新版仁爱英语八年级下册unit5topic 2-sectionA

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• 7.谢谢你告诉我。 Thank you for telling me. 8.我真的很担心他。 I am really worried about him. .
9.因为她没有交谈的朋友,所以她感到孤独。 She feels very lonely because talk with she has no friends to . • 总结: to talk with是不定式短语做后置定 语,修饰friends。动词不定式对被修饰的名 词起一种阐释描绘作用的时候,动词不定式 要后置。 • 例如:是时候上学了。 It ’time to go to school. • 他没机会踢足球了。He has no chance to play football. • 他还有很多家庭作业要做。
TOPIC 2 I’m feeling better now
三角中学 严巧
Section A
• 1a • Listen,look and say.
Section A 1b
Name Helen Li Hong Feeling Reason Looks Li Hong is so unhappy. worried Feels 1.She did badly in the English so exam. unhappy 2.She is new here. 3.She is quiet and shy .
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • be worried about 对……感到担心/ 焦虑 be anxious about 对……感到焦虑 be glad about 对……高兴 be nervous about 对……紧张 be strict with sb. 对某人严格 be strict in / about sth. 对某事严格 be patient with 对……耐心 be pleased / satisfied with 对……满意 be bored with 对……烦闷 be popular with 受……欢迎 be angry with/at sb. 对某人生气 be angry at/ about sth. 对某事生气 be surprised at 对……惊奇 be mad at 对……气愤 be excited at 对……兴奋 be interested in 对……有兴趣 be tired of 对……疲倦 be afraid of 对……害怕
• 7.谢谢你告诉我。 Thank you for telling me. 8.我真的很担心他。 I am really worried about him. 9.因为她没有交谈的朋友,所以她感到孤独。 She feels very lonely because talk with she has no friends to . 总结: 是不定式短语做后置定语, 修饰friends。
do badly in 在某方面表现很差
She is strict with herself.她 对自己很严格
• be strict with sb. 对某人严格 Eg:My parents are strict with me. • be strict about/in sth. 对某事严格 • My parents are stict in/about my study with me.
He has a lot of homework to do.
• 那个女孩感到很孤独, 因为她没有朋友
•The boy get angry Because his pen is lost.
•The mother seems worried because her son is ill.
那个男孩很生气, 因为他的钢笔丢了。
• Anything wrong?=Is there anything wrong? 有什么麻烦吗?
• • • • 形容词修饰不定代词要后置. 如: 不好的事情 something bad 一切新的事物 everything new 不定代词+adj
Be sorry to do sth.对某事感到很遗憾
shy talk with
• take it easy 放轻松,别紧张,别着急 • try to do sth.设法做某事,尽力做某事 • try doing sth.尝试做某事(侧重试) • 延伸: stop to do sth.停下(手头的事情)去做另一 件事 stop doing sth.停止做某事 remember to do sth.记住去做某事,还没做 remember doing sth.记得做过某事 forget to do sth 忘记要去做某事(未做) forget doing sth 忘记做过某事
Why is Li Hong sad?
Because she did badly in the English exam. =Fail the exam.
/feil/ fail 失败
Can you give her some suggestions?
√ √ √
√ √
failed the English exam gets these feeling tells her jokes make friends with makes her laugh feeling better
• 4.她对自己很严格。 She is very strict with herself. 我的妈妈在学习方面对我很严格。 My mother is strict about/in my study • 5.我觉得我应该和他谈一谈。 with I think I should have a talk him.
with me.
• 6.她正在浴室里哭,因为她这次英语考试考得很差。
• She is cryingin the bathroom because she • did badly in the English exam. • 总结:在某方面做得不好: do badly in(doing)sth.
擅长做某事:be good at /do well in (doing) sth.
• • • • • • 1.How are you doing? I am fine. 2.How do the children look? They look excted/happy. 3.How do the food taste? It tastes delicious.
Unit 5
The girl feels sad because all the building in her school fell down. 那个女孩感到很伤心,因为她学校 所有的建筑物都倒塌了。
up worry about did badly in
. .
.do better
strict with
Miss Wang wants to have a talk with her.
practice the dialoge
• Example • A:Why does Helen look worried? • B:Because Li Hong is so unhappy.
• A:Why does Li Hong feels so unhappy? • B:Because she did badly in the English exam. • A:Why does Li Hong feels so unhappy? • B:Because she is new here. • A:Why does Li Hong feels so unhappy? • B:Because she is quiet and shy.
那位母亲似乎很担心, 因为他的儿子生病了。
•The children are excited because of the movie.
因为那部电影, 孩子们都很激动。
•The boy looks very tired because he has too much homework to do. 那个男孩看起来很疲倦,因为他有很多作业没完成。
1.Because I fail the English exam.
• fail v.(通常用作及物动词)不及格,未通过 (考试) 她考试又没及格。 She failed the exam again • fail to do 不能、没有、忘记做某事。 • 他未能准时到哪儿。He failed to get there on time. He failed to keep his words. • 他忘记遵守他的诺言。 • *fail表示“失败”时,通常是不及物动词。表 示 在某一方面失败,通常用介词 in。 • He failed in business. 他经商失败。 • failure n.失败,不可数名词
Everyone gets these feelings at your age .每个人在你这个年纪的时候都会有这个感受。
• at one’s age.在某人这般年纪时,如:
I am good at/ do well in English at your age.
• 我在你这个年纪的时候很擅长英语。 • At the age of…在…岁时,如:
talk with sb. = have a talk with sb. 与某人谈一谈
• 1.你看上去很着急。有什么麻烦吗? You look worried. Anything wrong? • 2.听到这个消息我很难过.到底是怎么回事? to the be I’m sorry to hear that.what seems problem. 3.总结seem的用法 练习: He seems to know (know) the secret. Jane seems worried (worry) It seemsthat jane is worried.

One day, Mr.Wang arrived in Beijing for a visit. He traveled to the hotel by taxi. He was very excited to be in Beijing. But when he reached the hotel, he found his ID card lost. He was very upset. He looked for it everywhere, but he couldn’t find it. Mr .Wang was so worried. Just then, the taxi driver walked to him and asked,“Is your ID card?” He was so surprised because he thought he would never found his card again,he was very happy and grateful.
What seems to be the problem? 似 乎有什么问题?

• • • •
seem to do sth. “似乎做某事” 常与 “It seems that + 句子” 转换, 如: He seems to know her name. = It seems that he knows her name. 他似乎知道她的名字. seem + adj “似乎(怎样)”, 构成系表结构. 如: You seem sad. = You seem (to be) sad.= It seems that you are sad. 你似乎很伤心.