

大学体验英语综合教程1(第三版)-unit1 课件详细版讲解

大学体验英语综合教程1(第三版)-unit1 课件详细版讲解
was gently filtering through the trees, softly through the trees, softly illuminating the historic brick buildings and causing the green grass to sparkle in the early morning dew. I gazed out the window at this captivating scene and thought to myself “No freshman should be so lucky!”
Read About It
• Language Points • Content Awareness • Language Focus
My First Week at Harvard
The day a freshman moves into Harvard Yard is said to always be a gorgeous one and this was certainly true of my first day at Harvard. As my parents and I drove through the main gate and entered the Yard, the sun
Deciding what classes to take is the first step. At Harvard, the only mandatory class for freshmen is an expository writing class — I’m actually able to take any classes I desire this year and the class variety is amazing! How do I decide? Thankfully, Harvard allows freshmen to sample classes during “Shopping Week”. Classes meet at their regular times, and we’re able to attend as many (or as few) as we want. If I ultimately decide to take a course, I’ll be held responsible for any work done during the Shopping Week. On the other hand, if I visit a class that sounds great in the catalog only to find that the class doesn’t suit me or the professor is boring, I can decide not to take it! Equally challenging is choosing from amongst the incredible number of sports teams, publications, musical groups, theater productions and clubs. Which to get involved in?



大学体验英语综合教程3课后习题答案翻译答案课文翻译Unit 1Lead-in1 human beings2 powered3 greenhouse4 far away5 make a difference6 breathe in7 decreasing performance8 four inches high9 campaign 10 encourageEx 31 B2 B3 C4 A5 DEx 4issues, pollution, deforestation, related, consumption, resources, threat, responsibilityEx 51 addicted—smoking2 environment—concern3 expert—wisdom4 possession—greed5 resources—inexhaustibleEx.61 strategies2 specific3 consumers4 released5 trapped6 consequence7 was isolated8 priority9 convenience 10 elementsEx71 transform2 all the way3 sit back4 resulting from5 share…withEx.81 How did the war, which brought terrible disasters to mankind, impact on such a poet?2 Mothers are sometimes blind to the faults of their beloved children, which will cause the children to make the same mistake again.3 As a new immigrant in this completely strange country, she always felt isolated.4 Acting before thinking often results in failure, so we should think before we leap.5 The time for talking is past; we must take positive action to protect our environment.Ex.91 Take two pills each time and three times a day and you will be well in a few days.2 He is not impatient; he is just too tired.3 Once water shortage reaches the point of no return, there will be nothing left to be done but abandon the city.4 We’d like to share our experience in city planning with every representative here and show them what is special of our innovations.5 We can’t just sit back and do nothing about increasingly serious traffic problems.Ex 121 D2 A3 C4 A5 BEx. 131 subtle2 were overtaken3 species4 decades5 boundaries6 audio7 directly8 focus9 tone 10 cuppedEx. 141 at that rate2 For the sake of3 come to4 by hand5 vice versaEx. 151 Young people sometimes complain of not being able to communicate with their parents.2 Mary has been longing to take up residence in a Chinese village in Yunnan for a few years. Now her dream has come true.3 Domestic animals are used to depending on humans, so it is difficult for them to survive in the wild.4 He was suddenly overtaken by a fear that he would be laid off the company because of depression.5 I fig ure he’ll be back soon since he promised to have dinner with me.Ex 161 go from bad to worse2 loss of hope3 fuels like petroleum and coal4 very dry5 a mass movement away from a placeEx 171 我们大多数人只是袖手旁观,还会说:“让专家去处理吧。



So many hands, faces, and baby bottoms have been washed with Ivory that their numbers beat the imagination. Not even Proctor & Gamble knows how many billions of bars of Ivory have been sold. The company keeps a precise count, however, of the billions of dollars it earns. Annual sales of Ivory Soap, Ivory Snow, Crest toothpaste, Folger’s coffee, and the hundreds of other products now marketed under the Proctor & Gamble umbrella exceed thirty billion dollars.
mild adj. — gentle, not violent
Examples • She can’t accept even mild criticism of her work. • I prefer a mild cigar if you don’t mind.
spotless adj. — extremely clean
Proctor & Gamble never forgot the advertising lessons it learned with Ivory. For instance, it was among the first manufacturers to use radio to reach consumers nationwide. In 1933 Proctor & Gamble’s Oxydol soap powder sponsored



Unit 3
Return to Menu
Passage A
Passage B
Passage A
• Think About It
• Read About It
• Talk About It
• Write About It
1. What do you usually do in your leisure time on campus?
members of several societies and
taking part in whichever of their events seem interesting. Many people,
perhaps foolishly, completely ignore
university societies and just hang out with mates in college.
Read & Explore
4. Eat me out of house and home:把某人吃穷 He's been eating me out of house and home. 他吃得我倾家荡产. 5. coke: n. <口>可口可乐(=Coca-Cola) 6. hit it off 合得来 7. But he wasn't obnoxious and I liked the volunteer work he did. We hit it off. 他并不讨人厌,而且我也喜欢他的志愿性工作,这 大概是我们合得来的原因。
As far as I’m concerned, I like listening to music and doing some reading in my spare time. Weather permitting, I enjoy some outdoor activities, such as mountain climbing, bicycle-riding, and so on.



大学英语教材第三版单词表IntroductionThis article presents a comprehensive word list from the third edition of the college English textbook. It aims to serve as a valuable resource for students studying the English language. The word list is organized alphabetically for easy reference. Each word is accompanied by its part of speech, pronunciation guide, and brief definition. Let's delve into the contents of the word list and explore the wide range of vocabulary covered in the textbook.Word ListA:1. abandon - (v.) to give up or leave behind2. ability - (n.) the skill or talent to do something3. abolish - (v.) to officially end or eliminate4. abrupt - (adj.) happening suddenly or unexpectedlyB:1. bachelor - (n.) a person who has completed a first degree at a university or college2. background - (n.) the circumstances or events that are connected to a situation or a person's past3. bacteria - (n.) microscopic organisms that can cause disease4. baggage - (n.) suitcases, bags, and other items travelers carryC:1. calculate - (v.) to determine the amount, number, or value of something using mathematics2. candidate - (n.) a person who applies for a job or is nominated for an award3. capable - (adj.) having the ability or skill to do something4. capture - (v.) to catch or seize by force or skillD:1. damp - (adj.) slightly wet or moist2. data - (n.) facts and statistics collected for analysis3. decade - (n.) a period of ten years4. decline - (v.) to politely refuse or reject an offer or invitationE:1. eager - (adj.) enthusiastic or excited about something2. earthquake - (n.) a sudden shaking of the Earth's surface caused by the movement of tectonic plates3. echo - (n.) a sound repeated or reflected back after hitting a surface4. ecology - (n.) the study of how living organisms interact with their environmentF:1. fabric - (n.) material made by weaving fibers together2. facilitate - (v.) to make an action or process easier or smoother3. factor - (n.) a circumstance or variable that influences a situation or outcome4. fake - (adj.) not genuine or authenticG:1. gallery - (n.) a room or building where works of art are exhibited2. gamble - (v.) to play games of chance for money or bet on an uncertain outcome3. gap - (n.) a space or opening where something is missing or lacking4. garment - (n.) an item of clothingH:1. hail - (n.) pellets of frozen rain that fall in showers during a thunderstorm2. handicap - (n.) a physical or mental condition that limits a person's ability to function3. harass - (v.) to persistently annoy or intimidate someone4. harvest - (v.) to gather crops or a plentiful supply of somethingI:1. identical - (adj.) exactly the same or alike in every way2. identify - (v.) to recognize or establish the identity of someone or something3. ignorance - (n.) lack of knowledge or awareness about something4. illustrate - (v.) to provide examples or visual representations of somethingJ:1. jealous - (adj.) feeling or showing envy towards someone2. jeopardy - (n.) danger or risk of harm or loss3. journal - (n.) a daily record or diary4. jubilant - (adj.) feeling or expressing great joy or triumphK:1. keen - (adj.) eager or enthusiastic2. kidney - (n.) one of the two organs in your body that remove waste products from your blood3. kilometer - (n.) a unit of measurement equal to 1,000 meters4. kneel - (v.) to go down on one or both kneesConclusionThis word list provides only a glimpse into the extensive vocabulary covered in the textbook. Students studying from the third edition of thecollege English textbook will find this word list to be an invaluable resource in expanding their vocabulary and enhancing their language skills. By mastering these words, students will enhance their language proficiency and improve their overall understanding of English as a second language. Happy learning!。



reputation n. — an opinion held about sb or sth, esp. by people in general; the degree to which one is trusted or admired
• Massachusetts Institute of Technology has a good academic reputation.
It is pure and it floats.
3. How did Proctor & Gamble succeed in promoting Ivory Soap?
It took advantage of a successful nationwide advertising campaign.
Ivory Soap is an American institution, about as widely recognized as the Washington Monument and far more well respected than Congress. It had already attained this noble status when Theodore Roosevelt was still a rough-riding cowboy in North Dakota. Introduced in 1879 as an inexpensive white soap intended to rival the quality of imported soaps, it was mass marketed by means of one of the first nationwide advertising campaigns. People were told that Ivory was “so pure that it floats,” and the notion took hold. As a result, at least half a dozen generations of Americans have gotten themselves clean with Ivory.

大学体验英语3单词Unite 1

大学体验英语3单词Unite 1
an apparatus, service, etc., which gives comfort or advantage 便利设施或用具

to cut down the forests砍伐(森林)


in the direction that the wind is moving顺风处
a condition of having less than is needed; an amount lacking 短缺
using the power of the sun’s light and heat 太阳的
to find a solution to, an explanation of, or a way of dealing with (something) 解决,解答
a light artificial material produced chemically 塑料
the action of polluting or the state of being polluted污染
money gained by trade or business 利润
to separate from others 使…孤立,使…隔离

to give care and food to养育



⼤学体验英语综合教程第三版单词表⼤学体验英语综合教程第三版单词表Unit 1 Caring for Our Earth Listen and Talkah int. 啊,哈air-conditioner n. 空调机air-conditioning n. 空调(系统)appliance n. 器具,器械,(尤指)家⽤电器artificial n. ⼈造的battery n. 电池communicative adj. 通讯的,交际的conference n. ⼤会,会议constant adj. 不变的dam n. ⽔坝,堤坝debate n. 争论,辩论deforestation n. 采伐森林dispose v. 处理drought n. ⼲旱ecological adj. ⽣态(学)的efficiency n. 效率erosion n. 腐蚀,侵蚀faucet n. ⽔龙头forum n. 论坛,讨论会garbage n. 垃圾,废物gas n.. ⽓体harmful adj. 有害的,伤害的hence adv. 因此,从此host n. 主⼈,东道主influence n. 影响install v. 安装liter n. 公升mount v. 为……作准备overflow v. 溢出partner n. 合伙⼈,伙伴plastic n. 塑料pollution n. 污染profit n. 利润renewable adj. 可更新的,可再⽣的shortage n. 短缺solar adj. 太阳的solve v. 解决,解答stack n. ⼀摞,⼀叠starve v. (使)挨饿,饿死style n. 风格,⽅式sweat n. 汗,汗⽔v.出汗symposium n. 研讨会,专题讨论会system n. 系统,体系wow int. 哎呦!哇!yeah adv. 是。





Unit 1: Choosing a Career1.ambition - a strong desire to achieve somethingor be successful2.employer - a person or company that provideswork for others in exchange for payment3.internship - a period of time during which astudent or recent graduate works for an employer togain experience or skills4.mentor - an experienced and trusted advisor orteacher5.resume - a written document that contains asummary of a person’s educ ation, qualifications, andprevious job experiencesUnit 2: Environmental Awareness1.climate change - long-term alteration oftemperature and typical weather patterns in a place2.conservation - the act of protecting andpreserving the natural environment from harm ordestruction3.pollution - the introduction of harmfulsubstances or energy into the environment, leading to negative effects on living organisms and ecosystems4.renewable energy - energy sources that can bereplaced or replenished, such as solar, wind, orhydroelectric power5.sustainability - the ability to meet the needs ofthe present generation without compromising theability of future generations to meet their own needs Unit 3: Globalization1.cultural diversity - the existence of a variety ofcultural or ethnic groups within a society2.intercultural communication - the exchange ofinformation between individuals or groups fromdifferent cultural backgrounds3.multinational corporation - a company thatoperates in multiple countries and usually has acentralized management system4.trade barriers - policies or measuresimplemented by governments to restrict or controlthe exchange of goods and services between countries5.workforce - all the people employed oravailable for employment in a given area, industry, orcompanyUnit 4: Media and Society1.digital literacy - the ability to use, interpret,and evaluate information and communicationtechnologies effectively2.fake news - false or misleading informationpresented as news, often spread through social media or other online platforms3.media literacy - the ability to access, analyze,evaluate, and create media in various forms4.social media - websites and applications thatallow users to create and share content andparticipate in social networking5.surveillance - the monitoring and observationof people’s actions and activities, often performed bygovernments or other authoritiesUnit 5: Education and Technology1.e-learning - the use of electronic devices andtechnologies for educational purposes, often in online or remote settings2.blended learning - a combination of traditionalclassroom instruction and online learning activities3.distance education - a method of study wherestudents and teachers are physically separated, oftenfacilitated by technology4.virtual reality - a computer-generatedsimulation of a realistic or imaginary environmentthat can be interacted with in a seemingly real orphysical way5.web-based resources - educational materials ortools that can be accessed and used through theinternet以上是《大学体验英语综合教程3》中常见的单词及其释义。



大学体验英语3阅读部分词汇点unit2Unit 2 Passage A Einstein’s Compass1. Difficult Sentences1. (L2) They might have thought him slow, but there was somethingelse evident.1. What does the sentence imply?2. Paraphrase this sentence.2. (LL.10-11) But try as he might, the compass needle would always findthis way back to pointing in the direction of north.1. What sentence structure is used here? Give more examples.More Examples:2. Translate the sentence into Chinese.3. (LL.12-13) The invisible force that guided the compass needle wasevidence to Albert that there was more to our world thatmeets the eye .1. Paraphrase this sentence2. Translate the sentence into Chinese4. (LL.23-24) “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problemslonger”1. Can you underline a sentence pattern used? What can be used toreplace this one?2. Translate the sentence into Chinese5. (L34)While the expression of his mathematics might be accessible toonly a few sharp minds in the science…1. Paraphrase this sentence2. Translate the sentence into Chinese6. (LL.42-44) For the next 20 years, the curiosity that was sparked bywanting to know what controlled the compass needle and his persistence to keep pushing for the simple answers led him to connect space and time and find a new state ofmatter.1. Understand the structure of this long sentence.2. Translate the sentence into Chinese2. Words and Expressions1. (L.2) evident: adj. easily seen or understood; obvious 明显的,显然的*The threat of inflation is already evident in bond prices.*The audience waited with evident excitement for the performance to begin.NB:evidence (n.) 证据evidently (adv.) 明显地,显然地Pattern:It is evident to……是明显的It is evident that…显然2. (L.5) respond: v. to say or do something as a reaction to somethingthat has been said or done响应;反应;回应*He didn’t respond to my appeal.对于我的呼吁他没有给出回应。



全新版大学英语综合教程第三册单词第一单元get by 过得去frustration 挫折;令人失望suburban 郊区的suburb 郊区contentment 满足honey 蜂蜜make it 成功canoe 独木木舟sunset 日落(n)sunrise 日出(n)hawk 鹰cornfield 玉米田haul (用马车,卡车)搬运firewood 木柴sled 雪橇retile 重新用瓦盖longoverdueoverdue 早该有的;早该发生的improvement 改进supplement 补充;增加indoor 室内的spray 喷;洒orchard 果园barn 谷仓chick 小鸡typewriter 打字机freelance 自由撰稿人pursue 努力去获得,追求household 家庭的;普通的;家庭oversee 看管beehive 蜂窝organ 风琴;器官stack 一堆wicked 邪恶的;坏的overflow 溢出;泛滥swamp 淹没;压倒freezer 冰柜cherry 樱桃raspberry 悬钩子;树莓asparagus 芦笋bean 豆;豆形果实canned-goods 罐装品cupboard 食橱;碗橱plum 李子;梅子jelly 果子冻squash 南瓜属植物pumpkin 南瓜gallon 加仑at that point 就在那时decidedly 肯定地;无疑地blessing 祝福bless 为……祝福on balance 总的来说den 兽穴illustrate 举例说明hitch 用-具套住dogsled 狗拉雪橇monster 怪物;妖怪digest 文摘;摘要boundary 边界;分界线widerness 荒野;荒地generate 形成;产生dental 牙的;和牙有关的insurance 保险;保险费policy 保险单;保险契约pick up 付(帐)minor 较少的;较小的premium 保险费;奖金;奖品aside from 除了cut back 减少;削减appreciably 能够感到地,可观的lower 降低;减少dine out 外出吃饭patronize 光顾;惠顾ballet 芭蕾舞extravagant 奢侈的;浪费的suspect 怀疑solitude 孤独budget 预算requirement 要求,必要条件scale 规模on a small /large scale 小规模地resist 抵制temptation 诱惑(n)device 设备,装置machinery 机器,机械horsepower 马力rotary 旋转的cultivator 耕耘机rotary cultivator 旋转式耕耘机profit 利润(n&&v)invest 投资primarily 主要地;起初第二单元slender 苗条的;细长的settlement 新拓居地;confident 有信心的;确信的give up 放弃creator 造物主,上帝devotion 深爱的,挚爱cabin 小棚屋ironically 具有讽刺意味的是symbolize 象征,标志racial 种族的sellout 背叛者;背叛unwilling 不愿意的;勉强的stand up (for) 支持historic 历史上有名或有重要意义的site 地方,位置,遗址slavery 受奴役的状态;奴隶制mission 特殊使命,任务courageous 勇敢的,无畏的forge 建立,伪造forge a signature 伪造签名underground 秘密的;地下的web 网状物;网状组织liberate 解放authorize 批准,委托civil-rights 民权的civil 公民的exploit 功绩,业绩unsung 未赞颂过的intent 坚决的be intent on(sth./doing sth) 热中于,坚决要做pistol 手枪decade 十年foundry 铸造车间,铸造厂on the side 作为兼职;秘密地capture 抓捕;捕获chilly 冷的,寒飕飕的fugitive 逃亡者watchman 看守人;警卫员helplessly 无能为力地pursuer 追赶者;追捕者close in (on/around) 接近;包围hurriedly 仓促地wagon 四轮运货马车painful 疼痛的religious 宗教的conviction 坚定的看法或信仰Quaker 公谊会教徒Bible 《圣经》clothe 给……衣服naked 裸体的,赤条条的converge 会合;集中terminal 终点,终端机magistrate 地方行政长官;执法官impose 把……强加于jail 监狱imprison (vt) 关押;监禁stripe 鞭打;抽打as for 至于cake 覆盖powder 粉;粉末bonnet 女帽veil 面纱transport 运输runaway 逃跑的(人)、disguise 伪装,假扮funeral 葬礼;丧失procession 行列;队伍abolish 废除virgin 未开发的harshly 严厉地,苛刻的diligently 勤奋地compel 强迫,强求plantation 种植园salvation 拯救;pass for 被当作第三单元latch 门闩on the latch 门关着但没有上锁close up 关闭rural 农村vulnerable 易受攻击的;无防御的well-patroled 巡查严密的urban 城市的statistics 统计;统计资料dramatically (vd)显著地;戏剧性地allegedly (vd)据称tranquil 宁静的era 纪元dead-bolt 防盗门electronic 电子的hook up to 连接到patio 露台,平台elegantly 优雅地,高雅地build in 使成为建筑物的一部分pry 撬开,撬动premise (n)房屋,假设,前提surveillance (n)监视feature 给……以显著地位,突出;由……主演padlock 挂锁;扣锁psychic 精神的;心灵的;心理的transformation (n)改变,转变put up 建造,设置barrier (n)障碍barricade (vt)在……设置路障wander (vi)漫游,闲逛,徘徊X-rayterrorist 恐怖分子terror (n)恐怖hold/keep sb. at bay 不让……逼近frisker 搜身器without/with not so much as 甚至连……都没……sideways 斜着(的),斜向一边(的)stand for 代表be bathed in 沉浸于analyze 分析with/by a small/large margin 小/大幅度地error 错误insecure 不安全的secure 安全的,可靠的civilize 开化,使文明reflection 有损声誉的事,思考;反映puzzling 令人困惑的housewife 家庭主妇rape 强奸whistle 哨子self-protection 自我保护outsmart (vt)比……精明;智胜outsmart oneself 聪明反被聪明误evil (n)邪恶legacy (n)遗产look back on 回顾第四单元watery 潮湿的extraterrestrial 外星人;pessimist 悲观主义者pessimistic 悲观的crisscross 交叉往返于on account of 由于sheriff 行政司法长官;县治安官deputy 副职;副手work up 准备;整理ranch 大农场pension 退职金;养老金;disable 使残废veteran 退伍军人;富有经验的complicated 复杂的;难解的;taxman 税务员approachable 平易近人的;亲切的saucer 碟状物;飞碟;茶碟knock off 下班hit the sack 睡觉curse 诅咒;咒骂go over 核对;研究column 列;栏;专栏;柱rocket 火箭bug 张大;使突出;虫子;故障complexion 面色;肤色apiece 每人observation 观察,观测locality 地点;位置isolate 使隔离;使孤立adopt 采用;收养mode 方式;模式;appearance 外貌go for 喜欢blink 闪烁regardless of 不顾nationality 国籍;民族at sb's servicearrangement 安排organization 组织;机构;团体supreme 最高的;极度的come around 拜访hell 见鬼;该死;地狱;苦境leave alone 不打扰;听其自然garbage 废话;垃圾;heave 举起;升起wit 智力;才智make like 假装;装扮作knock down 撞倒;拆毁catch sight of 一眼看见;瞥见shiny 有光泽的;闪耀的,fade out 逐渐消失Venusian 金星人dope 笨蛋第五单元coastguardsman 海岸警卫员under way 航行中;工作中carton 硬纸盒,纸板箱bomb 炸弹pad 用软的材料衬垫rack 炮弹架ashore 在岸上traditional 传统的turkey 火鸡put away 放好sundown 日落时分afterdeck 后甲板draught 气流get to sth./doing sth. 开始认真思考,做cob 玉米;穗轴and the rest 等等quest 寻求in quest of 寻求reverse 反转verbal 口头的;动词turn over 考虑;思考brighten 变亮repay 偿还sincere 诚挚的lastingly 长久地gratitude 感激statement 陈述heartfelt 衷心的;appreciation 感谢agricultural 农业的;农艺的mechanical 机械的;机械学的hometown 故乡;at sea 在海上航行specific 明确的;behalf 利益on sb.'s behalfon behalf of sb. 为了的利益;代表(某人)instance 实例uppermost 最高的impress 使重视boyhood 少年时代quiz 测验diminish 变小;减少expose 暴露be exposed to 暴露于;与……接触immerse 使沉浸在be immersed in 沉浸在awareness 察觉marvelous 不可思议的;美妙的prayer 祈祷assemble 集合;装配considerate 体贴的sprinkle 洒stardust 梦幻unload 将货物卸下cargo 货物reload 再装recede 退去;变得模糊rendezvous 会合accord 使符合topmost 最高的loudspeaker 喇叭rasp 发出;锉,刮hundred-odd 一百多个odd 稍多于;单数的shipmate 同船水手;deck 甲板cluster 群;簇seaman 海员,水手bulge 鼓胀fistful 一把bark 吠叫successive 连续的;in turn 挨个地;amid 在……当中humble 使谦卑;undergo 经过;swift 迅疾的即时的reassurance 放心;确信appreciate 赏识;重视bring back 回想起in a flash 一瞬间weep 流泪;diaper 尿布;being 生命;人go about 表现;忙于;着手in secret 秘密地;quote 引用;引述mightily 在很大程度上;非常paramout 最主要的;stationery 信纸信封;文具第六单元brink 砖studio 画室;照相室;工作室chicory 菊苣salad 生菜;色拉bishop 主教sleeve 衣袖bishop sleeve 灯笼袖in tune 和谐的joint 共同的;共有的pneumonia 肺炎stalk 潜行;偷偷接近here and there 各处icy 极冷的victim 牺牲者;受害的人scarcely 几乎没有;几乎不scarce 不充足的;难得的hallway 门厅;过道bushy 密生的;丛生的eyebrow 眉毛bosh 胡说;无意义的话carriage 载人的马车subtract 减去;扣除curative 能治病的merry 愉快的bedclothes 床上用品backward 倒着bare 裸露的dreary 沉闷的;阴沉的ivy 常春藤vine 藤in a whisper 低声地nonsense 废话turn loose 放手;放纵miner 矿工painter 画家beard 胡须look the part 看上去很像gin 杜松子酒to excess 过度masterpiece 杰作;代表作fragile 易碎的;虚弱的for the rest 至于其它fierce 凶猛的;愤怒的mock 嘲弄;取笑softness 软弱;意志不坚定dimly 暗淡地,模糊不清的canvas 画布easel 画架fancy 幻想;胡思乱想stream 流hear of 听说persistent 持续的;一再发生的mingle 混合upturned 翻转的;倒着放的kettle 烧水用的壶pull up 拉起wearily 疲倦地;劳累地lo 看,瞧stand out 显著wear away 流逝;磨损twilight 暮色;黄昏lone 孤独的cling 抓紧cling to 紧紧抓住merciless 无慈悲心的call to 呼唤gas 煤气stove 火炉sin 罪孽;罪过hand-mirror 带手柄的小镜子pillow 枕头sit up 坐起来acute 急性的;严重的be wet through 湿透的lantern 灯笼palette 调色板flutter 飘动,晃动第七单元salesman 推销员linger 留恋徘徊,磨蹭weatherman 气象报告员surgeon 外科医生scar 伤疤feel like 想要battlefield 战场dignity 尊严cripple 使跛的,受伤致残betray 背叛gain on 逼近tremble 颤抖slacks 宽松裤tan 棕褐色的entryway 入口entry n.进入;入口briefcase 公文包kick up 踢起;扬起tilt (使)倾斜lean 屈身,倾斜brochure 小册子clip-op 用夹子夹牢clip 夹子,别针delivery 分娩;投递section 部分cerebral 脑的palsy 麻痹,瘫痪cerebral palsy 大脑性麻痹disorder 失调;混乱transfer 调动,转移limitation 缺陷;局限apply for 申请Co. 公司representative 代表literature 宣传资料pledge 保证,许诺tetail 零售transit 通行;过境mall 购物中心strain 损伤;使劳损joint 关节useless 无用的;无效的limb 肢;树枝waist 腰off balance 不平衡toddler 学步儿童shoeshine n.擦皮鞋lace 花边;鞋带territory 活动范围;领土on the phone 在打电话spice 调料register 注意到,登记,发生效力laundry 洗好的衣服profitable 有利可图的off one's feet 躺着;坐着VCR 录像机antenna 天线solitary 单独的,孤独的oven 烤箱commission 佣金,回扣surgery 外科手术be laid up (with) 卧床休养checkbook 支票簿recipient 接受人signature 签名scrawl 潦草地写unreadable 枯燥的,无法读的lash 鞭打;猛烈打击in time 及时,最终go off 停止第八章clone n.克隆lamb 羊羔balding 开始秃顶的bald 秃顶的embryologist 胚胎学家pregnancy n.怀孕(期)give birth to 生孩子,产生champagne 香槟酒veterinarian 兽医for all the world 在各人方面;完全dot n.点 vt.散布于creation 创造(物)union 结合,联盟sperm 精子udder (牛羊等的)乳房cell 细胞fuse 融合,合并gene 基因take up 住进,栖居residence n.居住identical 一模一样的genetically 遗传上twin 双胞胎之一beforehand ad.事先oppose 反对be opposed to 反对theoretical 理论的in principle 原则上offensive 冒犯的,无礼的pragmatism 实用观点,实用主义compromise n.妥协morally 道德上plague 使痛苦humanity 人类potential 潜力tolerate 容忍ancient 古代的,古老的vanity n.自负,虚荣donor 捐赠人catalog 目录terrify 使恐惧replica 复制品lottery 抽签;碰巧的事normally 正常地,通常unpredictable 不可预测的mixture 混合物brilliant 才华横溢的inherit 继承purity 纯净,纯洁innocence n.清白,无害comment 评论genius 天才atomic 原子能的let loose 释放curiosity 好奇心physicist 物理学家atom 原子multi-layered 多层次的reprogram 重新编程transplant 移植;移栽marrow 骨髓leukemia 白血病lash out at 猛击;严厉斥责immune 免疫的merge 使融合technician 技术员protein 蛋白质primitive 原始的embryo 胚胎start out 起初意图grow into 长成batch 一组inconceivable 不可思议的conceive v.构想,设想kidney 肾liver 肝脏limitless 无限的hypothetical 假说的;。



大学体验英语综合教程3(第三版)英汉互译Unit 1 caring for Our Earth1.年轻人有时会抱怨无法和父母沟通。

(communicate with)Young people sometimes complain of not being able to communicate with their parenfs.2.能在中国云南的一个苗家村落住下来一直是玛丽长久以来的梦想,现在她终于梦想成真了。

(to take up residence)Mary has been longing to take up residence in a Chinese village in Yunnan for a few years since her childhood . Now her dream has come true.3.家养的动物习惯于依赖人,因此很难能在野外活下来。

(survive)Domestic animals are used to depending on humans, so it is difficult for them to survive in the wild.4.他突然有种恐惧感,觉得自己会因为经济不景气而被公司裁员。

(overtake)He was suddenly overtaken by a fear that he would be laid off by the company because of depression.5.我估计公交路线上堵车了,因为我都等了30分钟也没见一辆车开过来。

(figure)I figure he’ll be back soon since he promised to have dinner with me..Unit 2 Nober prize winners1.记者敦促发言人就此次军事打击做出解释。

(press for)Reporters pressed the spokesman for an explanation of the military attack.2.他的竞选演讲未能使选民相信他就是参议员的合适人选。



Word ListUnit 1My FatherNew words self-centred a. 以自我为中心的vain /ve n/a. 自负的,虚荣的unapproachable /8 n 9pr t b l /a. 不可亲近的rehearse /r 9h s/v. 排练,排演autograph /9ø t r f/n. 亲笔签名award / 9wø d/n. 奖,奖品non-attendance n. 不出席,不到(指上课等) geographically /8d i 9 r f kli/ad. 在地理位置上opera /9 p r /n. 歌剧mink /m k/n. 貂皮oppose / 9p z/v. 反对totally /9t tl-i/ad. 完全地humble /9h mb l/a. 地位低下的Phrases and expressionsget on with 与…相处keep oneself to oneself 不与人来往show off /9 f/炫耀,卖弄in the first place 原先,本来take away (from...) 使离去let somebody down 使某人失望settle down /9setl da n/安下心来like chalk and cheese 外貌相似而实质不同的be opposed to 反对break up /9bre k p/分手Unit 2 Why My Great-uncle Gave up the Ministry? New wordsconcern /k n9s n/n. 企业belfry /9belfri/n. 钟楼; 钟塔striped /stra pt/adj. 条子花色的; 条纹的denomination /d 8n m 9ne n/n. 教派discontented /8d sk n9tent d /adj. 不满意jolly /9d li/a. 快活的beloved /b 9l v d/a. 受爱戴的full-time /8f l 9ta m/a. 专职的Baptist /9b pt st/n. 施洗礼者pastoral /9p st r l/a. 牧师的;主教的inadvertently ad. 不经心地;非故意地hip /h p/n. 臀部slip /sl p/v. (不惹人注意地)偷偷地塞入devastated /9dev ste t d/a. 惊慌的overnight /9 v na t/a. 一夜(间)的unburden /8 n9b dn/v. 除去…负担sermon /9s m n/n. 布道,讲道retire /r 9ta /v. 休息grope / r p/v. (暗中)摸索retrace /r 9tre s/v. 折回horrified /9h r fa d/a. 恐惧的Phrases and expressionsbring oneself to do something 鼓起勇气做某事retrace one誷 steps 顺原路返回rise to one誷 feet 站起Unit 3 Saved by His MistakeNew wordsmoron /9mø r n/n. 蠢人; 傻子; 笨蛋slug /sl /n. 鼻涕虫caliber /9k l b /n. (用在枪,炮等武器上的)口径draw /drø /n. 占优势;unruly / n9ru li/adj. 难以驾驭的; 不驯服的unglued / n9 lu d/adj. 拆开的ungulate n. 有蹄类动物stroke /str k/vt. 轻轻抚摸cracker /9kr k /n. 饼干rift /r ft/n. 分裂geezer /9d i z /n. 古怪老头leash /li /vt. (用绳子)系住; 绑住; 牵saddle /9s dl/vt. 用鞍子骑harness /9h n s/vt. 驾驭(牲口)hobble /9h b l/vt. 束缚(牲口)tether /9te /vt. 把牲口/动物拴在… 上面corral /k 9r l/vt. 把(牲口/动物)赶入围栏kennel /9kenl/vt. 把(狗之类的动物)关在窝里whine /wa n/vi. 嚎叫moose /mu s/n. 北美鹿larcenous adj. 手脚不干净的; 犯偷窃罪的beaver /9bi v /n. 河狸; 海狸theorize /9 ra z/vt. 理论上假设casino /k 9si n /n. 赌场bandit /9b nd t/n. 强盗; 盗贼loot /lu t/n. 赃物unwittingly / n9w t li/adv. 意想不到地insurrection /8 ns 9rek n/n. 起义;暴动riot /9ra t/vi. 暴动;起义; 骚乱marsupial/m 9su pi l/n. 有袋子的动物(如澳大利亚袋鼠)meek /mi k/adj. 温顺的shiv n. (俚语)刀;inebriated / 9ni brie t d/adj. 醉了的blunder /9bl nd /vi. 闯祸; 犯愚蠢的过错patio /9p ti /n. (房子前或后的,木头搭建的)平台skid /sk d/vi. 轻快地跑trash /tr /vt. 捣毁chesterfield /9t est fi ld/n. 有靠背扶手的长沙发windfall /9w ndfø l/n. 意外之财; 天上掉下的好运气backwoods /9b kw dz/n. 边远荒原的林区hooch /hu t /n. 劣质酒ferment /9f ment/vi. 发酵gobble /9 b l/vt. 大口吞食coon /ku n/n. 浣熊gloomy /9 lu mi/a. 阴郁的shepherd /9 ep d/n. 牧羊人beagle /9bi l/n. 小猎兔犬roar /rø /v. 吼叫shell / el/n. 子弹spot /sp t/v. 发现racoon /r 9ku n/n. 浣熊beech /bi t /n. 山毛榉gut / t/v. 损毁…的内部rot v.& n. 腐烂limb /l m/n. 树枝crack /kr k/v. 破裂ominously /9 m n sli/ad. 不吉利地rim /r m/n. 边缘crumble /9kr mb l/v. 粉碎plunge /pl nd /v. (使)突然下跌hollow /9h l /n. 空洞jut /d t/v. 突出,伸出tumble /9t mb l/v. 跌倒miraculously /m 9r kj l sli/ad. 奇迹般地sniff /sn f/v. 嗅yelp /jelp/v. 吠handhold /9h ndh ld/n. (攀登时)能用手抓住的东西snag /sn /n. 根株lightning /9la tn /n. 闪电cylinder /9s l nd /n. 圆柱体drench /drent /v. 使淋透drown /dra n/v. 淹没;淹死whimper /9w mp /v. 呜咽muzzle /9m z l/n. (狗等)凸出的鼻子和口lick /l k/v. 舔furiously /9fj ri sli/ad. 愤怒地;猛烈地rescue /9reskju /n. 营救sodden /9s dn/a. 浸透了的exhausted / 9zø st d/a. 精疲力竭的Phrases and expressionspick oneself up (跌倒后)使(自己)爬起back off /9b k f/倒退beat somebody to the/a draw 和某人打斗占了上风38-caliber pistol 0.38英寸的手枪things get ugly 事情变得不可收拾all hell breaks loose 一切都变得一团糟Unit 4 The Two RoadsNew wordsmournful /9mø nf l/a. 悲哀的lily /9l li/n. 百合花remorse /r 9mø s/n. 悔恨;自责vacant /9ve k nt/a. 空的sorrowful /9s r f l/a. 悲伤的resound /r 9za nd/v. 回荡;回响poison /9pø z n/n. 毒物;毒药devil /9dev l/n. 魔鬼poisonous /9pø z n s/a. 有毒的pray /pre /v. 祈祷;祈求shame / e m/n. 羞耻darken /9d k n/v. 变阴沉despairing /d 9spe r /a. 绝望的hesitate /9hez te t/v. 犹豫stumble /9st mb l/v. 绊跌;绊倒Phrases and expressionscast ... (eyes) on 把…(目光)投向enter on /9ent n/开始步入(人生)make one誷 way 成功;发迹burst out /9b st a t/喊叫Unit 5 Creating a Caribbean Chinese Spring Festival New wordslunar /9lu n /a. 阴历的Caribbean /8k r 9bi n /a. 加勒比海的jabber /9d b /v. 闲聊disturbance /d 9st b ns/n. 干扰unfavourably / n9fe v r bli/ad. 不利地steam /sti m/v. 蒸bun /b n/n. 小圆面包,馒头stuff /st f/v. 填,塞couplet /9k pl t/n. 对联alley /9 li/n. 胡同,小巷swarming /9swø m /a. 充溢的appropriate / 9pr prie t/a. 适当的,恰当的joyous /9d ø s/a. 快乐的diminish /d 9m n /v. 减少miserable /9m z r b l/a. 糟糕的;可怜的sausage /9s s d /n. 香肠mildew /9m ldju /v. 发霉detain /d 9te n/v. 扣留brainstorm /9bre nstø m/v. 开动脑筋想(办法、主意) devoid /d 9vø d/a. 缺乏,没有recreate /8ri kri9e t/v. 娱乐,消遣spice /spa s/n. 调味品,香料stationery /9ste n ri/n. 文具invitation /8 nv 9te n/n. 邀请calligraphy /k 9l r fi/n. 书法brush /br /n. 毛笔surprising /s 9pra z /a. 令人惊讶的twist /tw st/v. 扭,拧stew /stju /v. 煨, 炖pork /pø k/n. 猪肉sauce /sø s/n. 酱汁sparerib n. 排骨;肋骨oyster /9ø st /n. 蚝,牡虫历oyster sauce 蚝油champagne / m9pe n/n. 香槟酒fanciful /9f ns f l/a. 富于想象的announce / 9na ns/v. 宣布kneel /ni l/v. 跪kow-tow v. 叩头platter /9pl t /n. 大浅盘Phrases and expressionslast but not least 最后但并不是最不重要的be devoid of 没有…give out /9 v a t/分发hand ... /9h nd t / to 把…递给pull somebody up 把某人拉起来see with one誷 own eyes 亲眼看见Unit 6 My First ClassNew wordsthud / d/v. 发出重击声stream /stri m/v. 流动assembly / 9sembli/n. 集合;会议swift /sw ft/a. 迅速的wing /w /n. 边房, 建筑物的侧翼boyish /9bø - /a. 孩子气的pandemonium /8p nd 9m ni m/n. 大混乱missile /9m sa l/n. 发射物;投掷物jaw /d ø /n. 颚grind / ra nd/v. 咬(牙)bastard /9b st d/n. 杂种sallow /9s l /a. (肤色)灰黄色的sleeve /sli v/n. 袖子blazer /9ble z /n. (学校)校服apprehend /8 pr 9hend/v. 理解,领悟reluctantly /r 9l kt ntli/ad. 不情愿地quiver /9kw v /v. 发抖fright /fra t/n. 惊吓genuine /9d enju n/a. 真实的scar /sk /n. 伤疤rhetorical /r 9t r k l/a. 反问的;修辞性的brighten /9bra tn/v. 使快活train /tre n/v. 对准strand /str nd/v. 使处于尴尬境地co-operation /k 8 p 9re n/n. 合作behave /b 9he v/v. 举止,行为circumstance /9s k mst ns/n. 情形;环境straggle /9str l/v. 散乱地出现behind /b 9ha nd/n. (口)屁股agony /9 ni/n. 痛苦betray /b 9tre /v. 泄露batter /9b t /v. 痛打expose / k9sp z/v. 使暴露于brutality /bru 9t l ti/n. 野蛮bugger /9b /v. 使无机会rapport /r 9pø /n. (人际) 关系;联系legend /9led nd/n. 图案;标题inscribe / n9skra b/v. 刻写shriek / ri k/v. 尖声叫喊collar /9k l /n. 衣领fist /f st/n. 拳头disgruntled /d s9 r ntld/a. 不满的;不高兴的amuse / 9mju z/v. 逗乐accompany / 9k mp ni/v. 伴随subdue /s b9dju /v. 抑制imagery /9 m d ri/n. 比喻;形象化的描述Phrases and expressionsget to one誷 feet 站起train on /9tre n n/(对) 瞄准take over /9te k 8 v /接管leave ... /9li v t / to 把…留给amount to / 9ma nt t /等于knock one誷 heads together 臭骂某人一顿take names 点名pipe down /9pa p da n/安静下来feel for /9fi l fø /摸索寻找Unit 7 Genius Sacrificed for FailureNew wordsAppalachian n. 阿巴拉契亚山largely /9l d li/ad. 主要地;在很大程度上agriculture /9 r 8k lt /n. 农业supplant /s 9pl nt/v. 取代brawn /brø n/n. 体力,肌肉tragic /9tr d k/a. 悲剧性的casually /9k u li/ad. 随便地vicar /9v k /n. 牧师intelligent / n9tel d nt/a. 聪明的hinge /h nd /v. 随…而定,以…为转移hinge ... /9h nd n/ on 寄托…于…身上sole /s l/a. 唯一的heir /e /n. 继承人talent /9t l nt/n. 天资literature /9l t r t /n. 文学hoard /hø d/v. 积聚(钱财等);囤积academy / 9k d mi/n. 学院dial /9da l/v. 拨号hightail /9ha te l/v. 迅速离开penniless /9pen l s/a. 一文不名的land /l nd/v. 找到tutor /9tju t /n. 家庭教师deserve /d 9z v/v. 应当得到,值得selfless /9selfl s/a. 无私的squelch /skwelt /v. 压制governess /9 v n s/n. 家庭女教师increasingly / n9kri s li/ad. 日益增加地indebted / n9det d/a. 负债的convince /k n9v ns/v. 使信服multiply /9m lt pla /v. 增加alcohol /9 lk h l/n. 酒精opium /9 pi m/n. 鸦片anonymous / 9n n m s/a. 匿名的;无名的expense / k9spens/n. 花费pseudonym /9sju d n m/n. 假名;笔名reviewer /r 9vju /n. 评论者bias /9ba s/n. 偏见snicker /9sn k /v. 窃笑undaunted / n9dø nt d/a. 无畏的,大胆的candlelight /9k ndl-la t/n. 烛光pent-up /8pent 9 p /a. 被抑制的autobiography /8ø t ba 9 r fi/n. 自传nurture /9n t /v. 养育,培育sexual /9sek u l/a. 性别上的gender /9d end /n. 性别burden /9b dn/n. 负担integrity / n9te r ti/n. 正直;诚实commitment n. 投入;承担义务;承诺spiritual /9sp r t u l/a. 精神上的abundant / 9b nd nt/a. 丰富的father /9f /v. 当…的父亲pass /p s/a. 陈旧的prejudice /9pred d s/n. 偏见irrevocable / 9rev k b l/a. 不可改变的,不可挽回的error /9er /n. 过失Phrases and expressionsprefer ... over / to 喜欢…而不喜欢…warn of 警告pack somebody off to 打发某人去…farm ... /9f m a t/out 把…作劳力出租in support of 支持turn to /9t n t /求助于at one誷 own expense 自费take one誷 toll 使…遭受损失、伤害cry out /9kra a t/大声呼喊put all one誷eggs in one basket 孤注一掷Unit 8 A Horse and Two GoatsNew wordsentrance / n9tr ns/n. 入口massive /9m s v/a. 巨大的guardian /9 di n/n. 护卫者prance /pr ns/v. (马)腾跃foreleg /9fø le /n. 前腿loop /lu p/v. 打环;成圈flourish /9fl r /v. 挥舞drowse /dra z/v. 打瞌睡cactus /9k kt s/n. [单] 仙人掌cacti / cactuses [复] 仙人掌graze / re z/v. 放牧arid /9 r d/a. 干旱的;贫瘠的disturb /d 9st b/v. 打扰motorist /9m t r st/n. 驾驶汽车的人wagon /9w n/n. 厢式汽车brightly-coloured a. 色彩明亮的marvellous /9m v l s/a. 了不起的sunburn /9s nb n/v. (使) 晒黑khaki-coloured a. 土色的,黄褐色的shorts / ø ts/n. [复] 短裤Tamil n. 泰米尔语communication /k 8mju n 9ke n/n. 交际;交流respectfully /r 9spektf li/ad. 尊敬地ingratiatingly / n9 re ie t li/ad. 讨好地react /ri9 kt/v. 作出反应utter /9 t /v. 说;表达syllable /9s l b l/n. 音节earnestly /9 n stli/ad. 认真地relate /r 9le t/v. 讲述avatar /9 v t /n. (印度教中神的)降凡destroy /d 9strø /v. 破坏;摧毁redeemer /r 9di m /n. 救世主sacred /9se kr d/a. 神圣的mutual /9mju t u l/a. 相互的mystification n. 迷惑chatter /9t t /v. 喋喋不休rupee /ru 9pi /n. 卢比(印度等的货币单位) element /9el m nt/n. 成分peer /p /v. 盯着看grin / r n/n. 露齿的笑headman /9hedmen/n. 头人、村长sound /sa nd/a. 正确的;合理的stroke /str k/v. 轻抚palm /p m/n. 手掌,手心pedestal /9ped st l/n. (雕像等的)基座westerly /9west li/a. 从西面来的splendor /9splend /n. 光彩,光辉remark /r 9m k/v. 说Phrases and expressionsquestion about /9kwest n 8ba t/询问有关…at length 详细地have a clean record 经历清白come to life 苏醒过来lead to 引起,导致drive a bargain for 为…而讨价还价peer at /9p t/盯着看at the thought of 想到…show an interest in ... 对…感兴趣dawn on /9dø n n/突然明白make somebody an offer for ... 向某人报价out of sight 消失touch off /9t t f/勾划出Unit 9 Learning a LanguageNew words unchanging / n9t e nd /a. 不变的geometry /d i 9 m tri/n. 几何学systematically /8s st 9m t kli/ad. 有系统地ultimate /9 lt m t/a. 最终的subsequently /9s bs kw ntli/ad. 随后,后来misconception /8m sk n9sep n/n. 误解embark / m9b k/v. 着手endless /9endl s/a. 无止境的voyage /9vø - d /n. 航行affair / 9fe /n. 事情regional /9ri d n l/a. 地区性的dialect /9da lekt/n. 方言mingle /9m l/v. (使)混合hybrid n. (由不同语言中的词组成的) 混合语言collide /k 9la d/v. 碰撞;冲突acquire / 9kwa /v. 获得somewhat /9s mw t/ad. 有点,稍微core /kø /n. 核心legitimate /l 9d t me t/a. 合理的;合法的extension / k9sten n/n. 延伸crew /kru /n. (飞机、船等)全体工作人员misuse /m s9ju s/v. 误用literal /9l t r l/a. 字面的;实际的identification /a 8dent f 9ke n/n. 识别;鉴定practitioner /pr k9t n /n. 实践者,从事某一行业者equivalent / 9kw v l nt/n. (对等的)东西extent / k9stent/n. 程度;限度Brooklyn n. 布鲁克林(纽约的一个区)colonel /9k nl/n. 上校cockney /9k kni/n. 伦敦佬flower-boy n. 嬉皮士vast /v st/a. 巨大的Phrases and expressionsin question 正被谈论的,目前所涉及的embark on / m9b k n/从事;着手干collide with /k 9la d w /与…发生冲突bits and pieces 零碎东西be in contact with 与…联系refer to /r 9f t /提到;涉及to the extent 到…程度have trouble with 遇到麻烦Unit 10 BargainsNew wordsorthodox /9ø d ks/a. 正统的;传统的definition /8def 9n n/n. 定义advantageous /8 dv n9te d s/a. 有利的opportunity /8 p 9tju n ti/n. 机会trick /tr k/n. 诡计,花招extort / k9stø t/v. 敲诈;勒索innocent /9 n s nt/a. 天真的;单纯的line /la n/n. 方法;方式toothpaste /9tu pe st/n. 牙膏market /9m k t/v. (在市场上)销售novelty /9n v lti/n. 新颖;新奇whereupon /8we r 9p n/ad. 因此,于是breathtaking /9bre 8te k /a. 惊人的impertinence / m9p t n ns/n. 不恰当advertise /9 dv ta z/v. 做广告insult /9 ns lt/n. 侮辱pea /pi /n. 豌豆reduction /r 9d k n/n. 减少accuse / 9kju z/v. 指控sake /se k/n. (为了…的)缘故plead /pli d/v. 承认;认(罪)guilty /9 lti/a. 有罪的outrage /9a tre d /v. 义愤,愤怒shopper /9 p /n. 购物者roller-skate /9r l ske t/n. 四轮滑冰鞋circular /9s kj l /a. 圆形的saw /sø /n. 锯子sane /se n/a. 心智健全的bulk /b lk/n. 大批,大量tremendous /tr 9mend s/a. 极大的;非常的loo /lu /n. 卫生间spacious /9spe s/a. 宽敞的sticky /9st ki/a. 粘的commercial /k 9m l/a. 商业的greedy /9 ri di/a. 贪婪的prohibit /pr 9h b t/v. 禁止Phrase and expressionstake ... lines 按…方式进行start with /9st t w /作为开始turn ... i /9t n 8 nt /nto 使…成为accuse somebody of (doing) something 指控某人(干)某事for the sake of 为了…的缘故plead guilty 服罪make a living out of 靠…谋生in bulk 大批,大量fall for /9fø l f /受骗,上当Unit 11 Out of the MistNew wordsmist /m st/n. 薄雾nebulous /9nebj l s/a. 模糊不清的artillery / 9t l ri/n. 火炮terrace /9ter s/v. 使成阶地nanny /9n ni/n. 保姆incurably / n9kj r bli/ad. 病入膏肓地,无法医治地epileptic /8ep 9lept k /a. 患癫痫病的psychological /8sa k 9l d k l /a. 心理上的raid /re d/n. 袭击protection /pr 9tek n/n. 保护hamlet /9h ml t/n. 村庄indignant / n9d n nt/a. 愤慨的lodging /9l d /n. 住处cross /kr s/a. 发怒的hug /h /n. 拥抱cocoon /k 9ku n/n. 茧generous /9d en r s/a. 宽宏大量的temper /9temp /n. 脾气knickers /9n k z/n. 灯笼裤stockinet n. 弹力织物ladder /9l d /v. (织物)抽丝(现象)snip /sn p/v. 剪retribution /8retr 9bju n/n. 惩罚frightful /9fra tf l/a. 可怕的smacking /9sm k /a. 打耳光的treat /tri t/n. 难得的乐事;奖励;款待deprive /d 9pra v/v. 剥夺longed-for /9l d f /a. 渴望的impunity / m9pju n ti/n. 不受惩罚crockery /9kr k ri/n. 陶器sit-com n. (situation comedy的缩写)情景喜剧shudder /9 d /n. 发抖righteous /9ra t s/a. 正当的round-the-clock /8ra nd i 9kl k/a. 连续不断的ease /i z/n. 悠闲contrary /k n9tre ri/a. 相反的beware /b 9we /vt. 当心; 注意undulating adj. (波浪)起伏的cannon /9k n n/n. 火炮shell / el/n. 弹片thigh / a /n. 大腿coppersmith n. 铜匠rickshaw /9r k ø /n. (靠人力抬的)座椅giddy /9 di/adj. 头晕blur /bl /vi. (视线)变得模糊frantically adv. 急忙地; 手忙脚乱地cockpit /9k k8p t/ (飞机)驾驶舱enamel / 9n m l/adj. 搪瓷的basin /9be s n/n. 脸盆hood /h d/n. (飞机/汽车等的)引擎盖/坐舱盖bandage /9b nd d /n. 绑带viciously /9v sli/adv. 有敌意地bomber /9b m /n. 轰炸机tenor /9ten /n. (声音的)调子delirious /d 9l ri s/adj. 神志不清地cord /kø d/n. 带子; 细绳slit /sl t/n. 孔grain / re n/n. 种子jar /d /vt. 发出刺心的疼痛throb / r b/vi. 发出阵阵的疼痛rinse /r ns/vt. 清洗combat /9k mb t/n. 战斗squadron /9skw dr n/n. 飞行中队Phrases and expressionon leave 休假knock up /9n k p/敲门唤醒give somebody directions 给某人指路get into a temper 发脾气cut ... to pieces 把…剪成碎片be deprived of 被剥夺…(的权利)be in the wrong 错,理亏to the contrary 相反地pass out /9p s a t/昏过去screw up one's eyes (用力)眯起眼睛看Gracious me! (惊叹语) 我的天哪!Unit 12 Where the Sun Always RisesNew Wordsmoonlit /9mu n8l t/a. 月光照耀下的flowering /9fla r /a. 有花的,开花的budding /9b d /a. 发芽的;发花苞的tulip /9tju l p/n. 郁金香daisy /9de zi/n. 雏菊,春白菊daffodil /9d f d l/n. 黄水仙;黄水仙花chrysanthemum /kr 9s n m m/n. 菊,菊花poinsettia /8pø n9seti /n. 一品红violet /9va l t/n. 紫罗兰sunflower /9s n8fla /n. 向日葵willow /9w l /n. 柳,柳树poplar /9p pl /n. 杨树;杨木fir /f /n. 冷杉,枞plane tree /9ple n tri /n. 悬铃木,梧桐树buffalo /9b f l /n. 水牛;美国野牛bull /b l/n. 公牛lizard /9l z d/n. 蜥蜴cicada /s 9k d /n. 蝉dragonfly /9dr nfla /n. 蜻蜓tadpole /9t dp l/n. 蝌蚪termite /9t ma t/n. 白蚁wasp /w sp/n. 黄蜂;马蜂mosquito /m 9ski t /n. 蚊子beetle /9bi tl/n. 甲虫cricket /9kr k t/n. 蟋蟀grasshopper /9 r s8h p /n. 蚱蜢decay /d 9ke /v. 腐朽;衰败sparkle /9sp k l/v. 闪耀wane /we n/v. 减少;缩小subside /s b9sa d/ v. 退落;消退recede /r 9si d/v. 退去,退thrive / ra v/v. 繁荣,兴旺entertainment /8ent 9te nm nt/n. 乐趣;快乐;娱乐decline /d 9kla n/v. 衰落;下倾mainstream n. 主流;主要倾向idealistic /a 8d 9l st k /a. 理想主义的;空想的congest /k n9d est/v. 挤满;拥塞hectic /9hekt k/a. 繁忙的,忙乱的contemplation /8k nt m9ple n/n. 沉思preach /pri t /v. 宣传鼓吹recurrent /r 9k r nt/a. 反复出现的acre /9e k /n. 英亩emerge / 9m d /n. 出现;显露approval / 9pru v l/n. 赞同;批准cabin /9k b n/n. 小屋kerosene /9ker si n/n. 煤油glorious /9 lø ri s/a. 辉煌壮丽的supreme /su 9pri m/a. 最高的;至上的gingerly /9d nd li/ad. 极为谨慎地;小心翼翼地prickly /9pr kli/ad. 多刺;满是针刺地dew /dju /n. 露水hue /hju /n. 颜色,色彩lavender /9l v nd /n. 熏衣草amber /9 mb /n. 琥珀色pulsate /p l9se t/v. 搏动,跳动heron /9her n/n. 鹭ripple /9r p l/v. 轻轻荡漾,起涟漪loon /lu n/n. 潜鸟amphitheatre /9 mf 8 t /n. 圆形(露天)剧场adolescent /8 d 9les nt /a. 青春期的awesome /9ø s m/a. 可怕的;使人敬畏的;令人叹为观止的snatch /sn t /v. 抢夺;攫取;一把抓起manoeuvre /m 9nu v /v. 设法调整intently / n9tentli/ad. 目不转睛地;专注地soar /sø /v. 升高;升腾flap /fl p/ n. 摆动;振动melodic /m 9l d k/a. 旋律(上)的;音调优美的swirl /sw l/n. 打旋,旋动Phrases and expressionsdie away /9da 8we /变弱;渐渐消失be replaced by 由…代替sweep away /9swi p 8we /彻底消除settle down /9setl da n/安顿下来in terms of 在…方面get scared of 害怕于catch one誷 breath 喘息,气喘吁吁set off /9set f/出发Unit 13 GlueNew wordsoverestimate /8 v r9est m t/v. 估计过高disappointing /8d s 9pø nt /a. 令人失望的disillusion /8d s 9lu n/v. 使幻想破灭paste /pe st/n. 浆糊hardware /9h dwe /n. 金属器具miracle /9m r k l/n. 奇迹bond /b nd/n. 粘合剂vessel /9ves l/n. (压力)容器stuff /st f/n. 材料;东西cement /s 9ment/n. 水泥consistency /k n9s st nsi/n. 粘稠度gallon /9 l n/n. 加仑cellar /9sel /n. 地下室mortise /9mø t s/v. 雌雄榫接合tenon /9ten n/v. 用榫接合drip /dr p/v. 滴下basement /9be sm nt/n. 地下室rung /r /n. (椅子等)横档uneven / n9i v n/a. 不平坦的treasure /9tre /n. 珍品assign / 9sa n/v. 分配align / 9la n/v. 使成一线relieve /r 9li v/v. 解除;减轻elastic / 9l st k/a. 有弹性的band /b nd/n. 橡皮圈infinitely /9 nf n tli/ad. 无限地alternative /ø l9t n t v/n. 替换物Phrases and expressionshold together /9h ld t 8 e /使…连在一起blame on somebody 把…归咎于某人pull apart /9p l 8p t/拉开all in all 总的说来Unit 14 A Changing WorldNew wordstamper /9t mp /vi. (未经许可)乱动boundary /9ba nd ri/adj. 边界的baa /b /n. (羊的)叫声chickenpox /9t k np ks/n. 水痘locust /9l k st/n. 蝗虫myopic /ma 9 p k/adj. 近视的pouch /pa t /n. 袋子suede /swe d/n. 绒面革hobble /9h b l/vi. 一瘸一拐地行走seamstress /9si mstr s/n. 女裁缝whirlwind /9w l8w nd/n. 旋风skinner /9sk n /n. 皮货商;剥皮者forearm /9fø r m/n. (人的)前臂flop /fl p/vi. 翻滚跳跃twister /9tw st /n. 旋风trickle /9tr k l/n. 涓涓细流ravine /r 9vi n/n. 山谷dropping/9dr p /n. 掉落物,(复数)(动物的)粪便sinewy /9s nju i/adj. 肌肉健壮的shoo / u /vt. 驱赶(蚊虫,苍蝇等)escalate /9esk le t/vi. 升级;发展为full-blown /9f l bl n/adj. 全面展开的;大规模的knockdown-drag-out 难分难解的打斗grapple /9 r p l/vi. 扭打streambed /9stri mbed/n. 河床terrain /te9re n/n. 地块;高低起伏的土地bellow /9bel /vt. 用大吼的方式说Moses /9m z z/摩西(犹太教,基督教《圣经》故事中犹太人的古代领袖)sandal /9s ndl/n. 拖鞋crank /kr k/vi. 摇动(尤指曲柄)concierge /8k nsi9e /n. 宾馆中搬运行李的服务员purgatory /9p t ri/n. 炼狱backgammon /9b k m n/n. 巴加门15子游戏(一种各有15枚棋子,掷骰子决定行棋格数的游戏)troubleshooter /9tr b l8 u t /n. 消除故障者bustle /9b s l/vi. 闹哄哄tease /ti z/vt. 戏弄;逗弄lure /l /vt. 引诱deli /9deli/n. (印度人/巴基斯坦等人开的)小杂货店maim /me m/vt. 使…受伤残Phraseswhooping cough /9hu p k f/百日咳cave in /9ke v n/凹陷下去drill sergeant 军训教官hang around /9h 8ra nd/在…玩耍the maimed 伤残人Unit 15 William Shakespeare: His Life and Works New wordsbaptism /9b pt z m/n. (宗教的)洗礼impregnate /9 mpre ne t/vt. 使…怀孕playwright /9ple ra t/n. 剧作家sonnet /9s n t/n. (英语中的)十四行诗nobility /n 9b l ti/n. 贵族lavish /9l v /adj. 豪华的,大量的revere /r 9v /vt. 尊敬farthing /9f /n. 法寻(英国旧时值1/4便士的硬币或币值)heckle /9hek l/vi. 起哄gentry /9d entri/n. 绅士;贵族prop /pr p/n. 道具scenery /9si n ri/n. 布景rudimentary /8ru d 9ment ri /adj. 简陋的clutter /9kl t /vt. 使凌乱堆放amiss / 9m s/adv. 错误地;不正确地repertory /9rep t ri/n. 保留剧目meager /9mi /adj. 微小的appeal / 9pi l/n. 吸引力enthralled / n9 rø ld/adj. 激动pastoral /9p st r l/adj. 牧歌式的;田野式的pastoral-comical adj. 牧歌-喜剧式的excursion / k9sk n/n. 旅程;体验;历程heroism /9her z m/n. 英雄主义supernatural /8su p 9n t r l /adj. 超自然的rapturous /9r pt r s/adj. 放纵的;纵情的;疯狂的immortality /8 mø 9t l ti/n. 永生sweltering /9swelt r /adj. (天气)闷热的infuriate / n9fj rie t/vt. 激怒edict /9i d kt/n. 法令;布告fervour /9f v /n. 热情filch /f lt /vt. 偷,小偷小摸crush /kr /n. 热爱; 热恋flurry /9fl ri/n. (一阵)紧张;不安; 忙乱ruffled /r f ld/adj. (鸟儿等)竖起羽毛的oblivious / 9bl vi s/adv. 不注意地; 遗忘了vexation /vek9se n/n. 恼怒hawk /hø k/n. 鹰; 隼falconer /9fø lk n /n. 鹰/隼的训练人courtship /9kø t- p/n. 谈恋爱go-between /9 b twi n/n. 中间人blissfully /9bl sf li/adv. 幸福地duck /d k/vi. 躲闪dodge /d d /vi. 闪避banishment /9b n m nt/n. 放逐; 流放confide /k n9fa d/vi. 吐露秘密PhrasesJack of all trades 所学技艺很多,但是却没有一样精通的人cut-throat competition 你死我活的竞争in mind's eye 用心灵的眼睛去看be cruel only to be kind 处于善意的严厉beggar'd all description (用言词)难以言表to be or not to be是生还是死。



综合英语三单词表---基础版Lesson 11 excuse [ik'skju:z] v.原谅2 me [mi:, mi] pron.我(宾格)3 yes [jes] ad.是的4 is [iz] v.be 动词现在时第三人称单数5 this [ðis] pron.这6 your [j ɔ:r] 你的,你们的7 handbag ['hændbæg] n.(女用)手提包 8 pardon ['p ɑ:d ən] int.请再说一遍 9 it [it] pron.它 10 thank you 感谢你(们) 11 very much 非常地 Lesson 21 pen [pen] n.钢笔2 pencil ['pensl] n.铅笔3 book [buk] n.书4 watch [w ɔt ʃ] n.手表5 coat [k əut] n.上衣,外衣6 dress [dres] n.连衣裙7 skirt [sk ə:t] n.裙子8 shirt [ʃə:t] n.衬衣9 car [k ɑ:] n.小汽车 10 house [haus] n.房子 Lesson 31 umbrella [ʌm'brel ə] n.伞2 please [pli:z] int.请3 here [hi ə] ad.这里4 my [mai] 我的5 ticket ['tikit] n.票6 number ['n ʌmb ə] n.号码7 five [faiv] num.五8 sorry ['s ɔri] a.对不起的9 sir [s ə:] n.先生10 cloakroom ['kl əukru:m]n.衣帽存放处 Lesson 41 suit [su:t, sju:t] n.一套衣服2 school [sku:l] n.学校3 teacher ['ti:t ʃə] n.老师4 son [s ʌn] n.儿子5 daughter ['d ɔ:t ə] n.女儿 Lesson 51 Mr. ['mist ə] 先生2 good [gud] a.好3 morning ['m ɔ:ni ŋ] n.早晨4 Miss [mis] 小姐5 new [nju:] a.新的6 student ['stju:d ənt] n.学生7 French [frent ʃ] a.& n.法国人8 German ['d ʒə:m ən] a.& n.德国人9 nice ['nais] a.美好的 10 meet [mi:t] v.遇见11 Japanese [ˌd ʒæp ə'ni:z]a.& n.日本人 12 Korean [k ə'ri ən] a.& n.韩国人 13 Chinese [ˌt ʃai'ni:z] a.& n.中国人 14 too [tu:] ad.也 Lesson 61 make [meik] n.(产品的)牌号2 Swedish ['swi:di ʃ] a.瑞典的3 English ['i ŋgli ʃ] a.英国的4 American [ə'merik ən] a.美国的5 Italian [i'tæli ən] a.意大利的6 Volvo ['v ɔlv əʊ] n.沃尔沃7 Peugeot n.标致8 Mercedes ['m ə:sidi:z] n.梅赛德斯 9 Toyota ['t əʊj əʊt ə] n.丰田 10 Daewoo n.大宇 11 Mini ['mini] n.迷你 12 Ford [f ɔ:d] n.福特13 Fiat ['faiæt, -ət] n.菲亚特 Lesson 7 1 I [ai] pron.我2 am [æm] v.be 动词现在时第一人称单数3 are [ɑ:] v.be 动词现在时复数4 name ['neim] n.名字5 what [w ɔt, w ɑ:t] a.& pron.什么6 nationality [ˌnæʃə'næliti] n.国籍7 job [d ʒɔb] n.工作8 keyboard ['ki:bɔ:d] n.电脑键盘9 operator ['ɔpəreitə] n.操作人员10 engineer [ˌendʒi'niə] n.工程师Lesson 81 policeman [pə'li:smən] n.警察2 policewoman [pə'li:s,wumən]n.女警3 taxi driver 出租汽车司机4 air hostess 空中小姐5 postman ['pəustmən] n.邮递员6 nurse [nə:s] n.护士7 mechanic [mi'kænik] n.机械师8 hairdresser ['heəˌdresə] n.理发师9 housewife ['hauswaif] n.家庭妇女10 milkman ['milkmən] n.送牛奶的人Lesson 91 hello [hə'ləu] int.喂(表示问候)2 hi [hai] int.喂,嗨3 how [hau] ad.怎样4 today [tə'dei] ad.今天5 well [wel] a.身体好6 fine [fain] a.美好的7 thanks [θæŋks] int.谢谢8 goodbye [ˌgud'bai] int.再见9 see [si:] v.见Lesson 101 fat [fæt] a.胖的2 woman ['wumən] n.女人3 thin [θin] a.瘦的4 tall [tɔ:l] a.高的5 short [ʃɔ:t] a.矮的6 dirty ['də:ti] a.脏的7 clean [kli:n] a.干净的8 hot [hɔt] a.热的9 cold [kəuld] a.冷的10 old [əuld] a.老的11 young [jʌŋ] a.年轻的12 busy ['bizi] a.忙的13 lazy ['leizi] a.懒的Lesson 111 whose [hu:z] pron.谁的2 blue [blu:] a.蓝色的3 perhaps [pə'hæps] ad.大概4 white [wait] a.白色的5 catch [kætʃ] v.抓住Lesson 121 father ['fɑ:ðə] n.父亲2 mother ['mʌðə] n.母亲3 blouse [blauz] n.女衬衫4 sister [sistə] n.姐,妹5 tie [tai] n.领带6 brother ['brʌðə] n.兄,弟7 his [hiz] 他的8 her [hə:] 她的Lesson 131 colour ['kʌlə] n.颜色2 green [gri:n] a.绿色3 come [kʌm] v.来4 upstairs [ˌʌp'steəz] ad.楼上5 smart [smɑ:t] a.时髦的,巧妙的6 hat [hæt] n.帽子7 same [seim] a.相同的8 lovely ['lʌvli] a.可爱的,秀丽的Lesson 141 case [keis] n. 箱子2 carpet ['kɑ:pit] n. 地毯3 dog [dɔg] n. 狗Lesson 151 Customs ['kʌstəmz] n. 海关2 officer ['ɔfisə] n. 官员3 girl [gə:l] n. 女孩,姑娘4 Danish ['deiniʃ] a.& n. 丹麦人5 friend ['deiniʃ] a.& n. 丹麦人6 Norwegian[nɔ:'wi:dʒən] a.& n.挪威人7 passport ['pɑ:spɔ:t] n. 护照8 brown [braun] a. 棕色的9 tourist ['tuərist] n. 旅游者Lesson 161 Russian ['rʌʃən] a.& n. 俄罗斯人2 Dutch [dʌtʃ] a.& n. 荷兰人3 these [ði:z] pron. 这些(this复数)4 red [red] a. 红色的5 grey [grei] a. 灰色的6 yellow ['jeləu] a. 黄色的7 black [blæk] a. 黑色的8 orange ['ɔrindʒ] a. 橘黄色的Lesson 171 employee [im'plɔi-i:] n.雇员2 hard-working['hɑ:dwə:kiŋ]a.勤奋的3 sales reps 推销员4 man [mæn] n. 男人5 office ['ɔfis] n. 办公室6 assistant [ə'sistənt] n. 助手Lesson 191 matter ['mætə] n. 事情2 children ['tʃildrən] n. 孩子们(child 的复数)3 tired ['taiəd] a. 累,疲乏4 boy [bɔi] n. 男孩5 thirsty ['θə:sti] a. 渴6 mum ['mʌm] n. 妈妈(儿语)7 sit down [ˌsit'daun] 坐下8 right [rait] a. 好,可以9 ice cream [ˌais'kri:m] 冰淇淋Lesson 201 big [big] a.大的2 small [smɔ:l] a.小的3 open ['əupən] a.开着的4 shut [ʃʌt] a.关着的5 light [lait] a.轻的6 heavy ['hevi] a.重的7 long [lɔŋ] a.长的8 shoe [ʃu:] n.鞋子9 grandfather ['grændˌfɑ:ðə] n.祖父,外祖父10 grandmother ['grænˌmʌðə] n.祖母,外祖母Lesson 211 give [giv] v. 给2 one [wʌn] pron. 一个3 which [witʃ] 哪一个Lesson 221 empty ['empti] a.空的2 full [ful] a.满的3 large [lɑ:dʒ] a.大的4 little ['litl] a.小的5 sharp [ʃɑ:p] a.尖的,锋利的6 small [smɔ:l] a.小的7 big [big] a.大的8 blunt [blʌnt] a.钝的9 box [bɔks] n.盒子,箱子10 glass [glɑ:s] n.杯子11 cup [kʌp] n.茶杯12 bottle ['bɔtl] n.瓶子13 tin [tin] n.罐头14 knife [naif] n.刀子15 fork [fɔ:k] n.叉子Lesson 231 on [ɔn] prep. 在…之上2 shelf [ʃelf] n. 架子,搁板Lesson 241 desk [desk] n.课桌2 table ['teibəl] n.桌子3 plate [pleit] n.盘子4 cupboard ['kʌbəd] n.食橱5 cigarette [ˌsigə'ret] n.香烟6 television ['teliˌviʒən, ˌteli'viʒən] n.电视机7 floor [flɔ:] n.地板8 dressing table 梳妆台9 magazine [ˌmægə'zi:n] n.杂志10 bed [bed] n.床11 newspaper ['nju:sˌpeipə] n.报纸12 stereo ['steriəu] n.立体声音响Lesson 251 Mrs. ['misiz] 夫人2 kitchen ['kitʃin] n.厨房3 refrigerator[ri'fridʒəreitə] n.冰箱4 right [rait] n.右边5 electric [i'lektrik] a.带电的,可通电的6 left [left] n.左边7 cooker ['kukə] n.炉子,炊具8 middle ['midl] n.中间9 of [əv, ə, ɔv] prep.(属于)…的10 room [ru:m] n.房间11 cup [kʌp] n.杯子Lesson 261 where [weə] ad.在哪里2 in [in] prep.在…里Lesson 271 living room ['liviŋ ru:m] 客厅2 near [niə] prep.靠近3 window ['windəu] n.窗户4 armchair ['ɑ:mtʃeə] n.手扶椅5 door [dɔ:] n.门6 picture ['piktʃə] n.图画7 wall [wɔ:l] n.墙Lesson 281 trousers ['trauzəz] n.〔复数〕长裤Lesson 291 shut [ʃʌt] v.关门2 bedroom ['bedrum, -ru:m] n.卧室3 untidy [ˌʌn'taidi] a.乱,不整齐4 must [mʌst] modal verb.必须,应该5 open ['əupən] v.打开6 air [eə] v.使…通风,换换空气7 put [put] v.放置8 clothes [kləuðz] n.衣服9 wardrobe ['wɔ:drəub] n.大衣柜10 dust [dʌst] v.掸掉灰尘11 sweep [swi:p] v.扫Lesson 301 empty ['empti] v.倒空,使…变空2 read [ri:d] v.读3 sharpen ['ʃɑ:pən] v.削尖,使锋利4 put on [ˌput'ɔn] 穿上5 take off 脱掉6 turn on [tə:n ɔn] 开(电灯)7 turn off 关(电灯)Lesson 311 garden ['gɑ:dn] n.花园2 under ['ʌndə] prep.在…之下3 tree [tri:] n.树4 climb [klaim] v.爬,攀登5 who [hu:] pron.谁6 run [rʌn] v.跑7 grass [grɑ:s] n.草,草地8 after ['ɑ:ftə] prep.在…之后9 cat [kæt] n.猫Lesson 321 type [taip] v.打字2 letter ['letə] n.信3 basket ['bɑ:skit] n.篮子4 eat [i:t] v.吃5 bone [bəun] n.骨头6 clean [kli:n] v.清洗7 tooth [tu:θ] n.牙齿8 cook [kuk] v.做(饭菜)9 milk [milk] n.牛奶10 meal [mi:l] n.饭,一顿饭11 drink [driŋk] v.喝12 tap [tæp] n.(水)龙头Lesson 331 day [dei] n.日子2 cloud [klaud] n.云3 sky [skai] n.天空4 sun [sʌn] n.太阳5 shine [ʃain] v.照耀6 with [wið, wiθ] prep.和…在一起7 family ['fæməli] n.家庭(成员)8 walk [wɔ:k] v.走路,步行9 over ['əuvə] prep.跨越,在…之上10 bridge [bridʒ] n.桥11 boat [bəut] n.船12 river ['rivə] n.河13 ship [ʃip] n.轮船14 aeroplane ['eərəplein] n.飞机15 fly [flai] v.飞Lesson 341 sleep [sli:p] v.睡觉2 shave [ʃeiv] v.刮脸3 cry [krai] v.哭,喊4 wash [wɔʃ] v.洗5 wait [weit] v.等6 jump [dʒʌmp] v.跳Lesson 351 photograph ['fəutəgrɑ:f] n.照片2 village ['vilidʒ] n.村庄3 valley ['væli] n.山谷4 between [bi'twi:n] prep.在…之间5 hill [hil] n.小山6 another [ə'nʌðə] prep.另一个7 wife [waif] n.妻子8 along [ə'lɔŋ] prep.沿着9 bank [bæŋk] n.河岸10 water ['wɔ:tə] n.水11 swim [swim] v.游泳12 across [ə'krɔs] prep.横过13 building ['bildiŋ] n.大楼,建筑物14 park [pɑ:k] n.公园15 into ['intu, 'intə] prep.进入Lesson 361 beside [bi'said] prep.在…旁2 off [ɔf] prep.离开Lesson 371 work [wə:k] v.工作2 hard ['hɑ:d] ad.努力地3 make [meik] v.做4 bookcase ['buk-keis] n.书橱,书架5 hammer ['hæmə] n.锤子6 paint [peint] v.上漆,涂7 pink [piŋk] n.& a.粉红色8 favourite ['feivərit] a.最喜欢的Lesson 381 homework ['həumwə:k] n.作业2 listen ['lisən] v.听3 dish [diʃ] n.盘子,碟子Lesson 39 1 front [frʌnt] n.前面2 in front of 在…之前3 careful ['keəful] a.小心的,仔细的4 vase [vɑ:z, veis, veiz] n.花瓶5 drop [drɔp] v.掉下6 flower ['flauə] n.花Lesson 401 show [ʃəu] v.给…看2 send [send] v.送给3 take [teik] v.带给Lesson 411 cheese [tʃi:z] n.乳酪,干酪2 bread [bred] n.面包3 soap [səup] n.肥皂4 chocolate ['tʃɔklit] n.巧克力5 sugar ['ʃugə] n.糖6 coffee ['kɔfi] n.咖啡7 tea [ti:] n.茶8 tobacco [tə'bækəu] n.烟草,烟丝Lesson 421 bird [bə:d] n.鸟2 any ['eni] det.一些3 some [sʌm] det.一些Lesson 431 of course [əv'kɔ:s] 当然2 kettle ['ketl] n.水壶3 behind [bi'haind] prep.在…后面4 teapot ['ti:pɔt] n.茶壶5 now [nau] ad.现在,此刻6 find [faind] v.找到7 boil [bɔil] v.沸腾,开Lesson 451 can [kæn]能够2 boss [bɔs] n.老板,上司3 minute ['minit, mai'nju:t] n.分(钟)4 ask [ɑ:sk] v.请求,要求5 handwriting ['hændˌraitiŋ] n.书写6 terrible ['terəbəl] a.糟糕的,可怕的Lesson 461 lift [lift] v.拿起,搬起,举起2 cake [keik] n.饼,蛋糕3 biscuit ['biskit] n.饼干Lesson 471 like [laik] v.喜欢,想要2 want [wɔnt, wɑ:nt] v.想Lesson 481 fresh [freʃ] a.新鲜的2 egg [eg] n.鸡蛋3 butter ['bʌtə] n.黄油4 pure [pjuə] a.纯净的5 honey ['hʌni] n.蜂蜜6 ripe [raip] a.成熟的7 banana [bə'nɑ:nə] n.香蕉8 jam [dʒæm] n.果酱9 sweet [swi:t] a.甜的10 orange ['ɔrindʒ] n.橙11 Scotch whisky 苏格兰威士忌12 choice [tʃɔis] a.上等的,精选的13 apple ['æpəl] n.苹果14 wine [wain] n.酒,果酒15 beer [biə] n.啤酒16 blackboard ['blækbɔ:d] n.黑板Lesson 491 butcher ['butʃə] n.卖肉的2 meat [mi:t] n.(食用)肉3 beef [bi:f] n.牛肉4 lamb [læm] n.羔羊肉5 husband ['hʌzbənd] n.丈夫6 steak [steik] n.牛排7 mince [mins] n.肉馅,绞肉8 chicken ['tʃikin] n.鸡9 tell [tel] v.告诉10 truth [tru:θ] n.实情11 either ['aiðə] ad.也(用于否定句) Lesson 501 tomato [tə'mɑ:təu] n.西红柿2 potato [pə'teitəu] n.土豆3 cabbage ['kæbidʒ] n.卷心菜4 lettuce ['letis] n.莴苣5 pea [pi:] n.豌豆6 bean [bi:n] n.豆角7 pear [peə] n.梨8 grape [greip] n.葡萄9 peach [pi:tʃ] n.桃Lesson 511 Greece [gri:s] n.希腊2 climate ['klaimit] n.气候3 country ['kʌntri] n.国家4 pleasant ['plezənt] a.宜人的5 weather ['weðə] n.天气6 spring [spriŋ] n.春季7 windy ['windi] a.有风的8 warm [wɔ:m] a.温暖的9 rain [rein] v.下雨10 sometimes ['sʌmtaimz] ad.有时11 summer ['sʌmə] n.夏天12 autumn ['ɔ:təm] n.秋天13 winter ['wintə] n.冬天14 snow [snəu] v.下雪15 January ['dʒænjuəri] n.1月16 February ['februəri] n.2月17 March [mɑ:tʃ] n.3月18 April ['eiprəl] n.4月19 May [mei] n.5月20 June [dʒu:n] n.6月21 July [dʒu'lai] n.7月22 August ['ɔ:gəst] n.8月23 September [sep'tembə] n.9月24 October [ɔk'təubə] n.10月25 November [nəu'vembə] n.11月26 December [di'sembə] n.12月Lesson 521 the U.S. 美国2 Brazil [brə'zil] n.巴西3 Holland ['hɔlənd] n.荷兰4 England ['iŋglənd] n.英国5 France ['fræns] n.法国6 Germany ['dʒə:məni] n.德国7 Italy ['itəli] n.意大利8 Norway ['nɔ:wei] n.挪威9 Russia ['rʌʃə] n.俄罗斯10 Spain [spein] n.西班牙11 Sweden ['swi:dn] n.瑞典Lesson 531 mild [maild] a.温和的,温暖的2 always ['ɔ:lweiz] ad.总是3 north [nɔ:θ] n.北方4 east [i:st] n.东方5 wet [wet] a.潮湿的6 west [west] n.西方7 south [sauθ] n.南方8 season ['si:zən] n.季节9 best [best] ad.最10 night [nait] n.夜晚11 rise [raiz] v.升起12 early ['ə:li] ad.早13 set [set] v.(太阳)落下去14 late [leit] ad.晚,迟15 interesting ['intristiŋ] a.有趣的,有意思的16 subject ['sʌbdʒikt] n.话题17 conversation [ˌkɔnvə'seiʃən] n.谈话Lesson 541 Australia [ɔ'streiliə] n.澳大利亚2 Australian [ɔ'streiliən] n.澳大利亚人3 Austria ['ɔstriə] n.奥地利4 Austrian ['ɔstriən] n.奥地利人5 Canada ['kænədə] n.加拿大6 Canadian [kə'neidiən] n.加拿大人7 China ['tʃainə] n.中国8 Finland ['finlənd] n.芬兰9 Finnish ['finiʃ] n.芬兰人10 India ['indiə] n.印度11 Indian ['indiən] n.印度人12 Japan [dʒə'pæn] n.日本13 Nigeria [nai'dʒiəriə] n.尼日利亚14 Nigerian[nai'dʒiəriən]n.尼日利人15 Turkey ['tə:ki] n.土耳其16 Turkish ['tə:kiʃ] n.土耳其人17 Korea [kə'riə, kɔ(:)'riə] n.韩国18 Polish ['pəuliʃ] n.波兰人19 Poland ['pəulənd] n.波兰20 Thai [tai] n.泰国人21 Thailand ['tailænd] n.泰国Lesson 551 live [liv] v.住,生活2 stay [stei] v.呆在,停留3 home [həum] n.家 ad.在家,到家4 housework ['hauswə:k] n.家务5 lunch [lʌntʃ] n.午饭6 afternoon [ˌɑ:ftə'nu:n] n.下午7 usually ['ju:ʒuəli] ad.通常8 together [tə'geðə] ad.一起9 evening ['i:vniŋ] n.晚上10 arrive [ə'raiv] v.到达11 night [nait] n.夜间Lesson 571 o'clock [ə'klɔk] ad.点钟2 shop [ʃɔp] n.商店3 moment ['məumənt] n.片刻,瞬间Lesson 591 envelope ['envələup] n.信封2 writing paper 信纸3 shop assistant 售货员4 size [saiz] n.尺寸,尺码,大小5 pad [pæd] n.信笺簿6 glue [glu:] n.胶水7 chalk [tʃɔ:k] n.粉笔8 change [tʃeindʒ] n.零钱,找给的钱Lesson 611 feel [fi:l] v.感觉2 look [luk] v.看(起来)3 must [mʌst] 必须4 call [kɔ:l] v.叫,请5 doctor ['dɔktə] n.医生6 telephone ['telifəun] n.电话7 remember [ri'membə] v.记得,记住8 mouth [mauθ] n.嘴9 tongue [tʌŋ] n.舌头10 bad [bæd] a.坏的,严重的11 cold [kəuld] n.感冒12 news [nju:z] n.消息13 headache ['hedeik] n.头痛14 aspirin ['æspərin] n.阿斯匹林15 earache ['iəreik] n.耳痛16 toothache ['tu:θeik] n.牙痛17 dentist ['dentist] n.牙医18 stomach ache 胃痛19 medicine ['medsən] n.药20 temperature ['tempərətʃə] n.温度21 flu [flu:] n.流行性感冒22 measles ['mi:zəlz] n.麻疹23 mumps [mʌmps] n.腮腺炎Lesson 631 better ['betə] a. well的比较级2 certainly ['sə:tənli] ad.当然3 get up [get ʌp] 起床4 yet [jet] ad.还,仍5 rich [ritʃ] a.油腻的6 food [fu:d] n.食物7 remain [ri'mein] v.保持,继续Lesson 641 play [plei] v.玩2 match [mætʃ] n.火柴3 talk [tɔ:k] v.谈话4 library ['laibrəri] n.图书馆5 drive [draiv] v.开车6 so [səu] ad.如此地7 quickly ['kwikli] ad.快地8 lean out of 身体探出9 break [breik] v.打破Lesson 651 Dad [dæd] n.爸(儿语)2 key [ki:] n.钥匙3 baby ['beibi] n.婴儿4 hear [hiə] v.听见5 enjoy [in'dʒɔi] v.玩得快活6 yourself [jə'self] pron.你自己7 ourselves [auə'selvz] pron.我们自己Lesson 661 myself [mai'self] pron.我自己2 themselves [ðəm'selvz] pron.他们自己3 himself [him'self] pron.他自己4 herself [hə:'self] pron.她自己Lesson 67greengrocer['gri:nˌgrəusə] n.蔬菜水果零售商2 absent ['æbsənt, əb'sent] a.缺席的3 Monday ['mʌndi] n.星期一4 Tuesday ['tju:zdi:] n.星期二5 Wednesday ['wenzdi] n.星期三6 Thursday ['θə:zdi] 星期四7 keep [ki:p] v.(身体健康)处于(状况)8 spend [spend] v.度过9 weekend ['wi:kend n.周末10 Friday ['fraidi] n.星期五11 Saturday ['sætədi] n.星期六12 Sunday ['sʌndi] n.星期日13 country ['kʌntri] n.乡村14 lucky ['lʌki] a.幸运的Lesson 681 church [tʃə:tʃ] n.教堂2 dairy ['deəri] n.乳品店3 baker ['beikə] n.面包师傅4 grocer ['grəusə] n.食品杂货商Lesson 691 year [jiə, jə:] n.年2 race [reis] n.比赛3 town [taun] n.城镇4 crowd [kraud] n.人群5 stand [stænd] v.站立6 exciting [ik'saitiŋ] a.使人激动的7 just [dʒʌst] ad.正好,恰好8 finish ['finiʃ] n.结尾,结束9 winner ['winə] n.获胜者10 behind [bi'haind] prop.在…之后11 way [wei] n.路途Lesson 711 awful ['ɔ:ful] ad.让人讨厌的,坏的2 telephone ['telifəun] v.& n.打电话3 time [taim] n.次(数)4 answer ['ɑ:nsə] v.接(电话)5 last [lɑ:st] a.最后的,前一次的6 phone [fəun] n.电话(=telephone)7 again [ə'gein] ad.又一次地8 say [sei] v.说Lesson 731 week [wi:k] n.周2 London ['lʌndən] n.伦敦3 suddenly ['sʌdnli] ad.突然地4 bus stop ['bʌstɔp] 公共汽车车站5 smile [smail] v.微笑6 pleasantly ['plezntli] ad.愉快地7 understand [ˌʌndə'stænd] v.懂,明白8 speak [spi:k] v.讲,说9 hand [hænd] n.手10 pocket ['pɔkit] n.衣袋11 phrasebook n.短语手册,常用语手册12 phrase [freiz] n.短语13 slowly ['sləuli] ad.缓慢地Lesson 741 hurriedly ['hʌridli] ad.匆忙地2 cut [kʌt] v.割,切3 thirstily ['θə:stili] ad.口渴地4 go [gəu] v.走5 greet [gri:t] v.问候,找招呼Lesson 751 ago [ə'gəu] ad.以前2 buy [bai] v.买3 pair [peə] n.双,对4 fashion ['fæʃən] n.流行式样5 uncomfortable [ʌn'kʌmftəbəl]a.不舒服的6 wear [weə] v.穿着Lesson 771 appointment [ə'pɔintmənt] n.约会,预约2 urgent ['ə:dʒənt] a.紧急的,急迫的3 till [til] prep.直到…为止Lesson 791 shopping ['ʃɔpiŋ] n.购物2 list [list] n.单子3 vegetable ['vedʒtəbəl] n.蔬菜4 need [ni:d] v.需要5 hope [həup] v.希望6 thing [θiŋ] n.事情7 money ['mʌni] n.钱Lesson 801 groceries ['grəusəriz] n.食品杂货2 fruit [fru:t] n.水果3 stationery ['steiʃənəri] n.文具4 newsagent ['nju:zˌeidʒənt] n.报刊零售人5 chemist ['kemist] n.化剂师,化学家Lesson 811 bath [bɑ:θ] n.洗澡2 nearly ['niəli] ad.几乎,将近3 ready ['redi] a.准备好的,完好的4 dinner ['dinə] n.正餐,晚餐5 restaurant ['restərɔnt] n.饭馆,餐馆6 roast [rəust] a.烤的Lesson 821 breakfast ['brekfəst] n.早饭2 haircut ['heəkʌt] n.理发3 party ['pɑ:ti] n.聚会4 holiday ['hɔlidi] n.假日Lesson 831 mess [mes] n.杂乱,凌乱2 pack [pæk] v.包装,打包,装箱3 suitcase ['su:tkeis] n.手提箱4 leave [li:v] v.离开5 already [ɔ:l'redi] ad.已经Lesson 851 Paris ['pæris] n.巴黎2 cinema ['sinimə] n.电影院3 film [film] n.电影4 beautiful ['bju:tifəl] a.漂亮的5 city ['siti] n.城市6 never ['nevə] ad.从来没有7 ever ['evə] ad.在任何时候Lesson 871 attendant [ə'tendənt] n.接待员2 bring [briŋ] v.带来,送来3 garage ['gærɑ:ʒ] n.车库,汽车修理厂4 crash [kræʃ] n.碰撞5 lamp-post [læmp pəust] 灯杆6 repair [ri'peə] v.修理7 try [trai] v.努力,设法Lesson 891 believe [bi'li:v] v.相信,认为2 may [mei] (用于请求许可)可以3 how long 多长4 since [sins] prep.自从5 why [wai] ad.为什么6 sell [sel] v.卖,出售7 because [bi'kɔz] conj.因为8 retire [ri'taiə] v.退休9 cost [kɔst] v.花费10 pound [paund] n.英镑11 worth [wə:θ] prep.值…钱12 penny ['peni] n.便士Lesson 911 still [stil] ad.还,仍旧2 move [mu:v] v.搬家3 miss [mis] v.想念,思念4 neighbour ['neibə] n.邻居5 person ['pə:sn] n.人6 people ['pi:pl] n.人们7 poor [puə] a.可怜的Lesson 931 pilot ['pailət] n.飞行员2 return [ri'tə:n] v.返回3 New York ['nju: 'jɔ:k] n.纽约4 Tokyo ['təukjəu] n.东京5 Madrid [mə'drid] n.马德里6 fly [flai] v.飞行Lesson 941 Athens ['æθinz] n.雅典2 Berlin [bə:'lin] n.柏林3 Bombay [bɔm'bei] n.孟买4 Geneva [dʒi'ni:və] n.日内瓦5 Moscow ['mɔskəu] n.莫斯科6 Rome [rəum] n.罗马7 Seoul [səul] n.汉城8 Stockholm ['stɔkhoum] n.斯德哥尔摩9 Sydney ['sidni] n.悉尼Lesson 951 return [ri'tə:n] n.往返2 train [trein] n.火车3 platform ['plætfɔ:m] n.站台4 plenty ['plenti] n.大量5 bar [bɑ:] n.酒吧6 station ['steiʃən] n.车站,火车站7 catch [kætʃ] v.赶上8 miss [mis] v.错过Lesson 971 leave [li:v] v.遗留2 describe [di'skraib] v.描述3 zip [zip] n.拉链4 label ['leibəl] n.标签5 handle ['hændl] n.提手,把手6 address [ə'dres] n.地址7 pence [pens] n.penny的复数形式8 belong [bi'lɔŋ] v.属于Lesson 991 ow [au] int.哎哟2 slip [slip] v.滑倒,滑了一脚3 fall [fɔ:l] v.落下,跌倒4 downstairs [ˌdaun'steəz] ad.下楼5 hurt [hə:t] v.伤,伤害,疼痛6 back [bæk] n.背7 stand up 起立,站起来8 help [help] v.帮助9 at once [ət 'wʌns] 立即10 sure [ʃuə] a.一定的,确信的11 X-ray ['eksrei] n.X光透视Lesson 1011 Scotland ['skɔtlənd] n.苏格兰(英国)2 card [kɑ:d] n.明信片3 youth [ju:θ] n.青年4 hostel ['hɔstəl] n.招待所,旅馆5 association [əˌsəusi'eiʃən] n.协会6 soon [su:n] ad.不久7 write [rait] v.写Lesson 1031 exam [ig'zæm] n.考试2 pass [pɑ:s] v.及格,通过3 mathematics [ˌmæθə'mætiks]n.数学4 question ['kwestʃən] n.问题5 easy ['i:zi] a.容易的6 enough [i'nʌf] ad.足够地7 paper ['peipə] n.考卷8 fail [feil] v.未及格,失败9 answer ['ɑ:nsə] v.回答10 mark [mɑ:k] n.分数11 rest [rest] n.其他的东西12 difficult ['difikəlt] a.困难的13 hate [heit] v.讨厌14 low [ləu] a.低的15 cheer [tʃiə] v.振作,振奋16 guy [gai] n.家伙,人17 top [tɔp] n.上方,顶部Lesson 1041 clever ['klevə] a.聪明的2 stupid ['stju:pid] a.笨的3 cheap [tʃi:p] a.便宜的4 expensive [ik'spensiv] a.贵的5 fresh [freʃ] a.新鲜的6 stale [steil] a.变馊的7 low [ləu] a.低的,矮的8 loud [laud] a.大声的9 high [hai] a.高的10 hard ['hɑ:d] a.硬的11 sweet [swi:t] a.甜的12 soft [sɔft] a.软的13 sour [sauə] a.酸的Lesson 1051 spell [spel] v.拼写2 intelligent[in'telidʒənt] a.聪明的,3 mistake [mis'teik] n.错误4 present [pri'zent, 'prezənt] n.礼物5 dictionary ['dikʃənəri] n.词典Lesson 1061 carry ['kæri] v.携带2 correct [kə'rekt] v.改正,纠正Lesson 1071 madam ['mædəm] n.夫人,女士(尊称)2 as well 同样3 suit [su:t, sju:t] v.适于4 pretty ['priti] a.漂亮的Lesson 1091 idea [ai'diə] n.主意2 a little 少许(用于不可数名词之前)3 teaspoonful ['ti:spu:nful] n.一茶匙4 less [les]a.(little的比较级)更小的5 a few 几个(用于可数名词之前)6 pity ['piti] n.遗憾7 instead [in'sted] ad.代替8 advice [əd'vais] n.建议,忠告Lesson 1101 most [məust] a.(many,much的最高级)最多的2 least [li:st] a.(little的最高级)最小的,最少的3 best [best] a.(good的最高级)最好的4 worse [wə:s] a.(bad的比较级)更坏的5 worst [wə:st]a.(bad的最高级)最坏的Lesson 1111 model ['mɔdl] n.型号,式样2 afford [ə'fɔ:d] v.付得起(钱)3 deposit [di'pɔzit] n.预付定金4 instalment[in'stɔ:lmənt] n.分期付款5 price [prais] n.价格6 millionaire [ˌmiljə'neə] n.百万富翁Lesson 1131 conductor [kən'dʌktə] n.售票员2 fare [feə] n.车费,车票3 change [tʃeindʒ] v.兑换(钱)4 note [nəut] n.纸币5 passenger ['pæsindʒə] n.乘客6 none [nʌn] pron.没有任何东西7 neither ['naiðə, 'ni:ðə] ad.也不8 get off 下车9 tramp [træmp] n.流浪汉10 except [ik'sept] prep.除…外Lesson 1151 anyone['eniwʌn]pron.(用于疑问句,否定式)任何人2 knock [nɔk] v.敲,打3 everything['evriθiŋ] pron.一切事物4 quiet ['kwaiət] a.宁静的,安静的5 impossible [im'pɔsəbəl] a.不可能的6 invite [in'vait] v.邀请7 anything ['eniθiŋ] pron.任何东西8 nothing ['nʌθiŋ] pron.什么也没有9 lemonade [ˌlemə'neid] n.柠檬水10 joke [dʒəuk] v.开玩笑Lesson 1161 asleep [ə'sli:p] a.睡觉,睡着(用作表语)2 glasses ['gla:siz] n.眼镜Lesson 1171 dining room 饭厅2 coin [kɔin] n.硬币3 mouth [mauθ] n.嘴4 swallow [swɔləu] v.吞下5 later ['leitə] ad.后来6 toilet ['tɔilit] n.厕所,盥洗室Lesson 1181 ring [riŋ] v.响Lesson 1191 story ['stɔ:ri] n.故事2 happen ['hæpən] v.发生3 thief [θi:f] n.贼4 enter ['entə] v.进入5 dark [dɑ:k] a.黑暗的6 torch [tɔ:tʃ] n.手电筒7 voice [vɔis] n.(说话的)声音8 parrot ['pærət] n.鹦鹉Lesson 1201 exercise book 练习本Lesson 1211 customer ['kʌstəmə] n.顾客2 forget [fə'get] v.忘记3 manager ['mænidʒə] n.经理4 serve [sə:v] v.照应,服务,接待5 counter ['kauntə] n.柜台6 recognize ['rekəgnaiz] v.认识Lesson 1221 road [rəud] n.路Lesson 1231 during ['djuəriŋ] prep.在…期间2 trip [trip] n.旅行3 travel ['trævəl] v.旅行4 offer ['ɔfə] v.提供5 job [dʒɔb] n.工作6 guess [ges] v.猜7 grow [grəu] v.长,让…生长8 beard [biəd] n.(下巴上的)胡子,络腮Lesson 1241 kitten ['kitn] n.小猫Lesson 1251 water ['wɔ:tə] v.浇水2 terribly ['terəbli] ad.非常3 dry [drai] a.干燥的,干的4 nuisance['nju:səns]n.讨厌的事或人5 mean [mi:n] v.意味着,意思是6 surprise [sə'praiz] n.惊奇,意外Lesson 1261 immediately [i'mi:diətli] ad.立即地Lesson 1271 famous ['feiməs] a.著名的2 actress ['æktris] n.女演员3 at least 至少4 actor ['æktə] n.男演员5 read [ri:d] v.通过阅读得知Lesson 1291 wave [weiv] v.招手2 track [træk] n.跑道3 mile [mail] n.英里4 overtake [ˌəuvə'teik] v.从后面超越,5 speed [spi:d] 限速6 dream [dri:m] v.做梦,思想不集中7 sign [sain] n.标记,牌子8 driving licence ['draiviŋ 'laisəns] 驾驶执照9 charge [tʃɑ:dʒ] v.罚款10 darling ['dɑ:liŋ] n.亲爱的Lesson 1311 Egypt ['i:dʒipt] n.埃及2 abroad [ə'brɔ:d] ad.国外3 worry ['wʌri] v.担忧Lesson 1331 reporter [ri'pɔ:tə] n.记者sensational [sen'seiʃənəl]a.爆炸性的,耸人听闻的3 mink coat ['miŋk-kəut] 貂皮大衣Lesson 1351 future ['fju:tʃə] n.未来的2 get married 结婚3 hotel [həu'tel] n.饭店4 latest ['leitist] a.最新的5 introduce ['intrə'dju:s] v.介绍Lesson 1371 football ['futbɔ:l] n.足球2 pool [pu:l] n.赌注3 win [win] v.赢4 world [wə:ld] n.世界5 poor [puə] a.贫穷的6 depend [di'pend] v.依靠(on) Lesson 1391 extra ['ekstrə] a.额外的2 engineer [ˌendʒi'niə] n.工程师3 overseas [ˌəuvə'si:z]a.海外的4 engineering [ˌendʒi'niəriŋ] n.工程5 company ['kʌmpəni] n.公司6 line [lain] n.线路Lesson 1411 excited [ik'saitid] a.兴奋的2 get on 登上3 middle-aged ['midl'eidʒid] a.中年的4 opposite ['ɔpəzit] prep.在…对面5 curiously ['kjuəriəsli] ad.好奇地6 funny ['fʌni] a.可笑的,滑稽的7 powder ['paudə] n.香粉8 compact ['kɔmpæk t] n.带镜的化妆盒9 kindly ['kaindli] ad.和蔼地10 ugly ['ʌgli] a.丑陋的11 amused [ə'mju:zd] a.有趣的12 smile [smail] v.微笑13 embarrassed [im'bærəst] a.尴尬的,Lesson 1421 worried ['wʌrid] a.担心,担忧2 regularly ['regjuləli] ad.经常地,定期地Lesson 1431 surround [sə'raund] v.包围2 wood [wud] n.树林3 beauty spot 风景点4 hundred ['hʌndrid] n.百5 city ['siti] n.城市6 through [θru:] prep.穿过7 visitor ['vizitə] n.参观者,游客,8 tidy ['taidi] a.整齐的9 litter ['litə] n.杂乱的东西10 litter basket 废物筐11 place [pleis] v.放12 throw [θrəu] v.扔,抛13 rubbish ['rʌbiʃ] n.垃圾14 count [kaunt] v.数,点15 cover ['kʌvə] v.覆盖16 piece [pi:s] n.碎片17 tyre ['taiə] n.轮胎18 rusty ['rʌsti] a.生锈的19 among [ə'mʌŋ] prep.在…之间20 prosecute ['prɔsikju:t] v.依法处置。



⼤学体验英语综合教程第三版Unit 15. Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary 1. The essayist’3. Biologists have estimated that there are around one million animal andand growingin the rainforests.’s go and have a look.8. When the kitchen is finished, I’7. Translate the following sentences into English.1.年轻⼈有时会抱怨⽆法和⽗母沟通。

(communicate with)Young people sometimes complain of being unable to communicate with their parents2.能在中国云南的⼀个苗家村落住下来⼀直是玛丽长久以来的梦想,现在她终于梦想成真了。

(to take up residence).It has been Mary’s long cherished dream to take up residence in a Miao village in Yunnan, China. Now her dream has finally come true.3.家养的动物习惯于依赖⼈,因此很难能在野外活下来。

(survive)Domestic animals are used to depending on humans, so it is difficult for them to survive in the wild.4.他突然有种恐惧感,觉得⾃⼰会因为经济不景⽓⽽被公司裁员。




第二册第一单元TEXT A牛津大学牛津大学是英国最古老的大学,也是世界最著名的高等学府。

























大学体验英语(第三版)Book 1--- Unit 7 Directions “How do I get there”ppt课件

大学体验英语(第三版)Book 1--- Unit 7 Directions “How do I get there”ppt课件

Listening Task
Gannan Normal University
What are the people looking for? What is each person trying to do?
√ ATM (cash
machine) a bank
a restaurant √ a coffee shop
Listening Task
Gannan Normal University
3. A: Hi, sorry to bother you. Um, I’m looking for the Book Nook, or something like that. It’s a big bookstore. B: There’s the Book Rack. A: Yeah, that’s it --- the Book Rack. I think it’s on this street. B: No, it’s on Market Street. This is Broad Street. A: Oh. B: The next street over is Market Street. A: OK, thanks.
Part 1
Gannan Normal University
Lisa: So, Brian, we want to see some of San Francisco this afternoon. Do you have any suggestions? Brian: Oh, you want to be tourists, huh? Lisa: Yeah, sure. Brian: Well, you can start at Ghirardelli Square. Lisa: Is it far? Brian: No, no, it’s really close. Here’s a map. Just walk down Larkin Street to North Point Street. It’s right there, just about six or seven blocks. Lisa: OK, that sounds easy.



目 录Unit 1一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 2一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 3一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 4一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 5一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 6一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 7一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 8一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 1一、词汇短语Passage Agorgeous [5^C:dVEs] adj.华丽的,漂亮的;令人愉快的;极好的【例句】W e had a gorgeous time. 我们玩得快活极了。


filter [5filtE] n.滤波器,过滤器,滤器vt.过滤,用过滤法除去vi.滤过,渗透;(消息)走漏【例句】Y ou need to filter the drinking water. 你需要把饮用水过滤。

【词组】filter out 过滤掉;不予注意;泄露【助记】发音记忆:“非要它”→香烟的过滤嘴是非要它不可的。

【派生】filtration n.过滤;筛选illuminate [i5lju:mineit] v.照亮,用灯装饰街道;启发,启迪;说明,阐释【例句】The river was illuminated by the setting sun. 这条河被落日照亮。

【助记】il(加强语气)+lumin(给予光明)+ate(词后缀)→阐明,照亮skylight [5skaIlaIt] n.天窗【例句】He waited until he heard shots. Then he peered through the skylight,into the darkened tavern.他等到枪声响起,才透过天窗朝阴暗的酒馆内看去。

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Unit 1 Caring for Our Earth
Listen and Talk
ah int. 啊,哈
air-conditioner n. 空调机
air-conditioning n. 空调(系统)appliance n. 器具,器械,(尤指)家用电器
artificial n. 人造的battery n. 电池communicative adj. 通讯的,交际的

conference n. 大会,会议constant adj. 不变的
dam n. 水坝,堤坝debate n. 争论,辩论deforestation n. 采伐森林dispose v. 处理drought n. 干旱ecological adj. 生态(学)的efficiency n. 效率
erosion n. 腐蚀,侵蚀
faucet n. 水龙头forum n. 论坛,讨论会garbage n. 垃圾,废物
gas n.. 气体
harmful adj. 有害的,伤害的hence adv. 因此,从此
host n. 主人,东道主influence n. 影响
install v. 安装
liter n. 公升

mount v. 为……作准备overflow v. 溢出
partner n. 合伙人,伙伴plastic n. 塑料
pollution n. 污染
profit n. 利润renewable adj. 可更新的,可再生的shortage n. 短缺
solar adj. 太阳的
solve v. 解决,解答
stack n. 一摞,一叠
starve v. (使)挨饿,饿死style n. 风格,方式sweat n. 汗,汗水v.出汗symposium n. 研讨会,专题讨论会system n. 系统,体系
wow int. 哎呦!哇!yeah adv. 是。
