



1.If your best friend tells you his secrets, it's _______ for you to keep them for him. By doing this, you can win others' trust.

A. special

B. necessary

C. possible

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】如果你最好的朋友告诉你他的秘密,对于你来说为他保持这个秘密是很必要的。通过这样做,你可以赢得别人的信任。It's + 形容词+for sb.+ to do sth.意指“对于某人来说做某事很adj.”。 A. special特殊的;B. necessary必要的;必需的;C. possible可能的;根据语境,故选B。


2.Julie takes good care of the family dog. She is ________ than her brother.

A. patient

B. more patient

C. most patient

D. the most patient

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:Julie把他家的狗照顾都很好。她比她的的哥哥更有耐心。A.耐心的;B.更有耐心的;C.表达不存在;D.最有耐心的。根据than,可知用形容词的比较级,patient,有耐心的,其比较级是more patient,故选B。


3.—If there are ________ people driving, there will be ________ air pollution.

—Yes, and the air will be fresher.

A. less; less

B. less; fewer

C. fewer; fewer

D. fewer; less

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:——如果开车的人越少,空气污染越少。——是的,空气将会更新鲜。little少的,形容词,其比较级是less,修饰不可数名词,few几乎没有,形容词,其比较级是fewer,更少,修饰可数名词,people,可数名词,用fewer修饰,air pollution,空气污染,不可数名词,用less修饰,故选D。


4.—Tom speaks Chinese quite well now.

— Yes, he has made ____________ progress in Chinese learning.

A. common

B. simple

C. perfect

D. rapid

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:——汤姆现在汉语说得相当好。——是的,他在语文学习上取得了快速的进步。 A普通的,B简单的,C完美的,D快速的,能修饰进步progress的,是rapid,故选D。

【点评】考查形容词辨析,注意 rapid 的用法。

5.Nobody worked the math problem out. It was ____ one of all.

A. easier

B. the easiest

C. more difficult

D. the most difficult

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:没人解决这个数学问题。这是最困难的一个。由题干中的语句Nobody worked the math problem out.提示可知,这个问题应该比较难,difficult;又因of all,可知要用最高级,故选D。


6.Linda is ___of the three girls, but she is the tallest.

A. young

B. Younger

C. youngest

D. the youngest

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:琳达是三个女孩中最小的,但是她是最高的。young年轻的,原级;younger更年轻的,比较级;the youngest最年轻的,最高级。根据three girls可知三者作比较,用最高级,形容词最高级前要加the,故答案选D。


7.Fishing is one of ____ activities among the middle-aged people.

A. popular

B. more popular

C. most popular

D. the most popular

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:钓鱼是中年人最受欢迎的活动之一。one of+形容词最高级+名词复数,最……其中之一。popular,流行,其最高级是the most popular,故选D。

【点评】考查固定结构one of+形容词最高级+名词复数的基本含义及popular的最高级形式。

8.While watching the film yesterday, I couldn't stop laughing at some __________moments.

A. humorous

B. challenging

C. dangerous

D. surprising

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:昨天当看电影时,我在一些幽默的时刻禁不住大笑。humorous,幽默的;challenging,具有挑战性的;dangerous,危险的;surprising,令人吃惊的,根据I couldn't stop laughing,可知是在幽默的时刻,故选A。



9.— I tried several ways to work out the math problem, but of them worked.

— Never give up. I believe you'll make it.

A. all

B. each

C. none

D. neither

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:——我尝试许多次解决这个数学题,但是它们中没有起作用的。——不要放弃。我相信你将成功。A.所有,三者或者三者以上;B.每个;C.没有,表示三者或者三者以上;D.两者都不。根据several ways,可知是三者或者三者以上,排除D。根据but,可知虽然尝试许多方法。但是没有起作用的,表示否定,故选C。


10.You need not only talent but also hard work to become a _________ football player. A. young B. successful C. happy D. friendly

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:你不仅需要天赋,也需要努力训练才能成为一名成功的足球运动员。A年轻的,B成功的,C高兴的,D友好的. 根据You need not only talent but also hard work,可知这是成功的关键,故选B。


11.Sam is 11 years old. Peter is 16 years old. Peter is 5 years ____than Sam.

A. older

B. shorter

C. newer

D. longer

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:萨姆今年11岁。彼得16岁。彼得比萨姆大五岁。A 更大的;B 更矮的;C 更新的;D 更长的。根据Sam is 11 years old. Peter is 16 years old,可知是彼得比萨姆大5岁,故选A。


12.Nothing is _________ than riding.I like it best.

A. enjoyable

B. more enjoyable

C. most enjoyable

D. the most enjoyable

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:没有什么比骑车跟令人愉快。我最喜欢它。根据后面表示比较的than 可知应该是比较级,enjoyable的比较级是more enjoyable,故选B。


13.Peter is _______ boy in our class and he often helps us carry heavy things.

A. strong

B. stronger

C. strongest

D. the strongest

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】考查形容词的级,根据in our class这个范围知道用最高级,同时strong 是形容词,最高级前要用the,故选D。

14.Be more ____next time, and you won't make the same mistake again.

A. careless

B. careful

C. nervous

【答案】 B




15.How can you study in the living room when other people are talking loudly? I think you need

a_________ place.

A. quiet

B. quieter

C. quietest


【解析】【分析】quiet 是形容词原级,quieter 是比较级,quietest 是最高级,根据句意“当




16.Miss Yang is very ________. She always explains things again and again till we understand.

A. careless

B. patient

C. brave

D. thin

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:杨小姐非常有耐心。她总是反复解释事情,直到我们明白为止。careless粗心的,patient有耐心的,brave勇敢的,thin瘦的。根据She always explains things again and again till we understand.可知,她总是反复解释,因此是有耐心的,故答案



17.Who is one, Tom or Jack?

A. the taller

B. the tall

C. the tallest

D. tall


【解析】【分析】句意:汤姆和杰克,谁更高?A.the taller更高的,比较级;.the tall高的;C.the tallest最高,最高级形式;D.tall高,原形。在汤姆和杰克两人之间作比较,用比



18.—What about yesterday's dragon dance? —Oh,it's one I've ever seen.

A. a most wonderful

B. more wonderful

C. the most wonderful

D. a more wonderful

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:--- 昨天的龙舞怎么样呢?--- 噢,它是我看到的最精彩的。根据句意要用最高级,A,B,D三个都是比较级,故选C.


19.—What do you think of the movie?

—Great! I have never seen a _____ one.

A. good

B. bad

C. better

D. worse

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:——你觉得这部电影怎么样?——太棒了!我从未见过更好的.A 好的,形容词;B坏的,形容词;C更好的,比较级;D更坏的,比较级。结合语境"太棒了!",可知B,D不正确."我从未见过…的一个",可知,其它电影与这部电影比较,应该用比较级better.选C.


20.—I know Old Joe lives ______.

—We are supposed to visit him from time to time. Then he won't feel _______.

A. alone, alone

B. lonely, lonely

C. lonely, alone

D. alone, lonely

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:--我知道老乔单独生活。--我们应该时不时的去看望他。那样他将不会感到孤独。alone只是陈述一个客观事实,意思是“独自一人”、“没有同伴或助手”,只用作表语。有时放在名词或代词后,表示“仅仅”、“只有”,可作形容词。另外,alone 可用作副词,表示“独自地”、“单独地”;lonely 则有浓厚的感情色调,指因缺少朋友、同情、友谊时所发生的一种悲伤的和忧郁的感情,意思是“孤独”、“寂寞”,作形容词。结合句意及结构,故选D。


21.—I hear you have just finished making the flash mob(快闪)My Motherland and Me ? —That's true. It is really a way to show our love for our country.

A. traditional

B. humorous

C. wonderful

D. boring

【答案】 C



22.Victor used to be a shy boy, but now he is ________ than before with our help.

A. quiet

B. quieter

C. outgoing

D. more outgoing

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:Victor过去是一个害羞的孩子,但是现在他在我们的帮助下,比之前外向了。A安静的,B更安静的,C外向的,D更外向的,根据but,可知此处是shy 的反义词,外向的,根据than,可知是比较级,故选D。


23.— We'll have _______ holiday in June. Will you go home?

— No. If I go home, I'll have to take_______ ride.

A. a one-week; seven days

B. an one-week; a seven day's

C. a one-week; a seven-day

D. an one-week's; a seven days'

【答案】 C


【点评】英语中很多单词是通过合成的方式构成的,他们叫做合成词,常见合成词有合成名词、合成动词、合成形容词等几种类型,其语法功能与普通单词用法一样。其一般构成规则就是其构成单词一般都要用原形,这也是一些考试中常考的题型,牢记即可。名词所有格是通过在词尾加’s来构成的一种特殊词形变化,需注意当名词所有格词尾字母是s 时,只需在词尾加’即可。其作用相当于形容词,可以充当宾语,表语和定语。

24.She wasn't ____ and made many mistakes in his homework.

A. enough carefully.

B. enough careful

C. carefully enough

D. careful enough

【答案】 D



25.Nanjing isn't so __________ as Shanghai, however, it's the second __________ city in East China.

A. large; large

B. large; largest

C. larger; larger

D. larger; largest

【答案】 B



26.Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is bridge I have ever seen.

A. wonderful

B. more wonderful

C. most wonderful

D. the most wonderful

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:港珠澳大桥是我见过的最漂亮的桥。wonderful,漂亮的,好看的,形容词。根据题干中的 I have ever seen.提示可知,此句要用最高级形式,wonderful的最高级形式是the most wonderful,故选D。


27.The blue skirt is than the white one.

A. much more expensive

B. much expensive

C. expensive

D. more cheap

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:这件蓝色短裙比白色的贵得多。根据比较词than,可知此处是比较级结构,expensive的比较级结构more expensive, cheap的比较级结构cheaper,much可用来修饰比较级结构,故选A。


28.This city is its state level scenic spot (景点).

A. famous as

B. different from

C. similar to

D. known for

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:这个城市以其国家级风景名胜区而闻名。A:(be) famous as作为……著名,后接身份、职业等; B:(be) different from与……不同;C:(be)similar to 与……类似; D:(be)known for因.....闻名,后接人或物的特点或特长。根据上文its state level scenic spot,可知这个城市的特点而闻名。故选D。


29.—I'm very tired these days, Mary.

— Why not music. It can make you .

A. listen to; relaxed

B. listening to; to relax

C. listening to; relax

D. listen to; to relax

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:——玛丽,这些天我非常累,——何不听一下音乐。它能让你放松。why not后直接跟动词原形,故排除BC,make sb+adj使某人如何,空二使用形容词,relaxed是形容词,relax是动词,故答案是A。

【点评】考查动词的基本形式和形容词做宾补,注意识记固定句式why not do…和make sb.+adj的用法。

30.—Who will you ask to help with the work, Lucy or Lily? —Lily. She is much .

A. careful

B. more careful

C. most careful

【答案】 B



与天气有关的英语词汇大全frost 霜 snow 雪 thunder 雷 wind 风 cloud 云 haze 霾 rain 雨 land wind 陆风 hail 冰雹 snowflake 雪花 mist 薄雾 rainfall 降雨 downpour 暴雨 shower 阵雨 storm, tempest 暴风雨/雪 thundershower 雷阵雨 sleet 雨夹雪;雹;冻雨 hail/hailstone 冰雹 frosty 霜冻 sandstorm 沙尘暴 lightning 闪电 hurricane 飓风 tornado 旋风;龙卷风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风

whirlwind 龙卷风 breeze 微风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水 drizzle 毛毛雨 humidity 湿度 drought 干旱 high temperature 高温 less rainfall 少雨 cold snap 寒潮 stormy wind 暴风 ice rain 冻雨 waterspout 海上龙卷风 Tsunami 海啸 Indian summer: a period of unusually dry, warm weather occurring in late autumn 深秋干暖的气候,小阳春,秋老虎 (a period of happiness or success occurring late in life晚年的幸福时光;兴旺的晚年) desertification 沙漠化 sandstorm 沙尘暴 sand and dust weather 沙尘天气 天气预报常用词组 fine becoming cloudy 晴天转阴 cloudy with occasional showers 阴,有阵雨


英语初中英语形容词练习题及解析 一、初中英语形容词 1.—Your father never shops online.Why's that? —He says they're much ________ but the products are not really good. A. nicer B. cheap C. nice D. cheaper 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——你父亲从不在网上购物。那是为什么?——他说他们更便宜,但是那些商品不是真好。nicer更漂亮的;cheap便宜的;nice漂亮的;cheaper更便宜的。根据but the products are not really good可知此处与“产品不好”相转折,故应是便宜的,有much修饰,故用形容词的比较级,故选D。 【点评】此题考查形容词的比较级的用法。 2.We're very about the graduation ceremony next Saturday, we can't wait to be there. A. boring B. bored C. excited D. exciting 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:对下周六的毕业典礼我们都非常激动,我们迫不及待地想去那里。A无聊的,B感到无聊,C感到激动,D激动的,根据我们迫不及待地想去那里应是感到激动,修饰人用的结尾的形容词,故选C。 【点评】考查形容词辨析,注意 excited 的用法。 3.When we read a piece of news online, we'd better make sure it's ______ before sending it to others. If not, we may spread something bad. A. true B. special C. strange 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我们在网上看到一条新闻时,发给别人之前最好要确认它的真实性。否则,我们可能散布不好的消息。A.真实的;B.特殊的;C.奇怪的。根据If not, we may spread something bad,所以我们确定网络新闻的真实性,故答案是A。 【点评】考查形容词辨析,注意根据关键句思考问题并解决问题。 4.—Frank has changed a lot, hasn't he? —Yes. He is much because he exercises every day.. A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——弗兰克改变了很多,不是吗?——是的。他更强壮了,因为他每天都锻炼。根据because he exercises every day,可知他更强壮了。句中的much修饰形容词比较级,加强语气.因此用strong的比较级stronger。故选B。 【点评】此题考查形容词的比较级。注意much修饰形容词的比较级。 5.—What do you think of the TV program The Reader?

(英语) 中考英语形容词专项训练100(附答案)

(英语)中考英语形容词专项训练100(附答案) 一、初中英语形容词 1.—Shaoyang has changed a lot in the past few years. —Yes. It is getting_________. A. clean B. cleaner C. cleanest 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——在过去的几年里邵阳有了很大的变化。——是的,它变得更干净了。A.干净的,原级;B.更干净的,比较级;C.最干净的,最高级。根据句子可知是指以前和现在作比较,用比较级,故选B。 【点评】考查形容词比较级,注意平时识记其结构,理解句意。 2.Wang Wei speaks English as ________ as Yang Lan. They both study English hard. A. good B. well C. better D. best 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:王伟的英语讲的和杨澜的一样好。他们学习英语都努力。可知as…as中间用形容词或副词原级;此处是副词修饰动词speak。good好的,形容词原形;well好地,副词原形,better比较级;best最高级,故选B。 【点评】此题考查形容词原级。注意as...as中间跟形容词或副词原级。 3.—If there are ________ people driving, there will be ________ air pollution. —Yes, and the air will be fresher. A. less; less B. less; fewer C. fewer; fewer D. fewer; less 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——如果开车的人越少,空气污染越少。——是的,空气将会更新鲜。little少的,形容词,其比较级是less,修饰不可数名词,few几乎没有,形容词,其比较级是fewer,更少,修饰可数名词,people,可数名词,用fewer修饰,air pollution,空气污染,不可数名词,用less修饰,故选D。 【点评】考查形容词的辨析。注意less和fewer意思和用法。 4.—You haven't said a ________ word since last Friday. What's wrong? —Nothing. Just leave me alone. A. simple B. single C. similar D. silent 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——自从上周五你没有说一句话,怎么了?——没事,仅仅让我单独待会。A.简单的;B.单一的;C.相似的;D.沉默的。根据Just leave me alone.仅仅让我单独待会,可知没有说一句话,say a single word,说一句话,故选B。 【点评】考查形容词辨析,注意平时识记其词义,理解句意。 5.—Lucy, our father's birthday is coming. Let's buy a card for him.


一、选择题 1.— President Xi said that we are, we will be. —That's really true, we can only live a better life by working hard. A.the hard-working; the luckier B.the more hard-working; the luckier C.more hard-working; luckier 2.一Lucy, do you have any plans to spend your five-day holiday? 一I will go to Xiamen a second time. I have never visited city A.a most fantastic B.the most fantastic C.a more fantastic D.the more fantastic 3.一Do you think the weather will be all right for a weekend outing? 一No, unless we're . The newspaper says it'll be very hot anyway. A.lucky B.confident C.wrong D.crazy 4.The population of China is ___________ than that of Russia. And this makes the traffic in China ___________. A.much larger, more crowded B.much more, more crowdedly C.much larger, more crowdedly D.much more, more crowded 5.I looked at a few printers, and among them the one from China was ________ to use. A.easy B.easier C.easiest D.the easiest 6.We are covering these ____________ girls’ wonderful p erformances ______ . A.lively; live B.lively; alive C.alive; live D.alive; living 7.—Let’s go to Wanda Movie Theater? It has a large screen. —But it is _____________ of all the cinemas in Jinan. A.expensive B.more expensive C.most expensive D.the most expensive 8.A walk every day is enough to keep you healthy and in good shape. A.30-minute B.30-minutes C.30 minute's D.30-minutes' 9.The sky in Zhengzhou these days is even , so we don’t have to wear the masks. A.more clearly B.more clearlier C.fresher D.more fresher 10.—What do you think of the TV series All is well? —Oh, I am so moved because I’ve never seen a_________ one before. A.better B.worse C.good D.bad 11.— What do you think of it? — Oh, I think it's that I have ever seen. A.one of most interesting movie B.one of the most interesting movie C.one of the most interesting movies D.one of most interesting movies 12.I can’t tell you how fantastic the film Secret Superstar is! It’s the ______ one I have ever seen. A.better B.best C.worse D.worst


初中英语形容词试题经典及解析 一、初中英语形容词 1.Though she is eighty years old, she is in good health. A. unhealthy B. ill C. healthy D. strong 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:虽然她八十岁了,但是她身体健康。A.unhealthy不健康的;B.ill 生病的;C.healthy健康的;D.strong强壮的。In good health是健康的意思,故选C。 【点评】本题考查形容词词义辨析。以及unhealthy,ill,healthy,healthy四个词的词义和用法。 2.—Tom speaks Chinese quite well now. — Yes, he has made ____________ progress in Chinese learning. A. common B. simple C. perfect D. rapid 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——汤姆现在汉语说得相当好。——是的,他在语文学习上取得了快速的进步。 A普通的,B简单的,C完美的,D快速的,能修饰进步progress的,是rapid,故选D。 【点评】考查形容词辨析,注意 rapid 的用法。 3.When we read a piece of news online, we'd better make sure it's ______ before sending it to others. If not, we may spread something bad. A. true B. special C. strange 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我们在网上看到一条新闻时,发给别人之前最好要确认它的真实性。否则,我们可能散布不好的消息。A.真实的;B.特殊的;C.奇怪的。根据If not, we may spread something bad,所以我们确定网络新闻的真实性,故答案是A。 【点评】考查形容词辨析,注意根据关键句思考问题并解决问题。 4.—I don't want this book because of the price. May I have another one? —How about this one? It is as interesting as that one and expensive. A. more B. less C. little 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——因为价钱问题,我不想要这本书。请给我另一本好吗?——这本怎么样?它和那本一样有趣,更便宜。根据 I don't want this book because of the price. 可知可知此处要便宜的。两事物比较用比较级结构,more expensive更贵;less expensive 便宜些,故选B。 【点评】此题考查形容词的比较级结构。根据上下文的联系确定所使用的形容词的比较级形式。


(英语)初中英语形容词专项训练及答案及解析 一、初中英语形容词 1.Jim studies better than Tom, but Tom is ______ and he has more friends. A. friendly B. more friendly C. the most friendly 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】考查形容词的比较等级。A、B、C三个选项分别是形容词friendly(友好的)原级、比较级和最高级。由题干“and he has more friends”可知汤姆更友好。句意:吉姆比汤姆学习努力,但汤姆更友好,而且他有更多朋友。故选B。 2.Tina is as ________ as her sister, Tara. A. outgoing B. more outgoing C. the most outgoing 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:蒂娜和她姐姐塔拉一样外向。as...as和…一样。中间用形容词原级,outgoing外向的,原级;more outgoing,比较级;the most outgoing,最高级,故选A。 【点评】考查形容词原级比较。注意as...as中间用形容词原级。 3.—Guess what? The university has accepted my application! —Wow! That's ________ new I've heard this year, Boris! Let's celebrate. A. a worse B. the worst C. a better D. the best 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——猜猜什么?那所大学已经接受我的申请了。——哇喔,那是今年我听到的最好的消息,Boris,让我们庆祝一下。A.一个更糟的,比较级;B.最糟的,最高级;C.一个更好的,比较级;D.最好的,最高级。因为大学接受申请了,所以是好消息,排除A、B。根据 I've heard this year,今年我听到的,可知是最高级,故选D。 【点评】考查形容词辨析,注意平时识记最高级结构,理解句意。 4.Linda is ___of the three girls, but she is the tallest. A. young B. Younger C. youngest D. the youngest 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:琳达是三个女孩中最小的,但是她是最高的。young年轻的,原级;younger更年轻的,比较级;the youngest最年轻的,最高级。根据three girls可知三者作比较,用最高级,形容词最高级前要加the,故答案选D。 【点评】考查形容词最高级,注意平时识记最高级的结构及最高级前加the。 5.I live next to a supermarket. It's ______for me to do some shopping. A. crowded B. valuable C. convenient D. awful


一、选择题 1.A walk every day is enough to keep you healthy and in good shape. A.30-minute B.30-minutes C.30 minute's D.30-minutes' 2.一Lucy, do you have any plans to spend your five-day holiday? 一I will go to Xiamen a second time. I have never visited city A.a most fantastic B.the most fantastic C.a more fantastic D.the more fantastic 3.一Do you think the weather will be all right for a weekend outing? 一No, unless we're . The newspaper says it'll be very hot anyway. A.lucky B.confident C.wrong D.crazy 4.The population of China is ___________ than that of Russia. And this makes the traffic in China ___________. A.much larger, more crowded B.much more, more crowdedly C.much larger, more crowdedly D.much more, more crowded 5.— How do you come to school every day, by bus or by bike? —By bus. It’s much __________ than by bike. A.fast B.faster C.fastest D.the fastest 6.We are covering these ____________ girls’ wonderful performances ______ . A.lively; live B.lively; alive C.alive; live D.alive; living 7.I'm surprised that Jenny is 42. I thought she was , for she seems to be in her thirties. A.younger B.older C.young D.old 8.- I’m very tired these days because of this exam. - Why not listen to music? It can make you ______. A.relaxed B.sad C.scared D.bored 9.It is said that e-schoolbags are going to be brought into use in Chinese middle schools soon. In fact. It is a small computer that is __________ than a usual schoolbag but holds all the things for study, such as a _________,an exercise book and so on. A.much smaller, testbook B.even smaller, textbook C.far smaller, comic book 10.—Good news! We will have a ________ holiday. —I’ve heard of it. But it’s coming in ________. A.three days; three days’ time B.three days’; three days’ C.three-day; three days D.three days; three-day time 11.Some students are so . They often make mistakes in their homework. A.careful B.serious C.careless D.successful


与天气有关的英语词汇大全 frost 霜 snow 雪 thunder 雷 wind 风 cloud 云 haze 霾 rain 雨 land wind 陆风 hail 冰雹 snowflake 雪花 mist 薄雾 rainfall 降雨 downpour 暴雨 shower 阵雨 storm, tempest 暴风雨/雪 thundershower 雷阵雨 sleet 雨夹雪;雹;冻雨 hail/hailstone 冰雹 frosty 霜冻 sandstorm 沙尘暴 lightning 闪电 hurricane 飓风 tornado 旋风;龙卷风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风 whirlwind 龙卷风 breeze 微风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水 drizzle 毛毛雨 humidity 湿度 drought 干旱 high temperature 高温 less rainfall 少雨 cold snap 寒潮 stormy wind 暴风 ice rain 冻雨 waterspout 海上龙卷风 Tsunami 海啸 Indian summer: a period of unusually dry, warm weather occurring in late autumn 深秋干暖的

气候,小阳春,秋老虎 (a period of happiness or success occurring late in life晚年的幸福时光;兴旺的晚年) desertification 沙漠化 sandstorm 沙尘暴 sand and dust weather 沙尘天气 天气预报常用词组 fine becoming cloudy 晴天转阴 cloudy with occasional showers 阴,有阵雨 cloudy with scattered showers 阴,局部阵雨 cloudy at first,becoming fine 阴转晴 fine apart from isolated showers 晴,局部阵雨 cloudy becoming fine 多云转晴 maximum/minimum temperature 最高/最低温度 fair to cloudy 晴到多云 extreme weather 极端天气El Nino phenomenon 厄尔尼诺现象 La Nina phenomenon 拉尼娜现象 其他相关词汇 weather modification 人工影响天气 artificial precipitation/rainfall enhancement 人工增雨 artificial rainfall infiltration 人工降雨 forestation 植树造林 air quality rating 空气质量评级 visibility 能见度 adverse weather condition 恶劣的天气状况 thermometer [θ?` m ?m i t?]温度计 dead calm 风平浪静 rain check 因……而取消,延期 rain or shine 风雨无阻 meteorology [m i t i ?`r ?l ? d? i] 气象学 atmosphere 大气 element 自然力量 observatory 气象台 weather man 天气预报员 Three-North Shelter Forestation Project “三北防护林”工程 arid and semi-arid areas 干旱和半干旱地区 topsoil 表土层 rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨


一、选择题 1.The summer holiday is coming , We`re going to have______ holiday. A.a two-month B.a two-months C.two months D.two-months 2.The population of China is ___________ than that of Russia. And this makes the traffic in China ___________. A.much larger, more crowded B.much more, more crowdedly C.much larger, more crowdedly D.much more, more crowded 3.We are covering these ____________ girls’ wonderful performances ______ . A.lively; live B.lively; alive C.alive; live D.alive; living 4.I'm surprised that Jenny is 42. I thought she was , for she seems to be in her thirties. A.younger B.older C.young D.old 5.- Do you like the western food, Li Li? - No, I think Chinese food is______ than that of western countries. A.more delicious B.the most delicious C.not as delicious D.much delicious 6.It is said that e-schoolbags are going to be brought into use in Chinese middle schools soon. In fact. It is a small computer that is __________ than a usual schoolbag but holds all the things for study, such as a _________,an exercise book and so on. A.much smaller, testbook B.even smaller, textbook C.far smaller, comic book 7.—We planted some trees in the park on Tree Planting Day. —Good! It helps to make our city __________. A.more cleaner B.less cleaner C.more beautiful D.less beautiful 8.—Sonia, do you think you are different from Linda? —Yes. I'm ______ at drawing than her. A.better B.good C.well D.best 9.A walk every day is enough to keep you healthy and in good shape. A.30-minute B.30-minutes C.30 minute's D.30-minutes' 10.— What do you think of it? — Oh, I think it's that I have ever seen. A.one of most interesting movie B.one of the most interesting movie C.one of the most interesting movies D.one of most interesting movies 11.The number of the students in our class is _______than _______in yours. A.bigger, that B.more, those C.smaller, the ones D.larger, it 12.一Lucy, do you have any plans to spend your five-day holiday?


关于天气的英文表达 1、天气状况 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Snow=小雪

Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪Lightening=雷电 Mist=薄雾 Smog=烟雾 Snow=雪 Snow / Rain Icy Mix=冰雨夹雪 Snow and Fog=雾夹雪 Snow Shower=阵雪 Snowflakes=雪花 Sunny=阳光 Sunny / Wind=晴时有风 Sunny Day=晴天 Thunder=雷鸣 Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨2、气象用语 天气预报 weather forecast] 晴 clear 阴天 cloudy day 炎热 scorching heat 闷热天气 muggy weather 反常天气 freakish weather


初中英语形容词试题(有答案和解析)及解析 一、初中英语形容词 1.David's responses were _____ than anyone else's and he won the competition. A. quick B. quicker C. quickest D. the quickest 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:大卫的回复比其他人都快,他赢得了比赛。根据than,可知应使用比较级,B是比较级,故答案是B。 【点评】考查形容词的比较级,注意一比较级搭配的连词than的运用。 2.—Diana. I forget new words quickly. How can I remember them? —Don't worry. It's to forget new words! I suggest you read the words and try to use them. A. rude B. exciting C. perfect D. natural 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——戴安娜。我很快就忘了新词。我怎么能记住它们?——别担心。忘记新词是很自然的!我建议你读读单词,并尽量使用它们。A 粗鲁;B 令人兴奋的;C 完美的;D 自然的。根据题干中的语句 to forget new words可知,这是很自然的事情,故选D。 【点评】考查形容词辨析,注意辨别每个形容词的词义,根据题目意思选择正确的单词。 3.—What do you think of the environment in your hometown? —It's Both the air and the water are badly polluted. A. not bad B. as good as before C. much better than before D. not as good as before 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——你觉得你家乡的环境怎么样?——没有以前那么好,空气和水都被严重污染了。从 Both the air and the water are badly polluted判断前面说的是不如以前好,not so...as表示不如,比不上,中间跟形容词原级。故选D。 【点评】此题考查形容词的原级。注意not as/so...as中间加形容词原级。 4.Peter studies ______________ of all the students in his class. A. hard B. harder C. hardest 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:彼得是班上所有的学生中学习最努力的。根据of all the students in his class,和班里所有学生比较,用最高级结构,hardest,故选C。 【点评】此题考查形容词最高级。根据上下文的联系确定副词词的比较等级。 5.I live next to a supermarket. It's ______for me to do some shopping. A. crowded B. valuable C. convenient D. awful 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:我住在超市旁边,所以购物对我来说很方便。A拥挤的,B贵重


【英语】初中英语形容词专题训练答案及解析 一、初中英语形容词 1.—Bob is a smart boss! —Yes, so he is. He knows how to cut the cost of the project. And he always does the work with ______ money and ______ people. A. less; less B. fewer; less C. less; fewer 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:-鲍勃是一位聪明的老板!-是啊,他确实是。他知道怎样削减项目开支。而且他总用较少的钱和较少的人做事。Less是little的比较级,修饰不可数名词;fewer是few的比较级,修饰可数名词。Money是不可数名词,people是可数名词的复数。故选C。 【点评】此题考查形容词比较级的用法。 2.To make rivers than before, everybody is supposed to protect them. A. dirty B. dirtier C. clean D. cleaner 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:要使河流比以前更干净,每个人应该去保护它们。根据比较词than,可知此处用比较级结构,根据 everybody is supposed to protect them,可知是为了河流更干净,故选D。 【点评】此题考查形容词比较级。根据上下文的联系确定所使用的形容词。 3.—Diana. I forget new words quickly. How can I remember them? —Don't worry. It's to forget new words! I suggest you read the words and try to use them. A. rude B. exciting C. perfect D. natural 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——戴安娜。我很快就忘了新词。我怎么能记住它们?——别担心。忘记新词是很自然的!我建议你读读单词,并尽量使用它们。A 粗鲁;B 令人兴奋的;C 完美的;D 自然的。根据题干中的语句 to forget new words可知,这是很自然的事情,故选D。 【点评】考查形容词辨析,注意辨别每个形容词的词义,根据题目意思选择正确的单词。 4.—Frank has changed a lot, hasn't he? —Yes. He is much because he exercises every day.. A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——弗兰克改变了很多,不是吗?——是的。他更强壮了,因为他每天都锻炼。根据because he exercises every day,可知他更强壮了。句中的much修饰形容词比较级,加强语气.因此用strong的比较级stronger。故选B。 【点评】此题考查形容词的比较级。注意much修饰形容词的比较级。


初中英语专题复习七 Topic 1 形容词(adj.) 1.形容词即是表示人或物的特征、性质或状态,修饰名词或不定代词的词。(考点1) ①作定语,放在名词之前,不定代词之后(公式:adj.+n.) 但少数形容词只能作表语如:alone, afraid, asleep, awake, alive, well等 eg: I have something important to tell you. Don’t be afraid. ②作表语,放在系动词之后 eg: He looks happy. ③作宾语,放在宾语之后,常与make,leave,keep等动词连用。 eg: You must keepyour eyes closed. 2.形容词的名词化(考点2) 某些形容词放在定冠词后,变成名词,表示一类人。 常见的有good/bad, rich/poor,young/old, deaf/blind,black/white,living/dead等 eg:The young should be polite to the old.年轻人应该对老人有礼貌。 3) 顺序:限定词+数量形容词(序前,基后)+性状形+大小、长短、高低等形体+新旧+颜色+国籍+材料如:two round blue plastic plates两个圆形的蓝色塑料盘 4.名词变形容词的方法(记单词的方法)(考点4) ①后加y/ny:cloud-clody,sun-sunny ②后加ern:west-western, ③表称谓和表示时间的名词后加ly:friend-friendly ④表物质的名词,后加en/y:wood-wooden, salt-salty ⑤表抽象意义的名词后加ful/y/less:care-careful/careless, luck-lucky, ⑥表示大州与国家的名词后加n:Aisa-Aisan 6.形容词比较级的变化(考点5) ①一般情况下,直接加er/est; 如young-younger-youngest ②以不发音的字母e结尾,后加r/st; 如wide-wider-widest ③以元音字母+辅音字母结尾的,先双写这个辅音字母再加er/est 如big-bigger-biggest, thin-thinner-thinnest,red-redder-reddest 1
