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Unit1 What’s the matter ?复习试题

1.谈论健康问题(health problems)或事故时:

What’s _______ ________ ________ you ?= What’s _______ ________ ________ you?

= What’ s _______ ______ you?n你怎么了?

2.描述身体情况:have 患得

(1)Tom_______ ______ ______ ________.(患感冒)。---He ______ ______(应该看)the doctor.

Lily ______ _____ ______ _______.(发烧) ---She should ______her ________.(量体温)

(2)I have ______ ______ _______.(嗓子疼)。You should drink hot tea _______honey .(带有)

He has_____ ______ ______(后背疼)。----- He ________ ________ (不应该锻炼)。

(3)He has a __________(tooth)。---Why not __________(吃) some__________(药)?

He has a __________(stomach). ---He should _____________(躺下来)and rest .

(4)hurt 受伤伤害疼痛:过去式:______ 受伤hurt oneself

I ________ ________ __________(play) basketball . 当我打篮球时受伤了.

--You should ____________________(拍X光)。He hurt himself but he __________(go) on running .

3.too many /too much +不可数名词、修饰动词/much too +形容词

There are ___________rules in our school . He eats ___________food and he is ______________fat . Watching TV ___________is bad for you .

4. enough【形容、副词】足够的/地,enough放在名前后,形副后。

He has _______(足够的钱)to buy the bike . The boy is _________(足够大) to go to school .

5.see /hear/find sb doing 看到/听到某人正在做某事

I saw an old man_________(lie)on the side of the road .

6.Tom went to school _________(没有)breakfast .

He stopped the bus without_________(think) twice .

7.surprise 惊奇、使惊讶The news _________ me.

_____ _____ ______(使我吃惊的是),he is a doctor .He asked me a question ____ _____(惊讶地)。

I am ________at the __________news .(surprise)

8.thanks to sb/sth 幸亏由于___________(幸亏)the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time .

9.think about oneself考虑某人自己think about doing 考虑做某事

You shouldn’t think about__________(you). You should think about_________(help) others .

10.get hit on the head/by....头部被击打。

Tom _______ _______(被击打)on the head by a basketball .

11.He told Lilei ____________(not watch) TV .

12.have problems/trouble (in) doing sth 做某事有困难The boy has trouble__________(breathe).

13.____ ___________ doing 习惯于做某事/______ _______do 过去常常做某事

He is used to__________(live) in the city . He used to ___________(walk) in the park .

14..I know the ____________(important) of studying English .

15..decide 决定decide ________ (do)sth 名词--- __________ (make a ___________ )做决定)

He decided ___________(go) to Beijing .

16.You should keep on __________(read) .

17. Don’t give up ___________(swim) .

18. because of(+名词)由于/because (+句子)

He didnt go to school _________he was ill .He didnt go to school ________his illness .

19.I ____________(.wait for) the bus now .

20.He agrees__________me . He agrees _____________(help) me . 21.I am_________(interest) in __________(swim).

22.You should_______________(掌管;管理) your life .

23 He has ______________(用完;用尽) water .

24He _______(fall) down from the bike and hurt himself .


( )1.Mr. Smith is tired. He _________.

A.shouldn’t lie down and rest

B. should lie down and rest

B.C. should to lie down and rest D. lies down and rest

( )2.— _________? — I have a toothache.

A. What’s wrong

B. What’s the matter

C. What’s the trouble

D. A, B and C ( )3.He ____ stay at home and looked after his mother yesterday.

A. needed to

B. Must

C. have to

D. has to

( )4.When you talk too much, you should _________.

A. drink enough water

B. keep talking

C. see a dentist

D. take your temperature ( )5.What’s the matter with you? —I’ve got a toothache.— I think you should _________.

A. drink some hot tea with honey

B. see a dentist

C. take your temperature

D. lie down ( )6.I find _______ difficult _______ English well.

A. it; learn

B. it; to learn

C. this; to learn

D. that; learn

( )7。I had a fight with my best friend . I don’t know _____.

A.how to do

B. how I do it

C. what to do it

D. what to do

( )8.Listen! Can you hear someone _________.

A. to cry

B. Cries

C. crying

D. Cried

( )9.Many boys think they should have time to do things _____.

A. by oneself

B. by them

C. by themselves

D. by himself

( )10.He eats _______ food, so he is _________ fat.

A.much too; too much

B. much too; many too

C. too much; much too

D. too much; many too ( )11._________ the teacher’s help, she has passed the exam.

A. Because

B. Thanks

C. Thanks to

D. without

( )12.The doctor could save the old man _____ because all the passengers helped him.

A. on time

B. in time

C. at times

D. by the time

( )13.If your head and neck still _________ tomorrow, then go to a doctor.

A. hurt

B. will hurt

C. hurts

D. are hurt

( )14.The little boy is too young, so he has problems _________ with you.

A. talking

B. Talk

C. to talk

D. talks

( )15.He could do nothing without _________ TV.

A. watch

B. Watches

C. watching

D. will watch


1.The bus driver saw an old man ___________ on the side of the road.

2.The driver was thankful because all the passengers ___________ go to help the old man and send him to the hospital.

3.Most of the passengers ___________ and waited for the next bus.

4.The careless boy ___________ himself in P.E. class. His mother had to take him to see the doctor. 5.As an old teacher, he is used to ___________ early in the morning.

lie, agree to, get off, hurt, get up
