
2005年俄语四级考试真题及答案ЧАСТЬ 1 АУДИРОВАНИЕ (20 баллов , 20 минут)А.Прослушайте следующие диалоги и подчеркните ответ , соответствующий содержанию прослушанного .1.(На вопрос 1)А. На конференции Б. В Интернете В. У друга в Москве2.(На вопрос 2)А. Он хочет обменить доллары Б. Он хочет пойти в контрольный пункт.В. Он хочет обменяться информаций .3.(На вопрос 1)А. В кафе . Б. В ресторане . В. В самолѐте .4.(На вопрос 1)А. ВитюБ. Петра . В. Петру .5.(На вопрос 1)А. В олимпиале по математике . Б. В олимпиаде по физике . В. В олимпиаде по электронике .6.(На вопрос 1)А. На трамвае . Б. На автобусе . В. Наметро .7.(На вопрос 1)А. Из отпуска . Б. Из командировки . В. Из больницы .8.(На вопрос 1)А. Чтобы встретить кого-то вокзале . Б. Чтобы уехать в Ленинград .В. Чтобы вовремя попасть на работу .9.(На вопрос 1)А. Своей невесте . Б. Своей подруге . В. Своей сестре .10.(На вопрос 1)А. Выпускной . Б. Первомайский . В. Новогодний .11.(На вопрос 1)А. Они будут звонить по телефону друг другу .Б. Они будут переписываться по электронной почте .В. Они будут писать друг другу открытки .12.(На вопрос 1)А. В Интернет-кафе . Б. На почте . В. У себя дома .Б.Прослушайте следующие микротексты и подчеркните ответ , соответствующий содержанию прослушанного .13.(На вопрос 1)А. Он много зарабатывает . Б. Он даѐт ей деньги . В. Он делает ей подарки .14.(На вопрос 1)А. Женщины . Б. Мужчины . В. Дети .15.(На вопрос 1)А. О старом человеке . Б. О молодом человеке . В. О пожилом человеке .16.(На вопрос 1)А. Красивый . Б. Революционный . В. Красного цвета. 17.(На вопрос 1)А. С правой стороны от двери избы . Б. В центре избы . В. С левой стороны от двери избы .18.(На вопрос 1)А. У печки . Б. На печке . В. Далеко от печки .19.(На вопрос 1)А. Весной . Б. Зимой . В. Осенью .20.(На вопрос 1)А. В детском доме . Б. В училище . В. В детской больнице .ЧАСТЬ Ⅱ ЧТЕНИЕ (40 баллов, 30 минут )Прочитайте следующие микротексты и подчеркните ответ , соответствующий содержанию прочитанного .Микротекст 1Все инвестируют ради денег . Любой человек хочет заработать больше , чем у него уже есть . Иу некоторых это получается . Почему только у некоторых ? Проблема заключается в том , что для этого необходимо уметь принимать правильные решения . Сложность этой проблемы —невозможно всегда принимать только правильные решения . Посмотрим на игру в шахматы , трудно выиграть , не пожертвовав (牺牲) ни одной своей фигурой . Рынок —профессиональный игрок . Он ―играет‖ с вами .21. Что надо делать по мнению автора , чтобы заработать больше ?А. Уметь играть в шахматы . Б. Уметь принимать правильные решения . В. Много инвестировать .Микротекст 2У многих любимых нами кинокартин есть свои песни . Часто говорят : песня сошла с экрана в жизнь . И это не просто образное выражение . Музыка в фильме —один из элементов языка кино . Многие фильмы дублируются на другие языки , но песни —редко , и это не нарушает общий язык фильма .22. Что значит слово ―дублируются‖?А. Переводятся . Б. Переходят . В. Проводятся .Микротекст 3IP-телефония—современное средство связи на основе новейших разработок , позволяющее сократить расходы на международную и междугородную телефонную связь . Благодаря передовым технологиям ѐмкость (容量) канала используется экономно , что позволяет снизить стоимость звонка . Современные технологии снижают цену и позволяют оптимально использовать существующие телефонные линии .23. Что позволяет сэкономить IP-телефония ?А. Электроэнергию . Б. Время . В. Деньги .Микротекст 4Однажды к художнику Пикассо пришѐл с просьбой старик. Сначала он рассказал художнику о своей жизни и о своѐм внуке . Мальчик очень любил голубей . Но фашисты , которые хозяйничали в Париже , как-то увидели мальчика с красным флагом и убили его . После этого голуби мальчика поднялись в воздух и улетели . Остался толькоодин голубь . Но фашисты убили и этого голубя . Старик попросил ходожника нарисоватьголубя в пямять о мальчике . Художник выполнил его просьбу . Так была создана известная всему миру картина《Голубь мира》.24. Почему фашисты убили мальчика ?А. У мальчикабыл голубь . Б. У мальчика был красный флаг . В. Мальчик очень любил голубей .25.О чѐм старик попросил художника Пикассо ?А. Нарисовать голубя в пямять о внуке . Б. Нарисовать портрет внука . В. Показать известную картину 《Голубь мира》.Микротекст 5Марк Твен —американский писатель . Однажды , когда он гулял по улице , его остановил юноша и сказал , что его дядя никогда не смеѐтся , не улыбается . Писатель попросил привести дядю на его лекцию . Юноша согласился .Вечером на лекцию пришли юноша и дядя . Писатель рассказал несколько смешных историй , дядя не улыбнулся , потом перешѐл писатель к самым смешным историям , а лицо у старика по-прежнему было без всякого выражения .26. Что сказал Марку Твену юноша ?А. Его дядя хочет послушать лекцию писателя . Б. Он хочет послушать лекцию посателя .В. Его дядя никогда не смеѐтся , не улыбается .27. Почему лицо у старика по-прежнему было без всякого выражения ?А. Он огорчился . Б. Он не слушал . В. Он Глухой .Микротекст 6В последние годы гордости россиян стало меньше . Согласно данным 34% жителей России никогда не берут в руки книгу , причѐм в равных пропорциях (比例) мужчины и женщины .60% россиян старше 55 лет совершенно не увлекаются чтением . 15 % людей с высшим образованием забросили книги куда подальше .Наиболее активными читателями в России оказываются люди 25—40 лет—именно те , кто , по логике жизни , меньше всего имеет времени на чтение . Но 81% из них предпочитают рассказы .Общая картина выглядит так : из читающих 66% населения 59% увлекаются рассказами .28. Сколько процентов жителей России читают книгу по данным ?А. 60% . Б. 66% . В. 34% .29. Какие люди считаются наиболее активными читателями ?А. Люди 25—40 лет . Б. Люди старше 55 лет . В. Люди 40—55 лет .Микротекст 7Наша почта оказывает услуги экспресс-почты . Если Вам необходимо передать информацию из Москвы в Санкт-Петербург . Нижний Новгород , Воронеж в течение 24—36 часов , в Ленинградскую и Московскую область в 36—48 часов , а в Белоруссию и Финляндию в течение 36—72 часов , обращайтесь к нам , и мы окажем Вам серьѐзную помощь в пересылке срочных срочных сообщений и сэкономим Ваше время . Мы так же можем осуществить доставку писем или посылок по Москве в течение нескольких часов .30 . Чем занимается эта почта ?А. Услугами традиционной почты . Б. Услугами элестронной почты .В. Услугами экспресс-почты .31.Где находится это почта ?А. В Москве . Б. В Санкт-Петербурге . В. В Нижнем Новгороде .Микротекст 8В одном из институтов США проводится эксперимент по отказу от традиционных бумажных книг . На первом этапе исследования 75 студентам выдавали КПК (карманные персональные компьютеры), обепечивающие доступ к электронной учебной библиотеке и классн,ым материалам . Результаты были оценены положительно , и следующими будут вовлечены в эксперимент студенты , изучающие технические и юридические предметы . Если иони останутся довольны результатом и покажут хороший уровень знаний , то на ―бузбумажное‖обучение переведут и всех остальных учащихся институтов .32. С какой целью проводят эксперимент в одном из институтов США ?А. Чтобы продолжить традиционное обучение .Б. Чтобы узнать уровень знаний студентов .В. Чтобы заменить традиционное обучение компьютерным .33.Какой результат получился на первом этапе ?А.Неудачный Б.Удачный В.ОтрицательныйМикротекст 9Все компьютеры быстро стареют . Срок жизни (от появления на рынке до снятия с производство) большинства их элементов не более года-полутора. Но не все пользователи имеют возможность обновлять свой ПК(персональный компьютер): для этого нужны и средства и знания . Однако старение здесь не при чѐм —эти―болезни‖главным образом связаны с ошибками или компьютерными вирусами , а также с недостаточным вниманием пользователя компьютера . Избавиться от―болезней‖можно , нужно лишь научиться―правилам компьютерной терапии (维修)‖.34.Кто имеет возможность обновлять персональный компьютер ?А.Те , кто имеет средства и знания по компьютеру .Б.Те , кто имеет персональный компьютер .В.Те , кто работает на компьютере .35.Как решить проблему старения компьютеров по мнению автора ?А.Поменять память компьютера .Б.Поменять жѐсткий диск .В.Научиться―правилам компьютерной терапии‖.Микротекст 10Успешно завершился переход космического корабря ―Шэньчжоу-5‖с эллиптической (椭圆形的) орбиты на круговую орбиту . Об этом стало известно в Пекинском центре управления космическими полѐтами .Первоначально космический корабль был выведен на эллиптическую орбиту . Минимальное расстояние удаления эллиптической орбиты от Земли составляет 200 километров , максимальное —343 километра . Затем корабль должен совершить переход на круговую орбиту высотой 343 километра . Смена орбит имеет важное значение для планомерного полѐта корабля и успешного возвращения спускаемого аппарата корабля в намеченный район приземления . В момент перехода корабля с одной орбиты на другую самочувствие космонавта Ян Ливэя оставалось хорошим .36.Для чего нужна смена орбит ?А.Для достижения определѐнной скорости .Б.Для достижения определѐнной высоты .В.Для планомерного полѐта и успешного возвращение корабля .37.О чѐм говорится в данном микротексте в основном ?А.О самочувствии космонавта Ян Ливэя .Б.Об успешной смене орбит корабля .В.О высоте полѐта корабля .Микротекст 11Как вы себя почувствует если вдруг обнаружить , что окружающие вас люди абсолютно вас не понимают ? Несколько лет назад я была в Петербурге . Я изучала русский язык уже довольно долго и считала , что могу общаться по-русски . Но один случай поколебалмою уверенность .Однажды , гуляя по городу , я почувствовала голод . Заходить в русское кафе я побоялась (《А вдруг я не пойму названий блюд ?》) и очень обрадовалась , увидев 《Макдональдс》. Я встала в очередь .Ожидая своей очереди , я прочитала большой плакат 《Улыбка—бесплатно !》. Немного подумав , я решила , что《улыбкой》называется пирожок —ведь официант (服务员)всегда улыбается , в этом нет ничего удивительного , и порадовалась , что не надо заказывать десерта(甜食).Сделав свой заказ , я ожидала обещанного десерта . Но была только заказанная мною еда . Я спросила :《А улыбка ?》Девушка старательно улыбнулась . Я решила , что она не хочет признаться в своей плохой работе . 《А где улыбка ?》—настаивала я .К счастью , стоявший за мной молодой человек быстро объяснил мне , что я получила уже целых три улыбки . А потом он рассказал об особенностях русского сервиса . Оказывается , в России при обслуживании клиента улыбка вовсе не была обязательна . Поэтому《Макдональдс》и решил привлечь посетителей таким способом .38.Почему рассказчица побоялась заходить в русское кафе ?А.Она беспокоилась , что не поймѐт названий блюд .Б.Она начала изучать русский язык совсем надавно и считала , что не может общаться по-русски .В.Она совсем потеряла уверенность в себе .39.Как рассказчица понимала плакат 《Улыбка —бесплатно !》?А. Она думала, что на пирожок не надо тратить .Б. Она думала , что на улыбку официанта не надо тратить .В. Она думала , что официант должен всегда улыбаться .40. Какую особенность русской бытовой жизни плохо знает рассказчица ?А.В кафе клиент всегда должен улыбаться .Б.При обслуживании клиента улыбка обязательна .В.При обслуживании клиента улыбка вовсе необязательна .ЧАСТЬ ⅢСЛОВА И ГРАММАТИКА (15 баллов , 25 минут)А.Прочитайте предложения и подчеркните самое подходящее слово для подставки . (10 баллов)41.Туристы _______ дорогу , по которой никто до них не ходил .А.выбрали Б.набрали В.собрали42.Никогда не пытайтесь _______ недостатки своих знаний , хотя бы и самыми смелыми гипотезами .А.закрыть Б.скрыть В.раскрыть43.Директор __, чтобы проект был представлен ему за три дня до конференции .А.отказал Б.приказал В.оказал44.В наше время между исследователем и обществом ____своеобразные отношения .А.укладываются Б.вкладываются В.складываются45.Дальнейшее развитие государственной высшей школы долго ____ как важнейший фактор обеспечения национальной безопасности России .А.рассматриваться Б.всматриваться В.просматриваться46.В настоящее время ____ ряд международных соглашений по охране вод океана и использованию его ресурсов .А.заключѐн Б.включѐн В.выключен47.Люди могут ____ эти объективные закономерности и использовать их в интересах общества .А.создать Б.изобрести В.открыть48.Долгое время считалось , что наша страна очень ________ водными ресурсами .А.богатая Б.богата В.богатой49.Обшее образование в России включает в себя три ступени , соответствующие _______ образовательных программ.А.уовней Б.уровням В.уровнями50.Однако одного ______ солнечного излучения недостаточно для существования жизни на Земле .А.ещѐ Б.уже В.лишь51.________ источника для изображения в домашнем кинотеатре используется специальный DVD-диск (光盘)。

PART I Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. Duringthe first read ing, which will be done at no rmal speed, liste n and try to un dersta nd the meaning.For the sec ond and third readi ngs, the passage will be read sentence by senten ce, or phrase byphrase, with in tervals of 15 sec on ds. The last readi ng will be done at no rmal speed aga in andduri ng this time you should check your work. You will the n be give n 2 minu tes to check throughyour work once more.Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN]In Sections A B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then an swerthe questi ons that follow. Mark the correct an swer to each questi on on An swer Sheet Two.SECTION A CONVERSATIONSIn this sect ion you will hear several con versati ons. Liste n to the con versati ons carefully andthen an swer the questi ons that follow.Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, youwill be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.1. How did Mark get there?A.By train and by car. B.By pla ne and by coach. C.By train and by bus.D.By bus and by pla ne. 2. Mark used to wear all the followi ng EXCEPT A.short hair. B.glasses C.moustache.D.beard. 3. Where is the meeti ng for new stude nts to be held?A.ln the third room on the right. B.ln the Com mon Room. C.ln a room at the other end. D.ln Room 501.Questions 4 to 6 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, youwill be give n 20 sec onds to an swer the questi ons. Now, liste n to the con versati on.4. What did Steve origi nally plan to do?A.To go to a park n ear the beach. B.To stay at home. C.To see a new film. D.To do some study. 5. Maggie fin ally decided to go to see a film becausePART Questions 7 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of theconversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the con versation.7. The followi ng details are true about the new device EXCEPT06年专四真题DICTIONA. there was no park n earby. C.it would be easier to go to a cinema.6. Where did they plan to meet?A. Outside the Town Hall.C.ln Steven ' s place. B. the weather wasn ' t ideal for a walk.D.Steve hadn ' t seen the film yet. B. Near the bank. D.At the cin ema.9. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is INCORRECT about the woma n?A.She had n ever read the magaz ine herself.B.She knew who usually read the magaz ine.C. She was quite interested in the new device.D.She agreed with Bill at the end of the con versation.10. The con versati on is mainly aboutA.a new type of teleph one.B.the cost of teleph one.C.some features of the magaz ine. D.thereadership of the magaz ine.SECTION B PASSAGESIn this sect ion, you will hear several passages. Liste n to the passages carefully and the n answer the questi ons that follow.Questi ons 11 to 13 are based on the follow ing passage. ,4t the end of the passage, you will begive n 15 sec onds to an swer the questi ons. Now, liste n to the passage.11.In the old days dogs were used for the following EXCEPTA.h un ti ng other ani mals.B.drivi ng sheep.C.guard ing chicke ns.D.keep ing thieves away. 12. Which of the followi ng is CORRECT?A. Dogs are now treated as part of a family.B. Dogs still performed all the duties they used to do.C. People now keep dogs for the same reas ons as before.D. O nly old people are see n walki ng their dogs.13. The passage is mainly aboutA.what dogs can do.B.how to keep dogs.C.dogs and their masters.D.reas ons for keep ing dogs. Questi ons 14 to 17 are based on the follow ing passage. At the end of the passage, you will begive n 20 sec onds to an swer the questi ons. Now, liste n to the passage.14. Accord ing to the passage, the work ing con diti ons in the new placeA.are the same as the speaker is used to.B.are expected to be rather poor.C.are just as adequate.D.are not yet clear. 15. What is the speaker going to do in the new place? A.Travelli ng.B.Study ing.C.Settli ng dow n.D.Teach ing. 16. The speaker expects A.fewer choices of food.B.ma ny ways to do wash ing.C.moder n lighti ng facilities.D.new types of drinking water. 17. From the passage we lear n that the speakerA.is un prepared for the new post.B.is un clear about the con diti ons there.C.is ready for all the difficulties there.D.is eager to know more about the post. Questi ons 18 to 20 are based on the follow ing passage. At the end of the passage, you will begive n 15 sec onds to an swer the questi ons. Now, liste n to the passage.18. Accord ing to the passage,whe n are childre n first expectd to study hard?A. it has colour.C. it costs less mon ey.8. Why didn ' t Bill want one of them?A.He wan ted to buy one from Japa n.C. He thought it was for bus in ess use. B. it has a movi ng image.D. it is not on the B. He wasn ' t sure about its quality. D. He thought it was expe nsive.A.Before 6 years of age.B.Betwee n 6 and 10.C.After 10 years of age.D.After 12 years of age. 19. Parents who abuse their children tend to have the following problems EXCEPT A.religious problems.B.emoti onal problems.C.finan cial problems.D.marriage problems. 20. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is CORRECT?A. Boys and girls are equally en ergetic.B. Pare nts have higher expectati ons for boys.C. Some parents lack skills to deal with their kids.D. Some pare nts are ill-educated and ill-tempered.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this sect ion, you will hear several n ews items. Liste n to them carefully and the n an swertheQuesti ons 23 are based on the follow ing n ews. At the end of the n ews item, you will be give n10 sec onds to an swer the questi ons. Now, liste n to the n ews.23. How many cities will have air quality mon itori ng systems in stalled by the ned of this year?A.42 cities.B.220 cities.C. 150 cities.D. 262 cities.Questi ons 24 an d25 are based on the follow ing n ews. At the end of the n ews item, you willbe give n 10 sec onds to an swer the questi ons. Now, liste n to the n ews.24. Altogether how many people were reported miss ing?A. 68.B.90.C. 150.D. 40.25. Which of the followi ng details is INCORRECT? A.The two ferries sank on differe nt days. B.The accide nts were caused by storms.C.The two ferries sank on the same river.D.More people were rescued from the first ferry. Questi ons 26 are based on the follow ing n ews. At the end of the n ews item, you will be give n10 sec onds to an swer the questi ons. Now, liste n to the n ews.26. What is the n ews item mainly about?A. lndon esia n gover nment policies.B. Australia ' s support to the UN assistanee mission.C. Opening of an Australian consulate in East Timor.D. Talks betwee n Australia and Indon esia.Questions 27 to 28 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will begive n 15 sec onds to an swer the questi ons. Now, liste n to the n ews.27. The news item is mainly about a joint venture betweenA.a US compa ny and a UK compa ny.B.a Swiss compa ny and a UK compa ny.C.two Taiwa nese compa ni es.D.a mainland compa ny and a US compa ny.questio ns that follow.Questions 21 to 23 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will begive n 15 sec onds to an swer the questi ons. Now. liste n to the n ews.21. W hat has happe ned to the Cuba ns?A.They set foot in Floria.C.They were flown to the U.S.22. H ow did the Cuba ns try to en ter the U.S.?A.ln a small boat. C.By swimmi ng.B.They were drow ned. D.They were sent back to Cuba.B.ln an old truck.D.By drivi ng.28. Who will provide the distribution networks in the joint venture?A.U ni lever.B.Nestle.C.PepsiCo.D.Coca Cola.Questions 29 to 30 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be give n 15 sec onds to an swer the questi ons. Now, liste n to the n ews.29. Who staged the protect o n Saturday?A.The soldiers.B.The peace camp.C.The milita nts.D. The hardli ners.30. Which of the following details about the news is INCOPPECT?A.13 soilders were killed last week.B.100,000 people participated in the protest.C. The protesters demanded a pullout from Gaza.D.The Prime Minister rejected the pullout plan. 川CLOZEThere are many superstitions in Britain, but one of the most ( 31 ) _held is that it is uniuckyto walk under a ladder--- even if it means (32 ) —the pavement into a busy street! (33 ) —you must pass un der a ladder you can (34) —bad luck by cross ing your fin gers and (35) —them crossed un til you have see n a dog. (36 ) —, you may lick your fin ger and (37 ) —a cross on the toe of your shoe, and not look again at the shoe until the (38 ) —has dried.Ano ther com mon (39) _ is that it is uni ucky to ope n an umbrella in the house---it will either bring (40) _ to the person who opened it or to the whole (41 ) _. Anyone opening an umbrella in fine weather is (42 ) _, as it inevitably brings rain!The number 13 is said to be uniucky for some, and whe n the 13th day of the month (43 ) _ on a Friday, anyone wish ing to avoid a bad eve nt had better stay (44) _ .The worst misfortune that can happen to a person is caused by breaking a mirror, (45) —it brings seven years of bad luck! The superstition is supposed to (46) —in ancient times, when mirrors were considered to be tools of the gods.Black cats are gen erally con sidered lucky in Brita in, even though they are (47 ) _ witchcraft.. it is (48 ) —lucky if a black cat crosses your path-although in America the exact opposite belief prevails. Fin ally, a com mon ly held superstiti on is that of touch ing wood (49 ) _ luck.This measure is most often taken if you think you have said something that is tempting fate, such as n ever (50) —, touch wood? ”31. A broadly B widely C quickly D speedily32. A running from B jumping off C stepp ing off D keep ing from33. A If B As C Though D Un less34. A erase B remove C avoid D ease35. A keep B keep ing C kept D to keep36. A Con seque ntly B However C Comparatively D Alternatively37. A make B print C perform D produce38. A label B symbol C mark D cut39. A argume nt B superstiti on C opi nion D idea40. A loss B difficulty C tragedy D misfort une41.A.house B household C home D circle42. A un wise B unin tellige nt C un popular D unfortun ate43. A falls B arrives C drops D happens44. A away B outdoors C in doors D far45. A whe n B as C if D though46. A have orig in ated B be origi nati ng C be origi nated D origi nate47. A concerned about B related with C associated with D conn ected in51. __dull he may be, he is certa inly a very successful top executive.A AlthoughB whateverC AsD However52. If only I __play the guitar as well as you!A wouldB couldC shouldD might53. The party, __I was the guest of honour, was extremely enjoyable.A by whichB for whichC to whichD at which54. It ' s high time we __ cutt ing dow n the rain forests.A stoppedB had to stopC shall stopD stop55. The student said there were a few points in the essay he __ impossible to comprehend.A has foundB was findingC had foundD would find56. Loudspeakers were fixed in the hall so that everyone__ an opport unity to hear the speech.A ought to haveB must haveC may haveD should have57. I am surprised__ this city is a dull place to live in.A that you should thinkB by what you are thinkingC that you would thinkD with what you were thi nki ng58. Susa n is very hardwork ing, but her pay is not__ for her work.A eno ugh goodB good eno ughC as good eno ughD good as eno ugh59. It is imperative that the gover nment __ more in vestme nt into the shipbuildi ng in dustry.A attractsB shall attractC attractD has to60. Land bel ongs to the city; there is __ thing as private own ership of land.A no such aB not suchC not such aD no such61. My daughter has walked eight miles today. We n ever guessed that she could walk__far.A /B suchC thatD as6 2 . The statistics __ that living standards in the area have improved drastically in recent times.A provesB is provi ngC are prov ingD prove63. There are only ten apples left in the baskets, __ the spoilt on es.A not countingB not to countC don' t count D having not counted64. It was __ we had hopedA more a success tha nB a success more tha nC as much of a success asD a success as much as65. There used to be a petrol stati on n ear the park, __?A didn ' t itB doesn ' t thereC usedn ' t it?D didn' t there 66. It is an offence to show __ aga inst people of differe nt races.A disti nctio nB differe nceC separati onD discrim in ati on67. A great amount of work has gone into __ the Cathedral to its previous sple ndour.A refreshi ngB restori ngC reno vati ngD renewing68. The thieves fled with the local police close on their __.A backsB n ecksC toesD heels69. The econo mic recessi on has meant that job__ is a rare thi ng.A securityB safetyC protect ionD secure ness70. Many people no wadays save money to __ for their old age.A caterB supplyC provideD equip 48. A especially49. A as B specially B for C freque ntly C in D rarely D of 50. A broken up B broke n off C broke n away D broke n down PART IV GRAMMAR &VOCABULARY71. The tone of the article __ the writer ' s mood at the time.A reproducedB reflectedC imagi nedD imitated72. This is not the right __ to ask for my help; I am far too busy even to liste n!A.mome ntB.situati onC.opport un ityD.circumsta nee73. The job of a stude nt accommodati on officer__ a great many visits to Ian dladies.A concernsB offersC asksD in volves74. Our family doctor ' s clinic __at the junction of two busy roads.A restsB sta ndsC staysD seats75. She was so fat that she could only just __ through the door.A assembleB appearC squeezeD gather76. After the heavy rain, a builder was called to repair the roof, which was __.A leak ingB trickli ngC dripp ingD float ing77. The recepti on was atte nded by __ members of the local com muni ty.A excelle ntB con spicuousC prominentD no ticeable78. Share prices on the Stock Exchange plunged sharply in the morning but __slightly in the after noon.A rega inedB recoveredC restoredD revived79. His brain has worked away on the idea of a uni versal cure.A richB quickC productiveD fertile80. The couple has don ated a not__ amount of money to the foun dati on.A incon siderableB incon siderateC in accurateD in comparablePART V READING COMPREHENSIONTEXT AIn the case of mobile phones, change is everything. Recent research indicates that the mobile phone is cha nging not only our culture, but our very bodies as well.First. Let ' s talk about culture. The differe nee betwee n the mobile phone and its pare nt, the fixed-line phone, is that a mobile number corresponds to a person, while a Iandline goes to a place .If you call my mobile, you get me. If you call my fixed-li ne phone, you get whoever an swers it.This has several implicatio ns. The most com mon one, however, and perhaps the thing that has cha nged our culture forever, is the “ meet ing ” in flue nee. People no Ion ger n eed to make firmpla ns about whe n and where to meet. Twenty years ago, a Friday ni ght would n eed to be arran ged in adva nee. You n eeded eno ugh time to allow every one to get from their place of work to the first meeti ng place. Now, however, a ni ght out can be arra nged on the run .It is no Ion ger “ se^ou there at 8 ” , but “ text me around 'arsube/where we all are ”.Texting changes people as well. In their paper, "insightsinto the Social and Psychological Effects of SMS Text Messaging "two British researchers distinguished between two types of mobile phone users: the “ talkers ” and thethose'whterefer'v oice to text message and those who prefer text to voice.They found that the mobile phone ' individuality and privacy gave texters the ability to express a whole new outer personality. Texters were likely to report that their family would be surprised if they were to read their texts. This suggests that text ing allowed texters to prese nt a self-image that differed from the one familiar to those who knew them well.Ano ther scie ntist wrote of the cha nges that mobiles have brought to body Ian guage. There are two kinds thatpeople use while speaking on the phone. There is the “ speakeasy ” : the head ihigh, in a self- con fide nt way, chatt ing away. And there is the “ spacemaker ” o nhese people focus themselves and keep out other people.Who can blame them? Phone meeti ngs get can celled or reformed and camera-pho nes in trude on people ' s privacy. So, it is understandable if your mobile makes you nervous. But perhaps you needn ' t worry so much. After 甸it is good to talk.81 whe n people pla n to meet no wadays, theyA: arrange the meeti ng place beforeha ndB. postp one fixing the place till last minuteC: seldom care about whe n and where to meetD: still love to work out detailed meet ing pla ns.82 According to the two British researchers, the social and psychological effect are mostly likelyto be see n onA: TALKERSB; the "speakeasy"c. the “ spacemaker ”D. texters83 We can infer from the passage that the texts sent by texters areA: quite reveali ngB: well writte nc: un acceptable by others d; shock ing to others84 according to the passage ,who is afraid of being heard while talking on the mobilea: talkersb: the speakeasy c :the spacemaker d: texters85 an appropriate title for the passage might beA: the SMS effectb: cultural implicati on of mobile use c: cha nge in the use of the mobile d: body Ian guage and the mobile pho ne! TEXT B Over the last 25 years, British society has changed a great deal-or at least many parts of it have. In some ways, however, very little has cha nged, particularly where attitudes are concern ed. Ideas about social class- whether a person is “ wohking ” or middle- class -are one area inwhich cha nges have bee n extremely slow.In the past, the work in g-class ten ded to be paid less tha n middle-class people, such as teachers and doctors. As a result of this and also of the fact that workers ' jobs were gener less secure, distinet differences in life-styles and attitudes came into existenee. The typical work ing man would collect his wages on Friday evening and the n, it was widely believed, havi nggiven his wife her “ housekeeping ” , would go out and squander the rest on beer and betting.The stereotype of what a middle-class man did with his money was perhaps nearer the truth. He was-a nd still is -in cli ned to take a Ion ger-term view. Not on ly did he regard buying a house as a top priority, but he also considered the education of his children as extermely important. Both of these provided him and his family with security. Only in very few cases did workers have the opport unity (or the educati on and training) to make such Ion g-term pla ns.Nowadays, a great deal has changed. In a large number of cases factory workers earn as much, if not more, than their middle-class supervisors. Social security and laws to improve job-security,combined with a general rise in the standard of living since the mid-fifties of the 20 th century, have made it less necessary than before to worry about“ tomorrow 'Working -class people seem slowly to be losing the feeling of inferiority they had in the past. In fact there has bee n a grow ing tendency in the past few years for the middle-classes to feel slightly ashamed of their positi on.The cha nges in both life-styles and attitudes are probably most easily see n amon gst youn ger people. They gen erally tend to share very similar tastes in music and clothes, they spe nd their money in hav ing a good time, and save for holidays or Ion ger-term pla ns whe n n ecessary. There seems to be much less differe nee tha n in previous gen eratio ns. Nevertheless, we still have a wide gap betwee n the well-paid (whatever the type of job they may have) and the low-paid. As long as this gap exists, there will always be a possibility that new con flicts and jealousies will emerge, or rather that the old con flicts will re-appear, but betwee n differe nt groups.86, which of the following is seen as the cause of class differences in the past?A: Life style and occupati onB: Attitude and in comeC:I ncome and job securityD: Job security and hobbies87 the writer seems to suggest that the description of ___ is closer to truth?A: middle -class ways of spending moneyB: work in g-class ways of spe nding the weeke ndC: work in g-class drinking habitsD: middle-class attitudes88 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a typical feature of the middle -class?A: Desiri ng for securityB: Making Ion g-term pla nsC: Having priorities in lifeD: Saving money89 Work in g-class people's sense of security in creased as a resulf of all the follwoi ng factors EXCEPT?A:better social security B: more job opport un ities C: higher livi ng sta ndard D: better legal protect ion.90.Which of the followi ng stateme nts is INCORRECT? A:Changes are slowly taking place in all sectors of the British society.B:The gap betwee n work ing -class and middle- class young people is n arrow ing.C: Differences in in come will rema in but those in occupati on will disappear.D: Middle-class people may sometimes feel in ferior to work in g-class people.TEXT CFor several days I saw little of Mr. Rochester. In the morning he seemed much occupied withbus in ess, and in the after noon gen tleme n from the n eighourhood called and sometimes stayedto dine with him. When his foot was well eno ugh, he rode out a great deal.During this time, all my knowledge of him was limited to occasional meetings about thehouse, whe n he would sometimes pass me coldly, and sometimes bow and smile. His cha ngesof manner did not offend me, because I saw that I had nothing to do with the cause of them.One evening, several days later, I was invited to talk to Mr. Rochester after dinner. He wassitt ing in his armchair, and looked not quite so severe, and much less gloomy. There was a smileon his lips, and his eyes were bright, probably with wine. As I was look ing at him, he sudde nlyturned, and asked me, “ do you think I ' m handsome, Miss Eyre? ”The answer somehow slipped from my tongue before I realized it: ‘ No, sir. ”“Ah, you really are unusual! You are a quiet, serious little person, but you can be almostrude. ”“ Sir, I ' m sorry. I should have said that beauty doesn ' t matter, or something like that, ”“No, you shouldn ' t! I see, you criticize my appearancejnd then you stab me in the back!You have honesty and feeling. There are not many girls like you. But perhaps I go too fast.Perhaps you have awful faults to counterbalanee your few good points. ”I thought to myself that he might have too. He seemed to read my mind, and said quickly,“Yes, you ' re right. I have plenty of faults. I went the wrong way when I was twen ty-one, andhave n ever found the right path aga in. I might have bee n very differe nt.l might have bee n as goodas you, and perhaps wiser. I am not a bad man, take my word for it, but I have done wron g. Itwasn' t my character, but circumstances which were to blame. Why do I tell you all this? Because you ' re the sort of person people tell their problems and secrets to, because you ' re sympagive them hope. ”It seemed he had quite a lot to talk to me. He didn ' t seem to like to finislashe talk quickly,was the case for the first time.“Don' tbe afraid of me, Miss Eyre. "He continued. “ you don' relax or laugh very much, perhaps because of the effect Lowood school has had on you. But i n time you will be more n atural with me, and laugh, and speak freel y. You ' re like a bird in a cage. When you get out of the cage, you ' ll fly very high. Good night. ”91:At the beginning Miss Eyre 's impressions of Mr.Rochester were all EXCEPT A.busy B:sociable C: frie ndly D: cha ngeable92,In "....and all my knowledge of him was limited to occasional meetings about the house, (the …”second paragraph),the word about" meansA:aro und B:o n C:outside D:concerning.93. why did Mr.Rochester say" ..and the you stab me in the back!" (the 7 th paragraph)?.A: Because Jane had inten ded to kill him with a knife.B: Because Jane had intended to be more critical.C: Because Jane had regretted having talked to him.D:Because Jane had said someth ing else to correct herself.94. From what Mr.Rochest told miss Eyre,we can con elude that he wan ted to A: tell her all his troubles.B: tell her his life experie nee. C:cha nge her opinion of him. D cha nge his circumsta nces.95. At the end of the passage , Mr. Rochester soun dedA:rude B: cold C: frien dly D: en courag ing.TEXTDThe ideal compa nion mach in e-the computer- would not only look, feel, and sound frien dly but would also be programmed to behave in a pleasant manner. Those qualities that make in teracti on with other people enjoyable would be imitated as closely as possible, and the mach ine would appear to be charm ing, and easygo ing.lts in formal con versati onal style would make interaction comfortable, and yet the machine would remain slightly unpredictable and therefore interesting. In its first encounter it might be somewhat hesitant, but as it came to know the user it would progress to a more relaxed and intimate style. The machine would not be a passive participant but would add its own suggestions, information, and opinions; it would sometimes take the in itiative in develop ing or cha nging the topic and would have a pers on ality of its own.Friendships are not made in a day, and the computer would be more acceptable as a friend if it imitated the gradualchanges that occur when one person is getting to know another. At an appropriate time it might also express the kind of affect ion that stimulates attachme nt and in timacy. The whole process would be accomplished in a subtle way to avoid giving an impression of over-familiarity that would be likely to produce irritation. After experiencing a wealth of powerful, well-timed frien dship in dicators, the user would be very likely to accept the computer as far more than a mach ine and might well come to regard it as a friend.An artificial relati on ship of this type would provide many of the ben efits that people obtai n from interpersonal friendships. The machine would participate in interesting conversation that could continue from previous discussions. It would have a familiarity with the user ' life as revealed in earlier con tact, and it would be un dersta nding and good- humored. The computer ' s ownpers on ality would be lively and impressive, and it would develop in resp onse to that of the user. With features such as these, the mach ine might in deed become a very attractive social part ner.96. which of the follow ing is NOT a feature of the ideal compa nion mach ine?A:Active in com muni cati on B: Attractive in pers on ality. C: enjoyable in performa nee. D: un predictable in behaviour 97. the computer would develop frien dships with huma ns in a (n) ------- way.A: quickB: un predictable C: productive D: incon spicuous.98. which of the follow ing aspects is NOT men ti oned whe n the passage discusses the ben efits of artificial relati on ships?A:Be ing able to pick up an in terest ing con versati on.B: Being sen sitive to earlier con tact.C: Being ready to lear n about the pers on's life. D:Hav ing a pleasa nt and adaptable pers on ality. 99Throughout the passage,the author is ___________________ in his attitude towards the computerA:favourableB:criticalC: vagueD: hesita nt100. which mgiht be the most appropriate title of the passage?A:Articial relationshios .B: How to form in timate relati on shipsC:The affect ion ate mach ineD: Huma ns and computersPART W WRITINGSECTION A COMPOSITIONRecently a Beijing information company did a survey of student life among more than 700 stude nts in Beijing, Guan gzhou ,Xi 'a n Chen gdu , Shan ghai , Wuha n, Nanj ing ,and Shenyang . The results have show n that 67 perce nt of stude nts think that savi ng money is a good habit while the rest believe that using tomorrow's money tody is better. What do you think?Write on an swer sheet two a compositi ons of about 200 words.You are to write in three parts.In the first part, state specifically what you opinion isIn the sec ond part, support your opinion with appropriate details.In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.You should supply an appropriate title for you composition.。


Check2: Fill in the form according to 1a.
Area North America / Australia / Europe
Eating habit
There are two or more courses for every meal and people use knives and forks to eat.
Guide2: Read 1a again and speak out the Chinese meanings of the red line.
Eating Habits People around the world have different eating habits. In North America, Australia and Europe, there are two or more courses for every meal and people use knives and forks to eat. In the southern part of China, people eat rice a lot, while in the north people often eat noodles. In the central and western parts, people are far away from the sea, so they don’t eat much seafood. But all Chinese people use chopsticks to eat. In parts of India, people use their fingers and bread to pick up the food. In Korea, people use spoons or chopsticks to eat, but it is not polite to use both of them at the same time.


俄语专业四级考试历年综合知识真题精选1(总分60, 做题时间90分钟)综合知识本部分包括语法、词汇、国情知识、言语礼节。
1.(2005)—Вы долго будете в командировке? —Нет, только________ .SSS_SINGLE_SELAчерез неделBна неделюCв неделюDнеделю分值: 1答案:D本题主要考查具体名词неделя的时间表示法。
译文:“ 您会出差很久吗?” “ 不,就一周。
”2.(2013)Экскурсия по городусостоится________ с 9 до 12 часов.SSS_SINGLE_SELAна средуBв средуCот средыDсреду答案:B本题考查的是具体星期几的表达方式。
俄语中在表达具体星期几时,通常要用前置词В+ 名词四格形式,符合条件的是选项В。
译文:城市参观安排在星期三9 点到 1 2点。
3.(2016)Отец уехал на ю г вкомандировку________.SSS_SINGLE_SELAна месяцBза месяцCв месяцеDмесяц分值: 1答案:A本题主要考查具体名词м есяц时间期限表示法。
4.(2009)Первую линию метро в М осквеоткры ли________мая 1935 года.(SSS_SINGLE_SELA15-оеBот 15-огоCна 15-оеD15-ого答案:D本题主要考查日期表示法。
俄语中“在某年某月某日”的表示方法是:序数词中性第二格 + 月份名词的第二格+...года。