



2024年九年级下册物理第四单元基础练习题(含答案)试题部分一、选择题:1. 下列哪个物理量是描述物体运动快慢的?()A. 质量B. 速度C. 力D. 时间2. 在国际单位制中,速度的主单位是()A. 米/秒B. 牛顿C. 千克D. 焦耳A. 匀速直线运动B. 自由落体运动C. 匀速圆周运动D. 静止4. 一个物体从静止开始做匀加速直线运动,经过5秒后的速度是10m/s,那么它的加速度是()A. 2m/s²B. 5m/s²C. 10m/s²D. 20m/s²5. 下列哪种现象说明力可以改变物体的形状?()A. 小球在空中下落B. 钢尺弯曲C. 滑动摩擦力使物体减速D. 拉伸弹簧A. 速度B. 时间C. 质量D. 温度7. 两个力的合力为10N,其中一个力为8N,那么另一个力的大小可能是()A. 2NB. 6NC. 12ND. 18N8. 在平地上推动一个物体,当物体开始运动时,推力与摩擦力的大小关系是()A. 推力大于摩擦力B. 推力小于摩擦力C. 推力等于摩擦力D. 无法确定9. 下列哪种运动形式是机械能守恒的?()A. 自由落体运动B. 匀速直线运动C. 匀速圆周运动D. 变速直线运动10. 在斜面上滑动的物体,下列哪个物理量不变?()A. 速度B. 动能C. 重力势能D. 质量二、判断题:1. 物体速度越大,其动能一定越大。

()2. 力的方向总是与物体运动方向相同。

()3. 物体受到平衡力作用时,其运动状态一定不变。

()4. 在平地上滚动的篮球,速度越来越慢是因为受到摩擦力的作用。

()5. 物体做匀速直线运动时,速度大小和方向都不变。

()6. 重力势能的大小与物体的质量和高度有关。

()7. 动能和势能统称为机械能。

()8. 物体在竖直上抛运动过程中,机械能始终守恒。

()9. 速度是描述物体运动快慢和方向的物理量。

()10. 物体受到的合力越大,其加速度越小。



八年级上册大象出版社基础训练物理练习第二章声现象第1节声音的产生与传播1.振动2.物质介质3.介质传声不能4.波声波5.介质的种类温度 340m/s6.振动空气和水7.振动空气8.1700 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.振动 13.强声空气14.(1)振动 (2)大于 (3)真空不能传声 15.振动 16.振动空气17.C 18.B 19.A20.实验器材:音叉、铁架台、乒乓球、细线;设计实验:将乒乓球用细线悬吊在铁架台上,调整好高度。


将正在发声的音叉靠近乒乓球;实验现象:乒乓球明显地跳动起来;结论:发声的音叉在振动;总结:音叉的微小振动小球明显地跳动第2节声音的特性1.高低高低2.每秒钟振动的次数赫兹(Hz)3.20~20000 高于20000Hz的声音低于20Hz的声音4.大小大小5.材料结构6.大响度大物体的振幅越大,产生声音的响度越大7.超声波超声波加湿器、声呐(答案合理即可) 8.振动低9.B10.C 11.C 12.空气音色 13.响度真空不能传声 14.音色15.次声波 16.低振动的频率低于20Hz 17.D 18.B 19.B20.音调变高暖水壶的玻璃振动产生的;等等。

21.(1)A B C A D F 80 1.02 (2)选取一根琴弦,用一定大小的力拉紧琴弦,拨动琴弦测出此时振动的频率。


第3节声的利用1.信息能量2.声呐探测 B超诊断(答案合理即可)3.超声波加湿器超声波体外碎石(答案合理即可)4.听信息5.超声波回声定位声呐6.振动能量7.诊断疾病检测零件内部是否有裂纹清洗物体 8.A 9.A10.信息响度解析:在放置“动力之源”的大厅天花板上,绕金属球一圈有8个话筒,从8个方向“收听”观众的呼喊。



与人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书配套基础训练(含单元评价卷)语文九年级全一册参考答案课时练习部分参考答案第一单元1沁园春雪第一课时预习反馈一、B 【解析】“汗”读hán。

二、D 【解析】“天娇”应为“天骄”。

三、D四、1.毛泽东润之词牌名题目 2.山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高 3.须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆 4.江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰 5.俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝五、第一层(第1~3句):总写北国雪景。

















大象出版社《基础训练》九年级数学上总复习参考答案与人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书配套基础训练(含单元评价卷)数学九年级全一册参考答案课时练习部分参考答案上册总复习课第1课时(第二十一~二十三章)课前回顾1.C 2.C 3.D 课堂练习1.B 2.①④⑤ 3.a ≤3 4.12 5.(1)3102; (2)3 3.6.(1)x 1=-13,x 2=2; (2)x 1=-12,x 2=1.课后训练1.D 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.a2c2b 6. 187.(1)如图答25:图答25(2)旋转过程中动点B 所经过的路径为一段圆弧.∵ AC =4,BC =3,∴ AB=5.又∵ ∠BAB 1=90°,∴ 动点B 所经过的路径长为5π2.8.化简得1a -1.当a =1+3时,原式=33. 9.设正方形观光休息亭的边长为x 米,依题意,得(100-2x )(50-2x )=3600.整理得x 2-75x +350=0.解得x 1=5,x 2=70.∵ x =70>50,不合题意,舍去,∴ x =5.所以矩形花园各角处的正方形观光休息亭的边长为5米.中考链接1.原式=1m ,当m =3时,原式=33.2.x 1=-4,x 2=-1 3.16π第2课时(第二十四~二十五章)课前回顾1.B 2.B 3.B 4.A 课堂练习1. 120 75 1202. 1003. 24.(1)画出“树形图”来说明评委给出选手A 的所有可能结果如下:(2)由上可知,评委给出选手A 所有可能的结果有8种,并且它们是等可能的.对于选手A ,进入下一轮比赛的概率是12.课后训练1.A 2.C 3.B 4. 180° 5. 3106. 307. (1)两次取球的“树形图”如下:∴ 取球两次共有12次均等机会,其中两次都取黄色球的机会为6次,所以P(两个都是黄球)=612=12. (2)∵ 又放入袋中两种球的个数为一种球的个数比另一种球的个数多1,∴ 又放入袋中的红色球的个数只有两种可能:①若小明又放入红色球m 个,则放入黄色球为(m +1)个,故袋中球的总数为5+2m ,于是有4+m 5+2m =23,则m =2;②若小明又放入红色球(m +1)个,则放入黄色球为m个,则3+m 5+2m =23,则m =-1(舍去),所以,小明又放入了2个红色球和3个黄色球.图答268.(1) 3 cm 2. (2)如图答26,延长BO 交⊙O 于点P 1. ∵ 点O 是直径BP 1的中点,∴ S △P1OA =S △AOB ,∠AOP 1=60°,∴ AP 1的长度为23π cm.作点A 关于直径BP 1的对称点P 2,连接AP 2,OP 2,易得S △P2OA =S △AOB ,∠AOP 2=120°,∴ AP 2的长度为43π cm. 过点B 作BP 3∥OA 交⊙O 于点P 3,易得S △P3OA =S △AOB, ∴ ABP 3的长度为103π cm.中考链接1.A 2. 20° 3.(1)列表法如下:甲乙丙丁甲甲乙甲丙甲丁乙乙甲乙丙乙丁丙丙甲丙乙丙丁丁丁甲丁乙丁丙所有可能出现的情况有12种,其中甲、乙两位同学组合的情况有两种,所以P (甲乙)=212=16. (2)若已确定甲打第一场,再从其余三位同学中随机选取一位,共有3种情况,选中乙的情况有一种,所以P (恰好选中乙同学)=13.4.(1)如图答27,连接CD ,OC ,则∠ADC =∠B =60°.∵ AC ⊥CD ,CG ⊥AD ,∴ ∠ACG =∠ADC =60°.由于∠ODC =60°,OC = OD ,∴ △OCD 为正三角形,得∠DCO =60°,由OC ⊥l ,得∠ECD =30°,∴ ∠ECG =30° +30° =60°,∴ ∠ACF =180°-2×60° =60°,∴ △ACF ≌△ACG .图答27(2)在Rt △ACF 中,∠ACF =60°,AF =43,得 CF =4.在Rt △OCG中,∠COG =60°,CG =CF =4,得 OC =83 .在Rt △CEO 中,OE =163.于是S 阴影=S △CEO -S 扇形COD =12OE ·CG -60π·OC 2360=32(33-π)9.第3课时(全书)课前回顾1.A 2.B 3.B 4.D 课堂练习1.C 2. 32+9.3.(1)x 1=-2+5,x 2=-2-5; (2)x 1=9,x 2=13.4.(1)图略. (2)答案不唯一,如(1,-1) 210+2 2 (3)矩形.理由:如对角线互相平分且相等的四边形是矩形.课后训练1. 1-2x2.C3.C4. 35.(1)b 2-4ac =(m +2)2-4(2m -1)=m 2-4m +8=(m -2)2+4.∵ (m -2)2≥0,∴ b 2-4ac ≥4>0,∴ 方程有两个不相等的实数根.(2)由题意得-(m +2)=0,m =-2.这时方程为x 2-5=0,解得x 1=5,x 2=- 5.6.(1)∵ ∠AOB =90°,∴ AB 为⊙O 的直径.又∠OAB =∠ODB =60°,∴ AB =2OA =10.(2)在Rt △AOB 中,OA =5,AB =10,得OB =102-52=5 3.在Rt △ABD 中,AB =10,BD =8,得AD =6,∴ S 四边形AOBD =S △AOB +S △ABD =12×5×53+12×6×8=2532+24. (3)过点C 作CE ⊥OB 于点E ,则OE =12OB =532,CE =12OA =52,∴ 圆心C的坐标为(535,25). 7.(1)16种,“树形图”略. (2)916. 中考链接1.D 2. 6 3.B第4课时(全书)课前回顾1.C 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.13课堂练习1.A 2.(1)76; (2)2033-2 5.3.(1)x 1=1,x 2=5; (2)x 1=-12+172,x 2=-12-172.4.(1)△AEG 是等腰三角形.由旋转可知△AD F≌△ABE ,∴ ∠1=∠BAE ,∠AFD =∠E .又∵ AB ∥CD ,∴ ∠2+∠BAG =∠AFD .又∵ ∠1=∠2,∴ ∠1+∠BAG =∠E ,即∠E =∠BAE +∠BAG =∠EAG .∴ AG =EG .(2)由△AD F≌△ABE 得BE =DF ,∵ AG =EG =BE +BG ,∴ AG =BG +DF . 5.(1)连接AP ,∵ AB 是⊙O 的直径,∴ AP ⊥BC .又AB =AC ,∴ P 是BC 的中点.又∵ O 是AB 的中点,∴ OP ∥AC .又∵ PD ⊥AC ,∴ PD ⊥OP ,∴ PD 是⊙O 的切线.(2)∵ ∠CAB =120°,∴ ∠BAP =60°,∴ AP =12AB =1,∴ BP =AB 2-AP 2=3,∴ BC =2BP =2 3. 课后训练1.(5,4) 2.193.D4.(1)提示:证明△AEC ≌△BDC (SAS)即可.(2)提示:AE =BD 还成立.由∠ACB =∠DCE =60°,得∠ACB +∠BCE =∠DCE +∠BCE ,即∠ACE =∠BCD .再证△ACE ≌△BCD .5.(1)由题意得2πr =πl ,∴ l r =21.(2)在Rt △AOC 中,r l =12,∴ ∠CAO =30°,∴ ∠BAC =2∠CAO =60°.(3)由勾股定理得r =3,l =6.S 圆锥侧=12·2πrl =π×3×6=18π(cm 2).6. 20-6x 30-4x 24x 2-260x +600根据题意得,24x 2-260x +600=(1-31)×20×30,整理得6x 2-65x +50=0,解得x 1=56,x 2=10(不合题意,舍去).则2x =53,3x =52,即每个横、竖彩条的宽度分别为53 cm ,5 2cm .7.(1)G 点在⊙O 1上.∵ 点B 的坐标为(4,2),又∵ OE ∶OF =1∶2,∴ ∠OFE =∠EOB ,∴ ∠FGO =90°.又∵ BE 为⊙O 1的直径,∴ 点G 在⊙O 1上.(2)过点B 作BM ⊥OF ,垂足为点M ,设OE =x ,则OF =2x ,BF 2=BM 2+FM 2=42+(2x -2)2=4x 2-8x +20,BE 2=(4-x )2+22=x 2-8x +20.又∵ OE 2+OF 2=BE 2+BF 2,∴ x 2+4x 2=5x 2-16x +40,∴ x =52(x >0),即经过52秒时,BF 与⊙O 1相切.中考链接1.D 2. 30° 3.23π。



与人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书配套基础训练(含单元评价卷) 数学 九年级 全一册参考答案课时练习部分参考答案第二十二章 一元二次方程22.1 一元二次方程课前预习1.x (x +10)=900 2.C 课堂练习1.A 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.m ≠3 6.(1)一般形式为x 2+5x -1=0,二次项系数为1,一次项系数为5,常数项为-1; (2)一般形式为x 2+4x -12=0,二次项系数为1,一次项系数为4,常数项为-12. 课后训练1.B5. 36. 4 78x 2+2x -3=0.9.因为m 是方程x 2-2011x +1=0的一个根,则有m 2-2011m =-1,m 2+1=2011m ,所以原式=-1+2011=2010. 中考链接m +n =-2.22.2 降次——解一元二次方程22.2.1 配方法第1课时课前预习1.±2 2. 3 -3 3. 4 课堂练习1.± 5 2. 1或-7 3.(1)9 3 (2)16 (3)6x4.(1)x 1=2,x 2=-2; (2)x 1=5-3,x 2=5+3; (3)x 1=2,x 2=-1;(4)x 1=-2-62,x 2=-2+62.课后训练1.C 2.D 3.±12 4.(1)94 32 (2)x 125.(1)x 1=45,x 2=-25; (2)x 1=x 2=12; (3)x 1=4,x 2=-23; (4)x 1=5,x 2=-13. 6.-8中考链接x 2+y 2=1.第2课时课前预习1.(1)16 4 (2)494 72 (3)19 13 (4)2516 54 2.(1)x 1=-2,x 2=2;(2)x 1=3-72,x 2=3+72. 课堂练习 1.B 2.B 3.(1)2 -9 (2)32 14 4. 1 -125.(1)x 1=-2-7,x 2=-2+7; (2)x 1=-7,x 2=2; (3)x 1=3-5,x 2=3+5; (4)x 1=6-35,x 2=6+35. 课后训练1.D 2.B 3.x 1=-5,x 2=14.(1)x 1=5,x 2=-1; (2)x 1=-9,x 2=1; (3)t 1=-12,t 2=4; (4)x 1=12,x 2=3. 5.能求出来.由(x -x 1)2=12,得x 2+1x 2=52,∴ (x +x1)2=x 2+1x 2+2=52+2= 公式法课前预习1. 2 -3 -52.x 1=3,x 2=-1. 课堂练习1.D 2.A 3.k <-1 4.有两个不相等的实数根5.(1)x 1=6,x 2=-3; (2)x 1=-32,x 2=2; (3)x 1=9-732,x 2=9+732;(4)y 1=y 2=12.课后训练1.B 2.B 3. 2或-1 4.m <925.(1)x 1=1,x 2=-12; (2)x 1=-3-32,x 2=-3+32; (3)x 1=x 2=22;(4)y 1=-1-136,y 2=-1+136.6.不存在, 由Δ≥0,得m ≤14,又m >0,∴ 0<m ≤14,这样的非负整数m 不存在.7.B22.2.3 因式分解法课前预习1.(1)(2x +1)(2x -1) (2)(x -3)2 (3)3x (x -4) (4)(x +2)(x +3) 2. (1)0 0 (2)0 0 课堂练习1.B 2.D 3.(1)x 1=14,x 2=-14; (2)x 1=3,x 2=0; (3)x 1=3,x 2=-12; (4)x 1=2,x 2=1; (5)x 1=83,x 2=2; (6)x 1=2,x 2=-3.课后训练1.(1)x 1=32,x 2=-32; (2)x 1=-3-52,x 2=-3+52; (3)x 1=2,x 2=23; (4)x 1=0,x 2=3; (5)x 1=0,x 2=12; (6)x 1=113,x 2=-5. 2.(1)x 1=0,x 2=3; (2)x 1=-6,x 2=2;(3)x 1=32,x 2=-2; (4)x 1=2,x 2=0; (5)x 1=0,x 2=4; (6)x 1=3-52,x 2=3+52. 3.x y =5或x y=10. 4.(1)是. (2)x 2-2kx -3k 2=0. (3)由规律可知k =51,x 1=-51,x 2= 一元二次方程的根与系数的关系课前预习1. 1 2 3 22. 73课堂练习1.C 2.-13-233. 24.答案不唯一,如x2-4x+3=05.(1)5;(2)-4;(3)212 .课后训练1.m=2,方程的两根为x1=1,x2=2.2.根据两根的和为6,得另一个根为3-2,于是c=x1x2=7.3.由x1+x2=-m,x1x2=m-1,(x1+x2)2-2x1x2=26,得m2-2(m-1)=26,解得m1=6,m2=-4.只取m=6.中考链接m=-5.22.3 实际问题与一元二次方程第1课时课前预习1.6(1+x) 6(1+x)26+6(1+x)+6(1+x)2 2.x1=10,x2=-12. 课堂练习1.设平均一台电脑会感染x台电脑,由题意得(1+x)2=81,解得x1=8,x2=-10(舍去).所以平均一台电脑会感染8台电脑.2.设原价为1个单位,每次降价的百分率为x,则(1-x)2=12,解得x=2±22.由于降价的百分率不可能大于1,所以x=2+22应舍去,只取x=2-22≈29.3%.即每次降价的百分率约为29.3%.3.设平均每月增长的百分率为x,由题意得5000(1+x)2=7200,解得x1=0.2,x2=-2.2(舍去),只取x=0.2=20%.即平均每月增长的百分率是20%.4.设一套成本为x元,另一套成本为y元,则x(1+20%)=180,x=150;y(1-20%)=180,y=225.于是x+y=150+225=375(元).375-180×2=15(元).所以赔了15元.5.设要向x人发送,由题意得x2+x=90.解得x1=9,x2=-10(舍去).所以,一个人要向9个人发送.第2课时课前预习1. 322. 6x2=384课堂练习设金色纸边的宽为x cm,由题意得(80+2x)(50+2x)=5400,得x2+65x-350=0.解得x1=5,x2=-70(舍去).所以金色纸边宽5 cm.课后训练1.设原正方形铁皮边长为x cm ,由题意得5(x -10)2=720.即(x -10)2=144,解得x 1=22,x 2=-2(舍去).所以原正方形铁皮的边长为22 cm.2.设经过x 秒,由题意得12(6-x )·2x =8,即x 2-6x +8=0,所以x 1=2,x 2=4.当经过2秒时,点P 在离A 点1×2=2 cm 处,点Q 在离B 点2×2=4 cm 处.当经过4秒时,点P 在离A 点1×4=4 cm 处,点Q 在离B 点2×4=8 cm 处.所以经过2秒或4秒,△PBQ 的面积等于8 cm 2.3.设每千克应涨价x 元,由题意得(10+x )(500-20x )=6000,解得x 1=5,x 2=10(舍去).所以每千克应涨价5元.第二十二章复习课课前回顾1.D 2.C 3.D 课堂练习1. 4x 2-3x -9=0 -32. 23.k ≤924.(1)x 1=2+7,x 2=2-7; (2)x 1=2,x 2=-15.课后训练1.B 2.D 3.B 4. 5 5.答案不唯一,如x 2=4 6. 6或10或127.(1)x 1=2-73,x 2=2+73; (2)x 1=5,x 2=-2; (3)x 1=32,x 2=3;(4)x 1=3,x 2=1.8.把x =0代入方程,得m 2+2m -8=0.解得m 1=-4,m 2=2(舍去).当m=-4时,得-6x 2+3x =0,解得x 1=0,x 2=12,所以方程有两个不相等的实数根.9.依题意得⎩⎨⎧Δ1=16-4m >0,Δ2=4-4m <0,解得1<m <4.中考链接设单价降低x 元,80×200+(80-x )(200+10x )+40-50×800=9000,x 1=x 2=10.∴ 80-x =70,即第二个月T 恤的单价应为70元.。




1. 电路那点事儿。

- 首先得搞清楚电路的组成,就像搭积木一样。



- 用电器是消耗电能的家伙,像电灯啊,它把电能变成光能和热能,就像一个贪吃的小怪兽,把电能都吞下去然后转化成别的东西。


- 串联电路就像是一群小伙伴手拉手,电流只有一条路可以走,一个用电器出问题,整个电路就瘫痪了。


2. 欧姆定律的趣谈。

- 欧姆定律I = U/R,这可是电学里的大明星。


- 当电压增大的时候,如果电阻不变,电流就会像打了鸡血一样增大,就像水压增大了,水管里的水流速度也会变快。


- 我们在做实验的时候,就像侦探破案一样。




3. 电功率的奇妙世界。

- 电功率P=UI,它表示电流做功的快慢。


- 一个100W的灯泡比一个40W的灯泡亮,是因为100W的灯泡电功率大,在相同时间内消耗的电能更多,转化成的光能也就更多。

- 计算电能的时候,我们用W = Pt,就像计算一个人干活的总量一样。

如果一个电器的功率是500W,工作了2小时,那么它消耗的电能就是500W×2h = 1000Wh = 1度电。













大象出版社《基础训练》九年级英语(全一册)参考答案(Unit75篇第一篇:大象出版社《基础训练》九年级英语(全一册)参考答案(Unit7与人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书配套基础训练(含单元评价卷)英语(新目标)九年级全一册参考答案(Unit7——12)课时练习部分参考答案Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?第1课时(Section A 1a-2c)课前预习1.go on vacation 2.hope/wish to do…3.trek through the jungle4.some day/one day5.take it easy6.somewhere relaxing 课堂练习一、1—5 CDDBA 6—10 AACCD二、1.where 2.when 3.which 4.where 5.which三、cational2.trekked3.touristy4.peaceful5.thrilling 课后巩固一、1.something to drink;No;thanks 2.to go;I’d love to;but 3.hope to hear 4.wish 5.something relaxing二、1.I’d like to go to Dalian 2.What are you going to do there/What will you do there 3.How’s the weather there 4.How long are you going to stay there 5.How about you三、1—5 BACBC第2课时(Section A 3a-4)课前预习一、1.considered2.translate3.sights4.liveliest5.including二、略课堂练习一、1—5 CCCDD二、1.being 2.liveliest 3.to do 4.supposed 5.to take三、1.are supposed to 2.If;can’t 3.don’t you go 4.where;are friendly 5.are;churches 课后巩固一、1.In general;quite 2.consider going to 3.aren’t supposed to be 4.Traveling around the world;cost 5.somewhere warm二、1.Internet 2.think 3.popular 4.after 5.over三、1—5 CBDAC第3课时(Section B 1-2c)课前预习1.through2.across3.over4.around5.about6.including7.except8.Besides9.between 10.Among 课堂练习1—5 ABAAC 6—10 ABCBD 课后巩固一、1.It’s not too hot today 2.near the ocean 3.would;like to go 4.somewhere warm 5.What else would you like to tell me二、1.Can I help you 2.what kind of tour would you like3.when is the tour4.How much is it5.You’re welcome三、1—5 CABBD 6—10 ACCDA四、1—5 BACDD第4课时(Section B 3a-4)课前预习1.eastern 2.where 3.outdoor 4.inexpensive 5.kitchen 6.big7.near 课堂练习一、1—5 BAACD二、1.provide;with 2.went away;ago 3.hope to have4.where5.that/which三、1.eastern 2.to stay 3.to read 4.to take 5.singing 课后巩固一、1—5 CABCD 6—10 DABBC二、1—5 BBACB第5课时(Self Check & Reading)课前预习一、1.offer2.exciting3.mind4.advice/suggestions 5.eastern二、1.dream about/of 2.across/throughout China 3.as soon as possible 4.according to 5.quite a few 6.be willing to do sth.7.the Pacific Ocean 8.on the other hand 9.come true 课堂练习一、1—5 CBCBC 6—10 DCADB二、1.Where;visit 2.It is;to travel by train 3.provided;with4.somewhere warm 5.Could you provide me with information about exchange student program/about student exchange program 课后巩固一、1.It seems that 2.as soon as possible 3.dream about/of flying;some day/one day 4.On the other hand 5.Hold on to;come true二、1—5 ACABD 6—10 CBCDA三、1—5 BAABC四、1.top 2.around 3.higher 4.If 5.climbing 6.open 7.different 8.through 9 him 10.books 相关链接1—5 BABCB 6—7 AD Unit 8 I’ll help clean up the city parks.第1课时(Section A 1a-2c)课前预习一、1.volunteers 2.hunger 3.homeless 4.cheer 5.clean二、1.help sb.with…e up with/think up3.put off doing sth.4.write down5.give out6.建立;创立7.想出 8.使……高兴起来课堂练习一、1—5 ACDBA二、1.homeless 2.to help 3.to teach 4.holding 5.to do 6.clean7.volunteering 8.to take 9.go三、e up with2.write down3.put off4.put up5.hand out6.call up7.set up 课后巩固一、1.to help homeless 2.put off making 3.to come up with4.set up;to help二、1.What’s wrong/the matter 2.Can you come up with/think up some good ideas 3.But when shall we start 4.How can we make it/What are we going to do 5.That sounds good/great三、1—5 ACDBC第2课时(Section A 3a-4)课前预习1.volunteer to do 2.several hours a week 3.put … to good use 4.plan to do 5.leave school 6.spend time doing 7.not only… but also… 课堂练习一、1—5 DBBCD 6—7 BB二、1.volunteering;to coach 2.raising 3.to help 4.leaves5.has finished三、1.spend;doing/on2.not only;but also3.he is like4.What would you like to do5.How does;put课后巩固一、1.Being;volunteer2.I’m not sure3.What kind of4.spends;working5.Not only;but also;am二、1—5 CCDBA 6—10 BACDC三、1—5 ACDBA第3课时(Section B 1a-2c)课前预习一、1.take after2.run out of3.fix up4.be similar to5.give away二、略课堂练习一、1—5 CBABC二、1.fixes up 2.wants 3.give away 4.own 5.take after 6.be proud of 7.run out of e up with 课后巩固一、1—5 BCBCD二、nd 2.swim 3.world 4.cleverest 5.but 6.kill7.becoming 8.with 9.badly 10.danger第4课时(Section B 3a-4)课前预习1.to cheer up 2.had run out of;to buy 3.put up;asking for 4.called up;told;about 5.came up with worked out fine 课堂练习一、1—5 BBABC二、1.running 2.asking 3.to fix 4.sat;began 5.have;set 课后巩固一、1—5 ABDCB 6—10 CADAB二、1—5 BCDBA第5课时(Self Check & Reading)课前预习一、1.hang out2.disabled people3.a friend of mine4.because of5.be able to do6.help sb.out7.send sb.sth./send sth.to sb.8.thank/thanks sb.for doing sth.9.answer the phone 10.close/shut the door二、1.Miss Li.2.She is disabled.3.Six months.4.Yes,it is.5.Tothank Miss Li.课堂练习一、1—5 DBCAC 6—10 BADDB二、1.inviting 2.illness 3.amazing 4.pleasure 5.mine 课后巩固1—5 BDCAC 相关链接1—6 CBACBAUnit 9 When was it invented?第1课时(Section A 1a-2c)课前预习一、1.was invented 2.inventor 3.inventions二、1.discovered 2.was invented 3.found 4.find out 课堂练习一、1—5 CCBCD二、1.When was;invented 2.Who was;discovered by3.invented many things4.was seen to work5.are used for;are used to 课后巩固一、1.when the telephone was invented 2.Was it invented earlier than the ca r 3.What’s it used for 4.Which is more useful,the telephone or the car 5.Do you want a car二、1—5 BADBC 6—10 ACADB三、1—5 CABCB第2课时(Section A 3a-4)课前预习一、1.bulb 2.microwave 3.helpful 4.because二、1.do you think 2.more;to work;play 3.an annoying;annoyed 4.to have;listen to;all day 课堂练习一、1—5 CDCAB 6—10 BCCAC二、1.are planted 2.was cleaned 3.will be held 4.be allowed5.are taken care of6.better7.helpful 课后巩固一、1—4 DAAB二、1.speaking2.their3.first4.wants5.dropped6.dirty7.lesson8.times9.has 10.always第3课时(Section B 1a-2c)课前预习一、1.sweet 2.sour 3.thin 4.crispy 5.salty 6.thick二、1.by mistake 2.salty enough 3.in the end 4.are crispy 课堂练习1—5 CDBDC 6—10 DAABA 课后巩固一、1.giving2.agreed3.play4.left5.to get6.called7.stand 8.holds二、1—5 DBAEC第4课时(Section B 3a-4b)课前预习一、1.salty2.mistaken3.potatoes4.development5.invention6.tasty二、1.by accident2.According to3.fell into;remained4.noticed;produced;pleasant smell5.In this way 课堂练习一、1—5 BADAB 6—10 BBCDC二、1.be taken2.pleased;pleasant3.crying4.fell5.mixture 课后巩固一、1—5 BADCD二、1—5 CDABD 6—10 ABBAC三、1—5 CBDAC第5课时(Self Check & Reading)课前预习一、1.century 2.crispy 3.knock 4.towards 5.believed 6.sour二、1.a very popular activity 2.is played;more than;including 3.is believed 4.Knock-ing into;falling 5.The number of 课堂练习一、1—6 CCDDBB二、1.The number of;is 2.A number of 3.It’s said that4.over5.learning to;falls down6.while/when doing 课后巩固一、1—5 BDAAB 6—10 DCCDB二、1—5 DDACB 相关链接1—5 CCDAA 6—10 DACDDUnit 10 By the time I got outside,the bus had alreadyleft.第1课时(Section A 1a-2c)课前预习一、1.left2.gone3.got/gotten4.started5.rung6.overslept二、1.got;had;gone 2.got;realized;had left 3.happened;overslept 4.had rung;walked 5.had finished/finished 课堂练习一、1—6 ADCACB二、1.had seen2.had gone3.had learned4.had lost5.have;learned 课后巩固一、1.What’s wrong 2.what happened 3.Did you take an umbrella with you 4.What did you do 5.you really had a bad day/that’s really a bad day二、1—5 DDBDD 6—10 CCDCC第2课时(Section A 3a-3c)课前预习1.go off 2.wake up 3.wait for sb.to do e out 5.run off6.on time7.break downe by9.make it 10.give sb.a ride 课堂练习一、1—5 CDBBB二、1.go off;overslept 2.had run off 3.on time 4.relatives5.locked 课后巩固一、1—5 BCADD 6—10 ABDCB二、1—4 DABC第3课时(Section B 1a-2c)课前预习一、1.be embarrassed 2.be exhausted 3.costume party 4.stay up 5.show up 6.on April Fool’s Day 7.invite sb.to do sth.8.get dressed 9.fool sb.二、1.happened to;on 2.invited;to 3.got;realized;had fooled 4.the only;wearing;embarrassed 课堂练习一、1.up 2.up 3.off;up 4.By二、1.had learned 2.had;seen 3.went;had finished 4.got;had taken 5.went;finished三、1.exhausted 2.emptied 3.got dressed 4.showed up 课后巩固一、1—5 CBBCC 6—10 CADAD二、1—5 BDACD第4课时(Section B 3a-4)课前预习一、1.set off 2.hundreds of people 3.marry sb.4.play jokes on sb.5.sell out nd on二、1.convincing;convinced 2.revealed;had fled3.ending4.working5.thrilled 课堂练习一、1—5 CBBBD 6—10 BDCAD二、1.have been married for 2.stayed up 3.as much;possible 4.As soon as 课后巩固一、1.Have you ever been late for school 2.What happened3.What did you do then4.Were you late for school5.I just made it二、1—5 BDBBA第5课时(Self Check & Reading)课前预习一、1.overslept 2.ringing 3.realized 4.empty 5.fooled6.embarrassed 7.exhausted 8.dressed 9.shown 10.convincing二、1.ending2.had fled3.married4.revealed5.announced 课堂练习一、1—5 DCBDB二、1.When;got;had left 2.By the time;woke;had got3.made it4.so;that;set off 课后巩固一、1—5 DACDB 6—10 ABACD二、1—5 DDACB 相关链接1—5 BDDADUnit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?第1课时(Section A 1a-2c)课前预习一、1.shampoo2.drugstore3.restrooms4.elevator5.department stores二、1.buy/get some magazines 2.make a telephone call 3.get some information about…4.buy some writing paper5.save money6.exchange money7.take the escalator to…8.go past 9.turn right 10.on the second floor 11.next to 课堂练习一、1—5 CBDAD 6—10 BCBCD二、1.second 2.past 3.some 4.information 5.furniture三、1.whether/if there are any2.passed;took;on the right3.give;a call4.near5.by lift/elevator 课后巩固一、1.It sure is/Yes,it is 2.I prefer being outside 3.Could you please tell me if there are any good bookstores near here 4.Is it very far from here 5.You’re welcome/ That’s all right/ Not at all二、1—5 ABCBD第2课时(Section A 3a-4)课前预习一、1.advantages and disadvantages 2.decide to do sth./make a decision to do sth./make up one’s mind to do sth.3.hang out 4.prefer doing / to do sth.5.a good place to do sth.6.kind of/a little/a bit二、1.wonderful cook 2.Go out the front door;turn left onto3.free concerts4.There’s somebody fighting5.have a good place to hang out 课堂练习一、1—5 CABCA 6—10 DACDB二、1.about2.at/through3.of4.out5.past;onto6.out三、1.(1)made up our mind(2)made a decision 2.It’s;to watch 3.(1)buying(2)pay;for(3)takes me;to(4)Buying;costs4.Where do you;your 课后巩固一、1.Well,you can take the subway to get there 2.How long will it take to get there 3.No,you needn’t 4.Please turnright at the traffic lights/…5.You’re welcome/My pleasure/…二、1—5 DBDCB 6—10 CAABD三、One possible version:Television Many students love watching TV.They can watch their favorite films and listen to music on TV.It’s good to watch TV because it can help students to know what is going on in the world and they can also get a lot ofknowledge on different subjects.But if they spend too much time watching TV,it will be bad for their studies and health.Some unhealthy TV programmes will also do harm to them.So students should know what is good or what is bad to watch.It’s not good for them to spend all their free time watching TV.第3课时(Section B 1a-2c)课前预习一、1.delicious2.convenient3.uncrowded4.fascinating5.inexpensive二、1.disadvantage2.safe3.uncrowded4.interesting5.clean6.inexpensive7.ugly8.terrible/awful 9.convenient 课堂练习一、1—5 BDCAC 6—10 CBACB二、1.listening 2.to finish 3.exercising 4.to go;seeing5.haven’t seen三、1.neither;nor2.prefer;to3.whether/if Sally wants4.what’s happening 5.where they are 课后巩固一、1.Excuse me 2.Are they clean 3.could you please tell mewhere the science museum is 4.You can take a No.40 bus there5.your daughter must be interested in it二、1—5 CDBAA 6—10 BBABD三、1—5 ADBBC第4课时(Section B 3a-4)课前预习一、1.clowns anize 3.guide 4.dress 5.slides二、1.have fun 2.take a vacation 3.water slides 4.dress up5.take dance lessons6.spend time doing sth.7.an information booth8.both...and...课堂练习一、1—5 ACDDB 6—10 DABDD二、1.as 2.to 3.on 4.for 5.through三、1.world’s 2.are 3.chatting 4.enjoy 5.swimming 课后巩固一、1—5 ACBBD 6—10 BDDCC二、1—5 CBBCD第5课时(Self Check & Reading)课前预习一、1.lend 2.trouble 3.lead 4.wonder 5.offend二、1.ask for 2.sound rude 3.make requests 4.on(the)one hand… on the other hand 5.depend on 6.such as 7.lead…to…8.in order not to do sth.9.in a way 10.hand in 课堂练习一、1—5 CBADC 6—10 BCBAD二、1.directly 2.to park 3.to improve 4.Knowing;politely5.Choice三、1.wonder if/whether2.the post office is3.OK4.borrowed;from me5.where to take 课后巩固一、1.change the way we speak 2.in some situations 3.In order not to;as;as 4.depend on;speaking to;how well;know二、1.Asking 2.especially 3.knowing 4.politely5.to use三、1—5 ACCDB 相关链接1—5 CCBCB 6—7 BD Unit 12 You’re supposed to shake hands.第1课时(Section A 1a-2c)课前预习一、1.supposed 2.shakes 3.kissed 4.bowed 5.greet二、1.be supposed to 2.shake hands 3.meet for the first time 4.arrive in+大地点/at+小地点/get to 5.should have done6.make mistakes 课堂练习一、1—5 DDABC 6—10 BCABD二、1.(1)got to(2)reached2.should3.When were you4.What are they;do 5.How was 课后巩固一、1.What do you think we will do there/ in the training2.When will we go there3.We are supposed to take some heavy clothes and medicine with us/Heavy clothes and medicine4.I’ll ask mum to go shopping with me this weekend/ I have to go shopping this weekend/ I have to buy a pair of sports shoes this weekend5.I’m sure we’ll have a good time二、1—5 BAACD 6—10 BAADB三、One possible version:Shaking hands is one of the polite manners.It is necessary to be clear about when and how to shake hands.First,when you meet someone for the first time,it’s necessary to shake hands.Second,you should shake hands if you meet your friends that haven’t seen for a long time.Third,if anyone offers to shake hands with you,you should of course shake hands with him.If not,you are regarded as rude.Fourth,when two people meet,usually the elder should put out his hand st,the woman should first offer her hand when she meets with aman.Different countries have different customs.Hope you can behave well and politely.第2课时(Section A 3a-4)课前预习一、1.drop by 2.make plans to do sth.3.as…as sb.can/as…as possible4.after all5.invite sb.to do sth.6.be relaxed about…二、1.to/towards2.to3.without/after4.by5.after6.about7.with 课堂练习一、1—5 CCDAB 6—10 ABCDA二、1.Switzerland 2.waiting 3.to take 4.holding 5.to have/having 6.to take三、1.It’s;for;to spend 2.he could 3.come over to;free4.very/rather/quite 5.singing 课后巩固一、1.C;late 2.D;calling/a call 3.B;for 4.B;as 5.D;relaxed二、1—5 TFFTT 6—10 CACBC三、1.relaxed 2.okay 3.Spending 4.to 5.make 6.by 7.on8.watches 9.never 10.calling第3课时(Section B 1-2c)课前预习一、1.rude 2.wiped;napkins/napkin 3.pointed 4.manners5.stick二、1.table manners 2.at the table 3.make noise4.stick…into…5.point at6.pick up 课堂练习一、1—5 CBCBD 6—8 AAB二、1.with 2.up 3.at 4.into 5.at;with 课后巩固一、1—5 CACBD 6—10 BDCAB二、1—5 BCCAB第4课时(Section B 3a-4)课前预习一、1.full 2.forks p 4.elbows 5.particular/special二、1.go out of one’s way to do sth.2.make sb.feel at home 3.get used to sth./doing sth.4.be comfortable doing sth.5.be different from6.have reasons to do sth.7.give compliments8.make a toast9.make appointments 10.offer tea 课堂练习一、1—5 BADBC 6—10 DDBAC二、1.on 2.As;from 3.with;except 4.up三、1.anything2.getting3.surprisingmunicating5.learning/to learn 6.more expensive 课后巩固一、1.go out of their way;feel at home 2.make a toast at3.has no reason to;like 4.are;need to;table manners 5.are supposed to;braver;facing challenges 6.make;mistakes;like;used to二、1—5 CDABC 6—10 ADCBB三、1—5 CCACD第5课时(Self Check & Reading)课前预习一、1.start/begin with 2.written English 3.be used to do/be used for doing sth.4.make faces 5.can’t help/stop doing sth.6.learn… by oneself/teach oneself 7.at the proper time8.send a message二、1.On;with 2.from 3.with 4.by 5.at 课堂练习一、1—5 CDBAB 6—10 ACCBD二、1—5 FAGHE 6—10 JDIBC三、1.differently2.knives3.unfamiliar4.written5.gradually 课后巩固一、1—5 CADBD 6—10 ACCBB二、1—5 CEBDA三、1.was 2.famous 3.written 4.most 5.when 6.for 7.broken 8.other 9.thousands 10.each 相关链接One possible version:How to behave well? As a student,we should behave well.First,I think it’s very important to do everything on time and keep promises.Never lie to others or say dirty words.Next,we should be polite to others and be ready to help people in need.Then we’d better not talk loudly in public.Don’t throw litter or spit out.And we are supposed to obey traffic rules.What’s more,learn to work with others.We need good team work in our life.第二篇:大象出版社《基础训练》九年级语文(全一册)第一单元答案与人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书配套基础训练(含单元评价卷)语文九年级全一册参考答案课时练习部分参考答案第一单元沁园春雪第一课时预习反馈一、B 【解析】“汗”读hán。


一、功 二、机械效率 三、功率 四、动能和势能 五、机械能及其转化
(修改:全章的顺利作了调整,先讲功, 再讲能。增加一节功率,将机械效率放 在功率的前面讲)
编写特点: 1、机械效率放在功的后面讲,
有利于学生更好把握功和效率之 间的关系。
2、探究机械效率的实验用斜面 而不用滑轮,主要是斜面器材组 装简单,有利于学生探究。最好 不用小车,而用较重的木块。
1、能用实例解释机械运动及其相对性。 2、能根据日常经验和自然现象粗略估测时间。会使 用适当工具测量时间。 3、能通过日常经验或物品粗略估测长度。会选用适 当的工具测量长度。 4、能用速度描述物体的运动。能用速度公式进行简 单的计算。 5、用示意图描述力。知道二力平衡条件。 6、通过实验,探究力和运动的关系,知道物体的惯
课程标准的要求 1.通过实验,理解压强。能用压强公式进行简 单计算。知道增大和减小压强的方法。 2、通过实验,探究液体压强与哪些因素有关。 知道大气压与人类生活的关系。 2.通过实验,认识浮力。探究浮力的大小与哪 些因素有关。知道阿基米德原理。知道物体浮沉 的条件。 3.了解流体的压强与流速的关系。
性。能用牛顿第一定律解释有关的生活与自然 现象。
一、运动的描述 二、运动的快慢 三、长度、时间及其测量 四、力 五、牛顿第一定律 六、二力平衡
(修改:增加二力平衡一节,长度时间的测量 充实,突出基本概念,力的作用是相互的由探 究改为想想做做,增加基础性习题)
1、牛顿第一定律的编写思路: 运动的物体为什么会停下→猜想:不 受力和受到摩擦阻力→实验→分析与 推理→结论。
简单的问题。能解释生活中一些与密度有关的物理现 象。 6、了解新材料的应用和发展前景。 7、有保护环境和合理利用资源的意识。



与人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书配套基础训练(含单元评价卷)英语(新目标)九年级全一册参考答案(Unit7——12)课时练习部分参考答案Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?第1课时(Section A 1a-2c)课前预习1.go on vacation 2.hope/wish to do… 3.trek through the jungle 4.some day/one day 5.take it easy 6.somewhere relaxing课堂练习一、1—5 CDDBA 6—10 AACCD二、1.where 2.when 3.which 4.where 5.which三、cational 2.trekked 3.touristy 4.peaceful 5.thrilling 课后巩固一、1.something to drink;No;thanks 2.to go;I’d love to;but 3.hope to hear 4.wish 5.something relaxing二、1.I’d like to go to Dalian 2.What are you going to do there/What will you do there 3.How’s the weather there 4.How long are you going to stay there 5.How about you三、1—5 BACBC第2课时(Section A 3a-4)课前预习一、1.considered 2.translate 3.sights 4.liveliest 5.including二、略课堂练习一、1—5 CCCDD二、1.being 2.liveliest 3.to do 4.supposed 5.to take三、1.are supposed to 2.If;can’t 3.don’t you go 4.where;are friendly5.are;churches课后巩固一、1.In general;quite 2.consider going to 3.aren’t supposed to be4.Traveling around the world;cost5.somewhere warm二、1.Internet 2.think 3.popular 4.after 5.over三、1—5 CBDAC第3课时(Section B 1-2c)课前预习1.through 2.across 3.over 4.around 5.about 6.including 7.except 8.Besides 9.between 10.Among课堂练习1—5 ABAAC 6—10 ABCBD课后巩固一、1.It’s not too hot today 2.near the ocean 3.would;like to go4.somewhere warm5.What else would you like to tell me二、1.Can I help you 2.what kind of tour would you like 3.when is the tour 4.How much is it 5.You’re welcome三、1—5 CABBD 6—10 ACCDA四、1—5 BACDD第4课时(Section B 3a-4)课前预习1.eastern 2.where 3.outdoor 4.inexpensive 5.kitchen 6.big 7.near课堂练习一、1—5 BAACD二、1.provide;with 2.went away;ago 3.hope to have 4.where5.that/which三、1.eastern 2.to stay 3.to read 4.to take 5.singing课后巩固一、1—5 CABCD 6—10 DABBC二、1—5 BBACB第5课时(Self Check & Reading)课前预习一、1.offer 2.exciting 3.mind 4.advice/suggestions 5.eastern二、1.dream about/of 2.across/throughout China 3.as soon as possible4.according to5.quite a few6.be willing to do sth. 7.the Pacific Ocean 8.on the other hand 9.come true课堂练习一、1—5 CBCBC 6—10 DCADB二、1.Where;visit 2.It is;to travel by train 3.provided;with4.somewhere warm 5.Could you provide me with information about exchange student program/about student exchange program课后巩固一、1.It seems that 2.as soon as possible 3.dream about/of flying;some day/one day 4.On the other hand 5.Hold on to;come true二、1—5 ACABD 6—10 CBCDA三、1—5 BAABC四、1.top 2.around 3.higher 4.If 5.climbing 6.open7.different 8.through 9 him 10.books相关链接1—5 BABCB 6—7 ADUnit 8 I’ll help clean up the city parks.第1课时(Section A 1a-2c)课前预习一、1.volunteers 2.hunger 3.homeless 4.cheer 5.clean二、1.help sb.with… e up with/think up 3.put off doing sth.4.write down5.give out6.建立;创立7.想出8.使……高兴起来课堂练习一、1—5 ACDBA二、1.homeless 2.to help 3.to teach 4.holding 5.to do 6.clean7.volunteering 8.to take 9.go三、e up with 2.write down 3.put off 4.put up 5.hand out6.call up7.set up课后巩固一、1.to help homeless 2.put off making 3.to come up with 4.set up;to help二、1.What’s wrong/the matter 2.Can you come up with/think up some good ideas 3.But when shall we start 4.How can we make it/What are we going to do 5.That sounds good/great三、1—5 ACDBC第2课时(Section A 3a-4)课前预习1.volunteer to do 2.several hours a week 3.put … to good use 4.plan to do 5.leave school 6.spend time doing 7.not only… but also…课堂练习一、1—5 DBBCD 6—7 BB二、1.volunteering;to coach 2.raising 3.to help 4.leaves 5.has finished三、1.spend;doing/on 2.not only;but also 3.he is like 4.What would you like to do 5.How does;put课后巩固一、1.Being;volunteer 2.I’m not sure 3.What kind of 4.spends;working 5.Not only;but also;am二、1—5 CCDBA 6—10 BACDC三、1—5 ACDBA第3课时(Section B 1a-2c)课前预习一、1.take after 2.run out of 3.fix up 4.be similar to 5.give away二、略课堂练习一、1—5 CBABC二、1.fixes up 2.wants 3.give away 4.own 5.take after 6.be proud of 7.run out of e up with课后巩固一、1—5 BCBCD二、nd 2.swim 3.world4.cleverest 5.but 6.kill7.becoming 8.with 9.badly 10.danger第4课时(Section B 3a-4)课前预习1.to cheer up 2.had run out of;to buy 3.put up;asking for 4.called up;told;about 5.came up with worked out fine课堂练习一、1—5 BBABC二、1.running 2.asking 3.to fix 4.sat;began 5.have;set课后巩固一、1—5 ABDCB 6—10 CADAB二、1—5 BCDBA第5课时(Self Check & Reading)课前预习一、1.hang out 2.disabled people 3.a friend of mine 4.because of5.be able to do6.help sb.out7.send sb. sth./send sth. to sb.8.thank/thanks sb. for doing sth. 9.answer the phone 10.close/shut the door二、1.Miss Li. 2.She is disabled. 3.Six months. 4.Yes,it is. 5.To thank Miss Li.课堂练习一、1—5 DBCAC 6—10 BADDB二、1.inviting 2.illness 3.amazing 4.pleasure 5.mine课后巩固1—5 BDCAC相关链接1—6 CBACBAUnit 9 When was it invented?第1课时(Section A 1a-2c)课前预习一、1.was invented 2.inventor 3.inventions二、1.discovered 2.was invented 3.found 4.find out课堂练习一、1—5 CCBCD二、1.When was;invented 2.Who was;discovered by 3.invented many things4.was seen to work5.are used for;are used to课后巩固一、1.when the telephone was invented 2.Was it invented earlier than the car 3.What’s it used for 4.Which is more useful,the telephone or the car 5.Do you want a car二、1—5 BADBC 6—10 ACADB三、1—5 CABCB第2课时(Section A 3a-4)课前预习一、1.bulb 2.microwave 3.helpful 4.because二、1.do you think 2.more;to work;play 3.an annoying;annoyed 4.to have;listen to;all day课堂练习一、1—5 CDCAB 6—10 BCCAC二、1.are planted 2.was cleaned 3.will be held 4.be allowed 5.are taken care of 6.better 7.helpful课后巩固一、1—4 DAAB二、1.speaking 2.their 3.first 4.wants 5.dropped 6.dirty7.lesson 8.times 9.has 10.always第3课时(Section B 1a-2c)课前预习一、1.sweet 2.sour 3.thin 4.crispy 5.salty 6.thick二、1.by mistake 2.salty enough 3.in the end 4.are crispy课堂练习1—5 CDBDC 6—10 DAABA课后巩固一、1.giving 2.agreed 3.play4.left 5.to get 6.called7.stand 8.holds二、1—5 DBAEC第4课时(Section B 3a-4b)课前预习一、1.salty 2.mistaken 3.potatoes 4.development 5.invention6.tasty二、1.by accident 2.According to 3.fell into;remained 4.noticed;produced;pleasant smell 5.In this way课堂练习一、1—5 BADAB 6—10 BBCDC二、1.be taken 2.pleased;pleasant 3.crying 4.fell 5.mixture 课后巩固一、1—5 BADCD二、1—5 CDABD 6—10 ABBAC三、1—5 CBDAC第5课时(Self Check & Reading)课前预习一、1.century 2.crispy 3.knock 4.towards 5.believed 6.sour二、1.a very popular activity 2.is played;more than;including 3.is believed 4.Knock-ing into;falling 5.The number of课堂练习一、1—6 CCDDBB二、1.The number of;is 2.A number of 3.It’s said that 4.over5.learning to;falls down6.while/when doing课后巩固一、1—5 BDAAB 6—10 DCCDB二、1—5 DDACB相关链接1—5 CCDAA 6—10 DACDDUnit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.第1课时(Section A 1a-2c)课前预习一、1.left 2.gone 3.got/gotten 4.started 5.rung 6.overslept二、1.got;had;gone 2.got;realized;had left 3.happened;overslept4.had rung;walked5.had finished/finished课堂练习一、1—6 ADCACB二、1.had seen 2.had gone 3.had learned 4.had lost 5.have;learned课后巩固一、1.What’s wrong 2.what happened 3.Did you take an umbrella with you4.What did you do5.you really had a bad day/that’s really a bad day二、1—5 DDBDD 6—10 CCDCC第2课时(Section A 3a-3c)课前预习1.go off 2.wake up 3.wait for sb.to do sth. e out 5.run off 6.on time 7.break down e by 9.make it 10.give sb.a ride课堂练习一、1—5 CDBBB二、1.go off;overslept 2.had run off3.on time 4.relatives5.locked课后巩固一、1—5 BCADD 6—10 ABDCB二、1—4 DABC第3课时(Section B 1a-2c)课前预习一、1.be embarrassed 2.be exhausted 3.costume party 4.stay up5.show up6.on April Fool’s Day7.invite sb.to do sth.8.get dressed9.fool sb.二、1.happened to;on 2.invited;to 3.got;realized;had fooled 4.the only;wearing;embarrassed课堂练习一、1.up 2.up 3.off;up 4.By二、1.had learned 2.had;seen 3.went;had finished 4.got;had taken5.went;finished三、1.exhausted 2.emptied 3.got dressed 4.showed up课后巩固一、1—5 CBBCC 6—10 CADAD二、1—5 BDACD第4课时(Section B 3a-4)课前预习一、1.set off 2.hundreds of people 3.marry sb. 4.play jokes on sb.5.sell outnd on二、1.convincing;convinced 2.revealed;had fled 3.ending 4.working5.thrilled课堂练习一、1—5 CBBBD 6—10 BDCAD二、1.have been married for 2.stayed up 3.as much;possible 4.As soon as课后巩固一、1.Have you ever been late for school 2.What happened 3.What did you do then 4.Were you late for school 5.I just made it二、1—5 BDBBA第5课时(Self Check & Reading)课前预习一、1.overslept 2.ringing 3.realized 4.empty 5.fooled6.embarrassed 7.exhausted 8.dressed 9.shown 10.convincing二、1.ending 2.had fled 3.married 4.revealed 5.announced课堂练习一、1—5 DCBDB二、1.When;got;had left 2.By the time;woke;had got 3.made it 4.so;that;set off课后巩固一、1—5 DACDB 6—10 ABACD二、1—5 DDACB相关链接1—5 BDDADUnit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?第1课时(Section A 1a-2c)课前预习一、1.shampoo 2.drugstore 3.restrooms 4.elevator 5.department stores二、1.buy/get some magazines 2.make a telephone call 3.get some information about… 4.buy some writing paper 5.save money 6.exchange money 7.take the escalator to…8.go past 9.turn right 10.on the second floor 11.next to课堂练习一、1—5 CBDAD 6—10 BCBCD二、1.second 2.past 3.some 4.information 5.furniture三、1.whether/if there are any 2.passed;took;on the right 3.give;a call 4.near 5.by lift/elevator课后巩固一、1.It sure is/Yes,it is 2.I prefer being outside 3.Could you please tell me if there are any good bookstores near here 4.Is it very far from here5.You’re welcome/ That’s all right/ Not at all二、1—5 ABCBD第2课时(Section A 3a-4)课前预习一、1.advantages and disadvantages 2.decide to do sth./make a decision to do sth./make up one’s mind to do sth. 3.hang out 4.prefer doing / to do sth. 5.a good place to do sth. 6.kind of/a little/a bit二、1.wonderful cook 2.Go out the front door;turn left onto 3.free concerts 4.There’s somebody fighting 5.have a good place to hang out课堂练习一、1—5 CABCA 6—10 DACDB二、1.about 2.at/through 3.of 4.out 5.past;onto 6.out三、1.(1)made up our mind(2) made a decision 2.It’s;to watch3.(1)buying (2)pay;for (3)takes me;to (4)Buying;costs4.Where do you;your课后巩固一、1.Well,you can take the subway to get there 2.How long will it take to get there 3.No,you needn’t 4.Please turn right at the traffic lights/…5.You’re welcome/My pleasure/…二、1—5 DBDCB 6—10 CAABD三、One possible version:TelevisionMany students love watching TV.They can watch their favorite films and listen to music on TV.It’s good to watch TV because it can help students to know what is going on in the world and they can also get a lot of knowledge on different subjects.But if they spend too much time watching TV,it will be bad for their studies and health.Some unhealthy TV programmes will also do harm to them.So students should know what is good or what is bad to watch.It’s not good for them to spend all their free time watching TV.第3课时(Section B 1a-2c)课前预习一、1.delicious 2.convenient 3.uncrowded 4.fascinating5.inexpensive二、1.disadvantage 2.safe 3.uncrowded 4.interesting 5.clean6.inexpensive7.ugly8.terrible/awful9.convenient课堂练习一、1—5 BDCAC 6—10 CBACB二、1.listening 2.to finish 3.exercising 4.to go;seeing5.haven’t seen三、1.neither;nor 2.prefer;to 3.whether/if Sally wants 4.what’s happening 5.where they are课后巩固一、1.Excuse me 2.Are they clean 3.could you please tell me where the science museum is 4.You can take a No.40 bus there 5.your daughter must be interested in it二、1—5 CDBAA 6—10 BBABD三、1—5 ADBBC第4课时(Section B 3a-4)课前预习一、1.clowns anize 3.guide 4.dress 5.slides二、1.have fun 2.take a vacation 3.water slides 4.dress up 5.take dance lessons 6.spend time doing sth.7.an information booth 8.both...and...课堂练习一、1—5 ACDDB 6—10 DABDD二、1.as 2.to 3.on 4.for 5.through三、1.world’s 2.are 3.chatting 4.enjoy 5.swimming课后巩固一、1—5 ACBBD 6—10 BDDCC二、1—5 CBBCD第5课时(Self Check & Reading)课前预习一、1.lend 2.trouble 3.lead 4.wonder 5.offend二、1.ask for 2.sound rude 3.make requests 4.on (the) one hand… on the other hand 5.depend on 6.such as 7.lead…to…8.in order not to do sth. 9.in a way 10.hand in课堂练习一、1—5 CBADC 6—10 BCBAD二、1.directly 2.to park 3.to improve 4.Knowing;politely5.Choice三、1.wonder if/whether 2.the post office is 3.OK 4.borrowed;from me 5.where to take课后巩固一、1.change the way we speak 2.in some situations 3.In order not to;as;as 4.depend on;speaking to;how well;know二、1.Asking 2.especially 3.knowing 4.politely 5.to use三、1—5 ACCDB相关链接1—5 CCBCB 6—7 BDUnit 12 You’re supposed to shake hands.第1课时(Section A 1a-2c)课前预习一、1.supposed 2.shakes 3.kissed 4.bowed 5.greet二、1.be supposed to 2.shake hands 3.meet for the first time 4.arrive in+大地点/at+小地点/get to 5.should have done 6.make mistakes课堂练习一、1—5 DDABC 6—10 BCABD二、1.(1)got to (2) reached 2.should 3.When were you 4.What are they;do 5.How was课后巩固一、1.What do you think we will do there/ in the training 2.When will we go there 3.We are supposed to take some heavy clothes and medicine with us/Heavy clothes and medicine 4.I’ll ask mum to go shopping with me this weekend/ I have to go shopping this weekend/ I have to buy a pair of sports shoes this weekend5.I’m sure we’ll have a good time二、1—5 BAACD 6—10 BAADB三、One possible version:Shaking hands is one of the polite manners.It is necessary to be clear about when and how to shake hands.First,when you meet someone for the first time,it’s necessary to shake hands.Second,you should shake hands if you meet your friends that haven’t seen for a long time.Third,if anyone offers to shake hands with you,you should of course shake hands with him.If not,you are regarded as rude.Fourth,when two people meet,usually the elder should put out his hand st,the woman should first offer her hand when she meets with a man.Different countries have different customs.Hope you can behave well and politely.第2课时(Section A 3a-4)课前预习一、1.drop by 2.make plans to do sth. 3.as…as sb.can/as…as possible4.after all5.invite sb.to do sth.6.be relaxed about…二、1.to/towards 2.to 3.without/after 4.by 5.after 6.about7.with课堂练习一、1—5 CCDAB 6—10 ABCDA二、1.Switzerland 2.waiting 3.to take 4.holding 5.to have/having 6.to take三、1.It’s;for;to spend 2.he could3.come over to;free4.very/rather/quite 5.singing课后巩固一、1.C;late 2.D;calling/a call 3.B;for 4.B;as 5.D;relaxed二、1—5 TFFTT 6—10 CACBC三、1.relaxed 2.okay 3.Spending 4.to 5.make 6.by 7.on8.watches 9.never 10.calling第3课时(Section B 1-2c)课前预习一、1.rude 2.wiped;napkins/napkin 3.pointed 4.manners 5.stick二、1.table manners 2.at the table 3.make noise 4.stick…into…5.point at6.pick up课堂练习一、1—5 CBCBD 6—8 AAB二、1.with 2.up 3.at 4.into 5.at;with课后巩固一、1—5 CACBD 6—10 BDCAB二、1—5 BCCAB第4课时(Section B 3a-4)课前预习一、1.full 2.forks p 4.elbows 5.particular/special二、1.go out of one’s way to do sth. 2.make sb.feel at home 3.get used to sth./doing sth. 4.be comfortable doing sth. 5.be different from 6.have reasons to do sth. 7.give compliments 8.make a toast 9.make appointments 10.offer tea课堂练习一、1—5 BADBC 6—10 DDBAC二、1.on 2.As;from 3.with;except 4.up三、 1.anything 2.getting 3.surprising municating5.learning/to learn 6.more expensive课后巩固一、1.go out of their way;feel at home 2.make a toast at 3.has no reason to;like 4.are;need to;table manners 5.are supposed to;braver;facing challenges 6.make;mistakes;like;used to二、1—5 CDABC 6—10 ADCBB三、1—5 CCACD第5课时(Self Check & Reading)课前预习一、1.start/begin with 2.written English 3.be used to do/be used for doing sth. 4.make faces 5.can’t help/stop doing sth. 6.learn… by oneself/teach oneself 7.at the proper time 8.send a message二、1.On;with 2.from 3.with 4.by 5.at课堂练习一、1—5 CDBAB 6—10 ACCBD二、1—5 FAGHE 6—10 JDIBC三、1.differently 2.knives 3.unfamiliar 4.written 5.gradually 课后巩固一、1—5 CADBD 6—10 ACCBB二、1—5 CEBDA三、1.was 2.famous 3.written4.most 5.when 6.for7.broken 8.other 9.thousands 10.each相关链接One possible version:How to behave well?As a student,we should behave well.First,I think it’s very important todo everything on time and keep promises.Never lie to others or say dirty words.Next,we should be polite to others and be ready to help people in need.Then we’d better not talk loudly in public.Don’t throw litter or spit out.And we are supposed to obey traffic rules.What’s more,learn to work with others.We need good team work in our life.。



大象出版社《基础训练》九年级英语(全一册)参考答案(Unit1—6)参考答案课时练习部分参考答案Unit 1How do you study for a test?第1课时(Section A 1a-2c)课前预习一、1.pronunciation 2.vocabularies/vocabulary 3.flashcards 4.aloud5.listening二、1.make vocabulary lists 2.ask sb.for help 3.practice pronunciation 4.watch English-language videos 5.study for a test6.learn a lot that way7.提高口语技巧8.朗读9.小组学习10.制作单词抽认卡课堂练习一、1—5CABDD6—8ACD二、1.(1)loud(2)aloud(3)loudly2.(1)by(2)in(3)on(4)with3.(1)pronunciation(2)pronounce课后巩固一、1.How/ What about listening to 2.How;study for a test;by working with 3.too;to say 4.a lot that way 5.Watching English-language;improved二、1.How do you learn English 2.Have you ever studied with a group 3.It’s too hard to understand the voices 4.How about singing English songs 5.That’s a good idea三、1—5CBDCB6—10AADCB第2课时(Section A 3a-4)课前预习一、1.specific suggestions 2.memorize the words of pop songs 3.study grammar4.feel differently5.speak too quickly/fast6.end up doing sth.7.the best way to do sth.8.be excited about sth.二、1.specific suggestions 2.studying grammar 3.feel differently 4.ended up 5.speak too quickly 6.Memorizing the words of pop songs课堂练习一、1—5CAACB6—10BCBDA二、1.excited;exciting 2.frustrating;frustrated 3.different;differently 4.quick;quickly 5.about;for三、1.to memorize 2.differently 3.studying 4.living 5.getting课后巩固一、1.I have a problem with my English/I’m having trouble in learning English 2.Well,listening can help 3.I always forget a lot of new words/I can’t memorize new words 4.Can you understand when people talk to you/Do you understand other people when they are talking 5.Good idea/Sounds good/I’ll do that way二、1—5DDCBD三、1.about 2.Many ing 4.suggestions 5.for 6.was7.memorizing8.also9.When10.never第3课时(Section B 1a-2c)一、1.make mistakes in sth. 2.spoken English 3.join an English (language) club 4.practice speaking English 5.how to use commas 6.write in the notebook二、1—5BDCAE课堂练习一、1—5BCBCD6—8BCB二、1.spoken 2.slowly 3.pronounces 4.stay;have 5.to spend 6.playing 7.solutions三、1.in 2.in 3.with/about/to 4.in 5.for 6.about7.about课后巩固一、1—5BCABB6—10ADCAD二、1—5DCBAC第4课时(Section B 3a-4)课前预习1.learn to do sth. 2.first of all 3.It doesn’t matter. 4.be afraid to do sth. 5.laugh at sb. 6.take notes7.make complete sentences8.have trouble doing sth. 9.decide to do sth.10. enjoy like doing sth.课堂练习一、1—5BDBCD二、1.finding 2.walk 3.talking4.quickly ing三、1.(1)say(2)tells(3)say(4)talking(5)say(6)talk(7)speaking(8)speak2.(1)another(2)the other(3)other(4)others四、1.of facing ter on 3.no;finding 4.decided to课后巩固一、1.to take lots of grammar notes ter on;realized 3.one of the secrets4.am impressed/moved5.is afraid to;laugh at 6.First of all;learn to二、1.C 2.②B③A 3.对于某些阅读材料,你必须随时变换阅读速度,从快到慢,从慢到快。

九年级物理全册 21.1 21.2练基础达标检测(含解析)(新版)新人教版

九年级物理全册 21.1 21.2练基础达标检测(含解析)(新版)新人教版

21.1 21.2练基础达标检测1.电话机话筒里的膜片和炭粒相当于一个( )A.开关B.变阻器C.电磁继电器D.电磁铁【解析】选B。




取一节干电池和一根导线,靠近收音机将导线的一端与电池的一极相连,再用导线的另一端与电池的另一极时断时续地接触,会听到收音机发出“咔咔”声,这一现象说明周围的空间存在( )A.超声波B.电磁波C.X射线D.紫外线【解析】选B。



3.(2014·广安中考)随着数字时代的到来,3G与4G的相继出现,现在我们已经可以很方便地使用3G或4G 手机进行无线网络登录。

下列对手机上网的说法中,正确的是( )A.使用电磁波传输数字信号B.使用超声波传输数字信号C.使用红外线传输数字信号D.使用次声波传输数字信号【解析】选A。





4.关于电磁波的说法正确的是( )A.可见光不是电磁波B.电磁波的波长越短则频率越低C.红外线和可见光在真空中传播速度相同D.电磁波、声波都可以在真空中传播【解析】选C。





八年级上册大象出版社基础训练物理练习第二章声现象第1节声音的产生与传播1.振动2.物质介质3.介质传声不能4.波声波5.介质的种类温度 340m/s6.振动空气和水7.振动空气8.1700 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.振动 13.强声空气14.(1)振动 (2)大于 (3)真空不能传声 15.振动 16.振动空气17.C 18.B 19.A20.实验器材:音叉、铁架台、乒乓球、细线;设计实验:将乒乓球用细线悬吊在铁架台上,调整好高度。


将正在发声的音叉靠近乒乓球;实验现象:乒乓球明显地跳动起来;结论:发声的音叉在振动;总结:音叉的微小振动小球明显地跳动第2节声音的特性1.高低高低2.每秒钟振动的次数赫兹(Hz)3.20~20000 高于20000Hz的声音低于20Hz的声音4.大小大小5.材料结构6.大响度大物体的振幅越大,产生声音的响度越大7.超声波超声波加湿器、声呐(答案合理即可) 8.振动低9.B10.C 11.C 12.空气音色 13.响度真空不能传声 14.音色15.次声波 16.低振动的频率低于20Hz 17.D 18.B 19.B20.音调变高暖水壶的玻璃振动产生的;等等。

21.(1)A B C A D F 80 1.02 (2)选取一根琴弦,用一定大小的力拉紧琴弦,拨动琴弦测出此时振动的频率。


第3节声的利用1.信息能量2.声呐探测 B超诊断(答案合理即可)3.超声波加湿器超声波体外碎石(答案合理即可)4.听信息5.超声波回声定位声呐6.振动能量7.诊断疾病检测零件内部是否有裂纹清洗物体 8.A 9.A10.信息响度解析:在放置“动力之源”的大厅天花板上,绕金属球一圈有8个话筒,从8个方向“收听”观众的呼喊。

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