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acronym: is made up from the first letters of the name of an organization, which has a heavily modified headword. affix: the collective term for the type of formative that can be used only when added to another morpheme (the root or stem). Allophone: any of the different forms of a phoneme(e g. [t h] is an allophone of /t/ in English. When /t/ occurs in words like step, it is unaspirated [t]. Both [t h] and t] are allophones of the phoneme /t/. applied linguistics: applications of linguistics to the study of second and foreign language learning and teaching, and other areas such as translation, the compiling of dictionaries, etc. arbitrariness: one design feature of human language, which refers to the face that the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning. articulatory

phonetics: the study

of production of

speech sounds.

assimilation: the

change of a sound as

a result of the

influence of an

adjacent sound,

which is more

specifically called




assimilation theory:

language (sound,

word, syntax, etc)

change or process

by which features of

one element change

to match those of

another that

precedes or follows.

back-formation: an

abnormal type of


where a shorter

word is derived by

deleting an

imagined affix from

a longer form

already in the


blending: a

relatively complex

form of

compounding, in

which two words are

blended by joining

the initial part of the

first word and the

final part of the

second word, or by

joining the initial

pars of the two


bound morpheme:

an element of

meaning which is


dependent on the

world it is added to,

e. g. the plural

morpheme in dogˊ


broad and narrow

transcription: the

use of a simple set

of symbols in

transcription is

called broad

transcription; the

use of a simple set

of symbols in

transcription is

called broad

transcription; while,

the use of more

specific symbols to

show more phonetic

detail is referred to

as narrow


category: parts of

speech and function,

such as the

classification of

words in terms of

parts of speech, the

identification of

terms of parts of

speech, the

identification of

functions of words

in term of subject,

predicate, etc.


creativity we mean

language is

resourceful because

of its duality and its

recursiveness. One

of the reasons why

language is actually

a far more

complicated entity

than traffic lights is

that we can use it to

create new


concord: also

known as agreement,

is the requirement

that the forms of

two or more words

in a syntaetic

relationship should

agree with each

other in terms of

some categories.

coarticulation: a

kind of phonetic

process in which

simultaneous or


articulations are


Coarticulation can

be further divided

into anticipatory

coarticulation and





words which consist

wholly of free

morphemes, such as



snowwhite, etc.

