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1.The man robbed the old woman of her golden necklace.

The old woman was robbed of her golden necklace.

We accused him of stealing the safe.

The photo reminded me of my uncle.

I assure you of his honesty.

*** rob, accuse, remind, assure, inform, warn, relieve, cure, cheat, suspect, clear, heal

2.The teacher praised us for finishing the work ahead of time.

He was punished for breaking the window.

*** blame, thank, excuse, punish, take (mistake), forgive, reward, criticize, scold, praise, apologize to sb., depend on sb. for

3.He demanded an answer of me.

Hard work will be demanded of students in this course.

*** demand sth of sb., require sth of sb., ask sth of sb.

I’ll do all that is required of me.

4.The heavy rain prevented me form going there yesterday.

A sailor saved him from drowning.

*** prevent sb. from doing (n.), protect, stop, keep, save, free, hide, defend, rescue, discourage sb. from

5.provide sb. with sth.

The government provides the orphan with food and clothing.

*** supply, furnish, charge, trouble, bother, combine, entertain, equip, fill, leave, reward, arm, help, confuse, present

The policeman charged him with breaking the law.

They left the sick child with his grandma.

6.talk sb. into

They talked me into accepting their plan.

*** persuade, argue, reason, frighten, force, cheat

We frightened him into telling the truth.

7.The __________ news made us all ___________. (surprise)

The child watch TV with an _________ (interest) look on his face.

When I saw her this morning, she wore a _______ (tire) look on his face.

*** please, delight, encourage, excite, amuse, charm, fascinate, inspire, annoy, bother, bore, depress, disturb, worry, trouble, distress, astonish, confuse, embarrass,

frighten, puzzle, shock, surprise, upset, satisfy, disappoint, interest, impress

*** To one’s surprise (delight, satisfaction, amusement, disappointment, relief, astonishment …)

8.Classes ___________ (begin) at eight.

This material _________ (rot) away some day.

The next day people found the beggar ______ (lie) on the ground, dead.

China is a developing country __________ (belong) to the third world.

*** lie, fall, suffer, rot, belong, tremble, disappear, fail, last, exist, happen (take place), die, ache, rise, appear, depend, major, occur, remain, begin, laugh

9.The student doesn’t like ________ (praise) in public.

I _________ (tell) that we would have an English exam.

Top came to the party without ________ (invite).

*** tell, invite, praise, fill, raise, seat, devote, destroy, protect, cover, expect, introduce, avoid, surround, neglect, cause, blame, cancel, award, arrest, assign, mention, expose, include honour, occupy, recall, recommend, respect, sense

10.The little hero died three years ago.

The little hero _____ _____ _____ for three years.

_____ _____ three years _____ the little hero _____.

_____ _____ three years ago _____ the little hero _____.

*** accept, appear, arrive, become, begin, borrow, buy, bring, come, complete, close, die, disappear, dress, end, fall, finish, graduate, happen, hear, join, jump, lose, refuse, marry, meet, mention, open, put, reach, receive
