
新电磁兼容指令2004/108/EC出台关键词:电磁兼容指令,2004/108/EC,电源管理摘 要: 文章对欧洲电磁兼容新指令2004/108/EC的部分内容作了简单介绍,包括某些定义、适用/不适用的设备、基本要求、协调标准、符合性评定程序、技术文件、符合性声明、标识和信息等。
经过6年的讨论,新的欧洲电磁兼容指令《欧洲议会和理事会2004/12/15关于使成员国电磁兼容法律相似并废止89/336/EEC的2004/108/EC指令》(DIRECTIVE 2004/108/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 15 December 2004 on the approximation of the Laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility and repealing Directive 89/336/EEC)已于2004年12月31日在“欧盟的官方期刊”(Official Journal of the European Union)上发布,并于2005年1月20日开始生效。
注:为便于描述,以下简称2004/108/EC 为“新指令”,“89/336/EEC”为 “老指令”,“欧盟的官方期刊”(Official Journal of the European Union)为“OJ”。

指令第(9)条本指令的实施不应违背共同体在安全和卫生要求方面的立法以及共同体关于废弃物管理的特殊立法,特别是1991年3月18日理事会关于含有某些危险物质 的电池和蓄电池的第91/157/EEC号指令。
电池指令规定电池和蓄电池Hg的含量<5ppm;纽扣电池的Hg 含量如果Hg超过限值,判定电池不合格;如果Pb、Cd、Hg没有超过限值,判定电池合格;如果Pb、Cd超过限值,必须按93/86/EEC指令进行标示后(主要是标明其含量及一个打×的垃圾桶),才判为合格。

94 62 EC包装和废弃物指令(解读)

欧盟包材指令94-62-EC的修正2005-20-EC94/62/EC(包装指令)已经更新成2005/20/EC,但是化学测试项目和限值没有变改!European Parliament and Council Directive 94/62/EC of 20 December 1994 on packaging and packaging waste欧洲议会和理事会指令94/62/EC,包装和包装废弃物处理Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council adapting a number of instruments subject to the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the Treaty to Council Decision 1999/468/EC, as amended by Decision 2006/512/EC, with regard to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny - Part Two - Adaptation to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny99/177/EC 1999-02-08委员会决定1999/177/EC,制定与在关于包装和包装废物的指令94/62/EC中规定的重金属浓度水平相关的塑料板条箱和塑料托板毁损条件(根据文件C(1999)246通报)(内容与EEA相关)99/42/EC 1998-12-22委员会决定1999/42/EC,根据关于包装和包装废物的欧洲议会和理事会指令94/62/EC第6(6)条,批准由奥地利通报的措施(依据文件C(1998)3940通报)(仅德文版有效)(内容与EEA相关)2005/20/EC 2005-03-09欧洲议会和理事会指令2005/20/EC,修订关于包装和包装废弃物的指令94/62/EC2004/12/EC 2004-02-11欧洲议会和理事会指令2004/12/EC,修订关于包装和包装废弃物指令94/62/EC-理事会、委员会及欧洲议会声明欧盟包装指令(94/62/EC)简介1. 欧盟法规的形式欧盟法规的形式为:规章(Regulations)、指令(Directives)、决定(Decisions)、建议和意见(Recommendations and advice),其中建议和意见没有约束力。
欧盟包装物指令2004 12 EC 英文版

DIRECTIVE2004/12/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCILof11February2004amending Directive94/62/EC on packaging and packaging wasteTHE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EURO-PEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,and in particular Article95(1)thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the Commission(1),Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee(2),Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251of the Treaty,in the light of the joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee on17December2003(3),Whereas:(1)Pursuant to Directive94/62/EC(4)the Council isrequired,no later than six months before the end of afive-year phase starting from the date by which thatDirective should have been implemented in national law,to fix targets for the next five-year phase.(2)The definition of‘packaging’laid down in Directive94/62/EC should be further clarified through the introduc-tion of certain criteria and an annex containing illustra-tive examples.It is necessary,in order to achieve theambitious recycling targets,to encourage the develop-ment of innovative,environmentally sound and viablerecycling processes.An evaluation of the different recy-cling methods should be made with a view to drawingup definitions for these methods.(3)Recycling targets for each specific waste material shouldtake account of life-cycle assessments and cost-benefitanalysis,which have indicated clear differences both inthe costs and in the benefits of recycling the variouspackaging materials,and should improve the coherenceof the internal market for the recycling of these mate-rials.(4)Recovery and recycling of packaging waste should befurther increased to reduce its environmental impact.(5)Certain Member States which,on account of theirspecial circumstances,were allowed to postpone the datefixed for achievement of the recovery and recyclingtargets set in Directive94/62/EC should be granted afurther,but limited,postponement.(6)The European Parliament,the Council and the Commis-sion agree on the need for temporary derogations forthe acceding States with respect to the targets of thisDirective.This should be decided on the basis of therequests from the acceding States for derogations to runin principle until not later than2012for Cyprus,theCzech Republic,Estonia,Hungary,Lithuania,Slovakiaand Slovenia;2013for Malta;2014for Poland and2015for Latvia.(7)This agreement will be finalised in accordance with theappropriate legal procedure before the expiry of thedeadline for the transposition of this Directive.(8)The management of packaging and packaging wasterequires the Member States to set up return,collectionand recovery systems.Such systems should be open tothe participation of all interested parties and be designedto avoid discrimination against imported products andbarriers to trade or distortions of competition and toguarantee the maximum possible return of packagingand packaging waste,in accordance with the Treaty.Discrimination against materials on the basis of theirweight should be avoided.The operators in the packa-ging chain as a whole should shoulder their sharedresponsibility to ensure that the environmental impactof packaging and packaging waste throughout its lifecycle is reduced as far as possible.(9)Annual Community-wide data on packaging and packa-ging waste,including on waste exported for recyclingand recovery outside the Community,are needed inorder to monitor the implementation of the objectives ofthis Directive.This requires a harmonised reporting tech-nique and clear guidelines for data providers.(10)The Commission should examine and report on theimplementation of this Directive and its impact on boththe environment and the internal market.This reportshould also cover the issues of essential requirements,waste prevention measures,a possible packaging indi-cator,waste prevention plans,reuse,producer responsi-bility and heavy metal and should,as appropriate,beaccompanied by proposals for revision.(1)OJ C103E,30.4.2002,p.17.(2)OJ C221,17.9.2002,p.31.(3)Opinion of the European Parliament of3September2002(OJ C272E,13.11.2003,p.287),Council Common Position of6March 2003(OJ C107E,6.5.2003,p.17),Position of the European Parliament of2July2003(not yet published in the Official Journal).Legislative resolution of the European Parliament of29January 2004and Council Decision of26January2004.(4)OJ L365,31.12.1994,p.10.Directive as amended by Regulation(EC)No1882/2003(OJ L284,31.10.2003,p.1).(11)Member States should promote relevant consumer infor-mation and awareness campaigns and encourage otherprevention instruments.(12)In addition to the environmental and internal marketobjectives of this Directive,recycling may also have theeffect of providing jobs which have declined elsewherein society,and may thus help prevent exclusion.(13)Since the objectives of the proposed action,namely toharmonise national targets for the recycling of packagingwaste,taking into account individual circumstances ofeach Member State,and to provide further clarificationon definitions,cannot be sufficiently achieved by theMember States and can therefore,by reason of the scaleof the action,be better achieved at Community level,theCommunity may adopt measures,in accordance withthe principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article5of theTreaty.In accordance with the principle of proportion-ality,as set out in that Article,this Directive does not gobeyond what is necessary in order to achieve thoseobjectives.(14)The measures necessary for the implementation of thisDirective should be adopted in accordance with CouncilDecision1999/468/EC of28June1999laying downthe procedures for the exercise of implementing powersconferred on the Commission(1).(15)Directive94/62/EC should therefore be amended accord-ingly,HAVE ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:Article1Directive94/62/EC is hereby amended as follows:1.the following subparagraphs shall be added to point1ofArticle3:‘The definition of“packaging”shall be further based on the criteria set out below.The items listed in Annex I are illus-trative examples of the application of these criteria.(i)Items shall be considered to be packaging if they fulfilthe abovementioned definition without prejudice toother functions which the packaging might alsoperform,unless the item is an integral part of aproduct and it is necessary to contain,support orpreserve that product throughout its lifetime and allelements are intended to be used,consumed ordisposed of together.(ii)Items designed and intended to be filled at the point of sale and“disposable”items sold,filled or designedand intended to be filled at the point of sale shall beconsidered to be packaging provided they fulfil apackaging function.(iii)Packaging components and ancillary elements inte-grated into packaging shall be considered to be part ofthe packaging into which they are integrated.Ancil-lary elements hung directly on,or attached to,aproduct and which perform a packaging function shallbe considered to be packaging unless they are an inte-gral part of this product and all elements are intendedto be consumed or disposed of together.The Commission shall,as appropriate,in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article21,examine and, where necessary,review the illustrative examples for the definition of packaging given in Annex I.As a priority,the following items shall be addressed:CD and video cases, flower pots,tubes and cylinders around which flexible material is wound,release paper of self-adhesive labels and wrapping paper.’2.Article4shall be replaced by the following:‘Article4Prevention1.Member States shall ensure that,in addition to themeasures to prevent the formation of packaging waste taken in accordance with Article9,other preventive measures are implemented.Such other measures may consist of national programmes, projects to introduce producer responsibility to minimise the environmental impact of packaging or similar actions adopted,if appropriate in consultation with economic operators,and designed to bring together and take advan-tage of the many initiatives taken within Member States as regards prevention.They shall comply with the objectives of this Directive as defined in Article1(1).2.The Commission shall help to promote preventionby encouraging the development of suitable European standards,in accordance with Article10.The standards shall aim to minimise the environmental impact of packa-ging in accordance with Articles9and10.3.The Commission shall,as appropriate,present propo-sals for measures to strengthen and complement the enfor-cement of the essential requirements and to ensure that new packaging is put on the market only if the producer has taken all necessary measures to minimise its environ-mental impact without compromising the essential func-tions of the packaging.’3.Article6shall be replaced by the following:‘Article6Recovery and recycling1.In order to comply with the objectives of this Direc-tive,Member States shall take the necessary measures to attain the following targets covering the whole of their territory:(a)no later than30June2001between50%as aminimum and65%as a maximum by weight ofpackaging waste will be recovered or incinerated atwaste incineration plants with energy recovery;(1)OJ L184,17.7.1999,p.23.(b)no later than31December200860%as a minimumby weight of packaging waste will be recovered or incinerated at waste incineration plants with energy recovery;(c)no later than30June2001between25%as aminimum and45%as a maximum by weight of the totality of packaging materials contained in packaging waste will be recycled with a minimum of15%by weight for each packaging material;(d)no later than31December2008between55%as aminimum and80%as a maximum by weight of packaging waste will be recycled;(e)no later than31December2008the followingminimum recycling targets for materials contained in packaging waste will be attained:(i)60%by weight for glass;(ii)60%by weight for paper and board;(iii)50%by weight for metals;(iv)22,5%by weight for plastics,counting exclusively material that is recycled back into plastics;(v)15%by weight for wood.2.Packaging waste exported out of the Community in accordance with Council Regulations(EEC)No259/93(*), (EC)No1420/1999(**)and Commission Regulation(EC) No1547/1999(***),shall only count for the achievement of the obligations and targets of paragraph1if there is sound evidence that the recovery and/or recycling opera-tion took place under conditions that are broadly equiva-lent to those prescribed by the Community legislation on the matter.3.Member States shall,where appropriate,encourage energy recovery,where it is preferable to material-recycling for environmental and cost-benefit reasons.This could be done by considering a sufficient margin between national recycling and recovery targets.4.Member States shall,where appropriate,encourage the use of materials obtained from recycled packaging waste for the manufacturing of packaging and other products by:(a)improving market conditions for such materials;(b)reviewing existing regulations preventing the use ofthose materials.5.Not later than31December2007,the European Parliament and the Council shall,acting by qualified majority and on a proposal from the Commission,fix targets for the third five-year phase2009until2014, based on the practical experience gained in the Member States in pursuit of the targets laid down in paragraph1and the findings of scientific research and evaluation tech-niques such as life-cycle assessments and cost-benefit analysis.This process shall be repeated every five years.6.The measures and targets referred to in paragraph1 shall be published by the Member States and shall be the subject of an information campaign for the general public and economic operators.7.Greece,Ireland and Portugal may,because of their specific situations,namely respectively the large number of small islands,the presence of rural and mountain areas and the current low level of packaging consumption, decide to:(a)attain,no later than30June2001,lower targets thanthose fixed in paragraphs1(a)and(c),but shall at least attain25%for recovery or incineration at waste incin-eration plants with energy recovery;(b)postpone at the same time the attainment of thetargets in paragraphs1(a)and(c)to a later deadline which shall not,however,be later than31December 2005;(c)postpone the attainment of the targets referred to inparagraphs1(b),(d)and(e)until a date of their own choice which shall not be later than31December 2011.8.The Commission shall,as soon as possible and no later than30June2005,present a report to the European Parliament and the Council on the progress of the imple-mentation of this Directive and its impact on the environ-ment,as well as on the functioning of the internal market. The report shall take into account individual circumstances in each Member State.It shall cover the following:(a)an evaluation of the effectiveness,implementation andenforcement of the essential requirements;(b)additional prevention measures to reduce the environ-mental impact of packaging as far as possible without compromising its essential functions;(c)the possible development of a packaging environmentindicator to render packaging waste prevention simpler and more effective;(d)packaging waste prevention plans;(e)encouragement of reuse and,in particular,comparisonof the costs and benefits of reuse and those of recy-cling;(f)producer responsibility including its financial aspects;(g)efforts to reduce further and,if appropriate,ultimatelyphase out heavy metals and other hazardous substances in packaging by2010.This report shall,as appropriate,be accompanied by proposals for revision of the related provisions of this Directive,unless such proposals have,by that time,been presented.9.The report shall address the issues in paragraph8aswell as other relevant issues in the framework of the different elements of the Sixth Environmental Action Programme,in particular the thematic strategy on recy-cling and the thematic strategy on the sustainable use of resources.The Commission and the Member States shall,as appro-priate,encourage studies and pilot projects concerning points8(b),(c),(d),(e)and(f)and other prevention instru-ments.10.Member States which have,or will,set programmesgoing beyond the maximum targets of paragraph1and which provide to this effect appropriate capacities for recy-cling and recovery shall be permitted to pursue those targets in the interest of a high level of environmental protection,on condition that these measures avoid distor-tions of the internal market and do not hinder compliance by other Member States with this Directive.Member States shall inform the Commission of such measures.The Commission shall confirm these measures,after having verified,in cooperation with the Member States,that they are consistent with the abovementioned considerations and do not constitute an arbitrary means of discrimination or a disguised restriction on trade between Member States.(*)OJ L30,6.2.1993,p.1.Regulation as last amended by Commission Regulation(EC)No2557/2001(OJ L349,31.12.2001,p.1).(**)OJ L166,1.7.1999,p.6.Regulation as last amended by Commission Regulation(EC)No2118/2003(OJ L318,3.12.2003,p.5).(***)OJ L185,17.7.1999,p. 1.Regulation as last amended by Regulation(EC)No2118/2003.’4.Article8(2)shall be replaced by the following:‘2.To facilitate collection,reuse and recovery including recycling,packaging shall indicate for the purposes of its identification and classification by the industry concerned the nature of the packaging material(s)used on the basis of Commission Decision97/129/EC(*).(*)OJ L50,20.2.1997,p.28.’5.The following paragraph shall be added to Article13:‘Member States shall also promote consumer information and awareness campaigns.’6.Article19shall be replaced by the following:‘Article19Adaptation to scientific and technical progressThe amendments necessary for adapting to scientific and technical progress the identification system(as referred toin Article8(2)and Article10,second subparagraph,last indent),the formats relating to the database system(as referred to in Article12(3)and Annex III)as well as the illustrative examples on the definition of packaging(as referred to in Annex I)shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article21(2).’7.Article20(1)shall be replaced by the following:‘1.The Commission,in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article21,shall determine the technical measures necessary to deal with any difficulties encoun-tered in applying the provisions of this Directive in par-ticular to inert packaging materials,put on the market in very small quantities(i.e.approximately0,1%by weight) in the European Union,primary packaging for medical devices and pharmaceutical products,small packaging and luxury packaging.’8.Article21shall be replaced by the following:‘Article21Committee procedure1.The Commission shall be assisted by a committee.2.Where reference is made to this paragraph,Articles5and7of Decision1999/468/EC(*)shall apply,having regard to the provisions of Article8thereof.The period laid down in Article5(6)of Decision1999/ 468/EC shall be set at three months.3.The Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure.(*)OJ L184,17.7.1999,p.23.’9.The following paragraph shall be inserted in Article22:‘3a.Provided that the objectives set out in Article6are achieved,Member States may transpose the provisions of Article7by means of agreements between the competent authorities and the economic sectors concerned.Such agreements shall meet the following requirements:(a)agreements shall be enforceable;(b)agreements shall specify objectives with the corre-sponding deadlines;(c)agreements shall be published in the national officialjournal or an official document equally accessible tothe public,and transmitted to the Commission;(d)the results achieved shall be monitored regularly,reported to the competent authorities and the Commis-sion and made available to the public under the condi-tions set out in the agreement;(e)the competent authorities shall ensure that theprogress achieved under the agreement is examined;(f)in the event of non-compliance with the agreement,Member States shall implement the relevant provisionsof this Directive by legislative,regulatory or adminis-trative measures.’10.Annex I shall be replaced by the annex which appears inthe Annex hereto.Article2Member States shall bring into force the laws,regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Direc-tive by18August2005.They shall immediately inform the Commission thereof.When Member States adopt those measures,they shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such a refer-ence on the occasion of their official publication.Member States shall determine how such reference is to be made.Article3This Directive shall enter into force on the day of its publica-tion in the Official Journal of the European Union.Article4This Directive is addressed to the Member States.Done at Strasbourg,11February2004.For the European ParliamentThe PresidentP.COXFor the CouncilThe PresidentM.McDOWELLANNEX‘ANNEX IILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FOR CRITERIA REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE3(1) Illustrative examples for criterion(i)PackagingSweet boxesFilm overwrap around a CD caseNon-packagingFlower pots intended to stay with the plant throughout its lifeTool boxesTea bagsWax layers around cheeseSausage skinsIllustrative examples for criterion(ii)Packaging,if designed and intended to be filled at the point of salePaper or plastic carrier bagsDisposable plates and cupsCling filmSandwich bagsAluminium foilNon-packagingStirrerDisposable cutleryIllustrative examples for criterion(iii)PackagingLabels hung directly on or attached to a productPart of packagingMascara brush which forms part of the container closureSticky labels attached to another packaging itemStaplesPlastic sleevesDevice for measuring dosage which forms part of the container closure for detergents.’。

RoHS/WEEE指令与电池指令、包装指令的关系中国赛宝(总部)实验室刘群兴黄海涛1.前言欧洲议会和理事会于2003年1月27日完成并批准了2002/95/EC 关于在电子电气设备中限制使用某些有害物质指令(简称RoHS指令,Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 27 January 2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment)和2002/96/EC 关于电子电气设备废弃物指令(简称WEEE指令,Directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the council 27 January 2003 on waste electrical and electronic equipment),并于2003年2月13日在官方刊物上公布生效。
欧盟这两个指令的出台,主要是针对电子电气产品(简称EEE,Electrical and Electronic Equipment),而这些产品又不可避免会使用到包装材料,有不少产品还会使用到电池。
本文就电池指令、包装指令以及两指令与ROHS/WEEE 指令之间的关系作了简要介绍。
2.电池指令2.1 电池分类电池主要可分为如下两类:第一类为轻便式电池(portable batteries),其重量一般在1kg以下。
包括:a)不可充电的普通电池或蓄电池,如碳锌干电池(carbon-zinc dry batteries)、碱锰电池(alkaline manganese batteries);b)不可充电的钮扣电池(button cells),如锌-空气钮扣电池、氧化银钮扣电池、氧化锰钮扣电池、锂钮扣电池等;c)可充电电池,包括:镍镉电池,镍氢电池、锂离子电池等。

“包装物”只包括:(a) 销售包装物或初次包装物,即被认为是在采购地点构成某个向最终使用者或消费者提供的销售单元的包装物;(b) 组合的包装物或二次包装物,即被认为是在采购地点构成一组一定数量的销售单元的包装物,不管这些销售单元是以这种方式向最终使用者或消费者销售的还是仅仅作为补充销售地点货架的一种方式;从产品上拿掉这类包装物并不影响该产品的特性;(c) 运输包装物或三次包装物,即被认为是为了便于搬运和运输若干销售单元或组合的包装物,以防止在搬运和运输过程中遭到物理损坏的包装物。
欧盟废电器电子设备有关指令(WEEE)(RoHS) 简介及要点介绍

成为GP member的条件与步骤: 一、供货商负责人同意接受工厂审查,并遵照
S公司标准生产交货: SS-00259
成为GP member的条件与步骤: 二、实地审查:
可能衝擊的產品與製程 電路板上之零件如晶片電阻、連接材料、表面處理、低 熔點焊接、保險絲、鹼性電池化學合成材料、馬達、開 關、繼電器、漏電開閉器等的電氣接點材料、半導體受 光元件 、油漆、墨水、螢光管等。 電機電子設備、焊接、塗蠟材料、電氣連接、鉛酸電池 、 橡膠固化劑、CRT、顏料、玻璃、塗料、橡膠硫化促進 劑、固體潤滑劑等。 溫度計、感應器、開關、繼電器、醫療器材、金屬蝕刻、 乾電池、防腐劑、電極、水銀燈、電訊設備、手機等 顏料、催化劑、電鍍、墨水、陶瓷用著色劑、防腐劑、 相片等。 熱溶劑、潤滑劑和電容器油等。
绿色产品的设计 绿色供应链的建构与运营
绿色采购政策推行 清洁生产的规划、执行、监督与
一、成立或指定专责机构研读并密切掌握相关贸 易地区和各国对WEEE、RoHS等指令的实施
市场营销 企划 研究开发

RoHS指令的主要内容有哪些?企业如何应对?怎样进行R oHS符合性评价?电池生产商还应执行哪些相关指令?上下游产品标准不一致时到底按哪个标准执行?应业内骨干厂家和部分技术人员的要求,王金良先生对欧盟RoHS指令及与电池相关的环保指令作如下解读,并对其间的相互关系作了分析。
1目前涉及电池和蓄电池的欧盟环保指令(主要指令,包括未来可能执行的指令)1.1 电子电气设备中限制使用某些有害物质指令2002/95/EC,简称RoHS指令;1.2 报废电子电气设备指令2002/96/EC 简称WEEE指令;1.3 废旧车辆报废指令2000/53/EC ;1.4 包装及包装废弃物指令——94/62/EC指令及其延展指令2004/12/EC;1.5 含某些有毒物质的电池和蓄电池指令91/157/EEC、延展指令98/101/EC,简称电池指令;1.6 含某些有毒物质的电池和蓄电池指令修改草案EEC 98号通报;1.7 欧盟未来化学品政策:化学品的注册、评估、授权和限制,简称REACH法规。
2 RoHS指令和WEEE指令(目前已执行的主要环保指令)2.1 RoHS指令2002/95/ECRoHS指令是电子电气设备中限制使用某些有害物质指令( The Restriction of the Use of Certain Haz ardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment)的简称。
核心内容: 2006年7月1日起,新投放欧盟市场的电子电气设备中6种有害物质的最高限量(w%)分别为:铅(Pb):0.1%;汞(Hg):0.1%;镉(Cd):0.01%;六价铬(Cr6+):0.1%;多溴联苯(PBB):0. 1% ;多溴二苯醚(PBDE):0.1%。

欧盟包材指令94/62/EC 及其他相关法规欧盟指令94/62/EC 及其他相关法规欧盟指令94/62/EC 是基于环境与生命安全,能源与资源合理利用的要求,对全部的包装和包装材料、包装的管理、设计、生产、流通、使用和消费等所有环节提出相应的要求和应达到的目标。
指令94/62/EC 已于1997年付诸全面实施,但就其中的包装材料的回收率,欧盟某些成员国持有异议。
2004 年2 月11 日欧盟颁布了对94/62/EC 的修正案2004/12/EC,其中规定整体回收率60%,再循环率55%。
2005 年3 月9 日,欧盟再次颁布了94/62/EC 的修正案2005/20/EC,其中增加了一些成员国各自法规生效的具体日期。
指令94/62/EC 第十一款规定的有害重金属含量最大允许极限为100 mg/kg,目的在于保护地下水源和土壤。
特别应注意的是,不要轻言使用的包装材料可降解,欧共体对土壤和土壤改良另有法规,在EN 13432 中引用了相关法规。
指令EN 13432 附录A(规范性附录)给出了包装材料和所有的包装允许的最大元素含量的规定(见表10.1),并且要求受检物质的重量按50%的残存无机矿物质(不可降解的)计量。
RoHS指令适用范围* 2002/96/EC(WEEE)指令涵盖商品的第1、2、3、4、5、6、7和10类,且直流电压小于1500V,交流电压小于1000V的电子电气设备,以及家用灯泡和照明设施。
* 对于2006年7月1日前投放市场的电子电气设备的维修用零部件或再利用的部分不适用。
* 保护成员国安全利益相关的设备、武器,军需品和战争物质。
* 原欧盟15个成员国加上2004年加入欧盟的10个国家,共计有25个国家将陆续对电子电气产品实施限制。

第一部份 WEEE指令和ROHS指令简况一、WEEE指令1、WEEE:2002/96/EC 报废电子电气设备指令Waste Electrical andElectronic Equipment.2、WEEE指令核心内容:2005年8月13日起,欧盟市场上流通地电子电气设备地生产商必须在法律上承担起支付报废产品回收费用地责任,同时欧盟各成员国有义务制定自己地电子电气产品回收计划,建立相关配套回收设施,使电子电气产品地最终用户能够方便并且免费地处理报废设备.3、WEEE指令涉及产品范围:①大型家用电器;②小型家用电器;③ IT和通讯设备;④消费类电子电器设备;⑤照明设备;⑥电子电气工具<大型固定工业工具除外);⑦玩具、休闲和运动设备;⑧医用设备;⑨检测和控制仪器;⑩自动售货机.4、WEEE指令目标:2005年8月13日生产者建立或使用回收系统,一年后达到50%-80%地回收率考核目标(由生产商包括其进口商和经销商负责回收、处理进入欧盟市场废弃地电子电气产品>.5、生产者责任:设计环保产品,符合ROHS指令要求,并向欧盟成员国登记.6、产品标识要求:生产者名称,生产日期和相关标志(加贴回收“WEEE”标志>.7、影响① WEEE指令有关建立回收体系地要求虽然是针对欧盟内部地“生产商”<包括其进口商和经销商),但最终成本势必会转嫁到欧盟以外地出口商身上,由此产生地直接成本及间接成本势必提高我国电子电气产品地出口成本.②我国企业在出口时要额外缴纳高额地电子垃圾回收费用.二、ROHS指令1、ROHS: 2002/95/EC关于在电子电气设备中限制使用某些有害物质指令 The Restriction ofthe Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and ElectronicEquipment.2、ROHS指令核心内容:规定从2006年7月1日起,新投放欧盟市场地电子电气设备中不得含有以下6种有害物质,其在均质材料中最高限量分别为:①铅<Pb):1000mg/Kg;②汞<Hg):1000mg/Kg;③镉<Cd):100mg/Kg;④六价铬<Cr6+):1000mg/Kg;⑤多溴联苯<PBB):1000mg/Kg ;⑥多溴二苯醚<PBDE):1000mg/Kg三、有关两指令地重要期限1、2003年2月13日:两指令公布.2、2004年8月13日:欧盟成员国须将两指令转换成本国法律法规<目前仅有部分国家按期完成).3、2005年8月13日:生产商应建立起对终端用户免费地回收及处理电子电器废物地运作机制;于该日期起,投放市场地产品被视为“新产品”,需要加贴相应地“WEEE”标志.4、2006 年7月1日:进入欧盟市场地电子电气产品不得含有6种有害物质.<ROHS)5、2006 年12月31日: 欧盟成员国确保实现电子电器废物地回收率目标<见WEEE 第7条第2款规定),欧盟家庭年人均回收废旧电子电气产品至少达到4公斤.四、两指令涵盖地地域范围1、两指令覆盖25个欧盟成员国以及3个欧洲经济区国家(EEA>,共计28国.2、25个欧盟成员国是:奥地利、比利时、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、爱尔兰、意大利、卢森堡、荷兰、葡萄牙、西班牙、瑞典、英国、斯洛文尼亚、塞浦路斯、马耳他、波兰、捷克共和国、爱沙尼亚、匈牙利、拉托维亚、立陶宛、斯洛伐克.3、3个EEA国家是:冰岛、挪威、列支敦士登五、两指令涉及地部分产品目录RoHS指令&WEEE指令包含地电子电气设备范围:Ø大型家用器具大型制冷器具、冰箱、冷柜、其他大型食物冷藏、保存和贮存器具、洗衣机、衣服甩干机、洗盘机、烹饪设备、电炉、电热盘、微波炉、其他大型烹饪和食物加工器具、电热器具、电暖炉、其他大型加热房间、床、供坐家具地器具、电扇、空调装置、其他吹风、通风换气和空调设备Ø小型家用器具真空吸尘器、地毯清扫器、其他清扫器具、缝纫、针织、编织和其它纺织加工器具、熨斗和其他熨平、轧平以及其他衣物护理器具、烤箱、煎锅、研磨机、咖啡机和开启或密封容器或包裹地设备、电动刀、理发、吹发、刷牙、剃须、按摩器具和其他身体护理器具、钟表、手表和其他测量、指示或记录时间地器具、比例尺Ø信息技术和通讯设备集中数据处理:大型机、小型机、打印机单元个人计算:个人电脑<包括CPU、鼠标、屏幕和键盘)、膝上电脑<包括CPU、鼠标、屏幕和键盘)、笔记本电脑、记事本电脑Ø通讯设备:打印机、复印设备、电动和电子打字机、口袋式和台式计算机、其他通过电子方式进行信息收集、贮存、处理、演示或通讯地产品和设备、用户终端和系统、传真机、电报机、电话机、付费电话机、无绳电话机、移动电话、应答系统、其他通过电讯传输声音、图象传输或其他信息地产品或设备Ø用户设备收音机、电视机、摄影机、录象机、高保真录音机、扩音器、音乐设备、其他通过电讯以外地发送声音和图像技术录制或复制声音或者图象地产品或设备Ø照明设备荧光灯管,家用荧光灯除外、直线式荧光灯管、紧凑型荧光灯管、高强度放电管,包括压钠管和金属卤化管、低压钠管、其他照明或用于发射或者控制灯光地设备,白炽灯除外Ø电子和电气工具<大型固定工业工具除外)钻孔机、电锯、缝纫机对木材、金属和其他材料进行旋转、碾磨、磨光、研磨、锯开、切割、修剪、钻孔、打洞、打孔、折叠、弯曲或者类似加工地设备、用于铆接、打钉或者拧紧或者除去铆钉、钉子、螺丝或类似用途地工具、用于焊接或者类似用途地工具、通过其它方式对液体或者气体物质进行喷雾、涂敷、驱散或其他处理地设备、用于割草或者其他园林活动地工具Ø玩具、休闲和运动设备电动火车或者赛车、手动图象游戏控制台、图象游戏、用于自行车、跳水、跑步或者划船等地计算机、带有电子或者电气组件地运动设备、硬币投掷机Ø自动售货机热饮料自动售货机、冷热饮或者罐头自动售货机、固体产品自动售货机、自动取款机、自动售货所有产品地所有器具六、两指令涉及地其他法规1、94/62/EC:packaging and packaging waste 包装和包装废弃物指令2、91/157/EEC:batteries and accumulators 电池和蓄电池指令3、REACH制度: 欧盟未来化学品政策化学品注册、评估、许可制度4、2000/53/EC:End-of-life Vehicles 废旧车辆回收指令* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * *第二部份 ROHS指令专题一、ROHS涉及地产品范围1、大型家用电器;2、小型家用电器;3、IT和通讯设备;4、消费类电子电器设备;5、照明设备<包括家用灯泡和照明设施);6、电子电气工具<大型固定工业工具除外);7、玩具、休闲和运动设备;8、自动售货机;说明:1、对于今后是否将WEEE清单地第8、9类地医疗器械和测量仪器纳入ROHS管理范围仍待继续讨论.2、上述每大类产品又进一步细分为更多地小类产品,详情可参考WEEE指令附件1B中地产品清单.二、ROHS涉及广东地主要出口产品目录1、大型家用电器类产品:电冰箱、冷柜、洗衣机、空气调节器等2、小型家用电器类产品:微波炉、电烤箱、电咖啡壶、电热水壶、面包机、多士炉、饮水机、电炸锅、电磁炉、电热水器、电动毛发推剪、电发钳等3、电子设备类:收录音机、CVD、DVD、组合音响、汽车音响、有源音箱、电视机、显示器、监视和控制器等4、IT和通讯类产品:电话机、传真机、手机等5、照明设备类:台灯、落地灯、吊灯、射灯、嵌入试灯具、灯串、节能灯、电子整流器、光管支架等6、电子和电气工具类:手提电钻、电锯、电动螺丝刀等三、ROHS地豁免清单1、第一批豁免清单包括了9种产品中地相关物质:Ø汞:小型日光灯中地汞含量不得超过5毫克/灯;一般用途地直管日光灯中地汞含量不得超过:磷酸盐-10毫克;正常地三磷酸盐-5毫克;长效地三磷酸盐-8毫克;特殊用途地直管日光灯中地汞含量;其它照明灯中地汞含量.Ø镉:第76/769/EEC号指令地第91/338/EEC号指令禁止以外地镉电镀.Ø六价铬:在吸收式电冰箱中作为碳钢冷却系统防腐剂地六价铬Ø铅:阴极射线管、电子部件和发光管地玻璃内地铅含量;钢合金中地铅含量低于0.35%、铝合金中地铅含量低于0.4%,铜合金中地铅含量低于4%;高温融化地焊料中地铅<即:锡铅焊料合金中铅含量超过85%);用于服务器、存储器和存储系统地焊料中地铅<豁免准予至2018年);用于交换、信号和传输,以及电信网络管理地网络基础设施设备中焊料中地铅;电子陶瓷产品中地铅.2、欧盟委员会在 2005 年 10 月 15 日公布2005/717/EC决议中增加了针对ROHS 地豁免条款:Ø欧盟将十溴二苯醚列入《电子电气设备中限制使用某些有害物质地指令》(RoHS 指令>地豁免清单.Ø铅青铜轴瓦和轴衬套中地铅列入了豁免清单.3、欧盟委员会在 2005 年 10 月 25 日再次发布指令2005/747/EC决议中,针对ROHS指令增加了新地豁免条款:Ø插脚式连接器系统中地铅;Ø热导模块C环上地涂层材料中地铅;Ø光学和滤光玻璃中地铅和镉;Ø铅含量<以重量计)在80%~85%之间、连接插脚与微处理器封装地含两个元素以上地焊料中地铅.四、受控地有害物质种类和限量具体种类和限量见上述ROHS指令核心内容.说明:1、上述限量来自2003年12月欧盟地一次会议,目前已经被国际上广泛采纳.但因为尚未成为欧盟最终地法规条文,该限量仍存在变动可能.2、对于受控有害物质地种类,欧盟一直进行相关地研究,在今后很可能继续增加受控物质地种类.五、受控有害物质地用途及可能含有这些有害物质地电子电气产品部件和原材料本节内容有助于了解受控有害物质在电子电气产品中地分布情况,对于确定今后地检测、抽查、监控、预警工作具有指导意义.1、铅<Pb)铅及其化合物地主要用途:①塑料稳定剂、橡胶固化剂及配合剂;②焊接、涂蜡材料、电气连接;③电池原料;④颜料、涂料、墨水、染料地原料;⑤电镀液;⑥润滑剂、硬化剂、油漆地干燥剂;⑦陶瓷部件;⑧光学玻璃;铅<Pb)对人体地危害:吸收到体内地铅,不论是何种形式地化合物,都会引起严重地中毒症状.主要症状为贫血、虚弱、便秘、腹部剧痛、麻痹、手腕脚腕地发麻等.可能含有铅地材料:①包装材料;②印刷电路板;③电池和电池组;④部件地电极、引导端子;⑤涂料、颜料、墨水、染料;⑥各种合金;⑦电子陶瓷部件;⑧各种玻璃材料,包括电阻体、粘合剂、玻璃料、密封材等;2、镉(Cd>镉及其化合物地主要用途:①塑料地稳定剂;②化学合成材料;③电池、相片;④表面处理、连接材料;⑤油漆、颜料、墨水、着色剂;⑥低熔点焊接、保险丝;⑦电镀液地稳定剂、电镀光泽剂;镉(Cd>地危害:镉地中毒性强,如滞留在体内,会引起神经性障碍而妨碍酶地活动.可能含有镉地材料:①包装材料;②塑胶部件;③电池和电池组;④部件地电极、引导端子;⑤涂料、颜料、墨水、染料;⑥各种合金部件;⑦电子陶瓷部件;⑧各种玻璃材料,包括电阻体、粘合剂、玻璃料、密封材等;3、汞<Hg)汞及其化合物地主要用途:①防腐剂、催化剂、防霉剂、杀菌剂;②金属蚀刻;③电池;④颜料;⑤电极、水银灯;可能含有汞地材料:①包装材料;②印刷电路板;③电池和电池组;④涂料、颜料、墨水、染料;⑤日光灯;4、六价铬(Cr6+>六价铬化合物地主要用途:①催化剂、防腐剂;②陶瓷用着色剂;③电池;④电镀液、防锈剂;⑤涂料、颜料、墨水;⑤鞣皮;六价铬(Cr6+>对人体地危害:长期吸入高浓度地6价铬,会引起鼻中隔穿孔.它毒性强,如直接接触身体会引起皮肤炎.可能含有六价铬地材料:①包装材料、外壳;②印刷电路板;③电池和电池组;④电镀防锈处理地部件;⑤涂料、颜料、墨水、染料;⑥皮革部件;5、阻燃剂可能含有溴代阻燃剂地材料:①塑胶产品部件:各种聚合物材料,如PE、ABS、HIPS、LDPE、聚酯,电器塑料外壳,电线电缆,开关等;②印刷电路板;PBB(多溴联苯>对人体地危害:疑具有扰乱内分泌作用地化学物质<环境荷尔蒙)之一.关于对荷尔蒙地作用,引起地扰乱甲状腺荷尔蒙地作用.PBDE(多溴联苯醚>对人体地危害:疑具有扰乱内分泌作用地化学物质(环境荷尔蒙>之一.六、通常地测试部件1、电子元件:电阻、电容、集成电路、PCB板、二极管;2、塑胶件:外壳、风扇页、连接器、套管、插头、旋钮、温控器、开关地外壳;3、金属件:导线、外壳、马达壳、弹簧、漆包线、焊锡、螺钉、触片;七、违反指令地惩罚措施如在欧盟地市场抽查上发现产品不符合指令要求,将会被退货、有偿销毁等.事实上,如果整机制造商不能提供产品符合指令地证据,将不会有欧盟进口商购买这些产品.八、符合指令地途径及注意问题1、虽然,ROHS指令把责任归在整机制造商,并未对元器和材料制造商提出要求.但对于整机制造来说,对原材料和元器件地确认和追溯是控制产品中有害物质地一个关键问题,因此,整机制造商会要求原材料和元器件制造商提供检测报告或证书.2、与欧盟其他地指令不同地是,通过几个测试去验证整机产品是否符合ROHS指令是近乎不可能地,最合理地做法是从原材料和元器件供应商处取得材料地检测数据,然后转换为产品地符合性声明.但是,整机制造商还需要去判断材料供应商地检测数据是否可靠,可以通过下述途径判断:调查出具检测数据地实验室声誉。
欧盟包装物指令2004 12 EC 英文版

DIRECTIVE2004/12/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCILof11February2004amending Directive94/62/EC on packaging and packaging wasteTHE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EURO-PEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,and in particular Article95(1)thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the Commission(1),Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee(2),Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251of the Treaty,in the light of the joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee on17December2003(3),Whereas:(1)Pursuant to Directive94/62/EC(4)the Council isrequired,no later than six months before the end of afive-year phase starting from the date by which thatDirective should have been implemented in national law,to fix targets for the next five-year phase.(2)The definition of‘packaging’laid down in Directive94/62/EC should be further clarified through the introduc-tion of certain criteria and an annex containing illustra-tive examples.It is necessary,in order to achieve theambitious recycling targets,to encourage the develop-ment of innovative,environmentally sound and viablerecycling processes.An evaluation of the different recy-cling methods should be made with a view to drawingup definitions for these methods.(3)Recycling targets for each specific waste material shouldtake account of life-cycle assessments and cost-benefitanalysis,which have indicated clear differences both inthe costs and in the benefits of recycling the variouspackaging materials,and should improve the coherenceof the internal market for the recycling of these mate-rials.(4)Recovery and recycling of packaging waste should befurther increased to reduce its environmental impact.(5)Certain Member States which,on account of theirspecial circumstances,were allowed to postpone the datefixed for achievement of the recovery and recyclingtargets set in Directive94/62/EC should be granted afurther,but limited,postponement.(6)The European Parliament,the Council and the Commis-sion agree on the need for temporary derogations forthe acceding States with respect to the targets of thisDirective.This should be decided on the basis of therequests from the acceding States for derogations to runin principle until not later than2012for Cyprus,theCzech Republic,Estonia,Hungary,Lithuania,Slovakiaand Slovenia;2013for Malta;2014for Poland and2015for Latvia.(7)This agreement will be finalised in accordance with theappropriate legal procedure before the expiry of thedeadline for the transposition of this Directive.(8)The management of packaging and packaging wasterequires the Member States to set up return,collectionand recovery systems.Such systems should be open tothe participation of all interested parties and be designedto avoid discrimination against imported products andbarriers to trade or distortions of competition and toguarantee the maximum possible return of packagingand packaging waste,in accordance with the Treaty.Discrimination against materials on the basis of theirweight should be avoided.The operators in the packa-ging chain as a whole should shoulder their sharedresponsibility to ensure that the environmental impactof packaging and packaging waste throughout its lifecycle is reduced as far as possible.(9)Annual Community-wide data on packaging and packa-ging waste,including on waste exported for recyclingand recovery outside the Community,are needed inorder to monitor the implementation of the objectives ofthis Directive.This requires a harmonised reporting tech-nique and clear guidelines for data providers.(10)The Commission should examine and report on theimplementation of this Directive and its impact on boththe environment and the internal market.This reportshould also cover the issues of essential requirements,waste prevention measures,a possible packaging indi-cator,waste prevention plans,reuse,producer responsi-bility and heavy metal and should,as appropriate,beaccompanied by proposals for revision.(1)OJ C103E,30.4.2002,p.17.(2)OJ C221,17.9.2002,p.31.(3)Opinion of the European Parliament of3September2002(OJ C272E,13.11.2003,p.287),Council Common Position of6March 2003(OJ C107E,6.5.2003,p.17),Position of the European Parliament of2July2003(not yet published in the Official Journal).Legislative resolution of the European Parliament of29January 2004and Council Decision of26January2004.(4)OJ L365,31.12.1994,p.10.Directive as amended by Regulation(EC)No1882/2003(OJ L284,31.10.2003,p.1).(11)Member States should promote relevant consumer infor-mation and awareness campaigns and encourage otherprevention instruments.(12)In addition to the environmental and internal marketobjectives of this Directive,recycling may also have theeffect of providing jobs which have declined elsewherein society,and may thus help prevent exclusion.(13)Since the objectives of the proposed action,namely toharmonise national targets for the recycling of packagingwaste,taking into account individual circumstances ofeach Member State,and to provide further clarificationon definitions,cannot be sufficiently achieved by theMember States and can therefore,by reason of the scaleof the action,be better achieved at Community level,theCommunity may adopt measures,in accordance withthe principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article5of theTreaty.In accordance with the principle of proportion-ality,as set out in that Article,this Directive does not gobeyond what is necessary in order to achieve thoseobjectives.(14)The measures necessary for the implementation of thisDirective should be adopted in accordance with CouncilDecision1999/468/EC of28June1999laying downthe procedures for the exercise of implementing powersconferred on the Commission(1).(15)Directive94/62/EC should therefore be amended accord-ingly,HAVE ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:Article1Directive94/62/EC is hereby amended as follows:1.the following subparagraphs shall be added to point1ofArticle3:‘The definition of“packaging”shall be further based on the criteria set out below.The items listed in Annex I are illus-trative examples of the application of these criteria.(i)Items shall be considered to be packaging if they fulfilthe abovementioned definition without prejudice toother functions which the packaging might alsoperform,unless the item is an integral part of aproduct and it is necessary to contain,support orpreserve that product throughout its lifetime and allelements are intended to be used,consumed ordisposed of together.(ii)Items designed and intended to be filled at the point of sale and“disposable”items sold,filled or designedand intended to be filled at the point of sale shall beconsidered to be packaging provided they fulfil apackaging function.(iii)Packaging components and ancillary elements inte-grated into packaging shall be considered to be part ofthe packaging into which they are integrated.Ancil-lary elements hung directly on,or attached to,aproduct and which perform a packaging function shallbe considered to be packaging unless they are an inte-gral part of this product and all elements are intendedto be consumed or disposed of together.The Commission shall,as appropriate,in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article21,examine and, where necessary,review the illustrative examples for the definition of packaging given in Annex I.As a priority,the following items shall be addressed:CD and video cases, flower pots,tubes and cylinders around which flexible material is wound,release paper of self-adhesive labels and wrapping paper.’2.Article4shall be replaced by the following:‘Article4Prevention1.Member States shall ensure that,in addition to themeasures to prevent the formation of packaging waste taken in accordance with Article9,other preventive measures are implemented.Such other measures may consist of national programmes, projects to introduce producer responsibility to minimise the environmental impact of packaging or similar actions adopted,if appropriate in consultation with economic operators,and designed to bring together and take advan-tage of the many initiatives taken within Member States as regards prevention.They shall comply with the objectives of this Directive as defined in Article1(1).2.The Commission shall help to promote preventionby encouraging the development of suitable European standards,in accordance with Article10.The standards shall aim to minimise the environmental impact of packa-ging in accordance with Articles9and10.3.The Commission shall,as appropriate,present propo-sals for measures to strengthen and complement the enfor-cement of the essential requirements and to ensure that new packaging is put on the market only if the producer has taken all necessary measures to minimise its environ-mental impact without compromising the essential func-tions of the packaging.’3.Article6shall be replaced by the following:‘Article6Recovery and recycling1.In order to comply with the objectives of this Direc-tive,Member States shall take the necessary measures to attain the following targets covering the whole of their territory:(a)no later than30June2001between50%as aminimum and65%as a maximum by weight ofpackaging waste will be recovered or incinerated atwaste incineration plants with energy recovery;(1)OJ L184,17.7.1999,p.23.(b)no later than31December200860%as a minimumby weight of packaging waste will be recovered or incinerated at waste incineration plants with energy recovery;(c)no later than30June2001between25%as aminimum and45%as a maximum by weight of the totality of packaging materials contained in packaging waste will be recycled with a minimum of15%by weight for each packaging material;(d)no later than31December2008between55%as aminimum and80%as a maximum by weight of packaging waste will be recycled;(e)no later than31December2008the followingminimum recycling targets for materials contained in packaging waste will be attained:(i)60%by weight for glass;(ii)60%by weight for paper and board;(iii)50%by weight for metals;(iv)22,5%by weight for plastics,counting exclusively material that is recycled back into plastics;(v)15%by weight for wood.2.Packaging waste exported out of the Community in accordance with Council Regulations(EEC)No259/93(*), (EC)No1420/1999(**)and Commission Regulation(EC) No1547/1999(***),shall only count for the achievement of the obligations and targets of paragraph1if there is sound evidence that the recovery and/or recycling opera-tion took place under conditions that are broadly equiva-lent to those prescribed by the Community legislation on the matter.3.Member States shall,where appropriate,encourage energy recovery,where it is preferable to material-recycling for environmental and cost-benefit reasons.This could be done by considering a sufficient margin between national recycling and recovery targets.4.Member States shall,where appropriate,encourage the use of materials obtained from recycled packaging waste for the manufacturing of packaging and other products by:(a)improving market conditions for such materials;(b)reviewing existing regulations preventing the use ofthose materials.5.Not later than31December2007,the European Parliament and the Council shall,acting by qualified majority and on a proposal from the Commission,fix targets for the third five-year phase2009until2014, based on the practical experience gained in the Member States in pursuit of the targets laid down in paragraph1and the findings of scientific research and evaluation tech-niques such as life-cycle assessments and cost-benefit analysis.This process shall be repeated every five years.6.The measures and targets referred to in paragraph1 shall be published by the Member States and shall be the subject of an information campaign for the general public and economic operators.7.Greece,Ireland and Portugal may,because of their specific situations,namely respectively the large number of small islands,the presence of rural and mountain areas and the current low level of packaging consumption, decide to:(a)attain,no later than30June2001,lower targets thanthose fixed in paragraphs1(a)and(c),but shall at least attain25%for recovery or incineration at waste incin-eration plants with energy recovery;(b)postpone at the same time the attainment of thetargets in paragraphs1(a)and(c)to a later deadline which shall not,however,be later than31December 2005;(c)postpone the attainment of the targets referred to inparagraphs1(b),(d)and(e)until a date of their own choice which shall not be later than31December 2011.8.The Commission shall,as soon as possible and no later than30June2005,present a report to the European Parliament and the Council on the progress of the imple-mentation of this Directive and its impact on the environ-ment,as well as on the functioning of the internal market. The report shall take into account individual circumstances in each Member State.It shall cover the following:(a)an evaluation of the effectiveness,implementation andenforcement of the essential requirements;(b)additional prevention measures to reduce the environ-mental impact of packaging as far as possible without compromising its essential functions;(c)the possible development of a packaging environmentindicator to render packaging waste prevention simpler and more effective;(d)packaging waste prevention plans;(e)encouragement of reuse and,in particular,comparisonof the costs and benefits of reuse and those of recy-cling;(f)producer responsibility including its financial aspects;(g)efforts to reduce further and,if appropriate,ultimatelyphase out heavy metals and other hazardous substances in packaging by2010.This report shall,as appropriate,be accompanied by proposals for revision of the related provisions of this Directive,unless such proposals have,by that time,been presented.9.The report shall address the issues in paragraph8aswell as other relevant issues in the framework of the different elements of the Sixth Environmental Action Programme,in particular the thematic strategy on recy-cling and the thematic strategy on the sustainable use of resources.The Commission and the Member States shall,as appro-priate,encourage studies and pilot projects concerning points8(b),(c),(d),(e)and(f)and other prevention instru-ments.10.Member States which have,or will,set programmesgoing beyond the maximum targets of paragraph1and which provide to this effect appropriate capacities for recy-cling and recovery shall be permitted to pursue those targets in the interest of a high level of environmental protection,on condition that these measures avoid distor-tions of the internal market and do not hinder compliance by other Member States with this Directive.Member States shall inform the Commission of such measures.The Commission shall confirm these measures,after having verified,in cooperation with the Member States,that they are consistent with the abovementioned considerations and do not constitute an arbitrary means of discrimination or a disguised restriction on trade between Member States.(*)OJ L30,6.2.1993,p.1.Regulation as last amended by Commission Regulation(EC)No2557/2001(OJ L349,31.12.2001,p.1).(**)OJ L166,1.7.1999,p.6.Regulation as last amended by Commission Regulation(EC)No2118/2003(OJ L318,3.12.2003,p.5).(***)OJ L185,17.7.1999,p. 1.Regulation as last amended by Regulation(EC)No2118/2003.’4.Article8(2)shall be replaced by the following:‘2.To facilitate collection,reuse and recovery including recycling,packaging shall indicate for the purposes of its identification and classification by the industry concerned the nature of the packaging material(s)used on the basis of Commission Decision97/129/EC(*).(*)OJ L50,20.2.1997,p.28.’5.The following paragraph shall be added to Article13:‘Member States shall also promote consumer information and awareness campaigns.’6.Article19shall be replaced by the following:‘Article19Adaptation to scientific and technical progressThe amendments necessary for adapting to scientific and technical progress the identification system(as referred toin Article8(2)and Article10,second subparagraph,last indent),the formats relating to the database system(as referred to in Article12(3)and Annex III)as well as the illustrative examples on the definition of packaging(as referred to in Annex I)shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article21(2).’7.Article20(1)shall be replaced by the following:‘1.The Commission,in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article21,shall determine the technical measures necessary to deal with any difficulties encoun-tered in applying the provisions of this Directive in par-ticular to inert packaging materials,put on the market in very small quantities(i.e.approximately0,1%by weight) in the European Union,primary packaging for medical devices and pharmaceutical products,small packaging and luxury packaging.’8.Article21shall be replaced by the following:‘Article21Committee procedure1.The Commission shall be assisted by a committee.2.Where reference is made to this paragraph,Articles5and7of Decision1999/468/EC(*)shall apply,having regard to the provisions of Article8thereof.The period laid down in Article5(6)of Decision1999/ 468/EC shall be set at three months.3.The Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure.(*)OJ L184,17.7.1999,p.23.’9.The following paragraph shall be inserted in Article22:‘3a.Provided that the objectives set out in Article6are achieved,Member States may transpose the provisions of Article7by means of agreements between the competent authorities and the economic sectors concerned.Such agreements shall meet the following requirements:(a)agreements shall be enforceable;(b)agreements shall specify objectives with the corre-sponding deadlines;(c)agreements shall be published in the national officialjournal or an official document equally accessible tothe public,and transmitted to the Commission;(d)the results achieved shall be monitored regularly,reported to the competent authorities and the Commis-sion and made available to the public under the condi-tions set out in the agreement;(e)the competent authorities shall ensure that theprogress achieved under the agreement is examined;(f)in the event of non-compliance with the agreement,Member States shall implement the relevant provisionsof this Directive by legislative,regulatory or adminis-trative measures.’10.Annex I shall be replaced by the annex which appears inthe Annex hereto.Article2Member States shall bring into force the laws,regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Direc-tive by18August2005.They shall immediately inform the Commission thereof.When Member States adopt those measures,they shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such a refer-ence on the occasion of their official publication.Member States shall determine how such reference is to be made.Article3This Directive shall enter into force on the day of its publica-tion in the Official Journal of the European Union.Article4This Directive is addressed to the Member States.Done at Strasbourg,11February2004.For the European ParliamentThe PresidentP.COXFor the CouncilThe PresidentM.McDOWELLANNEX‘ANNEX IILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FOR CRITERIA REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE3(1) Illustrative examples for criterion(i)PackagingSweet boxesFilm overwrap around a CD caseNon-packagingFlower pots intended to stay with the plant throughout its lifeTool boxesTea bagsWax layers around cheeseSausage skinsIllustrative examples for criterion(ii)Packaging,if designed and intended to be filled at the point of salePaper or plastic carrier bagsDisposable plates and cupsCling filmSandwich bagsAluminium foilNon-packagingStirrerDisposable cutleryIllustrative examples for criterion(iii)PackagingLabels hung directly on or attached to a productPart of packagingMascara brush which forms part of the container closureSticky labels attached to another packaging itemStaplesPlastic sleevesDevice for measuring dosage which forms part of the container closure for detergents.’。

适合我们包装的检测标准是:94/62/EC现将收集相关内容转发给一直关心支持本论坛的网友欧盟包装指令(94/62/EC)简介1. 欧盟法规的形式欧盟法规的形式为:规章(Regulations)、指令(Directives)、决定(Decisions)、建议和意见(Recommendations and advice),其中建议和意见没有约束力。
2 欧盟指令的内容和特点欧盟指令规定基本要求,是技术性法规。
基本要求(essential requirement)基本要求规定了保护公众利益的基本要素;基本要求是强制性的,只有满足基本要求的产品方可投放市场和交付使用;基本要求主要是指产品在生命、环境和国家安全、消费者利益和能源消耗方面的要求。
出口欧盟商品的包装,应首先了解欧盟针对包装的指令中的基本要求:WTO 成员国之间有关基本要求的技术文件是互相公开的,我国标准中可对应基本要求的术语为:必达要求(exclusive requirement);基本要求是市场准入的第一道技术门槛,跨越这道门槛才有资格参与市场竞争。
RoHS WEEE指令与电池指令 包装指令的关系

RoHS/WEEE指令与电池指令、包装指令的关系中国赛宝(总部)实验室刘群兴黄海涛1.前言欧洲议会和理事会于2003年1月27日完成并批准了2002/95/EC 关于在电子电气设备中限制使用某些有害物质指令(简称RoHS指令,Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 27 January 2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment)和2002/96/EC 关于电子电气设备废弃物指令(简称WEEE指令,Directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the council 27 January 2003 on waste electrical and electronic equipment),并于2003年2月13日在官方刊物上公布生效。
欧盟这两个指令的出台,主要是针对电子电气产品(简称EEE,Electrical and Electronic Equipment),而这些产品又不可避免会使用到包装材料,有不少产品还会使用到电池。
本文就电池指令、包装指令以及两指令与ROHS/WEEE 指令之间的关系作了简要介绍。
2.电池指令2.1 电池分类电池主要可分为如下两类:第一类为轻便式电池(portable batteries),其重量一般在1kg以下。
包括:a)不可充电的普通电池或蓄电池,如碳锌干电池(carbon-zinc dry batteries)、碱锰电池(alkaline manganese batteries);b)不可充电的钮扣电池(button cells),如锌-空气钮扣电池、氧化银钮扣电池、氧化锰钮扣电池、锂钮扣电池等;c)可充电电池,包括:镍镉电池,镍氢电池、锂离子电池等。

欧盟包材指令94/62/EC 及其他相关法规欧盟指令94/62/EC 及其他相关法规欧盟指令94/62/EC 是基于环境与生命安全,能源与资源合理利用的要求,对全部的包装和包装材料、包装的管理、设计、生产、流通、使用和消费等所有环节提出相应的要求和应达到的目标。
指令94/62/EC 已于1997年付诸全面实施,但就其中的包装材料的回收率,欧盟某些成员国持有异议。
2004 年2 月11 日欧盟颁布了对94/62/EC 的修正案2004/12/EC,其中规定整体回收率60%,再循环率55%。
2005 年3 月9 日,欧盟再次颁布了94/62/EC 的修正案2005/20/EC,其中增加了一些成员国各自法规生效的具体日期。
指令94/62/EC 第十一款规定的有害重金属含量最大允许极限为100 mg/kg,目的在于保护地下水源和土壤。
特别应注意的是,不要轻言使用的包装材料可降解,欧共体对土壤和土壤改良另有法规,在EN 13432 中引用了相关法规。
指令EN 13432附录A(规范性附录)给出了包装材料和所有的包装允许的最大元素含量的规定(见表10.1),并且要求受检物质的重量按50%的残存无机矿物质(不可降解的)计量。

序号 产品名称 风险物料 水尺密封圈、 密封圈、发热 管密封圈、密 封环、防水胶 圈、硅胶管 顶盖、 1 水壶类 滤网 材质 风险项目 一年内送检合格率 测试不合格记录产品型号 供应商名称 KE7076E、KE7076DW、 KE7076 XB6413、KE7153、KE7403、 恒宝、道格、兴宇 KE7012U、KE6336、KE6568V 、刚辉、三佳、顺 91.24% 益 、KE7405、KE7406、XB436、 XB6618、XB6502、XB6338、 KE7090、MF3450 64.28% KE5611、XB9138V/BL9210 新宝自制件 60.00% 89.28% 84.38% 88.88% 90.90% 87.50% 0% KE7026、KE7033 XB6813L KE7453、 KE7990、XB6991 KE7702 KE7016、BL9210 BL9826 XB9178A、XB533、BL9826、 BL9229、XB9018、HM901、 XB980、XB9158G、XB543、 XB9008、XB984、XB9196G、 XB523、XB433、XB9115G、 XB9138V、BL9210、MC343、 JE5611、BL9829B HB988L、XB9008、FP9028、 HB9807D、XB9188、XB986 BL9208 XB9166K、XB9178A、XB986B 、XBM1008、WMP415、HM901 、HM856V、XB982、XB917、 HM925S、HM866、XB983B、 HM886、HM825S、HM834-A、 HB988L、HM901、HM865D、 WMP400、HM937SL、HM836、 HM836、XB9116G、 HB9807AD/D、HM925、 HB989B、HB9806A、 MG5818/MG5818A/MG5818F、 HB9807C、MC343、 所有包含含油轴承的产品型号 双裕、华磊 凯生 新宝自制件 新宝自制件 庆菱、南冠、冠华 硅胶 VOC(DGCCRF及LFGB)

⏹PPW要求:鼓勵包裝再使用⏹PPW要求:回收再利用及再生之標的2001.06.30前PW 50%~65%回收利用或焚化2001.06.30前PW中材料25%~45%再生,每種材料15%最小2008.12.31前PW 60%至少回收再利用或焚化2008.12.31前PW 55%~80%再生2008.12.31前各種材料再生目標、玻璃60%、紙及紙板60%、金屬50%、塑膠28.5%、木材15%⏹PPW要求:包裝中重金屬濃度總和不超過1996.06.30二年後600ppm1996.06.30三年後250ppm1996.06.30五年後100ppm⏹PPW要求:資訊系統包括會員國間、會員國→執委會、會員國→消費者及使用者⏹PPW要求:為便於收集、再生、回收再利用、包裝應標明識別及分類⏹PPW應有管理計畫,經濟工具、通知、報告、自由進入市場及科技調適等做法⏹關鍵日期包裝及包裝廢棄物指令94/62/EC增訂指令2004/12/EC各會員國回收再利用、再生2005.6.30 各會員國之執行進展報告2005.8.15 指令規定納入法律2007.12.31 訂2009-2014第3月五年計劃TARGET包裝及包裝廢棄物指令94/62/EC增訂指令2004/12/EC附錄附錄I。

EN 13431:2004包装 — 能源回收利用—包装可回收利用的要求 — 最低热量值的陈述Packaging—Requirements for packaging recoverable in the form of energy recovery, including specification of minimum inferior calorific value.前言本标准(EN 13431:2004)是由技术委员会 CEN/TC 261(包装)制定的,书记处设在法国标准化组织协会(AFNOR)。
本标准替代EN 13431:2000。
依据欧洲标准化委员会和欧洲电工标准化委员会(CEN/ CENELEC)的规则,下列各国的国家标准化组织应在其领土范围内执行本欧洲标准:奥地利、比利时、塞浦路斯、捷克、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、匈牙利、冰岛、爱尔兰、意大利、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、荷兰、挪威、波兰、葡萄牙、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士和英国。
EN 13427提出了本标准和其他可能应用的四个标准共同支持投放市场的包装符合指令基本要求的框架。
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