语言学 一语双关
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"sound" 声音
音像制品, 品质优良
“sound" 好的,优质的
以上通过概念整合网络图,清楚明了地展现了观众领会广告意图的心理机制以及建 构新意义的认知过程。从语音、词义和语法的分析中我们不难看到,看似简单的英语
现以Try our sweet corn, you’ll smile from ear to ear为例分析。
2The Interpretations of the Pun in English Advertisement Based on Conceptual Blending Theory
1)实践意义:广告创作者利用谐音,一词多义或通过语法手段巧妙地进行加工整合, 使广告独特新颖,便于记忆。 2)理论意义:广告双关语又为验证概念整合的普遍性和该理论的阐释力提供了有力的 依据。
2.3 语法层面的双关
语法双关是指通过语法手段使句子具有双重意义。 eg:Coke refreshes you like no other can(可口可乐公司广告)
现以A sound way to learn English为例分析。
2 The Interpretations of the Pun in English Advertisement Based on Conceptual Blending Theory
迎接春天换季处理 ,挑选物美价廉产 品的最后时机
2The Interpretations of the Pun in English Advertisement Based on Conceptual Blending Theory
2.2 语义层面的双关 语义双关是利用某个词语的多义性在特定环境下形成的双关,言在此而意在彼, 激发消费者的好奇心,从而产生购买欲望。 eg.A deal with us means a good deal to you! (百货广告) Make time for time we’ll always make time for you!(《时代》杂志的广告)
1.1.1The Definition&Classification of Pun
Definition: Generally speaking, pun is a play on words, or rather a play on the form and meaning of words as well as the pronunciations. Pun is defined in Webster’s New World Dictionary (2003) as “the humorous use of a word or words which are formed or sounded alike but have different meanings, in such a way as to play on two or more of the possible applications; a play on words.” From the above definitions we can conclude that the key points of the definition lie in “similar or same sounds, different meanings, and humorous effect”.
1.2The frame of Conceptual Blending Theory
Fauconnier&Turner(1994,1995)提出并讨论了概念整合理论。胡壮麟在《语言学教程》中详细论证 了各空间之间的相互关系与作用。如图1: 在图1中两个输入空间I1和I2的合成需要满足一些条 件,即跨空间映射:输入空间I1和I2中的相应元素间 存在部分映射关系。 类属空间:它对每一个输入空间进行映射,反映输 入空间所共有的一些抽Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu结构与组织,并定义跨空 间映射的核心内容。 合成空间:输入空间I1和I2部分地投射到合成空间。 层创结构:合成空间有一个非输入空间构成的层创 结构(图1合成空间中的四边形)。合成空间中的结 构可以扩展,即根据自身的层创逻辑在合成空间中 进行认知运作。
1.1The Pun in advertisement creation
1.1.2The Relation between Pun and Advertisement Creation
广告的创作是一门综合性艺术,它要有特殊的感染力,能在瞬间引起读者注意, 刺激购买欲望,最终促成购买行为。广告英语的独特性在于其新颖、灵活的语言及 形式。除了在词汇和句法方面别具一格外,修辞手法也被广泛运用于广告语言。双 关语是英语广告中较为常见的修辞手段,是一种集幽默和智慧于一身的语言表达形 式,因其独特的语言魅力而倍受商家的青睐。 广告词双关语的含义: 双关语第一层意思是字面意思,第二层意思就和产品本身有关,如品牌名称、效 果等等。 eg. Ask for More(摩尔香烟)双关语的含义1:“More”,意为更多。 2: “More”,品牌名称。
1.1The Pun in advertisement creation
Classification: Homophonic pun 语音层面的双关 It means a word with same or similar pronunciation with another one. eg.OIC (Ad for glasses) Semantic pun 语义层面的双关 It is formed by using the polysemous characteristic of vocabulary and sentence. One word appears once or twice but having two different meanings. eg.Ask for More. (Ad for More cigarette) Grammatical pun 语法层面的双关 It is a kind of pun because of some grammatical uses, such as ellipsis of some structures, phrases or words; or some words or phrases have two or more grammatical functions. eg.Which lager can claim to be truly German? This can. (Ad for Lager Beer)
1.2The frame of Conceptual Blending Theory
The Interpretations of the Pun in English Advertisement Based on Conceptual Blending Theory
3 Conclusion
1.1The Pun in advertisement creation
2 The Interpretations of the Pun in English Advertisement Based on Conceptual Blending Theory
/gud' bai/
输入I1 "Goodbye Winter" Goodbye 严冬过去, 明媚的春天即将到来 输入I2 “Goodbuy Winter" Goodbuy 物美价廉,机不可失
The Interpretations of the Pun in English Advertisement Based on Conceptual Blending Theory
By 王琴
1 Intoduction
1.1The Pun in advertisement creation
"from ear to ear" 笑得合不拢嘴
你一尝就会吃一 穗又一穗,高兴 地合不拢嘴
“ear" 玉米穗
2The Interpretations of the Pun in English Advertisement Based on Conceptual Blending Theory
2 The Interpretations of the Pun in English Advertisement Based on Conceptual Blending Theory
2.1 语音层面的谐音双关 语音层面的谐音双关是利用语言中的同形异义现象,来增强广告的说服力和感染力。 eg. More sun and air for your son and heir! (海滨浴场的宣传广告) Not fairly white!fairy white!(fairy white牌洗衣粉广告) 现以Goodbuy Winter!100%Cotton Knitwear $40为例进行分析。
"sound" 声音
音像制品, 品质优良
“sound" 好的,优质的
以上通过概念整合网络图,清楚明了地展现了观众领会广告意图的心理机制以及建 构新意义的认知过程。从语音、词义和语法的分析中我们不难看到,看似简单的英语
现以Try our sweet corn, you’ll smile from ear to ear为例分析。
2The Interpretations of the Pun in English Advertisement Based on Conceptual Blending Theory
1)实践意义:广告创作者利用谐音,一词多义或通过语法手段巧妙地进行加工整合, 使广告独特新颖,便于记忆。 2)理论意义:广告双关语又为验证概念整合的普遍性和该理论的阐释力提供了有力的 依据。
2.3 语法层面的双关
语法双关是指通过语法手段使句子具有双重意义。 eg:Coke refreshes you like no other can(可口可乐公司广告)
现以A sound way to learn English为例分析。
2 The Interpretations of the Pun in English Advertisement Based on Conceptual Blending Theory
迎接春天换季处理 ,挑选物美价廉产 品的最后时机
2The Interpretations of the Pun in English Advertisement Based on Conceptual Blending Theory
2.2 语义层面的双关 语义双关是利用某个词语的多义性在特定环境下形成的双关,言在此而意在彼, 激发消费者的好奇心,从而产生购买欲望。 eg.A deal with us means a good deal to you! (百货广告) Make time for time we’ll always make time for you!(《时代》杂志的广告)
1.1.1The Definition&Classification of Pun
Definition: Generally speaking, pun is a play on words, or rather a play on the form and meaning of words as well as the pronunciations. Pun is defined in Webster’s New World Dictionary (2003) as “the humorous use of a word or words which are formed or sounded alike but have different meanings, in such a way as to play on two or more of the possible applications; a play on words.” From the above definitions we can conclude that the key points of the definition lie in “similar or same sounds, different meanings, and humorous effect”.
1.2The frame of Conceptual Blending Theory
Fauconnier&Turner(1994,1995)提出并讨论了概念整合理论。胡壮麟在《语言学教程》中详细论证 了各空间之间的相互关系与作用。如图1: 在图1中两个输入空间I1和I2的合成需要满足一些条 件,即跨空间映射:输入空间I1和I2中的相应元素间 存在部分映射关系。 类属空间:它对每一个输入空间进行映射,反映输 入空间所共有的一些抽Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu结构与组织,并定义跨空 间映射的核心内容。 合成空间:输入空间I1和I2部分地投射到合成空间。 层创结构:合成空间有一个非输入空间构成的层创 结构(图1合成空间中的四边形)。合成空间中的结 构可以扩展,即根据自身的层创逻辑在合成空间中 进行认知运作。
1.1The Pun in advertisement creation
1.1.2The Relation between Pun and Advertisement Creation
广告的创作是一门综合性艺术,它要有特殊的感染力,能在瞬间引起读者注意, 刺激购买欲望,最终促成购买行为。广告英语的独特性在于其新颖、灵活的语言及 形式。除了在词汇和句法方面别具一格外,修辞手法也被广泛运用于广告语言。双 关语是英语广告中较为常见的修辞手段,是一种集幽默和智慧于一身的语言表达形 式,因其独特的语言魅力而倍受商家的青睐。 广告词双关语的含义: 双关语第一层意思是字面意思,第二层意思就和产品本身有关,如品牌名称、效 果等等。 eg. Ask for More(摩尔香烟)双关语的含义1:“More”,意为更多。 2: “More”,品牌名称。
1.1The Pun in advertisement creation
Classification: Homophonic pun 语音层面的双关 It means a word with same or similar pronunciation with another one. eg.OIC (Ad for glasses) Semantic pun 语义层面的双关 It is formed by using the polysemous characteristic of vocabulary and sentence. One word appears once or twice but having two different meanings. eg.Ask for More. (Ad for More cigarette) Grammatical pun 语法层面的双关 It is a kind of pun because of some grammatical uses, such as ellipsis of some structures, phrases or words; or some words or phrases have two or more grammatical functions. eg.Which lager can claim to be truly German? This can. (Ad for Lager Beer)
1.2The frame of Conceptual Blending Theory
The Interpretations of the Pun in English Advertisement Based on Conceptual Blending Theory
3 Conclusion
1.1The Pun in advertisement creation
2 The Interpretations of the Pun in English Advertisement Based on Conceptual Blending Theory
/gud' bai/
输入I1 "Goodbye Winter" Goodbye 严冬过去, 明媚的春天即将到来 输入I2 “Goodbuy Winter" Goodbuy 物美价廉,机不可失
The Interpretations of the Pun in English Advertisement Based on Conceptual Blending Theory
By 王琴
1 Intoduction
1.1The Pun in advertisement creation
"from ear to ear" 笑得合不拢嘴
你一尝就会吃一 穗又一穗,高兴 地合不拢嘴
“ear" 玉米穗
2The Interpretations of the Pun in English Advertisement Based on Conceptual Blending Theory
2 The Interpretations of the Pun in English Advertisement Based on Conceptual Blending Theory
2.1 语音层面的谐音双关 语音层面的谐音双关是利用语言中的同形异义现象,来增强广告的说服力和感染力。 eg. More sun and air for your son and heir! (海滨浴场的宣传广告) Not fairly white!fairy white!(fairy white牌洗衣粉广告) 现以Goodbuy Winter!100%Cotton Knitwear $40为例进行分析。