
HTRI7 教程01界面熟悉1.双击快捷图标,打开程序界面:HTRI启动界面2.创建一个“新的空冷器”3.设置自己熟悉的一套单位制,比如MKH公制,也可以通过<Edit…>来自定义。
4.接下来就是将界面中的“红框”也就是缺少的参数按你将要设计的工况填写完整,包括如下几部分的数据,4.1 “Process”工艺条件:包括热流体侧和空气侧;4.2 “Geometry”机械结构:包括管子、管束、风机等;5.当输入数据足够所有的红框消失,那么初步的输入就完成了,可以点击"绿灯"图标运行。
02工艺参数输入1.点击左边目录栏的“Process”标签,右边显示的就是供工艺参数输入的界面:2.我们从上到下依次来看需要输入的参数:*为必要输入参数2.1 Fluid name –流体名称,这里没有红框,不是必须输入的,就是自己定义下流体描述比如“Propylene”“Oil”“Wet Air”等,要注意的是程序对中文字符不支持,那么大家多写写英文就是了~本帖隐藏的内容2.2 Phase/Airside flow rate units –流体相态/空气侧的流量单位*2.3 Flow rate –流量不必多解释,热侧为质量流量。
2.4 Altitude of unit(above sea level) –海拔高度*2.5 Temperature –流体的温度,单位°C (SI,MKH), °F(US),这里要注意的是想输入0度,那么请填 0.001,不然0或0.0的输入都将被程序认为是没有输入(这个原则在HTRI程序的其他地方也适用)。
2.6 Weight fraction vapor –重量气相分率,那么全气相就是1,全液相就是0咯。
2.7 Pressure reference –压力参照点,就是接下来你输入的操作压力值指的是进口压力还是出口压力。
2.8 Pressure–操作压力。

H T R I7教程01界面熟悉1.双击快捷图标,打开程序界面:HTRI启动界面2.创建一个“新的空冷器”3.设置自己熟悉的一套单位制,比如MKH公制,也可以通过<Edit…>来自定义。
4.接下来就是将界面中的“红框”也就是缺少的参数按你将要设计的工况填写完整,包括如下几部分的数据,4.1 “Process”工艺条件:包括热流体侧和空气侧;4.2 “Geometry”机械结构:包括管子、管束、风机等;5.当输入数据足够所有的红框消失,那么初步的输入就完成了,可以点击"绿灯"图标运行。
02?工艺参数输入1.点击左边目录栏的“Process”标签,右边显示的就是供工艺参数输入的界面:??2.我们从上到下依次来看需要输入的参数:*为必要输入参数2.1 Fluid name –?流体名称,这里没有红框,不是必须输入的,就是自己定义下流体描述比如“Propylene”“Oil”“Wet Air”等,要注意的是程序对中文字符不支持,那么大家多写写英文就是了~本帖隐藏的内容2.2 Phase/Airside flow rate units –?流体相态/空气侧的流量单位*2.3 Flow rate –?流量不必多解释,热侧为质量流量。
2.4 Altitude of unit(above sea level) –?海拔高度*2.5 Temperature –?流体的温度,单位°C (SI,MKH), °F(US),这里要注意的是想输入0度,那么请填 0.001,不然0或0.0的输入都将被程序认为是没有输入(这个原则在HTRI程序的其他地方也适用)。
2.6 Weight fraction vapor –?重量气相分率,那么全气相就是1,全液相就是0咯。
2.7 Pressure reference –?压力参照点,就是接下来你输入的操作压力值指的是进口压力还是出口压力。

Chapter 10. Compressors10-1) Main Types of CompressorsGenerally, the compressor can be classified into two basic types: positive displacement 容积式压缩机In the positive-displacement compressor, a given quantity of vapor to be compressed is trapped in a compression chamber. The vapor is then compressed by mechanically reducing the volume of the chamber. The compression, rises the vapor pressure to a set value before discharge.roto-dynamic 回转动力式压缩机Roto-dynamic compressors impart velocity energy to continuously flowing vapor by means of impellers rotating at very high speeds. The velocity energy is changed into pressure energy both by the impellers (叶轮)and the discharge volutes 涡壳or diffusers 扩压器vane-type rotaryScrollFig.10-1 The classification of compressors10-2) Reciprocating Compressors(1)The Construction of Reciprocating CompressorsFig.10-2 Cutaway view of small two-cylinder reciprocating compressor[12](2)Principle of OperationFig.10-3 The compression cycle [13]Fig.10-4 Principle of operation of a reciprocating compressor(3) Clearance Space and Clearance Fraction 余隙空间 与 余隙份额33,,va volume flow rate entering compressor m s displacement rate of compressor m sη⋅⋅⋅⋅=⋅⋅⋅ (10-1) clearance volumetric efficiency Vc η is:Vc η=()()c V V V V --313 (10-2)ccV V V m -=3 (10-3) volumepressureP r e s s u r e ,k P ap 1p 2p 3p dV cV 1V 2V 3PistonFig. 10-5 Clearance and its effect on volumetric efficiencyAdding c c V V - to the numerator of the equation 10-2 givescc c c c vc V V VV V V V V V V --+=--+-=313131η (10-4)and⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛---=---=1111331c cc c c vc V V V V V V V V V η Therefore⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛--=111c vc V V m η (10-5) (4) Slugging of Liquid 液击Great care should be taken to prevent excess liquid refrigerant from entering reciprocating compressors. When large quantities of liquid suddenly enter the compressor for a short period of time it is called slugging. The force at the end of the discharge stroke could easily break valves and even connecting rods if there is liquid slugging in the cylinder.(5) Open, Semi-hermetic and Hermetic Reciprocating CompressorsFig 10-6 A cutting view of the hermetic compressor [14]Fig 10-7 A cutting view of the semi-hermetic compressor [15]10-3) Scroll Compressors 涡旋式(1) The Construction and Operation of Scroll CompressorsThe scroll compressor is a rotary, positive displacement compressor which is used in residential air-conditioning and heat pump systems. A scroll compressor is illustrated in Fig.10-8. It uses two interleaved scrolls to compress fluids.Fig. 10-8 Cutaway view of a scroll compressor [12]Fig. 10-9 The principle of a scroll compressor [16](2) Advantages and limitationScroll compressors can deliver high compression pressure ratio. The pressure ratio is increased by adding spiral wraps to the scroll. Scroll compressors are true rotary motion and can be dynamically balanced for smooth, vibration-free, quiet operation. They have no inlet or discharge valves to break or make noise and no associated valve losses. Scroll compressors can be operated under oil flooded, oil lubricated, or oil free. Due to the unique orbital motion, the rubbing velocities of the sliding seals are typically 30 to 50% less than that of piston rings or vanes at comparable speeds, which results in greaterdurability of scroll compressors. The continuous delivery of refrigerant vapor also eliminates noise associated with the pulsation of suction and discharge. The scroll compressor has no clearance volume that gets re-expanded with associated losses.(1) The Construction and operation of Screw CompressorsScrew compressors are also belong to the positive displacement compressor family. In screw compressors, the compression is accomplished by the enmeshing of two mating helically grooved rotors suitably housed in a cylinder equipped with appropriated inlet and discharge ports (Fig.10-10).Fig. 10-10 The Construction of Screw Compressors [17]Fig.10-11 Cross section of the two rotors of a screw compressor(2) Capacity ControlFig.10-12 Operation of screw compressor slide valve for capacity control10-5) Turbo Compressors(1) The construction and operation of turbo Compressors“Turbo compressor”as understood in refrigeration industry usually refers to a centrifugal compressor.A schematic diagram of the centrifugal compressor is shown in Fig.10-14. Vapor enters axially at the centre wheel 1 and flows through the passage 3 in the impeller 2. The pressure and absolute velocity of the vapor rises when it passes the impeller because of the centrifugal force. In the stationary diffuser 4 the flow of vapor is decelerated to further raise the vapor pressure. The compressed vapor is collected inthe scroll or volute 5 and discharged to the delivery pipe 6.The major elements of a centrifugal compressor are shown in Fig.10-13. A turbo compressor consists of a housing and at least one rotor of which the shaft is pivotally supported by the housing, with a free shaft end and with a rotor connected with the other end of the rotor shaft. The free end of the rotor shaft facing away from the rotor projects into a pressure chamber connected with the housing, and is acted upon by a pressurized fluid whose force of pressure compensates for the force of the axial thrust acting on the rotor. Thus, the starting friction of the compressor is lower and drive motors of lower output target can be utilizedFig. 10-13 Two-stage centrifugal compressorFig.10-14 Schematic diagram of the centrifugal compressor1-eye, inlet cavity吸气室. 2–impeller (wheel) 叶轮.3-blades (or vanes)叶片. 4-diffuser 扩压室. 5-volute (scroll)涡壳. 6- outlet cavity 排气室.Hub disc 轮盘;cover disc轮盖Fig.10-15 Roller-type compressor [18]Fig.10-16 vane-type rotary compressor.[19]11Fig. 10-17 Principle of AC inverter technologyFig.10-18 Comparison of inverter technology and conventional technologyInverter technology is becoming the new trend in refrigeration and air-conditioning industry. Thesystem can enhance smoothing performance for any cooling or heating applications. For current situation, this technology can decrease the using of energy which not only save money but also friendly to the environment and create less global warming.20. /Mr_Slim.html。

制冷专业英语基本术语制冷refrigeration蒸发制冷evaporative refrigeration沙漠袋desert bag制冷机refrigerating machine制冷机械refrigerating machinery制冷工程refrigeration engineering制冷工程承包商refrigeration contractor制冷工作者refrigerationist制冷工程师refrigeration engineer制冷技术员refrigeration technician制冷技师refrigeration technician制冷技工refrigeration mechanic冷藏工人icer制冷安装技工refrigeration installation mechanic 制冷维修技工refrigeration serviceman冷藏链cold chain制冷与空调维修店refrigeration and air conditioning repair shop冷藏refrigerated prvservation一般制冷换热器英语换热器heat exchanger热交换器heat exchanger紧凑式换热器compact heat exchanger管式换热器tubular heat exchanger套管式换热器double-pipe heat exchanger间壁式换热器surface type heat exchanger表面式换热器surface type heat exchanger板管式换热器tube-on-sheet heat exchanger板翅式换热器plate-fin heat exchanger板式换热器plate heat exchanger螺旋板式换热器spiral plate heat exchanger平板式换热器flat plate heat exchanger顺流式换热器parallel flow heat exchanger逆流式换热器counter flow heat exchanger*流式换热器cross-flow heat echanger折流式换热器turn back flow heat exchanger直接接触式换热器direct heat exchanger旋转式换热器rotary heat exchanger刮削式换热器scraped heat exchanger热管式换热器heat pipe exchanger蓄热器recuperator壳管式换热器shell and tube heat exchanger管板tube plate可拆端盖removable head管束bundle of tube管束尺寸size of tube bundle顺排管束in-line hank of tubes 错排管束staggered hank of tubes盘管coil蛇形管serpentine coilU形管U-tube光管bare tube肋片管finned tube翅片管finned tube肋管finned tube肋管束finned tube bundle肋片fin套片plate fin螺旋肋spiral fin整体肋integral fin纵向肋longitudinal fin钢丝肋wire fin内肋inner fin肋片管尺寸size of fin tube肋片厚度fin thickness肋距spacing of fin肋片数pitch of fin肋片长度finned length肋片高度finned height肋效率fin efficiency换热面积heat exchange surface传热面积heat exchange surface冷却面积cooling surface加热表面heat exchange surface基表面primary surface扩展表面extended surface肋化表面finned surface迎风表面face area流通表面flow area净截面积net area;effective sectional area迎风面流速face velocity净截面流速air velocity at net area迎风面质量流速face velocity of mass净截面质量流速mass velocity at net area冷(热)媒有效流通面积effective area for cooling or heating medium冷(热)媒流速velocity of cooling or heating medium干工况dry condition;sensible cooling condition 湿工况wet condition;dehumidifying condition接触系数contact factor旁通系数bypass factor换热效率系数coefficient of heat transmission effectiveness盘管风阻力air pressure drop of coil;air resistance of coil盘管水阻力pressure drop of cooling or heating medium表面冷却surface cooling蒸发冷却evaporating cooling冷却元件cooling element涡流管制冷英语涡流制冷效应vortex refrigerating effect兰克-赫尔胥效应Ranque-Hilsch effect涡流管制冷vortex tube refrigeration涡流管vortex tube兰克管Ranque tube膨胀喷嘴expansion injector涡流室vortex device分离孔板separation orifice调节阀control valve膨胀压力比expansion pressure ratio冷气流分量cold gas fraction热气流分量hot gas fraction冷却效应cooling effect加热效应heating effect冷却效率cooling efficiency磁制冷英语磁热效应magnetocaloric effect磁制冷magnetic refrigeration磁制冷机magnetic refrigerating machine磁冰箱magnetic refrigerator压缩机制冷系统及机组制冷系统refrigeration system制冷机refrigerating machine机械压缩制冷系统mechanical compression refrigeration system蒸气压缩制冷系统vapour compression refrigeration system压缩式系统compression system压缩机compressor制冷压缩机refrigerating compressor,refrigerant compressor吸气端suction end排气端discharge end低压侧low pressure side高压侧high pressure side蒸发压力evaporating pressure吸气压力suction pressure,back pressure排气压力discharge pressure蒸发温度evaporating temperature冷凝压力condensing pressure冷凝温度condensing temperature吸气温度suction temperature 回气温度back temperature排气温度discharge temperature压缩比compression ratio双效压缩dual compression单级压缩single-stage compression双级压缩compound compression多级压缩multistage compression压缩级compression stage低压级low pressure stage高压级high pressure stage中间压力intermediate pressure中间冷却intercooling多级膨胀multistage expansion湿压缩wet compression干压缩dry compression制冷系统refrigerating system机械制冷系统mechanical refrigerating system氟利昂制冷系统freon refrigerating system氨制冷系统ammonia refrigerating system压缩式制冷系统compression refrigerating system 单级压缩制冷系统single-stage compression refrigeration system双级压缩制冷系统two-stage compression refrigeration system多级制冷系统multistage refrigerating system复叠式制冷系统cascade refrigerating system混合制冷剂复叠系统mixed refrigerant cascade集中制冷系统central refrigerating plant直接制冷系统direct refrigeration system直接膨胀供液制冷系统refrigeration system with supply liqiud direct expansion重力供液制冷系统refrigeration system with supply liquid refrigerant for the evaporator by gravity液泵供液制冷系统refrigeration system with supply liquid refrigerant for evaporator by liquid pump间接制冷系统indirect refrigeration system融霜系统defrosting system热气融霜系统defrosting system by superheated vapour电热融霜系统eletrothermal defrosting system制冷系统故障breakdown of the refrigerating system冰堵freeze-up冰塞ice plug脏堵filth blockage油堵greasy blockage液击(冲缸、敲缸)slugging湿行程wet stroke镀铜现象appearance of copper-plating烧毁burn-out倒霜frost back制冷机组refrigerating unit压缩机组compressor unit开启式压缩机组open type compresssor unit开启式压缩机open type compressor半封闭式压缩机组semihermetic compressor unit 半封闭式压缩机semihermetic compressor全封闭式压缩机组hermetically sealed compressor unit全封闭式压缩机hermetically sealed compressor压缩冷凝机组condensing unit全封闭式压缩冷凝机组hermetically sealed condensing unit半封闭式压缩冷凝机组semihermetically sealed condensing unit开启式压缩冷凝机组open type compressor condensing unit工业用压缩冷凝机组industrial condensing unit商业用压缩冷凝机组commercial condensing unit 整马力压缩冷凝机组integral horsepower condensing unit分马力压缩冷凝机组fractional horsepower condensing unit跨式制冷机组straddle refrigerating unit容积式压缩机及零部件英语容积式压缩机positive displacement compressor往复式压缩机(活塞式压缩机)reciprocating compressor回转式压缩机rotary compressor滑片式压缩机sliding vane compressor单滑片回转式压缩机single vane rotary compressor滚动转子式压缩机rolling rotor compressor三角转子式压缩机triangle rotor compressor多滑片回转式压缩机multi-vane rotary compressor 滑片blade旋转活塞式压缩机rolling piston compressor涡旋式压缩机scroll compressor涡旋盘scroll固定涡旋盘stationary scroll,fixed scroll驱动涡旋盘driven scroll,orbiting scroll斜盘式压缩机(摇盘式压缩机)swash plate compressor斜盘swash plate摇盘wobble plate螺杆式压缩机screw compressor单螺杆压缩机single screw compressor 阴转子female rotor阳转子male rotor主转子main rotor闸转子gate rotor无油压缩机oil free compressor膜式压缩机diaphragm compressor活塞式压缩机reciprocating compressor单作用压缩机single acting compressor双作用压缩机double acting compressor双效压缩机dual effect compressor双缸压缩机twin cylinder compressor闭式曲轴箱压缩机closed crankcase compressor开式曲轴箱压缩机open crankcase compressor顺流式压缩机uniflow compressor逆流式压缩机return flow compressor干活塞式压缩机dry piston compressor双级压缩机compund compressor多级压缩机multistage compressor差动活塞式压缩机stepped piston compound compressor,differential piston compressor串轴式压缩机tandem compressor,dual compressor截止阀line valve,stop valve排气截止阀discharge line valve吸气截止阀suction line valve部分负荷旁通口partial duty port能量调节器energy regulator容量控制滑阀capacity control slide valve容量控制器capacity control消声器muffler联轴节coupling曲轴箱crankcase曲轴箱加热器crankcase heater轴封crankcase seal,shaft seal填料盒stuffing box轴封填料shaft packing机械密封mechanical seal波纹管密封bellows seal转动密封rotary seal迷宫密封labyrinth seal轴承bearing滑动轴承sleeve bearing偏心环eccentric strap滚珠轴承ball bearing滚柱轴承roller bearing滚针轴承needle bearing止推轴承thrust bearing外轴承pedestal bearing臼形轴承footstep bearing轴承箱bearing housing止推盘thrust collar偏心销eccentric pin曲轴平衡块crankshaft counterweight,crankshaft balance weight曲柄轴crankaxle偏心轴eccentric type crankshaft曲拐轴crankthrow type crankshaft连杆connecting rod连杆大头crank pin end连杆小头piston pin end曲轴crankshaft主轴颈main journal曲柄crank arm,crank shaft曲柄销crank pin曲拐crank throw曲拐机构crank-toggle阀盘valve disc阀杆valve stem阀座valve seat阀板valve plate阀盖valve cage阀罩valve cover阀升程限制器valve lift guard阀升程valve lift阀孔valve port吸气口suction inlet压缩机气阀compressor valve吸气阀suction valve排气阀delivery valve圆盘阀disc valve环片阀ring plate valve簧片阀reed valve舌状阀cantilever valve条状阀beam valve提升阀poppet valve菌状阀mushroom valve杯状阀tulip valve缸径cylinder bore余隙容积clearance volume附加余隙(补充余隙)clearance pocket活塞排量swept volume,piston displacement理论排量theoretical displacement实际排量actual displacement实际输气量actual displacement,actual output of gas气缸工作容积working volume of the cylinder活塞行程容积piston displacement气缸cylinder 气缸体cylinder block气缸壁cylinder wall水冷套water cooled jacket气缸盖(气缸头)cylinder head安全盖(假盖)safety head假盖false head活塞环piston ring气环sealing ring刮油环scraper ring油环scrape ring活塞销piston pin活塞piston活塞行程piston stroke吸气行程suction stroke膨胀行程expansion stroke压缩行程compression stroke排气行程discharge stroke升压压缩机booster compressor立式压缩机vertical compressor卧式压缩机horizontal compressor角度式压缩机angular type compressor对称平衡型压缩机symmetrically balanced type compress吸收式制冷机英语吸收式制冷机absorption refrigerating machine吸收式制冷系统absorption refrigerating system间歇式吸收系统intermittent absoprtion system连续循环吸收式系统continuous cycle absorption system固体吸收式制冷solid absorption refrigeration氨-水吸收式制冷机ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine单级氨-水吸收式制冷机single stage ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine 多级氨-水吸收式制冷机multistage ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine 双级氨-水吸收式制冷机ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine with two stage absorption process双级发生和双级吸收式氨-水制冷机ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine with two stage generation and absoprtion process 分解decomposition水解hydrolysis扩散diffusion能量增强剂energy booster缓蚀剂anticorrsive发生不足incomplete boiling吸收不足incomplete absorption喷淋密度sprinkle density溴化锂lithium bromide溴化锂水溶液aqueous solution of lithium bromide 氨水溶液aqueous solution of ammonia吸收剂absorbent,absorbing agent吸附剂adsorbent溶液solution浓度concentration溶解度solubility溶剂solvent溶质solute浓溶液rich solution,concentrated solution稀溶液weak solution,diluted solution溶液分压partial pressure of liquor吸收absorption吸附adsorption吸收式制冷absorption refrigeration吸附式制冷adsorption refrigeration工质对working substance热力系数heat ratio放气范围deflation ratio焓-浓度图enthalpy concentration chart溴化锂吸收式制冷机lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine单效型溴化锂吸收式制冷机single-effect lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine两效型溴化锂吸收式制冷机double-effect lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine单筒型溴化锂吸收式制冷机one-shell lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine双筒型溴化锂吸收式制冷机two-shell lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine三筒型溴化锂吸收式制冷机three-shell lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine两级溴化锂吸收式制冷机two-stage lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine直燃式溴化锂吸收式制冷机direct-fired lithiumbormide absorption refrigerating machine 溴化锂吸收式冷温水机组lithiumbromide absorption water heater chiller无泵型溴化锂吸收式制冷机lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine with bubble pump 蒸汽型吸收式制冷机steam operated absorption refrigerating machine热水型吸收式制冷机hot water operated absorption refrigerating machine发生器generator沉浸式发生器submerged generator 喷淋式发生器spray-type generator立式降膜式发生器vertical falling film generator直燃式发生器direct-fired generator高压发生器high pressure generator低压发生器low pressure generator吸收器absorber喷淋式吸收器spray absorber降膜式吸收器falling film absorber立式降膜式吸收器vertical falling film absorber卧式降膜式吸收器horizontal falling film absorber 喷淋装置spray system溶液换热器solution heat exchanger溶晶管anti-crystallinic pipe抽气装置purging system精馏器rectifier屏蔽泵shield pump发生器泵generator pump吸收器泵absorber pump蒸发器泵evaporator pump溶液泵solution pump氨水泵aqua-ammonia pump混合阀mixing valve太阳能制冷与供热英语太阳能solar energy太阳常数solar constant太阳能系统solar energy system被动式太阳能系统passive solar energy system主动式太阳能系统active solar energy system混合式太阳能系统hybrid solar energy system太阳能制冷solar cooling太阳能热机驱动制冷solarpowered cooling太阳能吸收式制冷机solar absorption refrigerating machine光-热转换制冷photothermal refrigeration光-电转换制冷photoelectrical refrigeration太阳能蒸汽喷射制冷机solar steam jet refrigerating machine连续式太阳能吸收式制冷机continual solar absorption refrigerating machine间歇式太阳能吸收式制冷机intermittent solar absorption refrigerating machine敞开式太阳能吸收式制冷机open solar absorption refrigerating machine太阳能空调装置solar air-conditioning system太阳能制冷系统solar energy cooling system,solar cooling system太阳能集热器solar collector选择式吸收表面selective absorber surface电淀积electrodeposition平板型太阳能集热器flat plate solar collector真空管太阳能集热器tubular solar collector,vacuum tube collector聚光型太阳能机热器focus solar collector集热量heat-collecting capacity集热温度heat-collecting temperature集热效率heat-collecting efficiency蓄热介质heat storge medium岩石蓄热容器rock storge container辅助热源supplementary heat source太阳能贮存系统solar energy storge system太阳能供热系统solar heating system,solar space heating installation自然循环闭式供水系统natural convection closed water system强制循环闭式供水系统forced convection in a closed water system热风供热系统warm air heating system家用太阳能热水系统solar domestic water heating system热管与余热制冷英语热管heat pipe深冷热管cryogenic heat pipe低温热管low temperature heat pipe中温热管moderate temperature heat pipe高温热管liquid metal heat pipe管芯wick相容性compatibility传热极限heat transport limitation重力热管gravity assisted heat pipe热管换热器heat pipe exchanger深冷热管手术器heat pipe surgery cryoprobe余热exhaust heat低温余热low temperature exhaust heat余热制冷utilizing waste heat for refrigeration氟利昂透平freon turbine氟利昂透平离心式制冷机centrifugal refrigerating machine driven by freon turbine动力-制冷循环power/refrigeration cycle透平压缩机及零部件英语涡流swirl叶片颤振blade flutter叶片通过频率blade passing frequency喘振surging脱流stall叶轮反应度(反作用度) impeller reaction 叶轮impeller半开式叶轮unshrouded impeller闭式叶轮shrouded impeller叶片blade,vane导流叶片组件pre-rotary vane assembly扩压器diffuser蜗壳scroll滑动slip透平压缩机turbocompressor离心式压缩机centrifugal compressor轴流式压缩机axial flow compressor刚性轴离心式压缩机stiff-shaft centrifugal compressor挠性轴离心式压缩机flexibleshaft centrifugal compressor亚音速压缩机subsonic compressor超音速压缩机supersonic compressor冷却塔英语自然通风式冷却塔atmpspheric cooling tower,natural draught cooling tower机械通风式冷水塔mechanical draught cooling tower吸风式冷水塔induced draught cooling tower送风式冷水塔forced draught cooling tower水膜式冷水塔film cooling tower水滴式冷水塔drop cooling tower喷雾式冷水塔spray cooling tower拉西环Rasching rings温度接近值approach水垢scale水垢抑制剂scale inhibitor藻类algae防藻剂algaecide淀渣slime升压阀back-up valve冷水塔water cooling tower,cooling tower凉水塔water cooling tower,cooling tower冷却塔water cooling tower,cooling tower喷水池spray pond干式冷水塔dry cooling tower湿-干式冷水塔wet-dry cooling tower冷水塔填料packing of cooling tower,fill of cooling tower膜式填料film packing帘栅形填料grid packing,grid fill片式填料plate packing,plate fill松散填料random packing,random fill飞溅式填料splash packing空气压缩制冷系统英语空气循环制冷air-cycle refrigeration空气循环制冷机air-cycle refrigerating machine涡轮冷却器turbine cooler温降temperature drops开式循环open cycle闭式循环closed cycle除水water elimination补气air supply回热式空气制冷循环regenerative air cycle飞机座舱空调系统aircraft air-conditioning system 增压式飞机空调系统"Bootstrap" system冲压空气ram air制冷系统自动调节流量调节flow regulation制冷剂控制器refrigerant control膨胀阀expansion valve节流阀throttle valve热力膨胀阀thermostatic expansion valve热电膨胀阀thermal electric expansion valve内平衡热力膨胀阀internal equalizer thermostaice expansion valve外平衡热力膨胀阀external equalizer thermostaice expansion valve外平衡管external equalizer pipe内平衡管internal equalizer pipe蒸发器阻力损失pressure drop of evaporator同工质充注same material charge交*充注cross charge吸附充注absorptive charge气体充注gas charge膨胀阀过热度superheat degree of expansion valve 过热温度调节superheat temperature regulation膨胀阀容量expansion valve capacity手动膨胀阀hand expansion valve自动膨胀阀automatic expansion valve浮球调节阀float regulation valve浮球阀float valve低压浮球阀low pressure float valve高压浮球阀high pressure float valve流量调节flow regualation制冷剂控制器refrigerant control膨胀阀expansion valve节流阀throttle valve热力膨胀阀thermostatic expansion valve热电膨胀阀thermal electric expansion valve内平衡热力膨胀阀internal equalizer thermostaice expansion valve外平衡热力膨胀阀external equalizer thermostaice expansion valve外平衡管external equalizer pipe内平衡管internal equalizer pipe蒸发器阻力损失pressure drop of evaporator同工质充注same material charge交*充注cross charge吸附充注absorptive charge气体充注gas charge膨胀阀过热度superheat degree of expansion valve 过热温度调节superheat temperature regulation膨胀阀容量expansion valve capacity手动膨胀阀hand expansion valve自动膨胀阀automatic expansion valve浮球调节阀float regulation valve浮球阀float valve低压浮球阀low pressure float valve高压浮球阀high pressure float valve恒压膨胀阀constant pressure expansion valve能量调节capacity regulator单机能量调节capacity regulation of single unit卸载能量调节capacity regulation of load drainage 程序指令式能量调节系统capacity regulation system of program order电磁阀solenoid valve电磁滑阀magnetic slide valve三通电磁阀three way magnetic valve蒸汽喷射式制冷系统英语蒸汽喷射制冷steam jet refrigeration蒸汽喷射制冷机steam-jet refrigerating machine 蒸发式蒸汽喷射制冷机evaporation-type steam jet refrigeration machine混合式蒸汽喷射制冷机contact-type steam jet refrigerating machine蒸汽喷射制冷系统steam jet refrigerating system 蒸汽喷射器steam ejector主喷射器main ejector辅助喷射器auxiliary ejector喷射系数jet coefficient主冷凝器main condenser辅助冷凝器auxiliary condenser多效蒸发multieffective evaporation高位安装high-level installation低位安装low-level installation高低位安装high-low-level installation臭氧层保护英语臭氧ozone臭氧层ozonesphere,ozone layer臭氧层破坏ozonesphere depletion,ozonesphere disturbance消耗臭氧层物质ozone depleting substances(ODS)禁用制冷剂forbidden refrigerant过渡制冷剂transition refrigerant替代制冷剂substitute refrigerant自然制冷剂natural refrigerant氟利昂家族freon group全氟代烃fluorocarbon (FC)氯氟烃chloroflurocarbon(CFC)氢氟烃hydrofluorocarbon(HCF)含氢氯氟烃hydrochloroflurocarbon(HCFC)含氢氯化烃hydrochlorocarbon(HCC)全氯化烃polychlorocarbon(PCC)哈龙Halon共沸混合物azeotropic mixture碳氢化合物hydrocarbon compound,hydrocarbon (HC)臭氧消耗潜能值ozone depletion potential(ODP)温室效应greenhouse effect全球变暖global warming京都议定书kyoto protocol全球变暖潜能值global warming potential(GWP)变暖影响总当量total equivalent warming impact (TEWI)寿命期气候性能life cycle climate performance (LCCP)蕴含能量embodied energy不易收集的排放fugitive emissions热电制冷英语热电制冷thermoelectric refrigeration温差电制冷thermoelectric refrigeration半导体制冷semiconductor refrigeration热电效应thermoelectric effect塞贝克效应Seebeck effect珀尔帖效应Peltier effect热电制冷效应thermoelectric refrigeration effect汤姆逊效应Thomson effect焦耳效应Joule effect傅里叶效应Fourier effect温差电动势thermoelectric power塞贝克系数Seebeck coefficient优值系数figure of merit热电堆thermoelectric pile温差电堆thermoelectric pile最佳电流optimum current 经济电流economic current热电半导体thermoelectric semiconductors热电材料thermoelectric material热电制冷材料thermoelectric cooling materialn型半导体n-type semiconductorsp型半导体p-type semiconductors半导体制冷器thermoelectric-refrigerating unit热电制冷器thermoelectric refrigerating unit热电空调器thermoelectric air conditioner半导体空调器thermoelectric air conditioner半导体恒温器thermoelectric thermostat半导体冷饮水器thermoelectric drinking water cooler半导体热泵thermoelectric heat pump半导体降温机thermoelectric dehumidifier低温半导体制冷器low temperature thermoelectric unit焊接式半导体制冷器soldered thermoelectric refrigerating unit粘接式半导体制冷器sticky thermoelectric refrigerating unit嵌装式半导体制冷器inlaid thermoelectric refrigerating unit复叠式半导体制冷器cascade thermoelectric refrigerating unit医用半导体制冷器medicine thermoelectric refrigerating unit盐水冷却系统开式盐水冷却系统open brine system闭式盐水系统closed brine system盐水箱brine bank盐水混合箱brine mixing tank盐水溢流箱brine return tank盐水回流箱brine return tank盐水膨胀箱brine balance tank盐水加热器brine heater盐水冷却器brine cooler盐水筒brine drum盐水集管brine header盐水泵brine pump盐水喷雾brine spray盐水喷淋brine sparge制冷暖通行业品牌中英文对照AEROFLEX “亚罗弗”保温ALCO “艾科”自控Alerton 雅利顿Alfa laval阿法拉伐ARMSTRONG “阿姆斯壮”保温AUX 奥克斯BELIMO 瑞士“搏力谋”BERONOR西班牙“北诺尔”电加热器BILTUR 意大利“百得”BOSIC “柏诚”自控BROAD 远大Burnham美国“博恩汉”锅炉CALPEDA意大利“科沛达”水泵CARLY 法国“嘉利”制冷配件Carrier 开利Chigo 志高Cipriani 意大利斯普莱力CLIMAVENETA意大利“克莱门特”Copeland“谷轮”压缩机CYRUS意大利”赛诺思”自控DAIKIN 大金Danfoss丹佛斯Dorin “多菱”压缩机DUNHAM-BUSH 顿汉布什DuPont美国“杜邦”制冷剂Dwyer 美国德威尔EBM “依必安”风机ELIWELL意大利“伊力威”自控EVAPCO美国“益美高”冷却设备EVERY CONTROL意大利“美控”Erie 怡日FRASCOLD 意大利“富士豪”压缩机FRICO瑞典“弗瑞克”空气幕FUJI “富士”变频器FULTON 美国“富尔顿”锅炉GENUIN “正野”风机GREE 格力GREENCOOL格林柯尔GRUNDFOS “格兰富”水泵Haier 海尔Hisense 海信HITACHI 日立Honeywell 霍尼韦尔Johnson 江森Kelon 科龙KRUGER瑞士“科禄格”风机KU BA德国“库宝”冷风机Liang Chi 良机LIEBERT 力博特MARLEY “马利”冷却塔Maneurop法国“美优乐”压缩机McQuary 麦克维尔Midea 美的MITSUBISHI三菱Munters 瑞典“蒙特”除湿机Oventrop德国“欧文托普”阀门Panasonic 松下RANCO “宏高”自控REFCOMP意大利“莱富康”压缩机RIDGID 美国“里奇”工具RUUD美国“路德”空调RYODEN “菱电”冷却塔SanKen “三垦”变频器Samsung 三星SANYO 三洋SASWELL英国森威尔Schneider 施耐德SenseAir 瑞典“森尔”传感器SIEMENS 西门子SINKO "新晃“空调SINRO “新菱”冷却塔STAND “思探得”加湿器SWEP 舒瑞普TECKA “台佳”空调Tecumseh“泰康”压缩机TRANE 特灵TROX德国“妥思”VASALA芬兰“维萨拉”传感器WILO德国“威乐”水泵WITTLER 德国”威特”阀门YORK 约克ZENNER德国“真兰”计量制冷能力及计算术语英语运行工况operating conditions标准性能standard rating标准工况standard condition空调工况air conditioning condition内部条件internal conditions外部条件external conditions蓄热accumulation of heat蓄冷accumulation of cold制冰能力ice-making capacity热泵用压缩机的供热系数heat-pump compressor coefficient of performance容积效率volumetric efficiency容积输气量vulumetric displacement实际输气量actual displacement理论输气量theoretical displacement冷凝热量condenser heat过冷热量heat of subcooling过热热量superheat运转工况下的制冷量rating under working conditions标准制冷量standard rating名义工况normal conditions试验工况test conditions轴功率brake power效率efficiency指示效率indicated efficiency机械效率mechanical efficiency总效率overall efficiency制冷系数coefficient of performance (COP)制冷压缩机的制冷系数refrigerating compressor coefficient of performance热力完善度thermodynamical perfectness能效比energy efficiency ratio (EER)热泵供热系数heat-pump coefficient of performance空调有效显热制冷量useful sensible heat capacity of air conditioner空调有效潜热(减湿)制冷量useful latent heat (dehumidifyying) capacity of air conditioner空调器有效总制冷量useful total capacity of air conditioner制冷剂循环量circulating mass of refrigerant制冷剂循环容积circulating volume of refrigerant 单位压缩功compress work per mass示功图indicator diagram指示功indicated work摩擦功frictional work功率power摩擦功率frictional power指示功率indicated power理论功率idea power制冷量refrigerating capacity总制冷量gross refrigerating capacity净制冷量net refrigerating capacity单位制冷量refrigerating capacity per weighing单位容积制冷量refrigerating capacity per unit of swept volume制冷系统制冷量system refrigerating capacity单位轴功率制冷量refrigerating effect per shaft power压缩冷凝机组制冷量compressor condensing unit refrigerating capacity制冷压缩机制冷量refrigerant compressor capacity 蒸发器净制冷量net cooler refrigerating capacity制冷装置制冷装置refrigerating installation,refrigerating plant工业制冷装置industrial refrigerating plant商业制冷装置commercial refrigerating plant中心站房central station成套机组self-contained system规范安装code installation制冷回路refrigerating circuit热平衡heat balance货物负荷product load操作负荷service load设计负荷design load负荷系数load factor制冷装置试验与操作试运转commissioning吹污flush气密性试验gas-tight test,air-right test密闭容器closed container漏气air infiltration放气air vent检漏leak hunting,leak detection检漏仪leak detector卤素灯halide torch电子检漏仪electronic leak detector真空试验vacuum test试验压力test pressure工作压力operating pressure,working pressure最高工作压力highest operating pressure气密试验压力gas-tight test pressure设计压力design pressure平衡压力balance pressure充气aerate,gas charging制冷剂充注refrigerant charging首次充注initial charge保护充注holding charge,service charge制冷剂不足lack of refrigerant,under-charge,gas shortage缺液starveling充灌台charging board充灌量charge充注过多overcharge供液过多overfeeding制冷剂抽空pump down of refrigerant降温试验pull down test制冷[功能]试验refrigeration test卸载起动no-load starting,unloaded start卸载机构unloader闪发flash vaporization,instantaneous vaporization 闪发气体flash gas不凝性气体non condensable gas气体排除gas purging,degassing,gasoff 阀针跳动hammering,needle hammer阀振荡hunting of a valve阀片跳动valve flutter,valve bounce短期循环short-cycling异常温升overheating泄漏leak气蚀cavitation制冷剂瓶refrigerant cylinder,gas bottle检修用瓶service cylinder,gas bottle紧急泄放阀emergency-relief valve检修阀service valve安全阀pressure relief valve抽空阀pump out valve加油阀oil charge valve放油阀oil drain valve放空阀purge valve充灌阀charging valve喷液阀liquid injection valve润滑油润滑油lubricant oil冷冻机油refrigeration oil冷冻油refrigerant oil凝点condensation point闪点flash point浊点cloud point絮凝点flock point流动点pour point起泡foaming皂化saponify油泥sludge结碳carbonization制冷剂制冷剂(制冷工质)refrigerant高温制冷剂high temperature refrigerant低压制冷剂low pressure refrigerant中温制冷剂medium temperature refrigerant 中压制冷剂medium pressure refrigerant低温制冷剂low temperature refrigerant高压制冷剂high pressure refrigerant氟利昂freon卤化碳制冷剂halocarbo refrigerant氟利昂11 freon 11氟利昂12 freon 12氟利昂13 freon 13氟利昂14 freon 14 氟利昂22 freon 22氟利昂113 freon 113氟利昂125 freon 125氟利昂134a freon 134a氟利昂152a freon 152a碳氢化合物制冷剂hydrocarbon refrigerant甲烷methane乙烷ethane丙烷propane丁烷butane异丁烷isobutane乙烯ethylene无机化合物制冷剂inorganic compund refrigerant 氨ammonia二氧化碳carbon dioxide二氧化硫sulphur dioxide干冰dry ice共沸制冷剂azeotropic mixture refrigerant氟里昂500 freon 500氟里昂501 freon 501氟里昂502 freon 502氟里昂503 freon 503氟里昂504 freon 504近共沸溶液制冷剂near azeotropic mixture refrigerant非共沸溶液制冷剂nonazeotropic mixture refrigerant蒸发器壳盘管式蒸发器shell-and-coil evaporator壳管式蒸发器shell-and-tube evaporator喷淋式蒸发器spray-type evaporator立管式蒸发器vertical-type evaporator平行管蒸发器receway coil螺旋管式蒸发器spiral tube evaporator“V”型管蒸发器herringbone type evaporator沉浸式盘管蒸发器submerged evaporator板式蒸发器plate-type evaporator螺旋板式蒸发器spiral sheet evaporator平板式蒸发器plate-type evaporator,tube-in-sheet evaporator管板式蒸发器tube-on-sheet evaporator凹凸板式蒸发器embossed-plate evaporator吹胀式蒸发器roll-bond evaporator压焊板式蒸发器roll-bond evaporator制冰块器的蒸发器ice cube maker evaporator结冰式蒸发器ice-bank evaporator蓄冰式蒸发器ice-bank evaporator结霜蒸发器frosting evaporator除霜蒸发器defrosting evaporator无霜蒸发器nonfrosting evaporator强制通风蒸发器forced circulation evaporator冷液式蒸发器liquid cooling evaporator封套式蒸发器wrap-round evaporator蒸发器evaporator直接冷却式蒸发器direct evaporator直接式蒸发器direct evaporator间接冷却式蒸发器indirect cooled evaporator间接式蒸发器indirect evaporator干式蒸发器dry expansion evaporator满液式蒸发器flooded evaporator再循环式蒸发器recirculation-type evaporator强制循环式蒸发器pump-feed evaporator冷凝器英语冷凝器condenser冷凝液condensate空冷式冷凝器air-cooled condenser风冷式冷凝器air-cooled condenser自然对流空冷式冷凝器natural convecton air-cooled condenser强制通风式冷凝器forced draught condenser冷凝风机condensate fan线绕式冷凝器wire and tube condenser水冷式冷凝器water-cooled condenser沉浸式盘管冷凝器submerged coil condenser套管式冷凝器double pipe condenser壳管式冷凝器shell and tube condenser组合式冷凝器multishell condenser卧式壳管式冷凝器closed shell and tube condenser 卧式冷凝器closed condenser立式壳管式冷凝器open shell and tube condenser 立式冷凝器open condenser,vertical condenser 壳盘管式冷凝器shell and coil condenser分隔式冷凝器split condenser淋激式冷凝器atmospheric condenser溢流式冷凝器bleeder-type condenser蒸发式冷凝器evaporative condenser板式冷凝器plate-type condenser空冷板式冷凝器air-cooled plate-type condenser 水冷板式冷凝器water-cooled plate-type condenser焊接板式冷凝器welded sheet condenser螺旋板式冷凝器spiral sheet condenser冷凝-贮液器condenser-receiver混合式冷凝器barometric condenser液化器liquefier冷凝水泵condensate pump 冷凝器梳condensate comb预冷盘管desuperheating coil过冷器subcooler中间冷却器intercooler盐水冷却器brine cooler气-液回热器liquid or suction heat exchanger回热器superheater紊流器turbulator预冷器precooler级间冷却器interstage cooler饮水冷却器drinking-water cooler喷泉式饮水冷却器bubbler-type drinking water cooler冷藏间冷却器cold-storage cooler盐水(水)冷却器brine(water)cooler空气冷却器air cooler,forced draught干式空气冷却器dry-type air cooler强制循环空气冷却器forced-circulation air cooler 自然对流空气冷却器natural-convection air cooler 空气冷却机组air-cooler unit蒸发盘管干燥盘管drier coil冷却盘管cooling coil蒸发盘管expansion coil蓄冷盘管hold-voer coil直接蒸发盘管direct expansion coil制冷剂分配器refrigerant distributor支承板tube support蓄冷板hold-over plate共晶混合物板eutectic plate折流板baffle滴水盘drip tray冷藏库排管冷却排管cooling coil,cooling grid冷却排管组cooling battery顶排管overhead coil墙排管wall coil,wall grid蓄冷排管hold-over coil,hold-over grid蓄冷板hold-over plate管道与附件配管tubing空调制冷配管ACR tubing管道piping,tubing制冷管路refrigeration pipe line系统酸状况acid condition system退火annealing加压元件pressure imposing element检修门access door。

空冷器英文术语Terminology of Air-Cooled SystemsAir-cooled systems have been a fundamental aspect of engineering and technology for decades, playing a crucial role in various industries and applications. These systems utilize the natural flow of air to dissipate heat, making them a practical and efficient solution for cooling a wide range of equipment and devices. Understanding the terminology associated with air-cooled systems is essential for effective communication, design, and maintenance within this field.One of the primary components in an air-cooled system is the heat exchanger which is responsible for transferring heat from the hot medium to the cooler air. The heat exchanger is typically composed of a series of fins or tubes that facilitate the heat transfer process. These fins or tubes are often made from materials with high thermal conductivity such as aluminum or copper to optimize the heat dissipation. The fins or tubes are arranged in a specific pattern to maximize the surface area exposed to the airflow, enhancing the overall cooling efficiency.The airflow in an air-cooled system is typically generated by a fan ora blower which drives the air across the heat exchanger. The fan or blower can be powered by an electric motor or a mechanical drive, depending on the application requirements. The speed and direction of the airflow can be controlled to regulate the cooling capacity and ensure optimal performance. In some cases, the fan or blower may be equipped with variable speed control or reversible operation to further enhance the system's flexibility and responsiveness.In addition to the heat exchanger and the air-moving component, air-cooled systems often incorporate other auxiliary components such as ducts, louvers, and dampers. Ducts are used to channel and direct the airflow through the system, ensuring efficient air distribution. Louvers are adjustable vanes that regulate the airflow, allowing for precise control over the cooling process. Dampers, on the other hand, are used to modulate the airflow by partially or completely blocking the passage of air, enabling further optimization of the system's performance.The overall efficiency of an air-cooled system is influenced by various factors, including the design of the heat exchanger, the airflow characteristics, and the ambient conditions. The heat transfer coefficient, which represents the rate of heat transfer per unit area and temperature difference, is a crucial parameter in determining the system's effectiveness. Additionally, the air velocity, turbulence, and temperature difference between the hot medium and the cooling airplay a significant role in the overall heat dissipation capabilities.To ensure the optimal performance and reliability of air-cooled systems, it is essential to consider factors such as the operating environment, maintenance requirements, and potential failure modes. The operating environment, including ambient temperature, humidity, and airborne contaminants, can significantly impact the system's performance and longevity. Proper maintenance, such as regular cleaning and inspection of the heat exchanger and air-moving components, is crucial to maintain the system's efficiency and prevent premature failures.In conclusion, the terminology associated with air-cooled systems encompasses a wide range of concepts and components that are essential for understanding, designing, and maintaining these systems. From the heat exchanger and air-moving components to the auxiliary devices and performance factors, the vocabulary and technical terms in this field are integral to effective communication and collaboration among engineers, technicians, and industry professionals. By mastering the terminology, individuals working in the air-cooled systems domain can enhance their ability to troubleshoot, optimize, and innovate within this important area of engineering and technology.。

HTRI7 教程01界面熟悉1.双击快捷图标,打开程序界面:HTRI启动界面2.创建一个“新的空冷器”3.设置自己熟悉的一套单位制,比如MKH公制,也可以通过<Edit…>来自定义。
4.接下来就是将界面中的“红框”也就是缺少的参数按你将要设计的工况填写完整,包括如下几部分的数据,4.1 “Process”工艺条件:包括热流体侧和空气侧;4.2 “Geometry”机械结构:包括管子、管束、风机等;5.当输入数据足够所有的红框消失,那么初步的输入就完成了,可以点击"绿灯"图标运行。
02工艺参数输入1.点击左边目录栏的“Process”标签,右边显示的就是供工艺参数输入的界面:2.我们从上到下依次来看需要输入的参数:*为必要输入参数2.1 Fluid name –流体名称,这里没有红框,不是必须输入的,就是自己定义下流体描述比如“Propylene”“Oil”“Wet Air”等,要注意的是程序对中文字符不支持,那么大家多写写英文就是了~本帖隐藏的内容2.2 Phase/Airside flow rate units –流体相态/空气侧的流量单位*2.3 Flow rate –流量不必多解释,热侧为质量流量。
2.4 Altitude of unit(above sea level) –海拔高度*2.5 Temperature –流体的温度,单位°C (SI,MKH), °F(US),这里要注意的是想输入0度,那么请填 0.001,不然0或0.0的输入都将被程序认为是没有输入(这个原则在HTRI程序的其他地方也适用)。
2.6 Weight fraction vapor –重量气相分率,那么全气相就是1,全液相就是0咯。
2.7 Pressure reference –压力参照点,就是接下来你输入的操作压力值指的是进口压力还是出口压力。
2.8 Pressure–操作压力。

空调专业术语英语释义CHILLER冷水机heating ventilating and air conditioning 供热通风与空气调节hepa filter 高效过滤网high efficiency particulate air filters高效空气过滤器horizontal series type水平串联式hot water supply system生活热水系统humidity 湿度hydraulic calculation水力计算isometric drawing轴测图leaving air temp 出风温度 leaving water temp出水温度mau make up air hundling unit schedule 外气空调箱natural smoke exhausting自然排烟net weight 净重noise reduction消声nominal diameter 公称直径oil-burning boiler燃油锅炉one way stop return valve 单向止回阀operation energy consumption运行能耗ahu air hundling unit 空调箱air conditioning load空调负荷air distribution气流组织air handling unit 空气处理单元air shower 风淋室air-side pressure drop空气侧压降aluninum accessaries in clean room 洁净室安装铝材as-completed drawing 修改竣工图layout 设计图brass stop valve 铜闸阀canvas connecting terminal 帆布接头centigrade scale 摄氏温度chiller accessaries 水冷柜机排水及配料chiller asembly 水冷柜机安装工费chiller unit 水冷柜机基础clean bench 净化工作台clean class 洁净度clean room 洁净室无尘室correction factor修正系数dcc dry coll units 干盘管district cooling 区域供冷direct return system异程式系统displacement ventilation置换通风drawing No.图号elevation立面图entering air temp进风温度 entering water temp进水温度fahrenheit scale 华氏温度fan coil unit 风机盘管ffu fan filter units 风扇过滤网组final drawing 施工图flow velocity 流速fresh air supply 新风供给fresh air unit 新风处理机组ground source heat pump地源热泵gross weight 毛重pass box 传递箱particle sizing and counting method 计径计数法Piping accessaries 水系统辅材piping asembly 配管工费plan 平面图recirculation air cabinet unit schedule循环组合空调单元ratio controller 比例调节器ratio flow control 流量比例控制rear 后部,背面,后部的rear arch 后拱rear axle 后轴rear-fired boiler 后燃烧锅炉rear pass 后烟道rearrange 调整;重新安排[布置]rearrangement 调整,整顿;重新排列[布置]reason 理由,原因;推理reasonable 合理的,适当的reassembly 重新装配reaumur 列氏温度计reblading 重装叶片,修复叶片recalibration 重新校准[刻度]recapture 重新利用,恢复recarbonation 再碳化作用recast 另算;重作;重铸receiving basin 蓄水池receiving tank 贮槽recentralizing 恢复到中心位置;重定中心;再集中receptacle 插座[孔];容器reception of heat 吸热recessed radiator 壁龛内散热器,暗装散热器recharge well 回灌井reciprocal 倒数;相互的,相反的,住复的reciprocal action 反复作用reciprocating compressor 往复式压缩机reciprocating feed pump 往复式蒸汽机reciprocating grate 往复炉排reciprocating motion 住复式动作reciprocating proportion 反比例reciprocal steam engine 往复式蒸汽机reciprocate 往复(运动),互换reciprocating 往复的,来回的,互相的,交替的reciprocating ( grate ) bar 往复式炉排片reciprocating compressor 往复式压缩机reciprocating condensing unit 往复式冷冻机reciprocating packaged liquid chiller 往复式整体型冷水机组reciprocating piston pump 往复式活塞泵reciprocating pump 往复泵,活塞泵reciprocating refrigerator 往复式制冷机recirculate 再循环recirculated 再循环的recirculated air 再循环空气[由空调场所抽出,然后通过空调装置,再送回该场所的回流空气]recirculated air by pass 循环空气旁路recircilated air intake 循环空气入口recirculated cooling system 再循环冷却系统recirculating 再循环的,回路的recirculating air duct 再循环风道recirculating fan 再循环风机recirculating line 再循环管路recirculating pump 再循环泵recirculation 再循环recirculation cooling water 再循环冷却水recirculation ratio 再循环比recirculation water 再循环水reclaim 再生,回收;翻造,修复reclaimer 回收装置;再生装置reclamation 回收,再生,再利用reclamation of condensate water冷凝水回收recombination 再化[结]合,复合,恢复recommended level of illumination 推荐的照度标准reconnaissance 勘察,调查研究record drawing 详图、大样图、接点图recording apparatus 记录仪器recording barometer 自记气压计recording card 记录卡片recording facility 记录装置recording liquid level gauge 自动液面计recording paper of sound level 噪声级测定纸recording pressure gauge 自记压力计recording water-gauge 自记水位计recoverable 可回收的,可恢复的recoverable heat 可回收的热量recoverable oil 可回收的油recoverable waster heat 可回收的废热recovery plant 回收装置recovery rate 回收率relief damper 泄压风门return air shutter回风百叶Seat air supply座椅送风Shaft seal 轴封Shaft storage 搁架式贮藏Shake 摇动,抖动Shakedown run 试车,调动启动,试运转Shake-out 摇动,抖动Shakeproof 防振的,抗振的Shaker 振动器Shaking 摇[摆,振]动Shaking grate 振动炉排Shaking screen 振动筛Shallow 浅层,浅的,表面的Shank 柄,杆,柱体,轴Shape 造[成]型,形状[态]模型。

制冷专业英语基本术语制冷refrigeration蒸发制冷evaporative refrigeration沙漠袋desert bag制冷机refrigerating machine制冷机械refrigerating machinery制冷工程refrigeration engineering制冷工程承包商refrigeration contractor制冷工作者refrigerationist制冷工程师refrigeration engineer制冷技术员refrigeration technician制冷技师refrigeration technician制冷技工refrigeration mechanic冷藏工人icer制冷安装技工refrigeration installation mechanic制冷维修技工refrigeration serviceman冷藏链cold chain制冷与空调维修店refrigeration and air conditioning repair shop 冷藏refrigerated preservation冷凝器英语冷凝器condenser冷凝液condensate空冷式冷凝器air-cooled condenser风冷式冷凝器air-cooled condenser自然对流空冷式冷凝器natural convection air-cooled condenser 强制通风式冷凝器forced draught condenser冷凝风机condensate fan线绕式冷凝器wire and tube condenser水冷式冷凝器water-cooled condenser沉浸式盘管冷凝器submerged coil condenser套管式冷凝器double pipe condenser壳管式冷凝器shell and tube condenser组合式冷凝器multishell condenser卧式壳管式冷凝器closed shell and tube condenser 卧式冷凝器closed condenser立式壳管式冷凝器open shell and tube condenser 立式冷凝器open condenser,vertical condenser壳盘管式冷凝器shell and coil condenser分隔式冷凝器split condenser淋激式冷凝器atmospheric condenser溢流式冷凝器bleeder-type condenser蒸发式冷凝器evaporative condenser板式冷凝器plate-type condenser空冷板式冷凝器air-cooled plate-type condenser水冷板式冷凝器water-cooled plate-type condenser 焊接板式冷凝器welded sheet condenser螺旋板式冷凝器spiral sheet condenser冷凝-贮液器condenser-receiver混合式冷凝器barometric condenser液化器liquefier冷凝水泵condensate pump冷凝器梳condensate comb预冷盘管desuperheating coil过冷器subcooler蒸发器英语蒸发器evaporator直接冷却式蒸发器direct evaporator直接式蒸发器direct evaporator间接冷却式蒸发器indirect cooled evaporator间接式蒸发器indirect evaporator干式蒸发器dry expansion evaporator满液式蒸发器flooded evaporator再循环式蒸发器recirculation-type evaporator强制循环式蒸发器pump-feed evaporator壳盘管式蒸发器shell-and-coil evaporator壳管式蒸发器shell-and-tube evaporator喷淋式蒸发器spray-type evaporator立管式蒸发器vertical-type evaporator平行管蒸发器receway coil螺旋管式蒸发器spiral tube evaporator“V”型管蒸发器herringbone type evaporator沉浸式盘管蒸发器submerged evaporator板式蒸发器plate-type evaporator螺旋板式蒸发器spiral sheet evaporator平板式蒸发器plate-type evaporator,tube-in-sheet evaporator 管板式蒸发器tube-on-sheet evaporator凹凸板式蒸发器embossed-plate evaporator吹胀式蒸发器roll-bond evaporator压焊板式蒸发器roll-bond evaporator制冰块器的蒸发器ice cube maker evaporator结冰式蒸发器ice-bank evaporator蓄冰式蒸发器ice-bank evaporator结霜蒸发器frosting evaporator除霜蒸发器defrosting evaporator无霜蒸发器nonfrosting evaporator强制通风蒸发器forced circulation evaporator冷液式蒸发器liquid cooling evaporator封套式蒸发器wrap-round evaporator冷却塔英语冷水塔water cooling tower,cooling tower凉水塔water cooling tower,cooling tower冷却塔water cooling tower,cooling tower自然通风式冷却塔atmpspheric cooling tower,natural draught cooling tower 机械通风式冷水塔mechanical draught cooling tower吸风式冷水塔induced draught cooling tower送风式冷水塔forced draught cooling tower水膜式冷水塔film cooling tower水滴式冷水塔drop cooling tower喷雾式冷水塔spray cooling tower喷水池spray pond干式冷水塔dry cooling tower湿-干式冷水塔wet-dry cooling tower冷水塔填料packing of cooling tower,fill of cooling tower膜式填料film packing帘栅形填料grid packing,grid fill片式填料plate packing,plate fill松散填料random packing,random fill飞溅式填料splash packing拉西环Rasching rings温度接近值approach水垢scale水垢抑制剂scale inhibitor藻类algae防藻剂algaecide淀渣slime升压阀back-up valve制冷辅助设备压力容器pressure vessel贮液筒/器surge drum高压贮液筒high pressure receiver低压贮液筒low pressure receiver低压平衡筒accumulator,surge drum 均压管/平衡管equalizer均压罐equalizer tank平衡罐balance tank液体分离器suction trap气液分离器flash chamber经济器economizer喷射器ejector搅拌器agitator抽气回收装置purge recovery unit排空pump-down循环泵circulation pump液位指示器liquid level indicator窥镜sight glass液体流动指示器liquid flow indicator 吸入压力表suction gauge排出压力表discharge gauge净化系统purge recovery system油分离器oil separator集液器liquid trap集油器oil receiver,oil trap不凝性气体分离器non condensable gas purger放空气器gas purger干燥器dehydrator,drier过滤器filter,screen,strainer干燥过滤器drier-filter脱水dehydration干燥drying干燥剂desiccant硅胶silica gel活性铝activated carbon分子筛molecular sieve润滑lubrication滑油冷却器oil cooler中间冷却器intercooler,interstage cooler闪发式中间冷却器flash intercooler膨胀容器expansion tank制冷系统自动调节英语流量调节flow regualation制冷剂控制器refrigerant control膨胀阀expansion valve节流阀throttle valve热力膨胀阀thermostatic expansion valve热电膨胀阀thermal electric expansion valve内平衡热力膨胀阀internal equalizer thermostaice expansion valve 外平衡热力膨胀阀external equalizer thermostaice expansion valve 外平衡管external equalizer pipe内平衡管internal equalizer pipe蒸发器阻力损失pressure drop of evaporator同工质充注same material charge交*充注cross charge吸附充注absorptive charge气体充注gas charge膨胀阀过热度superheat degree of expansion valve过热温度调节superheat temperature regulation膨胀阀容量expansion valve capacity手动膨胀阀hand expansion valve自动膨胀阀automatic expansion valve浮球调节阀float regulation valve浮球阀float valve低压浮球阀low pressure float valve高压浮球阀high pressure float valve恒压膨胀阀constant pressure expansion valve能量调节capacity regulator单机能量调节capacity regulation of single unit卸载能量调节capacity regulation of load drainage程序指令式能量调节系统capacity regulation system of program order 电磁阀solenoid valve电磁滑阀magnetic slide valve三通电磁阀three way magnetic valve电动吸气阀electro inlet valve旁通型能量调节器bypass capacity regulator蒸发压力调节器evaporating pressure regulator导阀pilot valve主阀main valve隔膜阀diaphragm valve直接作用式隔膜阀direct acting diaphragm valve反作用式隔膜阀 reverse acting diaphragm valve液位调节liquid level regulation吸气压力调节器crankcase pressure regulator, suction pressure regulation库温调节storage room tempurature regulation压力控制器pressure controller高压控制器high pressure controller低压控制器low pressure controller高低压控制器dual pressure controller, high and low pressure controller 流体流动指示器liquid indicator释压装置pressure relief device限压装置pressure-limiting device压差控制器differential pressure controller复位按钮reset延时机构time relay device节流阀throttle valve单向阀check valve止回阀check valve截止阀shut-off valve三通阀three-way valve减压阀pressure-reducing valve电磁阀solenoid valve易熔塞fusible plug爆破片rupture safety抽空保护vacuum safety冰箱用温度控制器thermostat for refrigerator电磁换向阀magenetic exchange valve湿度调节器humidity controller静压调节static pressure regulation末端调节end control冷凝压力调节器condensing pressure regulator无级能量调节continuative energy regulation热源调节法energy source control method溶液流量调节solution flow regulation水量调节阀water regulation valve压力式水量调节阀pressure-controlled water valve温度式水量调节阀temperature-controlled water valve执行器actuator调节风门control damper三通调节阀three way control valve流通能力flow capacity空调设备英文简称FCU :风机盘管fan coil unitAHU :空气处理单元(空气处理机) air handling unitFAU :新风处理单元fresh air unitHVAC:供热通风与空气调节heating ventilating and air conditioningDCC :干盘管(干式盘管)Dry cooling coilFFU:风机过滤单元Fan filter unitMAU :新风空调箱Make up air hundling unit scheduleAHU:空气处理单元Air hundling unitHEPA:高效空气过滤器High efficiency pariculate airRAC:循环组合空调单元Recirculation air cabinet unit schedule C/R:洁净室无尘室Clean roomULPA:超高空气效过滤器Ultra low penetration air filterAS :风淋室Air showerPB:传递箱Pass boxCB:净化工作台Clean benchRD :泄压风门Relief damperCH.:制冷机C.D. :冷凝水管C.T. :冷却塔CAV :新风量控制箱EAF :排风机EAD :排风管EAG :排风口EAL :排风百叶FAG :新风口FAL :新风百叶FAF :补风机F.A. :新风FAD :新风管F.D.:防火阀HC :加热盘管FP :风机盘管HX :热交换器N.R.D.:风管止回阀P.A.:经过处理的新风PDA:新风管(经过处理的新风)PAU:新风机(带处理功能)PAL:新风百叶R.A.:回风RAD:回风管RAG:回风口管道与附件配管tubing空调制冷配管ACR tubing管道piping,tubing制冷管路refrigeration pipe line系统酸状况acid condition system退火annealing加压元件pressure imposing element检修门access door气封vapor lock主管main歧管mainfold集管header盐水管brine line盐水集管brine header旁通管by-pass套管tube-within-a-tube伸缩弯expansion loop存油弯oil loop液环liquid loop吸入管suction line,return line消声器muffer分液贮存器accumulator排出管discharge line,hot gas line液体管liquid line冷凝液管condensate line管道附件fittings软接头connecting hose加液接头charging connection快装接头quick-release coupling,quick-coupler 法兰flange接管coupling收缩管constricted tube异径内承插管reducing coupling异径外承插管double male reduction异径套管reducing bushing螺纹接管nipple阀valve截止阀stop valve止回阀check valve角阀angle valve球阀ball type valve,ball valve闸阀gate valve操作阀service valve防通阀bypass valve二通阀two-way valve三通阀three-way valve塞子plug端盖cap垫gasket垫料gasket填料packing喇叭口接头flared joint扩口工具flaring tool胀口工具swaging tool弯曲弹簧bending spring弹簧弯管器bending spring扭矩扳手torque wrench制冷装置制冷装置refrigerating installation,refrigerating plant 工业制冷装置industrial refrigerating plant商业制冷装置commercial refrigerating plant中心站房central station成套机组self-contained system规范安装code installation制冷回路refrigerating circuit热平衡heat balance货物负荷product load操作负荷service load设计负荷design load负荷系数load factor冷却器英语中间冷却器intercooler盐水冷却器brine cooler气-液回热器liquid or suction heat exchanger回热器superheater紊流器turbulator预冷器precooler级间冷却器interstage cooler饮水冷却器drinking-water cooler喷泉式饮水冷却器bubbler-type drinking water cooler 冷藏间冷却器cold-storage cooler盐水(水)冷却器brine(water)cooler空气冷却器air cooler,forced draught干式空气冷却器dry-type air cooler强制循环空气冷却器forced-circulation air cooler自然对流空气冷却器natural-convection air cooler空气冷却机组air-cooler unit蒸发盘管干燥盘管drier coil冷却盘管cooling coil蒸发盘管expansion coil蓄冷盘管hold-voer coil直接蒸发盘管direct expansion coil制冷剂分配器refrigerant distributor支承板tube support蓄冷板hold-over plate共晶混合物板eutectic plate折流板baffle滴水盘drip tray阀门英语节流阀 throttle valve单向阀 check valve止回阀 check valve截止阀 shut-off valve三通阀 three-way valve减压阀 pressure-reducing valve电磁阀 solenoid valve制冷装置试验与操作(续)缺液starveling充灌台charging board充灌量charge充注过多overcharge供液过多overfeeding制冷剂抽空pump down of refrigerant降温试验pull down test制冷[功能]试验refrigeration test卸载起动no-load starting,unloaded start卸载机构unloader闪发flash vaporization,instantaneous vaporization 闪发气体flash gas不凝性气体non condensable gas气体排除gas purging,degassing,gasoff阀针跳动hammering,needle hammer阀振荡hunting of a valve阀片跳动valve flutter,valve bounce短期循环short-cycling异常温升overheating泄漏leak气蚀cavitation制冷剂瓶refrigerant cylinder,gas bottle检修用瓶service cylinder,gas bottle紧急泄放阀emergency-relief valve检修阀service valve安全阀pressure relief valve抽空阀pump out valve加油阀oil charge valve放油阀oil drain valve放空阀purge valve充灌阀charging valve喷液阀liquid injection valve一般制冷换热器英语(一)Post By:2005-10-30 15:27:12换热器heat exchanger热交换器heat exchanger紧凑式换热器compact heat exchanger管式换热器tubular heat exchanger套管式换热器double-pipe heat exchanger间壁式换热器surface type heat exchanger表面式换热器surface type heat exchanger板管式换热器tube-on-sheet heat exchanger板翅式换热器plate-fin heat exchanger板式换热器plate heat exchanger螺旋板式换热器spiral plate heat exchanger平板式换热器flat plate heat exchanger顺流式换热器parallel flow heat exchanger逆流式换热器counter flow heat exchanger*流式换热器cross-flow heat echanger折流式换热器turn back flow heat exchanger直接接触式换热器direct heat exchanger旋转式换热器rotary heat exchanger刮削式换热器scraped heat exchanger热管式换热器heat pipe exchanger蓄热器recuperator壳管式换热器shell and tube heat exchanger一般制冷换热器英语(四)Post By:2005-10-30 15:42:19管板tube plate可拆端盖removable head管束bundle of tube管束尺寸size of tube bundle顺排管束in-line hank of tubes错排管束staggered hank of tubes般制冷换热器英语(六)Post By:2005-11-3 10:42:26套片plate fin螺旋肋spiral fin整体肋integral fin纵向肋longitudinal fin钢丝肋wire fin内肋inner fin一般制冷换热器英语(七)Post By:2005-11-3 10:45:12肋片管尺寸size of fin tube肋片厚度fin thickness肋距spacing of fin肋片数pitch of fin肋片长度finned length肋片高度finned height肋效率fin efficiency一般制冷换热器英语(八)Post By:2005-11-3 10:47:52换热面积heat exchange surface传热面积heat exchange surface冷却面积cooling surface加热表面heat exchange surface基表面primary surface扩展表面extended surface肋化表面finned surface迎风表面face area流通表面flow area净截面积net area;effective sectional area迎风面流速face velocity净截面流速air velocity at net area迎风面质量流速face velocity of mass净截面质量流速mass velocity at net area冷(热)媒有效流通面积effective area for cooling or heating medium 冷(热)媒流速velocity of cooling or heating medium干工况dry condition;sensible cooling condition湿工况wet condition;dehumidifying condition接触系数contact factor旁通系数bypass factor换热效率系数coefficient of heat transmission effectiveness盘管风阻力air pressure drop of coil;air resistance of coil盘管水阻力pressure drop of cooling or heating medium表面冷却surface cooling蒸发冷却evaporating cooling冷却元件cooling element微型制冷器英语(一)Post By:2005-10-10 9:30:28微型制冷技术miniature refrigerating technology微型制冷器miniature refrigerator相变制冷refrigeration change of phase相变制冷器refrigerator change of phase制冷式杜瓦瓶refrigerating-Dewarvessel液氮双相传输制冷器liquid nitrogen two-phase flow refrigerator固体制冷器solid refrigerator二氧化碳固体制冷器carbon dioxide solid refrigerator节流冷效应throttling refrigeration effect节流制冷器throttling refrigerator双级节流制冷器compound throttling refrigerator闭合环式节流制冷器closed-cycle throttling refrigerator开式循环节流制冷器open cycle throttling refrigerator气体等熵膨胀制冷isentropic expansion refrigeration of gases斯特林循环制冷机Stirling cycle refrigerator分置式斯特林循环制冷机separate Stirling cycle refrigerator威勒米尔制冷循环Vuilleumier rerfrigeration cycleVM循环VM cycle威勒米尔循环制冷机Vuilleumiercycle refrigeratorVM循环机VM cycle refrigerator分置式威勒米尔循环制冷机separate VM cycle refrigerator绝热放气制冷adiabatic delivery refrigeration of gases吉福德-麦克马洪循环制冷机Gifford-Mcmahon cycle refrigeratorG-M循环制冷机G-M cycle refrigerator索尔文循环制冷机Solver cycle refrigeratorS循环制冷机S cycle refrigerator脉管制冷器pulse-tube refrigerator涡流管制冷器vortex tube refrigerator微型热电制冷器miniature thermoelectric refrigerator辐射制冷radiation refrigeration辐射制冷器radiation refrigerator辐射制冷器/热管系统radiation refrigerator/heat pipe systemVM循环制冷机/热管系统VM cycle refrigeration/heat pipe system集成低温同位素制冷机系统integrated cryogenic isotope cooling engine system固体制冷/热管/辐射制冷系统solid refrigeration/heat pipe/radiation refrigeration system热泵英语(一)Post By:2005-10-4 9:21:32热泵heat pump供热热泵heating heat pump制冷与供热热泵cooling and heating heat pump热泵循环heat pump cycle性能系数coefficient of performance (COP)供热量heat output压缩式热泵compression heat pump蒸汽压缩式热泵vapour compression heat pump空气压缩式热泵air heat pump蒸汽喷射式热泵steam jet heat pump吸收式热泵absorption heat pump低温型吸收式热泵low temperature absorption heat pump 高温型吸收式热泵high temperature absorption heat pump水-气式热泵water/air heat pump土壤热源热泵ground source heat pump土壤盘管热泵ground coil heat pump水源热泵water source heat pump水盘管热泵water coil heat pump空气源热泵air source heat pump空气盘管热泵air coil heat pump热泵空气盘管heat pump air coil,air coil热泵水盘管heat pump water coil,water coil热泵土壤盘管heat pump ground coil,ground coil 气-气式热泵air/air heat pump气-水式热泵air/water heat pump水-水式热泵water/water heat pump地-气式热泵soil/air heat pump地-水式热泵soil/water heat pump一次热泵primary heat pump二次热泵secondary heat pump第三级热泵tertiary pump太阳能热泵solar heat pump家用热泵domestic heat pump工业热泵industrial heat pump高温热泵high temperature heat pump温度放大器templifier热泵式热水器heat pump water heater热泵式空调器heat pump air conditioner热泵式干燥机heat pump drying plant蒸馏和浓缩用热泵heat pump for distilling and thickenning processes制冷剂(一)Post By:2005-9-16 19:20:54制冷剂(制冷工质)refrigerant高温制冷剂high temperature refrigerant低压制冷剂low pressure refrigerant中温制冷剂medium temperature refrigerant中压制冷剂medium pressure refrigerant低温制冷剂low temperature refrigerant高压制冷剂high pressure refrigerant氟利昂freon卤化碳制冷剂halocarbo refrigerant氟利昂11 freon 11氟利昂12 freon 12氟利昂13 freon 13氟利昂14 freon 14氟利昂22 freon 22氟利昂113 freon 113氟利昂125 freon 125氟利昂134a freon 134a氟利昂152a freon 152a碳氢化合物制冷剂hydrocarbon refrigerant甲烷methane乙烷ethane丙烷propane丁烷butane异丁烷isobutane乙烯ethylene无机化合物制冷剂inorganic compund refrigerant氨ammonia二氧化碳carbon dioxide二氧化硫sulphur dioxide干冰dry ice共沸制冷剂azeotropic mixture refrigerant氟里昂500 freon 500氟里昂501 freon 501氟里昂502 freon 502氟里昂503 freon 503氟里昂504 freon 504近共沸溶液制冷剂near azeotropic mixture refrigerant非共沸溶液制冷剂nonazeotropic mixture refrigerant制冷能力及计算术语英语(一)Post By:2005-9-14 10:58:01制冷量refrigerating capacity总制冷量gross refrigerating capacity净制冷量net refrigerating capacity单位制冷量refrigerating capacity per weighing单位容积制冷量refrigerating capacity per unit of swept volume制冷系统制冷量system refrigerating capacity单位轴功率制冷量refrigerating effect per shaft power压缩冷凝机组制冷量compressor condensing unit refrigerating capacity 制冷压缩机制冷量refrigerant compressor capacity蒸发器净制冷量net cooler refrigerating capacity空调有效显热制冷量useful sensible heat capacity of air conditioner空调有效潜热(减湿)制冷量useful latent heat (dehumidifyying) capacity of air conditioner 空调器有效总制冷量useful total capacity of air conditioner制冷剂循环量circulating mass of refrigerant制冷剂循环容积circulating volume of refrigerant单位压缩功compress work per mass示功图indicator diagram指示功indicated work摩擦功frictional work功率power摩擦功率frictional power指示功率indicated power理论功率idea power轴功率brake power效率efficiency指示效率indicated efficiency机械效率mechanical efficiency总效率overall efficiency制冷系数coefficient of performance (COP)制冷压缩机的制冷系数refrigerating compressor coefficient of performance热力完善度thermodynamical perfectness能效比energy efficiency ratio (EER)热泵供热系数heat-pump coefficient of performance热泵用压缩机的供热系数heat-pump compressor coefficient of performance容积效率volumetric efficiency容积输气量vulumetric displacement实际输气量actual displacement理论输气量theoretical displacement冷凝热量condenser heat过冷热量heat of subcooling过热热量superheat运转工况下的制冷量rating under working conditions 标准制冷量standard rating名义工况normal conditions试验工况test conditions运行工况operating conditions标准性能standard rating标准工况standard condition空调工况air conditioning condition内部条件internal conditions外部条件external conditions蓄热accumulation of heat蓄冷accumulation of cold制冰能力ice-making capacity润滑油Post By:2005-9-17 21:10:47润滑油lubricant oil冷冻机油refrigeration oil冷冻油refrigerant oil凝点condensation point闪点flash point浊点cloud point絮凝点flock point流动点pour point起泡foaming皂化saponify油泥sludge结碳carbonization压缩机制冷系统及机组(一)Post By:2005-9-19 10:18:13制冷系统refrigeration system制冷机refrigerating machine机械压缩制冷系统mechanical compression refrigeration system蒸气压缩制冷系统vapour compression refrigeration system压缩式系统compression system压缩机compressor制冷压缩机refrigerating compressor,refrigerant compressor吸气端suction end排气端discharge end低压侧low pressure side高压侧high pressure side蒸发压力evaporating pressure吸气压力suction pressure,back pressure排气压力discharge pressure蒸发温度evaporating temperature冷凝压力condensing pressure冷凝温度condensing temperature吸气温度suction temperature回气温度back temperature排气温度discharge temperature压缩比compression ratio双效压缩dual compression单级压缩single-stage compression双级压缩compound compression多级压缩multistage compression压缩级compression stage低压级low pressure stage高压级high pressure stage中间压力intermediate pressure中间冷却intercooling多级膨胀multistage expansion湿压缩wet compression干压缩dry compression制冷系统refrigerating system机械制冷系统mechanical refrigerating system氟利昂制冷系统freon refrigerating system氨制冷系统ammonia refrigerating system压缩式制冷系统compression refrigerating system单级压缩制冷系统single-stage compression refrigeration system双级压缩制冷系统two-stage compression refrigeration system多级制冷系统multistage refrigerating system复叠式制冷系统cascade refrigerating system混合制冷剂复叠系统mixed refrigerant cascade集中制冷系统central refrigerating plant直接制冷系统direct refrigeration system直接膨胀供液制冷系统refrigeration system with supply liqiud direct expansion重力供液制冷系统refrigeration system with supply liquid refrigerant for the evaporator by gravity 液泵供液制冷系统refrigeration system with supply liquid refrigerant for evaporator by liquid pump 间接制冷系统indirect refrigeration system融霜系统defrosting system热气融霜系统defrosting system by superheated vapour电热融霜系统eletrothermal defrosting system制冷系统故障breakdown of the refrigerating system冰堵freeze-up冰塞ice plug脏堵filth blockage油堵greasy blockage液击(冲缸、敲缸)slugging湿行程wet stroke镀铜现象appearance of copper-plating倒霜frost back制冷机组refrigerating unit压缩机组compressor unit开启式压缩机组open type compresssor unit开启式压缩机open type compressor半封闭式压缩机组semihermetic compressor unit半封闭式压缩机semihermetic compressor全封闭式压缩机组hermetically sealed compressor unit全封闭式压缩机hermetically sealed compressor压缩冷凝机组condensing unit全封闭式压缩冷凝机组hermetically sealed condensing unit半封闭式压缩冷凝机组semihermetically sealed condensing unit开启式压缩冷凝机组open type compressor condensing unit工业用压缩冷凝机组industrial condensing unit商业用压缩冷凝机组commercial condensing unit整马力压缩冷凝机组integral horsepower condensing unit分马力压缩冷凝机组fractional horsepower condensing unit跨式制冷机组straddle refrigerating unit容积式压缩机及零部件英语(一)Post By:2005-9-21 11:04:56容积式压缩机positive displacement compressor往复式压缩机(活塞式压缩机)reciprocating compressor回转式压缩机rotary compressor滑片式压缩机sliding vane compressor单滑片回转式压缩机single vane rotary compressor滚动转子式压缩机rolling rotor compressor三角转子式压缩机triangle rotor compressor多滑片回转式压缩机multi-vane rotary compressor滑片blade旋转活塞式压缩机rolling piston compressor涡旋式压缩机scroll compressor固定涡旋盘stationary scroll,fixed scroll驱动涡旋盘driven scroll,orbiting scroll斜盘式压缩机(摇盘式压缩机)swash plate compressor斜盘swash plate摇盘wobble plate螺杆式压缩机screw compressor单螺杆压缩机single screw compressor阴转子female rotor阳转子male rotor主转子main rotor闸转子gate rotor无油压缩机oil free compressor膜式压缩机diaphragm compressor活塞式压缩机reciprocating compressor单作用压缩机single acting compressor双作用压缩机double acting compressor双效压缩机dual effect compressor双缸压缩机twin cylinder compressor闭式曲轴箱压缩机closed crankcase compressor开式曲轴箱压缩机open crankcase compressor顺流式压缩机uniflow compressor逆流式压缩机return flow compressor干活塞式压缩机dry piston compressor双级压缩机compund compressor多级压缩机multistage compressor差动活塞式压缩机stepped piston compound compressor,differential piston compressor 串轴式压缩机tandem compressor,dual compressor升压压缩机booster compressor立式压缩机vertical compressor卧式压缩机horizontal compressor角度式压缩机angular type compressor对称平衡型压缩机symmetrically balanced type compressor活塞piston活塞行程piston stroke吸气行程suction stroke膨胀行程expansion stroke压缩行程compression stroke排气行程discharge stroke活塞环piston ring气环sealing ring刮油环scraper ring油环scrape ring活塞销piston pin气缸cylinder气缸体cylinder block气缸壁cylinder wall水冷套water cooled jacket气缸盖(气缸头)cylinder head安全盖(假盖)safety head假盖false head缸径cylinder bore余隙容积clearance volume附加余隙(补充余隙)clearance pocket活塞排量swept volume,piston displacement理论排量theoretical displacement实际排量actual displacement实际输气量actual displacement,actual output of gas气缸工作容积working volume of the cylinder活塞行程容积piston displacement阀孔valve port吸气口suction inlet压缩机气阀compressor valve吸气阀suction valve排气阀delivery valve圆盘阀disc valve环片阀ring plate valve簧片阀reed valve舌状阀cantilever valve条状阀beam valve提升阀poppet valve菌状阀mushroom valve杯状阀tulip valve阀盘valve disc阀杆valve stem阀座valve seat阀板valve plate阀盖valve cage阀罩valve cover阀升程限制器valve lift guard阀升程valve lift连杆connecting rod连杆大头crank pin end连杆小头piston pin end曲轴crankshaft主轴颈main journal曲柄crank arm,crank shaft曲柄销crank pin曲拐crank throw曲拐机构crank-toggle偏心销eccentric pin曲轴平衡块crankshaft counterweight,crankshaft balance weight 曲柄轴crankaxle偏心轴eccentric type crankshaft曲拐轴crankthrow type crankshaft轴承bearing滑动轴承sleeve bearing偏心环eccentric strap滚珠轴承ball bearing滚柱轴承roller bearing滚针轴承needle bearing止推轴承thrust bearing外轴承pedestal bearing臼形轴承footstep bearing轴承箱bearing housing止推盘thrust collar联轴节coupling曲轴箱crankcase曲轴箱加热器crankcase heater轴封crankcase seal,shaft seal填料盒stuffing box轴封填料shaft packing机械密封mechanical seal波纹管密封bellows seal转动密封rotary seal迷宫密封labyrinth seal截止阀line valve,stop valve排气截止阀discharge line valve吸气截止阀suction line valve部分负荷旁通口partial duty port能量调节器energy regulator容量控制滑阀capacity control slide valve容量控制器capacity control消声器muffler吸收式制冷机一般术语英语(一)Post By:2005-9-24 10:37:05吸收absorption吸附adsorption吸收式制冷absorption refrigeration吸附式制冷adsorption refrigeration工质对working substance热力系数heat ratio放气范围deflation ratio焓-浓度图enthalpy concentration chart溶液solution浓度concentration溶解度solubility溶剂solvent溶质solute浓溶液rich solution,concentrated solution稀溶液weak solution,diluted solution溶液分压partial pressure of liquor溴化锂lithium bromide溴化锂水溶液aqueous solution of lithium bromide 氨水溶液aqueous solution of ammonia吸收剂absorbent,absorbing agent吸附剂adsorbent分解decomposition水解hydrolysis扩散diffusion能量增强剂energy booster缓蚀剂anticorrsive发生不足incomplete boiling吸收不足incomplete absorption喷淋密度sprinkle density吸收式制冷机英语(一)Post By:2005-9-24 11:05:25吸收式制冷机absorption refrigerating machine吸收式制冷系统absorption refrigerating system间歇式吸收系统intermittent absoprtion system连续循环吸收式系统continuous cycle absorption system固体吸收式制冷solid absorption refrigeration氨-水吸收式制冷机ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine单级氨-水吸收式制冷机single stage ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine多级氨-水吸收式制冷机multistage ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine双级氨-水吸收式制冷机ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine with two stage absorption process双级发生和双级吸收式氨-水制冷机ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine with two stage generation and absoprtion process吸收式制冷机英语(二)Post By:2005-9-24 11:19:17溴化锂吸收式制冷机lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine单效型溴化锂吸收式制冷机single-effect lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine两效型溴化锂吸收式制冷机double-effect lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine单筒型溴化锂吸收式制冷机one-shell lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine双筒型溴化锂吸收式制冷机two-shell lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine三筒型溴化锂吸收式制冷机three-shell lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine两级溴化锂吸收式制冷机two-stage lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine直燃式溴化锂吸收式制冷机direct-fired lithiumbormide absorption refrigerating machine溴化锂吸收式冷温水机组lithiumbromide absorption water heater chiller无泵型溴化锂吸收式制冷机lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine with bubble pump蒸汽型吸收式制冷机steam operated absorption refrigerating machine热水型吸收式制冷机hot water operated absorption refrigerating machine吸收式制冷机设备及部件英语(一)Post By:2005-9-24 15:58:47发生器generator沉浸式发生器submerged generator喷淋式发生器spray-type generator立式降膜式发生器vertical falling film generator直燃式发生器direct-fired generator高压发生器high pressure generator低压发生器low pressure generator吸收器absorber喷淋式吸收器spray absorber降膜式吸收器falling film absorber立式降膜式吸收器vertical falling film absorber卧式降膜式吸收器horizontal falling film absorber喷淋装置spray system溶液换热器solution heat exchanger溶晶管anti-crystallinic pipe抽气装置purging system精馏器rectifier屏蔽泵shield pump发生器泵generator pump吸收器泵absorber pump蒸发器泵evaporator pump溶液泵solution pump氨水泵aqua-ammonia pump混合阀mixing valve透平压缩机及零部件英语(一)Post By:2005-9-23 15:56:20透平压缩机turbocompressor离心式压缩机centrifugal compressor。

PRODUCTION TECHNICAL TRAINING生产培训PRESENTS课程介绍MODULE: Exchangers-2模块:交换器-2AIR COOLED HEAT EXCHANGERS空冷器DESIGNED FORENHANCING OPERATIONS KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS适用于提高操作知识和技能STUDENT PACKAGE学生部分TABLE OF CONTENTS目录If viewing this TOC on a computer, you can move directly to a subject area by pointing at a title with your cursor and single clicking.如果是在计算机上阅读此TOC,你可以将将光标直接指向标题单击。
INTRODUCTION (1)简介 (1)DEFINITIONS (1)定义 (1)H EAT E XCHANGER (1)热交换器 (1)A IR C OOLED H EAT E XCHANGER (1)空冷器 (1)A IR P LENUM (2)空气调压室 (2)H EADER (2)集气总管 (2)THEORY OF OPERATION (2)操作原理 (2)T EMPERATURE D IFFERENTIAL (2)温差 (2)H EAT T RANSFER (3)传热 (3)TYPES OF AIR COOLED HEAT EXCHANGERS (3)空冷器的型号 (3)F ORCED D RAFT 强迫通风式 (5)I NDUCED D RAFT 诱导通风式 (6)ACHX COMPONENTS (7)T UBE B UNDLE (7)管束 (7)Headers (9)集气总管 (9)Fin Tubes (11)翅管 (11)Fin Characteristics (12)翅片的特征 (12)Tube Attachment and Support (16)散热管附件和支撑物 (16)T HE S TRUCTURE (17)框架 (17)Plenum (17)空气调压室 (17)Mechanical Equipment Support (18)机械设备支撑物 (18)Columns, Braces, and Supporting Steel (18)支柱,支架和支撑钢 (18)Walkways (19)通道 (19)M ECHANICAL E QUIPMENT (19)机械设备 (19)Fans (20)风机 (20)Drivers (24)驱动器 (24)Speed Reducers (25)减速器 (25)P ROTECTIVE D EVICES (28)Vibration Switches (28)振动开关 (28)Temperature Switches (28)温度开关 (28)Overpressure Protection (28)过压保护 (28)C ONTROLS (29)控制器 (29)Local/Manual Controls (29)局部/手动控制器 (29)Automatic Controls (29)自动控制器 (29)OPERATION (29)运作 (29)N ORMAL O PERATION (29)正常运作 (29)S HUTDOWN (30)关闭 (30)S TARTUP (30)启动 (30)OPTIMIZING OPERATION/ENERGY CONSERVATION (30)优化操作/能源节约 (30)V ARYING A IR F LOW (31)改变气流 (31)E XTREME C ASE C ONTROLS (32)极端情况下的控制 (32)Controlling Air Flow (33)控制气流 (33)Moderating Air Temperature (33)Auxiliary Heating Coils (33)A IR C OOLER E FFICIENCY (33)空气冷却器的功效 (33)Blade Angle (35)叶片角度 (35)Belt Slippage (35)皮带打滑度 (35)E XCHANGER A NALYSIS T ABLE (37)MAINTENANCE (38)P REVENTIVE M AINTENANCE (38)预防性维护 (38)P REPARATION F OR M AINTENANCE/I NSPECTION (39)维护和检查的准备工作 (39)Lubrication (39)添加润滑油 (39)TECHNICIAN DUTIES (40)技术员的职责 (40)T AKING E XCHANGERS O UT OF S ERVICE (40)停车检修 (40)A SSEMBLING AND T ESTING E XCHANGERS (42)交换器的安装和测试 (42)P UTTING E XCHANGERS IN S ERVICE (43)投入运行 (43)REFERENCE (44)参考文献 (44)TROUBLESHOOTING (45)故障检修 (45)INTRODUCTION简介This learning module is a description of air cooled heat exchangers and how they are used. It describes the design and operation of this type heat exchanger and discusses the similarities and differences in the types of air cooled heat exchangers. The module is designed to provide personnel with the knowledge to identify the equipment, understand its use, and supervise its usage. If more in-depth information is required, please refer to the referenced information on page 0 of this module.本学习模块描述了空冷器,并对其如何使用进行了说明。
(二 〇 〇 七 年 六 月本科毕业论文 外文翻译 题 目:空冷热交换器和空冷塔 学生姓名: 学 院:电力学院 系 别:能源与动力工程 专 业:热能与动力工程 班 级:动本2003② 指导教师:学校代码: 10128学 号: 031203060Air-cooled Heat Exchangers and Cooling Towers. (MIT)(This text is a part of MR KROGER's book. include , , )RECIRCULATIONHeated plume air may recirculate in an air-cooled heat exchanger, thereby reducingthe cooling effectiveness of the system. Figure depicts, schematically, a cross-section of an air-cooled heat exchanger. In the absence of wind, the buoyant jet or plume rises vertically above the heat exchanger. A part of the warm plume air may however be drawn back into the inlet of the tower. This phenomenon is known as "recirculation". Plume recirculation is usually a variable phenomenon influenced by many factors, including heat exchanger configuration and orientation, surrounding structures and prevailing weather conditions. Because of higher discharge velocities, recirculation is usually less in induced draft than in forced draft designs.Figure : Air-flow pattern about forced draft air-cooled heat exchanger.Lichtenstein [51LI1] defines a recirculation factor asm m m m m r r r a r /)/(=+= ()where mr is the recirculating air mass flow rate, while ma is the ambient air flow rateinto the heat exchanger.Although the results of numerous studies on recirculation do appear in the literature,most are experimental investigations performed on heat exchangers having specific geometries and operating under prescribed conditions . [74KE1, 81SL1]. Gunter and Shipes [72GUll define certain recirculation flow limits and present the results of field tests performed on air-cooled heat exchangers. Problems associated with solving recirculating flow patterns numerically have been reported [81EP1]. Kroger et al. investigated theproblem analytically, experimentally and numerically and recommend a specific equationwith which the performance effectiveness of essentially two-dimensional mechanical draftheat exchangers experiencing recirculation, can be predicted [88KR1, 89KR1, 91DU1,93DU1, 95DU1].RECIRCULATION ANALYSISConsider one half of a two-dimensional mechanical draft air-cooled heat exchanger inwhich recirculation occurs. For purposes of analysis, the heat exchanger is represented by astraight line at an elevation Hi above ground level as shown in figure (a).Figure : Flow pattern about heat exchanger.It is assumed that the velocity of the air entering the heat exchanger along itsperiphery is in the horizontal direction and has a mean value, vi (the actual inlet velocity ishighest at the edge of the fan platform and decreases towards ground level). The outletvelocity, vo, is assumed to be uniform and in the vertical direction.Consider the particular streamline at the outlet of the heat exchanger that divergesfrom the plume at 1 and forms the outer "boundary" of the recirculating air stream. Thisstreamline will enter the platform at 2, some distance Hr below the heat exchanger. Forpurposes of analysis it will be assumed that the elevation of 1 is approximately Hr abovethe heat exchanger. If viscous effects, mixing and heat transfer to the ambient air areneglected, Bernoulli's equation can be applied between 1 and 2 to give)(2/)(2/222211r i o o r i o o H H g v p H H g v p -++=+++ρρρρ ()It is reasonable to assume that the total pressure at I is approximately equal to thestagnation pressure of the ambient air at that elevation .12112/a o p v p =+ρ ()At2 the static pressure can be expressed as2/2222v p p a a ρ-= ()Furthermore, for the ambient air far from the heat exchanger212a r a a p gH p =+ρ ()Substitute equations (), () and () into equation () and findg v H r 4/22= ()Due to viscous effects the velocity at the inlet at elevation Hi is in practice equal tozero. The Velocity gradient in this immediate region is however very steep and the velocitypeaks at a value that is higher than the mean inlet velocity. Examples of numericallydetermined inlet velocity distributions for different outlet velocities and heat exchangergeometries are shown in figure [95DU1]. Since most of the recirculation occurs in thisregion the velocity v2 is of importance but difficult to quantify analytically. For 1)2/(≤i i H W it will be assumed that v2 can be replaced approximately by the mean inletvelocity, vi, in equation (). Thus g v H i r 4/2= () Figure : Two-dimensional inlet velocity distribution for Wi/2 = m.According to the equation of mass conservation, the flow per unit depth of the towercan be expressed as)2/(2/)(i a i o o i i o o i r i a i r o H W v v or W v v H H v H ρρρρρ≈=-+ ()if the amount of recirculation is small.According to equations () and () the recirculation factor isia r o i o o r i o r H H W v H v m m r ρρρρ===2 () Substitute equations () and () into equation () and findFr H W gW v H W r ia i o i o i a i o 323)(321)(161ρρρρ== () where )/(22i o gW v Fr =is the Froude number based on the width of the heatexchanger.The influence of a wind wall or deep plenum can be determined approximately by considering flow conditions between the top of the wind wall, (Hi + Hw), as shown in figure (b) and elevation Hi. Consider the extreme case when Hw is so large (Hw = Hwo) that no recirculation takes place and the ambient air velocity near the top of the wind wall is zero. In this particular case the static pressure at the tower exit is essentially equal to the ambient stagnation pressure. With these assumptions, apply Bernoulli's equation between the tower outlet at the top of the wind wall and the elevation Hi.2212/a wo o o o a p gH v p =++ρρ ()But wo a a a gH p p ρ=-12 () Substitute equation () into equation () and find])(2[2g v H o a o o wo ρρρ-= ()If it is assumed that the recirculation decreases approximately linearly with increasing wind wall height, equation (8,) may be extended as follows:)1()(3213wow i a i o H H a Fr H W r -=ρρ () Since the recirculation is assumed to be essentially zero at Hw = Hwo, find a = 1. Substitute equation () into equation () and find]21[)(321])(21[)(1613223w i a i o oo w o a i o i a i o FrD Fr H W v gH gW v H W r -=--=ρρρρρρρ () where ])/[(2w o a o o w gH v FrD ρρρ-= is the densimetric Froude number based on the wind wall height.It is important to determine the effectiveness of the system when recirculation occurs. Effectiveness in this case, is defined asQ Q e r r ==ion recirculat no fer with heat trans ion recirculat fer with heat trans () The interrelation between the recirculation and the effectiveness is complex in a real heat exchanger. Two extremes can however be evaluated analytically .1. No mixingThe warm recirculating air does not mix at all with the cold ambient inflow, resulting in a temperature distribution as shown in figure (a). The recirculating stream assumes thetemperature of the heat exchanger fluid he T .Figure : Recirculation flow patterns.This in effect means that the part of the heat exchanger where recirculation occurs, transfers no heat. The actual heat transfer rate is thus given by)(a o p a r T T c m Q -= ()resulting in an effectiveness due to recirculation ofr m m m T T c m m T T c m e r a o p r a a o p a r -=-=-+-=1)()()()( () Substitute equation () into equation () and find ])(21[)(1611223oo w o a i o i a i o r v gH gW v H W e ρρρρρ---= () 2. Perfect mixingThe recirculating air mixes perfectly with the inflowing ambient air, resulting in a uniform increase in both the effective inlet air temperature and the outlet air temperature as shown in figure (b).If for purpose of illustration, it is assumed that the temperature of the heatexchanger,he T ,is constant, it follows from equation () that the effectiveness under cross-flow conditions is)/exp(1)()()()(p ir he ir or ir he p ir or p mc UA T T T T T T mc T T mc e --=--=--= () or )/exp()(p ir he he or mc UA T T T T ---= () Furthermore the enthalpy entering the heat exchanger isor p r a p a ir p T c m T c m T mc += or or a or r a r ir rT T r mT m m T m m T +-=+-=)1()( () Substitute equation () into equation () and find)/exp(1)/exp(])1([)/exp(])1([p p a he he p or a he he or mc UA r mc UA T r T T mc UA rT T r T T T ------=-----=() In this case the effectiveness due to recircuiation is given byao ir or a o p ir or p r T T T T T T mc T T mc e --=--=)()( From equation () and (), substitute the values of Tir and Tor into this equation, to find the effectiveness of the heat exchanger.])/exp(1)/exp(})1({[)()1(a p p a he he ar or r T mc UA r ms UA T r T T T T r e ---------= () In practice the effectiveness will be some value between that given by equation () and equation (). Actual measurements conducted on air-cooled heat exchangers appear to suggest that relatively little mixing occurs. This tendency is confirmed by numerical analysis of the problem [89KR1, 95DU1].Figure : Heat exchanger effectiveness.Duvenhage and Kroger [95DU1] solved the recirculation problem numerically and correlated their results over a wide range of operating conditions and heat exchanger geometries by means of the following empirical equation:])/2()/2(006027.0[1755515.044641.01352.1D i w i i r Fr W H W H e ---= ()This equation is valid in the 79.0/2049.0,75.2/249.0≤≤≤≤i w i i W H W H and3.14175.0≤≤D Fr where ])/[(22i o a o a D gW v Fr ρρρ-=. In this equation w H represents the effective height above the inlet to the fan platform and includes the plenum height in addition to any wind wall height.Equation () is shown graphically in figure . For values of 265.0/2Di i Fr W H ≥ ,equation () is in good agreement with equation(). MEASURING RECIRCULATIONIn the absence of wind walls, recirculation can be significant resulting in acorresponding reduction in heat transfer effectiveness. As shown in figure , smokegenerated at the lower end outlet of an A-frame type forced draft air-cooled heat exchanger without wind walls, is drawn directly downwards into the low pressure region created by the fans. The results of recirculation tests conducted at the Marimba power plant are reported by Conradie and Kroger [89CO1]. They actually measured the verticaltemperature distribution of the air entering the heat exchanger and observed a relatively higher temperature in the vicinity of the fan platform. As shown by the smoke trail in figure recirculation of the plume air occurs in this region Because of the approximately 10 m high wind wall surrounding the array of A-frame heat exchanger bundles, a reduction in effectiveness of less that one percent is experienced under normal operating conditions in the absence of wind. The effectiveness can be determined according to equation ().: Plume air recirculating in air-cooled steam condenser.: Visualization of recirculation with smoke at the Matimba power plant.Generally less recirculation occurs in induced draft cooling systems due to the relatively high fan outlet velocity and height of diffuser if one is present.There are numerous situations where a minimum tube wall temperature must be maintained. For example to avoid plugging during cooling of heavy crude stocks with high pour points or in the case where there is a danger of solidification fouling due to the deposition of ammonium salts when tube wall temperatures fall below 70~ C in an overhead condenser for a sour water stripper etc. air temperature control is essential. In such situations recirculation is employed in a system incorporating automatically controlled louvers that cause more or less of the hot plume air to mix with the ambient cooling air as shown in figure . Other arrangements are also possible [80RU1].Figure : Louver controlled plume air recirculation in air-cooled heat exchanger.Steam coils located immediately below the tube bundles may be required to preheat the air during startup in winter.OF WIND ON AIR-COOLED HEAT EXCIHANGERSIn general winds have a negative effect on the performance of mechanical draft heat exchangers. Plume air recirculation tends to increase while fan performance is usually reduced during windy periods.Laboratory studies and field tests have shown that the output of dry-cooled power stations may be significantly reduced by winds. As shown in figure the wind speed and direction significantly influences the turbine output at the Wydok power plant [76SC1].Figure : Reduction in turbine output due to wind at the Wyodak power plant.Before the 160 MWe power plant at Utrillas in Spain was built, extensive model tests (scale 1:150) were conducted to determine the optimum position of the air-cooled condenser and power plant orientation, taking into consideration local wind patterns. The results of the tests are shown in figure .Goldshagg [93GO1] reports that turbine performance at the Matimba power plant was reduced measurably during certain windy periods and that occasional turbine trips had occurred under extremely gusty conditions. After extensive experimental and numerical investigations modifications to the wind walls and cladding were implemented as shown in figure . Due to the resultant improved air flow pattern into the air-cooled condenser during periods of westerly winds, no further trips were experienced and performance was significantly improved [97GO1].Figure : Reduction in turbine output at the Utrillas power plant due to wind.Figure : Modifications at the Matimba power plant.From the case studies listed above it is clear that the interaction between the air cooled heat exchanger and adjacent buildings or structures can significantly complicate flow patterns and consequently reduce plant performance.Kennedy and Fordyce [74KE1] report the results of model studies to determine downwind temperature distribution, recirculation and interference (ingestion of an adjacent tower's effluent plume) characteristics.Slawson and Sullivan [81SL1] conducted experiments in a water plume to recirculation and interference for two conceptual configurations of forced draft dry-cooling towers, a rectangular array and a multiple round tower arrangement. The objective of the study was to investigate and make recommendations on the design and arrangement ofcooling towers in order to provide optimum ambient air distribution to the heat transfer surfaces. Optimum air distribution is maintained by minimizing recirculation and interference. Recirculation and interference measurements of 40 to 70 percent were found to exits for the rectangular array concept, while values of 20 to 30 percent were measured for the round tower arrangement.Field tests conducted by the Cooling Tower Institute (CTI) on induced mechanical draft cooling towers, clearly show a measurable increase of plume recirculation with an increase in wind speed when the wind blows in the longitudinal direction of the cooling, tower bank [58CT1,77CT1]. The results of numerous other experimental studies on recirculation have been reported [71GU1, 72GU1, 74KE1, 76ON1, 81SL1, 88t).11].In addition to the effect of recirculation, the performance of the funs, especially in forced draft systems, are influenced during windy periods due to inlet air flow distortions.Duvenhage and Krosger [96DU1] numerically modelled the air flow patterns about and through, an air-cooled heat exchanger during windy conditions, taking into consideration the coupled effects of both recirculation and fan performance. They consider a long heat exchanger bank as shown schematically in figure consisting of bays, each bay having two 6-blade m diameter fans. The heat exchanger is subjected to winds blowing across or parallel to the longitudinal axis and having a velocity distribution as given by equation () with b = as recommended by VDI 2049 [78VDI] .: Schematic of air cooled heat exchanger.Figure : Details of bay geometry.A more detailed cross-section of the bay is shown in figure . Each bay has an effective bundle frontal area of m x m - m2 and a tube bundle height of m. The fans have cylindrical inlet shrouds. The fan platform or inlet height Hi = m and the plenum chamber is 3 m high. They find that with increasing wind speed the air volume flow rate through the upwind fans (Fup) is reduced due to flow distortions while the flow through the downwind fans (Fdo) may actually increase slightly as shown ill figure , due to the increased kinetic energy in the air stream. The air-cooled heat exchanger performance is however reduced due to a net decrease in mean air volume flow rate through the fans (Fro) during windy periods.Figure : Fan air flow rate during crosswinds for an inlet height Hi = m.The influence on performance of recirculating hot plume air in this installation is relatively small. As shown in figure the effectiveness of the heat exchanger actually increases slightly for a light wind when compared to windless conditions. This is due to the fact that recirculation at the downwind side of the heat exchanger is eliminated. At higherwind speed recirculation gradually increases. This trend is in agreement with results observed by DU Toit et al. [93D153].To evaluate the influence of the inlet height on air flow rate through the particular heat exchanger, Hi was varied in the numerical model while a fixed wind profile was retained with a reference velocity of Vwr - 3 m/s at a reference height of zr = m. The corresponding changes in fan air volume flow rate and effectiveness are shown in figures and respectively. By increasing the height of the fan platform, the performance of the heat exchanger is improved due to the corresponding increasing air flow rate. The change in recirculation is small.Figure : Effectiveness due to recirculation during crosswinds for an inlet height Hi= .Figure : Fan air flow rate during crosswind for different fan platform heights.Figure : Effectiveness due to recirculation during crosswinds for different fan platform height.Figure : Recirculation for winds blowing in the direction of the longitudinal axis.The influence on performance of winds blowing in the direction of the longitudinal axis are evaluated numerical/y for a fan platform height of m with wind reference velocities of 3 m/s and 5 m/s at a reference height of m Heat exchanger banks consisting of up to 6 bays are evaluated. In the numerical model the crosswind solutions are applied to the two fans in the first two up-wind bays while the remaining fans are assumed to operate ideally. The resultant recirculation is shown in figure . The corresponding heat exchanger effectiveness is given by er = I - r.Recirculation clearly increases with increasing heat exchanger length and wind speed. For purposes of comparing trends, a correlation for recirculation recommended by the CTI [58CT1, 77CT1] is also shown in figure . It should be noted that this correlation isapplicable to induced draft cooling towers although the authors do state that they expect the recirculation of a forced draft system to be double the value of the correlation shown. Duvenhage et al. [96DU2] show that the addition of a solid walkway along the periphery of the air-cooled heat exchanger (at the fan platform elevation) tends to improve the mean flow rate through the fans (see figure ).Figure : Walkway effectAccording to the abovementioned findings the reduction of performance in a long forced draft air-cooled heat exchanger may generally be ascribed primarily to a reduction in air flow through the fans along the windward side of the bank when crosswinds prevail as shown in figure (a), and to recirculation of hot plume air as shown in figure (b) when the winds blow in the direction of the major axis of the heat exchanger. Fahlsing [95FAll observed reverse rotation of out of service fans on the windward side of a large air-cooled condenser when crosswinds prevailed.Figure : Flow patterns reducing performance. RECIRCULATION AND INTERFERENCEAs in the case of banks of air-cooled heat exchangers,recirculation of hot,moist plume air is known reduce the performance of rows of cooling tower units or cells [77CI1,88BS1].Furthermore, when several banks of air-cooled heat exchangers or rows of cooling tower cell are located next to each other,the plume of one bank or row may be drawn into an adjacent one.This phenomenon is referred to as interference.Ribier [88RI1] conducted recirculation tests on models of induced draft cooling towers cells similar to the types shown in figure , but without a diffuser. Initial tests were conducted on a row consisting of three cells with fills in counterflow and crossflow respectively. The results of these tests are shown respectively in figures (a) and (b) as a function of different wind directions and ratios of wind speed(measured 10 m aboveground level)to plume exhaust speed Vw/Vp.The percentage recirculation is less for the counterflow arrangement than for the crossflow arrangement.When a diffuser was added to the counterflow unit a reduction in recirculation was observed.Figure : Recirculation in three-cell counterflow and crossflow cooling tower.A further set of tests was conducted by Ribier in which two rows of counterflow cooling towers each consisting of three ceils were first arranged end to end (six ceils) and then systematically spaced one, two and three cells apart. Of these tests the continuous row of six cells experienced most recirculation with results as shown in figure . Recirculation appears to be a maximum at Vw/Vp =.Figure : Recirculation in six-cell cooling tower.Figure : Recirculation in a counterflow cooling tower consisting of two three-cell rows, two cellsapart.As shown in figure recirculation is considerably reduced when the two rows of three cells each are separated by a distance of two cells. Further separation does not reduce recirculation much.By placing two rows of three cells each side by side, recirculation is relatively high as shown in figure .Figure : Recirculation in cooling tower consisting of two rows of three cells located side by side.If the two rows of three cells are separated by one cell width only a relatively small reduction in maximum recirculation is experienced as is shown in figure .Based on these results it may be concluded that a row of induced draft cooling tower cells should be arranged in-line with the prevailing wind direction. A high air outlet velocity and the addition of a diffuser will also tend to reduce recirculation.Bender et al. [97BE1] numerically analyzed the air flow into a counterflow induced draft cooling tower consisting of two adjacent cells of the type shown in figure (b) with a view to reducing or eliminating ice formation at the tower inlet during windy periods in winter. The dimensions of the tower they studied were m (width), m (length) and m (height) with an intake height of m. The stack or diffuser diameter was m and its height was m.Ice build-up tends to be most prevelant at the windward facing intake where the entering air flow rate is higher than on the leeward intake. By placing a 10 percent porous wall m in height, m in front of the cooling tower inlet, the air flow entering on either intake was found to be essentially the same.Tesche [96TEl] conducted model tests to determine the effect of recirculation and interference on the performance of rows of induced draft hybrid cooling tower cells (similar to the unit or cell shown in figure ). His results are applicable in cases where the wind velocity distribution is given by Vw/Vwr = (Z/Zr). It is found that the recirculation of individual cells in a row consisting of twelve ceils varies as shown in figure . All wind speeds are specified at 10 m above ground level.Figure : Recirculation in cooling tower consisting of two rows of three cells separated by one cellwidth.Figure : Re, circulation in a row consisting of twelve hybrid cooling tower cells.The lowest recirculation is observed when the wind blows in the direction of the major axis of the cell row. The influence of the number of cells under these conditions is shown in figure .Figure : Recirculation as a function of number of cells in row.The influence of the ratio of wind speed to plume exhaust speed Vw/Vp on recirculation is shown in figure . A maximum recirculation occurs at a wind speed of 5 m/s.Figure : Recirculation as function of speed ratio.When two rows of six ceils each are placed next to each other with their major axes in parallel, the resultant average interference for different spacings between them is shown in figure . The interference for rows of twelve cells are shown in figure .Figure : Interference for two rows of six cells at different spacings.Figure : Interference for two rows of twelve ceils at different spacings.Recirculating plume air increases the effective wetbulb temperature at the inlet to the cooling tower as shown in figure . Since this increase is not only a function of the wetbulb temperature of the ambient air, but also of the thermodynamic state of the plume air, figure is at best an indication of the trend in wetbulb temperature change.Figure : Increase in wetbulb temperature due to recirculation.空冷热交换器和空冷塔(本文译自MR KROGER 的空冷热交换器和空冷塔一书 ,,):热空气在空冷换热器中会出现回流现象,因此,会降低冷却效率,,为一个“X ”型空冷热交换器,在无风的情况下,有浮力的水蒸气在换热器中垂直上升。

设备布置及管道布置(中英文对照)设备布置及管道布置(中英文对照)设备布置及管道布置Plot Plan and Piping Layout,Equipment and Piping Arrangement 5。
1 设备名称Equipment Name5.1。
1 容器Vessel(1)塔tower, column洗涤塔scrubber吸收塔absorber冷却塔cooling tower精馏塔fractionating tower蒸馏塔distillation tower再生塔regenering tower造粒塔prflling tower汽提塔stripper脱气塔degasifier合成塔synthesis tower(2) 反应器reactor聚台釜polymerizer转化器,变换器converter脱硫反应器desulphurization reactor甲烷化器methanator(3)气柜gas-holder螺旋式气柜helical gas-holder 湿式气柜wet gas—holder干式气柜dry gas-holder(4) 槽罐贮罐tank;storage tank缓冲罐knock out drum球罐spheroid,spherical tank 罐drum接受槽receiver计量槽measuring tank加料槽feed tank排污罐blow down tank闪蒸罐flash drum汽包steam drum溶液贮槽solution storage tank 地下槽sloptank(5) 其它设备分离器separator旋风分离器cyclone分子筛molecular sieve脱氧器deaerator搅拌器agitator混合器mixer萃取器extractor结晶器crystallizer澄清器gravity settler净化器purifier气化器vaporizer吸附器adsorber融解槽melter减温器desuperheater升压器booster喷射器ejector喷头sprayer火炬flare消声器silencer(6) 换热器、加热器、冷却器换热器heat exchanger空冷器air cooler水冷却器water cooler冷凝器condenser螺旋板式换热器spiral plate heat exchanger 蒸发器evaporator急冷器quencher深冷器chiller预热器preheater再热器reheater加热器heater电加热器electric heater过热器super heater给水加热器feed water heater 中间冷却器inter cooler后冷却器after cooler5。

空调工程设计英语精选英文空调工程设计英语:Air Conditioning System Engineering DesignI. IntroductionIn today's rapidly evolving construction industry, the design of an efficient and sustainable air conditioning system is paramount. This document outlines the comprehensive engineering design for a new air conditioning system, focusing on meeting the specific requirements of the project while ensuring optimal performance, energy efficiency, and environmental friendliness.II. Project OverviewThe proposed air conditioning system is intended for a commercial office building located in a hot and humid climate. The building houses various offices, conference rooms, and common areas, with a total floor area of approximately 10,000 square meters. The system must provide comfortable indoor temperatures and humidity levels while minimizing energy consumption and noise levels.III. Design Criteria1. Temperature Control: Maintain indoor temperatures between 22°C and 26°C.2. Humidity Control: Maintain relative humidity levels between 40% and 60%.3. Air Quality: Ensure good indoor air quality by providing adequate ventilation and filtration.4. Noise Levels: Keep noise levels below 40 dB in office areas and 50 dB in commonareas.5. Energy Efficiency: Optimize system design for maximum energy savings.IV. System Design1. Air Conditioning Units: Select high-efficiency split-system air conditioners with variable refrigerant flow (VRF) technology. These units provide precise temperature and humidity control while minimizing energy usage.2. Ductwork: Design an efficient ductwork system with minimal bends and leaks to ensure optimal airflow and reduce energy losses.3. Outdoor Condensers: Locate outdoor condensers in a shaded and well-ventilated area to improve efficiency.4. Air Handling Units (AHUs): Install AHUs with high-efficiency filters and fans to maintain good indoor air quality and noise levels.5. Controls: Implement a sophisticated Building Automation System (BAS) to monitor and control the air conditioning system. This system should include temperature sensors, humidity sensors, and control valves to ensure precise temperature and humidity control.6. Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs): Install ERVs to recover energy from exhaust air and reduce the energy required for ventilation.V. Environmental Considerations1. Energy Efficiency: Use energy-efficient components and equipment to minimize energy consumption.2. Sustainability: Consider using renewable energy sources such as solar panels orgeothermal energy to further reduce energy usage.3. Environmentally Friendly Materials: Select materials that have low environmental impact and are recyclable or biodegradable.VI. Safety Measures1. Electrical Safety: Ensure all electrical components and wiring are properly grounded and protected against overcurrent and short circuits.2. Fire Safety: Install fire detectors and sprinkler systems in critical areas to mitigate the risk of fire.3. Maintenance Access: Provide adequate space and access for regular maintenance and repairs to ensure the system's reliability and longevity.VII. ConclusionThe proposed air conditioning system design meets the specific requirements of the project while incorporating the latest in energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. By using high-efficiency components and equipment, we aim to provide a comfortable indoor environment while minimizing energy consumption and environmental impact.中文对照翻译:空调系统工程设计一、简介在当今快速发展的建筑业中,gao效和可持续的空调系统的设计至关重要。

Aspen Plus常用词汇中英文对照表Aadiabatic 绝热的adsorption 吸附aircooler 空冷器algorithm 算法alias 又名,别名align 使……排成直线ambient temperature 环境温度analysis 分析annotation 注释apparent component approach 表观组分方法approach 方法aqueous 水溶液的,水的,含水的assay化验(油品分析)ADA (assay data analysis)化验数据分析assign 指定atm 压力单位,1 atm为一个标准大气压attach 连接attr-comps 组分属性attr-scaling 属性标量available 可用的Bbackup (降液管内的清液层)高度baffles 挡板balance 平衡模块,平衡bar 压力单位,巴base components 基准组分base method 基本方法(包含了常见物性方法)batch 批量处理,一批BatchFrac 间歇精馏binary interaction 二元交互作用blank simulation 空白模拟block模块Block-Var 模块变量boilup ratio 再沸比bottoms rate 塔底产品流率bottoms to feed ratio塔底产品流率与进料流率比brake power 轴功率Broyden 布洛伊顿拟牛顿法built-in 内置Ccalculator 计算器capacity 通量capacity factor 通量负荷因子cascade 层叠case study 工况分析category 类别,种类chemical equilibrium 化学平衡Chem-Var 化学变量class分类clearance 间隙co-current 并流coefficient 系数column 塔CGCCs (column grand composite cu rves) 塔的总组合曲线column specifications 塔设定Compattr-Var 组分变量component 组分composition 组成Compr 压缩机或涡轮机模块comps-groups 组分分组conceptual design 概念设计condenser 冷凝器condenser specification 冷凝器设定configuration 配置constant 恒定的constraint 约束,约束条件control panel 控制面板Conv(convergence) 收敛conventional 常规的coolant 冷却剂coordinate 坐标cost 成本countercurrent 逆流criteria 判据cryogenic 深冷体系,低温环境current 当前的curve 曲线custom 用户自定义Ddamping level 阻尼水平data browser 数据浏览窗口data fit 数据拟合data regression 数据回归decanter 液-液分相器default 默认defined 定义的de-lump 分解design spec 设计规定destination 目标位置detailed 详细的diagnostics 诊断页面direct 直接迭代法discharge pressure 出口压力display plot 显示所做的图dist curve 蒸饱曲线distillate rate 塔顶产品流率distillate to feed ratio塔顶产品流率与进料流率比Distl 使用Edmister方法的多组分精馏的简捷校核模块down time辅助操作时间downcomer降液管DSTWU 使用 Winn-Underwood-Gilliland 方法的多组分精馏的简捷设计模块Dupl物流复制器Eefficiency 效率elbow 肘管Elec Wizard 电解质向导electrolyte 电解质elevation 高度energy balance 能量平衡entrainment 夹带EO (equation oriented) 联立方程法equilibrium constant 平衡常数error tolerance 收敛容差estimation 估算exchange 交换exchanger orientation 换热器方位export 输出expression 表达式Extract 液-液萃取严格计算模块Ffeed basis 进料基准feed stage 进料位置film coefficients 膜层传热系数find 根据用户提供的信息查找到所要的物质flanged welded 法兰连接或焊接flash 闪蒸Flash2 两相闪蒸器Flash3 三相闪蒸器flooding factor 液泛因子flooding limit 液泛限flow 流率flow arrangement 流动方式flow basis 流动基准flowsheet 流程flowsheet section 流程段flowsheeting options 流程模拟选项fluid 流体format 格式化(磁盘),格式formula 分子式fouling 污垢fractional overflash 过汽化度FSplit分流器Ggate valves 闸阀general with metric units 使用公制单位的普通模板Generic 通用Gibbs-Duhem 吉布斯-杜亥姆方程global 全局的global data 全局(公用)数据Hhead扬程heat 热heat duty 热负荷heat exchanger 换热器heat transfer coefficient 传热系数heater 加热器或冷却器HeatX 两股物流换热器heavy key 重关键组分Henry comps 亨利组分hide 隐藏hydraulic analysis 水力学分析Iicon 图标inert 惰性的inlet 进口inorganic 无机物input 输入input summary 输入梗概insert 嵌入,插入inside shell diameter 壳内径isentropic 等熵模型iteration 迭代Jjet flooding 喷射液泛Kkettle 釜式再沸器key component recoveries 关键组分回收率key components 关键组分Llabel 标签library 库light ends 轻端分析数据light key 轻关键组分link 链接list 列表local 局部的loop-retum 环回lower bound 下限lump 结合Mmanager 管理manipulated variable 操纵变量manipulators 调节器manufacturer 厂家mapping 映射mass balance 质量平衡Mass-Cone 质量浓度Mass-Flow 质量流率Mass-Frac 质量分率Mass-RR 质量回流比material 物质,物料material streams 流股物料表mbar 压力单位,毫巴MCompr 多级压缩机或涡轮机模块measurement 测量MHeatX 多股物流换热器miscellaneous L/D 其余当量长度mixed mode 联立模块法mixer 混合器mmwater 毫米水柱model 模型,模拟model analysis tool 模型分析工具model library 模型库moisture comps 湿气组分molarity 以摩尔为基准molecular 分子的molecular structure 分子结构Mole-Cone 摩尔浓度Mole-Flow 摩尔流率Mole-Frac 摩尔分率Mole-RR 摩尔回流比Mult 物流倍增器MultiFrac 严格法多塔蒸馏模块multiple passes 多管程流动multiplication factor 缩放因子Murphree efficiencies 默弗里效率Nnesting 嵌套Newton 牛顿法No. of tube passes 管程数node 节点nominal 公称尺寸nonideal 非理想算法normal 常规的NBP (normal boiling point) 标准沸点nozzle 管嘴number of sealing strip pairs 密封条数number of shells in parallel 并联壳程数number of shells in series 串联壳程数number of stages 塔板数Oobject manager 对象管理器object type对象类型objective function 目标函数opening阀门开度optimization优化,最优化option 选项outlet 出口overall range灵敏度分析时变量变化范围PPa 国际标准压力单位,帕package 包packed height 填料高度page break preview 分页预览page setup 页面设置panel 面板parameter 参数parametric variable 参变量partial condenser 部分冷凝器PCES (property constant estimati on system ) 物性常数估算系统performance curve 特性曲线Petchem聚酷化合物Petro characterization 石油馏分表征PetroFrac石油炼制分馏模块petroleum 石油phase equilibrium 相平衡physical properties 物理性质,物性piecewise integration 分片积分pipe单管段pipeline多段管线plot 绘图,图表plot type 绘图类型point 指向polymer 聚合物positive displacement 正排量模型power 功率Pres relief压力释放(安全排放)pressure changers压力转换模块pressure drop 压降pressure profile 压力分布process 过程process type 过程类型product 产品profile 分布property 性质,物性property sets 物性集pseudocomponent 虚拟组分psi 英制压力单位,镑/平方英寸psig 英制压力单位,磅/平方英寸(表压)pump 泵或水轮机pumparounds 中段循环purity 纯度QQcond冷凝器热负荷Qreb再沸器热负荷qualifiers对所选的物性进行限定RRadFrac 单个塔的两相或三相严格计算模块range 范围RateFrac 非平衡级速率模块rating 校核ratio 比率RBatch 间歇式反应器RCSTR 全混釜反应器reaction sets 反应集reactor 反应器React-Var 反应变量reboiler duty 再沸器负荷reboiler 再沸器reconcile 重新赋予初值,使其与结果吻合reconnect 重新连接recover 恢复recovery 回收RecovH 重关键组分回收率RecovL 轻关键组分回收率reference condition 参考条件reference reactant 参考的反应物refinery 炼油厂reflux rate 回流量reflux ratio回流比regression (物性数据)回归reinitialize 初始化relief 释放reorderri 重新,排序REquil 平衡反应器residence time 停留时间residual 残差result summary 结果梗概retrieve 重新得到(调用)retrieve parameter results 结果参数检索RGibbs 吉布斯反应器ROC-NO 辛烷值曲线rod baffle 杆式挡板roughness 粗植度route 路径RPlug 平推流反应器RR 回流比RStoic 化学计量反应器run control panel 打开控制面板run status 运行状态run type 运行类型RYield 产率反应器SSCFrac 简捷法多塔蒸馏模块screwed 螺纹连接script 脚本secant 割线法section 部分,段,流程分段segment data 管段数据segment geometry 管段几何结构segmental baffle 圆缺挡板select 选择sensitivity 灵敏度,灵敏度分析Sep 组分分离器Sep2 两出口组分分离器separation 分离separator 分离器sequencing 序列sequential modular 序贯模块法series 系列sharp splits 清晰分割shell 壳(程)shell side 壳程shortcut 简捷计算simulation 模拟sloppy splits 非清晰分割Solids 固体操作设备solubility 溶解度solvent 溶剂solver 求解器Spec(specification) 规定species 物质种类specific gravity 比重specification 详细说明,输入规定,设定,规定specification type 设定类型 specify 指定split fraction 产品分率SQP(successive quadratic program ming)序列二次规划算法 stage (理论)级,(理论)板standard默认值,标准算法,标准state variables 状态变量status bar状态栏Stdvol-Flow 标准体积流量Stdvol-Frac 标准体积分率Stdvol-RR 标准液体体积回流比step size 步长stoichiometry 化学计量方程stream 流股,物流,各个输入输出组分的流股stream library 物流库Stream-Var 物流变量structure 结构style 规格subroutine 子程序substream 子物流sulfur 硫summary 汇总Sum-Rates 流率加和法support 支持sync 同步system foaming factor 物系的发泡因子Ttabular data 列表数据target 期望值tear 撕裂,断裂tear streams 撕裂物流temperature approach 趋近平衡温度temperature profile 温度分布template 系统模板ternary 三重的,三元的thermal analysis 热力学分析thermosiphon 热虹吸式再沸器tile 平铺tolerance 容差toluene 甲苯Torr 真空度单位,托total condenser 全凝器total cycle time 一个操作周期trace 跟踪组分阈值tray spacing 板间距troubleshooting 故障诊断TBP (true boiling point) 实沸点true component approach 真实组分方法tube 管子tube fins 管翅tube layout 管程布置tube side 管程type类型Uunit单位units-sets 单位集unplaced blocks取消放置模块upper bound 上限utility公用工程Utility-Var公用工程变量Vvaiable 变量valve阔门vapor fraction 汽相分率variable 变量variable explorer变量管理器view 视图Wwait 步长Wegstein 韦格斯坦法wizard 向导workbook 工作表X Axis variable X轴变量Y Axis variable Y 轴变量yield 产率zoom图像放大或者缩小。

空调制冷专业英语词汇怎么说空调制冷专业英语词汇怎么说电源软线Power supply cordX连接Type X attachmentY连接Type Y attachmentZ连接Type Z attachmentI类器具Class I appliance正常负载Normal load气候类别Climate type塑料件Plastic part无纺布(Adhesive-bonded) fabric (括号内可不写)毛毡Felt 内部结构Internal structure流线型Streamline特点(性)Features数据Data性能参数Specifications诊断Diagnostic产品Product图纸Drawing技术文件Technical file尺寸Dimension技术要求Technical requirement长度Length宽度Width超薄Ultra-thin系列Series保护装置Protection devices纠正Correct (Correction)更改Modification (Modify)编制Compile标准化 Standardize校对Look through工艺Technology (Workmanship) 审核Check审定Examine and approve批准Approve签名Signature (Sign)日期Date爆炸图 Assembly drawing组件Components零件Parts结构Structure厂商Manufacturer认证资料Approved information 附录Attachment方案Procedure标题栏Underline明细栏Specification list高度Height直径Diameter公差Tolerance型号Model型号标识Model mark图样目录Index文件目录Index of files汇总表Specifications list自制件Self-making part外协件Cooperation part外购件Purchased part用户档案Files of consumer项目Item外形尺寸Outlines and dimensions控制系统Controlling systems功能Function液晶显示Liquid crystal indicate加工工艺Machine workmanship装饰Decoration装配质量Assembly quality抗干扰Immunity机械制图Mechanic drawing标准件Stardand parts总装General assembly工艺总结Summary of technological work喇叭口Outlet with flare检汛Leakage test防潮Moisture resistance工艺性T echnological efficiency工艺性审查Review of technological efficiency 可加工性Machinability生产过程Production process工艺过程Process序号Item no.代号Code no.名称Description规格Standards页数Page no.备注Remarks以莱特Electra幅面Size工艺文件Technological documentation工艺路线Process route工艺设计Process design工艺要素Process factor工艺规范Process specification工艺参数Process parameter工艺准备Process preparation of production 工艺设备Manufacturing equipment生产纲领Production program生产类型Type of production生产批量Production batch生产周期Production cycle原材料 Raw material主要材料 Primary material辅助材料 Auxiliary material工件Workpiece在制品 Work-in-process半成品 Semifinished product成品Final product合格品 Conforming product不合格品 Non-conforming product废品Scrap焊接Welding热处理 Heat treatment表面处理 Surface treatment机械加工 Machining装配Assembly工序 Operation安装Install基准Datum工艺孔Auxiliary hole工艺尺寸Process dimension尺寸链Dimension chain加工精度Machining accuracy表面粗糙度 Surface roughness 夹具Jigs and fixtures模具Mould弯管Pipe bending扩口Flaring缩口Necking去毛刺Deburring除锈Rust removal 清洗Cleaning。

Ci ———管内介质的比热 ,J / (kg·K) ;
λi ———管内介质的导热系数 ,J / (m2·s·K) ; μi ———管内介质的粘度 ,N·s/ m2 。
当管内为饱和蒸汽凝结时 ,一般可采用式 (7) 和
式 (8) 计算 。
当 X1 = 1 , X2 = 0 时 (即管入口全部为蒸汽 ,出 口处全部凝结) :
式中计算参数均以光管外表面积为基准 。
在工程计算中 , r0 一般可以忽略不计 , 或按 0100017 考 虑 , 在 易 受 污 染 的 场 所 , 可 采 用 0100034~ 010006 ; rp 当低翅片管时可考虑采用 01000125 ~ 0100015 , 高 翅 片 管 时 可 考 虑 采 用 01000176 。
a1 总传热系数 在空冷器的传热计算中 , 习惯上以光管外表面 积为基准 。在通常的传热计算公式 Q = u0 A 0Δt m 中 , u0 是最重要 , 也是最难确定准确的 。 式中 : Q ———热负荷 , J / s ; Δtm ———传热平均温差 , K。
在一般的工程设计中 , 可 采 用 式 ( 1) 计 算
b1 管外空气膜传热系数 在工程上广泛应用的空冷器 , 一般是空气横向 流过错排环形翅片管管束 。在工程设计计算中 , 对 于低翅片管束 , 一般可采用式 (2) 计算 :
dλb 0hf = 011507

制冷专业英语大全集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#制冷专业英语基本术语制冷 refrigeration蒸发制冷 evaporative refrigeration沙漠袋 desert bag制冷机 refrigerating machine制冷机械 refrigerating machinery制冷工程 refrigeration engineering制冷工程承包商 refrigeration contractor制冷工作者 refrigerationist制冷工程师 refrigeration engineer制冷技术员 refrigeration technician制冷技师 refrigeration technician制冷技工 refrigeration mechanic冷藏工人 icer制冷安装技工 refrigeration installation mechanic制冷维修技工 refrigeration serviceman冷藏链 cold chain制冷与空调维修店 refrigeration and air conditioning repair shop冷藏 refrigerated prvservation一般制冷换热器英语换热器 heat exchanger热交换器 heat exchanger紧凑式换热器 compact heat exchanger管式换热器 tubular heat exchanger套管式换热器 double-pipe heat exchanger间壁式换热器 surface type heat exchanger表面式换热器 surface type heat exchanger板管式换热器 tube-on-sheet heat exchanger板翅式换热器 plate-fin heat exchanger板式换热器 plate heat exchanger螺旋板式换热器 spiral plate heat exchanger平板式换热器 flat plate heat exchanger顺流式换热器 parallel flow heat exchanger逆流式换热器 counter flow heat exchanger*流式换热器 cross-flow heat echanger 折流式换热器 turn back flow heat exchanger直接接触式换热器 direct heat exchanger旋转式换热器 rotary heat exchanger 刮削式换热器 scraped heat exchanger 热管式换热器 heat pipe exchanger蓄热器 recuperator壳管式换热器 shell and tube heat exchanger管板 tube plate可拆端盖 removable head管束 bundle of tube管束尺寸 size of tube bundle顺排管束 in-line hank of tubes错排管束 staggered hank of tubes盘管 coil蛇形管 serpentine coilU形管 U-tube光管 bare tube肋片管 finned tube翅片管 finned tube肋管 finned tube肋管束 finned tube bundle肋片 fin 套片 plate fin螺旋肋 spiral fin整体肋 integral fin纵向肋 longitudinal fin钢丝肋 wire fin内肋 inner fin肋片管尺寸 size of fin tube肋片厚度 fin thickness肋距 spacing of fin肋片数 pitch of fin肋片长度 finned length肋片高度 finned height肋效率 fin efficiency换热面积 heat exchange surface 传热面积 heat exchange surface 冷却面积 cooling surface加热表面 heat exchange surface 基表面 primary surface扩展表面 extended surface肋化表面 finned surface迎风表面 face area流通表面 flow area净截面积 net area;effective sectional area迎风面流速 face velocity净截面流速 air velocity at net area迎风面质量流速 face velocity of mass 净截面质量流速 mass velocity at net area冷(热)媒有效流通面积 effective area for cooling or heating medium冷(热)媒流速 velocity of cooling or heating medium干工况 dry condition;sensible cooling condition湿工况 wet condition;dehumidifying condition接触系数 contact factor旁通系数 bypass factor换热效率系数 coefficient of heat transmission effectiveness盘管风阻力 air pressure drop of coil;air resistance of coil盘管水阻力 pressure drop of cooling or heating medium表面冷却 surface cooling蒸发冷却 evaporating cooling冷却元件 cooling element涡流管制冷英语涡流制冷效应 vortex refrigerating effect兰克-赫尔胥效应 Ranque-Hilsch effect 涡流管制冷 vortex tube refrigeration 涡流管 vortex tube兰克管 Ranque tube膨胀喷嘴 expansion injector涡流室 vortex device分离孔板 separation orifice调节阀 control valve膨胀压力比 expansion pressure ratio 冷气流分量 cold gas fraction热气流分量 hot gas fraction冷却效应 cooling effect加热效应 heating effect冷却效率 cooling efficiency磁制冷英语磁热效应 magnetocaloric effect磁制冷 magnetic refrigeration磁制冷机 magnetic refrigerating machine磁冰箱 magnetic refrigerator压缩机制冷系统及机组制冷系统 refrigeration system制冷机 refrigerating machine机械压缩制冷系统 mechanical compression refrigeration system 蒸气压缩制冷系统 vapour compression refrigeration system 压缩式系统 compression system压缩机 compressor制冷压缩机 refrigerating compressor,refrigerant compressor 吸气端 suction end排气端 discharge end低压侧 low pressure side高压侧 high pressure side蒸发压力 evaporating pressure吸气压力 suction pressure,back pressure排气压力 discharge pressure蒸发温度 evaporating temperature 冷凝压力 condensing pressure冷凝温度 condensing temperature 吸气温度 suction temperature回气温度 back temperature排气温度 discharge temperature 压缩比 compression ratio双效压缩 dual compression单级压缩 single-stage compression双级压缩 compound compression多级压缩 multistage compression压缩级 compression stage低压级 low pressure stage高压级 high pressure stage中间压力 intermediate pressure中间冷却 intercooling多级膨胀 multistage expansion湿压缩 wet compression干压缩 dry compression制冷系统 refrigerating system机械制冷系统 mechanical refrigerating system氟利昂制冷系统 freon refrigerating system氨制冷系统 ammonia refrigerating system压缩式制冷系统 compression refrigerating system单级压缩制冷系统 single-stage compression refrigeration system双级压缩制冷系统 two-stage compression refrigeration system多级制冷系统 multistage refrigerating system复叠式制冷系统 cascade refrigerating system混合制冷剂复叠系统 mixed refrigerant cascade集中制冷系统 central refrigerating plant直接制冷系统 direct refrigeration system直接膨胀供液制冷系统 refrigeration system with supply liqiud direct expansion重力供液制冷系统 refrigeration system with supply liquid refrigerant for the evaporator by gravity液泵供液制冷系统 refrigeration system with supply liquid refrigerant for evaporator by liquid pump间接制冷系统 indirect refrigeration system融霜系统 defrosting system热气融霜系统 defrosting system by superheated vapour电热融霜系统 eletrothermal defrosting system制冷系统故障 breakdown of the refrigerating system 冰堵 freeze-up冰塞 ice plug脏堵 filth blockage油堵 greasy blockage液击(冲缸、敲缸) slugging湿行程 wet stroke镀铜现象 appearance of copper-plating烧毁 burn-out倒霜 frost back制冷机组 refrigerating unit压缩机组 compressor unit开启式压缩机组 open type compresssor unit开启式压缩机 open type compressor 半封闭式压缩机组 semihermetic compressor unit半封闭式压缩机 semihermetic compressor全封闭式压缩机组 hermetically sealed compressor unit全封闭式压缩机 hermetically sealed compressor压缩冷凝机组 condensing unit全封闭式压缩冷凝机组 hermetically sealed condensing unit半封闭式压缩冷凝机组semihermetically sealed condensing unit开启式压缩冷凝机组 open type compressor condensing unit工业用压缩冷凝机组 industrial condensing unit商业用压缩冷凝机组 commercial condensing unit整马力压缩冷凝机组 integral horsepower condensing unit分马力压缩冷凝机组 fractional horsepower condensing unit跨式制冷机组 straddle refrigerating unit容积式压缩机及零部件英语容积式压缩机 positive displacement compressor往复式压缩机(活塞式压缩机)reciprocating compressor回转式压缩机 rotary compressor滑片式压缩机 sliding vane compressor 单滑片回转式压缩机 single vane rotary compressor滚动转子式压缩机 rolling rotor compressor三角转子式压缩机 triangle rotor compressor 多滑片回转式压缩机 multi-vane rotary compressor滑片 blade旋转活塞式压缩机 rolling piston compressor涡旋式压缩机 scroll compressor涡旋盘 scroll固定涡旋盘 stationary scroll,fixed scroll驱动涡旋盘 driven scroll,orbiting scroll 斜盘式压缩机(摇盘式压缩机)swash plate compressor斜盘 swash plate摇盘 wobble plate螺杆式压缩机 screw compressor单螺杆压缩机 single screw compressor阴转子 female rotor阳转子 male rotor主转子 main rotor闸转子 gate rotor无油压缩机 oil free compressor膜式压缩机 diaphragm compressor活塞式压缩机 reciprocating compressor单作用压缩机 single acting compressor双作用压缩机 double acting compressor双效压缩机 dual effect compressor双缸压缩机 twin cylinder compressor 闭式曲轴箱压缩机 closed crankcase compressor开式曲轴箱压缩机 open crankcase compressor顺流式压缩机 uniflow compressor逆流式压缩机 return flow compressor 干活塞式压缩机 dry piston compressor双级压缩机 compund compressor多级压缩机 multistage compressor差动活塞式压缩机 stepped piston compound compressor,differential piston compressor串轴式压缩机 tandem compressor,dual compressor截止阀 line valve,stop valve排气截止阀 discharge line valve吸气截止阀 suction line valve部分负荷旁通口 partial duty port能量调节器 energy regulator 容量控制滑阀 capacity control slide valve容量控制器 capacity control消声器 muffler联轴节 coupling曲轴箱 crankcase曲轴箱加热器 crankcase heater轴封 crankcase seal,shaft seal填料盒 stuffing box轴封填料 shaft packing机械密封 mechanical seal波纹管密封 bellows seal转动密封 rotary seal迷宫密封 labyrinth seal轴承 bearing滑动轴承 sleeve bearing偏心环 eccentric strap滚珠轴承 ball bearing滚柱轴承 roller bearing滚针轴承 needle bearing止推轴承 thrust bearing外轴承 pedestal bearing臼形轴承 footstep bearing轴承箱 bearing housing止推盘 thrust collar偏心销 eccentric pin曲轴平衡块 crankshaft counterweight,crankshaft balance weight曲柄轴 crankaxle偏心轴 eccentric type crankshaft 曲拐轴 crankthrow type crankshaft 连杆 connecting rod连杆大头 crank pin end连杆小头 piston pin end曲轴 crankshaft主轴颈 main journal曲柄 crank arm,crank shaft曲柄销 crank pin曲拐 crank throw曲拐机构 crank-toggle阀盘 valve disc阀杆 valve stem阀座 valve seat阀板 valve plate阀盖 valve cage 阀罩 valve cover阀升程限制器 valve lift guard阀升程 valve lift阀孔 valve port吸气口 suction inlet压缩机气阀 compressor valve吸气阀 suction valve排气阀 delivery valve圆盘阀 disc valve环片阀 ring plate valve簧片阀 reed valve舌状阀 cantilever valve条状阀 beam valve提升阀 poppet valve菌状阀 mushroom valve杯状阀 tulip valve缸径 cylinder bore余隙容积 clearance volume附加余隙(补充余隙) clearance pocket活塞排量 swept volume,piston displacement理论排量 theoretical displacement实际排量 actual displacement实际输气量 actual displacement,actual output of gas气缸工作容积 working volume of the cylinder活塞行程容积 piston displacement气缸 cylinder气缸体 cylinder block气缸壁 cylinder wall水冷套 water cooled jacket气缸盖(气缸头) cylinder head安全盖(假盖) safety head假盖 false head活塞环 piston ring气环 sealing ring刮油环 scraper ring油环 scrape ring活塞销 piston pin活塞 piston活塞行程 piston stroke吸气行程 suction stroke膨胀行程 expansion stroke压缩行程 compression stroke 排气行程 discharge stroke升压压缩机 booster compressor立式压缩机 vertical compressor卧式压缩机 horizontal compressor角度式压缩机 angular type compressor对称平衡型压缩机 symmetrically balanced type compress吸收式制冷机英语吸收式制冷机 absorption refrigerating machine吸收式制冷系统 absorption refrigerating system间歇式吸收系统 intermittent absoprtion system连续循环吸收式系统 continuous cycle absorption system固体吸收式制冷 solid absorption refrigeration氨-水吸收式制冷机 ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine单级氨-水吸收式制冷机 single stage ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine多级氨-水吸收式制冷机 multistage ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine双级氨-水吸收式制冷机ammonia/water absorptionrefrigerating machine with two stage absorption process双级发生和双级吸收式氨-水制冷机ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine with two stage generation and absoprtion process分解 decomposition水解 hydrolysis扩散 diffusion能量增强剂 energy booster缓蚀剂 anticorrsive发生不足 incomplete boiling吸收不足 incomplete absorption喷淋密度 sprinkle density溴化锂 lithium bromide溴化锂水溶液 aqueous solution oflithium bromide氨水溶液 aqueous solution ofammonia吸收剂 absorbent,absorbing agent 吸附剂 adsorbent溶液 solution浓度 concentration溶解度 solubility溶剂 solvent溶质 solute 浓溶液 rich solution,concentrated solution稀溶液 weak solution,diluted solution 溶液分压 partial pressure of liquor吸收 absorption吸附 adsorption吸收式制冷 absorption refrigeration 吸附式制冷 adsorption refrigeration 工质对 working substance热力系数 heat ratio放气范围 deflation ratio焓-浓度图 enthalpy concentration chart溴化锂吸收式制冷机 lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine单效型溴化锂吸收式制冷机 single-effect lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine两效型溴化锂吸收式制冷机 double-effect lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine单筒型溴化锂吸收式制冷机 one-shell lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine双筒型溴化锂吸收式制冷机 two-shell lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine三筒型溴化锂吸收式制冷机 three-shelllithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine两级溴化锂吸收式制冷机 two-stagelithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine直燃式溴化锂吸收式制冷机 direct-fired lithiumbormide absorption refrigerating machine溴化锂吸收式冷温水机组lithiumbromide absorption water heater chiller无泵型溴化锂吸收式制冷机lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine with bubble pump蒸汽型吸收式制冷机 steam operatedabsorption refrigerating machine热水型吸收式制冷机 hot wateroperated absorption refrigerating machine发生器 generator沉浸式发生器 submerged generator 喷淋式发生器 spray-type generator立式降膜式发生器 vertical falling filmgenerator直燃式发生器 direct-fired generator高压发生器 high pressure generator 低压发生器 low pressure generator吸收器 absorber 喷淋式吸收器 spray absorber降膜式吸收器 falling film absorber立式降膜式吸收器 vertical falling film absorber卧式降膜式吸收器 horizontal falling film absorber喷淋装置 spray system溶液换热器 solution heat exchanger 溶晶管 anti-crystallinic pipe抽气装置 purging system精馏器 rectifier屏蔽泵 shield pump发生器泵 generator pump吸收器泵 absorber pump蒸发器泵 evaporator pump溶液泵 solution pump氨水泵 aqua-ammonia pump混合阀 mixing valve太阳能制冷与供热英语太阳能 solar energy太阳常数 solar constant太阳能系统 solar energy system被动式太阳能系统 passive solar energy system主动式太阳能系统 active solar energy system混合式太阳能系统 hybrid solar energy system太阳能制冷 solar cooling太阳能热机驱动制冷 solarpowered cooling太阳能吸收式制冷机 solar absorption refrigerating machine光-热转换制冷 photothermal refrigeration光-电转换制冷 photoelectrical refrigeration太阳能蒸汽喷射制冷机 solar steam jet refrigerating machine连续式太阳能吸收式制冷机 continual solar absorption refrigerating machine 间歇式太阳能吸收式制冷机intermittent solar absorption refrigerating machine敞开式太阳能吸收式制冷机 open solar absorption refrigerating machine太阳能空调装置 solar air-conditioning system太阳能制冷系统 solar energy cooling system,solar cooling system太阳能集热器 solar collector选择式吸收表面 selective absorber surface 电淀积 electrodeposition平板型太阳能集热器 flat plate solar collector真空管太阳能集热器 tubular solar collector,vacuum tube collector聚光型太阳能机热器 focus solar collector集热量 heat-collecting capacity集热温度 heat-collecting temperature 集热效率 heat-collecting efficiency蓄热介质 heat storge medium岩石蓄热容器 rock storge container辅助热源 supplementary heat source 太阳能贮存系统 solar energy storge system太阳能供热系统 solar heating system,solar space heating installation 自然循环闭式供水系统 natural convection closed water system强制循环闭式供水系统 forced convection in a closed water system 热风供热系统 warm air heating system家用太阳能热水系统 solar domestic water heating system热管与余热制冷英语热管 heat pipe深冷热管 cryogenic heat pipe低温热管 low temperature heat pipe 中温热管 moderate temperature heat pipe高温热管 liquid metal heat pipe管芯 wick相容性 compatibility传热极限 heat transport limitation重力热管 gravity assisted heat pipe 热管换热器 heat pipe exchanger深冷热管手术器 heat pipe surgery cryoprobe余热 exhaust heat低温余热 low temperature exhaust heat余热制冷 utilizing waste heat for refrigeration氟利昂透平 freon turbine氟利昂透平离心式制冷机 centrifugal refrigerating machine driven by freon turbine动力-制冷循环 power/refrigeration cycle透平压缩机及零部件英语涡流 swirl叶片颤振 blade flutter 叶片通过频率 blade passing frequency 喘振 surging脱流 stall叶轮反应度(反作用度) impeller reaction叶轮 impeller半开式叶轮 unshrouded impeller闭式叶轮 shrouded impeller叶片 blade,vane导流叶片组件 pre-rotary vane assembly扩压器 diffuser蜗壳 scroll滑动 slip透平压缩机 turbocompressor离心式压缩机 centrifugal compressor 轴流式压缩机 axial flow compressor 刚性轴离心式压缩机 stiff-shaft centrifugal compressor挠性轴离心式压缩机 flexibleshaft centrifugal compressor亚音速压缩机 subsonic compressor超音速压缩机 supersonic compressor 冷却塔英语自然通风式冷却塔 atmpspheric cooling tower,natural draught cooling tower机械通风式冷水塔 mechanical draught cooling tower吸风式冷水塔 induced draught cooling tower送风式冷水塔 forced draught cooling tower水膜式冷水塔 film cooling tower水滴式冷水塔 drop cooling tower喷雾式冷水塔 spray cooling tower拉西环 Rasching rings温度接近值 approach水垢 scale水垢抑制剂 scale inhibitor藻类 algae防藻剂 algaecide淀渣 slime升压阀 back-up valve冷水塔 water cooling tower,cooling tower凉水塔 water cooling tower,cooling tower冷却塔 water cooling tower,cooling tower 喷水池 spray pond干式冷水塔 dry cooling tower湿-干式冷水塔 wet-dry cooling tower 冷水塔填料 packing of cooling tower,fill of cooling tower膜式填料 film packing帘栅形填料 grid packing,grid fill片式填料 plate packing,plate fill松散填料 random packing,random fill飞溅式填料 splash packing空气压缩制冷系统英语空气循环制冷 air-cycle refrigeration 空气循环制冷机 air-cycle refrigerating machine涡轮冷却器 turbine cooler温降 temperature drops开式循环 open cycle闭式循环 closed cycle除水 water elimination补气 air supply回热式空气制冷循环 regenerative air cycle飞机座舱空调系统 aircraft air-conditioning system增压式飞机空调系统 "Bootstrap" system冲压空气 ram air制冷系统自动调节流量调节 flow regulation制冷剂控制器 refrigerant control膨胀阀 expansion valve节流阀 throttle valve热力膨胀阀 thermostatic expansion valve热电膨胀阀 thermal electric expansion valve内平衡热力膨胀阀 internal equalizer thermostaice expansion valve外平衡热力膨胀阀 external equalizer thermostaice expansion valve外平衡管 external equalizer pipe内平衡管 internal equalizer pipe蒸发器阻力损失 pressure drop of evaporator同工质充注 same material charge交*充注 cross charge吸附充注 absorptive charge气体充注 gas charge 膨胀阀过热度 superheat degree of expansion valve过热温度调节 superheat temperature regulation膨胀阀容量 expansion valve capacity 手动膨胀阀 hand expansion valve自动膨胀阀 automatic expansion valve 浮球调节阀 float regulation valve浮球阀 float valve低压浮球阀 low pressure float valve高压浮球阀 high pressure float valve 流量调节 flow regualation制冷剂控制器 refrigerant control膨胀阀 expansion valve节流阀 throttle valve热力膨胀阀 thermostatic expansion valve热电膨胀阀 thermal electric expansion valve内平衡热力膨胀阀 internal equalizer thermostaice expansion valve外平衡热力膨胀阀 external equalizer thermostaice expansion valve外平衡管 external equalizer pipe内平衡管 internal equalizer pipe蒸发器阻力损失 pressure drop of evaporator同工质充注 same material charge交*充注 cross charge吸附充注 absorptive charge气体充注 gas charge膨胀阀过热度 superheat degree of expansion valve过热温度调节 superheat temperature regulation膨胀阀容量 expansion valve capacity 手动膨胀阀 hand expansion valve自动膨胀阀 automatic expansion valve 浮球调节阀 float regulation valve浮球阀 float valve低压浮球阀 low pressure float valve高压浮球阀 high pressure float valve 恒压膨胀阀 constant pressure expansion valve能量调节 capacity regulator单机能量调节 capacity regulation of single unit卸载能量调节 capacity regulation of load drainage程序指令式能量调节系统 capacity regulation system of program order 电磁阀 solenoid valve电磁滑阀 magnetic slide valve三通电磁阀 three way magnetic valve 蒸汽喷射式制冷系统英语蒸汽喷射制冷 steam jet refrigeration 蒸汽喷射制冷机 steam-jet refrigerating machine蒸发式蒸汽喷射制冷机 evaporation-type steam jet refrigeration machine 混合式蒸汽喷射制冷机 contact-type steam jet refrigerating machine蒸汽喷射制冷系统 steam jet refrigerating system蒸汽喷射器 steam ejector主喷射器 main ejector辅助喷射器 auxiliary ejector喷射系数 jet coefficient主冷凝器 main condenser辅助冷凝器 auxiliary condenser多效蒸发 multieffective evaporation 高位安装 high-level installation低位安装 low-level installation高低位安装 high-low-level installation 臭氧层保护英语臭氧 ozone臭氧层 ozonesphere,ozone layer 臭氧层破坏 ozonesphere depletion,ozonesphere disturbance 消耗臭氧层物质 ozone depleting substances(ODS)禁用制冷剂 forbidden refrigerant 过渡制冷剂 transition refrigerant 替代制冷剂 substitute refrigerant 自然制冷剂 natural refrigerant氟利昂家族 freon group全氟代烃 fluorocarbon (FC)氯氟烃 chloroflurocarbon(CFC)氢氟烃 hydrofluorocarbon(HCF)含氢氯氟烃 hydrochloroflurocarbon (HCFC)含氢氯化烃 hydrochlorocarbon (HCC)全氯化烃 polychlorocarbon(PCC)哈龙 Halon共沸混合物 azeotropic mixture碳氢化合物 hydrocarbon compound,hydrocarbon(HC)臭氧消耗潜能值 ozone depletion potential(ODP)温室效应 greenhouse effect全球变暖 global warming京都议定书 kyoto protocol全球变暖潜能值 global warming potential(GWP)变暖影响总当量 total equivalent warming impact(TEWI)寿命期气候性能 life cycle climate performance(LCCP)蕴含能量 embodied energy不易收集的排放 fugitive emissions热电制冷英语热电制冷 thermoelectric refrigeration 温差电制冷 thermoelectric refrigeration半导体制冷 semiconductor refrigeration热电效应 thermoelectric effect塞贝克效应 Seebeck effect珀尔帖效应 Peltier effect热电制冷效应 thermoelectric refrigeration effect汤姆逊效应 Thomson effect焦耳效应 Joule effect傅里叶效应 Fourier effect温差电动势 thermoelectric power塞贝克系数 Seebeck coefficient优值系数 figure of merit热电堆 thermoelectric pile温差电堆 thermoelectric pile最佳电流 optimum current经济电流 economic current热电半导体 thermoelectric semiconductors热电材料 thermoelectric material热电制冷材料 thermoelectric cooling materialn型半导体 n-type semiconductors p型半导体 p-type semiconductors 半导体制冷器 thermoelectric-refrigerating unit热电制冷器 thermoelectric refrigerating unit热电空调器 thermoelectric air conditioner半导体空调器 thermoelectric air conditioner 半导体恒温器 thermoelectric thermostat半导体冷饮水器 thermoelectric drinking water cooler半导体热泵 thermoelectric heat pump 半导体降温机 thermoelectric dehumidifier低温半导体制冷器 low temperature thermoelectric unit焊接式半导体制冷器 soldered thermoelectric refrigerating unit粘接式半导体制冷器 sticky thermoelectric refrigerating unit嵌装式半导体制冷器 inlaid thermoelectric refrigerating unit复叠式半导体制冷器 cascade thermoelectric refrigerating unit医用半导体制冷器 medicine thermoelectric refrigerating unit盐水冷却系统开式盐水冷却系统 open brine system 闭式盐水系统 closed brine system盐水箱 brine bank盐水混合箱 brine mixing tank盐水溢流箱 brine return tank盐水回流箱 brine return tank盐水膨胀箱 brine balance tank盐水加热器 brine heater盐水冷却器 brine cooler盐水筒 brine drum盐水集管 brine header盐水泵 brine pump盐水喷雾 brine spray盐水喷淋 brine sparge制冷暖通行业品牌中英文对照AEROFLEX “亚罗弗”保温ALCO “艾科”自控Alerton 雅利顿Alfa laval阿法拉伐ARMSTRONG “阿姆斯壮”保温AUX 奥克斯BELIMO 瑞士“搏力谋”BERONOR西班牙“北诺尔”电加热器BILTUR 意大利“百得”BOSIC “柏诚”自控BROAD 远大Burnham美国“博恩汉”锅炉CALPEDA意大利“科沛达”水泵CARLY 法国“嘉利”制冷配件Carrier 开利Chigo 志高Cipriani 意大利斯普莱力CLIMAVENETA意大利“克莱门特”Copeland“谷轮”压缩机CYRUS意大利”赛诺思”自控DAIKIN 大金Danfoss丹佛斯Dorin “多菱”压缩机DUNHAM-BUSH 顿汉布什DuPont美国“杜邦”制冷剂Dwyer 美国德威尔EBM “依必安”风机ELIWELL意大利“伊力威”自控EVAPCO美国“益美高”冷却设备EVERY CONTROL意大利“美控”Erie 怡日FRASCOLD 意大利“富士豪”压缩机FRICO瑞典“弗瑞克”空气幕FUJI “富士”变频器FULTON 美国“富尔顿”锅炉GENUIN “正野”风机GREE 格力GREENCOOL格林柯尔GRUNDFOS “格兰富”水泵Haier 海尔Hisense 海信HITACHI 日立Honeywell 霍尼韦尔Johnson 江森Kelon 科龙KRUGER瑞士“科禄格”风机KU BA德国“库宝”冷风机Liang Chi 良机LIEBERT 力博特MARLEY “马利”冷却塔Maneurop法国“美优乐”压缩机McQuary 麦克维尔Midea 美的MITSUBISHI三菱Munters 瑞典“蒙特”除湿机Oventrop德国“欧文托普”阀门Panasonic 松下RANCO “宏高”自控REFCOMP意大利“莱富康”压缩机RIDGID 美国“里奇”工具RUUD美国“路德”空调RYODEN “菱电”冷却塔SanKen “三垦”变频器Samsung 三星SANYO 三洋SASWELL英国森威尔Schneider 施耐德SenseAir 瑞典“森尔”传感器SIEMENS 西门子SINKO "新晃“空调SINRO “新菱”冷却塔STAND “思探得”加湿器SWEP 舒瑞普TECKA “台佳”空调Tecumseh“泰康”压缩机TRANE 特灵TROX德国“妥思”VASALA芬兰“维萨拉”传感器WILO德国“威乐”水泵WITTLER 德国”威特”阀门YORK 约克ZENNER德国“真兰”计量制冷能力及计算术语英语运行工况 operating conditions标准性能 standard rating标准工况 standard condition空调工况 air conditioning condition内部条件 internal conditions外部条件 external conditions蓄热 accumulation of heat蓄冷 accumulation of cold制冰能力 ice-making capacity热泵用压缩机的供热系数 heat-pump compressor coefficient of performance 容积效率 volumetric efficiency容积输气量 vulumetric displacement 实际输气量 actual displacement理论输气量 theoretical displacement 冷凝热量 condenser heat过冷热量 heat of subcooling过热热量 superheat运转工况下的制冷量 rating under working conditions 标准制冷量 standard rating名义工况 normal conditions试验工况 test conditions轴功率 brake power效率 efficiency指示效率 indicated efficiency机械效率 mechanical efficiency总效率 overall efficiency制冷系数 coefficient of performance (COP)制冷压缩机的制冷系数 refrigerating compressor coefficient of performance 热力完善度 thermodynamical perfectness能效比 energy efficiency ratio (EER)热泵供热系数 heat-pump coefficient of performance空调有效显热制冷量 useful sensible heat capacity of air conditioner空调有效潜热(减湿)制冷量 useful latent heat (dehumidifyying) capacity of air conditioner空调器有效总制冷量 useful total capacity of air conditioner制冷剂循环量 circulating mass of refrigerant制冷剂循环容积 circulating volume of refrigerant单位压缩功 compress work per mass 示功图 indicator diagram指示功 indicated work摩擦功 frictional work功率 power摩擦功率 frictional power指示功率 indicated power理论功率 idea power制冷量 refrigerating capacity总制冷量 gross refrigerating capacity 净制冷量 net refrigerating capacity单位制冷量 refrigerating capacity per weighing单位容积制冷量 refrigerating capacity per unit of swept volume制冷系统制冷量 system refrigerating capacity单位轴功率制冷量 refrigerating effect per shaft power压缩冷凝机组制冷量 compressor condensing unit refrigerating capacity 制冷压缩机制冷量 refrigerant compressor capacity蒸发器净制冷量 net cooler refrigerating capacity制冷装置制冷装置 refrigerating installation,refrigerating plant工业制冷装置 industrial refrigerating plant商业制冷装置 commercial refrigerating plant中心站房 central station成套机组 self-contained system规范安装 code installation制冷回路 refrigerating circuit热平衡 heat balance货物负荷 product load操作负荷 service load设计负荷 design load负荷系数 load factor制冷装置试验与操作试运转 commissioning吹污 flush气密性试验 gas-tight test,air-right test密闭容器 closed container漏气 air infiltration放气 air vent检漏 leak hunting,leak detection检漏仪 leak detector卤素灯 halide torch电子检漏仪 electronic leak detector 真空试验 vacuum test试验压力 test pressure工作压力 operating pressure,working pressure最高工作压力 highest operating pressure气密试验压力 gas-tight test pressure 设计压力 design pressure平衡压力 balance pressure充气 aerate,gas charging制冷剂充注 refrigerant charging首次充注 initial charge保护充注 holding charge,service charge制冷剂不足 lack of refrigerant,under-charge,gas shortage缺液 starveling 充灌台 charging board充灌量 charge充注过多 overcharge供液过多 overfeeding制冷剂抽空 pump down of refrigerant 降温试验 pull down test制冷[功能]试验 refrigeration test卸载起动 no-load starting,unloaded start卸载机构 unloader闪发 flash vaporization,instantaneous vaporization闪发气体 flash gas不凝性气体 non condensable gas气体排除 gas purging,degassing,gasoff阀针跳动 hammering,needle hammer阀振荡 hunting of a valve阀片跳动 valve flutter,valve bounce 短期循环 short-cycling异常温升 overheating泄漏 leak气蚀 cavitation制冷剂瓶 refrigerant cylinder,gas bottle检修用瓶 service cylinder,gas bottle 紧急泄放阀 emergency-relief valve 检修阀 service valve安全阀 pressure relief valve抽空阀 pump out valve加油阀 oil charge valve放油阀 oil drain valve放空阀 purge valve充灌阀 charging valve喷液阀 liquid injection valve润滑油润滑油 lubricant oil冷冻机油 refrigeration oil冷冻油 refrigerant oil凝点 condensation point闪点 flash point浊点 cloud point絮凝点 flock point流动点 pour point起泡 foaming皂化 saponify 油泥 sludge结碳 carbonization制冷剂制冷剂(制冷工质) refrigerant高温制冷剂 high temperature refrigerant低压制冷剂 low pressure refrigerant 中温制冷剂 medium temperature refrigerant中压制冷剂 medium pressure refrigerant低温制冷剂 low temperature refrigerant高压制冷剂 high pressure refrigerant 氟利昂 freon卤化碳制冷剂 halocarbo refrigerant 氟利昂11 freon 11氟利昂12 freon 12氟利昂13 freon 13氟利昂14 freon 14氟利昂22 freon 22氟利昂113 freon 113氟利昂125 freon 125氟利昂134a freon 134a氟利昂152a freon 152a碳氢化合物制冷剂 hydrocarbon refrigerant甲烷 methane乙烷 ethane丙烷 propane丁烷 butane异丁烷 isobutane乙烯 ethylene无机化合物制冷剂 inorganic compund refrigerant氨 ammonia二氧化碳 carbon dioxide二氧化硫 sulphur dioxide干冰 dry ice共沸制冷剂 azeotropic mixture refrigerant氟里昂500 freon 500氟里昂501 freon 501氟里昂502 freon 502氟里昂503 freon 503氟里昂504 freon 504近共沸溶液制冷剂 near azeotropic mixture refrigerant 非共沸溶液制冷剂 nonazeotropic mixture refrigerant蒸发器壳盘管式蒸发器 shell-and-coil evaporator壳管式蒸发器 shell-and-tube evaporator喷淋式蒸发器 spray-type evaporator 立管式蒸发器 vertical-type evaporator 平行管蒸发器 receway coil螺旋管式蒸发器 spiral tube evaporator“V”型管蒸发器 herringbone type evaporator沉浸式盘管蒸发器 submerged evaporator板式蒸发器 plate-type evaporator螺旋板式蒸发器 spiral sheet evaporator平板式蒸发器 plate-type evaporator,tube-in-sheet evaporator管板式蒸发器 tube-on-sheet evaporator凹凸板式蒸发器 embossed-plate evaporator吹胀式蒸发器 roll-bond evaporator压焊板式蒸发器 roll-bond evaporator制冰块器的蒸发器 ice cube maker evaporator结冰式蒸发器 ice-bank evaporator蓄冰式蒸发器 ice-bank evaporator结霜蒸发器 frosting evaporator除霜蒸发器 defrosting evaporator无霜蒸发器 nonfrosting evaporator强制通风蒸发器 forced circulation evaporator冷液式蒸发器 liquid cooling evaporator封套式蒸发器 wrap-round evaporator 蒸发器 evaporator直接冷却式蒸发器 direct evaporator 直接式蒸发器 direct evaporator间接冷却式蒸发器 indirect cooled evaporator间接式蒸发器 indirect evaporator干式蒸发器 dry expansion evaporator 满液式蒸发器 flooded evaporator再循环式蒸发器 recirculation-type evaporator强制循环式蒸发器 pump-feed evaporator冷凝器英语冷凝器 condenser冷凝液 condensate空冷式冷凝器 air-cooled condenser风冷式冷凝器 air-cooled condenser自然对流空冷式冷凝器 natural convecton air-cooled condenser强制通风式冷凝器 forced draught condenser冷凝风机 condensate fan线绕式冷凝器 wire and tube condenser水冷式冷凝器 water-cooled condenser 沉浸式盘管冷凝器 submerged coil condenser套管式冷凝器 double pipe condenser 壳管式冷凝器 shell and tube condenser组合式冷凝器 multishell condenser卧式壳管式冷凝器 closed shell and tube condenser卧式冷凝器 closed condenser立式壳管式冷凝器 open shell and tube condenser立式冷凝器 open condenser,vertical condenser壳盘管式冷凝器 shell and coil condenser。
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I don't know who will be interested with my topic. Any way I’ll try my best to squeeze out my time to write more.Today’s topic: Air-cooled Heat Exchanger DesignHighly recommended Technical Paper: “Effectively Design Air-cooled Heat Exchangers”, by R. Mukherjee, published on CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROCESS / FEB 1997 Page 26 to 46. Abstract: This primer discusses the thermal design of ACHEs and the optimization of the thermal design, and offers guidance on selecting ACHEs for various applications. API 661—Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries—Air –Cooled heat exchangers Applications:• • • • • • • • • • •Forced and induced draft air cooled heat exchangers Recirculation and shoe-box air cooled heat exchangers Hydrocarbon process and steam condensers Large engine radiators Turbine lube oil coolers Turbine intercoolers Natural gas and vapor coolers Combustion pre-heaters Flue gas re-heaters Lethal service Unique customizationsRecommend Vendor: Hudson Products Corporation GEA Rainey Corporation Jord International Korea Heat Exchanger Ind. Co., Ltd. FBM Hudson Italiana SpA Air Cooler Design Heat Transfer Basics Air cooled heat exchangers rely on thermodynamic properties of heat transfer. Specifically, heat transfer is energy released over time. Two standard formulas used to calculate heat transfer are as follows:• •Duty=Fluid Mass Flow * Cp * Delta T The overall heat-transfer coefficient, U, is determined as follows:1/U=1/airside heat transfer coefficient+1/tubeside heat transfer+tubeside fouling resistance + airside fouling resistance+ tube wall resistance•Duty=U * Area * LMTD o U is the inverse of sum resistance to heat transfer (defined as above) o Area is the cooler’s total finned heat transfer area o LMTD is the Log Mean Temperature Difference, or the driving force of heat transferGiven the above graph, recommending an absolute minimum of 10°C Delta T for most applications based on economies of scale. Of course smaller Delta T’s, such as 5°F, have been designed. Keep in mind as the ambient increases, the LMTD goes down reducing cooling ability. The optimum temperature is around 15°C-20°C more than the design ambient temperature. Flow Pattern & LMTD Effects There are three main types of flow patterns used in air cooled heat exchangers; countercurrent flow, co-current flow and cross current flow. Counter-Current Flow – By far the most common in the process industry, counter-current flow cools the hottest fluid with the warmest air, and the coldest fluid with the coldest air. In other words, the process fluid enters the heat exchanger and passes through the finned tubes at the top of the bundle. These top tubes are exposed to air warmed by the lower tube rows. As the process fluid cools and passes through the lower tube rows, the air temperature is lower as it has been exposed to less and less tube rows.Co-Current Flow – This flow pattern is typically used in processes with critical pour points as it provides the highest outlet process temperature control since it has the lowest efficiency. In this pattern the ambient air cools the hottest fluid, and the hottest air attempts to cool the coldest fluid. The shaded arrows to the right illustrate this flow pattern. Cross-Current Flow – Most common in the gas compression industry, the cross-current flow pattern exposes each pass of the process fluid to the same air stream. Therefore the pass plates inside the headers are vertical, rather than horizontal, to allow the fluid to pass perpendicular to the air stream. Minimizing Air Cooler Costs Through understanding the customer’s needs to size and design air cooled heat exchangers use commercially available software programs, typical HTRI, B-JAC etc. These programs, while not offering a thermal guarantee, can offer an advantage to customers when trying to compare air coolers from different manufacturers. Quick selection between multiple designs:• •• •• •Maximize tube length while maintaining >=40% fan coverage Design air cooler with a 1 to 3 ratio. For example, if your cooler is 30’ long it should typically be around 10’ wide. This helps reduce the header size, the most expensive portion of an air cooler, while still maintaining proper fan coverage. Minimize tube rows to increase heat transfer effectiveness of area, minimize header thickness. Typically between four to six tube rows . Try and maintain 1” tube diameters, depending on service. Even high viscosity services that appear to benefit from larger diameter tubes can typically be designed cheaper with more 1” diameter tubes. Use a counter-current flow where possible as it reduces surface and potentially minimize header plate thickness. Increase your allowable pressure drop. This allows more passes in the bundle reducing the cooler size.ComponentsAn air cooled heat exchanger consists of the following components:• • • • •One or more bundles of heat transfer surface. An air-moving device, such as a fan, blower, or stack. Unless it is natural draft, a driver and power transmission to mechanically rotate the fan or blower. A plenum between the bundle or bundles and the air-moving device. A support structure high enough to allow air to enter beneath the ACHE at a reasonable rate.• • • •Optional header and fan maintenance walkways with ladders to grade. Optional louvers for process outlet temperature control. Optional recirculation ducts and chambers for protection against freezing or solidification of high pour point fluids in cold weather. Optional variable pitch fan hub for temperature control and power savings.Typical components of an air-cooled heat exchanger Tube Bundle A tube bundle is an assembly of tubes, headers, side frames, and tube supports as shown in figure below. Usually the tube surface exposed to the passage of air has extended surface in the form of fins to compensate for the low heat transfer rate of air at atmospheric pressure and at a low enough velocity for reasonable fan power consumption.Typical construction of tube bundles with plug and cover plate headers The prime tube is usually round and of any metal suitable for the process, due consideration being given to corrosion, pressure, and temperature limitations. Fins are helical or plate type, and are usually of aluminum for reasons of good thermal conductivity and economy of fabrication. Steel fins are used for very high temperature applications. Fins are attached to the tubes in a number of ways:• ••An extrusion process in which the fins are extruded from the wall of an aluminum tube that is integrally bonded to the base tube for the full length. Helically wrapping a strip of aluminum to embed it in a pre-cut helical groove and then peening back the edges of the groove against the base of the fin to tightly secure it. Wrapping on an aluminum strip that is footed at the base as it is wrapped on the tube.Sometimes serrations are cut in the fins. This causes an interruption of the air boundary layer, which increases turbulence which in turn increases the airside heat transfer coefficient with a modest increase in the air-side pressure drop and the fan horsepower. The choice of fin types is critical. This choice is influenced by cost, operating temperatures, and the atmospheric conditions. Each type has different heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics. The extruded finned tube affords the best protection of the liner tube from atmospheric corrosion as well as consistent heat transfer from the initial installation and throughout the life of the cooler. This is the preferred tube for operating temperatures up to 600°F. The embedded fin also affords a continued predictable heat transfer and should be used for all coolers operating above 600°F and below 750°F. The wrap-on footed fin tube can be used below 250°F; however, the bond between the fin and the tube will loosen in time and the heat transfer is not predictable with certainty over the life of the cooler. It is advisable to derate the effectiveness of the wrap-on tube to allow for this probability. There are many configurations of finned tubes, but manufacturers find it economically practical to limit production to a few standard designs. Tubes are manufactured in lengths from 6 to 60 feet and in diameters ranging from 5/8 inch to 6 inches, the most common being I inch. Fins are commonly helical, 7 to 11 fins per inch, 5/16 to I inch high, and 0.010 to 0.035 inch thick. The ratio of extended to prime surface varies from 7:1 to 25:1. Bundles are rectangular and typically consist of 2 to 10 rows of finned tubes arranged on triangular pitch. Bundles may be stacked in depths of up to 30 rows to suit unusual services. The tube pitch is usually between 2 and 2.5 tube diameters. Net free area for air flow through bundles is about 50% of face area. Tubes are rolled or welded into the tube sheets of a pair of box headers. The box header consists of tube sheet, top, bottom, and end plates, and a cover plate that may be welded or bolted on. If the cover is welded on, holes must be drilled and threaded opposite each tube for maintenance of the tubes. A plug is screwed into each hole, and the cover is called the plug sheet. Bolted removable cover plates are used for improved access to headers in severe fouling services. Partitions are welded in the headers to establish the tube-side flow pattern, which generates suitable velocities in as near countercurrent flow as possible for maximum mean temperature difference. Partitions and stiffeners (partitions with flow openings) also act as structural stays. Horizontally split headers may be required to accommodate differential tube expansion in serviceshaving high fluid temperature differences per pass. The figure below illustrates common head types. Bundles are usually arranged horizontally with the air entering below and discharging vertically. Occasionally bundles are arranged vertically with the air passing across horizontally, such as in a natural draft tower where the bundles are arranged vertically at the periphery of the tower base. Bundles can also be arranged in an "A" or "V" configuration, the principal advantage of this being a saving of plot area. The disadvantages are higher horsepower requirements for a given capacity and decreased performance when winds on exposed sides inhibit air flow. Within practical limits, the longer the tubes and the greater the number of rows, the less the heat transfer surface costs per square foot. One or more bundles of the same or differing service may be combined in one unit (bay) with one set of fans. All bundles combined in a single unit will have the same air-side static pressure loss. Consequently, combined bundles having different numbers of rows must be designed for different face velocities. Typical Heat Transfer Coefficients for Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers Condensing service Amine reactivator Ammonia Refrigerant 12 Heavy naphtha Light gasoline Light hydrocarbons Light naphtha Reactor effluent Platformers, Hydroformers, Rexformers Steam (0 - 20 psig) Gas cooling service Air or flue gas @ 50 psig (DP = 1 psi) Air or flue gas @ 100 psig (DP = 2 psi) U 100 - 120 105 - 125 75 - 90 70 - 90 95 95 - 105 80 -100 80-100 135 - 20010 20Air or flue gas @ 100 psig (DP = 5 psi) Ammonia reactor stream Hydrocarbon gasses @ 15 - 50 psig (DP = 1 psi) Hydrocarbon gasses @ 50 - 250 psig (DP = 3 psi) Hydrocarbon gasses @ 250 - 1500 psig (DP = 5 psi) Liquid cooling service Engine jacket water Fuel oil Hydroformer and Platformer liquids Light gas oil Light hydrocarbons Light naphtha Process water Residuum Tar30 90 - 110 30 - 40 50 - 60 70 - 90130 - 155 20 - 30 85 70 - 90 90 -120 90 120 -145 10 - 20 5 - 10Coefficients are based on outside bare tube surface for 1-inch OD tubes with 10 plain extruded aluminum fins per inch, 5/8 inch high, 21.2:1 surface ratio.。