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的时候,维纳斯女神的儿子埃涅阿斯及其追随者逃出来,沿北非西 行穿过迦太基,来到罗马。
❖ 罗马人对世界文化所作出的最为重要的贡献就是保存了希腊和中东 地区的文化成果。罗马人在广泛吸收四邻各族优秀文化成果,特别 是古代希腊人的卓越文化成就的基础上,根据本国社会、经济、政 治发展的需要,创造了自己独特的文化,为世界文化增添了新的内 容。
Biblical culture
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3. Three sources of Western culture
(1) Greek culture (Greece): ★mythology and legend ★ philosophy: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle ★Literature: Homer Epics; Tragedies ★the cradle of Olympic Games
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3. Three sources of Western culture
(2) Roman culture (Latin)
❖ 古罗马通常指从公元前9世纪初在意大利半岛中部兴起的文明,历罗 马王政时代、罗马共和国,于1世纪前后扩张成为横跨欧洲、亚洲、 非洲的庞大罗马帝国。到395年,罗马帝国分裂为东西两部。西罗马 帝国亡于476年。东罗马帝国(即拜占廷帝国)变为封建国家,1453 年为奥斯曼帝国所灭。传说根据传说,当特洛伊城遭到希腊人进攻
b. Taoism (Taoist) ----Han Dynasty 无为(doing nothing)顺其自然naturalness Laozi《道德经》 Zhuangzi 《逍遥游》
c. Buddhism (Buddha) (Sakyamuni) Tang Dynasty 因果报应
In Wei,Jin and South-and-North Dynasty, they three co-existed in China and formed a tripartite confrontation (三足鼎立).
❖ 罗马法影响:“罗马曾三次征服世界,第一次是以武力,第二次是
For more9
❖ 在政治文化方面,罗马出现了以下比较重要的人物:
❖ 1. 恺撒他是古代罗马政治家、军事家。他在文学方面也颇有建 树。传世之作有《高卢战记》、《内战记》。对于他,我们要 记住一句名言:也就是 “I came, I saw, I conquered.”
and accepted by practice. 具有约定俗成性)
② The history of English as a language
③ What is culture?
④ What is the relationship between the two?
d. Economic reason
e. Political reason
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Language and Culture 1
1. Introduction ① What is language?
It is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols for human communication. (The symbols are arbitrary at first, but they are also established by usage
The Importance of English Learning
(1) Identity (International language)
(2) Why do we learn English? (Many reasons) a. Educational reason b. Culture communication (globalization) c. Digital age
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Language and Culture 3
❖3. Three sources of Western culture:
(1) Greek culture (Greece): (2) Roman culture (Latin) (3) Hebraic culture (Hebrew 希伯来语)
English Learning
English Learning
1. The Importance of English Learning
2. Language and Culture
3. English Learning
★ vocabulary ★ grammar
★ Five Basic Skills ★ Some Suggestions on Learning English
❖ 2.西赛罗 他是古罗马政治家、哲学家和最重要的演说家。主要 成就在演说词和书信。
❖ 3. 维吉尔 他是罗马文学中最重要的作家。代表作品是《阿尼 德》。
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Language and Culture 2
❖ 2. Three sources of Chinese culture:
a. Confucianism (Confucius 孔子)(Spring and Autumn Dynasty)
孔孟(Mencius) 仁 benevolence (仁者爱人) 礼 中庸之道
4. Teaching Plan
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
5. Teaching Mode
6. Your Scores
Language and Culture
❖ 1. Introduction ❖ 2. Three sources of Chinese culture ❖ 3. Three sources of Western culture ❖ 4. Culture difference and English learning
❖ 罗马人对世界文化所作出的最为重要的贡献就是保存了希腊和中东 地区的文化成果。罗马人在广泛吸收四邻各族优秀文化成果,特别 是古代希腊人的卓越文化成就的基础上,根据本国社会、经济、政 治发展的需要,创造了自己独特的文化,为世界文化增添了新的内 容。
Biblical culture
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3. Three sources of Western culture
(1) Greek culture (Greece): ★mythology and legend ★ philosophy: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle ★Literature: Homer Epics; Tragedies ★the cradle of Olympic Games
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3. Three sources of Western culture
(2) Roman culture (Latin)
❖ 古罗马通常指从公元前9世纪初在意大利半岛中部兴起的文明,历罗 马王政时代、罗马共和国,于1世纪前后扩张成为横跨欧洲、亚洲、 非洲的庞大罗马帝国。到395年,罗马帝国分裂为东西两部。西罗马 帝国亡于476年。东罗马帝国(即拜占廷帝国)变为封建国家,1453 年为奥斯曼帝国所灭。传说根据传说,当特洛伊城遭到希腊人进攻
b. Taoism (Taoist) ----Han Dynasty 无为(doing nothing)顺其自然naturalness Laozi《道德经》 Zhuangzi 《逍遥游》
c. Buddhism (Buddha) (Sakyamuni) Tang Dynasty 因果报应
In Wei,Jin and South-and-North Dynasty, they three co-existed in China and formed a tripartite confrontation (三足鼎立).
❖ 罗马法影响:“罗马曾三次征服世界,第一次是以武力,第二次是
For more9
❖ 在政治文化方面,罗马出现了以下比较重要的人物:
❖ 1. 恺撒他是古代罗马政治家、军事家。他在文学方面也颇有建 树。传世之作有《高卢战记》、《内战记》。对于他,我们要 记住一句名言:也就是 “I came, I saw, I conquered.”
and accepted by practice. 具有约定俗成性)
② The history of English as a language
③ What is culture?
④ What is the relationship between the two?
d. Economic reason
e. Political reason
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Language and Culture 1
1. Introduction ① What is language?
It is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols for human communication. (The symbols are arbitrary at first, but they are also established by usage
The Importance of English Learning
(1) Identity (International language)
(2) Why do we learn English? (Many reasons) a. Educational reason b. Culture communication (globalization) c. Digital age
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Language and Culture 3
❖3. Three sources of Western culture:
(1) Greek culture (Greece): (2) Roman culture (Latin) (3) Hebraic culture (Hebrew 希伯来语)
English Learning
English Learning
1. The Importance of English Learning
2. Language and Culture
3. English Learning
★ vocabulary ★ grammar
★ Five Basic Skills ★ Some Suggestions on Learning English
❖ 2.西赛罗 他是古罗马政治家、哲学家和最重要的演说家。主要 成就在演说词和书信。
❖ 3. 维吉尔 他是罗马文学中最重要的作家。代表作品是《阿尼 德》。
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Language and Culture 2
❖ 2. Three sources of Chinese culture:
a. Confucianism (Confucius 孔子)(Spring and Autumn Dynasty)
孔孟(Mencius) 仁 benevolence (仁者爱人) 礼 中庸之道
4. Teaching Plan
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
5. Teaching Mode
6. Your Scores
Language and Culture
❖ 1. Introduction ❖ 2. Three sources of Chinese culture ❖ 3. Three sources of Western culture ❖ 4. Culture difference and English learning