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1 ・ ______ h ip-hop is popular with youngsters. I'm still not accustomed __________ it.

A. As, to appreciating B・ Although, to appreciate

C・ Even though・ to appreciating D・ While, to appreciate

2.Steve Jobs is a key figure in the computer world ______ he has had a great influence on modern life and technology.

A. on condition that

B. in case

C・ in that D・ as long as

3.Manchester United has decided that Wayne Rooney will not be sold to any other club no

matter how much money is offered or _______ the potential risks of keeping an unhappy player.

A. however

B. whether

C. what

D. whatever

4. A Chinese company has created a new facial recognition system that can identify people they are wearing masks・

A. provided that

B. incase

C. as though

D. even if

5.All bad things must come to ________ end. ________ t errible an experience is.

A. the; whatever

B. an; however

C. /; how

D. a; what

6.The basic model function of the hero seems to remain constant, _______ the precise qualities of hero may vary over time・

A. incase B・ as if C・ so that D・ even though

7.Believe it or not, some English idioms are very difficult to understand _________ you know the meaning of each word.

A. as if B・ in case C・ now that D・ even if

8.—Shall I _________ the raincoat?

—No hurry. Leave it _________ i t is・ It looks like rain.

A. put away; in the place

B. put away; where

C・ put on: where D・ put on; there

9.We should protect our environment from being polluted ___________ our next generation will enjoy a blue sky and live a healthy life.

A. as 讦B・ so that C・ even if D・ incase

10. _________ w e relieve pressure in a proper way, we can relax ourselves and keep away from

its bad effects.

A. So that B・ As long as C・ Even if D・ As though

11.Modern science has found that_________ one is using chopsticks, over 30 joints and over 50 muscles are used, which is a favorable stimulation to the brain・

A. since B・ although C・ unless D・ while

12 ・Jim put a table and chair in the spare room _________ his son could have a private place to


A. even if

B. only if

C. for fear that

D. in order that

13・______ , his ideas was accepted by all the people at the meeting・

A. Strange as might it sound

B. As it might sou nd stra nge

C. As strange it might sou nd

D. Strange as it might sou nd

14・It was not _______ she took off her glasses _________ I realized she was a famous film star.

A. when; that B・ until: that

C. until; when

D. when; then

15・-一I'd like to play football with you, but I have an important thing to attend to.

…If you don't go. _________ .

A. neither do I B・ so will I C・ nor will I D・ so do I

16.China is playing a key role in controlling the virus・ However, it will take long and much effort ________ it is under control.

A. until B・ after C・ before D・ unless

17.It won*t be long ___ _our summer vacation begins, but my vacation plans are still up in the air.

A. when B・ until C・ that D・ before

18. _____ never easy, innovation is absolutely possible with adequate training and continuous practice ・

A. When

B. As

C. Since

D. While

19・You won't find paper cutting difficult ______ you keep practicing it.

A. eve rdf B・ as long as C・ as if D・ ever since

20・You'd better get it prepared ahead of time jiist _____ s ometlimg unexpected liappens.

A. as if B・ incase C・ even though D・ as long as

21・The car in front of us came to _______ we almost hit it.

A. such a sudden stop that B・ a stop so sudden that

C. such a sudden stop as

D. so sudden a stop as

22・一Do you think the weather will be fine this spring?

—No, _we are fortunate・ The weatherman forecasts there will be several sand storms.

A. if B・ as C・ though D・ unless

23・Human beings are different from animals ________ t hey can use language as a tool to communicate.

A. in which B・ in that

C. for that

D. for which

24・—Nowadays some parents keep their children under their wings・ These helicopter parents
