
Unix_Linux_Windows_OpenMP多线程编程第三章 Unix/Linux 多线程编程[引言]本章在前面章节多线程编程基础知识的基础上,着重介绍 Unix/Linux 系统下的多线程编程接口及编程技术。
3.1 POSIX 的一些基本知识POSIX 是可移植操作系统接口(Portable Operating SystemInterface)的首字母缩写。
POSIX 是基于 UNIX 的,这一标准意在期望获得源代码级的软件可移植性。
换句话说,为一个 POSIX 兼容的操作系统编写的程序,应该可以在任何其它的 POSIX 操作系统(即使是来自另一个厂商)上编译执行。
POSIX 标准定义了操作系统应该为应用程序提供的接口:系统调用集。
POSIX是由 IEEE(Institute of Electrical andElectronic Engineering)开发的,并由 ANSI(American National Standards Institute)和 ISO(International StandardsOrganization)标准化。
大多数的操作系统(包括 Windows NT)都倾向于开发它们的变体版本与 POSIX 兼容。
POSIX 现在已经发展成为一个非常庞大的标准族,某些部分正处在开发过程中。
表 1-1 给出了 POSIX 标准的几个重要组成部分。
POSIX 与 IEEE 1003 和 2003 家族的标准是可互换的。
除 1003.1 之外,1003 和 2003 家族也包括在表中。
管理 POSIX 开放式系统环境(OSE) 。
IEEE 在 1995 年通过了这项标准。
ISO 的1003.0版本是 ISO/IEC 14252:1996。
1003.1 提供一个操作系统的C 语1003.1 言应用编程接口(API) 。
IEEE 和 ISO 已经在 1990 年通过了这个标准,IEEE 在1995 年重新修订了该标准。

1. 创建线程要创建一个线程,需要使用C++中的thread类。
创建线程的基本语法如下:```#include <thread>void myFunction(){// do something}int main(){std::thread t(myFunction); // 创建线程t.join(); // 等待线程结束return 0;}```2. 传递参数如果需要向线程传递参数,可以通过将参数传递给线程构造函数来实现。
```#include <thread>void myFunction(int x){// do something with x}int main(){int x = 42;std::thread t(myFunction, x); // 向线程传递参数t.join(); // 等待线程结束return 0;}```3. 多线程同步在多线程编程中,同步是一项重要的任务。
```#include <mutex>std::mutex myMutex; // 定义互斥锁void myFunction(){myMutex.lock(); // 获取互斥锁// do something with shared resourcemyMutex.unlock(); // 释放互斥锁}int main(){std::thread t1(myFunction);std::thread t2(myFunction);t1.join();t2.join();return 0;}```条件变量是一种允许线程在特定条件下等待的机制。

C#多线程编程实战(⼀):线程基础1.1 简介为了防⽌⼀个应⽤程序控制CPU⽽导致其他应⽤程序和操作系统本⾝永远被挂起这⼀可能情况,操作系统不得不使⽤某种⽅式将物理计算分割为⼀些虚拟的进程,并给予每个执⾏程序⼀定量的计算能⼒。
1.2 创建线程using System;using System.Threading;namespace MulityThreadNote{class Program{static void Main(string[] args){Thread t1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(PrintNumbers));//⽆参数的委托t1.Start();Thread t2 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(PrintNumbers));//有参数的委托t2.Start(10);Console.ReadLine();}static void PrintNumbers(){Console.WriteLine("Starting...");for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){Console.WriteLine(i);}}//注意:要使⽤ParameterizedThreadStart,定义的参数必须为objectstatic void PrintNumbers(object count){Console.WriteLine("Starting...");for (int i = 0; i < Convert.ToInt32(count); i++){Console.WriteLine(i);}}}}注释:我们只需指定在不同线程运⾏的⽅法名,⽽C#编译器会在后台创建这些对象1.3 暂停线程using System;using System.Threading;namespace MulityThreadNote{class Program{static void Main(string[] args){Thread t1 = new Thread(PrintNumbersWithDelay);t1.Start();PrintNumbers();Console.ReadLine();}static void PrintNumbers(){Console.WriteLine("Starting...");for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){Console.WriteLine(i);}}static void PrintNumbersWithDelay(){Console.WriteLine("Starting...");for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));Console.WriteLine(i);}}}}注释:使⽤Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));暂停线程1.4 线程等待using System;namespace MulityThreadNote{class Program{static void Main(string[] args){Console.WriteLine("Starting...");Thread t = new Thread(PrintNumbersWithDelay);t.Start();t.Join(); //使⽤Join等待t完成PrintNumbers();Console.WriteLine("THread Complete");Console.ReadLine();}static void PrintNumbers(){Console.WriteLine("Starting...");for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){Console.WriteLine(i);}}static void PrintNumbersWithDelay(){Console.WriteLine("Starting...");for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));Console.WriteLine(i);}}}}注释:使⽤t.Join(); 等待t完成1.5 终⽌线程using System;using System.Threading;namespace MulityThreadNote{class Program{static void Main(string[] args){Console.WriteLine("Starting Program...");Thread t1 = new Thread(PrintNumbersWithDelay);t1.Start();Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(6));t1.Abort(); //使⽤Abort()终⽌线程Console.WriteLine("Thread t1 has been aborted");Thread t2 = new Thread(PrintNumbers);PrintNumbers();Console.ReadLine();}static void PrintNumbers(){Console.WriteLine("Starting...");for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){Console.WriteLine(i);}}static void PrintNumbersWithDelay(){Console.WriteLine("Starting...");for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));Console.WriteLine(i);}}}}注释:使⽤Thread实例的Abort⽅法终⽌线程1.6 检测线程状态using System;using System.Threading;namespace MulityThreadNote{class Program{static void Main(string[] args){Console.WriteLine("Start Program...");Thread t1 = new Thread(PrintNumbersWithStatus);Thread t2 = new Thread(DoNothing);Console.WriteLine(t1.ThreadState.ToString());//获取实例线程状态 t2.Start();t1.Start();for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)}Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(6));t1.Abort();Console.WriteLine("thread t1 has been aborted");Console.WriteLine(t1.ThreadState.ToString());Console.WriteLine(t2.ThreadState.ToString());Console.ReadLine();}private static void PrintNumbersWithStatus(){Console.WriteLine("Starting...");Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.ThreadState.ToString());//获取当前线程状态for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));Console.WriteLine(i);}}private static void DoNothing(){Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));}}}注释:使⽤Thread.ThreadState获取线程的运⾏状态。

二、实现多线程的几种方式1. 继承Thread类继承Thread类是最直接的实现多线程的方式。
```public class MyThread extends Threadpublic void ru//线程要执行的代码}```(2)创建MyThread类的实例,并调用start方法启动线程。
```MyThread myThread = new MyThread(;myThread.start(;```2. 实现Runnable接口实现Runnable接口是更常用的实现多线程的方式。
```public class MyRunnable implements Runnablepublic void ru//线程要执行的代码}```(2)创建MyRunnable类的实例,并通过Thread类的构造方法传递给一个新的线程对象。
MyRunnable myRunnable = new MyRunnable(;Thread thread = new Thread(myRunnable);thread.start(;```3.使用线程池线程池是一种管理和复用线程的机制,可以减少线程创建、销毁的开销,提高性能。

qt的多线程的使用方法Q t是一种跨平台的应用程序开发框架,它提供了丰富的工具和库,包含了图形界面、数据库、网络通信等功能。
在Q t中,多线程可以帮助我们实现并行处理和提高程序的性能。
本文将详细介绍Q t中多线程的使用方法,并给出一步一步的示例。
第一步:导入头文件使用多线程之前,我们首先需要导入Q t中的头文件,其中包括Q T h r e a d、Q O b j e c t等。
首先我们来看一下Q T h r e a d的定义。
c p pi n c l u d e<Q T h r e a d>第二步:创建工作线程类在Q t中,通常我们需要创建一个继承自Q T h r e a d的类,来实现我们需要的具体功能。
下面是一个示例:c p pc l a s s W o r k e r T h r e a d:p u b l i c Q T h r e a d{Q_O B J E C Tp u b l i c:v o i d r u n()o v e r r i d e{在这里编写我们的具体工作任务代码}};在这个示例中,我们创建了一个继承自Q T h r e a d的类W o r k e r T h r e a d,并重写了ru n()函数。
在r u n()函数中,我们可以编写我们的具体工作任务代码。
第三步:创建并启动线程在Q t中,我们通常使用QO b j e c t的派生类来表示一个线程。
我们可以创建一个W o r k e r T h r e a d 的实例,并通过调用s t a r t()函数来启动线程。
c p pW o r k e r T h r e a d* t h r e a d = n e w W o r k e r T h r e a d;t h r e a d->s t a r t();在这个示例中,我们创建了一个W o r k e r T h r e a d的实例,并调用了s t a r t()函数来启动线程。

C H A P T E R21 Multi-Threaded Tcl ScriptsThis chapter describes the Thread extension for creating multi-threaded Tcl scripts.This Chapter is from Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk, 4th Ed.Copyright 2003 © Brent Welch, Ken Jones/book/T hread support, a key feature of manylanguages, is a recent addition to Tcl. That’s because the Tcl event loop supports features implemented by threads in most other languages, such as graphical user interface management, multi-client servers, asynchronous communication, and scheduling and timing operations. However, although Tcl’s event loop can replace the need for threads in many circumstances, there are still some instances where threads can be a better solution:•Long-running calculations or other processing, which can “starve” the event loop•Interaction with external libraries or processes that don’t support asynchro-nous communication•Parallel processing that doesn’t adapt well to an event-driven model •Embedding Tcl into an existing multi-threaded applicationWhat are Threads?Traditionally, processes have been limited in that they can do only one thing at a time. If your application needed to perform multiple tasks in parallel, you designed the application to create multiple processes. However, this approach has its drawbacks. One is that processes are relatively “heavy” in terms of the resources they consume and the time it takes to create them. For applications that frequently create new processes — for example, servers that create a new321322 Multi-Threaded Tcl Scripts Chap. 21 process to handle each client connection — this can lead to decreased response time. And widely parallel applications that create many processes can consume so many system resources as to slow down the entire system. Another drawback is that passing information between processes can be slow because most inter-process communication mechanisms — such as files, pipes, and sockets —involve intermediaries such as the file system or operating system, as well as requiring a context switch from one running process to another.Threads were designed as a light-weight alternative. Threads are multiple flows of execution within the same process. All threads within a process share the same memory and other resources. As a result, creating a thread requires far fewer resources than creating a separate process. Furthermore, sharing informa-tion between threads is much faster and easier than sharing information between processes.The operating system handles the details of thread creation and coordina-tion. On a single-processor system, the operating system allocates processor time to each of an application’s threads, so a single thread doesn’t block the rest of the application. On multi-processor systems, the operating system can even run threads on separate processors, so that threads truly can run simultaneously.The drawback to traditional multi-threaded programming is that it can be difficult to design a thread-safe application — that is, an application in which one thread doesn’t corrupt the resources being used by another thread. Because all resources are shared in a multi-threaded application, you need to use various locking and scheduling mechanisms to guard against multiple threads modifying resources concurrently.Thread Support in TclTcl added support for multi-threaded programming in version 8.1. The Tcl core was made thread-safe. Furthermore, new C functions exposed “platform-neutral”thread functionality. However, no official support was provided for multi-threaded scripting. Since then, the Thread extension — originally written by Brent Welch and currently maintained by Zoran Vasiljevic — has become the accepted mechanism for creating multi-threaded Tcl scripts. The most recent version of the Thread extension as this was being written was 2.5. In general, this version requires Tcl 8.3 or later, and several of the commands provided require Tcl 8.4 or later.At the C programming level, Tcl’s threading model requires that a Tcl interpreter be managed by only one thread. However, each thread can create as many Tcl interpreters as needed running under its control. As is the case in even a single-threaded application, each Tcl interpreter has its own set of variables and procedures. A thread can execute commands in another thread’s Tcl inter-preter only by sending special messages to that interpreter’s event queue. Those messages are handled in the order received along with all other types of events.Thread Support in Tcl323 Obtaining a Thread-Enabled Tcl InterpreterMost binary distributions of Tcl are not thread-enabled, because the defaultoptions for building the Tcl interpreters and libraries do not enable thread sup-port. Thread safety adds overhead, slowing down single-threaded Tcl applica-tions, which constitute the vast majority of Tcl applications. Also, many Tclextensions aren’t thread safe, and naively trying to use them in a multi-threadedapplication can cause errors or crashes.Unless you can obtain a thread-enabled binary distribution of Tcl, you mustcompile your own from the Tcl source distribution. This requires running the configure command with the --enable-threads option during the build pro-cess. (See Chapter 48, “Compiling Tcl and Extensions” for more information.)You can test whether a particular Tcl interpreter is thread-enabled bychecking for the existence of the tcl_platform(threaded) element. This ele-ment exists and contains a Boolean true value in thread-enabled interpreters,whereas it doesn't exist in interpreters without thread support.Using Extensions in Multi-Threaded ScriptsBecause each interpreter has its own set of variables and procedures, youmust explicitly load an extension into each thread that wants to use it. Only the Thread extension itself is automatically loaded into each interpreter.You must be careful when using extensions in multi-threaded scripts. ManyTcl extensions aren’t thread-safe. Attempting to use them in multi-threadedscripts often results in crashes or corrupted data.Tcl-only extensions are generally thread-safe. Of course, they must makeno use of other commands or extensions that aren’t thread-safe. But otherwise,multi-threaded operation doesn’t add any new issues that don't already affectsingle-threaded scripts.You should always assume that a binary extension is not thread-safe unlessits documentation explicitly says that it is. And even thread-safe binary exten-sions must be compiled with thread support enabled for you to use them inmulti-threaded applications. (The default compilation options for most binaryextensions don’t include thread support.)Tk isn’t truly thread-safe.Most underlying display libraries (such as X Windows) aren’t thread safe —or at least aren’t typically compiled with thread-safety enabled. However, signif-icant work has gone into making the Tk core thread-safe. The result is that youcan safely use Tk in a multi-threaded Tcl application as long as only one threaduses Tk commands to manage the interface. Any other thread that needs toupdate the interface should send messages to the thread controlling the inter-face.324 Multi-Threaded Tcl Scripts Chap. 21 Getting Started with the Thread ExtensionYou start a thread-enabled tclsh or wish the same as you would a non-threaded tclsh or wish. When started, there is only one thread executing, often referred to as the main thread, which contains a single Tcl interpreter. If you don’t create any more threads, your application runs like any other single-threaded applica-tion.Make sure that the main thread is the last one to terminate.The main thread has a unique position in a multi-threaded Tcl script. If it exits, then the entire application terminates. Also, if the main thread terminates while other threads still exist, Tcl can sometimes crash rather than exiting cleanly. Therefore, you should always design your multi-threaded applications so that your main thread waits for all other threads to terminate before it exits.Before accessing any threading features from your application, you must load the Thread extension:package require ThreadThe Thread extension automatically loads itself into any new threads your application creates with thread::create. All other extensions must be loaded explicitly into each thread that needs to use them. The Thread extension creates commands in three separate namespaces:•The thread namespace contains all of the commands for creating and man-aging threads, including inter-thread messaging, mutexes, and condition variables.•The tsv namespace contains all of the commands for creating and managing thread shared variables.•The tpool namespace contains all of the commands for creating and manag-ing thread pools.Creating ThreadsThe thread::create command creates a new thread containing a new Tcl interpreter. Any thread can create another thread at will; you aren’t limited to starting threads from only the main thread. The thread::create command returns immediately, and its return value is the ID of the thread created. The ID is a unique token that you use to interact with and manipulate the thread, in much the same way as you use a channel identifier returned by open to interact with and manipulate that channel. There are several commands available for introspection on thread IDs: thread::id returns the ID of the current thread; thread::names returns a list of threads currently in existence; and thread::exists tests for the existence of a given thread.The thread::create command accepts a Tcl script as an argument. If you provide a script, the interpreter in the newly created thread executes it and then terminates the thread. Example 21–1 demonstrates this by creating a thread to perform a recursive search for files in a directory. For a large directory structure,Getting Started with the Thread Extension325 this could take considerable time. By performing the search in a separate thread, the main thread is free to perform other operations in parallel. Also note how the “worker” thread loads an extension and opens a file, completely independent of any extensions loaded or files opened in other threads.Example 21–1Creating a separate thread to perform a lengthy operation.package require Thread# Create a separate thread to search the current directory# and all its subdirectories, recursively, for all files# ending in the extension ".tcl". Store the results in the# file "files.txt".thread::create {# Load the Tcllib fileutil package to use its# findByPattern procedure.package require fileutilset files [fileutil::findByPattern [pwd] *.tcl]set fid [open files.txt w]puts $fid [join $files \n]close $fid}# The main thread can perform other tasks in parallel...If you don’t provide a script argument to thread::create, the thread’s interpreter enters its event loop. You then can use the thread::send command, described on page 328, to send it scripts to evaluate. Often though, you’d like to perform some initialization of the thread before having it enter its event loop. To do so, use the thread::wait command to explicitly enter the event loop after per-forming any desired initialization, as shown in Example 21–2. You should always use thread::wait to cause a thread to enter its event loop, rather than vwait or tkwait, for reasons discussed in “Preserving and Releasing Threads” on page 330.Example 21–2Initializing a thread before entering its event loop.set httpThread [thread::create {package require httpthread::wait}]After creating a thread, never assume that it has started executing.There is a distinction between creating a thread and starting execution of a thread. When you create a thread, the operating system allocates resources for326 Multi-Threaded Tcl Scripts Chap. 21 the thread and prepares it to run. But after creation, the thread might not start execution immediately. It all depends on when the operating system allocates execution time to the thread. Be aware that the thread::create command returns when the thread is created, not necessarily when it has started. If your application has any inter-thread timing dependencies, always use one of the thread synchronization techniques discussed in this chapter.Creating Joinable ThreadsRemember that the main thread must be the last to terminate. Therefore you often need some mechanism for determining when it’s safe for the main thread to exit. Example 21–3 shows one possible approach: periodically checking thread::names to see if the main thread is the only remaining thread.Example 21–3Creating several threads in an application.package require Threadputs "*** I'm thread [thread::id]"# Create 3 threadsfor {set thread 1} {$thread <= 3} {incr thread} {set id [thread::create {# Print a hello message 3 times, waiting# a random amount of time between messagesfor {set i 1} {$i <= 3} {incr i} {after [expr { int(500*rand()) }]puts "Thread [thread::id] says hello"}}] ;# thread::createputs "*** Started thread $id"} ;# forputs "*** Existing threads: [thread::names]"# Wait until all other threads are finishedwhile {[llength [thread::names]] > 1} {after 500}puts "*** That's all, folks!"A better approach in this situation is to use joinable threads, which are supported in Tcl 8.4 or later. A joinable thread allows another thread to wait upon its termination with the thread::join command. You can useGetting Started with the Thread Extension327 thread::join only with joinable threads, which are created by including the thread::create-joinable option. Attempting to join a thread not created with -joinable results in an error. Failing to join a joinable thread causes memoryand other resource leaks in your application. Example 21–4 revises the program from Example 21–3 to use joinable threads.Example 21–4Using joinable threads to detect thread termination.package require Threadputs "*** I'm thread [thread::id]"# Create 3 threadsfor {set thread 1} {$thread <= 3} {incr thread} {set id [thread::create -joinable {# Print a hello message 3 times, waiting# a random amount of time between messagesfor {set i 1} {$i <= 3} {incr i} {after [expr { int(500*rand()) }]puts "Thread [thread::id] says hello"}}] ;# thread::createputs "*** Started thread $id"lappend threadIds $id} ;# forputs "*** Existing threads: [thread::names]"# Wait until all other threads are finishedforeach id $threadIds {thread::join $id}puts "*** That's all, folks!"The thread::join command blocks.Be aware that thread::join blocks. While the thread is waiting for thread::join to return, it can’t perform any other operations, including servic-ing its event loop. Therefore, make sure that you don’t use thread::join in situ-ations where a thread must be responsive to incoming events.328 Multi-Threaded Tcl Scripts Chap. 21 Sending Messages to ThreadsThe thread::send command sends a script to another thread to execute. The target thread’s main interpreter receives the script as a special type of event added to the end of its event queue. A thread evaluates its messages in the order received along with all other types of events. Obviously, a thread must be in its event loop for it to detect and respond to messages. As discussed on page 324, a thread enters its event loop if you don’t provide a script argument to thread::create, or if you include the thread::wait command in the thread’s initialization script.Synchronous Message SendingBy default, thread::send blocks until the target thread finishes executing the script. The return value of thread::send is the return value of the last com-mand executed in the script. If an error occurs while evaluating the script, the error condition is “reflected” into the sending thread; thread::send generates the same error code, and the target thread’s stack trace is included in the value of the errorInfo variable of the sending thread:Example 21–5Examples of synchronous message sending.set t [thread::create];# Create a thread=> 1572set myX 42;# Create a variable in the main thread=> 42# Copy the value to a variable in the worker threadthread::send $t [list set yourX $myX]=> 42# Perform a calculation in the worker threadthread::send $t {expr { $yourX / 2 } }=> 21thread::send $t {expr { $yourX / 0 } }=> divide by zerocatch {thread::send $t {expr { $yourX / 0 } } } ret=> 1puts $ret=> divide by zeroputs $errorInfo=> divide by zerowhile executing"expr { $yourX / 0 } "invoked from within"thread::send $t {expr { $yourX / 0 } } "If you also provide the name of a variable to a synchronous thread::send, then it behaves analogously to a catch command; thread::send returns the return code of the script, and the return value of the last command executed inSending Messages to Threads329 the script — or the error message — is stored in the variable. Tcl stores the tar-get thread’s stack trace in the sending thread’s errorInfo variable.Example 21–6Using a return variable with synchronous message sending.thread::send $t {incr yourX 2} myY=> 0puts $myY=> 44thread::send $t {expr { acos($yourX) } } ret=> 1puts $ret=> domain error: argument not in valid rangeputs $errorInfo=> domain error: argument not in valid rangewhile executing"expr { acos($yourX) } "While the sending thread is waiting for a synchronous thread::send to return, it can’t perform any other operations, including servicing its event loop. Therefore, synchronous sending is appropriate only in cases where:•you want a simple way of getting a value back from another thread;•you don’t mind blocking your thread if the other thread takes a while to respond; or•you need a response from the other thread before proceeding.Watch out for deadlock conditions with synchronous message sending.If Thread A performs a synchronous thread::send to Thread B, and while evaluating the script Thread B performs a synchronous thread::send to Thread A, then your application is deadlocked. Because Thread A is blocked in its thread::send, it is not servicing its event loop, and so can’t detect Thread B’s message.This situation arises most often when the script you send calls procedures in the target thread, and those procedures contain thread::send commands. Under these circumstances, it might not be obvious that the script sent will trig-ger a deadlock condition. For this reason, you should be cautious about using synchronous thread::send commands for complex actions. Sending in asynchro-nous mode, described in the next section, avoids potential deadlock situations like this.Asynchronous Message SendingWith the -async option, thread::send sends the script to the target thread in asynchronous mode. In this case, thread::send returns immediately.By default, an asynchronous thread::send discards any return value of the script. However, if you provide the name of a variable as an additional argument to thread::send, the return value of the last command executed in the script is330 Multi-Threaded Tcl Scripts Chap. 21 stored as the value of the variable. You can then either vwait on the variable or create a write trace on the variable to detect when the target thread responds. For example:thread::send -async $t [list ProcessValues $vals] resultvwait resultIn this example, the thread::send command returns immediately; the sending thread could then continue with any other operations it needed to per-form. In this case, it executes a vwait on the return variable to wait until the tar-get thread finishes executing the script. However, while waiting for the response, it can detect and process incoming events. In contrast, the following synchronous thread::send blocks, preventing the sending thread from processing events until it receives a response from the target thread:thread::send $t [list ProcessValues $vals] result Preserving and Releasing ThreadsA thread created with a script not containing a thread::wait command termi-nates as soon as the script finishes executing. But if a thread enters its event loop, it continues to run until its event loop terminates. So how do you terminate a thread’s event loop?Each thread maintains an internal reference count. The reference count is set initially to 0, or to 1 if you create the thread with the thread::create -pre-served option. Any thread can increment the reference count afterwards by exe-cuting thread::preserve, and decrement the reference count by executing thread::release. These commands affect the reference count of the current thread unless you specify the ID of another thread. If a call to thread::release results in a reference count of 0 or less, the thread is marked for termination.The use of thread reference counts allows multiple threads to preserve the existence of a worker thread until all of the threads release the worker thread. But the majority of multi-threaded Tcl applications don’t require that degree of thread management. In most cases, you can simply create a thread and then later use thread::release to terminate it:set worker [thread::create]thread::send -async $worker $script# Later in the program, terminate the worker threadthread::release $workerA thread marked for termination accepts no further messages and discards any pending events. It finishes processing any message it might be executing currently, then exits its event loop. If the thread entered its event loop through a call to thread::wait, any other commands following thread::wait are executed before thread termination, as shown in Example 21–7. This can be useful for per-forming “clean up” tasks before terminating a thread.Error Handling331 Example 21–7Executing commands after thread::wait returns.set t [thread::create {puts "Starting worker thread"thread::wait# This is executed after the thread is releasedputs "Exiting worker thread"}]Note that if a thread is executing a message script when thread::release is called (either by itself or another thread), the thread finishes executing its message script before terminating. So, if a thread is stuck in an endless loop, calling thread::release has no effect on the thread. In fact, there is no way to kill such a “runaway thread.”Always use thread::wait to enter a thread’s event loop.This system for preserving and releasing threads works only if you use the thread::wait command to enter the thread’s event loop (or if you did not provide a creation script when creating the thread). If you use vwait or tkwait to enter the event loop, thread::release cannot terminate the thread.Error HandlingIf an error occurs while a thread is executing its creation script (provided by thread::create), the thread dies. In contrast, if an error occurs while processing a message script (provided by thread::send), the default behavior is for the thread to stop execution of the message script, but to return to its event loop and continue running. To cause a thread to die when it encounters an uncaught error, use the thread::configure command to set the thread’s -unwindonerror option to true:thread::configure $t -unwindonerror 1Error handling is determined by the thread creating the thread or sending the message. If an error occurs in a script sent by a synchronous thread::send, then the error condition is “reflected” to the sending thread, as described in “Syn-chronous Message Sending” on page 328. If an error occurs during thread cre-ation or an asynchronous thread::send, the default behavior is for Tcl to send a stack trace to the standard error channel. Alternatively, you can specify the name of your own custom error handling procedure with thread::errorproc. Tcl automatically calls your procedure whenever an “asynchronous” error occurs, passing it two arguments: the ID of the thread generating the error, and the stack trace. (This is similar to defining your own bgerror procedure, as described in “The bgerror Command” on page 202.) For example, the following code logs all uncaught errors to the file errors.txt:332 Multi-Threaded Tcl Scripts Chap. 21 Example 21–8Creating a custom thread error handler.set errorFile [open errors.txt a]proc logError {id error} {global errorFileputs $errorFile "Error in thread $id"puts $errorFile $errorputs $errorFile ""}thread::errorproc logErrorShared ResourcesThe present working directory is a resource shared by all interpreters in all threads. If one thread changes the present working directory, then that change affects all interpreters and all threads. This can pose a significant problem, as some library routines temporarily change the present working directory during execution, and then restore it before returning. But in a multi-threaded applica-tion, another thread could attempt to access the present working directory dur-ing this period and get incorrect results. Therefore, the safest approach if your application needs to access the present working directory is to store this value in a global or thread-shared variable before creating any other threads. The follow-ing example uses tsv::set to store the current directory in the pwd element of the application shared variable:package require Thread# Save the pwd in a thread-shared variabletsv::set application pwd [pwd]set t [thread::create {#...}]Environment variables are another shared resource. If one thread makes a change to an environment variable, then that change affects all threads in your application. This might make it tempting to use the global env array as a method for sharing information between threads. However, you should not do so, because it is far less efficient than thread-shared variables, and there are subtle differ-ences in the way environment variables are handled on different platforms. If you need to share information between threads, you should instead use thread-shared variables, as discussed in “Shared Variables” on page 337.The exit command kills the entire application.Although technically not a shared resource, it’s important to recognize that the exit command kills the entire application, no matter which thread executes it. Therefore, you should never call exit from a thread when your intention is to terminate only that thread.Managing I/O Channels333 Managing I/O ChannelsChannels are shared resources in most programming languages. But in Tcl, channels are implemented as a per-interpreter resource. Only the standard I/O channels (stdin, stdout, and stderr) are shared.Be careful with standard I/O channel on Windows and Macintosh.When running wish on Windows and Macintosh prior to OS X, you don’t have real standard I/O channels, but simulated stdout and stderr channels direct output to the special console window. As of Thread 2.5, these simulated channels appear in the main thread’s channel list, but not in any other thread’s channel list. Therefore, you’ll cause an error if you attempt to access these chan-nels from any thread other than the main thread.Accessing Files from Multiple ThreadsIn a multi-threaded application, avoid having the same file open in multiple threads. Having the same file open for read access in multiple threads is safe, but it is more efficient to have only one thread read the file and then share the information with other threads as needed. Opening the same file in multiple threads for write or append access is likely to fail. Operating systems typically buffer information written to a disk on a per-channel basis. With multiple chan-nels open to the same file, it’s likely that one thread will end up overwriting data written by another thread. If you need multiple threads to have write access to a single file, it’s far safer to have one thread responsible for all file access, and let other threads send messages to the thread to write the data. Example 21–9 shows the skeleton implementation of a logging thread. Once the log file is open, other threads can call the logger’s AddLog procedure to write to the log file.Example 21–9A basic implementation of a logging thread.set logger [thread::create {proc OpenLog {file} {global fidset fid [open $file a]}proc CloseLog {} {global fidclose $fid}proc AddLog {msg} {global fidputs $fid $msg}thread::wait}]。

linux下的CC++多进程多线程编程实例详解linux下的C\C++多进程多线程编程实例详解1、多进程编程#include <stdlib.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <unistd.h>int main(){pid_t child_pid;/* 创建⼀个⼦进程 */child_pid = fork();if(child_pid == 0){printf("child pid\n");exit(0);}else{printf("father pid\n");sleep(60);}return 0;}2、多线程编程#include <stdio.h>#include <pthread.h>struct char_print_params{char character;int count;};void *char_print(void *parameters){struct char_print_params *p = (struct char_print_params *)parameters;int i;for(i = 0; i < p->count; i++){fputc(p->character,stderr);}return NULL;}int main(){pthread_t thread1_id;pthread_t thread2_id;struct char_print_params thread1_args;struct char_print_params thread2_args;thread1_args.character = 'x';thread1_args.count = 3000;pthread_create(&thread1_id, NULL, &char_print, &thread1_args);thread2_args.character = 'o';thread2_args.count = 2000;pthread_create(&thread2_id, NULL, &char_print, &thread2_args);pthread_join(thread1_id, NULL);pthread_join(thread2_id, NULL);return 0;}3、线程同步与互斥1)、互斥pthread_mutex_t mutex;pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);/*也可以⽤下⾯的⽅式初始化*/pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);/* 互斥 */thread_flag = value;pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);2)、条件变量int thread_flag = 0;pthread_mutex_t mutex;pthread_cond_t thread_flag_cv;\void init_flag(){pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);pthread_cond_init(&thread_flag_cv, NULL);thread_flag = 0;}void *thread_function(void *thread_flag){while(1){pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);while(thread_flag != 0 ){pthread_cond_wait(&thread_flag_cv, &mutex);}pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);do_work();}return NULL;}void set_thread_flag(int flag_value){pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);thread_flag = flag_value;pthread_cond_signal(&thread_flag_cv);pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);}感谢阅读,希望能帮助到⼤家,谢谢⼤家对本站的⽀持!。

// 导入系统多线程支持模块
// 创建一个线程
// 线程函数
Function MyThread()
// 打印线程信息
// 线程逻辑代码
For i = 1 To 10
Sleep(1000) // 线程休眠1秒
Print("线程正在执行第" + Str(i) + "次")
// 打印线程信息
End Function
上述代码通过导入threadsafeExport.e 模块来支持多线程功能,并通过ThreadSafeThreadCreate函数创建一个名为MyThread

VB .NET多线程编程的详细说明介绍传统的Visual Basic开发人员已经建立了同步应用程序,在这些程序中事务按顺序执行。
尽管由于多个事务多多少少地同时运行使多线程应用程序效率更高,但是使用先前版本的Visual Basic很难建立这类程序。
但是直到最近Visual Basic程序员才能使用无文档记录特性(undocumented)或者间接使用COM组件或者操作系统的异步部分执行多线程事务。
本文讨论多线程的好处以及怎样使用Visual Basic .NET开发多线程应用程序。
尽管Visual Basic .NET和.NET框架组件使开发多线程应用程序更容易,但是本文作了调整使其适合高级读者和希望从早期Visual Basic转移到Visual Basic .NET的开发人员。

以下是示例代码:```class MyThread extends Thread {public void run() {//多线程代码}}```在上述代码中,我们创建了一个名为MyThread的子类,并重写了Thread类的run()方法。
这种方法需要创建一个实现Runnable接口的类,然后实例化一个Thread对象并将实现Runnable 接口的类作为参数传递给Thread对象。
以下是示例代码:class MyRunnable implements Runnable {public void run() {//多线程代码}}public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {MyRunnable obj = new MyRunnable();Thread thread = new Thread(obj);thread.start();}}```在上述代码中,我们创建了一个名为MyRunnable的类,并实现了Runnable接口。
以下是示例代码:```public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {new Thread(new Runnable() {public void run() {//多线程代码}}).start();}```在上述代码中,我们使用匿名内部类创建了一个Runnable对象并启动了一个线程。

1. 创建线程在C语言中,可以使用pthread库来创建线程。
下面是一个简单的例子,创建一个线程并让它输出一段文字:```#include <stdio.h>#include <pthread.h>void* thread_func(void* arg){printf("Hello, world!\n");return NULL;}int main(){pthread_t tid;pthread_create(&tid, NULL, thread_func, NULL);pthread_join(tid, NULL);return 0;}```在上面的代码中,我们定义了一个函数thread_func,它将作为线程的入口函数。
然后使用pthread_join 函数等待线程结束。
2. 线程同步在多线程编程中,线程之间的同步非常重要。
下面是一个例子,演示如何使用互斥锁来保护共享资源:```#include <stdio.h>#include <pthread.h>int count = 0;pthread_mutex_t mutex;void* thread_func(void* arg){pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);count++;printf("Thread %d: count = %d\n", (int)arg, count); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);return NULL;}int main(){pthread_t tid1, tid2;pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, thread_func, (void*)1); pthread_create(&tid2, NULL, thread_func, (void*)2); pthread_join(tid1, NULL);pthread_join(tid2, NULL);pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex);return 0;}```在上面的代码中,我们定义了一个全局变量count,它将被两个线程同时访问。

SuspendThread该函数用于挂起线程.语法格式如下:DWORD SuspendThread(HANDLE hThread);•hThread: 表示线程句柄•返回值: 如果函数执行成功,返回值为之前挂起的线程次数;如果函数执行失败,返回值为0xFFFFFFFFResumeThread该函数用于煎炒线程挂起的次数,如果线程挂起的次数为0,将唤醒线程.语法格式如下:DWORD ResumeThread(HANDLE hThread);•hThread: 表示线程句柄•返回值: 如果函数执行成功,返回值为之前挂起的线程次数;如果函数执行失败,返回值为0xFFFFFFFFExitThread该函数用于结束当前线程.语法格式如下:VOID ExitThread(DWORD dwExitCode);•dwExitCode: 表示线程退出代码TerminateThread该函数用于强制终止线程的执行.语法格式如下:BOOL TerminateThread(HANDLE hThread, DWORD dwExitCode);•hThread: 表示待终止的线程句柄•dwExitCode: 表示线程退出代码例子:线程代码:DWORD __stdcall ThreadProc(LPVOID lpParameter) { CMultiThreadDlg * pdlg = (CMultiThreadDlg *)lpParameter;pdlg->m_ProCtrl.SetRange32(0,99999); for (int i = 0; i < 99999; i++) { pdlg->m_ProCtrl.SetPos(i); } return 0; }创建线程:void CMultiThreadDlg::OnBtCreate() { m_hThread = CreateThread(NULL,0,ThreadProc,this,0,NULL); }挂起线程:void CMultiThreadDlg::OnBtSuspend() { SuspendThread(m_hThread); }唤醒线程:void CMultiThreadDlg::OnBtResume() { ResumeThread(m_hThread); }终止线程:void CMultiThreadDlg::OnBtTerminate() { TerminateThread(m_hThread); }。

VB实现多线程范文1. Visual Basic中的多线程2.什么是多线程?多线程是指操作系统中一个程序中可以容纳多个执行线程,它们共享同一个内存地址空间。
4.举例实现多线程下面是一个使用VBA实现多线程的简单示例:Sub MainDim t1 As System.Threading.ThreadDim t2 As System.Threading.Thread'Create a thread to run the PrintNumbers functiont1=New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf PrintNumbers) 'Create a thread to run the PrintText functiont2=New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf PrintText)。

一、线程的创建与启动1. 继承Thread类创建线程:直接继承Thread类,并覆盖run()方法实现线程主体。
```public class MyThread extends Thread{public void run(){//线程执行体}}MyThread myThread = new MyThread();myThread.start();```2. 实现Runnable接口创建线程:实现Runnable接口,并在类中实例化一个Thread对象。
```public class MyRunnable implements Runnable{public void run(){//线程执行体}}MyRunnable myRunnable = new MyRunnable();Thread thread = new Thread(myRunnable);thread.start();```二、线程的处理与管理1. 同步方法:synchronized关键字用于保护共享数据不被多个线程同时访问。
```public class SynchronizedDemo implements Runnable {private int count;public synchronized void run() {for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+":"+(count++));}}}SynchronizedDemo target = new SynchronizedDemo();Thread thread1 = new Thread(target, "A");Thread thread2 = new Thread(target, "B");thread1.start();thread2.start();```2. 锁对象:使用互斥锁对象来控制线程访问共享资源的方式。

支持这种技术的有Mutexes(互斥)、Semaphores(信号量)、Condition Variables(条件变量),以及Read/Write Lock(读/写锁)等。

Linux下的多线程编程实例解析1 引⾔ 线程(thread)技术早在60年代就被提出,但真正应⽤多线程到操作系统中去,是在80年代中期,solaris是这⽅⾯的佼佼者。
除了以上所说的优点外,不和进程⽐较,多线程程序作为⼀种多任务、并发的⼯作⽅式,当然有以下的优点: 1) 提⾼应⽤程序响应。

二、为什么要使用多线程编程为什么要使用多线程编程呢?原因有以下几点:1. 提高程序的运行效率:多线程编程可以将耗时的任务分配给不同线程来处理,从而减少整体的执行时间,提高程序的效率。
2. 提升用户体验:通过多线程编程,可以使程序的界面在后台执行任务时依然响应用户的操作,提升了用户的使用体验。
3. 支持并发操作:多线程编程可以支持多个任务同时执行,从而满足对于并发操作的需求。
4. 充分利用多核处理器:现在的电脑基本都是多核处理器,但是默认情况下VBA只能使用一个核,通过多线程编程可以充分利用多核处理器的性能。
1. 创建线程为了在VBA中使用多线程编程,我们首先需要创建线程。
VBA本身并没有提供创建线程的方法,但我们可以通过Windows API函数来实现。
下面是一个创建线程的示例代码:```Private Declare Function CreateThread Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpThreadAttributes As Long, ByVal dwStackSize As Long, ByVal lpStartAddress As LongPtr, ByVal lpParameter As LongPtr, ByVal dwCreationFlags As Long, ByVal lpThreadId As LongPtr) As LongPtr```这样,我们就可以通过CreateThread函数来创建线程了。

VBA中的多线程编程与性能优化VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)是一种编程语言,常被用于在Microsoft Office应用程序中自动化任务和增强功能。
```vba' 引入Threading命名空间Imports System.Threading' 创建一个新的线程Dim myThread As New Thread(AddressOf MyTask)' 定义任务函数Sub MyTask()' 任务逻辑End Sub' 启动线程myThread.Start()```在上面的例子中,我们创建了一个新的线程对象myThread,并使用AddressOf关键字指定了任务函数MyTask。
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VB .NET多线程编程的详细说明作者:陶刚整理: 更新时间:2011-4-1介绍传统的Visual Basic开发人员已经建立了同步应用程序,在这些程序中事务按顺序执行。
尽管由于多个事务多多少少地同时运行使多线程应用程序效率更高,但是使用先前版本的Visual Basic很难建立这类程序。
但是直到最近Visual Basic程序员才能使用无文档记录特性(undocumented)或者间接使用COM组件或者操作系统的异步部分执行多线程事务。
本文讨论多线程的好处以及怎样使用Visual Basic .NET开发多线程应用程序。
尽管Visual Basic .NET和.NET框架组件使开发多线程应用程序更容易,但是本文作了调整使其适合高级读者和希望从早期Visual Basic转移到Visual Basic .NET的开发人员。
因为多线程应用程序把程序分解为独立的事务,它们能通过下面的途径充分提高性能:l 多线程技术可以使程序更容易响应,因为在其它工作继续时用户界面可以保持激活。
l 当前不忙的事务可以把处理器时间让给其它事务。
l 花费大量处理时间的事务可以周期性的把时间让给其它的事务。
l 事务可以在任何时候停止。
l 可以通过把单独事务的优先级调高或调低来优化性能。
多线程最适合下面的情况:l 时间密集或处理密集的事务妨碍用户界面。
l 单独的事务必须等待外部资源,例如远程文件或Internet连接。
下表是你能使用的控制单独线程的方法:上面的大多数方法字面上容易理解,但是安全点(safe point)的概念对你来说可能是新的。
安全点是代码中的某个位置,在这个位置通用语言运行时可以安全地执行自动无用单元收集(garbage collection,释放无用变量并恢复内存的过程)。
有了线程池,你使用希望运行的过程的委托调用Threadpool.QueueUserWorkItem方法,Visual Basic .NET就建立线程并运行该过程。
使用同步技术能够达到的目标:l 在事务必须按特定次序执行的时候,明确地控制代码运行的次序。
l 当两个线程在同一时刻共享相同的资源的时候防止错误的发生。
l 如果其它线程没有拥有等待句柄,该调用立即返回True,等待线程的状态变为nonsignaled,拥有等待句柄的线程继续运行。
l 如果某个线程调用等待句柄的一个等待方法,但是等待句柄属于另一个线程,发出调用的线程要么等待一个特定时间(如果指定了超时值)或者等待不确定的时长(没有指定超时值)直到其它线程释放等待句柄。
Visual Basic .NET中通常使用三类等待句柄:互斥对象、ManualResetEvent和AutoResetEvent。