NDT Procedure无损检测程序




1.1 报验部门需提交《无损检测检验委托单》



4. 无损检测资料归档和试样、试件保存的基本要求











注:因本工程大多采用首先百分之百UT,而后百分之十RT 抽查的无损检测设计方案,所以RT监理指令必须在接到UT合格日报表后,才可以签发。














1. 确定检测目标和要求:在开始无损检测程序之前,首先需要明确检测的目标和要求。



2. 选择合适的无损检测方法:根据检测目标和要求,选择合适的无损检测方法。



3. 制定检测方案:根据选择的无损检测方法,制定详细的检测方案。



4. 进行实际检测:根据制定的检测方案,进行实际的无损检测。



5. 数据分析和评估:完成无损检测后,需要对收集到的数据进行分析和评估。



6. 缺陷处理和记录:根据数据分析和评估的结果,制定相应的缺陷处理方案。



7. 定期维护和校准:无损检测设备和仪器需要定期进行维护和校准,以确保其性能和准确性。

NDT Procedure 无损检测操作规程MT

NDT Procedure 无损检测操作规程MT

INDEX1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................2 1.1 Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 2 2 REFERENCES...................................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Normative references ................................................................................................................ 23 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION .............................................................................................................. 24 SAFETY CONDITIONS ......................................................................................................................... 25 SURFACE PREPARATION ..................................................................................................................... 36 MAGNETIZATION ............................................................................................................................... 3 6.1 General Conditions .................................................................................................................... 3 6.2 Magnetization Techniques ......................................................................................................... 4 6.3 Magnetization Check Out ........................................................................................................... 57 UV-A RADIATION SOURCES ................................................................................................................ 5 8MAGNETIC PARTICLES ....................................................................................................................... 5 9 CALIBRATION .................................................................................................................................... 6 10 VISUAL INSPECTION CONDITIONS ..................................................................................................... 6 10.1 Coloured Products ..................................................................................................................... 6 10.2 Fluorescent Products ................................................................................................................. 6 11 GLOBAL BEHAVIOUR CONTROL (PERFORMANCE) ................................................................................ 6 12 Definitions and Indications Classification .............................................................................................. 7 12.1 Definition of Indications............................................................................................................. 7 12.2 Severity Levels .......................................................................................................................... 8 12.3 Clasification of the Indications ................................................................................................... 9 13 RESULTS INTERPRETATION .............................................................................................................. 10 14 INDICATIONS RECORD ..................................................................................................................... 10 15 DEMAGNETIZATION ......................................................................................................................... 10 16 CLEANING........................................................................................................................................ 10 17 INSPECTION REPORT ....................................................................................................................... 12 17.1 Annex I:Inspection Report Template ........................................................................................ 13 17.2 Annex II (For Information only): Reference Pictures. Linear indications (SM) .............................. 15 17.3 Annex III (For Information only): Reference Pictures. Linear and aligned indications (LM and AM) 17RECORD OF CHANGES1INTRODUCTIONThis specification is applicable to any casting component requiring Magnetic Particles inspection for its acceptance.1.1SCOPEThis specification defines the procedure and severity levels for the inspection of cast iron and ferromagnetic cast steels components using magnetic particles technique (whatever it is the casting technique).This specification covers the inspection procedures and acceptance criteria to be fulfilled by any casting, forging, rolled and welded product supplier. Inspection areas are not covered by this specification. These can be found in the part specification.2REFERENCES2.1NORMATIVE REFERENCESThe following documents are invoked as part of this specification and must be fulfilled to the extent defined. Unless specifically over-ruled by the inclusion of a date, or an issue letter or code, the latest issue shall always apply.3PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONNDT-Personnel of the supplier must be qualified to one of the following certification standards: ∙SNT-TC-1A∙EN 473Gamesa Quality Assurance shall have access at any time to the NDT-Personnel qualifications.Gamesa Corporación Tecnológica (GCT) requires level II NDT personnel.Gamesa Quality deptartment shall investigate the documentation for qualifications before the work is commenced.4SAFETY CONDITIONSTest by means of magnetic particles can require the use of toxic, inflammable and (or) volatile products. In this case, the zone of work must be ventilated and properly away from the source of heat and flames. It is convenient to avoid the prolonged or repeated contact of the skin and mucous with detection products and contrast paints.Test materials must be according to instructions of the manufacturer. At any moment, the national standard of security, accident prevention must be fulfilled in relation to electricity, dangerous substance manipulation and protection of people and the surrounding environment.In case of UV-A source use, it is necessary to make sure that the filtered radiations of the UV-A source do not impact directly at the eyes of the operator. The UV-A filters must be kept in good conditions, independently of being integral to the source or separated.5SURFACE PREPARATIONZones to be inspected by magnetic particles must be dry and free of dirty, oil, grease, oxide particles, slag products and any other product that could have an effect in the sensitivity of this test.Surface conditions described above can be reached by means of detergent, organic solvent, cleaner, sand blasting, vapor grease remover, etc.Quality surface requirements depend on the size and orientation of the discontinuities to be detected. The surface shall be prepared properly in order to be able to detect all the relevant indications considering the possibility to machine or grind the surface to separate false from relevant indications, due to the fact that irregularities could cover an indication of a possible defect.Non magnetic surface coatings up to 50μm (0,05 mm) thickness, such as continuous adherent paint systems (without cracking), usually do not modify detection sensitivity. Thicker coatings reduce it dramatically, so it is necessary to check out the level of sensitivity.There must be contrast enough between the indications and the surface to be inspected. When using white light (non fluorescent technique), it can be necessary the use of adherent, uniform paint (varnish) with approved contrast. If the magnetization electrode technique is used, all no conducting material must be removed from the contact areas.6MAGNETIZATION6.1GENERAL CONDITIONSMinimum induction in the component shall be at least 1T. Flux density is obtained by a relatively high permeability and a tangential magnetic field of 2kA/m.The test shall be performed using the continuous method, namely, the magnetic field shall be applied by the time the particles are drop on the component, and the excess removed.In case that flaws or any other discontinuity are susceptible to orient themselves in a particular direction, when possible, the magnetic flux shall be oriented in such a particular direction.It can be considered that the magnetic flux is effective, if allows to detect discontinuities with an orientation no higher than 60º with the optimum sensitivity direction. It can be then obtained a complete coverage performing the magnetization of the surface in two perpendicular different directions (maximum deviation ≤ 30º).Test shall be carried out overlapping consecutive positions in order to guarantee that 100% of the surface is covered.1 Directions of the magnetic field2 Optimum sensibility3 Sensibility decrease.4 Low sensibilityα Angle between the magnetic field and the indication direction.αmin. Angle for indications detection.αi Example of indication orientation.Figure 1. Directions of detectable indications.6.2MAGNETIZATION TECHNIQUESTo carry out the magnetization process an alternating current PORTABLE ELECTROMAGNETS (Yoke) will be used.Both poles of the alternating current electromagnet are placed in direct contact with the component to test, producing a magnetic field between both poles. The area of each component, near by each pole is not possible to test due to the high magnetic field intensity. It must be ensured a complete coverage of areas to be inspected.Equipment supplier must provide all necessary technical data (recommended distance between poles, poles cross section measurements, wave shape, current control method and wave shape, maximum current flow time, dimensions, weight, etc.)Electromagnets (yokes) must comply with the following requirements at room temperature 30ºC and working at maximum power.❑Cycle coefficient………≥ 10%❑Current flow time.......... ≥ 5s❑Handle surface temperature…. ≤40 ºC❑Tangencial field Ht at Smax...... ≥ 2 KA/m (RMS).❑Rise force……..≥ 44 N (*)(*) To lift up 4.5 kg it is required an elevation force of approximately 44N.Electromagnets must be equipped with a power switch on / off, if possible mounted on the handle.Other techniques can be applied (current flux between electrodes, fix equipment, coils, central conducting or adjacent, etc.) and current (continuous, rectified), if previously agreed with GCT.6.3MAGNETIZATION CHECK OUTThe easiest way for checking out magnetization is to control a test component with small discontinuities made artificially or naturally in the most critical zones. In the absence of these specimens, it can be used any other method based on the stated principles.7UV-A RADIATION SOURCESIt can be carried out the test with UV-A radiation (between 315nm and 400nm) using a source with a maximum nominal intensity of 365nm.Radiation shall be measured in working conditions, on the testing surface, using a UV-A radiometer.Measurement shall be carried out once the intensity of the lamp is constant (no less than 10 minutes after switch it on).The supplier of the source must provide all the necessary technical data (surface temperature in the UV-A radiation housing, after 1 hour time, cooling system, electrical requirements, dimensions, weight, irradiated area at 400mm from the source, irradiance after 15 minutes; 220 hours, luminance after 15 minutes; 220 hours, etc.)UV-A sources must satisfy minimum requirements listed below at a room temperature of 30ºC❑Filter resistant to splashes of the detection media.❑Protection against the dangers caused by portable units when in stand by position.❑UV-A Irradiance at 400mm from the source............... ≥ 10 W/ m❑Luminance at 400mm form the source............... ≤ 20 lx❑Surface handle temperature ............. ≤ 40º C8MAGNETIC PARTICLESMagnetic particles to be used shall be applied in wet conditions (in a suitable carrier solution, previously shaked to mix up and provide a homogeneous particle – liquid suspension).High permeability and low retentivity particles shall be used with suitable size and shape for the procedures and techniques used for the evaluation. Magnetic particles colour will contrast properly with the surface to be tested.GCT suggests using fluorescent magnetic particles in wet conditions. GCT must approve the use of any other kind of magnetic particles.Magnetic particles suspension can be obtained directly mixed to use or made up using concentrate products, including powders and solid solutions.Magnetic particles shall be applied so that they produce an uniform and light coverage on the surface to be tested, while the magnetization current is set up.After magnetic field application and before switching off the electrical current, remaining particles shall be removed without distortion of the particles that contribute to the indication on the discontinuity.9CALIBRATIONAll the equipment for work (yoke, etc.) and measurement (white light luxometer, UV-A radiometer, etc.) used for the test must be officially calibrated and the corresponding information to disposition of GCT if it is required.10VISUAL INSPECTION CONDITIONSBefore coming up with the procedure of inspection, a visual inspection shall be performed all over the surface to test. When it is difficult to do so, magnetic equipment or specimen can be moved in order to have a clear access to the whole component. Special attention must be paid in order to avoid the modification of the indications previously detected and registered.10.1COLOURED PRODUCTSWhen using coloured products:a)It is necessary a good contrast between the detection product and the tested surface;b)Surface to be tested must be lighted using natural or artificial white light (it is not allowed the use ofmonochromatic sources such as sodium lamps), avoiding shine or reflection and using a level of luminance higher than 500lx (lux).10.2FLUORESCENT PRODUCTSWhen using fluorescent products for detection purposes, examination zone must be dark up to 20lx as a maximum illumination level. Examination area must be illuminated using UV-A. UV-A energetic illumination must be at least 10 W/m2(1000 W/cm2) measured on the surface to be tested. A higher level of UV-A luminance allows the use of white light intensity proportionally higher, always considering that it is necessary to have a clear contrast between the indications and the surface subjected to evaluation.Enough time must spend before the test in order that eyes become accustomed to the reduction of ambient illumination.Ultraviolet lamp shall be switched on some time before (usually 5 minutes or what stated by the manufacturer) before using, in order to guarantee a suitable level of radiation.It is not allowed the use of photochromatic glasses when working with UV-A light, because when exposed to this radiation can become dark and this effect could reduce the capacity to detect discontinuities in people wearing these glasses.11GLOBAL BEHAVIOUR CONTROL (PERFORMANCE)Before beginning the test, it is recommended to do a global behavior control (performance) of the used method. That is useful to bring up anomalies in both operational method, magnetization technique, or in the detection instrument.The most reliable test to perform is that to be done on a representative sample having natural or artificial discontinuities with previous knowledge of location, type, dimensions and distributions. Control samples have to be demagnetizes and be exempt of indications previously done in other test.In absence of production samples with real known discontinuities, artificial samples can be made up with defects, for instance a cross magnetic flux indicator or a similar one as it is shown in Figure 2.Figure 2. Magnetic Particles field indicator according to ASME V, article 7, T-727.12 DEFINITIONS AND INDICATIONS CLASSIFICATIONSpecial attention must be paid in order to separate real indications from the false ones, for example those corresponding to scratches, section changes, limit between zones with different magnetic properties or magnetic written.It is necessary to take control and define the procedures to identify and remove, if possible, the source of these false indications.Discontinuities usually observed in cast components are defined in Table 1 and are reviewed with symbols (A, B, C, D, E, F, or H). These discontinuities can give to indications, magnetic diagrams or groups of indications all over the surface. These indications can all be of different types.inspection.12.1 DEFINITION OF INDICATIONSIndications corresponding to different discontinuities when testing using magnetic particles technique may have different shape and size. In order to distinguish between indications and discontinuities it is useful the use of a relationship between length, L, and width, W./ Pieces of low carbon steel welded/ Non metallic handle with adequate length/ Artificial defect between all pieces/ Copper piece12.1.1Non linear Indications (SM)Indications are considered to be non linear if length, L, is lower than three times width, W.12.1.2Linear Indications (LM)Indications are considered linear if length, L, is equal or higher than three times width, W.12.1.3Aligned Indications (AM)Indications are considered to be aligned in the following cases:a)Non linear Indications: Distance between indications is lower than 2 mm, and at least, threeindications are observed.b)Linear Indications: Distance between two indications is lower than length, L, of the biggerdiscontinuity aligned.Aligned indications are considered as a simple indication. Its length is equal to the total length, L, of the corresponding alignment (see Figure 3).Length L, is the distance between the starting point of the first indication and the ending point of the last discontinuity L l ₁ + l ₂ + l ₃ + l ₄ + l ₅Figure 3. Example of total length for aligned indications.12.2SEVERITY LEVELSSeverity levels are fixed as a reference scale and are defined as a function of the indications.12.2.1Non Linear IndicationsFor non linear indications, severity levels are defined (see Table 2) using the following criteria:a)Length (largest dimension), L1, of the smaller indication taken into account.b) When possible to perform, maximum total surface of the indications detected in a given area(rectangle of 105 mm x 148mm).c)Maximum Length, L2, of the observed indications.12.2.2Linear and aligned indicationsIn case of linear or aligned indications, severity levels (see Table 3) are defined as follow:a)Length (largest dimension), L1, of the larger indication that has been considered.b)Maximum length, L2, of the linear and aligned observed indication.c)The sum of lengths of each linear or aligned indication, within a 105mm x 148mm rectangle, thatexceeds the length L1.12.2.3Severity Level SelectionSeverity level can be chosen from Tables 2 and or 3 and, when necessary, from the reference pictures that appear in annex II and III. Reference pictures are taken 1:1 scale and are included herein as an example.Table 2 and Annex II are referred to non linear indications (isolated) (SM).Table 3 and Annex III are referred to linear indications (LM) and aligned (AM).The selection of the reference picture depends on the section thickness.12.2.4Cross section thickness rangeThree different thicknesses are established for the cross section (see Table 3):a)t ≤ 16mmb)16mm ≤ t ≤ 50mmc)t > 50mmBeing t the section thickness.12.3CLASIFICATION OF THE INDICATIONSTo classify a discontinuity indication, it is necessary to place a 105mm x 148mm rectangle profile is the most critical zone, that is in the zone where high severity level indications appear.12.3.1Non Linear IndicationsJust consider indications having lengths larger than L1 (see Table 2).The sum of the areas of each one of the indications must be calculated (if the surface of the casting is smaller than the reference surface, area of the indications must be proportionally reduced).Length of the indications must be measured.The level of the indications (SM) shall be carried out according Table 2.Note: Only values defined in this Table are valid and reference pictures are just included for information (see Annex II).Table 2. Severity Levels in magnetic particles inspection for isolated non linear indications.12.3.2Linear and aligned indicationsLength L of the isolated indications larger to the minimum length defined by the required severity level must be measured. The sum of the indications within a rectangle of 105mm x 148mm must be carried out.The thickness of the section, t, must be measured in the zone in which inspection is performed.The level of indications LM and AM must be determined with the help of Table 3.The sums of the lengths of the linear and aligned indications that are higher than the minimum length are to be measured, and the result must be compared with the specified "accumulated" length in Table 3.Some of the severity levels defined in Table 3 are illustrated in the same reference picture, shown in Table 4. In some cases, the equivalence with the picture is just approximate due to slightly differences in parameters showed in Table 3. In these cases, equivalences are indicated using 1) mark in Table PicturesReference pictures that correspond to non linear indications, linear and aligned indications (see Table 2 and Table 3) are shown in Annex II and III, respectively.A real picture and a reference picture are considered to be equivalent when the same total surface has been detected for non linear indications and/or the same length for linear or aligned indications.13RESULTS INTERPRETATIONCast components tested according to this specification are considered SUITABLE (ACCEPTABLE) if discontinuities correspond to a level equal or lower than that stated as reference.14INDICATIONS RECORDAcceptable indications are not to be recorded unless otherwise specified directly by GCT.Indications must be recorded in such a way that they are completely defined in both characteristics (type, dimensions, etc.) and location.Record shall consist of sketches, drawings or photography. Other recording media could be used if previously agreed with GCT.15DEMAGNETIZATIONIn all cases in which the remaining magnetism could interfere with the following processes or applications this element must be demagnetized once the test has been finished, using suitable techniques to reach a minimum value of residual magnetism in the component.a)Demagnetization requires the use of an decreasing alternating magnetic field equal or higher thanthe one used for the magnetization.b)Components previously magnetize using continuous current require the use of low frequency currentor alternating change with continuous current.c)Demagnetization is necessary before carrying out the control when the level of residualmagnetization is so that any adherent fillings, opposite flow or false indications can limit the effectiveness of the control.16CLEANINGWhen necessary, after the control and acceptance, all the components must be cleaned to eliminate the detection product.Note: Only values defined in this Table are valid and reference pictures are just included for information (see Annex III).Table 3. Severity levels in magnetic particles inspection for linear (LM) andaligned indications (AM).1⁾Table 4. Linear indications (LM) and aligned (AM).17INSPECTION REPORTInspection report must include at least the following information:a)Name and address of the organism performing the inspection and the location where it was carriedout.b)Name and address of the manufacturer.c)Name and address of the customer.d)Data referent to the component inspected (reference, number, etc.)e)Examination procedure and section defining acceptance criteria.f)Surface conditions of the component.g)Instrumentation used for the test and reference.h)Electrical current characteristics.i)Type and color of the particles (brand and reference).j)Sketch with detected indications.k)Interpretation and evaluation of indications.l)Test Date.m)Name, qualification level and sign of personnel performing the inspection.Title: Magnetic Particles Inspection in Cast Iron 17.1ANNEX I:INSPECTION REPORT TEMPLATE17.2ANNEX II (FOR INFORMATION ONLY): REFERENCE PICTURES. LINEAR INDICATIONS (SM) All reference pictures in this section are just for information purposes and must be used in the appropriate scale 1:1.10 mmFigure B.1 – Severity level SM 1.10 mmFigure B.2 – Severity level SM 2.10 mm Figure B.3 – Severity level SM 3.10 mm Figure B.4 – Severity level SM 4.10 mmFigure B.5 – Severity level SM 5.17.3ANNEX III (FOR INFORMATION ONLY): REFERENCE PICTURES. LINEAR AND ALIGNEDINDICATIONS (LM AND AM)All reference pictures in this section are just for information purposes and must be used in the appropriate scale 1:1.10 mmFigure C.1 – Severity level LM 1a or AM 1a.10 mmFigure C.2 – Severity level LM 1b o AM 1b [LM 2a* - AM 2a*].* Comparable with other levels.10 mmFigure C.3 – Severity level LM 1c o AM 1c [LM 2b* - AM 2b* or LM 3a* – AM 3a*].10 mmFigure C.4 – Severity level LM 2c o AM 2c [LM 3b* - AM 3b* or LM 4a* – AM 4a*]. * Comparable with other levels.10 mmFigure C.5 – Severity level LM 3c o AM 3c [LM 4b* - AM 4b* or LM 5a – AM 5a*].10 mmFigure C.6 – Severity level LM 4c o AM 4c [LM 5b* - AM 5b*].* Comparable with other levels.10 mmFigure C.7 – Severity level LM 5c o AM 5c.。

4.5 NDT Procedure无损检测

4.5 NDT Procedure无损检测

4.5NDE Procedure无损探伤程序I.X-Ray X光探伤1.1 Documents Compliance 依据文件1) GB 3323 –87 “ Radiography and Quality Classifications for Steel Fusion ButtWeldingGB 3323 –87 “”钢熔融焊的射线探伤及质量等级“2) Q/HSG 09.03 –1995 “ Non Destructive Test Supervision and Regulations”Q/HSG 09.03 –1995 “无损探伤管理及规定“1.2 Personnel Qualifications 人员资格1) All people engaging in the NDT operation and inspection shall be qualified withthe valid certificates issued by Boiler & Pressure Vessel ExaminationDepartment of China Labor Ministry, and the certified items and grades shall becorresponding to the jobs to be involved in the project.参与无损检测的人员应持有中国劳动部签发的有效资格证书并且合格项目内容及等级符合其所参与的该项目中的工作。

2) As a minimum, 1 qualified NDT supervisors with RT-II Grade shall be assignedfor NDT operation and inspection.至少应派1名有二级射线探伤证的探伤监督员来从事无损探伤的操作和检验工作。

1.3 NDT Operation and Supervision 无损探伤操作及监督1) The welds subject to radiography examination shall be visually examined at first,then only the acceptable welds can be allowed for radiography examination.Prior to the examination, the piping engineer will provide the request for NDTand define the locations of welds for examination. The quality inspector shallfinalize the welds in random as per the percentage required in the Owner’stechnical specification, and he shall sign the Radiograph Examination RequestForm, which will be submitted to NDT Inspector.要进行射线检验的焊缝首先应进行外观检验,检验合格的焊缝方能进行射线检验。



无损检测操作规程一、引言无损检测(Non-Destructive Testing,简称NDT)是一种用于检测材料和构件缺陷的技术手段,它能够在不破坏被检测物体的情况下,通过测量各种物理量的变化,判断被检测物体的完整性、可用性和可靠性。


二、检测仪器与设备准备1. 确保所需的无损检测设备(如超声波探伤仪、涡流检测仪、射线照相机等)完好,并依据相应的国际和国家标准进行校准和检定。

2. 检查设备的电源、探头、传感器等部件是否正常工作。

3. 确保所需的辅助设备(如灯具、标记材料、保护措施等)已准备就绪。

三、操作流程1. 准备工作a. 事先了解被检测对象的相关信息,包括材料、尺寸、表面状态等。

b. 根据被检测对象的特点选择合适的检测方法和设备。

c. 对检测区域进行清理,确保能够获得准确的检测结果。

2. 检测准备a. 对检测设备进行参数设置和校准,确保其适应被检测对象的特征。

b. 对被检测对象进行表面处理,如除锈、去污等。

c. 为检测区域标记参考线,以便后续的测量和分析。

3. 检测操作a. 按照预定的检测方案和流程进行检测操作。

b. 确保操作规程的合理性和安全性,遵循职业道德和操作规范。

c. 根据被检测对象的特点和检测要求,灵活选择适当的检测技术和方法,如超声波、涡流、射线等。

d. 进行实时的检测记录,准确记录检测参数、测量数值和观察结果。

4. 检测结果分析a. 对检测数据进行整理和分析,判断被检测对象的完整性和可用性。

b. 针对检测结果,制定相应的评定标准和控制措施。

c. 对检测结果进行汇报和记录,确保留存以备后续分析和查阅。

五、安全措施1. 在进行无损检测操作时,必须穿戴符合相关安全规定的个人防护装备,如防护服、手套、护目镜等。

2. 操作人员必须熟悉无损检测设备的使用方法和应急处理措施,以避免事故的发生。

3. 在进行辐射源射线照相检测时,应遵循辐射安全操作规程,同时保证周围人员的安全。



无损探伤操作流程Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a critical process for ensuring the safety and reliability of industrial equipment and infrastructure. 无损探伤(NDT)是确保工业设备和基础设施安全可靠性的关键过程。

It involves the use of various testing methods to inspect materials and components for defects without causing damage to the structure or performance of the item being tested. 它涉及使用各种测试方法来检查材料和零部件的缺陷,而不会对被测试物品的结构或性能造成损害。

One of the most common NDT methods is ultrasonic testing, which utilizes high-frequency sound waves to detect internal flaws in a wide range of materials, including metals, composites, and plastics. 最常见的NDT方法之一是超声波检测,它利用高频声波来检测包括金属、复合材料和塑料在内的各种材料中的内部缺陷。

The operation process of ultrasonic testing typically consists of several key steps. 超声波检测的操作流程通常包括几个关键步骤。

The first step is to prepare the testing equipment and the surface of the material to be inspected. 第一步是准备测试设备和待检材料的表面。



无损检测作业指导书一、背景介绍无损检测(Non-Destructive Testing,NDT)是指在不破坏被测对象完整性的前提下,利用各种技术手段和设备对其进行检测、测量、评价或判定的一种方法。




二、作业前准备1. 熟悉被测对象:在进行无损检测之前,必须对被测对象有足够的了解,包括其构成、制造工艺和使用条件等。


2. 熟悉检测方法和设备:根据被测对象的特点,选择适合的无损检测方法和设备。


3. 检测区域准备:清理被测对象的表面,确保其干净、无油污和杂质。



4. 确定检测参数:根据被测对象的性质和要求,确定适当的检测参数,如波长、频率、电流功率等。


三、作业步骤1. 根据被测对象的特点和要求,选择适当的无损检测方法,如超声波、射线、涡流、磁粉等。


2. 根据选择的无损检测方法,准备相应的设备和工具。


3. 在检测之前,对被测对象进行必要的预处理。


4. 根据检测要求,将传感器或探头与被测对象适当接触或定位。


5. 开始无损检测,按照预定的检测规程和流程进行操作。



Project Name Request Date Req.No.: Project No BLK Location Prod.Req.No..: Class: NDT date QCClient NDT Map:Applied code:12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18welder No.焊工号Film No.片号No.: YCRO-DQ-051-R-01Rev.: 1.01Date: 30/09/2010YCRO Structure RT Request FormRT Report No.RT报告号Remars备注S/N 序号BLK No.分段号Joint No.焊缝号Weldingprocess焊接方法Thickness板厚Project Name Request Date Req.No.: Project No BLK Location Prod.Req.No: Class: NDT date QCClient NDT Map:Applied code:123456789101112131415161718* B: Butt joint;FP: Full penetration;F: fillet weld. For TMCP material, UT should follow special procedure.No.: YCRO-DQ-051-R-02 Rev.: 1.01Date: 30/09/2010Test length 检验长度(mm/%)Repair返修welder No.焊工号Remarks备注YCRO Structure UT/MT Request FormWelding process 焊接方法UT report No.UT 报告号S/N 序号BLK No.分段号Weld TypeB/FP/F*接头形式Joint No.焊缝号Thickness板厚Weld Length焊缝长(mm)Project Name Request Date Req.No.:Project No BLK Location Req.By.:Class: NDT date QCClient:NDT Map:Applied code:RootFilling 打底填充123456789101112131415161718Film No.片号RT Report No.RT 报告号YCRO Piping RT Request FormNo.: YCRO-DQ-051-R-03Rev.: 1.01Date: 30/09/2010Remars 备注welder No.焊工号Welding process 焊接方法S/N 序号BLK No.分段号Spool No 管路号Joint No.焊缝号Size 管径/壁厚Project Name Req.No.:Project No Prod.Req.No:Class: QCClient:Applied code:RootFilling 打底填充123456789101112131415161718* B: Butt joint;FP: Full penetration;F: fillet weld. For TMCP material, UT should follow special procedure.No.: YCRO-DQ-051-R-04Rev.: 1.01Date: 30/09/2010YCRO Piping UT/MT Request Formwelder No.焊工号S/N 序号BLK No.分段号Spool No.管路号Joint No.焊缝号Size 管径/壁厚Weld TypeB/FP/F*接头形式Repair 返修Welding process焊接方法Report No.报告号Remarks 备注Request Date BLK LocationNDT Date NDT Map:MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATIONREPORTNo.: YCRO-DQ-051-R-05 Rev.: 1.01Date: 30/09/2010Report No.: MT/ Project No.: Page of Proj. Name Owner/Customer:Class Society:Item Name(No.): Dwg No.: Applicable Standard:Equipment Type: Yoke Maker: Model: Control No. Black Light NA Magnetization Continuous Current AC Particle Type Visible-wet Maker/Color Surface Cond. ■As groundAs wire brush Contrast MediumSpray paintMaker/ColorW/D ProcessNAMaterial & Thickness Lifting powerResults Discontinuity Identification No. Acc Rej. LINE ROUN etcLocation (mm) Length (mm) TestLength(mm) Welder RemarksNote:Third Party Inspector/Certifying Authority□ Review□ WitnessExamined by Name/Sign Level DateApproved by Owner/Customer□ ReviewULTRASONIC EXAMINATION REPORTNo.: YCRO-DQ-051-R-06-01Rev.: 1.01 Date: 30/09/2010Report No.: UT/Project No.: Page of : Owner/Customer:Class Society:Item Name(No.): Dwg No.:Applicable Standard: DNV-OS-C401 TABLE B5 Procedure No YRF-309-021-003-001 EquipmentMaker: Nanjing QixingModel: DUT-710 Con ′lCouplant □CMC □Glycerine □Oil ■ Starch Cal, Block IIW V1, V2 DNV2-1 SDH φ3MaterialEH36,DH36-TMCPSurface Cond. ■ As ground Wire Brush W/D ProcessFCAWJoint/GrooveKCategory of weldIType Angle Frequency Size MSEB4 57462-19453 0° --54dB 4 MHz Φ10 mm SAC 1006669-74056 45 --41dB 4 MHz8×9mm SAC 1008446-71154 60°--41dB 4 MHz 8×9mm Transducer SAC 1008448-7125070°--46dB 4 MHz 8×9mm Maker ● Krautkramer ○Changzhou probefactory○○ ○Transfer losses, dB: 4dBScanning sensitivity: + 6 dBResults Discontinuity IdentificationNo.Acc Rej Angle Thickness (mm) Location (mm) Length (mm) Depth (mm) Max amplitude DAC (dB)Testlength (mm) WelderRemarkNote: Inspection dateThird Party Inspector/Certifying Authority□ Review □ WitnessExamined by Name/Sign Level DateOwner/CustomerYANTAI CIMC RAFFLES OFFSHORE LTD.ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION REPORTREPORT NO.PROJECT/CLIENT 项目及船东名称INSPECTION/WELD DATE检测日期/焊接日期ACCEPTANCE STANDARD接受标准INSTRUMENT TYPE 仪器型号DRAWING No.图纸号ACCEPTANCE GRADE验收等级PART TITLE 部件名称SURFACE PREPARATION表面状况TRANSDUCER TYPE探头规格BLOCK 试块COUPLANT耦合剂PROBE REF (dB)基准 (dB)MATERIAL 材质TRANSFER LOSSES探伤工件灵敏度(dB)JOINT TYPE接头形式DiscontinuityWeld No. 焊缝编号Welder No.焊工号码Weldslength焊缝长度(mm)Process焊接方法ProbeAngleK值Thickness板厚(mm)TestLocation检测位置(mm)DefectNO.缺陷号Location缺陷位置(mm)Depth缺陷深度(mm)Length缺陷长度(mm)Remarks缺陷类型Judge结果Test length检测长度(mm)TECHNICIANS 探伤员APPROVED BY审核CLIENT船东SURVEYOR验船师LEVEL 级别LEVEL 级别DATE 日期DATE日期DATE日期DATE日期No.: YCRO-DQ-051-R-06-02Rev.: 1.01Date: 30/09/2010Page 1 of 1YANTAI CIMC RAFFLES OFFSHORE LTD. Client:Project:ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION REPORT Report No.:Test object:Object: Drawing No. Category of weld: Base material: Heat treated: Yes/No Welder No.:Welding process: Joint: Note:-- Extent of examinationTested area A-side, mm Tested area B-side, mm■ 100%□ 10%□ Spot check□ According toMeasured min thickness, mm Measured max thickness, mm Test data:Procedure No. Acceptance criteria: Equipment No.: Transfer losses, dB Probe:■ 45°■ S ■ 60°■ 0° □ 70°Scan■ L■ TReportable indications:Weld No. DefectNo probe Distanceformzero pointmmDistance index-centr of weldmmSoundpathmmDepthmmMaxamplitude% DACLengthmmType ofdefectResults TestlengthNote: Inspection date:Operator : Level : Date: Approved by: Level: Date:Client: Surveyor: No.: YCRO-DQ-051-R-06-03 Rev.: 1.01Date: 30/09/2010Page 1 of 1REPORT OF ULTRASONIC EXAMINATIONReport No.: UT/CUSTOMER:YANTAI CIMC RAFFLESOFFSHORE LTDTEST TIME: WELD TIME:PROJECT:COUPLING:WELDER NO. ;PART PLACE:THICKNESS AND MATERIAL: GROOVE TYPE:WELDING PROCESS:ANGLE USED 0° 45° 60° 70°OTHERSTRAIGTHTBEAM SCANNING dBANGLE BEAMBRAND : TEST BLOCK:EQUIPMENTSER. NO.:SURFACE CONDITION:APPLICABLE STANDARDDECIBELSDEFECTSDISTANCEI n d i c a t i o n l e v e lR e f e r e n c e l e v e lA t t e n u a t i o n f a c t o rI n d i c a t i o n r a t i n gWELDING SEAM No.I n d i c a t i o n n u m b e rT r a n s d u c e r a n g l ea b c dL e n g t h (m m )A n g u l a r d i s t a n c e (s o u n d p a t h )D e p t h f r o m ” A ” s u r f a c eF R O M XF R O M Yc l a s sD i s c o n t i n u i t ye v a l u a t i o nW E L D L E N G T H (m m )OPERATOR: APPROVED BY:CLIENT: SURVEYOR:No.: YCRO-DQ-051-R-06-04Rev.: 1.01Date: 30/09/2010S1452-034(1995.01.01),A4(210×297) PORO: Porosity, SLAG: Slag Inclusion, IP: Incomplete Penetration, LF: Lack of Fusion, CR: Crack, U/C: Under Cut, SRC: Root Concavity, E/P: Excessive PenetrationYANTAI CIMC RAFFLES OFFSHORE LTDRADIOGRAPHIC INSPECTION TEST REPORTCLIENT:PROJECT:INSPECTION DATE: REPORT NO:PAGE 1 OF 1ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: DOCUMENT NO : TECHNIQUE NO : PIPE CATEGORY:FILM TYPE :SIZE/QTY : Pb SCREEN :Manual development:WELDING PROCESS : IQI TYPE : SOURCE/STRENGTH :MATERIAL: SFD/FFD : EXPOSURE TIME : SOURCE SIZE : DENSITY : SENSITIVITY :RESULTFILMIDENTIFICATION WELDER NO.POSN SIZE & mm THICKNESS INTERPRETATIO NACCEPTEDREJECTEDLength(mm)OPERATORS:LEVEL: APPROVED BY:LEVEL: CLIENT:ABSSURVEYOR:NDN -NO DISCONTINUITY NOTED CK - CRACK LF-LACK OF FUSION IP -INCOMPLETE PENETRATION GP -GAS PORTPG -POROSITYIN -SLAG INCLUSION TI -TUNGSTEN INCLUSION SU -SURFACE UNDERCUT RC -ROOT CONCA VITY RU -ROOT UNDERCUT SSP - SPATTERSEP -EXCESSIVE PENETRATIONBT -BURN THROUGHVC-VISUAL INSPECTIONNo.: YCRO-DQ-051-R-07-03Rev.: 1.01Date: 30/09/2010PENETRANT EXAMINATION REPORTNo.: YCRO-DQ-051-R-08Rev.: 1.01 Date: 30/09/2010Report No. Project No.: Page of Proj. Name: Owner/Customer:Class. Society:Item Name(No.) : Dwg No.: Applicable Standard: DNV-OS-C401 TABLE B3 Material &ThickNVD36 & 10~55mmW/D ProcessNAJoint/GrooveNAPenetrant DPT-5 Developer DPT-5 Remover DPT-5 Dwell TimeDeveloping TimeSurface Cond.Base material, Temp.Testing Method.Solvent removal Reference BlockJB/Z6064-B3RemarksResults DiscontinuityIdentification No.Acc Rej Line Roun etc. Location (mm) Length(mm) Test Length (mm) Welder RemarksNote: Inspection dateThird Party Inspector/Certifying Authority□ Review □ WitnessExamined by Name/Sign Level DateApproved by Name/Sign Level Date Owner/Customer□ Review □ WitnessS1452-034(1995.01.01),A4(210×297)LINE: Linear Indication ROUN: Round indication项目分段报告号页数接收人签字接收日期返回日期备注报告传递跟踪表编号:YCRO-DQ-051-R-09版本:1.00日期:30/09/20101N o.:Y C R O-D Q-051-R-10R e v.:1.01D a t e:30/09/2010J O B N O:Y R F-2007-216P R O C E D U R E N O.:Y R F-216-U T-02S a i p e m P r o j e c t:P I P E L A Y V E S S E LS h e e t1o f27P R O J E C T D E S C R I P T I O N:T I T L E:N O N-D E S T R U C T I V E T E S T I N G P R O C E D U R E S●U T U l t r a s o n i c T e s t i n gD E L I V E R O W N E R A B S S u r v e y o r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r N D T M a n a g e rS T A T U S I S S U E D F O R A P P R O V A L I S S U E D F O R A P P R O V A L I S S U E D F O R A P P R O V A L I S S U E D F O R A P P R O V A L S I G N A T U R EQ U A N T I T YR E V I S I O N S T A T U S:R E V.N O.D A T E P A G E S D E S C R I P T I O N P r e p a r e d B y R e v i e w e d B y A p p r o v e d B y R e v-A08-07-1415I S S U E D F O R A P P R O V AR e v-B09/06/2919A d d e d p i p i n g U TR e v-C10-07-2827A d d e d T.K.Y.U TN o.:Y C R O-D Q-051-R-10R e v.:1.01D a t e:30/09/2010I N T R O D U C T I O N1028J u l10S C O P E2028J u l10P E R S O N N E L Q U A L I F I C A T I O N3028J u l10S U R F A C E P R E P A R A T I O N4028J u l10E X A M I N A T I O N C O V E R A G E5028J u l10C O U P L A N T6028J u l10R A T E O F P R O B E M O V E M E N T7028J u l10S C A N N I N G S E N S I T I V I T Y L E V E L8028J u l10E V A L U A T I O N9028J u l10V I S U A L I N S P E C T I O N10028J u l10T E S T L I M I T A T I O N S11028J u l10E Q U I P M E N T12028J u l10C A L I B R A T I O N B L O C K S13028J u l10P R O B E14028J u l10R E S O L U T I O N15028J u l10C a l i b r a t i o n f o r E x a m i n a t i o n16028J u l10S E N S I T I V I T Y L E V E L17028J u l10S W E E P R A N G E C A L I B R A T I O N18028J u l10S I Z I N G O F D I S C O N T I N U I T Y19028J u l10S C A N N I N G20028J u l10R E P O R T I N G21028J u l10A C C E P T A N C E C R I T E R I A22028J u l10T E C H N I Q U E S H E E TF IG U R EA P P E N D I C E S241.0I N T R O D U C T I O N2.0S C O P E3.0P E R S O N N E L Q U A L I F I C A T I O N4.0S U R F A C E P R E P A R A T I O N5.0E X A M I N A T I O N C O V E R A G E6.0C O U P L A N T7.0R A T E O F P R O B E M O V E M E N T8.0S C A N N I N G S E N S I T I V I T Y L E V E L9.0E V A L U A T I O N10.0V I S U A L I N S P E C T I O N11.0T E S T L I M I T A T I O N S12.0E Q U I P M E N T13.0C A L I B R A T I O N B L O C K S14.0P R O B E15.0R E S O L U T I O N16.0C A L I B R A A T I O N F O R E X A M I N A T I O N17.0S E N S I T I V I T Y L E V E L18.0S W E E P R A N G E C A L I B R A T I O N19.0S I Z I N G O F D I S C O N T I N U I T Y20.0S C A N N I N G21.0R E P O R T I N GT e s t r e p o r t s s h a l l c o n t a i n e d b u t n o t l i m i t e d t o t h e f o l l o w i n g:a)C l i e n tb)D a t e o f e x a m i n a t i o nc)P r o j e c t a n d I t e m r e f e r e n c ed)M a t e r i a l-t y p e&t h i c k n e s s a n d W e l d p r e p a r a t i o n&p r o c e s se)P r o c e d u r e/S p e c i f i c a t i o n/S t a n d a r df)C o u p l a n t u s e dg)S u r f a c e c o n d i t i o n a n d t e m p e r a t u r eh)E q u i p m e n t t y p e a n d s e r i a l n u m b e ri)C a l i b r a t i o n b l o c k u s e dj)P r o b e u s e d a n d T e s t s e n s i t i v i t yk)T e c h n i q u e/N a t u r e o f t e s tl)A c c e p t a n c e c r i t e r i am)R e s u l t s a n d r e m a r k sn)E x a m i n e ro)T y p e o f d e f e c tp)T e s t r a n g eq)A c c e p t a n c e c r i t e r i ar)C o r r e c t e d p r i m a r y g a i ns)C a t e g o r y o f w e l dt)R e p o r t i n g l e v e lu)P r o b e-t y p e&f r e q u e n c yv)E x t e n t o f t e s t i n gw)D r a w i n g N O.o r s k e t c h.x)A s k e t c h m u s t b e s u b m i t t e d w i t h r e p o r t f o r a l l r e j e c t e b l e w e l d j o i n t s.S e e A p p e n d i x B122.0A C C E P T A N C E C R I T E R I AA P P E N D I X B1Y A N T A I C I M C R A F F L E S O F F S H O R E L T D.C l i e n t:P r o j e c t:U L T R A S O N I C E X A M I N A T I O N R E P O R TR e p o r t N o.:U T/T e s t o b j e c t:D r a w i n g N o.C a t e g o r y o f w e l d: O b j e c t:H e a t t r e a t e d:Y e s/N o W e l d e r N o.:W e l d i n g p r o c e s s:J o i n t t y p e:C o u p l a n t:T e s t d a t a:A n g l e u s e d 0°45°60°70°S t r a i g h t b e a m t y p e&f r e q u e n c yR a n g e(m m) P r i m a r y A n g l e b e a m t y p e &f r e q u e n c yP r o c e d u r e N o.A c c e p t a n c e c r i t e r i a:T r a n s f e r l o s s e s,d B:B a s e m a t e r i a l&t h i c k n e s s:C a l i b r a t i o n b l o c k&t y p e:R e f e r e n c e b l o c k:A d d i t i o n,d B E q u i p m e n t b r a n d:R e p o r t a b l e i n d i c a t i o n s:W e l d N o.D e f e c tN o.p r o b e D i s t a n c ef o r m z e r op o i n tm mD i s t a n c ei n d e x-c e n t r o fw e l dm mS o u n dp a t hm mD e p t hm mM a xa m p l i t u d e%D A CL e n g t hm mT y p e o fd e f e c tR e s u l t s T e s tl e n g t hN o t e:.Y C Q R46-2006O p e r a t o r:L e v e l:I n s p e c t i o n d a t e:A p p r o v e d b y: L e v e l:D a t e:C l i e n t:A B SS u r v e y o r:。



无损检测工作流程及管理无损检测(Non-Destructive Testing,NDT)是一种用于检测材料和构件内部缺陷或表面缺陷的技术。

























无损检测工艺规程1. 引言无损检测(Nondestructive Testing,简称NDT)是一种用于评估材料、组件和结构中存在的内部和外部缺陷的技术。



2. 范围本规程适用于所有需要进行无损检测的场景。


3. 责任与权限无损检测的责任和权限应明确分配给相关人员,以确保工作的主导性和顺利进行。

3.1 主要责任•无损检测技术人员:负责进行无损检测操作,执行检测工艺规程,准确评估材料和结构的缺陷情况。


3.2 权限•无损检测技术人员:具备相关资质和培训经验,并符合国家相关标准要求。


4. 工艺流程无损检测的工艺流程应包括以下步骤:1.确定无损检测的目的和要求。








5. 设备和工具要求5.1 设备要求•超声波检测:超声波探测器、超声波发射器、超声波接收器等。




5.2 工具要求•清洁工具:刷子、布等。


6. 安全要求6.1 无损检测操作应符合国家相关的安全标准和要求,确保人身安全和设备的完好性。



NDT检验程序(RT、UT、MT、PT)1 范围:本程序适用于容器和设备、钢结构及工艺管线的无损检测,包括材料到货检验和焊接检验。


2 NDT委托由焊接工程师填发委托单,经NDT工程师审核无误时接收。

3 编制检测工艺卡NDT工程师按检测对象,根据相应规程、标准、技术要求编制NDT工艺卡,规范检测施工技术。

4 人员取得锅炉压力容器无损检测资格的Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级人员,探伤结果评定人和复评人均须具有Ⅱ级以上资格(含Ⅱ级)。

5 设备X、γ射线探伤机、超声波探伤仪、磁粉探伤机、洗片机等。

6 NDT标准JB4730-94 压力容器无损检测7 检测前准备外观符合检测要求,确认材质、厚度等,对于有延迟裂纹倾向的焊缝,必须在焊后24小时方可探伤。

8 射线检测工艺8.1 焦距的确定必须同时满足几何不清晰度Ug及透照厚度比K值的要求,AB级:K≤1.1,Ug≤1/10L2 1/3。

8.2 曝光参数的确定根据被检件的材质、厚度及透照方式,结合设备实际情况选择合理的焦距与曝光参数。

8.3 编号方法a) 设备(产品)组焊设备(产品)编号—焊缝编号—片位号b) 工艺管道管线号—(区号)—焊缝编号—片位号8.4 X射线探伤透照方式及透照次数的选择:一般采用外透法,管道透照按下表要求8.5 射线底片上的标记要求每张底片上要有管线号(产品设备编号)、(区号)、焊缝编号、片位号、定位标记、透照日期、象质计等。

8.6 胶片‘Kodak’AA、利维那TESTIX T7 、天津Ⅲ型等。

8.7 增感屏采用铅箔增感屏8.8 暗室处理手洗或使用自动洗片机处理溶液应保持在良好的状况中,注意温度、时间和抖动对冲洗效果的影响。


8.9 底片评定由RT-Ⅱ级资格以上人员评定和审核结果。

8.10 返修a) 不合格品发返修通知单。






































































无损检测的实施步骤概述无损检测(Non-Destructive Testing, NDT)是一种通过非破坏性手段来评估材料、组件、结构或系统的完整性、性能和质量的方法。



























无损探伤安全技术规程无损探伤(Non-destructive testing,简称NDT)是一种非破坏性的检验技术,通过对物体内部及表面缺陷、裂纹、组织、缺陷位置及大小等信息进行探测与识别,为保证工业生产安全和产品质量提供重要手段。















五、安全措施进行无损检测应当注意安全措施,包括但不限于:1. 检测设备和仪器应当符合国家相关标准规定,并定期进行检验和维护。

2. 无损检测人员应当接受规范化的培训和认证,熟练掌握检测技术和安全操作知识。

3. 在无损检测现场应当设立安全警示标志,确保人员和设备的安全。

4. 检测过程中应当做好现场清理和防止污染处理,确保环境卫生和安全。

5. 在进行无损检测时应当佩戴相应的安全装备,如防护镜、耳塞、手套等,保障人员的安全。




1.1 委托程序
1.1.1 安装单位必须在具备相应检测方法的条件下向检测单位提出书面的检测任务委托单。

1.1.2 委托单应包括具体的检测方法、等级、合格级别、检测时间及相关技术要求。

1.1.3 委托单必须有安装单位检查员并经外观检查达到相应检测方法的表面要求后签字及监理单位签字后才能有效。

1.1.4 安装单位应提供检测工程任务的施工网络计划,以便检测单位人员及材料的准备。

1.2 检测的准备程序
1.2.1 安排具有相应资质的检测人员到达现场,并对现场的施工环境条件、安全措施、水、电、照明等条件进行落实。

1.2.2 组织检测的设备,材料进入现场。


1.2.3 确定具体检测时间及工艺卡。

1.3 检测实施程序
1.3.1 根据相应检测方法的工艺卡及作业指导书进行实际检测作业。

1.3.2 现场实际操作应由具有Ⅱ级相应检测方法资质的人员担任,或由Ⅱ级资质人员指导Ⅰ级资质的人员进行操作,UT 作业必须由Ⅱ级资质的人员进行主要的实际操作。

1.3.3 现场作业应及时,准确的做好检测原始记录。



1.3.4 及时提出检测报告,并交付安装单位,对于RT,由于不能马上出具完整的检测报告,但必须及时地提交检测结果给安装单位。



ndt操作规程NDT(Non-Destructive Testing)即无损检测,是指在不破坏被测对象的物理结构和性能的情况下,利用一定的物理手段,检测出被测对象内部或表面的缺陷、病害或暗隐问题的技术。



一、NDT操作规程的内容1. 检测目标:明确被测对象的类型、尺寸、形状以及检测范围。

2. 检测方法:根据被测对象的特点,选择适当的无损检测方法,如视觉检测、涡流检测、超声波检测、射线检测等。

3. 检测设备:明确所需使用的检测设备及其规格、型号,并保证设备的正常运行和准确性。

4. 操作要求:包括操作人员的资质要求、工作环境的要求、检测前后的准备工作、操作步骤及要注意的事项等。

5. 数据处理与分析:对检测结果的数据进行处理和分析,做出合理的判断和结论。

二、NDT操作规程的要求1. 操作人员要求:具备相应NDT技术的培训或认证资质,熟悉被测对象的特点和检测方法,并了解各种NDT设备的原理和操作。

2. 设备要求:NDT设备应符合国家相关标准或规范要求,且必须经过定期的维护和校准。

3. 安全要求:操作时应采取必要的防护措施,如穿戴好个人防护装备、避免直接接触有害物质、确保设备的安全性等。

4. 整机要求:检测设备和被测对象的相互配合要恰当,操作步骤要合理,检测点位要准确。

5. 数据处理要求:检测数据的处理应符合相关规范和标准,确保结果的准确性和可靠性,还需要对数据进行存档和管理。

三、NDT操作规程的实施过程1. 检测前准备:包括确认被测对象的相关信息、选择合适的NDT方法和设备、组织操作人员进行培训和指导等。

2. 检测过程:根据操作规程的要求,有序地开展检测工作。


3. 检测结果的处理与分析:将检测数据进行处理和分析,采用相应的判定标准进行评判,从而做出合理的检测结论。

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一、The delegate of NDT无损检测的委托Need to be detected according to the drawings or technical documents, materials, parts or products, must after appearance quality inspection, nondestructive testing orders will be completed by the clients, after the client inspectors signature confirmation, I conduct nondestructive testing department test.Orders of NDT testing on the basis of nondestructive testing personnel, is my company commissioned, after carefully review orders, once found the problem, should be timely feedback to the entrusted departments or personnel. Review highlights include checking the product number, name, were, detection methods, detection ratio, entrusted by the qualified level is conformed to the drawings, standards and specification requirements.根据图样或技术文件要求,需检测的材料、零部件或产品,必须经外观质量检查合格后,由委托方填写无损检测委托单,经委托方检查人员签章确认后,交我公司无损检测部门实施检测。



二、The prepare of NDT无损检测的准备Should be fully prepared before implementation of nondestructive testing. Mainly has the following three aspects:1, nondestructive testing personnelAccording to the requirement of the nondestructive testing orders, arrange testing has the corresponding qualification of NDT personnel.2, instruments and equipment calibrationNondestructive testing instruments and equipment shall meet the requirements of the product's nondestructive testing, and by class II or class II above personnel in accordance with the provisions of Calibrate the instrument and equipment, in order to ensure the accuracy of the instruments and equipment used, to ensure the quality ofnondestructive testing.3,test process cardAccording to the tested product pattern, the welding procedure specification and blanking layout diagram, the class II or class II above of nondestructive testing personnel for nondestructive testing process card, the NDT engineer or level III personnel after the audit implementation of nondestructive testing personnel.实施无损检测前,应做好充分准备。




三、The implementation of NDT无损检测的实施1, the requirements for testing surfaceEvery need to nondestructive testing of surface quality, should be through to the appearance inspection, issue orders, the entrusted all can implement the detection.2, review on the surface of detectionAfter receiving orders, nondestructive testing personnel or professional responsible for personnel according to orders for the surface quality of test parts one by one check, confirmed by the review, after having confirmed before testing. Do not conform to the requirements, if any, shall be timely feedback to the client for processing and qualified nondestructive testing of the reentry after.3, conduct checked parts testAccording to the order of test parts and test methods, inspection personnel should be according to the requirement of the test procedure and process card instrument andequipment debugging, testing and evaluation, record test conditions, test results and draw parts diagram, and completes the NDT tag on workpiece,4, repair and the reinspection do not coincideIn the process of nondestructive testing, such as when he found the defects of the checked parts have not allowed, by class II or class II above the delegate nondestructive testing personnel issued a notice of repair, approved by detecting the responsibility division, pay to the tissue repair. After repair, the client to check the quality of the repair parts of the surface after confirm qualified, check bar in the original notice of repair repair sign, pay by the entrusting party NDT department according to the original detection method for testing. To test the local weld defects have not allowed, there should be on both ends of the flaw extension part of the expansion agent.1、对检测表面的要求凡需进行无损检测的表面质量,应经委托方外观检查合格,签发委托单,受委托方方可实施检测。





