
Half a dozen vendors, plus in-house departments at major manufacturers, produced $800 million worth in 2000.
--在2000年,六家专门厂商加上几家大公司的触控产品部门,以同时选用好几种技术”避免了直接在汉语的译 文中使用被动句的情况。
The different technologies may be used in the same applications, although pros and cons lead to prevalent combinations: resistive screens for industrial controls and Palm Pilots; capacitive screens for slot machines; wave screens for ATMs and indoor kiosks.Most people are unaware of the type of screen they are using.
At Your Fingertips 弹指之间
We use touch screens everywhere: tourist kiosks, automatic teller machines, point-of-sale terminals, industrial controls. Half a dozen vendors, plus inhouse departments at major manufacturers, produced $800 million worth in 2000. The market is growing because the interfaces are easy-to-use, durable and inexpensive.

• Improvement of Professional Literacy in Science and Technology English
Overview of Science and Technology English Major
Definition of Science and Technology English Major
Summary writing skills
Identifying key information
Ability to select the most important ideas and details from a text and organize them into a coherent summary.
and the ability to explain them clearly.
Avoiding ambiguity
Ability to avoid ambiguity when using technical terms by
providing clear definitions and examples.
• Formatting and style: Adherence to specific formatting guidelines (e.g., APA, MLA) and maintenance of a consistent style throughout the paper.
• Organization and structure: Clear organization of ideas into logical sections with appropriate headings and subheadings, and use of transitional phrases to facilitate the reader's understanding.
Overview of Science and Technology English Major
Definition of Science and Technology English Major
Summary writing skills
Identifying key information
Ability to select the most important ideas and details from a text and organize them into a coherent summary.
and the ability to explain them clearly.
Avoiding ambiguity
Ability to avoid ambiguity when using technical terms by
providing clear definitions and examples.
• Formatting and style: Adherence to specific formatting guidelines (e.g., APA, MLA) and maintenance of a consistent style throughout the paper.
• Organization and structure: Clear organization of ideas into logical sections with appropriate headings and subheadings, and use of transitional phrases to facilitate the reader's understanding.

(Arabic numerals)
百万分之三 a third part in 1,000,000 a third part per million a third part in a million
练习 其误差( 其误差(error)为6/1012。 )
Its error is 6 parts in 1012.
4. 表示倍数增长 This wire is five times longer than that one. N times +比较级=N times as +原级+as 比较级= 原级+ 比较级 这根导线比那根长4倍 这根导线比那根长 倍。 这根导线是那根长度的5倍。 这根导线是那根长度的 倍
5. on/upon(“一…就”,“在…之后”) 之后” 一 就 之后 Upon rearranging the above equations, we get to the following set of equations. 练习:在把这些值代入( 练习:在把这些值代入(substitute) ) 人们发现v就等于 就等于( 后,人们发现 就等于(be equal to) ) 光速(velocity) 。
The internal resistance of this kind of storage battery is only ____________. The internal resistance of this kind of storage battery is only a few thousandths of an ohm.
答案 1. 倍数、分数+the+名词 倍数、分数+the+ 该电路中的电流为电源( 该电路中的电流为电源(source)的短路电流 ) (short-circuit current)的一半。 的一半。 的一半 The current in the circuit is one half the short-circuit current of the source. 2.倍数 分数+ 2.倍数、分数+ that (of 短语) 倍数、 短语) 月球的质量为地球的1/81. 月球的质量为地球的 The mass of the moon is that of the earth. 3.倍数、分数+ what 从句 倍数、 倍数 分数+ 现在其内部的压力是原来的1/3。 现在其内部的压力是原来的 。 Now its internal pressure is 1/3 what it was.
百万分之三 a third part in 1,000,000 a third part per million a third part in a million
练习 其误差( 其误差(error)为6/1012。 )
Its error is 6 parts in 1012.
4. 表示倍数增长 This wire is five times longer than that one. N times +比较级=N times as +原级+as 比较级= 原级+ 比较级 这根导线比那根长4倍 这根导线比那根长 倍。 这根导线是那根长度的5倍。 这根导线是那根长度的 倍
5. on/upon(“一…就”,“在…之后”) 之后” 一 就 之后 Upon rearranging the above equations, we get to the following set of equations. 练习:在把这些值代入( 练习:在把这些值代入(substitute) ) 人们发现v就等于 就等于( 后,人们发现 就等于(be equal to) ) 光速(velocity) 。
The internal resistance of this kind of storage battery is only ____________. The internal resistance of this kind of storage battery is only a few thousandths of an ohm.
答案 1. 倍数、分数+the+名词 倍数、分数+the+ 该电路中的电流为电源( 该电路中的电流为电源(source)的短路电流 ) (short-circuit current)的一半。 的一半。 的一半 The current in the circuit is one half the short-circuit current of the source. 2.倍数 分数+ 2.倍数、分数+ that (of 短语) 倍数、 短语) 月球的质量为地球的1/81. 月球的质量为地球的 The mass of the moon is that of the earth. 3.倍数、分数+ what 从句 倍数、 倍数 分数+ 现在其内部的压力是原来的1/3。 现在其内部的压力是原来的 。 Now its internal pressure is 1/3 what it was.

6. Rocketry
In the twentieth century, rockets became bigger
and more powerful. Most importantly, they became
controllable, which suddenly made them useful both as
technologies that have had the greatest influence on
humanity—both positively and the negatively.
10. Nuclear Power
Nuclear power was to the twentieth century what
Science and Technology Are Changing Our Life
Wang M F 2014-4-8
There can be no doubt that the twentieth century
is one of the most remarkable in human history for its
weapons of war and, even more vitally, as our means of
invented and discoveries made in the last century that
it’s difficult to pare the list down to just the ten.
However, now we look back to those ten innovations or
place in the nineteቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱnth century, the airplane did the
6. Rocketry
In the twentieth century, rockets became bigger
and more powerful. Most importantly, they became
controllable, which suddenly made them useful both as
technologies that have had the greatest influence on
humanity—both positively and the negatively.
10. Nuclear Power
Nuclear power was to the twentieth century what
Science and Technology Are Changing Our Life
Wang M F 2014-4-8
There can be no doubt that the twentieth century
is one of the most remarkable in human history for its
weapons of war and, even more vitally, as our means of
invented and discoveries made in the last century that
it’s difficult to pare the list down to just the ten.
However, now we look back to those ten innovations or
place in the nineteቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱnth century, the airplane did the

逆序法: 然而,想知道世上第一只鲸长什么样并非易事,不像 还原海獭及鳍足类动物(四肢水陆两用如海豹,海狮, 海象)的原貌那么简单。
衔接cohesion 1.5
However, unlike …it is not easy to envision what the first whales looked like. Extinct but already fully marine cetaceans are known from the fossil record. A. How was the gap between a walking mammal and a swimming whale bridged? B. Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate, or transitional, between land mammals and cetaceans.
formed from river deposits
that were 52 million years
old. The river that formed
actually not far from an
ancient ocean known as
the Tethys Sea.
这块化石是在一条河 的沉积岩中发现的, 这条河有5200万年的 历史,离古地中海不 远。
2 PA
Paragraph 2
Very exciting discoveries have finally allowed scientists to reconstruct the most likely origins of cetaceans. In 1979, a team looking for fossils in northern Pakistan found what proved to be the oldest fossil whale. The fossil was officially named Pakicetus in honor of the country where the discovery was made.
衔接cohesion 1.5
However, unlike …it is not easy to envision what the first whales looked like. Extinct but already fully marine cetaceans are known from the fossil record. A. How was the gap between a walking mammal and a swimming whale bridged? B. Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate, or transitional, between land mammals and cetaceans.
formed from river deposits
that were 52 million years
old. The river that formed
actually not far from an
ancient ocean known as
the Tethys Sea.
这块化石是在一条河 的沉积岩中发现的, 这条河有5200万年的 历史,离古地中海不 远。
2 PA
Paragraph 2
Very exciting discoveries have finally allowed scientists to reconstruct the most likely origins of cetaceans. In 1979, a team looking for fossils in northern Pakistan found what proved to be the oldest fossil whale. The fossil was officially named Pakicetus in honor of the country where the discovery was made.

的含义翻译出来。如: A power reactor has no need of air, for the heat
generated in the uranium pile is the result of nuclear fission ,not of combustion. 动力反应堆不需要空气,因为在铀堆中产生的 热是核裂变而不是燃烧的结果。 Differentiation can also be expressed in terms of biochemical activities. 分化也可以用生化活动来表达。
(2)动词派生的名词转为动词 All these factors play a key role in formulation of the model. 在拟定模型时,所有这些因素都将起到关键性的作用
(比较:模型的拟定)。(动词派生的名词formulation 转译为动词) The first step in the solution of any dynamical problem is the selection of an appropriate coordinate system. 在解任何一个动力学运算题时,要做的第一步就是选择 一个合适的坐标系。(动词派生的名词solution和 selection转译为动词)(…的选择;…的解决?)
EST Translation
generated in the uranium pile is the result of nuclear fission ,not of combustion. 动力反应堆不需要空气,因为在铀堆中产生的 热是核裂变而不是燃烧的结果。 Differentiation can also be expressed in terms of biochemical activities. 分化也可以用生化活动来表达。
(2)动词派生的名词转为动词 All these factors play a key role in formulation of the model. 在拟定模型时,所有这些因素都将起到关键性的作用
(比较:模型的拟定)。(动词派生的名词formulation 转译为动词) The first step in the solution of any dynamical problem is the selection of an appropriate coordinate system. 在解任何一个动力学运算题时,要做的第一步就是选择 一个合适的坐标系。(动词派生的名词solution和 selection转译为动词)(…的选择;…的解决?)
EST Translation
关于科技进步的英语 演讲PPT课件

human culture.
Technology improvement 's society affects
Economic development driving force (原动力) The fighting strength on the military In political influence Social progress propelling force (推动力)
增强), has led the entire national economy development
powerfully. The fulfillment proves that high new technique
and its domain(范围,领域) have already become the
and humanity's civilization, promoted the economical and
society's development powerfully. Our country's computer,
the communication, the biological medicine, the new
technology improvement. Especially modern technology
improvement by leaps and bounds(突飞猛进), opened a
broader space for the social productive forces development
group leader industry of contemporary economic

Technology has enabled the automation of many manual and repetitive tasks, freeing employees to focus on more complex, strategic, and creative work Automation has also made production processes more effective and cost effective
Technology has empowered individuals and communities,
enabling them to express their voice, access information, and
shape their own destiny
Cybercrime and identity then
The internet has made it easier for hackers to access personal information, leading to increased instances of cybercrime and identity then
Intrusion of privacy
Technology allows for unrestricted data collection and tracking, leading to intrusions into people's private lives, such as targeted advertising or government surveys

computers enable them to perform operations
at high speeds.
计算机在体积上差别很大,最小的可以嵌入 一块手表内,而最大的则可以占据整个房间。计 算机的电子元件可以使其以高速运行。
The fastest computer is
able to perform billions of calculations per second. Computes
对每个问题,使用者都必须提供必需的数据并预先编好正确的程序 (运行顺序),计算机通过程序处理数据并给出期望的结果。
Because of , on account of
Owing to the tremendous progress in
the micro-miniaturization of the transistor
自20世纪60年代后期,由于晶体管(计算机 的基本元件)在微型化方面取得的巨大进展,廉 价的小型计算机在社会的各个部门都得到了广泛 的应用。
Industrialized countries have become
dependent on computers to assist in daily
since it normally also contains the
arithmetic and logic unit, is known as the
central processing unit (CPU), namely the
central processing unit (CPU) consists of a

Technology improvement 's society affects
Economic development driving force (原动力) The fighting strength in war In political influence (政治上的) Social progress propelling force (推动力)
High-tech product
Wish for the futher.
I wish a more advanced world with great technologies. It would be so cool to work out all the complicated machines and robots. Don’t you think it will be awesome to press just a few complicated buttons (没有价值的小东西) than do the labor yourself? In the future it would be more about using your brain and being intelligent than doing the hard labor yourself. I hope these days come within my lifetime.
I need a more advanced world.
My major reason is because when you have advanced technologies, life is much easier as robots and machines would take over your daily life chores(零星工作 ) . For example, daily life chores might be serving your breakfast, cutting your grass, or cleaning your room. With robots and machines doing one’s chores ,one has time to relax. Another reason is because unlike humans, robots and machines do not make mistakes when programmed correctly. They always finish tasks perfectly so you won’t have to worry about making a mistake and getting trouble.

• 专业词汇的特点 • 专业词汇的构词法 • 专业词汇的翻译
• 1)普通词汇专业化
• 2)专业术语词义单一性
• 3)较多使用前缀和后缀
• 4)大量使用复合词、派生词、转化词等
• 又称合成词,是由两个或两个以上的旧词合成 副词+过去分词 著名的 well-known 一个新词。
名词+名词 carbon steel rust-resistance 碳钢 防锈
介词+名词 动词+副词 形容词+名词 动词+代词+副词 副词+介词+名词
• 《Forrest Gump 》:
Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you’re gonna get.
Scientific English
• The suspension was in the form of a colloidal solution that remained in that state for 1 month without settling (Fig. 1).
by-product makeup check-up atomic weight periodic table pick-me-up out-of-door
副产物 化妆品 检查 原子量 周期表 兴奋剂 户外
• 专业词汇的特点 • 专业词汇的构词法 • 专业词汇的翻译
• 1)普通词汇专业化
• 2)专业术语词义单一性
• 3)较多使用前缀和后缀
• 4)大量使用复合词、派生词、转化词等
• 又称合成词,是由两个或两个以上的旧词合成 副词+过去分词 著名的 well-known 一个新词。
名词+名词 carbon steel rust-resistance 碳钢 防锈
介词+名词 动词+副词 形容词+名词 动词+代词+副词 副词+介词+名词
• 《Forrest Gump 》:
Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you’re gonna get.
Scientific English
• The suspension was in the form of a colloidal solution that remained in that state for 1 month without settling (Fig. 1).
by-product makeup check-up atomic weight periodic table pick-me-up out-of-door
副产物 化妆品 检查 原子量 周期表 兴奋剂 户外

10. Nuclear Power
10. Nuclear Power
10. Nuclear Power
9. The Personal Computer
It’s difficult to imagine our world today without computers. Of course, they have been around since World War Two, but they were clunky, massively expensive things that had all the calculating power of a brick. When Steve Wozniak and Stephen Jobs introduced the Apple in 1976, however, it changed everything and the rest is, as they say, history.
8. The Airplane
7. The Automobile
Though under development in Europe during the nineteenth century, the automobile didn’t really become a practical and reliable source of transportation until the twentieth century. 2013, China's automobile production and sales both more than 20 million, has been reelected for five consecutive years in the world. The number of private cars in China reached one hundred million.
10. Nuclear Power
10. Nuclear Power
10. Nuclear Power
9. The Personal Computer
It’s difficult to imagine our world today without computers. Of course, they have been around since World War Two, but they were clunky, massively expensive things that had all the calculating power of a brick. When Steve Wozniak and Stephen Jobs introduced the Apple in 1976, however, it changed everything and the rest is, as they say, history.
8. The Airplane
7. The Automobile
Though under development in Europe during the nineteenth century, the automobile didn’t really become a practical and reliable source of transportation until the twentieth century. 2013, China's automobile production and sales both more than 20 million, has been reelected for five consecutive years in the world. The number of private cars in China reached one hundred million.
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一要准确:就是理解和表达科技内容,包括科技 概念(尤其是科技术语)、语言形式、逻辑关系、 符号公式、图表数字等要准确无误,要忠实于原 文。 二要简洁:就是用词、造句、行文要简洁明了精 练通顺。 三要规范:就是语言、文字、术语、简称、符号 、公式、语体、文章体例、计量单位等都要规范 统一,符合有关国家标准和国际标准。
第一, 科学性原则。比如石油工程名词中 有个doghouse, 过去直译为“狗窝”, 不确 切也不雅, 现在定名为“井场值班房”。公 路中的catwalk 曾称“猫道”, 现在翻译为 “施工步道”。这些都较好地体现了翻译 工作中的“信、达、雅”原则。
第二, 单义性原则。一个术语只能表达一个概念, 反过来, 一个概念也只能有一个术语与之相对应。 如大气科学中的nowcasting 曾有“现时预报”、 “现场预报”、“即日预报”、“短时预报”、 “临近预报”等5 个译名, 现在统一翻译为"临近预 报"。又如地理学中的overland flow 曾被翻译为 “坡面水流”、“坡面漫流”、“陆面水流”、 “地面径流”、“表面水流”等8 个词, 现在统一 为“坡面流”。
形译法:此方法多用于用字母表示其外形的技术 英文字母不作翻译,但保留的字母有 时表示形状,有时表示概念,应注意区分。例如: I-bar工字钢,工字条 U-iron槽铁 O-ring环行圈 V-belt三角皮带 T-square丁字尺 twist drill麻花钻 2.以某个字母代替某种概念时,可直接将字母译 出。例如: X-ray X光 a-iron a铁 Y-ray Y射线 p-n-p junction p-n-p结
第三, 简明性原则。radiodetectingranging 意思 是“无线电探测与定位”, 按英文词首radar 音译 定名为“雷达”。 longrangeandtacticalnavigationsystem 全称是 “远程战术导弹系统”, 现按其缩写词LORTAN 音 译定名为“罗坦系统”。
第四, 习惯性原则。如英文robot 定名为“机器人 ”是不准确的, 其本质不是“人”而是“机器”, 称 其为“拟人机”或“智能机”更确切。但是考虑到 社会上已普遍接受“机器人”这个称呼, 就约定俗成 , 不再改称, 以免引起新的混乱。
第 五 , 系 统 性 原 则 。 highway 、 expressway 、 freeway 过 去 都 译 为 “高速公路”, 现在分别译为“公 路”、“快速路”、“高速公路”。
第八, 国际性原则。 如采用“原文音 + 义”的方法 , 把 AIDS 翻译成 “艾滋病”;
采用音译的方法, 把clone 翻译成“克隆”等, 这 样便于在国际交往中对等互译。
三 常见的翻译方法
2. 音译法
3. 意译、音译共用法 4. 形译法 5.音译、意译融合法 6. 特殊情况
第六, 协调性原则。如probability 这一概 念, 在数学中定名为“概率”, 而在物理学 及其他学科中 , 过去多翻译为“几率”或 “或然率”。其实“概率”、“几率”、 “或然率”说的都是一回事。现在统一按 其主学科数学定名为“概率”。
第七, 中文特性原则。如物理学名词damping 的汉译 过程中, 有译为“减幅”、“阻迟”等说, 均欠贴切。 物理学家杨肇宁先生偶发奇想, 得“尼”字有“逐步 减阻”之意, 遂译为“阻尼”, 应用巧妙得体, 沿用至 今。又如mirage 一词表示“一种与大气温度分布有 关的反常大气折射光现象”, 由于中国早有“海市蜃 楼”之说, 故定名为“蜃景”。
意译就是对原词所表达的具体事物和概念进行仔细推敲, 以准确译出该词的科学概念。这种译法最为普遍。由于汉 语是表义语言, 因此意译是翻译科技术语的首选方法, 在可 能的情况下, 科技术语应采用意译法。例如: High Technology 高科技 Holography 全息摄影术 Camera Recorder(Camcorder) 摄录机 The Knowledge Economy 知识经济 Videophone 可视电话 E- mail 电子邮件
音译、意译融合法:有些技术术语在翻译中,部分使 用音译,部分使用意译,二者兼顾。例如: topology : 拓扑学 motorcycle : 摩托车 neon sign : 霓虹灯 Franklin antenna : 弗兰克林天线
还有一些情况下,我们在译文中,直接用原英文,不 作翻译。例如: Windows 98 ,Word 2000 , 等。
四 科技术语翻译中的几对矛盾
一、形容词修饰语与名词修饰语 二、正语序与反语序 三、音译与意译 四、简洁性与理据性
科技英语中有一种名词化(nominalization)倾向,但由 于名词修饰语与名词之间有时存在着深层的语义关系,这 就决定了名词修饰语与形容词修饰语有时在语义方面有显 著区别。 例如: efficiency expert 研究提高工作效率的专家 efficient expert 工作效率高的专家 obesity specialist 肥胖病专家 obese specialist 胖专家 riot police 防暴警察 riotous police 暴乱的警察 一般说来,名词定语侧重于从职能方面修饰或限制另一
音译法:对于像计量单位、科技发明、材料、化学 品名称等这样的技术术语,一般应使用音译法进行 翻译。例如: ohm(欧姆) ,calorie (卡路里) , Vaseline (凡士林) , sonar (声纳) ,quark (夸克) ,logic (逻辑) ,等等。
意译、音译共用法:对于有些技术术语来说,它们 既有意译名,又有音译名,二者同时使用。翻译时, 选择任何一个都可以。但我们应该注意到这样一 种趋势,那就是意译逐渐取代音译。例如: vitamin : 维生素(意) / 维他命(音) penicillin : 青霉素/ 盘尼西林 engine : 发动机/ 引擎 microphone : 话筒/ 麦克风 combine : 联合收割机/ 康拜因 laser : 激光/ 莱塞
一要准确:就是理解和表达科技内容,包括科技 概念(尤其是科技术语)、语言形式、逻辑关系、 符号公式、图表数字等要准确无误,要忠实于原 文。 二要简洁:就是用词、造句、行文要简洁明了精 练通顺。 三要规范:就是语言、文字、术语、简称、符号 、公式、语体、文章体例、计量单位等都要规范 统一,符合有关国家标准和国际标准。
第一, 科学性原则。比如石油工程名词中 有个doghouse, 过去直译为“狗窝”, 不确 切也不雅, 现在定名为“井场值班房”。公 路中的catwalk 曾称“猫道”, 现在翻译为 “施工步道”。这些都较好地体现了翻译 工作中的“信、达、雅”原则。
第二, 单义性原则。一个术语只能表达一个概念, 反过来, 一个概念也只能有一个术语与之相对应。 如大气科学中的nowcasting 曾有“现时预报”、 “现场预报”、“即日预报”、“短时预报”、 “临近预报”等5 个译名, 现在统一翻译为"临近预 报"。又如地理学中的overland flow 曾被翻译为 “坡面水流”、“坡面漫流”、“陆面水流”、 “地面径流”、“表面水流”等8 个词, 现在统一 为“坡面流”。
形译法:此方法多用于用字母表示其外形的技术 英文字母不作翻译,但保留的字母有 时表示形状,有时表示概念,应注意区分。例如: I-bar工字钢,工字条 U-iron槽铁 O-ring环行圈 V-belt三角皮带 T-square丁字尺 twist drill麻花钻 2.以某个字母代替某种概念时,可直接将字母译 出。例如: X-ray X光 a-iron a铁 Y-ray Y射线 p-n-p junction p-n-p结
第三, 简明性原则。radiodetectingranging 意思 是“无线电探测与定位”, 按英文词首radar 音译 定名为“雷达”。 longrangeandtacticalnavigationsystem 全称是 “远程战术导弹系统”, 现按其缩写词LORTAN 音 译定名为“罗坦系统”。
第四, 习惯性原则。如英文robot 定名为“机器人 ”是不准确的, 其本质不是“人”而是“机器”, 称 其为“拟人机”或“智能机”更确切。但是考虑到 社会上已普遍接受“机器人”这个称呼, 就约定俗成 , 不再改称, 以免引起新的混乱。
第 五 , 系 统 性 原 则 。 highway 、 expressway 、 freeway 过 去 都 译 为 “高速公路”, 现在分别译为“公 路”、“快速路”、“高速公路”。
第八, 国际性原则。 如采用“原文音 + 义”的方法 , 把 AIDS 翻译成 “艾滋病”;
采用音译的方法, 把clone 翻译成“克隆”等, 这 样便于在国际交往中对等互译。
三 常见的翻译方法
2. 音译法
3. 意译、音译共用法 4. 形译法 5.音译、意译融合法 6. 特殊情况
第六, 协调性原则。如probability 这一概 念, 在数学中定名为“概率”, 而在物理学 及其他学科中 , 过去多翻译为“几率”或 “或然率”。其实“概率”、“几率”、 “或然率”说的都是一回事。现在统一按 其主学科数学定名为“概率”。
第七, 中文特性原则。如物理学名词damping 的汉译 过程中, 有译为“减幅”、“阻迟”等说, 均欠贴切。 物理学家杨肇宁先生偶发奇想, 得“尼”字有“逐步 减阻”之意, 遂译为“阻尼”, 应用巧妙得体, 沿用至 今。又如mirage 一词表示“一种与大气温度分布有 关的反常大气折射光现象”, 由于中国早有“海市蜃 楼”之说, 故定名为“蜃景”。
意译就是对原词所表达的具体事物和概念进行仔细推敲, 以准确译出该词的科学概念。这种译法最为普遍。由于汉 语是表义语言, 因此意译是翻译科技术语的首选方法, 在可 能的情况下, 科技术语应采用意译法。例如: High Technology 高科技 Holography 全息摄影术 Camera Recorder(Camcorder) 摄录机 The Knowledge Economy 知识经济 Videophone 可视电话 E- mail 电子邮件
音译、意译融合法:有些技术术语在翻译中,部分使 用音译,部分使用意译,二者兼顾。例如: topology : 拓扑学 motorcycle : 摩托车 neon sign : 霓虹灯 Franklin antenna : 弗兰克林天线
还有一些情况下,我们在译文中,直接用原英文,不 作翻译。例如: Windows 98 ,Word 2000 , 等。
四 科技术语翻译中的几对矛盾
一、形容词修饰语与名词修饰语 二、正语序与反语序 三、音译与意译 四、简洁性与理据性
科技英语中有一种名词化(nominalization)倾向,但由 于名词修饰语与名词之间有时存在着深层的语义关系,这 就决定了名词修饰语与形容词修饰语有时在语义方面有显 著区别。 例如: efficiency expert 研究提高工作效率的专家 efficient expert 工作效率高的专家 obesity specialist 肥胖病专家 obese specialist 胖专家 riot police 防暴警察 riotous police 暴乱的警察 一般说来,名词定语侧重于从职能方面修饰或限制另一
音译法:对于像计量单位、科技发明、材料、化学 品名称等这样的技术术语,一般应使用音译法进行 翻译。例如: ohm(欧姆) ,calorie (卡路里) , Vaseline (凡士林) , sonar (声纳) ,quark (夸克) ,logic (逻辑) ,等等。
意译、音译共用法:对于有些技术术语来说,它们 既有意译名,又有音译名,二者同时使用。翻译时, 选择任何一个都可以。但我们应该注意到这样一 种趋势,那就是意译逐渐取代音译。例如: vitamin : 维生素(意) / 维他命(音) penicillin : 青霉素/ 盘尼西林 engine : 发动机/ 引擎 microphone : 话筒/ 麦克风 combine : 联合收割机/ 康拜因 laser : 激光/ 莱塞