hypochlorite n. 次氯酸盐 hypo- “在...之下,亚,次,次于,不足,从属于” hypochlorous adj. 次氯酸的 hypochlorous acid n. 次氯酸 hydrochloric adj. 氯化氢的 盐酸的 dissociate v. 分离, 电离 ionize vt. 使离子化 vi. 电离 equilibria n. 均衡, 平衡 equilibrium 的复数形式 ammonium n. 铵 ammonia n. 氨, 氨水 chloramine n. 氯胺 monochloramine n.一氯胺 di- tri3
因此,可以得到结论,不管氯或次氯酸根添加与否,在水 中都建立了相同的平衡。
The significant difference would be in pH effects and the influence of chlorine or hypochlorites on the relative amounts of OCland HOCl at equilibrium. Chlorine tends to decrease the pH, whereas hypochlorites tend to increase the pH.
Chemistry of Chlorination
Chlorine is used in the form of free chlorine or as hypochlorites. In either form it acts as a potent oxidizing agent and often dissipates itself in side reactions so rapidly that little disinfection is accomplished until amounts in excess of the chlorine demand have been added.
译:1965年的《水质法案》还为国家(各州政府)介绍了重要的新要求, 目的是为了建立环境水质标准和用以指导如何实现水质达标的详细计划。
5.2 Important sentences
4. This also included an interim goal: wherever attainable, an interim goal
of water quality (which provides for the protection and propagation of
fish, shellfish and wildlife and provides for recreation in and on the water) should be achieved by July 1, 1983.
deposits of refuse : 废弃物的堆积 deposit : 保证金,押金;存款,储存;沉积 refuse : v. 拒绝;n. 废弃物, 垃圾 译:在二十世纪六十年代,原本为了禁止废弃物在可通航水域的堆积、保 持航道清洁畅通而起草的《河流与港口法案》(1899),也被应用于解释 液体废物。
penalties based on the River and Harbor Act of 1899.
译:1970年12月,为了水质管理计划的需要,美国环保署的管理者在 《河 流与港口法案》(1899 )的基础上发布了使用许可或惩罚的执行命令。
5.3 Content Summary
1899: River and Harbor Act-----prohibit deposits of refuse in navigable waters 1912: Public Health Service Act-----Streams Investigation Station
The following factors have been found to influence water consumption in a major way:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Industrial activity; Meterage; System management; Standard of living; Climate.
rural and suburban communities will use less water per person than industrialized communities. Industry is probably the largest single factor influencing per capita water use.
Many factors influence water use for a given system. For example, the mere fact that water under pressure is available stimulates its use, often excessively, for watering lawns and gardens , for washing automobiles, for operating air-conditioning equipment, and for performing many other activities at home and in industry.
The storage reservoir may be elevated (the ubiquitous water tower), or it may be at ground level. The stored water is used to meet high demand during the day. Storage compensates for changes in demand and allows a smaller treatment plant to be built. Storage is also used to provide emergency backup in case of a fire.
Historically, settled coagulation wastes and backwash waters had been disposed of without treatment. 过去,沉淀的混凝废弃物与反冲水是不经处理而直接排放的。 The practice was justified on the basis that the returned material had originally been present in the river or lake. 基于这些返回的物质是河流与湖泊中原本就有的,这种做法 曾经被认为正确的。
Emphasis is placed on preventing magnesium hydroxide precipitation, since it inhibits dewaterability and processing for recovery of lime. 应当强调的是,由于氢氧化镁抑制脱水性能和 回收石灰的处理,要防止形成氢氧化镁沉淀。
Table 2-2 Treatment and Disposing of Water Treatment Sludges Storage prior to processing Sedimentation basins Separate holding tanks F1occulator-c1arifier basins Thickening prior to dewatering Gravity settling Chemical conditioning prior to dewatering Polymer application Lime addition to alum sludges
Professional English of water and wastewater engineering
Saving Water
The world is not only hungry, but also thirsty for water. This may seem strange to you, since nearly 75 % of the earth's surface is covered with water. But about 97% of this huge amount is sea water, or salt water. Man can only drink and use the other 3% -- the fresh water that comes from rivers, lakes,underground, and other sources. And we cannot even use all of that, because some of it is in the form of icebergs and glaciers. Even worse, some of it has been polluted. 世界不仅饥饿,而且因为缺水而干渴。你可能会觉得奇怪,因 为近75%的地球表面被水覆盖着。但是大约97%的数量庞大的海水, 或盐水。人只能喝,用其他3%——来自河流,湖泊,地下淡水,和 其他来源。我们甚至不能使用,因为它的一部分是在冰山和冰川的 形成。更糟糕的是,其中一些已经被污染了。
•给水工程——water supply engineering原水的取集和处理以及成品水输配的工程•排水工程——sewerage, wastewater engineering收集、输送、处理和处置废水的工程•给水系统——water supply system给水的取水、输水、水质处理和配水等设施以一定的方式组合成的总体•排水系统——sewerage system排水的收集、输送、水质处理和排放等设施以一定的方式再合成的总体•给水水源——water source给水工程所取用的原水水体•原水——raw water由水源地取来的原料水•地表水——surface water存在于地壳表面,暴露于大气的水•地下水——ground water存在于地壳岩石裂缝或土壤空隙中的水•苦咸水——brackish water,alkaline water碱度大于硬度的水,并含大量中性盐,pH值大于7•淡水——fresh water含盐量小于500mg/L的水•冷却水——cooling water用以降低被冷却对象温度的水•废水——wastewater居民活动过程中排出的水及径流雨水的总称•干管——main输送水的主要管道•泵站——pumping station泵房及其配套设施的总称•格栅——bar screen一种栅条形的隔污设备,用以拦截水中较大尺寸的漂浮物或其他杂物•曝气——aeration水与气体接触,进行溶氧或散除水中溶解性气体和挥发性物质的过程•沉淀——sedimentation利用重力沉降作用去除水中杂物的过程•过滤——filtration借助粒状材料或多孔介质截除水中杂物的过程•消毒——disinfection采用物理、化学或生物方法消灭病原体的过程•氯化——chlorination在水中投氯或含氯氧化物以达到氧化和消毒等目的的过程•余氯——residual chlorine水中投氯,经一定时间接触后,在水中余留的游离性氯和结合性氯的总称•水头损失——head loss水流通过管渠、设备和构筑物等引起的能量消耗•生活用水——domestic water人类日常生活所需用的水•进水间——intake structure取集原水而设置的各种构筑物的总称•沉砂池——desilting basin,grit chamber去除水中自重很大、能自然沉降的较大粒径沙粒或杂粒的水池•预沉池——pre-sedimentation tank原水中泥沙颗粒较大或浓度较高时,在进行凝聚沉淀处理前设置的沉淀池•快滤池——rapid filter应用石英砂或白煤、矿石等粒状滤料对自来水进行快速过滤而达到截留水中悬浮固体和部分细菌、微生物等目的的池子•虹吸滤池——siphon filter以虹吸管代替进水和排水阀门的快滤池形式之一,滤池各格出水相互连通,反冲洗水由其他滤水补给,每个滤格均在等滤速变水位条件下运行•清水池——clean-water reservoir为贮存水厂净化后的清水,以调节水厂制水量和供水量之间的差额,并为满足加氯接触时间而设置的水池•配水管网——distribution system将水送至分配管网以至用户的管系•环状管网——pipe network配水管网的一种布置方式,管道纵横相互接通,形成环状•枝状管网——branch system配水管网的一种布置方式,干管和支管分明,形成树枝状•合流制——combined system用同一种管渠收集和输送各种废水的排水方式•分流制——separate system用不同管渠收集和输送各种污水、雨水和生产废水的排水方式•生活污水——domestic sewage,domestic wastewater居民在日常生活中排出的废水•工业废水——industrial wastewater生产过程中排出的水,包括生产废水和生产污水•生产污水——polluted industrial wastewater被污染的工业废水,还包括水温过高,排放后造成热污染的工业废水•生产废水——non- polluted industrial wastewater未受污染或受轻微污染以及水温稍有升高的工业废水•城市污水——municipal sewage,municipal wastewater排入城镇污水系统的污水的统称,在合流制排水系统中,还包括生产废水和截留的雨水的•一级处理——primary treatment去除污水中的漂浮物和悬浮物的净化过程,主要为沉淀•二级处理——secondary treatment污水经一级处理后,用生物处理方法继续除去污水中胶体和溶解性有机物的净化过程•生物处理——biological treatment利用微生物的作用,使污水中不稳定有机物降解和稳定的过程地表水处理工艺Surface water treatment processWastewater treatment process原水用户Coagulant DisinfectorPumpingSludge treatment process♦Sludge thickening♦Sludge stabilization—— Digestion♦Sludge dewatering♦Sludge drying or incineration♦Sludge disposal or utilizationSome basic terms♦Combined system 合流制♦Separate system 分流制♦Domestic wastewater 生活污水♦Municipal wastewater 城市污水♦Self – purification 自净♦Activated sludge process 活性污泥法♦Biomembrane process 生物膜法♦Stabilization pond 稳定塘♦Oxidation ditch 氧化沟。
9ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
For example, activated carbon, chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and potassium permanganate are all used for taste and odor control. Excess chlorination, although least expensive, can create undesired trihalomethanes; activated carbon is the most effective chemical.
In the case of surface-water treatment plants it is desirable to provide space for the construction of additional pretreatment facilities. The flow in river may change due to construction of dams, channel improvements, or upstream water use.
In surface-water treatment plants equipment for feeding two or three taste- and odorremoval chemicals is usually provided, so the operator can select the most effective and economic chemical applications.
Effluent quality for any sedimentation process is dependent upon previous water quality, coagulants added, mixing, flocculation, and filtration. With the exception of presedimentation, sedimentation processes are usually preceded by coagulation and followed by filtration.
Байду номын сангаас
layout n. 规划, 设计, (书刊等)编排, 版面, rectangular adj. 矩形的,成直角的
New words and expressions
Inclined tube n. 斜管 effluent adj. 流出的 n.流出物, 出水 Spherical n. 球形的 球的 deposit n. 沉淀物 堆积物 ;储蓄 存款 Reinforced concrete n. 钢筋混凝土 controversial n. 争论的 争议的 Innovation n. 改革 创新 inclination adj. 倾斜, 弯曲, 倾度, 倾向, 爱好 hexagonal adj. 六角形的 六边形的 backwash n. v. 反洗 反冲洗 module n. 模数,模块,组件
Settling basins are usually provided for chemical coagulation or softening.
During coagulation and softening the chemical reactions that take place in rapid mixing form precipitates. 2-1
Either aluminum hydroxide or iron hydroxide form during the case of coagulation , while calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide form during the case of softening. After forming the precipitates, it is necessary to bring them into contact with one another so that they can agglomerate and form larger particles, called flocs.
The mixing equipment consists of an electric motor, gear-type speed reducer, and either a turbine or axial flow impeller as shown in Fig. 2-4. 6-1
Clearly, if the chemical reactions in coagulating and softening a water are going to take place, the chemical must be mixed with the water.
In this section we will begin to look at the physical methods necessary to accomplish the chemical processes of coagulation and softening.
Mountain snowpacks are often important sources of water for irrigation and other purposes.
The snowfields serve as vast reservoirs that store water precipitation until spring thaws release it near the time it is required for irrigation.
(2) Water cycle is the most active exchange of energy and mass transfer processes in the earth
natural water cycle
(3) Water cycle is one of the most dynamic action cycle nature movement,constantly sculpture surface patterns
Rainfall runs off to the streams soon after it reaches the ground and is the cause of most floods.
Unfortunately, with the exception of the United Nations International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade from 1981 to1990, there has been little follow-up understanding and solving critical water issues, and much of the momentum of that earlier period has lost.
Harsh realities intrude on these dreams. As we approach the 21st century we must now acknowledge that many of our effort of harness water have been inadequate or misdirected.
Fresh water is a fundamental resource, integral to all environmental and societal process. Fresh water ←→ salt water Water is a critical component of ecological cycles. Aquatic ecosystems harbor diverse species and offer many valuable services.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834), in his classic poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”, effectively described the principal characteristic of the earth’s water resources when he wrote, “water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink”. 97% of all the water on earth is salt water – unsuitable for drinking or growing crops. The remaining 3% is fresh water, comprising a total volume of about 35 million km3.an tradition, the waters of the earth originate in the fountains of the Garden of Eden, which divided into the world’s great stream: the Nile, the Tigris, the Euphrates, the Indus, and the Ganges.
UNIT 1给水工程water supply engineering排水工程sewetage engineering市政工程civil engineering 市政工程师civil engineer环境工程en vir onmen tal engin eeri ng 水文学hydrology 水力学hydra nlies水环境n atural aquatic en vir onment流域watershed 水体waterbody地表水surface water新鲜水freshwater 地下水groun dwater 含水层aquifer天然含水层natural aquifer地下含水层underground aquifer水文循环natural hydrologic cycle 渗滤infiltration 降水precipitation 渗入precolation 蒸发evaporation 蒸腾transpiration 城市水文循环urban hydrologic cycle 水源water source水资源water resource取水water withdrawal 水处理water treatme nt 配水water distributio n 用水water use 污水wastewater废水abwasser废水收集wastewater collect ion 废水处理wastewater disposa受纟内水体recei ving waters 污染polluti on pollute 污染物poll ntant玷污、污染contamination致污物contaminant未污染uncontaminated水污染water polluti on水污染控制water pollution control 水污染防治water pollution prevention 污水回用wastewater reuse UNIT 2水短缺water scarcity地表水资源surface water resource管网Pipe Network供水系统water supply system市政配水系统municipal distribution system 建筑给水系统house water supply system分区供水系统dual distribution system 小区micro district小社区small com mun ity冷水供水系统cold water supply system热水供水系统hot water supply system消防系统fire protecti on system喷淋系统fire protection sprinkler system 自动水幕系统automatic drencher system 半自动水幕系统semi automatic dren cher system消火栓hydra nt排水系统drai nage system生活排水系统sa nitary system工业排水系统in dustrial system雨水排水系统stormwater system合流制combined sewers分流制separate sewers建筑排水系统buildi ng drain age system卫生洁具plumbi ng fixtures卫浴设备bathroom fixtures输水系统water transmission system漏水率leakage rate配水系统water distribution system环状管网grid system支状管网branching system下水管道sanitary sewer污水节流管intercepting sewer污水节流系统intercepting sewer system亏水节流井sewage intercepting cell支管collecti on sewer collector sewer生活污水san itary sewagedomestic sewage domestic wastewater工业污水in dustrial wastewater 工业污水/ 液/ 物in dustrial wastes农业用水agricultural wastewater/wastes雨水rain water stormwater水位waterlevel海拔、标高elevation坡度grade倾斜度slope明渠Open cha nnel2开挖excavati on深度excavati on depth水力分析hydraulic an alysis 水头pressure head 总水头total headUnit 3水头损失Head loss速度头动压头Velocity head静压Static head摩擦水头Friction head水力坡度线Hydranlic grade line 重力流Gravity flow 水塔Water castle贮水箱Cistern 泵站Pump statio n给水泵站Water pump station污水泵站Sewage station提升泵站Lift pumping pla nt 增压泵Booster pump 离心泵Cen trifugal pump 潜水泵Submer sible pump 潜水艇Submeri ne深井泵Well pump虹吸虹吸管Siphon人孔Man hole法兰Fla nge阀门Valve闸阀Gate valve泵送系统Pumpi ng system 流量Flow rate 流速Fluid velocity层流Lam inar flow滞流粘性流viscous flow 过渡流Transitional flow 湍流Turbulent flow 紊流Turbule nee flow 涡流Eddy ing flow雷诺数Teynolds number水质Water guality 水源Water sources供水水源Water supples 原水Raw water未处理水Un treated water出水Fini shed water原水水质Raw-water quality 水质标准Water quality standards水质要求Water quality requireme nts 饮用水Drink water\potable water 自来水Tap water 纯水Pure water饮用水标准Drinking water standards饮用水一级标Primary drinking water standards最大允许浓度Maxmum permissible levelsmaxmum allowable levels最大污染物浓度Maxmum eontaminant levels主要污染物Primary eontaminants 有机化合物Organic chemicals合成有机化合物Synthetic organic chemicals挥发性有机化合物V olatile organic ohemicals 无机化合物Inorganic chemical 微生物Micro organisms'microbes 微生物污染Microbial con tam inants病原微生物Pathogenic micro organismS病原体Pathogenic病毒Pathoge nic bacterin纟田菌Bacteria大肠杆菌Coliform bacteria 病毒Viruses 藻类Algae 浊度Turbidity放射性Radio nuclide感官性状Esthetic qualities 审美Esthetic 味Taste 嗅Odo 色Colour变色Discolouratio n 变色Discolor水质物理参数Physical parameters of water quality水的物理性质Physical quality of water 浊度值Turbidity values 浊度单位Turdidity unit 浑浊单位Turdid嗅阈值Threshold odor number化学性质Chemical quality水质化学参数Chemical parameters of water quality溶解氧Dissolved oxygen (DO 溶解氧浓度Do leveI溶解氧平衡Do balanee氧损Oxygen depletion有机污染物Organic pollutant生化需氧量Biochemical oxygen dema nd (BOD 总氮Total nitrogen (TN3总凯式氮Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN 悬浮固体Suspended solids (SS总悬浮固体Total suspended solids (TSS溶解Dissolved (DS总溶解Total dissolved (TDSUnit 4溶解的铁和锰Dissolved iron and manganes硬度Hardness碱度Alkalinity 盐度Sali nity有害物质Toxic and hazardous materials氰化物Cyanides急性毒性Acute toxity 慢性毒性Chronic toxity 基因毒性Genetic toxicity 基因Gene难降解有机化合物Refractory organic chemicals永久性有机污染物Persistent organic pollutants 致癌化学性Carcinogenic chemicals三卤甲烷Trihalo methanes卤素Halogen 甲基Methyl氯仿Trichloromethane三氯甲烷Chloroform杀虫剂农药Pesticide害虫Pest杀虫剂In secticide除草剂Herbicide杀菌剂Germicide细菌Germ防腐剂Preservative保证Preserve清洗剂Clea ning age nt洗涤剂Deterge nt发泡剂Foam ing age nt泡沫Foam 化肥Fertilizer 肥沃的Fertile富营养化Eutrophicatio n营养的Trophic营养水平Trophic level生态位NicheUnit 5原污水Raw sewage原废水Raw wastes处理水Treated wastes回用水Redaimed water水处理过程Water processing攵集Collect 处置Dispose处理方法Treatment method处理费用Treatment costs处理单元Treatment process 运行模式Operati onal mode间歇处理方式Batch treatment approach均匀均化Equalization 均匀Equalize调蓄水池Equalizati on storage 调节池Equalizati on tank 蓄水池Storage tank 降解Degrade 分解Decompose分离Separate隔离Separati on物理法Physical process物理处理Physical treatme nt物理处理过程Physical treatment process^级处理Primary treatment初步处理Preliminary treatment 格栅筛滤Screening格栅Screen格栅Bar screen栅条Bars钢栅条Steel bars渣耙Clea ning rakes圆形破碎机Circular grinder 破碎Grind 除砂Degritting 砂Grit 沙Sand除砂Grit removal 沉砂池Grit chamber 沉淀Settli ng沉淀池Settli ng tank 澄清池Clarifier初澄清池Primary clarifier 初沉池Primary settli ng tank —级出水Primary efflue nt 二级处理Secondary treatment二级处理工艺Secondary treatment proces生物处理Biological treatment 二澄清池Secon dary clarifier 二沉池Secon dary settli ng tank4最终澄清池Final clarifier最终沉淀池Final settling tank 二级出水Secondary effluent三级处理Tertiary treatment 深度处理Advaneed treatment废水消毒Waste disinfection 出流出水Effluent flow 允许浓度Allowable levels优异出水High-quality polished effluent 废水处理厂Wastewater treatment plant 污水处理厂Sewage treatment plan二级处理厂Secondary treatment plan城市污水处理Muni cipal wastewater treatme nt市政工程Mun icipal engin eeri ng 土木工程Civil engin eeri ng 城市污水处理厂Municipal wastewater treatment plant污水处理能力Sewage treatment capacity 电容Capacita nee污水处理设施Municipal treatment facilities 多反应器设施Multi-reactor facility 处理池Treatme nt tank 负荷Load 负荷Load ings水力负荷Hydrautic loadi ng污染负荷Polluta nt load有机负荷Orga nic load无机负荷Inorganic load不含化肥、农药无机的Unorganic周期性负荷Periodic(intermitlent loading第五部分:物化处理1 .混凝n. coagulation混凝过程coagulati on process化学混凝chemical coagulati on 凝聚n. aggregati on 絮凝n. flocculati on v. flocculate异向絮凝perik in etic flocculati on 同向絮凝orthok in etic flocculati on 混凝剂n. coagula nt混凝剂投量coagulant dosage烧杯实验jar test最佳混凝剂投量optimum coagulant dosage助凝剂coagulant aid助凝剂flocculatio n aid聚电解质n. polyelectrolytes J快速混合flash-mix , rapid-mix快速混合器flash mixer ,rapid mixer混合池mixer tank快速混合池flash-mix tank 絮凝器n. flocculator 絮凝池flocculation tank固体接触池solids-contact tank澄清n. clarification v. clarify澄清池n. clarifier高负荷澄清池high rate clarifier 澄清水clarifying water2 .沉淀n. sedimentation沉降n. sedimentation 自由沉降plain settling 拥挤沉降hindered settling重力沉降gravity settling 沉淀池settling tank沉淀池,沉降池sedimentation tank矩形沉淀池rectangular settling tank圆形沉淀池circular settling tank 管式沉淀池tube settler斜管沉淀池steeply inclined tube settler板式沉淀池parallel-plate settler 板式沉淀池plate separator气浮n. floatati on泡沫分离foam separation溶气气浮dissolved-air floatati on 气浮池floatati on tank表面撇渣装置surface-skimming device撇去v. skim 浮渣n. scum浮渣槽scum trough 舌U泥机sludge scraper排泥sludge drawoff sludge withdrawal预沉淀n. presedime ntati on 预沉淀池presedime ntatio n bas in3. 过滤n. filtration 滤池n. filter 慢滤池slow filter快滤池rapid filter高速(负荷)滤池high rate filter砂滤池sand filter慢砂滤池slow sand filter快砂滤池rapid sand filter重力滤池gravity filter压力滤池pressure filter过滤介质,滤料filter medium 石英砂silica sand无烟煤n. an thracite硅藻土diatomaceous earth煤—砂滤床coal-sand beds多层滤料multilayered media 混合滤料mixed media双层滤料滤池dual media filter双层滤池two-layer filter粗滤料coarse media细滤料fine media 助滤剂filter aid滤后水,滤出水filtered water滤后水,滤池出水filter effluent滤前水,滤池进水filter in flue nt 浊度穿透turbidity breakthrough 过滤周期filter cycle 清洗周期cleaning cycle 舌U砂法scraping method表面刮砂surface scraping反冲洗backwashing水力反冲洗hydraulic backwashing水力反冲洗hydraulic backwash水力分级hydraulic grad ing4. 消毒n. disi nfectio n v. disi nfect消毒剂n. dis in fecta nt dis in fecti on age nt 杀菌剂n. germicide消毒过程disi nfectio n process消毒畐【J产物disinfection by-products 氯化n. chlorination v. chlorinate氯化水chlori nated water 预氯化n. prechlori natio n氯化消毒副产物by-products of chlori nati on 化学消毒剂chemical dis in fecta nts 液氯liquid chlorine , liquefied chlorine 氯胺n. chloramines次氯酸盐hypochlorites次氯酸钠sodium hypochlorite 二氧化氯chlorine dioxide 臭氧n. ozone臭氧化,臭氧消毒n. ozonation臭氧化v. ozonate紫外线(UV ultraviolet radiation (UV 伽马射线gamma radiation灭活n.in activatio n v. in activate接触时间contact time 需氯量chlori ne dema nd力卩氯量,投氯量chlorine dosage , applied chlorine自由氯,游离氯free chlorine ,free available chlori ne化合氯comb ined chlori ne 剩余保护residual protect ion 余氯residual chlori ne 余氯量chlori ne residual自由余氯free residual chlorine 自由氯余量free chlorine residual 化合余氯combined residual chlorine化合氯余量combined chlorine residuals折点氯化(法)breakpoint chlorination 折点氯化曲线breakpoint chlorination curve 折点加氯量breakpo int dosage氯折点chlori ne breakpo int压力钢瓶pressured steel cylindei臭氧发生器ozone generato需臭氧量ozone dema nd 剩余臭氧量ozone residual 剩余臭氧residual ozone致病微生物,病源微生物pathoge nic microorga ni sms病原体n. pathoge ns致病细菌或病毒pathogenic bacteria or viruseS ffl菌n. bacteria大肠杆菌coliform bacteria阿米巴氏菌amoebic cysts抱子,芽抱n. spores病毒n. viruses 藻类n. algae原生动物n. protozoa65. 氧化n. oxidati on 还原n. reducti on 氧化剂n. oxida nt强氧化剂strong oxidiz ing age nt高级氧化法(AOP advaneed oxidation process高级氧化工艺(AOP advaneed oxidation process高级氧化过程(AOP advaneed oxidation process高级氧化技术(AOTadva need oxidati on tech no logy6. 吸附n. adsorpti on活性炭(AC activated carb on粉末炭(PAC powdered activated carbon粒状炭(GAC granu lar activated carb on 颗粒活性炭(GAC granular activated carbon活性炭纤维(ACF activated carbon fiber 再生n. rege nerati on v. rege nerate吸附剂n. adsorbe nt吸附质n. adsorbate吸附塔,吸附柱adsorption column 吸附床adsorption bed空床接触时间empty bed con tact time吸附带mass transfer zone快速小柱试验rapid small scale column test生物活性炭(BAC biological activated carb on7. 离子交换n. ion exchange离子交换树脂ion exchange resin离子交换器ion exchanger离子交换柱ion exchange column硬度n. hardness除硬hard ness remova软化n. softe ning v. softe n化学软化chemical softening 沉淀软化precipitation softening 除盐,脱盐n. desalt in ati onv. desalt去矿化n. dem in eralizati on v. dem in eralize离子交换软化法ion exchange softening proces离子交换除盐法ion exchange desalt ing process复床comb ined bed 混合床mixed bed8. 膜分离membra ne separatior微滤n. microfiltrati on 超滤n. hyperfiltrati on 纳滤n. nano filtrati on 反渗透reverse osmosis渗透n. osmosis半透膜semipermeable membra n电渗析n. electrodialysis 渗析n. dialysis9. 其它处理方法中和n. neutralization v. neutralize酸性废水acidic wastes化学沉淀chemical precipitati on沉淀软化precipitati on softe ning 电解n. electrolysis电除盐(EDI n. electrodeionization 吹脱、汽提法n. stripping冷却n. cooling冷却水cooling water冷却塔cooling tower第六部分生物处理生物反应器n. bioreactor微生物n. microorganismsn. microbes微生物种群microbial population 混合群落mixed communities 细菌n. bacteria 原生动物n. protozoa 真菌n. fungi 轮虫n. rotifers 生长n. growth繁殖n. reproduct ion 世代时间gen erati on time 生长速率growth rates环境因子environmental factors生态因子ecological factors微生物生长动力学microbial growth kinetics 1.迟滞期lag phase2.对数生长期exponential-growth phase 3减速生长期decling growth phase稳定期stati onary phase4.内源呼吸阶段en doge nous stag内源生长期en doge nous growth phase7内源呼吸en doge nous respiratio n底物,基质n. substrate底物(基质)利用substrate utilization 生物量n. biomass生物反应biological reaction 生物氧化biological oxidation 生物降解n. biodegradation生物降解性n. biodegradability生物可降解的,可生物降解的 a. biodegradable不可生物降解的a.non biodegradable生物处理biological treatme nt废水生物处理biological wastewater treatment废水生物处理系统biological wastewater treatment system污水生物处理系统biological sewage treatment system生物处理法biological treatment process生物处理装置biological treatment unit 串联in series悬浮生长处理法suspended-growth treatment processe生物固体biological solids 活性污泥activated sludge附着生长处理法attached-growth treatment processe附着的微生物attached microbes微生物附着生长attached microbial growth生物膜n. biofilm代谢n. metabolism v. metabolize稳定,稳定化n. stabilizationv. stabilize生物代谢biological metabolism 微生物代谢microbial metabolism 好氧的 a. aerobic好氧菌aerobic bacteria好氧微生物aerobic microorganisms好氧氧化aerobic oxidation 厌氧的 a.an aerobic厌氧菌an aerobic bacteria厌氧氧化an aerobic oxidati on 兼性的 a. facultative兼性菌facultative bacteria 好氧环境aerobic en vir onment 厌氧环境an aerobic en vir onment 营养物n. nu trie nts无机营养物inorganic nu trie nts 营养物去除nu trie nt removal营养物生物去除biological nu trie nt removal 脱氮除磷n itroge n and phosphorus removal 生物硝化biological nitrification 硝化菌nitrifying bacteria生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological deni trificatio n 生物除磷biological phosphorus removal1 .活性污泥法activated sludge process微生物n. microorga nisms n. microbes细田菌n. bacteria生物絮体biological floc 微生物絮体microbial floc 活性污泥activated sludge絮状活性污泥flocculate-bacterial sludge回流活性污泥(RAS returned activated sludge回流污泥returned sludge回流污泥recycled sludge剩余污泥excess sludge废活性污泥(WAS waste activated sludge废污泥waste sludge曝气池aeration tank 曝气池aerati on bas in 曝气池aerati on chamber完全混合曝气池completely mixed aeration basin活性污泥池activated sludge tank 曝气n. aerati on 混合n. mixi ng曝气系统aeratio n system曝气器n. aerator压缩空气compressed air空气压缩机,空压机air compressor鼓风机,风机n. blower循环/切换n. cycling/switchover扩散装置,扩散器n. diffuser空气扩散装置,空气扩散器air diffuser鼓泡空气扩散装置(扩散器)bubble air diffuser微气泡扩散装置(扩散器)fin e-bubble diffuser 扩散板plate diffuser 扩散管tube diffuser 扩散罩dome diffuser微气泡扩散曝气fine-bubble diffused aeration微气泡fine-bubble 大气泡coarse- bubble 静态混合器static mixer机械曝气系统mechanical aeration systems8机械曝气mechanical aeration表面曝气surface aeration表面曝气器surface aerator 需氧量oxyge n dema nd 供气量air supply氧转移效率oxygen tansfer efficiency可沉降固体settleable solids挥发性固体volatile solids非挥发性固体non volatile solids挥发性悬浮固体(VSS volatile suspended solids混合液mixed liquor混合液悬浮固体(MLSS mixed liquor suspended solids混合液挥发性悬浮固体(MLVSS mixed liquor volatile suspe nded solids污泥沉降比(SV settling velocity污泥容积指数(SVI sludge volume index比耗氧速率(SOUR specific oxygen uptake rate污泥龄sludge age曝气池容积aeration tank volume曝气时间aeration period曝气时间aeration time水力停留时间(HRT hydraulic residence time 水力负荷hydraulic loading BOD 负荷BOD loadi ng普通活性污泥法conven ti on al activated sludge proces传统活性污泥法conventional activated sludge proces标准活性污泥法standard activated sludge process传统活性污泥厂conven ti on al activated sludge pla n阶段曝气活性污泥step aeration activated sludge proces分段v. step进水负荷in flue nt load分段进水step loadi ng渐减v. taper渐减曝气tapered aeration接触稳定活性污泥法contact stabilizatio n activated sludge proces再曝气n. reaerati on 曝气一沉淀一再曝气aerati on-sedime ntati on-reaeration完全好氧处理法complete aerobic treatme nt proces高负荷(完全混合)活性污泥法high-rate (completely mixed activated sludge proces延时曝气活性污泥法extended aeration activated sludge proces延时曝气法extended aeration process 延时曝气extended aeration氧化沟oxidation ditch水平转刷horizontal rotor转刷曝气rotor aeration 笼型转刷caged rotor吸附一生物降解工艺(AB 法adsorption-biodegradation process序批式活性污泥法(SBR 法sequencing batch reactor (SBR process序批式活性污泥法(SBR 法sequential batch reactor (SBR processSBR 法SBR process序批式反应器(SBR sequencing batch reactor (SBR序批式反应器(SBR seque ntial batch reacto 初沉primary clarificati on 曝气n. aerati on二沉sec on dary clarificati on 初沉池primary clarifier 二沉池sec on dary clarifier 泵送系统pump ing system活性污泥法activated sludge proces变体n. variantSBR运行周期SBR cycle处理周期process cycle进水阶段fill phase进水阀in flue nt valve 反应阶段react phase沉淀阶段settle phase清水,上清液clear water上清液n. supernatant排水阶段draw phase滗水阶段deca nt phase滗水装置deca nt mecha nism闲置阶段,待机阶段idle phase营养物去除nu trie nt removal营养物生物去除biological nu trie nt removal 碳源carb on source硝化n. nitrification v. nitrify硝化菌n itrify ing bacteria 反硝化n. den itrificati on v. den itrify9脱氮n. den itrificatio n生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological denitrification缺氧一好氧脱氮工艺(A/O法anoxic-oxic process厌氧一缺氧一好氧法(A2/O 法anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic process A-A-O 法同步脱氮除磷工艺anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic process兑氮除磷nitrogen and phosphorus removal厌氧氨氧化(ANAMMOX an aerobic ammon ium oxidatio n 生物除磷biological phosphorus remova膜生物反应器(MBRmembrane biological reactor 2生物膜法生物膜n. biofilm生物膜反应器biofilm reactor生物滤池n. biofilter生物过滤n. biofiltration旋转布水器rotary sprinkler填料n. pack ings 塑料管状或蜂窝状填料plastic tubular or hon eycomb-shaped pack ing滴滤池trickling filter普通生物滤池trickling filter高负荷生物滤池high-rate filter塔式生物滤池tower biofilter 曝气生物滤池(BAF biological aerated filter 生物转盘法biodisc process 生物转盘rotat ing biological con tactor生物转盘n. biodisc塑料盘片plastic discs轻质盘片lightweight discs水平轴horizontal shaft生物粘液biological slime粘液层slime layer生物流化床biological fluidized bedbiological fluidised bed生物流化床反应器fluidized-bed bioreactor移动床生物膜反应器(MBBRmovin g-bed biofilm reactor3.厌氧生物处理发酵n. fermentationv. fermentate产酸细菌n. acidogens产甲烷细菌n. methanogens产酸阶段acidogenic phase产甲烷阶段methanogenic phase水解n. hydrolysis v. hydrolysis 产酸发酵acidogenic fermentation产氢产乙酸H 2-producing acetogenesis产甲烷metha nogen esis产酸菌acid formers 产甲烷菌metha ne formers ,metha ne-form ing bacteria有机酸orga nic acids挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs volatile fatty acids硫酸盐还原sulfate reduction硫酸盐还原菌sulfate-reducing bacteria上流式厌氧污泥床(UASBupflow an aerobic sludge bla nket上升流速upflow velocity厌氧折流板反应器(ABRan aerobic baffled reactor两段或两级厌氧生物处理two-stage an aerobic biotreatme nt两相厌氧生物处理two-phase an aerobic biotreatme n产酸相acidoge nic phase 产甲烷相metha nogenic phase消化n. digesti on v. digest消化池n. digestor厌氧消化an aerobic digestio n 污泥消化sludge digestio n 厌氧消化池an aerobic digestor厌氧接触法an aerobic con tact proces s 氧膨胀床反应器an aerobic expa nded-bed reactc厌氧流化床反应器an aerobic fluidized-bed reactor10厌氧生物转盘an aerobic rotati ng biological con tactor4.自然生物处理系统自然净化系统natural purification system 稳定塘stabilization ponds stabilization lago ons 氧化塘oxidati on ponds土地处理系统land treatment systems废水土地处理land treatment of wastewater 净化过程purification process 自然净化natural purification污水塘sewage lago on稳定塘stabilizati on ponds stabilizatio n lago ons氧化塘oxidati on ponds 好氧塘aerobic pond 兼性塘facultative pond好氧生化反应aerobic biochemical react ion 厌氧生化反应an aerobic biochemical reacti on 厌氧分解an aerobic decompositi on 厌氧分解decompose an aerobically好氧稳定aerobic stabilizati on 纟田菌n. bacteria 藻类n. algae微型植物microscopic plants 出流,出水effluent flow光合作用n. photosynthesis厌氧塘an aerobic pond 曝气塘aerated pond修饰塘polishi ng pond 熟化塘maturati on lago on深度处理塘advaneed treatment pone三级处理塘tertiary treatment pond土地处理工艺(过程)land treatment processe d键因素critical factors 土壤类型soil type 气候n. climate土地处理系统land treatment systemS慢速土地处理系统slow rate land treatme nt system低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatme nt system三级处理水平tertiary treatment level灌溉n. irrigation v. irrigate土壤的天然过滤和吸附性质natural filtration and adsorption properties of soil投配的废水applied wastewater 垄一沟表面布水ridge-a nd-furrow surface spreadi ng喷洒布水系统,喷灌布水系统spri nkler systems快速渗滤土地处理系统rapid in filtrati on land treatme nt system渗滤一渗透土地处理infiltration-percolation land treatment快速渗滤rapid in filtratio n快速渗滤法rapid infiltration method过滤作用filtering action吸附作用adsorption action地表漫流土地处理系统overland flow land treatment system地表漫流overland flow 径流集水沟runoffcollection ditch物理、化学和生物过程physical , chemical , and biological processe 湿地n. wetla nd天然湿地n atural wetla nd 人工湿地con structed wetla nd man-made wetla nd 第七部分:污泥处理、处置与利用污泥n. sludge生活污水污泥sewage sludge污泥体积,污泥量sludge volume原污泥,生污泥raw sludge新鲜污泥,生污泥fresh sludge消化污泥,熟污泥digested sludge?昆合污泥mixed sludge污泥处理sludge treatment污泥处置sludge disposa最终处置ultimate disposal 填埋n. Iandfill 污泥减量sludge volume reduct ion 污泥稳定化sludge stabilizatio n(污泥)浓缩n. thickening 污泥浓缩sludge thickening稳定,稳定化n. stabilization v. stabilize 稳定了的污泥stabilized sludge调理(调节)n. conditioning v. condition 脱水n. dewatering v. dewater干化n. drying 污泥干化场sludge drying bed污泥干燥heat drying干燥器n. dryer污泥焚烧,污泥焚化n. incineration焚烧炉,焚化炉n. incinerator污泥浓缩sludge thickening物理过程physical process含水过多的污泥watery sludge稀污泥thin sludge 处理装置treatment unit 浓缩池n. thickener 重力浓缩gravity thickening 重力浓缩池gravity thickener 圆形污水沉淀池circular sewage sedimentation tanl刮泥机sludge scrape搅拌作用stirring action 底流n. underflow 浓缩的底流thickened underflow 浓缩污泥thickened sludge 出水n. efflue nt 上清液n. super nata n溢流v. overflow 堰n. weir 气浮浓缩floatation thickening 溶气气浮dissolved-air floatation 气浮池floatation tank 入流污泥in flue nt sludge 污泥絮体sludge flocs 撇去v. skim 漂浮污泥层float ing sludge layer 污泥消化sludge digestion 消化池n. digester 消化池装置digester unit 消化n. digestion v. digest 有机固体organic solids 生化分解biochemical decomposition好氧消化aerobic digestion 好氧污泥消化aerobic sludge digestion好氧消化过程aerobic digestionprocess活性污泥池activated sludge tank预制的(成套)活性污泥处理系统prefabricated (package activated sludge treatme nt systen H 制9的接触稳定或prefabricated con tact stabilizati on or延时曝气处理系统exte nded aerati on treatme nt systems BOD 负荷BOD loadi ng 细胞物质cellular mass 内源衰亡en doge nous decay 11 厌氧消化an aerobic digestion 厌氧污泥消化an aerobic sludge digestion有盖的圆形池covered circular tank 消化过程digesti on process厌氧消化过程an aerobic digesti on process生化反应biochemical reactions有机酸organic acids挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs volatile fatty acids 甲烷气methane gas末端产物end product指示剂n. indicator 污泥消化池气体sludge digester ga污泥沉淀sludge settling污泥储存sludge storage消肖化污泥digested sludge充分消化的污泥well-digested sludge消化池上清液digester supernatant中温消化mesophilic digestion 高温消化thermophilic degestion污泥脱水sludge dewatering混合堆肥co-composting 污泥处理总成本overall sludge-handling costs第八部分:第八部分:废水回用地表水资源surface water resource地下水资源groundwater resource水短缺water scarcity 回用n. , v. reuse废水回用wastewater reuse直接回用direct reuse直接废水回用direct wastewater reuse 间接回用in direct reuse 间接废水回用in direct wastewater reuse出水处理efflue nt treatme nt 回用水reclaimed water 排放n. , v. discharge 保留n. rete nti on 循环n. recycling v. recycle 咅E分处理n. partial treatment最终用途end use城市污水回用mun icipal wastewater reuse灌溉n. irrigatio n 景观灌溉Ian dscape irrigati on 地下水回灌groundwater recharge市政回用municipal reuse直接市政回用direct municipal reuse 深度处理,高级处理advaneed treatmen分质供水系统dual-distribution system间接市政回用in direct mun icipal reuse 供水系统,给水系统water supply system 取水口n. in take 天然同化能力n atural assimilative capacit y 人工回灌artificial recharge 深井注射deep-well injection 浅表布水shallow surface spreading渗透n. percolation 工业回用in dustrial reuse工艺废水,过程废水process wastewater工艺补充水,过程补充水plant process makeup wate冷去卩塔水cooling tower water 选择性处理optional treatment 水费water costs 回用的城市污水reclaimed municipal wastewaterX 业过程in dustrial processes冷却水cooli ng water 锅炉给水boiler feedwater 灌溉回用irrigation reuse 废水直接灌溉direct irrigation with wastewater 低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatme nt system间接灌溉回用in direct reuse for irrigati on 废水排放wastewater discharge雨水回用storm water reuse可回用水reusable water ParUX:第九部分:第九部分:投资成本,投资费(用)capital costs建设成本,建设费(用)construction costs运行成本,运行费(用)operating costs能耗成本energy costs运行维护operation and maintenance运行控希9 operational control 控制系统control system仪表/控制系统instrumentation/control system自动控制系统,自控系统automatic con trol system 12。
(给水排水工程)Unit 01 Introduction
2020/7/21 信言不美,美言不信。善者不辩,辩者不善。知者不博,博者不知。 14
Public outcry resulted in the commissioning of the first major public health engineering works of modern times; Bazalgette’s intercepting sewers which collected sewage discharges and conveyed them downstream of London for discharge to the estuary, and water abstraction from Teddington on the non-tidal part of the river.
为了改善当时的状况,1847年通过了一项 法律:规定在伦敦必须把粪坑和厕所粪便排 人下水道。
2020/7/21 信言不美,美言不信。善者不辩,辩者不善。知者不博,博者不知。 11
London’s sewers drained to the Thames, from which much of the city’s water was obtained, and in addition the poor state of repair of many of the sewers allowed the contents to leak into the aquifer which was the other main source of water.
Conventional wastewater Treatment Processes
Conventional wastewater treatment consists of preliminary processes (pumping, screening, and grit removal), primary settling to remove heavy solids and floatable material, and secondary biological aeration to metabolize and flocculate colloidal and dissolved organics. 传统的废水处理包括初步处理(提升,筛选和除砂),初沉 去除重金属固体和漂浮物质,二级曝气生物代谢和絮凝去除 胶体和溶解的有机物。 Waste sludge drawn from these unit operations is thickened and processed for ultimate disposal (Fig.3~3). 从这些单元操作产生的污泥,被浓缩以便最终处理(图 3〜 3)。
Flotation is used to remove fine suspensions, grease and fats and is performed either in a separate unit or in a pre-aeration tank also used for grit removal. 气浮是用于去除细小悬浮物,油脂和脂肪,要么是在一个单独的处理 单元或在预曝气池用于除砂。 If adequate pretreatment is provided by petroleum industries and meatprocessing plants, flotation units are not required at a municipal facility. 在石油工业和肉类加工厂处理中,如果有足够的预处理,气浮单元在 市政设施是不需要的。 Flocculation with or without chemical addition may be practiced on highstrength municipal wastes to provide increased primary removal and prevent excessive loads on the secondary treatment processed. 无论有没有化学添加剂的絮凝过程,高浓度的市政污水必须经过足够 的预处理,防止在二级处理中有过度负荷。
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• 朱满才等。建筑类专业英语——给水排水与环境保 护(第1册)。北京:中国建筑工业出版社,出版 时间1997年6月
• 傅兴海,褚羞花。建筑类专业英语——给水排水与 环境保护(第2册)
• 张文杰濮宏魁编,建筑类专业英语——给水排水与 环境保护(第3册)
• 李田编著。大学专业英语阅读教程(给水排水与环 境工程)。上海:同济大学出版社,2001
1 水资源及其形成与特性
水资源 Water resource 地表水 Surface water 地下水 Groundwater
新词和短语New Words and phrases
1. Specific yield 单位产水量
Specific [spi‘sifik] 比的,相对的,单位的;特定的 Yield [ji:ld] An amount yielded or produced; a product.生产
24. Gravel 砾石
1 水资源及其形成与特性
25. Permeability
n.(名词) 【复数】per.me.a.bil.i.ties The property or condition of being permeable. 渗透,渗透
性:可渗透的特质或状态 The rate of flow of a liquid or gas through a porous material.
0 引言‐给水排水专业英语概论
• 给水工程 water supply engineering 原水的取集和处理以 及成品水输配的工程。
• 排水工程 sewerage ,wastewater engineering 收集、输送、 处理和处置废水的工程。
• 给水系统 water supply system 给水的取水、输水、水质 处理和配水等设施以一定方式组合成的总体。
技能提升Capacity improvement
学术英语Academic English for WWE
工程英语Engineering English used in project
0 引言‐给水排水专业英语概论
1 水资源及其形成与特性
23. porosity 多孔性,有孔性,孔隙率
Porosity 多孔性, 有孔性 n.(名词) 【复数】po.ros.i.ties The state or property of being porous. 有孔性,多孔性:有孔或多孔的状态或特性 A structure or part that is porous. 多孔部分或多孔结构 The ratio of the volume of all the pores in a material to the volume of the whole. 孔隙率:一材料中孔隙的总体积与整个材料的体积之间 的比率
2. Removal of waste materials by means of a sewer system.排污: 通过排水系统移去污物 3. Sewage. 下水道的污物 现代英语词典
n Abbr sanit (名词)缩写sanit
1. Formulation and application of measures designed to protect public health. 卫生措施: 为保护公众健康而设计或采取的措施 2. Disposal of sewage. 清除下水道污物
1 水资源及其形成与特性
33. Refuse 拒绝,谢绝;废物,垃圾 34. Dump 倾倒,倾卸;堆存处,垃圾堆 35. Unconfined aquifer 非承压含水层 36. Confined aquifer 承压含水层 37. Homogeneous 同类的,相似的;均匀的,均相的
【反】inhomogeneous 38. Aquaclude不透水层,难渗透水的地层(aquiclude) 39. Offset 偏移;偏移量vt.弥补, 抵销, 用平版印刷 40. Sophisticated 复杂的,需要专门技术的
水力学及水泵Hydraulics and pump:明渠流的概念,性 质及特点;与水泵有关的专业背景知识,水泵的构造, 水泵的作用
0 引言‐给水排水专业英语概论
室内管道工程(建筑给水排水工程)(Building water supply and drainage engineering),plumbing system:介绍室内管道 的背景及现状及有关专业术语
• Sanitary engineering 卫生工程 • Environmental engineering 环境工程 • Civil engineering 土木工程 • Plumbing
0 引言‐给水排水专业英语概论
(美国传统词典) n.(名词) 1. A system of sewers.排水系统
• Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse (第4版)Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. (George Tchobanog lous, FranklinL. Burton, and H. David StenselMa cGraw‐Hill Companies, Inc.) 北京:清华大学 出版社,2003
水污染物种类及其危害Water pollution, contaminants, water hazard:水环境保护的基本知识、 水污染种类及其危害;工程 师在消除水污染中的作用。
给水工程Water supply:给水工程的主要设备及其作用、构 成等,给水水量来源及其影响因素;水处理目的,水处理基 本方法;水净化系统工艺流程。为何要进行过滤,过滤工作 原理。
1 水资源及其形成与特性
水资源的重要性Vitality of Water resources
Water for life:International Decade for Action 2005‐2015:WATER IS ESSENTIAL FOR LIFE. Water is crucial for sustainable development, including the preservation of our natural environment and the alleviation of poverty and hunger. Water is indispensable for human health an dwell‐being.
水及其形成与特征Water , and its formation and characteristics: 水在工业生产、农业生产以及人们日常生活中的重要作用, 水源的分类。地表水的类别、地下水的形成及水文学、水 文地质学。
0 引言‐给水排水专业英语概论
水质及水的分析、监测与水质标准water quality, water analysis, water measurement,water standard:河流中水质 变差的原因,地下水水质变差的原因;水分析的基本 指标如:颜色,臭与味,浑浊度,导电性与电阻性, 温度,pH值等介绍。水质检测的必要性及其基本方法 及水处理若干术语解释等;根据城市用水性质,介绍 常见的几种水质标准。
tap water 自来水
9. Swampland 沼泽地 10. Capillary 毛细的;毛细管 11. Hygro- [词头]湿,液体 12. Hygroscopic 吸湿的hygroscopic moisture
1 水资源及其形成与特性
13. Stratum 地层 14. Aquifer 含水层 15. Saturation 饱和层 16. Hydrostatic 水压的,流体静力学的
2. Mass curve 累积曲线
1 水资源及其形成与特性
3. Capital investment (总)投资 4. Recurring natural event 再现历史事件 5. Subterranean 地下的
Submerged 淹没的
6. Groundwater 地下水 7. Surface water 地表水 8. Tap
0 引言‐给水排水专业英语概论
排水工程Wastewater engineering:污水收集系统,设计污水管道应 注意的主要问题;与微生物有关的专业背景知识,微生物在物质转 化过程中的作用,污水处理是如何用微生物处理有机物的;生物处 理用途及影响因素;污水处理的基本流程及其发展;活性污泥法的 涉及及其存在的问题
• 王春丽,米海蓉。给水排水工程专业英语。哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工程大学出版社,2006
0 引言‐给水排水专业英语概论
• Water Treatment Handbook ,Degrémont (得利 满公司,France), 1991 (sixth edition, two volu mes)
Hydrostatic pressure 静水压力
17. Water table 水位 18. Phreatic surface 地下水水位,浅层地下水面 19. Superficial 表面的,表观的,浅薄的 20. Unconfined 无限制的,无约束的 21. Permeameter 渗透仪 22. Clay 黏土,泥土
• 排水系统 sewerage system 排水的收集、输送、水质处 理和排放等设施以一定方式组合成的总体。
0 引言‐给水排水专业英语概论
基本要求 Basic requirements