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【英文摘要】The indepentence of sentencing procedure is the special trial procedure in which judges realize the sentencing of the accused according to both probatio, cross-examination and debate in the criminal proceedings,that is “the independent sentencing procedure”. It is based

on the accused’s being accused of guilty, and it realizes the separation of conviction procedure and sentencing debate procedure.The independent sentencing procedure is one of the hot topics our country has been holding about the reform of criminal trial,because it has so many overriding values the experts in academic circles canonize it when they provide advice for the reform of our criminal proceedings. However, the independent sentencing debate procedure is not carried out in every morden country under the rule of law, because it is only applied in mon-law countries. So is it the inevitable way to construct independent sentencing debate procedure to realize judicial justice? What is the basic problem of our independent sentencing debate procedure? Can the independent sentencing debate procedure adapt to our traditional administration of justice?How to construct independent sentencing debate procedure that is suitable to our juridical practice? These questions are puzzling our theory circle and pragmatic circle.This article has five parts:PartⅠ:Summerise Independence of the sentencing procedure.Firstly,expound the meaning and characters of the sentencing procedure,and analyse the loss of the sentencing procedure in our country.Then introduce exhibition and character of independence on sentencing procedure,the background under which our country puts forward the independent sentencing procedure to realize the standard sentencing procedure. Finally expound three typical views about individual penalty procedure.PartⅡ:Analyse the capital value function of independent
