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1.be suited to 合适,适宜

2.in reality 实际上

3.go about (doing)忙于做某事;继续做某事;着手做

set about doing/set out to do/get down to doing

4.as cool as a cucumber 非常冷静,泰然自若

5.as sharp as a spear 非常聪明

6.take pleasure in 从。。。获得乐趣

7.gap year 生活实践年

8.off the top of one's head 不假思索的,信口的

9.have butterflies in one's stomach 紧张,忐忑不安

10.make allowance for 考虑到…/allow for/take ..into consideration

11.look somebody in the eye(s) 注视(某人),直视(某人)

12.follow something up 跟进;采取后续行动

13.leave out 遗漏,省略

14.give sb. the edge 使某人略占优势

15.as easy as pie 十分容易

16.in response to 作为对…的回应;答复

17.team player 善于团队合作的人

18.switch on/ off 打开/关掉(电器)

19.cope with 对付,处理

20.pull out 退出;脱离(withdraw from/drop out)

21.put out 公布;出版;扑灭;生产

22.take off 快速成功;突然流行;起飞;脱下

23.put together组装;汇集

24.for the taking 供自由拿取

25.tire of 对。。。感到厌倦

26.throw oneself into 投身于…;积极从事…

27.fold up 折叠

28.look through 浏览,翻阅

29.scratch the surface 隔靴搔痒;只触及问题表面

30.be economical with the truth 有所隐瞒

31.capital punishment /death penalty死刑

32.shrink from doing sth. 回避困难;不愿做某事;退缩

nd on one's feet 脱离困境,摆脱困难

34.put away 攒钱;把…放好;摒弃(想法)

35.as for 至于;关于

36.dive (right) in 热切地开始做某事

37.surprisingly=to one’s surprise

38.be hooked on /be addicted to

39.beneath one’s dignity 有失尊严/身份

40.be blessed with 在某方面有福

41.have a thirst for 渴望。。。

42.be allergic to 对…过敏

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