实习医生格蕾_经典台词中英文◆实习医生格蕾第一季第二集Its all about linesThe finishing line is the end of the residencywaiting in lines for a chance at the operating tableand then theres the most important line the line separating you from the people you work withIt doesnt help to get too familiar to make friendsyou need boundaries between you and the rest of the worldother people are far too messy Its all about lines drawing lines in the sand and pray like hell no one crosses themEnd But therere some linesthatre way too dangerous to crossHeres what I knowIf you are willing to take the chance that the view from other side is spectacular所有这一切都是关于线的线的终点是实习期的结束接着排成直线来等待机会上手术台然后是最重要的那条线将你和你的同事们隔开界限并没有帮助我熟悉周围或是结交朋友你需要一个分界线在你和这个世界之间其他人都忙的一团糟一切都是关于线的在沙子上画线然后拼命祈祷没有人去踩坏它们在某些问题上你必须作出决定边界并不能把你和其他人隔开他们依然会进来生活是杂乱无章的但所有的一切都是我们自己造成的所以你可以用尽一生去画无数的线你也可以跨越这些线去好好生活可那总有一些线非常危险无法越过的路如果你愿意去尝试另一面的风景将令你着迷◆实习医生格蕾第一季第四集I wish there were a rule book about intimacy some kind of guide that can tell you when you cross the lineIt would be nice if you could see it comingAnd I dont know how it fit on the mapYou take it where you can get itAnd keep it as long as you canAnd as for rules maybe therere noneMaybe the rules of intimacy are something you have to define yourself 我希望这里会有一本关于亲密的规则书当你越线时一些指导者可以告诉你如果你能看到它的到来事情会变的更好在一幅地图上我不知道你怎样才能去合适它你得到了在你可以得到的地方你能保持多久就多久作为规矩或许这里没有或许亲密的规则需要你自己去定义◆实习医生格蕾第一季第七集Maybe we like the painMaybe were wired that way because without itI dont know maybe we just wouldnt feel realWhats that saying"Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer""Because it feels so good when I stop"或许我们喜欢痛苦或许我们期待那种方式因为没有我不知道我们就不会感受到真实的一面那什么意思那我为什么不一直用锤子敲我的脑袋因为停下来感觉很好◆实习医生格蕾第一季第八集You know how when you were a little kid and you believed in fairy tales That fantasy of what your life would be -- white dress prince charming whod carry you away to a castle on a hillYoud lie in bed at night and close your eyes and you had complete and utter faithSanta Claus the tooth fairy prince charming -- they were so close you could taste themBut eventually you grow upOne day you open your eyes and the fairy tale disappearsMost people turn to the things and people they can trustBut the thing is its hard to let go of that fairy tale entirely Cause almost everyone still has that smallest bit of hope -- of faith -- that one day theyll open their eyes and it will all come true 你知道你是小孩的r候有多少相信童故事幻想你的生活是穿著白衣服等著白R王子把你У缴缴系某潜ぃ晚上]上眼睛在床上的r候你就ψ约喝鲋e你有完完全全Φ男拍睿圣Q老人牙仙白R王子他x你如此之近你都可以伸手抓住他但是最K你是L大了一早晨你_眼睛所有的童故事都消失了大多等硕奸_始相信他所能蛳嘈诺氖拢但事上是很y完全不相信童故事每人有那么一cc信念一天他_眼睛一切都粝氤烧媪恕◆实习医生格蕾第一季第九集The thing people forget is how good it can feel when you finally set secrets freeWhether good or bad at least theyre out in the openlike it or notAnd once your secrets are out in the open you dont have to hide behind them anymoreThe problem with secrets is even when you think youre in controlYoure not人们不会在意的就是秘密揭开后你们会感觉非常好的无论好坏至少它被说出了好坏都不重要了自从你的秘密不在秘密你就不用再背负秘密了秘密就有一个问题你认为你能控制得了吗其实你控制不了◆实习医生格蕾第二季第一集They say "practice makes perfect"Theory is the more you think like a surgeon the more you become one the better you get at remaining neutral clinicalcut suture closeand the harder it becomes to learn to turn it offto stop thinking like a surgeonAnd remember what it means to think like a human being有人f熟能生巧原理是你像外科大夫那铀伎迹你就能更像外科大夫你自己越中立熟切_p合P上你越碓诫y[停止像外科大夫那铀伎e忘了像人那铀伎家馕吨什么◆实习医生格蕾第二季第二集Theres something to be saidabout a glass half fullabout knowing when to say wheni think its a floating linea barometer of need and desireits entirely up to the individualand depends on whats being pouredsometimesall we want is a tasteother timestheres no such thing as enoughThe glass is bottomlessAnd all we wantis more我的一个阿姨无论她什么时候给你任何东西都会说够了就说一声当然我们从来都不说我们不喊停因为是希望有可能得到更多有些事值得考虑关于半杯水关于什么时候喊停我认为那是一个需要和希望的完全因人而异有时候我们想要的只是尝一尝别的时候根本就没有满足杯子是没有底的我们想要的是更多◆实习医生格蕾第二季第四集Sometimes reality has a way of sneaking upand sting us in the assand when the dam burstsall you can do is swimThe world of pretend is a cage not a cocoonWe can only lie to ourselves for so longWe are tiredWe are scaredDenying it doesnt change the truthSooner or later we have to put aside our denialand face the world head-on guns blazingDenial its not just a river in EgyptIts a freaking ocean有时候现实有些鬼祟在背后袭击我们当大坝决口的时候你所能做的就是游泳伪装的世界是一个鸟笼而不是一个蚕茧我们只能和自己长时间的撒谎我们都很疲惫我们也很恐惧否认并不能改变事实或早或迟我们必须把我们否认的放一边面对迎面而来的世界炙热的燃烧否认不仅仅只是埃及的一条河流而已那是个怪异的海流那么你如何从中逃生呢如果你不示弱你就会成为最强的我们仅仅看到我们愿意看到的相信我们想信的确实是这样的我们老是在骗自己而过了一会儿这些谎言开始看上去像真理的一样了我们否认的太多以至于不能辨认就在我们面前的真相当你很接近的时候很难接受结束◆实习医生格蕾第二季第五集Pain--you just have to ride it outhope it goes away on its ownhope the wound that caused it healsSoheres where we areThere are no solutionsno easy answersYou just breathe deepand wait for it to subsideBut sometimesthe pain gets you when you least expect itHits way below the belt and doesnt let upSoPain―you just have to fight through because the truth isyou cant outrun it and life always makes more疼痛你必须梃过来期待它会自己消失不见期待它导致的伤口自动愈合根本就没有解决方法没有简单回答你只能深呼吸然后等待它下沉大部分时候疼痛可以控制但是有时候疼痛在你最不期待的时候出现疼痛来的不折手段而且无法停止疼痛你只需要奋力与之搏斗因为事实是你没办法逃脱而且生活只会制造更多的疼痛◆实习医生格蕾第二季第二十集可是人生之路充满了不可预料的蜿蜒和转弯当你站在那条路上的时候你脚下的地面会把你掀翻在地要是你足够幸运你也许只会仅仅得到个小伤口一个创口贴就能复原的伤口可是有些伤口比当初看起来的要深需要比快速治疗更好的方法对那些伤口你只能撕掉创口贴让它们自由呼吸然后给它们时间来自我治疗◆实习医生格蕾第二季二十二集你会有个孩子你的生命将被这小生命所主宰它是你的使命你将会想你所做的一切都不正确这很正常你会困扰怎么去喂养他把他送到什么学校他应该学钢琴还是小提琴但是我要告诉你个秘密所有的这一切都不重要无论他是钢琴家还是数学天才这都不重要因为有一天如果你的孩子开心所有的才有意义你可能会感到难过那没关系那很正常但是你不会永远伤心的对不对生活是没有观众的比赛无论赢输或是平局生活仍然会继续不管我们是否想那样因此还是大胆往前走和裁判理论随意改变规则可以作点弊休息一会儿舔舔伤口但是游戏还要继续玩玩的尽兴玩的痛快轻松自在地玩就想没有明天一样的玩好了那么这无关输赢这只关系你如何玩这游戏◆实习医生格蕾第二季第二十三集有个聪明的男人曾经说过在你一生可以拥有任何东西如果你牺牲了其他的一切来得到这些它的意思就是天下没有免费的午餐所以在你投入战斗之前你最好知道自己要失去什么太频繁的追逐感觉不错的东西意味着你要释放掉一些你所认为好的东西让某个人进去意味着放弃你花了两年所筑的墙当然最大的牺牲是你都不知道自己失去了什么也许它是最宝贵的也许结局你永远不知道◆实习医生格蕾第三季第四集The fantasy is simplePleasure is goodBut the reality is differentThe reality is that pain is there to tell us somethingBut there are still so much pleasure we can take without getting a stomachacheAnd maybe thats okMaybe some fantasy just lie in the dreams幻想是简单的快乐是美好的双倍快乐更好痛苦是糟糕的没有痛苦更好但事实却大不相同事实是痛苦在那告诉我们些道理的除了得胃痛我们还能得到很多快乐也许那没什么但幻想只该留在我们梦里◆实习医生格蕾第三季第五集First do no harmEasier said than doneWe can take all the vows in the worldBut the fact isMost of us do harm all the timeSometimes even when were trying to helpWe do more harm than goodAnd the guilt rears and the ugly hadWhat you do to that guilt is up to youAll the left is choiceEither let the guilt throw you back into the behavior that got you into trouble in the first placeOr learn from the guilt and do your best to move on首先不要伤害说比做容易即使我们信守誓言我们很多时候还是会造成伤害有时当我们想要帮助别人时总是适得其反当罪恶感涌现怎么处理视乎你本身我们可以选择要么让罪恶感将你带回到导致麻烦的行为从中吸取教训努力重新开始要么让它吞噬你◆实习医生格蕾第三季第六集There are times even when the best of us has trouble with commitments And we may be surprised by the commitments we are willing tolet slip out of our grabsCommitments are complicatedWe may surprise ourselves we are willing to makeToo commitments take efforts and sacrificeWhich is why sometimesWe have to learn the hard way to choose our commitments very carefully 很多时候我们似乎不敢作出承诺我们愿意将承诺说出但说出之后却可能倍加以外承诺很复杂也许我们会惊讶于自己心甘情愿所做的承诺实现承诺需要努力以及牺牲所以有时我们必须用一种艰难的方法仔细地选择我们的承诺◆实习医生格蕾第三季第七集Not all the wounds are superfacialMost wounds are deeper than we imagineYou cant see them with the naked eyeAnd then there are wounds that take us by surpriseThe trick with any kind of wound or disease is to dig down and find the real source of injuryAnd once you find it try like Hel to heal that suffer并不是所有伤害都是表面的多数的伤害比我们能想象的更深光靠眼睛是看不出来的有时我们冷不防就会遇到伤害消除伤害或者疾病的窍门是挖掘下去并找到伤害的真正来源一旦找到就尽力去把问题解决◆实习医生格蕾第三季第九集Be somewhere betray is inevitableWhen our body betrays usSurgery is also the key to recoveryWhen we betray each otherThe past recovery is less clearAnd there are some wounds some betray they are so deep so profound But there is no way to repair what we were lost有时背叛是无法避免的当身体背叛我们的时候手术可以帮我们恢复如果我们背叛彼此当我们背叛彼此后要想恢复就不那么容易我们竭尽全力去修补失去的信任但有些伤害背叛太深影响太大我们无法找回我们失去的如果真是这样我们能做的就只有等待◆实习医生格蕾第三季第十集At the end of the day when it comes down to itAll we really want is to be close to somebodySo this things we all keep our distanceAnd pretend not to care about each otherIts usually a loud of foolSo we pick and choose who we want to be close toAnd once we chose those peopleWe tend to be close byNo matter how much we hurt themThe people still with you at the end of the dayThose are the ones worth keepingAnd sometimes close cant be too closeBut sometimes that invasion of someones personal spaceIt could be exactly what you need说到底事实就是我们真正想要的就是靠近某人所以保持距离假装彼此毫不关心之类的事通常都是愚蠢的空话所以我们挑选自己想保持亲近的人一旦我们选择了这些人就会希望紧紧相依无论对他们造成多大伤害那些最终仍对你不离不弃的人就是值得拥有的当然有时不能太过亲近但有时侵入个人空间可能才是你真正需要的◆实习医生格蕾第三季十三集We all think we are going to be greatAnd we feel a little bit robed when our expectations are metBut sometimes our expectations sound shortSometimes the expected simply pales in comparison to the unexpected You got wonder why we clean to our expectationsBecause the expected is just keeps us standing standing stillThe expected is just the beginningThe unexpected is what changes our lives我们总是以为我们会很好而当我们的期望没有实现就会感觉好像被掠夺了一样但有时候我们的期望会略显悲观有时期望和意外之喜相比就逊色多了你会奇怪为什么我们会这么依恋我们的期望因为正是有所期望让我们可以站稳坚持下去期望只是个开始期望之外的将改变我们的生活◆实习医生格蕾第三季第十七集We take our miracles where we find themWe reach across the gapAnd sometimesAgainst all aresAgainst all logicWe touch我们抓住找到的奇迹在缝隙中挣扎有时虽然毫无可能不合逻辑但我们相信◆实习医生格蕾第三季第十八集Whats worseNew wounds which are so horribly painfulOr old wounds that should have healed the years ago but never did Maybe our old wounds teach us somethingThey remind us where weve beenAnd what we overcomeThey teach us lessons about what to avoid in the futureThats we like to thinkBut thats not the way it is is itSomething we need just have to learn over and over and over again 什么更糟糕是新的伤口那些更加疼痛的新伤口还是那些愈合多年的旧伤口也许旧伤会教会我们一些东西它们会提醒我们我们去过哪我们克服过什么教给我们未来要避免什么这是我们想要考虑的但它有时也不这样不是么有些事情我们不得不学习一遍一遍又一遍◆实习医生格蕾第三季第二十集Some people believe that without history our lives amount to nothing At some point we all have to chooseDo we fall back what we knowOr do we step forward to something newIts hard not to be hunted by our pastOur history is what shapes us what guides usOur history resurfaces time after time after timeSo we have to rememberSometimes the most important historyis the history we are making today有人相信如果没有过去我们的人生就失去了意义我们最终都必须作出选择我们是回复到从前的旧我呢还是向前看找到新的天地人很难摆脱过去是过去磨练了我们指引了我们我们的过去一次又一次浮现在眼前所以我们必须谨记在心有时那最重要的过去便是今日我们正创造着的过去◆实习医生格蕾第三季第二十一集Too often the thing you want most is the one thing you cant have Desire leaves us heart-brokenIt wears us outDesire can rack your lifeBut is tough as wanting something can beThe people who suffered mostAre those who dont know what they want很多时候你最想得到的就是你无法拥有的欲望让我们心神俱碎欲望能毁了你的生活和欲求某物一样艰难的是受苦最多的人是那些不明白自己欲求何物的人◆实习医生格蕾第三季第二十三集At some point maybe we accept the dream has become a nightmare We tell ourselves the reality is betterWe convince ourselves its better than we never dream at allBut the strongest of us the most determined of usWe hold on to the dreamOr we find ourselves face to the fresh dream we never consideredWe awake to find ourselves against all along feeling hopefulAnd if we are lucky we realizeAnd the face of everything and the face of lifeThe true dream is being able to dream at all我们告诉自己现实更好我们说服自己宁愿从来没有过梦但我们最坚强的最有魄力的则是抱有梦想或者我们发现自己面对一个从未想过的新梦想我们意识到自己一反常态地充满梦想如果幸运的话我们会意识到面对人生面对一切那个真实的梦正在从容上演◆实习医生格蕾第四季第一集In the practice of medicine change is inevitable New surgical techniques are created Procedures are updated Levels of expertise increase Innovation is everything Nothing remains the same for long We either adapt to change Or we get left behindChange we dont like it we fear it But we cant stop it from coming We either adapt to change Or we left behind It hurts to grow Anybody tells you it doesnt hes lying And heres the truth Sometimes the more things change the more dissuade thing And sometimes oh sometimes change is good Sometimes change is everything从事医疗事业改变是不可避免的新手术技术的诞生手术方法的改进专业技巧的积累创新就是一切没有什麽是长久不变的我们要么适应变化要么落后于他人改变是我们不喜欢的事是我们惧怕的事但我们阻止不了改变的到来我们要么适应变化要么落后于他人成长都是痛苦的谁说成长不痛苦都是骗人而事实是有时候改变的越多越会回到原点而有时候改变是件好事有时候改变就是一切◆实习医生格蕾第四季第二集In the hospital we see addiction everyday Its shocking how many kinds of addiction existIt would be too easy if there is just drugs and glus and cigarettes I think the hardest part of kicking the habit is belonging to kick it I mean we get addicted for reason rightOften too often things that start out are just as a normal part of your life At some point cross the line too obsessive compulsive out of control Its the high we are chasing the high that make everything else fade away The thing about addiction is that never ends well Because eventually whenever it is that was getting us high Stops feeling good and starts to hurt Still they say you dont kick the happen until you hit the block bottom But how do you know when you were there Because no matter how badly a thing was hurting us Sometimes letting it go hurts even worse在医院里我们每天都能看到上瘾上瘾的种类之多很令人震惊如果只是吸毒酗酒抽烟之类的上瘾戒起来倒也容易戒掉一个习惯时最困难的地方就是下决心我是说之所以上瘾都是有原因的对吧很多时候起初并未沉迷也未曾影响正常生活然而在某一刻就越了界变得迷恋情不自禁最后失去控制上瘾就是因为这种沉醉感让整个世界都黯然失色的沉醉感上瘾这种事永远不会有好结果因为到最后那令我们沉迷的东西都会失去作用转而开始伤害我们但你还是无法戒掉坏习惯直到你的身心彻底跌到谷底但你怎么知道什么时候才是谷底呢因为不管事情有多糟有时候顺其自然更令人受伤◆实习医生格蕾第四季第三集Doctors give patients a number of things We give them medicine we give them advice And most of the timeWe give them our undivided attentionBut by far the hardest thing you can give the patients is the truth The truth is hard the truth is awkward and very often the truth hurts I mean people say they want the truth but do they really医生提供给病人很多东西我们给与他们药物还有建议而大部分时间我们给於他们专心的观察但目前最难给与病人的是真相真相很现实真相很难说出口而且经常真相很伤人我认为人们说他们需要真相但他们真的需要吗The truth is painful nobody wants to hear it Especially when its hit close to home Sometimes we tell the truth because the truth is all we have to give Sometimes we tell the truth because we need to say it aloud to really hear from ourselves And sometimes we tell the truth because we cant help ourselves We tell them because we owe them at least that much事实是令人痛苦的内心深处没有人想听特别是与家事有关的有时候我们讲真话因为我们能给与的只有事实而已有时我们讲真话是因为我们需要大声说出来让自己听见有时我们讲真话仅仅是因为情不自禁有时我们讲真话因为这是我们最起码的责任◆实习医生格蕾第四季第四集In life only one thing is certain apart from death and taxes No matterhow hard you try No matter how good your intention is You are going to make mistakes You are going to hurt people You are going to get hurt And if you ever want to recover There is really only one thing you can say Well I forgive you人生中只有一件事情是确定的除了死亡和税款无论你多么努力的尝试无论你的目的多么纯良你总是会犯错误你会伤害他人你也会被伤害如果你还想好起来的话事实上你所能说的只有一句话我原谅你Forgive and forget Thats what they say Its a good advice but not very practical When someone hurts us we want to hurt them back When someone arounds us we want to be rightWithout forgiveness old scores are never settled Old wounds never heal And the most we can hope forIs that one day We will be lucky enough to forget原谅与遗忘就像他们所说的这是一个很好的建议但是并不总可行当有人伤害到我们的时候我们想要反击回去当有人误会我们时我们想要做对的事情没有原谅旧账难清旧伤难愈而我们期待最多的是某天我们很幸运的能做到遗忘Even good marriages failOne minute youre standing on soild groung The next minute youre notAnd theres always two versionsYours and theirs Both versions start the same way though both start with two people failing in love神仙眷侣也会劳燕分飞刚刚还耳鬓厮磨转眼间形同陌路男女双方各有说法你们的和他们的不过两种说法都有相同的起因皆因两人坠入爱河Do you have what it takes If your marriage is in trouble can you weather the storm W hen the ground gives way and your world collapses Maybe you just need to have faith And trust that you can survive this together Maybe you just need to hold on tight And no matter what Dont let go你够不够勇敢你的婚姻触礁了你能否力挽狂澜当大地分崩离析时你的世界也随之飘摇零落也许你只是需要一点信心还要坚信自己一定能挺过来也许你只需咬牙坚持不管怎么样永远不要放弃When my mother left my father she didnt tell him she was leaving and taking me with her until wed landed on the other side of the country In those days it was called family troubles Today itd be called kidnappin 我母亲离开我父亲的时候她没有提前知会他也没有说把我也带走了直到我们到了另一个地方才通知他在当时这叫家庭矛盾如今这就是赤裸裸的绑架You think that true love is the only thing that can crush your heart The thing that will take your life and light it up or destroy it Then you become a mother你以为只有真爱才会让你心动到心碎你把全部生命都交给它让它点亮你的人生或是毁掉你的未来但是从此你便成为了一个母亲You work you study you prepare months and years leading to one day The day when you step up The day when you step down我们工作着学习着准备着月复一月年复一年只为了那一天晋升的那一天下台的那一天Sometimes it happens in an instant We step up we become a leader We se a path forward We see a path and we take it Even when we have no idea where were going有时他发生在转瞬之间我们晋升我们成为领导前途似锦我们看到前路便踏上旅程即使全然不知路通向何方There are distinct differences between male and female brains Female brains have a larger hippocampus which usually makes them better at retention and memory Male brains have a bigger parietal cortex which helps when fending off an attack Male brains confront challenges differently than female brains Wamen are hardwired to communicate with language detail Empathy Men not so muchIt doesnt mean that were any less capable of emotion We can talk about our feelings Its just that most of the time wed really rather not男性和女性大脑存在一些显著的差异女性大脑拥有更大的海马区因此她们拥有更强的记忆力男性大脑拥有更广阔的顶叶皮层这有利于他们抵御攻击面对挑战男性大脑的反应和女性截然不同女人们天生就擅长用语言交流用各种细节交谈各种移情而男人们不太擅长但这不意味着我们在感情方面有缺陷我们也会倾诉我们的情感只是绝大多数时候我们真的不愿说出来Be a man People say it all the time But what does that even mean Is it about strengthIs it about sacrifice Is it about winning Maybe its simpler than that You have to know when not to man up Sometimes it takes a realman to set his ego aside admit defeat And simply start all over again 做个爷们人们总这么说但这到底意味着什么是力量吗是牺牲吗是胜利吗也许比这简单得多你得知道什么时候该不那么爷们真正的爷们有时得抛下自傲接受失败然后仅仅是重新开始The human body is designed to compensate for loss It adapts so it no longer needs the thing it cant have But sometimes a loss is too great and the body cant compensate on its own Thats when surgeons get involved 人体天生就能修复损伤无法拥有之时就会渐渐适应然附骨之毒恐难自愈华佗妙手方能回春Were so hopeful at the beginning of things It seeike theres only a world to be gained Not lost They say the inability to accept loss is a form of insanity Its probably true But sometimes Its the only way to stay alive 在事情之初我们总满怀希望似乎只能赢得这个世界却无法承受失去他们说不能接受失去是一种病态的表现可能是真的但有时侯只有这样才能坚持活下来As babies we were easy One cry meant you were hungry Another you were tried Its only as adults that we become difficult We start to hide our feelings put up walls It gets to the point where we never really know how anyone thinks or feels Without meaning to we become masters of disguise孩子的世界简单明了哭一声就是饿了哭两声就是累了长大后事情才变得纷繁错杂我们掩饰感情划分界限叶无从知晓他人的真实想法和感受不知不觉中我们成。
1x06: If Tomorrow Never ComesOriginal Airdate: 5/1/2005Written by: Krista VernoffDirected by: Scott Brazil(Scene: Sunrise)MVO: A couple hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin shared with the world the secret of his success. "Never leave that till tomorrow," he said, "which you can do today."(Scene: Meredith lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. It is storming outside and her alarm starts buzzing.)MVO: This is the man who discovered electricity. You'd think more of us would listen to what he had to say.(Scene: George walking through the hall towards Meredith's room with two cups of coffee. Izzie comes out into the hall. George spills the coffee on himself.)MVO: I don't know why we put things off, but if I had to guess, I'd say it has a lot to do with fear. Fear of failure, fear of pain, fear of rejection.Izzie: Wouldn't it be easier to just ask her out?(George walks away and Meredith hits snooze again.)George: She's gonna be late.Izzie: Maybe not.George: We should wait for her.Izzie: Definitely not. I'm not her mother, and you are not her boyfriend. Not yet, anyway.George: Stop, ok? I told you I'm not interested.Izzie: Life is short, George. Do you really want to die before you ever ask her out?George: I do not want to ask her out.Izzie: Do you really want to die a liar?George: I'm not...I'm not dying.(Seattle scenes)MVO: Sometimes, the fear is just of making a decision.(Scene: SGH parking lot, Meredith is rushing)MVO: Because, what if you're wrong? What if you're making a mistake you can't undo?(Derek arrives and parks next to Meredith)Meredith: Crap.Derek: Crap?Meredith: Hi. I'm late.Derek: You're avoiding me.Meredith: Yes, but also late.Derek: Ok, are we going to talk about this?Meredith: No.Derek: About us and Bailey and what she saw?Meredith: I don't need to talk about it. I experienced it, naked.Derek: This is getting complicated.Meredith: Complicated for me. I'm the intern sleeping with the attending. Bailey isn't speaking to me anymore.Derek: Not that that's a bad thing. If I was a better guy, I'd walk away.Meredith: Yes, you would.Derek: Do you want me to be a better guy?Meredith: Yes.(They enter hospital. He pushes elevator button.)Meredith: No. Crap. I'm late.(Meredith walks away.)Derek: Take your time. Think about it.(Scene: Cristina putting pants on. Her and Burke obviously just finished having sex in a lab room.)Cristina: That was definitely worth being late.Burke: (Sighs) Thanks. Is this a...? Should we talk about this?Cristina: Yeah, definitely.(Cristina leaves then enters the locker rooms. Meredith is inside.)Meredith: You're late.Cristina: So are you.Meredith: I know, and I can't afford to piss off Bailey any more. Do you think she told anyone?Cristina: About you and McDreamy?Meredith: Yeah.Cristina: No, he's her boss too.Meredith: If they find out, what can they...? Can they kick me out, or...?Cristina: No... Not officially. You'll just get edged out, blacklisted, banned from his surgeries, passed over for chief resident. (Sighs) It'll be humiliating, but you'll live.Meredith: I have to end it. I definitely have to end it. I have to end it, right?Cristina: Meredith, shut up.Meredith: What?(Meredith and Cristina are rushing upstairs and through hallway.)Meredith: Did you seriously just tell me to shut up?Cristina: Oh, please. You got a hot doctor who like to make you open up, and say "ahh." It's the American dream, stop whining about it.Meredith: No. No good can come from sleeping with your boss.Bailey: Cristina, you're late.Cristina: So is Meredith.MVO: Whatever it is we're afraid of, one thing holds true. That, by the time the pain of not doing a thing gets worse than the fear of doing it, it can feel like we're carrying around a giant tumor.Bailey: When we walk in this door, you will maintain decorum. You will not laugh, vomit, or drop you jaw. Are we understood?(All open door and enter room 2111)Izzie: Why would we laugh?Alex: Oh, just you wait.Bailey: Good morning, Miss Connors.Miss Connors: Good Morning.(Woman is lying in bed with an extremely large tumor.)George: What is it?Cristina: Tumor.MVO: And you thought I was speaking metaphorically.(Seattle Scenes)(Annie Connor's room)Alex: Good morning, Annie. How are you? This is Dr. Bailey and these are my fellow interns.Bailey: Dr. Karev, we refer to patients as "mister"...Annie: I told him to call me "Annie." "Miss Connors" makes me feel old and fat, which I am, but why feel that way?(Burke enters)Burke: Good morning.Alex: Annie, this is Dr. Burke (Whispers) Awesome surgeon.Bailey: Dr. Karev.Alex: Annie Connors is a 43-year-old woman who presented last night with progressive shortness of breath for the past three months. Found to have a very large tumor of unknown origin pressed against her diaphragm. Stable vital signs. Scheduled for CT this morning, sir.Burke: Thank you, Dr. Karev. (To Annie) Are you at all claustrophobic?Annie: I've been housebound for the last year. How claustrophobic could I be?Burke: All right then. Dr. Stevens is going to take you up for a CT. It'll give us a better look at the tumor, and we'll know how to proceed.Annie: Could someone tell my mom? She'll worry if she gets back and I'm not here.Burke: Yeah, of course. Of course.Annie: And would it be possible for Alex to take me instead? I mean, he...He's just so fun to look at.Alex: (Laughing) Annie.Burke: Sure. Sure, Ms. Connors. Excuse me.(Leave Ms. Connor's room)Izzie: How much do you think it weighs?George: 60 pounds.Izzie: More. She's carrying a whole extra person.Cristina: This one's going in the books. I've got to get in.Izzie: I almost did. Have you ever seen Alex like that? He actually seemed sincere.Meredith: "Seemed" being the operative word.Alex: He was on call last night when she came in. I am never leaving this place again.Bailey: Let's move, people. Ms. Connor's surgery, should we choose to proceed, will take most, if not all, of the surgeons off the floor, which means you people will have to work extra hard not to kill anyone, �cause we won't be there to fix your mistakes.Cristina: I really want in on this.Burke: I thought we weren't talking.Cristina: I'm not talking. I'm just saying.Burke: Find her mother, get a family history, and I'll tell Bailey.(Another room)Izzie: Mr. Harper had a coronary bypass yesterday. His blood pressure, currently 100/65. It was running low overnight down to 70/30, but responded to medication. Postoperative labs show a crit of 30 and normal coagulation. Chest-tube output has halted over the last two hours.Bailey: What's you plan?Izzie: Chest x-ray and check the tube for possible occlusion.Bailey: Good. (To wife) He's doing fine.Mrs. Harper: Thank you.(Scene: Walking down stairs in SGH)George: I know you think I like Meredith but I don't like Meredith.Izzie: What?George: No. I like Meredith. Obviously, I like Meredith. I just...I don't have a thing for her.Izzie: Ok.George: It's just this morning...I know you were probably just teasing, But I don't want you to say anything like that to her. Because you know, we live together, and that'd be awkward.Izzie: George, stop talking.George: Ok, then.(Scene: Hospital room where a man is trying to walk but is having difficulty.)Bailey: Morning.Derek: Mr. Levangie, this is Dr. Bailey and her fine staff of surgical interns.(Derek, Meredith and Bailey all exchange glances.)Mr. Levangie: Welcome to hell, kids.Bailey: Who's presenting?George: Edward Levangie is a 63-year-old man admitted for pain management for Dyskinesia. He's been stable since last night, and responding to the bolus injections.Bailey: Izzie, possible treatments?Izzie: For Parkinson's disease? Um, deep brain stimulation has shown...Derek: Not for Parkinson's, for spinal pain.Izzie: Oh, um...Meredith: Intraspinal catheter. That way, he can have constant pain medication.Derek: Excellent. This is Dr. Grey. She's gonna prep you for the procedure and assist.Derek: (Pager beeps) Excuse me.Bailey: You make yourselves busy, I'll catch up with you.(Bailey follows Derek out. They are in elevator alone.)Derek: Miranda.Bailey: Excuse me?Derek: Well, that's your name, right? It's on your jacket. (She looks smug) All right, fine. I'll just call you Bailey then.Bailey: You think you're charming in that talented, neurotic, overly moussed hair sort of way, good for you. But if you think I'm going to stand back and watch while you favor her...Derek: I don't favor her. She's good.Bailey: I'm sure she is.(Elevator opens and Bailey gets out)Derek: You know, can I point out that, technically, I'm your boss?Bailey: You don't scare me. Look, I'm not going to advertise your extracurricular activities with my intern. However, the next time I see you favoring Meredith Grey in any way, I'll make sure she doesn't see the inside of on OR for a month. Just for the sake of balance.(Bailey walks away and elevator closes with Derek inside.)(Alex is getting Annie ready for her CT.)CT Tech: We're all set, doc.Alex: Ok. (To Annie) There's going to be a microphone in there for you in case you get scared or you want to get out, but, um you know, try not to do that, because then we're going to have to start all over again.Annie: I'm fine. I'll be fine.Alex: I know you're going to be fine, because I'm going to be right over there behind that glass, waiting for you. All right?Annie: Ok.Alex: You ready? Are you really ready? Let's do this. (Pushes button) See ya.(Alex goes into the operator room, his pager makes a noise, he slaps it.)Alex: Oh, hey, man, you got an extra battery?CT Tech: Unbelievable.Alex: Oh, I know, right.CT Tech: I've never seen anything like this. God.Alex: Well, what I don't understand...is how a person lets it get like that. (Annie can hear Alex speaking) I mean, man, that is a whole lot of nasty.CT Tech: Maybe she's afraid of doctors. Poor thing.Alex: Poor thing? Please. If you're afraid of doctors, you take a pill. She's just sick, like, warped, you know? Seriously, I don't know how she lives with herself.(Scene: Cristina talking to Mrs. Connors in the hospital lobby.)Mrs. Connors: Well, at first, we thought she was just putting on weight. When we realized what was happening, I tried to get her to go to the doctor, but she was scared. And, the bigger it got, the less she wanted to go. And she never really felt all that sick until last night. She couldn'tbreathe.Cristina: Because the tumor was crushing her lungs.Mrs. Connors: Yes, well, I called 911. It just seemed like the right thing to do.Cristina: You know, the right thing to do would have been to call a year ago. Thank you.(Mr. Levangie's room)Meredith: Ok, Mr. Levangie. We're going to get you more comfortable, ok? I'm going to go downstairs and I'll be back up shortly.Mr. Levangie: OkMeredith: Ok.(Meredith leaves; daughter follows her into the hall)Ms. Levangie: Excuse me. I'm sorry, doctor...Meredith: Grey.Ms. Levangie: My dad seems to like you. He's always liked skinny blondes. Is that rude? I'm sorry. I'm so tired.Meredith: Is there something...?Ms. Levangie: I was wondering if you would talk to him.Meredith: About?Ms. Levangie: Brain surgery. The doctor mentioned it, and I've read about it online. If it worked, it could help with most of his symptoms, not just his pain.Meredith: Is he a candidate? I don't...Ms. Levangie: He is, but he's afraid of it. Surgery on his back, he can understand, but his brain...And there are risks. But his quality of life...Meredith: There isn't any.Ms. Levangie: And, it keeps getting worse. I'm getting married next month.I already lost my mom. And I want him to walk...I want him with me. Maybe that's selfish, but...you don't know what it's like having a parent...Watching him...Meredith: I do. I do know what it's like. I'll see what I can do.Ms. Levangie: ThanksMeredith: You're welcome.Ms. Levangie: Thank you.(Meredith walks away. Bailey, Derek and Burke are examining x-rays from Annie Connors.)Burke: The right hemidiaphragm is so high that it's completely displacing her lung tissue.Derek: It's infiltrated her spinal canal in three places. We should start there. It's going to take 3 or 4 hours to get around those nerves.Burke: I'd prefer to start in front, and then flip her. You never know what kind of vessels are involved, how intertwined they are. I'm going to need a good head start.Derek: I should really go with the spine fresh, if I miss a step, she's paralyzed.Burke: If I don't relieve the pressure on her lungs, she'll be dead. So, she won't mind if she can't walk.Bailey: Do you think she really wants to live? Come on. She's been housebound. She's been living under this thing, just watching it grow for how long? She doesn't seem stupid. Doesn't even seem all that scared. Why would anyone wait this long unless they wanted to die?Derek: People do things every day that they know could kill them. Doesn't mean they want to die.Bailey: What are her chances of surviving the surgery?Burke: Slightly better than if we do nothing.Bailey: So is it worth it? (Burke looks at her, Derek sighs) Hey, come on. You were already thinking it, I'm just saying.Burke: She's 43. It's worth a try.(Burke leaves)Derek: Ha! Morning.(Derek and Bailey leave, Meredith is waiting in the hall.)Meredith: Dr. Shepherd. Mr. Levangie, the Parkinson's patient, is he a good candidate for DBS?Derek: Yes, but he's not interested.Meredith: Ok, but I think it's worth talking to him again, pushing him.Derek: We're talking about a brain surgery that is performed while the patient is wide awake, a risk of paralysis, a risk of death. And, the patient doesn't want it. It is not my job to push him into anything and it's definitely not yours.Meredith: Ok.Derek: Since you clearly uncomfortable with my decision in this case, it's probably best you don't scrub in.Meredith: But...Derek: It's a minor procedure. You won't be missed.(Meredith walks away)Derek: (To Bailey) You know, they call you the Nazi.Bailey: So I've heard.(Derek and Bailey walk away in opposite directions.)(Annie Connors room, Burke and Alex are there. Mrs. Connors is making the bed. )Burke: I won't lie to you. The surgery is going to be long and difficult, but we have an extremely capable surgical team, and I can...Annie: Am I going to die?Burke: There's always that risk but if we don't do the surgery...Annie: I'll definitely die.Burke: Yes.Annie: Soon?Burke: Yes.Annie: Mom, the room's clean.Mrs. Connors: Ok, honey, ok.Annie: Mom!Mrs. Connors: She'll have the surgery.Annie: Mom!Mrs. Connors: No. No, Annie. She will have the surgery.Annie: I guess I'll have the surgery.Burke: I think that is a very wise decision.Annie: On one condition. I don't want him there. (Points at Alex)Alex: I'm sorry, Annie. Did I upset you in some way?Annie: If he's in the surgery, I'm not having it. (Pause while Burke and Alex look at her and each other) That's how I live with myself.Burke: Ok, Miss Connors. (Turns to leave) Dr. Karev.(Annie and her mom hold hands)(Burke and Karev walk through hallway)Burke: What the hell did you do?Alex: Nothing. I-I don't know. Man. The mike must have been on. I was talking to the tech guy...Burke: If anything goes wrong, anything, you are 60 percent more likely to be sued if you've offended the patient. 60%.Alex: I never would have said that stuff. The mike shouldn't have been on. I didn't realize she could hear me.Burke: Well, now you won't realize you chance to scrub in. You're banned from the OR. Mine or anyone else's. All week.(Cristina walks up)Cristina: I got the history on the tumor. It's been growing for a year and a half. A year and a half and it's the first time she's even had it looked at. It's like she's fatally lazy.(Burke walks away, shaking his head)Alex: Why doesn't she get banned?(Burke grabs George who is walking by)Burke: Go prep Annie Connors for surgery. You're scrubbing in with Cristina.George: Really? I mean, thank you. Ok.(George is in Annie Connor's room, prepping her for surgery)George: We just need to recheck your labs and get an EKG, so I just need to take a little blood. Dr. Burke is great, and Dr. Bailey. I know you're probably scared.Annie: That's ok, kitten. You can just do your job. You don't have to talk to the fat, nasty tumor lady. I mean, I let it get this bad. How much sympathy do I deserve?George: Why did you let it get this bad?Annie: You're the first person since I got here to ask me that.George: Well, I guess it's just like the elephant in the room.Annie: Elephant?George: I mean...Annie: It's more like a giant sow, don't you think? (They smile at each other) Every time I went to the hospital, someone died. All four of my grandparents, then my dad. My best friend's mom, my baby sister. They all went in, never came out. So I put it off.George: You know, you're not the only one to put things off. I mean I never do anything till the last possible minute.Annie: Like what?George: Well...I've had this thing for my roommate since, like, day one, and I just...I can't tell her. She probably wouldn't go out with me, anyway, but...How do I know that for sure, if I don't ever ask?Annie: Seriously? You're equating your pathetic love life with my record-breaking tumor? Seriously?(Scene: Outdoor lunch tables)Meredith: It's just that he blatantly favors me in front of her and then blatantly dismisses me.Cristina: How do you know he was favoring you? Look, you've got a brain. You got into this program. Just because Shepherd wants to munch your cookies doesn't mean you didn't deserve what you worked for.Meredith: But he's making me look bad. I have to end it.Cristina: Right.Meredith: It's over.Cristina: Uh, huh.Alex: Is it true you get to scrub in on that tumor?Cristina: Don't sit here.Izzie: You get to scrub in? How psyched are you?Cristina: On a scale of one to ecstatic, ecstatic.Alex: It's unbelievable. You know what I think? I think Burke wants to get into your scrubs.Cristina: Why are you sitting here?Alex: He kicked me off that surgery for the same crap you pull every day.Cristina: You know what. If I stuck this fork into his thigh, would I get in trouble?Meredith: Not if you make it look like an accident.George: Hey!Izzie: Hi.Alex: Thank God, man. I'm drowning in estrogen here.George: (To Meredith) You look...is everything ok?Meredith: Shepherd's a jackass.Izzie: Really? I think he's kind of great.Cristina: He reamed her out in front of Bailey.Izzie: Why?Meredith: Cause he's a jackass.George: Oh. (Throws his tray) Well, bad days are...bad. Maybe tonight, uh, if, you know, if you drink alcohol, I mean, we could all of us, I mean, go out and drink alcohol...because of the bad day.Meredith: (Pager beeps) I got to go.Alex: Dude.George: Shut up.(Cristina and Alex laugh at George, Izzie pats his shoulder)(Mr. Levangie's room)Derek: How's your back?Mr. Levangie: Still good.Derek: Good. (To daughter) How are you? Good? (To Mr. Levangie) Can you lean forward for me? I just want to check something. Does that feel ok?Mr. Levangie: Yeah.Derek: Right here?(Meredith enters)Meredith: Did you page?Derek: Mr. Levangie, have you given any more thought about the other surgical options we discussed this morning?Mr. Levangie: What? Why would I? I already told you no. I'm letting you cut into my back, but that's not enough for you. All you guys ever want to do is cut.Ms. Levangie: Dad, just listen to what he has to say.Mr. Levangie: I already listened.Derek: Sir, there's a very small window of opportunity here. You know, once the Parkinson's progresses to a point of dementia, there's, you know, you're no longer a candidate for DBS.Mr. Levangie: and when I'm no longer a candidate, is that when you people will leave me the hell alone! What? Do I have to start drooling, and forget my name to get a little peace and quiet?Derek: All right. I'll check back with you later. Try to get some rest.(Derek walks away, Meredith lingers in the hall.)Ms. Levangie: Dad, you're being unreasonable. The doctors are only tryingto help you.Mr. Levangie: It's my damn life, and it's my damn brain. You want me to let them cut up my brain while I'm lying her awake, for what?Ms. Levangie: Dad!Mr. Levangie: I'll be at your wedding. I will sit in the back. Your uncle will walk you down the aisle. I know it's not perfect, but it's life. Life is messy sometimes.Ms. Levangie: I know that.(Daughter leaves)Mr. Levangie: (To Meredith) If she knows, then what the hell are we still talking for, huh? Why in hell can't she drop it?Meredith: It is your life. But it's her life too. And you have a chance to get better here. And all she's asking you to do is try.(Meredith leaves)(Burke, George and Cristina are scrubbing in for Annie Connors' surgery.)Cristina: If they pull this off, I'm totally calling Oprah.(Bailey enters)Bailey: You two been working out?George: Um, sometime I jog, and I try to take the stairs whenever possible.(Derek enters)Cristina: Why?Bailey: See that large pile of tumor? You're going to be retracting it for the next 14 hours, so I'm just saying I hope you have strong backs.(Meredith enters)Meredith: Dr. Shepherd.Derek: Yes?Meredith: Mr. Levangie has agreed to DBS. If we do it today. If he leaves, he won't come back.Burke: Don't worry, Dr. Shepherd. It'll take hours before we get around to the spine. I'll page you.Derek: All right, then. (Leaving) Let's do it.(Meredith and Bailey are alone in the scrub room)Meredith: Dr. Bailey. I didn't know...that he was my boss, when I met him.I didn't know.Bailey: I don't care.Meredith: Really? Oh, well, you sort of seemed to not be talking to me, so I ...Bailey: You see this, what's happening right here? This is the problem with you sleeping with my boss. Not whether or not you know him before, but how it affects my day. And me standing here talking to you about your sex life affects my day. And the longer this little fling goes on, the more favors you get over the others, who are fighting tooth and nail just to make it through this program without any assistance. When those people start finding out what's going on and they don't want to work with you and talk to you or look at you, and they start bitching and moaning at me, the more it affects my day. So, no, Dr. Grey, I don't care what you know, or when you know it. Are we understood?Meredith: Yes.Bailey: Good.(Meredith leaves and Bailey continues scrubbing in)(Seattle Scenes)(Hallway of SGH)Alex: This sucks.Izzie: Yeah well, I'm not a real fan of yours, either.Alex: Not you. This. Everyone is scrubbed in somewhere.Izzie: Bright side, we have the run of the floor.Alex: Great! Want to do it in the stairwell? I'm just saying you never know what could happen.(Patient in bed in hallway barfs on Alex)Alex: I'm changing.Izzie: I'll page you if I need you.Alex: You do that.Izzie: (To patient) You are so my favorite person today.(Annie's surgery)Nurse: We need to hang another bag of O-neg.Burke: Cauterizing the small bleeders to keep my visual field clean.George: (To Cristina) God, is your back killing you?Cristina: George, shut up. We're in here.(Izzie with Mrs. Harper in room)Izzie: Mrs. Harper, let me show you these chest films. We were able to relieve the obstruction of his chest tube, so the buildup of fluid you see should resolve itself soon. (Mrs. Harper looks lost) Which translates as he should be home in no time.Mrs. Harper: He was making waffles.Izzie: I'm sorry?Mrs. Harper: He was making waffles. He was missing batter, and...and then, he was on the floor.Nurse: Izzie, we need a central line run in 204.Izzie: Page Dr. Karev, will you?Nurse: He's not answering.Izzie: (To Mrs. Harper) I'm so sorry. I'll be back.(Alex is in locker room, takes his shirt off, there is a woman there.)Alex: Like what you see, right?(She leaves quickly, his beeper says "change battery")(Mr. Levangie's surgery)Nurse: Neuro spongeDerek: How you doing, Mr. Levangie?Mr. Levangie: All right.Nurse: Drill bit's charged.Mr. Levangie: Where's blondie?Meredith: I'm right here. Can't you see me?Mr. Levangie: I'm shaky. I'm not blind. Anything goes wrong here, I'm blaming you.Meredith: Ok, in that case, I'll stay where you can see me. Now we just have to drill a hole and try to find the spot that controls the motor function.Mr. Levangie: You can't see my brain from there. Aren't you supposed to be learning something?Meredith: I'm good, right here.(She holds his hands)Nurse: EEG waves look good.Derek: Ok, Mr. Levangie. Just take a couple deep breaths. Focus on the pretty girl. Ok, this is going to sound really scary, but try and relax.You shouldn't feel a thing.(Derek is drilling into his head)(Izzie with patient)Izzie: Any pain here? Here?Patient: No.Izzie: Ok. (Pager beeps)Tyler: Dr. Stevens, I need you to check the x-ray in 2103. 2118 needs post-op notes, and Jane's wondering if you want her to start feeding 2112. I'm going on break.Izzie: Ok, yeah, before you do that, could you page Dr. Karev again?Tyler: I already paged him.Izzie: Yeah, Again?(Alex enters gallery of Annie's surgery)Alex: Excuse me. How is it?Doctor: Long and slow. I don't envy those two. They've been holding that thing for eight hours. Their arms have to be ready to fall off.(Alex's pager's light is blinking)(OR)Burke: Look at the size of this artery.Bailey: My God. It's as thick as a thumb. You ever seen a vessel this size?Burke: No. This thing's just feeding on all her blood.Bailey: We need more O-negative.Nurse: I'll call the blood bank.(George stretches and drops the tumor)。
Greys.Anatomy.S01E08 实习医生格蕾
You know how when you were a little kid and you believed in fairy tales? 你知道当你还是小孩的时候有多少相信童话故事That fantasy of what your life would be -- 幻想你的生活应该是white dress, prince charming, who'd carry you away to a castle on a hill. 穿着白衣服,等着白马王子把你带到山上的城堡You'd lie in bed at night and close your eyes, 晚上闭上眼睛在床上的时候你就对自己撒谎and you had complete and utter faith. 你有完完全全的绝对的信念8 hours, 16 ounces of chocolate, and 32 cupcakes, ★★八小时,16盎司巧克力★★★★32个蛋糕★★and they still don't taste right. ★★他们的味道还是不对★★No, these are good. 不,他们非常好了Martha Stewart would be proud. Martha Stewart(美国家政女王)都会为你感到骄傲的Yeah, look where it got her. ★★是啊,看看她被带到哪里了?★★ (MS因撒谎入狱五个月)Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, prince charming -- 圣诞老人,牙仙,白马王子they were so close, you could taste them. 他们离你如此之近,你都可以伸手抓住他们There's something missing -- some specific ingredient. ★★少了些什么东西★★★★一些特殊的原料★★Why can't I remember? ★★为什么我就忘了呢?★★But eventually you grow up. 但是,最终你还是长大了One day you open your eyes, 一个早晨,你张开眼睛and the fairy tale disappears. 所有的童话故事都消失了Look, just call her. 只要给她打个电话Call your mother and ask. 打电话问你的妈妈Most people turn to the things and people they can trust. 大多数人都开始相信他们所能够相信的事I don't want to call my mother. ★★我不想打电话给我老妈★★So, let's go sleep at your house tonight. 今晚,我们到你家睡吧What? 什么Why are we always sleeping at my house? 为什么我们总是睡在我家里Do you even have one? 你有地方吗?One what? 什么地方A house. 一座房子With a closet. 有一个壁橱With your stuff in it. 里面有你的东西Your personal stuff. 你自己的东西Do you even have one of those? 你有自己的房子吗?Good morning. 早上好Hey. You guys want a cupcake? Hey,你们要蛋糕吗?Izzie made 'em. ★★Izzie ★★做的You know, I like it here. 你知道,我喜欢我们在这里睡Hey, you said so yourself -- you liked having your things around, Hey,你自己说的,你喜欢周围有自己的东西sleeping in your own bed. 睡在自己的床上You're like a health nut, aren't you? 你是个爱健康的傻蛋,是吗?You eat muesli every morning. 你每天早上都吃muesli (卷状燕麦+干水果+牛奶)No, I don't. 不,我才不是呢Okay, the muesli thing -- you do. ★★好吧,muesli——★★★★你就是!★★- The last 7 days, at least. - Oh, come on. 至少七天了 Oh,不会吧。
♦实习医生XX第一季第二集It's all about lines:The finishing line is the end of the residencywaiting in lines for a chance at the operating tableand then there's the most important line the line separating you from the people you workwithIt doesn't help to get too familiar to make friends,you need boundaries, between you andthe rest of the world.other people are far too messyIt's all about lines:drawing lines in the sand and pray like hell no one crosses themEnd:But there're some lines..that're way too dangerous to cross..Here's what I knowIf you are willing to take the chance that the view from other side is spectacular 所有这一切都是关于“线”的,线的终点是实习期的结束,接着排成直线来等待机会上手术台,然后是最重要的那条“线”将你和你的同事们隔开,界限并没有帮助我熟悉周围,或是结交朋友,你需要一个分界线,在你和这个世界之间,其他人都忙的一团糟,一切都是关于“线”的,在沙子上画线...然后拼命祈祷没有人去踩坏它们。
previously on "grey's anatomy"...前情提要...I'm in love with you,george,and I hope you're in love with me,too. 我爱上你了 George 我希望你也爱我I was named chief resident.我被任命为住院总医师I've failed my intern test.我没通过实习考试You can start from the very beginning.你可以从头开始Repeat my internship?重新实习?- I met a woman last night. - Hi.- 我昨晚认识了一个女的 - 嗨You met a woman last night?你昨晚认识了一个女的?I'm lexie.Lexie grey.我叫Lexie Lexie Greyhe's gone.他走了I can't leave you,but you're constantly leaving me.我不能离开你但你经常离开我It's over...so over.结束了...全都结束了in the practice of medicine,change is inevitable在医学领域改变是必然的new surgical techniques are created,procedures are updated新的技术不断被研发程序不断被更新levels of expertise increase.专业水平不断提高Innovation is everything.改革不断进行Nothing remains the same for long.没有什么是一成不变的We either adapt to change...我们要主动去适应...or we get left behind.否则就被落在后面I have five rules.Memorize them.我有五条规矩你们记清楚了Rule number one,don't bother sucking up.规矩一不要献媚I already hate you.That's not gonna change.我恨你们这不会改变Trauma protocols,phone lists,pagers.The nurses will page you.创伤通则电话单呼叫器护士们会传呼你们You answer every page at a run-- a run.That's rule number two.你必须随叫随到还要跑着去这是规矩二You're supposed to follow me.你们应该跟着我Your first shift starts now and lasts 36 hours.你们的第一个轮班现在开始持续36小时You're grunts,nobodies,the bottom of the surgical food chain.你们是小人物外科食物链的最底层You run labs,you write orders,you work every second night until you drop, 你们做化验写医嘱不停加班直到倒地不起and you don't complain.而且不能抱怨On call rooms.Sleep when you can,where you can.待命室能睡就睡会You know,but not with anybody.不过不是跟别人睡Not attendings-- especially not attendings.尤其是...别跟主治医生睡觉Sleeping with attendings-- not a good idea.跟主治医生睡觉绝对不是好主意Where was I?我说到哪了?Um,rule number three.呃...规矩三If you're sleeping,do not wake you unless a patient's actually dying. 我睡着了如果不是有人快死别叫醒我The dying patient better not be dead when I get there,而且保证那个病人不会在我到的一刻死掉because not only will you have killed someone,因为你们不仅会害死病人you will have woken me for no good reason.Are we clear?还会为无聊的理由叫醒我懂吗?- yes? - That was four rules.You said five.- 怎么了? - 你说有五条规矩现在才四条Rule number five-- when I move,you move.规矩五我一走你们就跟着Go!快走!I hate them.you don't hate them.You hate you.- 我恨他们 - 你不恨他们你恨你自己That was hideous.I feel like a fraud.真可怕我在虚张声势I rocked it.I think I'm the new nazi.我喜欢这样我是新的纳粹Oh,you are not the new nazi.你不是新的纳粹Meredith,I need to talk to you.Meredith 我有话跟你说- George.Hi. - Hey.- George 你好 - 嘿- How was your vacation? - Um,fine.- 假期过的怎么样? - 还好- Um,meredith,can we - 'cause mine was...- Meredith 我能... - 我的假期...I didn't do much.I hung out alone...for 17 days.什么都没干我独处了17天Which is the last time that I saw you,我最后见你那天the day of cristina's wedding,which was...well...Cristina婚礼那天...then mer and cristina went on cristina's honeymoon without me. Mere和Cristina去度蜜月了没带上我Girl-on-girl honeymoon.两个女的度蜜月and then alex took a road trip to see ava without me.Alex去看Ava了也没带上我I did not go to see ava.And her name's rebecca.我没去看Ava 而且她应该叫RebeccaAnd I didn't go see her.I just drove in that direction. 我没去看她只是方向相同而已Oh,why is everyone so tingly and hurt?为什么一个个都垂头丧气的?I mean,I'm the one who was left at the altar.是我在婚礼上被人抛弃了I'm fine,by the way.顺便说我现在挺好的I honeymooned in hawaii and I snorkled.我去夏威夷度蜜月还潜水了What'd you do,george?你做了什么 George?- Um,meredith... - I-I really need to talk to you. Meredith...我有话跟你说Uh,hey,you want to know--你们听着hey,um,this is for residents only.No interns.这里是给住院医生的实习生不许来- Yeah. - Yeah,get outta here.- 是啊 - 是啊赶紧离开- babies. - yeah,go away.- 孩子们 - 快离开007s in traini.007正在接受培训呢seriously.说真的I guess I should be going,too.我想我也该走了no,george.We didn't mean you.不 George 我们不是指你- No,I'm an inrn. - Wait.What did you want to tell me?- 不我是实习生 - 等等你刚要说什么?Uh,is this how it's gonna be all year?难道整年都要这样?Because bambi has got to learn how to cope.他已经实习了一年了At least he came back.至少他回来了yeah,cut him some slack.是啊让他喘口气Dude,he failed his exam and got left back in kindergarten. 他考试挂了又回到了原点Mm-hmm.嗯He won't even look at me.他还是不肯望着我Have you seen burke?你看见Burke了么?No.Have you seen derek?没有你看见Derek了么?No.没有Wait,you haven't seen either of them since the wedding?等等婚礼之后你们就没见过他们?nope.没有And you're all fine?你们还好么?- yep - Wow..- 是 - 哇哦...You're either incredibly healthy or completely messed up.你们要不是真的没事就是彻底的崩溃了your interns are back from holiday today.你的实习生们度假归来了Uh,not my interns.They're residents.I'm free.不是我的实习生了他们是住院医生了我自由了Right.Well--here,nurse.The point is,uh,dr.Yang.护士给你问题是Yang医生The burke thing-- she doesn't know.Burke的事她还不知道I'm supposed to tell her.我应该告诉她的Burke asked me to tell her.Any thoughts?Burke让我告诉她你有什么想法?- Honesty always works best. - Yeah,that's true.- 实话实说最好 - 是啊没错You want to get together for a drink after work tonight?晚上下班后要不要一起喝一杯?- Why? - Well,I don't know.- 为什么? - 我也不知道I just thought it might be a good idea to get together and have 只是觉得一起喝点东西很好oh,you don't have anybody to talk to.你没人可以聊天No,I have people to talk to.不当然我有Addison is gone,burke isn't around,Addison走了 Burke也不在and you and grey aren't smelling each other in the elevators anymore. 你和Grey也不再在电梯里眉来眼去- I have people to talk to. - Who?- 我可以找到人聊天 - 谁?I have...chief.我可以找...主任I-I have the chief to talk to.Hey,chief.我可以找主任嘿主任Want to get together for a drink after work?下班后去喝一杯怎么样?I don't drink.Dr.Bailey,we need to talk.我不喝酒 Bailey医生我们得谈一下- We have traumas coming in. - You're avoiding me.We need to talk.- 伤者马上就要来了 - 你在躲我我们得谈谈About you choosing dr.Torres to be your chief resident over me?谈关于你选Torres医生做住院总医师?Respectfully,no,sir.We're not going to talk about that.不先生我不想谈这个Someone mention a drink later?'Cause I'm in.有人说去喝一杯?我也去- Nobody mentioned a drink. - You mentioned a drink.- 没人这样说 - 你刚说的I did not mention a drink.我没说All right,people.We've got three M.V.C.S大家听着我们有3个伤者rolling in back-to-back from a multicar pileup.多车连环相撞事故We need every trauma room open and everyone suited up.每个治疗室每个人都准备好Is there anything I-I should do,sir?我应该做什么吗- Save lives. - No.I mean as,uh,chief resident.- 拯救生命 - 不我是说作为住院总医师Anything in particular?有什么特别要做的?Make sure your residents run their traumas.确保每个住院医生都在治疗病人This is their first day on their own.这是他们做住院医生的第一天Where...are the residents you've assigned to this E.R.?你指派给急诊室的住院医生都去哪了?Oh.Oh,I,uh,I,uh,I paged them.I-- I paged them.我已经传呼他们了- Bailey? - What?- Bailey? - 什么?Uh,I,uh,paged,uh,grey,yang,stevens and karev,but they're not here yet. 我传呼过Grey Yang Stevens 还有Karev 但他们还没来When I page 'em,they come running.我传呼的时候他们总是跑着来Get it together,torres.把事情搞定 TorresYes,sir.好的先生Okay,you did not have to say that in front of the chief.你没必要在主任面前这么说话吧You asked...boss.你问我的老板There's derek.Derek在那儿- Is burke with him? - I don't see him.- Burke和他在一起吗? - 我没见到Where have you been?We have multiple M.V.C.S due any second. 你们去哪了?许多车祸伤者随时都会到we're here,aren't we?We're here.我们来了不是吗? 我们来了Just-- just get ready,okay?And monitor your interns.准备好好吗? 看好你们的实习生Okay,one,two,go get stat packs.一号二号去拿急救包Uh,three,four,go meet the ambulances.三号四号去等救护车- "One and two"? - No,I can't remember their names.- "一号二号"? - 我记不得他们的名字I don't respond to being called a number.如果被喊号码我不会理你George,go wait for the ambulance.George 去等救护车The rest of you come with me.其他人跟我来All right,you guys stand against the wall and out of the way unless I call for you. 你们靠墙站着别挡路除非我叫你们Okay,this is what's called a trauma situation.好了这就叫紧急事件So there's gonna be lots of activity and a lot of patients,会有很多事情做有很多病人so if you guys have any questions at all,just ask,okay?如果你们有问题尽管问明白吗?I heard she,like,freaked out and killed a guy and had to go on probation.我听说她害死了一个病人被观察了一段时间great.We're stuck with a dud.真不错我们跟着一个废物So,hey,you're an intern...again.你又再做实习生了Yeah.是I won't tell anybody.The other interns,我不会告诉其他实习生的- I won't-- - that's--that's okay.- 我不会 - 那没什么Do you know which one is meredith grey?你知道谁是Meredith Grey吗?Yeah,I haven't,uh,told her you're here yet.I was going to...我还没告诉她你在这里我本打算...so you know o I am?那你知道我是谁?Yeah,I know who you are.是我知道What's she like?I-I mean,is she nice?她怎么样? 我-我是说她人好吗?'Cause--'cause my dad,he won't--he won't tell me.Is sh--sh...因为我爸爸他不肯... 他不肯告诉我uh,grey,don't let them just stand here.Grey 别让他们傻站着Let's move,people.快行动Unrestrained driver,D.O.A.At the scene.情况不受控制在现场死了Just need someone to pronounce him.只是需要医生宣布一下死亡Oh,crap.Dead guy.Why'd you get me all excited with the sirens?死人你干嘛开着警报让我兴奋半天Okay,who wants to see a dead guy?行了谁想看看这个死人?Nancy walters,34 years old,weeks plete upper arm amputation. Nancy Walters 34岁孕妇上臂部分完全截断了Pressure dressings applied.Two large bore I.V.S started.已经加压包扎 2包大口径静脉滴注Did he say "arm"?My arm is gone?他是在说"手臂"? 我手臂没了?Miss walters,you're gonna be okay.Grey,check the wound.Walters小姐你会没事的 Grey 检查一下伤口I really need my arm.我不能失去手臂45-year-old male,sustained a knee injury.45岁男性male 膝盖受伤That guy,the guy that's dead,he hit a deer,死了那家伙撞到一头鹿and then the lady hit him,and then I hit the lady. 然后那个女士撞到他我撞到那个女士knee is blowing up like a balloon.膝盖肿得跟气球似的Hey,I'm hungry.Can I get something to eat?嘿我饿了能不能让我吃点东西?okay,everybody get a good look?Time of death--8:22. 行了大家都看完了? 死亡时间 8:22not time of death.This guy is not dead.不是死亡时间!这家伙还没死!- he was dead. - Well,he's not dead now.- 他刚才死了 - 他现在没死Let's bag him.Okay,we've got a--把他包起来我们...we've got a guy who's risen from the dead over here. 我们有个病人死而复生get outta the way!别挡路!- Are--are you meredith grey? - Yeah.- 你是不是Meredith Grey? - 是的- I--I'm lexie. - Great.Move.- 我叫Lexie - 知道了让开Lexie grey.I'm--I'm your sister.我叫Lexie Grey 我是你妹妹Greys'Anatomy Season 4 Episode 01实习医生格蕾第四季第01集that girl out there,the dopey,wide-eyed one?看没看到站在那边的女孩笨笨的大眼睛的那个?Apparently we're related.很明显我和她有血缘关系Oh,you--you met lexie?你见过Lexie了?Oh,you knew.Knew about it and didn't tell me,huh?你早知道了知道了却不告诉我?I've...kind of had a lot ing on.我...我有很多事情要做This is trauma room one.As you can see,it's--这是一号诊疗室你们可以看到there's a trauma.这儿有个伤者Hey,guys,do you need some help?Please tell me you need some help. 你们要不要帮忙? 告诉我你们要It's a little crded in here already,iz.这里已经很挤了 Izziewhat do you got for me?什么情况?uh,nancy plete amputation.Nancy Walters 被截肢了the baby looks fine,but she's having some contractionS.她的孩子情况还不错只是她有点宫缩Hi,nancy.I'm dr.Sloan.You mind if I take a look?Nancy 我是Sloan医生不介意我看一下吧?It's a clean cut.切口很整齐You want to rub up against me,you gotta buy me a drink first.你要洗手上台先去帮我买饮品Hang antibiotics and put on a sterile,moist dressing.吊抗生素用消过毒的湿纱布敷伤口There's a chance at a good recovery here.有恢复良好的可能Do we have an arm?找到断臂了吗?They're looking for it.正在找My baby has no father.He's already down two arms.我孩子没父亲他已经缺少两只手臂的怀抱So he r-really needs me to have an arm.他真的需要我手臂完好Get me that arm.帮我找到那只断臂Okay,somebody set up for a traumatic effusion drainage.好来个人进行外伤积液引流Ah...啊...and order him 4 of morphine.给他弄4支吗啡she means one of you morons.她对你们这些笨蛋们说呢Get her an 18 gauge needle and a 20 cc syringe and the damn morphine. 给她拿一个18G粗针一个20毫升注射器还有吗啡hey,uh,morphine's cool,but I'd kill for something to eat. 吗啡很好不过我快饿死了A healthy appetite after a trauma like this?受这么重的伤胃口还这么好?That's a very good sign,joey.是个很好的现象 JoeyYou think he'll need surgery?要给他动手术吗?That depends on the x-rays.看X光片再说knee looks good.No surgery.膝盖没事不用动手术okay.This is cristina-- dr.Yang.好了这是Cristina...Yang医生She's working.她正在工作Yep,saving lives and taking names.对救人性命送人性命so...I have these interns and nothing to do.我带这些实习生却无事可做And,uh,I think I'm a really bad teacher.我真觉得自己是个差劲的老师And I think they hate me.And now I'm a fraud.他们讨厌我我现在想露一手骗骗他们So any chance you wanna let me in on this?Please.有机会让我露一手吗? 拜托izzie,this guy was dead,and now he's undead.Izzie 这人本来死了现在又没死So that kinda makes him like a zombie就跟僵尸一样my personal zombie.So no,you can't get in on this.我自己的僵尸所以不行你不能掺和Now go be A...fraud somewhere else.去别的地方骗好了- I don't like you. - Mm-hmm.- 我不喜欢你 - 嗯哼- let's go,people. - Excuse me.- 走吧各位 - 不好意思You know,where have you been?I've been waiting for these.你去哪儿了? 我一直等这个呢I got--I was-- I met my sister,uh,for the first time ever...我遇到我姐姐了... 第一次见面...oh,hey.Which,uh,那...got me,you know,weird.让我感觉怪异So then I got,um,lost on my way to x-ray所以我去X光室的时候迷路了'cause I was all in my head,you know,about-- about meeting meredith. 因为我满脑子想的都是关于... 见到meredith的事Meredith is your-- is your sister?Meredith是你...姐姐?Meredith grey.Lexie grey.We're half sisters.So you know her? Meredith Grey Lexie Grey 同父异母姐妹你认识她?Oh,we need to page dr.Shepherd.得呼叫Shepherd医生Dr.Shepherd.He--he's the,um...neurosurgeon?Shepherd医生他是...神经外科医生?Okay,somebody page derek shepherd right freakin' now. 对来人立即呼叫Derek Shepherdgrey.Thank you.Grey 谢谢Seattle grace.西慈医院Thank you.谢谢Hi.How are you?你好吗?I have a patient with a severed arm我有个病人手臂断了and no one seems to be able to find it.似乎没人能找到断臂Have you seen it?你看见了吗?Your severed arm?No,I haven't seen a severed arm.你找的断臂? 没没见过- Meredith,how - hey,um,I'm--I'm so sorry about before. Meredith 怎么说我对之前的事很抱歉I just was so nervous about meeting you.我只是见到你太紧张Don't block the E.R.Doors.I know that now.不该堵在急诊室门口我现在知道了That was a good lesson.是很好的教训- You're the girl from the bar. - Sorry?- 你是酒吧里的那个女孩 - 什么?The girl from the bar?酒吧里的那个女孩?Oh,my god.Yeah.Oh,my god.Yeah.天哪是的Yeah.是的oh,my god.you--you work here.天哪你...在这里工作?Yeah,I do.是的- Girl from the bar? - Mm-hmm.- 酒吧里认识的女孩? - 嗯哼I'm the gi from the bar.我也是你酒吧里认识的Uh...she hates me.My sister hates me.她恨我我姐姐恨我- Meredith is your sister? - My half sister,yeah.- Meredith是你姐姐? - 是的同父异母- Hey,uh,you're dr.Shepherd. - That's right.- 你是Shepherd医生 - 没错I'm--I'm supposed to be finding you for a consult.我...就是来找你去会诊的hey.There you are.I missed you this morning.你在这儿我今早想你来着Yeah,I didn't want to be late for my second first day as an intern. 对我第二次当实习生第一天不想迟到Maybe you can look at it like this-- you have one up on everyone.也许你可以这么想... 你比别人有优势You're gonna be,like,the rock star intern.你会成为实习生中的明星Yeah,I'm sure that's how everyone's gonna see me when they find out. 是的我知道大家发现我第二次实习会怎么想Or maybe they'll see you as the daddy intern.也许他们会把你看作当爸爸的实习生What?什么?Wh-what did you just say?你刚说什么?Oh...I'm not--I'm not pregnant.I just...没...我没怀孕我只是...I mean,I might be pregnant.我是说我可能怀孕了Yeah,my boobs are a little sore,which...是的我胸部有些胀痛...hey,I'm trying to cheer you up here,george.我在努力给你打气 GeorgeThis is--I mean,if I am knocked up,that's a good thing,right?我是指如果我累劈了这么给我打气会很好不是吗?Callie,I'm just a little distracted.I'm having a bad day.Callie 我只是有些心烦今天很糟糕Okay,you're having a bad month.好吧你这个月都会糟糕Okay,I'm having a bad month.好吧我这个月都会糟糕Love you.爱你- help!We need doctors.Help! - Inside voice.- 救命! 医生救命! - 小声点Uh,we found an arm in the road.我们在路上捡到一只断臂- Here,I bagged that - that's my arm.- 这里我包起来了 - 是我找的那个dad,dad,tell them she's hurt!Dad,come on.爸告诉他们她受伤了! 爸快点Tell the doctor!Tell 'em she's hurt.告诉医生!告诉他们她受伤了- Uh,any way we can go with the severed arm? - She's in the truck,and she's hurt. - 我们能去处理断臂吗? - 她在车上她受伤了Is that your blood?Are you hurt?是你的血吗? 你受伤了?She's in our truck,and she's not moving.v她在我们车上都不动了She's bleeding really bad.流了很多血There's another crash victim.还有个车祸伤员We're gonna need gloves,I.V.S,gauze,ab pads,trauma gowns.要手套静脉点滴纱布除颤器和手术服Still want to babysit the arm?还想去看断臂吗?Come on快来michael!Michael!No way.没戏is she dead?她死了吗?Michael,this is a hospital,and I'm a people doctor.I... Michael 这是医院我是救人的医生...- can you save her? - Michael,come on.- 能帮我救救她吗? - Michael 行了- I'm sorry,but she's - roadkill.对不起但她她被撞死了she opened her eyes.Look.She's still alive!她的眼睛还睁着她还活着!oh,god.Don't look at me like that.or like that.天哪别那么看着我或者像你这样看我Michael,let's go back to the truckCome on..Michael 我们回车上去快..Please.求你了Oh,okay,all right.All right.好吧好的Uh,I'm gonna need a jumbo catheter,我需要一根巨大的导尿管a 16 gauge needle,the biggest ambu bag you can find16G粗针最大的苏醒球and something that shaves fur.还有刮毛的用具what's the matter with you people?When I say move,you move.Move!你们怎么了? 我说去你们就去快去!back of his skullis completely disconnected from his first cervical vertebrae. 后面的头骨和第一节颈椎完全断开He's been internally decapitateD.Holy crap.体内斩首天哪Yeah,90% of these die in the field.是的这种病例9成都会死亡And the other 10%?另外1成呢?I've never seen one live.我从没见过生还的There's always a first time,though,right?不过总有第一次对吗?I mean,he came back from the dead.他已经死里逃生了Henry,I'm dr.Shepherd.Henry 我是Shepherd医生The back of your skull is disconnected from your spine.你后面的头骨和颈椎断开了I'm gonna try and reconnect it in surgery.我会做手术试着接上Do you understd me?我说的明白吗?Blink once for yes,twice for no.是的话眨一次眼睛不是眨两次Okay,good.I know it's scary,but I promise you,I'm gonna do everything I can. 好很好我知道有些害怕但我向你保证我会尽全力救你Do you have family?你有家人吗?All right.We're gonna contact them,okay?好我们会联系他们的好吗?- All right,let's get him in a halo. - uh-huh.- 好的给他固定颈椎 - 呃Contact his family.find out if he's an organ donor.联系他的家人看他是不是器官捐赠者You,finish up with the splint,then get him up on crutches. 你们上好夹板给他拐杖起来Hey.How's joey?Joey怎么样?It's a hungry hippo missing a kneecap.是个需要护膝的大胃王Can't you assign me something good?不能给我安排点好病人吗?I don't switch out patients,karev.我不会给你换病人的 KarevBut it's not even surgical.但这个根本不用动手术It's a waste of my skills.浪费我精力- You're staying here with joey. - Come on.- 你在这里负责Joey - 得了- No! - Fine.I'm going to bailey- 不! - 好吧我去找BaileyYou are a resident.You go where I say.你是住院医生我说去哪儿你就去哪my arm is gone.我的手臂不见了we have the arm,我们找到了and dr.Sloan checking right now to see if we can reattach it. Sloan医生正在检查看能不能接上Is there someone we can call?要给谁打电话吗?There's no...no,I just...I just moved here.没... 我...刚搬来I'm all-- I'm all by myself.There's no one.I have no one.我就一个人没别人Well,dr.Sloan should be here any minute.Sloan医生马上就来I wanted a kid and...我想要个孩子...I was sick of waiting for the right guy,so...我厌倦了等待另一半所以...in my family...我家里...in my family,you don't go out and get pregnant.我家里决不容许约会一两次就生下孩子的行为So now I'm alone and...所以现在我孤身一人...I'm having a baby,and I don't have a father for the baby,我有了孩子但孩子没有爸爸- and I don't have an arm. - it's okay.- 我的胳膊也没了 - 没关系Here's dr.Sloan.这是Sloan医生Nancy...I'm happy to report that your arm is in good shape.Nancy 好消息是你的胳膊状况很好Dr.Grey here is gonna clean it up a little,and--Grey医生会清理干净and I'm gonna put that arm back where it belongs,okay?我会把那只胳膊物归原主好吧?Okay.好吧Okay.好了We got a 150-pound female with...150磅的雌性lacerations on the chest and haunches,short,fast breaths.胸部和腰腿部有伤口呼吸很快而短促Any recommendations?有什么建议?Uh,doctor,michael's a big boy.医生 Michael长大了He doesn't need you to perform make-believe medicine,right,michael? 他不需要你假装看病对吧 Michael?it's not make-believe.She can help.不是假的她能帮忙Michael,enough.I apologize.We're just wasting your time.Michael 够了我很抱歉我们只是在浪费你的时间No kidding.确实是- Michael. - Please don't let her die.- Michael - 别让她死了Michael,it is a deer.Michael 它只是一只鹿We're gonna take her home and skin her and freeze the meat,okay? 我们把她带回家扒了皮把肉冻起来好吗?What?Why?!什么? 为什么?!Because that's what you do.You don't try and save 'em.You eat 'em. 因为你就该这么做你不用尽力抢救它们你要吃了它们No,daD.The doctor can save her.不爸爸医生能救她- No,she can'T. - You don't know that.- 不她不能 - 你不知道My son needs to learn to grow up and face things.我儿子需要学会成长面对事情You're rht.I am not helping him.你是对的我不会帮助他I'm helping bambi.我要帮助小鹿BambiSo get me the ambu bag and the sane.I'm starting an I.V.给我急救袋和SANE 我要静脉注射Thank you.谢谢Still no sign of burke.Oh,you've got a severed arm.还是没有Burke的消息断臂My arm.Mine.Get away from it.我的胳膊我的别想插手Maybe he's not on today.也许他今天没上班Maybe you should just see him and get it over with.也许你该见见他把事情解释清楚No,no,no,no.不不不不If I never see him again,I won't care.如果我以后见不到他我就不在乎了Well,I've seen derek,and derek has seen me.我看到了Derek 他也看到了我And?Awkward.Plus he seems to know lexie.- 然后呢? - 尴尬而且他好像认识LexieAnd?然后?More awkward.Your intern is my half sister.更尴尬你的实习生是我同父异母的半妹妹How weird is that?多奇怪啊?Well,I'm trying to save bambi's life.我正全力抢救BambiMy interns think I'm a loser.我的实习生觉得我很失败- Severed arm. - Callie's a bitch.- 断臂? - Callie真够呛- Word. - She won't let me off my patient,- 注意用词 - 她不让我离开病人and there's nothing wrong with him except he's a nut job. 他根本没事除非他是个疯子Severed arm.断臂Does anybody know anything about deer?有人知道鹿的事吗?Ey taste good.很好吃Evil.魔鬼Oh,george,severed arm.George 断臂Plus mer's half sister is my intern,izzie is playing dr.Dolittle,还有 Mer的同父异母妹妹是我的实习 Izzie正在扮演怪医Dolittle(游手好闲的)oh,and alex hates your wife.Alex讨厌你老婆Dr.Sloan's ready for the arm.Sloan医生准备好接胳膊了- I'll say it. - George is being an ass.- 收到 - George这个笨蛋I think it's my fault.我想是我的错I said some things,and now he's not talking to me.我说了不该说的话他现在不理我了I don't know what he's got to complain about.我不知道他想抱怨什么Those new chick interns are hot.新来的实习多辣啊- He's married,alex. - Yeah,he's married.- 他已经结婚了 Alex - 对他已婚了You know who's seriously hot?That lexie girl. 你知道哪个最辣吗? 是那个叫Lexie的女孩Get out...before I hurt you.在我没伤害你之前出去I'm going over callie's head to bailey.我要越过Callie找BaileyUh,callie is over bailey's head.Callie是Beiley的上司Spiritually,bailey's over everyone's head.精神上 Beiley是每个人的上司dr.Bailey.How are things goi?Beiley医生进展如何?I wouldn't know.Ask dr.Torres.我不知道去问Torres医生- Miranda - I don't want to talk.- Miranda - 我不想说话Miranda,it is not like you not to want to talk. Miranda 不是你想不想的问题Fine.How's your wife?好吧你老婆怎么样?Well,she'S...she'S...good.她...她不错I haven't moved back in yet.我还没搬回去She hasn't let me move back in yet.她还没让我搬回去She's not taking my calls.Wait.她还是不接我电话等等That's not what I want to talk to you about.我不是要跟你说这个I want to talk about chief resident.我要谈谈住院医师长的问题Now we're gonna have this conversation.现在我们谈吧Are you ordering me to stand here and talk to you about this,chief? 你在命令我站在这跟你谈这个吗头No,I'm not ordering you.不我没命令你- But I just thought we could - okay,then.Good-bye,sir.- 我觉得我们可以谈谈 - 好吧回见I talked to the family they're on their way.我联系了家人她们在路上GoodI put an entire O.R.On hold.We don't have much time.好我预定了手术室我们时间不多Uh,can I get a progress note?能给我一份病情记录吗?Uh,do you maybe want to have a drink later?你想一会喝点东西去吗?- What? - A drink.- 什么? - 喝点东西Give me one reason why we can't hang out.给我一个不能一起出去的原因I don't like you.我不喜欢你You don't like me because of meredith?你因为Meredith不喜欢我?I don't like you because you're you.我不喜欢你是因为你是你Hmm.How is meredith,by the way?Meredith怎么样?Is she okay?她还好吧?She's fine.她很好She's always fine.That's her problem.她一直都很好这就是她的问题We're fine people.We do fine.We're fine.我们都是正常人我们行为正常我们很好How's dr.Burke?I haven't seen him around.Burke医生怎么样? 我没看到他Is--is he off today?他今天歇班?Here.给Dr.Burke handed in his letter of resignation two weeks ago. Burke两个星期前递交了辞呈He wanted me to tell you.他想让我告诉你He's g-gone?他走了?I'm sorry.抱歉- Well,don't be.I'm - fine?- 不用我 - 很好?Yeah.对- Circulatory system of a deer? - Shut up.- 鹿的循环系统? - 闭嘴Oh,dr.Bailey.Beiley医生Uh,couldn't you use an extra set of hands in the O.R.Today?你今天手术室需要额外人手帮忙吗?I saw an appy on the board.I'm--I'm great at appys.我看到板子上有阑尾切除手术是我强项Talk to torres.She's in charge of what cas you get now.跟Torres说她分配你该管的病例It's hard to set a shattered kneecap when your patient's in the pit, 你的病人坐在坑里很难固定粉碎的膝盖骨don't you think?你不觉得吗?whatever.随便了I don't know how you did it.不知道你怎么做到的Did what?做什么?Get 'em to listen to you,to give you some respect.让他们听你的并且尊敬你Hey,dr.Bailey,you wouldn't happen to know anything about,嘿 Bailey医生你是不是碰巧知道uh,the anatomy of a deer?呃怎么解剖鹿?。
关键词:美剧;字幕翻译;异化;归化中图分类号:h085.3 文献标志码:a 文章编号:1674-9324(2013)22-0120-02近些年,越来越多由美国制作的电视剧作品进入中国市场,吸引了众多中国年轻人、尤其是在校大学生的眼球,掀起了一股“美剧热”。
实习医生格蕾——《Oh my god》
《OH MY GOD》——寒潭青雁“好的,我知道了,我在诊室等着,送她上来吧。
“她怎么了?”Addison一边指挥着George将检查床推开,让Lzzie将轮床推近B 超机,一边询问着情况。
”Lzzie有些紧张的说着自己知道的一切,“也许Cristina 在就好了,她们总是知道彼此的秘密。
*****病房里Mere已经醒来了一次,可能是太累了,又渐渐睡去,George和Lzzie被Bailey 指派去看一个该死的豪华病例,只是没有Cristina的份,因为她在休假,而Mere也有Derek 的陪伴,Cristina突然有些落寞。
实习医生格蕾第一季01医学英语词汇a surgical resident 外科医师shift 值班Trauma protocol 受伤协议Pagers 传呼机on call room 值班室new onset seizures 新发癫痫Grand mal seizing/Grand mal epilepsy 癫痫大发作ten milligrams Diazepam 10mg安定I.V. 静脉注射the blood haemolyse 溶血CT electronic computer X-ray tomography technique 电子计算机X射线断层扫描技术CBC complete blood count 全血球计数chem. seven Biochemistry seven items 生化七项Toxin inspection 毒素检查rectal exams 直肠检查the attending on call 当班的主治医师attending doctor 主治医师intern 实习医师perform a procedure 演示一些步骤surgery 外科手术Heart Bbypass surgery 心脏搭桥手术resident doctor 住院医师The Grey method Grey法chick surgeons 女外科医师taken the Hippocratic oath 希波克拉底誓言Euthanasia 安乐死OR Operating Room 手术室scrub in for an adipectomy 准备一场脂肪切除术Appendectomy 阑尾切除手术Scrubs 刷手服sedative 镇静剂groggy 酒醉,不稳an operation 手术open identify ligate irrigate close 打开,确认,结扎,灌洗,关闭faint 头晕,晕厥sweat himself unsterile 出汗到需要重新消毒mess up the McBird 弄错了McBird切口appendix 阑尾Scalpel 手术刀Pick-ups 镊子Clamp 夹钳Peritoneum 腹膜invert the stump into the secum 反转残端进盲肠purse-strings 缩合钱袋口的绳索rip the cecum 撕裂盲肠BP drop blood pressure 血压suction 抽吸Geriatrics 老年科junkie veins 静脉损伤antibiotics 抗生素start a central line 中央导管,深静脉穿刺the on-call resident 当班的住院医师post-op pneumonia 术后肺部感染diagnosis 诊断short of breath 呼吸急促get fever 发热splinting 膝关节炎PE pulmonary embolism 肺栓塞multiple grand mal seizures 多样性直阵挛性发作2mg Diazepam 2mg地西泮(安定)load sb. with Phenobarbital 给他苯巴比妥defibrillators 除颤器sinus rhythm 窦性心律emergency 紧急情况put sb. on a bypass machine 放在搭桥机器上pump blood for your heart 输送血液给心脏with no visible cause 不明原因freak 反常的anoxia 缺氧症chronic renal failure 肾衰竭acidosis 酸中毒tumour 肿瘤infection 感染white count 白细胞计数no ceteal lesions 无明确损伤spinal tap 脊髓穿刺aneurysm 动脉瘤headaches 头痛pregnancy 怀孕trauma 外伤CT angiography 血管造影medical proof 医学证据Subarachnoid hemorrhage 蛛网膜下腔出血ABG Arterial blood gas analysis 动脉血气分析CRX a chest film/ chest radiography 胸片pulmonary embolism 肺动脉栓塞Spiral CT 螺旋式计算机断层扫描SCTPA Spiral CT pulmonary angiogram 多层螺旋CT肺动脉造影V/Q scan radionuclide lung ventilation/perfusion scan 放射性核素肺通气/灌注(V/Q)显像DSA digital subtraction angiography 数字减影血管造影CPA conventional pulmonary angiography 常规肺动脉造影provide O2 吸氧Heparin 肝素IVC filter Inferior V ena Cava Filters 下腔静脉过滤器。
实习医生格蕾MeredithsEpisodeQuotesSeason4Season 41. A change is gonna comeIn the practice of medicine, change is inevitable. New surgical techniques are created, procedures are updated, levels of expertise increase. Innovation is everything, nothing remains the same for long. We either adapt to change, or ... we get left behind.Change. We don’t like it, we fear it, but we can't stop it from coming. We either adapt to change or we get left behind. And it hurts to grow, anybody who tells you it doesn’t is lying. But heres the truth: the more things change, the more they stay the same. And sometimes, oh, sometimes change is good. Oh...sometimes, change ... is ... everything.2. Love/AddictionIn the hospital, we see addiction every day. It's shocking how many kinds of addiction exist. It would be too easy if it were just drugs and booze and cigarettes. I think the hardest part of kicking a habit is wanting to kick it. I mean, we get addicted for a reason, right? Often, too often, things that start out as just a normal part of your life at some point cross the line to obsessive, compulsive, out of control. It's the high we're chasing, the high that makes everything else fade away.Still, they s ay you don’t kick the habit until you hit rock bottom, but how do you know when you’re there? Because no matter how badly a thing is hurting us, sometimes letting it go hurts even worse.3. Let the truth stingDoctors give patients a number of thing. We give them medicine, we give them advice and, most of the time, we givethem our undivided attention. But, by far, the hardest thing you can give a patient is the truth. The truth is hard. The truth is awkward and very often the truth hurts. I mean, people think they want the truth. But do they really?The truth is painful. Deep down, nobody wants to hear it, especially when it hits close to home. Sometimes we tell the truth because the truth is all we have to give. Sometimes we tell the truth because we need to say it out loud to hear it for ourselves. And sometimes we tell the truth because we just can't help ourselves. Sometimes, we tell them because we owe them at least that much.4.The heart of the matterIn life, only one thing is certain apart from death and taxes: no matter how hard you try, no matter how good your intentions, you are going to make mistakes. You'regoing to hurt people. You're going to get hurt. And if you ever want to recover, there's really only one thing to say...Forgive and forget. That's what they say. It's good advice, but it's not very practical. When someone hurts us we want to hurt them back. When someone wrongs us we want to be right. Without forgiveness, old scores are never settled. Old wounds never heal. The most we can hope for is that one day we'll be lucky enough to forget.5.Haunt you everydayThere’s a reason surgeons learn to wield scalpels. We like to pretend we’re hard, cold scientists. We like to pretend we're fearless. But the truth is we become surgeons because somewhere deep down we think we can cut away that which haunts us. Weakness, frailty, death.It isn't just surgeons. The truth is, I don't know anyone whoisn't haunted by something - or someone. And whether we try to slice away the pain with a scalpel or shove it in the back of a closet, our efforts usually fail. So, the only way we can clean out the cobwebs is to turn a new page...or put an old story to rest...finally...finally to rest.6. Kung fu fightingThere’s this thing about being a surgeon. Maybe it’s pride or maybe it’s just about being tough. But a true surgeon never admits they need help, unless absolutely necessary. Surgeons don’t need to ask for help because they are tougher than that. Surgeons are cowboys, rough around the edges, hard core… at le ast that’s what they want you to think.Deep down, everyone wants to believe they can be hardcor e. But being hardcore isn’t just about being tough. It’s about acceptance. Sometimes you have to give yourself permission to not be hardcore for once. You don’t have to be tough every minute of every day. It’s okay to let down your guard. In fact there are moments when it’s the best thing you can possibly do… as long as you choose your moments wisely.7. Physical attraction chemical reactionBefore we were doctors, we were med students. Which meant that we spent a lot of time studying chemistry. Organic chemistry. Biochemistry. We learnt it all. But when you are talking about human chemistry, only one thing matters: either you got it, or you don't.Chemistry. Either you've got it, or you don't. 8. Forever young There comes a point in your life when you're officially an adult. Suddenly, you're old enough to vote, drink and engage in other adult activities. Suddenly, people expect you to be responsible, serious, a grown-up. We get taller, we get older, butdo we ever really grow up?In some ways we grow up. We have families, we get married, divorced. But for the most part, we still have the same problems that we did when we were fifteen. Nomatter how much we grow taller, grow older, we are still forever stumbling. Forever wondering... forever ... young.9. Crash into me Part 1We go into medicine because we want to save lives. We go into medicine because we want to do good. We go into medicine for the rush... for the high... for the ride. But, what we remember at the end of most days are the losses. What we lay awake at night replaying is the pain we caused or failed to cure. The lives we ruined or failed to save. So the experience of practicing medicine rarely resembles the goal. The experience too often is backwards and upside down.10. Crash into me Part 2At the end of the day, the experience of practising medicine bears little resemblanceto the dream. We go into medicine because we want to save lives. We go into medicine because we want to do good. We go into medicine for the rush, for the high, for the ride. But what we remember at the end of most days are the losses. What we like awake at night replaying is the pain we caused. The ills we couldn't cure, the lives we ruined...or failed to save. At the end of the day the reality is nothing like we hope. The reality is...at the end of the day more often than not turned inside out and upside down.Some days ... the whole world seems upside down. And then somehow, and probably, and when you least expect it, the world rights itself again.11. Lay your hands on meBailey: In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth, at least that's what they say. He created the birds of the air and the beasts of the field and He looked at his creation and he saw that it was good. And then God created Man. And it's been downhill ever since. The story goes on to say that God created Man in His own image, but there's not much proof of that... After all, God made the sun and the moon and the stars and all Man makes is trouble. And when Man finds himself in trouble, which is most of the time, he turns to something bigger than himself, to love, or fate or religion, to make sense of it all. But for a surgeons, the only thing that makes any kind of sense is… medicine.Bailey: As doctors, we know more about the human body now than at any point in our history. But the miracle of life itself; why people live and die, why they hurt or get hurt is still a mystery. We wanna know the reason, the secret, the answer at the backof the book… because the thought of our being all alone d own here is just too much for us to bear. But at the end of the day, the fact that we show up for each other, in spite of our differences, no matter what we believe, is reason enough to keep believing.。
实习医生格蕾第一集前10分钟台词(全) Meredith VO: The game. They say either a person has what it takes to play, or they don't. My mother was one of the greats. Me, on the other hand...I'm kinda(或kind of) screwed. 这场竞赛,参加的人要么是有本事,要么什么都没有。
Kinda:adv 有一点,有几分screwed混乱的,搞糟的,弄坏的。
例句 Our plans got all screwed up. 我们的计划全给打乱了。
(Meredith wakes up on the couch and pulls a blanket off a naked man on the floor, wrapping it around herself. She hits him with a pillow and he grunts, waking up. He lifts up her bra.) Man: This...is...? 这是?Meredith: (grabbing it, smiling) Humiliating on so many levels. You have to go.丢脸丢到家了,你赶快走吧。
humiliate:vt,使蒙羞;humiliating丢脸的;例句:It was so humiliating, a terrible blow to my self-esteem. 这件事如此丢脸,深深地挫伤了我的自尊心。
Man: (sitting up) Why don't you just come back down here and we'll pick up where we left off?你为什么不回来回味一下之前的缠绵?left off:停下来Meredith: No, seriously. You have to go, I'm late. Which isn't what you want to be on your first day of work, so不,说真的,你快走吧,我要迟到了。
T HE V AMPIRE D IARIES S CRIPT VOSeason 1 Episode 4Family Ties[Elena's house.]Elena wakes up. She hears a noise.ELENA: Hello? Jeremy? Hello?MAN ON TV: This is Logan Fell coming to you live from the streets of Mystic Falls with breaking news of another deadly animal attack. The wild animal terrorizing the citizens of Mystic Falls has claimed another victim, local high school student Elena Gilbert. Police are certain that forensic eviden will confirm that this is the same animal responsible for recent attacks.DAMON: You know it's coming next.She runs. Damon beats her.[Stefan's bedroom.]Stefan wakes up.STEFAN: Ah!DAMON: Bad dream?STEFAN: Ah.DAMON: Do you know how easy it was to get into your head just now? You really need some human blood. It might even the playing field. Football reference. Too soon.Stefan launches a knife on Damon.DAMON: All right, I deserved that. But I just wanted to let you know, they caught the culprit. The animal responsible for killing coach tanner and all those people.STEFAN: What are you talking about?DAMON: It was a mountain lion. Really big one. It attacked a hunter this morning. It's all over the news. "Deadly beast captured. All's well in Mystic Falls."STEFAN: Why would you cover your tracks?DAMON: I've decided to stay a while. I'm just having way too much fun here with you and Elena.STEFAN: Can't touch her now.DAMON: Well, the vervain keeps me out of her head. Maybe that's not my target. Believe it or not, Stefan, some girls don't need my persuasion. Some girls just can't resist my good looks, my style and my charm and my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift.Damon plant the knife in Stefan's belly.DAMON: This is John Varvatos, dude. Dick move.[Stefan's house.]Stefan is writing is diary.SHERIF ON TV: I can confirm that a 12-Foot puma mountain lion attacked a hunter and was subsequently shot and killed. The hunter is in stable condition.STEFAN: The real animal is still out there, waiting for me, challenging me to fight back, to stop him. But how do I stop a monster without becoming one myself?[Elena's house.]MAN ON TV: To repeat, the animal terrorizing Mystic Falls has been caught.JENNA: Scum ball. Scum bucket.ELENA: Who are you talking to?JENNA: Him. The news guy, also known as Logan "Scum" Fell. Did your mom ever tell you why I moved away from Mystic Falls?ELENA: Oh, no way. You and him? He's cute.JENNA: He is not cute. There's nothing cute about him. What are you doing with that? ELENA: I went yesterday and got it from the safe deposit box. Mom had told Mrs. Lockwood she would loan it to the founder's council for their heritage display. Is that grandma beth's wedding ring?ELENA: Originally it was great-Great-Grandma mary's wedding ring.JEREMY: How much do you think this stuff is worth? You know, like on ebay?ELENA: You're not gonna find out.JEREMY: That stuff is mom and dad's. You can't just give it away.ELENA: I'm not giving it away. It's called a loan, Jeremy.Doorbell rings.STEFAN: Hi.She kisses him.ELENA: Hi.[Elena's bedroom.]Stefan is kissing Elena. But he sees in the mirror he begins to transform. He stops kiss her.ELENA: Are you ok?STEFAN: I'm good. Sorry.ELENA: Maybe we should press pause.STEFAN: Yeah, you're probably right. That was getting a bit...ELENA: Yeah.STEFAN: Yeah.ELENA: How do you look in a suit?STEFAN: I can pull one off.ELENA: How about tomorrow night? Will you be my date to the founder's party? STEFAN: They still do that?ELENA: Have you been before?STEFAN: No, the Salvatores don't get invited anymore.ELENA: Well, this year, there's this heritage project that meant a lot to my mom. She was really involved in the founder's council, and it was her favorite party. I know it sounds really boring, but--STEFAN: I would be honored to accompany you, Miss Gilbert.ELENA: The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Salvatore.[Caroline's bedroom.]DAMON: No yellow. Jaundice. Go for the blue.CAROLINE: I don't like the blue.DAMON: Well, I do. And if I'm gonna be your date--CAROLINE: You cannot be my date. My mother is going to be there, and she is a very proud gun owner.DAMON: I went through a lot of trouble to make sure this party wasn't cancelled. It's very important I be there. Please take me.CAROLINE: You should come to the founder's party with me.DAMON: Not if you're wearing that dress. At's so special about this Bella girl? Edward's so whipped.CAROLINE: You gotta read the first book first. It won't make sense if you don't. DAMON: Ah, I miss Anne Rice. She was so on it.CAROLINE: How come you don't sparkle?DAMON: Because I live in the real world, where vampires burn in the sun. CAROLINE: Yeah, but you go in the sun.DAMON: I have a ring. It protects me. Long story.CAROLINE: These bites turn me into a vampire?DAMON: It's more complicated than that. You'd have to feed on my blood, then die, then feed on a human's, whole ordeal. This book, by thwawa has it all wrong.CAROLINE: You can be very sweet when you want to be.DAMON: Yes, I can be sweet.CAROLINE: Are you going to kill me?DAMON: Mm-Hmm. But not yet.CAROLINE: Why not?DAMON: Because there's something I need you to do for me.CAROLINE: Anything.DAMON: How good are you at getting this little nose Where it doesn't belong? CAROLINE: Oh, I'm excellent.DAMON: Mmm.[Mystic Grill.]Tyler is eating with his parents.MR LOCKWOOD: So what happens with the season? One big forfeit? Are they looking for a new coach?TYLER: I don't know, dad. I doubt anybody's thinking about that right now.MRS LOCKWOOD: Charles, founder's party, focus.VICKI: How are y'all doing over here?MR LOCKWOOD: Ah, we're doing great, sweetheart.VICKI: Is there anything else I can get you?TYLER: We're fine, thanks.MR LOCKWOOD: Just the check, honey.VICKI: Here you go, Mayor Lockwood.MR LOCKWOOD: Thanks.Caroline arrives with Bonnie.BONNIE: You're taking Damon to the founder's party? What about me?CAROLINE: Go with Elena.BONNIE: She's asking Stefan.CAROLINE: Ok, go by yourself.BONNIE: Gee, thanks. What about your mom? Is she ok with you bringing Damon? CAROLINE: And I'm supposed to care why?BONNIE: He's older sexy danger guy.CAROLINE: Older sexy danger guy? Is that an official witch twitter tweet?BONNIE: No more witch jokes, ok? At whole Mr. Tanner prediction thing has me freaked. CAROLINE: Ok. And Damon's not dangerous. You know, he just has a lot of issues with his brother. You know, like major, deep-Rooted drama.BONNIE: Like...?CAROLINE: I'm not really supposed to say anything.BONNIE: Caroline Forbes, when have you ever kept a secret in your life? CAROLINE: Ok. But you can't tell Elena.BONNIE: No.TYLER: So what you gonna buy me?VICKI: Ugh, some class. Oh, your parents are gone. I guess can bebclose now. TYLER: What the hell does that mean?VICKI: You treat me like trash. I'm sick of it.TYLER: I don't think you're trash.VICKI: Really? Then who are you taking to the founder's party?TYLER: Vicki Donovan. Do you want me to ask you to the founder's party?VICKI: No. It'll be stupid and lame.TYLER: True. But it'll be less stupid and lame if you were there.JEREMY: You realize you had to ask him to ask you, right? You figure if you dress up like a respectable young lady, he'll finally treat you like one?VICKI: Screw you, jeremy.JEREMY: You know you're making the wrong choice, yet you make it anyway. It's sad. [Salvatore's House.]ZACH: I didn't know you were here.DAMON: Just going through Stefan's homework. Boy, this country sure has dumbed down in the last hundred years. Why he wants to go to high school is beyond me. I mean, in the seventies, he went Ivy League. Harvard, I understood. Actually, no. I didn't get that either. Go ahead, purge. Get it out. What's on your mind?ZACH: Why are you here, Damon?DAMON: To spend time with you, Zach. Family's important.ZACH: I know you. You always have a motive. So tell me, what is it this time? DAMON: You are in no position to question me.ZACH: I didn't mean to upset you.DAMON: This is not upset, Zach.STEFAN: What's going on?DAMON: Having a family moment, Stefan. Spending some quality time.STEFAN: Hey, are you ok?ZACH: No, I'm not. And neither are you. How many more people have to die before you see that?STEFAN: I see it. All right, Zach, I see it.ZACH: Then why aren't you doing anything about it?STEFAN: I can't, Zach. I can't. It would take human blood. It's the only way that I couldstop him, and I can't do that.ZACH: The vervain could weaken him if he ingested it. It would help get you the upper hand.STEFAN: Vervain hasn't grown here since 1865. Damon saw to that. The little I had, I gave to Elena. What?Stefan and Zach down in the cellar.STEFAN: You've been growing it.ZACH: It's just something that's been passed down through the generations. Blood only runs so deep when you're related to vampires. Damon would kill me if he knew that I had it. STEFAN: But you're telling me. Why?ZACH: Because I trust you. And you're gonna need it if you want to get rid of him. [Elena's house.]TYLER: I'm here for my mom. I was supposed to pick up a box of stuff.ELENA: Right here. Please be careful.JEREMY: Yeah, careful with it, dick.ELENA: Hey! Not now, ok, guys? Please?TYLER: I'm fine. He's just being a punk.JEREMY: I got your punk.ELENA: Look, Tyler, maybe you should go. Tell your mom that I'll see her tonight. TYLER: Hey. Would it make a difference if I told you I actually like Vicki?JEREMY: Not even if you meant it.BONNIE: Delicate flower vs. Naughty vixen.ELENA: Tough call. Can we mix them?BONNIE: Look at you, getting all pretty for your date. You seem happy-Ish.ELENA: I am...ish. Tonight's going to be a good night. But don't let that stop you from telling me whatever it is you wanted to tell me as soon as you walked in the door. BONNIE: What if I tell you in the morning? I don't want to ruin the night.ELENA: Bonnie, out with it.BONNIE: Ok, but it has to go in the vault, because Caroline will kill me if it gets back to Damon that she squealed. Apparently Stefan has a very interesting back story.ELENA: Uh-Huh.BONNIE: Do you know what happened with his ex-girlfriend Katherine?ELENA: I know that they both dated her and that's why they have issues.BONNIE: Yeah, they both dated her, only she chose Damon. And that drove Stefan mad, he did horrible things to try and break them up. He manipulated Katherine. He filled her head with all these lies until finally it worked, and she turned against Damon.ELENA: That sounds like one person's side of the story, meaning Damon's.BONNIE: I just wanted you to know.ELENA: Anyway, his past relationships are none of my business.BONNIE: Unless he's a calculating, manipulative liar. That is your business.ELENA: Stefan is none of those things.BONNIE: Yeah? How do you know?[Stefan's House.]DAMON: Do they still wear ties at this thing?STEFAN: Why are you even going?DAMON: It's only fitting. We were at the very first one, remember?STEFAN: I think it's better if we don't draw attention to ourselves.DAMON: So you should stay here. I'll see to it Elena has a good time.STEFAN: My goodness, I've driven you to drink. Can't seem to rid myself of you. What else am I supposed to do, besides go about living my life?DAMON: Go about living my life. See, therein lies your eternal struggle. You're dead, dude. Get over it.STEFAN: What do you think?[Elena's house.]ELENA: Hello? Hi, Mrs Lockwood. What do you mean? It is? Are you sure? 'Cause I saw it. Let me check. Mm-Hmm. I will find it and bring it. Ok. Bye.BONNIE: What's wrong?JEREMY: Ahh! God, what now?ELENA: The pocket watch. Where is it?JEREMY: What watch?ELENA: The one you stole from mom's box. Look, Mrs Lockwood just called me, freaking out. It was on the list, Jeremy. And she can't find it, and she thinks she's the one who lost it. JEREMY: Maybe she did. Maybe Tyler took it.ELENA: Don't even play that card. Jeremy, you took it. If I go online, am I going to find it on ebay? Is that how you pay for your pot?JEREMY: Screw you. I would never sell this, ok?ELENA: Then why did you take it?JEREMY: Because it's supposed to be mine. Dad said it goes to the firstborn son. His father gave it to him, and now what?ELENA: And he was going to give it to you.JEREMY: Yeah.ELENA: Look, Jeremy, it's still yours, ok? Mom promised Mrs Lockwood. What do you want me to do?JEREMY: Just take it and get out.[Salvatore's house.]DAMON: It's cool not growing old. I like being the eternal stud.STEFAN: Yes, being a 150-Year-Old teenager Has been the height of my happiness. DAMON: You cracked a funny, Stefan. I should have a drink to celebrate. 1864. You and Katherine were the perfect couple. It was hell watching you dance with her.STEFAN: My happiness was short-Lived, as you well know.DAMON: I remember. I left the party early, I was waiting for her. The night you dropped her off, I was waiting just inside. You were such a gentleman, gave her a kiss on the cheek. And what she really wanted was... Oh, well. Here's to history repeating itself, huh?He drops the glass.DAMON: I admire your effort, Stefan. Pouring yourself a drink then spiking the bottle with vervain.STEFAN: I'm not some drunk sorority chick. You can't roofie me. But I can't help but feel a little used. I thought we were having a moment. I have to go to the party angry. Who knows what I'll do?[At the founder's party.]VICKI: Hi. How are you?TYLER: Uh, let's go this way.VICKI: Why?TYLER: Line's too long. We can go around back. Come on, party's in the back. [Salvatore's House.]ZACH: That was his favorite scotch. I'm sorry, I thought it would work.STEFAN: I wasn't counting on it.ZACH: You knew it would fail?STEFAN: Did what I wanted. It lowered his guard. You won't expect me to try again so soon.ZACH: I doubled what I put in the scotch.Elena makes the watch to Jeremy.[At the founder's party.]MRS LOCKWOOD: Caroline! You look smashing.CAROLINE: Thank you, Mrs Lockwood. This is my boyfriend Damon.MRS LOCKWOOD: Oh, well, come on in.DAMON: Lovely to meet you. I've been looking forward to this party for quite a while. MRS LOCKWOOD: Well, enjoy.CAROLINE: Wait here.CAROLINE: Really, you couldn't even change out of the badge for this?SHERIF FORBES: I'm working, honey. Who's the date you just tried to sneak past me? CAROLINE: Just some guy.SHERIF FORBES: He's a little old for you, don't you think?CAROLINE: Oh, 'cause otherwise you'd approve. Yeah, I doubt that.ELENA: Hi, mayor Lockwood.MR LOCKWOOD: Hey. Hey, guys, on in.STEFAN: Thank you.SHERIF FORBES: Where's your dad?CAROLINE: Memphis.SHERIF FORBES: Good.CAROLINE: With Stephen.Elena is watchin her parents' wedding Ring.STEFAN: Your parents?ELENA: There's a lot of history here.Jenna is drinking.LOGAN: Jenna.JENNA: Hello Logan.LOGAN: It's good to see you.JENNA: I thought I might see you here.LOGAN: You knew it.JENNA: I dreaded.LOGAN: But were secretely hoping.JENNA: And now that I have...LOGAN: Whoa, hey, not so fast. I know you. You have a lot more insults in you, I can tell. JENNA: Your hairline's receding.LOGAN: No, it's not. You want to have lunch?JENNA: Nope.LOGAN: You haven't changed a bit.JENNA: Oh, yes, I have. I'm meaner now.Elena is reading the first registry.ELENA: "The founding families in Mystic Falls welcomes you to the inaugural founder's council celebration." Wow, look, it's the original guest registry. Look at all these familiar names-- Sheriff William Forbes, Mayor Benjamin lockwood. Is that Damon Salvatore? And, look, Stefan Salvatore.DAMON: The original Salvatore brothers. Our ancestors. Tragic story, actually. STEFAN: We don't need to bore them with stories of the past.ELENA: It's not boring, Stefan. I'd love to hear more about your family.CAROLINE: Well, I'm bored. I want to dance. And Damon won't dance with me. DAMON: Mm-Mmm.CAROLINE: Could I just borrow your date?ELENA: Oh, uh...STEFAN: I don't really dance.DAMON: Oh, sure he does. You should see him. Waltz, the jitterbug, the moonwalk. He does it all.CAROLINE: You wouldn't mind, would you, Elena?ELENA: It's up to Stefan.They are going to dance.DAMON: I want to apologize to you for being such a world-Class jerk the other night when I tried to kiss you. There's no excuse. My therapist says I'm... Acting out, trying to punish Stefan.ELENA: For what?DAMON: It's all in the past. I don't even want to bring it up. Let's just say that the men in the Salvatore family have been cursed with sibling rivalry. And it all started with the original Salvatore brothers.STEFAN: Damon told you to ask me to dance. Didn't he?CAROLINE: Now why would he do that?STEFAN: Would you like one?CAROLINE: Ok, just tell me if you see my mom.DAMON: The Salvatore name was practically royalty in this town. Until the war. There was a battle here--ELENA: The battle of willow creek.DAMON: Right.ELENA: I know, we talked about it in class. Confederate soldiers fired on a church with civilians inside.DAMON: What the history books left out was the people that were killed. They weren't there by accident. They were believed to be union sympathizers. So some of the founders on the confederacy side back then wanted them rounded up and burned alive. Stefan andDamon had someone they loved very much in that church. And when they went to rescue them, they were shot. Murdered in cold blood.ELENA: Who was in the church that they wanted to save?DAMON: A woman, I guess. Doesn't it always come down to the love of a woman? ELENA: Look, I'm sorry that you and Stefan have this thing between you, but I can't get in the middle of it, Damon. I just... I hope you two can work it out.DAMON: I hope so, too.Vicki and Tyler on a bench, away from the party.VICKI: So you want to dance?TYLER: Me dancing? Not pretty.VICKI: Maybe you could show me around. I mean, this place is amazing.TYLER: Yeah, if you like living in a museum.VICKI: Maybe I should just strip naked and give pastor billa lap dance. I mean, that's why we're hiding in a corner all night, isn't it? You're scared of how I'm going to act? You afraid of what your parents are going to think about your date from the wrong side of the tracks?TYLER: I don't care about what they think.VICKI: Great. Let's go say hi.TYLER: Knock it off, vick.VICKI: Or we could just, you know, sneak up to your bedroom. As long as nobody sees us, right?TYLER: Vicki, I swear...VICKI: What's a matter, Ty? You scared to stand up to your mommy? It's pretty pathetic. TYLER: Let go!MRS LOCKWOOD: Tyler... We didn't get a chance to say hello earlier. It's Vicki, right? Matt's sister.VICKI: Yes, madame.MRS LOCKWOOD: You'll have to forgive my son's rudeness. He gets it from his father. VICKI: Well, that's ok, Mrs Lockwood. Tyler and I were just saying good night.MRS LOCKWOOD: That's what you get when you bring the trash into the party.A candle shuts. Bonnie lights it just by looking.Damon and Elena return with Stefan and Caroline.DAMON: What'd we miss?CAROLINE: We were just chatting.STEFAN: Drink, Damon?DAMON: No, thanks, I'll pass.ELENA: Stefan, do you have another dance in you?STEFAN: Absolutely.CAROLINE: They look so cute together.DAMON: Don't talk, please.LOGAN: Don't shoot! I'm going to need a refill.JENNA: Shooting implies caring.LOGAN: Feigned indifference. I like it.JENNA: I'm over the banter, Logan. I'd really rather you just left me alone.LOGAN: I'm sorry, Jenna. About your sister.JENNA: Thank you.LOGAN: Came to the funeral.JENNA: I know. I saw you.LOGAN: Yeah, I didn't want to push my way in, but I wanted to be there for you. And when I heard you were staying in Mystic Falls, I thought maybe... Well, maybe I could have a second chance to make things right.JENNA: Her name was Monica, wasn't it?STEFAN: I hope Damon didn't drive you too crazy.ELENA: No, actually, he was on good behavior. He even apologized and explained why he is the way he is. And it all goes back to Katherine.STEFAN: Hmm.ELENA: So tell me about her. What happened?STEFAN: It's not something I like to talk about.ELENA: I get that. I do. I just want you to know that you can. I mean, I burden you with all of my drama, and I want you to do the same.STEFAN: I know. Thank you.ELENA: The truth is, Stefan... I don't really know that much about you, and I'd really love it if you would open up to me.STEFAN: Damon said something, didn't he? He likes to play games and cause trouble, Elena.ELENA: This isn't about Damon, it's about me trying to get to know you. Look, you're the mystery guy, and I like that. But with mystery comes secrets, and this thing with Katherine. STEFAN: Let it go. I don't want to talk about it.ELENA: Well, then, say something about yourself. Anything. Otherwise, I'm left with nothing but what other people tell me.STEFAN: Don't you see what Damon has done here? He's trying to get you to turn against me.ELENA: Well, then I guess it's working.BONNIE: This is my fault. I planted doubt. I'm a doubt planter.ELENA: It's not your fault. I just-- I feel terrible because I said that I wouldn't get in the middle of it, and that's exactly what I did. I got all snotty.MRS LOCKWOOD: Elena, honey, there you are. I notice the watch still isn't in the collection.ELENA: Oh, um, I'm sorry, Mrs. Lockwood. I, um, I couldn't find it. I guess it's still packed up in my parents' stuff somewhere.MRS LOCKWOOD: I see. Well, please let me know if you do find it.ELENA: Ok.CAROLINE: Where have you been?DAMON: Ah. Looking for you.CAROLINE: Your brother barely danced with me for five minutes--DAMON: Ok, just a minute. Stand right...there.CAROLINE: Um, you're not supposed to touch. What is that?DAMON: It's a very important crystal.CAROLINE: Well, how did you know that it was there?DAMON: Because I put it there.CAROLINE: When?DAMON: A long time ago. Tonight, I'm taking it back, thanks to you.CAROLINE: Well, what's it for?DAMON: Never you mind.CAROLINE: You can't just steal it.DAMON: It's not stealing if it's mine. Come on. Well...At the bar.LOGAN: Vodka tonic. Ok, I know that this is probably going to be strike 3, but I hope you can see it for what it is.JENNA: And what is it?LOGAN: Persistence. Groveling, commitment. Take your pick.JENNA: I fled town because of you. Fled.LOGAN: I was young and stupid, and then things changed. Life got...real. You'd know that better than anyone.JENNA: Hypothetically speaking, if allowed, how would you make things right? LOGAN: Well, more groveling, of course. A recap of the past few years spent soul searching. Cheese fries.JENNA: Obvious.LOGAN: I know my audience.JENNA: Yes to lunch. Call me.In the living room.MRS LOCKWOOD: Look around. What's missing? The flames, the candles. Why aren'tthey lit? There's matches in the kitchen.BONNIE: Bitch.ELENA: Hey.CAROLINE: Hey. So how are things with Stefan?ELENA: Great. Just great.CAROLINE: Really? Well, my radar must be off, 'cause I was getting all sorts of other vibes...ELENA: What is that?CAROLINE: Hmm? Don't!ELENA: Oh god, Caroline, what happened?CAROLINE: Nothing, ok?! That is nothing.ELENA: Did somebody hurt you?CAROLINE: No, ok, nothing. It just... My mom would kill me.ELENA: Did Damon hurt you?CAROLINE: No! Of course not! Just leave me alone, ok, Elena?!She goes out, and sees Damon.ELENA: God! There is something seriously wrong with you. You stay away from Caroline or I will go straight to her mother, the sheriff. You got it? Stay away from her.ELENA: I'm sorry. I take it all back. You're completely right about Damon.STEFAN: What did he do?ELENA: There are bruises all over Caroline's body. Bite marks, and he has her all confused and messed up in the head. You don't look surprised.STEFAN: Um... I'm handling it.ELENA: Handling it? Stefan, you should be having him arrested.STEFAN: Elena, please. I... I don't expect you to understand.ELENA: I don't understand anything, Stefan. So why don't you just clear it up for me? STEFAN: Look, there are things that you don't know, ok? Things that I want to tell you, but I can't. And I may never be able to. And I just need you to trust me.ELENA: Trust is earned. I can't justagically hand it over.STEFAN: I'm so sorry. I have to go.[Elena's House.]Dorbell rings. It's Vicki.JEREMY: You look amazing. What are you doing here?VICKI: I was thinking maybe I could make one more wrong choice today. I still have 17 minutes.Vicki kisses him.[At the founder's party.]CAROLINE: Don't! She took it off and I got flustered, ok?! I didn't know what to say. But I swear, ok, I did not tell her. I just told her that you didn't mean to hurt me.DAMON: You make me crazy, you know that?CAROLINE: It's ok. I forgive you. I swear I didn't say--DAMON: Shh, shh, shh. Unfortunately... I am so over you now.He beats her. But he falls on the floor.DAMON: What the hell?STEFAN: You know, I couldn't spike your drink... So I spiked hers.[Later. Caroline wakes up. She founds Damon's crystal. Elena arrives.]ELENA: Caroline? There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you. Are you ok? CAROLINE: Yeah. I'm fine.ELENA: Caroline, what happened?CAROLINE: I'm fine.ELENA: No. You're shaking. Caroline--What--CAROLINE: I'm fine!ELENA: Caroline, come here, come here.[Stefan's house.]STEFAN: I did what I had to do... To protect Elena, to protect everyone. Yes, Damon, the headline reads "Deadly beast captured. All is well in Mystic Falls."[At the founder's party. Counsil room]MR LOCKWOOD: Thank you for staying so late.SHERIF FORBES: Did you get the Gilbert watch?MRS LOCKWOOD: She claims it's packed away in her parents' things.LOGAN: I can get it.SHERIF FORBES: Good. We're going to need it.。
a surgical resident 外科医师shift 值班Trauma protocol 受伤协议Pagers 传呼机on call room 值班室new onset seizures 新发癫痫Grand mal seizing/Grand mal epilepsy 癫痫大发作ten milligrams Diazepam 10mg安定I.V. 静脉注射the blood haemolyse 溶血CT electronic computer X-ray tomography technique 电子计算机X射线断层扫描技术CBC complete blood count 全血球计数chem. seven Biochemistry seven items生化七项Toxin inspection 毒素检查rectal exams 直肠检查the attending on call 当班的主治医师attending doctor 主治医师intern 实习医师perform a procedure 演示一些步骤surgery 外科手术Heart Bbypass surgery 心脏搭桥手术resident doctor 住院医师The Grey method Grey法chick surgeons 女外科医师taken the Hippocratic oath 希波克拉底誓言Euthanasia 安乐死OR Operating Room手术室scrub in for an adipectomy 准备一场脂肪切除术Appendectomy 阑尾切除手术Scrubs 刷手服sedative 镇静剂groggy 酒醉,不稳an operation 手术open identify ligate irrigate close 打开,确认,结扎,灌洗,关闭faint 头晕,晕厥sweat himself unsterile 出汗到需要重新消毒mess up the McBird 弄错了McBird切口appendix 阑尾Scalpel 手术刀Pick-ups 镊子Clamp 夹钳Peritoneum 腹膜invert the stump into the secum 反转残端进盲肠purse-strings 缩合钱袋口的绳索rip the cecum 撕裂盲肠BP drop blood pressure 血压suction 抽吸Geriatrics 老年科junkie veins 静脉损伤antibiotics 抗生素start a central line 中央导管,深静脉穿刺the on-call resident 当班的住院医师post-op pneumonia 术后肺部感染diagnosis 诊断short of breath 呼吸急促get fever 发热splinting 膝关节炎PE pulmonary embolism 肺栓塞multiple grand mal seizures 多样性直阵挛性发作2mg Diazepam 2mg地西泮(安定)load sb. with Phenobarbital 给他苯巴比妥defibrillators 除颤器sinus rhythm 窦性心律emergency 紧急情况put sb. on a bypass machine 放在搭桥机器上pump blood for your heart 输送血液给心脏with no visible cause 不明原因freak 反常的anoxia 缺氧症chronic renal failure 肾衰竭acidosis 酸中毒tumour 肿瘤infection 感染white count 白细胞计数no ceteal lesions 无明确损伤spinal tap 脊髓穿刺aneurysm 动脉瘤headaches 头痛pregnancy 怀孕trauma 外伤CT angiography 血管造影medical proof 医学证据Subarachnoid hemorrhage 蛛网膜下腔出血ABG Arterial blood gas analysis动脉血气分析CRX a chest film/ chest radiography 胸片pulmonary embolism 肺动脉栓塞Spiral CT 螺旋式计算机断层扫描SCTPA Spiral CT pulmonary angiogram多层螺旋CT肺动脉造影V/Q scan radionuclide lung ventilation/perfusion scan放射性核素肺通气/灌注(V/Q)显像DSA digital subtraction angiography数字减影血管造影CPA conventional pulmonary angiography 常规肺动脉造影provide O2 吸氧Heparin 肝素IVC filter Inferior Vena Cava Filters下腔静脉过滤器。
Greys.Anatomy.S01E04 实习医生格蕾
Intimacy is a four-syllable word for亲密,代表一个四音节的词"here are my heart and soul.对于我的思想和心灵而言Please grind them into hamburger“请拿去磨碎了夹在汉堡包里and enjoy."好好享受吧。
”It's both desired and feared,它是人们渴望而又害怕得到的东西。
difficult to live with...拥有的时候会感到难以相处…Uh, excuse me!Uh,抱歉!Excuse me!抱歉!...and impossible to live without.…没有的时候又觉得活不下去。
Is that my toothbrush?!那不是我的牙刷吗?!Intimacy also comes attached to life's three R's --亲密还和生命中的3R联系在一起——relatives, romance, and roommates.亲人,爱人和室友。
- Coffee? - There are some things you can't escape.-咖啡? -有些事你无法逃避。
And other things you just don't want to know.而有些事你却不想知道。
Hello, Kitty.早啊,Kitty。
You don't understand. Me gonads, you ovaries.你怎么不明白?我是男的,而你是女的。
Oh, that reminds me.哦,那倒提醒我了。
We are out of tampons.我们的卫生巾用完了。
You're parading through the bathroom in your underwear when I'm naked in the shower. 我赤身洗澡的时候你穿着内裤在浴室里走来走去的。
实习医生格蕾 经典台词中英文
◆实习医生格蕾”第一季第二集It's all about lines:The finishing line is the end of the residencywaiting in lines for a chance at the operating tableand then there's the most important line the line separating you from the people you work withIt doesn't help to get too familiar to make friends,you need boundaries, between you and the rest of the world.other people are far too messyIt's all about lines: drawing lines in the sand and pray like hell no one crosses them End: But there're some lines..that're way too dangerous to cross..Here's what I knowIf you are willing to take the chance that the view from other side is spectacular所有这一切都是关于“线”的,线的终点是实习期的结束,接着排成直线来等待机会上手术台,然后是最重要的那条“线”将你和你的同事们隔开,界限并没有帮助我熟悉周围,或是结交朋友,你需要一个分界线,在你和这个世界之间,其他人都忙的一团糟,一切都是关于“线”的,在沙子上画线...然后拼命祈祷没有人去踩坏它们。
Not only will you have killed someone, you would have woke me for no good reason. We clear?
Hi, I'm Isobel Stevens, but everyone calls me "Izzie."
I have five rules. Memorize them.
Rule number one -- don't bother sucking up. I already hate you. That's not gonna change.
Righty, whity -- smoke over fire.
A large-bore I.V. Don't let the blood hemolyze. Let's go!
What do we have? A wet fish on dry land.
Absolutely, Dr. Burke.
Meredith, get katie for a C.T.
She's your responsibility now.
Wait. What about me?
Honey, you get to do rectal exams.
What are you doing here?
Katie Bryce's labs came out clear. There's nothing in the results that explain her seizures.
S01E01 A Hard Day's Night注:“【】”里是自己加的,其他是整理的(片头独白)Meredith voiceover【Meredith Grey,即主角中的主角。
】:The game, they say a person either has what it takes to play, or they don't. My mother was one of the greats. Me, on the other hand...I'm kind of screwed.这场竞争(这里指外科医生的工作),参加的人要么是有本事,要么什么都没有,我母亲曾是其中的佼佼者,而我呢,就有些惨了。
】:Each of you comes here today hopeful, wanting in on the game. A month ago, you were in med school being taught by doctors. Today, you are the doctors. The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point. Look around you. Say hello to your competition. Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. Five of you will crack under the pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play? That's up to you.今天你们满怀希望地来到这里,想参加这场竞争。
实习医⽣格蕾中的经典台词实习医⽣格蕾中的经典台词 1.The game. They say either a person has what it takes to play, or they don't. My mother was one of the greats. 外科医⽣的⼯作 --⼈家说要么你是这块料,要么你就不是,我妈妈曾经是其中很优秀的⼀个. 2. The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play? That's up to you. 你要在这⾥花上7年。
那将是你⼀⽣中最好或最坏的时光.你们将会被推到极限.这就是你们的起跑线.这就是你们的舞台.你们能如何是从...那就看你们的了. 3.As you know, the honour of performing the first surgery is reserved for the intern that shows the most promise. 就像你们知道的,做第⼀个⼿术所带来的`荣誉能够充分证明实习医⽣的实⼒. 4. Terrorise one, and the rest fall in line. 杀⼀儆百 5. Pull your balls out of your back pocket, let's go. 把你的恐惧放在⾝后. 快点. 6.Surgery is hot, it's the Marines, it's the macho, it's hostile, it's hardcore. 外科很热门. 它具有领航性.有男⼦⽓概. 有竞争⼒. 很强⼤.(⽤来形容别的也很不错) 7. I can't think of any one reason why I want to be a surgeon. But I can think of a thousand reasons why I should quit. They make it hard on purpose. There are lives in our hands. There comes a moment when it's more than just a game. And you either take that step forward, or turn around and walk away. I could quit. But here's the thing: I love the playing field. 我想不出任何⼀个我想当外科医⽣的理由,但我可以想出⼀千个我应该退出的理由.他们故意刁难.⼈们的⽣命在我们⼿⾥.某⼀刻到来的时候,就不仅仅是⼯作了...你要么继续进⼀步要么转⾝⾛开.我本可以退出,但是有件事...我喜欢外科医⽣这⼯作. 8.It's all about lines. The finish line at the end of residency, waiting in line for a chance at the operating table, and then, there's the most important line. The line separating you from the people you work with. It doesn't help to get too familiar. To make friends. You need boundaries between you and the rest of the world. Other people are far too messy. It's all about lines. Drawing lines in the sand, and praying like hell no one crosses them. 所有这⼀切都是关于“线”的,线的终点是实习期的结束,接着排成直线来等待机会上⼿术台,然后是最重要的那条“线”──将你和你的同事们隔开,界限并没有帮助我轻松地结交朋友,你需要⼀个分界线,在你和这个世界之间,其他⼈都忙的⼀团糟,⼀切都是关于“线”的,在沙⼦上画线,然后拼命祈祷没有⼈去踩坏它们.。
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Lynette would have appreciated the irony of it if she stopped to think about it,
in truth: 事实上,实际上 spend: 度过 every other day: 每隔一天[两天]
polish: 使完美 routine: 日常工作,日常事务 gleam: (使)闪烁, (使)闪亮 perfection: 完美
事实上, 和平时没什么不同——一切都和往常一样,直到一件不寻常的事情的发生。
be known for:因...而众所周知 ability: 能力
look on the bright side: 看到事物光明的一面;对事物抱乐观态度
-NARRATOR: I was laid to rest on a Monday.
laid: lay的过去分词,使躺下,放置 rest: 使休息 lay to rest: 安葬
come across: 偶然遇到 article: 文章 unusual: 不平常的
Normally, there's never anything newsworthy about my life.
normally:通常 newsworthy: 有新闻价值的
-NARRATOR: And for a moment, Mrs. Huber stood motionless in her kitchen
grief-stricken by this senseless tragedy.
for a moment: 片刻,一会儿 motionless: 不动的,静止的 kitchen: 厨房
-NARRATOR: But this was not the case.
case: 情形,实情
-NARRATOR: In fact, Lynette’s life had become so hectic she was now forced to get her chicken from a fast food restaurant.
curiosity: 好奇心 arouse: 引起,激发
Mrs. Huber tried to think of a reason for dropping in on me unannounced.
try to do sth.: 设法 think of: 想出 drop in on sb: 顺便拜访某人 unannounced: 未通知的
-NARRATOR: I performed my chores.
perform: 完成 chore: (家庭或农庄的)杂务,杂活
-NARRATOR: I completed my projects.
complete: 完成 project: 设计【这里指美化家居】
fried chicken: 炸鸡
Lynette Scavo带了炸鸡。
Lynette had a great family recipe for fried chicken.
recipe: 食谱
-NARRATOR: Of course, she didn’t cook much as she was moving up the corporate ladder.
That all changed last Thursday.
change: 改变
Of course everything seemed as normal at first.
of course: 当然 seem: 好像,仿佛 normal: 平常
grief-stricken: 极度悲伤的 senseless: 无知觉的;愚蠢的 tragedy: 悲剧
过了一会之后,Huber太太呆呆地站在厨房里, 因为这件事情而感到极度悲伤。
But, only for a moment.
-NARRATOR: If there was one thing Mrs. Huber was known for, it was her ability to look on the bright side.
decide to do: 决定干… hallway: 走廊,玄关
closet:壁橱 retrieve: 找回 revolver: 左轮手枪
-NARRATOR: My body was discovered by my neighbor, Mrs. Martha Huber,
And as people do in this situation, they brought food.
as: 如同,像 in this situation: 在这种情况下 bring: 带来
-NARRATOR: Lynette Scavo brought fried chicken.
as normal: 照常 at first: 最初,开始时
I made my breakfast for my family.
make: 做 breakfast: 早饭
-MARY ALICE: Here we are. Waffles.
Waffles: 华夫饼干
-NARRATOR: That's why it பைடு நூலகம்as so astonishing
astonishing: 令人震惊的
when I decided to go to my hallway closet to retrieve a revolver that had never been used.
--NARRATOR: I ran my errands.
ran: 有步骤地进行 errand: 差使,差事 run errand: 跑腿
-NARRATOR: In truth, I spent the day as I spend every other day quietly polishing the routine of my life until it gleamed with perfection.
Why not quit your job? Kids do much better with stay-at-home mums; it was so much less stressful.
quit: 辞职 stay-at-home : 驻家的:不工作,呆在家里的 stressful: 紧张的
return: 归还 borrow from: 从…借入;借用 blender: 搅拌器
-MRS HUBER: It’s my neighbor.
on the phone: 〈口〉在打电话;在接电话
I think she's been shot, there's blood everywhere.
I am not going to be humiliated in front of the entire neighborhood.
humiliate: 使蒙羞,使丢脸 in front of: 在……前面 neighborhood: 街坊
shot: shoot的过去分词形式,射中 blood: 血 everywhere: 到处
Yes, you've got to send an ambulance. You've got to send one right now!
have got to: 不得不 send: 派遣 ambulance: 救护车 right now: 立刻
After some initial hesitation, she decided to return the blender she had borrowed from me 6 months before.
initial: 开始的 hesitation: 犹豫 decided to do sth.: 决定做某事
move: 移动 up: 向上 corporate: 社团的 ladder: 梯子 corporate ladder: 公司的官阶
move up the corporate ladder: 升官;升迁
She didn’t have the time.
After the funeral, all the residents of Wisteria Lane came to pay their respects.