轮机英语课文 2




EnglishofMarineEngineering(轮机英语)English of Marine Engineering(轮机英语)Unit 1 :Main Propulsion Plant(船舶主推进装置)一、船舶动力装置概述●船舶动力装置的组成和类型、热机的类型和应用二、船舶柴油机1)船舶柴油机基本参数、特性指标2)船舶柴油机的工作原理3)船舶柴油机的基本结构4)船舶柴油机的燃油系统5)船舶柴油机的润滑系统6)柴油机的冷却系统7)柴油机的启动系统8)船舶柴油机操纵和控制系统、柴油机的运行管理、故障诊断三、船舶推进装置●推进装置的传动方式Unit 2 :Auxiliary Machinery(船舶辅助机械)一、船用锅炉1)船用锅炉的类型和结构特点2)船用锅炉的运行管理、故障分析和排除二、船用泵1)船用泵类型;常见船用泵的工作原理和结构特点;船舶通用泵系的布置原则和特点2)常见船用泵的运行管理和故障排除三、船舶制冷和空调装置1)船舶制冷原理和制冷循环2)船舶空调系统的组成及主要设备;船舶空调装置的运行管理、故障分析和排除四、船舶防污染设备1)油水分离器的工作原理及运行管理2)焚烧炉的工作原理及运行管理3)生活污水处理装置的工作原理及运行管理五、分油机和海水淡化装置1)分油机的工作原理及运行管理2)海水淡化原理、主要设备和运行管理六、船舶甲板机械1)起货机的结构特点及其故障分析和排除2)锚机、绞缆机的结构特点及其故障分析和排除3)液压泵、控制阀件和油马达的结构特点;液压系统管理Unit 3:Marine Electrization and Automatization(船舶电气和自动化)一、船用发电机1)船用发电机的结构特点2)船用发电机的并车和解列3)船用发电机的故障分析和排除二、船用配电板1)主配电板的分类及组成2)应急配电板;配电箱三、船舶电气设备●船舶电气设备:船舶电气设备概况;电气控制设备;电气设备运行管理Unit 4 :Marine Engineering Management(船舶轮机管理)一、操作规程●备车;巡回检查;完车二、安全管理知识1)船舶防火防爆的措施及守则2)轮机部操作安全注意事项;安全知识;机舱应急设备的使用及管理三、油、物料和备件的管理●燃油的管理四、船舶修理和检验1)修理的类别;轮机坞修工程2)船舶检验的类别与作用五、防污染管理及PSC检查1)《油类记录簿》与IOPP证书的管理2)PSC检查中的明显理由与更详细检查;PSC检查报告和缺陷的纠正Unit 5 :International Convention and Regulations(国际公约与规则)一、STCW公约1)STCW78/95公约中有关轮机值班的基本原则2)轮机员的基本职责和道德;机架联系制度二、MARPOL公约●MARPOL73/78公约中有关含油污水的排放规则;有关国家、港口的防污染规则三、SOLAS公约●SOLAS公约的基本精神和基本原则四、ISM、ISPS等规则和公约1)ISM规则简介2)ISPS规则简介3)其他最新公约和规则。





. .存在有很多种联合形式及结构形式的柴油机动力装置,他们都能够利用柴油机为船舶提供推动力。

低速柴油机, , .低速柴油机是体积较大、缸体较长、机身较重的二冲程柴油机。

. 100 000 a .它们是已建造过的最大型的柴油机,它们的单机可用功率可达100000 。


300 .柴油机及其部件的物理体积较大,导致其回转速度较低,尽管能够加速到300 ,但还是被认为是低速机。

, .对于相同的功率输出,相对于四冲程柴油机,二冲程柴油机的重量明显轻很多。


, , :大型、低速、二冲程船用柴油机的优点如下:1., 燃烧劣质、低价的燃油2. a , 一个仅有几个独立汽缸和运动部件组成的、低复杂程度的柴油机就能提供较大的功率。

3. a , 回转速度较低,能够直接和螺旋桨连接,不需要像离合器、齿轮箱等的中间传动机构。

4..a a . a a , , ’s .因为能够倒转,所以就不需要换向机构和可调距螺旋桨。


, –中速四冲程柴油机300 900 . .中速机的运转速度范围是300 —900 ,大多数的中速机都是四冲程柴油机。

, . .它们在小型船舶、滚装船舶以及客船上应用较多,在大多数的商用货船上被广泛用做发电机的原动机。

, . , , .四冲程柴油机有较多的运动部件,也更加复杂一些,跟二冲程低速柴油机相比相同的重量发出的功率较少。


1., . . 它们不长也不高,机型紧凑,这就使它们适合安装在空间较低的机舱当中,比如在滚装船上,它们就安装在汽车甲板的下面。



第一章公共用语1.The engine room.The engine room is the heart of the ship. There are a lot of machines in there. These machines provide power or assistant for the ship's propulsion ,or the power of daily used for the crew (daily lighting /cooking…). The main engine which is the heart of the engine room, it can supply power for the ship's propulsion, so you must especially to take care of it. (The auxiliary engine like boilers which is used for producing steam, air compressors are also important. Without them the ship can't operate. So as a cadet of the engine department, you should be familiar with them, and keep them in good running condition.)2.The engine department.1) The engineer and ratings in our engine department.2) We are working hard to keep our engine tidy and clean.3) We are standing together regardless of situation.There are 11 people in our engine department. The chief engineer is in charge of the engine department. There are 4 engineers, 6 motormen and 2 electricians in our department. We work together in the engine room. We maintain the main engine and the auxiliary machine there. We often check the pressure of the fuel injectors and the temperature of the cooling water. We do repair work too. We all work hard to keep our engine room clean and tidy. We are standing together regardless of situations.3. Self-introduction.1).Your education background2).Your working experience3)Your familyMy name is…I am…years old. I come from…. I am single. I graduated from GuangZhou Marine Technical School in 2003. I have been working on board as an engineer for about 5 years. In my spare time, I like listening to the music, reading books and doing some exercises. I like my job very much.4. Y our daily work on board1) Your position on board.2) Your duties during watch-keeping and your experience.I work as an engineer on board. I like the life on board. My main work is to keep all the pipes and pumps in good condition. Sometimes I have to do some repair work such as repairing the air compressor or pump cylinders. As my experience the most common problem is the pump cylinders.5. W atch-keeping in the engine room1) The engineer on duty works for 4 hours each watch.2) He has to keep everything in good order.3) He is going to hand over the shift.The engineer on duty works for 4 hours each watch. He shall be able to service all the machinery. He has to maintain the machinery in good working condition. I am an engineer on board. I am in charge of deck machinery, all pumps, lifeboat, diesel engine and so on. Sometimes I have to do some repair work. When something goes wrong, I have to check and remedy it.6. Could you introduce yourself?My name is ……I am …years old. I graduated from …..University. I majored in Engineering. I have bachelor degree now.六问答1.How long have you worked on board?I have worked on board for 5 years.2.Which certificate do you have now?I have a fourth engineer certificate now.3. What is your marital status? How many departments are there on board?I'm single./ I am married.There are three departments: engine department, deck department, service department.4. How many people are there in your family? Are you married?5. How many countries have you ever been to?I've been to many countries, such as Singapore, Japan, Australia and so on.6. When did you begin to work on board? What kind of ship have you worked on?I began to work on board in 2003; I have worked on many kinds of ship, such as cargo ship, container ship, passenger ship.7. How many important canals are there all over the world?There are three canals. They are Panama Canal, Suez Canal and Kiel Canal.8. Can you tell me what is the most important thing for a seafarer?I think it is safety.9.What kinds of main engine and generator engine have you worked on?Large slow speed crosshead type marine diesel engine and high speed four stroke engine for A.C generator. / I've served several models, for instance, main engine: Sulzer RTA 84c type diesel engine, 4150BCF /4110AD type generator engine.10. Which classification society is your ship registered with?She is registered with (CCS) China Classification Society.11. Have you worked any ship that caused damage in critical equipments?No, I served my job cautiously, and my colleagues were also diligent. We kept the vessel in safe operation./ Y es, I have worked on a bulk carrier that the main engine had damaged.12. How do you make your maintenance schedules?Usually, the monthly maintenance schedules are made based on the annual preventive maintenance plan and the basic occasional maintenance work(通常月度维护计划是基于年度预防维护计划和非经常性发生的工作来制定的)。



(完整版)船舶专业英语(课文+翻译)Chapter 1 Ship Design(船舶设计)Lesson 2 Ships Categorized(船舶分类)2.1 Introduction(介绍)The forms a ship can take are innumerable. 一艘船能采用的外形是不可胜数的A vessel might appear to be a sleek seagoing hotel carrying passengers along to some exotic destination; a floating fortress bristling with missile launchers; 。

or an elongated box transporting tanks of crude oil and topped with complex pipe connections. 一艘船可以看做是将乘客一直运送到外国目的地的优美的远航宾馆。

竖立有导弹发射架的水面堡垒及甲板上铺盖有复杂管系的加长罐装原油运输轮None of these descriptions of external appearance, however, does justice to the ship system as a whole and integrated unit所有这些外部特点的描述都不能说明船舶系统是一个总的集合体self-sufficient,seaworthy, and adequately stable in its function as a secure habitat for crew and cargo. ——船员和货物的安全性功能:自给自足,适航,足够稳定。

This is the concept that the naval architect keeps in mind when designing the ship and that provides the basis for subsequent discussions, not only in this chapter but throughout the entire book.这是一个造船工程师设计船舶使必须记住的、能为以后讨论提供根据的观念,不仅涉及本章也贯穿全书。



二、气缸 和气 缸盖
排 出[ 图
使发动机活塞对曲轴做功,随之驱动螺旋桨. 两次 喷油期间 的运转过 程叫一个 工作循环 。它
它在横向借助于侧楔垫螺栓,在纵向借助于端楔垫螺栓固定。 该句为并列句,由 连 接 。第二个分句省略了“
形机架顶部有一个结实的框架结构叫扫气箱。 该扫气箱分若干段,每段均带有垂直法



Unit 2 Building the futureReadingRenewable energy: a gift for the futureThere was once a village surrounded by fertile fields with farmers tending their crops and farm animals grazing lazily below a mighty mountain. Then coal was discovered, and soon titanic-sized earth-digging machines circled the village. Villagers eagerly accepted the high-paid jobs the mining company provided, bringing a temporary economic boom. Meanwhile, the machines cut through everything in their path to access the coal buried beneath. Many years later, all that remained was a deserted village and an enormous hole.The scenario is tragic, but it only partly describes the damaging effects fossil fuels have on the environment when they are mined. Actually, once burnt, they produce a large quantity of carbon dioxide, which in turn traps heat and causes global warming. Humans are clearly facing a critical moment, so a move towards clean, renewable energy is inevitable. Renewable energy sources, which include solar, wind, hydroelectric, tidal, biomass and geothermal energy, are perfect alternatives to fossil fuels. One of the reasons is that their carbon dioxide emissions tend to be lower. A study found that renewable energy sources emit about 50g or less of carbon dioxide per kilowatt-hour over their lifetime, compared to about 1,000g for coal. Besides, fossil fuels are non-renewable, whose reserves are estimated to dry up one day in the future. In contrast, renewable energy sources are basically inexhaustible and will be available to us for a few billion more years if our planet remains safe and healthy.Countries around the world are racing towards a low-carbon future by investing in renewable energy sources. Renewable energy is now gradually being integrated into infrastructures, such as transport, communication and power supply systems. China is one of the countries embracing the renewable energy revolution. China manufactures state-of-the-art solar panels and wind turbines, and is the global leader in the production of batteries to power electric vehicles and store renewable energy on power grids. Renewable energy consumption accounts for more than 20 per cent of its total energy consumption, and this figure is increasing. Over the past decade, China has been ahead in the development and application of clean energy technologies.So, with these advantages and developments, why not completely replace fossil fuels with renewable energy? The truth is that producing power from renewable energy sources can be challenging. Renewable energy sources are not available everywhere and at any given moment. For instance,tidal energy is only available in coastal areas; solar and wind energy cannot produce power 24/7. A greater challenge is storing any extra energy in batteries for later use. Most current batteries do not have a storage capacity large enough to meet our daily power demands. Certain high-capacity batteries present problems, such as high manufacturing costs and related environmental damage.For instance, mining for the rare metals used in the batteries isexpensive,and when not properly recycled, the batteries leak dangerous chemicals into the environment.With these challenges in mind, a future with renewable energy may be difficult to predict. However,it is possible. Renewable energy sources exist in all kinds of places, including space. Space-based solar power projects aim to collect solar energy in outer space and distribute it everywhere it is needed on the Earth. A solar collector would be placed in a location where there is constant sunlight to capture higher levels of solar energy for longer periods. Scientists are also working hard to solve the energy storage problems. Thermal batteries, for instance, can store the extra renewable energy as heat up to the extremely high temperature of 1,000℃ in an inexpensive storage medium like sand or water. Compared with common batteries, these thermal batteries are considerably cheaper, and have a longer life as well as a higher storage capacity. Better still, they are completely recyclable.Without doubt, renewable energy will form a big part of our future. Looking forward, we should invest in new technologies and innovative thinking that open the door to a whole new world where we decrease reliance on fossil fuels. Renewable energy—a welcome gift for our future—will help us build a greener and healthier world. Extended readingGlobal warming:islands in hot waterThe Pacific Ocean covers around one third of the Earth’s surface. Scattered across this ocean are thousands of islands. In recent years, the people of these islands have noticed tides getting higher and storms getting worse. And they wonder—is their world about to change? Sadly, the fact is that the islands in the Pacific, especially low-lying coral ones, are suffering the serious effects of global warming.As global temperatures increase, so do sea levels. Increasing temperatures causes ice sheets and glaciers at the North and South Poles to melt, releasing additional water into the ocean. Warm water also takes up more room than cool water, so as the ocean warms, sea levels rise further. Scientists expect sea levels worldwide may rise by 0.6 to 1.1 metres or more by 2100 if the planet continues to warm. On the Pacific islands, the most obvious sign of rising sea levels is that at high tide, water moves further inland to flow into houses and over roads. In fact, beaches or even whole islands are disappearing: five of the Solomon Islands have already vanished beneath the waves since 1947! Increasing sea levels also contaminate t he islands’ freshwater supplies. When salty seawater seeps through the ground and gets into wells, the water becomes useless for drinking and irrigation. Besides, growing sea levels interfere with some islands’ natural reshaping processes. Usually, waves g radually remove sand from one side of an island and dump new sand on the other side. Unfortunately, however, risingwaves accelerate the process, and this certainly causes problems for anyone who lives on the side that is being washed away.Meanwhile, increasing global temperatures can have disastrous consequences in other ways. Extreme temperatures generate extreme rainfall patterns. Consequently, the islands go without life-sustaining rainfall for months, leading to crop failure and reduced freshwater reserves. Then suddenly too much comes at once, and precious soil and homes are washed away by the floods. For example, on the hilly Cook Islands, storms have given rise to landslides that carry islanders’ homes down the hillsides. Additionally, the annual tropical cyclones are becoming stronger and happening more frequently, resulting in more severe flooding and landslides. What is more, as the ocean warms, many coral reefs, which act as natural barrier and are home to a rich diversity of ocean species, are dying. Heat and extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere hurt the corals that build the reefs. Without healthy reefs, fish move away, and the islanders have less to eat.Despite the challenges, the islanders are not giving up without a fight. For many island communities, fighting climate change is not a choice; it is a matter of survival. They are working with scientists and learning to protect their homes from flooding and storm surges by building seawalls from old bits of coral reefs. They are cutting down fewer trees, since trees hold onto soil. They are also planting mangrove trees to protect the coastal areas. To keep the damaging salt away from their crops, they are growing crops in containers. They are looking for crops that do not mind salty water. Hopefully, they can find a way to stay on their islands, at least for a while.However, some islanders have made a life-changing decision—moving away from the ocean. It is by no means easy as the ocean has been part of their lives for generations. An entire village on the island of Vanua Levu in Fiji abandoned their coastal homes to move up into the hills. Fortunately, they could begin a new life: buying land, building new houses and growing pineapples. Some miss their old life by the sea, but at least the hills provide refuge from the rising sea, and they are still together. Many of those whose islands have no hills are looking for homes on new islands, or even in new countries. Most do not want to leave, but with the ocean moving in, they feel they have no choice.No matter what solutions the islanders develop, their islands are still in hot water. Global warming requires not only islanders to fight back. After all, we are living in a human community with a shared future. Maybe we can take a lesson from the oceans. Melting ice in the Arctic makes higher waves in Fiji because all the oceans are connected—there are no walls between them. Change one, change all. If we need to tackle the problem of climate change, we will have to work together as one.Unit 2*graze /ɡreɪz/ vi.(牛、羊等)吃青草vt. 放牧,放牛,放羊;(牛、羊等)吃青草(16)*majestic /məˈdʒestɪk/ adj. 雄伟的,威严的,壮观的(16)*titanic-sized /taɪˈtænɪk saɪzd/ adj. 巨型的(16)scenario /səˈnɑːriəʊ/ n.(pl.scenarios) 设想,方案,预测;(电影或戏剧的)剧情梗概(16)partially /ˈpɑːʃəli/ adv. 部分地,不完全地(16)*fossil /ˈfɒsl/ n. 化石(16)*dioxide /daɪˈɒksaɪd/ n. 二氧化物(16)*inevitable /ɪnˈevɪtəbl/ adj. 不可避免的,不能防止的;总会发生的,照例必有的,惯常的(16)*biomass /ˈbaɪəʊmæs/ n. 生物质;生物量(16)*geothermal /ˌdʒiːəʊˈθɜːml/ adj. 地热的(16)*emit /iˈmɪt/ vt. 发出,射出,散发(16)*kilowatt /ˈkɪləwɒt/ n. 一千瓦(16)dry up 枯竭,耗尽;干涸;(河流、湖泊等)干涸(16)*infrastructure /ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r)/ n.(国家或机构的)基础设施,基础建设(16) *turbine /ˈtɜːbaɪn/ n. 涡轮机,汽轮机(17)*hydroelectric /ˌhaɪdrəʊɪˈlektrɪk/ adj. 使用水力发电的,水力产生的(17)*grid /ɡrɪd/ n. 系统网络,输电网,煤气输送网;网格,方格;格子,格栅,栅栏(17)*neutral /ˈnjuːtrəl/ adj. 中立的,持平的,无倾向性的;中立国的,中立的;不含褒贬义的;不受影响的,没有倾向的;(化学)中性的;中性的,不带电的(17) *discard /dɪˈskɑːd/ vt. 丢弃,抛弃n. 被抛弃的人(或物)(17)foresee /fɔːˈsiː/ vt.(foresaw, foreseen) 预料,预见,预知(17)*ultra-high /ˈʌltrə haɪ/ adj. 极其高的(17)open the door to sth (为…提供)达到目的的手段,(为…创造)机会(17) dominant /ˈdɒmɪnənt/ adj. 首要的,占支配地位的,占优势的,显著的(17)*deplete /dɪˈpliːt/ vt. 大量减少,耗尽,使枯竭(19)*accelerate /əkˈseləreɪt/ vi. 加速,加快vt.(使)加速,(使)加快(19)*array /əˈreɪ/ n. 大堆,大群,大量;数组,阵列vt. 布置,排列;配置(兵力)(19)*surplus /ˈsɜːpləs/ adj. 过剩的,剩余的,多余的n. 过剩,剩余,过剩量;盈余,顺差(19)*façade /fəˈsɑːd/ n.(建筑物的)正面;表面,外表(19)*optimize /ˈɒptɪmaɪz/ vt. 使最优化,充分利用;优化(数据、软件等)(19)*insulate /ˈɪnsjuleɪt/ vt. 使隔热,使隔音,使绝缘(19)*circulation /ˌsɜːkjəˈleɪʃn/ n.(气、水等的)环流,循环;血液循环;传递,流传,流通;(报刊)发行量,销售量(19)*tonne /tʌn/ n. 吨(等于1000 公斤)(19)*implement /ˈɪmplɪment/ vt. 使生效,贯彻,执行,实施(19)*whittle /ˈwɪtl/ vt. 把(木头等)削成 (19)whittle away 削减,减少,降低(19)decomposition /ˌdiːˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃn/ n. 分解(20)degrade /dɪˈɡreɪd/ vt. 降低,削弱(尤指质量);使退化,使降解;降低…身份,侮辱…的人格,使受辱vi. 退化,降解,分解(20)*taint /teɪnt/ vt. 污染,使腐坏,玷污,败坏(名声)n. 腐坏,污染,玷污(20) *ingest /ɪnˈdʒest/ vt. 摄入,食入,咽下(20)*toss /tɒs/ vt. & vi. 扔,抛,掷;甩;摇匀,翻动;(使)摇摆,挥动n. 掷硬币决定(21)wind up 以…告终(或终结)(21)landfill /ˈlændfɪl/ n. 垃圾填埋池(或场);垃圾填埋;填埋的垃圾(21)edible /ˈedəbl/ adj. 适宜食用的,(无毒而)可以吃的(21)*compost /ˈkɒmpɒst/ n. 混合肥料,堆料vt. 把…制成堆肥;施堆肥于(21)*dough /dəʊ/ n.(用于制面包和糕点的)生面团(21)*oven /ˈʌvn/ n. 烤箱,烤炉(21)*hoe /həʊ/ vt. & vi. 用锄头锄地(或除草)n. 锄头(23)*alas /əˈlæs/ exclamation.(表示悲伤或遗憾)哎呀,唉(23)safeguard /ˈseɪfɡɑːd/ vt. & vi. 保护,保障,捍卫n. 安全措施,保护措施(23)*opt /ɒpt/ vi. & vt. 选择,挑选(23)leftover /ˈleftəʊvə(r)/ n. 吃剩的食物,残羹剩饭;遗留物,残存物adj. 剩下的,多余的(23)in hot water 处在困境之中(25)*scatter /ˈskætə(r)/ vt. & vi. 撒,撒播;散开,四散(25)*tide /taɪd/ n. 潮,潮汐,潮水;潮流,趋势,动向;(难以控制的)恶潮,怒潮;高涨的情绪(25)*vanish /ˈvænɪʃ/ vi. 突然消失;不复存在,消亡,绝迹(25)*seep /siːp/ vi.(尤指液体)渗,渗透(25)*dump /dʌmp/ vt.(尤指在不合适的地方) 丢弃,扔掉,倾倒;丢下,抛弃n. 垃圾场,废物堆(25)*devastating /ˈdevəsteɪtɪŋ/ adj. 破坏性极大的,毁灭性的;令人震惊的,骇人的;给人印象深刻的(25)*tropical /ˈtrɒpɪkl/ adj. 热带的,来自热带的,产于热带的(26)*cyclone /ˈsaɪkləʊn/ n. 气旋,旋风(26)*surge /sɜːdʒ/ n. 奔涌向前,突然的向上运动;(强烈感情的)突发;(数量的)急剧上升,激增vi.涌,汹涌;使强烈地感到;急剧上升,飞涨(26)*mangrove /ˈmæŋɡrəʊv/ n. 红树林植物(26)*pineapple /ˈpaɪnæpl/ n. 菠萝,凤梨(26)*refuge /ˈrefjuːdʒ/ n. 庇护,避难;收容所,避难所;庇护者,慰藉。

unit2课文sailing Round the World

unit2课文sailing Round the World
• 奇切斯特成功地绕过合恩角以后,便通过无线电给伦敦发去如下电文:“我觉得好像刚 从噩梦中醒来。就是野马也休想再把我拖回到合恩角和那凶险莫测的南大洋去了。”
• Just before 9 o'clock on Sunday evening 28 May, 1967, he arrived back in England, where a quarter of a million people were waiting to welcome him. Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ knighted him with the very sword that Queen Elizabeth I had used almost 400 years earlier to knight Sir Francis Drake after he had sailed round the world for the first time. The whole voyage from England and back had covered 28,500 miles. It had taken him nine months, of which the sailing time was 226 days. He had done what he wanted to accomplish.
• 1967年5月28日,星期天,晚上将近9点,他回到了英国。有二十五万人等在那儿欢 迎他。女王伊丽莎白二世手持宝剑敕封他为爵士。将近400年前,伊丽莎白一世也 曾手持同一把宝剑,把爵位赐予完成首次环球航行的弗朗西斯·德雷克爵士。从英 国出发,再回到英国,整个航程长达28500英里。奇切斯特一共花了九个月的时间, 其中实际航行时间为226天。他终于完成了他想完成的伟业。



P35 Task 3 Topicdiesel engine and gasline engineinternal combustion engine Diesel:compressed-burning Gasoline: igniting-burningP43 Task 3 Topicfuel oil system1)Structure:double bottom tanks , heaters , tanks , filters , and so on 2)Function:settling tank---separate the solid from the oil , service tank---store the oil for using3)Safety:viscosity regulator , pressure regulating valveP61 Task 3 Topic 1lube oil system1)Reasons:form oil film , reduce friction and wear2)Functions:provide films , remove heat , neutralize acidic3)Management:centrifuged continuously , heating and settling , analysis every three monthsP73 Task 21.black smoke--incompleted combustion2.yellow smoke--highly sulphur content of fuel oil3.blue smoke--lube oil leak to fuel oil / combustion chamber4.white smoke--highly water content of fuel oilP76 Task 1 Stand by the engine1.warm up the M/E2.scavenge3.turn the M/E4.starting air system preparing5.start the generator (supply electric)6.start pumps---lube oil system , cooling water system , fuel oil system (preparing)7.test the M/E8.test the steering gearP77 Task 2-2 things to check1)parameters---temperature , pressure , revolution , power2)the condition of the systems3)the condition of the parts---sound , smokeP77 Task 3 Topic 2monitoring1)Things:(1)parameters---temperature , pressure , revolution , power(2)the condition of the systems(3)the condition of the parts---sound , smoke2)Points:normal / abnormalP86 Task 2Part A--turbochargerThe turbocharger has an exhaust gas driven turbine and an air compressor on opposite ends of a single shaft.The incoming air is compressed by the compressor,and then pass through a cooler before it travels to scavenging space.P901. mechanism troubles , working condition problemvent cock 放气旋塞indicator diagram 示功图drain cock 放残阀burnt out 烧蚀fire in scavenging box 扫气箱着火hydraulic test 液压试验break-in 磨合assembly 组装disassembly 拆卸overhaul 大修(船厂坞修)Rotterdam 鹿特丹港(荷兰,曾经世界第一大港口)daily fuel consumption 燃油日消耗cylinder liner 缸套(内壁)cylinder jacket 缸套(外壁)P94 Task 2communication--trouble shooting rm the bridge, slow down and stop the M/E, explain the troubles 2. treat the trouble(check and repair)3. Inform the bridge, restart the M/EP94 Task 3Topic--fuel injection failure1.Causes:trouble in the fuel injection pumps,fuel lines are not cleared of air,fuel oil pressure too low,fuel too cold,troubles of maneuvering gear, cylinder not firing2.Measures:check and repair/replace the injector,blow the pipe with air,regulate the oil pressure and temperature,treat the trouble of maneuveringLesson 12P98 Warming-upM/E control system consist: telegraph , control gear , meters , switchs , control panel(alarms)P98 Readingtelegraph orders(车钟令):dead slow ahead, slow ahead, half ahead, full aheadstop, stand-by, finished with engine dead slow astern, slow astern, half astern, full asternloop 控制回路closed loop control system 闭环控制系统open loop control system 开环控制系统detector 传感器comparator 比较器regulator 调节器automatic changeover switch 自动转换开关ship’s course 船舶的航向components=partscirculating lube oil tank 滑油循环柜output 输出input 输入feedback 反馈electrical braking 电气制动(刹车)regenerative braking再生(反馈)制动surge(信号)波动lift out the piston 吊缸P102 Topicremote control system of M/E 主机遥控系统1.manual operation2.stand beside or in front of M/E 机旁操作3.engine control room4.bridge control and engine control room5.UMS=unattended machinery space 无人机舱Lesson 13P105 Task 21.generate the steam2.steam drum 汽筒water drum 水筒combustion chamber 燃烧室furnace 炉膛burner 燃烧器fresh air intake 进气口inspection port 检查口mountings 附件safety valve 安全阀---overpressure 超压lifting pressure 开启压力P105 Readingsteam ship 蒸汽机船motor ship 内燃机船exhaust gas boiler 废气锅炉(主锅炉main boiler)oil boiler 燃油锅炉(辅锅炉donkey boiler)water-tube boiler 水管锅炉fire-tube boiler 火管锅炉D-type boiler D型锅炉P109 Task 3 Topic 1water-tube boiler1) Function: generate the steam2) Components: P105-Fig.13-13) Maintenance: P109-Task11、produce electricity2、clean、dry、regularly check linesparallel 并车phase 相位in phase 同相alternator 交流发动机compressor—reciprocating condenser—shell and tube type evaporatorexpansion valvecritical temperature临界温度double refrigerant liquid outletprior to在...前面solenoid valve电磁阀central control room=engine control room集控室brine盐水/海水(sea water)chilled water冷水(cooling water冷却水)mechanical,pneumatic,electrical,hydraulicfunction---mal function故障(trouble、problem、fault、wrong)P143 Part Bdischarge the sludge immediately shorten the interval of the sludge dischargedP156 Part 11. The incinerator is used to burning the oil sludge , solid waste.2. remove ashes interval , flue gas temperaturesewage treatment plantSOPEP:shipboard oil pollution emergency plantrim 纵倾list 横倾draught 吃水stability 稳性stress 重心mooring winch 绞缆机capstan 绞盘barrel 卷缆筒windlass 锚机lanching appliance 放艇设备crane 起货机(克令吊)boom/derrick 吊杆watertight door 水密门hatch cover 舱口盖stabilizer 减摇鳍bow thruster 艏侧推器fire pump , emergency fire pumpfire mains 消防总管hydrant 消火栓international shore connection 国际通岸接头extinguisher—portable/fixedCO2 systemfireman’s outfitelectrocution 触电(生命危险)blackout 全船失电P205 Task 2 Topic 2 control unit of the steering gearETA--estimated time arrival congested waters 狭窄水域disassemble 拆卸rated speed 额定速度rated power 额定功率break-in condition 磨合情况alternator 交流发电机P2461. The second engineer and the second officer.2. before departure, on the phone.3. Yes, they do. NO problem.4. Yes, they do.5. No, it does not.6. The gangway must be lifted.P2471.The telegraph is a device used to convey orders between the bridge and the engine room.2.Orders like: ….P253withdraw = removeP260 Task 31)If the trouble is not serious,the duty engineer should keep watch also.2)If the trouble is serious,the duty engineer should take part in the repair work.P260 Reading2. We must transfer the fuel to the tank.power supply firstly: navigational equipment、steering gear、pumps for the main enginesubstitute replaceA--solidB--liquidC--gas and electricity D--metalP2771. list collision2. human factor:improper operation3. find the location、check all engines、check the oil tanksReadingIMO—international maritime organization 国际海事组织SMCP—standard marine communication phrases 标准海事通信用语1. collision2. damaged3. collided4. bow5. extent6. ballast7. stern8. hold9. plugging10. foreknock into=run into=collide 碰撞aground=gounding 搁浅hold=cargo tank/hold 货仓operational=functional 功能spare=standby 备用的abandon ship 弃船=leavelist 横倾trim 纵倾muster list 应变部署表master=captain 船长general service pump=fire fighting pump----discharge sea water overboardP295 Task 1muster list 应变部署表1.summoning 集合2.report and prepare 报告和准备3.check dress 检查着装4.lifejacket 救生衣5.lifeboat 救生艇P296 Task 21.every month2.six short、a long3.集合、报告、检查、放艇4.stop engines、close fuel outlet valves、leave engine room as the last oneISM---International Safety Management Code 国际安全管理规则1.goggles 护目镜2.helmet 安全帽3.ear plug 耳塞4.working boots 防滑靴5.gloves 手套6.protective clothing 防护服7.face mask 面罩8.harness 护具9.breathing apparatus 呼吸装置injury、slip、boots、secure、strain、lift、burns、spill、chemical、cuts、guards、sparks、gogglesRFQ—request for quotingP3201.checklist2.flanges 法兰3.scuppers4.rate5.signals6.preparation7.sounding8.connections9.barge10.capacityP322 Passage 11. The fuel is stored in bunker/oil tanks.2. Supply bunkers for ship usually is bunker/oil barge.3. Depend on the size of the ship and speed designed to voyage.4. from 150 cubic meters to 3500 cubic metersa vehicle , floatsmassive , produce powerwonder , capacity , consumptionPassage 2processed , evaluatedsent for a lab analysis ,the required standardPassage 31. The most important aspect is checklist. SMS/ISMeliminating human negligence and operation errors2. C/E3. take sounding1. scupper plugs2. forward3. analysis4. diesel oil5. rate6. trims 吃水差7. sounding8. samples9. hose10. temperaturenot exceed=no more thanWarming-up:renewed=replace untightened refitted connectedsealed uplifted outcleanedblownreadjusted realigned 重新对中Task 1:shore connections bilgesspare partsshore power Soundgas freeTestsewagecancel 取消alteration 改变withdraw=dismantal renew=replaceTask 21. items、requirements、some spare parts、time2. shore power3. oil、liquid cargo、chemical/dangerous cargo4. shipyard5. working wear….6. equipment、alarm、fire fighting system…..P348 Task 1:renewdismantlingabnormaltailshaftelectric circuits securedisolatedpressure relieved chain blockwindlassout of stock 没有库存instead=substitute 替代P351 Passage 2:1. The graving dock consist of a large basin with a gate that can be closed watertight.2. …..3. The basin is floated up , bring the ship above the water level , this is called a floating dock.Lesson 43Warming-up:1. supply compressed air 、control the ship’s course 、purify the oily water 、supply the steam 、mooring 、treat the garbageP357 Task 1:drawings installation trialsalarmlists certificates electrical explain functionspotLesson 44P367 Task 1:damage survey applicationverifyregisteredrules and regulations descriptionsurvey report dockingspecialvalidremtall=recast 重铸。

轮机英语 Marine Engineering English

轮机英语 Marine Engineering English

轮机英语- 轮机工程原理(英文版)Principles of Marine Engineering2010. 10ContentsContents (2)1 Main propulsion plant (篇标题) (3)1.1 Ships and machinery (章标题) (3)1.2 Diesel engine (9)1.3 Shaft and propellers (46)2 Marine auxiliary machinery (55)2.1 boilers (55)2.2 Pumps (55)2.3 Refrigeration, air conditioning and ventilation (55)2.4 Pollution prevention devices (55)2.5 Centrifugal separator and fresh water generator (55)2.6 Deck machinery (55)3 Electrical equipment and automatic control (56)3.1 Alternating current generators (56)3.2 Main switchboard and distribution system (56)3.3 Marine electrical equipment (56)3.4 Marine automatic control (56)4 Watch keeping and equipment operation (57)4.1 operation procedures (57)4.2 Safety operation (57)4.3 Stores and spare parts (57)4.4 Shipp repair and docking (57)4.5 Pollution prevention operation and Port State Control (57)5 International conventions and regulations (58)5.1 STCW (58)5.2 MAPROL (58)5.3 SOLAS (58)5.4 ISM (58)5.5 ISPS (58)6 Marine business writing (59)6.1 Engine log book (59)6.2 Repair list (59)6.3 Store order and spare parts requisition form (59)6.4 Accident report (59)6.5 Engineer’s reports, letters, faxes and emails (59)Index ............................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

轮机英语LESSON 2

轮机英语LESSON 2
自然地 吸入吸出
★valve overlap ['əuvə'læ p]
气阀 重叠
⑦Injectiቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱn commences
④Inlet valve open
(before TDC)
①Firing TDC
②Fuel valve close Full load
compressio n
★Inefficient scavenging
[,ini'fiʃənt] ['skæ vindʒ] 无效率的 驱气,扫气
★power advantage [əd'vɑ:ntidʒ]
功率 优势
★reduction gearbox 减速齿轮箱
proceed [prə‘si:d] (沿特定路线)行进,进行 clockwise [‘klɔkwaiz] 顺时针方向的;右旋的
anti-clockwise 逆时钟方向的 initially [i‘niʃəli] 最初;开头 adv poppet[‘pɔpit] valve 提升阀 centrifugal [sen‘trifjugəl] 离心的 adj period ['piəriəd] 时期,期间
★naturally aspirated ['næ tʃərəli] ['æ spəreit]
① fprreinschiplaei[r'pirsinsdərpal]w原n则o;原r 理pumped,compressed
②dasCecsoepoxhirqnrpawauseryieiognsgnedt[rcns:k充[epii:r,tk[入空keseə[i‘p],'n气注sfe‘喷sinu:入i点kds雾ewt]l燃];ə用,喷nobs燃f光雾u]由r次,料状耗n…序物,i尽n组;,顺g燃消成序c烧耗,构a;先导u成s后致e 消ex耗p,en做d功and ③scfieastneocvryhreptoccauniekelrrtevane:[et,f依:eeɔ循[::vi次[s'əev环]['的e‘n用tsn,ʃet,事ti力接p:]svə],事件推下rse完件t进来i,t冲成r],大o单,程实k事独e,现4,的4冲,-独程s立t向r的o2k冲e程tu转r换n i!nto 2-



Lesson 2 How Does a Marine Diesel Engine Work第2 课船用柴油机是如何工作的1。

The diesel engine is a type of internal combustion engine which ignites the fuel by injecting it into hot, high pressure air in a combustion chamber. The marine diesel engine is a type of diesel engine used on ships。

The principle of its operation is as follows:1. 柴油机是一种内燃机,通过把燃油喷入高温高压的燃烧室而发火。



A charge of fresh air is drawn or pumped into the engine cylinder and then compressed by the moving piston to very high pressure.一定量的新鲜空气被吸入或泵入气缸并被运动的活塞压缩至很高的压力。


When the air is compressed,its temperature rises so that it ignites the fine spray of fuel injected into the cylinder. The burning of the fuel adds more heat to the air charge, causing it to expend and force the engine piston to do work on the crankshaft which in turn drives the ship's propeller。

Lesson 13轮机英语

Lesson 13轮机英语

Unit 2 Auxiliary Machinery Lesson 13 Marine Boilers and TheirConstructionA boiler in one form or another will be found on every type of ship. Where the main machinery is steam powered, one or more large water -tube boilers will be fitted to produce steam at very high temperatures and pressures. On a diesel main machinery vessel, a smaller (usually fire tube type) boiler will be fitted to provide steam for the various ship services. Even within the two basic design types, water tube and fire tube, a variety of designs and variations exist.A boiler is used to heat feed water in order to produce steam. The energyreleased by the burning fuel in the boiler furnace is stored (as temperature and pressure) in the steam produced. All boilers have a furnace or combustion chamber where fuel is burnt to release its energy. Air is supplied to the boiler furnace to enable combustion of the fuel to take place. A large surface area between the combustion chamber and the water enables the energy of combustion, in the form of heat, to be transferred to the water.A drum must be provided where steam and water can separate. There must also be a variety of fittings and controls to ensure that fuel oil, air and feed water supplies are matched to the demand for steam. Finally there must be a number of fittings or mountings which ensure the safeoperation of the boiler.In the steam generation process the feed water enters the boiler where it is heated and becomes steam. The feed water circulates from the steam drum to the water drum and is heated in the process. Some of the feed water passes through tubes surrounding the furnace, i.e. water wall and floor tubes, where it is heated and returned to the steam drum. The steam is produced in a steam drum and may be drawn off for use from here. It is known as wet or saturated steam in this condition because it will contain small quantities of water. Alternatively the steam may pass to a super heater which is located within the boiler. Here steam is further heated and "dried", i.e. all traces of water areconverted into steam. This superheated steam then leaves the boiler for use in the system. The temperature of superheated steam will be above that of the steam in the drum. An attemperator, i.e. a steam cooler, may be fitted in the system to control the superheated steam temperature.The type of the marine boilerThere are two distinct types of marine boilers in use on board ship, the fire-tube boiler in which the hot gases from the furnaces pass through the tubes while the water is on the outside, and the water-tube boiler in which the water through the inside of the tubes while the hot furnace gases pass around the outside.Water tube boilerThe water tube boiler is employed for high pressure, hightemperature, and high capacity steam applications, e.g. providing steam for main propulsion turbines or cargo pump turbines. Fire tube boiler are used for auxiliary purposes to provide smaller quantities of low pressure steam on diesel engine powered ships.Fire tube boilerThe fire tube boiler is usually chosen for low pressure steam production on vessels requiring steam for auxiliary purposes. Operation is simple and feed water of medium quality may be employed. The name "tank boiler " is sometimes used for fire tube boiler because of their large water capacity. The terms "smoke tube" and "donkey boiler" and also in use.Cochran boilersThe modern vertical Cochran boiler has a fully spherical furnace and is known as the "spheroid". The furnace and is known as the"spheroid". The furnace is surrounded by water and therefore requires no refractory lining. The hot gases make a single pass through the horizontal tube bank before passing away to exhaust. The use of small bore tubes fitted with retarders ensures better heat transfer and cleaner tubes as a result of the turbulent gas flow.Spanner boilersThe spanner vertical fire tube boiler uses a patented design of tube known as "Swirlyflo". The special twist of the tube is said to improve heat transfer.Double evaporation boilersA double evaporation boiler uses two independent systems for steam generation and therefore avoids any contamination between the primary and secondary feed water. The prinary circuit is in effect a conventional water tube boiler which provides steam to the heating coils of a steam-to-steam generator, which is the secondary system. The complete boiler is enclosed in a pressured casing.Auxiliary steam plant systemThe auxiliary steam installation provided in modern diesel powered tankers usually uses all exhaust gas heat exchanger at the base of tile funnel and one or perhaps two water tube boilers. Saturated or superheated steam may be obtained from the auxiliary boiler. At sea it acts as a steam receiver for the exhaust gas heat exchanger, which is circulated through it. In port it is oil fired in the usual way.Exhaust gas boilersAuxiliary boilers on diesel main propulsion ships, other than tankers, are usually of composite form, enabling steam generation using oil tiring or the exhaust gases from the diesel engine. With this arrangement the boiler acts as the heat exchanger and raises steam in its own drum.The boiler constructionWater tube boilers, which use small diameter tubes and have small steam drums, enables the generation or production of steam at high temperatures and pressures. The weight of the-boiler is much less than an equivalent fire tube boiler and the steam raising process is much quicker. Design arrangements are flexible, efficiency is high and the feed water has a good natural circulation. These are some of the many reasons reasons why the water tube boiler has replaced the fire tube boiler as the major steam producer.Early water tube boilers used a single drum. Headers were connected to the drum by short, bent pipes with straight tubes between the headers. The hot gases from the furnace passed over the tubes, often in a single pass.A later development was the bent tube design. This boiler has twodrums, an integral furnace and is often referred to as the "D"type because of its shape.The furnace is at the side of the two drums and is surrounded on all sides by walls of tubes. These water wall tubes are connected either to upper and lower headers or a lower header and the steam drum. Upper headers are connected by return tubes to the steam drum. Between the steam drum and the smaller water drum below, large numbers of smaller diameter generating tubes are fitted. These provide the main heat transfer surfaces for steam generation. Large bore pipes or down comers are fitted between the steam and water drum to ensure good natural circulation of the water. In the arrangement shown, the super heater is located between the drums,protected from the very hot furnace gases by several rows of screen tubes. Refractory material or brickwork is used on the furnace floor , the burner wall and also behind the water walls. The double casing of the boiler provides a passage for the combustion air to the air control or register surrounding the burner.The need for a wider range of superheated steam temperature controlled to other boiler arrangements being used . The original External Super heater "D"(ESD) type of boiler used a primary andsecondary super heater located after the main generating tube bank. An attemperator located in the combustion air path was used to control the steam temperature.The later ESD II type boiler was similar in construction to the ESD.I but used a control unit( an additional economiser) between the primary and secondary super heaters. Linked dampers directed the hot gases over the control unit or the super heater depending upon the superheat temperature required. The control unit provided a bypass path for the gases when low temperature superheating was requred.In the ESD III boiler the burners are located in the furnace roof, which provides a long flame path and even heat transfer throughout the furnace. In the boiler shown in Fig. 13-3, the furnace is fully water-cooled and of monowall construction, which is produces from finned tubes welded together to form a gastight casing. With monowall construction no refractory material is necessary in the furnace.The furnace side, floor and roof tubes are welded into the steam and water drums. The front and rear walls are connected at other end toupper and lower waterwall headers. The lower waterwall headers are connected by external downcomers from the steam drum and the upper waterwall headers are connected to the steam drum by riser tubes,The gases leaving the furnace pass through screen tubes which are arranged to permit flow between them. The large number of tubes results in considerable heat transfer before the gases reach the secondary superheater. The gases then flow over the primary superheater and the economiser before passing to exhaust. The dry pipe is located in the steam drum to obtain reasonably dry saturated steam from the boiler. This is then passed to the primary superheater and then to the secondary superheater. Steam temperature control is achieved by the use of an attemperator, located in the steam drum, operating between the primary and secondary superheaters.Radiant type boiler are a more recent development, in which the radiant heat of combustion is absorbed to raise steam, by infrared radiation. This usually requires roof firing and a considerable height in order to function efficiently. Both the furnace and the outer chamber are fully watercooled. There is no conventional bank of generating tubes. The hot gases leave the furnace through an openingat the lower end of the screen wall and pass to the outer chamber. The outer chamber contains the convection heating surfaces which include the primary and secondary superheaters. Superheat temperature control is by means of an attemperator in the steam drum. The hot gases, after leaving the primary superheater, pass over a steaming economiser. This is a heat exchanger in which the steam- water mixture is flowing parallel to the gas. The furnace gases finally pass over a conventional economiser on their way to the funnelFurnace wall constructionThe problems associated with furnace refractory materials, particularly on vertical walls, have resulted in twowaterwall arrangements without exposed refractory. These are known as "tangent tube" and "monowall" or "membrane wall".In the tangent tube arrangement closely pitched tubes are backed by refractory,insulation and the boiler casing. In the monowall or membrane wall arrangement the tubes have a steel strip welded between them to form a completely gas tight enclosure. Only a layer of insulation and cladding is required on the outside of this construction.The monowall construction eliminates the problems of refractory and expanded joints. However , in the event of tube failure, a welded repair must be placed over the failed tube to protect the insulation behind it. With tangent tube construction a tailed tube can be plugged and the boiler operated normally without further attention.Notes1.All boiler have a furnace or combustion chamber where fuel is burnt to release its energy. Air is supplied to the boiler furnace to enable combustion of the fuel to take place.所有的锅炉都会有一个熔炉或是燃烧室,燃料在里面燃烧,释放出能量。

轮机英语教学课件(02) Diesel Engine Construction (I)

轮机英语教学课件(02) Diesel Engine Construction  (I)

Generator 发电机
What are the main parts of a diesel engine?
A diesel engine mainly consists of two parts: the moving parts and the fixed parts.
liners bolted together? 22. Why are there some holes on each
cylinder cover?
8. What is A-shaped frame also called? 9. What is there at the top of the A-frames? 10. How is the scavenging air box built? 11. What’s the function of the chain
PC cylinder liner
5. In the part of the cylinders inside the scavenging air box, there is a series of openings (known as scavenging air ports). Theses ports are located at such a height that they are just exposed by the upper edge of the piston when the piston is in the bottom dead center position.
1. bedplate n. 机座
The main engine is fixed on the bedplate.



A. kinetic/pressure B. kinetic/essential C. pressure/kinetic D. pressure/height 1103 The amount of fluid delivered by a centrifugal pump can be regulated by _______ 离心泵的排队量可通过改变压力来调节,出可通过改变转子的速度调节。 A. throttling the pressure line C. either A or B B. changing the speed of the rotor D. None of the above is true.
1106 B 1107 B 1108 A 1109 A 1110 A
l111 As for a hydraulic vane pump, which of the following is in contact with the vanes during working: ① the rotor; ② the pump shaft; ③ the external surface of the housing. 对于液压叶片泵,工作时,转子与叶片接触。 A. ①only B. ② only C. ① and ② D. ① ②and ③
1100 A Screw pump belongs to _______ according to its working principle.
1101 根据工作原理,螺杆泵属于容积式泵。 B. positive displacement pumps D. centripetal pumps
A. reciprocating pumps C. centrifugal pumps

轮机英语UNIT2 how does a diesel engine work

轮机英语UNIT2 how does a diesel engine work

At this low speed the engine requires no reduction gearbox between it and propeller.
The four-stroke engine (usually rotating at medium speed, between 250 to 750 rev/min) is used for alternators and sometimes for main propulsion with a gearbox to provide a propeller speed of between 90 to 120 rev/min.
The burning of the fuel adds more heat to the air charge, causing it to expand(膨胀) (膨胀) and force the engine piston to do work on the crankshaft(曲 ( 轴) which in turn drives the ship’s propeller(螺旋桨 螺旋桨). 螺旋桨
Fuel injector Cylinder Piston
Exhaust port
Scavenge port
Connecting rod Crank
Scavenge (a)
Compression (b)
Injection (c)
Exhaust (d)
The two-stroke cycle begins with the piston coming up from the bottom of its stroke, i.e. bottom dead center (BDC), with the air inlet ports or scavenge ports(扫气口 in the 扫气口) 扫气口 sides of the cylinder being opened (Fig. 1-a)).



LESSON 1Diesel enginesThe majority of ships around the world continue to be powered exclusively by diesel engines.世界范围内大多数船舶都是采用柴油机作为动力。

The predominance of diesel engines has come from improved engine efficiencies and designs compared to other forms of propulsion such as steam or gas turbines.与蒸汽机、燃气轮机等形式的动力装置相比,无论是效率上的提高,还是设计上的进步,柴油机都体现出了一定的优势。

Many combinations and configurations of diesel engine power plant exist. All provide the energy to do the work of moving the ship using diesel engines.存在有很多种联合形式及结构形式的柴油机动力装置,他们都能够利用柴油机为船舶提供推动力。

Slow speed diesel engines 低速柴油机Slow speed diesel engines are large, especially tall, and heavy and operate on the two-stroke cycle.低速柴油机是体积较大、缸体较长、机身较重的二冲程柴油机。

These are the largest diesel engines ever built. Engine powers up to 100 000kw are available from a single engine.它们是已建造过的最大型的柴油机,它们的单机可用功率可达100000 kw。



轮机英语翻译课文LESSON 1Diesel enginesThe majority of ships around the world continue to be powered exclusively by diesel engines.世界范围内大多数船舶都是采用柴油机作为动力。

The predominance of diesel engines has come from improved engine efficiencies and designs compared to other forms of propulsion such as steam or gas turbines.与蒸汽机、燃气轮机等形式的动力装置相比,无论是效率上的提高,还是设计上的进步,柴油机都体现出了一定的优势。

Many combinations and configurations of diesel engine power plant exist. All provide the energy to do the work of moving the ship using diesel engines.存在有很多种联合形式及结构形式的柴油机动力装置,他们都能够利用柴油机为船舶提供推动力。

Slow speed diesel engines 低速柴油机For equivalent power output, the two-stroke diesel engine is significantly lighter than its comparable four-stroke relative.对于相同的功率输出,相对于四冲程柴油机,二冲程柴油机的重量明显轻很多。

This is most apparent for large power requirements where the two-stroke engine produces much more power for the same weight.对于大功率需求场合这是一个最明显的优势,二冲程柴油机能够在相同的重量情况下,发出更大的功率。

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Lesson 39 Maritime Labour Convention 2006TextThe Maritime Labour Convention(MLC2006)was adopted by ILO in February2006,which provides comprehensive rights and protection at work for the world’s more than 1.2 million seafarers.Regulation 2.3-Hours of work and hours of rest.Purpose:To ensure that seafarers have regulated hours of work or hours of rest.1.Each Member shall ensure that the hours of work or hours of rest for seafarers are regulated.2.Each Member shall establish maximum hours of work or minimum hours of work rest over given periods that are consistent with the provisions in the Code.Standard A 2.3-Hours of work and hours of rest1.For the purpose of this Standard,the term:(a)hours of work means time during which seafarers are required todo work on account of the ship ;(b)Hours of rest means time outside hours of work ;this term does notinclude short breaks.2.Each Member shall within the limits set out in paragraphs 5 to 8 of this Standard fix either a maximum number of hours of work which shall not be exceeded in a given period of time ,or a minimum number of hoursof rest which shall be provided in a given period of time .3.Each Member acknowledges that the normal working hours’standard for seafarers, like that for other workers ,shall be based on an eight -hour day with one day of rest per week and rest on public holidays. However, this shall not prevent the Member from having procedures to authorize or register a collective agreement which determines seafarers’normal working hours on a basis no less favourable than this standard.4.In determining the national standards ,each Member shall take account of the danger posed by the fatigue of seafarers, especially those whose duties involve navigational safety and the safe and secure operation of the ship.5.The limits on hours of work or rest shall be as follows:(a) maximum hours of workshall not exceed:(i)14hours in any seven 24-hour period ;and(ii)72 hours in any seven-day period ;or(b)minimum hours of rest shall not be less than :(i) ten hours in any 24-hour period ;and(ii)77 hours in any seven-day period.6.Hours of rest may be divided into no more than two periods ,one of which shall be at least six hours in length,and the interval between consecutive periods of rest shall not exceed 14 hours .7.Musters,fire-fighting and lifeboat drills, and drills prescribed bynational laws and regulations and by international instruments,shall be conducted in a manner that minimizes the disturbance of rest periods and does not include fatigue.8.When a seafarer is on a call,such as when a machinery space is unattended,the seafarer shall have an adequate compensatory rest period if the normal period of rest is disturbed by call-outs to work.9.If no collective agreement or arbitration award exists or if the competent authority determines that the provisions in the agreement or award in respect of paragraph 7 or 8of this Standard are inadequate,the competent authority shall determine such provisions to ensure the seafarers concerned have sufficient rest.10.Each Member shall require the posting ,in an easily accessible place ,of a table with the shipboard working arrangements,which shall contain for every position at least:(a) the schedule of service at sea and service in port;and(b) the maximum hours of work or the minimum hours of rest required by national laws or regulations or applicable collective agreement.11.The table referred to in paragraph 10 of this Standard shall be established in a standardized format in the working language or languages of the ship and in English.12.Each Member shall require that records of seafarers ’daily hoursof work or of their daily hours of rest be maintained to allow monitoring of compliance with paragraphs 5 to 11 inclusive of this Standard .The records shall be in a Standardized format established by the competent authority taking into account any available guidelines of the International Labour Organization or shall be in any standard format prepared by the Organization,They shall be in the languages required by paragraph 11 of this Standard .The seafarers shall receive a copy of the records pertaining to them which shall be endorsed by the master,or a person authorized by the master,and by the seafarers.13.Nothing in paragraphs 5 and 6of this Standard shall prevent a Member from having national laws or regulations or a procedure for the competent authority to authorize or register collective agreements permitting exceptions to the limits set out .Such exceptions shall,as far as possible ,follow the provisions of this Standard but may take account of more frequent or longer leave periods or the granting of compensatory leave for watchkeeping seafarers or seafarers working on board ships on short voyages.14.Nothing in this Standard shall be deemed to impair the right of the master of a ship to require a seafarer to perform any hours of work necessary for the immediate safety of the ship,persons on board or cargo ,or for the purpose of giving assistance to other ships or persons in distress at sea .Accordingly,the master may suspend the schedule of hoursof work or hours of rest and require a seafarer to perform any hours of work necessary until the normal situation has been restored.As soon as practicable after the normal situation has been restored,the master shall ensure that any seafarers who have performed work in a scheduled rest period are provided with an adequate period of rest.(a)in ships other than passenger ships ,an individual sleeping room shall be provided for each seafarer; in the case of ships of less than3,000gross tannage or special purpose ships ,exemptions from this requirement may be granted by the competent authority after consultation with the shipowners’ and seafarers’ organizations concerned;(b)separate sleeping rooms shall be provided for men and for women;(c)sleeping rooms shall be of adequate size and properly equipped so as to ensure reasonable comfort and to facilitate tidiness;(d)a separate berth for each seafarer shall in all circumstances be provided;(e)the minimum inside dimensions of a berth shall be at least 198 centimetres by 80 centimetres;(f)in single berth seafarers’ sleeping rooms the floor area shall not be less than:(i)4.5square metres in ships of less than 3,000 gross tonnage.(ii)5.5square metres in ships of 3,000 gross tonnage or over but less than 10,000gross tonnage,(iii)7 square metres in ships of 10,000gross tonnage or over.(g)however ,in order to provide single berth sleeping rooms on ships of less than 3,000gross tonnage ,passenger ships and special purpose ships,the competent authority may allow a reduced floor area;(h)in ships of less than 3,000gross tannage other than passenger ships and special purpose ships ,sleeping rooms shall not be less than7square metres;(i)on passenger ships and special purpose ships the floor area of sleeping rooms for seafarers not performing the duties of ships’officers shall not be less than :(i) 7.5 quare metres in rooms accommodating two persons,(ii)11.5quare metres in rooms accommodating three persons,(iii)14.5quare metres in rooms accommodating four persons;(j)on special purpose ships sleeping rooms may accommodate more than four persons;the floor area of such sleeping rooms shall not be less than 3.6 square metres per person;(k)on ships other than passenger ships special purpose ships,sleepingrooms for seafarers who perform the duties of ships’officer,where no private sitting room or day room is provided ,the floor area per person shall not be less than :(i)7.5 square meters in ships of less than 3,000 gross tonnage,(ii)8.5 square meters in ships of less than 3,000 gross tonnage or over but less than 10,000gross tonnage,(iii)10 square meters in ships of less than 10,000 gross tonnage or over;(l) on passenger ships and special purpose ships the floor area for seafarers performing the duties of ships’ officers where no private sitting room or day room in provided ,the floor area per person for junior officers shall not be less than 7.5 square metres and for senior officers not be less than 8.5 square metres ;junior officers are understood to be at the operational level,and senior officers at the management level;(m)The master,the chief engineer and the chief navigating officer shall have ,in addition to their sleeping rooms,an adjoining sittingroom ,day room or equivalent additional space ;ships of less than 3,000 gross may be exempted by the competent authority from this requirement after consultation with the shipowners’ and seafarers’ organizations concerned;(n) for each occupant,the furniture shall include a clothes locker of ample space (minimum 475 litres)and a drawer or equivalent space of notless than 56litres;if the drawer is incorporated in the clothes locker then the combined minimum volume of the clothes locker shall be 500 litres.it shall be fitted with a shelf and be able to be locked by the occupant so as to ensure privacy;(o)each sleeping room shall be provided with a table or desk,which may be of the fixed,drop-leaf or slide-out type,and with comfortable seating accommodation as necessary.。
