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文章词数约280词难度★建议做题用时7分钟Year after year my brothers, sister and I would wait anxiously on Christmas morning to hear my father's voice saying it was all right to come down. I can remember Christmas since I was probably 6 or 7.

Even now as I look through the boxes of Christmas decorations (装饰品), I see the same familiar ones; the ornaments (装饰物) with our birth years on it, our five stockings, four for the kids, one for the dog. It used to be easy for us to decide when to put up the decorations. But now that we all have jobs and social lives, it is usually a rushed activity. I'm still not sure in what year our annual watching of white Christmas ended.

Each year, especially as we get older, little things change and the holiday season is when we realize them. It almost brings a pain to a little place in our hearts where all our hidden feelings go. The worst was the year after two of my grandparents had passed away. Now when I think back to it, I miss having my grandfather slide our presents across the floor. I even miss him calling me my nickname "Jessie", even though I can't stand when people call me that.

Things change, not always for the good, and not always for the bad either. And the things that don't change have the most important meaning to us. After all, every time I hear my father's words "All right you guys, come on down, nice and slow", I still get the same feelings in the pit of my stomach...the feelings of love, giving, peace, and most of all the true Christmas spirit.

1. When the grandfather called the author's nickname, she probably ___________________.

A. had a feeling of warmth

B. felt quite angry

C. couldn't stand it

D. joked with her grandfather

2. What does the author value most probably?

A. All the Christmas customs.

B. The true Christmas spirit.

C. The boxes of Christmas decorations.

D. The good old days.

3. Why were five stockings prepared on Christmas Day when the author was a kid?

A. There was an extra one for their dog.

B. There were five kids in the author's family.

C. One was prepared for the author's grandfather.

D. There were five people in the author's family then.

4. We can infer from the passage that ______________________.

A. the author cannot put up with the decorations now

B. the author has lost the most important thing in her life

C. the author misses the passed Christmas very much

D. the author always feels sad when thinking of the past


