


人 教 版 英 语
Unit 2
Unit 2
The United Kingdom
2)confuse 语气较弱,指由于混淆、混乱而糊涂。 They asked so many questions that they confused me. 他们问了许许多多问题,把我弄糊涂了。
人 教 版 英 语
Unit 2
Unit 2
The United Kingdom
活学活用 Yesterday Alice received a strange letter. She read the________letter with a________expression on her face. A.puzzled; puzzled C.puzzling; puzzled B.puzzling; puzzling D.puzzled; puzzling
人 教 版 英 语
Unit 2
Unit 2
The United Kingdom
1.puzzle 1) n. (1)谜;智力游戏 ①He has found out the puzzle. 他已猜中这条谜语了。 ②This Maths exam is a puzzle to me! I don't think I am going to pass. 这次数学测验极为深奥,看来我难以及格。
Unit 2
Unit 2
The United Kingdom
5.credit 1)n. (1)赊购,赊购制度 This store does not give credit. 本店概不赊欠。 (2)存款;存款数额 My account is in credit. 我的银行账目有存款。

人教版高中英语必修5课件:Unit2 Reading (共27张PPT)

人教版高中英语必修5课件:Unit2 Reading (共27张PPT)
Part 1: Paragraph 1, 2 and 3 what England includes, about Great Britain, the UK
Part 2: Paragraph 4 the geographical division of England into zones, their similarities and differences
In the 13th Century
_W__a_l_e_s was linked to _E__n_g_la_n_d_.
In the 17th _E_n__g_la_n_d_ and Wales were Century joined to _S_c_o_tl_a_n_d_.
_S_o_u_t_h_e_r_n_ Ireland broke away Some and _N_o_r_t_h_e_r_n_ Ireland joined
4. The first invaders Norman left their towns and roads. F
5. The Vikings influenced the vocabulary and place-names of the North of England. T
Task 3 Answer these questions. 1. What are the four countries of UK?
Four invaders: the Romans, the AngloSaxons, the Vikings and the Normans.
10. How did the four invaders influence England?
Because the Romans left their towns and roads; the Anglo-Saxons left their language and their government; the Vikings influenced the vocabulary and place –names of the North of England; the Normans left castles and words for food.

人教版英语必修五Unit 2(reading) 授课课件(共40张PPT)

人教版英语必修五Unit 2(reading) 授课课件(共40张PPT)
B. Explain how England is divided into three zones
C. The reason why London became the cultural capital of England.
DD. A brief introduction to the UK about its
2. If we speak of England we mean _E_n_g_l_a_n_d__a_n_d. Wales 3. The United Kingdom includes _E_n_g__la_n_d__,_W_.ales
Sc_o_t_l_a_n_d__a_n__d_N__o_r_t_h_e_r_n_ Ireland 4. The part of Ireland that separated from England is called
17th century
In the early of 20th century
13th century
3. In what ways are the four countries different?
They are different in intitution,.They have different educational and legal systems as well as football teams.
Scottish tartan skirt
1.Remember the words and expressions in the passage
2. Read the passage fluently 3. Get ready for the languags

人教版高中英语 必修五 Unit2 课件

人教版高中英语 必修五 Unit2 课件
Unit 2
The United Kingdom
Learn before reading (Students’ presentation )
Let’s learn something about the geography of the United Kingdom
Northern Ireland
They got Northern Ireland connected __to__fo_r_m_t_h_e__ _U__ni_te_d__ki_n_g_d_om.
Only Northern Ireland joined with Britain to become the United Kingdom.
B. An introduction to the United Kingdom about its culture.
C. An introduction to the United Kingdom about its foundation and development based on geography, history, politics, and culture etc.
England is divided into 3 zones.
Most population settled in _t_h_e_S_o_u__th__o_f_E_n_g_l_a_n_d_. Most of the large industrial cities are in _t_h_e_N__o_r_th__a_n_d__th_e__M__id_l_a_n_d_s____. Nationwide, many cities have _f_o_o_tb_a_l_l_t_ea_m__s_a_n__d_a_r_e_n_o_t__la_r_g_e_.

人教高中英语必修5Unit2Reading课件 (共18张PPT)

人教高中英语必修5Unit2Reading课件 (共18张PPT)
• 1. The countries that make up Great Britain are:
2. If we speak of England we mean: England and Wales
3. The part of Ireland separated from England is called: Republic of Southern Ireland
Cambridge University
Which is the longest river in England? • the River Themes
Step 2 Fast reading
• Read the text quickly to complete the sentences about the country:
4. London is the capital city of: England / Great Britain / the UK
Step 3 Careful reading
1. What is the national flag called in the UK? The Union Jack
Step 4 Discussion
• 1. Can you work out why London is the capital of Emgland,Great Britain and the UK?
• 2. What geographical factors make it difficult to invade England successfully?
Part 1(Para1-3): What England includes
Part 2(Para4): the geographical division of England into zones, their similarities and differences

【优课】人教版高中英语book5 unit2 Reading 教学课件 (共24张PPT) - 最新

【优课】人教版高中英语book5 unit2 Reading 教学课件 (共24张PPT) - 最新
What did they leave?
Para 5-Invaders
In the England history, there has been four sets of invaders. They are: t_h_e__R_o_m__a_n_s_, th_e__A_n_g_l_o_-S_a_x_o_n_,s__t_h_e_V_i_k_in_g_s__, _th_e__N_o_r_m_a_n_s_.
the Midlands Birmingham
the South of England
Reading London Brighton Plymouth
Para 4-England
England is divided into 3 zones.
Most population settled in _th_e_S__ou_t_h_o_f_E_n_g_la_n_d____. Most of the large industrial cities are in _th_e_N__or_th__a_nd__th_e_M__id_la_n_d_s. Many cities have famous _fo_o_tb_a_l_l t_e_a_m_s_________.

Which is the longest river in England?
River Avon C.
River Thames River Severn
Let’s have a quiz
How many countries does the UK consist of ?

人教版英语必修五unit2reading PPT

人教版英语必修五unit2reading PPT

Scotland England
2、 which place of interest does not
belong to London?
A. Big Ben
B、 Leaning Tower
C、 London Tower D、Bucthe longest river in EnglandB?
Oxford University 牛津大学
Cambridge University 剑桥大学
Let’s have a quiz、
What is the full name of the UK?
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland
three zones:
What are they? the South
Para、 4
Most of the people live in _th_e__S_o_u_t_h_o_f_E__n_g_la、nd Most of the large industrial cities are in t_h_e__N_o_r_t_h______ ___a_n_d_t_h_e__M_i_d_l_a_nds Nationwide, many cities have _f_o_o_tb_a_l_l_t_e_a_m_s__a_n_d__ _a_r_e_n_o_t__la_r_g_e____
•Puzzle Three: How can England be divided into three different zones?
Kingdom? 英国?????
I have many puzzles about the UK、 Can you help me?

人教版英语必修五Unit 2(warmingup and Reading)课件(共24张PPT)

人教版英语必修五Unit 2(warmingup and Reading)课件(共24张PPT)

Map of the UK
The United Kingdom is divided into four parts.
the UK =
Northern Ireland
The United Kingdom
13th centu
North Ireland
the national flag of the UK
Where is the capital of each country of the UK?
Northern Ireland
Paragraphs 3-4 Introduction of the countries in the UK.
England is __d_iv_i_d_e_d_i_n_t_o__ three zones. To the north of England is Scotland. Though the four countries work together in some areas, they are different in other aspects, such as educational systems, _l_e_g_a_l __ systems etc.
Write down the main idea of each part.
Part 1: What England includes; about Great Britain; the UK.

人教版高二英语必修五Unit2-reading 公开课件(共36张PPT)

人教版高二英语必修五Unit2-reading 公开课件(共36张PPT)

Westminster Abbey, England 威斯敏斯特教堂
党 员 个 人 专 题组织 生活会 发言提 纲摘要 精品党建资料
党 员 组 织 生 活会发 言提纲 同志们:
根 据 这 次 召 开组织 生活会 的有关 要求,我 在认真 查找梳 理近期 工作学 习情况 的基础 上 ,认 真 撰 写 了这个 书面发 言材料 。下面 ,将据此 材料进 行汇报 。恳请得到大家的批 评 与 斧 正 。 相信各 位对我 即将汇 报的和 没有查 找出的 问题给 予的肯 而严厉 的批评 ,
位 、 信 息 宣 传推动 到位。 二、问题不足
过 去 ,在 全 力 做好工 作的同 时,自身 也得到 了锻炼 和提高 ,但是 ,同先进 党员的 标准相 比 ,还 存 在 一 定的差 距,突出 表现有 :
1.对 理论 学习的 重要性 认识不 够 ,理论 学习不 足 ,造成 工作结 合实际 不紧、 方法不 多、 思路不开阔。
Puzzle one:
How did the “The United Kingdom” come into being (形成) ?
Para. 1-2
England = England
Works in pairs
In 13th century:
England = _W__a_le_s__+England
first only England
Puzzle two:
How do the four countries work together and how are they different?
Para. 3
How do the four countries work together and how they are different?

高二英语必修5课件:1-2Reading & Comprehending

高二英语必修5课件:1-2Reading & Comprehending
人 教 版 英 语
Unit 1
Great scientists
帮学助记 多义:attend[at(ad,向)+tend(伸)]原义“伸 向”:心向着某人或某事为“注意,照顾”;脚步向着 某一地方为“出席,参加”。
人 教 版 英 语
Unit 1
Great scientists
人 教 版 英 语
Unit 1
Great scientists
3)看护,照料 I have to attend(upon) my sick son. 我得照顾我生病的儿子。 注意:作“照顾,护理”讲时,可用attend,也可 用attend on/upon;作“出席,参加”讲时,attend多作 及物动词。
人 教 版 英 语
Unit 1
Great scientists
活学活用 We________them in the game last Sunday and finally we________the match. A. beat; won C. beat; defeated B. won; won D. won; beat
人 教 版 英 语
Unit 1
Great scientists
人 教 版 英 语
Unit 1
Great scientists
知识拓展 exposed adj. 1)(指地方)无遮蔽的,不遮挡风雨的 The cottage is in a very exposed position at the top of the hill. 那小屋位于山顶毫无遮蔽之处。 2)易受攻击(或批评)的,无保护的 She was left feeling exposed and vulnerable. 她感到自己孤立无助,非常脆弱。

人教版高二英语必修五unit2 Reading2

人教版高二英语必修五unit2 Reading2

London has been influenced by some invaders.
In the England history, there are several invaders. the Romans the They are: ___________, _____________, Anglo-Saxons the Vikings the Normans ____________, _________reland _________.
England/ 5. London is the capital city of _________ ___________________. Great Britain/the UK
2 Read the passage and answer the
questions. 1. The Union Jack flag unites the flags of
What did they leave?
the the the the Romans Anglo-Saxons Vikings Normans influenced left their thelanguage vocabulary and and their place– left left castles their and towns words and for roads food names government of the North
of England, Great Britain and the UK?
2. Read the passage again
联想拓展 for 动身到(某处)leavealone leave ____ ____不管,撇下...一个人 aside 搁置 behind 遗忘;遗留 leave _____ leave_______

人教版英语必修5:Unit2 period i warming up & reading

人教版英语必修5:Unit2 period i warming up & reading

England and Wales 2.If we speak of England we mean ____________________.
England, Wales, Scotland 3.The United Kingdom includes_______________________
D.The South of England is the most developed part.
4.The flag shown by the UK to the world is called the _____. D A.Cross of St George C.Cross of St Patrick B.Cross of St Andrew D.Union Jack
____________________. and Northern Ireland 4 .The part of Ireland that separated from England is called ___________________________. Republic of Southern Ireland England 5.London is the capital city of ____________.
visiting Kingdom is well worth (10)________ (visit).
Task 5:课文佳句背诵。
1 .People may __________ why different words are used to wonder describe these four countries... 对于用不同的词语来描述这四个 国家,人们或许会感到奇怪。

高二英语必修5课件:2-2Reading & Comprehending

高二英语必修5课件:2-2Reading & Comprehending
必修⑤(十二省区) 第二课时
人 教 版 英 语
Unit 2
The United Kingdom
人 教 版 英 语
Unit 2
The United Kingdom
4)accomplish正式用词,强调一个过程的完成;也可指 依靠努力达到一定目的或取得一定的结果。 They have accomplished their mission successfully. 他们成功地完成了任务。
人 教 版 英 语
Unit 2
The United Kingdom
活学活用 Nobody wanted to________matters for him though everyone knew that he was blameless. A.solve C.handle
人 教 版 英 语
Unit 2
The United Kingdom
(3)借款;贷款 They established a credit for 100,000 dollars in favor of me. 他们给我10万美元贷款来帮助我。 (4)赞扬;荣誉;功劳 I gave her credit for being sensible. 我称赞她很明智。
人 教 版 英 语
Unit 2
The United Kingdom
知识拓展 conflict with 与„„冲突,与„„战斗 come into conflict with 与„„冲突,与„„战斗 in conflict with 与„„冲突,与„„战斗

人教高中英语必修5Unit2Reading课件 (共18张PPT) (1)

人教高中英语必修5Unit2Reading课件  (共18张PPT) (1)

the south of England the Midlands the north football teams industrial cities
The influence of the invaders
The RoΒιβλιοθήκη ansleft their language and their government
Union Jack
Cross of St. George
圣乔治旗 (England)
Cross of St. Andrew
圣安德鲁旗 (Scotland)
Cross of St. Patrick
圣帕特里克旗 (Ireland)
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to England. I’m …
London Tower Bridge 伦敦塔桥
Cambridge University
River Thames 泰晤士河
Big Ben 大本钟
How did the UK come into being?
Great Britain the UK
E_n_g_l_a_n_d_is the largest of the four countries and it is d_i_v_id__e_d_in__to_ three parts. Most of the people settled in the _S_o_u__th___,but most of the large industrial cities in the M__i_d_l_a_n_d_s_and the _N_o__r_th_.The capital of the UK is _L__o_n_d_o_n_, which has many great places of interest.



The passage falls into three parts. Write down the main idea of each part.
Part 1: Para1- Para 3 what England includes; about Great Britain; the UK.
How UK was formed
Northern Ireland
Only Northern Ireland joined with Britain to become the United Kingdom.
Part 2: Para 4 the geographic division of England into zones; their similarities and differences.
_S_o_u_t_h_e_r_n__ Ireland broke away
Some time and _N__o_r_t_h_e_r_n_ Ireland joined
with _E__n_g_l_a_n_d,Wales and
_S_c_o_t_la_n_d__. Thus _t_h_e__U_K__ came
Reading Comprehension IV How do you think the United Kingdom began to be formed? First Wales was linked to England. Then in the 17th century England and Wales were joined to Scotland, thus forming Great Britain. In the 20th century the UK was formed with Northern Ireland joined.
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