
网络营销中英文对照外文翻译文献E-MarketingE-Marketing is the use of digital ___。
It is a subset of e-business and includes activities such as online advertising。
search engine n。
email marketing。
social media marketing。
and mobile marketing.The first step in ___ target audience。
This can be done through market research。
analyzing website traffic。
and studying social media trends。
Once the target audience is identified。
the next step is to create a marketing plan that includes goals。
and metrics.One of the advantages of e-marketing is ___。
it is ___ of content。
and currency are all ___.Search engine n (SEO) is a critical component of e-marketing。
By optimizing website content and structure。
businesses canimprove their search engine rankings and drive more traffic to their site。
Social media ___ e-marketing。

网络营销外文文献及翻译网络营销外文文献及翻译1:引言1.1 研究背景及意义1.2 研究目的1.3 研究方法2:网络营销概述2.1 网络营销定义2.2 网络营销发展历程2.3 网络营销的优势和挑战3:网络营销策略3.1 定位与目标市场3.2 品牌建设3.3 销售渠道选择3.4 市场细分与定价策略3.5 推广与广告策略4:社交媒体营销4.1 社交媒体平台概述4.2 社交媒体营销策略4.3 社交媒体广告4.4 社交媒体营销案例分析5:搜索引擎优化(SEO)5.1 搜索引擎优化概述5.2 关键词优化5.3 网站架构优化5.4 内容优化5.5 外部优化6:内容营销6.1 内容营销概述6.2 内容策略与创作6.3 内容发布与推广6.4 内容营销案例分析7:电子邮件营销7.1 电子邮件营销概述7.2 邮件列表建立与管理7.3 邮件设计与撰写7.4 邮件营销分析与优化8:移动营销8.1 移动营销发展概述8.2 短信营销8.3 应用程序营销8.4 移动广告与跟踪分析9:数据分析与营销决策9.1 数据分析的重要性9.2 数据收集与整理9.3 数据分析工具与方法9.4 数据驱动的营销决策附件:1:《网络营销案例分析报告》 2:《社交媒体营销指南》3:《搜索引擎优化实战手册》4:《内容营销成功经验分享》5:《电子邮件营销最佳实践指南》6:《移动营销趋势报告》7:《营销数据分析工具比较》法律名词及注释:1:商标法:指保护商标权益的法律法规。

Title: How to Use Content Marketing to Boost Your Leads by Withholding Information
Author: Konstantinos Loupelis
作者:Konstantinos Loupelis

外文资料及中文译文作者姓名专业市场营销指导教师姓名专业技术职务教授The technical basis of network marketingPeter KenzelmannNetwork marketing is based on the technology infrastructure of computer network technology, as represented by information technology. Computer networks of modern communications technology and computer technology to the product of combining it in different geographic regions and specialized computer equipment for external interconnection lines of communication into a large,powerful networks, thus enabling a large number of computers can easily transmit information to each other,share hardware,software, data and other resources。
And network marketing is closely related to the computer network there are three types: the Internet,Extranet and Intranet。
[Edit]the theoretical basis for the network marketingTheoretical foundation of network marketing is direct marketing network theory,network theory of relationship marketing,marketing theory and network software to integrate marketing theory.(A)Direct Response Network Marketing TheoryInternet marketing as an effective direct marketing strategy, network marketing that can be tested and measurable and can be evaluated and controlled。

营销策略业务英文文献及翻译1 IntroductionMarketing continues to be a mystery to those who create it and to those who sponsor it. Often, the ad t hat generates record-breaking volume for a retail store one month is repeated the following month and b ombs. A campaign designed by the best Madison Avenue ad agency may elicit mediocre response. The s ame item sells like hotcakes after a 30-word classified ad, with abominable grammar, appears on page 35 of an all-advertising shopper tossed on the front stoops of homes during a rainstorm! The mystery elude s solution but demands attention. The success of an enterprise and development of enterprises depends to a large extent on whether or not they have advanced, meet the needs of the enterprise marketing strateg y. For Marketing is the definition, The well-known American scholar Philips marketing of the core marke ting concept of the following description : "Marketing is individuals or groups to create, provide and exc hange with other valuable products, to satisfy their own needs and desires of a social activities and mana gement process. " In the core concept contains a number of elements: needs, desires and needs; Products or provide; Value and satisfaction; exchange and transactions; and networking; market; Marketing and sa les were a series of concept.This article is devoted to the idea that your marketing results can be improved through a better Understa nding of your customers. This approach usually is referred to as the marketing concept.Putting the customer first is probably the most popular phrase used by firms ranging from giant conglom erates to the corner barber shop, but the slogan zing is often just lip service. The business continues to operate under the classic approach -- "Come buy this great product,if you dedicate your activities e xclusively to solving your customer's problems. The quality of services, and enterprises to culti vate customers satisfaction and loyalty, and can create enterprise value.Any marketing program has a better chance of being productive if it is timed, designed and w ritten to solve a problem for potential customers and is carried out in a way that the customer understands and trusts. The pages that follow will present the marketing concept of putting th e customer first. Marketing is a very complex subject; it deals with all the steps between deter mining customer needs and supplying them at a profit. In addition to some introductory materi al on marketing, this publication includes practical material on the marketing approaches to bu dgeting, layout design, and headline writing, copywriting and media analysis. So that a clear u nderstanding of enterprise marketing strategy to improve the operations of enterprises.2 The marketing conceptMarket positioning is identifying the target market, enterprises will adopt what marketing m ethods, which provide products and services the target market and competitors to show distincti on, thereby establishing corporate image and obtain favorable competitive position. Market posit ioning is a process of enterprise differentiation process, how to find the differences, identify di fferences and show differences. Today too many similar products, consumers how to choose? Consumers buy what is the justification? On the effective positioning for a solution. Positionin g is the first to propose in the advertising industry, advertising emphasized in the eyes of the public who left the location, And people often prefer preconceptions; If enterprises can target your customers mind to establish a definite position, to the consumer a reason to buy, enterpri ses can often compete in an advantageous position.Marketing is an economy built on science, behavioral science and modern management theory on the basis of applied sciences. It enterprise marketing activities and to study law, customers.− Determine what you are now doing to satisfy those wants and needs.− Prepare a marketing plan that allows you to reach out to new customers or to sell more to your present customers.− Test the results to see if your new strategies are yielding the desir ed results.Market research must be used in each of these six steps to help define your business for your customer's interests, not your own. It is the process of learning what customers want or need and determining how to satisfy those wants or needs. It is also used to confirm whether the customer reacted to a marketing program as expected. The benefits of market research include− Learning who your customers are and what they want.− Learning how to reach your customers and how frequently you should try to communicate with them.− Learning which advertising appeals are most effective and which ones get no response.− Learning the relative success of is that, properly done, market research is quite expensive, takes time and requires professional expertise. Acquiring all the necessary data to reduce the risk to your venture may cost so much and take so long that you may go out of business. The answer is to find a quick and inexpensive way of getting enough data to help you make the right decision most of the time. Some obvious pitfalls are− Using a sample that does not represent the total market.− Asking the wrong questions.− Not listening to the responses.− Building in biases or predispositions that distort the reliability of information.− Letting arrogance or hostility cut off communi cation at some point in the marketing process.If you have a limited budget, develop the skills to hear what your customers and potential customers are telling you. Some techniques worthy of consideration are− Advisory board -- Occasionally convene a group of local people, whose opinions you respect, to act as a sounding board for new ideas. Choose your group with extreme care; one or two negative thinkerscan distort the thought process of the entire group.− User group -- Gather customers together to discuss new ideas. Their opinions can help you keep your business on track. Pick a neutral setting where the people will talk. Be sure to reward the participants and share the credit for good ideas.− Informal survey -- If you seek feedback from customers by simply asking how was everything? You can be seriously misled. Most people, even those with legitimate complaints, are reluctant to speak out because they are afraid of appearing foolish.对于企业的创造者和提案者而言营销策略是一个谜。

网络营销策略分析外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)Network marketing strategy analysis of VANCLAbstract:21 century is the information century, the development of science technology, economic and social is to meet the coming of age. The network marketing is also the Internet for media, to implement marketing campaigns in the new ways, method and idea, more effective individual and organization the realization of the trading activities. Enterprise how to develop the network marketing in such a huge market potential, occupation in emerging markets, to the enterprise both opportunities and challenges. The network marketing is also produced in the change of the values of consumers: meet the needs of the consumers, is the enterprise manages the core of the eternal. Using network of this high- technology to provide consumers with various types of service, is a important way of future competition advantage.V ANCL makes a huge success by the network marketing, and becomes a Chinese clothing network marketing market leader in the short term. Based on the network marketing way as the foundation, reading V ANCL marketing strategy.Key words:Network marketing Marketing strategy V ANCLThe network marketing as a new marketing concept and marketing mode in a digital economy times, even if the enterprise opened up more broad market, and can lead and reforming the traditional marketing. The network marketing compared with the traditional marketing has the personality, interactive, economy, efficiency and obvious advantages, if V ANCL want to market in big foothold, it must learn to use the new marketing method, the most suitable for enterprise of the integration of traditional and modern marketing method.1、The marketing situation of V ANCLWith the development of the Internet, e-commerce enterprises emerging batches. The e-commerce market in other properties, once created "clothing direct sales model" the myth of a brief period of prosperity in PPG after into decline. And take thesame pattern that honesty-this is established for just two years of electronic business enterprise in the short term but has remarkable success. Why the brand whose name sounds like a lot"western style"can stand firm in the waters of the electronic commerce is owe to the network marketing .At present ,V ANCL already expands and covers to men's clothing, women's, shoes, accessories, household six big kinds, with the deep of all kinds of goods, it will become the first choice of Internet clothing buyers. V ANCL as just a new company less than two years operation, is rooted in the Internet service brand.V ANCL already cooperates with Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Germany, Japan, South Korea and other countries of line designers, this enterprise is relying on the Internet around the world first-class brand power integration of designer resources. From knowing less about the garment industry into konwing a lot, Chen Nian has become the senior personage, the standard of the IT expert begins to study fashion brand, and return to a clothing brand positioning, makes every guest brand visibility and reputation by the traditional clothing brand shaping path,.2、The network marketing ways of V ANCL(1)Search engine optimizationSearch engine optimization, hereinafter referred to as SEO, is through the website structure (internal links structure, physical structure, web site logic structure), high quality website the subject content, the rich and the correlation of value optimization and external links to web site to users and search engine more friendly to get at the engine advantage for website ranking into traffic. Every guest use baidu and Google, Soso and sogou search engine optimization, attract the part of the network that are not familiar with the population want to get the information in the purchase and the query of the product or want to buy the brand of want to buy, or to have a preliminary impression that the guest, or related to click, thus increasing traffic and sales of all the guest.(2)Search engine advertisingSearch engine advertising refers to the use of the search engine, classification,search for information online catalogue with function of the network tools for network expansion of method, flow out an advertising model by strong search engine, and as long as to competitive rankings and keyword advertising give priority to tone at present. Search engine advertising forms include based on search engine based on classification method and the method of directory. Search engine based on methods including keyword advertising, competitive rankings, fixed rankings, based on the content location of advertising, and a variety of forms, and based on the method of classification catalogues are mainly in the category of priority in the appropriate category website display. V ANCL A in baidu, Google, sogou search engines such as do in advertising, increased the potential customers for impression times and increased clicks, easier to customers buy all the guest products.(3)E-mail marketingE-mail marketing is the way to subscribe to the industry and products information through the email way to provide the users need to establish and users of the relationship between trust and trust. E-mail marketing has three basic factors: user license, electronic mail delivery information, information of value to the users. V ANCL via E-mail activities or convey product promotion or sells products information to users all the latest information communicate guest, the user will be according to their own product of interest to click on words or images, increase hits, it also increases the user to the attention of all the guest to some extent, also increase the purchase of the users(4)Virus marketing.Virus marketing is not use virus or rogue plug-ins to promote ways of marketing, but rather through a set of effective and reasonable integral system and stimulate active users to guide publicity, is built on the benefit users on the foundation of the marketing model. For example, every guest experience in the marketing activity to give users the experience will make the users satisfacted to others spread good image of the brand or product, cause public effects. And cause Internet industry wide attention is realized that the guest in China Internet first virus marketing, its main virus marketing example is that the popularity of the object. V ANCL uses WangLuodan and Han Han for outdoor advertising and the representative of video advertising by "love love love XX, XX XX love, love XX XX, I am not XX, I'm XX" advertising copywriter pattern, its headline font with Microsoft LOGO, black, describe the part USES a bold and then use the above model has strong grassroots fundamental key and easy to copy, imitate the AD copy font mode is called Vanclize. This virus marketing of V ANCL essence to a proverb “Many t hings grow in the garden that were never sown there ”, so-called " Vanclize " originally from former ogilvy creative director. The distant partners in the hand of QiuXinYu advertising, via the Internet after Internet users after PS widely spread, the net friend of widespread and the Internet. Virus marketing remarkable characteristics is active spreading brand or product customer information. Every object because simple style bright and clear, easy to PS, so the net friend copying its, mode for sentence transformation, and then spread, to a certain extent, to V ANCL this brand publicity.(5)Micro Po marketingThe Po marketing is to point to in the Po such a role in the user of the relationship between share information and communication and access platform of the marketing activities, mainly including release the activities of enterprises information, fans interaction, etc. The Po marketing and activity marketing, advertising, implantable customer service new platform, brand marketing linked together, September 3, 2009, sina micro blog "V ANCL fans" officially established. V ANCL use its official sina micro bo "V ANCL fans" release V ANCL and V ANCL member or the Po fans interactive activities information, forward fans put on every guest clothing display figure, release all the activities of the information and guest enterprise issued by all the members in the activities of the guest enterprise information and to make every guest house, show every guest fashion, every object such as topic marketing, and every guest fans constantly forwarding official micro bo's information to improve the every guest exposure, and shaping the every guest brand image of close to people.3、The network marketing strategy of V ANCL(1)Product strategyThe product of V ANCL is leading project by the famous designer, top the essenceof classical style of men's clothing brand, reference Asian man’ bodily form feature at the same time, select fabric dyed close-fitting production, as users enjoy luxury quality by medium price, advocate contracted, depth, comfortable, environmental protection. Simple desgin, coloring prudent style, the design concept induction from Italy, remove unnecessary decoration, emphasize the performance of heavy and complicated comfort and grace.Any products, only suitable for target consumption group needs, likes or dislikes products that may reach a good sales results. And V ANCL since will consumer orientation in 25-35 phase of the user group, so the product quality or from either from the design style is also should adapt to their spending habits. Relative to the PPG consumer groups, V ANCL in the face of some consumer groups more mature. They don't pay attention to flowery, bright, smart, fancy style, but pay more attention to quality, taste, practical and comfortable. Therefore, and the pursuit of the corresponding product positioning and design, it should be for all mankind sincere product the designers of the center of gravity of the work.(2)Price strategyAt the present V ANCL’ price is accepted by general man, besides it l aunched many favourable activity, so long as you often skim through V ANCL website any time you freed,you can get unexpected harvest, so its favourable activity will make your online purchasing car full at the same time, your wallet aren’t reduce much.V ANCL has been carried out low price strategy, such as a common advertisement-- the experience of "199 yuan four shirt", It’s very important for V ANCL to expand market share and seize the market, the whole strategy of V ANCL is to low price, high quality rapidly occupation market share first, although rolled out by this price, V ANCL isn’t loss money.But at that price in the market introduction is very low, and most of the space to consumer interests, the purpose of V ANCL is to expand the market, let consumers purchase experience, this is your data came into their database, every guest to take QQ, email, etc way to you an additional other products.(2)Channel strategyIn the diversification of Chinese clothing brand, most of the clothing is achoice of the traditional sales channel, looking for distributors, means the joining trader, but V ANCL have seen there are too many not controlling rely on of the traditional channels, so that those guests were established at the beginning of a high-level decided to use the network direct sales model.The network marketing of the realization of the purchase and trading information process and its physical process of separation is. This information process contain many reflect both trade credit information and the ability of market mechanism of the identity of business rules information, and the physical process is the product quality, efficient and transport service system to ensure that, so the network marketing operation needs to mature market mechanism, credit service system, logistics and distribution system for the foundation.4、conclusionThere are many available Internet marketing tools used by enterprises, for instance release information in the news, and using specific events to attract visitors, open up the BBS and consumer hot or project to discuss, let consumer participation in the product design, establish links, provide free E-mail, free search engine, free agency, free online services such as the screen on demand for free.Looking to the future, the network marketing is very welcome to implement in the medium-sized and small enterprises .This is because most small and medium enterprise managers have realized the benefits of developing network marketing, and actively join and enterprise website construction, this for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises lay the solid foundation after the network marketing .凡客诚品的网络营销策略分析摘要:21世纪是信息世纪,科技、经济和社会的发展正在迎接这个时代的到来。

网络营销外文文献及翻译目录:1.引言2.研究背景3.相关概念与定义4.研究目的与重要性5.文献综述5.1文献15.2 文献26.研究方法6.1 数据收集6.2数据分析7.研究结果与讨论7.1 结果17.2 结果28.实施网络营销的建议8.1 建议18.2 建议29.结论10.参考文献11.附件1.引言在当今信息时代,网络营销作为一种重要的营销工具,对企业的发展起着关键性的作用。

外文翻译原文Title: e-MARKETING STRATEGYMaterial Source:Irish Journal of Management Author:Lawton, T.C., MichaelsThis paper is aim to provide advice for Otto's management for emarketing strategy. First we make merits and limitations analysis based on the theory of emarketing, then we depict the different buyer behaviour on the internet, which could be the background and basis for our emarketing strategy. The company buyers are more professional and prudent than individual customers. Otto should center on its own website, which will provide the customers with the latest product and promotion. Then at the same time, Otto can put ads through search engines and many other websites, both traditional and modern medias. According to the B2B theory and Otto's present situation, we recommend two kinds of auction plan on Otto's own website to increase Otto's close cooperation to the company buyers with existing ones and new buyers by the band name promotion. Through the internet tendering, Otto can reduce its cost and gain price advantage.IntroductionAs a traditional company which pays more attention to the personal and direct selling, Otto is in the 21th century which the emarketing is vital and necessary to every company wants to survive and development. Otto's management has realized the importance of emarketing, this report is to bring some ideas on the emarketing strategy for the old and prosperous Otto to embracing the new Internet age.I Theory of Emarketing1.1 Background and OriginIt was reported that customers spend £1 billion a month online, online sales are 6% of all UK retail sales,which make it easy to understand why the emarketing is so important. Withe emarketing companies can use digital technologies to help sell goods or services. Today you can get ad from email, sometimes it is a virus; read RSS news, order your toothpaste and bed from Ebay,and the latest movie on your cellphone. The ad is everywhere, right now Internet is becoming one of the most multi-faceted communication tools that marketers have at theirdisposal. The Internet is immediate to get, dynamic to change, and globally accessible. In its current U.S.-based forecast, Jupiter Research made a report that email marketing spending will grow to $1.1 billion by 2010. There is no doubt that the Internet is a critical component of marketing and sales strategies for organizations large and small.1.2 Merits and Limitations1.2.1 MeritsEmarketing will bring many advantages to the company. By providing up-to-date and segmented and specific information to your customers such change of your company contact information, promotion of newest product in art form preferences, where your main distribution center etc. Customers can log website to get the information they usually can get through the phone or going to the site, now they have an more reliable source to rely on.Emarketing can increase your brand name, company membership or attendances on your website.It can also reduce your costs in terms of spending on site staff. More importantly it can raise the profile and brand name of your organization locally, nationally and internationally, enabling your company to reach more potential customers previously beyond your usual reach,with the help emarketing, your company will become an transnational company.1.2.2 LimitationsThere are some limitations when using emarketing. First, the usual email may get your customers irritated and send a confused rge e-mails will block up your customer's mailboxes and make them angry about you.if your 1emails are content of events or services which don’t interest them could lead them to sign off your service or ignore your e-mails and even take you into you blacklist. If your email deliver a confused and ineffective message to your potential customers, they may just ignore you. And you're wasting your time and resources if you can't know whether your email is succeeding sending or what the customer's reactions to your mail.Secondly emarketing has a high requirement for your customers. Internet marketing requires customers to use newer technologies such as computer and latest mobile phone, rather than traditional media. If companies build large or complicated websites, individuals connected to the Internet with mobile devices or with low speed will experience significant delays in content delivery, which may lead the customer to abandon your website next time.Thirdly, we see it from the buyer's perspective. If you're the customer, you can not touch, smell, see, taste or try on tangible goods before making an online purchase, this will very unsatisfied for some customers even for someone who has done the online buying sometimes, they still have some doubt for some goods they encounter for the first time in the Internet. However, but if the company can make its own guarantee or the there is an industry standard fore-commerce buyers to reassure customers by having liberal return policies as well as providing in-store pick-up services if necessary and within legal boundary.II B2BB2B(Business-to-business) is using websites and all other web services to make commerce transactions between different businesses, for example the B2B can be between a manufacturer and a wholesaler. Many professional institutions and the trade publications focus much more on B2C than B2B, although most sales and marketing personnel is in the B2B sector. As the B2C model, the B2B will allow all business companies to make comparison between products and services and shop online, B2B is help the user to find the most appropriate product with the reasonable price. The part of B2B e-commerce expected to grow the fastest is electronic marketplaces, that is the e-marketplaces, is growing the fastest. The e-marketplace use large quantity of information from sellers and buyers, then bring multiple partners together online.2.1 B2B Buyer BehaviourDifferent with individual customers who pay more attention to the brand and fame, the company buyers are professionals who take many aspects into consideration, first they need more time to make the buying decision, since the quantity and cost are relatively large and essential influential to the company's production and selling revenue. Second, the buyer will do research and analysis before the final decision, they may turn to the technical source to try to better understand the company's advantage and disadvantage. Third, facing a forever changing environment, the buyers will make research based on the data of past production, then change the company's buying option, such as the supplier. Fourth, if the there are other companies are selling the same or similar products in the market, the buyers will consistently notice the act of its rivals, and make quick response and counter measures to make sure its own market share.3.1 Centered on Otto's Own websiteGetting a domain names, which will cost not very much a year, and make sure this name is persistent, and never change, because if you change, your customer may lose faith on you. We recommend , And make sure you register the similar name at the same time to avoid the future property dispute. Then Otto can promoting the website offline. Right now Otto can ad your website in as many ways as you can, you can print it on your cookies package, on staff suit, on the newspaper,pamphlet, and TV.As for Otto's has more than 60 kinds of cookies, it's not necessary to put all the cookies on the Internet at we want the potential customers to be attracted at first sight, picture presentation is vital, and the website must be easy to use, if the customer wants to put in one kind of cookie in or out of the cargo, it should be easy; and we may do some test by company's own employee, or some customers and staff family. In order to stimulate their interest, we mayprovide some popular products and reward for their participation. Online credibility must be paid attention to. Otto should position staff for the Internet managing, to update the newest one, and check regularly and answer customer's request in time.The global web presence is also very important. If Otto wants to sell the cookies into other parts of the world. For many years, Otto choose the English people as its main customers, its products are fit for local people. In future, Otto is definitely wants to export its products so it must research its target market and customers before selling. So right now, at the very beginning,we still target English people as before.As Otto wants to be closely connected with its main suppliers and company customers, it is vital for customers can get links to all Otto's partners, and make sure that customers can link to Otto when they surf on website of Otto's partners. This will help both Otto and its partners to get their brand name known, and at the same time, this will increase the further consolidation of all the related companies.3.2 Promoting on Search Engines and Put AdsWith the uncountable in the information sea which is never stop to grow, the search engine is very necessary for the buyers to get what they need. Otto can make ads on search engines on Google and Yahoo and so on. If Otto wants to attract the potential company buyers, it need online lead generation, which is creating potential customer's inquiry into the company's products. Company buyers may be interested on the latest booklet on delicious cookies in the world and you can get a free try, then the customer get linked to Otto's website. The visitor are requested to register as our member and leave their email address and company location, so Otto can send electrical brochures through mail and direct free cookies to their site.There are many other websites and media Otto can take consideration to carry ads: the community websites which many local people will share their experience on buying and selling, the official blogs, virtual world sites since many people are playing computer games in their spare time, and other traditional media like TV, radio, magazines and newspapers. With all these options, Otto has to consider the emarketing budget to choose at least one traditional and one Internet method to put ads.3.3 Online AuctionsThe online auction is a business model is all participants will offer price for products and services on the Internet. Unlike the traditional auction which is held on a location, the online auction can make deal of buying and selling through auction software system which will measure all the prices at a relatively short time. The English auction and Dutch auction are two different ways for different kinds of products. English auction sets the initial price low and waiting for the highest price by the bidders. While with a Dutch auction, the product starts at itshighest price, the holder will give a lower price until some bidder accept, which is used when flower and fresh sea food are to be sold. And at present almost all online auctions are applying the English auction method, the most famous online auction is eBay, it has endless amounts the customers want. As the premier online reselling platform, eBay is often used as a price-basis for specialized items. Buyers and sellers often look at prices on the website before going to flea markets; the price shown on eBay often becomes the item's selling price. It is increasingly common for flea market vendors to place a targeted advertisement on the Internet for each item they are selling online, all while running their business out of their homes.This paper prepares two plans for Otto, first, promote company buyers by auction to the individual customers. First we hold online auctions on our website with assistance of auction software, every customer can bid on 100 pieces of cookies for one year, the cost will be at most 50% of the normal price on the market. You can choose any cookie at any price at any time. Otto may offer 1000 chances. And all the winners can get the cookies in markets which we will give a list at our website. At the same time, we will advertise this promotion through all medias, then the company buyers want to be in our list and get our cookies if they want the winners and all other potential customers to be known.The second plan is particularly for company buyers, we will introduce a new product which are made of special materials and crafts, through all the promotion we make sure that all customers are very curious about the product. Then we start an auction to the company buyers on our website, the highest bidder will get the chance to have the newest cookie in their store for one week. In order to attract the customers and company buyers we will provide the first 100 customers free cookies every day with a limited quantity.3.4 Reducing Cost by TenderingOtto is the supplier for the super markets, retailer stores and other buyers, but Otto can be a buyer when it is considering about the butter, eggs and machines which will be used in the production. Otto tries to undercut its cost, so the company can use internet to reduce it. Otto wants to make strategy arrangement for the suppliers structure, with considering the long time cooperation. If Otto got more than twenty bidders, under the condition that all the company are with the same quality which we require in the tender, Then, Otto normally and usually will select the lowest bidder. If we find out the lowest bidder is incompetent to provide the product we required, we will go to the bidder which had the next best price. Then we can make a three to five year contract with this best company and make sure that our product is of good quality and reasonable price, then we may have more advantage when competing with rivals.3.5 Notice on EmarketingFirst in my opinion having an website set is not meaning you have complete yourjob.Emarketing is not just having a Web site and wait for your customers to "find out" in the website ocean. And Web marketing is not conducted in a vacuum. We can put it In other words, put that website and tie the Web effort to your other marketing efforts. Your uniforms, products, company cars and so on. For example if you're going to have bike relay this Sunday on the main street or in the central park, make sure all your player have uniform with your URL printed on it and on all the colorful flags.Second understand your goal of the website. The purpose of your website is to help market your workshop, your services and products,your band fame, so i think there are two things on the top list. Targeting the relevant audience directly and talk to customers to find out what their opinion, communicate with them in person, through mail or phone.Last but not least, make necessary budget for marketing and getting your support from the senior management. Emarketing is something that requires time and hard work every day. And remember budget for marketing is not just money, but time. Not just work on the Web, but all forms of marketing under the line.As for American president Obama, his campaign’s strategic use of the Internet played an important role in winning the election, and particularly online tools such as Facebook to connect with his supporters, we can see the power of online tools, which is consisted of using as many as social networks and muti-media can make your company really different in the future business.IV ConclusionsIf a traditional company like Otto wants to develop in the future, it must adjust itself with the time. With the budget approved by the senior management, Otto should move right now with our suggestions in this paper. Make all necessary preparations and with money and resources to run the website, and make promotions both on line and offline, take integrated B2B strategies combing the traditional and modern medias, especially its own website. As for Otto, it is successful with its traditional selling with the personal selling and distribution centers, but with the emarketing strategy through the internet, Otto can attract new company buyers and maintain good relationship with existing ones, while reduce cost with its cost through the online auction and tendering. Otto will be more competitive in national and international cookies industry.译文标题:现代市场营销分析资料来源: 供应链管理评论作者:克莱曼本研究主要目的就是为目前的新型网络营销战略提供更多的战略帮助,首先奥多分析了网络营销的优点和局限,然后奥多描述在互联网的不同买家的行为模式,这些模式分析可以为奥多的战略提供翔实的背景和依据。

经典网络营销外文文献翻译汇编目录(一)原文Marketing Customer SatisfactionSince the 20th century, since the late eighties, the customer satisfaction strategy is increasingly becoming business has more customers share the overall business competitive advantage means.First, customer satisfaction strategy is to get a modern enterprise customers, "money votes" magic weaponWith the changing times, the great abundance of material wealth of society, customers in the main --- consumer demand across the material has a lack of time, the number of times the pursuit, the pursuit of quality time to the eighties of the 20th century entered the era of the end consumer sentiment. In China, with rapid economic development, we have rapidly beyond the physical absence of the times, the pursuit of the number of times and even the pursuit of quality and age of emotions today gradually into the consumer era. Spending time in the emotion, the company's similar products have already reached the same time, homogeneous, with the energy, the same price, consumers are no longer pursue the quality, functionality and price, but the comfort, convenience, safety, comfort, speed, jump action, environmental protection, clean, happy, fun, etc., consumers are increasingly concerned about the product whether for their own life energy, enrich, comfort, beauty and spiritual quality, and exceed consumer expectations in the pre-sale, sale, after-sales service and advice. In other words, people today are looking for is a "psychological satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment," the commodity, high value added goods and services, the pursuit of values and sense of diversity, individuality, and the intangible satisfaction of the time has come .And consumers adapt to changes in the value of the pursuit of competition between enterprises, but also from product competition, price competition, technological competition, advertising competition, brand image development of competition to the current competition, credit competition, cultural competition and service competition, competition that customer satisfaction . This competition is the enterprise wide angle, wide-field space-time within the context of high-level, reflect the overall strength of the competition. It includes organizational innovation, technological innovation, management innovation, industry foresight, R & D force, employee engagement, customer service ability, customer affinity, peer recognition ability, community contributions to force, public relations and dissemination of communication skills, corporate culture drive, environmental adaptation, and so forth. These integrated image of the force and the synthesis of integrated sustainable competitiveness, which is CS strategy to solve the problem. CS times, companies no longer "own the center," but to "customer-centric"; "customer", "customer satisfaction" is no longer a mere formality of the slogan, but real action to basis of a new business philosophy of. Enterprises no longer quality standards, their satisfaction with the management idea, but in customer satisfaction, gain customer loyalty for the business philosophy of high. The focus is no longer business strategy to gain or maintain market share, mainly, but as for customer satisfaction for the business philosophy. Therefore, the marketing strategy of competitors who focus not on but on clients, on the customers actual and potential needs. When the company provides products and services to the customer's prior expectations, customers will be basically satisfied; if far exceed customer expectations, and far higher than other colleagues, customers really satisfied; if companies can continuously or for a long time the customers satisfaction, customer loyalty will be. Loyal customers will not only regularly repeat purchase, but also other related businesses to purchase products or services; loyal customers will not only actively recommend to others to buy his products, and promotional activities of competitors on the enterprise has the immunity of a dissatisfied dissatisfied customers will tell 16-20 individuals, and each one was told who will then spread to 12-15 individuals. Thus, a dissatisfiedperson will affect two or three hundred people. Today in the popularity of the Internet, its impact is even greater. According to the U.S. auto industry survey, a satisfaction will unleash the potential of business 8 document, which will be at least a transaction. Another survey showed that every increase of 5% of enterprise customer loyalty, and profits will grow 25% -95%. 80% of a company 20% of the profits from loyal customers; while the cost of obtaining a new customer is to maintain a 6 times the cost of old customers. Therefore, the American scholar Tangpeiposi that: the decision whether or not the key to the success of an enterprise is not market share, but rather customer share.As a result, enterprises have been through an extensive and detailed market research, direct contact with consumers, customer feedback, etc. to understand the reality in all aspects of customer needs and potential needs. Rely on the loyalty business sales satisfaction, service personnel, regular, comprehensive quantitative determination of customer satisfaction in order to accurately grasp the business with "customer satisfaction" the gap between objectives and priority areas, to further improve the business activities . Rely on the corporate culture of high affinity, highly efficient management and full human to make joint efforts to provide customers with high value-added products, high levels of family-like service to win customers changing and upgrading satisfaction, win more share many customers.Such as Haier always put customer needs first, stand in the customer point of view of product development, design, personalized, humanized useful products, from the pull-screen TVs to the latest release of "Taiwan does not blink of an eye for color TV", small hand rub a small child prodigy washing machine washing machines, small refrigerators Prince to "wisdom eye" inverter air conditioner, the system 17 hours from a "Mike freezer" to after-sale-stop star service to meet customer needs and both are provided to the satisfaction The value of products and services. Another example is Microsoft's products are focused on each of the world's most talented developers to introduce even better than the products customers want, while the formation of global sales of economy of scale, the lowest price. This is Microsoft's secret of success in 20 years.In summary, emotional consumer era, decided what kind of products and production management services to provide what the powers are not part of a business, it is consumers, measuring the value of enterprise efficiency and the existence of the decision shifts to the hands of customers, the enterprise should cater to the customer, value to satisfy customers in order to get as much as possible from the customer "money votes." The CS strategy is the magic weapon for winning such a vote.Second, customer satisfaction, the main steps in marketing strategyFirst, to establish the level of corporate culture customer-centric, customer interests first, and customer satisfaction as the goal of philosophy.CS theory in the customer refers to internal staff and external customers (including distributors, wholesalers, agents, the final consumer and raw material suppliers, partners, etc.), customer satisfaction, including staff and external customer satisfaction, customer loyalty is also However. Mechanism for business success is customer satisfaction with loyalty, employee satisfaction and customer loyalty are key personnel. Employees of the company's satisfaction and loyalty are products and services for enterprise customers satisfaction and loyalty based on customer satisfaction and loyalty are the inevitable result of employee behavior. No employee satisfaction and loyalty, it is impossible to create satisfied customers to provide value products and services, the customer naturally dissatisfied and disloyal, away from the enterprise. When the employee satisfaction and loyalty with customers when the contact will be with great enthusiasm into their intellectual capital, creative customer service, and to timely detection of trends in customer demand, timely product and service value-added, firmly grasp live in the hearts of customers, to his satisfaction.FedEx found that when internal staff satisfaction rate to 85%, their customer satisfaction rate of 95%, and also very optimistic about corporate profits. Here determines the attitude of all employees.Therefore, companies must be customer satisfaction of business philosophy permeates the minds of staff, reflected in the management of employee loyalty to their R & D products, manufacture products, provide marketing services to satisfied customers. If nine birds, "the education of all employees receive customer-centric is the highest business principles. Customers are benefactor, a friend, a teacher, a customer gave us the opportunity to work, the value of work, fun and work significance of the work. We should sincerely thank from the heart to customers satisfaction is our aim, to create the most value for the customers of products and services is our highest goal. Under the guidance of this principle, would rather lose yourself can not lose customers has become a "nine bird" code of conduct for employees. so that customers are in the "9 First bird "consumption is a pleasure, is such a great pleasure. Customers to pay costs on an expected value their consumption, and consumers end up spending at its heart will have a standard evaluation to measure, if the value for money, he will come back later, such as value for money, he probably will come again; Otherwise, consumers will not come back. Therefore, "9 Bird" is to provide consumers value for money products and services. there is such a business philosophy of customer satisfaction under the guidance of marketing, "nine bird" fire in the capital is not difficult to understand.Second, customers participate in product design and development.Customer-centric company, through market segmentation, target a wide range of research to understand the public's needs and values, standing customer point of view of product development, design, personalized, personalized value-added products and services, is correct , but must allow users to join product design. Use of the Internet and CAD technology with customers to establish effective communication and information exchange, needs to grasp the customer information and customer value, to encourage a variety of information sources on the customer information database for timely updates. After analysis, the conclusion about the nature of customer needs, and to the enterprise customer demand information nature of various departments to share resources. This design products, provide customer satisfaction services. Now, many companies use a service called: "Product Configurator" system to help users with the participation of product design. That is stored in the computer where the latest information for all product modules, and replaced at any time, marketing personnel in the sales site on the Internet, according to user needs or user configuration with out it needs to meet their value products. Shanghai GM produces cars that operators and users are very satisfied, because users join the product design. Haier Whether it is for farmers in Sichuan production of washing machines to wash sweet potatoes, users in Shanghai production of "The Little Prince fridge", or change channels without dazzling color TV, Haier's "wisdom eye" inverter air conditioner, star-stop after-sales service, etc. are based on the needs of users, customers participate in product design incorporates the recommendations of the design and development of customer satisfaction in the rich humanity of the value of goods and services, naturally, won more hearts and minds of customers.Third, to provide a full service customer satisfaction and personalized service.Full service is for customers shopping and consumption carried out by every aspect of the services detailed and deep, the heart of the service. Full service is the consumer desire for consumption from the moment of production value of goods run out of play until the whole process, with care to consumers, so consumers are closely linked with their brands so that consumers enjoy the culture, enjoy the service experience concept was to benefit consumers willingly your products or services, consumers at every level are fully satisfied, and to win customer loyalty. Sales stage --- to ensure that customers receive timely and quality services to, participation in training pre-consultation,transfer knowledge and information, create shopping needs, so customers rational choice, practical help customers buy their own niche products; sale support the provision of convenient to maximize play product features, customers appreciate the warmth and value; feedback re-sale value-added services, allowing customers to feel the warmth and truth. If a woman bought a Haier air conditioning, home run pulled the driver on his way to be black heart, and Haier was informed immediately after the woman free to send a new Haier air conditioning, and decided after the delivery place. Inner Mongolia, the home of a user due to fire, will burn just bought the Haier refrigerators, Haier access services from the computer after power found in the user details of the network address, sent by the car arrived in 4 days to fix their refrigerator. This value must win the customer service satisfaction over expectations.In today's era of emotional consumption, the pursuit of "Heart of satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment" of goods, is highly personalized value-added value goods, the pursuit of values and awareness of diversity, individuality, and intangible satisfaction. Therefore, enterprises will no longer put attention to all the general needs of different consumers, we should pursue different personality for consumers, tailor, design and development of enterprise products and services to meet the individual and the diversity of today's consumer trends. Propensity to consume the face of increasingly complex, enterprises must manage customer demand for personalized marketing, the key lies in establishing a customer database and customer information feedback system for customer relationship management, continued to collect understanding of consumer needs and preferences change, and new expectations of the business to better provide customers with personalized service.Fourth, foster customer loyalty.In the restaurant industry, customer satisfaction in the brand switching, the proportion is as high as 60% to 80%. This indicates that satisfied customers become loyal customers do not necessarily. 80% of the profits of an enterprise from 20% of customer loyalty, marketing, customer Aracature Corp.'s President, Larry Light said in Advertising Age magazine, from the loyal customers who return a non-loyal customers are 9 times. Wal-Mart has been able to continue to grow as 500 Boss, simply because it is the management capacity to attract customer loyalty.Customer loyalty is perceived from the customer, delivered through the two-way communication between the value and the relationship is hard to provide value through business products or services obtained. For customer loyalty, companies must have top management commitment and unremitting financial support to enterprises to define customer loyalty, understand customer needs is what formed what are the reasons they leave, who bought the product, Why? awareness and create customer loyalty incentives. Cultivate customer loyalty marketing in two ways:First, we should properly solve customer complaints. As long as the proper handling of customer complaints, the 82% of the customers will buy products again. Proper handling of customer complaints, the requirement to establish a good business humanized "complained management" system. First, establish a "customer complained, is the best gift for business, enterprise management to improve good" concept; Second, enterprises must establish effective policies and institutions dealing with grievances and staff training, proper treatment of customers complained, standing customer approach to customer complained of the problem; third, dealing with customer departments to rotate so that each business unit is able to understand customer satisfaction, and obtain experience in handling customer complain; Fourth, the establishment of all customers complained that the database for timely treatment and prevent public relations crisis.Second, build up customer loyalty database. Tracked only through the analysis of the database in order to know exactly what enterprise customers have a share of increase in number, how long a certain share. Customer loyalty is the core of the database relational database, which consists of a series of records of marketing programs composed of different aspects of sub-libraries. Loyalcustomer database, you can offer premium services for staff in a timely manner the information required; to collect all the relevant details with customers to create the conditions; strengthen ties with customers quickly; for the development of new products and create the conditions for the provision of new services; and customers long-term interactive two-way communication to provide potential demand, and may have thought it meet their expectations of non-think of the value of the products or services.译文顾客满意策略与顾客满意营销自从20世纪八十年代末以来,顾客满意战略已经成为各企业占有更多的顾客份额,获得竞争优势的整体经营手段。

文献出处:Jones R, Suoranta M, Rowley J. Strategic network marketing in SMEs[J]. Journal of Marketing Management, 2013, 29(5-6): 671-697.原文Strategic network marketing in SMEsIntroductionThis paper responds to the need for enhanced understanding of the value of networks in marketing in small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in business-to-business (B2B) contexts. Networks, in the form of, for example, social networks and supply-chain or business networks are widely acknowledged as important precursors to business success and growth (Håkansson & Snehota, 1995; Morgan & Hunt, 1994). This reported study sits at the interface between networking, marketing, and entrepreneurship, acknowledging two key interrelated streams of research associated respectively with relationship marketing and markets-as-networks approaches (Mattsson, 1997). Hence, the study is viewed through a marketing lens (Hansen & Eggers, 2010), as the theoretical underpinning for this study is informed by entrepreneurial marketing theory, an emerging field of research that is becoming a substantial school of thought (Hills, Hultman, & Miles, 2008; Kraus, Filser, Eggers, Hills, & Hultman, 2012).Despite the research interest in networks and their value creation potential, previous research and theory development into the nature or types of such networks, their role in marketing, and their specific value-creating opportunities is limited. Such research tends to focus on one specific type of network such as supply-chain relationships (e.g. Lambert & Cooper, 2000; Lamprinopoulou & Tregear, 2011), entrepreneurial and SME networks (Gilmore, 2011; Shaw, 2006), and innovation networks (Lipparini & Sobrero, 1994; von Hippel, 2007). Only Malaska, Saraniemi, and Tahtinen (2011) specifically identify different types of business relationships which exist in networks, in the context of B2B SME branding. Furthermore, the focus of much research on networks is on either the structural dimension (such as networklinks, size, density, stability, diversity), or the relational dimension (such as trust, commitment, and co-operation). In respect of the value accruing from networks, the concept of networks as ‘value constellations’ is particularly useful (Bjerke & Hultman, 2002). Several studies have generated insights into the valuecreating opportunities of networks in the entrepreneurial and SME marketing context (Carson, Gilmore, & Rocks, 2004; O’Reilly & Haines, 2004; Rocks, Gilmore & Carson, 2005; Westerlund & Svahn, 2008), but there is considerable scope for further research as to the specific value creation achieved within firms by use of network marketing approaches.This paper, then, seeks to make a contribution to B2B marketing theory, in general, and entrepreneurial marketing theory, more specifically, by a two-country study (the UK and the United States) that gathers insights regarding software technology SMEs and their network marketing approaches. More specifically, the objectives of this study are to identify and generate a typology of the range of different types of networks in which software technology SMEs engage; offer insights into the value creation opportunities offered by each network type; and propose a model of strategic network marketing in the context of software technology SMEs.The paper commences with a literature review that summarises previous research relating to marketing in technology industries, and entrepreneurial networks and relationships. Next, the research design and methodology, including the selection of participants, and the interview process are discussed. The findings offer insights into each of the types of networks illustrating the opportunities and value that they provide. The discussion and conclusion section explains the Strategic Network Marketing Model (SNMM), and outlines the contribution of this research to theory and practice, and offers suggestions for further research.Literature reviewThe network approach to the study of industrial or B2B markets has a long history which predates notions of relationship marketing (Mattsson, 1997). Networks are recognised as being important to the strategic success of businesses in B2B marketplaces (Håkansson & Snehota, 1995). Mattsson (1997) identifies two distinct but interrelated streams of research on network marketing: relationship marketing andthe ‘markets-as-networks’ approach. Relationship marketing focuses on the management of customer and other relational exchanges (Morgan & Hunt, 1994). According to the definition offered by Grönroos (1996), marketing concerns the management o f the firm’s market relationships, whilst Ballantyne (1997) views relational marketing as being concerned with creating, developing, and sustaining exchanges of value between the parties involved. A slightly different perspective is offered by the ‘network s-as-markets approach’, in which the focus is on markets as sets of interconnected exchange relationships between actors who control resources for production, leading to an early focus on buying as well as selling. This approach acknowledges that individual, interconnected relationships form network structures (Mattsson, 1997). Möller and Halinen (1999) suggest that traditional markets are being replaced by networks, and suggest that firms need to move beyond a focus on customer and supplier relationships and develop intricate webs of firms, including research and development (R&D) networks and competitive coalitions.Although early definitions of networks tended to privilege the network relationships in the supply chain or the marketplace, more recent definitions embrace a range of activities and competencies. For example, Elg (2002) suggests that ‘a network can be viewed as a set of firms that coordinate their activities to fulfil different roles and add different competencies’ (p. 634). Such inter-firm networks and relationships are often regarded as a basis for success in a more global, uncertain, and competitive environment (Anderson, Håkansson, & Johanson, 1994; Morgan & Hunt, 1994).Research linking marketing and networks tends to focus on one type of network, such as those in the supply chain (e.g. Ellis & Mayer, 2001), internal networks (e.g. Ballantyne, 1997), innovation networks (e.g. Corsaro, Ramos, Heneberg, & Naude, 2012), and social networks (e.g. Ali, 2011). In terms of understanding the range of types of networks that firms may engage in and with whom, two key models offer inspiration. First, the Six Markets Model proposed by Payne, Ballantyne, and Christopher (2005), a stakeholder relationship planning model, which recognises that organisations need to build relationships with the following six markets: customer,referral, supplier, influencer, recruitment, and internal. Second, bridging the strategy and marketing literature, is the concept of ‘value constellations’. ‘Value constellations’ are v alue-creating systems where focal actors create value by configuring their portfolio of direct business relationships in a specific and integrated manner, leading to outcomes such as value co-creation or resource combination and innovation (Bjerke & Hultman, 2002; Möller & Rajala, 2007).Zolkiewski (2011) notes that value is a persistent undercurrent in B2B relationship and network research, with discussion of customer and supplier value, as well as relationship value being ongoing themes of research. Furthermore, what can be seen within this research stream is that value is usually only investigated from the perspective of one particular actor. The work on value from a network perspective (e.g. Möller, Rajala, & Svahn, 2005) has been written from the role of relationships and networks in a strategic action viewpoint, and includes such aspects as gaining competitive advantage. Indeed, Möller and Rajala (2007) criticise much of the extant B2B value literature for failing to recognise the interactive nature of value creation. The entrepreneurial marketing literature (Bjerke & Hultman, 2002) refers to that interactive nature by using the concept of ‘value constellations’ as opposed to sequential value chains. These constellations emphasise the non-sequential way that value is co-created by the set of cooperating firms, customers, marketers, and other stakeholders. However, the notion of value is contested, and there are very few empirical studies that have attempted to study value creation in networks (Corsaroetal., 2012).Granovetter, in 1985, highlighted the significance of network embeddedness, arguing that the behaviour of individuals is closely embedded in networks of interpersonal relations. The Uppsalla school of researchers extended the term to cover the set of industrial and social network relationships of relevance to the firm (Lundgren, 1992). Yli-Renko and Autio (1998) explored network embeddedness in the context of new technology firms based on synergistic value-creating systems, which develop the firm’s distinctive competencies to create value for its customers (Teece, Pisano, & Shuen, 1992). External complementary resources are available,with which the firm can leverage its firm-specific resources through a continuous resource-generation process. Yli-Renko and Autio (1998) acknowledge that network actors external to the new technology firm work partly internally and externally to the firm via a network relationship.Entrepreneurial marketing, entrepreneurship, and SME marketing researchers have identified a range of network types, which include business networks, social networks, and industry and marketing networks (Aldrich & Zimmer, 1986; Carson, Cromie, McGowan, & Hill, 1995; Gilmore, Carson, & Grant, 2001; Hill, 2001; Shaw, 2006). Networks are important to small firms because they lack business capabilities and capacity due to their small size, and, in particular, face challenges in marketing. Carson (1985) suggests that SMEs are challenged by three groups of specific marketing constraints: limited resources (i.e. a lack of marketing knowledge and time), a lack of specialist expertise (as managers and entrepreneurs in SMEs tend to be generalists rather than specialists), and a limited impact in the marketplace (as SMEs have fewer orders and fewer employees than larger companies). However, there is a wide body of evidence which suggests that entrepreneurs are adept at overcoming some of the SMEs’ resource constraints by leveraging resources through use of networks (Hill, McGowan, & Drummond, 1999; Jarill o, 1989; O’Donnell & Cummins, 1999; Stevenson, Roberts, & Grousbeck, 1994; Timmons, 1994).Hence, there is recognition that the building of effective networks (Carson et al., 1995; Lindman, 2004; Storey, 1994) is a key feature of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial marketing (Collinson & Shaw, 2001), with the use of social networks as informal and social linkages which provide a higher and more stable flow of information and resources than formalised business network approaches (Premaratne, 2001; Shaw, 2006). In addition, Stokes (2000) suggests that SME owner managers tend to develop close relationships with their customers, such that the customer is involved as the co-creator in the value creation process (Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2004) making it is easier to build customer loyalty (Reichheld, 2003) and to manage customer expectations (Groth & Dye, 1999). Harrigan, Ramsey, and Ibbotson (2010) make an important recent contribution that contributes to understanding of technologyin SME relationship building by identifying the critical factors which underpin marketing and electronic customer relationship marketing (e-CRM) activities for SMEs. They see e-CRM as offering opportunities to exploit further SMEs recognised customer communication competencies.Despite this wealth of research on the use of networks by SMEs, studies that take a more holistic perspective on the relationship between marketing and networking in SMEs are scarce. Only a few studies discuss the actual value accruing from networks. For example, O’Reilly and Haines (2004) suggest that in marketing quality products, networks enhance product promotion, quality assurance, and access to information, and Carson et al. (2004) examine the ‘usage dimension’ in which they consider outcomes or value creation by examining the marketing activities that are influenced by networks. Other recent studies have explored the role of product launch, product advantage, and market orientation on organisational performance (O’Dwyer & Ledwith, 2008); the role of market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation, and innovation on new bio-technology firms (Renko, Carsrud, & Brannback, 2009); entrepreneurial marketing in software technology SMEs (Jones & Rowley, 2011); and the role of entrepreneurial business and social network relationships in the exploration and exploitation of internationalisation opportunities (Vasilchenko & Morrish, 2011).There is recognition that technology SMEs stimulate economic growth, and this has spawned a range of research on topics associated with innovation, including new product development and business performance (Helander & Ulkuniemi, 2006; Im & Workman, 2004; Narver, Slater, & Maclachlan, 2004; Salavou & Lioukas, 2003; Verhees & Meulenberg, 2004). A study by Westerlund and Svahn (2008) carried out qualitative research of software technology SMEs from a social capital, interorganisational networks, and relationship value perspective.译文中小企业网络营销战略引言本文对中小型企业中企业对企业电子商务模式的网络营销价值做出了回应。
推荐-网络营销外文文献翻译 精品

南京航空航天大学金城学院()外文文献翻译系部管理系专业市场营销学生姓名唐敏学号2109064116 指导教师袁昊职称助教20XX年 2 月network marketingAbstract:Today, mankind has entered the era of rapid economic development of e-merce-based network. A full range of rapid development and wide application of puter network technology on contemporary society, but also brought great changes to the enterprise marketing management. Network Marketing the new marketing methods to adapt to the changes of the era of the development of network technology and information networks, it has changed the traditional marketing concept, marketing strategy, marketing, ways and means, will bee the mainstream of the current era of corporate marketing. The face I had many problems in the SME network marketing, we should also be a clear understanding of the inevitability of its development, which requires all aspects of synergy and cooperation, to build a good network consumption environment, and promote the continued development of network marketing. Keywords: network marketing sales model of network management marketing planning Marketing TheoryNetwork marketing is based on the technology infrastructure of puter network technology, as represented by information technology. puter networks of modern munications technology and puter technology to the product of bining it in different geographic regions and specialized puter equipment for external interconnection lines of munication into a large, powerful networks, thus enabling a large number of puters can easily transmit information to each other, share hardware, software, data and other resources. And network marketing is closely related to the puter network there are three types: the Internet, Extranet and Intranet.the theoretical basis for the network marketing, theoretical foundation of network marketing is direct marketing network theory, network theory of relationship marketing, marketing theory and network software to integrate marketing theory.2.monly used methods of network marketing1)Search Engine Marketing2)Email marketing permission3)Online Advertising4)Web resource cooperation5)Viral marketing6) A membership-based network marketing3.The relationship between network marketing and other business marketingE-merce, where sell goods to consumers or enterprises directly; publishing, which you sell advertising or buy the site which is based on the main directory, while the enterprise generates value by getting directory and filtering into the list of sales target There are many other models which is based on the specific needs of each person or business that launches an internet marketing campaign.4.Web-based network marketing businessTo carry out Internet marketing does not necessarily have to have their own web site, in the absence of site conditions, enterprises can carry out the effective marketing through the network. Free web site marketing mainly depends on the network marketing and e-mail marketing virtual munity.Web-based network marketing is the subject of network marketing, it's main problem is the web site planning, construction, maintenance people, as well as with other marketing to promote the integration of methods.5.The network marketing existence question of enterprises5.1. The network marketing concept problemsThe enterprise in China network marketing knowledge existing two extreme ideas: the idea that the network marketing is a hi-tech enterprise of things, with traditional industries. Or think about network marketing is online sales, and witnessed network store losses, clusters of phenomenon more lost network marketing power. Another idea thinks, the network provides a them with large enterprises equal petition, as long as the platform of small and medium-sized enterprises owned and big enterprises as elegant website design, provide and large enterprise the same product and service, small and medium-sized enterprise may use the Internet transcendence of large-scale enterprises, in this idea guidance, the enterprise put in a great amount of resources on Internet marketing activities, however, business management will inevitably suffer enterprise resource limit. Although small and medium-sized enterprise website can do much on the surface and large enterprise is same, but sitefunction and service cannot keep pace with also can make network marketing is the effect to sell at a discount greatly.5.2. The transaction security exist hidden troubleNetwork marketing an entire transaction is pleted, the integration of including online payment. But at present our country although be used for online payment credit card, the technical problems of security assurance and psychological acceptance of people are still real outstanding problems. Moreover enterprise database server also safe hidden trouble, hackers may steal information into the puter.5.3. The network infrastructure inpletePromotion network marketing technical barriers mainly displays in the network transmission speed and reliability, but due to the economic strength and technical reasons, the current network infrastructure is not perfect, existing regional differences, restricts the small and medium enterprise network marketing is the further development.5.4. The socialized distribution lagSmall and medium-sized enterprise logistics efficiency is low, the ability is poor, socialization, goods delivery distribution couldn't keep up with high cost, network marketing product not occupy price advantage, At the same time the customer get the goods time longer, online shopping convenience, expeditious has no way to realize.5.5. The related laws and regulations is not soundAlong with the development of small and medium-sized enterprise network marketing, its legal problems have appeared. For example: electric crime, etc. These problems will be on the rights and interests of consumers and business operators and cause roach on, go against the network marketing activities.5.6. The ignore the traditional marketing strategy useIn the process of network marketing, often many small and medium-sized enterprises only focus on the network, limitations and ignore the traditional marketing strategy use. Enterprise leaders more to consider how to through the network to carry on the market research, information propaganda etc, but ignore the traditional marketing method bined with Internet marketing tools, and improve overall enterprisenetwork marketing effect methods.6.The enterprise network marketing of effective strategies6.1. To establish correct network marketing conceptSmall and medium-sized enterprise should not only realize soberly network in the information age, the importance of the role of network marketing will more and more big, implementing network marketing is the inevitable choice of small and medium-sized enterprises. At the same time to develop the network marketing activities does not mean must invest a lot of money, have professional technical personnel, erect Internet line, buying expensive server, and build a function very plete website, enterprise should according to their own characteristics and internal conditions eco-management network management path. For instance, can first use of network query and release supply-demand information participation online auction, online purchase, etc.After establishing network brand, finally established the perfect enterprise's websites, to develop the network marketing.6.2. Strengthen the network infrastructure construction and the network marketing supporting system constructionIn our country's network marketing development, the government should play the macro-control role, increase network infrastructure investment, improve current network environment; Establish online payment system, authentication system and the establishment of digital certificates authorization center and key management center, in order to realize the online transactions, and status confirmation of online traders mercial password on monopolistic management, to provide security for network marketing, supporting with logistics industry, especially in the current single small and medium-sized enterprises may not independently problem-solving logistics and distribution of the case, the government should focus on regional establish logistics wholesale center or distribution centers, provide third party logistics services for small and medium-sized enterprise extensively network marketing to create the good external conditions.6.3. Strengthen and perfect the enterprises network marketing the relevant laws, regulations and policiesForeign government to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises adopted methods can clearly see plete laws and regulations system for small and medium-sized enterprises development has profound influence. For China, and perfecting relevant laws and regulations is to improve the small and medium-sized enterprise survival environment, promote the development of small and middle-sized enterprises important premise. Governments may also through the formulation for small and medium-sized enterprises implementing network marketing preferential policies to realize this aim. For example, by the government has launched the online government procurement systems, stipulate a online purchasing proportion and to the small and medium enterprise purchasing proportion to encourage small and medium-sized enterprises to develop the network marketing, The government set up small and medium-sized enterprise network marketing development special fund, to small and medium-sized enterprise network marketing project loan interest; give The financial departments to small and medium-sized enterprises to develop the network marketing provide low-interest or interest-free loans, Tax authorities to small and medium-sized enterprises to develop the network marketing activities is subject to exemption, etc.6.4. The e-marketing and the traditional marketing closelyIn the process of network marketing, network marketing of small and medium-sized enterprises shall be the means and the traditional marketing strategy of bined, in order to obtain the best marketing effect and improve their petitive ability and make the enterprise can better than the petition to provide customers with better products and services. The network marketing strategies and general marketing strategies, the integration of the degree of bining according to pany's actual situation is determined. For simple online collect information of enterprise, using the Internet marketing receiving mail consumers and petitor information, be mastered the needs of customers and other marketing strategy mainly general marketing strategy primarily. For an enterprise domain, enterprise electronic mailbox, corporate site of theenterprise, should use network marketing strategy, causes the enterprise's overall marketing best effect. The network marketing as a brand new marketing mode is to adapt the network technology development and information network in the social changes of new things. With the advent of the information age, the network marketing will bee the inevitable choice of small and medium-sized enterprises.Verlag: Books on Demand, June 20XX网络营销作者:翻译:唐敏摘要:如今,人类已经步入了以电子商务为基础的网络经济迅速发展的时代。

中小企业网络营销战略外文文献翻译2013年译文3000多字XXX "Strategic ork Marketing in SMEs" by Jones。
and Rowley (2013) aims to explore the XXX marketing in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)。
which can lead to XXX.The XXXXXX。
as it allows them to access resources and knowledge that they may not have XXX businesses。
SMEs can leverage the expertise and resources of their partners to improve their own products and services。
XXX.XXXXXX marketing。
One of the main XXX that they share similar values and goals。
Another XXX over time。
as SMEs must invest time and resources in building and XXX.XXXXXX marketing。
XXX.nIn n。
XXX businesses and customers。
SMEs can access resources and knowledge that can help them to improve their products and services and expand their customer base。
XXX over time。

中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)E---MARKETING(From:E--Marketing by Judy Strauss,Adel El--Ansary,Raymond Frost---3rd ed.1999 by Pearson Education pp .G4-G25.)As the growth of shows, some marketing principles never change.Markets always welcome an innovative new product, even in a crowded field of competitors ,as long as it provides customer value.Also,Google`s success shows that customers trust good brands and that well-crafted marketing mix strategies can be effective in helping newcomers enter crowded markets. Nevertheless, organizations are scrambling to determine how they can use information technology profitably and to understand what technology means for their business strategies. Marketers want to know which of their time-ested concepts will be enhanced by the Internet, databases,wireless mobile devices, and other technologies. The rapid growth of the Internet and subsequent bursting of the dot-com bubble has marketers wondering,"What next?" This article attempts to answer these questions through careful and systematic examination of successful e-mar-keting strategies in light ofproven traditional marketing practices.(Sales Promotion;E--Marketing;Internet;Strategic Planning )1.What is E--MarketingE--Marketing is the application of a broad range of information technologies for: Transforming marketing strategies to create more customer value through more effective segmentation ,and positioning strategies;More efficiently planning and executing the conception, distribution promotion,and pricing of goods,services,and ideas;andCreating exchanges that satisfy individual consumer and organizational customers` objectives.This definition sounds a lot like the definition of traditional marketing. Another way to view it is that e-marketing is the result of information technology applied to traditional marketing. E-marketing affects traditional marketing in two ways. First,it increases efficiency in traditional marketing strategies.The transformation results in new business models that add customer value and/or increase company profitability.2.Environment,Strategy,and Performance (ESP)E-Marketing flows form the organization `s overall e-business strategies and selected business environment,where legal,technological,competitive,marketrelated, and other environmental, factors external to the firm create both opportunities and threats. Organizations perform SWOT analyses to discover what strengths and weaknesses they have to deploy against threats and opportunities. This SWOT analysis leads into e-business and e-marketing strategy. Firms, select e-business strategies and e-business models, and then marketers formulate strategy and create e-marketing plans that will help the firm accomplish its overall goals. The final step is to determine the success of the strategies and plans by measuring results. Performance metrics are specific measures designed to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the e-business and e-marketing operations. this is so important in today` s e-business climate that media reports seem to be full of references to ROI and other measures of success for e-business strategies and tactics featured in the model.The esp model might just as easily depict a brick-and-mortar business process -by removing a few "e `s" this underscores the idea that e-businesses are built on sound practices and proven processes but with important e-transformations andemarketing practices, as discussed in this book.This chapter examines the environmental factors in the ESP model, whereas Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 explore these important factors in more depth. Chapter 2 delves into the strategy area, and Chapter 3 discusses the e-marketing planning process.The marketing environment is ever change, providing plenty of opportunities to develop new products, new markets, and new media to communicate whit customers, plus new channels to reach business partners. At the same time, the environment poses! Competitive, economic , and other threats. This section introduces three key environmental factors that affect e-marketing : legal, technological, and marketrelated factors.Current and pending legislation can greatly influence e-marketing strategies. Chief among these are laws concerning privacy, digital property, expression, and fraud. Privacy is difficult to legislate, yet it is critically important to consumers who routinely yield personal information over the Internet. One hot issue involves opt-out e-mail. This occurs when users must uncheck a Web page box to avoid being put on a few users read the Web page carefully enough to notice the opo-out box. Digital property problems began in the Web` s early days and continue to puzzle firms and legislators alike. In a medium where content is freely distributed, it can be freely ripped off-not a good thing for the content authors. Spam, offensive content , and other forms of personal expression conflict whit user rights and thus, from an ongoing discussion among legislaer needs? Finally , new technology brings new opportunities for fraud. Although regulatory agencies are working hard to prevent fraud, enforcement is difficult in a networked world.Technological developments are altering the composition of Internet audiences as well as the quality of material that can be delivered to them. For example, about 20% of the U.S. Population enjoys high-bandwidth connections-primarily cable modems and DSL lines--that enable delivery of multimedia content. Some Web sites are beginning to create three forms of content :a high-- speed multimedia form, a standard PC offering, and a handheld format for wireless devices such as cell phones. The prolofera-tion of wireless devices creates a new set of design challenges as firms try to squeeze content onto tinier screens. Also important are technology concerns in developing countries. As communication infrastructures improve and more people use handheld devices ,new geographic markets develop. Further ,e-marketing is evolving through softwareadvances. For instance, technologies that target consumers according to their online behavior are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Incorporating these technologies into Web site design can give a firm a distinct competitive advantage.3.E-Business MarketsSergio Zyman, formerly chief marketing officer of Coca-cola ,has been quoted as saying, marketing is supposed to sell stuff. One way information technology helps sell stuff if they don’t` identify appropriate markets. Exhibit 1—5 highlights three important markets that both sell and buy to each other: businesses, consumers, and governments. Although this book focuses on the B2C markets are where most business activity occurs.The business market is huge because a higher proportion of firms are connected to the Internet than consumers, especially in developing countries. Much of the B2B online activity is transparent to consumers because it involves proprietary networks that allow information and database sharing .Consider FedEx, the package delivery firm. This company maintains mation . Its customers can schedule a package pick-up using the Web site, track the package using a PC or handheld Palm Pilot, and pay the shipping bill online. Sometimes the shipping order is automatically triggered when a mail notification of its delivery progress to the retailer.The Internet is a global market with opportunities existing in unimagined locations, which is why e-marketers must understand consumers in potential geographic segments. For example, with an annual average income of US$300, Vietnamese citizens who opt to spend 28% of their salary on online services do not have much purchasing power. Further, there are waiting lists for automobiles in Vietnam, so an online branding campaign might be a waste of resources . Conversely, Iceland and Denmark are two of the most wired countries in the world with over 60% Internet penetration. Also, consumers in many countries pay by the minute for local phone access. This is a tremendous deterrent to the kind of casual surfing practiced by Internet users in developed nations. In addition, the infrastructure in some countries does not support high-speed modems. Content delivered to these countries may, therefore, have to be light on bandwidth. Chapters 15 and 16 look at global Internet markets in more detail.4.Strategic PlanningAmazon, like every other marketer on and off the Web, uses strategic planning to get ready for a profitable and sustainable business future. Strategic planning is the “managerial process of developing and maintaining a viable fit between the organization`s objectives”, Two key elements of strategic planning are the preparation of a SWOT analysis and the establishment of strategic objectives.the SWOT analysis examines the company` s internal strengths and weaknesses with respect to the environment and the competition and looks at external opportunities and threats. Opportunities may help to define a target market or identify new product opportunities, while threats are areas of exposure.In a parallel fashion, marketing strategy becomes e-marketing strategy when marketers use digital technology to implement the strategy.Strategic e-marketing is the design of marketing strategy that capitalizes on the organization’s electronic or information technology capabilities to reach specified objectives. In essence, strategic e-marketing is where technology strategy and marketing strategy wed to form the organization’s e-marketing strategy.Regardless of whether a customer buys from the stone, the catalog, or the Web site, or whether contact is made by phone, in person, through e-mail, or by postal mail, employees can access the computerized database for up-to-date account activity and information when dealing with customers.Most strategic plans explain the rationale for the chosen objectives and strategies. This is especially true for a single e-business project trying to win its share of corporate resources and top-management support.5.What`s NextRegardless of the current disillusionment with e-business,many solid successes exist today and exciting new growth areas will soon emerge, For-Tune magazine has identified seven trends that will help businesses move forward into e-marketing during the next few years:Integrating IT software. Twenty-six percent of companies will spend money to integrate all the pieces of corporate technology, such as linking front-end customer service software with back-end order fulfillment system.Boom in Web services. Web services will more deeply into finding universal standards for Internet-related software. Microsoft’s dot-net and Sun’s Java are two competing architectures, for example.Collaboration software. This allows employees, advisors, consultants, and other team members to work on projects while in different geographic locations. For example, ”Napster for Marketers”is peer-to-peer software that one consulting firm uses to collaborate on marketing plans with ad agencies, designers, and others.Dealing with too much date. Better customer relationship management software is helping firms reinforce customer loyalty by analyzing the mountain of data about previous behavior to suggest new products. For example, a flight attendant would be able to ask if a passenger wants coffee with sugar instead of the usual, ”What do you want to drink?”data security. Techies are spending lots of time and money trying to protect data from hackers and viruses.Wireless is here to stay. Technologies such ah 802.11 and Bluetooth use shortrange signals to link a variety of computing and handheld devices in homes, offices, and retail stores.growth in portable computing. Inexpensive computer storage and small machines will aid people who want to work at home, in the car or train, or virtually anywhere. Devices such as IBM’s 9-ounce Metapad hold 5 gigabytes of data and will change the way people work.网络营销的成长发展说明一些营销原理从来不曾变化,对于一项创新产品,只要它能为顾客提供价值,即使已有众多竞争者,市场也总是乐于接受的。

毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院(系): 计算机科学与技术学院专业:网络工程姓名:王灿学号: 201317030125外文出处:附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2。
网络营销在英文中有多种表达方式,每种表达方式都有相应的侧重点和内涵,如Internet Marketing,强调的是以因特网为工具的市场营销;Web Marketing指网站营销,着重于网站的推广,站点与顾客的沟通;Cyber Marketing指网络营销是在虚拟的计算机空间进行运作;E —marketing指与电子商务相对应的电子化、信息化、网络化的营销活动。
现在常用的翻译方式是online Marketing和Internet Marketing,且专指国际互联网营销。

文献出处:Guzzo T, D’Andrea A, Ferri F, et al. Evolution of Marketing Strategies: From Internet Marketing to M-Marketing[C]//On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2012 Workshops. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012: 627-636.原文Evolution of Marketing Strategies:From Internet Marketing to M-Marketing Tiziana Guzzo, Alessia D’Andrea, Fernando Ferri, and Patrizia Grifoni1 IntroductionMarketing is “the process which creates, communicates, delivers the value to the consumers, and maintains the relationship with consumers. It generates the strategy that underlies sales techniques, business communication, and business developments. It is “an integrated process through which companies build strong consumers relationships and create value for their consumers and for themselves”Marketing strategies have a long history and mainly interested economists and sociologists. The wide use of Internet, pervasiveness of social networks and the evolution of mobile devise are implying a wider involvement of interdisciplinary competences enlarging the interest toward ICT competences.This paper is to describe the evolution of marketing strategies from the advent of the Web (Internet Marketing) - through the advent of Social Networks (Marketing 2.0) - to the evolution of Mobile Social Networks (M-marketing). In particular, the paper analyses the use that Italian people make of mobile devices and the user perception and acceptance of M-marketing.The advent of the Web had a significant impact on the way marketers do their strategies; it provides opportunities for companies to enhance their business in a cost-effective and practical manner. That is, the Web can be used by marketers to distribute products faster, to reach new markets, to conduct marketing research, to serve customers better, to solve customer problems and also to communicate more efficiently with marketing partners. This evolution of marketing is called “Internet Marketing”.The widespread advent of Social Networking stimulated a further development of marketing (Marketing 2.0) defining a new perspective connected to the symmetry of companies and consumers in their communication process. Indeed, consumers do not passively receive marketers’ messages; they actively express their needs, preferences and choices. All these issues stimulated the emerging of new marketing models with different aspects for successful marketing strategies such as: user information sharing and interaction, brand & corporate identity, search engine optimization (SEO) etc.. In the new marketing on Social Networks, databases play an enormous role in allowing the use and the integration of online tools. In particular they make it possible for consumers and companies to login and to have their own profile on a Social Networking site etc.; this give consumers and companies the possibility to connect each other and to fulfill their specific needs for information sharing and interaction and companies the possibility to outline the core concept of identity that, in the case of marketing strategies, can be extended to the analysis of the way in which consumers and companies develop their online profiles. This process can stimulate the presence of small enterprises on the market.However, a stronger change is connected to the popularity of Social Networks, combined with the widespread diffusion of mobile technologies, such as pocket PC, PDA and cell phone; it has given rise to the phenomenon of Mobile Social Networks. Mobile Social Networks are considered to bethe natural evolution of Social Networks; they can be seen as Social Networks communities specialized with mobile services. Mobile devices offer to Social Networks new opportunities connected with real-time location-based services, communication on the move and the sharing of information and services anywhere, anytime. This phenomenon is having a great impact on marketing sector. Mobile marketing (M-marketing) is defined as “the use of the mobile medium as a means of marketing communication” . More specifically, it is “using interactive wireless media to provide customers with time and location sensitive, personalized information that promotes goods, services and ideas, thereby generating value for all stakeholders” .In order to marketers adopt best M-marketing strategies it is very important to understand the use that users make of mobile devices, their perceptions and acceptance in terms of benefits and costs in using Mobile Social Networks for marketing purpose. The integration of Internet Marketing, Marketing 2.0 and M-marketing has led to the development of a new type of marketing: the Viral marketing. The reminder of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2 describes the Internet Marketing by discussing the different marketing ways, their advantages and limitations. Section 3 introduces the Marketing 2.0 by analyzing the benefits for consumers and companies. In Section 4 the different forms of mobile marketing strategies are discussed. Section 5 analyses the use that Italian people make of mobile devices and the user perception and acceptance of M-marketing on considering the characteristics that influence them. Finally Section 6 discusses the viral marketing trend.2 Internet Marketing: Marketing on the WebInternet Marketing is also called online Marketing, Website Marketing or e-Marketing. It is generally referred to the promotion of products or services over the Internet. Among the advantages of Internet Marketing there ismainly its cheapness both for companies and for buyers. Companies can reach a wide audience with minor budget respect to the traditional advertising while consumers can research and purchase products and services conveniently and quickly.There are different ways of Internet Marketing which are listed below:• Pay per Click: is a model where advertisers pay the publisher when the ad is clicked.• Marketing with Affiliates: A company hires one or more affiliates that are paid commission for each visitor that click on the banner or logo. Visitors are onnected to the sponsor’s site for which affiliates are paid a commission.• Search Engine Optimization (SEO): It allow to types keywords in search ngines related to ones product and to have the list of different sites related to that product. SEO maintains ones site to collocate on the first page of the most search engines to attract more traffic. This can give good Return on Investment (ROI) and increase profits.• Advertising t hrough Banner: Advertiser purchases banner to be displayed on the website. Usually, banner marketing is used to divert potential traffic to the site.• Auction through Internet: In a n online auction takes place when items are kept for selling. A minimum price for items is fixed by seller and buyers that offer the highest price will receive that product.• Listing on Directories: People can place their site on or which act as Yellow Pages on the internet. This is cheaper than the other ways of internet marketing, so also small-scale enterprise can use it.3 Marketing 2.0: Marketing on Social NetworksThe advent of Social Networking provides marketers with new potentialities, not available in traditional channels, in particular for the products and services diffusion. The importance of Social Networks and the key aspect of the companies’ interest on them are due to the wide number of consumers that can be reached using these tools. Marketers start from building a loyal constituency of consumers through advertisement on discussion forums, providing links to experts in specific areas for free consultation, and use of knowledge from other forums to honestly counsel consumers. Marketers may also open discussion to specifically attract new members according to their profile of interest. The real advantages of Social Networks can be exploited when marketers use the interactive capabilities of this new medium and build a personal community environment for the consumers, on considering each consumer as an individual in addressing promotional messages, providing all related services at a unique point, and making the virtual community a truly worthwhile place for the consumer to visit. The possibility to individually and interactively address consumers, allows marketers to understand their target better and to provide new products and services in fulfilling the consumers needs. The importance of Social Networking is, moreover, connected to the symmetry between companies and consumers in their communication process. Indeed, consumers do not passively receive marketers’ messages they actively express their needs, preferences and choices. All these features of Social Networks allowed the introduction of different benefits on marketing process; the benefits can be view on considering the consumers as well as the companies’ point of view.From consumers’ p oint of view the key useful characteristics of a Social Network to consider are:• inter-activity: a consumer who joins a Social Network can seek information, test the product and proceed to place order forproducts. Consumers can also have access to the feedback of other people to make better informed decisions.• aggregation of services: a Social Network allows aggregation of different services, coordinated and hyper-linked by the seller of the products or services. This gives consumers access to all the necessary information to make a better purchase decision.• deliverability: a Social Network is delivered in real time 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week.These characteristic allow consumers to:• gather information a bout products and services offered by companies;• interact with other consumers without spatial and temporal constraints and with reduced search costs;• provide information about the product, to the company and to other consumers;• add “collective content” using discussion forums;• have economic benefits deriving from special prices, customized offers and better service from the qualitative point of view;• being part of a powerful bargaining group that can influence important marketing decisions.From the companies point of view the most important benefit that a Social Network an offer is given by the possibility to reach out and build interactive relationships with consumers on a global basis. In the past companies have been constrained by the inadequacies of the traditional channels, particularly in the products and services diffusion. Social Networks have the potential totransform and enhance this activity. As said before the key element for the interest in the use of Social Network is the critical mass of consumers that can be reached. Companies usually start from building a loyal community of consumers through advertisement on discussion forums, providing links to experts in specific areas for free consultation. Companies may also open discussion forums to specifically attract new members according to their profiles of interest. These discussion forums are rich sources of information about companies and their products/services and, at the same time, should be closely monitored by the marketer to identify the needs of the consumers. Companies can also facilitate an immersive experience to consumers, for example, by using 3-D virtual communities such as Second Life, they can create customized graphical user interfaces and include tutorials (Avatar), which can better explain to consumers how to move around and interact with the environment.Many real-word companies are taking interest in this latest online trend. American Apparel is the first "real world" company that has opened a store in the virtual world of Second Life. Its ultra-modern clothing store is located on a beach resort and has quickly become a hot spot within Second Life. Second life provides companies with the opportunity to build a strong trademark. Some brand owners have established an online presence by building retail stores to sell products in the real world. Moreover they have the possibility to create an event in the largest world virtual 3-D environment to directly communicate with the wide audience of the community members. For example, the MacArthur Foundation uses events on Second Life to introduce the foundation to a new audience and to stimulate discussions about the real-world issues that it seeks to resolve; William Gibson, the influential author who coined the word "cyberspace", had a reading in Second Life to promote his novel “Spook Country”; the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic have built a replica of their concert hall where they will perform works by Rachmaninov.4 M-Marketing: Marketing on Mobile Social NetworksToday we live in a mobile-devices-focused society. Mobile technologies, such as PDA, pocket PC and cell phone, transform interpersonal communications, which are independent from the fixed location, and result in the phenomenon of “situated nowhere,” in which communication occurs everywhere. Several studies individuate and classify mobile devices properties. In particular Klopfer et al. in classify the following five property classes, to characterise mobile devices:• Connectivity.• Social interactivity.• Individuality.• Context sensitivity.• Portability.The widespread diffusion of Mobile Social Networks have great impact on marketing strategies; from marketing 2.0 we move to M-marketing that is defined as “the transactions of commodities, services, or information over the Internet through the use of mobile handheld devices” . M-marketing has generally been viewed as “an extension of marketing 2.0 beyond the static terminal of the PC/TV to anytime, anyplace, anywhere on mobile and other wireless devices” . M-marketing on Social Networks are increasingly a vital component of brand marketers' strategies, creating a rush to develop content and advertising to consumers via on their mobile devices. There are many forms of M-marketing such as Short Message Servic (SMS), Multimedia Message Service (MMS), Mobile Web Marketing, and Location-based Services:译文营销策略的演变从网络营销到移动营销1 引言营销是“创造、沟通、向消费者提供价值并维护与客户的关系的过程”。
外文文献及翻译:网络营销 E-marketing

外文文献及翻译:网络营销 E-marketing E---MARKETING(From:E--Marketing by Judy Strauss,Adel El--Ansary,Raymond Frost---3rd ed.1999 by Pearson Education pp .G4-G25.)As the growth of shows, some marketing principles never change.Markets always welcome an innovative new product, even in a crowded field of competitors ,as long as it provides customervalue.Also,Google`s success shows that customers trust good brands and that well-crafted marketing mix strategies can be effective in helping newcomers enter crowded markets. Nevertheless, organizations are scrambling to determine how they can use information technology profitably and to understand what technology means for their business strategies. Marketers want to know which of their time-ested concepts will be enhanced by the Internet, databases,wireless mobile devices, and other technologies. The rapid growth of the Internet and subsequent bursting of the dot-com bubble has marketers wondering,"What next?" This article attempts to answer these questions through careful and systematic examination of successful e-mar-keting strategies in light of proven traditional marketing practices.(Sales Promotion;E--Marketing;Internet;Strategic Planning )1.What is E--MarketingE--Marketing is the application of a broad range of information technologies for: Transforming marketing strategies to create morecustomer value through more effective segmentation ,and positioning strategies;More efficiently planning andexecuting the conception, distribution promotion,and pricing of goods,services,and ideas;andCreating exchanges that satisfy individual consumer and organizational customers` objectives.This definition sounds a lot like the definition of traditional marketing. Another way to view it is that e-marketing is the result of information technology applied to traditional marketing. E-marketing affects traditional marketing in two ways. First,it increases efficiency in traditional marketing strategies.The transformation results in new business models that add customer value and/or increase company profitability.12.Environment,Strategy,and Performance (ESP)E-Marketing flows form the organization `s overall e-business strategies and selected business environment,wherelegal,technological,competitive,marketrelated, and other environmental, factors external to the firm create both opportunities and threats. Organizations perform SWOT analyses to discover what strengths and weaknesses they have to deploy against threats and opportunities. This SWOT analysis leads into e-business and e-marketing strategy. Firms, select e-business strategies and e-business models, and then marketers formulate strategy and create e-marketing plans that will help the firm accomplish its overall goals. The final step is to determine the successof the strategies and plans by measuring results. Performance metricsare specific measures designed to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the e-business and e-marketing operations. this is so important in today` s e-business climate that media reports seem to be full of references to ROI and other measures of success for e-business strategies and tactics featured in the model.The esp model might just as easily depict a brick-and-mortarbusiness process -by removing a few "e `s" this underscores the ideathat e-businesses are built on sound practices and proven processes but with important e-transformations and emarketing practices, as discussedin this book.This chapter examines the environmental factors in the ESP model, whereas Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 explore these important factors in more depth. Chapter 2 delves into the strategy area, and Chapter 3 discusses the e-marketing planning process.The marketing environment is ever change, providing plenty of opportunities to develop new products, new markets, and new media to communicate whit customers, plus new channels to reach business partners. At the same time, the environment poses! Competitive, economic , and other threats. This section introduces three key environmental factors that affect e-marketing : legal, technological, and marketrelated factors.Current and pending legislation can greatly influence e-marketing strategies. Chief among these are laws concerning privacy, digitalproperty, expression, and fraud. Privacy is difficult to legislate, yetit is critically important to consumers who routinely yield personal information over the Internet. One hot issue involves opt-out e-mail. This occurs when users must uncheck a Web page box to avoid being put on a few users read the Web page carefully enough to notice the opo-out box. Digital2property problems began in the Web` s early days and continue to puzzle firms and legislators alike. In a medium where content is freely distributed, it can be freely ripped off-not a good thing for thecontent authors. Spam, offensive content , and other forms of personal expression conflict whit user rights and thus, from an ongoingdiscussion among legislaer needs? Finally , new technology brings new opportunities for fraud. Although regulatory agencies are working hardto prevent fraud, enforcement is difficult in a networkedworld.Technological developments are altering the composition ofInternet audiences as well as the quality of material that can be delivered to them. For example, about 20% of the U.S. Population enjoys high-bandwidth connections-primarily cable modems and DSL lines--that enable delivery of multimedia content. Some Web sites are beginning to create three forms of content :a high-- speed multimedia form, astandard PC offering, and a handheld format for wireless devices such as cell phones. The prolofera-tion of wireless devices creates a new set of design challenges as firms try to squeeze content onto tinier screens.Also important are technology concerns in developing countries. As communication infrastructures improve and more people use handheld devices ,new geographic markets develop. Further ,e-marketing is evolving through software advances. For instance, technologies that target consumers according to their online behavior are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Incorporating these technologies into Web site design can give a firm a distinct competitive advantage.3.E-Business MarketsSergio Zyman, formerly chief marketing officer of Coca-cola ,has been quoted as saying, marketing is supposed to sell stuff. One way information technology helps sell stuff if they don’t` identify appropriate markets. Exhibit 1—5 highlights threeimportant markets that both sell and buy to each other: businesses, consumers, and governments. Although this book focuses on the B2C markets are where most business activity occurs.The business market is huge because a higher proportion of firms are connected to the Internet than consumers, especially in developing countries. Much of the B2B online activity is transparent to consumers because it involves proprietary networks that allow information and database sharing .Consider FedEx, the package delivery firm. This company maintains mation . Its customers can schedule a package pick-up using the Web site, track the package using a PC or handheld Palm Pilot, and pay the3shipping bill online. Sometimes the shipping order is automatically triggered when a mail notification of its delivery progress to the retailer.The Internet is a global market with opportunities existing in unimagined locations, which is why e-marketers must understand consumers in potential geographic segments. For example, with an annual average income of US$300, Vietnamese citizens who opt to spend 28% of their salary on online services do not have much purchasing power. Further, there are waiting lists for automobiles in Vietnam, so an online branding campaign might be a waste of resources . Conversely, Iceland and Denmark are two of the most wired countries in the world with over 60% Internet penetration. Also, consumers in many countries pay by the minute for local phone access. This is a tremendous deterrent to the kind of casual surfing practiced by Internet users in developed nations. In addition, the infrastructure in some countries does not support high-speed modems. Content delivered to these countries may, therefore, have to be light on bandwidth. Chapters 15 and 16 look at global Internet markets in more detail.4.Strategic PlanningAmazon, like every other marketer on and off the Web, uses strategic planning to get ready for a profitable and sustainable business future. Strategic planning is the “managerial process of developing and maintaining a viable fit between the organization`s objectives”, Two key elements of strategic planning are the preparation of a SWOTanalysis and the establishment of strategic objectives.the SWOT analysis examines the company` s internal strengths and weaknesses with respectto the environment and the competition and looks at externalopportunities and threats. Opportunities may help to define a target market or identify new product opportunities, while threats are areas of exposure.In a parallel fashion, marketing strategy becomes e-marketingstrategy when marketers use digital technology to implement the strategy.Strategic e-marketing is the design of marketing strategy that capitalizes on the organization’s electronic orinformation technology capabilities to reach specified objectives.In essence, strategic e-marketing is where technology strategy and marketing strategy wed to form the organization’s e-marketing strategy.Regardless of whether a customer buys from the stone, the catalog,or the Web site, or whether contact is made by phone, in person, through e-mail, or by postal mail,4employees can access the computerized database for up-to-dateaccount activity and information when dealing with customers.Most strategic plans explain the rationale for the chosen objectives and strategies. This is especially true for a single e-business project trying to win its share of corporate resources and top-management support.5.What`s NextRegardless of the current disillusionment with e-business,many solid successes exist today and exciting new growth areas will soon emerge,For-Tune magazine has identified seven trends that will help businesses move forward into e-marketing during the next few years:Integrating IT software. Twenty-six percent of companies will spend money to integrate all the pieces of corporate technology, such aslinking front-end customer service software with back-end orderfulfillment system.Boom in Web services. Web services will more deeply into finding universal standards for Internet-related software. Microsoft’s dot-net and Sun’s Java are twocompeting architectures, for example.Collaboration software. This allows employees, advisors, consultants, and other team members to work on projects while in different geographic locations. For example, ”Napster for Marketers” is peer-to-peer software that one consulting firmuses to collaborate on marketing plans with ad agencies, designers, and others.Dealing with too much date. Better customer relationship management software is helping firms reinforce customer loyalty by analyzing the mountain of data about previous behavior to suggest new products. For example, a flight attendant would be able to ask if a passenger wants coffee with sugar instead of the usual, ”What do youwant to drink?”data security. Techies are spending lots of time and money trying to protect data from hackers and viruses.Wireless is here to stay. Technologies such ah 802.11 and Bluetooth use shortrange signals to link a variety of computing and handheld devices in homes, offices, and retail stores.growth in portable computing. Inexpensive computer storage and small machines will aid people who want to work at home, in the car or train, or virtually anywhere. Devices such as IBM’s 9-ounce Metapad hold 5 gigabytes of dataand will change the way people work.5网络营销的成长发展说明一些营销原理从来不曾变化,对于一项创新产品,只要它能为顾客提供价值,即使已有众多竞争者,市场也总是乐于接受的。
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文献出处:Guzzo T, D’Andrea A, Ferri F, et al. Evolution of Marketing Strategies: From Internet Marketing to M-Marketing[C]//On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2012 Workshops. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012: 627-636.原文Evolution of Marketing Strategies:From Internet Marketing to M-Marketing Tiziana Guzzo, Alessia D’Andrea, Fernando Ferri, and Patrizia Grifoni1 IntroductionMarketing is “the process which creates, communicates, delivers the value to the consumers, and maintains the relationship with consumers. It generates the strategy that underlies sales techniques, business communication, and business developments. It is “an integrated process through which companies build strong consumers relationships and create value for their consumers and for themselves”Marketing strategies have a long history and mainly interested economists and sociologists. The wide use of Internet, pervasiveness of social networks and the evolution of mobile devise are implying a wider involvement of interdisciplinary competences enlarging the interest toward ICT competences.This paper is to describe the evolution of marketing strategies from the advent of the Web (Internet Marketing) - through the advent of Social Networks (Marketing 2.0) - to the evolution of Mobile Social Networks (M-marketing). In particular, the paper analyses the use that Italian people make of mobile devices and the user perception and acceptance of M-marketing.The advent of the Web had a significant impact on the way marketers do their strategies; it provides opportunities for companies to enhance their business in a cost-effective and practical manner. That is, the Web can be used by marketers to distribute products faster, to reach new markets, to conduct marketing research, to serve customers better, to solve customer problems and also to communicate more efficiently with marketing partners. This evolution of marketing is called “Internet Marketing”.The widespread advent of Social Networking stimulated a further development of marketing (Marketing 2.0) defining a new perspective connected to the symmetry of companies and consumers in their communication process. Indeed, consumers do not passively receive marketers’ messages; they actively express their needs, preferences and choices. All these issues stimulated the emerging of new marketing models with different aspects for successful marketing strategies such as: user information sharing and interaction, brand & corporate identity, search engine optimization (SEO) etc.. In the new marketing on Social Networks, databases play an enormous role in allowing the use and the integration of online tools. In particular they make it possible for consumers and companies to login and to have their own profile on a Social Networking site etc.; this give consumers and companies the possibility to connect each other and to fulfill their specific needs for information sharing and interaction and companies the possibility to outline the core concept of identity that, in the case of marketing strategies, can be extended to the analysis of the way in which consumers and companies develop their online profiles. This process can stimulate the presence of small enterprises on the market.However, a stronger change is connected to the popularity of Social Networks, combined with the widespread diffusion of mobile technologies, such as pocket PC, PDA and cell phone; it has given rise to the phenomenon of Mobile Social Networks. Mobile Social Networks are considered to bethe natural evolution of Social Networks; they can be seen as Social Networks communities specialized with mobile services. Mobile devices offer to Social Networks new opportunities connected with real-time location-based services, communication on the move and the sharing of information and services anywhere, anytime. This phenomenon is having a great impact on marketing sector. Mobile marketing (M-marketing) is defined as “the use of the mobile medium as a means of marketing communication” . More specifically, it is “using interactive wireless media to provide customers with time and location sensitive, personalized information that promotes goods, services and ideas, thereby generating value for all stakeholders” .In order to marketers adopt best M-marketing strategies it is very important to understand the use that users make of mobile devices, their perceptions and acceptance in terms of benefits and costs in using Mobile Social Networks for marketing purpose. The integration of Internet Marketing, Marketing 2.0 and M-marketing has led to the development of a new type of marketing: the Viral marketing. The reminder of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2 describes the Internet Marketing by discussing the different marketing ways, their advantages and limitations. Section 3 introduces the Marketing 2.0 by analyzing the benefits for consumers and companies. In Section 4 the different forms of mobile marketing strategies are discussed. Section 5 analyses the use that Italian people make of mobile devices and the user perception and acceptance of M-marketing on considering the characteristics that influence them. Finally Section 6 discusses the viral marketing trend.2 Internet Marketing: Marketing on the WebInternet Marketing is also called online Marketing, Website Marketing or e-Marketing. It is generally referred to the promotion of products or services over the Internet. Among the advantages of Internet Marketing there ismainly its cheapness both for companies and for buyers. Companies can reach a wide audience with minor budget respect to the traditional advertising while consumers can research and purchase products and services conveniently and quickly.There are different ways of Internet Marketing which are listed below:• Pay per Click: is a model where advertisers pay the publisher when the ad is clicked.• Marketing with Affiliates: A company hires one or more affiliates that are paid commission for each visitor that click on the banner or logo. Visitors are onnected to the sponsor’s site for which affiliates are paid a commission.• Search Engine Optimization (SEO): It allow to types keywords in search ngines related to ones product and to have the list of different sites related to that product. SEO maintains ones site to collocate on the first page of the most search engines to attract more traffic. This can give good Return on Investment (ROI) and increase profits.• Advertising t hrough Banner: Advertiser purchases banner to be displayed on the website. Usually, banner marketing is used to divert potential traffic to the site.• Auction through Internet: In a n online auction takes place when items are kept for selling. A minimum price for items is fixed by seller and buyers that offer the highest price will receive that product.• Listing on Directories: People can place their site on or which act as Yellow Pages on the internet. This is cheaper than the other ways of internet marketing, so also small-scale enterprise can use it.3 Marketing 2.0: Marketing on Social NetworksThe advent of Social Networking provides marketers with new potentialities, not available in traditional channels, in particular for the products and services diffusion. The importance of Social Networks and the key aspect of the companies’ interest on them are due to the wide number of consumers that can be reached using these tools. Marketers start from building a loyal constituency of consumers through advertisement on discussion forums, providing links to experts in specific areas for free consultation, and use of knowledge from other forums to honestly counsel consumers. Marketers may also open discussion to specifically attract new members according to their profile of interest. The real advantages of Social Networks can be exploited when marketers use the interactive capabilities of this new medium and build a personal community environment for the consumers, on considering each consumer as an individual in addressing promotional messages, providing all related services at a unique point, and making the virtual community a truly worthwhile place for the consumer to visit. The possibility to individually and interactively address consumers, allows marketers to understand their target better and to provide new products and services in fulfilling the consumers needs. The importance of Social Networking is, moreover, connected to the symmetry between companies and consumers in their communication process. Indeed, consumers do not passively receive marketers’ messages they actively express their needs, preferences and choices. All these features of Social Networks allowed the introduction of different benefits on marketing process; the benefits can be view on considering the consumers as well as the companies’ point of view.From consumers’ p oint of view the key useful characteristics of a Social Network to consider are:• inter-activity: a consumer who joins a Social Network can seek information, test the product and proceed to place order forproducts. Consumers can also have access to the feedback of other people to make better informed decisions.• aggregation of services: a Social Network allows aggregation of different services, coordinated and hyper-linked by the seller of the products or services. This gives consumers access to all the necessary information to make a better purchase decision.• deliverability: a Social Network is delivered in real time 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week.These characteristic allow consumers to:• gather information a bout products and services offered by companies;• interact with other consumers without spatial and temporal constraints and with reduced search costs;• provide information about the product, to the company and to other consumers;• add “collective content” using discussion forums;• have economic benefits deriving from special prices, customized offers and better service from the qualitative point of view;• being part of a powerful bargaining group that can influence important marketing decisions.From the companies point of view the most important benefit that a Social Network an offer is given by the possibility to reach out and build interactive relationships with consumers on a global basis. In the past companies have been constrained by the inadequacies of the traditional channels, particularly in the products and services diffusion. Social Networks have the potential totransform and enhance this activity. As said before the key element for the interest in the use of Social Network is the critical mass of consumers that can be reached. Companies usually start from building a loyal community of consumers through advertisement on discussion forums, providing links to experts in specific areas for free consultation. Companies may also open discussion forums to specifically attract new members according to their profiles of interest. These discussion forums are rich sources of information about companies and their products/services and, at the same time, should be closely monitored by the marketer to identify the needs of the consumers. Companies can also facilitate an immersive experience to consumers, for example, by using 3-D virtual communities such as Second Life, they can create customized graphical user interfaces and include tutorials (Avatar), which can better explain to consumers how to move around and interact with the environment.Many real-word companies are taking interest in this latest online trend. American Apparel is the first "real world" company that has opened a store in the virtual world of Second Life. Its ultra-modern clothing store is located on a beach resort and has quickly become a hot spot within Second Life. Second life provides companies with the opportunity to build a strong trademark. Some brand owners have established an online presence by building retail stores to sell products in the real world. Moreover they have the possibility to create an event in the largest world virtual 3-D environment to directly communicate with the wide audience of the community members. For example, the MacArthur Foundation uses events on Second Life to introduce the foundation to a new audience and to stimulate discussions about the real-world issues that it seeks to resolve; William Gibson, the influential author who coined the word "cyberspace", had a reading in Second Life to promote his novel “Spook Country”; the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic have built a replica of their concert hall where they will perform works by Rachmaninov.4 M-Marketing: Marketing on Mobile Social NetworksToday we live in a mobile-devices-focused society. Mobile technologies, such as PDA, pocket PC and cell phone, transform interpersonal communications, which are independent from the fixed location, and result in the phenomenon of “situated nowhere,” in which communication occurs everywhere. Several studies individuate and classify mobile devices properties. In particular Klopfer et al. in classify the following five property classes, to characterise mobile devices:• Connectivity.• Social interactivity.• Individuality.• Context sensitivity.• Portability.The widespread diffusion of Mobile Social Networks have great impact on marketing strategies; from marketing 2.0 we move to M-marketing that is defined as “the transactions of commodities, services, or information over the Internet through the use of mobile handheld devices” . M-marketing has generally been viewed as “an extension of marketing 2.0 beyond the static terminal of the PC/TV to anytime, anyplace, anywhere on mobile and other wireless devices” . M-marketing on Social Networks are increasingly a vital component of brand marketers' strategies, creating a rush to develop content and advertising to consumers via on their mobile devices. There are many forms of M-marketing such as Short Message Servic (SMS), Multimedia Message Service (MMS), Mobile Web Marketing, and Location-based Services:译文营销策略的演变从网络营销到移动营销1 引言营销是“创造、沟通、向消费者提供价值并维护与客户的关系的过程”。