寸NPT 螺栓的变送器,先用7/16英寸的钻头钻一个孔,孔深5/8-7/8英寸。

然后用1/4 - 18 NPT (锥形管丝锥)丝锥。





如果需要安装变送器到现有的1/2 英寸NPT 的孔,可以使用一个1/4 英寸到1/2 英寸NPT 套转接头。



根据以上计算的系数Fm,计算用水标校时对应水的体 积流量:QV(水)=Fm×Qm
注:ρS =所选浮子的材料密度 (g/cm3),见下表 ρa =被测液体的密度 (g/cm3)
浮子密度对照表 浮子材质
304,316,316L,1Cr18Ni9Ti, 1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti
聚四氟乙烯 (PTFE) 哈氏合金 (Hc,Hb)
1000 1200 1800
80-250-K 10 80-250-K 20 80-250-K 30
DN100 ( 4〃)
63000 40000 100000 63000
2000 2500
100-250-K 10 100-250-K 20
DN150 ( 6〃)
100000 80000 160000 100000
25-250-K 60
6300 4000
50-250-K 10
10000 6300
( 2〃)
16000 10000
50-250-K 20 50-250-K 30
25000 16000
50-250-K 40
DN80 ( 3〃)
25000 16000 40000 25000 63000 40000
15-250-K 10
15-250-K 20
15-250-K 30
15-250-K 40

Metrix 传感器变送器的安装与调试

Metrix 传感器变送器的安装与调试

Metrix 电涡流传感器和变送器的安装与调试方法
1. 变送器安装到现场防护箱中,完成变送器到DCS/PLC的接线。


2. 安装探头。





3. 对于MX2034振动变送器,推荐的安装电压为8-10V,对于MX2034位移变送器,安装

4. 探头和变送器都调试完了之后,需要把探头与延长电缆之间的接头用Metrix提供的绝缘保护套套好,防止接头碰到金属物体发生测量误差。











●宽范围电源模式可供选择(DC:18V~36V AC:85V~265V)。









●多种输出通讯接口可供选择:1.hart通讯(可选)2.RS485(Modbus 可选) 通讯接口3.profibus(可选)4.16位数字电流环 4~20mA输出5.0 ~10KHz频率输出6.脉冲当量输出执行标准、正常工作条件和型号命名执行标准: JB/T9248-1999 GB 3836.1-2000 GB 3836.2-2000 GB 3836.4-2000 正常工作条件:环境温度:-20℃~+55℃ 相对湿度:5%~90%供电电源:85~265AC 或18~36VDC 额定功率:小于10W工作原理传感器是根据法拉第电磁感应定律工作的,如图1所示:图1. 工作原理图当导电液体沿测量管在交变磁场与磁力线成垂直方向运动时,导电液体切割磁力线产生感应电势。


若感应电势为E ,则有:E=BVD ⑴ 式中:B …磁感应强度;D …电极间的距离,与测量管内径相等; V …测量管内径被测流体在截面上的平均流速。



Ultima-X系列气体探测器使用说明书(请以原版说明书为准)中美合资无锡梅思安安全设备有限公司WUXI MSA SAFETY EQUIPMENT CO. LTD.重要的警告本说明书只是对该类仪表作简要的介绍,具体使用说明请按原版英文说明书为准。























非接触式涡流传感器,主要用于测量轴振, 轴向位移, 偏心, 胀差, 键相和零转速速度传感器和加速度传感器,主要用于测量瓦振等。

替换3300&3300 XL系列
替换3309 NSv & RAM系列
11 mm 7200系列传感器
Trendsetter TXR/TXA趋近式探头变送器
TXR 5521 RPM转速变送器。

ST5484E 2-WIRE 震动传感器传输器安装说明说明书

ST5484E 2-WIRE 震动传感器传输器安装说明说明书

ST5484E 2-WIRE SEISMIC VIBRATION TRANSMITTERInstallation ManualDOC# M9162 • REV AB (April 2019)1. OVERVIEWThe ST5484E Seismic Vibration Transmit-ter combines a vibration sensor and signal conditioner in a single package for sensing machinery vibration level and transmitting a proportional 4-20 mA signal directly to PLCs, DCSs, monitors, and computers. Versions with 2 wires, 4 wires, terminal blocks, or MIL-type connector are available.The transmitter has no moving parts and is encapsulated in a stainless steel housing. Each transmitter is factory calibrated to the sensitivity marked on the label. An optional dynamic signal output can be specified. Refer to Metrix Datasheet 1004457 for specifications, ordering information, and outline dimensions.2. MOUNTINGIt is important to solidly mount the transmit-ter body to the machine surface. Refer to section 6 on transducer placement. Differ-ent machine preparations are required for the two basic transmitter mounting styles; NPT (National Pipe Thread) and machine thread (UNF and Metric). Transmitters with the NPT type mounting stud are secured by the thread engagement and the base of the transmitter does not contact the machine surface. Transmitters with the machine thread studs must contact the machine surface. The base of the transmitter must make square and direct contact. This re-quires preparing the surface of the machine with a 1 1/2 inch counter bore (surfacing tool). This tool can be used with a portable1180Flying Leads2-Pin Terminal Block4-Pin Terminal Block2-Pin MIL ConnectorDoc# M9162• REV AB (April 2019) Page 2 of 12drill equipped with a magnetic base but care must be taken so that the tapped and threaded hole is perpendicular to the machined surface. The transmitter must make contact all the way around its base surface. Contact Metrix for more detailed counter bore instructions.If installing a transmitter with a standard 1/4 inch NPT stud, drill a hole using a 7/16 inch bit, 5/8-7/8 inch deep. Then tap using a 1/4 - 18 NPT (tapered pipe tap). Hand-tighten the transmitter and then turn an additional 1 to 2 turns using a wrench on the wrench flats. Do not use a pipe wrench. A pipe wrench can apply extreme forces to the body and potentially damage electronic components. A minimum of five (5) threads of engagement should be made. A 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch NPT bushing is available for mounting the transmitter in existing 1/2 inch NPT holes. Also, a Metrix model 7084 Flange Adapter can be used between the transmitter and the machine surface when there is not enough surface thickness to drill and tap a hole. The flange adaptor mounts with three small screws.If installing a transmitter with one of the straight machined thread sizes, follow standard drill and tap procedures. Do not drill a hole larger that the counter bore pilot diameter before using the counter bore to prepare the machine surface. Drill out the hole with the correct tap drill size after preparing the surface.The sensitive axis of the transmitter is in line with the mounting stud. The transmitter can be oriented in any (0 to 360 degree) position.3. WIRING3.1 GeneralThe ST5484E is connected like other loop powered transmitters. The following is a summary based on area designations.Connect the field wiring in accordance with the appropriate portion of Figure 1.The ST5484E terminal block option must be used with the following conductors specification:• 14-24 AWG solid copper conductors OR • 20-26 AWG stranded copper conductorsThe ST5484E transmitter requires a minimum of 11 VDC for proper operation. This is the mini -mum voltage required at the transmitter (not the power supply), after all other voltage drops across field wiring and receiver input impedance have been accounted for with the maximum 20mA of loop current flowing. The minimum loop power supply voltage required is therefore 11 VDC plus 1 volt for each 50 Wof total loop resistance.Figure 1: Single-transmitter loops Multiple-transmitter loopsCAUTION: Use of a high-speed torque screw -driver may damage the terminal blocks.Component ResistanceSignal wiring10 WDC Input Impedance of receiver250 WTOTAL LOOP RESISTANCE260 WMinimum supply voltage = 260 W (1 V/50 W) + 11 V = 16.2 VDCThe maximum loop power supply voltage that may be applied is 29.6 VDC (intrinsically safe) or 30VDC (explosion proof and non-incendive). The maximum loop resistance (RL) is calcu-lated by the equation: RL = 50 (VS - 11) WExample: RL = 50 (24 - 11) = 650 W for a 24 VDC loop supply.3.2 Intrinsically Safe Installation In Hazardous LocationsConnect the field wiring in accordance with Metrix drawing 9426 for CSA Class I, (A,B,C & D) and Metrix drawing 9278 for IECEx / ATEX (Ex ia IIC T4 Ga) approvals. The leads must be terminated inside an enclosure with a degree of protection of at least IP20. A Metrix elbow from the 8200 series may be used for these purposes. Refer to Metrix Datasheet 1004457 for additional details on accessories. The ambient temperature range is -40°C to 100°C. The transmitter requires a minimum of 11 VDC for proper operation. The voltage drop across the specified non-isolated barriers with a 20 mA loop current is 8.1 VDC. As such, The minimum loop power supply voltage required is 19.1 VDC plus 1 volt for each 50 W of loop resistance. The maximum loop power supply voltage that may be applied to the safety bar-rier is 26 VDC. Therefore, the maximum loop resistance with a 26 VDC supply is 345 W.Component ResistanceSignal wiring 5 WDC Input Impedance of receiver100 WTOTAL LOOP RESISTANCE105 WMinimum supply voltage = 105 (1 V/50 W) + 19.1 V = 21.2 VDC3.3 Explosion-Proof Installation In Hazardous Locations (CSA)Some models of ST5484E transmitters are CSA certified explosion-proof, CSA US/C, Class I, Div 1, Grps B-D and Class II, Div 1, Grps E-G (explosion proof). Connect the field wiring in ac-cordance with the appropriate portion of Figure 1. Refer to section 3.1 for loop voltage and resistance requirements. All conduit and junction boxes used must be certified explosion-proof for the class, division, and group required by the application. Installation of the trans-mitter must meet all of the explosion-proof installation requirements of the local governing agency and facility safety procedures.3.4 Flame-Proof Installation In Hazardous Locations (ATEX, IECEX)Some models of ST5484E transmitters are ATEX/IECEx certified flame-proof, Ex d IIC T4 Gb. Con-nect the field wiring in accordance with the appropriate portion of Figure 1. Refer to section 3.1 for loop voltage and resistance requirements. All conduit and junction boxes used must be certified flame-proof for the area required by the application. Installation of the transmitter must meet all of the flame-proof requirements of the local governing agency and facility safety procedures. The Metrix part 8200-001-IEC elbow is required to meet this approval.Doc# M9162• REV AB (April 2019) Page 3 of 12Doc# M9162• REV AB (April 2019) Page 4 of 12Doc# M9162• REV AB (April 2019) Page 5 of 12Doc# M9162• REV AB (April 2019) Page 6 of 12WARNING:CSA Equipment Installation Requirement per ordinary locations standards, C22.2/UL 61010-1:Applicable for permanently connected equipment:a) A switch or circuit-breaker must be included in the installation; b) It must be suitably located and easily reached;c) It must be marked as the disconnecting device for the equipment.Equipment environmental Ratings: a) Pollution degree 3 b) Installation category I c) Altitude 2000m d) Outdoor: Type 4x e) Temperature -40°C to 100°C4. ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITYIn order to meet the requirements of electromagnetic compatibility in areas of high electro -magnetic interference, the field wiring must be:• Shielded twisted pair cable enclosed in grounded metallic conduit, or•Double shielded twisted pair cable with a metallic body cable gland fitting and with theouter shield grounded.Use standard two-conductor, twisted pair, shielded wiring for the long run to the instrumen -tation enclosure. The transmitter is connected like other loop-powered end devices.WARNING:ATEX Conditions for Safe Use (Ex d)For temperature classification and safety:• Use conduit elbow, Metrix reference 8200-001-IEC, which is a Killark product with reference: Y-3-EX.•Ambient Operating Temperature: -40°C to +100°CNOTE: Metrix also strongly recommends the use of our ferrite bead kit (Metrix p/n 100458) as an extra precaution against electromagnetic interference that may be induced in field wiring from subsequently bleeding into the transmitter.WARNING:ATEX Conditions for Safe Use (Ex ia)The ST5484E is intrinsically safe and can be used in potentially explosive atmo -spheres. This transmitter must only be associated to intrinsically safe certified appara -tus, and this combination must be compatible as regards intrinsic safety.The electrical parameters of certified equipment connected to the transmitter must meet the following criteria:U o ≤ 29.6 VDC, I o ≤ 100mA; P o ≤ 0.75WAmbient operating temperature -40o C to +100o CDoc# M9162• REV AB (April 2019) Page 7 of 125. CONNECTION TO PLC OR OTHER INDICATING INSTRUMENTThe first step in configuring the PLC, DCS, or other recording instrument is to determine the source of power. The ST5484E requires loop power. Some analog input channels on a PLC or DCS, for example, provide this power from within. If they do not provide power, an external power supply must be provided. Connect the transmitter field wiring using standard instrumentation practices.Scaling of the display is on the basis of the range of the transmitter. The measurement parameter name is “vibration” and the units are “in/s” (inches per second) or “mm/s” (millimeters per sec -ond). The example below is based on a standard 1.0 in/s transmitter.6. TYPICAL TRANSMITTER PLACEMENTThe ST5484E measures seismic vibration (i.e., vibration velocity) at the attachment point on the machine, using engineering units of in/s (inches per second) or mm/s (millimeters per second)depending on the selected ordering option. The transmitter’s sensitive direction is through the long axis of its cylindrical body. It will not measure side-to-side motion.Typical transmitter mounting for casing vibration measure -ments is in the horizontal direction at the bearing housings as depicted in Figure 2. The horizontal direction usually incurs more vibration because most machines’ foundation constrains vertical vibration more than horizontal vibration. A horizontal mounting arrangement is also depicted in Figure 3, but with additional detail showing typical accessories. When flying leads are ordered, a 24- or 72-inch length may be specified using ordering option D on the Metrix product datasheet 1004457. These leads may be cut to length andthen spliced to field wiring as shown in Figure 3. Figure 2Typical transmittermountingWhen vibration level at transmitter is…Transmitter output will be…PLC (or other) should read…0.0 in/s (i.e. no vibration) 4.0 mA (± 0.1 mA)0.00 in/sec 1.0 in/s (i.e. full scale vibration)20.0 mA (± 0.5 mA)1.00 in/secMomentary “jolts” that can occur at start-up, or during some operating condition changes, do not reflect a machine’s steady-state operating condition. To prevent such occurrences from generating nuisance alarms, program a time delay into the alarm such that the indicated vibration level must persist above the alarm setpoint for a preset period of time before an alarm is generated. The indicated vibration level must cross the threshold level and stay above it for a preset time before any alarm action is taken. A 2- to 3-second delay is normally applied to most machinery. Consult Metrix if you have a question about your machine’s operating characteristics.Some rough starting machinery may also need a start-up time lockout for alarms. A start-uplockout is different than a time delay. A start-up lockout functions the same as a time delay, but is usually set to a much longer time. Both may be needed.Doc# M9162• REV AB (April 2019) Page 8 of 12Figure 3When attaching conduit to the transmitter, observe the following:• Because the transmitter is sensitive to vibration, avoid unsupported lengths of conduit andexcessive mass (such as large hubs or junctions) hanging directly off the end of the transmitter. These can introduce unwanted vibrations that do not reflect actual machinery vibration and cause mechanical stresses that can lead to premature transducer failure.• A “Y” type conduit elbow, such as the Metrix 8200 series, is preferred because it prevents theconduit from extending too far away from the transmitter, thus limiting the likelihood of break -age. It also precludes long unsupported lengths of conduit directly aligned with the transmit -ter’s bore (longitudinal axis) as noted in the bullet above.• Avoid attachment of rigid conduit directly to the transmitter; instead, use a small length offlexible conduit to mechanically isolate the transmitter from vibration that might occur in rigid conduit.• If a 1-inch to 3/4-inch reducer is used at the elbow, a smaller diameter flexible conduit can beused.NOTE:Hazardous area locations do not allow a splice at the location shown in Figure 3. Instead, the splice must be made in a second conduit hub (meeting splicing requirements) located at the end of flexible conduit.Doc# M9162• REV AB (April 2019) Page 9 of 127. INSTALLATION BEST PRACTICES FOR RFI IMMUNITYThe ST5484E is case isolated from the loop power connection to the PLC, DCS, SCADA, or other +24 VDC alarm system. With the correct grounding scheme, this type of isolation avoids ground loops and re -sults in good RF immunity. However, in situations which involve inter -ference from high-powered transmitters and especially spread-spec -trum type radios, the ST5484E may become vulnerable to RF noise.Since it is often difficult to identify these situations in advance, Metrix strongly recommends utilizing the following Best Practices when install -ing all ST5484E transmitters in the field:1. Twist the sensor leads together (at least 10 twists per foot).2. Slide the twisted leads through the included ferrite core and posi -tion as close to the sensor as practical. Refer to Figures 4 and 5.3. If possible, cut the leads short and use a shielded twisted pair. Fol -low step 2 in this application as well.As shown in Figure 5, “chokes” that attenuate different frequencies can be created by looping a different number of turns through the ferrite core. More wire turns adds more inductance, attenuating progressively lower frequencies. Multiple “chokes” can be created in this manner and placed in series on the wire leads to cover a broad frequency band. Always locate the choke covering the higher frequency band closest to the sensor.8. CALIBRATIONThe ST5484E transmitter has been factory calibrated for the full-scale vibration level marked on the label. If the calibration is in doubt, the unit can be verified in the field by following the procedures outlined below. Note that there are no Zero and Span adjustments on the transmitter. Additionally, the transmitter uses a true RMS amplitude detection circuit; unitssupplied with a full scale range in peak units scale the underlying RMS measurement by a Figure 5: Leads may also be looped through the ferrite core to attenuate different frequencies. The optimal number of loops will vary by application and the interfering frequency(ies).Figure 4: Leads may besimply fed straight through the ferrite core.factor of 1.414 to provide a “derived peak” rather than true peak measurement.7.1 Zero VerificationIn the absence of vibration the output current should be 4 mA ± 0.1 mA. If the ambient vibration exceeds 2% of full scale, the transmitter should be removed from the machine and placed on a vibration free surface for this measurement. Often a piece of foam can be used to isolate the transmitter from external motion.7.2 Span VerificationSubject the transmitter to a known vibration within the full scale range marked on the label. If you are using a portable vibration shaker where it can be tested at full scale, the output should be 20 mA ± 0.5 mA.9. OPTIONAL DYNAMIC OUTPUTThe transmitter can be ordered with an optional dynamic output. Transmitters supplied with this option can be identified by the presence of four flying leads instead of two (Figure 6), or four terminal connections instead of two (Figure 7).The dynamic output is an acceleration signal with a sensitivity of 100 mV/g, filtered to thesame frequency band as used for the 4-20mA velocity measurement (refer to options E and F on the Metrix Datasheet 1004457).Observe the following when using this output:• Only an electrically-isolated or battery-powered portable vibration analyzershould be used when connecting to thisoutput. Since this is a loop-powereddevice, an external ground will affect theloop output and could cause a false alarm.• When using a portable vibration analyzeror data collector, be sure to turn theinstrument sensor power off.• Most portable vibration analyzers have alow input impedance and they will loadthis signal, resulting in attenuation of asmuch as 20% to 30%. Refer to Table 1which shows the nominal attenuationexpected for a given input impedance.• In all cases for all locations, the useof this signal is for temporary connec-tion only. Permanent connection couldviolate hazardous location installationrequirements.• Avoid impacting the transmitter orintroducing other mechanical vibrationswhen connecting to this output. Suchvibration could result in spurious alarmsor machinery trips.• When output is not in use, be sure leadscannot touch conduit or each otheras this will affect the 4-20 mA currentoutput.• Avoid introducing electrical noise when using this output. Do not use this output with leadslonger than 5m (16 feet). Use of longer leads can introduce electrical noise and attenuate high-frequency signal content that may be present inthe raw acceleration signal.76Table 1Input Impedanceof AnalyzerdBAttenuation10 MEG0.015 MEG0.022 MEG0.041 MEG0.09500 K 0.18200 K0.43100 K 0.8450 K 1.6120 K 3.5710 K 6.10Doc# M9162• REV AB (April 2019) Page 10 of 12Doc# M9162• REV AB (April 2019) Page 11 of 1210. SPECIFICATIONS, ORDERING INFORMATION AND OUTLINE DIMENSIONAL DIAGRAMSRefer to Metrix product datasheet 1004457 for additional information.Figure 1: Outline dimensions of the ST5484E (all versions except MIL-Style Connector). Dimen -sions in mm [inches]. Optional* 8200-001 conduit elbow shown installed.* NOTE: 8200-AAA-IEC elbow is mandatory for ATEX/IECEx/INMETRO Ex d (flameproof) ap -proved installations.Figure 2: Outline dimensions of the ST5484E-XXX-XX4-XX (MIL-Style Connector). Dimensions in mm [inches].Doc# M9162• REV AB (April 2019) Page 12 of 12 11. ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION This electronic equipment was manufactured according to high quality stan -dards to ensure safe and reliable operation when used as intended. Due to its nature, this equipment may contain small quantities of substances known to be hazardous to the environment or to human health if released into the environ -ment. For this reason, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (commonly known as WEEE) should never be disposed of in the public waste stream. The “Crossed-Out Waste Bin” label affixed to this product is a reminder to dispose of this product in accordance with local WEEE regulations. If you have questions about the disposal pro -cess, please contact Metrix Customer Service.************************ 8824 Fallbrook Dr. Houston, TX 77064, USA Tel: 1.281.940.1802 • Fax: 1.713.559.9421After Hours (CST) Technical Assistance: 1.713.452.9703。

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Vibration - Condition Monitoring
and Protection
Vibration Transmitters
ST5484E Velocity 4-20 mA
• Loop terminals w/Independent Polarity (IPT ®)1. Prevents incorrect wiring • Different mounting studs available • Available with fl ying leads, terminal block or MIL style connector • Most stable detection circuit • Temperature shock protected • Widest frequency range • High & low pass fi lters options • Built-in base & housing strain protection
• Dynamic signal option
1. IPT ®
(Independent Polarity Terminal) is a registered trademark of Metrix Instrument Co.
• Blowers • Centrifuges • Compressors • Engines • Fans
• Generators • Motors • Pumps • Turbines
• Turbochargers
Model ST5484E is the ideal solution for sensing vibration on most plant equipment. This precision case mounted vibration sensor and signal conditioner in a single package is built to provide years of reliable service. A simple two-wire loop signal proportional to velocity is generated for transfer to a programmable logic controller (PLC), distributed control system (DCS) or other 4-20 mA input devices. Simply mount the transmitter on the machine case, connect the 2-wire loop and read and/or record the vibration. Model ST5484E is made with our patented IPT ®1 technology which eliminates wiring polarity errors.
Speci fi cations
1” NPT (11 1/2 THRDS/IN.)
33 [1.3] FLATS
1” NPT with 3/4” NPT REDUCER
Weight & Dimensions
Weight: 0.7 kg (1.5 lbs.)
Loop-powered Transmitter
Vibration - Condition Monitoring
and Protection
Vibration Transmitters
ST5484E Velocity 4-20 mA
ST5484E-XXX-X21-XX With 4-24” fl ying leads.
ST5484E-XXX-X20-XX With 2-24” fl ying leads. How To Select
ST5484E - - -
C Connection
D High Pass Filter
Low Pass Filter
Additional Accessories - Page 2.32
ST5484E-XXX-X33-XX Dynamic signal terminals provide buffered 100 mV/g connection for analysis.
ST5484E-XXX -X32-XX With two slot terminal block.
ST5484E-XXX-X14-XX With 2-pin MIL style connector. Optional Stud Adapters。
