




















绵阳中学英才学校四年制初一招生素质测试语文试题3、下面句子中没有语病的一项是A 随地吐痰的人,是一种不文明的习惯。


4、对下列句子中的修辞方法判断有错的一项是A 、今年收成不好,地里仅长出了几颗粮食。

(夸张)B 、那么,死海海水的浮力为什么这样大呢?(反问)C 、孩子们像盛开的花朵。

(比喻)D 5、下列语句的说法错误的一项是A. 被鲁迅先生称为“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”的著作是司马迁的《史记》 。

B .“人与山的关系日益密切,真使我们感到亲切、舒服。



D. 张”用部首查字法应先查“弓”部,再查“ 4”画。

“张灯结彩”中的“张”意思是“铺排,陈设” 6、下面句子中加点的成语使用正确的一项是( )(2 分)A .著名主持人说起话来总是言简意赅、盛气凌.人...。

B .经过老师的耐心教育,他们终于问心无.愧...地说:“老师,我们真的错了!请您原谅!”C .大家对新来的同学上下打量,刮目相.看... 。

D .这部小说情节曲折,人物生动,确实引人入.胜...。

7、给下列句子排序,最恰当的一项是( )(2 分)① 当阳光洒在身上时,它更坚定了信念——要开出:一朵鲜艳的花。

② 不久,它从泥土里探出了小脑袋,渐渐地,种子变成了嫩芽。



()( 2 分)哺.育( bǔ)嫉.妒(j í)嫩.绿( l èn ) 铲.子(chuǎn)惩.罚( chěng )雹.子( báo )祈.祷( qǐ) 瞭.望( li ào)()( 2 分) B 褪色 伶俐忘恩付义 飞擒走兽 D 征兆 绊倒一本正经 无地自荣( )( 2 分)B 江心岛是人们夜晚乘凉的好地方。



二、认真读题,谨慎填空.(前6题,每空1分;后6题,每题2分,共24分)1.两个质数的和是24,积是143,它们分别是 和 .2. 3.6立方分米= 立方分米 立方厘米.3. 一根3米长的方钢,把它横截成6段时,表面积增加90平方厘米,原来方钢的表面积 是 平方厘米,体积是 立方厘米.4.一个五位数□746△,如果这个数能同时被2、3、5整除,那么□代表的数字最大是 ,△代表的数字是 .5. 学校运来m 千克煤,每天烧120千克,烧了n 天,还剩下 千克,如果,15 n 还剩下200千克,那么学校共运来 千克煤.6.在爷爷是父亲现在的年龄时候,父亲才12岁。


爷爷现在 岁;父亲现在 岁.7. 某中学学生每天上午9点45分到10点25分,下午5点到5点40分进行户外体育锻炼,该校学生每天在学校进行体育锻炼的时间是 分.8.某个两位数的个位数字和十位数字的和是15,个位数和十位数字交换后所得两位数比原数小27,则原数是 .9.把5个棱长是4分米的正方体,拼成一个长方体,这个长方体的表面积是 平方米.10. 若3◎2=3×5-2×2,5◎7=5×5-7×2,…那么:4◎(1.6◎0.5)= .11. “阶梯水价”的方法按月计算每户家庭的水费:每月用水量不超过20吨时,按每吨2元计费;每月用水量超过20吨时,其中的20吨仍按每吨2元计费,超过部分按每吨2.8元计费,林林家本月上交水费54元,本月林林家用水 吨.12. 六位裁判给一名游泳运动员评分,去掉一个最高分后平均分是9.32,去掉一个最低分后的平均分为9.56,那么最高分与最低分相差 分. 三、看清题意,巧思妙算(写出必要过程,共43分)1.选择合适的方法计算(每题5分,共20分)(1) 7.85+2.34-0.85+4.66 (2) 27.5×3.7-7.5×3.7(3) 999×3+0.888 ×125×73 (4) 35.4×17.3+354×2.47+42×64.62.求未知数的值(每题4分,共12分)(1)⨯)(x (2)x x 3.55.464-= (3)⨯x -3.图形计算(5分)如图,一个正方体切去一个长方体后,剩下图形的体积和表面积各是多少?(长度单位:厘米)4.阅读计算(6分)3=13=3; 3×3=23=9; 3×3×3=33=27;3×3×3×3=43=81,; 3×3×3×3×3=53=273;······(1)请根据以上的发现,计算2003的结果的个位数字是 .(2)请根据以上的发现,计算2002200242+的结果的个位数字是 .四、活用知识,解决问题.(写出必要的过程,共33分)1. 五年级共有425人,其中男生比女生的人数的2倍少25人。



①指针从“1”绕点 A 顺时针旋转
②指针从“4”绕点 A 顺时针旋转 60°到“
六、解决问题.(1 题各小题 2 分,2 题至 7 题各题 4 分,共 30 分) 30.(6 分)下列各题只列综合算式,不计算. (1)一批货物,第一天运了它的 ,第二天运了这批货物的 ,还剩下这批货物的几
)个. ,,,
;共 6 个;
22.(1 分)有 10 袋糖,其中 9 袋质量相同,另有一袋比其它的略重一些.用天平 称,至少称( )次能保证找出这袋重一些的糖. A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 【解答】解:第一,先把 10 袋糖平均分成两份,放在天平两边,每边放 5 袋,看天平 哪边重,重的 5 袋中就有一袋是略重的; 第二,再从重的 5 袋中拿出 4 袋平均分成两份,放在天平两边,如果两边一样重,说明 剩下的那一袋是略重的;如果不一样重,重的 2 袋中有一袋是略重的; 第三,再把重的 2 袋分成两份,放在天平两边,重的那一边就是略重的糖; 所以至少称 3 次能保证找出这袋重一些的糖.
8.(1 分)最小的合数与两位数中最大质数的和是 101 . 【解答】解:100 以内最大的质数是 97,最小的合数是 4, 它们的和:97+4=101; 故答案为:101.
第 1 页(共 1 页)
9.(2 分)7 个 是
; 里有 2 个 .
【解答】解:7× =
÷ =2
答:7 个 是 ; 里有 2 个 .
第 1 页(共 1 页)
18.(1 分)分数的分母可以是任何整数. × . (判断对错) 【解答】解:分数的分母可以是 0 除外的任何整数. 故答案为:×.
三、选择.(将正确答案的番号填在括号里)(5 分,每题 1 分) 19.(1 分)甲数是乙数的倍数,甲乙两数的最小公倍数是( ) A.甲数 B.乙数 C.甲乙两数的积 【解答】解:甲数是乙数的倍数,甲乙两数的最小公倍数是:甲数; 故选:A.































20XX 年绵阳中学英才学校四年制初一招生素质测评数 学(全卷共四个大题,满分120分,70分钟完卷)题号 一二 三 四 总分 总分人 复查人 得分一、反复比较,择优选取(把代表正确答案的字母填在括号里,每题2分,共20分) 1.下面几个分数中,不能化成有限小数的是( )A .53 B .62 C .81 D .287 2.一根长方体木料长2米,宽和高都是2分米,把它锯成3段,表面积至少增加( )平方分米.A .16B .8C .24D .123.一张正方形纸连续对折四次后,得到的图形面积是原来的( )A .21 B .41 C .161 D.321 4.下面的图形折叠后不能围成正方体的是( )5.将一个平行四边形任意分割成两个梯形,这两个梯形的( )总是相等的. A .面积 B .上、下底之和 C .周长 D.高6.用四根小棒组成一个平行四边形,面积等于24平方厘米,捏住它的两个对角,把平行四边形拉成了一个长方形,这时面积( )24平方厘米.A .大于B .等于C .小于D .无法确定 7.把一个三位小数精确到十分位后是5.0,这个三位小数最小是( )A .5.001B .5.000C .4.995D .4.9508.一个长方体的底是面积为3平方米的正方形,它的侧面展开图正好是一个正方形,这个长方体的侧面积是( )平方米.A .18B .48C .54D 。

369.一个无盖的水桶,长a 厘米,宽b 厘米,高h 厘米,做这个水桶用料( )平方厘米. A .abh B .abh+2ab C .ab +2(bh +ah ) D.2(ab+bh +ah ) 10.下面各图中,大、小长方形的面积分别相等.仔细观察,阴影部分面积相等的是( )A .图2和图3B .图1和图4C .图1和图3D .图2和图4市二、认真读题,谨慎填空.(前6题,每题两空,一空1分;后6题,每题2分,共24分) 1.750毫升=( )升 3.3平方米=( )平方分米 2.45 = ( )25=8÷( )3.三个连续奇数的和是177,这三个数的平均数是( ),其中最大的数( ) 4.把5米长的绳子平均剪成6段,每段长)()(米,占全长的)()( 5.一车20分钟行32千米,平均每分钟行( )千米,平均行1千米要用( )分钟. 6.将一个长l0厘米、宽6厘米、高8厘米的长方体切成两个完全相同的小长方体,表面积最多增加( )平方厘米,最少增加( )平方厘米.7.一根木头,锯成4段要付锯板费2.4元,如果锯成12段,要付( )元. 8.一筐苹果,三个三个数,五个五个数都正好数完,七个七个地数也恰好数完,这筐苹果最少有( )个.9.一个数用3除余1,用4除余2,用5除余3,用6除余4,这个数最小是( ). 10.有15盒饼干,其中的 14 盒质量相同,另有 1 盒少了几块,如果能用天平称,至少( )次可以找出这盒饼干.11.节日的校园内挂起了一盏盏小电灯,小明看出每两个白灯之间有红、黄、绿各一盏彩灯.也就是说,从第一盏白灯起,每一盏白灯后面都紧接着有3盏彩灯,小明想第73盏灯是( )灯. 12.如图,梯形上底长8厘米,下底长12厘米,阴影部分面积是空白部分面积的( )倍. 三、看清题意,巧思妙算(写出必要过程,共43分) 1.选择合适的方法计算(每题5分,共20分)(1) 10.125 – (10.5 – 6.875) – 6.5 (2) 3.15÷〔(4.6+2.4)×2.5〕(3) 9.9999 + 9.999 + 9.99 + 9.9 + 9 + 1.1111 (4) 28.67× 67 + 3.2 × 286.7 + 573.4 ×0.052.求未知数的值(每题4分,共12分)(1) 8 x -0.75×5=0.25 (2) x ÷1.2 = 6 (3) x x x 5)20(34=--3.图形计算(5分)如图,是三个正方形,求阴影部分的面积.(单位:厘米)4.试试找规律(6分)一串数: 1,9,9,1,4,1, 4,1,9,9,1,4,1,4,1,9,9,1,4,……共有1991个数.(1)其中共有_____个1,_____个9_____个4;(2)求这些数字的总和是多少?四、活用知识,解决问题.(写出必要的过程,共33分)1.有三根钢丝,长度分别是12米、18米和30米,现在要把它们截成长度相同的小段,但每一根都不许剩余,每小段最长是多少米?一共可以截成多少段?2.希望小学有一间长10米、宽6米、高3.5米的长方体教室.(1)这间教室的空间有多大?(2)现在要在教室四面墙壁贴1.2米高的瓷砖,其中要扣除门、窗、黑板面积6平方米,这间教室贴瓷砖的面积是多少平方米?(3)如果按每平方米8瓦的照明计算,这间教室需安装多少支40瓦的日光灯?。



绵阳英才学校2014~2015学年度下期水平测试(一)五年级英语试卷(本卷共50分,考试时间40分钟)题号 听 力 笔 试 总分总分人一 二 三 一 二 三 四得分 评分人第一部分 听 力(30分)一、听音选图画。



( )1、A B( )2、A B( )3、A B( )4、A B()5、A B二、听音填序号。






()1.A.In the library. B.At the zoo.()2.A.I had eggs and noodles.B.I had fish and chips.()3.A.Yes, he did. B.No, he didn’t.()4.A.What about chopsticks?B.Why don’t you give him a kite.()5.A.We went there in July.B.We went there last year.第二部分笔试(20分)一、把下列单词补充完整。

(5分)1. Dad read a book about Chinese hist__ry(历史)?2. How about a drag_n(龙)kite?3. I am working very hard at the off__ce(办公室)?4. They are ph__tos(照片) of China.5. Can I have your library c__ __d(卡片) please?二、选择填空。

(5分)( )1. Hainan is the south of China.A. inB. at( )2. I will be home seven o’clock.A. inB. at( )3. I TV with my grandchildren yesterday.A. watchB. watched( )4. He going to ask you some questions.A. isB. are( )5. Let’s send email.A. aB. an三、补全对话。



数学素养一、反复比较,择优选取(把正确答案的序号填在括号里,每题2分,共20分)1、下面的数中每个零都要读出的数是().A .205040B .20504002C .20054020D .2050402052、小明今年a岁,小东今年(a-4)岁,再过5年,他们相差()岁.A.4 B.( 5+4) C .( 5-4) D. (a+5)3、一个正方体的棱长扩大为原来的3倍,它的体积就扩大为原来的().A.3倍 B.6倍 C.9倍 D.27倍4、一个长是8厘米、宽是6厘米、高是10厘米的长方体,最少能切成( )个小正方体.(没有剩余)A.60B.90C.180D.4805、当a=10时,a3+3a的运算结果是().A.60 B.330 C.630 D.10306、一个长方形,如果长增加3厘米,宽增加5厘米,就成了一个正方形,面积就增加了105平方厘米,那么原来长方形的面积是()平方厘米.A.60 B.92 C.120 D.无法确定7、一个长是6厘米、宽是4厘米的长方形,将宽对折到长方形的长上变成一个梯形,这个梯形的面积是( )平方厘米.A.16B. 18C.20D.228、把右图中涂色的小正方体截取掉,表面积().A.不变B.变大C. 变小D. 无法判断9、一段木料锯成8段用了56分钟,如果锯成12段要()分钟.A.84B.86C.88D.9010、甲乙丙三人外出钓鱼,甲钓了5千克,乙钓了3千克,丙没钓到鱼,中午三人一起将鱼全部吃完后,丙付出了24元钱,甲可以分得()元.A.18 B.20 C.21 D.前三个都不对二、认真读题,谨慎填空.(1~6小题,每空1分;7~12小题,每空2分,共24分)1、一个七位数最高位上是最大的一位数,万位上是2和3的最小公倍数,千位上是最小合数,其余各位是0,这个数写作(),四舍五入到万位约是().2、甲数=2×3×m,乙数=3×5×m(m≠0),如果甲数和乙数的最大公因数是21,则m是(),甲乙两数的最小公倍数是().3、6时45分=()时 8公顷50平方米=()公顷4、学校图书馆前摆了一个花坛方阵,这个方阵的最外层每边各摆放12盆花,最外层共摆了()盆花,这个花坛一共有()盆花.5、一个两位小数,四舍五入保留一位小数是 4.5,这个数最大是(),最小是().6、甲仓有大米m袋,乙比甲的4倍少b袋,乙有()袋;若甲比乙的3倍少b袋,乙有()袋.7、一个正方体,将它的高增加2厘米后,得到的长方体的表面积比原正方体的表面积大32平方厘米,原正方体的表面积是()平方厘米.8、一个正方体的表面染上色后,切成125个大小相同的小正方体后.其中一面染色的有()个.9、一等腰梯形,底角为45度,上底4厘米,下底12厘米,这个梯形的面积是()平方厘米.10、某此考试,A、B、C、D、E五人的平均分是90分.若A、B、C的平均分是86分,B、D、E的平均分是95分,则B的得分是()分.11、“⊙”表示一种新的运算符号,已知:2⊙3=2+3+4,7⊙2=7+8,那么3⊙5=3+4+5+6+7,……,按此规则,如果n⊙8=68,那么n=( ).12、大猴采到一些桃子,分给一群小猴吃.如果每只小猴分4个桃,则最后剩8个桃;如果每只小猴分6个桃,那么还差12个桃.则大猴共采到()个桃.三、看清题意,巧思妙算(写出必要过程,共43分)1、选择合适的方法计算(每题5分,共20分)(1)[1.9-6÷(2.4×5)]÷(14×0.2)(2)99999+9999+999+99+9(3)5.84×1.36+13.6×0.316+136×0.01 (4) 64117×192、求未知数的值(每题4分,共12分)(1)6×3﹣1.8x =7.2 (2)2×(2x﹣15)=10 (3)5×(x﹢2)= 6×(x﹣l)3、图形计算(5分)已知如图,ABCD是长方形,ACGD是梯形,求:三角形ACG的面积。





1.()A B2.()A B3.()A B4.()A B5.()A B二、听音填序号。






()1.A.Yes, I can. B.Yes, I do.()2.A.Not very often. B.Not really.()3.A.We went to the British Museum.B.We visited lots of places.()4.A.I go to school at nine o’clock.B.My school starts at nine o’clock.()5.A.It’s a secret. B.Nothing.第二部分笔试(20分)一、词汇。



1. Are you feeling b__red(无聊的).2. They all play in the playgro___nd(操场).3. These f__ remen(消防员)can’t find people.4.Can you c__tch(接住,抓住)the ball?5.He wants to w__ __ r(穿)it.二、选择填空。



( )1. When did you back yesterday?A. cameB. come( )2. milk do you want?A. How manyB. How much( )3. This T-shirt is .A. mineB. my( )4. He can football well.A. playsB. play( )5. I watch TV eight o’clock in the evening.A. atB. in三、口语应用。




(4分)kuī jí xián qí()视书()垂()()祷2.仔细观察再组词。




































祝你成功!一、选择(把你认为正确的答案的序号填入括号内)(3×10=30分)1、小明今年8岁,他妹妹小君5岁,爷爷今年89岁,( )年以后,爷爷的年龄是小明小君年龄和的3倍。

A .9B 。

10C 。

11D 。

无法确定2、五一班有9个同学参加数学竞赛,取得了平均81分的好成绩,前5名同学的平均成绩是90分,后5名同学的平均成绩是70分,这9个同学取得的成绩的中位数是( ) A .80 B 。

81 C 。

71 D 。

前三个都不对3、一个长方形,如果长增加2厘米,宽增加5厘米,就成了一个正方形,面积就增加了46平方厘米,那么原来长方形的面积是( )平方厘米。

A .10 B 。

18 C 。

64 D 。

无法确定4、三个空瓶可换一瓶汽水,买10瓶汽水,共可以喝汽水( )瓶。

A .10 B 。

13 C 。

15 D 。


那么李叔叔往返的平均速度是( )千米/小时。

A .48 B 。

50 C 。

52 D 。

556、今年国庆节是星期五,那么明年元旦节星期( )。

A .四 B 。

五 C 。

六 D 。

日7、猎狗发现北边200米处有一只兔子正要逃跑,拔腿就追,兔子的洞穴在兔子的北边400米,若兔子每秒跑10米,猎狗每秒跑20米,可怜的兔子能逃过这一劫吗?( ) A .能 B 。

不能 C 。

无法确定8、学校合唱团中女生是男生的3倍,后来增加了10名男生,这时女生是男生的2倍,原来合唱团有( )人。

A .50B 。

60C 。

80D 。

无法计算9、甲乙丙三人外出钓鱼,甲钓了3千克,乙钓了2千克,丙没钓到鱼,中午三人一起将鱼全部吃完后,丙付出了10元钱,甲可以分得( )元。



绵阳英才学校五年级语文期末综合试卷及答案五年级语文试卷题号第一题第二题第三题第四题总分总分人得分评分人第一题(22 分)一、书写。

( 2 分)要求:①蓝黑墨水书写。




二、读拼音 , 写词语。

( 7 分)yōu yòu dàn ténɡzhān()静()惑()生()写()仰tīchún j ùqíqūcí xiánɡ挑()嘴()恐()()()三、填空。

( 3 分)1、肺:音序(),部首(),共()画。


四、把下边词语增补完好, 再选此中的一个写一句话。

(6 分)举世()名绝不犹()斩钉()铁褴褛不()众志()城安稳无()一如()往再接再()五、仍旧子 , 写成语。

( 4 分)例:生龙活虎(含动物)..四周八方(含数字)..第二题(26 分)一、用“然”构成适合的词语填在下边的括号里。

(4 分)昨每日气预告说 ,有一股强冷空气南下。


我哆嗦着走在上学的路上,()看见一道红光从我眼前闪过,哇 ,一位中年人()穿着红色短袖衬衫在跑步,一股敬重之情()而生。



( 8 分)(1 )纳兰性德身在万里之遥的边关 ,怎能不想念故土?(改为陈说句)(2 )冬季到了 ,梅花又开放了。

(改为拟人句)(3 )湖面上溅起了涟漪。

(扩句 ,起码两处)(4 )黄继光不只壮烈牺牲了 ,并且永久活在我们心中。

(改正病句)三、用线把左右两边的内容连起来, 再依据要求填空。

( 6 分)读书破万卷梅花香自严寒来孝在于质实春生江上几人还宝剑锋从磨砺出不在于饰貌家在梦中何日到下笔若有神我还累积了一句表达思乡感情的诗句:四、依据课文内容或要求填空。

(8 分)1 、《七律·长征》一诗中 ,总写长征困难的诗句是:“,。



2024年四川省绵阳市英语小学五年级上学期复习试题及解答参考一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Listen to the conversation between two friends and choose the correct answer.A. They are discussing their favorite color.B. They are planning a trip to the beach.C. They are comparing their favorite books.Answer: BExplanation: The conversation focuses on the friend’s vacation plans, mentioning the beach, which indicates option B is the correct answer.2、Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentence.Tom: “I like playing basketball, but I don’t have a basketball.”Jack: “Don’t worry, I have one. You can use mine.”What does Jack mean when he says, “I have one”?A. He has a basketball.B. He has a baseball.C. He has a football.Answer: AExplanation: J ack’s response indicates that he has a basketball, which makes option A the correct answer. The other options (baseball and football) are notmentioned in the dialogue.3、Question: What are the twins talking about on the phone?A. Their school schedule.B. Their favorite sports.C. Their summer vacation plans.Answer: BExplanation: The twins are discussing their favorite sports, such as basketball and soccer, which indicates that the correct answer is option B.4、Question: How does the mother feel about he r child’s new pet?A. She is happy.B. She is worried.C. She is not interested.Answer: BExplanation: The mother expresses her concern about the new pet, mentioning that it might be difficult to take care of. This suggests that the correct answer is option B, as she is worried.5.Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.A. How old is the girl?B. What is the girl’s favorite color?C. Where does the girl live?D. What does the girl like to do in her free time?Answer: BExplanation: The question asks about the girl’s favorite color. The dialogue mentions that her favorite color is pink, which is the correct answer.6.Listen to the short passage and answer the question.Question: What is the main idea of the passage?A. The importance of reading books.B. The benefits of playing outdoor games.C. How to keep healthy and fit.D. The history of computers.Answer: AExplanation: The passage discusses the importance of reading books and how it can enrich one’s knowledge and voc abulary. The main idea of the passage is about the importance of reading books.7、What does the teacher ask the student to do?A. Bring a book to class tomorrow.B. Submit the homework by Friday.C. Read Chapter 3 for the next lesson.Answer: B. Submit the homework by Friday.Explanation: In the conversation, the teacher reminds the student that the homework is due on Friday and asks if there are any questions about the assignment. Therefore, the correct answer is B.8、How does the student feel about the upcoming science project?A. Excited and eager to start.B. Worried and unsure of what to do.C. Indifferent and not interested.Answer: A. Excited and eager to start.Explanation: When discussing the science project, the student mentions looking forward to starting it and has already begun thinking about possible topics, indicating enthusiasm. Thus, the correct choice is A.9.Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.A. How old is the boy?B. What is the boy’s favorite color?C. What does the boy like to do in his free time?Answer: BExplanation: The question asks about the boy’s favorite color. The dialogue goes like this: “Hi, Tom! What’s your favorite color?” Tom answers, “My favorite color is blue.”10.Listen to the short passage and complete the sentence with the missing word.A. The cat is sitting on the _.B. The dog is running in the _.C. The bird is flying in the _.Answer: AExplanation: The question asks to complete the sentence with the missing word. The passage goes like this: “The cat is sitting on the mat. The dog isrunning in the park. The bird is flying in the sky.” So, the missing word in the first sentence should be “mat.”11、What does Sarah plan to do on her weekend?A. Go hiking with her friends.B. Visit her grandparents.C. Stay at home and read a book.Answer: B. Visit her grandparents.Explanation: In the dialogue, Sarah mentions she’s excited about spending time with her grandparents this weekend, indicating her plans clearly.12、How many books did John borrow from the library?A. Two books.B. Three books.C. Four books.Answer: C. Four books.Explanation: During the passage, it is stated that John borrowed four books to prepare for his science project, which is why option C is correct.In a real exam setting, students would listen to audio recordings containing the conversations or passages described above. The teacher would play the recording twice to ensure that students have enough time to understand and process the information provided. Students should mark their answers on the test paper as they listen.二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.The cat___________jumped over the fence.A)wasB)isC)hasD)doAnswer: A) wasExplanation: The sentence describes a past event, so the correct verb form is “was,” which is the past tense of “to be.”2、Select the sentence that correctly uses the past tense.A)I go to the park yesterday.B)She was eating an apple last night.C)They have finished their homework already.D)We are reading books in the library.Answer: B) She was eating an apple last night.Explanation: The sentence “She was eating an apple last night” correctly uses the past continuous tense to describe an action that was happening at a specific past time. The other options use incorrect tenses or structures for the given context.3、Which sentence uses the past tense correctly?A) I goed to the store yesterday.B) Yesterday, she seen a movie.C) They played soccer after school.D) We eat dinner at six o’clock.Answer: C) They played soccer after school.Explanation: The correct form of the past tense for “go” is “went,” so A is incorrect. For “see,” the past tense is “saw,” making B wrong. The verb “eat” in D should be “ate” in the past tense. “Played” is the right past tense form of “play,” making C the correct choice.4、Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the blank:“This book belongs to ________.”A) meB) IC) myD) mineAnswer: D) mineExplanation: “Mine” is used as a noun to show possession without needing an additional noun (like “my book”). “Me” is an object pronoun, “I” is a subject pronoun, and “my” is a possessive adjective that would require a noun following it (e.g., “my book”). Since no noun follows the blank, “mine” is the best choice.5、What is the plural form of the word “child”?A)childrenB)childC)childsD)childesAnswer: A) childrenExplanation: The plural form of the word “child” is “children”. The correct answer is A.6、Which sentence is grammatically correct?A)She have a dog.B)He has a cat.C)They is a bird.D)They are some fish.Answer: B) He has a cat.Explanation: The correct sentence in terms of grammar is B. “He has a cat” is in the present tense and correctly uses the verb “has”. The other options have incorrect verb conjugationor pronoun usage.7、Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:The children_______playing in the park.A) isB) areC) amD) beAnswer: B) areExplanation: The subject “the children” is plural, so we use the plural form of the verb “to be,” which is “are.”8、Select the appropriate preposition to fill in the blank:The book belongs_______my sister.A) toB) forC) withD) atAnswer: A) toExplanation: The phrase “belong to” is t he correct idiom to express ownership or belonging.9.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:The cat likes to sleep in the __________.A. boxB. basketC. bedAnswer: A. boxExplanation: The correct answer is “box” because cats often prefer to sleep in enclosed spaces that mimic a den or burrow, which a box can provide.10.Select the sentence that has a subject-verb agreement error:A. The children are happy with their new school.B. The children is playing outside.C. The children has finished their homework.Answer: B. The children is playing outside.Explanation: The correct sentence should have “are” instead of “is” because “children” is a plural noun, and its corresponding verb should also be plural. The correct sentence should read, “The children are playingoutside.”11、Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:The boys_______their homework yesterday.A) doesB) didC) doD) doneAnswer: B) didExplanation: The sentence is referring to an action that was completed in the past. Therefore, we use the simple past tense form of the verb “do,” which is “did.”12、Select the correctly punctuated sentence:A) We went to the zoo, and saw many animals.B) We went to the zoo and saw many animals.C) We went to the zoo, and, saw many animals.D) We went to the zoo and, saw many animals.Answer: B) We went to the zoo and saw many animals.Explanation: When you have two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction (such as “and”), a comma is not necessary if the clauses are short and closely related. In this case, “We went to the zoo” and “saw many animals” are both short and closely connected, so no comma is needed.三、完型填空(10分)Complete the passage with the appropriate choices below.Mrs. Green’s class was going on a field trip to the local zoo. The students were excited to see all the animals up close. The zookeeper met them at the entrance and gave them a brief introduction about the animals they would be visiting.First, the class visited the 1)_______section. The students were amazed by the 2)_______size of the giraffes. They also saw a group of playful 3) ________.“Look, Mr.Tiger, he’s 4) _______!” shouted Jamie.The zookeeper smiled and replied, “Yes, Jamie. Tigers are very 5)_______and pow erful. Remember to keep your distance.”A. colorfulB. giantC. zebrasD. fierceE. close1)B2)B3)C4)E5)D四、阅读理解(26分)Reading ComprehensionRead the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.The Little GardenerOnce upon a time in a small village, there was a little boy named Timmy who loved to play outside. Timmy’s favorite place was his backyard garden where he could observe all sorts of creatures and plants. One day, Timmy noticed that one of the flower beds w asn’t doing well. The flowers were drooping and the leaves were turning brown.Determined to help the garden, Timmy started reading books about gardening. He learned about the importance of watering plants regularly and how different types of soil affect plant growth. Timmy also discovered that some plants need more sunlight than others.Every morning, Timmy would wake up early and water the struggling flower bed. He also moved some of the flowers to sunnier spots in the garden. Over time, the flowers began to perk up, their colors becoming brighter and their leaves greener.Timmy felt proud of his hard work. His parents and neighbors noticed the improvement too and praised him for his efforts. Timmy realized that with patience and care, he could make a difference in the world, one flower at a time.Questions:1.What did Timmy notice about the flower bed that made him want to help?2.List two things Timmy learned from the gardening books.3.How did Timmy feel after seeing the improvement in the garden?Answers:1.Timmy noticed that the flowers were drooping and the leaves were turning brown.2.Timmy learned that watering plants regularly is important and that different types of soil can affect plant growth.3.Timmy felt proud after seeing the improvement in the garden.请告知是否需要调整或增加其他类型的题目。



2024-2025学年四川省绵阳市英语小学五年级上学期复习试题及答案指导一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to complete the sentence.A. The cat is sleeping on the bed.B. The dog is playing with a ball.C. The bird is singing outside.Answer: BExplanation: The dialogue will likely describe a scene with a dog, and the listener will choose the option that matches the description.2、Listen to the short passage and answer the question.Question: What is the weather like today?A. It is sunny.B. It is cloudy.C. It is raining.Answer: BExplanation: The passage will provide information about the current weather condition, and the listener will choose the option that correctly identifies the weather.3、Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.A) The boy wants to borrow a book.B) The girl is looking for a pen.C) They are discussing their schoolwork.Answer: A)Explanation: The conversation starts with the boy asking the girl if she has a book he can borrow, indicating that he wants to borrow a book, which makes option A the correct answer.4、Listen to the dialogue and answer the question.Question: What is the weather like today?A)It’s sunny.B)It’s cloudy.C)It’s rainy.Answer: B)Explanation: The dialogue includes a line where one of the speakers says, “Look outside, it’s really cloudy today,” which indicates that the weather is cloudy, making option B the correct answer.5.Listen to the dialogue between two students, Jack and Lily, and choose the correct answer.Jack: Hey Lily, what did you do this weekend?Lily: I went to the zoo with my family. We saw so many animals!Jack: That sounds fun! What was your favorite animal?Lily: My favorite was the panda. It was so cute and gentle.Question: What did Lily do this weekend?A) She went to the library.B) She visited the zoo with her family.C) She went swimming.D) She went hiking.Answer: B) She visited the zoo with her family.Explanation: In the dialogue, Lily mentions that she went to the zoo with her family, which is option B.6.Listen to the conversation between a teacher and a student, Alex, and complete the sentence with the correct information.Teacher: Alex, can you tell me about your science project?Alex: Sure, Miss. We are studying the water cycle.Teacher: That’s interesting. What stage of the water cycle do you think is the most important?Alex: Well, I think the condensation stage is very important because…Question: What does Alex think is very important in the water cycle?A) EvaporationB) PrecipitationC) CondensationD) CollectionAnswer: C) CondensationExplanation: In the conversation, Alex mentions that the condensation stageis very important, which is option C.7.You hear a conversation between two students, Tom and Lily, discussing their weekend plans. Listen carefully and answer the following question.What is Tom’s plan for this weekend?A. He is going to visit his grandparents.B. He is planning to go to the movies with his friends.C. He is going to attend a sports camp.Answer: BExp lanation: In the conversation, Tom mentions, “I’m thinking of going to the movies this weekend with some friends.” This indicates that his plan is to go to the movies, making option B the correct answer.8.You hear a weather report for a city in China. Listen carefully and answer the following question.What is the weather forecast for tomorrow in that city?A. Sunny with a high of 25 degrees Celsius.B. Rainy with a low of 15 degrees Celsius.C. Cloudy with a high of 20 degrees Celsius.Answer: CExplanati on: The weather report states, “Tomorrow will be partly cloudy with a high of 20 degrees Celsius and a low of 10 degrees Celsius.” This information matches option C, making it the correct answer.9.Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.A. The children are playing soccer in the park.B. The children are reading books in the library.C. The children are watching a movie at the cinema.Answer: BExplanation: In the conversation, you can hear the teacher saying, “Let’s go to the library to read some books.” This indicates that the children are at the library, so the correct answer is B.10.Listen to the dialogue and complete the sentence with the correct word.W: Can you tell me where the bathroom is?M: It’s on t he__________floor.A. firstB. secondC. thirdAnswer: AExplanation: In the dialogue, the man responds to the woman’s question about the bathroom’s location by mentioning a floor number. Since he doesn’t specify “second” or “third,” the most common answer would be “first” floor, which is why A is the correct choice.11.What is the name of the school bag that the teacher mentioned?A. Pink BagB. Blue BookC. Yellow BoxD. Green School BagAnswer: DExplanation: The teacher said, “And remember, you need to keep your green school bag clean and organized.”12.How many students are in the class according to the conversation?A. 20B. 25C. 30D. 35Answer: BExplanation: The conversation mentioned, “In our class, we have 25 students, which is quite a big group.”二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Which of the following is the correct way to say “I have two apples” in English?A. I have two apple.B. I have two apples.C. I have two of apple.D. I have two of apples.Answer: BExplanation: In English, when expressing a number followed by a countable noun, the noun should be in its singular form. Therefore, “two apples” is thecorrect way to say it.2、Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.The cat is sleeping under the table. It is __________.A. comfortableB. unhappyC. hungryD. tiredAnswer: AExplanation: The sentence implies that the cat is in a resting state under the table. “Comfortable” is the most appropriate word to describe the cat’s state in this context.3、Choose the correct form of the verb to fill in the blank:The children_______(play / plays) in the park every Saturday.Answer: playExplanation: The subject “children” is plural, so we use the base form of the verb “play” rather than the singular form “plays.”4、Select the correct preposition to complete the sentence:The book belongs_______my sister.A) to B) for C) with D) ofAnswer: A) toExplanation: The phrase “belong to” is the correct form used to indicate ownership. Therefore, “The book belongs to my sister” is the correct sentence.5、Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.The cat sat on the mat and watched the birds _.A)flyB)flewC)flyingD)flew overAnswer: C) flyingExplanation: The correct form to complete the sentence is in the present participle form, which is used here to describe an action that is ongoing. The sentence means that the cat is sitting and watching the birds as they are flying. “Flying” is the present participle of the verb “fly.”6、Select the word that does not belong in the list.A)islandB)continentC)oceanD)treeAnswer: D) treeExplanation: The words “island,” “continent,” and “ocean” all refer to large areas of land or water. “Tree,” on the other hand, refers to a single organism, whi ch is a plant. Therefore, “tree” is the word that does not belong with the others in the list.7、Which of the following sentences is in the correct past tense form?A) I go to the park yesterday.B) She eat her lunch quickly.C) They play football after school.D) We saw a movie last night.Answer: D) We saw a movie last night.Explanation: The correct form of the past tense should have the verb end with “-ed” (for regular verbs) or use the correct irregular past tense form. OptionD uses “saw,” which is the correct past tense form of “see.”8、Choose the correct pronoun to replace the underlined words:The boys and the girls need to bring their own snacks.A) themB) theyC) theirD) oursAnswer: C) theirExplanation: The pronoun must agree with “the boys and the girls” and indicate possession of the snacks. “Their” is the possessive adjective that correctly replaces “the boys and the girls” to show ownership.9.What is the opposite word of “hot”?A. coldB. warmC. coolD. hotAnswer: AExplanation: The opposite of “hot” is “cold”, which means having a low temperature.10.Which of the following is the correct way to spell “thousand”?A. thosandB. thousendC. thosandD. thousendAnswer: DExplanation: The correct way to spell “thousand” is with an “h” and an “e” at the end, as in option D.11、Which of the following words is the correct plural form of “child”?A)ChildsB)ChildrensC)ChildesD)ChildrenAnswer: D) ChildrenExplanation: The word “child” is an irregular noun, which means it does not follow the typical rule of adding -s or -es to make it plural. Instead, the correct plural form is “children.”12、Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence: “She_______her homework every day.”A)doB)doesC)didD)doingAnswer: B) doesExplanation: The sentence requires a third-person singular conjugation of the verb “do” in the present tense. Therefore, “does” is the correct choice because it agrees with the singular subject “she.”三、完型填空(10分)Cloze TestRead the following passage and choose the best word for each blank from the options given below.In the small town of Greenfield, there were four best friends: Lily, Max, Tom, and Emma. They all loved spending time together, and they had a special tradition every Sunday morning. They would meet at the old park near the town square.One sunny Sunday, they were sitting under a large oak tree, talking about their favorite [1]. Lily mentioned that she had just learned to play the violin. Max was [2] to show them his new kite, which he had made himself. Tom, who loved sports, talked about the [3] game he had watched the night before. Emma, who was interested in nature, shared her latest [4] about the local wildlife.As they enjoyed their morning, they noticed a small [5] on the ground. Itwas a [6], and they decided to take it back to the park. They thought it would be a fun [7] to keep it as a pet.1.a) hobbiesb) adventuresc) sportsd) games2.a) excitedb) sadc) angryd) scared3.a) movieb) concertc) bookd) painting4.a) recipeb) discoveryc) storyd) experiment5.a) leafb) rockc) bugd) flower6.a) birdb) fishc) butterflyd) spider7.a) ideab) secretc) joked) challengeAnswers:1.a) hobbies2.a) excited3.a) movie4.b) discovery5.c) bug6.c) butterfly7.a) idea四、阅读理解(26分)Reading ComprehensionPassage:Spring has come to the village of Greenfields, and with it, the world has turned colorful once again. The snow from winter has melted away, revealing the green grass beneath. Flowers begin to bloom everywhere, painting the fields in vibrant hues of red, yellow, and purple.The birds that had flown south for the winter have returned, singing their sweet songs from the newly budded trees. Children play outside more often now, enjoying the warm sunshine and gentle breezes. In the evenings, families take long walks together, watching as the world around them comes alive.Questions:1.What season is described in the passage? two changes mentioned in the village when this new season arrives.3.Who enjoys playing more often outside during this time?Answers:1.The season described in the passage is spring.2.Two changes mentioned in the village are the melting of snow, revealing green grass, and the blooming of flowers.3.Children enjoy playing more often outside during springtime.这个阅读理解题旨在测试学生们的细节捕捉能力和对短文的理解程度。



2011年绵阳中学英才学校四年制初一新生素质测试卷 数学试卷 (全卷共六个答题,满分150分,60分钟完卷) 一、选择(把你认为正确的答案的序号填入括号内)(3×10=30分) 1、小明今年8岁,他妹妹小君5岁,爷爷今年89岁( )年以后,爷爷的年龄是小明和小君年龄和的3倍。

A 、9 B 、10 C 、11 D 、无法确定 2、五一班有9个同学参加数学竞赛,取得了平均81分的好成绩,前5名同学的平均成绩是90分,后5名同学的平均成绩是70分,这9个同学取得的成绩的中位数是( ) A 、80 B 、81 C 、71 D 、前三者都不对 3、一个长方形,如果长增加2厘米,宽增加5厘米,就成了正方形,面积就增加了46平方厘米,那么原来长方形的面积是( )平方厘米。

A 、10 B 、18 C 、64 D 、无法确定 4、三个空瓶可以换一瓶汽水,买10瓶汽水,共可以喝汽水( )瓶 A 、10 B 、13 C 、15 D 、无法确定 5、李叔叔周五开车从绵阳回到成都的家中,每小时行60千米,周日从成都到绵阳的平均时速为40千米。

那么李叔叔往返的平均速度是( )千米/时 A 、48 B 、50 C 、52 D 、55 6、今年国庆节是星期五,那么明年元旦节星期( ) A 、四 B 、五 C 、六 D 、日 7、猎狗发现北边200米处有一只兔子正要逃跑,拔腿就追,兔子的洞穴在兔子的北边400米,若兔子每秒跑10米,猎狗每秒跑20米,可怜的兔子能逃过这一劫吗?( ) A 、能 B 、不能 C 、无法确定 8、学校合唱团中女生是男生的3倍,后来增加了10名男生,这时女生是男生的2倍,原来合唱团有( )人 A 、50 B 、60 C 、80 D 、无法计算 9、甲乙丙三人外出钓鱼,甲钓了3千克,乙钓了2千克,丙没有钓到鱼,中午三人一起将鱼全部吃完后,丙付出了10元钱,甲可以分得( )元 A 、6 B 、8 C 、10 D 、前三个都不对 10、有一批同学去划船,他们算了一下,如果增加一条船,正好每船坐6人,如果减少一条船,正好每船坐9人,则该班有( )名同学 A 、32 B 、36 C 、40 D 、48 二、填空(2×15=30分) 1、已知1.08÷1.2÷2.3=1.08÷□,其中□表示的数是( ) 2、2.46时= ( )时( )分( )秒 26500平方米=( )公顷 3、一个等腰梯形,底角为45度,上底8厘米,下底12厘米,这个梯形的面积是( )平方厘米 4、在99个连续的自然数中,最大的数是最小的数的25.5倍,那么这99个自然数的平均数是( ) 5、一项特殊的工作必须日夜有人看守,如果安排8人轮流值班,当值人员为3人,那么平均每人每天工作( )小时 6、一艘客轮在静水中的航行速度是26千米/时,往返于A 、B 两港之间,河水的流速是6千米/时如果客轮在河中往返4趟共用去13小时,那么A 、B 两港之间相距( )千米7、大猴采到一些桃子,分给一群小猴吃,如果每只小猴分得4个桃,则最后剩4个桃,如果一只小猴分得6只桃,那么还差12个桃,共采到()个桃,这群小猴共有()只8、有47个同学参加乒乓球比赛,规定每两人比赛一场,胜者进入下一轮,败者被淘汰,到最后决出冠军,共进行了()场比赛9、汽车从甲地开往乙地,原计划10小时到达,实际每小时比原计划多行15千米,行了8小时后,发现乙超过乙地20千米,甲、乙相距()千米三、判断(3×5=15分)1、三角形的面积是平行四边形的面积的一半()2、一个不等于0的数除以0.5,商一定比这个数大()3、除不尽时,商一定是循环小数()4、两个大小一样的三角形,一定能拼成平行四边形()5、0×x=0中的x的解可以是任意数()四、计算(能简便的要用简便方法计算)(5×6=30分)4.27÷0.7×1.3 18.9—18.9÷40.8×46+3.5×8+9.1×2 1+2+3+4……+49+5010.37×3.4+1.7×19.26 15×888+32×0.125×0.25四、解方程(5×2=10分)3×(2x+10)=45 5.6x=17.28—4x五、应用与解答(7×5=35分)1、有三筐梨子,甲筐梨子重20.53千克,乙筐比甲筐多0.7千克,比丙筐少4.14千克,那么甲、乙、丙共有多少千克梨子?2、为鼓励居民节约用水,自来水公司规定:每户每月用水15吨以内(含15吨)按1.2元一吨收费,超过15吨的其超出的吨数按5元一吨收费,文文家七月共缴水费28元,你知道文文家上个月用水多少吨吗?3、用一个杯子向一个空瓶里倒水,如果倒进3杯水,连瓶共重440克,如果倒进7杯水,连瓶共重600克,一杯水与空瓶各重多少克?4、妈妈给一批上衣缝纽扣,如果每天缝15件,就比规定的工期晚2天完成;如果每天缝18件,就可比规定的工期提前3天完成,这批上衣共多少件?5ABF的面积小5平方厘米,求DE=?厘米AB4。



绵中四年制初一考试试题(总11页) -本页仅作为预览文档封面,使用时请删除本页-1绵阳中学英才学校四初一年级数学试题一、填空题.1、读作( ),省略万后面的尾数是( )万 ; 一个数由5个十和4个十分之一组成,这个数写作( );九亿五千万零三十,写作( ),把它改写成以亿作单位的数是( )。

2、41写成小数是( ),写成百分数是( ); 141的分数单位是( ),它含有( )个这样的单位.3、6千克60克=( )克=( )千克. 千米=( )千米( )米 立方米=( )立方分米=( )立方厘米。

3小时40分=( )小时4、把43:化成最简整数比是( ),比值是( ).5、)(5640)(87== 2:5=15) (=( )% )%(12:)()(1275.0==÷=6、43的52是( ) ( )的64是24吨 比15吨多51是( )吨。

7、长方体和正方体都有( )个面,( )条棱,8个顶点.8、六年级六班有男生40名,女生10名,男生是女生的( )倍,女生是男生的( )%. 9、用0、2、5、8、9这五个数组成两个五位数,最大的数是( ),最小的数是( ).10.的倒数是( )。

11.在比例中,两个外项的积一定,两个两内项成( )比例。

12.当x=时,4x+3的值是( )。

当x =( )时,4x + 3=7。

13.一个圆锥体底面积周长是厘米,体积是立方厘米,圆锥体的底面积是( )平方厘米,高是( )厘米。











绵阳英才学校 2021~2021 学年度下学期期末第二次诊断性考试五年级语文试卷100 分;③答卷时间100 分钟〕〔提示:①错别字一个扣0.1 分;②总分值第一局部第二局部第三局部总分总分人题号一二三四五六七八九十十一一二三一二得分第一局部:根底知识积累与运用〔40 分〕得分一、书写〔 2 分〕。

Ww W.x k B 1.c Om评分人要求:①无错别字② 字迹端正③大小适当④排列整齐得分二、读拼音写字、词,注意书写工整、正确。

评分人〔 3 分。

写正确一个字得0.5 分〕f ùhuǎnɡ jì di àn s a sǒu天 ()撒〔〕〔〕羞〔〕抖〔〕得分评分人三、给划横线的字选择恰当的读音,用横线标出来。

〔3 分〕1、骆驼咀嚼〔ju ?ji ǎo〕的样子很有趣,它不着 (zh áo zhe zhuó)急,慢慢地嚼〔ju ? jiǎo〕着(zh áo zhe zhuó)。

2.将(jiānɡjiànɡ)领将 (ji ānɡ ji ànɡ)来得分四、同音字填空〔根据以下读音在括号里填上恰当的评分人字组成词。


〔2 分〕xiàn : ()制呈()()害()索得分五、根据学过的课文,在横线上填上恰当的四字词语。

评分人〔 4 分〕新课标第一网这学期,我们认识了的诸葛亮、的晏子、的老班长、的托德。


〔4 分〕评分人1、您为我们付出了这样高的代价,难道还缺乏以表达您对中国人民的友谊?〔改为陈述句〕。




〔4 分〕评分人?三国演义?吴承恩?将相和??西游记?罗贯中?猴王出世??水浒传?施耐庵?景阳冈??史记·廉颇蔺相如传?司马迁?草船借箭?得分八、按课文内容填空。

〔 6 分〕新课标第一网评分人1 、船夫的驾驶技术特别好。















(对的画“√ ”,错的画“×”。




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2011年绵阳中学英才学校四年制初一新生素质测试卷 数学试卷 (全卷共六个答题,满分150分,60分钟完卷) 一、选择(把你认为正确的答案的序号填入括号内)(3×10=30分) 1、小明今年8岁,他妹妹小君5岁,爷爷今年89岁( )年以后,爷爷的年龄是小明和小君年龄和的3倍。

A 、9 B 、10 C 、11 D 、无法确定 2、五一班有9个同学参加数学竞赛,取得了平均81分的好成绩,前5名同学的平均成绩是90分,后5名同学的平均成绩是70分,这9个同学取得的成绩的中位数是( ) A 、80 B 、81 C 、71 D 、前三者都不对 3、一个长方形,如果长增加2厘米,宽增加5厘米,就成了正方形,面积就增加了46平方厘米,那么原来长方形的面积是( )平方厘米。

A 、10 B 、18 C 、64 D 、无法确定 4、三个空瓶可以换一瓶汽水,买10瓶汽水,共可以喝汽水( )瓶 A 、10 B 、13 C 、15 D 、无法确定 5、李叔叔周五开车从绵阳回到成都的家中,每小时行60千米,周日从成都到绵阳的平均时速为40千米。

那么李叔叔往返的平均速度是( )千米/时 A 、48 B 、50 C 、52 D 、55 6、今年国庆节是星期五,那么明年元旦节星期( ) A 、四 B 、五 C 、六 D 、日 7、猎狗发现北边200米处有一只兔子正要逃跑,拔腿就追,兔子的洞穴在兔子的北边400米,若兔子每秒跑10米,猎狗每秒跑20米,可怜的兔子能逃过这一劫吗?( ) A 、能 B 、不能 C 、无法确定 8、学校合唱团中女生是男生的3倍,后来增加了10名男生,这时女生是男生的2倍,原来合唱团有( )人 A 、50 B 、60 C 、80 D 、无法计算 9、甲乙丙三人外出钓鱼,甲钓了3千克,乙钓了2千克,丙没有钓到鱼,中午三人一起将鱼全部吃完后,丙付出了10元钱,甲可以分得( )元 A 、6 B 、8 C 、10 D 、前三个都不对 10、有一批同学去划船,他们算了一下,如果增加一条船,正好每船坐6人,如果减少一条船,正好每船坐9人,则该班有( )名同学 A 、32 B 、36 C 、40 D 、48 二、填空(2×15=30分) 1、已知1.08÷1.2÷2.3=1.08÷□,其中□表示的数是( ) 2、2.46时= ( )时( )分( )秒 26500平方米=( )公顷 3、一个等腰梯形,底角为45度,上底8厘米,下底12厘米,这个梯形的面积是( )平方厘米 4、在99个连续的自然数中,最大的数是最小的数的25.5倍,那么这99个自然数的平均数是( ) 5、一项特殊的工作必须日夜有人看守,如果安排8人轮流值班,当值人员为3人,那么平均每人每天工作( )小时 6、一艘客轮在静水中的航行速度是26千米/时,往返于A 、B 两港之间,河水的流速是6千米/时如果客轮在河中往返4趟共用去13小时,那么A 、B 两港之间相距( )千米
来源 市 区(县)
学校 姓名 考号
4.27÷0.7×1.3 18.9—18.9÷4
0.8×46+3.5×8+9.1×2 1+2+3+4……+49+50
10.37×3.4+1.7×19.26 15×888+32×0.125×0.25
3×(2x+10)=45 5.6x=17.28—4x
5、在下图中,三角形DEF 比三角形ABF 的面积小5平方厘米,求DE=?厘米
