



可编辑修改精选全文完整版关于英语学习调查问卷1.您的性别 [单选题] [必答题]○男○女2.您的年龄 [单选题] [必答题]○ 18岁以下○ 18-25岁○ 25-40岁○ 40岁以上3.您的职业 [单选题] [必答题]○学生○政府及其他教育机构工作者○自由职业者○待业及退休4.您是什么时候开始学习英语的 [单选题] [必答题]○小学及以下○初中○高中○大学○其它5.您学习英语的目的是什么 [多选题] [必答题]□为将来去国外看看或者深造打好基础□热爱英语/英国文化□为了做英语相关的工作□为了拿英语证书□只是兴趣□为了应付考试,因为它是主要科目□其它6.您对英语感兴趣吗? [单选题] [必答题]○特感兴趣○比较感兴趣○不太感兴趣○一点也不感兴趣○讨厌英语7.对学好英语,您的信心是 [单选题] [必答题]○很有信心○一般○没有信心8.日常英语中所遇到的问题 [多选题] [必答题]□单词□语法□口语□听力□写作□其它9.你所遇到的问题能否即使解决 [单选题] [必答题]○能○不能10.不愿意开口说英语的最主要原因是什么 [多选题] [必答题] □听不懂□词汇贫乏□胆怯心理□害怕犯错□其它11.您认为影响您学好英语的原因是什么? [多选题] [必答题] □本来基础好或差□老师的教学方法□老师的教学水平□教材内容的有趣性和相关性□其它12.您对现在英语教学方式的看法 [单选题] [必答题]○喜欢○一般○爱恨交织○其它13.您所期望的英语教学方式 [单选题] [必答题]○教师讲,学生听○以学生自学为主,教师只做指导○完全依靠自学○其它14.您是否有深化英语的打算 [单选题] [必答题]○是○否。








13.您对于老师的教学方法或者对于学校有什么意见或者建议? ________________________________________________________ 谢谢您配合我们的问卷调查活动。



1111 A questionnaire on “English learning ” Now English has become a required course in china. A lot of experts put forward a lot of useful ways to learn English. Although students known how to learn English, their English is still bad. So study on their English learning attitude is necessary .It let us know the learner ’s mind and let teachers can put out an effective method about how to teach English better. Following are what we want to learn, please give us a serious answer.1. You are interested in learning English.disagree2.You think you are a great capacity for learning.disagree3.Do you think your English is very talented .disagree4.You have very strong in learning self-control , Often takethe time to learn English.disagree strongly agree general5. All of your classmates are loving English, English learningatmosphere is very thick.disagree22226. You keep learning English is due in social pressures, thefuture development needs.disagree strongly agree general7.You feel satisfiedfor strengtheningthatthe teachingeffectto the current set of practice (speech, oral English horn) .disagreestrongly agree general8.You feel satisfied on the current that teacher recommendedteaching auxiliary materials (the original movie, books and magazines, etc) .disagree9. You feel satisfied for the current English teaching hardwareand teaching facilities (multimedia, language lab) .disagree strongly agree general10. Y ou think that English class’ atmosphere is very good.disagree strongly agree general11. I n English classroom teachers' teaching has focused on theclear and you can complete mastery.disagree strongly agree general3333 12. Y our teacher and students are good at communication,and can keep abreast of the classmates confusion.disagree strongly agree general13.Y our teacher’ spoken English standardand language abilityis very strong.disagreestrongly agree general14.You thinkthrough the study,burns,your teacher canstimulateyour desire to learn English.disagree strongly agree general15. Y ou think through the classroom study, can improve yourself-confidence and expectations.16. Y ou think through the classroom your English comprehensiveability (English speech contest, and debate) can getpromoted.disagree strongly agree generalThanks very much!。



---Introduction:Dear [Recipient's Name],We are conducting a customer satisfaction survey to gather valuable feedback on our products/services and to better understand your experience with us. Your responses will be anonymous and will help us improve our offerings and customer service. We greatly appreciate your time and willingness to participate. Please take a few moments to complete this survey. Thank you!---Section 1: General Information1. Name:- First Name:- Last Name:2. Contact Information:- Email Address:- Phone Number:3. Demographics:- Age Range:- 18-24- 25-34- 35-44- 45-54- 55-64- 65+- Gender:- Male- Female- Non-Binary/Third Gender- Prefer not to say4. How did you hear about our products/services?- Online Advertising- Word of Mouth- Social Media- Other (Please specify): ___________---Section 2: Product/Service Experience5. On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with ourproducts/services? (1 being very dissatisfied, 5 being very satisfied) - 1- 2- 3- 4- 56. Please rate the following aspects of our products/services:- Quality: ___________- Price: ___________- Variety: ___________- Packaging: ___________- Overall Value: ___________7. What features do you like most about our products/services? Pleaselist up to three:- ___________- ___________- ___________8. What aspects of our products/services could be improved? Please list up to three:- ___________- ___________- ___________---Section 3: Customer Service Experience9. On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with our customer service?(1 being very dissatisfied, 5 being very satisfied)- 1- 2- 3- 4- 510. Please rate the following aspects of our customer service:- Responsiveness: ___________- Knowledgeability: ___________- Friendliness: ___________- Problem Resolution: ___________- Overall Customer Service Experience: ___________11. What did you like most about our customer service? Please list up to three:- ___________- ___________- ___________12. What could our customer service improve on? Please list up to three:- ___________- ___________- ___________---Section 4: Additional Feedback13. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with our products/services or customer service? Please provide any additional comments or suggestions:___________---Conclusion:Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is invaluable to us and will help us improve our products/services and customer experience. We look forward to continuing to serve you in the future.End of Survey---Please note that this template can be customized based on the specific needs of your survey. You may add or remove questions, adjust the rating scales, or include additional sections relevant to your business.。




谢谢你的真诚合作!一、个人根本情况您的姓名:所在学员营:所属年龄阶段:18—25 □25 —35 □35—45□45—55□55 — 65 □进入学院前,最后一次在学校里接受系统英语学习是什么时候:幼儿园□小学□初中□高中□大学□从未学过□二、英语水平现状1.您目前参加过以下哪些英语水平测试:〔可多项选择〕CET4□CET6□托福□雅思□BEC□专八□专四□都没通过□其它英语考试:〔请注明〕 ________________________2.您目前的听力水平是:能听懂外国新闻及原声电影□与外国人交流不会有听力障碍□英语交流时仅能听懂一些单词□根本都听不懂□3.您目前的口语水平是:可以在正式的场合进行正常交流□可以满足日常交流□只会蹦单词或简单的句子□根本一句都不会□4.您目前的阅读水平是:能轻松读懂课本上的文章□能根本读懂课本上的文章□需要借助翻译工具才能勉强读懂□很困难无法阅读□5.您目前的写作水平是:能够使用地道的英语进行写作□根本能够用英语进行文字交流□需借助翻译工具才能写出简单的句子□很困难无法用英语进行写作□6.您感觉您的发音准确吗?标准□总体还可以□一般□不准□只会局部音标和简单的单词拼读□音标根本读不准、单词拼读困难□7.您认为您的英语根本词汇量到达了什么水平?.精品文档小学〔 300-500〕□ 初中 ( 800-1100) □高中〔 1800-2500〕□大学英语四级及以上〔 4000 以上〕□8.您认为自己能够熟悉掌握并运用以下哪些语法知识?〔可多项选择〕一般现在时□ 一般过去时□ 一般将来时□ 现在完成时□ 过去完成时□都只是听说过□只听说过个别几个□既没听说过也不会用□9.您目前的英语弱项是:〔可多项选择〕听□说□读□写□译□10.对于英语您自己目前的真实感觉是:感兴趣□有点难□很困难□根本什么都不懂□根本不想学□.。



调查问卷1. 你喜欢上英语课吗?原因简写:A.喜欢 B. 不喜欢 C.无所谓2. 你认为英语怎么样才算学得好?A. 口语好B. 能看懂英语邮件/文章C. 综合能力强3. 你有背英语课文的习惯吗?A. 有B. 没有C. 以前有4. 你对听英语讲座感兴趣吗?A.感兴趣 B. 不感兴趣 C. 没听过5. 你有看英文小说(或中英版小说)的经历吗?A. 没有B. 有C. 根本没想过6. 你在进行阅读的时候,最大的障碍是什么?A.词汇量、语法知识不丰富B.阅读时不能专心C.综合理解能力不高D.阅读速度慢7. 你感兴趣的英语阅读材料的内容是:A.娱乐B. 文学C. 社会D. 校园E.科技F. 人物G. 其它8. 工作中的英语类型你认为哪些最重要,请排序A. 专业词汇B. 日常交流C. 商务邮件D. 餐饮礼仪E.商务谈判F.自我/产品/企业介绍G.其他9. 当你阅读时,你习惯于:A. 快速默读B. 出声读C. 不出声但发音器官在动D. 边读边用笔划线10. 你所掌握的词汇数量A.100以内B.100-500C.500-1000D.1000以上11. 你掌握的英文对话,可以随口说出来的A. 无B.仅限于打招呼C. 50句以内D. 50句以上12. 除了看书,你还看英语电影或电视吗?A.不看 B. 偶尔 C. 经常看13. 你认为单词记忆的难点在哪里?A.发音规则B.书写记忆C.词汇运用规则D.在语句中的应用14. 你觉得在英语阅读过程中,最大的障碍是A.生词B.对句子的理解C.对整篇文章的理解15.在你平时做英语阅读训练时,对文段中新的单词或短语会A.立刻查字典B.根据上下文猜测其意思C.直接跳过16. 你现有工作岗位是否需要使用英语?A.经常B. 偶尔C. 不使用17. 你觉得今后在工作岗位中你会用到英语吗?A.会B. 不会C. 不知道18.请你谈一谈怎么样上英语课才能提高你对英语的学习兴趣?。



---IntroductionDear [Participant's Name],We are conducting a research study on [briefly describe the topic of the survey] to better understand [the purpose of the survey, e.g., consumer behavior, public opinion, market trends]. Your participation is crucial for the success of this study. This questionnaire should take approximately [time estimate] minutes to complete. All responses will be kept confidential and used only for research purposes. Thank you for taking the time to share your insights.---Section 1: Demographics1. Gender:- Male- Female- Other/Prefer not to say2. Age Range:- 18-24- 25-34- 35-44- 45-54- 55-64- 65+3. Education Level:- High School/GED- Some College- Bachelor's Degree- Master's Degree- Doctorate/Professional - Prefer not to say4. Occupation:- Full-time Employee- Part-time Employee- Self-employed- Student- Retired- Homemaker- Prefer not to say5. Annual Household Income: - Under $25,000- $25,000 - $49,999- $50,000 - $74,999- $75,000 - $99,999- $100,000 - $149,999- $150,000+- Prefer not to say6. Marital Status:- Single- Married- Divorced- Widowed- Prefer not to say7. Number of Children in Household:- 0- 1- 2- 3- 4+- Prefer not to say---Section 2: Knowledge and Experience8. How familiar are you with [specific topic/brand/service]?- Not at all familiar- Slightly familiar- Moderately familiar- Very familiar- Extremely familiar9. In the past [time frame], how often have you used [specific product/service]?- Never- Rarely- Occasionally- Frequently- Always10. What is your primary source of information about [specifictopic/brand/service]?- Online research- Friends/word-of-mouth- Advertising- Media reports- Other (please specify): ____________11. Have you ever faced any challenges or issues while using [specific product/service]?- Yes- No12. If yes, please describe the challenges or issues you encountered:- ____________---Section 3: Attitudes and Opinions13. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, how much do you agree with the following statements?- 1. [Specific statement about the topic/brand/service]- 2. [Specific statement about the topic/brand/service]- 3. [Specific statement about the topic/brand/service]14. How likely are you to recommend [specific product/service] to a friend or colleague?- Not at all likely- Slightly likely- Moderately likely- Very likely- Extremely likely15. What are the top three factors that influence your decision to purchase [specific product/service]?- ____________- ____________- ____________。



关于英语学习调查问卷1.您的性别 [单选题] [必答题]○男○女2.您的年龄 [单选题] [必答题]○ 18岁以下○ 18-25岁○ 25-40岁○ 40岁以上3.您的职业 [单选题] [必答题]○学生○政府及其他教育机构工作者○自由职业者○待业及退休4.您是什么时候开始学习英语的 [单选题] [必答题]○小学及以下○初中○高中○大学○其它5.您学习英语的目的是什么 [多选题] [必答题]□为将来去国外看看或者深造打好基础□热爱英语/英国文化□为了做英语相关的工作□为了拿英语证书□只是兴趣□为了应付考试,因为它是主要科目□其它6.您对英语感兴趣吗? [单选题] [必答题]○特感兴趣○比较感兴趣○不太感兴趣○一点也不感兴趣○讨厌英语7.对学好英语,您的信心是 [单选题] [必答题]○很有信心○一般○没有信心8.日常英语中所遇到的问题 [多选题] [必答题]□单词□语法□口语□听力□写作□其它9.你所遇到的问题能否即使解决 [单选题] [必答题]○能○不能10.不愿意开口说英语的最主要原因是什么 [多选题] [必答题] □听不懂□词汇贫乏□胆怯心理□害怕犯错□其它11.您认为影响您学好英语的原因是什么? [多选题] [必答题] □本来基础好或差□老师的教学方法□老师的教学水平□教材内容的有趣性和相关性□其它12.您对现在英语教学方式的看法 [单选题] [必答题]○喜欢○一般○爱恨交织○其它13.您所期望的英语教学方式 [单选题] [必答题]○教师讲,学生听○以学生自学为主,教师只做指导○完全依靠自学○其它14.您是否有深化英语的打算 [单选题] [必答题]○是○否。



英文调查问卷Questionnaire SurveyIn order to gain a deeper understanding of [specific topic or issue], we are earnestly conducting a comprehensive questionnaire survey. Your active participation is of utmost significance as it will provide valuable insights and data that can help us make more informed decisions and take appropriate actions. Please answer the following questions truthfully and with careful consideration.1.What is your age?A. Under 18B. 18-24C. 25-30D. 31-40E. Over 401.What is your gender?A. MaleB. Female1.What is your occupation?A. StudentB. Office workerC. Self-employedD. Other1.How often do you engage in [related activity]?A. Every dayB. Several times a weekC. Once a weekD. Several times a monthE. Once a month or less1.What do you think are the advantages of [related topic]?A. [Advantage 1] provides [specific benefit]. For example, it can [elaborate on the benefit].B. [Advantage 2] is significant because it [explain its importance].C. [Advantage 3] offers [another benefit], which is crucial for [reason].D. Other [allow respondents to specify other advantages they perceive].1.What are the problems you have encountered in [related situation]?A. [Problem 1] has caused [consequence]. This issue has made it difficult for [explain the impact].B. [Problem 2] is a major concern as it [describe the problem and its implications].C. [Problem 3] poses a challenge as it [elaborate on the problem and its effects].D. Other [give respondents the opportunity to mention other problems they have faced].1.Do you have any suggestions for improving [related aspect]?A. [Suggestion 1] could be implemented by [explain how it can be done]. This would likely lead to [expected outcome].B. [Suggestion 2] would be beneficial if [describe the conditions for its effectiveness].C. [Suggestion 3] might work if [explain the circumstances under which it would be useful].D. Other [allow respondents to offer their own unique suggestions].Thank you very much for your cooperation and valuable input. Your responses will play a crucial role in our research and efforts to address the issues at hand. We truly appreciate your time and effort in completing this questionnaire.翻译:问卷调查为了更深入地了解[具体主题或问题],我们正在认真进行一项全面的问卷调查。


agreeddisagreestrongly disagreestrongly agreegeneral
5.All of your classmates are loving English,English learning atmosphere is very thick.
agreeddisagreestrongly disagreestrongly agreegeneral
strongly agree general
3.Do you think your English is very talented .
agreeddisagreestrongly disagree
strongly agreegeneral
4.You have very strong in learning self-control ,Often take the time to learn English.
agreed disagreestrongly disagree strongly agreegeneral
9.You feel satisfied for the current English teaching hardware and teaching facilities (multimedia, language lab) .
A questionnaireon “English learning”
NowEnglish has become a required course in china.A lot of experts put forward a lot of useful ways to learn English. Although students known how to learn English, their English is still bad. So study on their English learning attitude is necessary .It let us know the learner’s mind and let teachers can put out an effective method about how to teach English better. Following are what we want to learn, please give us a serious answer.



Introduction:This questionnaire is designed to gather insights and feedback from students regarding their experiences and preferences in the English language subject. Your responses will help us understand the areas of improvement and the strengths of our English curriculum. Your participation is highly valued and will contribute to enhancing the quality of education provided. Please take your time to read each question carefully and provide honest answers. All responses will be kept confidential.Section 1: Background Information1. What is your gender?- Male- Female- Non-binary/Other- Prefer not to say2. What is your age range?- 12-15 years- 16-18 years- 19-22 years- 23-25 years- 26 years and above3. What is your current grade level?- Grade 7- Grade 8- Grade 9- Grade 10- Grade 11- Grade 12- Other (please specify)4. What is your major or field of study?- Science- Engineering- Arts- Business- Literature- Other (please specify)Section 2: English Language Proficiency5. How would you rate your overall English language proficiency?- Beginner- Intermediate- Advanced- Proficient6. Which of the following areas do you find most challenging in English? - Reading- Writing- Listening- Speaking- Grammar- Vocabulary- Other (please specify)7. How often do you practice English outside of school?- Daily- Weekly- Monthly- Rarely/Seldom- Never8. What are your primary sources of English learning outside of school?- English books and novels- English movies and TV shows- Online English courses and tutorials- English language exchange programs- English conversation clubs- Other (please specify)Section 3: English Curriculum and Teaching Methods9. How satisfied are you with the current English curriculum?- Very satisfied- Satisfied- Neutral- Dissatisfied- Very dissatisfied10. Which of the following teaching methods do you find most effective in learning English?- Traditional lectures- Interactive group activities- Project-based learning- Flipped classroom- Technology-based learning- One-on-one tutoring- Other (please specify)11. Do you prefer lessons that focus on grammar and vocabulary, or those that are more conversational and practical?- Grammar and vocabulary- Conversational and practical12. How often do you receive feedback on your English assignments and performance?- Daily- Weekly- Bi-weekly- Monthly- Rarely/Seldom- Never13. What types of feedback do you find most helpful?- Written comments- Oral feedback- Peer reviews- Self-assessment- Other (please specify)Section 4: Additional Comments and Suggestions14. Is there anything specific you would like to see added or changed in the English curriculum?- Please provide details:15. How do you think the English language subject could be better integrated with other subjects?- Please provide details:16. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions that you would like to share about the English language subject?- Please provide details:Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Your feedback is crucial in helping us improve our English language program. Your responses will be used for internal review and will not be shared with any external parties without。



英语学习问卷调查表English Training Questionnaire大家好:Dear All:非常感谢您抽出宝贵时间来完成以下英语需求分析问卷调查表,以供我们为您安排最有效的英语培训计划。

敬请依照您目前真实的学习状况及需求填答本调查,谢谢您的合作!Thank you for taking the time to complete the following English Training Questionnaire, which will help us arrange the English language training that most benefits you. So, please answer the following questions based on you real learning situation and your requirements. Thank you for your cooperation.姓名(Name):___________________ 年龄(Age):_____________________职位(Positon):____________________所服务的公司(Which company you are working for)_________________________1.您觉得您的英语水平处在何种程度?What do you think of the level of your English?________________A.好(Top) B. 不错(High)C. 中等(Medium) D. 中下(Low)E. 差(Lowest)2. 您现在是否正在学习英语?Are you learning English right now?__________________A. 是(Yes)B. 否(No)3. 您是否取得过任何英语水平考试证书?Have you ever got any English Level Certificate(s)?A.是(Yes) 请说明Please specify________________________________________B.否(No)4. 当前最希望提高的英语技能是什么?Which skill(s) of English is your favorite to get improved right now?A.口语(Speaking) B. 听力(Listening) C. 阅读(Reading) D. 写作(Writing) E. 以上全部(All above)5. 英语学习中感到最大的困难是什么?What is difficult for you during your study of English?__________A.听力差(Listening) B. 口语差(Speaking) C.词汇量小(Vocabulary) D.语法规则不懂(Grammar)E.以上全部(All above)6. 希望最先学习的英语领域?Which English areas you would like to study in the beginning?A.工作交际(Work language)B.电话交流(Telephone communication)C.商务会议(Business meeting)D.外出旅游(Travel language)E.其它(Others) Please specify___________________________7. 您最喜欢的课程活动类型是什么?Which way is your favorite to carry out the study of English?___________A.独自学习(Study alone)B.小组活动(Group activities)C.角色扮演(Role play)E.游戏(Games)8.您最喜欢的授课方式是什么?What is your favorite way to get training about English?_____________A.全英(Only English)B.英汉混搭(English/Chinese)C.全中文(Only Chinese)9. 让您不开口讲英语最主要的原因是?The main reason to stop you from speaking in English is?__________________A.不知如何用英语表达方式(Don’t know how to communicate in English)B.不知讲什么内容(Don’t know what to speak about)C.缺乏真实语境和气氛(Lack of English speaking environment)D.害怕犯错(Afraid to make mistakes)10.您认为什么样的方式对提高您的口语最有用?Which way is most useful to improve your oral English?_____________A.背句型(Memorize the sample sentences)B.对话练习(Dialogues practices)C.背课文(Memorize the articles)D.在真实情境中使用(Usage in the English speaking environment)11. 您对英语学习的感兴趣程度?Are you interested in study of English?_______________A.非常感兴趣(Mostly interested)B.比较感兴趣(Interested)C.一般(Medium)D.不感兴趣(Not at all)12. 您对参与英语课程活动持什么态度?What is your attitude to participate in English Training?___________A.积极参与(Positive)B.一般参与(Medium)C.不参与(Negative)对于公司开展午休时间英语培训,请提出您的想法与建议?(必答项)Please tell your opinions and ideas, regarding company’s planning to carry out the “Lunch break” English training. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________。



---Introduction:This questionnaire is designed to gather insights into the usage of the English language among participants. Your responses will help us understand common errors, preferences, and areas of improvement in English language use. The survey is completely anonymous and should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Thank you for yourparticipation!---Section 1: Background Information1. Age:- Under 18- 18-24- 25-34- 35-44- 45-54- 55-64- 65 and above2. Gender:- Male- Female- Non-binary- Prefer not to say3. Education Level:- High School/Secondary School- Bachelor’s Degree- Master’s Degree- Doctorate/PhD- Other (please specify)4. Native Language:- English- Spanish- French- German- Other (please specify)5. Years of English Study:- Less than 1 year- 1-3 years- 4-6 years- 7-10 years- 11+ years---Section 2: English Language Usage6. Which of the following English dialects or accents do you identify with most closely?- British- American- Australian- Canadian- South African- Other (please specify)7. How would you rate your overall proficiency in English?- Beginner- Intermediate- Advanced- Native Speaker8. In which context do you most frequently use English?- Academic- Professional- Social- Personal- All of the above9. Do you encounter any difficulties while speaking, writing, or reading in English? If yes, please describe them.10. Which of the following grammar rules do you find most challenging?- Tenses and aspects- Prepositions and word order- Verb conjugation- Subject-verb agreement- Punctuation- Other (please specify)11. How often do you use English grammar and style guides?- Sometimes- Rarely- Never12. Which English grammar and style guides do you use? (Select all that apply)- The Chicago Manual of Style- The AP Stylebook- The MLA Handbook- The APA Publication Manual- Grammarly- Other (please specify)---Section 3: English Language Learning13. How do you learn English? (Select all that apply)- Formal education (classes, courses, degrees)- Self-study (books, online resources, apps)- Language exchange with native speakers- Watching movies, TV shows, or videos in English- Reading books, newspapers, or magazines in English- Other (please specify)14. Which online platforms or resources do you use to improve your English? (Select all that apply)- Duolingo- Rosetta Stone- BBC Learning English- Coursera- Khan Academy- Other (please specify)15. Do you participate in any English language clubs or groups in your community? If yes, please describe them.16. What motivates you to learn English?- Career opportunities- Education- Travel- Personal interest- Other (please specify。

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