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I. Multiple Choices :
send us samples of your products?
A. Do… want to B. Will… like to C. Do… please D. Will… please
2. We would be glad to receive your export prices on the basis ofCIF Shanghai.
A. low possible B. possible low C. lowest possible D. lower possible
3. Your name us by the Chamber of Commerce in New York.
A. has been recommended B. has recommended to
C. has been recommending D. has been recommended to
4. We should like to inquire if you expanding your business to this area.
A. be interested in B. are interested to C. are interested of D. are interested in
5. Our market survey informs us that you are Audio and Electronic Equipment.
A. in the market for B. for the market of C. on the market about D. inside the market to
6. We have seen your advertisement portable typewriters in ‘South China Morning Post’.
A. of B. on C. at D. in
7. We would be pleased to receive your catalogand price list.
A. illustrated B. illustration C. illustrate D. illustrates
8. We should appreciate it if you would quote your best prices C.I.F. Shanghai for the envelope openers in ‘China Daily’.
A. advertising B. advertise C. advertised D. advertises
9. We are exporters of all kinds of Chinese goods.
A. better-establish B. well-established C. good-establishing D. best-establishment
10. for more than 30 years, we are confident we can give our customers complete satisfaction.
A. Being in business B. Having been in business
C. In business D. We are in business
II. Identify errors in the following sentences:
1. Wehave established
here for over twenty years as general exporters.
a b c d
2. For anyinformations as to our credit standing, pleaserefer tothe Bank of China.
a b c d
3. Welook forwardtoreceive your favorablereply at an earlydate.
a b c d
4. We would be most grateful whether you could provide us with a list of reliable business connections

a b c d
in your area.
5. Some copies of our latest catalogues arebeing airmailedto you ona separate cover.
a b c d
6. We will send you a completerange ofsamples upon the receipt of youreply.
a b c d
7. Thank you for your letter of July 4. We are obliged to Jones &. Co. for having been recommended
a b c
us to you.
8. We areencloseda catalogue which may beofsome help to youinselecting items.
a b c d
9. I wish To express my personnel appreciation for the account which you have just opened with us.
a b c d
10. Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue that we could pass to prospect customers?
a b c d
III. Fill in the blanks with proper words:
Dear Sir,
As one 1 the leading importers and wholesalers 2 photographic equipment 3
Australia, we are very interested 4 the professional type tripods you displayed at the recent exhibition in Shanghai.
There is a steady demand here 5 these types 6 tripods, especially the high quality ranges and fashionable designs. We have been receiving a number of enquiries 7 our trade
connections in this area 8 these tripods and think we may be able to place regular orders 9 you if your prices are competitive. Will you please, therefore, quote us your lowest prices CIF Sydney? We look forward very much 10 hearing from you.

Ⅰ. Multiple Choices:
1. For information our we refer you to Bank of China, Shanghai Branch.
a) regards…credit standing b) as to…standing credit
c) involving…credit standard d) concerning…credit standing
2. We should be grateful if you would say they are likely a credit up to US$10,000.
a) What…to be reliable for b) if…to be reliable at
c) whether…to be reliable for d) that…to be reliable of
3. We understand that you will treat this information as .
a) confidence b) confident c) confidential d) confidently
4.Any information you kindly give us will be treated in strict confidence and on your part.
a) without any responsibility b) hasn’t anyresponsibility
c) is no responsibility d) is not to have responsibility
5. Will you please inform us, of the extent of their resources and also as to their reputation?
a) with confidence b) in confidence c) as confidential d) ofconfidentially
6. We shall appreciate us an opinion as to the credit standing, respectability and responsibi

lity of the following firm.
a) your providing…with b) provided…by c) to provide…with d) your provision to… by
7. your decision to place regular orders with us, we respectfully request that you as two references for the initial purchase.
a)As we thank…should give b)When appreciating…will supply
c) Because we thank…provide d)While appreciating…furnish
8. Will you please let us know your experience in your dealing with him?
a) how…are b) what…has been c) which…is d) that…have had
9. This firm is a private company of import and export merchants, in 1981.
a) high…registered b) height of…to register
c) highly…registered d) highest…to register
10. We consider the said firm quite reliable for engagement as you mention.
a) should…such an b) will…such as c) shall…such a d) would…such like
Ⅱ. Identify errors in the following sentences
1. It is understoodthat this information is not morethan a personal opinion.
a b c d
2. Long credit would, in our opinion, involve you inseriouslyrisk.
a b c d
3. They oftendefer payment of their accounts whena second reminder is sent tothem.
a b c d
4. Bankers state that they have a highregard for the partners and that they consider
a b
them to beworth oftheir normal credit requirement.
c d
5. As we are totransact some important business with the firm inquestion, we should
a b
like to know exactlywhichtheir credit stands.
c d
6. Will you please sendby returnall the information youcan obtainrespects Messrs.
a b c d
Smith & Co.?
7. We regret that we must advise youtoregard their request for credit incaution.
a b c d
8. We should be greatly obliged if you would favor us with your confident opinion
a b
as totheir financial standing and thescopeof their transaction.
c d
9. We have a favorableregardtothe company and its management, and believe them
a b c
responsible for their normal business obligations.
10. you are, of course, ensured of our discretionintreatingwhatever information you
a b c
may giveus.

Ⅲ. Fill the blanks with proper words:
Dear Sirs,
reference 2
your letter 3
December 5,1993,we are pleased to learn that you wish
to enter 4
business relations 5
us 6
the line of textiles.
compliance 8
your request, we are sending you 9
separate cover a catalogue
together 10

a range of pamphlets 11
your reference.
If any 12
the items listed 13
the catalogue meets your interest, please let us know,
and we will forward our quotation14
receipt of your specific enquiry 15
the meantime, will you please give us the names 17
your trade and bank
references prior 18
the conclusion 19
the first transaction 20
We look forward to your earliest reply.
Yours truly,
Ⅳ. Put the following English into Chinese:
1. quarterly settlements 2. banker’s reference
3. trade reference 4. as a reference
5. as a rule 6. be bound to
7. meet commitments 8. standing credit
9. initial order 10. the firm in question
Ⅴ. Put the following sentences into Chinese:
1. We shall be glad to put in hand your order of July 4 for immediate shipment if you will
send us the customary tradereferences.
2. To enable us to take up the usual references we should be glad if you would send us the
names and addresses of two firms with which you have had regular dealings.
3. We are able to fill your order at once, since the information in the statement is entirely
4. We regret our inability to inform you anything positive concerning the firm mentioned.
5. We need hardly say that any information you give us will be used in complete confidence.
6. Johnson Co. has given us your name as a reference, and we should be very much obliged
if you would advise us whether they are of good repute.
7. In local commercial circle he is regarded as a substantial trader with a clean record.
8. The foregoing information is given in confidence and for your private use only and
without any responsibility on the part of this bank or its officials.
9. In reply to your inquiry of the 9th October concerning the firm in question, we would
recommend a policy of caution.
10. We do not know enough about this firm to give satisfactory answers to your enquiry.
Ⅵ。Put the following sentences into English
4、因为这是我们之间的首次交易,所以请提供与你们有业务往来银行的名号和地址, 以便我们征信。
Ⅷ. Si

tuational Writing
Write a letter in English on behalf of Layton & Co. 39 Cheapside, London E.C.3, U.K. to
Shanghai Dongfang Trading Co. Led. Asking for a price reduction. The letter is written according
to the instructions below:

Ⅰ. Multiple choices:
1. This order the sample you sent us on March 12.
a) is placed on b) places on c) is placed at d) places at
2. We would ask you to do everything possible punctual shipment.
a) ensuring b) to be ensured c) to ensure d) while ensure
3. We hope you give your usual best attention this order.
a) for carrying our b) to the execution of c) by filling out d) in the performance of
4. We must have the goods not later than20th October our stock is running short.
a) when b) that c) which d) as
5. We have accepted your Order No.317. Please open the relevant L/C, here two weeks prior to the date of shipment.
a) which must reach b) when must reach c) it reaches d) that reaches
6. We have decided to place a trial order for the following stated in your letter.
a) with the terms b) on the terms c) by the terms d) at the terms
7. Please send us as soon as possible the following goods, in your current spring catalogue.
a) that listed b) which listed c) to be listed d) as listed
8. We are enclosing our latest catalogue some of the items may be of interest to you.
a) at the hope that b) by the hope that c) in the hope that d) for the hope that
9. we would like to supply you with the product, we are unable to fill your order owing to the heavy backlog of commitments.
a) As much as b) Much as c) Very much d) As
10. We must apologize you being unable to fill your present order.
a) to…on b) to…as c) to…about d) to…for
1-5 acbda 6-10 bdcbd
Ⅱ. Identify the error in each sentence:
1. Theenclosed order is givenstrictly on the condition whichshipment must be made
a b c
not later that the first day of May.
2. Wereserve the right to cancel this order except the goods are in our hands by the
a b c d
end of June.
3. The material supplied must be absolutely waterproof, and we place our order that
a b c
subjects tothis guarantee.
4. You may rest assuredthat as soon as we are able to accept new orders, andwe shall
a b
give priority to yours.
c d
5. We are handling your order with great care and you can depend on us whoeffect
a b c
delivery w

ell within your time limit.
6. Wefind bothqualityand prices satisfactoryand pleased to give you an order for the
a b c d
following items.
7. As we arein bad need of the goods, please cable your acceptance, uponreceipt ofit
a b c d
we will open L/C immediately.
8. You may test assured that freshsupplies aredue toarriving early next month.
a b c d
1-4 ccdb 5-8ccdd

Ⅲ. Fill in the blanks with proper words
Dear Sirs,
We are pleased to learn 1
your letter of April 5 2
you had decided to 3
a large 4
for a number of the items included in our quotation.
All the items ordered are 5
stock except the two dozen cushion covers 6
pink. Stocks
of these 7
been 8
out since we quoted for them and the makers informed us that it will 9
another four weeks 10
they can send replacements.
As 11
stated in your order that delivery 12
all items 13
a matter 14
urgency ,we 15
sending substituted covers which are deep orange in color, identical
design and quality with those ordered. They 17
rich looking, most attractive and very
with our other customers.
We hope you will like 19
. But if not, please return them 20
our expense.
Yours truly,
Ⅳ. Put the following English into Chinese
1. reserve the right of cancellation
2. the captioned item
3. be occupied with orders
4. the next newest to the latest model
5. such being the case
6. keep pace with
7. contract orders

I. Multiple Choices:
1. The goods you delivered are below the standard we expected the sample.
a)from b)to c)on d)in
2. We are sorry for our mistake in the number, resulted your receiving the wrong goods.
a)that…of b)this…from c)which…in d)it…as
3. To our regret, the case contains only 10 forks instead of 12 the invoice.
a)entered on b)entering on c)enter on d)which enter on
4. It is most essential that the delivery punctual, otherwise our summer sale connot be carried out.
a)will be b)would be c)has been d)should be
5. Although the quality of these goods is not up to that of our usual line, we are prepared to accept the goods if you the price, say 15%.
a)reduced b)will reduce c)have reduced d)are reduced
6. We think the best procedure will be to by an expert, and we are arranging for this to be done.
a)have examined the pieces b)have the pieces examined
c)examine the pieces d)have the pieces examination
7. You will understand that your delay in the circumstances us a right the

damages caused.
a)leaves…to demand for b)leaves…to make up for
c)gives…to sue for d)gives…to ask for
8. None of the articles in this case is of any use to us, and we hold them your disposal your instructions.
a)for…waiting b)by…awaiting c)under…depending d)at…pending
9. Case No.11 was found to be 3 packages .
a)too short b)shortage c)to shorten d)short
10. We appreciate your offer to keep the goods wrongly delivered, and we are ready to allow 10% the invoice price.
a)in b)by c)off d)at
II. Identify and correct the error in each sentence:
1. When compared the goods received with the sample, we find that the color is not the same.
2. We cannot accept the goods as they are not the shape we ordered.
3. We are unable to supply our customers to the products received from you.
4. Our shipping agents will collect the case to deliver to another customer.
5. When checking the goods received, we find that some items on your invoice have not contained.
6. Fifteen trays entered on the invoice, but there are only twelve in the case.
7. You have not sent us all the goods we ordered: the following are missed.
8. Should you fail in your obligations, we shall be compelling to cancel the order
9. When the goods arrived, we noticed a shortage in weight totals 225 Ibs.
10. As your complaint does no agree with the results of our test, we suggest that another thorough examination is conducted by you to show whether there is any ground for claim.
III. Fill in the blanks with the proper words:
Dear Sirs,
When we 1
delivery of the carpet you supplied to our Order No.1157 this morning,
we noticed 2
one of the outer edges of the wrapping had been worn through 3
may be
due to friction in transit. 4
taking off wrapping, we 5
that the carpet itself was soiled
and slightly frayed at the edge.
this is the second time in two months we have had cause to write to you about the
same matter, we think it necessary for 7
to take special precautions 8
friction when
sending carpet 9
ship and we hope 10
things would not happen in handling our future
The present carpet is usable, but because of its condition we cannot offer it for 11
the normal 12
and suggest that you make us an allowance of 10% on the invoiced 13
is the amount by 14
we propose to reduce our selling price. If you cannot do so, I am afraid
we shall have to return the carpet 15
Yours truly,
IV. Put the following English into Chinese:
1. come up to
2. check the matter up
3. brand-new
4. under such circumstances
5. color deviation
6. in proof of
7. maximum concession
8. make

a minute investigation
V. Put the following sentences Chinese:
1. According to contract stipulations, we are not liable for the damage, but, as there was evidence of rough handling on our part, we are willing to allow you half the amount of your claim.
2. Such color deviation existing between the products and the samples is normal and permissible; therefore, the compensation claimed is impracticable.
3. The goods, though not the very ones you ordered, are of good quality and in attractive designs, and we think you can sell them out at our price.
4. Without actual sample in proof of the defect we cannot make a minute investigation. Therefore, Please send us a sample without delay.
5. This is the first time in all our dealings with you that any mistake has occurred. We hope you will do all that you can to remedy the trouble.
6. We regret to have to return these goods and shall be glad if you will substitute the right goods for them as early as possible.
7. As the demand for these goods is seasonal, we shall be forced to cancel this order unless we canimmediate shipment.
8. We thank you for your letter of the 14th May together with the report showing that thedefective goods were 20% of the lot.
9. Frequent complaints have been received from our customers to the effect that the pens leak and will not write without blotting.
10. This is the maximum concession we can afford. Should you not agree to accept our proposal, we would like to settle by arbitration.

VI. Put the following sentences into English:
2.缺陷可能是由于(due to)一台机器的毛病造成的,我们现在正要检查(check up)所有的机器。
4.15 只托盘记在(enter on)发票上,但箱内只有 10只。
7.我们对这次延迟非常遗憾,你们将明白这是由于我们无法控制的(beyond our control)情况造 成的。
10.经检查,我们吃惊地发现装箱货物(contents)与你们的装箱单不完全相符(not agree with).
VIII. Situational Writing(写信练习):
Write an English letter in proper layout for ABC Co.111Pedder Street, London E.C.A, England, to China National Import & Export Corp. , Shanghai Branch, complaining that the wrong goods were sent. This letter should be written according to the instructions below:
1.有 JB-16 型缝纫机订单第 281号的装运单据已收到。

3.我方运输代理人在 Barcelona 港已提取该批定货(takedelivery of).
4.对声速执行(prompt execution)这一订单表示感谢。
5.遗憾的是该缝纫机质量之低(inferior)令人不能,事实上与样品不符(not conform to).
6.我客户不会按市价(market price)购买这些缝纫机的。
7.由于这些缝纫机的性能(performance)与你方所提供的小册子内的说明不符,我方不能按照 我们所同意之价格接受这些货物。
8.希望减价 30%,只有在此条件下我们才会接受。
9.你们对此作何处理,退货(return the goods)或减价请即告知我方为盼。


I. Multiple Choices:
1. Please let us have details of your machine tools, your earliest delivery.
A. giving us B. give us C. go give us D. given us
2. We hope to receive your quotation with details the possible time ofshipment.
A. to include B. to be included C. including D. being included
3. Will you please send us your prices for the items bellow.
A. listing B. being listed C. to list D. listed
4. We shall appreciate us FOB Sydney.
A. you quoting B. your quoting C. you to quote D. your being quoted
5. If you can supply your goods immediately, we shall to place a prompt trial order.
A. be prepared B. be preparing C. prepare D. preparing
6. As we have an extensive business connection in this field, we hope your special terms.
A. to give B. giving C. to be given D. to be giving
7. If your prices are competitive, we are confident the goods in great quantities in this market.
A. to sell B. to be selling C. in being sold D. in selling
8. We confirm our cable just dispatched these goods.
A. offering you firm B. firm offering you C. to be offered to you firm D. to firm offer you
9. We offer you the following items your reply reaching here by 5 p.m. May 21, our time.
A. subjecting to B. to subject to C. subjects to D. subject to
10. This offer is your acceptance by cable on or before January 10.
A. effective to B. effectively for C. effective for D. effectively to
11. A comparison of your offer our regular suppliers shows that their figures are more favorable.
A. with what of B. with that of C. with which of D. with this of
12. We certainly accept your offer you will ship the goods during June.
A. except B. provided C. unless D. but
13. you make a 5% reduction, we will have to decline your offer this time.
A. When B. Except C. As D. Unless
14. As we are one of the leading importers in this line, we are to handle large quantities.
A. at a position B. in a position C. on a position D> of a position
15. Although we appreciate good quality of your goods, w

e are sorry to say that your price appears to be .
A. of the highstandard B. in the high level C. on the high side D. at the high and
II. Identify errors inthe following sentences:
1. If the quality of your goods is satisfied, we will placean order with you.
a b c d
2. We would beconfident in that our products will help youexpand your market.
a b c d
3. We are sending youseparatea copy of our latest price list for your reference.
a b c d
4. We allow a special discount of 3% on the order of 500 pieces and much in order to secure your
a b c
trial order.
5. Thank you for your letter of June 10, enquiringabout our products andto request terms for
a b c
bulk buying.
6. Youallowa discount of 3% if you place an order with us for 300 pieces or more.
a b c d
7. We offer you firm as follows, subject to your replyreach us by The end of this month.
a b c d
8. Having accepted the price your offer would leave us only a small profit in our sales.
a b c d
9. Wehope youwill send us your formal order in return.
a b c d
10. Our calculation is so close that it is simply impossible for us to make any farther concession.
a b c d

III. Fill in the blanks with proper words:
We thank you 1
your enquiry 2
14th December and enclose our quotation 3
curtain material.
We have made a good selection 4
patterns and sent them 5
you today 6
parcel post. Their fine quality, attractive designs and the reasonable price 7
which we offer
them will, we hope, convince you that these materials are 8
really good value. There is a
heavy demand 9
them from house furnishers which we are finding it difficult to meet, but
provided we receive your order 10
the next ten days, we make you a firm offer 11
delivery by the end 12
January 13
the price quoted.
orders 15
three hundred pieces or more, we allow a special discount 16
3% 17
payment 18
confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit reaching us two weeks
ahead 19
shipment date.
We look forward 20
receiving your order.
IV. Put the following English into Chinese:
1. regular supply 2. trade regulation
3. state-operated 4. special discount
5. on the high side 6 . keen competition
7. under separate cover 8. packing list
9. by request 10. fair a

verage quality
V. Put the following sentences into Chinese:
1. We are interested in your ‘Heil’air-conditioners and should be glad if you would send us
your catalogue.


I. Translate the following phrases:
1. make a concession to sb 向某人让步 2. effect shipment 发货;出运
3. firm offer 实盘 4. at one’s earliest convenience尽早
5. non-firm offer 虚盘 6. extend offer 展证
7. avail oneself of 利用机会… 8. upon receipt of 一收到…就
9. brisk demand 旺盛的需求 10. in compliance with 与…相一致
II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:
1. We will now very much appreciate receiving ______ the earliest possible moment you offer _____ walnut-meat ______ the new season.
2. We shall be glad to receive an offer ______ you ______ bicycle.
3. We offer firm CIF, Lagos shipment ______ 30 days, subject ______ your reply here ______ 10 a.m. ,our time.
4. We offer firm the following ______ the same terms and conditions as the previous contract, subject ______ your reply here ______ one week _______ today.
5. Owing ______ unusual shortage ______stock, this offer is made subject to the goods ______ unsold.
6. Black tea, first grade, is out ______ stock now.
7. We have _____ present only 50m/ts Bitter Apricot Kernels ______ stock.
8. We can supply walnuts ______ stock.
9. We will make contact ______ the endusers here and see if they are interested _______ the
goods you offered.
10. You may avail yourselves ______ the opportunity ______ this market if you cable us your
11. If your commodity meets the requirements ______ our market, we feel sure ______ placing
a trial order with you.
12.______ reply ______ your letter ______ March 20. We are making you, without engagement,
the following offer.
13. ______ separate cover, we have already sent you samples ______ various sizes of shoes.
14.The buyer made a bid ______ RMB¥2,500 per ton ______ walnut-meat.
15. We are in receipt of your L/C No. 7788 ______ which we thank you.
III. Read the following sentences and make corrections of the inappropriate words and
1. In reply, we have the pleasure in informing you that a L/C has been opened in your favor at $1,500.
2. In international market crude oil is customarily priced at U.S. dollar.
3. Please do not hesitate to come to us whenever you are for need of our assistance.
4. We areanxious about receiving your positive reply.
5. We are in receipt of your letter dated March 10, in which we are pleased to note that you are considering your request.
6. Only by reducing

the price by 5% we can come to business.
7.Business will still be difficult unless your price will prove (to be )attractive inthefuture.
8. It is always a pleasure to help you where we can. But to make a 10% reduction is out of question.
9. The gap in price is too widethat it can’t be bridged over.
10. Our client said, if you could stretch a point, he would place an additional 50m/tons.
IV. Complete the following sentences:
1. We have quoted you our lowest price 按此价我们已与其他客户做了许多交易
2. Please reply as soon as possible 说明最早装船期和付款条件
3. If you are interested, please cable us 说明所需数量
4. We make you this offer, 以 5 天内复到为有效
5. We will notethat these quotations are open for a week only, 由于市场价格波动频繁
6. We cannot see our way 接受你方 9 月 10 日的还价
7. Please keep us posted of 你处市场的货物供求情况
8. We assure you 你们的订货将按合同规定如期转运
9. Please rest assured 我们会把一切必要的事办好
10. Your price is found to be 脱离我处的市场行情
V. Translate the following into English:
1、本报盘5 日内有效。
7、如果你公司能将 9 月3 日的报价单的价格降低 3%,则我公司将乐意接受你们的报价。
8、你公司21 日寄来的价目表很完整,但所列的付款条件不符合我们的贸易习惯。
9、很遗憾,我们无法履行你公司对我们 30 日所寄报价单中有关包装事项的特殊要求。
VI. Write a letter to the buyers, stating that you have plenty of the goods they need and you can offer them.

Ⅰ. Multiple Choices:
1. We will open an irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit our order.
a) to b) against c) by d) at
2. As requested, we have immediately arranged our bankers to extend the expiry date of our L/C for two weeks
10th March.
a) with…up to b) with…on c) for…until d) for…to
3. We thank you very much for your L/C and shippinginstructions our trial orders.
a) being covered b) to be covered c) covering d) covers
4. As arranged, we would a

sk you to open an irrevocable credit in favor and shall hand over shipping documents acceptance of our draft.
a) your…against b) your…for c) our…against d) our…for
5. May we call your attention to our outstanding account for US$1,500 is now considerably over due.
a) by which settlement b) of which settlement c) settlement by which d) settlement of which
6. We enclose our check for $230
your invoice No. D-145.
a) in payment of b) by payment at c) to payment on d) for payment in
7. We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the check for US$145 your account to 30th April.
a) to settlement in b) in settlement of c) by settlement d) for settlement at
8. We thank you for the L/C No. 100359, have been notified today by the Bank of China.
a) with which b) for which c) by which d) of which
9. We request you to that an L/C is opened by cable whenever an order is placed with us.
a) see to it b) see it c) see d) see for
10. We inform you that we have opened an irrevocable credit the London Bank in your favour.
a) at b) in c) by d) with
11. A confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit, covering the order for US$20,000 in their favour, was opened until March 10.
a) effectively b) expiry c) available d) validity
12. We advised the bank to amend the clause “partial shipment are permitted”.
a) to reading b) to read c) to be read d) to be reading
13. subsequent amendments, please see to it that the L/C stipulations are strictly in accordance with the contract terms.
a) A void b) Having avoided c) To avoid d) Being avoided
14. Due to unforeseen difficulties, we find it impossible to make shipment in July, and would appreciate the shipment date and validity of your L/C to August 15 and August 31 respectively.
a) your extending b) you to extend c) you extending d) your extended
15. We will draw you by our documentary draft at sight on collection basis.
a) on b) at c) for d) to
Ⅱ. Identify and Correct the error in each sentence:
1. Therefore, we wish to ask you to extend the validity of the L/C in two weeks until
December 20th.
2. We opened our irrevocably letter of credit in your favor available by your drafts at 60 days
after sight drawn on this bank.
3. Theenclosedinvoice against goods supplied to your order No. A-113.
4. We are enclosing a statement of your account as requested, which we hope you will find it
5. We thank you for your letter of the 10th October enclosing a check with part payment.
6. Considering the small amount of this transaction, we are preparing to accept payment by
D/P at 30 days’sight for the value of the goods shipped.
7. Owing to the delay of your lette

r of credit, the responsibility for any loss rising
subsequently will wholly rest with you.
8. In no way we can accept you terms of payment.
9. As you have failed to open the L/C in time, we regret being unable to make shipment
within the stipulating time limit.
10. The shipment covering by your Order No. 374 has not arrived.

Ⅲ. Fill in blanks with the proper words:
Dear Sirs,
We 1
received and checked your statement 2
the quarter ended 30th September and
agree with the balance of US$2,340 shown to 3
Up 10 now we have 4
no difficulty 5
meeting our commitments and have always 6
our accounts 7
you promptly. We could 8
done so now but for the bankruptcy of 9
important customer, 10
affairs 11
not likely to 12
settled for some time. We should
therefore 13
most grateful 14
you would 15
us to defer payment of your present
account 16
the end of November.
During the next few weeks, we shall be 17
payments under a number of large contracts
and if you grant our 18
, we shall 19
no difficulty in settling with you 20
Full when the time comes.
Ⅳ. Put the following English into Chinese:
1. telegraphic transfer
2. statement of account
3. accepted draft
4. draw on
5. prohibit transshipment
6. in payment of
7. on one’s own account
8. credit standing
9. open account terms
10. at one’s figure
Ⅴ. Put the following sentences into Chinese:
1. We would advise you that we have drawn on you at 45 days through the Bank of China.
Please give our draft your kind protection.
(谨告我方已通过中国银行开出 45 天的远期汇票,请备款以兑付。)
2. We have to remind you again of our overdue account and must request you to let us have
your payment without further delay.
3. As we have had no reply to our previous requests for payment of our invoice dated August
10, we must now ask you to remit the account due by the end of this month.
(我们曾要求你们支付我们 8月 10 日发票金额,但一直未得到你们回复,所以我们只 得请你们在本月底以前汇付已到期得这笔款项。)
4. Unless we receive your check in full payment by the end of March, we shall be compelled to take steps to enforce payment.
(除非我们在 3 月底以前收到你们金额支付得支票,我们将不得不采取行动强制你们 付款。)
5. In order to cover this order we have established an irrevocable and confirmed L/C in your favor through Barclays Bank, London for Stg. 45,000.

货,我们已通过伦敦巴克莱斯银行开出金额为 45,000 英镑得不可撤 销得保兑信用证。)
6. We have opened an irrevocable letter of credit No.GB418 through the City Bank, New York, under which you may draw on us at 30 days after sight.
(我们已通过纽约花旗银行开出第 GB418 号不可撤销信用证,据此,你们可向我们开 出 30 天远期汇票。)
7. We enclose the statement of your account showing a balance of US$3,450. (附上售货结算表,尚有结欠差额 3,450 美元。)
8. Please advise the beneficiaries that we shall amend the Credit No. CB828 to read 1,000 boxes of articles instead of 500 boxes.
(请通知受益人,我们将改第 CB828号信用证为 1,000 箱货物,而不是 500 箱。)
9. As clearly stipulated in the Sales Contract No. A-1104, the commission for this transaction is 3%, but we find your L/C No. GF-1004 demands a commission of 5% which is obviously not in line with the contract stipulations. Therefore, please amend the L/C to read “commission 3%”.
(第 A-1104 号销售合同明确规定,这笔交易得佣金为3%,但我们发现你们第 GF-1004 信用证要求支付 5%得佣金,这显然与合同不符。 因此,请将信用证改为“佣金 3%”。)
10. We find that the L/C stipulates for the invoice to be certified by your consul, which is
unacceptable to us as there is no consul of your country here.
(我们发现信用证规定发票要由你们领事证明,这无法接受,因为你们国家在此并无 领事。)
Ⅵ. Put the following sentences into English:
4、鉴于双方长期友好关系,此次我们例外接受 D/P60 天付款。
7、为确保早日交货,我们附寄银行汇票一纸,计 3,000 美元。
8、 我们今日已通知我方银行电汇给你方全部金额,收到后请回信。
9、请在扣除你方应收手续费后,将贷款贷记我方 1008 帐号。
10、 你 3月 12 日汇票已承兑,到期应照付。
Ⅶ. A foreign buyer whom you do not want to loss has regularly paid his accounts promptly by banker’s draft, but payment of his last account is now eight weeks overdue. You wrote him a month ago, but received no reply. Send him a second letter.


I. Translate the following phrases:
1. in response to 2. more often than no

3. few and far between 4. at maturity
5. on the part of 6. abide by
7. all at 8. owing to
II. Make corrections of the following inappropriate words and expressions:
1. We have to ask for an extension of 15days for shipment, which, we trust, you will have no objection.
2. The L/C must show the clause“partial shipments allow. ”
3. We have received all the credits, a number of which is found short- established.
4. We shall much appreciate your immediate L/C.
5. Please pay attention that the L/C is short-established by US$ 1,000.
6. We shall open the L/C from the Bank of China, London.
7. Please amend the quantity of the credit to 500 MT.
8. It is imperative to you to amend the L/C as per our cable of the 5 th .
9. The expenses of amendment to the L/C are to be born by you.
10. As there is no direct steamer sailing to your port, we must call for you to amend the L/C as allowing transshipment.
III. Fill in the blanks with prepositions:
1. We are thinking ______ placing ______you a trial order for 500kgs ______iron nails ______shipment ______September/October.
2. We have only 300kgs ______iron nails in stock; therefore we request you to extend the shipment date your L/C ______the ______November.
3. Please try your best to push the sales ______machine tools ______your end.
4. Owing ______ heavycommitments, we can not consider any fresh business ______this line.
5. We shall certainly contact you, as soon as we are ______ a position to entertain new business ______ your district.
6. After examination, we find the goods ______high standard and are satisfied ______ the quality ______ the shipment.
7. We are well experienced ______ this line and can handle big orders ______ large quantities.
8. Our offer is firm ______ 5 days and we expect to hear ______ you ______noon-time Saturday.
9. We call your attention ______the validity _______ the L/C, since there is no possibility ______ L/C extension.
10. Since we have only 5 metric tons ______ green tea ______ stock, we can only make you
this offer subject______ prior sale.
IV. Translate the following into English:
4、 在收到信用证后的一个月内,你们至少应装运这笔订货的一半。
6、信用证 2356号请修改:(一)按合同,长吨改为公吨;(二)展装运期到九月底并准许 分运转船。
7、信用证3855 号, 请来电取消“银行费用由受益人负担”的条

(Please delete by cable from L/C No. 3855 the clause “Banking charges should be borne by thebeneficiary”)
8、“和平”轮定于本月 25 日起航开往欧洲。因为你们的信用证修改书迄今未到,我们恐
10、信用证 560 号修改书未到,请即电改,以便早日装运,电复。
V. Translate the following letter into Chinese:
Re: L/C 1234 issued by Districk Bank
We acknowledge receipt of the captioned Letter of Credit for the amount of £2, 500
covering your order No. 215 for 8 metric tons Walnutmeat.
It appears that the amount in your L/C is insufficient as the correct total CIF value of your
order comes to £2960 instead of £2, 500 the difference being £460.
In view of the above, please increase the amount of your L/C by £460. On receipt of your
amendment we shall arrange shipment without fail.
VI. Write a reply tothe above letter with the following particulars:
2、今天早晨已通过我方银行用电报修改第 1125号信用证。


I. Multiple Choices:
1. The machines will be supplied specially designed crates.
a)by b)of c)at d)in
2. The export sewing machines in stout waterproof material, and in pairs in light-weight crates.
a)being wrapped…are packed b)are wrapped…packed
c)are wrapping…packing d)are wrapped…being packed
3. In order to facilitate ,it would be better to pack the goods in cases of 50 dozen each.
a)sales b)to sell c)it to sell d)to selling
4. We have made it clear that the packing must be to withstand rough handing.
a)enough strong b)enoughly strong c)strong enough d)strongly enough
5. there is no direct steamer to your port from Dalian, the goods have to be transshipped at Hong Kong.
a)Being b)Having c)As d)Because of
6. Please send us full instructions for the ten cases for London contents, value, consignee and who pays all the charges.
a)as to b) to c)regard to d) concern
7. Due to a serious shortage of shipping space we deliver these machines December.
a)can…except b)can…in c)cannot…unless d)cannot…until
8. The goods For shipment tomorrow.
a)are prepared b)have prepared c)will prepare d)prepared
9. All powders are wrapped in plastic bags and packed in tins, the lids are sealed with adhesive tape.
a)which b)by which c)of which d)at which
10. Overall measurements of each case must not 4’×2’×2

a)over b)pass c)exceed d)appear
II. Identify and Correct the error in each sentence:
1. All negotiable set ofB/L making out to order must be endorsed by the shipper.
2. Styrol boxes are used to reducing weight, and they are so easy to be carried.
3. Please use normal export containers except you receive special instructions from us.
4. Your instructions about marking have been accurate carried our and the goods packed with all care.
5. As requested, we have been perfectly carried out marking and numbering on all cases.
6. The goods you ordered are ready for shipment. Please advise us specific shipping arrangements.
7. Please clear the goods and forward them to our address, carriage in paid.
8. Unfortunately, we cannot effect shipment before August. We have steamer for Tokyo available until September 15th.
9. We hand you enclosed Bill of Lading for fifty cases goods, shipped in board the m. s. Twilight, sailing tomorrow.
10. our packing is standardized in a manner which approves by our clients.
III. Fill in the blanks with the proper words:
Dear Sirs,
Shipment: Order NO.724
confirm our just dispatched informing you 2
we shipped the following goods
by m. v. East Wind, 3
here on July 4th 4
To cover this shipment, we have 5
on you 6
45d/s draft for the full invoice
of US$20,000 under the coveringcredit, for 8
we ask your protection upon 9
We are 10
copies of the relative transport documents and hope that your 11
arrive 12
good 13
and that 14
will find 15
Yours truly,
IV. Put the following English into Chinese:
1. water-proof wrapping (防水包装)
2. rough handling (粗鲁装卸)
3. direct steamer(直达船)
4. material shortage(原材料短缺)
5. transport documents(运输单据)
6. in the event of (万一,如果)
7.stipulated time规定时间 )
8.shipping instructions (装运要求)

V. Put the following sentences into Chinese:
1. We have pleasure in informing you that your goods will be shipped by the M.V. Morning Shanghai for Manila on April 20 th .
2. Seller must notify the buyer, without delay, that the goods have been delivered on board the vessel.
3. All export orders will be delivered in wooden cases cleared and wire-strapped. Solid stuffing inside the cases is free from vibration and jarring.
4. To save freight we recommend overall water-proof wrapping, packed in a crate with reinforced base.
5. Partial Strapping of the carton will not only save freight, but give full protection to the contents.
6. If cartons are used, please contain each chemical in strong polyethylene bags to make protection from damp

7. We enclose a list of marks and numbers for our packages. Please be careful about clear and correct marking.
8. We give you on the attached sheet full details regarding packing and marking. These must be strictly observed.
9. As the boxes are likely to receive rough handling at this end, you must see to it that packing should bestrong enough to protect goods.
10. For your order under Contract No.A-233, we have booked space on m. v. Maria due to arrive in LosAngeles around July 27th.
VI. Put the following Chinese into English(将下列词语译成英语):
1.我们希望这批货物会安全抵达你方并符合(come up to)你方的期望。
2.所有布袋(sack)都有防水内衬(interior water-proof lining)以保护货物。
3.板条箱(crate)总长不得超过(exceed)4 英尺。
7.我们能尽力做到的是五月装船,因为厂商手头(on hand)有大量积压订单。

I. Translate the following phrases:
1. in question 2. make compensation for
3. tinned goods 4. in good condition
5. shipping company 6. expiry date
7. freight space 8. unloading port
9. dispatch money 10. estimated time of arrival
II. Put in the missing words:
1. We shall appreciate it if you will inform us ______ the condition of packing as soon as the
consignment arrives ______ your end.
2. Please mark the bales ______ our initials SCC ______ a diamond.
3. This is to apply ______ all orders unless otherwise specified.
4. Owing ______the delay _____ the part of the suppliers, we must ask you to extend the date
______shipment ______September 10 th ______October 10 th .
5. We wish to draw your attention ______the fact that the date ______delivery is approaching,
but ______ ______the present moment we have not received any news ______you.
6. As the manufacturers cannot get all thequantity ready at the same time, it is necessary for the
contract stipulations to be so worded as to ______partial shipment.
7. Enclosed is one set of the shipping documents ______this consignment, as ______.
8. As the only direct steamer which calls ______ our port once a month has just departed, goods
can only be shipped next month.
9. Please take the matter ______ ______at once and see to it that the goods are deli

without further delay.
10. The packing must be strong enough to withstand ______ handling.
11. Today we shipped the above consignment ______board S. S. “Nellore” which sails
______your port tomorrow.
12. We could not deliver the total quantity ______ one shipment.
13. Shipment is _______ ______made ______April to June ______three equal lots.
14. We shall be obliged ______ you will effect shipment as soon as possible.
15. Packing of our Men’s Shirts is each ______ a poly bag, 5 dozen _______ a carton lined with
water-proof paper and bound with two iron straps outside.
III. Correct the inappropriate words and expressions :
1. Only by the end of the next month these goods can be packed ready for delivery.
2. Having no direct steamer to your port from Dalian, the goods have to be transshipped at Hong Kong.
3. Please send us full instructions for the ten cases for London such as contents, value, consignee and who pays all the charges.
4. All powders are wrapped in plastic bags and packed in tins, which the lids are sealed with adhesive tape.
5. As requested, we are already carried out making and numbering on all cases.
6. For the boxes are possible to receive rough handling at this end, you must see to it that packing is strong enough to protect goods.
7. In order that we facilitate to sell, it would be better to pack the goods in cases of 50 dozen each equally.
8. We would ask you to do everything probable ensuing punctual shipment.
9. All negotiable set of B/L making out of order must be endorsed by the shipper.
10. You may rest assured that we will have the goods been shipped before April 20th.
IV. Complete the following sentences:
1. Please send us your shipping instructions, 以便我们办理海关手续
2. According to the contract stipulations, 买方必须在九月份内完成货物的装运工作
3. We would rather…than…装直达轮,而不是在新加坡转船
4. It is expressly stated that 货物必须于 10 月底前装船

I. Multiple Choices:
1. Please insure the goods F.P.A. for US$150,000.
a)against b)with c)for d)at
2. Please effect insurance the cargo for RMB12,000, by S.S. Feng Hua, from Shanghai to New York.
a)by b)at c)with d)on
3. We have opened insurance you ordered for RM500,000 The shipment by S.S. East Asia.
a)by b)on c)in d)of
4. We wish to renew the above policy the same amount and the same terms as before to cover our consignment to be shipped by S.S EastWind next month.
a)on…for b)on…on c)for…on d)for…for
5. The cargo is warehouse to warehouse All Risks.
a)inuring…by b)being insured…by
c)to be insured…against d)to insure…against
6. As re
