谈判口语期末考试 问题
谈判学期末考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 谈判的最终目标是()。
A. 达成协议B. 赢得对方C. 获得最大利益D. 建立长期合作关系答案:A2. 在谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的沟通技巧?()A. 倾听B. 重复对方的话C. 打断对方D. 提问答案:C3. 谈判中的BATNA指的是()。
A. 最佳替代方案B. 最差替代方案C. 最佳谈判协议D. 最差谈判协议答案:A4. 以下哪项不是谈判中常见的策略?()A. 红脸白脸B. 让步C. 威胁D. 沉默答案:D5. 在谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的开场策略?()A. 建立信任B. 明确目标C. 立即提出最终报价D. 展示专业知识答案:C6. 以下哪项不是有效的谈判结束技巧?()A. 总结协议要点B. 确认双方满意C. 立即离开D. 感谢对方答案:C7. 在谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的压力策略?()A. 制造紧迫感B. 威胁退出C. 保持冷静D. 利用信息不对称答案:C8. 以下哪项不是有效的谈判准备步骤?()A. 研究对方B. 确定自己的需求和目标C. 制定替代方案D. 立即接受对方的第一次报价答案:D9. 在谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的让步策略?()A. 逐步让步B. 无条件让步C. 交换让步D. 有条件让步答案:B10. 以下哪项不是有效的谈判技巧?()A. 保持灵活性B. 避免冲突C. 坚持己见D. 寻求共赢答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 以下哪些因素会影响谈判的结果?()A. 双方的实力对比B. 双方的需求和目标C. 谈判的环境和氛围D. 谈判的时间限制答案:ABCD12. 在谈判中,以下哪些行为可能破坏双方的关系?()A. 人身攻击B. 威胁对方C. 隐瞒信息D. 寻求共赢答案:ABC13. 以下哪些是有效的谈判策略?()A. 利用权力B. 建立信任C. 制造信息不对称D. 寻求共同利益答案:BD14. 在谈判中,以下哪些是有效的沟通技巧?()A. 倾听B. 重复对方的话C. 打断对方D. 提问答案:ABD15. 以下哪些是有效的谈判结束技巧?()A. 总结协议要点B. 确认双方满意C. 立即离开D. 感谢对方答案:ABD三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)16. 谈判中,强势的态度总是能够带来更好的结果。
推销谈判期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在推销谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的开场白策略?A. 直接陈述产品优势B. 通过提问引起兴趣C. 讲述一个引人入胜的故事D. 直接要求对方购买2. 推销谈判中,以下哪个选项是建立信任的关键?A. 强调价格优势B. 强调产品功能C. 展示专业知识D. 夸大产品性能3. 推销谈判中,以下哪个策略有助于打破僵局?A. 增加价格压力B. 重申产品优势C. 提出新的解决方案D. 威胁撤回谈判4. 在推销谈判中,以下哪个行为是不合适的?A. 认真倾听对方需求B. 适时展示产品特性C. 打断对方讲话D. 适时提供证据支持5. 推销谈判中,以下哪个选项是关于产品演示的正确做法?A. 仅展示产品外观B. 演示产品的核心功能C. 演示与客户需求无关的功能D. 演示产品的所有功能...(此处省略其他选择题)二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述推销谈判中如何有效地展示产品特性以吸引潜在客户?2. 描述在推销谈判中如何处理客户的异议,并举例说明。
3. 阐述推销谈判中达成协议的关键步骤。
三、案例分析题(每题25分,共50分)1. 假设你是一名销售代表,你的产品是一款新型智能手表。
2. 你所在的公司推出了一款新的健康食品,需要与一家大型连锁超市进行谈判。
答案一、选择题1. D. 直接要求对方购买2. C. 展示专业知识3. C. 提出新的解决方案4. C. 打断对方讲话5. B. 演示产品的核心功能...(此处省略其他选择题答案)二、简答题1. 在推销谈判中,有效地展示产品特性以吸引潜在客户,首先要了解客户的需求和兴趣点。
商务谈判与沟通技巧期末测试题1. 谈判的构成要素 *谈判主体(正确答案)谈判客体(正确答案)谈判目的(正确答案)2. 商务谈判中的谈判对象不能自由选择 [单选题] *对错(正确答案)3. 以经济利益为目的是商务谈判的本质特征 [单选题] *对(正确答案)错4. 谈判对手信息的收集包括 *预估对方在谈判中的各项指标(正确答案)弄清对方的谈判期限(正确答案)对谈判对手进行信用调查(正确答案)明确谈判对手的权限(正确答案)5. 收集信息的目的是 *预判事物发展趋势(正确答案)降低做抉择时的风险(正确答案)6. 本企业信息的收集包括 *己方的产品成本(正确答案)己方对有关商业行情的了解程度(正确答案)自我需要的认定(正确答案)国家相关政策7. 谈判者顺从对方的需要,设身处地替对方着想,容易实现谈判成功。
[单选题] *对(正确答案)错8. 为了争取长远利益,舍弃一些无关紧要的利益或者眼前利益,也是一种谈判策略。
[单选题] *对(正确答案)错9. 谈判者的最高要求是在不影响安全需要的同时,尽可能使对方得到满足。
[单选题] *对错(正确答案)10. 商务谈判的“三方针”是指 *谋求一致(正确答案)皆大欢喜(正确答案)以战取胜(正确答案)11. 哈佛“原则谈判法”包括哪几个要点 *把人与问题分开(正确答案)着眼于利益而非立场(正确答案)提出互相得益的选择方案(正确答案)坚持使用客观标准(正确答案)12. 以下哪些行为属于心理挫折时的主要行为反应 *言行过激(正确答案)退化(正确答案)畏惧退缩(正确答案)盲目的固执(正确答案)13. 谈判的特点有哪些? *实现和满足利益需求的行为(正确答案)谈判者相互作用的过程(正确答案)一种协商和协调过程(正确答案)14. 谈判者自身能力的欠缺是商务谈判中产生心理挫折的原因之一 [单选题] *对(正确答案)错15. 研究和掌握商务谈判心理的意义 *有助于培养谈判人员自身良好的心理素质(正确答案)有助于揣摩谈判对手心理,实施心理诱导(正确答案)有助于恰当地表达己方心理(正确答案)有助于恰当地掩饰己方心理(正确答案)有助于处理好各种复杂的谈判问题(正确答案)16. 商务谈判人员应具备的心理素质 *必胜的信心(正确答案)足够的耐心(正确答案)合作的诚心(正确答案)果断的决心(正确答案)17. 情绪宣泄有直接宣泄和间接宣泄两种。
二、单项选择题(每小题1分,共15分)1、谈判前应该如何进行准备( A )A、认真准备B、重要的谈判准备,不重要的谈判不准备C、从来不准备D、适当准备2、在信息模式要素中,必不可少的要素是(B )A、人员、事物、媒体B、信源、信道、信宿C、网络、广告、机制D、认知、态度、行为3、在处理谈判中的问题时,应该(A )A、对事不对人B、对人不对事C、既对事又对人D、既不对事又不对人4、谈判地点设在对方的好处(D )A、可以处理谈判以外的其它事情B、便于谈判人员请示、汇报、沟通联系C、节省旅途的时间和费用D、可以排除干扰,全身心地投入谈判5、(A )是一个敏感的政治冲突地区,在谈生意时,要尽量避免涉及政治问题A、中东B、美国C、日本D、德国6、(A )策略是指一点一点地要求,积少成多,以达到自己的目的。
A、以退为进B、得寸进尺C、出其不意D、声东击西7、最后报价的主要目的是(A )A、试探对方B、表明已方态度C、促进成交D、掩盖真实意图8、卖方经常采用的“人质”战略有(C )A、先侵犯卖方的利益,再商谈补救措施B、先将材料使用,再谈改变付款条件C、收取较多货款,支付较少货物D、先将购进的设备安装妥当,然后要求退换9、( C)是对付强硬措施的有效办法。
商务谈判 期末考试题
1.Negotiation is an element of (human) behavior2.issues that are(negotiable)3. takes…between…who have same (interests)4.Negotiation takes…when…but also in (giving).5.Negotiation takes…when negotiating parties (trust)…6.The size of negotiating…limited to a (team) of…7.If more experts…they should attend as (role handing)and (support) to…team. They should not have a (chief) brief. Experts and specialists need (training) just…8.The difference between a successful and an (unsuccessful)…ability to (close) a deal…its (maximum) level of distributing (enough)…The deal….when the (agenda) has…9.If we are carrying out…(lasting)…that organization.10.If they are the only people…(strong)…(weak)position.11.If we are the stronger/dominant party..(quick).Then…(c lose) to…minimum requirenment.12.If we are the weaker/subordinate…(either) quick deal (or)…(oppenet).If there is no clear…(be to hold back).13.It is said that (90%) of…with the (4%)…to be difficult.14.The strategy” apparent withdrawal”…(forbearance)..little (deception).15.Conflicts can provide new (information) about situation. ~bring a (problem) into.. can deal with. ~provide a new (perspective) on a situation. ~produce new (ideas) or new (approaches) to…~lead to a better (understanding) of oneself…It is important that…(maximize)…and (minimize)…of conficts.16.At the start of…then to (assess)..;..the (differences) between; to analyze the (strengthes)of…(next negotiation).17.The first principle…keep it ( flaid ) .The.. (espace routes).The.. use (times breaks)…between meetings.18.Bargaining to our advantage…~At the (beginning)…wants and interest. ~Assess the (situation)..handle it. ~Prepare for each…(round) of bargaining. ~Influence the other…achieve (satisfaction) and.. down . ~Influence the situation..(Bluff)and (brinkmanship)..through it to be. ~Concede ata..(parable) with.. by others. ~Keep the negotiating.. Avoid(i mpasses).~ Recoginze imminent settlement…is(written)up…(equal satisfaction).19. In international business..(observe)local customs.20.Deal-focused people..(task-oriented) while. .more (people-oriented)rmal cultures value. .in ( status nd (power).22.I n rigid-time cultures (punctuality)…(rarely) interrupted.23.People of expressive..(uncomfortable). .during a conwersation.24. Most Europeans shake hands..(less)..but(more)..most (Asians).25.Germans feel more.. whose (shoes) are brightly polished.26. The Germans will be..(reasons) for...27.France is the land..(Red tape) can be.. governement-run companies.28. The English are (reserved). they communicate.1) Are you negotiable?你的立场有磋商的余地吗?2)I'm sure there is some room for negotiation.我肯定还有商量的余地3) Before we have anything to negotiate, you have to make me an offer.在我们开始谈判之前,你要先出个价才行.4) We could add it to the agenda.我们可以把他也列入议程5) Would anyone like something to drink before we begin?在我们开始之前,有人想要什么饮料吗?6) See what I can do.看看我还能进尽些什么力7) I would if I could.要是我能做到的话,我一定会做8) I know I can count on you.我知道我可以拜托你9) We'll come out from this meeting as winners.这次会议的结果我们都会是赢家10) I'll try to make you happy.我会以尽量使你满意1) There’s a great demand for our new product.我们的新产品市场需求很大2) This product has good prospects.这种产品的前景很是看好3) We need to talk about the basic terms of the transaction.我们需要讨论一下基本的交易条件4) If your prices are reasonable and the quality is satisfactory, we shall place substantial orders with you.如你房价格公道,质量令人满意,我们将大量进货5) It’s unwise for both of us to insist on his own price. Can we each make some concession? 双方坚持各自的价格是不明智的,我们可否都做些让步?6) If you cannot reduce your price, we’d rather call the whole deal off.如果你方不肯降价,我方只好放弃这笔交易.7) If you want to expand your business in this market, you have to take flexible ways in adopting payment terms.如果你方向扩大这个市场的业务,就应该采取更灵活的付款方式8) We regret that we cannot accept your demand for direct shipment.很遗憾我们不能接受你方直运的要求9) This product has many advantages compared to other competing products.同其他竞争产品进行比较,这项产品有许多优点10)I’m very glad that we have finally come to an agreement. We’ll go on to other terms and conditions tomorrow. Is it all rig ht with you?很高兴我们最终达成的了协议。
商务谈判期末考试试题一、选择题1. 商务谈判的目的是什么?A. 实现双方共赢的结果B. 迫使对方妥协C. 展示自己的实力D. 获取最大的利润2. 下列哪种因素可能会影响商务谈判的结果?A. 双方的文化差异B. 谈判地点的氛围C. 对方的个人魅力D. 谈判的时间长度3. 在商务谈判中,下列哪个行为是不可取的?A. 维持自己的立场B. 倾听对方的意见C. 提出合理的建议D. 使用威胁或恶意4. 在商务谈判中,下列哪个策略可以增加自己的谈判力?A. 客观评估自己的利益和底线B. 采用强硬的谈判态度C. 忽视对方的需求和利益D. 尽可能多地让步5. 商务谈判的谈判准备包括以下哪些方面?A. 确定谈判的目标和利益B. 分析对方的利益和底线C. 制定谈判的策略和计划D. 执行谈判协议和合同二、简答题1. 请简要解释什么是BATNA,并说明在商务谈判中它的作用。
2. 商务谈判中,什么是"中立地带",它为什么是重要的?3. 在商务谈判中,如何处理对方的抛出的具体数字或提议?4. 商务谈判中,如何处理对方的困难或拖延战术?5. 商务谈判中,是否存在双赢的可能性?请解释并给出一个例子。
商务谈判 期末考试题
1.what is business negotiation ?negotiation is an element of human behavior . negotiationtakes place only over issues that are negotiate .negotiation takes place only between people who have the same interests. Negotiation takes place only when negotiators are interested not only in taking but also in giving . Negotiator takes place only when negotiating parties trust each other to some extent.2.Characters of business negotiation :1.with a common goal but divergent methods.2.thesatisfaction of both parties .3.share open information in common 4. Try to understand .5.achieve common and complementary objectives acceptable to them both.6.redistnbute the uneven potential 7.everything is negotiable .8 zero-sum game.3.Conflicts :1.parties in conflicts are interdependent 2.contradictions and interestscoexist.3.two parties in a conflict will naturally fight for each others own interests and make every effort to gain more from the other side , as a result it will result it will reduce gain of interests expected mitially.4.The basic principle of negotiation :1.euqality principle.2.sincere cooperaton.3.keep it flexibleand fluid .5.翻译人员:1.look at conterparts but not the mterpreters .2.the respective interpreters shouldtranslate when their team speaks .3.speak in clear short sentences and never for longer than30 seconds at a time .4. sated just to the rear of negotiators .5. willing to accept yourinterpretation may be wrong. 6. Never show public displeasure .save criticistns afterwards .7.always keep interpreters close at hand and maintain their confidence.6.谈判的阶段:1.pre-negotiation .2.face to face negotiation .3. post-negotiation .7.怎样开头:1.arouse curiosity by asking a question related to your talk .2. say somethinghumorous .3.start off with an interesting news item .4.begin with a specific illustration or case, which tends to lend an air of seriousness and reality to your talk .5. open with the impact of a profound quotation .6.show a visual illustration of your mainpoints.7.open with a simple explanation of how your topic affects the common interests of listeners .8. start off with a shocking statement .9.casually comment on something that has just happened or been said at the meeting if it ties into your presentation.8.怎样结尾:1.summarizing and briefly outlining the main points you cover .2. appeal foraction .3. pay the listeners a sincere compliment by making reference to their organization, state or other aspect of common interest .9.How to deliver questions .1.one way is to lay the foundation for asking them.2 .the secondmethod of assuring the reliability of answers to your questions is through the use of the tactic called “bipolar questioning“10.There are some alternatives that you may use on how to answer when questioned :1.leavingthe other person with the assumption that he has been answered .2. Answering incompletely .3. answering inaccurately .4.leaing the other person without the dire to pursue the question process further.11.What qualifies to be a good negotiator? 1. A good listener . 2. Open –minded .3. willing to dothe homework to determine her/his interests , objective and alternatives 4. Well-prepared .12.谈判人员的个人素质personal characteristics .1. shrewdness 2. Patience .3. adaptability .4.endurance 5. Gregariousness .6 .concentration 7. The ability to acticulate 8.sense of humor .13.How big should the team be .it is quite important to keep the team as small as possible .1.when your team has to operate overseas , then you will have a lot of fights ,groundtraspot ,meals hotels, communication and conference centers munication is a source of strength within the negotiation team 3.presenting a unified front is key.14.在自己地盘上谈判的优点:(held in your own territory):1. It enables you to get the approvalthat may be necessary on problems that you did not anticipate 2. It prevents the other side from concluding the negotiation prematurely and leaving ,which he might do if he is in his own office ..3. you can take care of other matters and have your own facilities awaiable while you are handling the negotiation .4. it gives you the psychological advantages of having the other side come to you .5. it saves your money and travelling time.(going to your o pposer’s home territory ) 1. You can devote your full time to do the negotiationwithout the distractions and interruptions that your office may produce .2 .you can withhold information , stating that it is not immediately awarable .3. you might have the option of going over your opposer’s head to someone in his high management .4. the burden of preparation is on the oppose and he is not free from other duties.15.As we start the bargaining process we need to take 2 steps “1. Get it clear .2 assess thesituation .16.The basic principal that govern concession in bargaining are .1. aconcession by one partymust be matched by a concession of the other party .2. it’sbetterfor the pace of concession to be as little as possible and the frequency of concession to be show .3. a party should track their concession to their own advantage , doing their best to give the other part plenty of satisfaction even if concession are small .4. a party must help the other party to see each of their concessions as being significant .5. move at a measured place towards the projected settlements point .6. reserve concessions until they are needed.17.The principal of breaking an impasse 1.in coping with these conflicts is “keep it fluid” 2. Is to“seeking easy escape routes “ 3. Use time brea ks either as recesses within a particular negotiation meeting or as breaks between meetings .18.Toward settlement (达成共识) 1.it should not be made too soon 2. It must be big enough tosymbolize closure .3. negotiation to our advantage demands the last half penny .4. gie him that satisfaction finally ,at the end of the negotiation .1. summarize 2. Produce a written record .3. identify action needs and responsibilities.19.Tactics towards agreement (达成协议的策略) 1.recessing 2. Settling deadlines 3. Fulldisclosure the straightforward statement .4. lubrication /the golf club 5. The study group .20.At what time should we use our recess? 1. At the end of a phase in the negotiation .2. beforeissue identification 3. When nearing an impasse 4. Team maintenance needs 5. Breaking a trough .21.What is the recommended procedure to get a recess? 1. State the need for arecess .2summarize and lookforward 3.agree on the duration of the recess 2. Summarize and lookforward 3. Agree on the duration of the recess. 4.avoid fresh issues .22.Value evaduation standard of business negotiation objectives 2. Negotiation efficiency 3. Thepersonal relationship after negotiating .23.Content of business negotiation summary .1. aspects that have direct relation withnegotiating process 2 . aspects concerning the opponent .24.Steps of business negotiating summary 1. Review the negotiating process and go over theminute .2. analyze and evaluate the negotiating .3. give suggestions of improvement 4.write the summary report25.Strategic consideration 1.repeatability 2.strength of both parties 3. Importance of the deal4.timw scale and negotiation resources26.Guidelines for strategic decisions :1.which must be made is the choice of the otherparty .2.how quick should negotiations proceed ? 3 how high to aim in strategic thinking .4.what sort of objectives .5.what style should be used to negotiate ?6. every deal with have special problems and opportunities27.“when”strategy 何时出击,何时叫停:1. Participation 2 .crossroads .3 blanketing 4. Salami 5agency 6 shifting levels .28.Developing self-control 1. Keep your emotions in check and so not let them over mind orinterfere with judgment .2 do not personalize the situation or the behavior of the other party , which includes realizing that their behavior is not a personal attack on you personally3. Make rational decisions to behave in a particular way in sprite of strong emotional feelingto behave the opposite way.29.If dealt with effectively, conflicts can lad to following benefits...1. Conflicts can provide newinformation about a situation .2. Conflicts can bring a problem into the open where it can be dealt with 3. Conflicts can produce new ideas or new approaches to solving problems, if creativity is used .5 .conflicts can lead to a better understanding of oneself, and one’s motivations, goals and behaviors.30.Promoting consensus in negotiation 促进谈判的一致性1. Establish an atmosphere inwhich people feel free to raise objectives 2. When asking opinions ,don’t define the expected results .3 in large-0scale and lengthy negotiations ,set up parallel , in dependent policy-making group or committees .4. if necessary ,periodically divide these group into subgroups .5 have represent actives of each group act in liaison with the other groups 6 invite experts who are not members of the group to challenge the views of core members. 31.Anticipating conflicts 1 distracting the opposition 2 lobbying 3. The force of contrast 4.Granting concessions。
商务谈判试卷A (开卷)一、填空(15分,每空1分)1、谈判的基本要素包括:、和谈判背景。
: 2、商务谈判中的标的、品质、包装、数量、付款方式等条款与价格条款没有实质的联: 系。
” “谈判是你输我赢的战争。
” “商务谈判是经营上的阴谋诡计。
第二天,日本人列出详细价目清单,报出总价180 万美元。
商务口语交际_北京语言大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.商务洽谈中,下列表达中哪句话是先提出自己的意见,然后询问对方意见?参考答案:C:我们可以优惠8%卖给您,您意下如何?2.在商务洽谈中,如何委婉地与对方讨价还价? A:贵方多少价格可以接受?B:参考答案:B:如果我们订购1000箱,那么贵方最高的优惠价是多少?3.听了A的话,B如何表示赞同更地道呢?A:如果你们这次验收通过了,我们就把你公司列为长期供应商。
B: 参考答案:B:请放心,我拿公司信誉担保,我们将毫无保留地向你们提供全部技术资料。
A、AkadeneiaB、Professianal C、特色D、前3项正确答案:D
10 “逻辑思维清楚,抓住重点。”是属于谈判组组长哪方面素质。()
商务谈判期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 商务谈判中,以下哪项不是谈判的基本原则?A. 公平性原则B. 互利性原则C. 竞争性原则D. 诚信性原则2. 商务谈判中,以下哪种策略是不合适的?A. 让步策略B. 拖延策略C. 进攻策略D. 合作策略3. 商务谈判中,以下哪种沟通方式最为有效?A. 单向沟通B. 双向沟通C. 非语言沟通D. 书面沟通4. 在商务谈判中,以下哪种行为是不可接受的?A. 保持礼貌B. 尊重对方C. 威胁对方D. 倾听对方5. 商务谈判中,以下哪种信息收集方式是无效的?A. 市场调研B. 竞争对手分析C. 内部信息共享D. 随意猜测二、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 商务谈判中,双方应该始终保持强硬立场。
()2. 谈判的目的是为了达成双方满意的协议。
()3. 在商务谈判中,价格谈判是最重要的环节。
()4. 谈判中,一方的让步意味着另一方的胜利。
()5. 谈判者应该避免在谈判中使用任何形式的威胁。
()6. 商务谈判中,信息的收集和分析是无关紧要的。
()7. 谈判者应该在谈判中展示自己的弱点。
()8. 谈判中,建立信任是至关重要的。
()9. 谈判者应该避免在谈判中使用任何形式的欺骗。
()10. 商务谈判中,文化差异是不可逾越的障碍。
()三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 请简述商务谈判中常见的五种谈判策略,并给出每种策略的适用场景。
2. 描述商务谈判中如何处理文化差异,并给出具体的例子。
3. 解释商务谈判中“双赢”的概念,并阐述如何实现“双赢”谈判。
四、案例分析题(每题15分,共30分)1. 假设你是一家跨国公司的商务谈判代表,你正在与一家潜在的供应商进行谈判。
2. 你所在的公司正在与一家外国公司进行一项重要的合作谈判。
谈判口语期末考试 问题教案资料
谈判口语期末考试问题潮汕职业技术学院2010-2011学年度第二学期09级国际贸易专业《外贸口语》期末考试要求You can choose one of the following modules to take part in the examination.Module OneDirections:1. Find a partner to form a group by yourself.2. Draw lots from the following topics, prepare for a role-play in five minutes, and act out.Requirements:1. Your presentation must be focused on the topic and performed at least 3 minutes. You can use some props.2. You must try to make your pronunciation clear and standard.3. Please act it out without your notes.Topic 1,Make a friendly talk about establishing business relations, making an inquiry and an offer.Topic 2,Work out a dialogue between the waiter and customer in a restaurant to order dishes.Topic 3,Make a dialogue between the client and sales manager in the factory or corporation tours.Topic 4,Work out a dialogue between the customer and assistant at the showroom, commodities fair or exhibition.Topic 5,Work out a dialogue between the buyer and seller to negotiate the price for an order.Topic 6,Work out a dialogue between the parties to discuss the complaints, disputes, claims and settlement.Module TwoDirections:1, You are required to draw lots from the following situations and given five minutes to prepare, then, have a dialogue at least 3 minutes with the teacher.2, You should focus on the content listed and add as many facts and negotiation skills as you can.3. Try to make your pronunciation clear and standard. Try to be active and carry out the dialogue smoothly.Situation 1,You, the trade representative of Golden Gate Trading Co. Ltd. in Australia, are very interested in the ceramic products of Chao Zhou Ceramics Import and Export Corporation after visiting the Guangzhou Fair.You come to the corporation to make a general inquiry on the dishes products so as to establish business relations with them.Now, you are with the manager of the Sales Department of Chao Zhou Ceramics Import and Export Corporation in the office having a friendly talk.Situation 2,Janet, your customer from Singapore, is on a business trip in Puning to visit your factory. Now, you have a luncheon appointment with her at a local restaurant to entertain her some delicious Chinese Food especially the Chaoshan snacks, e.g. Chinese jasmine tea, spring rolls, Puning tofu, Puning noodle, etc.Situation 3,You are the sales manager of E&C Co. Ltd. Shenzhen. E&C is an electronic product producer, having years of producing cell phones.Miss Chen, the sales representative from E&X. E&X is an electronic product importer from India. You are having a heated discussion on the price of order NO.123 for 1000 cell phones. The unit price offered is 500 Yuan.As Miss Chen considers your offer is rather high, you try to persuade her to accept your quotation.Situation 4,There is a telephone call about complaint and settlement.Janet, an importer from London, has placed an order with you, Guangdong Native Product Import and Export Corporation, for some canned vegetables.Unfortunately, the goods arrived in London yesterday have some problems. First, 10% of canned vegetables are outdated. Second, 10% of the goods are leaking.Now, Janet is calling to see the settlement. You, the sales manager, answer the phone and handle the problems.。
商务谈判期末考试试题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的开场策略?A. 直接进入主题B. 建立良好的第一印象C. 进行适当的寒暄D. 立即提出己方条件2. 在商务谈判中,以下哪种行为属于文化敏感性的表现?A. 忽略对方的文化背景B. 坚持己方的谈判习惯C. 尊重对方的谈判风格D. 拒绝对方的任何提议3. 商务谈判中,以下哪种策略是利用信息不对称优势?A. 公平交易B. 信息共享C. 隐瞒关键信息D. 公开所有信息4. 在商务谈判过程中,以下哪项不是有效的沟通技巧?A. 积极倾听B. 避免使用专业术语C. 打断对方发言D. 清晰表达自己的观点5. 以下哪项不是商务谈判中常见的让步策略?A. 逐步让步B. 一次性让步C. 条件性让步D. 坚决不让步6. 商务谈判中,以下哪种行为可能导致谈判失败?A. 保持冷静和专业B. 过分情绪化C. 展示诚意D. 寻求共赢解决方案7. 在商务谈判中,以下哪种情况不适合使用“红脸白脸”策略?A. 双方关系紧张B. 对方人数众多C. 双方地位平等D. 双方有长期合作关系8. 以下哪项不是商务谈判中的风险评估内容?A. 对方的信誉B. 谈判的法律风险C. 谈判的财务风险D. 对方的个人喜好9. 商务谈判中,以下哪种情况不适合使用“沉默”策略?A. 对方提出不合理要求B. 需要时间思考对方的提议C. 需要表达对对方的不满D. 需要给对方施加压力10. 在商务谈判中,以下哪种行为不属于有效的谈判技巧?A. 建立信任B. 利用对方的弱点C. 保持灵活性D. 避免冲突二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述商务谈判中建立信任的重要性及其方法。
2. 解释商务谈判中的BATNA(最佳替代方案)概念,并说明其在谈判中的作用。
3. 描述在商务谈判中如何处理文化差异以达成有效沟通。
三、案例分析题(每题25分,共50分)1. 假设你是一家跨国公司的商务谈判代表,你正在与一家外国公司就一项重要合同进行谈判。
口语期末考试题及答案一、自我介绍(每题2分,共10分)1. 请用英语介绍你的姓名、年龄和家乡。
答案:My name is [Your Name], I am [Your Age] years old, and I come from [Your Hometown].2. 描述一下你的大学专业和为什么选择它。
答案:I am majoring in [Your Major] because [Reasons for choosing the major].3. 谈谈你的兴趣爱好。
答案:My hobbies include [List of Hobbies], which I enjoy doing in my spare time.4. 请描述一下你的家庭。
答案:I have a family of [Number of family members],including [family members and their roles].5. 你如何看待团队合作?答案:I believe teamwork is essential because it allows us to combine our strengths and achieve more than we could individually.二、日常对话(每题3分,共15分)6. 你如何与朋友安排一次聚会?答案:I would first discuss with my friends about the date and time that works best for everyone, then decide on a location and activity.7. 如果你迷路了,你会怎么做?答案:I would ask a local for directions or use a map or GPS on my phone to find my way.8. 描述一下你最喜欢的食物。
∙《谈判技巧》期末考试新一、单选题(题数:50,共 50.0 分)1“开小会”是属于谈判的:()∙A、方式∙B、策略∙C、技能∙D、过程正确答案:B2“制造挡箭牌”是说谈判中要学会:()∙A、引导∙B、谦让∙C、拒绝∙D、体谅正确答案:C3(1)了解市场(2)表示诚意(3)吸引叶莺(4)帮助国感,是裴学德合资计划有:()∙A、(1)、(3)、(4)∙B、(2)、(3)、(4)∙C、(1)、(2)、(4)∙D、(1)、(2)、(3)正确答案:D4谈判定义的层次有:()∙A、目的、方式和过程∙B、方式、过程和结果∙C、目的、方式和结果∙D、目的、过程和结果正确答案:D5“囚徒两难”例子在现实中常出现类似情况的方面:()∙A、价格竞争∙B、环境保护∙C、价格竞争和环境保护∙D、生产竞争和小手竞争正确答案:C6谈判实验的两个选择是:()1.0 分∙A、继续与放弃∙B、反对与合作∙C、合作与欺骗∙D、诚信与欺骗正确答案:C7美国创造经济转向什么经济:()∙A、制造业∙B、工业∙C、服务业手工业正确答案:C8美国农工商界策略技巧有:()∙A、四个方面∙B、五个方面∙C、三个方面∙D、两个方面正确答案:B9谈判中眼神应该看的地方:()∙A、眼睛∙B、看看笔、写写字、看看人。
()∙A、读∙B、写∙C、说∙D、听正确答案:C11邮件在交往中最大的问题是:()∙A、不能见面不能签字∙C、不具备法律效力∙D、不可信正确答案:C12双方有占有率优势市场存在互补性,并后全球市场份额提升属于合并的:()∙A、背景∙B、优劣势∙C、可行性∙D、过程正确答案:C13(1)场合需要(2)赢时思考(3)反应时间(4)替罪羊,谈判翻译作用是:()∙A、(1)、(2)、(3)∙B、(2)、(3)、(4)∙C、(1)(2)(3)(4)∙D、(1)、(3)、(4)正确答案:C14全世界开车最讲究规则的是:()∙A、日本和美国∙B、美国和德国∙C、美国和英国∙D、英国和日本正确答案:A15在无序市场仅做一次交易应该选择:()∙A、合作∙B、交易∙C、诚信∙D、欺骗正确答案:D16谈判的方式有:()∙A、一对一和集体∙B、一对一和一对多∙C、多对一和集体∙D、一对多和集体正确答案:A17谈判组游戏情况种类:()∙A、一种∙B、二种∙C、三种∙D、四种正确答案:D18谈判阶段第二种划分:()∙A、开局、报价、还价、调整∙B、开局、报价、还价、收尾∙C、开局、还价、调整、收尾∙D、开局、报价、还价、拍板正确答案:D19朗讯科技公司总部所在国家是:()∙A、美国∙B、日本∙C、法国∙D、英国正确答案:A20合同与确认书根本区别是必须具备:()1.0 分∙A、交易作用∙B、文字材料∙C、法律条文∙D、签字仪式正确答案:C21属于谈判开局重要内容的是:()∙A、回忆愉快合作并夸大作用∙B、求同存异缩小不同点∙C、分中求和∙D、避开冲突清除对立正确答案:A工商管理分几个层次:()∙A、3个∙B、4个∙C、2个∙D、1个正确答案:B23丰田花冠汽车变速箱固定螺栓是应拧的圈数是:()∙A、两圈∙B、三圈∙C、三圈半∙D、正确答案:C24谈判开局的重要内容四是:()∙A、回忆合作夸大作用∙B、回忆共同的经历趣事∙C、对方的嗜好∙D、中间人正确答案:C25谈判中60%的信息传导者是:()∙A、肢体语言∙B、语言叙述∙C、∙D、图像正确答案:A26国际贸易过程的阶段有:()∙A、4个∙B、5个∙C、6个∙D、5个或6个正确答案:D27国外的好学校包含的板块:()∙A、Akadeneia∙B、Professianal∙C、特色∙D、前3项正确答案:D28大型谈判专题讨论分组的个数是:()∙A、一个∙B、两个∙C、三个∙D、四个正确答案:D29宗庆后和达能公司争端的规则环境是:()∙A、董事会∙B、中国的司法∙C、资本市场的平台∙D、管理层正确答案:B30有“总统俱乐部”之称的美国公司是:()∙A、凯雷∙B、徐工∙C、三一重工∙D、九城∙正确答案:A中国为中美建立永久贸易关系做出的努力:()∙A、领导参与∙B、使馆人员操作∙C、A、B、D三项都是∙D、国内密切配合正确答案:C32国内外一般谈判参加的合适人数是:()∙A、一人∙B、二人∙C、三人∙D、正确答案:D33谈判中对你极为不利时为了扭转局面你的让步将是:()∙A、一步到位∙B、等额∙C、增加(价)式∙D、大幅度递减正确答案:D34国美电器是谁创办的∙A、黄光裕∙B、宗庆后∙C、∙D、史玉柱正确答案:A 我的答案:A35谈判中的技巧别强求去用,要在适当场合中:()∙A、选择使用∙B、等待使用∙C、自觉使用∙D、自发使用正确答案:D36谈判内容(五)是:()∙A、回忆共同的经历趣事∙B、对方的嗜好∙C、中间人∙D、一定不要叫错对方的名字正确答案:D37克林顿政府基本策略技巧:()∙A、利益还支持∙B、请高威望政要坐镇∙C、A、B两项都不是∙D、A、B两项都是正确答案:D38谈判长协价对企业具有一定:()∙A、优越性∙B、发展性∙C、风险性∙D、长效性正确答案:C39叶莺的特长有:()∙A、一方面∙B、两方面∙C、三方面∙D、四方面正确答案:C40朱镕基对国有体制的改革是:()∙A、分流、下岗、减员、就业∙B、分流、下岗、减员、增效∙C、下岗、减员、就业、增效∙D、分流、减员、就业、增效正确答案:B41徐凯谈判总结(1)共赢(2)向逼否案(3)外因作用(4)乘胜追击()∙A、(1)、(2)、(3)∙B、(2)、(3)、(4)∙C、(1)、(2)、(4)∙D、(1)、(3)、(4)正确答案:A42三一重工手段(1)安插间谍(2)利用舆论(3)积极合作(4)乘胜追击()∙A、(1)、(2)、(3)∙B、(2)、(3)、(4)∙C、(1)、(2)、(4)∙D、(1)、(3)、(4)正确答案:C43谈判途径书写与图像更多的是:()∙A、2对1∙B、多对11对1∙D、1对多正确答案:D44《清明上河图》的作者是:()∙A、齐白石∙B、徐悲鸿∙C、张择端∙D、苏轼正确答案:C45目前发展成中国最大家电零售企业的国美电器的创办者是:()∙A、杜辉廉黄光裕∙C、宗庆后∙D、梁伯韬正确答案:B46谈判中一步到位让步的前提条件是:()∙A、卖方热情∙B、双方明白∙C、买方犹豫∙D、双方没底正确答案:B47建立自信的两个基础对象是:()能力和经验∙B、能力和阅历∙C、能力经验阅历和单位∙D、经验阅历和单位正确答案:C48谈判中间的技巧:()∙A、掌握对方信息∙B、隐瞒自己的信息∙C、散步假信息∙D、前三项都是正确答案:D49语言的调度要注意的方面是:()∙A、不说负面语、多说奉承话、换表述方式∙B、多说奉承话、换表述方式、多用反问句∙C、不说负面语、多说奉承话、多用反问句∙D、不说负面语、换表述方式、多用反问句正确答案:D50号称“中国式离婚”的拉锯战的商务谈判双方是:()∙A、中国钢协与巴西淡水河谷∙B、娃哈哈与达能∙C、日本旧铁与巴西淡水河谷∙D、易网与九城正确答案:B二、判断题(题数:50,共 50.0 分)1中国感光行业不包括胶卷生产业。
谈判口语期末考试 答案
谈判口语期末考试Topic 1:Make a friendly talk about establishing business relations, making an inquiry and an offer。
Allen xie:I’m from the Hong Kong ABC Trading Company, Ltd. This is my card.Jack ye:You are welcome to our corporation. Take a seat ,please.Allen xie:I learned from one of my friends that you are dealing in the export of electronic products. I am paying you a visit with a view to entering into business relations with you.Jack ye:Thank you for coming, Mr. Allen xie. I’m glad you are going to be one of our new customers. Allen xie:You know, ours1 is a big company in Hong Kong. And we have wide connections with many wholesalers2. We trust we can find good market for your products in Hong Kong.Jack ye:Thank you. And maybe you are aware that our products have been introduced to many countries in the world, and met with warm reception3 there. We hope through our joint efforts, business will develop between our two companies.Allen xie:Sure it will. Now we are interested in your computer software. Will you show me your catalogue and some other materials?Jack ye:Here is a latest catalogue for your reference4. If you are interested to know more about any of the items in it, just ask me, please.Allen xie:All right. By the way, our bankers are the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation5 in Hong Kong. You may refer to it for our financial status6.Jack ye:Thank you for the information.Allen xie:I’m afraid I must be leaving now. We shall contact you again and inform you of the result, after making a study of your catalogue.Jack ye: We’ll be waiting for your favorable news. Good-bye!Topic 2:Work out a dialogue between the waiter and customer in a restaurant to order dishes.服务员和客人在餐馆点菜。
商务谈判技巧考试试题一、选择题(每题 3 分,共 30 分)1、在商务谈判中,以下哪种开场白方式不太恰当?()A 以轻松友好的话题开场,营造和谐氛围B 直接切入谈判主题,表明自己的立场和要求C 先询问对方的近况,拉近彼此距离D 夸赞对方的成就或优点,赢得好感2、当对方提出不合理的要求时,以下哪种应对方式较为明智?()A 立即拒绝,表明态度坚决B 沉默不语,让对方自行意识到问题C 先表示理解,然后提出合理的替代方案D 与对方争论,试图说服对方放弃3、商务谈判中,倾听对方发言时,以下哪种做法不正确?()A 保持专注,不打断对方B 边听边思考如何反驳C 适当点头或用简短的语言回应,表示在听D 记录关键信息4、在价格谈判中,以下哪种策略通常更有效?()A 一开始就给出最低价格,以吸引对方B 逐步降低价格,显示诚意C 坚守价格底线,不轻易让步D 先报出高价,预留谈判空间5、当谈判陷入僵局时,以下哪种方法有助于打破僵局?()A 暂停谈判,休息一段时间B 更换谈判人员C 提出新的解决方案D 以上方法均可6、谈判中,要想有效地传达自己的观点,以下哪种方式效果更好?()A 用大量的数据和事实说话B 运用生动形象的比喻C 从对方的利益角度出发阐述D 大声强调自己观点的正确性7、了解对方的谈判底线,以下哪种途径最可靠?()A 直接询问对方B 观察对方的肢体语言和表情C 分析对方之前的谈判案例D 向第三方打听8、在谈判结束阶段,以下哪个环节最为关键?()A 总结谈判成果B 确认后续的执行细节C 表示感谢和友好D 以上环节都很重要9、对于谈判中的模糊信息,应该采取的态度是?()A 忽略不管,等待对方解释B 及时追问,明确含义C 按照自己的理解去解读D 与对方争论,确定正确的解释10、以下哪项不是商务谈判中应具备的心理素质?()A 自信B 耐心C 冲动D 冷静二、简答题(每题 10 分,共 30 分)1、请简述商务谈判中提问的技巧及作用。
1. 下列哪个不是商务谈判的基本原则?
A. 诚实信守
B. 合作共赢
C. 软硬兼施
D. 单方面破坏
2. 在商务谈判中,以下哪种心态是不利于谈判成功的?
A. 积极乐观
B. 急功近利
C. 灵活应对
D. 坚守原则
3. 下面哪个不是商务谈判中的经典交锋技巧?
A. 大局观
B. 小动作
C. 天花乱坠
D. 实事求是
4. 在商务谈判中,以下哪种方法是不恰当的?
A. 听取对方意见
B. 不听对方解释
C. 追求共同利益
D. 独断专行
1. 商务谈判的基本原则是什么?请简要阐述。
2. 请列举并介绍商务谈判中常见的几种谈判技巧。
3. 在商务谈判中,如何处理对手的不同意见或争执?
4. 商务谈判中的“BATNA”原则是什么意思?如何运用它来提升谈判策略?
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
09级国际贸易专业《外贸口语》期末考试要求You can choose one of the following modules to take part in the examination.
Module One
1. Find a partner to form a group by yourself.
2. Draw lots from the following topics, prepare for a role-play in five minutes, and act out.
1. Your presentation must be focused on the topic and performed at least 3 minutes. You can use some props.
2. You must try to make your pronunciation clear and standard.
3. Please act it out without your notes.
Topic 1,
Make a friendly talk about establishing business relations, making an inquiry and an offer.
Topic 2,
Work out a dialogue between the waiter and customer in a restaurant to order dishes.
Topic 3,
Make a dialogue between the client and sales manager in the factory or corporation tours.
Topic 4,
Work out a dialogue between the customer and assistant at the showroom, commodities fair or exhibition.
Topic 5,
Work out a dialogue between the buyer and seller to negotiate the price for an order.
Topic 6,
Work out a dialogue between the parties to discuss the complaints, disputes, claims and settlement.
Module Two
1, You are required to draw lots from the following situations and given five minutes to prepare, then, have a dialogue at least 3 minutes with the teacher. 2, You should focus on the content listed and add as many facts and negotiation skills as you can.
3. Try to make your pronunciation clear and standard. Try to be active and carry out the dialogue smoothly.
Situation 1,
You, the trade representative of Golden Gate Trading Co. Ltd. in Australia, are very interested in the ceramic products of Chao Zhou Ceramics Import and Export Corporation after visiting the Guangzhou Fair.
You come to the corporation to make a general inquiry on the dishes products so as to establish business relations with them.
Now, you are with the manager of the Sales Department of Chao Zhou Ceramics Import and Export Corporation in the office having a friendly talk.
Situation 2,
Janet, your customer from Singapore, is on a business trip in Puning to visit your factory. Now, you have a luncheon appointment with her at a local restaurant to entertain her some delicious Chinese Food especially the Chaoshan snacks, e.g. Chinese jasmine tea, spring rolls, Puning tofu, Puning noodle, etc.
Situation 3,
You are the sales manager of E&C Co. Ltd. Shenzhen. E&C is an electronic product producer, having years of producing cell phones.
Miss Chen, the sales representative from E&X. E&X is an electronic product importer from India.
You are having a heated discussion on the price of order NO.123 for 1000 cell phones. The unit price offered is 500 Yuan.
As Miss Chen considers your offer is rather high, you try to persuade her to accept your quotation.
Situation 4,
There is a telephone call about complaint and settlement.
Janet, an importer from London, has placed an order with you, Guangdong Native Product Import and Export Corporation, for some canned vegetables. Unfortunately, the goods arrived in London yesterday have some problems. First, 10% of canned vegetables are outdated. Second, 10% of the goods are leaking.
Now, Janet is calling to see the settlement. You, the sales manager, answer the phone and handle the problems.。